choicescreen · 2 years
“ nice catch. “ she says, clapping her hands together to get rid of the cheesy orange dust gathering on her fingers. she’s learning to loosen up hanging around this version of lister. throwing cheetos isn’t going to debase someone beyond repair. 
she stills, then shakes the bag as if lister were a puppy who’d come running from clear across the house. “ too bad you can’t do it three times in a row, though. “ 
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quantumleapt · 1 year
He’s pretty sure he could drive the road back home in his sleep, and for all intents and purposes, he may as well be dreaming. The winding road, the cornfields blanketed in white, the twinkling of faraway lights, the soft, staticky Christmas music on the radio, the fact that he’s here at all, standing in front of the farmhouse as if nothing had changed. 
But everything had. 
He’s greeted by two sets of kids he doesn’t recognize, all but breaking down the front door and screaming ‘Uncle Sam, Uncle Sam!’. Of course he catches them and hoists them up anyways, spinning them around and giving them kisses and hugs in abundance, but he couldn’t remember their names, ages, or favorite colors. When they let him go, running back into the house and yelling for their parents, he lets the smile fall, takes in a shaky breath to steady himself. Al lays a hand, solid, on his shoulder, reminding him that, yes, this is real, they’re here.
If it wasn’t for the touch, Sam wouldn’t believe it. Al, here, in Elk Ridge, with a bunch of Becketts? Al, not spending the holidays somewhere glitzy and glamorous and enjoying his freedom, getting back to his life of not constantly being tethered to Sam?
Then again, Thelma Louise Beckett was nothing if not formidable, and she’d insisted, leaving no room for protest and Admiral Al Calavicci with no choice but to acquiesce to her demands with a simple ‘yes ma’am’. 
Well. They’re here. He can at least try to enjoy it, try to fit in, try and pretend like he’d done this a hundred times before.
“I just don’t understand it, Sam,” his mom is saying as he helps her carry the trays of freshly baked cookies into the dining room. “I mean, it’s amazing! One minute, you could hardly cook a TV dinner on your own, and the next… well, now I think you should be in charge of the kitchen, not me!”
“Aw, c’mon, Mom,” he’s responding, huffing a nervous laugh as he sets the tray down. “I-I learned from the best… eventually. I–”
He stops when a hand catches his, and he’s turning to face @andstrange , who’s giving him his trademark Calavicci smirk, somehow managing to be sweet and smug all at the same time. 
Sam thinks Al must’ve said something, or maybe his expression says it all, as his free hand points up and Sam follows his gaze toward the green, leafy tangle adorned with white berries, tied neatly with a red bow that absolutely wasn’t hanging under the light fixture he last time he checked. Heart tripping over itself with nerves or complete and utter joy, eyes crinkle with a toothy smile as he leans down, circling his arms around him. Al trails rough, callused fingertips over his cheekbones and jaw.
Their lips meet just as gently, and Sam melts into the embrace, tugging him close, wondering why he never realized before how right this feels. He could stay here forever, he thinks–
“HOO-YAH!” Tom whoops, fists pumping in the air, causing Sam to break the kiss, trying and failing to hold back his laughter. 
“Tom!” he tries to chide, but his eyes are twinkling when he looks at his older brother, bounding over and encasing them in a bone-crushing hug, managing to lift both of them up off the ground. “Tom, your back, you gotta be careful!”
“Like hell I do! This calls for a celebration! Katie, you owe me fifty bucks!”
“I do not!” comes Katie’s immediate retort, every inch the little sister even as she joins the hug, jamming an accusatory finger into her eldest brother’s rib. “You cheated, hanging the mistletoe like that! The bet’s off!”
Tuning out the sounds of his brother and sister’s play-argument, Sam turns his attention back to Al, eyes warm and smile full of tenderness.
“Merry Christmas, Al,” he murmurs, pressing another kiss to the corner of his lips.
It’s good to be home.
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eurosleazarchive · 1 year
at this point, we've been mutuals so long, i don't think you've ever not been on my dash??? love that for me, really
how did you find my blog and what made you want to follow? / @andstrange.
listen i love you and all your ideas like...you're just so creative and lovely and you listen to my dumb horror rambles which means a lot to me!! we're kindred spirits, syd!!
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dinhlnce · 1 year
@andstrange   :      oliver: i loved you my whole life.
   they’ve been sat across the table from each other for a while  —  physically, it’s been an hour, and left arm’s falling asleep underneath her chin while the right arm picks at the dinner leftovers.  emotionally, they’ve been at this table for as long as she can remember.  ‘  yeah ?  ’   the question’s asked nonchalantly, as if he’d told her it was raining outside, but she smiles, wide around a mouthful of food when he tells her he loves her  —  she knows this.  she’s known this for years.  as often as he’s driven her to wits end, it’s always been them, at the end of the day.   ‘  what are you tryna do about it ?  ’
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gareis · 1 year
nothing inherently new, but i just wanted to say that you are such a sweetheart and having you back is such a win for all of us, honestly. you are a brilliant writer, a kind soul, and literally one of the nicest people here. creating with you is so much fun and i look forward to doing so much more with you all over again. ❤️ you are amazing, and i'm so glad that you're here.
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its the way im crying in my living room rn while my mother watches christmas movies even tho its AFTER christmas. but pls no syd, you are a darling angel ! i absolutely adore what we've built together with talbot and mattie, and what we'll continue to do in the future with our current and future characters! out of character you're such a delight, i can always count on you! you're amazing 10/10, 5 star review if tumblr had an rp scorerer website !!! rotten tomatoes but for rpers....... im so glad i came back and im so glad we reconnected once more! you're one of the reasons i keep coming back!
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transformsx · 1 year
From the bar, they walk back to her new place, and they're not nearly drunk enough to blame anything but their own judgment. They're predictable, even now: sure, they'll both rest easier if Frank's there, but that's beside the point. They're both sad and lonely and a little mad at pretty much everyone else, which isn't.
(She's a little mad at him, too, but maybe that's a constant and maybe it's a nonevent --- or both.)
"You know," says Bonnie, unlocking and pushing open the door, "you owe me a housewarming gift." / @andstrange
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owedfavors-a3 · 1 year
happy birthday! you are such a joy to have on the dash and an endless talent all the way around <3 i hope you have an amazing day!
syd !!! thank you so much! you're such a delight and I hope you know that I keep following you wherever you go because I so love having you on my dash <3
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perceives · 2 years
"if you don’t lighten up a little, you’re gonna rupture something." / @andstrange, bobby
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my-name-is-moss · 5 months
Recently watched Star Trek Discovery andStrange new worlds. WHY IS PIKE SO HOT?
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elencr · 1 year
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yes it’s that time of year again already. this year has been such a crazy ride and i can’t believe we are at the end of it already - i literally remember doing this last year on the multi like it was yesterday. since moving ellie here in july, i have gained new chaotic partners and continued blossoming old relationships - while talking to people that i haven’t (while being mutuals for a while) before. i want to thank all of you for being there with me, through my ups and downs again this year. you are all so very special to me and i wish y’all nothing but the best in 2023. even though some friendships may have ebbed and flowed and we haven’t spoken as much throughout the rest of the year, just know that i still adore you !!!
if i had the patience, i would do this in alphabetical order but i do not. also just know that the order i place the tags in is random and not any indicator at where i place you in my love list sksks.
also yes i am posting this now because i have no chill and i love the validation. anyway, if you find that you are NOT on here - please don’t be disheartened, come to my ask and yell at me !!! we can start the new year off strong. i love you all xoxo
my ride or dies.
@wnterslder ; @moonshadowed / @quantumleapt ; @conzierge ; @dtective ; @commandsir / @greenscrunchy ; @scoundrvls / @hellmartyr ; @cowl / @andstrange(all of your blogs syd honestly) @nursc / @starstcff ; @stxrkz ; @angelmade / @luvrecords ; @trustschaos ; @colnerys
y’all have kept me sane this year. i love you all so very very much. ellie & your muses have become so close that i feel like i can’t write her without any of y’alls’ muses in her life. you also have put up with me out of character, let me spam the dm’s and allowed me to scream about absolutely anything. i appreciate youse a lot so much and i can’t wait to see what chaos we get up to next year.
loves of my life.
@jurati ; @owedfavors ; @byzcntine ; @doctordonovan ; @deathrazed ; @fakesmade ; @sundragin ; @ensnchekov ; @luposcainus ; @starkveiined ; @vulcnlogic ; @masterfultm ; @skaeptical ; @betterdcyz ; @kingkbra ; @detectiveconnor ; @aworldofyou ; @constablegoo ; @cristobalrios ; @tobeblamed ; @sunsymbols ; @unbearablyindifferent ; @sc937 ; @butvic ; @velvetipped ; @paramounticebound ; @iamselfmade ; @spxnglr ; @my-timing-is-digital ; @gareththegreat ; @proifiler ; @torntruth ; @spiderwcman ; @tongowheel ; @drdumaurier ; @patternsrhyme / @venturousheart ; @storyofwhoiam ; @fasciinating ; @demonstigma ; @theresastargirl ; @manhattanopus / @suitsummoned
while some of us haven’t written together or even spoken to each other ooc, just know that i love watching y’all on my dash, reading your threads with others and just seeing the joy that you create !!! to those that i have written with this year but we haven’t spoken much out of character, please please always know that you are more than welcome to ask for my disc.ord and even spam me in ims here xoxo thank you all for being the best !!!
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choicescreen · 2 years
@andstrange said: where do we start?
only m.urders in the building.
“ ah, mr. putnam! “ he collects oliver’s hands in both of his, shaking with his right and holding them with his left. an enthusiastic shake, make no mistake. “ glad you could join me. y’see, i’m actually in the dark, myself, about what those doctors want me to do. worry not! i have something else in mind. d’you know how to sew? “
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quantumleapt · 2 years
@andstrange​​ inquires: 20 for marty
SPOTIFY WRAPPED. always accepting.
20. nfwmb - hozier.
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“Ain’t it like thunder under earth, the sound that it makes? Ain’t it excitin’ you?”
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dtective · 1 year
not  a  single   person  asked  but  i’ve  been  very  thankful  for  some  people  lately  so. . .   these  people  are  awesome  and  you  should  all  go  follow  them: 
@destinedgreat​​,    @detectdrew​,    @pistoiet​,    @fangedbrbie​,    @andstrange​,    @godbarks​,    @godforget​,    @rgerz​,    @chrissycunningham​,    @wtrss​,    @saycred​,    @wellfell​,    @darknightscion​. 
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trustschaos · 1 year
i'm not feeling the best so i'm gonna just do this then go lay down.
a lot of you know that 2022 was probably the most difficult year of my life. i lost my grandma / best friend in september and i've been really lost ever since, but i've had so much great support from my friends. while i don't have it in me to tag everyone i do need to do a few quick shoutouts.
obviously gany ( @colnerys / @fatalelity ) is a staple. idk i really just can't say how much it means to have someone i can go to with anything at all, and who i know cares even when the capacity to respond in the way you wish you could isn't necessarily there. thank you for supporting me and encouraging me and for giving me the sweet sweet montbloom and kiradax content that we all deserve so intensely.
then syd the loml ( @andstrange / @qknows / @intergalaxial / etc. ) honestly made me cry from how kind they are at least 10 separate times this year. i'm so glad you and i became so much closer through your journey into the trek universe because it's been a delight. thank you for all your patience and insight and all the joy you've brought me... and all the enabling / shenanigans that are to come.
fox!! ( @misereternal ) my love. thank you for being willing to look at every damn draft i wrote for school, and every cut of my short film, and for just making my days a little brighter. your presence in my life is so appreciated and i just ??? teddizona supremacy idk what else i need to say here.
and i wish i had it in me to keep going but i WILL be reaching out to others individually to let them know how appreciated they are. i just really needed to shoutout gany, syd, and fox bc i wouldn't have made it through all this without them.
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gareis · 1 year
not  2  be  emo,,,,  but  im  just  imagining  the  way  tal  looks  at  mattie  bc  he  looks  like  his  little  brother  and  i  just.............  mattie  coulda  had  the  found  family  trope  if  i  didnt  have  to  ruin  everything  w/  angst  and  drama. @andstrange
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transformsx · 2 years
"we’ll lie still and i’ll listen to your voice. that’s what i need." / @andstrange, francis
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