#and yes very good fishing there
victorluvsalice · 2 years
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-->And then I looked over, seeing something weird darting about nearby, and realized Holy shit that’s the actual Dragon Dragonfly! :D Victor promptly abandoned his latest project (a bunny sculpture) and ran over to catch THAT. :D It’s a rare insect I’ve never seen before, and it and the dragon familiar are as close as Victor can come in this world to having pet dragons, so yeah, wanted.
-->And since Victor was already over there, why not have him join Smiler for some fishing? Alice came over to try her luck as well for a little while, but didn’t stay long -- it’s not really her thing, and besides her temperaments were yelling at her to take a nap, so I had her curl up by the “station” while Smiler and Victor coaxed fish onto their hooks. They both did REALLY well -- Smiler caught a rainbow fish and a yellow perch, while Victor caught TWO rainbow fish, a yellow perch, and a salmon! Nice. :D
-->After that, I had the pair do some more harvesting of unidentified plants (Victor having a bit of trouble with his broom in the process), and then head back to the station to meet up with Alice. Smiler busied themselves with playing some chess and improving their Logic skill, while Victor finished up his bunny statue and got level 6 Handiness with Alice’s encouragement. This of course led to some cute Valice flirting, because we hadn’t had enough of them sharing some suave and intense kisses. :D But what about Smiler inside?
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ender--slime · 2 months
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I am happy because everyone loves me.
[Baking Bonanza/Fishing Route]
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xiaoluclair · 1 year
sorry to bother but i am in desperate need of lestappen fanfic recommendations if you have any 🥹🫶🏻
hello my sweet darling, i s'pose i may indeed accept your humble apology 💞✨💗. and in return:
[T] sweet, funny, established relationship, helmut marko get in a bin agenda if that's ur thing: Red Bull Burgers
[T] hilarious, flowershop!charles and streamer!max: so i guess i'll be sticking with you
[T] gorgeous, heartbreaking and heartmaking, non-linear, imagine word vomit but like truly exquisite: love like a fist
[M] depth, true rumination, metaphors and similes to knock you out, do not read this while half asleep (speaks from experience), or maybe do, the english language is but sweet author's measly slave: CUL-DE-SAC
[T] limited lestappen (but such good build for their potential), the most charming office au ever, on-the-fucking-floor-funny lmao lmfao rofl: itch
[E] mouth watering dynamics, basically pure lestappen, denial is not just a river in egypt, and now with a Part 2: (i) monaco malaise // (ii) azerbaijan abnegation
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dolokhoded · 5 months
simon peter is the funniest apostle to work with because in theory he's the most loyal, most by-the-book of the apostles so you'd expect him to be the most logical and collected one but 80% of his concerns (pre crucifixion then everything went downhill and they all died) are that he has a crush on every person he encounters
#🧅#im not religious just insane.jpg#true poly disaster. funniest shit ever.#cause yknow simon p's a fisherman he's married he's a very poster family man#and he loves his wife he really does. im not gonna make the only guy who's married fucking Hate his wife and want to like. go have gay sex#instead cause mlm good mlw bad. but he does have his. Issues. concerning how he views women#he's gonna work on that though i'm not leaving him like that don't worry. peter already knew the torah by heart probably for peter turning#to god meant learning how to respect women. and yknow people he considered 'ungodly' in general. to respect humanity as he respects god.#tee hee i love this arc. i love all of them but i dont ever rlly talk abt this one.#but anyways yes he does love his wife.#then some strange guy shows up while he's fishing and he's like follow me son of jonah i will make you a Fisher Of Men. and peter's like#TEE HEE OKAY JESUS i will come fish men with you.#which......okay....simon....... interesting that u wanted to do that..... with zero context....#and then cue weird thing with magdalene. which. they don't end up together by Any Means.#they hate each other. they have not spoken in a civil manner once. but they do have a weird bond between them than only aromantic people#can understand.#WHICH BTW i already knew there's a thin line between polyamory and aromanticism. but it really showed when while trying to#explore how peter experiences polyromanticism i found myself projecting a lot of my own aromanticism on him#(is polyromantic a correct term? i'm not sure these terms really confuse me especially considering the time period cause like. polyamorous#describes a relationship with multiple people which peter obviously wasn't in in 30 AD. but he Did have romantic feelings for multiple#people so is that polyromanticism? or is that a completely different term? idk. bare with me.)#very interesting. anyways yeah there's that. magdalene is aro also to me. so yeah this is one of the most fun dymanics i have in this lore#cause like. polyromantic person and aromantic person somehow having the same mutual not platonic not romantic but a secret third thing#connection with each other. i love thinking about them
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musrum · 9 months
A pal of mine self published a very cute and fun and low-fi game on steam! It’s $5 if anyone is interested in a lowkey and story driven puzzle game! You CAN pet the cat in this game.
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ipsen · 9 months
shoutouts to matsuri washuu. ur a creepy guy, but if ishida had any respect for u, u coulda stopped furuta
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racke7 · 5 months
Me vs FF14 part... 2?
It's taken me pretty much three full days of running from cutscene to cutscene. But I've finally reached Heavensward.
And like... on some level? I'm kind of offended?
Like, a part of me genuinely wants to replay the entire game from the start "as something else" (different main-class, different race, different starting-area, whichever), because the dungeon-queuing system is actually really fun when you start to Understand it.
As in, FF14 has somehow made an MMO that has almost eliminated the feeling that it is a level-grind? Partially? It's turned the whole thing into a surprisingly comfortable level of (limited, but genuine) social interaction.
To the point where even someone who isn't obsessively grind-focused like me, can genuinely enjoy themselves. Just queuing up for dungeons, Hunting some bounties, and-...
And then FF14 has so many fucking quests that it literally chokes the life out of the gameplay.
As an example, one of their biggest dungeon-draws (bcs high rewards) is a quest that almost everyone hates playing. Because doing that dungeon means watching literally eighteen minutes of unskippable cutscenes.
And that's with them having reduced the amount of cutscenes in that dungeon, because the players complained so much about them.
Like... I'd be perfectly happy replaying the game from the start with a different character, even knowing that leveling isn't some kind of pain-free thing. But the thought of having to restart the fucking Main-Quest? Of having to spend literal days just running back-and-forth to cutscenes?
I'm currently feeling a bit burned-out as a result of the binge I went on to get here, but I'm pretty damn sure that I wouldn't replay this fucking thing even if you paid me for it.
(And, of course, Heavensward also has a Main-Quest continuation that you have to follow. And now I'm not even allowed to fly everywhere to cut down on the "running back-and-forth"-part of my complaints. Not until they arbitrarily allow me to discover flight for the new areas, by going through even more of the Main-Quest.)
(Not to mention that now I have to go back and do even more Class-quests, with their own cutscenes, in order to unlock a bunch of skills.)
(I'm very fond of the "the church is evil because it doesn't let you fuck dragons"-meme, and I'm very much seeing it. But like... come the fuck on. Why is this MMO a feature-length movie-series? Why can't I just play the game and have fun?)
#and yes. i'm very much aware that ''you can do anything with one character''#bcs everyone gets one (1) race-changing potion. and classes can be switched out super-easily. but that's not the point.#video games#ff14#rants#personal stuff#also like... i'm unemployed and waiting for my classes to begin a few weeks from now. i have INFINITE free-time.#and i still feel like ff14 is actively trying to waste my time by ''telling a story'' that should be in a single-player game.#... actually. that'd explain a lot. did the writers of this game learn to write from single-player games?#is that why there are so many cutscenes and minor characters to constantly juggle? did nobody tell them that they were making an MMO?#(the feeling of going ''all-in'' on the genuineness in the cutscenes even when it's corny as shit? good.)#(being forced to sit through cutscene after cutscene instead of actually playing the game? bad.)#like... even just the dungeon-cutscenes? to some degree it's expected that you SHOULD skip them? bcs you're making others wait?#(and during the Raids. that means outright being left behind. ain't nobody stopping for anyone.)#so you're losing a massive bit of story-telling. bcs it's trying to tell that story in the WORST place.#it's a good story? i guess? but it's so fucking inconvenient to _play the game around_ that it feels more like a chore than an adventure.#and in a single-person game? i think it'd be great. maybe not entirely my kettle of fish. but genuinely good. but as an MMO?#like i get that a lot of it has been added onto it over the span of YEARS and that ppl playing it since launch would've been desperate#for new content. despite how the amount of content seems incredibly overwhelming for new players.#but jesus fuck. at least let people wanting to start a new character to just... skip the fucking thing? they've already seen it once.#* nevermind. they thought of that. they're selling ''story-skip''-potions for 10$. wow. just... wow.
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zestyderg · 11 months
AH SHIT IT'S PART 2! What ever happened to our little group of unfortunate mers?
WARNINGS for: Joe flavored violence, brief moment of someone pondering how awful of a death would come from being eaten alive, and most importantly, warning for zz's... insides (eugh, sorry anon it's just as you feared)
Dina didn't expect to wake up ever again. She figured that once she and her friends disappeared past those enormous jaws that they were all done for.
And yet, here she was, groggily stretching herself out, eyes still sealed shut but she knew at the very least that somehow, she was alive.
It must have been just a dream, then. She and her friends were still in the nursery, safe and sound. Nothing bad actually happened. Dino was fine. Just a nightmare. She could go back to sleep and-
"DINA, GET UP!" The unmistakable shouting of Pauleen assaulted her ears. Ugh, too LOUD.
"Five more minutes... please?" Dina whined, pinning her long ears back and curling in on herself. She tried to bury her face into the sand but was greeted with a surface that was definitely NOT sand. She hadn't noticed it before, but the surface she was laying on...
It was smooth, warm, soft, and... squishy???
Dina's eyes shot open. It was dark, but Dina could make out Pauleen gazing back at her, her body illuminated by a soft blue glow. The lionfish mer's striped fins were on full display. Poor Pauleen looked quite alarmed.
"No, Dina, this is serious, get up!" Pauleen took Dina's claws into hers and hoisted her upright.
"Alright FINE I'm up. What's wrong?" Dina lazily looked around. This was definitely not the nursery. Their only source of light seemed to be glowing blue dots littered all over, kind of like stars. Oddly pretty, and there was seemingly enough space for her to comfortably swim around in, but then there was this sound, a loud, all-encompassing thumping that she now found herself to be aware of. She could feel the sound in her very bones. What was that? She did her best to ignore it.
Just behind Pauleen she noticed Todd and Rupert. Rupert was trying to pry something off of Todd, but clearly was struggling. She swam over to them but froze when she saw just what Rupert was trying to pull off: those bones from her dream last night, bound to Todd's smashers, exactly as she remembered.
Oh. Oh no.
"Dina?" Pauleen lightly placed a clawed hand on the little leviathan's shoulder. Dina was stiff as a board, golden eyes wide with horror.
"Pauleen, are we? Did we...?" Dina was really taking in her surroundings, now. "If we are where I think we are, I am going to lose it," her voice wavered.
"I give up, those are NOT coming off," Rupert sighed in defeat. "I am not sure how they are able to stay like that, but they are staying like that. We have no means of escape, and I can only imagine how uncomfortable that is," he watched as Todd slouched.
They both turned to face Dina as she suddenly belted out a slew of insults, speeding around in a full-on rage, ramming herself into every surface she could. It was admittedly kind of funny that she bounced harmlessly off of everything, but it also was a grim reminder that they were in fact trapped and unable to harm their captor in any meaningful way.
"PAULEEN!" Dina zoomed over and gripped Pauleen tightly by the shoulders. "YOU HAVE VENOM, RIGHT? USE YOUR SPINES, PRICK THE BASTARD!"
"RIGHT! I could try that," Pauleen gently dislodged her friend's claws from her shoulders and promptly rushed into the nearest wall, slamming her spiny fins into it as hard as she could. But after a moment, she too ended up bouncing off the slick flesh and was left floating upside down. She crossed her arms and huffed.
"Any other bright ideas?" Todd grumbled, glancing over to Dina. After watching Pauleen seemingly fail to harm Zongazonga, she sighed. Dejected, she let herself sink to the floor. The moving, living, floor.
Couldn't even stay unconscious, huh? They were eaten alive and now they were going to be awake to experience a very slow and agonizing death. Maybe they'd suffocate first. That would be preferable to being literally melted.
"Guys...?" A small voice called out. Everyone perked their ears. Was that who they thought it was?
Dina raised her head. "Dino? Is that you?" She asked tentatively.
"I'm over here," Dino answered. Dina saw a familiar hand shoot up in the water, and she rushed over immediately. Dino was alive!
Dino was lying on his back, staring up at the "ceiling". Dina tackled him, wrapping her arms tightly around her twin.
"I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE OK!" Dina was practically weeping, and Dino could only return the embrace. "I'm fine, just tired," he said hoarsely. Dina pulled away, allowing Dino to go back to lying down in his spot, and eyed him quizzically. "Are you sure you're ok? Your voice..."
Dino simply pointed upward. "Yelled at him," he rasped. "A lot. He's rude."
"Uhm, he's MORE than rude!" Pauleen exclaimed.
"He ATE us!" Todd added.
"We're all going to DIE," Rupert informed.
Dino rolled his eyes. "Right, you guys don't know yet," he mumbled.
Everyone looked at him like he had grown a second head.
Dino looked between all of his friends.
"We're not dying," he stated.
"HUH? What do you mean we're not dying? Have you LOST IT? What part of 'Zongazonga literally ATE US' do you NOT UNDERSTAND?!" screamed Dina.
Dino merely looked at her, eyes half-lidded. " I MEAN..." He began, "that we are NOT DYING. He didn't eat us."
Ok well that made even less sense. He definitely did eat them, right? That's like, basic biology. Then again, Dina didn't even know if merfolk were like other creatures, anatomy wise. Still, it made zero sense for anything else to have happened. Just before Dina was about to argue though, a loud, very familiar voice rumbled around them, drowning out that thumping that Dina realized had been a heartbeat.
"He's right, you know. I did not eat you, and you are not going to die, child. You all can quit your crying now, even if listening to you all squabble like seabirds is quite entertaining."
Zongazonga. Dina curled her lip.
"YOU HAVE SOME MAJOR EXPLAINING TO DO THEN!" Despite Zongazonga not being able to see her, Dina pointed an accusatory claw up at where she heard his voice anyway.
"Oh, very well. You whelps are in what is called a 'brood pouch'. Have you ever seen a fish hold fry or eggs in their mouths before? It's ...sort of like that, except you are tucked safely away in my chest instead. It's meant to hold troublesome little mers like yourselves. It is also quite sensitive, and I can feel everything you do. You are all still too small and insignificant to hurt me, though. You are lucky the great Zongazonga has decided to be merciful, and that I have given you such a well-fortified place to stay in!"
That was a lot of information to take in. So kraken mer anatomy IS different, huh? Dina turned to see what her friends thought. They looked just as confused as she was, but Dino still sat there, with the same bored expression as before.
"He already gave me this explanation earlier, after I yelled at him," Dino commented. "He's a total JERK for letting any of us think he was going to kill us."
Everyone murmured in agreement. Pauleen punched the wall beside her.
"That did not hurt," Zongazonga said. Pauleen growled in annoyance.
"So uh, why did you even do this in the first place?" Todd asked.
"Ah, that was just to mess with you. I am deriving infinite amusement from your reaction to things," Zongazonga chuckled. His raspy, unpleasant laugh lightly shook the whole space, along with the tiny mers.
"Mean," mumbled Rupert.
"Perhaps I'll let you all go later. For now, I think I deserve a nap, for being such a gracious host to my little guests."
Dina hurled more insults at their captor, but Zongazonga fell silent. They were now stuck with the unnerving ambience of his body and a new, strange, rumbling sound, only familiar to Dino and Dina.
Purring. Zongazonga was purring, like an overgrown cat. That ASSHOLE.
The kids floated there (except for Dino, who had not moved from his spot). Well, at least they weren't in any danger. But they were stuck here until Zongazonga felt like letting them go, and they didn't have much to entertain themselves with in the meantime.
They didn't have to wait long for something interesting to happen, however.
"ZONGAZONGA!!!" A voice roared, not muffled by the kraken's body in the slightest. The kids perked up. They knew that voice! It was Joe! Finally, rescue had arrived!
Zongazonga's eyes snapped open. The leviathan was here. Why was he here?! He was trying to sleep. How dare Joe try to interrupt his sleep?!
He lifted his head to glare irritably at Joe but found himself to not be prepared for the sheer ferocity in his rival's eyes, or the way he loomed over him. He had fought Joe many times, but even when his tentacles were being ripped off, Joe did not look as murderous as he did now. The kraken mer pushed himself off of the cold sand with his arms, angling his underside away from the enraged leviathan mer in front of him. For once, he did NOT want to fight.
"THE KIDS, WHERE ARE THEY?!" A clawed hand slammed into Zongazonga's throat and roughly shoved him onto his back. He tried to pry it off, but Joe's grip was tight, and the kraken found himself pinned under Joe. The whelps had been tossed around as well, he could feel it.
"I DONT SEE 'EM ANYWHERE! WHAT DID YA DO WITH THEM?" Zongazonga couldn't look him in the eyes. For the first time in a long time, he felt fear.
"I-I..." The kraken tried to choke out a response.
"ANSWER ME!" Joe bellowed, lifting Zongazonga by the throat and smashing his head into the sand.
Zongazonga tried to blink the blurriness out of his vision, with barely any success.
Joe leaned in now, close enough that Zongazonga could feel his breath.
"If ya don't tell me where they are right now, I'll rip yer guts clean outta yer pathetic body," Joe hissed in his ear.
No, he could NOT do that! Not only would that obviously kill him, but Joe would most likely accidentally kill the same children he came here to save. The thought of Joe accidentally killing the whelps did not sit right with him. He didn't know why.
"Urgh... fine, you brute. They're right here," he poked the lower part of his chest with a single claw. Before he could elaborate, Joe's grip on his throat tightened. Zongazonga thrashed to free himself, his tentacles desperately tried to pull the leviathan mer off of him.
"YOU ATE THEM?!" Screeched Joe. Zongazonga felt as though his ears would burst.
His head was smashed into the sand once more, much harder this time.
"YOU KILLED THEM, YOU KILLED THEM, YOU KILLED THEM! I HATE YOU!!" Joe wailed. "THEY DID NOTHIN' TO YOU! THEY WERE JUST KIDS. MY SMALL FRIES, MY BABIES, DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU, YOU FUCKIN' MONSTER!" Joe's other hand gripped one of Zongazonga's horns, and with a sickening snap, he broke it in half, earning a pained shout from the kraken writhing underneath him.
Some of Zongazonga's tentacles snagged Joe's neck and he managed to yank the grieving leviathan off of him before he used half of Zongazonga's own horn to stab him to death.
"THEY AREN'T DEAD, YOU FOOL. YOU DID NOT LET ME FINISH!" Zongazonga did his best to put distance between Joe and himself. The tiny mers were huddled in the pit of his chest. He could feel them trembling.
"I DON'T BELIEVE YA!" Joe shot towards him again with unbridled rage, but this time Zongazonga's tentacles snared his limbs and held him at bay.
He couldn't read Joe's expression, and for a moment the two sat there in near silence. Zongazonga grunted as he strained to keep Joe and his makeshift weapon away from him.
"Go ahead," Joe murmured softly, a stark contrast to the living hurricane he had been a moment ago. The fury in his eyes did not dissipate. "Show me right now, and I'll let ya live." Zongazonga hesitantly let his tentacles fall, and Joe backed off, watching intently as Zongazonga took a deep breath.
Then his body shuddered, convulsed, and he heaved.
Much to Joe's shock and relief, five little mers tumbled out of Zongazonga's jaws, disoriented but otherwise unharmed.
Zongazonga watched as the whelps got their bearings and noticed Joe. They began to make their way over to him, but Todd was stopped by a purple tentacle.
"Stay still," Zongazonga commanded, lifting his finger toward the little mantis shrimp mer. The bones binding his smashers quickly loosened and then floated down to the sand below.
Todd flexed the smashers, satisfied with having full control over them again. He hurried to join his friends, and Zongazonga sat there as Joe tenderly gathered them all in his claws, leaning down to nuzzle them with the tip of his nose. He ushered them into his bandana, and then straightened himself to meet the kraken's gaze. Slitted blue eyes narrowed, but he did not say anything to Zongazonga. He merely turned himself around and disappeared into the darkness.
Zongazonga lightly picked up the broken tip of his horn, inspecting it carefully.
He made a mental note to himself: never do anything that might invoke that level of wrath from Joe ever again. If he truly had done away with the whelps or had not been able to hold off Joe for long enough, he was certain that the piece of horn would be driven straight through his heart. That, and pieces of him would be scattered everywhere.
He nearly got himself killed over some pathetic children that he wanted to hold for a little while. He told them it was just to mess with them, but that wasn't the reason, not really. Sure, it was fun to get the whelps' reactions to everything but he only did it at all because some subconscious part of him made him feel like he had to.
He could have TOTALLY fought Joe off with his strength alone, but he held back for their sake.
What was wrong with him, lately?
He had been far less cruel and cold than he'd normally be. He SPARED these whelps. The powerful, tyrannical Zongazonga, being MERCIFUL? Allowing the children of his rival SHELTER within a space designated ONLY for his own brood (in which he had none)? Thinking of their safety when Joe attacked him? How pathetic!
He was growing soft, and weak.
The massive kraken mer growled to himself as he searched for a space to lie down and sleep off the splitting headache he had.
What was he going to do next (if he ever saw them again)? Catch prey for them? Be nicer to them??? DISGUSTING!
He even thought about mentoring Dino, the little kraken mer who had necromancy, like he did.
He hunkered down in a promising dip between two sand dunes, tucking his tentacles close to his body.
Zongazonga would NOT fall to such weakness. To kindness. He was above that, wasn't he?
He just needed rest, that's all.
When he woke up he'd be back to his normal, monstrous, uncaring self.
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mantisgodsaus · 1 year
New blog moment /pos
Hello! I am here to formally request you may or may not tell me more about this selkieverse. Is it an au where everyone is a selkie (or at least, some bugs are)? Do they just turn into aquatic like bugs instead of actual seals? If actual seals, do you have species picked out for the selkie characters yet? How does it work? Are they even selkies at all? Once more, you don't have to answer if its information you'd like to withold but as local marine biology (mostly seals and jellyfish though) nerd I must know if this may be an au that is like. Right up my alley.
Oh boy, we can answer questions! Technically, we've had this blog for a bit, we just... haven't been using it (we are afflicted with a chronic need to illustrate our worldbuilding and we just Haven't Been Drawing recently).
Not everyone is a selkie, but some bugs are - actual species varies! They're seals, or other assorted... vertebrates, mostly. "Selkie", here, is less referring specifically to seals and more referring to the general category of Bugs With Bonus Pelt. We've got actual species picked out for the selkie characters, but we do want to keep a few under wraps - of the few we can reveal, Leif is a ribbon seal, Mothiva is a leopard seal, Cenn is a yellow-bellied water snake, and Vi... well, her pelt was an ermine.
In terms of how it works - selkies are, more or less, bugs that come in two... pieces, or with two forms. It's genetic, though it can very much skip generations and occasionally appears to manifest from nowhere - generally, you have a few main strains of selkie in an area, maybe with a scattering of other species around. Seals are by far the most common around both Bugaria and The North, and the gene's most common in moths (as far as anyone knows), though it can appear in other species - and, as previously mentioned, sometimes you just get a kid who's a selkie without any previous selkie relatives.
A selkie's pelt isn't present upon hatching, but manifests later - generally either when they metamorphose, in the case of bugs like moths and butterflies, or during one of their first few instars on bugs who do That. It is, functionally, a part of them - a selkie cannot be separated from their pelt for too long, though they can wander farther from it with age and practice, and trying to keep away from it causes fun side effects (like organ failure, and feeling like you're being physically peeled out of your shell, and death).
The pelt itself is, as is typical with selkies, a pelt - seal, or snake, or ermine, or whatever else someone might be. Looks like you'd expect a seal pelt to be - although a selkie's pelt contains a few more bones. Generally, you've got a skull, spine, and ribcage, but it's not uncommon to have a few other bones - they shape the skin, more or less. As is standard, once the skin is donned, they gain the form of their pelt, but the selkie has some control over it - as well as some control over how the pelt moves.
The thing about selkie pelts is that, as they're a part of the selkie, they're functionally "alive" - an extension of the self, an extra limb. Technically, anyone can don a selkie pelt and take on the form of whatever creature they are, but it'll be... strange. Uncanny. They aren't the selkie, and this isn't their form - they're just wearing their skin. Unlike on the selkie themself, the bones aren't going to merge to them properly, they're just going to stick in there, wearing away at their shell until they eventually take it off. A pelt only retains its transformative properties while the selkie it belongs to is alive - once they bite it, it becomes just a piece of leather, though with selkie skin being the only real option as far as skins go, it's still pretty damn valuable dead.
If a selkie's pelt is destroyed, the selkie dies. Likewise, if a selkie dies, the pelt becomes inert. It's a bit like holding a vital organ in your hand - and if the selkie and the pelt are taken too far apart, the connection is severed and the selkie will die even if no damage is dealt to either them or their pelt.
As is standard for selkie mythology, having a selkie's pelt gives you some measure of control over them. Specific degree of control varies, largely based on the selkie - though all selkies can be commanded while you're actively holding their pelt, if they'll keep following that command once you've put it down is a whole 'nother ball park. If you had Leif's pelt in hand and told him to do something, he'd keep doing it even if you put that pelt down later, but if you tried the same with Vi (again, while she had it) she'd stop the second you put it down. With Mothiva, just possessing the pelt is enough - you don't need direct contact, you just need to have it. The effect's at least partially psychosomatic - while it's a direct compulsion with direct contact, anything past that is largely based on if the selkie thinks you should be able to tell them what to do.
The selkie form itself is fairly standard as creatures of its species go, albeit downsized for bug scale. They're around the size they'd normally be relative to a human, relative to an average bug (using an ant as your Standard Human works, here). A selkie is, functionally, both their bug species and their pelt species - behaviors in one form will affect the other, and vice versa. Generally, this'll manifest most noticeably in either tics or diet - a craving for raw fish, an odd sense of territorialism, an impulse to drag dead things to your dumb, bad-at-hunting teammate. It does, however, vary - and a good chunk of selkies do try to keep the fact that they're selkies hidden, especially if they might have reason to fear a stolen pelt.
...this is a whole lot of rambling on Selkie Magic Mechanics and not a whole lot of marine biology, uhh. Hope this helps sketch out the general mechanics for ya! We're always glad to talk about Cool AUs!
#selkieverse#bf aus#selkieverse leif#selkieverse mothiva#selkieverse cenn#selkieverse vi#niko-jpeg#fun fact with standard seal pelts youll cut the flippers and the head off since they don't tan well#a selkie pelt keeps all the bits! its more or less the full skin of the beast including bits thatre just plain impractical to tan normally#also yes fish is a Thing You Can eat its just. not generally a good idea to hunt it as the fish are still Fish Size#leif has the ribbon seal air sac in both forms#mothiva would fucking eat him if she had a chance however she is smaller than him in moth form and he just#entirely lacks any form of self preservation instinct#muze and todd are also selkies but they keep it quiet for dont want their pelts fucking stolen reasons#leif is currently not aware hes a selkie in the first place and hes old enough of one that he has. a Very wide range on his pelt#pelt in question has been hanging up over the fireplace in muze's house ever since an. incident. with grandma muse#they never had the heart to get rid of it. she was Very certain her husband was alive in her old age#you know how it is. a bug gets old and their mind starts to go... always a pity#it does still feel like that pelt is... watching#and it has changed appearance a bit... but who's looking at those old photos anyways?#(leifs pelt has slowly changed color from dark rusty brown to a dark steely blue over the past. century)#(his pelt is not dead but it is Dormant. unfortunately he currently has no fucking clue its even his pelt unfortunately hes stupid)#(also the whole cordyceps thing did scramble his memory access a bit)
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jestershark · 3 months
does anyone wanna beta read my bl omegaverse novel based on this post
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meowydoe · 5 months
My anime phase has forever changed the way that I see Mr Loverman
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pepi-nillo · 1 year
just finished watching the killer's shopping list and i'd do anything for girlboss mom, fish and part timer
also, if i had a nickel every time that child actor was in a drama with a body on the fridge in the past year i would have two nickels etc etc
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mrfisherot · 9 months
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what pretending to be a demonic anon chick egg does to you/j (credits to @cenri-monpi )
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fish!! aptly named.
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
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-->But yes, with everything at home settled -- produce picked, animals tended, bees calmed, gnomes moved -- it was off to the store for this lot! I had Victor start in immediately with the magic, using Repairio on one of the flower arrangements in the front window to see what it did to the plants -- it DID increase their quality, but it did NOT do anything about their level of freshness that I could see (that is, it made the whole thing a better bunch of flowers, but it did not do anything about how wilted it was). Good to know, I suppose! I also had him catch the stink bugs that had started congregating outside the front windows -- can't have THOSE annoying customers! And you never know when you might need them for herbalism...
-->Anyway -- with that sorted, let's go over everyone's store jobs:
Smiler got banished to the dock to fish for a good chunk of the day (even when it started snowing -- it was only a little bit and not for long!), to help add some fish to the fish freezer I'd added earlier. They caught a cichlid, an angelfish, a couple of tunas, a tilapia, and a perch, which is not a bad haul! And I figured out which option on the fish freezer lets you mass-store fish – though I actually can't recall the exact label at this point in time. ^^; Something like "fresh ingredients!" Also lets you mass-transfer meat and eggs, which is nice. :)
Alice, naturally, got put on canning duty -- specifically, oversize conserve duty! I had her use up a bunch of the oversized produce in her inventory making jars of mushroom, aubergine, lettuce, pumpkin, and watermelon conserve to put on the shelves next to the canned green beans, canned green peas, and bottles of dried sage. It felt like the most appropriate place for them! Don't worry, though, she got a few breaks -- mostly because the werewolf instincts demanded she go outside for a bit and let out a Somber Howl to keep the Fury low. Gotta keep that inner beast satisfied!
And Victor was just all over the place, doing every job the other two couldn't -- making more boxes and bottles of dried sage to fill in that area; making more loaves of banana bread to fill out the bakery section; brewing up some more perfume in Inspiring scents for that endcap; and of course hitting everything he could with Copypasto to fill in gaps on the shelves. Seriously, that spell is the most useful thing on the PLANET -- it is so OP and I never want that to change. XD Copy every freaking jar of preserves you can, Victor! I just wish you could copy the mod-added stuff too!
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nartml · 9 months
What is up with my masochistic tendencies to involve myself in fandoms that cause me agony and little else
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