#and yes its sushi
bluewinnerangel · 2 years
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vanlegion · 1 month
I think at this point I have to pretty much regard season 19 as the truest form of 'Crack Taken Seriously' which. . . huwa, I could do (but damn it would be a struggle...)
But only if you believe in the narrative *NOT* shown.
There's an After for these guys. But I think that's kind of up to us? (. . . Yeah I'm already writing the AFTER fic. Fuck me.) So unless some miracle happens and either the IP gets bought up and the crew gets to do some little shorts like what the Crwby is doing ... Or Geoff and Gus ever pull off what Alexander Siddig and Andrew Robinson did for the Star Trek DS9 Bashir/Garak community. I guess we just make our own canon at this point.
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boydrudolo · 5 months
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wormsslime · 7 months
my life has just been. being born with a very limited set of options. and then three decades of watching those slowly drift farther and farther out of reach.
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stinkrascal · 1 year
having bpd is so fun bc i will passionately hate someone to such a degree that its unreasonable like i will fester over it and write essays about it and speak for hours til im blue in the face about my unbridled hatred for someone and then that person could give me a bite of their food and im immediately like “omg shes my bestie i love her so much, literal queen ���” and i mean it too
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braveburned · 1 year
if ash can have their purely indulgent ballpit au written entirely in their head I can have my gregory can see the ghosts of the eight children who disappeared au
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anadorablekiwi · 2 years
Why must you betray me like this sushi
I thought we had something, apparently all i have is heartburn 😭😭
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pottedfairies · 2 months
onigiri is not worth it☝️
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thekingofchungus · 2 months
do you guys have a song you smile and mentally beat up your blorbo to in ur head
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giselberts · 9 months
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having a swim :) also her name isn't egg anymore!! its bhap (stands for blue hair and pronouns)
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mkalodeas · 1 year
Saw this in Pinterest
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My first thought was:
Oh it's just shrimp... with vanilla flowers??? Does that taste good? I don't wanna know. I don't even like shrimp.
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itsclydebitches · 11 months
Just finished Good Omens 2 and I'm honestly boggling at the Aziraphale hate because yes, his decision led to the angsty cliffhanger, but it makes SO much sense for his character. Not just in a "Religious brainwashing and sunk-cost fallacy" kinda way but also a "Aziraphale has no reason to believe this isn't the perfect solution" way. That scene among the nebula is crucial because it establishes that Crowley loved being an angel—reveled in his ability to create and allow his creations to grow kinda like plants—and the only problem was that someone else was calling the shots, someone who wouldn't listen to his criticism. Aziraphale has also spent 6,000+ years watching Crowley do good, all the while forced to deny the fact that he's "nice" lest embracing his original nature get him into trouble with hell. Now, Metatron comes along with an offer that fixes everything in one fell swoop. Crowley can be an angel again, be nice without censure, his ideas and criticisms will hold weight because he'll be answering to Aziraphale, and they'll be together.
It strikes me that Aziraphale isn't there when Crowley sees Gabriel's trial, ergo he likewise doesn't see the (non)acknowledgement that there's an institutional problem up in Heaven. There just happen to have been two archangels who called it quits. Same when Gabriel blurts that phrase out to Crowley. Aziraphale has always been more blind to the ways in which Heaven is "toxic" (for very understandable reasons) and this season he's continually sheltered from new evidence of its structural problems. The plot just preaches to the choir: Crowley. He likewise wouldn't see the conflict Gabriel and Beelzebub have caused as evidence of an underlying problem because that's a problem he and Crowley will no longer share. Why would they be worried about Heaven still being unable to accept partnerships between angels and demons when Crowley will no longer be a demon? And that's something he presumably wants based on Aziraphale's memories of him and the ongoing admission that he's lonely.
The way I see it, they got what they thought they wanted at the start of Season 2. Heaven and Hell are keeping an eye on them, but functionally they're left alone. Crowley can spend all the time he wants with Aziraphale and nothing comes of that except that they're both continually named traitors and the higher-ups grumble about it. If Gabriel had never shown up, things should have been perfect based on Crowley's "Let's just run away and have each other's company" standards. Better, even, considering that they get to be together on their beloved Earth, rather than being bored out in Alpha Centauri without any sushi, plants, books, or Bentleys. And yet... Crowley doesn't strike me as particularly happy. Because, you know, based on that kiss he wants to be with Aziraphale, not just literally be with him, but the point of this post is that his "Let's run away and be an 'us'" falls totally flat when he doesn't explain that specific desire to Aziraphale; the desire to change what an 'us' means. From Aziraphale's perspective they're already an 'us.' That was the entire point of "our side" in Season 1 and now they can continue to be 'us' up in Heaven. Plus, Aziraphale likely sees this as a sacrifice on his part. He will give up his bookshop, his Earthly indulgences, take on the responsibilities of leadership (which I don't think he actually wants for a variety of reasons), and spend the rest of eternity in a place where he's felt so small because he thinks that's what Crowley wants. Crowley was happy as an angel. Crowley wanted them to be together without risk of permanent discorporation. They were able to achieve that after not-Armageddon and he still wasn't happy... so surely those two things together will do the trick. Crowley never actually articulates how he wants their relationship to change and the kiss comes much too late, when he's already rejected what Aziraphale must see as a perfect, selfless solution he's secured for them. Even if Crowley wasn't always moving too fast for him, an overture of romance isn't going to go well after that.
Is this crushing and angsty and devastating as a hiatus? Damn straight, my heart it breaking. But it's a good setup. More importantly, it makes perfect sense for their characters, particularly when they're still talking past one another. Aziraphale is someone who has always moved more slowly as a matter of course, as an angel he has remained immersed in the rhetoric of Heaven, his main avenue of breaking free of that (Crowley) has a huge communication problem (to say nothing of his own denial. He only made headway with the help of Nina and Maggie, seconds before Aziraphale shows up), and Metatron (in a no doubt incredibly manipulative manner) has just offered Aziraphale a job that presumably makes him happy AND Crowley happy AND allows him to maintain the moral this-is-how-the-universe-works perspective he's had since he was literally created. Of course he's going to say yes to all that!! And sure, there are problems in Heaven, Aziraphale isn't completely blind, but he can fix them now that he's in charge. How? Well... he'll figure that out later! Kinda like how he's been making plans on the fly this entire season. That seems logical from his perspective, right? It's not like he's gotten a crash-course in the concept of the master's tools never being able to dismantle the master's house...
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breaking news: girl with anxiety gets heart palpations trying to plan last-minute trip, more at 1:43 AM, when she sits up stock-straight in her bed after reading a text from her mother and texts her back, inciting a wave of awful nerves
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stubz · 7 months
Kim and Max and the adventures of running an alien child care centre
"Human Max I'd like you to meet Ezshi, they will be joining you soon in the youngling centre."
"Oh hey there buddy, nice to meet you!"
"Now, what do we say Ezshi?"
*croc sounding hissing and snarling*
"Ezshi! You apologize right this instant!!"
"...oh boy"
days later~
"I don't know what to do! The kid won't stop hissing at me everytime they see me! As soon as they spot me they flare up and won't stop hissing at me, they almost bit me when I tried giving them their chocolate milk!! I don't know how I'll survive this year Kim."
"That's rough buddy," she gives sympathy pats to him. "but why don't you try my method? Y'know, the one I used with my siblings and cousins."
"Kim if I did that I would get fired."
"Yes, in an earth school you would without question buuut...here?"
"...here I wouldn't! Kim you genius!"
"Ah, human Kim, I am here to pick up Ezshi early today. May you point me to them?"
"Yeah sure, right over there with Max." she points to a large crowd of children and parents.
"Thank you Human Kim."
"Of course....maybe I should've stalled them for a bit...shoot."
"Ezshi! Where are you? Ah, there you-- oh my."
In the middle of the crowd is Ezshi and Max both hissing and snarling at each other. The young reptilian slowly advancing towards the human, eyes slitted.
"EZSHI! Youngling you will stop this at--!"
"Wait Mx. Ezshi's Bubba! Maxie is okay, look look!"
"Youngling Human please release your tiny hands off me, I must save your 'Maxee'...huh."
Max advances as well but more predatory like, circling around the youngling until their back hits a table. Jumping onto it thinking it'll make them look more intimidating, Ezshi hisses down at the lowly human. No one interferes, especially the other reptilian and predator like species.
"Okay now here it comes Max, remember not too much spit and be aggressive!"
Back straight, toes pointed, chin up, the young man closes the gap between them with a headbutt while releasing a roar. Silence. Until finally, with eyes dilated, Ezshi chirps and bows their little head.
"Aw, its okay buddy. Now go get your stuff, your Bubba is here."
"Thank you caretaker Maxee! Lets do that again!"
"Human Max how did you know how to assert dominance among my people? Was it Tarlak's family? Tigihalaxes and Repilixes do share similar customs..." they muse.
"Oh it was Kim."
"And how, may I ask, do you know how to assert dominance among my people Human Kim?"
"My siblings and cousins."
"....you were taught by your human kin?"
"Some of them started to roar and hiss while we goofed around and to make sure they still listened to me while we did this I would 'assert dominance' by doing exactly what Max did."
"I thought humans did not have displays of dominance and that everyone is to be treated equally, like a herd."
"Yes thats right."
"But you just said..."
"Oh that was just us playing around. We still do it every now and then, just over the holidays my little sister and me did the equivalent of the gorlazitics display of dominance."
"For fun??? And not to be the new leader? No one was killed?"
"Save for our mother's opinion of us, no."
"Are you sure you two are herbivores?"
"The proper term is vegetarian, which is what I am, Kim is a pescatarian."
"May the fish forgive me for finding them so delicious in sushi form."
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sugar-grigri · 1 day
Sperm is the symbol of hope in pain, yes. Sit down, I'll explain.
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Yes, even sperm has symbolism.
Although this title may sound catchy, I didn't phrase it that way to make it so, I really mean it. I'm just warning that some of my sentences are going to sound completely crazy. Let me begin. 
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I've said it before, but when we have a tripartite chapter, the key to reading it is to link these three elements. What do kissing, love and sperm have to do with each other? The answer seems obvious, and refers back to the previous chapter. The link lies in the act committed in chapter 167. But I think it's more subtle and stronger than that. 
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These three elements are impossible to deny. Just as Asa can't deny not loving Denji to Yoru, Yoru can't deny having kissed Denji twice, and wanting to kiss him again. Sperm carries the same message (crazy phrase). It is just as much a part of the realization of the previous elements, impossible to deny. It can be cleaned up, forgotten like kissing, denied like love, it is the concretization of the other two acts. 
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Semen is perceived as negative, disgusting, sticky, as new feelings or an unexpected kiss can be. But above all it's a result that doesn't help either protagonist. 
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Again it's crazy what I'm about to say. But just as the semen made Denji realize that Asa/Yoru wanted to kiss him, he hoped there was a feeling of love. Just as Asa and Yoru denied kissing and love for him, realized they had semen on their hands. I know it sounds weird when you say it like that, but it's not. Sexuality is a major theme in CSM. Just as its organic aspect carries a message. 
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Sperm refers to the fact that Denji masturbates when he's unwell, just as he relies on the discovery of sex to be happy. The semen also reflects Asa's fear of intimacy. Just as it is a kind of victory for Yoru, who sexually assaulted them both. 
In short, the tripartite title basically refers to the feelings intertwined between these three pivots. And his order makes sense. It symbolizes the way Yoru interferes. 
Yoru kissed Denji for the first time at a time when Asa barely realized what she was feeling. It's vital to understand that, at this point, neither Yoru nor Asa were yet fully in love with Denji, since they hadn't yet developed feelings for CSM during the Falling Devil arc. 
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The kiss came before the love. He was stolen. Whether it's because it's unexpected for Denji. And precipitous for Asa. 
Then there's the development of Asa's feelings, again leading to an appropriation of Yoru, committing a precipitous sexual act for both protagonists. 
But above all, the three elements were succinctly crossed out. The kiss had been temporarily forgotten by Yoru. The semen is washed away to forget the sexual assault. And Denji is denied love. 
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Let me be very clear so that everyone understands. Love, kissing and semen are denied by Asa and happened in the wrong order for her.
Just as they are monopolized by Yoru.
Just as Denji places his hopes in them, and they are a logical consequence for him.
But it's not all doom and gloom. Because the name of the sushi restaurant is a coded message (another crazy phrase).
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As I've said before, every element is a symbol. The fish are.
They hark back to the aquarium episode. As Asa despaired, Denji fed her fish and starfish, foods Asa disliked. Just as she was in despair and denied herself hope, fish is associated with regaining hope. Above all, the aquatic element is the antithesis of fire, represented by the fire demon who leads us to be what we desire, even if it means suffering for it. Fish is acceptance, fire disillusionment. 
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It's not present in the English version and I don't know if it's translated from Japanese, but I hope so, but this chapter reinforces my interpretation: press the button to have hot water but but beware of burns. We have to relate the fish to understand the symbol of fire. Yes. 
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So what does the restaurant's name mean? 
Two options. The key to facing death is hope. Or will the protagonists perish from hoping that happiness is within their reach ?
Actually I think it's deeper than that. I've been hoping for this for a few times now, so I'm going to try again. 
When Asa invited Denji, it was because she considered him less than a cat. Who else considered him less than a cat ?
When Asa was picky about food at the aquarium? Who else is? 
Who did Asa think of at the aquarium? 
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For whom precisely does Denji not feel love in the sense that he feels it for Asa ? 
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Remember when I said that the title refers to negation ? 
There's hope in death. 
When Denji says he wants to like sushi, symbolically it's to keep hope alive. 
But fish are a strong enough symbol to refer to someone whose name wasn't uttered once in part 2. Forgotten. 
Eating sushi will lead Denji to count on his family again. 
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Like the hope of finding someone dear to him.
Love in horror.
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But wait before you go. I lied, there's more despair than hope. You can't blame me, that's what Fujimoto does all the time.
What did Power do ? Die for love, right ? Hope, denial, love........
Power even died twice, didn't she? Cut in two, right?
I know Asa and Denji have already died, but they can die a second time, can't they ? But this time with two of them. Dying a second time together.
Do you miss the cursed number 2 ?
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arc-misadventures · 2 months
The VTuber: The Ninja
VTubers are an eclectic assortment of fellows. Ranging form, humans, to catgirls, dwarfs to elfs, from dragons to loli’s. They were an odd sort.
There were various characters among this assortment of individuals as well. From dragons to knights, barkeepers to schoolgirls. Often times they were all of these at once. So it came as no surprise that one VTuber was a combination of two of these particular eclectic tastes.
Like a catgirl, and a ninja combined into one.
For that’s how one would describe the VTuber SushiandShibari. Aka, NyanNinja.
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Least that’s how people described her appearance, when it came to her personality, that was a whole different can of worms to deal with.
Instead of doing, SushiandShibari’s usual stream videos; Playing romance game, to horror games, and the like. She was stuck in an unexpectedly awkward conversation with friend: DraGunShow.
SushiandShibari: So… Care to explain why you just jumped into my stream, call me a bitch?
DraGunShow: Ughhhhh…
DraGunShow: I lost the bet we made…
SushiandShibari: What bet?
DraGunShow: The one where you bet I couldn’t get, Errant to blush.
SushiandShibari: Oh that one, so you called me a bitch because you couldn’t get him to blush? That’s rude.
DraGunShow: No… My chat let it slip what was going on because they were making bets on whether, or not I could do it. So, he changed the game on me; Who ever blushes first loses, and wins their chats betting pool money. And, I lost… Oh god did I lose!
SushiandShibari: It wasn’t that bad was it?
DraGunShow: He asked me if I ride a motorbike, to which I do. So he asked if you have to grab the handlebar to drive it.
SushiandShibari: Is he thinking about getting a motor bike? Oh I bet he would look food on a bike!
DraGunShow: He would look damn hot on a bike~! Ahem! But, no that’s not what he asked about.
SushiandShibari: It wasn’t? Then what did he ask?
DraGunShow: He asked if he had to grab me by my horns to ride me.
SushiandShibari’s eyes inwidened as her mouth fell open, look at her chat in wild shock as she processed the words her friend had just said. Leaving her with, but one course of action to hearing that.
SushiandShibari: DAMNNNN! That is so hot!
DraGunShow: I turned tail, and ran like hell! I could not stay around him anymore! I have never been so thoroughly flirted with before in all my life!
SushiandShibari: Really? I thought you got flirted with a lot.
DraGunShow: No I don’t, I tend to teasingly flirt with other people.
SushiandShibari: Like me.
DraGunShow: Like you, but I don’t tend to be flirted with. Least most of the times I’ve been flirted with people tend to ‘flirt’ with my boobs.
SushiandShibari: With your boobs?
DraGunShow: ‘Hey babe, nice buns you got there, how about I put my sausage between them?”
DraGun’s voice dropped into what could only be described as her best ‘dude bro’ voice. Or that, Muscleman character, whatever you felt was more adept.
NyanNinja however looked on in horror for several reasons, least of all was the voice she impersonated.
SushiandShibari: A guy once used that exact same line on me?!
DraGunShow: Oh shit, really?
SushiandShibari: Yes, but he wasn’t talking about my breasts, bastard was talking about my ass!
DraGunShow: Ppfff-HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
DraGun burst into a fit of laughter as, NyanNinja’s ears flattened against her head as she glared at her friend.
SushiandShibari: Its not funny, quit laughing!
DraGunShow: Like hell it is! “Hey babe, can I hotdog your ass?” Pfft! Hahahahaha!
SushiandShibari: Grrrrrrr! Listen here you…?
NyanNinja was about to start berating her friend when an automated voice from a donation started playing.
: Hello Sushi, I noticed you lack of notifications sounds, and I decided to make one, adding it to your streams prompt pack. Enjoy.
SushiandShibari: Uh oh…
DraGunShow: Oi! Aren’t you supposed to review those before people are allowed to put stuff on there? In case someone put on something inappropriate that could get you cancelled?
SushiandShibari: I do! But, there is a filter, so if people say anything with certain words they’ll…?!
: Good girrrl~!
SushiandShibari: …?!
DraGunShow: …?!
The duo’s blood frozen in their veins as a shiver of excitement coursed down their spines. The pair looked to one another before addressing chat.
DraGunShow: W-W-Was that what I think it is…?
SushiandShibari: Please tell me it was!
: Good girrrl~!
DS: Ahhhh~!
The pair, for the lack of a better word fainted in shear excitement, and the coursing thrill as they heard those words, or more importantly who said those words. For it was a simple sound bite from everyone’s favourite paladin, Errant.
DraGunShow: He called me a good girl!
SushiandShibari: Like hell he did! This is my stream, I’m the good girl!
DraGunShow: Fine, but only the first one is yours, I get the second one!
SushiandShibari: Like hell! They’re both mine! Every time he says that it’s fucking mine!
DraGunShow: Then chat! Give me that sound bite too! I want to be called a good girl too! In fact! Give me every sound bite like that I want them! I want them all!
SushiandShibari: I want them too! Give me all the sound bits of him being sexy! I NEED THEM!
DS: NOW!!!
Meanwhile while, ErrantryPaladin was watching a video recommended to him by chat, he hit pause as he stopped, and looked around. A worrying expression etched across his face as he looked about expecting some sort of monster to suddenly pop out, and attack him.
ErrantryPaladin: C-Chat… anyone else just get this foreboding sense of unease… Like something bad is about to happen…
Errant continued to look about before he stopped as he saw a message appear on his screen, offering him a deal he couldn’t help, but view suspiciously.
ErrantryPaladin: Okay… why the hell are you bribing me with thirty subs if I say, ‘ara ara’ in a seductive voice?
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