#and yes he did get that feather from grian
elghoulad · 11 months
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I am so perfectly normal about this man (a bold faced lie)
I am not immune to the good-times
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dmwrites · 10 months
Cecil: Birds of a feather stick together. But if that bird loses its way, it will be lost forever. Welcome… to NightVale.
[intro song plays]
Cecil: Listeners, today I have a guest with me here in the studio! Intern Vincent found our guest wandering in the desert as he was driving to the station this morning, and I jumped at the idea of having this guest on our show! So, why don’t you introduce yourself, mystery guest!
???: I’m… Grian. My name’s Grian.
Cecil: Well, welcome to our small community radio show, Grian! Listeners, Grian is-
Grian: Did you say listeners?
Cecil: Why yes! All of our wonderful citizens of NightVale, even the secret police, are listeners of my show!
Grian: Oh… never mind.
Cecil: As I was saying, listeners, our wonderful, if a tad interrupting-y, guest Grian is wearing a torn red sweater, black pants, and closed-toed shoes. I must say, that’s quite a fashion statement, Grian! Not too many people would wear a sweater in the desert. You must not be from around here!
Grian: I… no, I’m not. I’m not quite sure how I got here… I just… I thought I could escape the desert if I walked far enough.
Cecil: Well, as long as you’re not from Desert Bluffs, I’ll call you a friend! Eugh, Desert Bluffs, am I right? But speaking of Desert Bluffs, let me remind all of you that our half-a-millennia traditional triathlon against Desert Bluffs is almost upon us! Volunteers, taken from their homes at four in the morning with bags over their heads, will be competing in three sports events against our bitter rivals, Desert Bluffs. The three sports events, as is tradition, will be: bloodstone dodgeball, confronting the in-laws over broken boundaries, and pickleball. Good luck, NightVale athletes!
Grian: Did you just say, like, words? Like, genuinely, it feels like I just had a stroke. What on earth is a bloodstone?
Cecil: You know, I should have known you weren’t from around here, what with your funny accent. Where are you from, silly little man?
Grian: I… well, that’s a tough one, really. Hermitcraft? Third Life SMP? The Desert? All of them, I suppose. I really don’t know how I got here… I’m not sure this isn’t all a mirage.
Cecil: And you say I say strange things! Well, Grian, I was about to remark on how other cultures may not have bloodstones, but I just noticed all of the blood on your knuckles, and under your fingernails, and on the cuffs of your sweater, which I still do not think is seasonally appropriate.
Grian: Oh god. I thought I scrubbed it off with the sand. Scar…
Cecil: While we figure out the mysteries of the blood here in the studio, and Grian stares down at his hands in horror, let’s take a look at traffic. There is a man with a clock. He stands. He smiles. He will never stop smiling. They will call him a traitor someday, but for now, the traitor lies dead, the present he gave in the hands of that smiling man. They do not know that the clock, golden in its edges, will bind them together in ways they can’t even understand yet.
Grian: Scar is- Scar was my friend. I promised my life to him.
Cecil: I’ve promised my life to someone too! But it was marriage, to my beautiful Carlos. I love Carlos so much.
Grian: Scar… god, he was such a blundering fool, but with a heart and voice of gold. I didn’t think he’d get as far as he did, but we just kept getting away with it. We didn’t think about the end.
Cecil: What did this Scar wear? This is a audio medium, after all, Grian, and I must describe everything to the listeners.
Grian: He didn’t wear much, like, ever. Super annoying, too many abs.
Cecil: There is no such thing as too many abs, Grian.
Grian: I- sure, okay. Can I get back to my story now?
Cecil: Yes, please do! I am sure everyone, especially the secret police, are very interested.
Grian: I killed him with a creeper first. It was a prank, a mistake, but it really cemented the idea that this wasn’t all fun and games. It felt like fun and games for a long time, even after he died for the first time. It wasn’t until-
Cecil: And now, a word from our sponsor. Listeners, are you tired of having a perfect dog? Does your dog-food photo perfect dog leave you the laughing stock of the town? Do you ever wish you could put an imperfection on your dog so you could just fit in? Now you can, with warts! Just put warts on your precious pooch, and slide blissfully back into the dreary backdrop of life while walking them on their leashes. Dog Warts: because nothing can stay perfect forever.
Grian: I… I had to kill him. They- the ghosts of all of my friends, they told me there could only be one victor, and I… god… we stood in a circle of cactus, so we couldn’t leave, and we fought with our fists. I kept hitting him and hitting him and, god, Scar was never the best at fighting… and we were both laughing and I was crying and there was so much blood… it took so long for him to die, Cecil, and all I could do was keep hurting him, so he wouldn’t suffer. And then I was… alone. I said I was sorry, but he couldn’t hear me. No one could hear me anymore. I had won, but at what cost?
Cecil: That’s very dark! Uh, listeners, our guest Grian has a tear running down his cheek, and I am afraid he may burst into outright sobbing! To save you from that audio nightmare, I take you now to the weather!
[Howling by Lupus Nocte plays]
Cecil: Listeners, Grian is gone. He has left the station. He ran out, muttering something about “never being able to escape the desert”… whatever that means. Maybe we should stop inviting random people we find on the side of the deserted road with blood on their knuckles into the studio… but I am afraid that’s all the time we have for today, listeners. Stay tuned next for a canary, stuck in a cage made of bones, singing sadly for none to hear. NightVale, hug your loved ones close tonight. You never know what may happen next. And good night, NightVale, good night.
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zedif-y · 10 days
He’s falling.
He’s falling, Impulse thinks again, panic dulling his senses. His wings sprout from his back, flapping in desperation as he falls down, down, down.
His shoulder is an explosion of pain, white-hot and throbbing as blood trickles and bleeds into his shirt. The arrow shimmers with magic, because of course, of course–
Just my luck, Impulse thinks, bracing for impact. Get shot off the wall after summoning a Wither. 
What a stupid death.
The white walls of the base taunt him as he falls, and suddenly– Nothing.
The first thing Impulse sees is red.
Red feathers, red sweater. Bloodied, shaking hands.
“–mpulse, wake up!” He hears someone hiss, shaking him as his vision clears. A dull pain wracks his body, but it isn’t… “Impulse, come on, please–”
“…Grian?” Impulse croaks, expression twisted in pain. The hand stills. “I’m not dead?”
Grian scoffs, “You’re welcome.” He scowls, then, quieter, “When I found you, you weren’t breathing.”
That… Huh. “You saved me?”
Grian looks away, “I– Yes. What, why?” He spits, defensive. “Saw you fall.”
His hands are trembling, still.
Impulse frowns. He sits up with a wince, his shoulder stinging as he moves. Grian’s hands shoot out to steady him, hovering inches away from him, “Be careful!” He snaps. Impulse stares at him, incredulous.
“Gri, I’m not gonna keel over–”
It’s only then that he gets a good look at Grian, and the words fall away.
He looks… Awful.
His feathers are singed, blood and soot all over his wings. His hair is a mess, and his beloved sweater is torn, the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He’s bleeding sluggishly from a wound on his head, and his arms are covered in blood.
Impulse swallows. His blood.
“…Why?” He asks, his throat dry.
Grian looks down, his mouth pulled into a thin line. Impulse grits his teeth.
“Grian, why did you save me?”
Silence. It prickles at his skin.
“They killed the Wither,” Grian replies, his voice dull. “I just– I saw you fall, and I got–” His hands ball into fists, “I got…”
Grian’s expression twists. Crimson drips down his face.
Then he stands up, eyes still downcast. “C’mon,” He mumbles, holding out a hand. “They’ll find us if we stay here. We gotta go.”
Impulse takes his hand, heaving himself up with a grunt.
There’s cheering in the distance. Impulse doesn’t face him as he says, “Thanks, I… I owe you one.”
Grian just shakes his head, tired.
“Don’t mention it. Just be careful,” He mutters, “You’re all I’ve got left.”
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moonkanex · 1 year
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Just some practice things lol I like the perspective on this 
Btw Grian lore down below cause I didn’t put it in his design post lol there’s a lot so sorry in advance ^^
Base design:
Base design is based off a mockingbird, his exact species category is a Mocking harpy, with the ability to shapeshift and mimic other birds
(his feathers will never lose the base inspo, even if he is mimicking other bird species, so if he was mimicking a parrot the yellow would replace the white and reg the light brown and blue the darker brown etc the yellow will have a hint of white markings but ye!)
season 7, would be a Parrot mimic, since he lived in the jungle for the most part and he did the pesky bird bit
season 8 would be a snowy owl/ender dragon mimic, cause he did a harry potter inspired build, and harry’s main pet is a snow owl and had a ender dragon baby(egg)
the life games are just dependent on his surroundings! (ex, Last life would be burrowing dessert owl, cause they lived in a dessert that session!)
He is constantly feathered,  mainly seen on his cheeks and shoulders. He will keep this feature throughout the entirety of his mimics as well as his signature ‘waffle’
he can hide his wings, tail and bird like legs to appear more human but he will never lose the feathers on his back/shoulders
hes clothing also serves a purpose i didn't just make his clothes revealing on purpose lol
His backless sweater, for his wings to move without hindering the movements at all, would show his upper body so I added an additional undershirt just so he isn’t practically shirtless. Both tie in the back at the back above his tail but only the under shirt ties in the back on his neck
his pants! They have long slits in the sides so he can access his pouches (his inventory basically) on the side of his legs and knives. Bird legs are difficult to make pants for so the baggy :D he also had shorts so he wouldn’t flash anyone lol it has a clip in the back that goes over his tail so he wouldn’t have to pull his tail through his pants
Watcher Nature: (Still in progress)
Rouge watcher
When he has high negative emotions his eyes will get a purple tint and will become more intense the more intense emotions he gets
While in his watcher form, he can have any amount of wings, like a seraph, and his wings get glowing eyes like the one floating above his head. He is rarely in this form but he is often overwhelmed in this form and chooses to hide from the hermits in a dark space to calm down.
(hermitcrafts security mechanics for watchers do not work on watchers already in the world. Thus would not go off if Grian is in this form, X would later add him to the exceptions list)
Shifting nature:
Grian was originally human, when evo started he was just a guy hanging out with his friends, but when he was taken by the watchers they gave him a ‘gift’, that being part harpy. The watchers fused Grian’s code with a birds, and eventually he grew traits that made him a harpy. Shapeshifting was just a oopsie trait the watchers didn't expect grian to develop
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watcheraurora · 24 days
Deepfrost Pass
More than a little inspired by @/mellozheist's want to give credit but not bother with my shipping nonsense so no tag unfinished Let It Go Tango animatic that I was watching... but as always I've got Rancher brainrot on my brain... have fun! 3.2k words
"Absolutely not," Grian snapped. "No. Not happening. You can't."
"Try and stop me," Jimmy challenged. "You're not a Watcher here."
"I am a Watcher here, but my powers are limited. Not gone. And I say no."
"Well I say yes. And you won't stop me." Jimmy shoved Grian out of the way of the door. "It's your fault anyway."
Grian's wings went rigid. "Excuse me?" he demanded, voice cold.
"It's your fault!" Jimmy retorted. "If you hadn't made that stupid server—"
"If I hadn't made that stupid server, you two wouldn't ever have met the way you did!" Grian spat back. "You wouldn't ever have known him like this if it weren't for me. If anything, you should be thanking me."
"I am grateful to you for that. But only that. The rest? Yeah, I do blame you for."
"If you go there, you'll die."
Jimmy shoved his arms into his coat. "That's a risk I'm willing to take."
"Tim—" Grian's hand lashed out and caught Jimmy's wrist. "Even I can't—and I'm a Watcher—It's just—there are nearly ten wardens in there. They've taken him over. He left for a reason. Can't you just—"
Jimmy shook Grian's hand off. "No. I can't 'just.' I know you think that whatever he found up there corrupted him or possessed him. I think you're wrong. That server was awful to him in a way he wasn't prepared for. I can take being the butt of jokes. I'm used to it. He never handled betrayal well and put on such a brave face that no one noticed. He snapped. And I'm don't care. I'm going to see him. I'm not here for very long before I'm going to get kicked."
"Tim, don't be stupid—"
"That's me. Stupid, stupid Tim," Jimmy spat. His wings snapped open and he hurled himself into the sky.
Grian was a fantastic flyer. He was small and nimble and could maneuver incredibly well. But he couldn't hold a candle to the raw power and strength of Jimmy's massive wings. That was what came from their height difference and builds. Jimmy was built for strength and speed. Most real canaries weren't, but he wasn't an actual bird, for crying out loud.
His armor barely even weighed him down as he surged higher into the sky. Grian would never be able to catch up. In small areas with lots of obstacles, Grian would win a race any day. But wide open sky going in a straight line? He'd have to work extra hard to keep up with Jimmy's casual flight.
He flapped his wings and soared higher. The world dropped even farther below. He knew this would be a long flight—hours, probably—but he would make it most of the way on the wing. Then the last leg of the journey on foot. He was prepared. He knew what he was doing.
He hoped.
All sorts of landscapes passed by beneath him. For hours. Gradually lifting up from plains into hills into foothills. Until he was in a taiga. Nearing the tundra tree line. Mountains surged up from the ground ahead of him, and he'd have to gain more altitude to access the pass between two of them that he needed. His wings beat the air harder, lifting him up until the air was almost too thin to cushion his wings and keep him aloft.
Jimmy flew until frost started to crystallize on his feathers. He knew he wouldn't be able to get any closer via flight, so he tilted into a sharp dive and braked hard, landing with a crunch of his leather boots in the deep snow. He pulled his coat tighter around him and drew his wings in close. They were so long that they dragged through the snow behind him. And they took the bite of this cold mountain range the most. But he couldn't let himself care about that.
He pulled a Blaze Rod out of his inventory and held it in one hand, a torch in the other. The Blaze Rod lit the torch and both helped keep him warm as he trudged up the mountain. He knew he couldn't be far now. The sun was going down. Mobs were going to start spawning soon.
He ate as he hiked. A golden carrot styled to look like a churro every so often. Scar had insisted he take them, so he had.
The sun went down. A full moon began to emerge over the mountain peaks. Jimmy caught sight of it when he was between peaks. There was no path to where he was going. Just the ever-worsening cold to lead him on. But he felt the direction in his heart.
So when he rounded the mountain and saw the fortress, he wasn't sure how to feel.
The thing was massive. Dark stone and teal accents. Grey-black towers clawed at the midnight-blue sky, as though trying to feed the stars to the gaping, frowning mouth partway up the enormous central tower. A warden's mouth.
The doorway was open, the portcullis raised.
Who needed security like that in a place like this? When the dangerous stuff was inside?
Jimmy stared.
The Deepfrost Citadel.
Blood. Pain. Screaming. Tango's yellow fire hair simmering down, blazing back up with the ice-blues and teals of soul fire. His friends' betrayals still lingering in his heart. The rage never fully going away, just pretending it was gone...
Jimmy still had some of Tango's memories. He remembered waking up in the middle of the night in Tumble Town, not too long after he first settled there after Double Life had ended, to Tango's screams in his nightmares. He remembered waking up months ago to a message from Grian, panicking that Tango had retreated into the mountains and no one had seen nor heard from him since.
Tango had even avoided him when he'd crossed over into Jimmy's world. Jimmy had rebuilt their ranch and everything. Tango promised it was his home. And then he spent all his time down in Gobland, too absorbed in work to... to ever... to ever come home.
A tear slid down Jimmy's face, trying to freeze but so hot that it made his skin tingle from the contact.
He trudged closer to the citadel.
Fine. If Tango was going to go back to his cave and his castle since returning home to Hermitcraft, then Jimmy was going to go to him.
He made it into the maw of the open doorway and shook off. Snow fell off his hair, wings, and the shoulders of his coat. His sheriff clothes were designed for the broiling heat of the mesa. They were thick and protective, but lightweight to release body heat.
Not a good idea for this taiga. He was freezing.
He climbed a long, dark staircase into a semi-constructed great hall.
"Tango?" he called. His voice echoed to the towers above him.
He heard the humming of a warden, coming from somewhere deep below. Just that sound alone made his blood run cold.
"Tango!" he called louder.
Something moved in the shadows cast by the soul fires. He whirled, expecting a warden or a ravager.
He held the Blaze Rod closer to his chest and extinguished the torch, tucking it back in his inventory. The lack of its warmth made his wings shiver. "Tango. Is that you?" he asked quieter. "Tango, please."
The movement was a shadow itself. Humanoid in shape, but nothing more than silhouette. It pointed, dodged to another shadow, and pointed again. Jimmy followed. "Tango, is that you?" Jimmy asked more urgently.
The shadow shook its head. Pointed again. Flitted to another shadow. Pointed. Jimmy followed its path.
A hole in the wall that led to a hole in the ground. The shadow briefly appeared, pointed down, and vanished.
Jimmy looked down apprehensibly. He didn't see any water... but there was a water elevator right next to this drop. Obviously a way up and down to somewhere.
Trusting in Tango, trusting in whatever they'd been on that first Ranch, hearts and souls in each other's hands, he closed his eyes and stepped off the drop, pulling his wings in tight so they wouldn't smash into anything or break and holding the Blaze Rod to his chest.
He landed on powdered snow, covered in a carpet square. It absorbed the damage of his fall. He ducked low to clear his wings and stepped out.
He was in a storage room. The walls were lined with rows and rows and columns and columns of chests. It was a remarkably compact storage room, all things considered. He'd seen the incredibly complex, sprawling system behind the doors of Scar's shop fronts in his theme park. That was huge. This was just chests. All shoved against one another. A Nether portal droned off to his left. And beside it, an archway that led out into a huge open cavern. Jimmy stood on the edge of the storage room's packed mud brick floor and looked out, his wings extending slightly behind him.
The cavern wasn't just some empty hole. It was filled with an unfathomably complicated web of redstone, all woven around structures. Jimmy couldn't make heads or tails of any of it.
This kind of area is where Grian's flying skills would be more beneficial than his. Jimmy could fly around in here, but he'd smack into every wall and track of redstone he came across. He couldn't maneuver anywhere near as well. This was an obstacle course dream for Grian.
Jimmy unfurled his wings and launched into the cavern, trying to keep his ridiculously long wingspan as close to himself as he could while still staying airborne while he flew around, searching the structures and the web of redstone.
"Tango?" he called. His voice echoed around the structure. He wondered if, for a moment, he actually saw that shadow running through the darkness alongside him. Or if he was losing it.
He heard giggling. Tango's distinct giggle. He pulled up short and banked in a circle, looking around.
"Hmhm! Dungeon's making me hear my birdie," Tango said in his high-pitched, silly voice. Sounding... slightly manic.
A firework rocket shot off. Jimmy heard the snapping of Elytra membranes. He looked around—
And caught sight of Tango flying back toward the storage room, a shulker box in hand. Jimmy twisted sharply and shot after him, catching his wings on tracks of powered and activator rails. He grunted in pain at the impacts.
When he finally made it back to the storage room, Tango was kneeling in front of a ground-level chest, rifling through it. He had a black hood on, attached to the long black coat he'd worn on Jimmy's world. The one that had spawned on him in Jimmy's nightmare when he snapped and his yellow fire hair had turned blue. The nightmare where the wardens broke through the ground at Tango's command and attacked the other Hermits who tried to contain them—and him—before he retreated up Deepfrost Pass and churned out his fortress.
He was singsonging under his breath as he moved materials from the chest into the shulker box. "Just keep workin'. Do the buildy-buildy. We'll show them. We'll show 'em all when I watch Ravagers munch their faces off. Especially Bdubs."
He shuffled over, popping another shulker box onto the ground and filling it with contents of another chest.
Jimmy just watched for a few moments.
"Gotta finish. Have to. Can't wait to feed the Hermits to the wardens."
Jimmy crept closer. He set a hand on Tango's shoulder. "Tango," he said gently.
"Wah-ga-gah!" Tango exclaimed, whirling around with his coat flaring around him. His hood fell off, revealing soul-fire hair. And, for just a moment, black eyes. But the black disappeared, and they were back to blue with deep blue sclera. He started laughing. "Very funny, Decked Out!" he called toward the cavern of structures and redstone. "Making me hallucinate Jimmy isn't going to speed things up, you know!"
"Tango, I—I'm not a hallucination," Jimmy said, tightening his grip on Tango's shoulder. The coat was so thick, he couldn't feel Tango's muscle giving underneath.
Tango leaned closer conspiratorially and winked. "That's what a hallucination would say," he said playfully. He turned back to his materials and kept shoveling them over into the shulker box.
"No, I'm not. Tango—" Jimmy grabbed Tango's shoulders and spun him around. "Look at me. I'm really here. I flew most of the way here and hiked the rest. I had to come see you. I had to—you—I miss you. I've barely seen you since our home worlds collided. You never came home to Tumble Town. The only reason I came through the Rift was to spend more time with you, and I've barely seen you since I've been here. You just left. What did I do, Tango? What have I done to warrant you avoiding me?"
Tango tried to turn back around, but Jimmy held him firm.
Tango blinked. Something like clarity sharpened in his eyes. "You're really here," he said.
"Yes. I'm here. I'm not some illusion or hallucination."
"I thought... the dungeon..." Tango looked out to the cavern, then back to Jimmy. Somewhere deep below, a warden hummed and sniffed. Jimmy's wings shivered. Tango's eyes snapped back to his. "I have to finish Decked Out. The dungeon needs to be whole."
Jimmy knelt so he and Tango were nearly at eye-level, still holding the shoulders of the coat. A glassy look made Tango's eyes unfocus.
"The others... they tried to stop me from leaving. But they've already held me back for so long. Bdubs betrayed me. We were teammates. He stabbed me in the back. He was no match for my wardens. Grian thought he was some almighty eldritch creature. But six wings are just more targets to get blastificated. Even Etho—the original!—was powerless to stop me when I finally let go of everything I'd used to hold myself back."
"Tango. Can you find it in yourself to forgive your friends?" Jimmy ran a hand through Tango's soul fire hair. It burned his skin in a way he wasn't used to. Soul fire was hotter than normal fire, but back when they were SoulBound, Tango's fire hadn't even been able to burn Jimmy's skin.
Tango bared his sharp teeth. His hair blazed brighter, higher, and hotter. Jimmy leaned away.
"Tango," Jimmy said soothingly. Repeating his name over and over to remind him who he was. To remind him he was a person. He cupped the side of Tango's face. "Look at me. Look at my eyes." He waited until Tango did. "Can you?"
Tango grumbled under his breath. Bitter and sarcastic.
"Hey. Remember when we first met? In Third Life? And I died to your lava game?"
"Dare to Flare," Tango said automatically.
"That's right. Do you remember when we met again in Double Life? After the creeper?"
Tango's voice pitched up. "You were angry."
"I wasn't," Jimmy said. "Not at you. Just that I'd lost the resources I'd gathered. It had nothing to do with you. And you were always so kind to me. I'm used to everyone putting me on the short end of the joke. You never did. You were a little sarcastic with me, sure. But you always put yourself at the short end of the joke. But you were kind to me. You're one of the only people who ever treated me with unconditional respect as a person, all the time. It's why I..." Jimmy cleared his throat. His wings twitched and ruffled. "It's why I fell for you, so fast."
Tango blinked, slow, like a cat. His head tilted into the contact of Jimmy's hand.
"You saw, while we lived on the Ranch, how everyone else treats me. I'm used to it. I encourage it. If they have to be mean to someone, they should be mean to me. I can take it. But you... you were never anything but loyal. Not just to me. To your team. And you got nothing in return but betrayal. You and me—we really feel our emotions. We pretend we don't, but we do. Our emotions are big and deep. The good, and the bad. Maybe it's why we got put together." Jimmy bent closer and rested his forehead to Tango's. "We have to learn to let the bad slide off, once we've felt it. You have to forgive the other Hermits. You have to let go of the rage."
Tango took a deep breath. "I... I can't."
"Please? Just try. For me?"
Tango reached up and wrapped cold hands around the back of Jimmy's neck, lacing his fingers together. "Birdie..."
"I'm only asking you to try. Breathe with me, and thing about letting it go."
"I'll try."
They shared deep breaths. Trying to tune out the wardens deep below. "Thank your emotions for keeping you safe, and release them," Jimmy whispered.
They knelt on the floor of the storage room for what felt like a long time. Just breathing and quietly encouraging Tango to forgive and let go. Jimmy kept quietly whispering affirmations he used to tell himself when he was learning not to mind the jokes.
A warden screamed somewhere below.
Tension surged out of Tango's shoulders and he slumped forward.
Jimmy caught him, cradling him to his chest. "I got you. It's okay. It's okay. You're fine." He rocked them both, his wings encircling them in a gold shield of protection. "What was that? Why did that warden...? Was Grian right? Were the wardens' influence bleeding into you?"
Tango shook his head against Jimmy's heart. "No. Other way around. My pain was bleeding into them. Wardens are mourners. They were mourning for me. But you're right. I can let it go."
Jimmy smiled. "That's it. Exactly."
There was a long pause. "I do still have to finish this game though. I've been working on it for so long—I can't just stop now."
"No, I know. But let it be just that. A game. Not a vessel for revenge or a channel for betrayal. Just a game."
"I can do that," Tango said. "Or. Well. I can try, anyway."
"That's all you need to do. Just try. Because there's merit in trying. And eventually, trying can pay off. Next thing you'll know, you'll be doing."
"Yeah... yeah. I can do that."
Jimmy kissed the top of Tango's head. The soul fire hair didn't burn him. "That's all I ask." He pulled back a little. "Come up with me? Outside? Come see the sky, please? The sun went down, but the stars are beautiful this far from everyone else. It's so dark and high altitude up here. They're beautiful."
Jimmy smiled. "Okay?"
"Yeah, yeah. Okay!"
"Come with me!" Jimmy pulled Tango toward the water elevator.
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kiwinatorwaffles · 4 months
hermit species headcanons: volume… 2!
i made this post two years ago when i was fresh to the series and was just getting to know the hermits. a lot has changed since then, but a lot has also stayed the same! my headcanons are getting refined every single time i talk about them, so chances are, this list won't even be accurate to my thoughts a year later.
with that being said, let's get started! click the cut to read them all
bdubs: glare! small, hates the dark, is a feral creature, will never let go of the moss. he and pungance were born from the same tree in the same patch of moss so they are brothers LMAO
beef: vampire! but not a full one. he was bitten by a bat and gained two vampiric traits exactly: fangs and sensitive skin. beef thinks his tendency to get sunburnt easily is just something in his code or a genetic condition. he never got it checked.
cub: alien shapeshifter! his original form is this shapeless void blob, and he can only copy how other beings look like. his forms were taken from two astronauts he saw in space, an old man and a young man. his void form can be seen slightly on his inner arm, where there is just a sliver of night sky hanging out
cleo: zombie (duh) cleo was permakilled by a witch's curse but when faced with the pearly gates they were like. nah. i'd rather be down there. and just straight up left and came back as a zombie. that's how she met joe. because he was sitting on top of her tombstone eating a sandwich
doc: originally a fae, but now he's super fucked up? what can i even say. he was a fae who got super interested in the sciences and started experimenting on himself just for the hell of it. there was that whole dinnerbone cyborg arm thing but he also managed to make himself a centaur form that he uses for extra storage and height. nobody knows where the creeper came from. was it from his dad's side? did he give it to himself? not even stress, his cousin, can tell you how he came to be. what the hermits DO know however is that he can steal pronouns by asking for them
etho: redstone deity! etho was an ancient builder who was executed for witchcraft upon his discovery of redstone. he was resurrected by the universe as a second chance and to spread his knowledge to the world. you can read more from my fic here ehehehehe
false: human! yes she is 100% human. i just thought it would be funny if such an awesome and skilled fighter was just some normal ass human with a bit of social anxiety
gem: forest spirit! she has nature powers and can change parts of her body to reflect parts of nature. she's a deer? an elf? nope! only sometimes. she can mix and match whatever traits she wants on any given day. but be careful of those deer legs and horns. they Hurt
grian: red macaw avian! he has bird feathers covering his ears, parrot wings, and bird talons! he is also able to mimic voices perfectly (which he uses to play pranks and swear in other hermits’ voices) and is a Hollow Boned Menace. he carries a lot of bird tendencies, like being a piece of shit or preening his friends’ hair when it’s too messy (which is always). in start of seasons, he has x lock away usage of his wings to keep himself from an unfair advantage. he also has stolen powers from the watchers, which he can use to change his wing colors or view the entire map from afar.
npg: ????????????? he’s supposed to be a robot, but he has wings and flies sideways?????? he’s somehow even more fucked up than robot grian. not even grian is sure of what he created tbh. he just knows he did NOT give npg those conure wings to begin with.
ariana griande: galah avian! she is grian's cousin who is a pop star. she has never actually been on hermitcraft before -- that was grian cosplaying as her.
hypno: human warlock! he accidentally made a pact when he replaced his tooth with a piece of cursed gold. jokes on his patron though, his faulty human memory can't even remember how he got his powers! he has lots of inscriptions as tattoos written in galactic just all over his body that he completely forgot how to read at this point and is immortal. maybe that's a bit bad for his sense of self-preservation
impulse: demon/imp! he used to be a gargoyle that dispensed candy, but a wizard passing by granted him life and well. now he's here! demons are actually underworld spirits that punish permadead players who have been genuinely horrible to the players around them, but impulse wanted to build houses and play with redstone instead of stirring the torture soup. so when he met skizz he decided hanging out with the players was the best thing to do. he also used to have larger horns and wings but his time on the surface has made his wings very tiny and unusable without the help of an elytra. skizz always teases him for this.
iskall: cyborg! the hermits don't know if he was fully human before the cyborgification. me, personally? i think it would be funny if she was actually built to protect a village but had too much of a personality so the villages just let him go have fun with the players. not sure if i want to adhere to that though
jevin: slime! certain slimes have evolved to be more like players. jevin is from the blue variety (that's his gender)
joe hills: ???????? void-born universe being??? joe is actually the oldest living being in the universe. he was just popped out of void (even predating the void gods) and spent all this time just doing whatever fuckall was around to do. he looks like a normal human being but just Slightly to the left, like his a bit-too-many teeth or slight lean when he stands. other than that, he acts like any other human!
joel: human mage! he actually only has powers of illusion that changes only how he looks. he Really wanted to be an orc but the spell couldnt last forever (as his fae wife lizzie found out after marriage). every day he wishes he had as much swag as shrek did. more on the headcanon here
keralis: weird fucking eldritch cryptid being? except he looks exactly like a human. nothing weird about him, nope. just don't look too closely at his eyes. he promises that he blinks like a normal person and not with his pupils.
mumbo: robot! with a core heart and stretchy limbs, he runs mainly on the consumption of redstone and occasionally typical foodstuffs. he had a creator before the days of hermitcraft (who originally built him as a war machine but something went deeply sideways during construction) that taught him all there is to know about redstone and the outside world. he also inherited the british accent and mustache from his creator. his creator did want him to be free and wiped mumbo's memory of his creation before setting him off into the overworld and letting him roam free. now he's just a silly guy!
grumbot: robot! he was first built to give suggestions on what to do with the mayoral elections but then he developed actual attachments to his horribly neglectant dads </3 but it's alright! he now chills with renbob and goatman up in the hermitheus
pearl: moon spirit! she was the moon from a player's hardcore world. the player used to talk to the moon for fun, but suddenly disappeared from the world one day. now feeling lonely, pearl took a humanoid form and descended to find where her player went, but she ended up discovering the joys of being a player herself. contrary to popular belief, she had no influence on the season 8 moon.
ren: weredog! can shapeshift into a dog form, which he usually uses to either run fast or play fetch. he’s also more prone to change when the moon is larger…. except he just becomes a hyperactive dog who chases his tail all night and is deeply embarrassed by it. he also probably has rabies, but everyone whom he has bitten probably already had something deeply wrong with them to begin with anyway
renbob: human...? he's related to ren from the human side, or at least that what he tells people. but he might as well be 50% weed by now
scar: human(?) wizard! he can fly, subtly change his physical appearance, cast spells, and do all sorts of magical shenanigans! he also can read galactic fluently, which is how he learned that hypno enchanted himself with loyalty at some point. jellie is his beloved familiar. also he's a capitalist. nobody knows where that came from
skizz: angel! why are there angels in minecraft, you might ask? some people are satisfied with their lives and let themselves permadie. skizz, after being born randomly from an angel statue (i wonder if it’s related to the other statue guy) was supposed to be one of the angels who helped escort players to the pearly gates, but he met impulse while his demon clan was taking a field trip to heaven. the two immediately became besties and skizz begged the universe to let him join the players. the universe begrudgingly agreed and now he's here! he hides his many other halos as ring tattoos on his arms as well
stress: fae! she's got fairy powers, magical swag, an affinity for flowers, and will beat you up if you assume she's the resident server cleric.
tango: ex-blazeborn! he saw some yummy packed ice and ate it, which extinguished his internal flame. his blazeborn tribe felt bad for him but knew it would be dangerous if he stayed, so tango just left for the overworld instead. he tries to convince people that he is 100% a human and not suspicious at all because he's embarrassed of having to explain that he lost most of his powers due to eating some yummy ice cream. a more detailed post about my headcanon can be found here
tfc: human! the only non-human aspect of him is a prosthetic leg. contrary to popular belief, he did not lose that leg while mining. it was after fighting a horde of skeletons. (he won)
wels: human. he's just a human. nobody believes him when he tells them because they've seen him accidentally level a building while sparring before. but nope. he's just a human. and a very fucked up one at that
hels: ???? techncially has the traits of wels, beef, and etho????? is there a species for evil clones created by copying machines or
xb: guardian! he was a guardian made to guard the magical treasures of ancient builders, but he got bored of staying in the same spot for centuries and his creators never returning. hypno casted a spell of bipedelity on xb, so now he can walk on land! i wrote a fic about it here too
xisuma: voidwalker! created by the young void gods, he was made from a fucking mspaint file where the void gods dicked around with the program and made a deeply fucked up being (him) on accident. he has no mouth, his hands are as black as the void, and his voice is terrifying without a modulator, which is why he wears a helmet. more about it in my fic here
evil x: also a voidwalker, but this time the void gods pressed random on a picrew and sent him out into an alternate dimension. he grew up in super england until x fished him out of the void. this little rascal has red scleras, ram horns, and a devil tail. he doesn't need to sleep, so he gets all his energy from eating, which is convenient because his sharp teeth can crunch anything and he can digest everything. his hair acts like an enderchest with a portal to the void, where he keeps snacks and various trinkets.
zedaph: human, but he’s not sane. i mean look at this guy. look at what he’s doing. nobody knows how he became so deeply fucked up but he's truly just Like That. he gave himself sheep features once on accident though
worm man: surprisingly, human. he's lucky to have stayed human for this long with his brother's insane experiments. accurate to popular belief, he has no superpowers.
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mar-im-o · 2 years
The Watcher's hands weave threads of green and gold and red throughout those Grian loves.
And in those threads the Watchers tie souls. Souls bound in love. Souls bound in pain. Souls bound between one another. Some try to fight it--insisting that they are not soulmates, that their soul belongs to another, but it's a tiresome, futile effort to reject the manipulation of the soul.
Not that Grian thinks so.
He's seen how the others react as they try to reject their soulmates. Scott thinks of Pearl constantly, dotes on her well-being, obsessively calls her to him under the guise of toying with her. Martyn sobs for Cleo. BDubs panics when Impulse is too far from him.
The Watcher's threads are strong.
But not to Grian.
"We're not soulmates," he insists one evening, the harsh words riding on the breeze rushing pass their base and off into the ravine.
He's perched atop pointed dripstone, watching lazily as Scar puts the Jellie pandas to sleep. His friend looks up at Grian with a start, brow quirked in a teasing glance. "Oh?"
"Yep," Grian goes on. Clipped wings help him leap from the cake and onto the perimeter of the Jellie Sanctuary. "Big B's my soulmate now. Just so you know."
Scar snorts then turns back the Jellies, feeding one bamboo. "Well, alright then!"
Grian squints. "Seriously. I'm leaving you. Big B and I are running away together."
"Far away," Grian says, placing emphasis on the distance as he looks to the sky, pretending not to be drinking in Scar's every reaction. "We're gonna build our own ranch in the mountains. Farm goats."
"Sounds nice."
"Without you."
"Just remember to eat," Scar says with hum, scratching beneath a Jellie's chin. "I'll try not to get us on Red!"
But the red has already infiltrated Grian's soul, shown through a burning in his cheeks. He puffs them out in frustration (a little more bird-like than he'd prefer) feathers at his back fluffing in a similar response as he jumps into the sanctuary.
It spooks the Jellies and a few grumble in response, the one nearly tipping Scar's chair backwards. Scar rights himself with a laugh, finally meeting Grian's eyes.
And he's fine. No hidden jealousy, no subtle longing. Nothing. He's...
He's fine.
Grian puffs up a bit more. "Do you not care if I leave?"
Scar finally seems to register Grian's tone and sobers. He tilts his head, full attention on Grian.
"Do you want me to?" Scar asks, and Grian feels like he could explode.
"YES!! We're soulmates! We should be doing what the others are, shouldn't we? Being alone should sound miserable!"
Scar just offers a confused chuckle, looking around the sanctuary as if the Jellies could help him escape. "Well it doesn't sound fun but I don't own you, G. If you want to leave, you can leave!"
"But--" Grian fumbles for words, trying his best to soothe a soul that won't calm. He ends up just crossing his arms. "This isn't how the game goes. Everyone else--they want to be together, they're obsessed with each other. Why aren't we?"
"Because we're not them?" Scar guesses. He's clicked off his brakes so he can move closer to Grian, offering a hand. "Why do you want to be?"
Grian looks away from the open palm.
He doesn't know. He doesn't know why this is so important to him, why he wants to see Scar get worked up and angry and insist that they're meant to be together. He doesn't know why this has him panicking.
Everyone else--their soulmates are their everythings, but no matter what Grian does, Scar's attention can easily find something else. Does that mean he doesn't care?
Grian sniffs. "You do care, right? About me? You like being soulmates?"
Scar laughs, a bit more genuine in his surprise. "Of course I do! Did you think I didn't?"
"Maybe?" Grian shrugs and, finally, places a hand in Scar's offered palm. Familiar fingers wrap around his, and he's happy to let the sensation calm him. "I just don't get why it hasn't affected us like everyone else. Guess I figured something was wrong."
"Something wrong--?" Scar shakes his head and tugs an unsuspecting Grian forward, the man squawking a bit as he falls forward and into Scar's lap. Scar immediately traps him in a hug, pressing their foreheads together.
When he speaks again it's with a fond smile and a faux British accent. "'I am in your service until you lose your first life'."
The anger disperses at the poor mockery and Grian snorts, making an attempt to shove Scar away. "That's borderline offensive!"
Scar only pulls Grian closer, a teasing glint in his eye. "'I don't want to see him go! I just can't let him go!'"
"Alright," Grian laughs, and he gives in. He melts in Scar's arms, wings a curtain of feathers separating them from the Jellies. And they're alone. And they're together. And Grian is putty in Scar's lap, sturdy arms holding him close. "What's all this then?"
"Proof," Scar says, voice normal again. "And accent practice."
Grian shakes his head. "Needs work. And proof of what?"
"That we're soulmates." Scar's hand moves from Grian's back to his chest, plucking the ethereal thread between them. "The Watchers didn't tie this, Grian. We did. Back when this all started."
"I don't--"
"If we aren't like everyone else, it's because they're all new to this! They've never been bound to someone else before. But we have." Scar's fingers roll into an open palm pressed firmly over Grian's heart. He can feel his heart race at the sensation, and Scar's follows. "We're soulmates, Grian."
And Grian collapses. Tears which threatened his eyes spill and he shifts to wrap his arms around Scar, chests pressed together so that two synced hearts might combine. He buries his face in Scar's neck and Scar holds him.
Scar holds him.
"We're soulmates," Grian whispers to the wind and the evening stars.
And a loyal partner whispers back: "We're soulmates."
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ak47stylegirl · 5 months
Let me take care of you.
This fic/chapter literally tried to kill me, It's a miracle I got it to a point where I can post it lol I hope you guys enjoy it!
Continued on from this fic.
Scar was woken up a couple of hours later by Jellie pawing at his face. “Well, hello there, Miss Jellie…” Scar smiled at the cat sitting on his chest like she owned it, “You’re hungry, I’m guessing?” 
Jellie meowed in response, rubbing her cheek against Scar’s face. 
“Hmm, well let’s not keep you waiting, huh…” Scar hummed, giving Jellie an affectionate scratch behind the ear as he did so. Giving Jellie a nudge to jump off him, Scar glanced over at Grian. 
The avian was snuggled up beside Scar, his feverishly hot cheek smooshed up against Scar’s shoulder. 
Scar smiled sadly, the sight was adorable, yes, but his pesky bird didn’t look anywhere near well at all. Grian’s face was flushed red, his hair/head feathers damp with sweat. Scar could physically feel the heat radiating from Grian. 
It concerned Scar on so many levels. 
Scar sighed as he began untangling himself from Grian’s hold, carefully lowering Grain’s head onto their pillow. Waiting a second to see if that had disturbed the avian, (It didn’t, thank the Void…) Scar carefully slipped his legs off the bed; and sat up. 
Scar yawned as he stretched, allowing his mind and body to adjust to being vertical. It was important Scar let his body adjust, otherwise he would probably trigger a dizzy spell and fall over. No one wanted that. 
(Scar had gotten up too fast before…it’s not fun facepalming the floor) 
Chronic illness was a bitch but at least it wasn’t too bad today. Scar would have been devastated if his medical issues kept him from looking after his pesky bird. Jellie meowed, her tail held high as she rubbed her body against Scar’s legs. 
She was getting impatient.
“Oh Shush, Little Miss…” Scar mumbled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, grabbing his cane as he stood up with a small grunt. “I know you’re hungry, but we don’t want to wake your papa-”
Scar grimaced as he turned around, finding Grian groggily peering up at him. Scar couldn’t help but notice how the avian could barely lift his head off of the pillow. Concern once again flooded Scar’s heart and soul. 
“Hey love…” Scar sighed as he gave Grian a soft look, leaning down to press a kiss to Grian’s forehead. “I’m just feeding Jellie…you go back to sleep, okay?” 
Grian looked briefly ready to argue against that. But any attempts to get up were short-lived as Grian was wrecked with full-body shivers and stomach cramps. Grian nodded with a groan, wrapping an arm around his upset stomach. 
“Oh love…” 
Scar bit his lip, glazing down at Grian, who seemed sicker each time Scar looked. There had to be something he could do to help? Maybe they had some health or regen potions lying around? 
Jellie howled, causing Scar to wince. (And worst, it caused Grian to whimper)
“Okay, okay…I got the message Jellie…” Scar pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing as he made his way out of the bedroom, cat following close behind. “You could be a little more con-con-siter-...dang it! Kind, you could be a little more kind, girl…” 
Jellie jumped up onto the kitchen counter, meowing like she didn’t have a clue what Scar was talking about. She was a little angel. 
“Your papa’s not feeling well…” Scar explained as he grabbed Jellie’s food out of the fridge, scooping some into Jellie’s little bowl. “So meowing at the top of your lungs doesn’t really help, missy…” 
Scar placed Jellie’s bowl down near the kitchen window, unable to stop himself from smile as she began to devour it. “You’re lucky you’re too cute to stay mad at…hmmm, that’s something you and your papa both got in common…” 
No matter what Grian says, his pouting face is adorable. Actually, Grian was just adorable in general. (Though he could also be downright terrifying, which Scar found sort of hot-)
The morning sun was long on its way up into the sky, lighting up the apartment. Now that Scar was up, he decided he might as well get ready for the day. First things first, Scar needed a shower, (Plus nature was calling).
Silently, Scar made his way back into the bedroom (For clothes) and the sight that met him made his heartache. Grian had curled up into a feeble ball, cuddling Scar’s pillow close. With a sigh, Scar grabbed some clothes out of his dresser. 
Stopping briefly by the bed, Scar leaned down and kissed Grian’s cheek. Grian hummed softly in his sleep, snuggling deeper into the pillow with a slight smile. Mission accomplished, Scar made his way to the bathroom. 
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featheredenby · 1 month
The Life Games: Part Two
Soon after the reaping of the tributes the parrot avian known as Grian Helios and the other tribute of unknown origin known as Scar Goodtimes are swiftly brought to the train that they will journey to the capital in by a group of peacekeepers. Inside of the train there are already two people, Lizzie Shadowlady (the District 12 escort) and Joel Smaller (the District 12 mentor), who are sitting at a mahogany table in the center of the dining car.
Despite being greeted Grian immediately heads to his room on the train and sulks, because yes it was a rash choice to randomly volunteer as tribute for his cousin but really no one will care once the blood starts flowing. It was really only a matter of time anyways as he’d always been rebellious against the government. The capital doesn’t really enjoy it when people sneak into the woods to hunt rabbits and go fishing. What’s the point anyway, he knows that his family will miss him but Pearl knows how to gather herbs and fruits which she can sell in the hob and her and Timmy have the chickens which they can sell eggs from. In spite of this they still need him so he has to get back home, for them.
At the other side of the dining car is Scar’s room in which he is writing a note to his Mom and Brother and his cat. Why is the cat in the letter though, the cat can’t read but that’s not important because it’s the thought that counts. He on the opposite end of the spectrum has high hopes for the games believing that he can at least make the top five contestants however ever if he wins he’ll lose something greatly important to him. His thoughts turn to the other tribute, he’s only spoken to Grian one time before this and it was a while ago, in fact he would be surprised if Grian even remembered. It was shortly after a mining accident and Grian had been outside of Scar’s house trying to sell tattered feather pillows and Scar had seen him fail to convince his mother that they were for a good price. So when no one was looking Scar had slipped Grian a too big red sweater and some bread, when you think about it those things weren’t that much but Scar had noticed that Grian was wearing that sweater during the reaping.
In the dining car Lizzie, a young fae who has an extra set of arms and fin like wings, has engaged in conversation with Joel, who appears to be a fae with green antennae and glassy wings, anyone playing enough attention would know that they are discussing what the strategy should be with the new tributes. As Grian and Scar come out of their rooms for dinner Joel makes the remark of, “I just don’t see the point in mentoring them if they die just like everyone else.” and is startled to hear the response “ Well did you hear that Grian? This guy thinks that we’re weak.” At this Lizzie starts to laugh much to Joel’s dismay. Remarks like this continue to be thrown around as the four of them eat which royally pisses of a certain avian, who happens to be sitting across from Joel and happens to have a knife. With in an instant the cheerful joking tone is thrown out the window and is replaced by one of dead seriousness, “Look,” says Grian as he stabs the knife into the table a millimeter away from Joel’s fingers, “We don’t like you and you don’t like us. That’s fine but it’s your job to try and keep us alive so start acting like it.”
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cloudwhisper23 · 3 months
Grumbo Month! Another day from the list that @grow-bettah created for this lovely event.
Day 5: Candlelit Dinner
Grian had laughed when he saw what Mumbo had set up for them. His red sweater was covered in moss and stone, and he had not dressed up at all. But that was okay. Mumbo had expected something like this, honestly.
Inviting Grian over wasn’t usually a formal event, after all.
Grian sat on the edge of his seat in the unfinished vault, poking at the candle on the table. He still had that amused smile on his face when Mumbo took his own seat.
“You’re laughing at me.”
“Not at all. I’m laughing with you.”
“I try to do something nice for you, and you’re poking fun at it.” Mumbo crossed his arms.
“Oh, don’t pout. It’s nice, Mumbo. Really. But candles?”
Grian’s feigned ignorance of human traditions was really starting to become a problem. Mumbo’s cheeks burned as he opted not to reply.
Finally, finally, Grian inspected the meal. “Mumbo. This is soup.”
Grian prodded the bowl skeptically. “Who did you get this from?”
“Pearl.” Mumbo replied, wearily. “Why?”
“Mumbo.” Grian’s feathers twitched. “Do you know what Pearl has been up to this season?”
“Not really.”
“Ah,  okay.” Another pause. “Did you tell her what the soup was for?”
“I did.” Mumbo forced himself to meet Grian’s gaze as he replied. “You know, typically it isn’t embarrassing to go on a date with your boyfriend.”
“We’re sitting in a half-finished vault in the middle of the night. There’s no torches, only one candle, and you had Pearl make the soup.” Grian shook his head. “Mumbo, if that’s not embarrassing, I don’t know what is.”
“What’s wrong with the soup?” Mumbo pressed. “Seriously. You know something I don’t here.”
“We won’t know unless we eat it, unfortunately.” Grian shrugged. “Pearl is in the Soup Group. They were the resistance against King Ren.”
“Ah. So it could be poisonous.”
“Or completely harmless.”
“This was meant to be a nice dinner,” Mumbo said mournfully, looking at the soup. “Our first one since you got back.”
“You mean our first one since you got back. I was gone for a week!”
“Right. Yes.”
“Look, Mumbo. It’s not a big deal, really.” Grian scooped a large spoonful of the soup into his mouth. “It’s just a precaution- Whoa.”
Mumbo stood as Grian swayed in his chair, the feathers on the side of Grian’s head flicking out. “Grian?”
“Mmm?” Grian’s eyes were unfocused.
“You alright there mate?” Mumbo steadied Grian with one hand.
Grian turned to him and kissed him hard. Mumbo jerked back. Grian followed his retreat, curling his talons into Mumbo’s jacket to continue clinging to him.
“I think we know what the soup does now,” Mumbo said. “We need to get some milk into you.”
A quick trip to Mumbo’s storage room, and both of them were sitting on the floor. “So, there was definitely something weird in the soup.”
“Absolutely,” Mumbo replied, letting the bucket fall from his hand with a heavy thunk. “You were right to be cautious.”
“Yep.” Grian leaned against Mumbo’s shoulder. “It was a nice thought.”
“I wish it had gone better.”
“Mumbo.” Grian chuckled slightly. “You think drugged soup is enough to scare me off? Not a chance.”
“I know.” Mumbo tried to smile back. “I just wanted things to go well.”
“Yeah? We’re here, we’re together, and now we have a funny story to tell.” Grian sat up suddenly. “Let’s prank her back.”
Mumbo’s curiosity stirred at that. “Do you have a plan in mind?”
“No, but it won’t be too hard to make one. What do you say? Candlelit prank plotting?”
“Definitely better than the soup,” Mumbo agreed.
When Grian kissed him, Mumbo didn’t pull away. He pulled Grian closer, almost into his lap as he deepened the kiss.
Grian was the first to pull free from that one. “Right! Let’s get to work on a plan.”
“Of course, Grian.” Mumbo smiled.
Maybe it hadn’t gone so bad after all.
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kingscourthouse · 1 year
This is a Ren Cinematic Universe moment
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Did a quick update on my Ren designs. Note: King RenTheKing isn't included because I don't see him as someone separate from ren himself. Grimm (Demised RenBob) is my own mini au I guess? Don't really know what he would be, but I like to imagine him n Grim are a team in killin'.
If anyone cares, details on them below!
Base things on all of them: All of them have some sort of enchanted band on them with protection. If they were to remove it, they would just be some big dogs. (This way I get both Ren and dog Ren >:D)
Have you seen those glasses without the arms just pinch to your nose bridge? Yeah, they kinda need them. Dog ears lol.
They all have diffrent versions of Ren's facial hair. Obvi Grimm's is based on Renbob's and the others are based on Ren's. Example, Red still has the same shape of stubble like ren, but his is much thicker and a bit messier like his hair.
Their hand nails are all diffrent too if that counts.
Ren: Legit just basic Ren Diggity Dog. Pan flag colours on his ear peircings. Leg coverings are layers of leather that button in the back to keep them from being too damaged while working. Prot band is on his left arm. It's made of netherite so it can't be destroyed...unless he runs into a cactus. Very fluff, is a good boy.
Red (King): Still grey from the death games and curse, but has a bit of colour unlike the demised. His hair is much messier and a bit longer than Ren's. Ears are more pointed like a wolf. When Ren was King, Red made his crown and cape for him. Red still thinks he's better though. Slacks are tighter fit around his knees for movement. ROYAL BLUE BABY- Not a chestplate, but has gold plating around his neck and shoulder that holds his cape. Gold cuffs on his feet because he hated the lack of movement with full leg coverings. Gotta protec those toe beans. Cape is pinned to his sleeve so it moves with him. Very elegant. Prot band on his left hand is a gift from Martyn. Has his symbol so he may always protect his king in some form. Martyn also learned the hard way that Red's cape is basically a giant weighted blanket. How the hell does he carry that?!
(Ren) Bob: Sometimes the hermits call him Rob. Basically a Timmy/Jimmy situation. Again, just basic RenBob. Very flowy clothing. His necklace is a crystal gifted from Impulse back in season 6. He also has earrings made from Grian's feathers he'll wear. They tickle sometimes though, so it's not often. No leg protection. Wants to "Be connected to the world" or whatever he said. Most of his jewlry is wooden. The wooden earrings pull his ears down a bit, but he likes the floppy ears anyway. Prot band is wooden braclet on his right arm. He has a wide variety of goofy cardigans. The egg one is one of his favourites.
(Link to the actual cardigan if you want it)
Grim (Dog): Demised Ren. Kinda like the life games, he has a thirst for death. Maybe not as intense, but he'll sometimes be in a hunting mood. There are tallymarks on his arm are a count of how many he's killed. He's very grateful for the respawn system, he can play these games forever now! Loves very outgoing deaths. Explosions and fireworks are his favourite. NEVER TRUST HIM WITH A CROSSBOW. Prot band is a choker hidden by his hood. Died from fall damage. In death, he invent footwear better than featherfalling to keep him from perishing like that again. (Think long fall boots from Portal. They're shock absorbers.) Has a fear of heights, but he'll never admit that to you. Eyes may look like pure white, but you'll see his iris in a dark room. The iris and pupil glow white, the sclera don't. And yes, his glasses are the shape of coffins.
Grimm (Bob): Demised RenBob! (Rob???) Also gets the urge to kill but prefers not to. When he does, it is much quieter deaths like drowning or suffocation. Grimm prefers to follow around Grim and tend to the dead. Arranging graves, leave flowers, tag you with how you died, that's all him! Died by suffocation. Nobody knows how but Grim. Doesn't talk very much. The most you'll hear is him muttering prayers to the dead. Sometimes he'll also just say a single word and scare the daylights out of somebody. Prot band is a choker beneath his hood aswell. Eyes are just like Grim's; You won't see his iris, but it's there. May not have the weird cardigans like his counterpart, but a few hermits are a fan of his glasses. Tango loves the X glasses. Reminds him of cartoons!
That's all I can think of right now. Any questions? Feel free to ask!
(Suggest more silly cardigans for renbob and I might draw them)
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songbirdsanctuary · 14 days
Safe Space part 8
Warnings: Panic attack?
Word count: 1,933
As soon as Grian got out of sight from the other Hermits, his composed facade shattered. His heart raced, pounding so hard it felt like it would burst from his chest. The world around him seemed to blur as he struggled to keep his breathing steady. Hyperventilating while flying was a dangerous prospect; he knew he had to remain calm enough to stay in the air. With every beat of his wings, he felt a surge of panic rise, threatening to overwhelm him.
Desperation clawed at him as he scanned the horizon, his eyes darting to find a familiar landmark. Mumbo's base finally came into view, and he made a beeline for it, his flight becoming more erratic with each passing second. As he approached the base, he executed a rough landing, skidding to a halt before breaking into a sprint. His legs felt like jelly, barely supporting him as he dashed toward the safe room.
Grian stumbled through the entrance, his vision narrowing as his panic reached a fever pitch. He could feel his scarlet macaw wings twitching uncontrollably, feathers ruffled and out of place. The safe room loomed ahead, and with one last desperate effort, he threw himself inside, collapsing onto the bed. His body trembled violently as he curled up, folding his wings around himself in a feeble attempt at self-comfort.
His mind raced with unanswered questions, each one more distressing than the last. Why was Sam here? How did he get here? The mere thought of Sam's presence filled him with dread. Grian had never expected to see Sam again, had hoped fervently that their paths would never cross. The memories of their last encounter surged forward, raw and painful, making it difficult to breathe.
Grian buried his face in his feathers, trying to block out the world and the relentless wave of fear crashing over him. He had always been able to handle tough situations, priding himself on his resilience and quick thinking, but this was different. Sam's sudden reappearance shattered his sense of security, bringing back a torrent of emotions he had worked so hard to bury.
He felt trapped, cornered in his own sanctuary. He needed to think, to find a way to deal with this unexpected threat, but his thoughts were a chaotic jumble. Panic gnawed at him, relentless and unyielding.
Grian hugged his wings tighter around his body, seeking solace in the familiar sensation. He had to pull himself together, to figure out why Sam was here and what he wanted. But for now, all he could do was lie there, cocooned in his wings, trying to find a moment of calm amid the storm of his emotions.
(PoV switch)
Mumbo walked to his base with Sam close behind him. The entire walk, Mumbo kept a wary eye on Sam, observing every movement and twitch. Sam's tension was palpable, his eyes darting around suspiciously as if expecting danger to leap out from every corner.
“Hey! Does everyone here have a base?” Sam asked suddenly, breaking the silence. His voice was casual, but the way he spoke hinted at deeper curiosity.
“Yes,” Mumbo replied, nodding. “Everyone here has a base. A lot of times they have a starter base and then a main base once they’re more established.” He explained this as simply as he could, hoping to ease some of the tension in the air.
Sam listened intently, his rabbit ears twitching with every word. The motion of his ears gave away his anxiety, even if his face tried to remain impassive.
“Does Grian have a base?” Sam asked, his voice taking on a slightly different tone—more focused, almost predatory.
Mumbo nodded again, trying to maintain a neutral expression. “His is actually quite close to mine,” he said. The moment he mentioned Grian, Sam's lips curled into a smile that sent a shiver down Mumbo’s spine.
“Maybe I can stay with him instead,” Sam said, his voice dripping with a confidence that unsettled Mumbo.
Mumbo’s wings shifted uneasily at Sam’s tone. He sensed something off, a dangerous edge to Sam's demeanor that hadn’t been there before. “You’ll have to ask him,” Mumbo said softly, not wanting to provoke Sam but also unwilling to commit Grian to anything without his consent.
Sam rolled his eyes, a hint of annoyance flashing across his face. “Of course he’d let me stay with him,” Sam said dismissively, as if the idea of Grian refusing was utterly preposterous. There was an implicit threat in his words, an assumption of power that made Mumbo’s stomach churn.
When they arrived at his base, Mumbo turned to Sam and said, "You can find the guest rooms down that hallway on the right. Make yourself comfortable. I need to check on something real quick, then I'll give you a tour of the base." He tried to sound casual, but his mind was already racing with concern for Grian.
Sam nodded, his eyes still scanning the surroundings with that same suspicious look. "Alright," he said, a hint of impatience in his voice. "I'll wait here."
Mumbo watched as Sam disappeared down the hallway, then immediately headed towards the safe room. His steps quickened with each passing moment, the unease growing stronger in his chest. When he reached the door, he saw the lamp on the floor in front of it, the light glowing steadily. This was the signal: Grian was inside.
He paused for a moment, his hand hovering near the door. Why was Grian in the safe room? If Sam was a good friend of Grian’s, why would Grian run off and hide? The question gnawed at him, each possibility more troubling than the last.
Mumbo's mind flashed back to Sam’s behavior—the way he had spoken about Grian, that unsettling confidence. Something wasn't right. He had always trusted his instincts, and right now, they were screaming at him that something was very wrong.
He stood there, torn. He desperately wanted to go in and check on Grian, to find out what had driven him to seek refuge in the safe room. But the rules were clear: the safe room was a sanctuary, and he could only enter if Grian invited him. Mumbo didn't want to violate that trust, especially if Grian was already feeling threatened or overwhelmed.
His wings twitched with agitation as he stepped back from the door. He had to respect Grian’s space, but that didn’t mean he could ignore what was happening. He would have to keep a close eye on Sam, to protect Grian from whatever danger his presence might bring.
Mumbo took a deep breath and forced himself to walk away from the safe room. His thoughts were a chaotic whirl as he headed back towards the guest rooms where Sam was waiting. He needed to stay calm, to play along with Sam’s expectations while keeping a vigilant watch.
Arriving at the guest rooms, Mumbo found Sam already making himself at home, examining the decorations with a critical eye. "Everything alright?" Sam asked, a slight edge to his voice.
Mumbo plastered on a smile. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just had to check on something. Ready for that tour?"
Sam nodded, his expression unreadable. "Lead the way," he said, his tone almost challenging.
As Mumbo began the tour, pointing out various features and explaining the intricacies of his base, his mind never strayed far from Grian. He made a mental note to find a moment later to check on him, to ensure he was safe and to figure out what had caused him to retreat to the safe room. For now, he had to balance the act of being a gracious host with the urgent need to uncover the truth behind Sam's unsettling presence.
Mumbo led Sam through the base, showing him the different rooms and facilities, all the while keeping a close watch on his reactions. Every smile, every comment, every glance—Mumbo analyzed them all, searching for clues to Sam’s true intentions. The safety of his friends, especially Grian, depended on his vigilance.
As the tour progressed, Mumbo couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking a tightrope, with danger lurking below. He needed to find a way to communicate with Grian, to understand the full scope of the situation. Until then, he resolved to keep Sam close, never letting him out of his sight. The stakes were too high to do anything less.
(PoV Switch)
Sam lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. Mumbo had finished the tour, and they had both retired for the night, but sleep eluded him. His mind was a whirlwind of confusion and curiosity about this strange place he had suddenly found himself in. Unable to rest, he decided to get up and explore Mumbo’s base on his own, hoping that wandering around might help clear his thoughts.
He quietly slipped out of bed and padded down the hallways, his rabbit ears twitching at every creak and whisper of the night. The base was impressive, filled with intricate designs and complex machinery, but something felt off. As he wandered, he noticed a trap door tucked away in a corner, something Mumbo hadn’t mentioned during the tour. Why would Mumbo hide something from him? The thought made Sam's heart race with a mix of suspicion and excitement.
Curiosity got the better of him, and he carefully opened the trap door, descending the ladder with silent precision. The air was cooler down here, the atmosphere heavier. At the end of the hallway, he spotted a door with a lamp on the floor in front of it, the light casting a soft glow. Intrigued, Sam approached and slowly opened the door, poking his head inside. His eyes widened at the sight before him.
The room was peaceful, a stark contrast to the mechanical complexity of the rest of the base. Soft lighting, cozy furnishings, and a sense of calm pervaded the space. As he stepped inside, he noticed a figure huddled under blankets on the bed—Grian. He was curled up, his scarlet macaw wings folded tightly around him, looking vulnerable and small.
Sam's heart skipped a beat. Why hadn’t Mumbo shown him this room during the tour? Was he trying to hide Grian from him? The thought filled Sam with a sudden, intense anger. He approached the bed and reached out, placing a hand on Grian’s hip through the blanket. The touch was gentle, almost tentative, but it sent a jolt through him. Grian stirred slightly but didn’t wake.
Sam stood there for a moment, staring at Grian. Memories of their past together flooded his mind, mingling with the confusion and anger he felt now. Mumbo’s omission of this room felt deliberate, as if he were trying to keep Grian away from him. That thought alone made Sam want to stab him. He clenched his fist, taking a deep breath to calm himself.
He stepped back, his mind racing. If Mumbo didn’t show him this room, he must be trying to hide it. The realization made Sam’s blood boil. He felt a twisted sense of satisfaction knowing he had discovered it on his own. He would confront Mumbo about it, make him explain why he had tried to keep Grian hidden. But for now, he needed to think, to plan his next move.
Leaving the room as quietly as he had entered, Sam ascended the ladder and returned to his guest room. Lying back in bed, he stared at the ceiling once more, his mind now buzzing with new thoughts and plans. The night was far from over, and he had a lot to consider.
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mochiwrites · 1 year
what are your favorite aspects of those ships? and headcanons pls :3
rubs my paws together >:3c I'm so very glad you asked!
starting with gripulse
I really love how like. impulse and grian are both very loyal people. and yk. they've both been betrayed in a life game, so if anyone understands wanting to be loyal but also scared of being betrayed again, it's them. I def think that on the first night the southlands were established, the two of them stayed up talking to each other about being afraid of working in a group, considering their wounds from third life. I'm picturing impulse sitting next to grian and grian like. resting his head against his shoulder and just... talking. eventually they move the discussion away from the life games and toward more mundane stuff. and they fall asleep like that.
GOD WHERE DO I START WITH THESE TWO... first of all, their evo history???? grian pranking bigb all the time???? man's had a big crush on bigb back in evo and he showed affection by pranking him. like the pesky bird he is. and in my angst filled ways, I like to think that they agreed to talk things out after they beat the ender dragon and then, yknow, grian kinda... disappeared. and bigb was devasted :< buT THEN THERE'S THE LIFE GAMES.... AND DOUBLE LIFE.... AND OUGH..... grian with bigb and the two of them meeting up (desert duo are divorced here and not a couple, so miss me with that "grian cheated on scar" shit, and I think ren and bigb leaned more toward platonic soulmates???? so :>) grian has absolutely stolen bigb's sweaters thank you. bigb comes to hermitcraft and everyone is teasing him and grian thank you.
GRIAN AND CLEO MY LOVES !!!!! I think they need to team together in a life game thanks. they'd rule the world together. I just think that cleo would sit and giggle at grian as they watch him goof around and pull his pranks and grian gives them little gifts like a feather or a brush for their hair and building materials and !!!!! also cleo's another one who knows about betrayal, who understands what it's like to be stabbed in the back. SO. also. the entire prank war. grian and cleo were kissing on the side ty. he feeds into her chaos <3
UGH SAHARA BUDDIES. grian watches iskall do redstone under the one (1) precaution that he has no potatoes on him. and grian will tease him with diorite and omg grian flying around in iskall's big cave base!!!!!!!!! also: grian letting iskall preen his wings and iskall letting grian watch him as he messes with his bionic eye. and just. the two of them planning things together, and having fun little talks while building or goofing off. ALSO THE CUDDLES!!!!!! grian wrapping iskall up in his wingsssss
firstly that ship name makes it so hard to find grian and ren stuff on here omg. ANYWAYS, I love the idea of grian and ren always being on opposite sides of some kind of feud. season 6 prank war, 3rd life, king ren arc (even if uh. ren technically did hire grian, but grian still kind of went against him). but also they work really well together too!!!! it's a fun balance of ren getting waaay too into something and grian being the one to reel him back in, or grian coming up with a plan and ren going "yes and" in return. also big werewolf cuddling liddol bird man... ren is affectionate like a puppy and he loves flustering grian <333 AND GRIAN GIVING REN FASHION ADVICE...
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monosminecraftmania · 3 months
Color!au [hermitcraft fantasy au]
so i got two notes on the previous post so here i go talking about this
(yes this is going out like a month late but shh i had stuff ;a;)
here's a full roster of everyone and everything. Hopefully this will turn into motivation for me to write but yeah. until then here have this
again, if anyone is interested in seeing close ups/detailed drawings of anyone just send me an ask and i will gladly draw them. pls im desperate
if we get 3 notes i'll. share pictures of the kingdoms.
(long long post. read at your own risk >:3)
Going Alphabetically
Bdubs - Astronomer of Flax - Lives at the top of the castle - Comically small. No don't ask it's a sore subject - Made himself a glittering cloak of "stardust"
Beef - Resident of Varie - Lives on the outskirts of the kingdom - Travels only for paints or supplies - Good friend of Etho's
Bigb - Cerule resident - Has a cloud frog as a familiar - All it does is make his shoulder slightly moist - Runs a cookie shop
Cleo - Naga, Resident of Uaine - Graveyard guardian - Made herself arms of enchanted scraps the dead leave behind - Her human disguise is a gigantic ballroom dress.
Cub - Dungeon engineer of Mauve - Will never share the recipe for totems of undying - Creates labyrinths and puzzle rooms with a small chance of death - Sources most materials from Scar
Doc - Cursed Archeologist of Uaine - Pissed off a moss spirit so now his skin's green - Can't breathe good - Cut off his own arm and made a new magic one
Etho - Crown Prince of Varie - Half fox, but vertically - Has a heavy limp so people speculate he carries old battle wounds - Very bad at hiding the fox bits.
False - Royal Knight of Amara - Gilded Eagle Hybrid. Eagle wings and colors but the feathers appear to be shimmering like metal - Kingdom is usually very calm so she spends most of her time hanging out with Stress and fishing - Kicks ass when she has to.
Fwhip - Fisher in Ochre - Gem's business partner and the less violent one of the two - Deals more in accounting than actual fish - Fixes boats on the side
Gem - Fishwife in Ochre - Not actually married. Married to THE GRIND. - Runs a fishing boat and market by the widest bend of the river - Can and will use this trident.
Grian - Geologist in Claret - That's some funny lookin floating rocks - Owns a mansion that's shared with several other people of science - Named one of the rocks Brian. Pronounced like Grian.
Hypno - Beekeeper in Flax - Has a little bee farm that he sells honey and candles out of - Has a little magic and mostly uses it to make his flowers bloom - Honestly just happy to be here :3
Impulse - Service Demon in Flax - Resident fiekind (trickster demon). Does favors for gold or food - Invented the farming plow for a request once - Will absolutely abuse vague requests and play as many tricks as possible
Iskall - Magic Blacksmith of Uaine - Makes magic weapons of all kinds, mostly swords - Has golems to help him with his work, mostly just handling hot metal - Charisma + 20. He will flirt with anything that breathes.
Jevin - Slime Amalgam - Hides in the topmost tower of Azure's castle. - Stole pieces of gargoyles to camouflage and has been collecting feathers for wings - Just a silly little guy, living his best life.
Jimmy - Whistler - Guardian of the Wishing Cave - A great guy until you realize he's evangelizing for a cult - Hasn't touched grass in years
Joe - Magic researcher in Viridian - Puts random mushrooms in his mouth - Purely curious and gets a pass from most forest spirits - Looking into the forces of death to write a funny book
Joel - Strength Bryd (forest spirit) in Uaine - In the common tongue it's pronounced Ogre - Covered in tattoos that may or may not be his past victims - Fell in love with a fish. How did it end up like this.
Jono - Local Bard of Amara - Half Dog musician who's found a nice spot in Amara to settle down - Shirts are for losers - Can beatbox amazingly well with sharp teeth.
Keralis - Holy Water Spirit - Currently napping in the big ball chained to the temple roof - Granted Xb his wish to safely walk on land - Kind to a fault
Lizzie - Resident of Amara - Half fish hybrid - Washed up in the marshes of Uaine after a storm once and rescued by a handsome ogre. - Has an army of cod.
Martyn - Servant of Claret - A Watcher - Ren's shadow - Really needs a hug
Mumbo - Wizard of Claret - Subject of all of the bad luck - Collects scriptures and studies the magic of his kingdom - Also hosts a great magic show for kids
Pearl - Royal Architect/Librarian of Azure - Started as a stable girl who threw a tomato at the design for the royal library. And instead of being arrested, she was hired to redesign it. - In charge of the upside down library - Her dragon is named Bikkie.
Ren - Crown Prince of Claret - Half dog and proud of it. - Twins with Jono who moved away to the neighboring kingdom - Curious to a fault
Sausage - Mauve Resident - Construction worker for the many dungeons and attractions - Works well with wood in the morning - Way too enthusiastic
Scar - Travelling Merchant - Sells all the wares! Even wares that don't exist! - Yes the cane is magic - Makes an annual trip across the country to Mauve
Scott - Azure Merchant - Collects fashion articles from all over the country - Runs a ferry business on the side - Might know something.
Skizz - Resident of Cerule - Chosen by a phim and gifted a pair of angel wings and a halo - Encourages body positivity! Because love yourself you jerks - Trusts blindly and with open arms.
Stress - Goat/Beast hybrid in Amara - Retractable fluff for an instant winter coat! - The hooves are more like paws, but she's got incredible balance - Runs a tea shop with odd but tasty blends.
Tango - Fire spirit - Holy spirit of fire who's honestly just confused why he's so popular - Kidnapped by Scar and escaped to Gem all within a week - Hides in Gem's fireplace
TFC - Blacksmith of Varie - Specializes in actual tools, not weapons - Has a side business of stone sculptures. Buy one get two small ones free - Has a familiar, but no one knows what it is
Wels - MC - Surname revoked. Formal title "Wels, Knight of the Realm" - Banished from his home and travelling to a faraway land - His horse is named Worse, but pronounced like 'horse'
XB - Resident of Azure - Book collector and moved out of Amara to pursue his love of books - Got a blessing from a water spirit so he doesn't suffocate - Learned flight magic and swims through the air
Xisuma - Vagabond - Originally from Mauve. Travels the lands at every opportunity - No one has ever seen his face - Incredibly helpful travel guide
Zedaph - Royal Engineer/Alchemist of Mauve - May have invented cocaine. And gunpowder - Designs elaborate gauntlets for the bold to test their strength - Decided two extra arms were a good idea
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candelasobscura · 2 years
betrayal, inspired by jimmy’s stream.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
grian stood before jimmy, foot tapping impatiently. the red dust swirled around the two as bullseye kicked up sand - obviously wanting to get going.
“he’s MY soon to be deputy, grian.” jimmy’s voice dripped with anger, his words laced with venom.
“and? he’s been my deputy.” grian felt his face beginning to heat up the longer he stared at the sheriff, frustration blooming in his chest.
“that’s in hermitcraft, grian. you’re in my empire. and i’m the sheriff, so you better respect the law.” bullseye neighed, seeming as if he was in agreement.
grian chuckled and his wings flared with every second he looked into jimmy’s stupid eyes. “i don’t care that you’re the sheriff. you’re taking what’s mine, timmy.”
just as the sheriff was about to reply, the sound of a rocket interrupted their argument. the rocket was followed with a loud hello there, then something falling from the sky, landing with the force of a boulder. “oof,” scar muttered.
“hi, scar,” the two of them replied, eyes still locked on each other.
“hey grian, hey jimmy!” scar glanced between the two and frowned. “did i interrupt something?”
“yes.” again, they were in unison.
the sound of the wind swoops by the trio, kicking up small cyclones of sand and dirt below them. bullseye huffed impatiently and tugged on his reins.
“where does your loyalty lie, scar?” grian broke the silence and casted a glance over.
scar was wearing a cowboy hat, emblazoned with the same star as jimmy’s. he looked like jedidiah from night at the museum, except he he didn’t have the fun accent the cowboy in the film had. grian’s face darkened slightly.
“what do you mean..?” scar chuckled awkwardly and looked over to see that jimmy was staring at him too.
“tumble town, or me?” grian replied plainly.
scar opened his mouth, then closed it as he felt the sand fly into his mouth. he coughed awkwardly and decided that his boots in the sand were a lot more interesting than the two men in front of him. yeah, he loves grian, but jimmy was right… this is tumble town.
the last thing he wanted was grian to be mad.
“scar.” it was jimmy this time, his voice sounding impatient.
“i… i don’t know what you mean, grian. i’m just staying here. i- i know there’s hermigeddon, but-“
“whatever. i’ve… decided to stay here. that doesn’t mean i don’t love you.” scar looked back up and instantly regretted it.
grian’s eyes were watery and his hands were clenched into fists, shaking. his jaw was tight and his face was unreadable.
“grian… i-“
“i get it, you’re in a new place and you don’t want to be associated with me anymore. yep. i got it. i’d say you can visit me, but i don’t think you want to.” grian’s voice cracked as he spoke as betrayal took over his mind. he turned away, hurt. “i’ll… catch you later, scar.”
with that, grian was gone, only a few feathers remaining in his place.
jimmy laughed awkwardly, trying to break the thick tension that lingered in the air. “c’mon, scar, let’s head back, yeah?” the blond swung himself atop bullseye and the horse happily huffed.
“i… yeah, sure.”
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bluiex · 1 year
(Immediately took the royal idea in an angsty direction (assumed unrequited love & Scar showing ambiguous signs of trauma). Nothing explicit but there's references to their wedding night! This was done head empty, so sorry for the pacing /formatting (not an experienced Tumblr user either) LOL — if anyone gets anything from this they're welcome to add to it /fix it up)
Scar thought he knew his place.
He'd familiarized himself with the judging stares from the start. Grian had been by Mumbo's side with a readied hand over the sheath of his sword like he was just waiting for an excuse. His fiance was kind, but he wasn't much better; his introduction one of resigned misery. Scar worked hard to break down their expectations over the months, but they'd both grown to trust him as a friend. Just a friend.
Scar hides a fond sigh. Despite everything, their warmth ended up being something close to what he wanted when he'd imagined for his wedding night in the past. He can still feel the loving ache between his thighs, their heated praises still echoing in his ears.
If things were different, maybe he'd consider himself lucky to not be truly bound to his arranged husband. If only he could swallow his feelings, if only he hadn't fallen so easily for them both.
He can't sleep with them. Actually sleep, that is. He's sure there's a couch in the corner, which would likely be preferred, even if he did serve as a catalyst for their urges–
He takes a shaky step out of the bed, blindly reaching for a wall for support, and trips.
His heart plummets, and the loud shattering of glass against the hardwood floors makes him nauseous. He's so dead.
Behind him, sheets move, quick and furious, he's sure.
"Scar?" a voice asks, cautious.
"I'm so, so sorry," he yelps. "I– I didn't mean it. I can clean it up, I promise, don't worry about it."
He narrows his eyes at the darkness, willing shapes to appear so he could follow through with his words. Sharp pain instantly shoots through his hand, and a pitiful whimper is torn from his throat.
"Scar," Grian says, "stay still."
Scar braces for some sort of impact that doesn't come.
Hurried hands grab at his own, and he drops the pieces of glass instinctively.
"Oh, Scar, let me get you fixed up. The only guard around tonight is me to honor your guys' privacy. No one will know a thing." Grian gets out of bed, and Scar can only wonder why his words don't sound like a threat.
"It's fine," he starts, a nervous laugh in his voice, but Grian just tsks.
"You're bleeding. Don't argue with me," he says, no room for argument.
"What were you even doing? If anyone should be resting, it's you." Grian adds, with the swish of a bottle and its contents. "I feel like I should be insulted that you're insistent on walking when I promised you wouldn't be able to."
"Oh, don't worry. Every move I make is a reminder of earlier tonight," Scar muses, through gritted teeth.
Grian hums, and starts tying his bandages. "Then explain yourself."
Scar blinks. "I was going to–you know–just find a place to sleep and all."
He swears he can hear the ruffling of feathers.
"What? Why?"
Scar frowns, even if Grian can't see it. "I didn't want to intrude. It should've been you."
"It should've been me?" Grian echoes. "It was me. We were all together, weren't we? You're the one who–"
Yes. Yes, Scar had worn that blood red lingerie in honor of Grian's signature jumper. He'd called out his name just to see Mumbo's face, to indulge the rough touch of the guard's hands when he finally threw out his urges from the other side of the door. He'd been waiting for their wedding night, to see them both give in was worth everything.
"Scar?" Grian whispers.
He doesn't have time to prepare for Grian's lips against his own; soft and careful and loving, he hopes.
"Please. Please just stay in our nest for the night. We can talk more when you wake up, I'll tell you everything." Grian swears, once he's pulled away and left Scar breathless. "We love you. We both do, if you do too."
Scar blinks, and feels something break within him when Grian pulls him close.
First off- this was AMAZING. The pacing is was perfect and I see no need to fix it... I WANNA HOLD SCAR AND TELL HIM HES LOVED *cries into my hands*
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