#and went to a straight 100
murdershaped · 7 months
orin using the tadpole to force minthara to take durge's place in their life im right
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medusa1597 · 1 month
my coworker said she wanted to go on break later than what was planned so i came up to her to say she could do so if she felt like it and she told me to mind my business ....... i can't get over it what the hell
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yellowocaballero · 10 months
Was wondering about your take on soulmate au’s.
I mean I always thought of it as a short cut. I guess then there’s no reason for why the characters should be together besides the author wanted them to be.
But I’ve seen that aspect been played into. Like I guess if you want to throw to characters together and see how they interact it works.
I believe firmly that there's (almost.) no such thing as a bad trope, just bad execution. No matter my own distaste or disinterest in a trope, there are ways to write it in the spirit it was intended and to write it well. A lot of very popular romance aus aren't really to my taste, but I'm confident I could write a good example of a great deal of them. The only two AUs that I know I straight up know I will never be satisfying or interesting to me - the only two AUs that I cannot sincerely write and almost never enjoy - are hanahaki and soulmate AUs. And I have tried. Soulmate AUs vex me.
There's just no tension in them. There's nothing that the soulmate aspect adds. When writing, the most important thing for a character is their sense of agency and the choices they make - if a character isn't making any choices, then they aren't driving their own story, and it's a very uninteresting and tepid story. A romance is a series of choices to me. It's decisions made by a character that drive their narrative, decisions made from a lot of very complicated reasons and which are affected strongly by the plot and the setting, and falling in love is the journey towards choosing somebody. Soulmate AUs just strip that, and as a result they strip the entire falling in love narrative.
I've tried about five different times to write an honest, romantic soulmate au story, and I have pretty much failed. It doesn't work for me. There is nothing that soulmates add and it takes away a lot of the crucial elements of a relationship narrative that give it stakes and meaning. I understand why people enjoy the soulmates trope and why it's comforting to people - it's a concept of inherent belonging, that no matter who you are or what you've done there's somebody out there who is for you and who is meant to love you no matter what, that you aren't unlovable or doomed to be without love even if you have never been in a relationship - and normally understanding that is enough to write it well. But what makes soulmates comforting is what makes it a bad story. 'Happily ever after' is the end for a reason.
All that said, I don't hate all 'fated romances' or soulmate dynamics. BBC Merlin 2008 is my favorite romance soulmates story and its Merthur is one of The Gay Ships Of All Time. But I think that's because it's not romance soulmates, and because the story is very specifically fairy tale that does a lot of work with fate and destiny as something that you have to achieve and as powerful forces who you have to fight against. Also 'I Married The Male Lead's Dad', which made me cry like a baby.
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tartt9 · 3 months
hello gay people in my laptop how are we all doing tonight
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mmmatchasims · 3 months
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Cranberry: I'm sorry I fucked up your shot at Foxbury... I didn’t know your grades dropped.
Cherry: You didn't mess anything up. My GPA went from a 4.12 to a flat 4, but I'm sure my dad made it seem more like I dropped out of school entirely.
Cranberry: But your application-
Cherry: A deferral isn't the end of the world. It'll be fine, it just means I have to wait a little longer for my acceptance. I've worked too hard to end up getting rejected, I promise you. *sigh* I just need my parents to believe that.
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psalmsofpsychosis · 9 months
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so anyway Jeremiah Valeska was a normal bro who experienced normal emotions towards his dainty noHomie Bruce Wayne, and he expressed those very normal emotions in a very normal language
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luvsavos · 1 month
i deserve financial compensation for the amount of fucking hoops i had to jump through to enable tipping on here
#mar.txt#this is /j obviously i'm just trying to be lighthearted to cope with the Anger ha ha ha :)#oh the urge to throw my phone as hard as possible into a hard surface. but i cannot. not Yet at least. but once i get a job and can get a#new one......... this one's getting destroyed through Brute Force :)#lets see how many times did i have to re-login and redo Everything because the verification thing wouldn't accept my id picture bc it was#'too blurry' so i had to take a picture with my phone camera but i had to clear app caches first because this phone is constantly at 99-100#storage space. but Then because it fucking sucks ass and if i Breathe in the direction of another app whatever app i just tabbed off of#crashes and i have to reopen it. i had to log back in Again which meant waiting for the text message verification code Again (i live in the#middle of nowhere with a phone that Refuses to use the wifi for calls/texts and instead only uses the shitty cell service)#because Apparently tumblr users aren't allowed to stay logged in nor log in with a password. and Then i had to take a picture of the back#of my id too and i tried using my phone camera straight from the gallery option when i clicked upload. but because my phone sucks That also#crashed my browser and made me log back in. this isnt even counting btw how many times i TRIED to do it through tumblr but it kept stalling#and making me back all the way out log all the way back in and wait on it again for it to go further so i said fuck it and went to my#browser to do it. so i log back in and then i find out not only did attempting to take that picture crash my browser but it didnt even#actually TAKE the picture. so i have to click back over to my camera app Again and take the picture Again and log back in and wait the eons#it takes for things on this phone to load AGAIN. and then i Finally. FINALLY get it completed.#oh but did you think that was all? oh no i STILL had to log back in and load all the way back in Again through tumblr one final time to tel#the app i had done all that! and THEN i could turn tipping on. right?#no. i then had to close the app and reopen it again for it to Let me enable it. otherwise it just tried to take me back to stripe then#proceeded to give me an error message when i tried. great job tumblr#anyways that was infuriating#lmao i forgot to finish the original thought and check#anyways. around 7 or 8 times. that took almost a half hour of struggling i'm pretty sure. enraging☺
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theworstbastardhere · 8 months
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I have drawn a picture and it is not great but it is much better than the last one I drew. I did that thing where I decide I'm done drawing forever and don't draw for a few years and then I want to draw things and I have to start over from the beginning. For reasons unknown even to me, I did all the shading and highlights on the color layer so some things got a little sloppy.
It's kind of funny because I don't give a shit about Takasugi but I would watch an entire trilogy about what Katsura went through to get to his movie state.
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kiestrokes · 1 month
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Ykw. I needed Lucifer to read me for filth today. @minttangerines
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
bruh this mammalian diving reflex shit actually works ??????? and no one told me before.
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visiosatanae · 5 months
Totally random, but my mom got my dad a Hot Ones hot sauce kit for Christmas and the family has gotten together today to do a testing and see how far we can make it through the gauntlet. I'm a huge wimp when it comes to spice so I was expecting to tap out after the first few.
I made it to the seventh out of ten.
I taste nothing but pain and it won't go away.
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definitelynotshouting · 11 months
Screaming, crying, dying inside, aaaaaaaaaa the Pearl and Grian convo was so BAD, HELPPPP
I mean, it was good in the sense that you wrote it masterfully, but IT'S A MESS omg
You're right, you did make it worse than Mumbo and Grian argument, dear heavens aboveeeee
I just wanna pick all of the characters in the fic by the scruff of their neck, like a bunch of kittens, and give 'em a lil shake. Just a lil. Hopefully enough to knock some sense into them, just enough to make them realise... I dunno, the value of trust and open communication? Mayhaps?
They all have so much emotional baggage, they end up (metaphorically) tripping over the suitcases on the floor, smh
PS On a more personal note, congrats on getting your dream job!!! I hope you love it there ^.^
(Also, I too had a BNHA phase a few years back, so it amuses me greatly to know that you decided to get an editor job bcuz of being a beta-reader for a fic from that fandom lol/pos)
Oh my gods yeah the Pearl+Grian convo is a wreck fr, they are both so fucked up and im really glad people found the dynamic and behavior i portrayed with them to be interesting and like, smth that hit really well. Truly, just writing that convo felt like continually getting hit in the face with a spiked baseball bat; i cant even begin to imagine what that was like as a reader 💀💀💀💀💀
Thank you so much for the congratulations!!! Waking up to that email was like the world's best glitter bomb to the face AKDNAKDJKSKS i was so excited and shocked. And YEAH absolutely buckwild that bnha got me into the editing profession. I never wouldve guessed that bnha fanfic would lead to an entire career for me 😂😂😂😂😂
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amazinglyscarydonut · 11 months
I’m just thinking about how the McElroy brothers were absolutely worshipped on this website as cornerstones of internet culture, and then all of a sudden a few years ago everyone did that thing that they always do to random dudes they used to worship, and decided that they were the devil (for reasons I was never clear on), and then Sarah Z made this long-ass video called something like “The History of the Decline and Fall of the McElroy Fandom” like some huge Voltron-esque fandom dropoff had happened. But like nothing had actually occurred and everyone who had been listening to their podcast just kept listening to their podcast and they’re still very prevalent in meme culture. What the fuck was all that about
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time-is-restored · 1 year
also i feel like this image needed an update,
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mxtxfanatic · 8 months
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plinkcat-gif · 9 months
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