#and we were all right about jackie's necklace! our girl's keeping the group together even still
babisawyer · 11 months
Ben coming back to the cabin to see yet another cannibalistic ritual
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Biggest Con in History, Chapter One (Sashea) - Roza
summary: 1927 cannot possibly be more dreadful as the bolsheviks overtake the former imperial russia. despite this, citizens are uplifted on the rumour that the czar's daughter may still be alive. sasha, focused on finding a job during the oppression, finds herself in the whirlwind of a lifetime. [ anastasia au, based heavily on the broadway version of the classic film. ]
author's note: after heavy demand and interest in this I absolutely had to write, I hope I can finish it because I picture it so vividly in my head. I'm so glad I get to be eastern european as possible, it's been such an honour to get to do the same with jackie and the middle east so I feel full circle having fics now with both sides of my culture. I hope while this au is for good fun that you might learn some things about slavic history/culture! just me being soft, that's all. thank you to dear alex for being the best beta!
AO3 Link / My Tumblr: @leljaaa / ♡
— *.✧
"Тетя, do you have to go to Paris?"
Yekaterina sighed gently, her suitcase clamped shut as she turned her head towards the voice of the smaller blonde's voice.
"Alexandra, you can always come visit me, you're my niece!" The empress replied, a smile across her lips as she bent down towards her brother's daughter.
The younger girl seemed distraught at the idea of her aunt leaving for France, especially when the revolution had just ended in the empire.
It was 1907 and the royal family was struggling to stay in one piece though Alexandra certainly wouldn't know any better; she spent her days happily whisked away with siblings or at balls.
"It is still wonderful here," Yekaterina insisted though deep in her heart she knew that this revolution was directed towards the government.
This was only the beginning somewhat of a downfall; Yekaterina knew her brother, who had managed to become the czar of the empire, was struggling. The economy was in shambles and the people were using their voice to say something.
The balls went on: change didn't.
A lightbulb suddenly brightened within Yekaterina's head; she hummed softly as she skipped over to the cherry wood cabinet next to her bedside.
"I have a gift for you," she called out from the other side of the room as her fingertips reached into the top drawer, her hand pulling out a music box she had custom made by a merchant in Spain.
Alexandra tilted her head, the young princess completely amazed at the trinket. Her eyes widened, every little carving and detail absolutely stunning.
Every colour imaginable seemed to cover the exterior of the music box, images of roses and a man and woman dancing painted with bright oils and prized stones.
It was a sight to behold certainly.
"For me?" The small girl squeaked, "Спасибо за подарок!"
Yekaterina chuckled, gently handing it over to the blonde beside her. "No thanks needed, I got it made so you'll always have a piece of me, consider it my parting gift."
'Plus you're definitely not old enough to drink yet.' The empress reminded herself as she watched Alexandra completely focused on attempting to open the music box.
The little girl gasped in suspense, biting her bottom lip as she attempted to gently open the contraption.
Alexandra finally managed to shove her fingernails in to open it. The empress blinked, perhaps it wasn't in hindsight the smartest thing to give a girl who was only six years old.
The twenty year old smirked hearing the music begin, she saw the smile across her niece's face widen. She clearly was attempting to reminisce on what made the melody so familiar.
"It's our lullaby, you'll always have it with you now."
Alexandra teared up, her eyes watered as she tightly hugged her aunt, Yekaterina sighed heavily knowing that she had to escape this empire to somewhere a bit safer even if it meant compromising family whereabouts.
"I'll miss you," she mumbled against the fabric of her golden dress. The older woman kissed her forehead promising that one day they will unite in Paris and keep in contact.
"I'll miss you as well."
Eleven years had passed in the blink of an eye, the empress felt an overwhelming worry overtake her head as she heard of the Bolshevik overtake.
The royal family was beginning to decline in popularity and many blamed the family for every economic and social issue in the crumbling empire.
Yekaterina tapped her foot impatiently before hearing a loud knock upon her bedroom door in Paris.
"Come in," the thirty year old yelled as she took a final sip of her imported alcohol, she looked up to find Trinity, a countess who had been married to a member of the imperial court and escaped with her.
"Katya, I have some news," The brunette spoke grimly. Her hands clasping a handwritten letter, the blonde tilted her head, confused, noticing the brush strokes that bled through the paper.
The letter was clearly written in Cyrillic, it must have been from her motherland, from Russia. "Bring it here," Katya said urgently, praying that it was a message about her brother or her nieces and nephews.
Trinity walked quickly in her heels, the countess dropped the letter in Katya's lap. The confusion in her expression suddenly ceased.
Nothing but white overtook her face; her hands shook as she finished reading the message, her eyes closed rapidly as if it was impossible and simply a dream she could shut out and wake up from.
"No," the empress whispered before she dropped the paper at her bedside, her face suddenly red from the river of tears that rushed down the side of her cheeks.
The only thing that then filled the room were the deafening screams and sobs of the dowager empress. Trinity quickly crouched down as her servants came worriedly, asking what could possibly be the matter.
"Это сон…"
Trinity quickly picked up the paper from the ground, her eyes darted towards the message again; staring aimlessly at the brush strokes.
"Екатерина Петро́вна Замоло́дчикова,
каждый член семьи Замоло́дчикова был убит большевистскими лидерами.  
Они лежали мертвыми на Урале."
Trinity crumpled the paper, she didn't need to read it again and neither did Katya; Russian or English, it didn't matter. The sentiment still stood.
The entire Zamolodchikova royal family had been murdered; the dynasty had ended and was officially gone.
Murdered in cold blood, one right after the other. Katya sobbed, she'd never wanted so badly to hope that somehow, someway not everyone was gone.
Please, if I am a decent woman, please at least let one have survived.
— *.✧
"мои друзья нам нужно поговорить!"
Brianna felt herself bite her tongue as she stood above the average Russian citizens, her hands gripped the side of the wooden stand.
The Bolshevik general sighed heavily, knowing that this speech wasn't going the best. There was nothing but an overwhelming amount of anger happening in the streets, her army stood command in case anyone did something stupid.
It felt like an utter disaster.
My father wouldn't want this. All I inherited was trauma and chaos.
"I hear you comrades, the revolution hears you," she yelled as she raised her hands, the crowd beginning to silence as many reporters stood aside, recording every word on their paper pads.
"Together we will forge a new Russia and we'll be the envy of all the world," the girl began, her Star of David necklace tightened around her neck as she bit her tongue.
"The Czars St. Petersburg is now the people's Leningrad!"
The citizens listened or heard the speech: in person, in newspapers, it all seemed to spread throughout the entire country eventually. This revolution was being heard by all, and yet no action was being taken to help those in awful condition.
A country now in shambles economically and physically. All that remained were fragments of an old, thriving royal family and giant murals or posters with propaganda.
Shea rolled her eyes.
"They can call it whatever they want. Same name, new empty stomachs."
Times were somehow even worse.
Every day that dawned seemed to bring new sets of laws and rules that only tightened the eye around every citizen who lived within borders.
Police and members of the guard put in place at every corner, lines for basic rations of food and shotguns to the head if anyone complained of something, even the most miniscule detail.
The walls now had ears and those who would argue seemed to disappear in a wink, it was as if every basic right had been stripped away.
Leningrad was gloomy, the constant reminders of old, Imperial Russia stuck out like a sore thumb against the working class and their crowded, barely stable apartment buildings and factories.
In one corner, Yusupov Palace.
It's architecture was a glimmering masterpiece and piece of old Russian history. As the sun shined, the gold palace would sit and bask in glory, just across the Moika river.
Next to it, a dirty and rotten government -owned shop for daily rations of bread, beans or grains.
Hail our great new land.
Now it was a land of royalty and the colour red. New ideology had spread far and wide outside Russia, Shea felt her stomach shake finding out news from the stand next to the small market square.
St. Petersburg was completely run on the thrill of gossip; it got everybody through the new troubles of the empire.
Shea grinned upon hearing the old men and women bicker at the stand, pretending to read through magazines and books to not seem as suspicious to nearby guards.
"Although we know the Czar certainly didn't survive, along with most of the family, they say that one daughter may be still alive."
"Princess Alexandra!" A woman called out chipper though she was quickly shushed by all those next to her. Shea felt a plethora of ideas sneak into her head at the idea of a lost princess.
"They say the empress, her aunt Yekaterina will pay her entire royal sum if someone can find the lost princess," a brunette whispered excitedly to her group of friends.
Shea exited the store, the woman immediately spotting a figure running towards her.
The voice was undeniable, the woman turned in her shoes, covering her shoulders with her wool jacket as she waved to Detox who almost crashed into her.
"They've closed another border!" She moaned in distress. Her long, pale blonde hair blew in the direction of the wind as she stood still and explained how they should have ran for the West while they still could.
"Detox, I've been thinking about Princess Alexandra."
"Oh not you falling for these tales as well," she spoke, disappointed as she explained that the chances of any Zamolodchikova family member making it out of execution were close to none.
"Trust me on this."
She supposed Detox was one to trust in this situation, she had been a count in the royal court, she knew the family like the back of her hand and had fled her own execution date just in time.
"Princess or not, we're stuck in Russia unless we make a move now."
Shea pondered, though her mind seemed overtaken at the thought of an entire royal sum in her hands; how would the old woman know it was Alexandra?
"I have an idea and you need to trust me on this."
Detox sighed, pushing her hair back as she adjusted her scarf, listening intently to whatever plan the conman had up her sleeves.
"We find a girl, a look-alike and take her to Paris," she began before the blonde's eyes grew wide and shined in the desolate Russian sunrise.
"Imagine the reward the empress would pay!"
"Exactly," Shea said as she shook her friend's shoulders, the two walking towards the end of the market square.
"We need something to use to fool the dowager empress," Shea mumbled under her breath as she and Detox walked through the busy and crowded streets of St. Petersburg or— Leningrad rather.
Shea stared at the music box for a few brief moments; her memories seemed to swirl into one as the words left her lips before she had even thought about the idea.
"How much is that music box?"
She noticed her fellow con man immediately whip her head towards the peasant seller who seemed intrigued by her interest in the detailed, rusty item.
He insisted that it was priceless and was nothing but the original from the Alexander Palace itself.
"I simply can't part with such an antique!"
Detox rolled her eyes, the ex-imperial court member quickly tightening the grip of her brown fur coat as she attempted to pull along her friend.
Shea felt a smirk build across her lips as she let go of the blonde's grip around her wrist. "I'll give you an entire ration of grains, two days worth."
They walked out before the man could even speak of a trade back, Shea ran in front of her friend, another devilish smirk across her lips. They had their plot, all they needed was a woman to be their princess and beautiful replacement.
"Do you believe in fairytales Detox?"
The blonde shook her head, "Maybe once upon a time I did, but certainly not now. Don't even know if it's allowed," she teased, though Shea chuckled holding the music box up, proud of their prize.
"We're going to create a fairytale that the entire world is going to believe, even the girl we find to play the part!"
As their feet trailed across the heavy path of snow, they spoke about a possible audition process, though Detox insisted that would get them into far too much trouble.
"We'll do it across the river, opposite of the current camp and at the abandoned theatre," Shea explained calmly as Detox frowned.
She knew it was a decent idea however that certainly wouldn't stop people from finding out somehow .
"It's a risky idea, are you sure that this is a good idea for the both of us? Money wouldn't buy our dead bodies back."
Shea nodded quickly, nothing could possibly sway the young woman's opinion on the matter.
"Hopefully disaster won't ensue."
"It'll all go smoothly, no worries, just large bags of money from the empress herself," Shea reminded as Detox finally began to accept the dangerous plan.
"We'll be rich and out of Russia, what more could you possibly want?"
"Nothing," Detox replied as she held an arm around the younger woman's shoulder. Shea cheered, insisting that they begin to look throughout St. Petersburg for their princess.
Alive or dead, who knows.
— *.✧
Sasha ran her hands through her hair, licking her fingertip as she began to tighten the braids that made up the front row of her head.
"One job interview, this is the only chance you get Sasha," the blonde repeated to herself aloud as she made her way through the heavy and cold Eastern European weather.
The orphan looked down at her brittle skin, she didn't remember a single thing about her life since she had been found by members and staff of the orphanage and taken in.
Amnesia was what the staff at the center had told her, they found it impossible that a girl couldn't remember a single thing about herself.
Her mind a cloud: no one had claimed her in the twenty years she had stayed however she refused to believe that there wasn't at least someone out there waiting for her.
Everything felt like a lost cause in her life except the dreams she had of her lost family, she could hear singing or laughter when she slept or dreamt sometimes.
All of these things seemed to only confuse her further—she wished for a sign .
The only semblance of a clue she had was Paris; it was always in her dreams, her spirit, everything she had worked for seemed to be for this one destination.
I have to have family somewhere, is it in Paris? It certainly can't be in Russia.
Sasha had managed to book herself an interview for a job down at the local market, it was to help with selling fish; not the most attractive offer but it was still money.
It was far better than the hospital in Odessa or the factory in Perm.
The twenty six year old held her hands together, her nerves beginning to rise as she passed what she knew to be Bolshevik territory.
Her eyes glanced over to the trucks that lined up across the camp and small buildings.
She wasn't technically trespassing, it was public access however she couldn't help but feel watched.
A shot rang out and the blonde screamed, immediately she fell into the snow, raising her hands to show that she meant no harm.
"It was a truck backfiring," a voice spoke clearly as the footsteps quickened towards Sasha.
The blonde was far too horrified to look before she felt a gentle tap at her shoulder, she turned and opened her eyes as she crouched on the snow.
The face of Brianna, the general of the party smiled. Sasha felt her heart race, not in a good way. "I am so sorry," she quickly began before the brunette asked her to breathe.
"It is okay, it was simply a test. Those days of neighbors fighting are over."
The Russian nodded even if her entire body seemed to vibrate. The thought of being near the general especially scared her.
"You're shaking," Brianna said aloud before taking her hand and offering to show her to a local tea shop just steps away from the building's base.
Sasha shook her head. "Thank you but no."
"What's the hurry?"
The question seemed innocent enough, though the blonde never knew how they may use it against her or twist her words.
"I cannot lose this job, I'm sorry, they're certainly not easy to come by."
Brianna nodded, it was a respectful response, though the image of this stranger, this woman, felt engraved inside of her memory.
Her soft, curly, shoulder length blonde hair and her rubbish clothing; she looked quite put together for someone who clearly had less than nothing to her name.
"I'm here everyday," she finally replied as Sasha gave a slight smile, immediately beginning to walk away and pace her own steps faster and faster towards the Market.
The intervention left the woman in shambles, her nerves clearly felt by those around her.
She couldn't bear the life of an orphan who worked at a market. This couldn't possibly be her narrative for the rest of her life.
Being near so many people seemed like a positive even if her anxiety began to trickle down, all of her thoughts focused on if she should even take the job or not.
She spent an unsuccessful hour at the common square, still looking for that tent before seeing the corner of books and magazines - her attention immediately caught by the drawing of Paris that hung on the wall.
Sasha looked at the various books, though she knew she couldn't afford them, and eventually began to listen in on the daily gossip.
The environment met with whispers by older grandmothers who spoke about a woman named Shea who was apparently holding tickets to Paris.
"They're holding auditions, you know, to try and find the princess. They'll even do all the papers to get out of Russia."
"Where can I find this woman?" The blonde suddenly asked.
She knew it was not her business to intrude on conversation so rudely, but this seemed like the one chance she had.
It was certainly better than working with dead animals.
They turned, amused that the young lady had taken such a sudden want and interest in the idea.
One of the grandmothers mentioned something about a nearby Palace, and Sasha quickly ran off and thanked the gaggle of women that surrounded her.
Sasha had never felt herself run so fast, a twist of fate and she was now bustling back into the piles of snow for a small pinch of hope that this girl could help her out.
This is my chance, my chance to find my family.
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1ooo-w0rds · 6 years
we met on ocean avenue pt 3
A/N: September fic. The lack of Leo is making me sad. Instead we have Hazel, Drew and Tristan to keep Piper company. Left on a bit of a cliff hanger. @dancer-dramatic-13 any edits for this chapter? 
Part: one. two.
Hazel, 4:50pm: Where are you? My mom and I are here.
Piper, 5:10pm: omw. Forgot how horrible LA traffic is.
Hazel, 5:12pm: You Texans and your big roads.
Piper, 5:13pm: Hey, everything's bigger in Texas.
Piper: And I'm not scared of dying on the road with your crazy drivers.
Hazel, 5:15pm: Pssh, our drivers are just fine. We've honed our reflexes.
Piper, 5:16pm: And endanger everyone else on the road.
Hazel, 5:17pm: No one's dead.
Piper, 5:17: Yet.
Piper giggled as Hazel sent her a string of emojis with a lot of eyerolls, glares and angry faces. Tristan's eyes met hers in the rear view mirror as he turned off of the busy highway. Jackie, his PA, sat comfortably in the passenger seat, tapping on her phone. Piper always found it odd how her dad enjoyed driving, especially with the horrible LA traffic. Jackie laughed when she started working for Tristan, not used to being chauffeured by her boss.
"It's one of the few things he can control." Jackie told Piper once as they watched Tristan get fussed over in the makeup chair. Wardrobe held up a shirt, frowning before tossing it into the pile. Tristan was all smiles, the ever charming actor. Jackie hugged her phone to her chest. "We all need that one thing we alone can control. For him, it's driving."
"When is it acceptable to leave a cast party?" Piper held her phone to her lips to hide her grin at Tristan's comment.
"Whatever you're thinking, it's too soon." Jackie answered without looking up from her phone. Tristan sighed dramatically like a teenager. Unfazed, Jackie reached out and patted Tristan's arm. "Don't worry, sir, it's only the main cast, a good number of the crew and their family. No paparazzi or media. Dawn booked the place underneath her family name. No one suspects a thing."
"Unless they're following little McMeme. Our own paparazzi." Tristan said as he nodded back to his daughter. Piper shrugged in response. Her live tweets about Huntington Hospital cast-related parties and insider events were hilarious. They were her most popular, drawing in fans young and old of the show. She made sure to highlight different actors and actresses and even people in the crew.
"Dad, you know my tweets are what makes Huntington Hospital so popular." Piper said with a smug grin. "We can't stop this tradition now. I'm in too deep."
"You should be happy it's only her, Tristan." Jackie reassured before they discussed details about a charity event. Piper blocked out the business chat as she tried to get a good angle for her pre-party selfie.
Piper McLean, PiperMcMeme: To the cast party! #HuntingtonHospital #Insider #LATraffic #SayYesToThisDress?
Esmeralda Valdez MamaValdez: Aw sweetie that's adorable! I love the jacket!
Piper smiled reading Mama Valdez' reply to her post, as a notification popped up. Hazel had messaged her again.
Hazel, 5:25: I'm going to scout out an area for us to hide when things get out of hand.
Hazel, 5:26: Let's hope it's not a repeat of 2012 again.
Piper, 5:28: I hope not. I still can't believe that Valentina cracked that glass over Laurel's head.
Hazel, 5:29: The sound of the crack was surprisingly satisfying to hear.
Piper, 5:30: Hazel!
Piper sighed as she turned to look out the window. The long rows of palm trees against the clear blue sky zoomed by. Tour buses full of tourists inched by as they tried to merge in. She could hear the speaker as they pointed out famous landmarks and studios while telling stories of the rich and famous. Piper hugged her phone to her chest, missing the quietness of her small town. Time moved too quickly in this city. She could barely take a moment to breathe. Her phone buzzed against her chest and she looked down.
Grandpa Tom: Little dove, how's the city of stars? Is your father well?
Piper's heart squeezed at the pet name of grandpa gave her. Grandpa Tom was her paternal grandfather and when she's home in League City, her guardian. She taught him to text recently, amazed by how quickly he caught on. Piper nibbled her lower lip as her hands shook a bit.
As amazing as Grandpa Tom is, Piper still worried about his health. The air in Los Angeles is harsh which is why Tristan is hesitant to relocate Grandpa Tom. He always had lung problems for his entire life. Neither modern or traditional Cherokee medicine had any effects. But being away from his father and daughter for so long is having an affect on Tristan and his work. Thankfully, Esmeralda "Mama" Valdez offered to keep an eye on the two to ease Tristan's mind.
"You're practically family." Esmeralda said when Tristan tried to offer her money. "I would be doing this even if you were here, Tristan. Stop being a stiff." Piper grinned at the memory as she typed out her response.
Piper: Jackie is keeping him clean, fed and employed. Which Hollywood star would you like a picture of this time?
Grandpa Tom: Surprise me, dove. Mama Valdez is here to watch Wheel of Fortune with me. Love you. He added a pair of kiss-y and winky emojis. 
"Oh and apparently he's showing up today at the party." Piper blinked as she caught the tail end of Jackie's words right as they pulled into the valet parking. Tristan turned and faced his assistant with wide eyes. Jackie grinned back. "Surprised?"
"Didn't he just fly in?" Tristan asked as the valet opened his door. Piper cranked her neck, trying to follow the conversation but Jackie stepped out. Tristan moved to hand his keys over, still whispering to his assisstant about this mysterious person. Piper frowned, unable to catch any words as she smoothed down the folds of her dress. "Who told him to come? He should be resting."
"He probably wants to make a good impression." Jackie replied as she looked over Tristan one more time. The redhead sighed and shook her head before stepping into Tristan's personal bubble, patting the creases out of his polo. Like she could sense his glare, Jackie looked up. "Don't shoot the messenger, Tristan. That's just what Amie told me. It could just be rumors."
"Sure." Tristan murmured back as she stepped away, satisfied with his appearance. "Come on, Piper."
"Coming." Piper said as she quickly typed up her tweet.
Piper McLean, PiperMcMeme: Scoop! Looks like there might be a new face on #HuntingtonHospital #WhoCouldItBe?
Jackie tutted but smiled knowing as Piper slide her phone back into her pocket. Piper shrugged. Jackie shouldn't know better then to talk about business in front of Piper. The redhead shook her head fondly before wandering over to where the other PAs were gathering.
The party was in full swing when Tristain and Piper stepped in. The large pool had kids splashing as their parents chatted. Huntington Hospital is a close-knit group of stars. "Tristan!" Alyssa, Tristan's co-star, called out as she held her hands open accepting his hug. They chatted happily as she pulled Tristan to where everyone else was gathered. Her father gave Piper a 'save me' look which she smiled and waved goodbye to.
Piper leaned against the stone railing, looking around the pool for a familiar head of cinnamon brown. "Hazel!" Piper screamed when she noticed her with a beach ball tossing to the other kids. Piper rushed down the stairs, ignoring the warning calls from the adults. She nearly tackled the fourteen year old as she hugged her tightly. Hazel laughed as she returned the hug. "Look at you! That romper is so cute!" She gushed as she held Hazel arm's length.
Hazel was a petite thing with gleeful golden eyes and an easy smile. Her beautiful hair curled in tight ringlets. The baby blue of the romper accented her dark skin perfectly. A simple silver necklace sat at the base of her neck. She had some paint splattered on her arm, probably from painting. Her mother works on special effects for the show. It involves a lot of fake blood.
"Ah, Piper! What about you?" Hazel screamed back as she clenched her arms.
"Yes, looks like little McLean can look nice." Piper cringed at the sound of the sultry voice and backhanded compliment. She turned slowly and tried not to glare as one of the stylists of Huntington Hospital approached them. Drew Tanaka has always been a thorn in Piper's side. The older girl looked stunning in her maxi dress that highlighted her long legs and womanly curves. Her black hair fell artfully over her left shoulder in soft curls. Her signature golden bands clicked together on her wrist as she reached for the sleeve of Piper's dress. "I recognized this dress. You're follow my blog?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Piper denied as she crossed her arms, unwilling to admit it was one of Drew's recommendation for the summer. Aside from being one of the youngest stylist on the crew, Drew ran a successful fashion blog. She featured a number of new styles, makeup tutorials and general tips for all body types. She gain a lot of fame, explaining clothing choices for the characters of the show and her own personal projects.
"Of course you don't." Drew replied before turning to Hazel and complimenting her on her outfit. Hazel did a little spin at her request. Piper frowned, not sure how Drew and Hazel were friends. While Hazel is the sweetest person you've ever met, Drew knows exactly what to say to bring your mood down. She constantly rubbed Piper the wrong way.
"Drew," Hazel asked as the girls finished pleasantries, "you're not usually at the season opening party. You always complained how it's the same old faces." Piper sipped her mocktail as she settled at the edge of the pool, dipping her feet in the cool water. Hazel and Drew sat on a beach chair right behind her. Children of the cast laughed as they ran around, playing with pool toys. Tristan stood with his co-star as someone showed them a video of their son.
"Amie said I should be here." Drew started as she stirred her drink. "Apparently there's an upstart who's joining the cast this season. They want me to keep an eye on him, style his character and help navigate LA and Hollywood. What a pain." Drew shook her head. Again, another mention of a new star. "He's about your age, Piper. Instagram famous to boot."
"Yeah? What's his handle?" Piper asked.
"JASON!" Everyone seemed to jump at the booming voice of the director as he opened his arms, greeting the young man who just entered the patio area. A pair of dark sunglasses covered his eyes. He wore a light blue short sleeve paired with a nice pair of shorts. He lifted his sunglasses as the director pulled him into a hug, laughing as the man patted his back. Piper felt her heart thump in her chest as she connected the dots. BlondSuperman aka Jason Grace was here in all his glory.
"Well," Drew murmured as she pushed her sunglasses up to sit atop of her hair. "He's not a hopeless case."
Piper's hand shook as she took her phone out, trying to get the camera open. Jason shook her dad's hand, laughing a bit as Alyssa pinched his cheeks. She can't post this on Twitter, it's too big of a scoop and Huntington Hospital's marketing group would hound her for days. Pulling out her personal Tumblr, Piper typed out a post.
Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. This is not a drill. This is not a drill. Jason fucking Grace, hottie of the year, just walked into the pool area I'm at. I'm trying not to freak out and fall into this pool. He's soo hot. No one is allowed to be that hot.
#WhatIsGoingOn? #HolyHell #ThisCanNotBeHappening? #DidISayHeWasHot #FuckI'mNotTaggingHim
Once Piper's heart stopped pounding in her chest and she posted, a little bubble popped up in her notifications. A message popped in her inbox.
Anonymous: Do you still do For the Vine? I dare you to ask out Jason Grace and post it on Twitter.
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Okay, so I said I’d upload part two once the first part got ten notes beyond myself and @fire-fira, so here we go! Read part 1 [here]
“Bart, I want you to remember that this necklace means I will always be here for you, even when I’m not physically here, okay?” Laga said. “I’m always here for all of you.” Bart touched the side of Laga’s face where the tooth had been knocked from, his small, childish hand gently exploring the odd feeling of where the skin dented in rather than out. “But it hurt you.” “When am I not hurt?” Laga chuckled, trying to hide the wheezing cough that came with that. “I’m getting old, Bart. If I had stayed in the water, I might still be energetic, I knew plenty of kisegra the age I am now who moved as if they were younger than your father, the Flash. But the sea water was poisoned, or so we’ve been told, and Atlantis is gone. If I’m not in physical pain, my heart aches for all the lives lost in this battle. For all the friends I won’t see until I die.” Laga ran a scaled hand through Bart’s hair, surprisingly soft and clean for the setting they were in. “Maybe someday, the second Kid Flash will go back in time and stop this all from happening, and then get to watch me grow up without growing old so fast. Maybe he’s in this room. Maybe he and the Blue I knew will admit that they were head over heels for each other this time.” “So, Kid Flash the second killed the person he loved, because he thought it would stop the Bugs but it just gave the Bugs more power?” Bart clarified, confused. “Yeah.” Laga shook his head a little. “But the past is the past, and I can’t change it. All I can hope to do is improve the future. If we can get someone to the green lantern corp and say that the Reach is no longer welcome, they’ll drive the Bugs away for us, if Hal, Guy, or John are still there, they might even be able to rebuild parts of our old society.” “Buuuuut, if a Speedster travels back in time, they could stop this, right? Before it all happens?” Bart countered. “Maybe. If they don’t cause it. I think the first thing a Speedster would have to do would be to save your grandpa.” Laga smiled slightly. “Barry was a nice man, so very kind, even to his villains. He might be surprised if a kid showed up in a time travel pod, claiming to be his grandchild, since he and Iris never planned to have kids, but if they were to show up before February 28th, in 2016, they could quite possible stop the On Mode Nathanial from killing him. You know Nathanial, don’t you?” “Neutron? Yeah.” Bart nodded. “He’s nice. He wears a collar though, why?” “Because his metagene would kill anyone and anything that got close enough to talk to, and that would be a very lonely life.” Laga explained. “Sleep now, my child of the warm current, tomorrow I’ll teach you all some magic.” .*.°.*.°.*. Laga did teach the kids a little magic the next day, he managed to make them all the tattoos needed for basic hydrokinesis, and over time, he taught them how to extract water from the ground and air around them. He also showed them a couple games to play with the water, they made up some more. Even the speedsters joined, and everyone had a great time, until the Bugs showed up again. “Run.” Laga ordered, scooping up the toddler, Static Shock’s grandkid. He put her in Yajri’s arms. “Run!” A couple other adults, Shock’s son, Nathanial, Jason, Damian, Longshadow, and a young man with fire powers, ran with the kids, keeping them somewhat together, and shooting things at the Bugs that tried to follow them. They ran inland. Not even the Bugs dared to go to the desert of inner America these days, and there were rumors, that Don hadn’t had time to check out, of an oasis in the Rockies. Maybe they could get the kids there in time. Maybe. Greta Hayes popped up in front of them, and led them through a twisting maze of tunnels, possibly made from ruined buildings, and to the desert. “Secret.” She said, apologetically, and waved a hand. “Sorry.” Replied another ghost, one that Laga barely remembered the voice of. “Sorry.” The second ghost repeated, shrugging apologetically at Laga as he turned to see him. “Jaime.” Laga said. “I- if we knew what he was planing…” The male ghost raised a hand to stop him. “Sorry.” He repeated, looking a little annoyed, he then waved the hand in a “don’t worry about it” type of gesture. “So you’re Jaime.” Jason tilted his head at the ghost. “Cool.” “Sorry.” Jaime growled a little, and stepped away from the exit, where he’d been standing. “Do we follow him?” Fred asked. Laga nodded and got his small mob moving again. “Thank you, Greta.” “Secret.” She smiled sadly, and floated over to Bart momentarily. “Secret.” She ordered him. “Secret.” “Sorry.” Jaime repeated, and made the classic “follow me” wave. Once they were out of the cave and following Jaime, Laga tried to ask, “Was it really him? Did he really do this?” The teenaged ghost smiled sorrowfully at Laga and shook his head. “Sorry.” He said, then looked at Jason. “Hey, man, I don’t do that whole thing anymore.” Jason said. “Besides, you know I can’t say that stuff here.” “Soooooo-rryyyyyy.” Jaime snorted. “No.” Jason said. “Fine. I’ll translate for the ghost.” Damian snorted. “He’s saying that in this time line, yes it was who you don’t want to believe, but soon, one of these times around, it won’t be.” “Oh.” Laga looked stricken. “I- I’ve done my best so far.” “Sorry.” Jaime added, oddly chipper. “Sorry!” He threw an arm out, halting most of the group. “He said that the B-the person from this version didn’t have any magic, so that might be the tipping point. Oh, and, the ash up ahead hides a trap, but he’s not sure quite where.” Damian added. “Maybe start with the relevant information first next time?” Static’s son said, currently using his lightning to help get out of a pit he’d fallen into. “I almost landed on spikes down there!” “Sorry.” Jaime rubbed the back of is head, blushing. Then he looked out at the planes in front of them, speculatively. “Sorry.” He added, and Beetle like wings sprouted from his hoodie as he took to the air. A couple kids yelped and jumped back at that. “What’s he doing?” Laga asked Damian. “He’s going to get someone from the oasis to lead us, it might take them a little to get out here, even if they still have cars?” Damian looked shocked. “I haven’t seen a car in decades.” “So, do we hang out here or back in the caves?” Longshadow asked. “We hang out anywhere we can find water.” Laga declared. “Jaime will be able to find us. He’s smart, even without his second brain. He knows I was born and raised under the waves.” “They air is dry here.” Said a ten year old girl that had a water metagene, the magic only gave her another outlet for it. “I can’t feel water for miles.” Laga frowned. “Thank you, Lotus.” He said. “Jacky, you can feel the ground, can you lead us over the path to the other side of the traps?” “I can try.” The blind twelve year old agreed. “Single file, behind me.” He added. The adults were interspersed throughout the group, and carried the youngest. Bart was at the back, his elder sisters were somewhere closer to the front. Bart memorized everything about their walk, feeling that he’d need to do it again later, but unsure as to why. Passing the pits took several days. They had no food, and no water. A large vehicle was waiting for them at the other end, a young blond woman sitting behind a strange wheel at the front. “No way!” She gasped upon seeing them. “You survived! Kraken!” “Cassie? You’ve hardly aged a day!” Laga gaped, he wasn’t doing too well. In fact, the moment Jacky made it clear that it was safe to not follow him anymore, Laga crumpled to the ground. “Neptune’s beard, I pushed too hard.” He said. “No! Not now!” The woman, Cassie wailed. Bart zipped over to Laga, skidding to a halt next to him, on his knees. “No! No! I just got you back, no!” She started to sob, flying out of the vehicle to kneel next to Laga. “Please, please, you’re the last of my old friends, don’t you die on me too!” “Tim’s still out there, last I saw.” Laga croaked. “Wondergirl.” Jason said, stepping forward. “You know what has to happen. Get the kids to the oasis.” “I’m not leaving uncle Laga.” Bart said, hugging the man. “If he’s not going to make it to this oasis place, I’m not going.” Cassie hiccuped, largely ignoring Bart to speak to Jason. “You’re right. I’m not sure who you are, but, you’re right.” “I’ll stay too. I have to make up for my past sins.” Nathaniel said. “I’m going to the oasis.” Longshadow said, shaking her head. “I love Laga, he raised me, but I need food, water, and rest. So do the kids.” “Get in the car.” Damian ordered. “All of you.” He started lifting kids up into the vehicle. “Miss Cassie-“ “Bruce?” She asked, confused. “No. I never met him.” Damian’s lips drew tight. “Mother never told him I was even conceived, not long after he adopted Nightwing.” “Oh. I’m so sorry.” Cassie said. Damian shrugged. “Call me the first of many who lost their parents to the Bugs, I suppose. Anyways, get the kids, Longshadow, and Hawkins out of here.” “Yes, sir.” She agreed. “Kraken, I’m sorry. Say hello to the others for me.” “Of course, Wonder…woman.” They smiled bitterly at each other, and Cassie planted a fraternal kiss on his forehead, before going and showing the kids and adults that were leaving how to buckle a seatbelt. Bart lifted Laga up to see the others leave, and he managed to wave goodbye. Cassie had left some snacks, water bags, and a small blue sphere. “The cure.” Nathanial said, shocked. “A metagene inhibitor.” “Food!” Bart said. “Laga, do you want the water?” “No, I’m too far gone. You eat it.” He croaked. There was an explosion in the distance, where the others had gone. “I hope that wasn’t the car.” Damian murmured. “Bart, don’t.” He added, when Bart got in position to run and check. “Please, leave us the hope that it wasn’t them.” Bart grimaced, but sat back down, pulling Laga’s head into his lap in a crude mockery of all the time’s he’d sat in Laga’s lap. “Eat, Bart.” Laga said. “Please.” “Okay, uncle Laga.” Bart agreed, and started to eat. The others all ate some of the food too, and Jason put the rest in his bag. “Bart, could you sing for me?” Laga asked. “You have such a sweet voice.” Bart nodded. He hadn’t drunken enough recently to have tears in his eyes but the pain still pulled the corners of his eyes tight as his lip trembled. “Sweet water child,” he sang in Atlantean, “Don’t be afraid. Sweet water child, I will stay right here. Sweet water child, I love you…” Laga reached up, and shakily brushed hair out of Bart’s eyes. “Promise me you won’t ever kill.” He croaked. “Okay, I promise. I’ll never kill anyone.” Bart pressed his forehead to Laga’s, supposedly a familial gesture for Atlanteans. “I promise.” “Thank you, eel.” Laga said, and closed his eyes. He was still breathing, but it was getting weaker. “Tell my dad I’m sorry, Sharkface.” Jason said, putting a hand on Laga’s bare, scarred chest. “And I’m sorry to you, too.” Bart pressed his forehead to Laga’s even harder. “Sleep well.” Jason pulled his hand away, and a spirit came out, a young Laga. “Well.” He said, and smirked slightly, before kneeling and putting a translucent hand on Bart’s cheek. “Well,” he repeated, softly, and Bart look up at him. Laga gently tapped his forehead to Bart’s, and then stepped back. “Sorry.” Jaime said, coming up. He put a hand on Laga’s shoulder. “Uncle Laga!” Bart tried to grab Laga’s wrist, but his hand went right through. “Don’t go, uncle Laga, please, I need you.” “Well.” Laga shook his head, apologetically. “Well.” His tone was gentle, far more gentle than any he’d ever used in life. “Sorry.” His friend added, and pointed at the clouds. “Sorry,” he said, insistently. “We don’t want to be here when the rains start. They’ll wash us down the pit and we’ll never get out. Come on, kiddo.” Jason scooped Bart up, and started jogging back over the pit. the ghosts of Laga and Jaime ran with them, leading the way when Jason was unsure. They went back to the caves, where Greta met them, and led them through different tunnels than before, Laga at her side, before he faded away. Bart wailed and cried without tears when that happened. And then they were in the ruins of a mountain, and Jason was looking around in horror and the other two men stood in silent confusion. “I heard it was gone but I thought that was propaganda.” He whispered. “No…” “Greta?” Nathanial turned to the cave system, but it was gone, entirely, and the ghost wasn’t there. “Great. She stuck us here.” “Then let’s build a time machine.” Damian said. To be continued
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aloserwithakeyboard · 7 years
"So, are you ready?" I ask.
"We'll see in a second." He answers, knocking on the door.
"One second!" We hear the very familiar voice shout. There's some shuffling around before the thick gray door pushes open. As soon as I see Paige, I can't help myself from running toward them and enveloping them in a hug. I hold on tight and once Paige wraps their arms around me I can't imagine letting go.
"Hey, give me a turn, kid." Josh jokes from behind us.
I laugh, but don't let go, so he just makes it a group hug and we waddle into the room so that Paige doesn't have to keep holding the door.
"Oh my god, I've missed you guys so much!" Paige exclaims.
"You have no idea how much we've missed you." I say into their shoulder, still refusing to let go.
Josh exits the group hug and looks around the room. "You've got quite the room," His eyes trail from the purple lights to the spotted comforter and the 16 posters covering the walls, "Since when did you like Wolverine?" He asks, his nose scrunching as he looks at the blue and yellow poster.
"Oh, I don't, my roommate does. Apparently he's read the comics since he was a little kid and it was the only decoration he brought." Paige explains.
"What's your roommate like?" I ask, breaking our hug.
"You'll probably meet him later, he's at the library now. But, that's not important, tell me what's been happening! How have you guys been? I want to know everything about what's going on at home." Paige inquires.
I sit on their bed. "What do you want us to start with? It's been such a long time."
Josh moves to sit next to me and Paige sits on my other side. "Well, first you have to tell me about how you got this binder you're wearing because, holy crap, you look so hot." Paige directs to me.
I blush before answering. "I got it about two months after you left, and had it shipped to Josh's so my mom didn't see and it's actually the best thing ever."
"Yeah, and he wears it for too long all the time." Josh mumbles.
I glare at him as soon as the words left his mouth.
"Danny, that is not safe -" Paige starts chastising me.
"Paige. I know. I'm not actively thinking 'oh you know what I'm gonna do today? Wear my binder for too long.' I just have a lot to do and I lose track of time so it ends up on for too long sometimes. I haven't gotten hurt from wearing it."
"Yet. You haven't gotten hurt yet. Next time you wear it for too long, you could crack a rib or whatever else could happen." Josh tries to explain. Paige is just nodding along.
"Can we talk about something else?" I ask, "What's life like here? How have you been doing?"
"Well, the teachers are pretty cool cause they deal with all kinds of kids that have families who just don't want to deal with them any more. The food in the dining hall is questionable, but there are some days where it's really good. Mr. Tatiano walks around campus and no one really knows what he does or why he's here, but he's actually really nice and has insightful things to say and the best advice if you walk with him. The heating is pretty bad, so winter got really cold last year and one day everyone on this floor gathered in the common room with every blanket in the dorms and we all slept on the ground together," Paige pauses, "Oh! And I made some friends. Sally is a year younger than us and very sweet. She has family issues, so she doesn't really like making new connections with people as she's afraid of getting hurt. I wish you guys could meet her, but meeting two people at a time would be a bit too much for her. Then there's Jackie. Jackie barely speaks English, so he was a bit hard to talk to at first, but you get used to the mix of Albanian and English kind of quickly. His dad owns a big boat business. He, like, sells yachts or something. Teddy is the coolest. They have purple hair and the brightest smile and they're so smart. Teddy loses the key to their dorm like ten times a week and it's so stupid. They're also really into comic books, especially Squirrel Girl, who I hadn't heard of before I met Teddy, but apparently she's really cool." Paige finishes.
"They all sound awesome." Josh comments.
"What about you guys, have you made any new friends since I've been here?" Paige asks.
"Josh's sister Kailey and I really hit it off on the first day of school. We're best friends now." I joke, elbowing Josh.
"Yeah, I'm sure she loves you after you outed me to her." Josh elbows me back.
"How do you out someone who doesn't even use labels?" I shoot at him.
"He's got you there, Josh. Besides, you would've explained everything to her a long time ago if your parents hadn't stopped you. " Paige points out.
"I'm not admitting either of you are right. " Josh says defiantly before quickly lunging on top of Paige and me, pinning us to the mattress.
"Don't use your baseball muscles against us you monster!" Paige exclaims as we all start to giggle.
"PAIGE! I need your help! My brother is totally insufferable!" Someone shouts as we hear the door to Paige's room creak open, "Oh, sorry, uh- I can come back later. You look kind of busy..." The voice trails off.
Josh jumps off of us and stands next to the bed, putting his hands in his pockets as he just stares at the human standing right in front of Paige's door. I sit up so I can see. A tall, lanky form is standing in front of us. They have deep purple hair that's messy and unbrushed. They're wearing loose jeans with a red hoodie that reads 'heart breaker' with two necklaces hanging in front of it. The longer one is silver with a small purple geode at the end and the smaller one hangs right at the base of their neck with a small black sphere with etchings along the circumference of the charm. They have chunky black combat boots with rainbow laces and are standing with one hip slightly cocked to the side, their lightly freckled face looking at Josh in confusion.
"Oh, no, it's fine. Teddy, these are my friends Josh and Danny. They came to visit me today and we were just talking. Um, Josh and Danny, this is Teddy." Paige states awkwardly.
"So, you're Teddy, huh?" Josh says, extending his hand for Teddy to shake.
I quickly get up and walk over to where Josh is standing, "Cut that out, " I mutter, hitting his arm before turning to the nervous kid in front of us, "I'm Danny, it's nice to meet you."
"Um, hi." Teddy replies. Their voice is quiet and meek. Not what you would expect after seeing what they look and dress like, "Oh! Yeah, I-I'm Teddy, sorry, that was rude. So, um, you're like visiting Paige?"
Paige spoke up next and Teddys head snapped to them as soon as they started talking. A look of relief flooded Teddy's face, "Yup, they're my friends from back home. Danny was the one I was telling you about, who would switch clothes with me every morning at school and Josh was the guy I played baseball with for a while. Remember?"
"Oh! I know you guys! Well, I don't know you, but I know so many stories about you. Sorry, that sounds weird, it's just Paige likes to talk about what you guys used to do together. Like, Danny don't you play cello? That's so awesome. And Josh aren't you like the coolest kid at school?" It seems that once Teddy's shy exterior is cracked, they talk a mile a minute.
Josh laughed and I scoffed at Teddy's last comment.
"If anyone thinks he's cool there's been a huge misunderstanding." I joke.
"Hey!" Josh playfully slaps my shoulder. "I'm totally cool." He crosses his arms.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I say, walking back to where Paige is.
"So, Teddy, what's going on?" Paige asks their friend.
"Oh, um, it's nothing," Teddy messes with and crosses one arm in front of the other, "I can come back later."
"No, stay with us. You don't have to talk if you don't want to, but please stay." Paige looks at them with pleading eyes.
Teddy drops their shoulders with a sigh, "Okay, what are you guys doing?"
"We were just catching up. Danny and Josh have failed to tell me about what's happening back home, so we have to pester them about that." Paige explains.
I take a deep breath and turn to Josh, who's muscles are very tense as we stand outside of Paige's room.
Teddy looks at me quizzically, "People are mean to you at school?"
Teddy sits down next to Paige on their bed, I lean against the wall, while Josh just stands around. I pull my sweatshirt sleeves down to cover my hands and mess with my hair.
"Nothing is interesting at home. It's just jerks at school and the same old shops around town." I answer.
Teddy looks at me quizzically, "People are mean to you at school?"
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