#and trying to be the only functioning adult at 7? 0/10 would not recommend
generalforthetree · 1 year
This is a vent! Please dni if you don’t want to deal with me having sad boi hours
This sweet sweet child didn’t deserve all the shit they went through. No child deserves it. Nobody deserves to be locked alone with their thoughts trapped in a body that isn’t right.
No child deserves to have their childhood taken away by the people who swore they would be good enough.
No child deserves to parent their parents. No child should need to keep multiple people on this earth without even knowing their faces. But someone had to, and nobody would.
I’ve lost to many friends. I’ve lost my childhood.
People tell me I should forgive, but how can I forgive if they will never let me heal?
It may be better now, but I owe it to that little girl, I’m getting out and I’m finding a place that loves me. The child inside of me is still broken and scared, that may never change. But one day maybe the pain will lessen, and living won’t be so hard.
I’m going home. Wherever that may be.
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acidmatze · 3 years
Making my own sleep scale
0 hours: Never had that. Think i can consider myself lucky
1-3 hours: I am on so many drugs... I can fly, i can climb mountains, i can pull tractors with my teeth, i am god, i can see the tenth dimension but in reality i am struggling with finding my mouth when drinking and i tried putting on pants as a shirt. My reaction is delayed by half a minute. There are no thoughts. I communicate by hissing and scratching.Just leave me in my dumpster like the raccoon i am.
4 hours: 50% chance of going exactly like 0-3 hours and 50% of going fairly well with just a quick nap in the afternoon. Can also flip flop between the two within minutes unlimited times a day.
5 hours: THE WORST. Somehow even worse than getting 4 hours. Probably because I am more conscious and aware of my suffering. Will go back to bed as soon as i can instead for waiting for a more "socially acceptable" time. Will react Extremely angry if anything disturbs my tries to get more sleep. Every noise is too much. Light is too much. Expect my bedroom to be a completely dark, silent chamber of snooze. Will not get anything done and probably be riddled with anxiety by the time evening comes along.
6 hours: Awake but at what cost. Please wait two hours before you try to have a conversation with me because i will communicate with grunting noises only. Alternatively I can talk but only about my special interests. Social skills are still in bed, please wait until early evening for them to return. Might get One task done. Can wait for a more Socially Acceptable time to nap but dont like it. Had a nervous breakdown before getting up in the morning.
7 hours: This is where the "recommended for adults" thing starts. Awake, capable but grumpy. Probably cried three times before getting up. 50% chance that my brain will just give up halfway through the day and i will nap even though "7 hours should be enough you lazy bastard". Foolish! No amount of sleep will ever be enough for me. Will spend the entire day mourning my missed amounts of sleep like a mother her dead child.
8 hours: Thats better. Didnt even cry when getting up but wished i could sleep longer. Can even hold a normal conversation and get everything done i wanted to. Probably wont nap. "Probably" because i never know when my body decides it had enough and initiates The Pain And Symptoms.
9 hours: Perfect! But thanks to my upbringing i will feel the entire day like a lazy asshole that mooches off society. But hey! I can function and dont feel like crying any second and might get even more done than i planned on. Might flip flop between feeling fairly well and worrying about being lazy.
10 hours: Rarely achieved because i will get up feeling extremely stressed about "wasting the entire day". Will be extremely anxious the entire day because of this so i have no idea how i would Actually feel.
11+ hours: Never happened but knowing my anxious self it would be 10 hours but on crack. I wasnt raised in a way that allows me to spoil myself.
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friendsdiaper · 3 years
How to live with Urine Incontinence
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2-3% of teenagers tackling obesity or nerve disease suffer from a loss of urinary control.
25% women, for up to a year after childbirth, suffer from a loss of urinary control.
7% of athletes who train in high-intensity environments suffer from a loss of urinary control.
Nearly 30% of older men suffer from urinary control.
And yet, close to 0% of people speak about incontinence, stress incontinence, or the causes of urine incontinence.
And while we remain silent, millions around the world suffer in silence, living each day with incontinence stress.
If you are one of them, this article is for you.
Urinary incontinence or the loss of urinary control occurs when the pelvic muscles or muscles around the bladder weaken or lose control. As a result, the body is unable to control the passage of urine resulting in leakage.
The loss of urinary control could be caused by anything from a Urinary Tract Infection to Prostate Cancer. It may also be the result of obesity or childbirth. Broadly, there are four types of urinary incontinence.
Stress incontinence: The cause of this urine incontinence, is when the pelvic floor muscles are weakened due to activities such as childbirth or being overweight. As a result of this, small amounts of urine leak out every time pressure is placed on the bladder while coughing, sneezing or laughing.
Urge incontinence: Also known as Overactive Bladder, the cause of this urine incontinence is either due to muscle or nerve damage in the bladder tissue. This results in your brain receiving mixed signals about your need to pee. This is characterised by sudden and frequent urges to urinate, especially at night.
Overflow incontinence: This form of incontinence is characterised by a constant need to urinate. The cause of this urine incontinence could be a blockage or the weakening of a muscle due to which the bladder is unable to empty itself.
Functional incontinence: This form of incontinence is when a person is either unable to get to a toilet, locate a toilet, or does not understand the need to use a toilet. The cause of this urine incontinence could be poor vision, mental health issues, physical barriers to using a toilet, cognitive issues (dementia, delirium, intellectual disabilities) or neurological or muscular issues such as arthritis.
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Once you have identified the exact cause of urine incontinence, you can focus on dealing with incontinence stress. Here are five ways to do so:
Pelvic floor exercises or Kegels help tighten up the pelvic area by strengthening your muscles and supporting your organs. This helps improve bladder control and prevent urine leakage. According to research, those who practice Kegels are anywhere between 2.5-17 times more likely to recover completely from stress incontinence.
Pelvic floor muscles are pretty easy to exercise. All you have to do is to clench your pelvic muscles as if you are trying to stop the flow of urine midstream. Hold this position for ten seconds, and then let go. Repeat this 10-30 times.
Sometimes our bladders can be very stubborn. Combining Kegel exercises with bladder training can do wonders, especially in those suffering from stress incontinence.
Bladder training is essentially behavioural therapy that aims to increase the time between urinations by allowing you to empty your bladder at will and not urge.
Those suffering from urinary incontinence land up visiting the bathroom more frequently out of fear. This habit worsens incontinence by causing the bladder muscles to get used to holding lesser urine than capacity. Bladder training helps control time limits so that each time the bladder is fully emptied. Since muscles control the bladder and the urethra, they can be trained and strengthened just like you would your biceps.
This process involves two steps:
Distraction and delay techniques: Sitting cross-legged, clenching fists, or thinking intensely about something to distract yourself can help delay the urge.
Delaying urination: Delaying trips by even 5 minutes can be a good start. Slowly increase the delay and soon you’ll be able to build to 3-4 hours between bathroom visits.
One of the main causes of urine incontinence is obesity. Men and women with high BMIs are twice as likely to suffer from incontinence due to the pressure the weight exerts on the bladder.
Including more fruits and vegetables in your diet and regular exercise can help maintain a healthy BMI and keep problems at bay. Your doctor may also recommend an abdominal belt to keep things down there tight and make sure you aren't leaking urine.
To lose weight you can either visit your dietician and get a recommended diet plan or get some high-intensity exercise. Adults are recommended to get 30-45 minutes of high-intensity exercise at least 4 times a week. This could include activities such as aerobics, running, swimming, gymming or power yoga.
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Various researches have found a direct link between the practice of yoga and urinary control.
Yoga helps tighten the muscles in the pelvic region, creating support for one’s bladder, resulting in up to 70% less urine leakage. Further, yoga allows for mindful relaxation, which helps purge the anxiety and depression that often cause incontinence in the first place. Apart from this, yoga has several other added benefits. These include the improving of digestion, reduction of blood pressure, lowering of respiration rate, regulation of irregular menstrual cycles, strengthening of core muscles and relief from chronic pain in the vaginal areas.
To note: the process of yoga itself may exert pressure on the pelvic floor muscles, worsening one’s incontinence. However, practicing yoga is a long-term investment. Simply 20-30 minutes of asanas with an adult diaper, to prevent leaks, could make a world of difference.
Increased urine production is a common side effect of consuming caffeine and alcohol. An American Journal of Urology study found that “men who consumed more than 234 milligrams of caffeine daily were 72% more likely to have moderate to severe urinary incontinence than those who consumed none at all.” Thus, cutting our caffeine and alcohol could help the body function better by having to process only water and balance its input and output.
While the causes of urine incontinence may be physical, one of the greatest impediments to its treatment is mental. Patients of incontinence, especially stress incontinence, often find it difficult to seek help because they are unable to communicate what they are going through.
The shame and embarrassment that prevents them from speaking up finds strength in the taboos that surround the subject. Incontinence is seen as something shameful, and weak, as an inability—instead of a natural by-product of ageing that can be tackled with adult diapers and improved through exercises and medications. If none of this work, consider speaking to your health care professional about possible surgical treatments.
Keeping the right attitude in life, speaking about your condition openly and honestly, and understanding that incontinence is just one part of your life, and not all of it can make all the difference!
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the-undertale-mouse · 7 years
Handplates : Tempus Pt 1
    Handplates is a really cool if dark take on the Papyrus/Sans origin story by @zarla-s and if you haven’t seen it already, I highly recommend it. This is a spinoff of that in which a human enters their lives. Some things may be inaccurate, but please be patient with me. I just need to get it out of my head and I need some feedback. ~miamouse
  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
“Say hi to King Fluffy Buns for me. Us war vets got to stick together.  Maybe we should have a cards night or-,” Gerson said as Gaster paid for his groceries.
    “I’m sorry I have a very tight schedule,” Gaster said, cutting the conversation short. Not that he didn’t appreciate everything the ‘hammer of justice’ did in his time, but the old war vet had a tendency to ramble, and Gaster really did have a schedule to keep. Any time away from the lab not working was time wasted to Gaster, except he still needed to go out every now and then to buy food.
    “Don’t be such a stranger,” Gerson said well-meaningly.
    Gaster took his leave and started back along the road to Hotland, taking special care to avoid the nonsensical beings dubbed ‘tems.’ he just didn’t have the time to deal with the silly creatures. He made it safely past them without an encounter and sighed with relief as he stepped into the darkening lantern room. He could use his one functioning eye socket to glow and show him the path, but he didn’t bother. He knew the path so well, he didn’t strictly need to see. Not many monsters came this way, it was too dark and depressing. He liked this room, it was peaceful and solitary. He did not expect someone to bump into him. He did not expect to drop half the groceries he just bought. He did not expect them to scream, “Ah! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you!” Most of all, he did not expect them to be human. But it happened anyway.
    Panic flooded his chest cavity, despite their words of apology and concern directed towards him. A human? Here, now? Right in front of him? What to do? He had confidence he could easily capture it and bring it to the king, as was protocol, but he couldn’t stand the thought of the look in the king’s eyes after he killed yet another human. He could kill the human himself and bring the soul to the king. It would be no trouble, he’d killed his fair share in the war, and those were adults. By the look of it, this one was a child not yet full grown. He would just say he found it that way. Tragic for the human, good for the monsters. How long could it last in the underground anyway? He was surprised it made it this far. He was doing it a favor, cutting off its misery short.
    He shifted into ‘fight mode’ turning its soul blue from the get-go (well, darker blue, since it was already a pale blue.) This would be over with soon, if he worked straight through lunch, he could be back on schedule. It wasn’t anything he wasn’t used to.
* * *
    Tempus accepted that her apologies didn’t work the moment her soul became heavy and the skeleton across from her started sending bone-shaped bullets her way. The increased gravity made it difficult, but she was very good at detecting patterns and timing her movements just right. She managed to avoid all of his intricate waves of bones with the least amount of energy possible. She was able to catch a breather and use a little trick she called “check stats.” She did this with everyone who chose to fight her in order to understand them a little better and find a way to appease them.
    ‘Wing Dings Gaster. LV 6. Hurt some people on purpose. That’s probably bad. Though maybe some of it was in self-defense or something. I don’t know, I wasn’t there. HP 200/200 MP 55/60 AT 6 DF 7. Royal Scientist obsessed with breaking the barrier.’ Tempus gulped. Even if she didn’t lose her cute ribbon, he could kill her in 2 hits (she was weak for a human, she only had 10 HP.) She could use one of her tricks like “redo” or “teleport” but those always left her feeling tired and hungry. If she could negotiate a solution, she would always try that first. She had to think fast as she dodged the next, trickier volley of bones.
* * *
    The human was exceptionally skilled at dodging. Gaster would have been impressed if it weren’t so annoying. It was just making the battle drag out longer. Between the volleys of bones, the human attempted to reason with him. Its efforts were fruitless. He just tuned it out. Nothing it said mattered. They needed its soul for the barrier. There was no discussing it. Gaster did not indulge it with replies, it probably wouldn’t understand his accent anyway, and he doubted it knew how to read his hands. Talking to it would be pointless, and he did not like to do anything pointless. He was, however, intrigued that it wielded no physical weapon. This was odd for humans since most of them could not wield magic. On the off chance it could use magic, why didn’t it? It was in very real danger and did not defend itself besides dodging and expelling useless chatter. Perhaps it was luring him into a false sense of security. Its soul signature was patience after all. It could be waiting for the right moment to strike, for all he knew. As he was thinking that, the human changed tact, but not in the way he expected.
* * *
    Tempus had four different logical actions she could use on Gaster: reason, plead,  threaten and joke. In addition to actions, she could use a ‘trick’ to manifest magical versions of her toy knife to attack him. She dropped the real one back in the ruins when she promised herself she wouldn’t use it to hurt anyone. With magic, you could manipulate it so that the person on the receiving end could be left with 1 hp, no matter how many times you hit, but that was her most desperate move. More desperate than attempting to actually spare him or run away, both of which would be very desperate indeed, considering his strength. She was getting to that point of desperation though.
    She tried pleading and reasoning several times, hoping to wear him down, but to no effect, since he didn’t seem to be listening. Maybe he was deaf. An idea occurred to her: perhaps he wasn’t ignoring her, perhaps he actually couldn’t hear her pleas. He didn’t have ears after all. There was no guarantee he understood ASL, but it had a better chance of success than sparing him. She gave it a shot, thanking her stars she knew sign language since she was little.
  “Please stop. I’m not going to try to leave the underground. I don’t want to hurt you or your king. I know you need my soul for the barrier, but you don’t have enough anyway. Can’t I stay in peace, at least until the last human falls?”
* * *
    Once again, this human surprised Gaster, this time by speaking in hands; a highly unusual trait, even among monsters; many understood, but few actually knew how to use it themselves. He was so stunned, he forgot to ignore what it was saying. ‘It made a good argument,’ he begrudgingly acknowledged. That didn’t mean it wasn’t lying about being a pacifist. True, it didn’t have any LV or EXP but, who’s to say it would never gain some? No matter what it said, he couldn’t let it roam free. Humans were far too dangerous and unpredictable. But perhaps it didn’t have to be killed yet. If its power could be restrained, harnessed, then maybe freedom was closer than it seemed. Plans formed in his head for how to get and use that power. The possibilities it presented were endless. It would almost be a waste to kill it so soon.
* * *
    Gaster considered for a moment then said both out loud and with his hands, “If I let you live, will you come quietly?”
    Tempus did not like the idea of an LV 6 scientist taking her captive, but what choice did she have? “Yes. I’ll come quietly.” she signed and spoke. The battle ended. 0 EXP and 0 G gained.
    “Oh, I can hear you just fine. I was just ignoring you earlier.” Gaster said bluntly.
   She had a feeling this was the case, though she had hoped better of him. “You don’t have to sign for me either. My hearing is just fine.”
   He paused and looked at her with an unreadable expression on his face. “Really now, you can understand me?” he spoke out loud only, neither using his hands or magic to sign. His tone was colored in disbelief as if he highly doubted a human like her could know what he was saying.
   Tempus had no clue what he was implying. He did have a bit of an accent, but it was nothing crazy. “Yes, I can understand you. We’re speaking the same language, aren’t we?”
    “Indeed. But for now, I would rather you didn’t speak unless spoken to until we get back to the lab. You did agree to come quietly.” That’s not what that meant and he knew it, he was just being smug. But Tempus obeyed him. She was patient. She would follow along, do as he said...at least until she figured something out.
* * *
     As they walked on in silence, Gaster’s mind was buzzing.  ‘The human, hereby referred to as ‘subject 3’ or ‘3-T’ diverges from the norm in several notable ways. First, it understands me, signs or no signs, furthermore, it is capable of using the signs itself. Second, it speaks in a distinct font, as a skeleton would. Said font could be seen as a mix between the fonts used by Subjects 1 and 2. Given a name, the font would be ‘Tempus’ hence the ‘T’ in ‘3-T’ but I’m not telling it that, lest it feels special or something. Third, it chooses to wield no physical weapon though it may be in possession of magical ability, a rarity among humans. That is yet to be seen, but upon further inspection, it is noted subject 3 possess a certain aura and frailty unusual to its kind. This aura and frailty are reminiscent of the wizards who betrayed their monster kin(as far as I am aware, all wizards have some monster blood in them) and sealed us away nearly 1000 years ago. I’d be nostalgic if I didn’t still have the battle scars. Last, Subject 3 is adept at timing its dodges perfectly. I suspect it has something to do with its soul signature ‘patience.’ All these things ought to be looked into and studied. Subject 3 is lucky to have piqued my interest so thoroughly...or maybe unlucky. It’s too late either way.’
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colourmyliving · 4 years
Sleeping in total darkness, while good for the body, may take some getting used to for kids getting their own rooms for the first time, and even for adults who are settling into a new place or a new routine. A night light or lamp can help ease the transition by providing comforting low-intensity lighting without disturbing your good night’s sleep.
Whether it is for practical or purely aesthetic or decorative reasons, here are 12 of the best night lights you can get for you and your children.
For Kids Below 9 Years Old
1. LumiPets Animal Nursery Night Light
This portable night light has a very dim, calming glow that is perfect for both babies and toddlers. The adorable animal-shaped exterior never lets the light get too warm, so it is safe to prop up even on the foot of a child’s crib or bed.
It is wireless and battery-operated, too, so older kids can easily bring it with them if they have to move around the room or when they have to go to the hallway or the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Great bonus: the light can be switched between 8 different colors, so you don’t have to worry about your kid changing his/her favorite color – this night light will go along with any change. Animal night lights to choose from include bear, owl, dinosaur, cat, bunny (shown above) and unicorn.
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LumiPets Bear
LumiPets Cat
LumiPets Dragon
LumiPets Fox
LumiPets Owl
Lumipets Unicorn
2. 3D T-Rex Dinosaur Night Light
3D, laser-engraved night lights are all the craze with kids right now, and it’s not difficult to see why. The impressive visual effect appeals to slightly older kids, as it doubles as a decorative toy or action figure of sorts.
Specifically, this T-rex light is perfect for dinosaur-obsessed kids, and will fit right in with their dinosaur figurine collection. The mesh LED lights are dazzle-free, and are thus harmless to a child’s eye. It is also remote-controlled and has a timer option, which is good if you’re trying to be more conscious about your household’s energy consumption.
Other dinosaur lights are also available, including one that packages four designs so you can swap them out.
3. Cute Chick Bedside Nightlight
This is by far the best nursery light in this list for breastfeeding babies. It has a silicon top and all edges are soft, so you never have to worry about it accidentally hurting your baby. The adorable yellow chick also swings and wobbles when nudged, making it a huge hit for playful kids.
Possibly the best part about this nightlight is that it can go for 300 hours on a single recharge. You can switch between three light modes: sleeping, breastfeeding, and reading, so it can be a great night light for parents on those long, sleepless nights, too.
4. Star Projector Night Light
Sleeping directly under the night sky has a natural, soothing effect, and having this star projector night light may just be the next best thing to that. It will fill your kid’s room with celestial bodies to keep their imagination occupied until they fall asleep.
This is most recommended for older kids, though, as the extravagant display of lights may be too much for toddlers and babies. It has a timer function which can be set anywhere between 5 to 99 minutes, but the best feature would be the daytime mode option, which transforms the cool nightlight into a warm and bright array of lights perfect as backdrop for parties and sleepovers.
For Teens and Tweens
5. Amora Lighting Tiffany Style Accent Lamp
For teenagers and tweens who love the colors of nature, the warm hues produced by the stained glass in this night light will be most welcome in their rooms. The handcrafted piece is a good choice for those keeping a vintage aesthetic in their room design.
It works best with an incandescent bulb, but the accent lamp is compatible with LED lights, too. All pieces are made entirely by hand, so each lamp is unique and does not have an identical copy anywhere in the world. This is a good night lamp for young bookworms, too, since it provides enough light for some bedside, night time reading.
6. Star Wars R2-D2 LED Night Light
This plug-in night light requires an open outlet to work, but it is the perfect choice for young Star Wars fans who will be comforted by the thought that a loyal friend such as R2-D2 is watching over them as they sleep. The light can be switched between 8 different colors, but it also has a ‘cycle’ option where the light will automatically and periodically change colors every now and then.
This light is as smart as the real R2-D2 is sharp, thanks to its light-sensing technology that automatically turns it on when the room is dark, and turns off when the room is lit by a brighter light. To complete your collection, you might wish to consider BB-8, Stormtrooper and Darth Vader night lights.
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Darth Vader LED Night Light
Stormtrooper LED Night Light
7. Cool Moon Lamp
There are more than a dozen different moon lamps out there, but this one takes the cake because it used actual astronomical data from a NASA satellite for a very close approximation of what the moon’s surface looks like.
Teens and tweens will have 16 different color schemes to choose from when lighting up this moon lamp, solid and blended colors alike, to fit their every mood: from cozy to peaceful, all the way to festive. Every recharge only powers this lamp for 10 hours, but you can always keep it plugged in all night long, without fear that the LED light might overheat.
Adults are not left out as there is a more serious version in adjustable warm to cool white light, as shown below, more in keeping with the real earth’s natural satellite itself.
Moon Light Warm to Cool White
8. Cherry Blossom Bonsai Night Light
For creative souls, this semi-DIY bonsai night light is an excellent choice. Its completely bendable branches allows teens and tweens to ‘personalize’ the look of the tree as they please. This feature can also help those who need to fiddle with something whenever they are feeling anxious. Teens and tweens can also choose between 16 color palettes to match every mood or occasion.
The light produced by this bonsai night light is gentle and soothing, but the white light option can provide enough brightness for nighttime reading.
For Adults
9. Wax Warmer LED Lamp with Timer
This lamp provides feelings of safety and comfort in more ways than one. While providing illumination to a dark room at night, it also heats and melts wax for your aromatherapy needs, immediately increasing relaxation at bedtime.
You can use either scented wax or essential oils to get the fragrance you want spread all over your room at night. Within 15 minutes of turning on the lamp, your chosen fragrance will already fill up the room, lulling you to a good night’s sleep while the soft light from the lamp eases your mind from the anxiety brought by total darkness. You can turn it on and off manually, or set it for 3 hours/ 6 hours/ 9 hours, depending on how long you want the light to stay on and the fragrance to spread.
10. Touch Lamp Night Light
This 360-degree touch lamp is as simple as it gets. The brightness is adjustable between four different modes: dim light, low light, middle, and high. You can pick your hue from a touch-optimized color wheel, or have it constantly change colors every now and then.
It turns on and off with a single tap on the topside – no gimmicks, no nonsense. It may be a small and compact lamp but it provides ample lighting for bedtime reading and can fully illuminate a small room when set in maximum brightness. Note, however, that a single recharge can only last for a day, so you have to make sure to charge it in after every use.
11. Touch Bedside Lamp with Alarm Clock
Out of all the night lights on this list, the Elecstars Bedside Lamp offers the most value-adding features. Aside from the touch sensor LED lamp, it also functions as a bluetooth speaker, an alarm clock, an MP3 player, and a hands-free call receiver.
It supports bluetooth, flash drive and SD card input for those who enjoy falling asleep to the sound of good music. A gentle tap on the top can adjust the brightness and color of the light without ever disturbing other people sleeping in the room. It automatically switches between 48 different light schemes, providing endless entertainment before you finally fall asleep at night.
12. Himalayan Glow Natural Pink Salt Lamp
Himalayan salt lamps are known to ease anxiety, sleeping troubles, and seasonal allergies. However, take this with a grain of salt because there is no standing guarantee that this salt lamp is actually made with salt crystal mined from the Himalayan Mountains.
Even without the necessary legit check, though, this night light deserves a spot in this list because of its aesthetic and the warm, pinkish-red light it produces, making it the perfect lamp to illuminate your yoga or meditation nook at home. It also serves as a wonderful mood light for couples’ rooms.
Getting a night light is a small investment compared to the comfort it can provide you or your children for those long, sleepless, anxiety-ridden nights. Whether you need a plain bedside lamp or something that provides value even in the day, there is surely a lamp for everyone on this list.
12 Best Night Lights For Parents and Kids of All Ages Sleeping in total darkness, while good for the body, may take some getting used to for kids getting their own rooms for the first time, and even for adults who are settling into a new place or a new routine.
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thesittingduck · 4 years
Solupred Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings
Drug Online
solupred medicine Generic drug of the therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory active ingredients: Prednisolone
What is Solupred?
This medication is a corticosteroid.
It is indicated in certain diseases, where it is used for its anti-inflammatory effect.
what is solupred used for and indication ?
what is solupred used for
Conditions or diseases:
Collagenosis, connectivites:
Evolutionary thrusts of systemic diseases, including: systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, polymyositis, visceral sarcoidosis.
Severe autoimmune bullous dermatoses, especially pemphigus and bullous pemphigoid.
Serious forms of angiomas of the infant.
Some forms of lichen plan.
Some acute urticaria.
Severe forms of neutrophilic dermatoses.
Evolutionary thrusts of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Chronic active autoimmune hepatitis (with or without cirrhosis).
Severe acute alcoholic hepatitis, histologically proven.
Subacute thyroiditis of severe Quervain.
Some hypercalcemia.
Severe immunological thrombocytopenic purpura.
Autoimmune haemolytic anemias.
In combination with various chemotherapies in the treatment of lymphoid malignant hemopathies.
Chronic erythroblastopenia, acquired or congenital.
Tuberculous pericarditis and severe forms of life-threatening tuberculosis.
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia with severe hypoxia.
Antiemetic treatment during antineoplastic chemotherapy.
Oedematous and inflammatory thrust associated with antineoplastic treatments (radio and chemotherapy).
Nephrotic syndrome with minimal glomerular lesions.
Nephrotic syndrome of primitive segmental and focal hyalinoses.
Stages III and IV of lupus nephropathy.
Intrarenal granulomatous sarcoidosis.
Vasculitis with renal involvement.
Primitive extracapillary glomerulonephritis
Cerebral edema of tumoral cause.
Chronic polyradiculoneuropathy, idiopathic, inflammatory.
Infant spasm (West syndrome), Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
Multiple sclerosis in relapse, in relays of an intravenous corticotherapy.
Uveitis anterior and posterior severe.
Exophthalmos oedematous.
Some optic neuropathies, in reliance on intravenous corticosteroids (in this indication, oral first-line is not recommended).
Some serous otitis.
Nasosinus polypsis.
Some acute or chronic sinusitis.
Seasonal allergic rhinitis in short cure.
Stridulous acute laryngitis (subglottic laryngitis) in children.
Persistent asthma, preferably short-course in case of failure of inhaled treatment in high doses.
Exacerbations of asthma, especially severe acute asthma.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in assessing the reversibility of obstructive syndrome.
Sarcoidosis progressive.
Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.
Rheumatoid arthritis and some polyarthritis.
Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis and Horton’s disease.
Acute articular rhumatism.
Severe and rebellious cervicobrachial neuralgia.
Organ Transplantation and Hematopoietic Allogeneic Stem Cells:
Prophylaxis or treatment of transplant rejection.
Prophylaxis or treatment of graft-versus-host disease.
Solupred Dosage
Oral way.
Anti-inflammatory equivalence (equipotence) for 5 mg prednisone: 5 mg prednisolone.
The tablets will be dissolved in a glass of water during the meal.
If the calculated weight dose is less than 5 mg per day, a more appropriate dosage is available.
solupred dosage adulte
The dosage varies according to the diagnosis, the severity of the condition, the prognosis, the patient’s response and the tolerance to the treatment.
Attack treatment : 0.35 to 1.2 mg / kg / day. As an indication : 4 to 14 tablets in an adult of 60 kg.
In severe inflammatory diseases , the dosage ranges from 0.75 to 1.2 mg / kg / day. As an indication: 9 to 14 tablets per day for an adult of 60 kg.
The very exceptional situations may require higher doses.
Maintenance treatment: 5 to 15 mg / day, or 1 to 3 tablets a day.
solupred dosage child
The dosage should be appropriate to the condition and weight of the child.
Attack treatment : 0.5 to 2 mg / kg / day. As an indication : 2 to 10 tablets for a child of 25 kg.
Maintenance treatment : 0.25 to 0.5 mg / day. As an indication : 1 to 2 tablets for a child of 25 kg.
The prescription of alternating day corticosteroid therapy (one day without corticosteroid and the second day with a double dosage of the daily dosage that would have been required) is used in children to try to limit stunting.
This alternate day schedule can be considered only after control of inflammatory disease by high doses of corticosteroids, and when during decay no rebound is observed.
Treatment at the “attack dose” should be continued until the disease is well controlled. In the case of long-term treatment, the decrease must be slow. Obtaining a weaning is the goal. Maintaining a maintenance dose (minimum effective dose) is a compromise that is sometimes necessary.
For prolonged treatment at high doses, the first doses can be divided into two daily doses. Thereafter, the daily dose may be administered as a single dose preferably in the morning during the meal.
Stop treatment
The rate of withdrawal depends mainly on the duration of treatment, the starting dose and the disease.
The treatment causes resting secretions of ACTH and cortisol with sometimes lasting adrenal insufficiency. When weaning, the stop must be done gradually, in stages, because of the risk of relapse: reduction of 10% every 8 to 15 days on average.
For short courses of less than 10 days, stopping treatment does not require decay.
When decreasing doses (prolonged cure): at the dosage of 5 to 7 mg of prednisone equivalent, when the causal disease no longer requires corticosteroid treatment, it is desirable to replace the synthetic corticoid with 20 mg / day of hydrocortisone until recovery of corticotropic function. If corticosteroid therapy is to be maintained at less than 5 mg prednisone equivalent per day, a small dose of hydrocortisone can be added to achieve a hydrocortisone equivalent of 20 to 30 mg per day. When the patient is only under hydrocortisone, it is possible to test the corticotropic axis by endocrine tests. These tests do not eliminate, alone, the possibility of occurrence of adrenal insufficiency during a stress.
Under hydrocortisone or even at a distance from arrest, the patient should be advised of the need to increase the usual dosage or to resume replacement therapy (eg 100 mg hydrocortisone intramuscularly every 6 to 8 hours) in case stress: surgery, trauma, infection.
How it works Solupred
Pharmacotherapeutic group: GLUCOCORTICOIDES, ATC code: H02AB06.
( H: Non-sexual systemic hormones ).
Physiological glucocorticoids (cortisone and hydrocortisone) are essential metabolic hormones. Synthetic corticosteroids, including this specialty, are used primarily for their anti-inflammatory effect.
In high doses, they reduce the immune response. Their metabolic and sodium retention effect is less than that of hydrocortisone.
Solupred Side Effects
Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
This medicine, essential for your health, is most often well tolerated when you follow the recommendations and especially the diet low in salt, sugar and high protein (see also the paragraph “Warnings and precautions”).
It may nevertheless result, depending on the dose and the duration of the treatment, more or less troublesome effects.
The most common side effects are:
· A modification of some results of your analyzes (salt, sugar, potassium) that may require a diet or a complementary treatment.
· An appearance of bruises.
· Elevated blood pressure, water retention and salt may lead to heart failure.
· Mood disorders (excitement, euphoria), sleep disorders (insomnia).
· A set of disorders called Cushing’s syndrome recognizable by weight gain, swelling and redness of the face, excessive growth of hair.
· Bone fragility (osteoporosis, fractures, vertebral compression in particular).
· Painful disorders of bone at the hip larticulation (osteonecrosis).
Other, much rarer effects have been observed:
· Insufficient production of hormones by the gland located above the kidneys (adrenal gland).
· Stunting in children
· Rule disorders.
· Muscle weakness, tendon rupture especially if SOLUPRED 5 mg, effervescent tablet is associated with certain antibiotics (fluoroquinolones).
· Digestive disorders: digestive ulcer, bleeding and digestive perforations,
· Inflammation of the pancreas especially among child.
· A weakening of the skin, a delay of cicatrization, of lacné.
· Disorientation in time and space (confusion), convulsion, depressive state at the end of treatment.
· Vision problems that may lead to loss of vision: blurred vision, some forms of glaucoma (increased fluid pressure) and cataracts (opacification of the lens), chorioretinopathies (retinal disease).
· Endocrine disorders (hormonal disorders): occurrence of seizures related to the presence of pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal glands) and can put your life in danger.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to any side effects that are not mentioned in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the national reporting system: National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) and the network of Regional Pharmacovigilance Centers – Website: https://bit.ly/2XQbWcQ
By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of the medicine.
Solupred Interactions
Hypokalaemic drugs
Hypokalemia is a factor favoring the development of cardiac arrhythmias (torsades de pointes, in particular) and increasing the toxicity of certain drugs, for example digoxin. As a result, medications that can lead to hypokalemia are involved in a large number of interactions.
These are hypokalaemic diuretics, alone or in combination, stimulant laxatives, glucocorticoids, tetracosactide and amphotericin B (route IV).
Associations advised against
(See section Warnings and precautions for use )
+        Attenuated live vaccines
Risk of widespread, life-threatening vaccine disease.
+        Acetylsalicylic acid
Increased hemorrhagic risk.
Combination not recommended with anti-inflammatory doses of acetylsalicylic acid (≥ 1 g per dose and / or ≥ 3 g daily).
Associations subject to precautions for use
+        Oral anticoagulants
Possible impact of corticosteroid therapy on the metabolism of the oral anticoagulant and that of the coagulation factors. Hemorrhagic risk specific to corticosteroids (digestive mucosa, vascular fragility) in high doses or in prolonged treatment greater than 10 days. When the association is justified, reinforce the monitoring: biological control on the 8th day, then every 15 days during the corticotherapy and after its stop.
+        Other hypokalaemic drugs (diuretics with or without hypokalemia, stimulant laxatives, IV amphotericin B, tetracosactide)
Increased risk of hypokalemia. Monitoring of serum potassium with, if necessary, correction.
+        Enzymatic inducing anticonvulsants: carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone
Decreased plasma concentrations and corticosteroid efficacy by increased hepatic metabolism by the inducer; the consequences are particularly important for addisoners treated with hydrocortisone and for transplantation. Clinical and biological surveillance; adjustment of corticosteroid dosage during treatment with the inducer and after discontinuation.
+        Digital
Hypokalemia favoring the toxic effects of digitalis. Correct any hypokalemia beforehand and perform clinical, electrolytic and electrocardiographic monitoring.
+        Insulin, metformin, sulphonylureas
Increased blood glucose with sometimes ketoacidosis by decreasing glucocorticoid tolerance due to corticosteroids. Prevent the patient and strengthen the self-monitoring glycemic and urinary, especially at the beginning of treatment. If necessary, adjust the dosage of the antidiabetic during treatment with corticosteroids and after discontinuation.
+        Isoniazid
Described for prednisolone: ​​decreased plasma concentrations of isoniazid. Invoked mechanism: increased hepatic metabolism of isoniazid and decreased glucocorticoid. Clinical and biological surveillance.
+        Drugs that may give torsades de pointes: class Ia antiarrhythmics (quinidine, hydroquinidine, disopyramide) and class III antiarrhythmics (amiodarone, sotalol, dofetilide, ibutilide), certain neuroleptics (thioridazine, chlorpromazine, levomepromazine, cyamemazine, sulpiride, sultopride) , amisulpride, tiapride, pimozide, haloperidol, droperidol, veralipride), bepridil, cisapride, diphemanil, erythromycin IV, halofantrine, lumefantrine, methadone, mizolastine, moxifloxacin, pentamidine, spiramycin IV, vincamine IV)
Higher risk of ventricular arrhythmias, especially torsades de pointes. Correct all hypokalemia before administering the product and perform clinical, electrolytic and electrocardiographic monitoring.
+        Rifampicin
Decreased plasma concentrations and efficacy of corticosteroids by increasing their hepatic metabolism with rifampicin; the consequences are particularly important for addisoners treated with hydrocortisone and for transplantation. Clinical and biological surveillance; Adjustment of corticosteroid dosage during rifampicin treatment and after discontinuation.
+        Gastrointestinal Topicals, Antacids and Charcoal (described for prednisolone, dexamethasone)
Decreased digestive absorption of glucocorticoids. Take topical gastrointestinal and antacid drugs away from glucocorticoids (more than 2 hours if possible).
Associations to consider
+        Antihypertensives
Decreased antihypertensive effect (water-soluble retention of corticosteroids).
+        Fluoroquinolones
Possible increase in the risk of tendonopathy or even tendon rupture (exceptional), particularly in patients receiving prolonged corticosteroid therapy.
+        Acetylsalicylic acid
Increased hemorrhagic risk.
To be taken into account with analgesic or antipyretic doses (≥ 500 mg per dose and / or <3 g per day).
+        Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Increased risk of ulceration and gastrointestinal bleeding.
+        Ciclosporin
Increased effects of prednisolone: ​​Cushingoid appearance, reduced carbohydrate tolerance (decreased clearance of prednisolone).
Solupred Warnings and Precautions
Special warnings
In case of peptic ulcer, corticosteroid therapy is not contraindicated if anti-ulcer treatment is associated.
In the case of an ulcerative history, corticosteroid therapy may be prescribed, with clinical monitoring and, if necessary, after fibroscopy.
Corticosteroid therapy can promote the occurrence of various infectious complications due in particular to bacteria, yeasts and parasites. The occurrence of a malignant yellowing is a significant risk. All subjects from an endemic area (tropical, subtropical, southern Europe) should have parasitological examination of the stool and systematic eradication before corticosteroid therapy.
Evidence of an infection may be masked by corticosteroid therapy.
It is important, before the start of treatment, to rule out any possibility of visceral foci, especially tuberculosis, and to monitor, during treatment, the appearance of infectious pathologies.
In case of old tuberculosis, prophylactic anti-tuberculosis treatment is necessary, if there are significant radiological sequelae and if one can not ensure that a good 6-month rifampicin treatment has been given.
The use of corticosteroids requires particularly appropriate monitoring, especially in elderly patients and in cases of ulcerative colitis (risk of perforation), recent intestinal anastomoses, renal failure, hepatic insufficiency, osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis.
Oral or injectable corticosteroids can promote the appearance of tendonopathy, or even tendon rupture (exceptional). This risk is increased when co-prescribed with fluoroquinolones and in dialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism or renal transplantation.
This medicinal product is not recommended in combination with a live attenuated vaccine or with anti-inflammatory doses of acetylsalicylic acid.
This medicine contains sucrose. It is not recommended for use in patients with fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.
Precautions for use
In case of long-term corticosteroid treatment:
A diet low in fast-absorbing and high-protein sugars must be associated, because of the hyperglycemic effect and the protein catabolism with negativization of the nitrogen balance.
Hydrosoduced retention is usual, partly responsible for a possible rise in blood pressure. This medicine contains sodium. This medicine contains 1.05 mmol (or 24 mg) of sodium per tablet. To be taken into account in patients on a strict sodium diet.
Sodium intake will be reduced for daily dosages above 15 or 20 mg prednisone equivalent and moderate in long-term low-dose treatments.
Potassium supplementation is warranted only for high-dose, long-term treatment or when there is a risk of rhythm disturbance or combination with hypokalaemic treatment.
The patient must always have a calcium and vitamin D intake.
When corticosteroid therapy is essential, diabetes and high blood pressure are not contraindications, but treatment can lead to imbalance. Their management needs to be re-evaluated.
Patients should avoid contact with individuals with chickenpox or measles.
Attention is drawn to athletes, this specialty containing an active ingredient that can induce a positive reaction tests conducted during anti-doping controls.
Solupred :Drive and use machines
Not applicable.
This medication will only be used during pregnancy if necessary. If you discover that you are pregnant during treatment, consult your doctor because only he can judge the need to continue this treatment.
Breastfeeding should be avoided during treatment because of passage into breast milk.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.
To be effective, this medicine should be used regularly. However, if you miss a dose, continue the treatment normally.
What happens if I overdose from Solupred ?
Not applicable.
What is  Forms and Composition Solupred ?
Effervescent tablet 5 mg:   Bottle of 30. Effervescent tablet 20 mg:   Bottle of 20. Orodispersible 5 mg tablet:   Box of 30, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 50, in blister packs. 20 mg Orodispersible Tablet:  Box of 20, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 50, in blister packs. Oral solution 1 mg / ml:   50 ml bottle with child safety cap and dosing syringe (4 graduations: 0.5 ml, 1 ml, 1.5 ml, 2 ml).
Effervescent tablet : p cp prednisolone 5 mg or 20 mg (as metasulfobenzoate sodium: 7.86 mg / cd at 5 mg, 32.416 mg / cp at 20 mg)
5 mg Cp: tartaric acid, citric acid anhydrous, sodium bicarbonate, lithium benzoate, sucrose.
Cp 20 mg: tartaric acid, citric acid anhydrous, sodium bicarbonate, lithium benzoate, lemon natural flavor (maltodextrin, vegetable gum, sorbitol, lemon essential oil, citral, citronellal), sodium saccharin, silicone antifoam emulsion .
Excipients with known effect :
Cp at 5 mg: sodium (24 mg / cp), sucrose.
Cp at 20 mg: sodium (50.8 mg / cp), sorbitol.
Orodispersible tablet: p cp prednisolone 5 mg or 20 mg (as metasulfobenzoate sodium: 7.86 mg / cp at 5 mg, 31.44 mg / cp at 20 mg)
Excipients (common): dispersion of 30% polyacrylate (Eudragit NE 30 D), hydrophobic colloidal silica (Aerosil R972), mannitol (granule), mannitol (powder), crospovidone, aspartame, magnesium stearate.
Excipient with known effect: aspartame.
Drinkable solution : p ml prednisolone 1 mg (as metasulfobenzoate sodium: 1.57 mg / ml)
Excipients: sodium cyclamate, glycerol, sorbic acid, sodium saccharinate, sorbitol (E420), sucrose, ethanol, purified water. Aroma: apricot (ethyl alcohol, vanillin, benzoic aldehyde, isoamyl acetate, diacetyl, ionone, allyl caproate, gamma undelactone, gamma nonalactone, levisticum tincture, essential oils of lemon, orange, bergamot, coriander , neroli, chamomile, cinnamon, nutmeg).
Excipients with known effect: sucrose, sorbitol (E420), ethanol.
1 ml of solution contains 30 mg of alcohol, 200 mg of sucrose and 150 mg of sorbitol (E420).
Alcoholic title: 4% (v / v).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post Solupred Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/3df80qo via Edrug Online from faculty of medicine https://bit.ly/2UVH74C via Faculty of Medicine
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colinfitzpatrick · 4 years
Solupred Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings
Drug Online
solupred medicine Generic drug of the therapeutic class: Anti-inflammatory active ingredients: Prednisolone
What is Solupred?
This medication is a corticosteroid.
It is indicated in certain diseases, where it is used for its anti-inflammatory effect.
what is solupred used for and indication ?
what is solupred used for
Conditions or diseases:
Collagenosis, connectivites:
Evolutionary thrusts of systemic diseases, including: systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, polymyositis, visceral sarcoidosis.
Severe autoimmune bullous dermatoses, especially pemphigus and bullous pemphigoid.
Serious forms of angiomas of the infant.
Some forms of lichen plan.
Some acute urticaria.
Severe forms of neutrophilic dermatoses.
Evolutionary thrusts of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.
Chronic active autoimmune hepatitis (with or without cirrhosis).
Severe acute alcoholic hepatitis, histologically proven.
Subacute thyroiditis of severe Quervain.
Some hypercalcemia.
Severe immunological thrombocytopenic purpura.
Autoimmune haemolytic anemias.
In combination with various chemotherapies in the treatment of lymphoid malignant hemopathies.
Chronic erythroblastopenia, acquired or congenital.
Tuberculous pericarditis and severe forms of life-threatening tuberculosis.
Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia with severe hypoxia.
Antiemetic treatment during antineoplastic chemotherapy.
Oedematous and inflammatory thrust associated with antineoplastic treatments (radio and chemotherapy).
Nephrotic syndrome with minimal glomerular lesions.
Nephrotic syndrome of primitive segmental and focal hyalinoses.
Stages III and IV of lupus nephropathy.
Intrarenal granulomatous sarcoidosis.
Vasculitis with renal involvement.
Primitive extracapillary glomerulonephritis
Cerebral edema of tumoral cause.
Chronic polyradiculoneuropathy, idiopathic, inflammatory.
Infant spasm (West syndrome), Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.
Multiple sclerosis in relapse, in relays of an intravenous corticotherapy.
Uveitis anterior and posterior severe.
Exophthalmos oedematous.
Some optic neuropathies, in reliance on intravenous corticosteroids (in this indication, oral first-line is not recommended).
Some serous otitis.
Nasosinus polypsis.
Some acute or chronic sinusitis.
Seasonal allergic rhinitis in short cure.
Stridulous acute laryngitis (subglottic laryngitis) in children.
Persistent asthma, preferably short-course in case of failure of inhaled treatment in high doses.
Exacerbations of asthma, especially severe acute asthma.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in assessing the reversibility of obstructive syndrome.
Sarcoidosis progressive.
Diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.
Rheumatoid arthritis and some polyarthritis.
Rhizomelic pseudopolyarthritis and Horton’s disease.
Acute articular rhumatism.
Severe and rebellious cervicobrachial neuralgia.
Organ Transplantation and Hematopoietic Allogeneic Stem Cells:
Prophylaxis or treatment of transplant rejection.
Prophylaxis or treatment of graft-versus-host disease.
Solupred Dosage
Oral way.
Anti-inflammatory equivalence (equipotence) for 5 mg prednisone: 5 mg prednisolone.
The tablets will be dissolved in a glass of water during the meal.
If the calculated weight dose is less than 5 mg per day, a more appropriate dosage is available.
solupred dosage adulte
The dosage varies according to the diagnosis, the severity of the condition, the prognosis, the patient’s response and the tolerance to the treatment.
Attack treatment : 0.35 to 1.2 mg / kg / day. As an indication : 4 to 14 tablets in an adult of 60 kg.
In severe inflammatory diseases , the dosage ranges from 0.75 to 1.2 mg / kg / day. As an indication: 9 to 14 tablets per day for an adult of 60 kg.
The very exceptional situations may require higher doses.
Maintenance treatment: 5 to 15 mg / day, or 1 to 3 tablets a day.
solupred dosage child
The dosage should be appropriate to the condition and weight of the child.
Attack treatment : 0.5 to 2 mg / kg / day. As an indication : 2 to 10 tablets for a child of 25 kg.
Maintenance treatment : 0.25 to 0.5 mg / day. As an indication : 1 to 2 tablets for a child of 25 kg.
The prescription of alternating day corticosteroid therapy (one day without corticosteroid and the second day with a double dosage of the daily dosage that would have been required) is used in children to try to limit stunting.
This alternate day schedule can be considered only after control of inflammatory disease by high doses of corticosteroids, and when during decay no rebound is observed.
Treatment at the “attack dose” should be continued until the disease is well controlled. In the case of long-term treatment, the decrease must be slow. Obtaining a weaning is the goal. Maintaining a maintenance dose (minimum effective dose) is a compromise that is sometimes necessary.
For prolonged treatment at high doses, the first doses can be divided into two daily doses. Thereafter, the daily dose may be administered as a single dose preferably in the morning during the meal.
Stop treatment
The rate of withdrawal depends mainly on the duration of treatment, the starting dose and the disease.
The treatment causes resting secretions of ACTH and cortisol with sometimes lasting adrenal insufficiency. When weaning, the stop must be done gradually, in stages, because of the risk of relapse: reduction of 10% every 8 to 15 days on average.
For short courses of less than 10 days, stopping treatment does not require decay.
When decreasing doses (prolonged cure): at the dosage of 5 to 7 mg of prednisone equivalent, when the causal disease no longer requires corticosteroid treatment, it is desirable to replace the synthetic corticoid with 20 mg / day of hydrocortisone until recovery of corticotropic function. If corticosteroid therapy is to be maintained at less than 5 mg prednisone equivalent per day, a small dose of hydrocortisone can be added to achieve a hydrocortisone equivalent of 20 to 30 mg per day. When the patient is only under hydrocortisone, it is possible to test the corticotropic axis by endocrine tests. These tests do not eliminate, alone, the possibility of occurrence of adrenal insufficiency during a stress.
Under hydrocortisone or even at a distance from arrest, the patient should be advised of the need to increase the usual dosage or to resume replacement therapy (eg 100 mg hydrocortisone intramuscularly every 6 to 8 hours) in case stress: surgery, trauma, infection.
How it works Solupred
Pharmacotherapeutic group: GLUCOCORTICOIDES, ATC code: H02AB06.
( H: Non-sexual systemic hormones ).
Physiological glucocorticoids (cortisone and hydrocortisone) are essential metabolic hormones. Synthetic corticosteroids, including this specialty, are used primarily for their anti-inflammatory effect.
In high doses, they reduce the immune response. Their metabolic and sodium retention effect is less than that of hydrocortisone.
Solupred Side Effects
Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them.
This medicine, essential for your health, is most often well tolerated when you follow the recommendations and especially the diet low in salt, sugar and high protein (see also the paragraph “Warnings and precautions”).
It may nevertheless result, depending on the dose and the duration of the treatment, more or less troublesome effects.
The most common side effects are:
· A modification of some results of your analyzes (salt, sugar, potassium) that may require a diet or a complementary treatment.
· An appearance of bruises.
· Elevated blood pressure, water retention and salt may lead to heart failure.
· Mood disorders (excitement, euphoria), sleep disorders (insomnia).
· A set of disorders called Cushing’s syndrome recognizable by weight gain, swelling and redness of the face, excessive growth of hair.
· Bone fragility (osteoporosis, fractures, vertebral compression in particular).
· Painful disorders of bone at the hip larticulation (osteonecrosis).
Other, much rarer effects have been observed:
· Insufficient production of hormones by the gland located above the kidneys (adrenal gland).
· Stunting in children
· Rule disorders.
· Muscle weakness, tendon rupture especially if SOLUPRED 5 mg, effervescent tablet is associated with certain antibiotics (fluoroquinolones).
· Digestive disorders: digestive ulcer, bleeding and digestive perforations,
· Inflammation of the pancreas especially among child.
· A weakening of the skin, a delay of cicatrization, of lacné.
· Disorientation in time and space (confusion), convulsion, depressive state at the end of treatment.
· Vision problems that may lead to loss of vision: blurred vision, some forms of glaucoma (increased fluid pressure) and cataracts (opacification of the lens), chorioretinopathies (retinal disease).
· Endocrine disorders (hormonal disorders): occurrence of seizures related to the presence of pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal glands) and can put your life in danger.
Reporting of side effects
If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to any side effects that are not mentioned in this leaflet. You can also report side effects directly via the national reporting system: National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) and the network of Regional Pharmacovigilance Centers – Website: https://bit.ly/2XQbWcQ
By reporting side effects, you can help provide more information on the safety of the medicine.
Solupred Interactions
Hypokalaemic drugs
Hypokalemia is a factor favoring the development of cardiac arrhythmias (torsades de pointes, in particular) and increasing the toxicity of certain drugs, for example digoxin. As a result, medications that can lead to hypokalemia are involved in a large number of interactions.
These are hypokalaemic diuretics, alone or in combination, stimulant laxatives, glucocorticoids, tetracosactide and amphotericin B (route IV).
Associations advised against
(See section Warnings and precautions for use )
+        Attenuated live vaccines
Risk of widespread, life-threatening vaccine disease.
+        Acetylsalicylic acid
Increased hemorrhagic risk.
Combination not recommended with anti-inflammatory doses of acetylsalicylic acid (≥ 1 g per dose and / or ≥ 3 g daily).
Associations subject to precautions for use
+        Oral anticoagulants
Possible impact of corticosteroid therapy on the metabolism of the oral anticoagulant and that of the coagulation factors. Hemorrhagic risk specific to corticosteroids (digestive mucosa, vascular fragility) in high doses or in prolonged treatment greater than 10 days. When the association is justified, reinforce the monitoring: biological control on the 8th day, then every 15 days during the corticotherapy and after its stop.
+        Other hypokalaemic drugs (diuretics with or without hypokalemia, stimulant laxatives, IV amphotericin B, tetracosactide)
Increased risk of hypokalemia. Monitoring of serum potassium with, if necessary, correction.
+        Enzymatic inducing anticonvulsants: carbamazepine, fosphenytoin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, primidone
Decreased plasma concentrations and corticosteroid efficacy by increased hepatic metabolism by the inducer; the consequences are particularly important for addisoners treated with hydrocortisone and for transplantation. Clinical and biological surveillance; adjustment of corticosteroid dosage during treatment with the inducer and after discontinuation.
+        Digital
Hypokalemia favoring the toxic effects of digitalis. Correct any hypokalemia beforehand and perform clinical, electrolytic and electrocardiographic monitoring.
+        Insulin, metformin, sulphonylureas
Increased blood glucose with sometimes ketoacidosis by decreasing glucocorticoid tolerance due to corticosteroids. Prevent the patient and strengthen the self-monitoring glycemic and urinary, especially at the beginning of treatment. If necessary, adjust the dosage of the antidiabetic during treatment with corticosteroids and after discontinuation.
+        Isoniazid
Described for prednisolone: ​​decreased plasma concentrations of isoniazid. Invoked mechanism: increased hepatic metabolism of isoniazid and decreased glucocorticoid. Clinical and biological surveillance.
+        Drugs that may give torsades de pointes: class Ia antiarrhythmics (quinidine, hydroquinidine, disopyramide) and class III antiarrhythmics (amiodarone, sotalol, dofetilide, ibutilide), certain neuroleptics (thioridazine, chlorpromazine, levomepromazine, cyamemazine, sulpiride, sultopride) , amisulpride, tiapride, pimozide, haloperidol, droperidol, veralipride), bepridil, cisapride, diphemanil, erythromycin IV, halofantrine, lumefantrine, methadone, mizolastine, moxifloxacin, pentamidine, spiramycin IV, vincamine IV)
Higher risk of ventricular arrhythmias, especially torsades de pointes. Correct all hypokalemia before administering the product and perform clinical, electrolytic and electrocardiographic monitoring.
+        Rifampicin
Decreased plasma concentrations and efficacy of corticosteroids by increasing their hepatic metabolism with rifampicin; the consequences are particularly important for addisoners treated with hydrocortisone and for transplantation. Clinical and biological surveillance; Adjustment of corticosteroid dosage during rifampicin treatment and after discontinuation.
+        Gastrointestinal Topicals, Antacids and Charcoal (described for prednisolone, dexamethasone)
Decreased digestive absorption of glucocorticoids. Take topical gastrointestinal and antacid drugs away from glucocorticoids (more than 2 hours if possible).
Associations to consider
+        Antihypertensives
Decreased antihypertensive effect (water-soluble retention of corticosteroids).
+        Fluoroquinolones
Possible increase in the risk of tendonopathy or even tendon rupture (exceptional), particularly in patients receiving prolonged corticosteroid therapy.
+        Acetylsalicylic acid
Increased hemorrhagic risk.
To be taken into account with analgesic or antipyretic doses (≥ 500 mg per dose and / or <3 g per day).
+        Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Increased risk of ulceration and gastrointestinal bleeding.
+        Ciclosporin
Increased effects of prednisolone: ​​Cushingoid appearance, reduced carbohydrate tolerance (decreased clearance of prednisolone).
Solupred Warnings and Precautions
Special warnings
In case of peptic ulcer, corticosteroid therapy is not contraindicated if anti-ulcer treatment is associated.
In the case of an ulcerative history, corticosteroid therapy may be prescribed, with clinical monitoring and, if necessary, after fibroscopy.
Corticosteroid therapy can promote the occurrence of various infectious complications due in particular to bacteria, yeasts and parasites. The occurrence of a malignant yellowing is a significant risk. All subjects from an endemic area (tropical, subtropical, southern Europe) should have parasitological examination of the stool and systematic eradication before corticosteroid therapy.
Evidence of an infection may be masked by corticosteroid therapy.
It is important, before the start of treatment, to rule out any possibility of visceral foci, especially tuberculosis, and to monitor, during treatment, the appearance of infectious pathologies.
In case of old tuberculosis, prophylactic anti-tuberculosis treatment is necessary, if there are significant radiological sequelae and if one can not ensure that a good 6-month rifampicin treatment has been given.
The use of corticosteroids requires particularly appropriate monitoring, especially in elderly patients and in cases of ulcerative colitis (risk of perforation), recent intestinal anastomoses, renal failure, hepatic insufficiency, osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis.
Oral or injectable corticosteroids can promote the appearance of tendonopathy, or even tendon rupture (exceptional). This risk is increased when co-prescribed with fluoroquinolones and in dialysis patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism or renal transplantation.
This medicinal product is not recommended in combination with a live attenuated vaccine or with anti-inflammatory doses of acetylsalicylic acid.
This medicine contains sucrose. It is not recommended for use in patients with fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency.
Precautions for use
In case of long-term corticosteroid treatment:
A diet low in fast-absorbing and high-protein sugars must be associated, because of the hyperglycemic effect and the protein catabolism with negativization of the nitrogen balance.
Hydrosoduced retention is usual, partly responsible for a possible rise in blood pressure. This medicine contains sodium. This medicine contains 1.05 mmol (or 24 mg) of sodium per tablet. To be taken into account in patients on a strict sodium diet.
Sodium intake will be reduced for daily dosages above 15 or 20 mg prednisone equivalent and moderate in long-term low-dose treatments.
Potassium supplementation is warranted only for high-dose, long-term treatment or when there is a risk of rhythm disturbance or combination with hypokalaemic treatment.
The patient must always have a calcium and vitamin D intake.
When corticosteroid therapy is essential, diabetes and high blood pressure are not contraindications, but treatment can lead to imbalance. Their management needs to be re-evaluated.
Patients should avoid contact with individuals with chickenpox or measles.
Attention is drawn to athletes, this specialty containing an active ingredient that can induce a positive reaction tests conducted during anti-doping controls.
Solupred :Drive and use machines
Not applicable.
This medication will only be used during pregnancy if necessary. If you discover that you are pregnant during treatment, consult your doctor because only he can judge the need to continue this treatment.
Breastfeeding should be avoided during treatment because of passage into breast milk.
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.
To be effective, this medicine should be used regularly. However, if you miss a dose, continue the treatment normally.
What happens if I overdose from Solupred ?
Not applicable.
What is  Forms and Composition Solupred ?
Effervescent tablet 5 mg:   Bottle of 30. Effervescent tablet 20 mg:   Bottle of 20. Orodispersible 5 mg tablet:   Box of 30, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 50, in blister packs. 20 mg Orodispersible Tablet:  Box of 20, in blister packs. Hospital model: Box of 50, in blister packs. Oral solution 1 mg / ml:   50 ml bottle with child safety cap and dosing syringe (4 graduations: 0.5 ml, 1 ml, 1.5 ml, 2 ml).
Effervescent tablet : p cp prednisolone 5 mg or 20 mg (as metasulfobenzoate sodium: 7.86 mg / cd at 5 mg, 32.416 mg / cp at 20 mg)
5 mg Cp: tartaric acid, citric acid anhydrous, sodium bicarbonate, lithium benzoate, sucrose.
Cp 20 mg: tartaric acid, citric acid anhydrous, sodium bicarbonate, lithium benzoate, lemon natural flavor (maltodextrin, vegetable gum, sorbitol, lemon essential oil, citral, citronellal), sodium saccharin, silicone antifoam emulsion .
Excipients with known effect :
Cp at 5 mg: sodium (24 mg / cp), sucrose.
Cp at 20 mg: sodium (50.8 mg / cp), sorbitol.
Orodispersible tablet: p cp prednisolone 5 mg or 20 mg (as metasulfobenzoate sodium: 7.86 mg / cp at 5 mg, 31.44 mg / cp at 20 mg)
Excipients (common): dispersion of 30% polyacrylate (Eudragit NE 30 D), hydrophobic colloidal silica (Aerosil R972), mannitol (granule), mannitol (powder), crospovidone, aspartame, magnesium stearate.
Excipient with known effect: aspartame.
Drinkable solution : p ml prednisolone 1 mg (as metasulfobenzoate sodium: 1.57 mg / ml)
Excipients: sodium cyclamate, glycerol, sorbic acid, sodium saccharinate, sorbitol (E420), sucrose, ethanol, purified water. Aroma: apricot (ethyl alcohol, vanillin, benzoic aldehyde, isoamyl acetate, diacetyl, ionone, allyl caproate, gamma undelactone, gamma nonalactone, levisticum tincture, essential oils of lemon, orange, bergamot, coriander , neroli, chamomile, cinnamon, nutmeg).
Excipients with known effect: sucrose, sorbitol (E420), ethanol.
1 ml of solution contains 30 mg of alcohol, 200 mg of sucrose and 150 mg of sorbitol (E420).
Alcoholic title: 4% (v / v).
Edrug-online contains comprehensive and detailed information about drugs available in the medical field, and is divided into four sections:
general information:
Includes a general description of the drug, its use, brand names, FAQs, and relevant news and articles
Additional information:
General explanation about dealing with the medicine: how to take the medicine, the doses and times of it, the start and duration of its effectiveness, the recommended diet during the period of taking the medicine, the method of storage and storage, recommendations in cases for forgetting the dose and instructions to stop taking the drug and take additional doses.
Special warnings:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly, boys and drivers, and use before surgery.
Side effects:
It treats possible side effects and drug interactions that require attention and its effect on continuous use.
The information contained in this medicine is based on medical literature, but it is not a substitute for consulting a doctor.
The post Solupred Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & Warnings appeared first on Drug Online.
from Drug Online https://bit.ly/3df80qo via Edrug Online
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kgbinwanderland · 5 years
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Are you looking for a fun activity to do while in Osaka? Why not book a Japanese cooking class hosted by a local using AirKitchen.me. For more ideas, check out my list of top 30+ activities to do when in Osaka!
First off, let me apologize for being MIA for the last couple of months. I’ve been meaning to finish off my long list of blog posts but never seemed to have the time to do so. Recently, I’m feeling a little bit more motivated in keeping up with my blog work. So here’s to hoping that I get my usual rhythm back soon!
For today, let me share with you our Airbnb experience in Osaka. One of my goals for this blog is to tell stories of real traveler experiences, and that includes reviews and recommendations of tour providers and accommodations. Whenever my family and I travel, Airbnb is our default choice of accommodation. We prefer taking advantage of the extra space, kitchen amenities, and the feeling of living like a ‘local’.
So naturally, on our most recent visit to one of our favorite cities in the world, we automatically turned to Airbnb for apartment options. I was a little concerned at first that we would not be able to find that many choices since Japan enforced stricter regulations for apartments and B&B rentals. Sometime last year (2018), Airbnb removed 80% of their Japan apartment listings to comply with the new regulation and hundreds of tourists were left scrambling to find new accommodations. If your trip is still a few months away, you can still easily find a suitable hotel or apartment that would fit your requirements. But if your trip starts tomorrow? Good luck with finding a good and reasonably priced hotel.
Gamo 4-Chome Intersection (Subway Station)
Fortunately, we found an apartment that not only fits our housing requirements but is also a registered rental. It is a three-story apartment in the Joto Ward, a little outside the main business and entertainment area of Osaka.
We arrived at Kansai International Airport around 7:00 PM local time and was supposed to meet our host Yoko at the Kyobashi Station around 9:30 PM but because of my visa-related woes, we were delayed for about 2 hours at the airport. When I was finally allowed in with my “Special Landing Permission” visa, my family rushed over to the train ticket office and bought tickets for the next train going to Kyobashi Station. Fortunately for us, the Kansai Airport Rapid Service goes straight to Kyobashi Station (with a few stops along the way), which meant we could rest while en route. The train ride is about an hour and 10 minutes.
We arrived at the Kyobashi Station past 11:00 PM and instead of meeting Yoko outside the station, she sent me instead of a photo collage of the directions going to the apartment. It was too blurry for me to use but fortunately, Kyobashi Station has free wifi access so, after a quick search on Google Maps, we were finally on our way to the apartment.
According to the listing, it should be about a 10-minute walk but it took us twice the time to get there, probably because we were already tired and hungry. We finally made it to the apartment and met Yoko. She briefly showed us the apartment then had to leave immediately to catch the last train.
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Facade of the apartment
Beautiful flowers in front of a home
Self-service laundry in the area
Location: (4/5)
If it is your first time in Osaka and your itinerary is jam-packed, you’ll probably find this apartment a little inconvenient location-wise. It is 7-8 stations away from Shinsaibashi, which is where most of the tourist action is. Honestly, it’s not that bad. The apartment is located in between (within a 10-minute walk) two train stations. The Osaka Metro Imazatosuji Line from the Gamo 4-Chome Station on the east side and the JR Osaka Loop Line/JR Kyobashi and Keihan Kyobashi on the west side allow easy access to major tourist spots in the city. The Osaka Metro Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line passes by both Gamo 4-Chome and Kyobashi as well, and this train can take you directly to Shinsaibashi. It is also a convenient starting point if you want to take a day trip to Nara or Kyoto from Osaka.
You’ll pass by several convenience stores when coming from either the JR or subway station and several small restaurants are in the vicinity of the apartment. There’s also Edion Kyobashi, a big grocery store halfway through the apartment and Kyobashi Station, which has a great selection of hot and ready-to-eat food items.
Kyobashi Station is also well-known among locals as an after-work hot spot. The narrow alleys surrounding the station are lined up with izakayas, sushi restaurants, and bars. Occasionally, you’ll find a local performer singing or playing an instrument on the street. Located above the station is the Keihan Mall for your usual shopping needs. And just south of the station is Osaka’s must-see tourist spot, the Osaka Castle Park. So really, just the Kyobashi Station alone is worth visiting.
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Airport Express going to Kyobashi Station
Quiet neighborhood
Cleanliness: (5/5)
As expected, the whole apartment upholds the Japanese standard of tidiness. It is super clean and well-maintained! And because we are in a country where they take the segregation of garbage and recycling seriously, it is only right that we follow their systematic approach (and maybe try to adapt this in our own homes) when it comes to garbage disposal. Yoko left intructions as to what to do and where to put our plastic bottles, etc.
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Second-floor bath
Third-floor toilet
Stairs to the Ground Floor
Amenities: (5/5)
The apartment is equipped with all basic amenities, plus some more. Toiletries and towels are provided. The kitchen has everything you need, but we did not get to use any of that except for the electric kettle. Why would you want to cook when there’s yummy and very affordable Japanese food at every corner? The only thing missing is an electric dryer for when you want to wash your clothes. It’s not something that we needed, but it’s convenient to have especially when you are staying for more than a week. Since the apartment is in a residential area, there’s a laundromat a couple of blocks away. So that makes it an option too!
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Living Room
Dining and Kitchen
Family-Friendly: (4/5)
I’m knocking off a point for accessibility. The stairs were too narrow and it can be challenging to haul your luggage up the stairs. We ended up leaving our luggage on the second floor, even though our bedrooms were on the third floor. But honestly, it is to be expected that a Japanese home is on the smaller side and it makes sense that this apartment was built with a narrow staircase to save space. To be fair, the house is larger than the standard Japanese housing and there is ample space for a big group.
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Vending Machines are in every corner of Japan and it’s not limited to just beverages. Some machines dispense ice cream, hot meals, snacks, and even secret packages that contain random items.
Alcoholic drinks like beers are also commonly sold at vending machines and more or less the same price if you buy it from a convenience store. If you are wondering if there is an ID check, there is! A driver’s license is inserted to verify the buyer’s age. Some people who have tried it though said that the ID verification doesn’t always work on some machines.
Airbnb Host: (5/5)
Yoko is very nice and accommodating. It was easy to communicate and message her whenever we have a question. She also lent us a pocket wifi that we can bring with us when we’re out. She’s the best!
Value for Money: (5/5)
My family and I love the Dotonbori/Shinsaibashi area and it may have been wise for us to just stay in that area considering that we all wanted to eat out, shop, and stroll at night. But again, we wanted all the comforts of living in a home and this apartment fits our requirements. It is a three-bedroom house with 2.5 baths so for 5 adults and a pre-schooler, it was just the perfect size. The rates were very reasonable too. All the other Airbnbs we had considered were almost double the rates per night.
Overall Experience: (5/5)
We had a pleasant experience at this Airbnb and would consider booking it in the future, especially if we plan on taking a day trip outside Osaka. Its close proximity to a JR line and a subway station made it very easy for us to explore the city. We had everything that we needed and were very comfortable during our 6-day stay.
Earlier on I’ve mentioned that Japan imposed stricter regulations and required Airbnb rentals to register their unit with the local government. Although Airbnb has been diligently removing all unauthorized rentals in their platform, it’s still wise to verify that you are renting from an authorized host or else you could end up without accommodation. We all know that last-minute reservations are very expensive, so why take that risk and ruin your vacation? To know whether the rental that you are interested in is compliant, check if their listing has their license or registration number. It is important that you book from a registered host to protect yourself as a guest in the event that there’s a dispute or problem with your reservation. Registered Airbnbs are required by the local government to request a copy of your passport and record your basic information, so don’t be surprised if your host asks for this information!
Have you ever used Airbnb before? Get $25 off your first Airbnb rental by clicking here. 
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Osaka Airbnb Review: Joto-ku Apartment 3bd/2.5ba This blog post contains affiliate links. For more information, please read my Disclaimer. Booking.com Are you looking for a fun activity to do while in Osaka?
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quintinefowler-blog · 5 years
Sugar is Killing You, Use these Natural Sweeteners Instead!
Here’s the paradox:
Americans spend more on health care and supplements than any other country, yet our health and our health care system both rank at the bottom of virtually every study and survey today. (1, 2, 3)
As we bathe themselves in coconut and fish oils and take every supplement under the sun, most people are coming to the realization that a “cure-all” doesn't really exist. However (and this is a HUGE however) if a “panacea” does exist, it would be completely omitting sugar from our diets!
Sugar & Immunity
But everything in moderation, right? Nope. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Most people don’t realize this, but ever since the early 1970s, it has been proven that sugar literally shuts down white blood cell effectiveness immediately after it is consumed and puts the body in harm’s way for up to 5 hours! (1)
According to nutrition expert K.C. Craichy (Quest for the Cures), just 100 grams of sugar inhibits our white blood cell’s ability to kill the pathogens in our body by up to 90 percent. And this happens within 15 minutes of consumption! (2) To put this is more familiar terms, Founder of the American Anti-Cancer Institute Bob Wright confirms that data from a 1973 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition still holds true today: “One can of [soda] has enough sugar to shut down 50 percent of our immune system for a minimum of 4 hours,” Wright says. (2)
Additionally, in the words of the American Anti-Cancer Institute,
When we consume sugar, we are simultaneously shutting off our defenses while pouring gasoline on the fire that is Cancer. When we take into account that “50 to 70 percent of our total immune system cells cannot see cancer … even on our best day,” the notion of adding it to our diet seems even more blasphemous (A.J. Lanigan, Quest for the Cures). (2)
More Risks with Sugar than Previously Expected
First off, sugar is arguably the most dangerous substance on the planet and should be avoided like the plague. Nancy Appleton, PhD even claims that there are literally 141 ways sugar ruins your health. (3) In addition to containing absolutely no nutritional value, sugar has been reported to: (4, 5, 6)
Cause dental cavities.
Cause skin conditions like acne and eczema.
Contribute to hormone imbalance and adrenal fatigue.
Deplete your body of natural energy and prevents mineral absorption in your bones.
Encourage stomach ulcer formation.
Feed candida.
Greatly inhibit metabolism.
Lead to osteoporosis and arthritis.
Cause gallstones.
Spike blood sugar levels.
Suppress the immune system.
Second, the real danger of sugar is its ubiquity. It’s literally everywhere.
In the words of the American Nutrition Association,
“According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average adult in the United States takes in 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, or a whopping 150 pounds a year, while teens pile in 34 teaspoons a day. That’s more than twice the amount of sugar we should be eating.” (7)
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The Sugar Habit
Consuming sugar and simple carbohydrates can lead to an addictive dopamine cycle, which makes it extremely challenging to cut them out of your diet. Research has actually shown that there is a neurochemical similarity between intermittent bingeing on sucrose and drugs of abuse: “both can repeatedly increase extracellular [dopamine levels] in the nucleus accumbens.” (8) In fact, sugar is more addictive than cocaine! (9) Eight times more addictive, to be precise, according to Mark Hyman, MD. (10)
This is why it's important to consume as many natural, whole foods as possible because they will trigger a gradual, moderate amount of feel-good hormones. Whereas sugary treats will cause a spike, which in turn causes people to crash soon afterwards. Like narcotics, this dramatic fall back to Earth after riding high on the sugar clouds will create an intense craving in your body for another “hit.” Ever wonder why it's so challenging to eat just one cookie or have one slurp of a cola?
3 Natural Sweeteners Safe to Enjoy
Thankfully, natural sweeteners abound and kicking the habit can be a cinch if you use these three instead of sugar.
Stevia – By far the healthiest and sweetest natural sweetener, stevia is an herb that has been shown to help reverse diabetics and obesity. Stevia is the best natural sweetener for two reasons:
#1: It is a natural plant that has powerful healing properties.
#2: It has no calories and virtually 0 glycemic index, and when it is used instead of sugar (and even other natural sweeteners), blood glucose levels are not affected
Of the 350 scientific articles referencing stevia, we are starting to see that stevia can help with more than diabetes and obesity. The journal Nutrition and Cancer, for example, recently published a groundbreaking study showing how stevia can actually prevent and kill breast cancer! (11) Time will tell how truly effective this wonderfully sweet herb can be for our health and wellness.
Raw Honey – Ranking #2, most raw unfiltered honey are a rich source of: (12)
Amino acids
B vitamins (B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid)
This cornucopia of nutrition has made honey an extremely effective wound healer and has been known to help with irritable bowel syndrome, acne, eczema, MRSA, tooth decay and a slew of other disorders.
Taking just one teaspoon of local raw honey has been shown to enhance immune function by building a tolerance to local pollen. The International Archives of Allergy and Immunology published an article that discovered that pre-seasonal daily use of birch pollen honey literally decreased allergy symptoms by 60%! (13)
Maple Syrup – Shown to kill colon cancer cells, maple syrup is a delightful replacement for most baked good recipes. (14) It is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and in the words of University of Rhode Island researcher Navindra Seeram
“I continue to say that nature is the best chemist, and that maple syrup is becoming a champion food when it comes to the number and variety of beneficial compounds found in it,” Seeram said. “It’s important to note that in our laboratory research we found that several of these compounds possess anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which have been shown to fight cancer, diabetes and bacterial illnesses.” (15)
A Note About Agave & Sugar Alcohols
Both agave and sugar alcohols like xylitol have been praised for being “natural” sweeteners and many health care providers are recommending them because they are low on the glycemic index. First of all, they are anything BUT natural. Secondly, they are quite toxic to the body.
Ever since the 1950s, researchers have known that xylitol: (17)
Cannot be properly metabolized by humans.
Causes digestive issues like gas, bloating and diarrhea.
Gets stored in the liver, which can contribute to long-term liver damage.
Agave is even worse! A great explanation came from a recent Dr. Oz article where the famed medical celebrity retracted his opinion of agave.
After careful consideration of the available research, today I’m asking you to eliminate agave from your kitchen and your diet. Here’s why.
We used to think that because agave has a low-glycemic index and doesn’t spike your blood sugar like regular sugar does, it would be a good alternative for diabetics. But it turns out that although agave doesn’t contain a lot of glucose, it contains more fructose than any other common sweetener, including high-fructose corn syrup. (18)
When it comes to sweeteners, let common sense be your guide. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stick with stevia, raw honey and maple syrup – these 3 have been tested by time and science to not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but are also healing and abundant life giving!
Boost Your Immune System
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The prime objective is to boost your resistance to colds and other viruses, stimulate your immune system to optimal levels, and increase antioxidant activity. It does this by utilizing a complex mix of ingredients which have proven anti-viral properties.
Immu-Stay contains ingredients to help build up your immune system and fight off current and reoccurring symptoms.
Learn more about Immu-Stay now. Why do we promote this?
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Choline, SIBO, and Pregnancy: What’s the Deal?
Choline is a crucial nutrient for gut, skin, neurological, and cellular health. Yet, according to the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES), only 10 percent of Americans consistently meet the adequate intake for choline (1).
Choline also plays essential roles during growth and development, and the body’s need for choline increases during pregnancy. The amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the womb is highly enriched with 14 times the level of choline found in the mother’s blood (2). Sadly, an estimate from 2014 indicates that 90 to 95 percent of women fail to meet recommended choline intakes during pregnancy (3).
Additionally, new research has identified human gut bacteria that can compete with the host for choline. This means that those with gut dysbiosis, and particularly those with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), could be at risk for choline deficiency, even if they are consuming choline-rich foods or taking choline supplements.
In this article, I’ll cover all of the relevant research surrounding choline for general health and pregnancy, including the role of our gut microbes, and discuss how we can use this information to optimize choline status.
The importance of choline
Choline carries out many important functions in the body. It is an essential component of phospholipids, which make up the structure of cell membranes. Choline is also a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays roles in memory, circadian rhythms, and muscle control, and sphingomyelin, which is found in the fatty sheath around nerve fibers and improves the conduction of electrical impulses. The transport of fat and cholesterol from the liver also requires choline, and deficiency can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (4).
9 out of 10 Americans don’t get enough choline, and deficiency may be especially harmful during pregnancy. Certain gut microbes could prevent proper choline absorption. Learn how to optimize your choline status to support overall health. 
Choline is also an important source of methyl groups. The addition of methyl groups to the DNA structure can turn genes on or off without any changes to underlying DNA sequence, a process known as epigenetics. Epigenetics plays an important role in health throughout life but is particularly important during growth and development, as fetal stem cells divide and differentiate into organs with all kinds of complex cellular functions. Changes in DNA methylation have been associated with cancer, aging, cognitive disabilities, atherosclerosis, and autoimmunity (5).
In utero, choline status also has implications for the structural development of the hippocampus, the primary brain region responsible for learning and memory (6). Poor maternal choline status may also increase the risk of neural tube defects and impair development of the heart (7).
So how much choline do we need?
Unfortunately, there is still a lack of consensus on exactly how much choline we need. The Institute of Medicine, which establishes the RDAs for nutrients based on peer-reviewed studies, has been unable to come up with a definitive value for choline needs and has had to resort to establishing an “Adequate Intake” value for choline (8). This is sort of a “best guess” as to how much choline might be sufficient for most people.
Below are the adequate intake values for choline (9):
Infants (0–6 months old): 125 mg per day Infants (6–12 months old): 150 mg per day Children (1–2 years old): 200 mg per day Children (4–8 years old): 250 mg per day Children (9–13 years old): 375 mg per day Adult men: 550 mg per day Adult women: 425 mg per day Pregnant women: 450 mg per day Lactating women: 550 mg per day
Chris Masterjohn has previously explained why trying to estimate how much choline we need is almost impossible. He has also extensively discussed the factors that influence dietary choline requirements, including genetic variations, intake of other B vitamins (particularly other methyl donors), and overall energy intake. Thus, I won’t be discussing any of these factors here. Since the microbiome is my area of expertise and the newest identified factor affecting choline status, the rest of this article will focus on gut bacterial influences on choline requirements.
Microbes compete for host choline
A recent study from the lab of leading microbiome researcher Dr. Federico Rey suggests that our gut microbes may influence choline status (10). I find this fascinating, but if you get bogged down in the details, you can skip ahead to the end of this section, where I’ll discuss the implications of this research!
This study used what are known as gnotobiotic (know-toe-by-ah-tic) mice. These are mice colonized with a known community of microbes. In this case, the researchers chose a core community (CC) of five microbes that are abundant in the normal human gut. To half of the mice (CC+), they also added a strain of E. coli that is known to metabolize choline. To the other group (CC-), they added the same strain of E. coli, but mutated the enzyme responsible for choline metabolism. Thus, the only difference between the groups was that one could utilize choline, while the other could not.
The researchers then took blood samples and found that CC+ mice had very low levels of serum choline compared to CC- mice. This suggested that the E. coli microbe was competing with the host for choline.
Moreover, they found that CC+ mice had lower levels of DNA methylation that mimicked those seen in choline deficiency. To explore the implications of these altered methylation profiles, Dr. Rey and colleagues repeated the experiments in mouse models of metabolic syndrome and pregnancy and early life.
In the metabolic disease model, CC+ mice had increased circulating leptin, increased blood triglycerides, and fatty livers compared to CC- mice.
In pregnancy, mother CC+ mice had increased obsessive grooming behavior, and their offspring showed increased marble-burying behavior, indicative of increased anxiety.
So, what are the major takeaways? First, gut bacteria may impact choline bioavailability in ways that mimic outright choline deficiency. Therefore, we can’t just be concerned with the adequate intake for choline, as individual needs for dietary choline are dependent on the gut microbiome. This study also suggests that excessive bacterial metabolism of choline could be especially harmful in pregnant women and those with metabolic syndrome.
Could SIBO be causing choline deficiency?
Additionally, what most people didn’t catch in the methods of this study is that the choline-hungry E. coli strain used in the study is a robust colonizer of the small intestine.
To help convey the importance of this, I should review some basic gut anatomy. Food passes through the stomach to the small intestine, and then through the large intestine. It’s no mistake that the small intestine, the primary site of nutrient absorption, is upstream from the large intestine, which is home to the bulk of the gut microbiota. In a healthy individual, this arrangement ensures that our epithelial cells have “dibs” on any incoming nutrients, and our microbes get the “leftovers.”
In small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), however, the pecking order changes. Microbes from the colon move up the gastrointestinal tract to colonize the small intestine, or small intestinal microbes flourish and become overgrown. These microbes now directly compete with the host for any incoming nutrients—and in many cases, they win out. SIBO may particularly affect host status for nutrients absorbed in the lower small intestine, such as iron, vitamin B12, and—based on this research—choline.
In other words, those with SIBO may be at particularly increased risk for choline deficiency. (This remains to be confirmed in humans, but the microbial strain used in this mouse study was isolated from the human gut.)
Could high circulating TMAO be linked to SIBO?
What is most intriguing is that choline bacterial metabolism also leads to high serum levels of TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide). TMAO has received a great deal of attention for its associations with cardiovascular disease (11). Bacteria convert choline to TMA, which is then oxidized in the liver to TMAO. Chris has talked about TMAO before on both his blog and his podcast, suggesting that high serum TMAO levels are more about which gut microbes you have and less about how much choline and carnitine you consume. The study I outlined above provides support for this hypothesis: CC+ mice had much higher levels of TMAO, while CC- mice had virtually undetectable TMAO.
Additionally, preliminary data from the Rey lab has shown that in humans, low serum choline tends to be associated with high TMAO, and vice versa. If TMAO was primarily being produced from “leftover” choline in the colon, we likely would not see this relationship. This suggests that those with high TMAO are very likely harboring some form of SIBO—further explaining the connection between SIBO and cardiovascular disease. Indeed, a 2017 study confirmed that TMA is only absorbed in the small intestine. Moreover, an acute dose of rifaximin, the non-absorbable antibiotic most commonly used to treat SIBO, can reduce serum levels of TMAO (12)!
Could betaine help overcome choline deficiency?
In thinking about solutions to choline deficiency, it’s important to note that one of choline’s most important roles in physiology, that of a methyl donor, first requires the conversion of choline to betaine. In other words, it’s betaine that acts as the direct methyl donor. Betaine cannot completely fulfill choline requirements, since choline has several functions besides methylation, but it can help prevent some of the epigenetic consequences of choline deficiency.
While betaine can also be consumed by microbes (and lead to TMAO production), betaine is primarily absorbed high in the proximal (upper) small intestine, whereas choline is absorbed lower, primarily in the distal (lower) small intestine (13). Since SIBO is most common in the distal small intestine, this means that, theoretically, betaine may have a better chance to be absorbed than choline. Of course, this is all speculation, and I look forward to seeing more studies in this area.
Additionally, I’d muse that consuming both betaine and choline may increase the chances that at least one is absorbed, since different bacterial species compete for each of these two nutrients. Many people with SIBO supplement with betaine HCl to help correct low stomach acid—but betaine HCl may also help compensate for bacterial choline metabolism in the small intestine and prevent symptoms of choline deficiency.
How to optimize choline status
Putting all of this information together, there are several steps we can take to help optimize choline status (even if we don’t know exactly how much we need):
Treat SIBO and gut dysbiosis: As always, we want to treat the underlying cause of disease. In this case, if SIBO is contributing to choline deficiency, addressing SIBO may improve choline status. This involves taking antimicrobials, improving gut motility, and restoring adequate stomach acid levels. Klebsiella and Escherichia appear to be particularly thrifty choline consumers.
Consume plenty of choline-rich foods: the top whole-food sources of choline are listed below. Human breast milk is also rich in choline.
Beef liver (3 oz.): 356 milligrams
Eggs (1 whole): 147 milligrams
Beef round steak (3 oz.): 117 milligrams
Supplement with (phosphatidyl)choline: For those who cannot get sufficient choline from dietary sources, I recommend supplementation. It’s important to note that most prenatal supplements and multivitamins do not contain choline, and those that do often contain the choline chloride form.
I recently had the opportunity to ask Dr. Rey about his thoughts on various choline supplements. He suggested that while all forms of choline are used by microbes, phosphatidylcholine seems to take more work for the microbes to utilize and may have a better chance of being absorbed than compounds like choline chloride. This is also the form found naturally in most foods. I like Seeking Health Optimal PC.
While it’s possible that consuming extra choline may fuel the overgrowth of choline consumers, the consequences of inadequate choline are far too great to even consider restricting choline intake.
Consume betaine-rich foods: as I discussed above, consuming adequate betaine may reduce the need for choline. The top three whole-food sources of betaine are:
Beets (1 cup, raw): 175 mg
Spinach (1 cup, cooked): 160 mg
Sweet potato (1 medium): 39 mg
Supplement with betaine: For those with SIBO and inadequate stomach acid secretion, betaine HCl is an excellent choice. I recommend one to five capsules, as tolerated, taken with meals.
I’d love to hear from you. What do you think of the research? Do you get enough choline and betaine? Share your thoughts in the comments!
About Lucy: Lucy is an MD-PhD student in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois and a staff research associate for Kresser Institute. Her laboratory research focuses on the effects of diet and exercise on the gut microbiome and how this impacts gut and skin health. She was recently recognized as an emerging leader in Nutritional Sciences by the American Society for Nutrition and has contributed to several peer-reviewed publications.
Lucy’s mission is to provide evidence for an individualized, integrative approach to health through innovative research and outstanding clinical practice. She recognizes that each individual is unique, and she currently helps clients with gut, skin, and autoimmune conditions. You can learn more about her at NGmedicine.com or join her weekly newsletter here!
The post Choline, SIBO, and Pregnancy: What’s the Deal? appeared first on Chris Kresser.
Credits: Original Content Source
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shapesnnsizes · 6 years
Choline, SIBO, and Pregnancy: What’s the Deal?
Choline is a crucial nutrient for gut, skin, neurological, and cellular health. Yet, according to the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey (NHANES), only 10 percent of Americans consistently meet the adequate intake for choline (1).
Choline also plays essential roles during growth and development, and the body’s need for choline increases during pregnancy. The amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the womb is highly enriched with 14 times the level of choline found in the mother’s blood (2). Sadly, an estimate from 2014 indicates that 90 to 95 percent of women fail to meet recommended choline intakes during pregnancy (3).
Additionally, new research has identified human gut bacteria that can compete with the host for choline. This means that those with gut dysbiosis, and particularly those with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), could be at risk for choline deficiency, even if they are consuming choline-rich foods or taking choline supplements.
In this article, I’ll cover all of the relevant research surrounding choline for general health and pregnancy, including the role of our gut microbes, and discuss how we can use this information to optimize choline status.
The importance of choline
Choline carries out many important functions in the body. It is an essential component of phospholipids, which make up the structure of cell membranes. Choline is also a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which plays roles in memory, circadian rhythms, and muscle control, and sphingomyelin, which is found in the fatty sheath around nerve fibers and improves the conduction of electrical impulses. The transport of fat and cholesterol from the liver also requires choline, and deficiency can lead to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) (4).
9 out of 10 Americans don’t get enough choline, and deficiency may be especially harmful during pregnancy. Certain gut microbes could prevent proper choline absorption. Learn how to optimize your choline status to support overall health. 
Choline is also an important source of methyl groups. The addition of methyl groups to the DNA structure can turn genes on or off without any changes to underlying DNA sequence, a process known as epigenetics. Epigenetics plays an important role in health throughout life but is particularly important during growth and development, as fetal stem cells divide and differentiate into organs with all kinds of complex cellular functions. Changes in DNA methylation have been associated with cancer, aging, cognitive disabilities, atherosclerosis, and autoimmunity (5).
In utero, choline status also has implications for the structural development of the hippocampus, the primary brain region responsible for learning and memory (6). Poor maternal choline status may also increase the risk of neural tube defects and impair development of the heart (7).
So how much choline do we need?
Unfortunately, there is still a lack of consensus on exactly how much choline we need. The Institute of Medicine, which establishes the RDAs for nutrients based on peer-reviewed studies, has been unable to come up with a definitive value for choline needs and has had to resort to establishing an “Adequate Intake” value for choline (8). This is sort of a “best guess” as to how much choline might be sufficient for most people.
Below are the adequate intake values for choline (9):
Infants (0–6 months old): 125 mg per day Infants (6–12 months old): 150 mg per day Children (1–2 years old): 200 mg per day Children (4–8 years old): 250 mg per day Children (9–13 years old): 375 mg per day Adult men: 550 mg per day Adult women: 425 mg per day Pregnant women: 450 mg per day Lactating women: 550 mg per day
Chris Masterjohn has previously explained why trying to estimate how much choline we need is almost impossible. He has also extensively discussed the factors that influence dietary choline requirements, including genetic variations, intake of other B vitamins (particularly other methyl donors), and overall energy intake. Thus, I won’t be discussing any of these factors here. Since the microbiome is my area of expertise and the newest identified factor affecting choline status, the rest of this article will focus on gut bacterial influences on choline requirements.
Microbes compete for host choline
A recent study from the lab of leading microbiome researcher Dr. Federico Rey suggests that our gut microbes may influence choline status (10). I find this fascinating, but if you get bogged down in the details, you can skip ahead to the end of this section, where I’ll discuss the implications of this research!
This study used what are known as gnotobiotic (know-toe-by-ah-tic) mice. These are mice colonized with a known community of microbes. In this case, the researchers chose a core community (CC) of five microbes that are abundant in the normal human gut. To half of the mice (CC+), they also added a strain of E. coli that is known to metabolize choline. To the other group (CC-), they added the same strain of E. coli, but mutated the enzyme responsible for choline metabolism. Thus, the only difference between the groups was that one could utilize choline, while the other could not.
The researchers then took blood samples and found that CC+ mice had very low levels of serum choline compared to CC- mice. This suggested that the E. coli microbe was competing with the host for choline.
Moreover, they found that CC+ mice had lower levels of DNA methylation that mimicked those seen in choline deficiency. To explore the implications of these altered methylation profiles, Dr. Rey and colleagues repeated the experiments in mouse models of metabolic syndrome and pregnancy and early life.
In the metabolic disease model, CC+ mice had increased circulating leptin, increased blood triglycerides, and fatty livers compared to CC- mice.
In pregnancy, mother CC+ mice had increased obsessive grooming behavior, and their offspring showed increased marble-burying behavior, indicative of increased anxiety.
So, what are the major takeaways? First, gut bacteria may impact choline bioavailability in ways that mimic outright choline deficiency. Therefore, we can’t just be concerned with the adequate intake for choline, as individual needs for dietary choline are dependent on the gut microbiome. This study also suggests that excessive bacterial metabolism of choline could be especially harmful in pregnant women and those with metabolic syndrome.
Could SIBO be causing choline deficiency?
Additionally, what most people didn’t catch in the methods of this study is that the choline-hungry E. coli strain used in the study is a robust colonizer of the small intestine.
To help convey the importance of this, I should review some basic gut anatomy. Food passes through the stomach to the small intestine, and then through the large intestine. It’s no mistake that the small intestine, the primary site of nutrient absorption, is upstream from the large intestine, which is home to the bulk of the gut microbiota. In a healthy individual, this arrangement ensures that our epithelial cells have “dibs” on any incoming nutrients, and our microbes get the “leftovers.”
In small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), however, the pecking order changes. Microbes from the colon move up the gastrointestinal tract to colonize the small intestine, or small intestinal microbes flourish and become overgrown. These microbes now directly compete with the host for any incoming nutrients—and in many cases, they win out. SIBO may particularly affect host status for nutrients absorbed in the lower small intestine, such as iron, vitamin B12, and—based on this research—choline.
In other words, those with SIBO may be at particularly increased risk for choline deficiency. (This remains to be confirmed in humans, but the microbial strain used in this mouse study was isolated from the human gut.)
Could high circulating TMAO be linked to SIBO?
What is most intriguing is that choline bacterial metabolism also leads to high serum levels of TMAO (trimethylamine N-oxide). TMAO has received a great deal of attention for its associations with cardiovascular disease (11). Bacteria convert choline to TMA, which is then oxidized in the liver to TMAO. Chris has talked about TMAO before on both his blog and his podcast, suggesting that high serum TMAO levels are more about which gut microbes you have and less about how much choline and carnitine you consume. The study I outlined above provides support for this hypothesis: CC+ mice had much higher levels of TMAO, while CC- mice had virtually undetectable TMAO.
Additionally, preliminary data from the Rey lab has shown that in humans, low serum choline tends to be associated with high TMAO, and vice versa. If TMAO was primarily being produced from “leftover” choline in the colon, we likely would not see this relationship. This suggests that those with high TMAO are very likely harboring some form of SIBO—further explaining the connection between SIBO and cardiovascular disease. Indeed, a 2017 study confirmed that TMA is only absorbed in the small intestine. Moreover, an acute dose of rifaximin, the non-absorbable antibiotic most commonly used to treat SIBO, can reduce serum levels of TMAO (12)!
Could betaine help overcome choline deficiency?
In thinking about solutions to choline deficiency, it’s important to note that one of choline’s most important roles in physiology, that of a methyl donor, first requires the conversion of choline to betaine. In other words, it’s betaine that acts as the direct methyl donor. Betaine cannot completely fulfill choline requirements, since choline has several functions besides methylation, but it can help prevent some of the epigenetic consequences of choline deficiency.
While betaine can also be consumed by microbes (and lead to TMAO production), betaine is primarily absorbed high in the proximal (upper) small intestine, whereas choline is absorbed lower, primarily in the distal (lower) small intestine (13). Since SIBO is most common in the distal small intestine, this means that, theoretically, betaine may have a better chance to be absorbed than choline. Of course, this is all speculation, and I look forward to seeing more studies in this area.
Additionally, I’d muse that consuming both betaine and choline may increase the chances that at least one is absorbed, since different bacterial species compete for each of these two nutrients. Many people with SIBO supplement with betaine HCl to help correct low stomach acid—but betaine HCl may also help compensate for bacterial choline metabolism in the small intestine and prevent symptoms of choline deficiency.
How to optimize choline status
Putting all of this information together, there are several steps we can take to help optimize choline status (even if we don’t know exactly how much we need):
Treat SIBO and gut dysbiosis: As always, we want to treat the underlying cause of disease. In this case, if SIBO is contributing to choline deficiency, addressing SIBO may improve choline status. This involves taking antimicrobials, improving gut motility, and restoring adequate stomach acid levels. Klebsiella and Escherichia appear to be particularly thrifty choline consumers.
Consume plenty of choline-rich foods: the top whole-food sources of choline are listed below. Human breast milk is also rich in choline.
Beef liver (3 oz.): 356 milligrams
Eggs (1 whole): 147 milligrams
Beef round steak (3 oz.): 117 milligrams
Supplement with (phosphatidyl)choline: For those who cannot get sufficient choline from dietary sources, I recommend supplementation. It’s important to note that most prenatal supplements and multivitamins do not contain choline, and those that do often contain the choline chloride form.
I recently had the opportunity to ask Dr. Rey about his thoughts on various choline supplements. He suggested that while all forms of choline are used by microbes, phosphatidylcholine seems to take more work for the microbes to utilize and may have a better chance of being absorbed than compounds like choline chloride. This is also the form found naturally in most foods. I like Seeking Health Optimal PC.
While it’s possible that consuming extra choline may fuel the overgrowth of choline consumers, the consequences of inadequate choline are far too great to even consider restricting choline intake.
Consume betaine-rich foods: as I discussed above, consuming adequate betaine may reduce the need for choline. The top three whole-food sources of betaine are:
Beets (1 cup, raw): 175 mg
Spinach (1 cup, cooked): 160 mg
Sweet potato (1 medium): 39 mg
Supplement with betaine: For those with SIBO and inadequate stomach acid secretion, betaine HCl is an excellent choice. I recommend one to five capsules, as tolerated, taken with meals.
I’d love to hear from you. What do you think of the research? Do you get enough choline and betaine? Share your thoughts in the comments!
About Lucy: Lucy is an MD-PhD student in Nutritional Sciences at the University of Illinois and a staff research associate for Kresser Institute. Her laboratory research focuses on the effects of diet and exercise on the gut microbiome and how this impacts gut and skin health. She was recently recognized as an emerging leader in Nutritional Sciences by the American Society for Nutrition and has contributed to several peer-reviewed publications.
Lucy’s mission is to provide evidence for an individualized, integrative approach to health through innovative research and outstanding clinical practice. She recognizes that each individual is unique, and she currently helps clients with gut, skin, and autoimmune conditions. You can learn more about her at NGmedicine.com or join her weekly newsletter here!
The post Choline, SIBO, and Pregnancy: What’s the Deal? appeared first on Chris Kresser.
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lotsofdogs · 6 years
Sugar is Killing You, Use these Natural Sweeteners Instead!
Here’s the paradox:
Americans spend more on health care and supplements than any other country, yet our health and our health care system both rank at the bottom of virtually every study and survey today. (1, 2, 3)
As we bathe themselves in coconut and fish oils and take every supplement under the sun, most people are coming to the realization that a “cure-all” doesn't really exist. However (and this is a HUGE however) if a “panacea” does exist, it would be completely omitting sugar from our diets!
Sugar & Immunity
But everything in moderation, right? Nope. Nothing could be further from the truth!
Most people don’t realize this, but ever since the early 1970s, it has been proven that sugar literally shuts down white blood cell effectiveness immediately after it is consumed and puts the body in harm’s way for up to 5 hours! (1)
According to nutrition expert K.C. Craichy (Quest for the Cures), just 100 grams of sugar inhibits our white blood cell’s ability to kill the pathogens in our body by up to 90 percent. And this happens within 15 minutes of consumption! (2) To put this is more familiar terms, Founder of the American Anti-Cancer Institute Bob Wright confirms that data from a 1973 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition still holds true today: “One can of [soda] has enough sugar to shut down 50 percent of our immune system for a minimum of 4 hours,” Wright says. (2)
Additionally, in the words of the American Anti-Cancer Institute,
When we consume sugar, we are simultaneously shutting off our defenses while pouring gasoline on the fire that is Cancer. When we take into account that “50 to 70 percent of our total immune system cells cannot see cancer … even on our best day,” the notion of adding it to our diet seems even more blasphemous (A.J. Lanigan, Quest for the Cures). (2)
More Risks with Sugar than Previously Expected
First off, sugar is arguably the most dangerous substance on the planet and should be avoided like the plague. Nancy Appleton, PhD even claims that there are literally 141 ways sugar ruins your health. (3) In addition to containing absolutely no nutritional value, sugar has been reported to: (4, 5, 6)
Cause dental cavities.
Cause skin conditions like acne and eczema.
Contribute to hormone imbalance and adrenal fatigue.
Deplete your body of natural energy and prevents mineral absorption in your bones.
Encourage stomach ulcer formation.
Feed candida.
Greatly inhibit metabolism.
Lead to osteoporosis and arthritis.
Cause gallstones.
Spike blood sugar levels.
Suppress the immune system.
Second, the real danger of sugar is its ubiquity. It’s literally everywhere.
In the words of the American Nutrition Association,
“According to the American Heart Association (AHA), the average adult in the United States takes in 22 teaspoons of added sugar a day, or a whopping 150 pounds a year, while teens pile in 34 teaspoons a day. That’s more than twice the amount of sugar we should be eating.” (7)
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The Sugar Habit
Consuming sugar and simple carbohydrates can lead to an addictive dopamine cycle, which makes it extremely challenging to cut them out of your diet. Research has actually shown that there is a neurochemical similarity between intermittent bingeing on sucrose and drugs of abuse: “both can repeatedly increase extracellular [dopamine levels] in the nucleus accumbens.” (8) In fact, sugar is more addictive than cocaine! (9) Eight times more addictive, to be precise, according to Mark Hyman, MD. (10)
This is why it's important to consume as many natural, whole foods as possible because they will trigger a gradual, moderate amount of feel-good hormones. Whereas sugary treats will cause a spike, which in turn causes people to crash soon afterwards. Like narcotics, this dramatic fall back to Earth after riding high on the sugar clouds will create an intense craving in your body for another “hit.” Ever wonder why it's so challenging to eat just one cookie or have one slurp of a cola?
3 Natural Sweeteners Safe to Enjoy
Thankfully, natural sweeteners abound and kicking the habit can be a cinch if you use these three instead of sugar.
Stevia – By far the healthiest and sweetest natural sweetener, stevia is an herb that has been shown to help reverse diabetics and obesity. Stevia is the best natural sweetener for two reasons:
#1: It is a natural plant that has powerful healing properties.
#2: It has no calories and virtually 0 glycemic index, and when it is used instead of sugar (and even other natural sweeteners), blood glucose levels are not affected
Of the 350 scientific articles referencing stevia, we are starting to see that stevia can help with more than diabetes and obesity. The journal Nutrition and Cancer, for example, recently published a groundbreaking study showing how stevia can actually prevent and kill breast cancer! (11) Time will tell how truly effective this wonderfully sweet herb can be for our health and wellness.
Raw Honey – Ranking #2, most raw unfiltered honey are a rich source of: (12)
Amino acids
B vitamins (B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid)
This cornucopia of nutrition has made honey an extremely effective wound healer and has been known to help with irritable bowel syndrome, acne, eczema, MRSA, tooth decay and a slew of other disorders.
Taking just one teaspoon of local raw honey has been shown to enhance immune function by building a tolerance to local pollen. The International Archives of Allergy and Immunology published an article that discovered that pre-seasonal daily use of birch pollen honey literally decreased allergy symptoms by 60%! (13)
Maple Syrup – Shown to kill colon cancer cells, maple syrup is a delightful replacement for most baked good recipes. (14) It is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and in the words of University of Rhode Island researcher Navindra Seeram
“I continue to say that nature is the best chemist, and that maple syrup is becoming a champion food when it comes to the number and variety of beneficial compounds found in it,” Seeram said. “It’s important to note that in our laboratory research we found that several of these compounds possess anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which have been shown to fight cancer, diabetes and bacterial illnesses.” (15)
A Note About Agave & Sugar Alcohols
Both agave and sugar alcohols like xylitol have been praised for being “natural” sweeteners and many health care providers are recommending them because they are low on the glycemic index. First of all, they are anything BUT natural. Secondly, they are quite toxic to the body.
Ever since the 1950s, researchers have known that xylitol: (17)
Cannot be properly metabolized by humans.
Causes digestive issues like gas, bloating and diarrhea.
Gets stored in the liver, which can contribute to long-term liver damage.
Agave is even worse! A great explanation came from a recent Dr. Oz article where the famed medical celebrity retracted his opinion of agave.
After careful consideration of the available research, today I’m asking you to eliminate agave from your kitchen and your diet. Here’s why.
We used to think that because agave has a low-glycemic index and doesn’t spike your blood sugar like regular sugar does, it would be a good alternative for diabetics. But it turns out that although agave doesn’t contain a lot of glucose, it contains more fructose than any other common sweetener, including high-fructose corn syrup. (18)
When it comes to sweeteners, let common sense be your guide. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stick with stevia, raw honey and maple syrup – these 3 have been tested by time and science to not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but are also healing and abundant life giving!
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louisdwilliams · 7 years
Here are 10 electric skateboards you can afford !
A couple of years ago, electric skateboards were making their first solid steps on the market. Then, they were considered as expensive elitist gadgets that will not be future proof. People considered them a short-term trend (similar to hoverboards) so they didn’t really think much of them at the time.
Who are cheap electric skateboards best suited for?
As far as electric skateboards as a whole goes, the main speculation was that they’re only going to be bought by tech nerds who wanted to skate back in high school but never did so. Even though they were right, this scenario was only working for a short period of time and nowadays we can see everyone buying electric skateboards… Young, old, popular or nerdy; everyone loves them.
Cheap electric skateboards listed down below are best suited for beginners who would like to get their feet wet in the world of electric skateboards. Now that they have gone mainstream, electric skateboards I mean, many people are curious to try them out. More mainstream models like Boosted Board cost up to $1500. Thats too much money for a beginner to spend on something like an electric skateboard, that’s coming from me, a die hard electric skateboard fan. That’s why this list is the perfect place for beginners to start their journey in the world of electric skateboards.
Are there any sacrifices you make by not buying premium models?
Not really, no. As far as performance and specs goes, boards for around $300 are equally as good as the one that cost close to or over $1000. Not all of them of course, but brands like BLITZART, Atom and Koowheel are really pushing out some very impressive models in this low price segment. More premium models, next to better quality, also tack on extra features like replaceable batteries, regenerative braking, mobile apps, LED lights and whatnot. Even some of those premium features are slowly starting finding their place in this low price segment. So rest assured, you don’t miss out on performance or anything like that with these budget models.
Picking and choosing an electric skateboard can be tricky
This is especially true if you are not very tech savvy, like a parent buying an electric skateboard for their kid. Now that electric skateboards went outside the “short-term trend” zone and because they are not nearly as expensive as they were a couple of years ago, everyone wants one. Nowadays, you can find a solid model for well under $500, and today I’m going to show you just that.
So, with that in mind, if you are looking for an electric skateboard that won’t make you spend all your allowance money, then pay close attention as I’m going to show you 10 models that offer the best value for money!
Table : Best cheap electric skateboards :
NameImageMax SpeedRangeWeightPrice 10. Alouette Catwalk12 mph6 miles110 lbsSee price now 9. Airwheel M312 mph12 miles220 lbsSee price now 8. SwagBoard NG-112 mph10 miles176 lbsSee price now 7. Blitzart Tornado16 mph10 miles300 lbsSee price now 6. ACTON Blink Lite5 mph5 miles180 lbsSee price now 5. Blitzart Huracane15 mph17 miles300 lbsSee price now 4. Benchwheel Penny Board 1000W15 mph7 miles210 lbsSee price now 3. Maverix USA Monster6 mph6 miles110 lbsSee price now 2. Blitzart Mini Flash12 mph15 miles260 lbsSee price now 1. Swagtron Voyager15 mph15 miles330 lbsSee price now
10. Alouette Catwalk
Let’s get the ball rolling with a very interesting model, the Alouette Catwalk. This electric skateboard comes in two different versions. One with a 4400 mAh battery and another with a 2200 mAh battery. All the other specs are pretty much the same, except obviously the range and also the price. Today we’re going to be looking at the version with the 4400 mAh battery. For a very cheap $249 you get a decent 29″ electric skateboard. Better yet, Catwalk can be found on sale quite frequently, so it can be had for even cheaper. It’s currently 20% off and can be had for $199. Catwalk is very lightweight and therefore very portable.
Deck features a very minimalistic design, and has a classic look. Without peeking under the deck, I don’t think that you would know this is an electric skateboard. It is made out of 7ply maple wood, and offers a max weight load of about 110 lbs. Board has a single 350W hub motor which is capable or reaching up to 12 mph. That’s the top speed if you put the deck in the so called “high-speed mode”. There is also a “slow” mode which cuts the top speed in half, to about 6 mph. Top speed can be adjusted with the wireless remote. Next to basics like accelerate, brake, it’s also possible to use the remote to change direction and put the board in reverse.
I talked about battery sizes of the two different versions of Catwalk but I never mentioned what kind of mileage you can expect on a single charge. Well, the 4400 mAh battery gives it around 12 miles of range on a single charge, which is rather impressive for a $200 board. With such a low maximum weight load and somewhat modest specs like top speed and range, Catwalk is obviously aimed at kids and students. It’s a great choice, from a relatively reputable manufacturer, so you shouldn’t worry about after-sales support.
9. Airwheel M3
With a recent price drop, Airwheel M3 became more than a solid model that can now be considered as quite the bargain. It features a minimalistic design accompanied by something that sets it aside from the competition.
I am, of course, talking about its big all-terrain rubber wheels which are rarely seen on electric skateboards. They allow it to maintain a straight line even on the roughest of terrains and, in addition with built-in damper masses, provide an enjoyable off-road experience.
When it comes to performance, it is safe to say that Airwheel M3 is absolutely brilliant. It can achieve speeds up to 12 mph and its smart battery is capable of enduring for roughly 12 miles on a single charge. So, with those numbers out there on the table, I’m pretty sure that Airwheel M3 is a good choice to start our list off with!
8. Swagtron SwagBoard NG-1
Swagtron is a known name in the electric rideables industry. After getting their customers addicted on top quality hoverboards, the folks over at Swagtron pivoted to the electric skateboard market.
It was a huge hit for them as their first model, the SwagBoard NG-1, seems like a huge success. This affordable electric skateboard does indeed have a couple of tradeoffs, but it shines when it comes to performance. Isn’t that what matters the most?
First off, the NG-1 sports an in-wheel motor that allows it to go as fast as 11mph. That’s extraordinary for the price and I’m pretty certain you won’t get better deals than that, at least when it comes to top speed. On the other hand, the range is nothing short of awesome either. With the 24V Li-On Fe battery, this little fella can go up to 10 miles on a single charge, making it the longest reaching electric skateboard for under $200.
With all of that being said, I’d also like to point out one last thing before making a summary – the deck is nicely flexible and is made with maple wood topped off with a solid grip tape with a sleek SwagBoard logo. All in all, if you are looking for a dirt-cheap model that can be compared to some of the more expensive ones on the market, then SwagBoard NG-1 is all yours!
7. BLITZART Tornado
When picking and choosing affordable electric skateboards for this list I never planned on putting 3 different models from BLITZART. However, since they started releasing interesting electric skateboards rather aggressively as of late, I had no other choice but to include them all. BLITZART Tornado is an electric skateboard that can be purchased for as little as $299. Even though some of the other models that I mentioned here are cheaper, can be had for $200, for the $100 or so extra that Tornado costs lots of interesting goodies can be had in return.
Length of 38″ that Tornado has puts it in the category of longboards. BLITZART electric skateboards are known for their sturdy design and Tornado is no exception. Deck is made out of 8ply maple wood sandwiched between two layers of bamboo. Thick deck allows Tornado to hold up to 300 lbs of weight. Design follows the classic longboard shape, with a finger cutout on the edge of one side for holding the board while in transport. There are a total of 4 colors that Tornado can be had, black, green, orange and red.
Tornado is powered by a single 350W hub motor, which develops top speeds of about 16 mph. Obviously if you put the board to the test and load it up to its max load capacity of 300 lbs reaching the advertised top speed would be a difficult thing to do. Especially if you’re on uneven terrain. Still it’s quite impressive that the board can hold 300 lbs.
The 36V 4000 mAh battery can power the motor for about 10 miles before running out of juice. Charging the board takes about 2.5 hours when its fully empty, so we’re talking from 0 to 100%. Range could be a bit better, but you can’t have it all. Ergonomic wireless remote will make riding the board very fun. It has very basic functions like accelerate, brake and even reverse direction. Tornado offers a great mix of toughness and performance. I recommend it as a great beginner skateboard for adults that want to get into riding electric skateboards.
6. ACTON Blink Lite
Here comes the world’s lightest electric skateboard called Blink Lite. It is made by ACTON, the company that got famous (fame is a relative term FYI) with the Blink, a solid all-around model.
While Blink did not have anything special to its name, like a key selling point or something like that… Blink Lite sure does. As its name suggests (and as I’ve already mentioned above), this is the world’s lightest electric skateboard weighing in at just 7.7 pounds.
Combined with its awesome price and classical appearance, I believe this little fella doesn’t have anything else besides that to brag about. Well okay, it can go up to 10 miles per hour in ideal conditions, but that’s about it. Considering its battery is pretty bad (just 5 miles of range), I believe there is nothing to add to this one.
So, to summarize – apart from its weight and price, ACTON Blink Lite falls into the category of “meh” models. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still worth buying, but the incredibly low weight took a toll on the battery. With that being said, if you are looking for more of an all-around electric skateboard, perhaps you’ll be better off with some other one from this list.
5. Blitzart Huracane
Truth be told, I’ve just heard about Blitzart a couple of weeks ago. Prior to that, they were an unknown brand for me and as such, I did not pay much attention to their products.
That was a bad move by me since their Huracane skateboard definitely fits into the surprising category. Why? Well, let me tell you all about it! I’m going to start off by stating that this 38-inch monstrosity (a gorgeous monstrosity, I’ll dare to say) not only looks awesome but performs likewise too.
With roughly 15mph of top speed and more than 17 miles of maximum range on a single charge, it’s pretty clear that Blitzart knows how to make good electric skateboards. Likewise, the maple bamboo deck also does wonders in terms of stability and grip. That is not a surprise since the 8 inner layers of maple are closed off with bamboo on both sides, providing the deck with an extra dose of flexibility and durability (fits up to 300 pounds of weight).
With that being said, I believe there isn’t anything more I could possibly add about this one. You could see for yourself that Huracane seems more than a solid option for most people.
4. Benchwheel Penny Board 1000W
Benchwheel Penny Board might have excellent specifications and probably superior performance in comparison to all previously featured models on this list… but it’s also quite a bit pricier than them. Some would agree with me if I said this isn’t an affordable electric skateboard… but it’s still under $400 and can be found on sale pretty often.
It features a powerful 1000W brushless motor (who would’ve guessed, eh?) that’s extraordinarily thin and allows it to go as fast as 15 mph. While that might not be the biggest speed out there, needless to say – it is still praise worthy.
Even more so when combined with the 90Wh Lithium Ion battery pack which sports the ever-so-popular quick charge technology (from 0 to 100% in cca one and a half hour). It can endure roughly 7 miles.
All that makes Penny Board a great commuting electric skateboard and I am sure that a good portion of its buyers are using it exclusively for that. All in all, Benchwheel created a durable, nice looking, electric skateboard with excellent performance. If that’s something you value, then go ahead and check this one out. It’s worth it, that’s for sure!
3. Maverix USA Monster
Maverix USA Monster is the go-to electric skateboard if you are on an extremely strict budget. The cheapest one so far, this little fella actually rides surprisingly well.
We are talking about a 31-inch (not such a common size) model with a special feature that isn’t seen on more expensive models – LED lights. It incorporates wheels with shiny LED strips that make up for quite the lightshow during night skating sessions.
In addition to the lightshow this bad boy can provide you with, it’s also important to say a couple of words about its specifications. As expected, it comes with a slow charging battery pack that takes roughly 4 hours to fully charge. This might be way too long for some of you, and I completely understand you.
On the bright side, it can still reach up to 6 miles on a single charge which gives you plenty of headroom. As I’ve already mentioned above, Monster is a skateboard primarily aimed at children so it’s no surprise its recommended weight is just 100 pounds. So, if you are a parent looking for a good present for your little ones, Monster is certainly a solid choice!
2. Blitzart Mini Flash
The silver medal on my best cheap electric skateboards list goes to yet another one of Blitzart’s models. It seems to me that they’re going to become leaders on the market with 2 excellent models. They’ve already gained a ton of popularity and from all I’ve seen lately, they are not planning on stopping any time soon. Let’s start off with the design. To me, it looks absolutely brilliant with 3 color options (jus the wheels though, the grip tape stays the same color – black) and a generally sleek look that’s not ruined with any unnecessary details. Of course, the deck is made with the same maple + bamboo combination like the one we had the chance to see with Huracane.
Moving forward, I’d like to say a thing or two about its controller too. Even though you might consider it small when you first lay your eyes on it, I can assure you that you will be pleasantly surprised once you grab it into your own two hands. It feels great and is ergonomic. Combine that with lag-free controls and you got yourself a winner!
Finally, we’re going to discuss Mini Flash’s specifications. Starting off with the durable hub motor – this thing can go as fast as 12 mph. With that comes a pretty powerful Li-On battery pack (2.5 hours of charging time won’t exactly make you fall in love with it) which is capable of enduring up to 15 miles.
With everything above-mentioned taken into consideration, there is no doubt in my mind that Mini Flashby Blitzart is a wonderful mini electric skateboard that’s priced way below its actual worth.
1. Swagtron Voyager
At last, we have come to the absolute champion when it comes to cheap electric skateboards. As always, I picked the best one in terms of value for money. I’m an electric skateboards fan just like yourself, and I’ve been through the process of purchasing them many times. That’s why I always appreciate a model that incorporates above average value for money.
That’s exactly what can be said about Swagtron’s Voyager. With powerful and energy efficient dual 350W motors, Voyager can go as fast as 15 mph, providing you with a high-speed platform for all sorts of fun (and potentially dangerous) activities.
Add a long-lasting battery to the equation as well and you will begin to understand why it’s such a powerful choice. You see, Voyager’s Lithium iron phosphate battery can easily withstand up to 15 miles on a single charge. Even more so if you’re not weighing a ton… figuratively speaking, of course.
One last thing that is worth mentioning about this model is its deck. Not only does it feature cool graphics on its grip tape but it’s pretty durable as well. Made from a maple bamboo combination, this thing can endure 330 pounds of weight and still work like a charm. All in all, It is safe to say that Swagtron made a good entrance on the market with their NG-1 and confirmed their dominance with the Voyager. It’s only a matter of time before potential customers notice that.
Unfortunately, that’s it when it comes to affordable electric skateboards. Once again, I would like to repeat the same words I mentioned in the very beginning.
You see, there is no need to dash out close to a thousand dollars for a premium electric skateboard. If you’ve made a thorough research (and followed this list correctly), you can spend more than half of that and still end up with an enjoyable experience.
What I am basically trying to say is that high price doesn’t always mean a better-quality product. You can get an outright awesome model for as little as couple hundred bucks… It’s still going to provide you with a fun time and at the end of the day, that’s what matters the most!
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Here are 10 electric skateboards you can afford ! published first on https://elskateboards.tumblr.com
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elskateboards · 7 years
Here are 10 electric skateboards you can afford !
A couple of years ago, electric skateboards were making their first solid steps on the market. Then, they were considered as expensive elitist gadgets that will not be future proof. People considered them a short-term trend (similar to hoverboards) so they didn’t really think much of them at the time.
Who are cheap electric skateboards best suited for?
As far as electric skateboards as a whole goes, the main speculation was that they’re only going to be bought by tech nerds who wanted to skate back in high school but never did so. Even though they were right, this scenario was only working for a short period of time and nowadays we can see everyone buying electric skateboards… Young, old, popular or nerdy; everyone loves them.
Cheap electric skateboards listed down below are best suited for beginners who would like to get their feet wet in the world of electric skateboards. Now that they have gone mainstream, electric skateboards I mean, many people are curious to try them out. More mainstream models like Boosted Board cost up to $1500. Thats too much money for a beginner to spend on something like an electric skateboard, that’s coming from me, a die hard electric skateboard fan. That’s why this list is the perfect place for beginners to start their journey in the world of electric skateboards.
Are there any sacrifices you make by not buying premium models?
Not really, no. As far as performance and specs goes, boards for around $300 are equally as good as the one that cost close to or over $1000. Not all of them of course, but brands like BLITZART, Atom and Koowheel are really pushing out some very impressive models in this low price segment. More premium models, next to better quality, also tack on extra features like replaceable batteries, regenerative braking, mobile apps, LED lights and whatnot. Even some of those premium features are slowly starting finding their place in this low price segment. So rest assured, you don’t miss out on performance or anything like that with these budget models.
Picking and choosing an electric skateboard can be tricky
This is especially true if you are not very tech savvy, like a parent buying an electric skateboard for their kid. Now that electric skateboards went outside the “short-term trend” zone and because they are not nearly as expensive as they were a couple of years ago, everyone wants one. Nowadays, you can find a solid model for well under $500, and today I’m going to show you just that.
So, with that in mind, if you are looking for an electric skateboard that won’t make you spend all your allowance money, then pay close attention as I’m going to show you 10 models that offer the best value for money!
Table : Best cheap electric skateboards :
NameImageMax SpeedRangeWeightPrice 10. Alouette Catwalk12 mph6 miles110 lbsSee price now 9. Airwheel M312 mph12 miles220 lbsSee price now 8. SwagBoard NG-112 mph10 miles176 lbsSee price now 7. Blitzart Tornado16 mph10 miles300 lbsSee price now 6. ACTON Blink Lite5 mph5 miles180 lbsSee price now 5. Blitzart Huracane15 mph17 miles300 lbsSee price now 4. Benchwheel Penny Board 1000W15 mph7 miles210 lbsSee price now 3. Maverix USA Monster6 mph6 miles110 lbsSee price now 2. Blitzart Mini Flash12 mph15 miles260 lbsSee price now 1. Swagtron Voyager15 mph15 miles330 lbsSee price now
  10. Alouette Catwalk
Let’s get the ball rolling with a very interesting model, the Alouette Catwalk. This electric skateboard comes in two different versions. One with a 4400 mAh battery and another with a 2200 mAh battery. All the other specs are pretty much the same, except obviously the range and also the price. Today we’re going to be looking at the version with the 4400 mAh battery. For a very cheap $249 you get a decent 29″ electric skateboard. Better yet, Catwalk can be found on sale quite frequently, so it can be had for even cheaper. It’s currently 20% off and can be had for $199. Catwalk is very lightweight and therefore very portable.
Deck features a very minimalistic design, and has a classic look. Without peeking under the deck, I don’t think that you would know this is an electric skateboard. It is made out of 7ply maple wood, and offers a max weight load of about 110 lbs. Board has a single 350W hub motor which is capable or reaching up to 12 mph. That’s the top speed if you put the deck in the so called “high-speed mode”. There is also a “slow” mode which cuts the top speed in half, to about 6 mph. Top speed can be adjusted with the wireless remote. Next to basics like accelerate, brake, it’s also possible to use the remote to change direction and put the board in reverse.
I talked about battery sizes of the two different versions of Catwalk but I never mentioned what kind of mileage you can expect on a single charge. Well, the 4400 mAh battery gives it around 12 miles of range on a single charge, which is rather impressive for a $200 board. With such a low maximum weight load and somewhat modest specs like top speed and range, Catwalk is obviously aimed at kids and students. It’s a great choice, from a relatively reputable manufacturer, so you shouldn’t worry about after-sales support.
  9. Airwheel M3
With a recent price drop, Airwheel M3 became more than a solid model that can now be considered as quite the bargain. It features a minimalistic design accompanied by something that sets it aside from the competition.
I am, of course, talking about its big all-terrain rubber wheels which are rarely seen on electric skateboards. They allow it to maintain a straight line even on the roughest of terrains and, in addition with built-in damper masses, provide an enjoyable off-road experience.
When it comes to performance, it is safe to say that Airwheel M3 is absolutely brilliant. It can achieve speeds up to 12 mph and its smart battery is capable of enduring for roughly 12 miles on a single charge. So, with those numbers out there on the table, I’m pretty sure that Airwheel M3 is a good choice to start our list off with!
  8. Swagtron SwagBoard NG-1
Swagtron is a known name in the electric rideables industry. After getting their customers addicted on top quality hoverboards, the folks over at Swagtron pivoted to the electric skateboard market.
It was a huge hit for them as their first model, the SwagBoard NG-1, seems like a huge success. This affordable electric skateboard does indeed have a couple of tradeoffs, but it shines when it comes to performance. Isn’t that what matters the most?
First off, the NG-1 sports an in-wheel motor that allows it to go as fast as 11mph. That’s extraordinary for the price and I’m pretty certain you won’t get better deals than that, at least when it comes to top speed. On the other hand, the range is nothing short of awesome either. With the 24V Li-On Fe battery, this little fella can go up to 10 miles on a single charge, making it the longest reaching electric skateboard for under $200.
With all of that being said, I’d also like to point out one last thing before making a summary – the deck is nicely flexible and is made with maple wood topped off with a solid grip tape with a sleek SwagBoard logo. All in all, if you are looking for a dirt-cheap model that can be compared to some of the more expensive ones on the market, then SwagBoard NG-1 is all yours!
  7. BLITZART Tornado
When picking and choosing affordable electric skateboards for this list I never planned on putting 3 different models from BLITZART. However, since they started releasing interesting electric skateboards rather aggressively as of late, I had no other choice but to include them all. BLITZART Tornado is an electric skateboard that can be purchased for as little as $299. Even though some of the other models that I mentioned here are cheaper, can be had for $200, for the $100 or so extra that Tornado costs lots of interesting goodies can be had in return.
Length of 38″ that Tornado has puts it in the category of longboards. BLITZART electric skateboards are known for their sturdy design and Tornado is no exception. Deck is made out of 8ply maple wood sandwiched between two layers of bamboo. Thick deck allows Tornado to hold up to 300 lbs of weight. Design follows the classic longboard shape, with a finger cutout on the edge of one side for holding the board while in transport. There are a total of 4 colors that Tornado can be had, black, green, orange and red.
Tornado is powered by a single 350W hub motor, which develops top speeds of about 16 mph. Obviously if you put the board to the test and load it up to its max load capacity of 300 lbs reaching the advertised top speed would be a difficult thing to do. Especially if you’re on uneven terrain. Still it’s quite impressive that the board can hold 300 lbs.
The 36V 4000 mAh battery can power the motor for about 10 miles before running out of juice. Charging the board takes about 2.5 hours when its fully empty, so we’re talking from 0 to 100%. Range could be a bit better, but you can’t have it all. Ergonomic wireless remote will make riding the board very fun. It has very basic functions like accelerate, brake and even reverse direction. Tornado offers a great mix of toughness and performance. I recommend it as a great beginner skateboard for adults that want to get into riding electric skateboards.
  6. ACTON Blink Lite
Here comes the world’s lightest electric skateboard called Blink Lite. It is made by ACTON, the company that got famous (fame is a relative term FYI) with the Blink, a solid all-around model.
While Blink did not have anything special to its name, like a key selling point or something like that… Blink Lite sure does. As its name suggests (and as I’ve already mentioned above), this is the world’s lightest electric skateboard weighing in at just 7.7 pounds.
Combined with its awesome price and classical appearance, I believe this little fella doesn’t have anything else besides that to brag about. Well okay, it can go up to 10 miles per hour in ideal conditions, but that’s about it. Considering its battery is pretty bad (just 5 miles of range), I believe there is nothing to add to this one.
So, to summarize – apart from its weight and price, ACTON Blink Lite falls into the category of “meh” models. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still worth buying, but the incredibly low weight took a toll on the battery. With that being said, if you are looking for more of an all-around electric skateboard, perhaps you’ll be better off with some other one from this list.
  5. Blitzart Huracane
Truth be told, I’ve just heard about Blitzart a couple of weeks ago. Prior to that, they were an unknown brand for me and as such, I did not pay much attention to their products.
That was a bad move by me since their Huracane skateboard definitely fits into the surprising category. Why? Well, let me tell you all about it! I’m going to start off by stating that this 38-inch monstrosity (a gorgeous monstrosity, I’ll dare to say) not only looks awesome but performs likewise too.
With roughly 15mph of top speed and more than 17 miles of maximum range on a single charge, it’s pretty clear that Blitzart knows how to make good electric skateboards. Likewise, the maple bamboo deck also does wonders in terms of stability and grip. That is not a surprise since the 8 inner layers of maple are closed off with bamboo on both sides, providing the deck with an extra dose of flexibility and durability (fits up to 300 pounds of weight).
With that being said, I believe there isn’t anything more I could possibly add about this one. You could see for yourself that Huracane seems more than a solid option for most people.
  4. Benchwheel Penny Board 1000W
Benchwheel Penny Board might have excellent specifications and probably superior performance in comparison to all previously featured models on this list… but it’s also quite a bit pricier than them. Some would agree with me if I said this isn’t an affordable electric skateboard… but it’s still under $400 and can be found on sale pretty often.
It features a powerful 1000W brushless motor (who would’ve guessed, eh?) that’s extraordinarily thin and allows it to go as fast as 15 mph. While that might not be the biggest speed out there, needless to say – it is still praise worthy.
Even more so when combined with the 90Wh Lithium Ion battery pack which sports the ever-so-popular quick charge technology (from 0 to 100% in cca one and a half hour). It can endure roughly 7 miles.
All that makes Penny Board a great commuting electric skateboard and I am sure that a good portion of its buyers are using it exclusively for that. All in all, Benchwheel created a durable, nice looking, electric skateboard with excellent performance. If that’s something you value, then go ahead and check this one out. It’s worth it, that’s for sure!
  3. Maverix USA Monster
Maverix USA Monster is the go-to electric skateboard if you are on an extremely strict budget. The cheapest one so far, this little fella actually rides surprisingly well.
We are talking about a 31-inch (not such a common size) model with a special feature that isn’t seen on more expensive models – LED lights. It incorporates wheels with shiny LED strips that make up for quite the lightshow during night skating sessions.
In addition to the lightshow this bad boy can provide you with, it’s also important to say a couple of words about its specifications. As expected, it comes with a slow charging battery pack that takes roughly 4 hours to fully charge. This might be way too long for some of you, and I completely understand you.
On the bright side, it can still reach up to 6 miles on a single charge which gives you plenty of headroom. As I’ve already mentioned above, Monster is a skateboard primarily aimed at children so it’s no surprise its recommended weight is just 100 pounds. So, if you are a parent looking for a good present for your little ones, Monster is certainly a solid choice!
  2. Blitzart Mini Flash
The silver medal on my best cheap electric skateboards list goes to yet another one of Blitzart’s models. It seems to me that they’re going to become leaders on the market with 2 excellent models. They’ve already gained a ton of popularity and from all I’ve seen lately, they are not planning on stopping any time soon. Let’s start off with the design. To me, it looks absolutely brilliant with 3 color options (jus the wheels though, the grip tape stays the same color – black) and a generally sleek look that’s not ruined with any unnecessary details. Of course, the deck is made with the same maple + bamboo combination like the one we had the chance to see with Huracane.
Moving forward, I’d like to say a thing or two about its controller too. Even though you might consider it small when you first lay your eyes on it, I can assure you that you will be pleasantly surprised once you grab it into your own two hands. It feels great and is ergonomic. Combine that with lag-free controls and you got yourself a winner!
Finally, we’re going to discuss Mini Flash’s specifications. Starting off with the durable hub motor – this thing can go as fast as 12 mph. With that comes a pretty powerful Li-On battery pack (2.5 hours of charging time won’t exactly make you fall in love with it) which is capable of enduring up to 15 miles.
With everything above-mentioned taken into consideration, there is no doubt in my mind that Mini Flashby Blitzart is a wonderful mini electric skateboard that’s priced way below its actual worth.
  1. Swagtron Voyager
At last, we have come to the absolute champion when it comes to cheap electric skateboards. As always, I picked the best one in terms of value for money. I’m an electric skateboards fan just like yourself, and I’ve been through the process of purchasing them many times. That’s why I always appreciate a model that incorporates above average value for money.
That’s exactly what can be said about Swagtron’s Voyager. With powerful and energy efficient dual 350W motors, Voyager can go as fast as 15 mph, providing you with a high-speed platform for all sorts of fun (and potentially dangerous) activities.
Add a long-lasting battery to the equation as well and you will begin to understand why it’s such a powerful choice. You see, Voyager’s Lithium iron phosphate battery can easily withstand up to 15 miles on a single charge. Even more so if you’re not weighing a ton… figuratively speaking, of course.
One last thing that is worth mentioning about this model is its deck. Not only does it feature cool graphics on its grip tape but it’s pretty durable as well. Made from a maple bamboo combination, this thing can endure 330 pounds of weight and still work like a charm. All in all, It is safe to say that Swagtron made a good entrance on the market with their NG-1 and confirmed their dominance with the Voyager. It’s only a matter of time before potential customers notice that.
Unfortunately, that’s it when it comes to affordable electric skateboards. Once again, I would like to repeat the same words I mentioned in the very beginning.
You see, there is no need to dash out close to a thousand dollars for a premium electric skateboard. If you’ve made a thorough research (and followed this list correctly), you can spend more than half of that and still end up with an enjoyable experience.
What I am basically trying to say is that high price doesn’t always mean a better-quality product. You can get an outright awesome model for as little as couple hundred bucks… It’s still going to provide you with a fun time and at the end of the day, that’s what matters the most!
The post Here are 10 electric skateboards you can afford ! appeared first on ELSkateboards.
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