#and to the existance of bars
cloverpatched · 28 days
somebody stop me from titling my essay on the social coding differences of humor in european feudal society "a peasant, a priest and a king walk into a bar"
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zu-is-here · 2 months
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<– • –>
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wasyago · 10 months
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they're a killer queeeeen
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pensivepeach · 16 days
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sashisuse · 13 days
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tree-obsession · 2 months
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his gentle face??? the soft, delicate, kind voice and his eyes visibly softening even more and the real, genuine little smile as he blesses his younger self with his sister's voice in the background.
hoyo why do you hurt us like this it's going to consume my thoughts for DAYS now
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seven-tastic · 3 months
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pirateprincessjess · 3 months
There is a queer book store opening in my town, and I’m so freaking excited! The world needs more queer spaces!
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ganondoodle · 17 days
the idea of playable zelda in itself is really cool, but then i think of how her 'type' of character typically gets animated/sounds/treated and i just shrivel up inside
the only way id accept if it was like fromsofts way of doing it, which is there is literally little to no difference no matter who you play as, but we all know nintendo would never lol
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sollucets · 8 months
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oh-yeah-i-exist · 9 months
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"This might be our last chance to share a kiss."
I'm so normal about this fictional man, I swear... People say "I love you;" Astarion Ancunín said, "We'd better survive the end of the world because I never want to stop kissing you."
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literallyaflame · 3 months
“we should believe victims of sexual assault” is a reasonable response to the alarming avalanche of un-believed (but very true) stories in which powerful men leverage their authority to abuse those beneath them. generally speaking—with exceptions—if an individual puts their name and face forward to say “someone did something to me,” they aren’t lying. their reputation is on the line
“we should believe victims of sexual assault” does not mean that you should reblog sketchy-ass “callout posts” that contain zero (zilch) information other than that some random trans woman is “definitely evil” and you should “run and tell as many people as possible.” like? if a woman accuses her boss of sexual misconduct, i can at least be reasonably certain that the two of them have fucking interacted before. half of the accusations i’ve seen lately can’t even guarantee that much. hell, sometimes if you click on the OG post you’ll see that it’s been edited into a big “oops i was wrong! sorry” banner that barely matters because people are still reblogging the damn thing. let’s try to do better maybe
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eyeaesteria · 2 months
Extra: (to Bernard) I can send u the address :)
Tim: well, he didn't bring his phone, so...
Extra: oh, then I can send u the address
Tim: no need
Extra: (annoyed) can't hurt :)
Tim: Might hurt.
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doodle-empress66 · 1 year
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Basically these 2 are the embodiment of giving a reality check.
Reminder: most people dont notice but they are not the villains of the movie. Just an antagonistic force against the protagonist that push him forward yet eventually both earning mutual respect.
This 2 are the real villains.
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pepperpixel · 11 months
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Betty and magic man art!!!! Cuz!!!! Look me in the eyes and fuckin TELL me these two were not a fucked up / death spiral / make each other worse duo… you CANNOT!!! THEY ARE THE SAME!!! THEY UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER!! IN A WAY NO ONE ELSE POSSIBLY COULD… and! I just rlly wanted to draw them ghghg- cuz! I think there whole thing is interesting! Complicated as hell! Yes! But also interesting! Also made an extra meme thing w em too:
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#adventure time#betty grof#magic man#normal man#king man#at magic man#adventure time magic man#doodles#THIS GUYS FUCKING NAME… bane of my existence…#I wanna like. scour the internet for any old fan content of him but it’s SO DIFFICULT… cuz of his stupid fucking name!!!#but uh. yeah anyway… THESE TWO ARE SO INTERESTING TO ME IM SORRY#cinematic parallels… they are dealing w the same fucking shit.#they can see themselves in each other… but they hate themselves…#it paradoxically makes them both viscous w each other yet also having this solidarity and understanding!!!#and I love that!!!!!#i wanna kno wtf they were doing together when they weren’t on screen!!!! how did they meet!!! what got them to first work together!!!#it’s so interesting!!!! I kno I keep repeating that but it’s cuz it’s true ghfh-#ignore the lil bar at the bottom of the meme image it’s from my phone ghg#I guess they probably first met and stuff cuz of Betty’s research into wizards and stuff actually.. that mystery has been solved ghgh#but STILL… I wanna… I want more of them interacting they like scratch an itch in my brain idek how to describe it ghg#also if… any of the words or tags in this post make no sense… it’s cuz I wrote all this after drawing for like 8 hours straight..#also I refused to turn my music off while trying to write which. didn’t help ghgh-#I stand by the fact that these two have an extremely interesting dynamic that I want to see more ppl talk about tho!#I just. feel there’s a chance I probably didn’t articulate my thoughts on it well on account of my brain being mush ghghg#also n regards to the ‘make each other worse’ thing. I actually think after U Forgot Ur Floaties magic man is actually trying to help Betty#he just fucking sucks at it gHG- but he is trying!#I kinda think betty is trying to be nice to him too honestly… like even tho bringing up trying to save margles is actually SUPER fucked up#I think it IS betty trying to be nice to him.. like ‘ur my friend! I’m gonna save my guy. we can fuckin save ur guy too…’ like!!!#these 2 are both trying to be helpful in there own ways but they both are fucking dog shit at it ghgh-
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overleftdown · 5 months
saltburn and consent; an investigative tangent
felix, venetia, and farleigh all consider sex to be transaction rather than emotional. you can see this in the casual way felix approaches sexual intimacy. you can see this in the way farleigh is described to use sex as a tool. you can see this in the way venetia uses sex to fulfill her need for validation. i'd like to explore how this sort of... complicates consent, within these on-screen dynamics.
i'm going to start this off with venetia. in venetia and oliver's first one-on-one interaction, you can see that oliver doesn't yet understand what to do with venetia. he plays his normal, unimposing, nervous, slightly awkward but well-intentioned character. venetia is the one to lean forward, pushing and testing oliver's boundaries. you can infer from later scenes that venetia enjoys testing the boys felix brings back to saltburn. part of this is venetia's own neglectful upbringing; she's starved of attention and therefore validation. she needs to be appealing, and she needs people to want her. this dynamic tangibly twists once oliver has been handed venetia's vulnerability by elspeth.
what is important to understand about this film is that sex is more so about emotion than physicality. this is portrayed in the way that emerald fennell avoids any nudity or exposure in her sex scenes. this is portrayed in the way that oliver exhibits no real confidence until he knows where others are vulnerable. he's unable to exude any strictly sexual dominance; he can only step into his dominance when he knows why these people hate themselves. so, when oliver is given insight into venetia's psyche, he is being given her vulnerability. to me, the sex was merely oliver's way of stripping a wire raw so that a current could effectively travel, so to speak. this is where consent gets tricky. oliver was non-consensually given any real power he had over venetia prior to the actual sex. if oliver had simply slept with venetia without knowing her insecurities or mentioning them, he wouldn't have had any power of her.
now, farleigh. what's interesting is how this dynamic of power, vulnerability, and sex shifts even more with "quickstart." farleigh didn't want oliver's pity, or sympathy. in fact, he recognized that this vulnerability was taken from him by oliver. he might've thought that felix confided in oliver about farleigh's troubles, or maybe he knew that oliver had eavesdropped. either way, oliver entered that conversation believing that farleigh would be just as insecure and starved for validation as venetia (i'm sure farleigh is, but we all react to our misfortune differently). i think the difference between farleigh and venetia in this area is quite interesting. both of them use sex as a way of gaining something. venetia is using sex to fulfill her need for validation, while she grows more and more bored by the material world. she's not afraid of losing anything, she desperately needs to gain something. farleigh does everything to maintain what is tangible, accessible, and real. he sees the material world as an extension of his security, using it as both insurance and escapism. farleigh is constantly terrified, constantly weighing the positives and negatives of his actions.
so, here is oliver, who has yanked the sheet off of farleigh. this is the exposure. instead of biting oliver's proverbial carrot, farleigh does the same to oliver, and in front of everyone. farleigh, just like oliver, understands the power of vulnerability. this is the sort of nightmare where you're suddenly butt naked in front of the whole school. later that night, oliver wills up the confidence to attempt to dominate farleigh, to tame him. again, this isn't just sexual domination. this is "if there's anything i can say to them... if i can help in any way, just ask." this is "we both know i could ruin everything you've worked so hard for. we both know i can help or hurt you." or, at least, that's how farleigh understood it. oliver was planning to ruin farleigh's life no matter what farleigh agreed to. "are you going to behave?" was never just a kinky line to throw around, it's meant to be a threat. what's funny is that oliver already planned to follow through, regardless of whether farleigh decided to "behave." coercive, and painfully hopeless for farleigh.
of course, that isn't to say farleigh wasn't aroused by whatever power play oliver was leaning into. the same goes for venetia. i'm mostly explaining why it's not healthy, or safe, or sane, or consensual. is that not the point of the movie? to question what we find attractive? to stare it in the face and talk about it?
moving on to felix. i'm not really sure where to go with this. i talked about saltburn and its depiction of privilege on an earlier post. to sum it up, farleigh and venetia both have some privilege over oliver, while oliver has some privilege over both farleigh and venetia. oliver has absolutely nothing over felix. both of them are white, both of them are men, and felix happens to be richer than oliver. this is why oliver is... so pathetically desperate for felix. he's obsessed with what he cannot have, control, or dominate. oliver is the vulnerable one, oliver is the one that is eventually laid bare in front of felix. a liar, a manipulator, and pathetically desperate for felix's love. so desperate for someone so powerful to love someone like him.
and, once felix knows this, oliver kills him for it. he fucks the dirt felix is buried under, just to feel like he's taking something after felix took his secrets. oliver understands the power of vulnerability. oliver understands that sex is easy once you've already stolen what really matters from someone. oliver saw the connectivity of human nature and used it, twisted it, just to pull himself closer to felix. oliver's northern star, who he never truly got to have.
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