#and then the other day this girl sent me the cheesiest pickup line about holding my hand and it had me blushing so hard
zaza-expert · 2 years
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mccoyyy · 3 years
Aro x Carlisle for the ships ask <3
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know what, you asked for this so your getting it.
1. how did they first meet: Aro was living a peaceful life in Volterra, drinking the blood of the innocents etcetera etcetera when some blonde potato smelling bitch arrived in his living room and at just knew from that moment it was meant to be
2. what was their first impression of each other: Aro at first thought Carlisle was extremely weird for not wanting to eat innocent people but as he got to know him more he saw the kindness in his soul, the warmth in his eyes and as the potato smell finally began to fade he started to fall for him 😔
3. did any of their friends/family want them to get together?: Aro felt that his Volturi brothers were extremely unsupportive of his love. his wife was especially against it for some reason but you know what they say...when you know, you know
4. who felt romantic feelings first: oh Aro definatley. the days he spent following Carlisle around the castle all the time, and all their games of hide and seek helped Aro to realise how in love he was. Carlisle might not have said it to Aro out loud but it's fine, Aro knew
5. did either of them try to resist their feelings?: Aro had no issue showing how he felt but his beloved partner was in denial for a long time. he still is a little, even going so far as to leave their home together and marry some other woman to ignore how he feels. but it's fine. Aro knows Carlisle loves him
6. if you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?: oh, Aro did this a number of times! at first Carlisle would shy away from Aro, getting all awkward and adorable, and then he started to either sigh or roll his eyes. now he just starts laughing out of sheer glee 🥺
7. what would their lives be like if they had never met?: Aro can't bare to think about it. Carlisle often makes jokes/sarcastic comments about it, like 'better' or 'sometimes I give him a fake number and pretend that's actually what happened' but Aro knows it's just how Carlisle shows his love ✨😌
1. who initiated the relationship, how did it go?: when Aro told Carlisle how he felt, Carlisle ran away from him. like literally. he must have been terrified about how strong his feelings were. they've been together ever since
2. did they have an official first date? if so, what was it like?: they had a meal together. Aro sent him a bloody corpse for them to share together, but Carlisle had left by the time Aro arrived, so instead they had a lovely game of hide and seek - the first of many!
3. what was their first kiss like?: they haven't kissed yet! Carlisle is very shy, but Aro is happy to wait as long as he needs
4. were they each others first anything?: Carlisle was Aro's first true love. Aro was Carlisle's first restraining order case 😌😌
5. what's their height/age difference?: Carlisle is much taller than Aro, and there's quite an age difference too (300 years!)
6. what's their relationship like with each others families?: Aro loves Carlisle's family. Alice, Edward, Bella, big one, blonde one and blonde one but man are all lovely! Carlisle however doesn't have the best relationship with Aro's family, and thinks they are 'sadistic leeches who need to get out of the house more'.
7. who takes the lead in social situations?: Aro definitely. Carlisle is very much the introvert, so whenever the Volturi hosted their balls, or even orgies Carlisle would go back to his room, obviously feeling very shy
8. who gets jealous easier?: oh Aro definitely. one time, he overheard someone on the grounds talking about how gorgeous Carlisle was, so Aro had them executed. there's also that woman who hangs around Carlisle's side constantly. his 'wife'. ha! the little games Carlisle likes to play 😌
9. who whispers inappropriate things in the others ear?: Aro no question. he would love to do that to Carlisle. if only he could get close enough...
1. who said I love you first: Aro did, and Carlisle hasn't said it yet, but he doesn't need to. Aro knows. all his little games they play. Aro's favourite one is when Carlisle changes his number and Aro has to work out his new one, what fun!
2. what are their primary love languages?: Aro's is recieving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. carlisle's are silence and avoidance
3. who uses cheesy pickup lines?: both! Aro likes to use the cheesiest and most flirty ones when they text, and Carlisle always responds with his go to pickup lines too! his most commonly used ones are 'Aro I'm married', 'stop calling me' and 'Aro we are not a couple'
4. how often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?: Carlisle isn't into PDA a lot. or hugs. or long conversations. or spending time together really. but Aro doesn't mind, he respects his partners boundaries
5. who initiates kisses?: again, Carlisle isn't very much into kissing, so Aro respects that about him and instead blows kisses from a distance and occasionally kisses a piece of parchment and sends it to him
6. who's the big and little spoon?: Aro likes to imagine that Carlisle is a little spoon, but then again he also dreams of being enveloped by Carlisle's strong arms. Aro will get back to you when he finds out
7. what are their favourite things to do together?: in the begining, they always used to play hide and seek! Carlisle would always let Aro come looking for him, and he'd hide in the oddest of places! behind shelves, cupboards, under tables and even one time on the roof! these days it's now evolved into Carlisle not telling Aro his new address/contact details when he moves so Aro has so much fun guessing all of it!
8. who's better at comforting the other?: Carlisle! he has a lovely voice and Aro finds it soothing no matter what he is saying. sometimes if Aro is feeling lonely, he calls Carlisle and listens to all his flirty pickup lines like 'stop calling me' and 'aro you are a dear friend of mine but this has to stop'
9. who's more protective?: Aro definitely. he has to keep a very close eye on Jane and Caius, both of whom have tried to kill Carlisle on multiple occasions. also, whenever Carlisle is visiting, he gets a bad feeling from the way the woman holding his hand looks at him, so Aro keeps a close eye on her whenever she's with him which annoyingly, is all the time
10. do they prefer verbal or physical affection: deffos verbal. Carlisle isn't big on hugging or holding hands or being too close to Aro
11. what are some songs that apply to their relationship?: doctor doctor by the Thompson twins, every breath you take by the police, I will follow him by Peggy march and not one of those crazy girls by Paramore
12. what nicknames do they call each other?: Aro likes calling Carlisle dear friend, golden eyes and Saint Carlisle to tease him, and Carlisle's favourites are 'old friend' 'rat faced bastard' 'onion man' and 'honestly kind of scary'. also, when he talks about his mate (which is Aro, obviously) he sometimes calls him Esme?
13. who remembers the little things?: Aro. he remembers every aspect of Carlisle's life from every time he touched his hand. he remembers every moment they spent together 😌♥️
Domestic Life
1. if they get married, who proposes?: Aro doesn't want to rush Carlisle into anything so he's waiting for the right moment. they had a bit of an argument over some weird small human looking thing, so he's giving it some time. but he's planning!
2. what's the wedding like? who attends?: Aro will get back to you on this one. he's got a few mood boards started though
3. how many kids do they have?: if any, what are they like?: Aro will happily take joint custody of Edward and Alice. the others too I guess
4. do they have any pets?: Carlisle’s diet makes it difficult so sadly, no :/
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