#and the original AMA trailer
an-actual-sponge · 6 months
Highlights/interesting lore bits of the Liam AMA in GLITCHX
Drones were originally intended to be Pikmin-sized
Thad was going to be more important during the show's development, but became less important over time as the show became less "slice-of-lifey". This also applies to the MD's need to drink oil being mostly dropped
Episode 2 was originally a zombie infection plot but that got scrapped for the eldritch J one
N would probably like pizza
Copper-9 workers have personalities thanks to their adaptive AI, with them becoming more self-serving once the humans were gone (also Tessa's drones had said AI take over after she messed with their code enough)
Sentinels look that way because the humans were being overdramatic and wanted them to look cool. If the show had lower stakes and if the dino animation hadn't worked out, they would have looked like cores from Portal
the crew likes OCs being made so y'all can go off
the robo roaches are meant to be little clean-up bots (also episode 7 trailer thats pretty epic!!!!! New Cyn/solver voiceline!!!!) (ALSO SPRING!?!?!)
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waitmyturtles · 5 months
Goddamn -- there are so many shows! The holiday season and many life obligations are preventing me from writing meta about most of these shows except for the big priorities (my Old GMMTV Challenge project and Last Twilight). So here's a quick round-up of what I'm thinking, feeling, etc., about the dramas I have going on.
I've mentioned before! I'm a HUUUUUGE Cherry Magic Japan girlie. I am a major defender of the movie, AMA. When I joined Tumblr last year, besides Old Fashion Cupcake, Cherry Magic was....I think it was the first gigantic rabbithole I fell in. I love, unabashedly, everything about this franchise, and I think TayNew are carrying it splendidly so far. (Also, the original mangaka of the whole Cherry Magic franchise, Toyota Yuu, is 100% on board with the adaptation and is regularly tweeting about it, and just! COULD THAT BE MORE CUTE AND REASSURING FOR US CM GIRLIES, NO I DON'T THINK SO, BIG HAPPY SIGHS.)
So the original manga exists in the Cherry Magic Thailand universe, huh? I'm gonna admit my unreasonable optimism to say that I am not-so-secretly hoping for a Machida Keita/Akaso Eiji/Kurosawa/Adachi cameo -- but the manga existing in this universe jags that up a bit.
BUT! Toyokawa still exists in the universe... so does that mean that Kurosawa/Adachi do, too? I'M NOT GOING THERE, BUT I AM.
ANYWAY! I noted last month that I really appreciated seeing a lot of Japan in the Cherry Magic trailer -- "Karan-san," Karan speaking Japanese, "san juu," the fact that Toyokawa is still the company that all these guys are working for. But I also love the very overt Thai visuals -- the Buddha in Achi's apartment foreground, the offering to the monk (which replaces the onigiri guy in Cherry Magic Japan, lmao) -- I'm just, covering my mouth in happiness at noting that these details are very well-placed, and very intentional.
That's it, I enjoyed every last second of this first episode in total joy of seeing this Thai remix. With X Nuttapong behind this show -- yes, oh yes, I loved seeing literally the phrase "theory of love" in the subtitles, and good on him for going there a bit.
2) An Old GMMTV Challenge update! So, I interrupted the OGMMTVC to catch up with La Pluie, because I know LP will be on a lot of best-of-2023 lists later this month.
By episode 4 or so, I knew La Pluie had to, HAD TO, go on the OGMMTVC syllabus, so on it went. And I'm going to pause on writing about it out of chronology. I'm watching Secret Crush on You (2022) now, I'll do my watchlist thing, and I'll rewatch LP.
La Pluie was a motherfucking important show.
The subversion of the romance genre in Thai BL. I mean. Give me a mallet to crack the gigantic egg on that on. @lurkingshan's La Pluie meta round-up post has been a walking stick for me as I've stumbled to get my thoughts together around this show, and honestly, I'm not ready to write about it yet. I need to finish 2022's shows on the watchlist and get through some important 2023 rewatches to fully write about La Pluie in its context, and to understand how such an important show came about this year by way of the straightforward honesty it took in dismantling and rebuilding some very key expectations that we may have carried about romance in Thai BL before its airing.
If you haven't watched La Pluie yet, do it before this year is over. DO IT. IT'S INCREDIBLE AND SO MUCH.
3) Playboyy, episode 4: I have a lot of thoughts, and no time to write about this show, but episode 4 was really different than the first three. It was CAMPY AF, way melodramatic (wtf Zooey/Soong), but it also had many more nuggets of a plot than I had expected to see by way of Nont finally revealing himself to WAY more people than I had expected. I'm sticking with it with the expectation that Cheewin will know how to get himself out of this mess, BUT, one huge criticism -- the intimacy is getting harder to watch, because it's being lazily acted and filmed (..... you had y'alls' shorts on, Prom/Nont, ahem), and it's just a lot, and can we just, like, get more to the story, I'm gonna put that in the show's request box.
Clown theory: I think Prom knows more than he's letting on and is using Nont in some bad ways to get back at those other dudes for leaving Playboyy. But I'm trying to not get invested-invested because a) still sooooo many names to remember, GOD, and b) soooo many shows airing, my brain can't take it.
4) The Sign: I'm putting this guy on pause. I heard yesterday's episode was 90 minutes, and I can't commit to a weekend show that needs that kind of time commitment. I'm following y'all in the gifs. This is no knock on BillyBabe. I REALLY LIKE THEM TOGETHER. GO SAINT, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU. But I'll watch this when there's a lull in the midseasons.
5) What Did You Eat Yesterday?: WDYEY and Last Twilight are the best shows airing right now. When a show is so good, it doesn't need meta? That's WDYEY. Nishijima’s quiet “hai” to start the conversation with Kenji’s mom? Some of the best acting in all of BL.
The amazing @isaksbestpillow threw down some clutch background about this past Friday's episode that's WELL worth reading, about chosen family and what Kenji's family was offering to Shiro. Gorgeous, screaming, crying, etc.
That's all I got, happy Sunday, y'all! The OGMMTVC will come back with SCOY when I wrap it up, hopefully soon!
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just-somehuman · 1 year
In the AMA, the devs announced that Lesson 81 onwards will be released in Nightbringer. Og OM will continue to be updated with events but not with the main story. Dunno how I feel about this 💀
I play tons of otome games that have finished their main story and continue to update it years later, so maybe og OM is safe. Plus it's making a ton of money so-
It seems that the devs had always planned to release Nightbringer. The Ruri Tunes thing is a feature in Nightbringer, so when they released that beta testing, they were seeing how their fanbase was reacting to the rhythm game in preparation for Nightbringer. The release of Mephisto, Raph and Thirteen was also preparation for Nightbringer since they play a big role in it from what we can see in the trailer.
If I remember correctly, the devs were planning on ending og OM at Lesson 20, but they gained so much attention and made so much money that they made the rest of the lessons. Whereabout during that time they decided on creating Nightbringer is unknown, but they definitely had it planned for a very long time. Hell, a few weeks after announcing it, they started the count down till its release 💀
Y'know, since Lesson 81+ will be in Nightbringer, the devs can't actually shut down og OM. That would lead to too many plotholes and half the story missing. I have a couple speculations as to why they made a second game, so here they are:
1. Profit. A sequel game to their biggest money-making game is sure to bring in twice as much profit if the same fanbase starts playing the second game as well. OM currently has 10M players I think, so you can imagine how much money they make.
2. Size. OM was going to end at Lesson 20 (that's why there's that whole dramatic credit scene lmao) so it was never designed to get this big. 80 lessons is a lot of damn data uploaded onto the game, so a second game was created likely because they are planning on releasing a similar amount of content that would have caused issues if loaded on the original game. Too much data can cause bugs and errors and crashing. Too many of these issues and the player count would lessen. To keep the player count rising, the second game was required to ensure the first game doesn't have many errors apart from the usual few that happen every 2 events or so.
3. Advertising/hype. A new game in the already loved Obey Me series would mean that more collaboration opportunities for Nightbringer would open. This means money. Lots of money. So the hype that Nightbringer brings is one of the many benefits for the company.
Okay, I'm done rambling. I don't know why I even rambled like this lmao. Maybe this clarifies some stuff for some people? Idk 😭😭 I'll see you guys in Nightbringer then!
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juanmecanico · 4 months
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"1987 Pontiac Tojan, un Firebird como nunca antes has visto, es el hallazgo de hoy en Bring a Trailer" ¡Qué sorprendente! El único Pontiac Firebird Tojan de 1986 que ha sobrevivido y, afortunadamente, se encuentra en excelente estado. Un poco de historia, para aquellos que no están al tanto: Tojan era un automóvil de rendimiento ultra alto, diseñado para competir con los superdeportivos italianos de su época. ¿Y lo mejor? ¡Todo esto mientras conservaba su esencia americana! Efectivamente, Knudsen Automotive tomó el ya potente Pontiac Firebird y lo transformó en un monstruo de la velocidad que aterrorizó las autopistas durante la década de 1980. Se fabricaron en limitadísima cantidad, lo que les otorga actualmente un valor considerable en un mercado de coches clásicos que ama las rarezas. Lo curioso de este ejemplar que fue a subasta en Bring a Trailer es que fue almacenado durante casi toda su vida. De hecho, solo ha recorrido unas increíbles 1,165 millas. Eso es menos de la distancia que la mayoría de nosotros recorremos en un mes. El Tojan conserva su brillante pintura roja original y un interior tan fastuosamente '80s que solo podrías encontrar en un vehículo de esta época. Hablamos de asientos Recaro, volante de cuero, radio AM/FM con casetera, y, por supuesto, una 'power bulge' en el cofre, símbolo distintivo de su brutal capacidad de aceleración. Bajo ese cofre, encontramos un motor V8 de 5.0 litros con afinación HO (High Output). Necesito señalarte que este monstruo escupía 210 caballos de fuerza gracias a su alimentación por carburador de cuatro gargantas. Y sí, este ejemplar conserva su motor original, añadiendo un plus a su valor como pieza de colección. Ser propietario de un legítimo Tojan es como poseer un pedazo de la historia del automovilismo de alto rendimiento en América del Norte. Hablamos de un tiempo en el que nos atrevíamos a soñar con máquinas enormes y ruidosas que derrochaban potencia y estilo. En los tiempos actuales, donde los coches eléctricos y los SUVs de lujo parecen dominar la escena automovilística, el Tojan es un amable recordatorio de los 'viejos tiempos'. De épocas en las que el desenfreno eran señal de orgullo y el rendimiento se medía por la cantidad de goma que podías dejar en el asfalto. Espero que el nuevo propietario - quien desembolsó nada menos que $40,500 en la subasta por este bólido - sepa apreciar el valor incalculable de este Pontiac Firebird Tojan 1986. Es un superdeportivo que desmiente la creencia de que solo en Europa se pueden fabricar autos veloces y emocionantes. Todo esto simplemente hace que este ejemplar sea de interés para los fanáticos de los autos o para cualquier persona que respete la herencia automovilística. Ahora, si me disculpas, necesito regresar a admirar este hermoso clásico. ¡Viva la velocidad americana! #ClassicCarLover
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sweetbottletops · 1 year
Arcane Reddit AMA thoughts...
Q: Do you think Caitlyn and Vi shippers will be happy with the upcoming season?
A: There's that part they might like, and that part they're probably gonna hate.
Ngl, I have some trepidation, but I also enjoy drama. And that is the exact kind of answer they could have given for season 1 which I liked.
Caitlyn was in pursuit last season. She was presented as the hunter and she went to the very origins of Vi between Stillwater the bottom of the fissure and drew Vi all the way back out with her to the very heart of her own home and family seat of power. She was already saying "us" out loud so imagine what was going on in her head. She got the emo shower yearning scene.
Vi didn't really get to make a choice towards her that wasn't figuratively or often literally at gunpoint. No fault of her own, but that's a lot of ground that needs to be covered. Then they never had the chance to naturally reconcile. Jinx was the reason they even saw each other again at all. Neither chose to be there. There was a lot of pull from Cait's direction during the season, but by the end of the show Cait had the foundation of her life shifted. She's not guaranteed to be in the same headspace.
If it turns out they aren't eye to eye in season 2 they weren't exactly in sync the last act of season 1 either. If they need to meet in the middle the distances and speeds they need to go to do that likely changed. There a lot of earned drama in there whichever way they take it. Maybe a trailer would add to understanding the tone of what's going on with them.
Q: ...Also, what is the likelihood we will see them as official "girlfriends" next season?
A: Regarding Vi and Caitlyn, I wish I could say more at this point, but a lot of the answers I'd give you would spoil the experience on screen. I'm confident in the direction we're taking it, and I very much wanna hear from you once Season 2 is out.
Having war flashbacks to "be sure to watch it live!" I'm sure everything will be finnne. I've killed off my last nerve endings in Shibuya after all. I take my tea boiling at this point.
Q: Are there gonna be any sex scenes in S2?
A: Ew, no! Gross. Maybe.
A: Hmm... any characters springing to mind?
A: I dunno Alex. Haven't seen anything on social media that makes me believe people even thought about this.
So I guess they know why everyone was asking about full tattoo references for Vi then.
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fire-darkfire · 1 year
lil’ mun introduction while I’m trying to finish setting everything up
hi I’m Ama!
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I’m +30, a married lesbian and cosplayer. My wife and I are planning to cosplay Rollo and Malleus for a con in a few months so I may share pics here! (tagged, in case people aren’t fan of cosplay idk)
My favourite twst characters are Rook, Vil (before Noble Bell college connected to my last braincell I was a Pomefiore only gurl), Malleus, Idia and the Octavinelle bois~
Proshipper here so I literally don’t care what people like in fiction as long as it stays in fiction. I mean I’m a Frollo fan do I have to explain
I’ve been a fan of Notre Dame de Paris since I was... 8 or 10, which is not a normal age to read it even for french people, I was just a weird kid. The book, the musical (if you saw the original french cast of 98 please let’s talk about it I promise I won’t be weird) especially, and I do like the Disney movie obviously. So I was very normal about Glorious Masquerade trailer and Rollo showing up of course. Absolutely calm and patiently waiting. If someone makes an Esmeralda based OC I might get a little bit less normal, ngl /jk instead of brain there is Rollo now. Will I make all my tags lyrics of Hellfire? Maybe.
I’ve been a RPer for a decade here (mostly in Sailor Moon RP) but kinda out of it these last years so I may not be up to date to new... things? Rules?
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I am very excited to share my favourite boi headcanons, write him with others and meet people here!
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inacatastrophicmind · 2 years
Hola Mara,me ha sorprendido grátamente el trailer de The Winchesters. Yo pensaba, ¿qué podría aportar a la historia original y sobre todo al horrendo final?Así que ahora me veo ,de nuevo, siendo atrapada en esta red. Voy a mantener mi fe en Jensen y en Daneel, sobre todo porque Jensen ama mucho a Dean y estoy segura de que su final y el final , en general, no le satisfizo en absoluto y creo que ésta es su manera de intentar arreglarlo.Ésta historia ya es muy diferente a lo que contaron en spn.
Voy a ser honesta, a mí las cosas que más me han atraído del trailer son Dean, porque le echo un montón de menos y cuando le vi, empecé a gritar y llorar; la misteriosa aparición de Cas, que aunque fue durante un par de segundos yo todavía sigo preguntándome porqué aparece en el trailer; y Carlos, que por lo poco que le he visto, sé que me va a encantar, lo único que pido es que no le conviertan en un esteriotipo.
El resto del trailer no me convence mucho, la verdad. No me gusta que intenten hacer a John tan amigable, porque parece como si Jensen estuviera escribiendo a John como en un fic en el que John es una buena persona. Y la actriz que hace de Mary no sé, no me convence mucho. A ver, sólo la he visto en el trailer, con lo que no puedo opinar mucho todavía. Y tampoco me convence el ambiente, porque parece una serie de Nickelodeon de poco presupuesto que sabe cuatro cosas sobre los años 70.
Pero lo que supongo que me parece más desconcertante es que de repente John sea introducido al mundo sobrenatural. Se supone que supo de la existencia de demonios y monstruos una vez que Mary murió, no antes. A lo mejor Jensen y Danneel han decidido que luego los ángeles les borren la memoria a John y Mary. No tengo ni idea. Pero vamos, el trailer ha hecho que tenga muchas preguntas y que me sienta intrigada, por desgracia. No tenía intención de ver The Winchesters porque odio a John Winchester tanto como odio el final de SPN y la serie parece una carta de amor a John y odio eso.
Pero el hecho de ver a Dean de nuevo, y ver esa misteriosa escena de Cas en el cap 4x01, ha hecho que yo también sea atrapada por esa puta red de SPN. Así que acabaré viendo la serie por eso, y porque tengo demasiadas preguntas sin respuestas.
Lo que hace una por ver de nuevo a Dean y a Cas, de verdad...
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velocidade-furiosa-x · 11 months
Assistir FAST X (2023) Online Filme Completo DUBLADO em Português
Assistir FAST X (2023) Online Filme Completo DUBLADO em Português - Assistir Filme Velocidade Furiosa X Online Grátis Dublado ou Legendado em HD. Onde o lugar eu assistir filme Velocidade Furiosa X online grátis? Como assistir filme Velocidade Furiosa X dublado em português topflix de graça?
Assistir Velocidade Furiosa X 2023 Filme Completo Em Português Dublado Gratis Assistir a filmes online | Encontre seu próximo filme para assistir online e veja em quaisplataformas ele está disponível.
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18 de maio de 2023 No cinema / Ação
Direção: Louis Leterrier
Roteiro Dan Mazeau, Justin Lin
Elenco: Vin Diesel, Jason Momoa, Charlize Theron
Título original Fast X
No décimo filme da série Velozes & Furiosos e último da nova trilogia (Velozes 8, 9 e 10), ao longo de muitas missões e contra probabilidades que pareciam impossíveis, Dom Toretto (Vin Diesel) e sua família foram mais espertos e superaram todos os inimigos em seu caminho. Agora, eles devem enfrentar o adversário mais letal que já enfrentaram. Alimentada pela vingança, uma ameaça terrível emerge das sombras do passado para destruir o mundo de Dom e destruir tudo - e todos - que ele ama. Toretto então, comandando novamente a equipe de corredores mais conhecida do mundo, encara mais uma difícil missão sobre quatro rodas.
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sueheaven · 1 year
Farm Tire Market to Witness Excellent Revenue Growth Owing to Rapid Increase in Demand
Latest added Farm Tire Market research study by AMA Research offers detailed outlook and elaborates market review till 2027. The market Study is segmented by key regions that are accelerating the marketization. At present, the market players are strategizing and overcoming challenges of current scenario; some of the key players in the study are:
Titan Tire Corporation (United States)
Bridgestone Americas Inc. (United States)
Michelin (France)
Sinotyre Industrial Qingdao Limited (China)
Alliance Tire Americas Inc. (United States)
Amco Industrial Enterprises Private Limited (India)
Gaomi Xinrui Rubber Products Co., Ltd.(China)
Comar Tyre & Rubber Industrial Co., Ltd. (China)
Asian Tire Factory Ltd. (India)
Qingdao Melton Tire Co., Ltd.(China)
Tianjin Rocket International Trade Co., Ltd. (China)
Trelleborg Wheel Systems Americas Inc.( United States)
The farm tires market are the devices that are rapidly focusing on agricultural segments which mostly applicable in high horse power tractor, harvesters and others. Its exhibits better machine performance, increased productivity, decreased operating cost and gain better profit margins. The farm tires divided into premium grade radial tires and biased tires that fully focused on maximum speed, flexion, standards and horse power. The farm tires are exists in tractors that are mostly applicable in field work such as cultivating, seedbed preparation, irrigation purposes in agricultural fields. The electrical appliances major application observed in house-hold usability because it reduces the time consuming activities and produced real time output. The farm tires market is rapidly increasing in global regions due to versatile application of advanced deflection design technology that delivered high floatation, resistance and high horse power in tractors by developed countries. Carlisle introduced a semi-pneumatic wheels that consist of cast-iron Spoke Gauge wheel  in US markets that beneficial in optimizing precision seed depth for increased yield.
Influencing Trend: Adaptation of Advanced Technology by Farmers to Increase the Agricultural Yields.
Increase Demand Due To Government Support towards Sustainable Farming Practices.
Challenges: The High Cost of Equipment Leads to Lowering Down the Agricultural Practices.
Opportunities: Growing Awareness among the Farmers by Utilizing Semi-Automated Farming Vehicles and Automated Machinery.
Increase in Research and Development by Major Manufacturers and Investors
Market Growth Drivers: Increase Demand of Technology Advancement in Farming Tire Market.
Growing Population Leads to Yielding More Crops, Thus Making Them Use Farm Tire for Better Results.
The Global Farm Tire segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Radial tires (radial drive), Bias tires (Bias drive, Bias Steer), Combine tires, Sprayer tires, Tractor cross ply tires, Implement cross ply tires, Municipal tires, Others), Application (Tractors (Farm Tractors, Lawn Tractors), Harvesters, Others (Sprayers, Trailers and Combines)), Distribution Channels (OEMs (Original Equipment’s manufacturer), Aftermarket), Horse Power (0-80 HP, 81- 200 HP), Pressure (High Pressure, Low Pressure, Extra Low Pressure)
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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lyhnebrooks21 · 1 year
After World of Warcraft: Classic, Blizzard May Revive WoW: The Burning Crusade
After World of Warcraft: Classic, Blizzard may revive WoW: The Burning Crusade
You are not prepared for this, yet! In a recent Q&A session, Blizzard talked about its future plans and potential for the future following World of Warcraft: Classic which will launch on August 27, 2019.
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Many consider this expansion to be the golden time of World of Warcraft. If the Q&A session with Blizzard was anything to go by, it could be back.
Blizzard presented a range of topics during the massive AMA session on reddit. He focused on stability of servers during launch, player "layering" classic's idiosyncrasies, and a host of other topics. Blizzard hopes that additional servers will be available to handle the launch load. This could mean queues of several hours in certain realms.
Furthermore (and excitingly), players asked what Blizzard might do once it finishes rolling out Classic's content phases, which will finish with the inclusion of the Naxxramas 40-player raid.
WoW Classic is a different experience from the modern game. The game's matchmaking feature cross-realm play, and community building are what gave it its distinctive feel. SERVERLIST101 So, those who loved the classic experience began running private servers to recreate the experience, only to get taken down requests from Activision. In response, Blizzard reached out and decided to bring back the classic experience for their own and the launch will be next week, on August 27, 2019.
Related to: What was good and what was not so good about WoW Classic?
The most important question is: What happens following Classic? Will Blizzard take WoW in an entirely different direction than the retail expansions? Are they planning to bring the older expansions back into the game? In the AMA, Blizzard said that it's up to the players.
What's the plan after Phase 6? A: More content for classic, or moving to TBC(The Burning Crusade). We've already completed the majority of the work by bringing back 1.12. We can move to Burning Crusade much more easily. We're trying to figure out everything we need to do should we decide to do this. We'd like to be attentive to the preferences of our players. Some might desire BC and others may not. We'll be following the Classic community closely to help decide what the next actions should be.Q If we consider the nature of WoW classic and the reasons why people love it, could other changes to things the vanilla community dislike be considered? Examples of this include no LFG in Wrath, undoing some blatant homogenization that is not needed in patches, or maybe an ilvl squish within TBC and Wrath to ensure that older content is not marginalized?A: We're analyzing what is required to support BC and WotLK (Wrath of the Lich King expansion) should we decide to go this route. WoW Classic's main goal was to preserve the original game. It's not than clear which direction we should go with BC and WotLK. As you point out it's likely that certain features of these expansions will not be widely accepted by the Classic community. We'll be keeping track of player progress and the general mood to guide us in the next steps.
MMO-Champion is a great compilation of all AMA questions and answers over here.
WoW's third expansion was Wrath of the Lich King. It was also the expansion where Blizzard introduced matchmaking features such as "LFD," which made it easier to communicate and communicate with players. The fact Blizzard recognizes that these features will prove not popular with the Classic community will be a positive sign should they decide to bring back those expansions. Blizzard has a fantastic opportunity to recreate the game and offer a pure experience that undoes some the more harmful aspects it did in earlier expansions.
Today, Blizzard released a charming trailer that brought together the original creators of WoW Classic.
WoW Classic will launch on August 27, 2019, and is available with the same $15 membership as regular WoW.
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TBC is already in existence. Classic is only coming back because they nuked it with cata expansion. Players who wanted to continue playing in the base game moved to private servers. This isn't logical other than people seeing the portal open again and wanting to advance. They could easily just offer a free transfer to 60s moving to the 'live' current expansion realms and have it done.
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bloglopesca · 2 years
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CINEMA Slumdog Millionaire Titulo original: Slumdog Millionaire Duração:120 minutos (2 horas) Gênero: Comédia Direção: Danny Boyle, Loveleen Tandan Ano:2008 País de origem: EUA, REINO UNIDO Actores: Dev Patel (Jamal Malik); Anil Kapoor (Prem Kumar); Saurabh Shukla (Sergeant Srinivas); Rajendranath Zutshi (Director, As Raj Zutshi); Jeneva Talwar (Vision Mixer) SINOPSE Em Mumbai, uma cidade da Índia, um jovem de um bairro pobre decidiu participar de um programa de perguntas e respostas na televisão o "Quem quer ser Milionário". Apesar de ser analfabeto, ele surpreende todos ao chegar á parte final do jogo, o que levanta a suspeita de que pode ter feito batota. No meio de tudo o que ele na verdade quer é reencontrar a mulher que ama. IMDB / Slumdog Millionaire - Trailer OPINIÃO 2009-03-15 "Quem Quer Ser Bilionário?" Gostei do filme. Forte, sensível e movimentado. Millionaires of Millionaire: John Carpenter, Grand Finale Milionário a sério no "Quem quer ser Milionário" #LopesCa #LopesCaOpiniaoFilme #Entretenimento #Filme #Cinema #Opinião #Diário http://lopesca.blogspot.com/2009/03/cinema-slumdog-millionaire.html ►Like/Gosta◄ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=443207367817965&set=a.143408627797842&type=3
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victorluvsalice · 3 years
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Finally got my ancient iPad Mini to connect to my new computer so I could upload photos from it -- here’s one of the yearly “Victor Plush and Alice Dolly celebrate one of their birthdays” pics! Today it’s Alice’s birthday, and they have one of my mom’s chocolate cupcakes, om nom. :)
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luimnigh · 2 years
Actually, I can’t seem to find anyone compiling all the info from the Reddit AMA that took place yesterday, 11th of November 2021, so here’s a rundown:
Miss Malachite’s Spider gang is pretty much the dominant one on Mistral, described as “overshadowing” the rest. 
RE: Roman and the Malachite Twins not being hostile in Yellow Trailer: Criminals gotta work with other criminals, so long as they’re not actively in competition it’s business as usual. Plus not all of their history is bad, so they moved on. 
Not much got scrapped from Roman Holiday, because it doesn’t overlap much with the timeline of the show or stuff the show wanted to tackle. More got scrapped from the Vacuo books on that front. 
There are and will be “breadcrumbs” and “entire bread loafs” from the novels in the show. 
Writing the novel helped solidify some of the finer details around Neo in Volume 9, though they already had most of Volume 9 “outlined, maybe written” before they started on the novel, so they knew the direction Neo was heading in beforehand in broad strokes. 
In the planning process, Neo was going to have the given name “Kat”, as a reference to Kit-Kats. This led to research into the origins of the name Kat/Kate/Catherine, eventually landing on Hecate, “the Greek goddess of three-way crossroads”. The final step was then switching it to her Roman name, Trivia. 
RE: Limits on what semblances can do: “I’ll let you know when we find it :p” - Kerry
Yes, “any part of the name” can count towards the Colour Rule, it doesn’t just have to be given names. 
RE: The green goo Kandi Floss uses against Roman in the bank robbery: Myers “didn’t have a specific Dust in mind” for it, “but there are other materials she would have used. Science!”
Myers would love to go back to Vacuo for another book (and specifically give Sage some focus), failing that he’d like do a book with pre-show AceOps and Happy Huntresses.
Roman Holiday takes place “3-5 years” before the start of the show.
Eddy says there are “lots of ideas” they’d like to explore in spinoff books, but the difficulty is in balancing which medium suits what story best, and whether they can get around to it in the show. He also says he’d like some STRQ stories and maybe going back to the early days of Huntsmen.
RE: Aura: it’s “not something that is easy to do or comes naturally, so it typically takes a lot of training and practice to unlock.” Combat Schools coming to prominence has made it more common, but there are still many people unable to unlock theirs.
Jaune, however, “is an exception to the rule” and “there's a reason we're following the characters that we are!”
RE: Neo being less sadistic in the novel than the show: they did this specifically to give her some room to develop between the novel and the show, she hasn’t fully “calcified” into the Neo we know by the end.
If/when they do more Grimm Campaign, expect more locations in Mistral.
Remnant does’t have Piñatas, does have punching bags. 
Junior and the Malachite Twins were in the first draft of Before the Dawn, were cut for not feeling right and to narrow the focus.
Beat “not explicitly dead”, but her career is.
The Rules of the Relics are already written, and “have been for a long time”, but they are willing to make minor adjustments to better suit the story. 
Neo’s hair turned white “from the shock of causing her parent’s deaths”. It had an emotional impact on her, “even if she doesn’t acknowledge it”. 
RE: “Which character deserves the most support turning their life around?”:  “Someone keep hugging Emerald” - Eddy
Lil’ Miss still had a soft spot for Roman, even after the events of the book. She helped Neo in honour of her and Roman’s history. 
“Raven reminds me of a Rumiko Takahashi character” - Myers
“There’s more to explore with the White Fang, and it would be really good to circle back to it in the show” - Eddy
Capivara was Rouse in the first draft.
RE: Exposition and Backstory: Eddy’s philosophy is that exposition and backstory should be held back until just before it’s necessary to understand current events. Backstory is also very expensive, so they have to weigh the importance of showing vs the cost of creating a bunch of unique assets.
RE: Grimm being attracted to aura: That’s a theory in-universe, we shouldn’t take it as gospel. 
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cyndavilachase · 3 years
Marcanne happening in season 3 could be a good thing for the characters and the shows’ themes as a whole
I don’t usually post my theories here on tumblr these days as traction has died a lot, so they all end up on twitter. But since tumblr is essentially just my art archive I thought I’d give a recent one of mine a go from a couple days ago, regarding marcanne:
The entire time that I've watched Amphibia and shipped marcanne it was mostly for fun- not that I thought it impossible, but I never expected it to happen. However, with recent trailers, promos, and interviews released, I really do think marcanne is now a high possibility.
I will be using Shera as reference-- particularly Save the Cat, and Glimmer & Bows relationship development, but you don’t need to have watched Shera.
We still don't know for sure at this point if Anne and/or Sasha is going to rescue Marcy, or if Olivia & Yunan will, but either way, it’s highly likely it'll happen by or on the mid season finale- in order to give enough time for the characters to make amends and heal in season 3b.
In order to give the audience a satisfactory conclusion to the characters’ developments, Anne and Marcy need a lot of time to talk, for Anne to forgive her, and for them to go through the healing process for the rest of season 3b. When we compare Anne & Marcy to Glimmer & Bow, as well as remember the pace of Anne forgiving Hop Pop, this will take a number of episodes. We can get a glimpse of how this will play out.
Marcy fucked up. Anne is and will continue to be hurt, and it'll take a lot of time (way more time than with Hop Pop) for them to make proper repairs even if Marcy says sorry again and explains her reasoning. Things will be awkward and their dynamic will have changed entirely.
However, there is this added layer of childhood best friends, Anne being protective of Marcy, as well as Marcy being stabbed and now, possessed, like Catra was. They're gonna want to go back to the way things were, but things have changed.
At this point in Shera, even after Bow and Glimmer reconciled, things were different and despite them healing and going back to being close and touchy-feely, they obviously had to overcome this huge hurdle. They managed to do that which strengthened their relationship and made them closer than ever. After that, it became evident that they were in love with each other since they were both willing to put the work into getting through a really rough spot. 
With that in mind, it wouldn’t feel unnatural for Anne & Marcy to go through the same thing, as there has been a lot of romantic subtext a la Anne blushing at Marcy in New Wartwood, and the fact that they are the most physically affectionate out of everyone in the show. It can be read platonic, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t romantic. We don’t know that yet.
Some extra treats for y’all shippers out there:
-Some of the crew has liked a pretty decent amount of lowkey marcanne and sashanne fanart, but mostly leaning into marcanne.
-Matt and crew have explicitly avoided answering any questions about the girls’ sexualities or if their feelings will ever be romantic. When you think about it, not confirming this is odd since Matt and crew are incredibly active in fandom, taking feedback and applying that to the show. Many members of the team are also queer so it would be odd to continue letting fans feel as though they're being queerbaited (not saying Marcy and Anne are queerbait, just that it would make sense to say whether or not they are early on since it's so popular).
-Back in last year's Reddit AMA Matt stated that the show is "an ode to old friendships." Old friendships can in fact turn into something else!
-It recently came out in an interview that Disney aged the girls down to 13 years old; they were originally going to be 15. While they were “aged down” absolutely nothing about their characters, interests, and personalities have been changed from the original writing. So despite the studio saying they’re 13, they’re basically high schoolers. This means dating isn’t partially out of the question, since tween dating can be a weird topic.
-The best one: Matt said in another interview that he knows that fans are hoping for certain things to happen, and without stating what will happen, he did say “it do happen."
As for why this development would be good for the characters and the show as whole- I know a lot of people don't like the idea of romance being thrown into the show, but Amphibia is about the girls’ growth & dealing with change.
Sasha in particular has issues with feeling left out & being in control, and Marcy and Anne getting together could only boost that insecurity as now they would have a new, personal dynamic without her involved. We know she’s going to be hanging out in Wartwood for a while. She will likely be redeemed a la interactions with the Wartwoodians. If Marcy and Anne get together and she’s actually totally cool with a dramatic change like this, it would be a fantastic development for her and a great representation of that idea.
Now, I always leaned into Marcy moving away to show that she has accepted change and getting over her fear of abandonment. However, with Marcy being stabbed and now possessed, it seems rather cruel to take her away from her friends. From her personality alone, we can assume that Anne and Sasha are her only friends and she may struggle a lot with making true friends at school because she’s so high energy. By the end of the show, the three of them will have gone through way too much to be separated in my opinion. 
I really think Marcy going through her dynamic with her friends changing because of her mistake will be enough of a lesson for her. 
If she does move, her and Anne could still do long distance.
Even BETTER is the fact that the show can totally show that romantic relationships and platonic relationships are equal. Third wheels are common but they're also garbage. I couldn’t ever see Anne and Marcy prioritizing themselves over Sasha if they decide to stay friends with her. Sasha is likely going to still be important to the both of them if they decide to stay friends after her redemption. This would be really different from the usual trio of a cartoon having the main character and his girl best friend slammed together at the very end, and entirely positive. It isn’t uncommon for two in a trio of friends to start dating in real life and remain stable as long as the work is put in! I know from personal experience.
Overall, there’s many possibilities for where the writers are headed with these characters. Romance or not, I’m really excited to see what they do.
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cryptidmads · 4 years
alright, so i went through the ama with wan hazmer and daim dziauddian on twitch and picked out every little tidbit i could about the megastars bc i knew you guys would want to know. this is a long post and i’m on mobile atm so i can’t put it under a read more — sorry about that! bosses are in chronological order, starting with DJSS and ending with Eve!
- djss took the least amount of time to develop out of all the bosses (haz says his fight took about half a year.)
- daim purposely tried to make djss' name as long as he could. he was specifically looking at negasonic teenage warhead from deadpool for inspiration.
- haz and daim do have the briefing/kliffnotes for djss. they discussed sharing them at some point, but idk when that would happen.
- related to the above, daim says that dj is in his mid thirties. EDIT: his kliffnotes were shared on twitter and they say he’s 41. daim must have goofed haha
- when asked if djss actually has a face and how he eats, daim compares it to kenny from south park and how you never see his face. he thinks dj does have a face in there, but that we just never see it. as for the “how does he eat” part, daim says that sometimes they don’t have to show everything.
- daim is a djneon/neonnova shipper, and it’s one his favourite pairings alongside zuke/mayday.
- daim said that uncle ali basically instantly landed the role as djss. he was that good.
- sayu was obviously inspired by hatsune miku and other vocaloids, but haz brings up one particular commercial involving miku and google chrome, which involves a bunch of people collborating on songs and concept art for miku, similar to how sayu started as a collab between remi and tila in-universe.
- someone asked about the models for sayu's crew's apartments. there wasn't much on that, but haz mentions that one of his favourite nsr fanfics (yes, he reads them) is "Road to Redemption," and there's a scene that takes place in a studio where the crew works on sayu, and he really likes that.
- the devs wanted sayu's name to sound both malay and japanese at the same time (as well as a nod to miku). haz says it means “warm water” in japanese.
- akusuka is a direct copy of akihabara in terms of locale.
- sayu’s shellfish commercial is a homage to a real snack in malaysia named mamee monster, which is hugely popular with kids. the format of the commercial itself was inspired by a pocky commercial that featured hatsune miku.
- her game design (for her boss fight) was partially done in ms paint by music director falk (who made the base version of her boss theme)
- yinu's mom doesn't have a name. she's just mother/mama.
- haz confirmed that yinu's father is, in fact, dead.
- daim thought yinu’s name was a nod to yuna (a popular malaysian artist). it’s not.
- natura is daim’s favourite district. he likes how calm it is compared to the others.
- daim said that they wanted a hint of hope in all three of yinu’s backstory photographs, to show that no matter how bad your life gets, there’s always that glimmer of hope and that good things can still happen.
- the members of 1010 do not have any official names.
- the assets for the autographs were made by the artists at one of the partner companies working with metronomik on nsr. haz and daim didn't really have anything to do with making them, and while daim did approve them for the final game, he was sorta skimming through a bunch of assets along with the autographs, and he didn't realize what they really were at the time until later. haz is impressed with how the fans managed to decipher them.
- 1010's fight was purposefully put between yinu's and eve's as a break from the emotional stuff.
- michael jackson was used as a reference for 1010's animations/moves.
- the Bio Tactical Shield that you get for zuke after beating 1010 is a reference to BTS.
- tangibly related, but the collectable figurines are supposed to serve more as a backstory to vinyl city as a whole, rather than 1010 or neon j. daim describes the figures as what events were going on and what people were doing before the events of nsr.
- 1010’s appearance from older trailers (where they all looked the same) were actually placeholders. 1010’s actual designs weren’t finished yet when those trailers were released.
- parts of 1010’s designs (for their bodies/outfits) were inspired by tron uprising, a project that daim worked on.
- somebody asked why 1010 and neon j have sculpted butt plates. daim and haz have no idea, but daim suggested that ellie (who designed 1010) and jan (who did their character models) put them there to up the “sexy robot” factor.
- daim’s favourite member of 1010 is purl-hew/blue, and haz’s favourite is eloni/green.
- the members of 1010 were designed based on popular tropes in boy bands. rin/white is “the main guy,” zimelu/red is the “bad boy,” purl-hew/blue is the “cool guy,” haym/yellow is the “young/innocent one,” and eloni/green is the “weird/funny one.”
- eloni/green not getting fan mail was based on how the “funny guy” of kpop bands/idol groups don’t seem to get as much attention as the rest of the group.
- haz and daim didn't expect neon j to become so popular. haz joked about blaming it on ddaddystar, who did that doodle of djss and neon j from the credits.
- when asked about neon j’s age, daim said he’s definitely older than djss, and that he could be in his forties.
- related to the age thing, someone in chat said he should be older if he went to war in the sixties. haz replied by saying they never mentioned what year the game takes place in, so it doesn’t necessarily take place in the present/2020.
- a lot of people asked about the border wars, and daim and haz said they like leaving the bulk of it up to fan interpretation.
- daim said that neon j’s organs were preserved in a robotic shell after the war, and that’s why he’s considered a cyborg.
- as stated above, daim is a djneon/neonnova shipper, and it’s one his favourite pairings alongside zuke/mayday.
- neon j’s monologue was slightly longer, but it was cut down because zul (neon j’s va) didn’t do very many takes for the monologue, and the takes he did do didn’t have the comedic punch that daim was looking for, so it got shortened.
- the singing parts of neon j’s lines were ad-libbed by zul in his audition, and daim liked it so much that it stayed for the final game.
- neon j’s monologue had to be altered in the japanese dub so that the jokes/comedy would make more sense.
- the color changing paintings from her boss fight were created by accident.
- eve was put as the last boss because of how emotional her relationship with zuke was and how complicated and intricate she is as a whole compared to the rest of the bosses.
- daim considers eve to be the "final boss" for zuke, while tatiana is the final boss for mayday.
- eve took the longest to develop out of all the bosses. she was orignally a lot more complicated, and daim said they had to "filter" a lot of things about her in order to tone her down and fit her into the game.
- eve was almost scrapped from the game. daim said her concept as an eccentric artist wasn't as well known as the other four bosses’ concepts, and combine that with how long it took to finalize her... yeah.
- none of the artists have set in stone heights because of how the gameplay works, but eve is the tallest one. the closest scene in the game that has them at their actual heights is the ending.
- her name was originally eva, but it was changed bc there’s already a popular artist with the same name.
- daim explains that a big part of eve’s concept and theme is her embracing herself. he uses the example of eve’s backstory where she starts out hating herself and trying to cover the pink half of her face, but then starts doing less of that overtime. he also mentions that all the body parts (hands, arms, legs, etc.) from her fight also come from her embracing her body and using it in her artwork.
- dream fever is haz’s favourite district.
- daim didn’t originally think of zuke and eve as being an actual couple until later down the line when the story heavily implied it.
- eve’s younger designs were done by lzbros, who did all the 2d animation for the game.
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sepublic · 3 years
Hunting Palismen Speculation
           Hunting Palismen… Well, I bet Eda’s whistle from the Bat Queen will finally come into play here! She mentioned in the Reddit AMA that the source of wood used to create Palismen is becoming more scarce, and it likely has to do with Belos and his hunger for palismen, desire to control and commodify magic, to ‘tame’ this world by sterilizing it; I can imagine plenty of reasons for him!
           This is possibly where we get out shot of a frantic, panicked Kikimora;
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           As well as this knight from the Emperor’s Coven about to be hit by something;
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           If I had to guess? Several palismen, led by Luz and/or the Bat Queen are leading a counter-attack, or the Emperor’s Coven is finding difficulty in trying to secure the source for palisman wood thanks to the local creatures! We could get a Ferngully kind of plot where the Emperor’s Coven is trying to raze down the woods, convert them for another purpose, perhaps a specific one, or just a bunch of general ones, maybe related to the Day of Unity at hand!
           But speaking of Palismen, this also brings up the red cardinal on Luz’s shoulder;
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           There’s a good chance that this cardinal is a Palisman! Will we see Luz get her own Palisman here, the cardinal? It’d complete her own Clawthorne motif and solidify her as a member of the family! She also has the Golden Guard’s staff… Might we see lore regarding Belos and the Golden Guard’s unique, technological staffs?
           Does Belos intend to replace palismen with this brand of machinery, similar to the training wand we saw Amity use in Adventures in the Elements? A mechanical, controlled way of harnessing an outside source of bile to aid and supplement one’s magic… Seems like something Belos would be fond of! We’ll probably get this shot from the trailer of Belos breaking a staff in this episode as well;
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           This could be showing how Belos devours Palismen, and with the similarities between the Golden Guard’s staff and this one –note the swirl- it’s possible we’ll see the process of Belos ‘civilizing’ the staffs of wild witches, repurposing and reusing their bases as a template for his own technological brand of staff. This could be a flashback introducing how the Golden Guard got his staff, or just Belos tinkering in general; The countdown art by Dana for Day 4 shows him tinkering with his own staff using tools like it’s a car and he’s the mechanic, so who knows?
           Combining technology with magic… I have to wonder if there’s any connection to Blight Industries, but we’ll just have to wait and see.
           Could we see Palismen be reincarnated, repurposed into those red orbs that Belos and the Golden Guard adorn their staffs with? Does Belos devour a Palisman and ‘digest’ its magic to form those red spheres? Could the red cardinal connect with the red crystals on Belos and the Golden Guard’s staffs? I can only imagine… It’d be interesting if we got to see that the Golden Guard’s own palisman is actually the cardinal- Perhaps he abandoned it? Will we get more insight into how palismen are abandoned, no doubt thanks to Belos’ hunts and crusades against wild witches, encouraging them to throw theirs out?
           Not only that, but if this episode has Luz with her special pants, then this other shot of a similar-looking background is probably from the same episode;
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           We see this large structure that looks vaguely organic; Could this be a cut-down stump from a palisman tree? Are these structures carved out from palisman trees? If so, then Luz using that wood to place her glyph combo could lead to some very devastating effects! This could be a town settled around a source of palisman wood, so potentially Luz will go out and travel to deal with this plot; Adding to the new locations for the Boiling Isles that Dana promised us!
           Not only that, but if we have Kikimora and Luz’s cool new pants, possibly given to her by the Bat Queen, or just an aesthetical choice, then…
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           THESE shots could also be from Hunting Palismen! Luz is climbing up some sort of blimp or airship, possibly one containing several caged palismen, a classic plot of poached animals and whatnot, as she tries to stop the Emperor’s Coven. Atop this blimp, she is approached by a dragon with a notable hand motif… And, well; You all know the theory that this dragon is Kikimora, hence the hands and similar coloration, the yellow-and-red eyes! And of course, this theory connects to the Hand Dragon being the same type of hand that steals King’s crown from Eda’s story in the first episode!
           AKA, we could get a look into how Kikimora deposed King in the past, as well as see her transform and reveal her true power- Hence that berserk state of hers from the intro, alluding to something more with this witch! And if you go by the theory that King was the Bat Queen’s original owner… Well, that’d tie things together very nicely; Kikimora might be able to recognize the Bat Queen as the Palisman of the giant she defeated and deposed, a connecting thread between these two characters with missing backstories!
           Also, this shot of Luz climbing up the air ship has what seems to be in tow an orb of palisman wood;
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           This being palisman wood would make sense, and could add to Luz growing a vine around this structure as well, if it’s spawned FROM the wooden orb itself! We might see how the palisman trees can be remade and repopulated, restored after Belos’ destruction.
           Also in the background of our shot of Kikimora, the coloration of the sky looks like it could match what we see with Luz on the air ship! And there seems to be acid melting what looks to be trees in the background… Which again, adds to the idea that the Emperor’s Coven is trying to hunt down Palismen –hence the title- and also seize the wood created to use them as well! But they might get resistance from the locals, some acidic resistance, which could prompt Kikimora to figure out something of her own to handle the situation, even as the Bat Queen implores Luz for help…
           I can’t tell if the sequence where Luz has the Golden Guard’s staff and the cardinal, while combining her Fire and Ice Glyphs, comes before or after all of this! But nevertheless, we could get a look into lore about Kikimora, about the Golden Guard, about Palismen and Belos’ relationship with them, how his coven system has begun to devour and repurpose the wood they’re made of- And insight into those mechanical staffs! 
          Will we get a look into the kind of magic that Belos and the Golden Guard use, perhaps fueled directly by harvested bile, like the Philosopher’s Stone from Fullmetal Alchemist- They’re both red forms of inexplicable, rule-defying energy/magic that run on unethical sources! And hey, if Belos has a sudden need for more Palismen, hence the hunt, maybe it’s because his own condition is worsening?
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