#and the human designs are Adorbs!
crow-caller · 2 years
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Top fav/east fav pokemon designs in scarlet/violet.
Over more than an hour later this is more ‘crow comments on almost every new pokemon, oops’. I am passionate about cool designs... I didn’t mean to come for bogleech’s throne!
 Under spoiler tag because I was lucky to play without having been spoiled on ANY of them and I want to keep that experience, total spoilers ahead.....
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I was so annoyed the cute grass kitty immediatly became bipedal, but I really do dig the whole line, even the last one. The base is SO cute I LOVE kitty and being a sort of bandit and then a magician is cool. Especially enjoy how the final form is bipedal but not THAT humanoid- it’s a neutral body rather than being uncomfortably curvy or gendered. Also as I look at it: final form kinda is a lot like how I draw my eye deers in terms of “fluffy pastel body, long skinny darker legs”
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I’m so sorry they did this to the duck. I’M SO SORRY. the duck was cute and then the middle is ugly and the final.... in battle usually the tail is extended and it’s obviously a ‘festivale’ thing, but it’s so unsettling. I hate how human it is, it’s dancing.... I hate this creature and for it to be a STARTER feels so unfair. who okay’d it.
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I always loved dunspace as a kid playing gold silver, even tho it was useless. It was so mystifying looking and... odd. It was the pokemon that really most felt like a cryptic mystery of a being, you know? Like what the hell IS it? I’ve learned since it’s like... Tsuchinoko, maybe. But for it to FINALLY have an evolution that is almost entirely identical is really funny to me. Yep. That sure is just dunsparce. I mean. Dudunsparce. It’d have been cool for him to suddenly be a giant badass snake monster but this is better
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Okay two off: TaROUNtula is adorbs and his evolution sucks. a little yarn ball spider with a kinda dopey face is really cute and then he turns into... way too dude shaped and really unappealing. He doesn’t look much like his pre-form and loses all the charm. A spider with a spindle it uses to make traps is great but why this??
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Dolliv is super super cute. I love the many grass and bug pokemon that are just ‘cute girls’. I don’t like humanoid pokemon, but a lot of them are more stylised human than bordering on uncanny, and they look cute and fun. Dolliv works with her theme perfectly and is extremely cute. But man I was really REALLY happy to see Arboliva !! She’s funky and stylish in a different way. Sure, we could have another Tsureena line, where the end is basically a plant ginjinka gal, but while still hhumanoid Arboliva is way funkier. She usually is in a wreath shape too to better show off her design. I love her colour pallete too. She feels like something I’d make....
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how can you not love this little face. His weird metal collar and his funky arms that he usually stows. Those eyes tho. He’s so cute and simple.
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I wouldn’t normally like anything about this design. Like, it’s fine, but very very simple and  nothing screams pokemon about it. But extra shoutout: they are VERY funny. The names are both great (Maushold is one of the few times I sensibly chuckle at a pun name) and the fact they almost always evolve when you’re not looking- and their evolution is having children- is great. I was worried it was a glitch but I hope (and believe) it’s on purpose. You one day look and OH SHIT! THEY HAD CHILDREN. I thought I’d gone insane for a moment and missed it, 10/10 experience I carried this couple in my bag and they gave birth without telling me
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I know birds are... hard. because they’re birds. But what is WRONg with the birds this gen? I don’t despise any of them, but they’re the most Bird Birds I’ve ever seen. The flamingo is litterally a flamingo full stop. The stork is mostly a stork, the weird flesh sack it carries creeps me out and without it it’s. Just A Stork?! Wattrel as a seabird is Fine as a first evolution, but it’s evolve really bores me. And Squawkabilly is a nice pun and most pokemon looking, but still very plain. He has four plumages and yet who will care? He also so clearly needs an evolution to lean harder on the theme.
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Hehe........ crab. I love giant enemy crab. He’s very charming. Eeriely robotic. The idea of him as an ambush predator is cool, I wish in game he actually WOULD blend in and strike you!
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I didn’t like the first evo at all but he’s here for context, because once I evolved him I was enamoured. Just like minecraft......... but really, a blocky, salt construct is cool. I love his colours on the evo while the middle stage looks like a sweet little dude.
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his mini pic isn’t the best, so here’s him better. Not normally my type of poke at ALL but she’s just really charming to me. Big blocks. Love the sediment layer ombre.
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His little image isn’t very clear. This rock/poison flower.... what is he? A crystal that looks like a flower but isn’t. I really don’t know what is the inspiration beyond just ‘crystal-ish flower’, but he looks both very futuristic and like some prehistoric plant! The strange little eyes and the transparent cone at the front add to the mystery.
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I don’t think I LIKE Shroodle but it’s hard to hate those empty eyes. I raised one for ages because I HAD to know what he was. A crocodile of some sort was my bet. Apparently it’s a ‘mouse’ which is then more confusing when it turns into a monkey. I think on reflection he might be designed on a spray paint can... his evo is a grafiti monkey, and he has a long shiny body with a black cap, with a tuft of paintbrush like hair! but he’s def not a monkey.
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Grafaiai tho is a very cool design. I hate monkeys and apes but a lemur can stay, it has a cool design and colors and I really enjoy the wide glossy eyes.
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this one was just an insant win for most everyone. Bread dog! And then he gets BAKED! he’s really cute and I definitely called he’d be a dash-bun before he evolved
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This old ass dog....... it’s not just that he has a very endearing story role but that helps. He’s nothing really too special, but he has such sweet eyes and really captures the feeling of a fking old ass dog....... like this is a dog that was MADE to lay on the living room floor for hours and grumble in his sleep!!
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I hate gimmighoul!!!!!! AAA!!! No, seriously, what is up with this guy? Without the chest it looks like... a sentai...? I’ve never been a fan in gen of power rangers or super sentai designs anyways but it’s my best guess for what this bastard is. The base version vaguely also makes me think cockroach, but sadly needs to be 300% more cockroach. The chest version would be fun- pokemon has mimics but not the classic treasure chest!- except... he keeps poking his stupid head out, which doesn’t at all bring to mind a mimic! The chest form is indeed just the bastard in a box, no unique changes.
THEN THE EVOLUTION.... who the hell is this roadside used car lot advertising man and why does he make me look for so many of his stupid children to earn the right to hate him? This design is so confusing for me. What is he? Bad. His pokedex entry tells me he’s 1000 stacked coins but looks more like a bullet.
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god he does resemble like a 90s ad campaign to appeal to the youth and get them to stop smoking huh. But really, for the amount of annoying effort and time it takes to get him, he is not worth it at all. Horrendous thing. Stupid thing. AAA. aaa.
Seriously, I never liked gimmeghoul but I definitely imagined a fitting final form would be way bigger on the ‘treasure’ theme. He has a chest form and you collect coins- imagine if he was a riff on a treasure hoard instead! A long serpant busting through a treasure box covered in coins, a mimic who hides as a great hoard barely poking out, a centipede with coins as armor....
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Okay, I played violet, so the past pokemon I didn’t get to see. On beating the main story I decided to look finally at the full dex so I could see all the version exclusives. I quite enjoy them, and while I liked violet’s designs old pokemon exclusives/legend more the ancient pokemon are nicer than the robots.. because the robots gimmick is continously the same ‘a pokemon but robot’.
This jigglypuff is very funny to me. She’s kinda just a joke of ‘cute jigglypuff but with little fangs’ but I can’t resist her charms.
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Also^ I think pokemon doesn’t know how long ONE BILLION YEARS is.
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Admittedly she’s a very plain riff on misdreveous, but I’ve always liked misdreaveous and she looks neat. I like her spikes, not sure why she has one green wing arm. It’s nice the pearl necklace evolved early imao
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1. what is a PTEROSAUR in the context of pokemon???
2. how could this EVER look like a PTEROSAUR
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Volcarona is such a lovely pretty moth, and this version is super cool. I love how they tweaked with her regular features and made her so similar but so new. It’s just a SUPER cool bug and I really really love her
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they need to stop doing this to my boy
what is this
So salamance might be my fav pokemon ever by childhood bias: Ruby was a very dear game and I raised a salamance from a bagon up to level 100! Then I kept the same salamance and transferred him between games, up to Platinum. I love that weird, fat dragon.... he’s a popular pokemon, so has had a lot of extra forms, and they all suck
No, seriously!
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Boy. baby boy.
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Salamance is a brightly coloured (but teal and pale red not the godawful tones of his mega) fat dragon. I keep saying fat but someone has to remind Pokemon. He’s a big and solid boy, but mega evo takes away that (and his arms) and makes him this super tacky bizarre monstrocity. Now we have Roaring Moon....
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What is this? The idea of a feathery funky salamance is great, I appreciate even it resembles the mega evolution since gimicks are lately just one generation then forgotten. But his body shape and colors are so odd and messy. He looks really thrown together with a few basic good ideas that are completely not working!
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I have really no strong feelings on the robot pokemon, meanwhile. They... look cool enough, ish. They’re robots that look like other pokemon. The designs really don’t do anything crazy interesting though, even tho they make changes it’s nothing radical. I only put Iron Hands here because I want you to know in a lore book you can find, it’s said Iron Hands is maybe a cyborg, not a pokemon, and might have a living person in there somehow. That weirds me out.
I definitely do wish the techno future pokemon did more though! Instead of just being ‘robot very similar to other pokemon’, it feels we’re missing out on ‘more evolved’ versions of pokemon or robot-flesh mixes.  My immediate pitch for a more evolved (in IRL biology) pokemon from the future? An extremely fierce magicarp that has finally become strong! Or a bagon that has skipped needing to be salamance and has adapted wings of its own! There’s so much potential to look at odd pokemon and imagine how they might adapt over years of natural evolution. You also could do robo-flesh hybrids as said, where I have no exact ideas but something like... A combee that has adapted to work with nanorobots in a swarm? Hell, put magicarp in a mechasuit and say in the future magicarp has learned to psychically build mecha suits. Why not.
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okay, she’s pretty cool tho. I def like to see gardevoir/gallade fusion one, who def makes the most bold changes to the design too (well, I guess iron treads is nothing like donaphan REALLY, but...). Haters gonna hate her nonbinary girl swag. Glad to see in the far future we’ve finally ended gender. Etc etc.
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The ruinous legends are super, super cool designs. All of them are some of the TOP creature designs I’ve seen in ages tbh. I haven’t gotten in game to unlocking them or looked if they have lore (I hope there’s a lot of lore, mysterious ruinous beads sealed by ominous swords and giant doors is sick but I want more). Each is based on a cursed object that is so full of a negative emotion it has become tied to a pokemon and sealed away. GREAT STUFF.
Anyways, love this totemic beast and the big ancient cracked blood sacrifice bowl on their head. And yes, it’s totally a blood sacrifice pokemon: it’s linked to fear, as the bowl was said to have been used in ancient rituals and evoked such strong fear it became a horrible creature.
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This guy minus the sword would fit in pretty well as a regular pokemon, admittedly. I find her colours really pleasing. The sword adds a bit more of that ‘legendary’ flair but does look a bit awkward impaled like that. But no, I really enjoy him.
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I am not a slug person (I am actually terrified of slugs irl) but. I loveeee this design. It’s clever (look at the both eyestalks and the false lead face) and extremely themeatic, with a great colour pallette. This thing screams spooky nature spirit in every way.
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Though my least fav I felt I should throw in all four special legends. Plus, nothing about them is bad. I find the eyes rather awkward but they do invoke a bulged eyed goldfish. All four legends are based on cursed objects, so this feels like an okay way to add the beads to the fish... but not my fav. I do enjoy tho his patterns on his body. They’re just very stylish.
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The box legends... are okay in their battle forms. I didn’t expect to really like them, but the writing is good and I really loved my robot motorcycle dragon by the end.
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they’re far more appealing and charming to me in their ‘low power’ mode, which is what they are for most of the game. It’s nice to go ‘oho! badass battle time!’ but, meh. The more animal funky little guy form who loves sandwiches is better.
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She’s a bit funny looking but really nice. She’s a cute little... something. I again am fine with human shaped pokemon when they’re still monsters, not people, not overly sexy people. Her middle stage is really cute to me as a sort of little knight, and then her last stage gives her adorable hair and a giant hammer. Classic design trope, but I love it! She’s cute and small but extremely strong and fun. I enjoy that her pokedex entry tells us she’s a BANDIT, not a blacksmith-knight.
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The version exclusive branching knight evolve really feels like it should have been in sword shield, huh? But even tho it’s not normally the type I like... I am not immune to cool cursed knight with violet flames. he’s edgy and cool and fun, and I think perfectly balances between simplicity and very detailed-  his design doesn’t look cluttered to me at all despite how complex it is!
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hehe toadscool
I was so psyched to see him on my radar and go ‘is that a fckin tentacool with two silly legs’ and it was. These guys really as just fun to watch move. Toescruel hops! I’m not sure there’s much that exciting about them, but that’s okay. They’re simply and funny
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god..... he’s perfect.................................................................
honestly, I was never a wooper fan and I’m still not, but this one is 100%  better than quaqsire. he’s better than most things.
sorry i wound up talking about like all of them. I really like most of them, even the ones I skipped
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khship910 · 9 months
User Reviews Glossary
My SakuAtsu cyberpunk sci-fi story User Reviews takes place in the Hub, a Metro run by the Corp, in a future not too far away.
This glossary can help you speak like a true Hub citizen, and fool most securoBots.
adorb: adorable. A cuter version of something.
android: humanistic Bot.
anonyBand: a necklace that scrambles a person's facial features, making them unreadable in both surveillance camera footage and IRL.
art bomb: an illegal street art installation by graf artists.
atomWash: using an atomizer to get clean.
atomizer: A type of shower, that uses a fine mist to clean.
auDisc: Audio discs, similar to CDs.
bagPants: baggy pants.
the Belt: the drivable street encircling the Hub.
bopBots: AI tasked with inventing Popular Music.
bot: robotic laborer.
candEcube: Corp-produced candy, small cubes made of artificial flavors and sweeteners.
closed-loop: non-networked system.
cof: coffee.
cleanBot: a general use Bot, similar to a housekeeper.
the Collective: an illegal underground artists colony.
Cons: the right-of-center groups who are pro-Corps and run most of the Metros with an iron fist.
the Continental Amalgamation: the equivalent to the US, with a lot less cities and states.
Corp: the corporation in charge of the Hub.
CorpsCorps: the Corps' private army.
Creem: cof whitener.
critThink: critical thinking. Outlawed in the Hub.
cyclo-drive: getting excited.
daffy: dumb.
denary: group of ten.
dFunct: not working. Used as an expletive.
DivZero: short for "dividing by zero," this is a term used to identify an idiot. Used as an expletive.
DnD: do not disturb. An iNet setting that makes you unavailable to others.
E-skl: school.
eco: okay.
eco mode: chill.
error: something gone wrong, used as an expletive.
face2: party.
Fact™: a Corp truth. Registered trademark.
fitPants: pants that are tighter around the leg.
floorSweep: the most common consumer Bot. Functions as a vacuum cleaner.
flux: irregular electricity. Used as an expletive.
foodOp: restaurants. Also known as FOs.
foodPrep: yet another amazing Corp invention, the foodPrep is the only appliance you'll ever need. Designed to cook Readys ready in under two minutes! The Corp foodPrep. Get yours today!
foodPrep area: new name for "Kitchen."
fritzed: something is messed up.
fritz up: to mess something up.
furnsTop: a place that sells furniture and other household items.
ganked: yanked or grabbed.
gantry: hoisting machine.
ghostBoard: an interface for planning and programming on the iNet. Can be set to public or private mode.
graf: graffitti.
greyfiber: a recycled material used for fabric-type purposes.
holoProj: holographic projector, plays simCasts.
hoverCar: individual vehicles. They travel along synthment within the Hub and on smoovPaths between Metros.
Hub: the Hub is one of many Metros that make up the cityStates of the Continental Amalgamation.It is the nation's premier post-creativity society.
iDent: identity file.
iNet: what we would call the internet. Most use it in the form of contact lenses. A few old-timers still use glasses. All normal Hub citizens rely on it for day-to-day tasks.
IRL: in real life, not on the iNet.
iTap: How users of the iNet "click" on various screens within the program, by looking at them.
K: currency used by the Hub.
K-count: how much money a person has.
kak: excrement. Used as an expletive.
lastGen: digital location device, password and key. Used to mark secure areas and also to let people in those secure areas.
Libs: the left-of-center groups that have absconded to the subUrbs. They fight wars of attrition with the Cons who run the Metros.
mBandit: Metro bandits; people who invade Metros for personal gain.
med: hospital.
medBot: robot doctor.
Meeting: illegal spiritual gathering.
Metros: city-states of the Continental Amalgamation.
mono: monorail that circles the Hub.
netFile: every human's digital record. Their identification, online footprint, records and messages, all in one!
netMances: the premier iNet dating app. 90% of successful relationships start on netMances.
nCurrNc: untraceable currency. Best used for illegal income and payments.
nGupLink: clean energy source, what the citizens of the Hub rely on for their power.
Night Market: the illegal event thrown by the Collective, to purchase non-Corp-produced goods.
nMessage: encrypted messaging system. Only for sale illegally.
off prog: going off program can mean a variety of things: getting sick, mental instability, engaging in unauthorized behavior.
offline: someone staring, or even completely unconscious.
on prog: acting in a way that is expected.
outSide: the area beyond the Peri of the Hub.
paPocks: pants pockets. In most bagPants and fitPants.
peri: the perimeter of the Hub, a wall designed to keep the citizens safe.
plasti-gel: plastic gel that conforms to a variety of shapes and sizes. Used for bespoke products.
plasticine: the most used building material in the Hub. It is made out of recycled plastics and can be recycled itself, in perpetuity.
rRoom: restroom.
Readys: Corp-manufactured instant dinners, coming in five whole flavors, not including soupCups! Cooked in a foodPrep in two minutes and nutritionally balanced, Readys are all the food you need!
reEducation: the Corps' most common method of punishing illegal behavior.
reFrige: refrigerator.
roze: when someone is feeling good.
roze-pozy: when someone is feeling really good.
securoBot: security guard robot.
sensaRig: used in conjunction with the simSuit and the articulating simSkin scales, a sensaRig is a full virtual reality pod in which a person can experience another person's vidStream completely. Attachments are available to enjoy taste, smell, and all tactile sensations.
sexClub: a Corp-run sexual activity center to keep Hub citizens satisfied.
simCast: a three-dimensional version of the simScreen.
simScreen: a screen that can run a simulation visible to its audience.
simSkin: the tiles that transmit feeling when a person uses their sensaRig.
simSuit: a thin, nearly transparent fabric, worn under the simSkin tiles of a sensaRig.
skeek: creep
smartMug: a cof cup that can keep your beverage at your desired temp.
smoovPaths: interMetro highways. In disrepair.
socFeeds: iNet social media.
spark off: to make someone angry.
spizzy: cool.
spizzy as zizzy: really cool.
spline: a smooth motion.
streamedy: iNet comedy.
streetClean: these Bots keep the streets clear of any chunks that have been worn away, as well as cleaning up any recycling or illegal street art.
subUrbs: the living areas outSide the Hub. The domain of the Libs.
Sucra™: artificial sweetener.
swiggled: covered.
synthment: what the streets of the Hub are made of.
sys online: systems online. A question meaning, "are you okay?" or an answer meaning, "I'm okay."
T: t-shirt.
Toothy: a toothbrush Bot.
UBI: universal basic income, a way to guarantee all Hub citizens the K they need to buy the products the Corp sells.
upLink: a transmission to or from the iNet.
unders: underwear.
uvBlock: sunscreen.
valet: a general use Bot, similar to a butler.
vidChat: video chat. Audio-only upLinks are also available.
vidScreen: a screen that can project video.
vidStream: programming on the iNet.
wayFrees: freeways.
zero: idiot
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kittie-diary · 1 year
meet me, 고양이 공주 부인! 𖹭
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o’ cuddliest kitties, let’s encounter the adorbs ‘n loveliest cherub named michiala kailasha, you can call me michi or ici as well or free to address me with a cutesy nickname! come here to recite a few words which contain slight information about me, darl. ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა i settled pronoun as she/her and after accomplished test of mbti i received enfj as the result {an extrovert who loves to mingle with eberione!} oh, i’m already on my legal age and about zodiac, i obtained leo as my sun, i’m not yet dig my moon also rising.. since i’m in lassitude, but worry not, i’ll get those to complete my basic information!!% ⁺₊˚✧
i’m into girlgroups, especially aespa and newjeans. i love johnny, jaehyun, and hendery. i'm up for any kind of topic but if have to mention which topic that i love the most, i really love psychological topic. {i'm currently studying psychology, anyways!}. i love graphic designing, i spend most of my free time on ibis/photoshop.
i hope it’s enough to decipher myself and if you have sumtin’ to tell me, kindly hit me up through direct message! thereto, i hope you have a bubbly day, kitties. i very-berry appreciate ‘cause you willing to spare your time to fathom myself more by sneak peeking my sweet tumblr. toodles, loveliest beings! xoxo ⊹ . ♡ ୧
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please ask my consent before you start following me.
my account is cyber slash unlabelled account, sometimes you might find me tweeted a lot about my college life, daily life, or roleplayer life since i’m actually a rp writer.
the writer is also a human so please forgive me if sometimes i might be nowhere to be found {re: inactive} due to my college life. i'm an extrovert so i love socializing but sometimes i don't have any energy to do so. sorry. :c
i'm verrrryyy slow at replying dm since i’m more comfortable having chit-chat on timeline or group dm rather than personal dm. but worry not i’ll try my best to reply all of those message that appears on my dm. so please don't hesitate to talk wimme, okkie? ♥︎
please use the trigger warning wisely.
my handles
gen rp
{since the blue bird love me that much, my acc got suspended quite often, but here’s my previous handling just in case you know me from my old rp acc : wintejo (old owner), minjeyong (old owner), and rinter (oldowner).}
closed agency
XiaotingRecord of 90sTeensDiary
WINTERvoix of Pass The Lines
GISELLEdearly of DearlyLovers
NINGNINGdrm of DreamyWheels
this has been :
mikaila sharleen (mika) of the feroce
kiara eletta miller (kiya) of pieces in heart
lilyana ivy (ibby) of our broken club
arabella yurica (ayu) of hearthallways
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beneaththetangles · 2 years
First Impression: Chimimo
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The everyday life of three sisters—Mutsumi, Mei, and Hazuki—is thrown for a loop by the appearance of a bouncy, cute, spherical creature with an oni-like horn. Soon, Mochi, as he’s nicknamed, is joined by eleven others who make the sisters’ lives fun and cuddly, but also threaten to eat them out of house and home! To make matters worse, the creatures’ owner comes to retrieve them, but he’s a monster himself, an “envoy of hell” who is planning to make the human realm a hell on earth! The little white balls of kawaii are his loyal servants, known as chimimoryo, and he plans to unleash hell with them, beginning with the Onigami household. But doing so is no small task for this fearsome intruder, who’ll have his hands full simply handling the incorrigible sisters.
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Take care of your pets, Mr. Hell!
Well, this was a surprise! The character designs in the show, both for the adorable, Pusheen-like chimimoryo (chimimo for short) and the sisters themselves, is so kawaii and adorbs that you’d expect the series to just be one long stretch of fluff. And for sure, there’s a cute energy to it, but episode one achieves a nice balance as well. The humor isn’t childish; it’s grounded in a more adult world with topics like household income, social media, and hangovers, appropriate for the characters’ ages. Plus, the word “hell” is uttered some two dozen times, as that word is what appears to have summoned the chimimo and their master, Jabberwock the 8th (“Mr. Hell”), who it seems to have just needed a haircut, bath, and a hotpot to relieve his angry spirit. Future episodes seem as if they’ll continue to focus on the daily lives of the sisters as they interact with Mr. Hell, who with his adorable companions, may come around and abandon his plan for creating a realm of horror on earth.
Chimimo can be streamed through HiDIVE.
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curiouslilbird · 2 years
My blog is somewhat like a library of various cool posts I’ve found over the years--find posts by opening the Read More link and tapping the links below. Items are in alphabetical order by type.  (I've tried to sort them as well as I can, but there's a lottttt of tags...my apologies to your scrolling fingers in advance!)
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tk-duveraun · 2 years
Someone I like very much asked
how do people design ocs how do people worldbuild lakdkksl urghhhh
And there are a lot of guides on how to do this well. Lots of “How to design a good character” “How to have a good, deep world.”
But outside of the 90324854 writing novels I read when I was younger, there’s not a lot of “How to do it at all I am literally at step zero.”
So Welcome to
TK’s How to Do It At All Guide to Character Creation
Intro: This is by NO MEANS the only way or the “correct” way to create a character. This is explicitly for people who have never made an OC or people who have never made an OC they care about.
I’ll be making 2 OCs during this process as examples. 👍 I am going to try to do each step differently for each OC to give you more ideas.
1. Pick something you like. A color, an animal, an emotion, an adjective, anything.
Ex 1: A white cat
Ex 2: The color magenta
2. Image Search for that thing and pick an image that inspires you/that you like. (For this and all other pictures in this guide, I am gonna be using pexels.com It’s a website that hosts images for use by creatives without copyright issues so I won’t be stealing peoples pics for my guide)
Ex1: Look at this kitten. Adorbs. I love them.
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Ex 2:
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3. Consider why you want a character. Is this an OC for a fanfic? A D&D PC? A D&D NPC? An rpg character? A novel character?
Ex 1: I’m making a D&D character
Ex 2: I want to write a novel!
4. Pick something either from your found image or something you just came up with to be a base element of your character. If you see “something you just came up with” as a copout and bad guide point. That’s okay. People familiar with this area of creativity will know what I mean and go “Yes, that, exactly, I get you” but if you don’t get it, ignore it! :D
Ex 1: Should I make the character a khajeet? Is khajeet a D&D thing? Do they call cat people something else? This is a lot of things I don’t want to look up, so I will make a human character who has a Cat Aesthetique.
Ex 2: I want my main character to wear fancy outfits with Magenta-Black-Silver as their color scheme.
5. Consider the ‘plot’ your character is a part of. If it’s for a game, the game’s plot, a fanfic - the OG’s plot (or the AU premise). If its original and you don’t have any plot in mind, consider the vibes forcing you to create. How do you want the character to fit into this?
Ex 1: The D&D Campaign is set in post Dwarf-apocalypse (there wasn’t an apocalypse of dwarves, they were the primary/only race pre-apocalypse). My OC is like, an ambassador for cats. Cats didn’t like dwarf-houses, so only with the rise of humans did they domesticate themselves and my OC tries to sell having a tiny tiger in your house to other people.
Ex 2: Coffee-Shop meet-cute romance. Okay, maybe it’s a short story, stop judging me. Also, there’s disaster lesbians. As fly as my character is, surely they are one of the primary pairing. Let’s have her be the barista. Let the fancywear be a surprise.
6. Push your brain for information. Once you have a lot of practice, this will happen naturally. If you struggle at first and feel “uncreative” don’t worry - that’s natural. If you don’t have practice, start asking questions about your character... to yourself.
Let yourself not be judged - asking the questions aloud is more effective, especially if you’re struggling. Go on a walk, lock yourself in the shower, do what you gotta do if people would look at you weird for talking to yourself, but do it.
Example questions:
a. Favorite color? b. Sexuality? c. Gender? d. Rich or poor? e. Introvert or Extrovert? f. favorite flower?
This is the point at which you can search for “OC questionnaire” or “OC traits” and use those questions to fill out the details. Once you fill out the “obvious” answers, others should come to you, but if they don’t -- don’t worry! You don’t have to know everything about your character before you get started! That’s what editing (original work) or progression (everything else) is for!
Ex 1: So given the whole cat thing, the character is probably a druid with animal speak. Their aesthetic is CatTM, but their favorite color is yellow. They’re demisexual, probably(TM) male, on the poor side - their family couldn’t really support them, and their older siblings (oh they have older siblings now) are taking over the family business, so character left on druid-cat-enlightenment adventures. They play a ukulele (DM will figure it out) and people are lukewarm to the playing, it’s like elevator music, but cats LOVE IT. They are the cat whisperer.
Ex 2: She’s rich as hell to afford the fancy clothes. So why working as a barista? Uh, her parents are nuveau-riche and want her to work retail so she treats people as humans. She’s closest bi or lesbian (she doesn’t know!!) and thinks homosexuality is just something for Other PeopleTM because she’s totally normal, right? Just a little rich? And while her family is politically “you do you” she’s never really interacted with anyone queer. It doesn’t super seem real?
7. Search doll-makers/picrews/visual character creators to mock up an appearance you like! (Psst. Heroforge is great for it, too. You don’t have to buy a figure)
(no examples because this would take me literally hours because I am LIKE THAT, but feel free to make them of the above characters if you want)
8. Pick a place-holder name. Tell yourself it’s a placeholder name. On your notes page, write “Place-holder name”. Baby Names sites, [genre] Name generator sites, behindthename, behindthesurname, these are your friends! A Chinese author I really enjoy no joke just opens a dictionary and picks at random sometimes!
Ex 1: Eadwulf (wolf, get it, hahahahahhahahahaha)
Ex 2: Zinaida (Russian names sound wealthy to me, sue me)
9. Realize it’s too late and you’re invested (Taako, “Taco”) or Change to real name eventually! (I did the latter when I realized the MC and the LI had the same name except for 3 letters 😬😬)
10. Create!!! (Or play!!) Don’t be afraid, nay, INTEND to run with any new idea that pops into your head. Nothing is too wild (everything else) or unable to be edited later (original).
If you reblog with characters made with this guide, I’ll love you forever?
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missnewtuti · 3 years
Ok Woso fam, I feel like a lot of uswnt fans should get into softball.
The quick run down:
Softballs back for the first time since 2008. The US lost to Japan in the final gold medal game, and two of those players are on this roster (and this year will probs be a rematch)
Softball is basically faster, more fun to watch baseball. For the Olympics they have a bunch of “pace of play” rules that make sure the games average ~2 hours
A+ uniforms. Some have shorts! Some have pants and belts! Hats, visors, headbands, and braids galore.
Tall Amazon ladys throw ball real good
No fans means you get to hear the teams cheer for their batters and that’s real fun too
The US plays Japan in their final opening round game tonight at 9pm ET / 6pm PT. The gold medal game is 7am ET on Tuesday morning.
Ok, you in? Here’s the full scoop
The History
Softball hasn’t been in the Olympics since 2008, but it’s back this year. It probably won’t be in London in 2024, but it’s likely to be back in LA 2028 (LA has some great softball stadiums and has some of the best college programs).
The US won gold 🥇 in 2004 and were favorites to defend their title, but were upset by Japan 🇯🇵 in the gold medal match, walking away with silver 🥈
The US has two olympians from 2008, Canada has four, and Japan also has two. You can read more about them here.
The Format
6 countries are in this years tournament. They all played each other once, and the top 2 will play for gold. 3 and 4 will play for bronze.
So far, most teams have played 4/5 games. And with US and Japan both undefeated, they’re locked in for the gold medal game.
The Rivalry
So now the script is flipped from 2008. Japan - the host nation - is defending their gold. Japan has a professional softball league too, so a lot of folks play over there.
Two of the Americans from that 2008 team are back (more on them coming up next), looking to get some redemption.
Like c’mon this is one of those times we can root for the USA with some underdog vibes. Well ok maybe not full underdog, but at least we don’t have to do insane mental gymnastics to have a chip on our shoulder for this one.
The Amazons
Cat Osterman and Monica Abbott are both 6’3” pitchers who have been racking up strikeouts, and are looking to come away with gold after being upset in 2008. Osterman actually unretired when softball was announced for the Tokyo games.
They both still have a ton of impressive college records and some of the current team grew up watching them so that’s fun too. Apparently their coach calls them Fire and Ice.
Here’s an article about the fantasy draft new team every week league Osterman was a player/coach in. She always looks like she won’t take any of your shit and I dig that vibe. Apparently some of the team calls her Momma Cat which is adorbs.
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I guess softball is less terrible for human bodies than baseball so these two ladies start every game, and so far Abbott has pitched 2 complete games and was the closer in Osterman’s two starts.
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Softball is fun
So, first off, softball is a lot of fun to watch. You get all of the good stuff from baseball - hits and running and stealing bases and strike outs - but it doesn’t feel like watching paint dry.
It’s seven innings, and there’s a ton of rules to make sure the game doesn’t drag on. Pitching changes are quick, and they move between innings so quickly they don’t need to cut to commercial.
The pitchers all have their own little pitch dance they do, like I have no idea what’s going on but it looks cool.
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Oh also, this is neat. They don’t make you throw the four balls for an intentional walk. You can literally just say nah, I’m not pitching you, just head over to first.
Some pitchers even hit, which is super neat. This post is gonna be mostly US focused, but here’s Sara Groenewegen, a Canadian pitcher who also hits (she’s usually their DP when she’s not pitching).
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The Fashion
Ok, so not to be gay (don’t worry, that’s coming up in the next section) but holy shit softball uniforms are great. So much variety but all just really work (baseball should be taking notes).
I’m biased, but the US has some of the best uniforms. They can go full red, white, or blue, or they can mix and match. The USA on the pants is a nice touch, and I’m a sucker for a good belt.
But there’s a ton of variety. Japan wears shorts! And long sleeves. And hats. I couldn’t find any great pics but here’s one.
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And the headwear - the glasses, the visors, the hats, the hairstyles. In my very scientific observations, softball seems to have the highest braid to player ratio of any sport. I guess soccer has buns and softball has braids.
Personally, I’m a fan of some good headband game, I’m sure JJ fans feel me. Some ppl wear face masks and others don’t and there seem to be a bunch of different helmet shapes and styles. Most teams seem to go with visors (I’m thinking so they have more real estate for the braid designs) but some teams go with hats.
Go Gays
As Pinoe once said, you can’t win a championship without gays. It’s just science. All three of US softballs gays (at least based on my cursory Instagram search 🕵️‍♀️) were involved in the US’s extra innings walk off win against Australia. (Chiddy hit the walk off, scoring Haylie and Ally).
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Haylie McCleney
She’s the US lead off hitter and has an absolutely insane .727 batting average so far. She also recently got engaged, so that’s cute. Every team has that insane iron man - and apparently McCleney is that for the US. The center fielder leads a bunch of the teams trainings and workout stuff.
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Ally Carda
First baseman Ally Carda has also been having a good tournament and is (dating? Engaged? Married? Idk it wasn’t in the Instagram caption and I didn’t feel like digging in) to a former US Softball Olympian (2004, 2008).
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Amanda Chidester
Finally, we have Amanda Chidester, an outfielder (and sometimes DP). She secured the US spot in the gold medal match with her eighth inning walk off, earning the US a 2-1 victory over Australia.
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She also has the arguably funnest Olympics storyline because she actually played a game against her fiancée, who plays shortstop for Mexico. (She had a sweet Instagram post about it).
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The chaos
Softball gets rid of a lot of boring stuffy baseball rules. Rosters are smaller and players can re enter the game under certain circumstances so there can be fun shenanigans with pinch runners.
Also if there’s 2 outs and a catcher up on base, someone comes and runs for them so they can go put on their catcher outfit. Softball appreciates an efficient costume change.
In CAN vs JPN, the umpires messed something up and weren’t gonna let a Canadian pitcher re enter the game and the whole Canadian team just walked off the field like we’re not gonna play til you get your shit together.
So, in conclusion, women’s sports are fun to watch and softball is neat. Hopefully they get some hype these Olympics and we see some investment in professional leagues.
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toonstarterz · 4 years
Hey, I’m not dead!
Yeah, sorry that took a while. Had a lot of real-life shit to work through, honestly. In any case, I finally sat my butt down to really crack down on yet another fun-tastical chapter. Tomoko’s actually doing what a lot of quasi-incel degenerates are afraid to do in high school and is taking an actual stab at self-improvement. Will karma rear its ugly head, or is the series now beyond that point?
Chapter 167: Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Spend My Time Wisely unlike me
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This is a really pretty shot and...that’s about it. Real pretty. 
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Oh dear! The friendship disease has disrupted Tomoko’s gremlin-like body clock and has her waking up early like a healthy human being!
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Reminds of that one Gintama episode. You know, that one with Kagura and the sick kid and you don’t care, do you?
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I know Japan prides itself on its cheap, quality goods, but Tomoko is a real penny-pincher, eh? Well, she’s a Gen Zer, so I can’t complain.
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Not sure if this makes me sound like a perv or whatever, but hot damn, the detail on this model is stupidly good. I mean, just look at the patterning on that bra. You can really tell when Ikko’s really getting into the art.
They’re really milking the armpit fetish, aren’t they?
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Tomoko...sweetie...my girl...
You don’t even have a dick. I mean, sure, you could find it fascinating from a purely educational, not-applicable-to-you perspective. And yeah, I suppose it could be useful if you were to start a sexual relationship with a noncanonical male. But to be honest, I can’t help but take it as more signs of your gender dysphoria here. 
I mean, hey, whatever floats your boat.  
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Well, they say kids learn more about practical knowledge out in the real world than in school, don’t they? 
Then again, coughgoogleitcough.
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I always thought Tomoko was just having some kind of psychosomatic experience when she talks about being de-energized from a lack of sexual stimulation. 
Now I’m inches from calling that shit an actual, physiological withdrawal.
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Ah, the good ol’ days. Back when future prospects felt like a lifetime away and you could spend days on end dicking around, lamenting the need to get serious, and disregarding your resolve right after because you secretly didn’t really care.
...I gotta stop projecting.
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Despite Tomoko proving time and again that she can be a crass-hole with a negative outlook on life, it’s when she does childish things like laying your head on your arm when studying and cuddling her plushies that her innocent side pops up and you realize that Tomoko’s a legitimate cutie. 
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Fake-smoking? Tomoko, stop! If you keep this up, you’ll turn from a deconstruction of a cute, moe girl to becoming an actual cute, moe girl.
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I only just noticed that Tomoko’s wearing a “happy” shirt. Remember when she was sporting the “alone” shirt back in year one? Even her clothes get character development.
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Oh, shit. Your girl Yuu-chan talking this whole cram school thing seriously even though she’s at a disadvantage. You see, this is why Yuu is literally the best. Despite being at the “top” of the school clique food chain, she has not once ever felt like “bottomfeeders” like Tomoko and Komi were below her in any way. Sure, she knows they’re weirdos, but she makes those acknowledgments without judgement, and all while putting herself on the same leveling field. She doesn’t love them ironically–she loves them sincerely, and that’s why Yuu is awesome. 
Sorry if this turned into a ramble, but Yuu only gets like, one panel of dialogue nowadays and I wanted to make the most of it. 
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Tomoko be raising that “phone-call” flag like a motherfucking chad. 
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Oh, sorry. I saw Yuri with her hair down and lost track of time.
Damn, Yuri’s pretty.
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Black leggings at home? That’s exactly the kind of conservative attire Yuri would wear and only Yuri could look amazing in. Seriously, If Ikko hadn’t become a manga artist, she would have made a damn fine fashion designer.
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And Tomoko be crushing that “home-visit” flag like a motherfucking chode.
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I could make a pretty tasteless joke about how “haha, Yuri will never look at you like you’re trash like she does at Tomoko,” but, 
a. it’s just the angle of the smartphone like Yuri said, and
b. you’d probably prefer to get denied like that, wouldn’t you?
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I can’t help but wonder if Tomoko realizes just how homoerotic she sounds. Like, does she have any inclination that her borderline-sexual harassment jokes could easily be misconstrued as flirting? Sure, she might be using the old excuse that “we’re both girls, so it’s fine right?”, but given that Tomoko at least knows about LGBTQ+, you’d think it would have at least crossed her mind.
Or maybe, on a sadder note, Tomoko doesn’t see it as flirting because she really does have zero faith in her own attractiveness...  
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There is no heterosexual reason for this exchange whatsoever.
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Alright, so I’m a dude, so...hell do I know. But do girls typically not wear bras when just lounging around the house? I know Tomoko is the kind to just wear tank tops if she can help it, but I always thought that was a characterization unique to her, and that other girls wear bras for the comfort and support like any other undergarment. I mean, sure, Yuri’s kind of reserved, but I wouldn’t think wearing a bra at home would be considered an oddity, yeah? I ask this out of genuine curiosity, but I’ll stop before it gets too creepy.
Side note, you can officially tell when Yuri gets pissed by her nose crinkles.
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I could give a long, analytical spiel about why Yuri didn’t give Tomoko a straight answer and speculate on what she was doing, but I eventually realized the answer was actually really simple:
It didn’t fucking matter to the story.
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The last time Tomoko had one of these “I know!” moments, she ended up trimming her pubes on a class trip. But surely Tomoko’s character growth wouldn’t allow something like that to happen again, would it not?  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Can’t fight awkward with awkward, can you?
Tomoko, what are you playing at? You just said that video chatting was erotic and tried to get Yuri to lewd herself for you. And now you were planning to appear on-screen totally naked and you somehow don’t see any sexual implications for this at all? Finding it funny would be an elementary schooler’s mentality. If you seriously have no confidence in your sexuality, then sweetheart, you need some help. 
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You ever notice that Tomoko can lie through her teeth when trying to screw with people, but when lying to be nice, it sounds so phony? I think that says a lot about the kind of person she is.
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Ya’ll knew I was gonna add this panel, didn’t you?
I was never one to go crazy about blushing anime girls ‘cause to me, it always felt like it stemmed from some sadistic desire to see girls look uncomfortable. So while I can’t get behind it for reasons like that, I can admit that Yuri’s blush is fucking precious and I think that’s because I love seeing her so emotionally transparent for once. It feels rare, raw and well-earned after all this time, so yeah. A++ 
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Oh, Tomoko, if only you knew that skill often has nothing to do with it. Yuri’s not embarrassed because she sucks at humming, but because you saw a side of her that she only lets out in private. Trying to reassure her is a good move, but putting the girl on blast like that is not going to end well.  
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I felt like the vibration alone would’ve left a huge-ass crack on Yuri’s phone screen. This whole moment is like eleven tiers of funny because even though Tomoko is probably miles away, the impact of Yuri’s punch still jostles her. It also helps that we can visibly see Yuri’s fist come down mere millimeters from Tomoko’s mug. 
There is no escaping her wrath, Tomoko.
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I feel you, girl. For me, nothing beats a good ol’ burger and fries after a hard day of studying.
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Careful there, Tomoko. If there’s one thing that studying has taught me (other than I hate it), it’s that you could get serious burn out if you go all-out on the first day, especially if you’re typically not a regular studier. Always make sure to get dem breaks in. 
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That sounds like the kind of line you’d see in a mainstream shounen action manga like [ ]. I don’t even have a direct reference here, so feel free to fill in the blank.
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Hey, with Tomoko’s luck, I was expecting karma to hit her harder than Truck-kun in an isekai anime, so I consider this a small loss. 
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Man, remember when we were young and had ambitions as high as the sky, and we all wanted to change the world by being firefighters, astronauts, idols, and presidents?
Kind of sucks that “financial stability” has become our goal in life as we enter adulthood. Perhaps that’s just the mindset creative-types like Tomoko have towards the STEM industry when it’s hard to see what makes that world so personally fulfilling. 
Oops, my opinions are starting to seep in, so let's move on.
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Nooo, don’t do it, Nico Tanigawa Tomoko! Don’t sell out your passions for financial security even though it’s a totally viable career decision! How else are we going to validate the pursuit of our artistic dreams?  
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How in the hell is Tomoko balancing that drink? I’m willing to let it pass for rule of cute, but I don’t care how secure that cup is. One wrong move and those practice sheets are done for. 
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Jesus Christ, Nemo is on some otherworldly dimension of cute right here.
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I don’t even think Tomoko is trying to one-up her or anything. This is already the most effort she’s given to study in a single instance, so I think she genuinely just wants to share this personal accomplishment.
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You know, while it’s already been established that Tomoko and Nemo have different tastes in anime, that doesn’t necessarily mean they wouldn’t watch the same show, right? Just for different reasons. While Nemo would watch her cute slice-of-life series earnestly, Tomoko would probably watch them ironically MST3K-style. In any case, it’s a good way for them to find some common ground.
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Bruh, Nemo must be over the fucking moon for this opportunity. Think about it: when was the last time she’s had someone to watch anime with her? After concealing her power level for so long, this could be the first time Nemo has had a fellow anime fan to geek out over a series with. And not just discussing it afterward, but actually reacting to a live episode together.  
Nemo may give Tomoko all kinds of shit, but this is actually what she wanted all along, wasn’t it?
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Boy, Tomoko sure gets pretty demanding when she’s sleep-deprived, huh? I’d hate to see how loose her inhibitions get when she’s stark-raving drunk.  
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Is this referencing the Quintessential Quintuplets anime? I don’t know anything about it other than that’s a kickass title.
Hey now, Tomoko, beggars can’t be choosers. Let Nemo give you the play-by-play at her own pace. She’s even acknowledging that you hate the source magazine without a hint of judgment. She’s gonna go places.
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At first, I thought all this recent armpit content was just an incidental joke. Then I thought it was the mangaka slyly inserting their fetish into the series. Then I realized the series turned the joke on its head and made it a meta-reference about their very thing their readers were accusing them of. 
Well played.  
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You ain’t slick with that leg service, Nino Tanigawa. Just sayin’.
Seriously though, I love the dynamic going on in this conversation. Tomoko and Nemo are approaching the discussion from different outlooks, the former looking at it from a degenerate’s perspective and the latter looking at it more optimistically. But even so, they’re not trying to “get the upper hand” like they might've done before. They’re simply having a totally organic talk about what they do and don’t like about the series, while still recognizing each other’s personal preferences. For once, it’s completely devoid of passive aggressiveness and it really shows how earnest their friendship has become.
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At some point, I think Tomoko’s consumed so much near-pornographic content that pretty much all anime, manga, VNs, etc. looks like the same hentai to her.  
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Every fiber of my being says that this is a reference to Komi-san Can’t Communicate, but it could just as well be the mangaka shooting themselves in the foot for a good joke. In any case, I do like how they point out shy, socially awkward girls is a rising trend that borders on romanticizing communication problems. 
Does that make Watamote a hipster manga since it did the whole “social anxiety girl” shtick before it was cool? 
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I wanted to make a pretentious joke about how basic that anime sounds and how I’m so above a show that panders to the masses, but even I like junk food, so I’ll spare you the hypocritical humor.
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If Ucchi caught a glimpse of this, she’d probably explode right on the spot.
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I spent a good five minutes trying to decipher how Tomoko’s sleeping expression could be seen as “happy”, and I realized that it’s not that she looks happy. It’s that she doesn’t look unhappy. I’d imagine that those plagued by anxiety and stress have it evident on their face when they sleep, so the fact that Tomoko fell asleep in relative bliss must mean she’s had a pretty satisfying day. To top it all off, this is one of the few times someone–and Nemo of all people–has seen Tomoko in all her vulnerability. 
And you know what? Nothing bad happened. No punchline undermining the moment, no sarcastic quip, no embarrassment. Just genuine sweetness and it really speaks to the series’ faith in its heartwarming moments.
As a final note, I just wanted to thank everyone again for their patience. I’ve been trying to put a fresh spin on this, making it a little more comedic since its honestly getting harder to “analyze” without constantly repeating myself. It’s a lot of fun, and I hope you guys enjoy it for what it is.
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hillnerd · 4 years
why do you hate the new starwars and adam driver so much?
When the eff have I ever said I do not like adam driver? I like him a lot! He is incredibly talented, seems to be a genuinely cool person, and he especially made me fond of him after his snl performances. He is a standout in everything he does- and I just.... Wow... the hell?As for the new star wars- i DON’T ‘hate’ them. I wouldn’t have done a series of art for them if I didn’t like them.
I love elements of them-
Finn and where they started his journey? That I truly loved. The idea of a Storm Trooper being humanized, trying to find his place as an individual- the insight we finally had to a whole character world/strate we haven’t seen (in the movies at least.) Great! Poe Dameron is cool as hell (in movie 1), bb9 adorbs, visual elements really cool. I liked Rey in the first film, and Rose in the second (though I hated the last like 10 minutes of her arc :P) Porgs waterered my crops.Little moments of brilliance in the visuals, costume designs, I did not like what they did with the original trilogies characters. Basically at all. You telling me Luke, who ‘saw good’ in vader would try to fucking murder his nephew? You telling me Han gets shanked by his own son for like... no reason? You telling me Leia is so mopey and lacking in actually good sass? Is given nothing but a coma for the majority of movie 2? That was such a waste of Carrie.Keylo Ren was dead to me the moment he killed Han. The fact that I had to deal with his attitude and then have it take over the whole damned movie? Ugh. Adam Driver is an amazing actor- he delivered every single moment. It’s just a bad arc to me, and a character I don’t like. I don’t sympathize with murderers very well. 
Snoke- and then Palpatine? Weak. Weak! Basically most of movie 2s secondary plots were weak. Fight choreogaphy? all over the place on quality, but like 50% of the time has major issues- most people forgive it for a-plus visuals (like the red room scene in movie 2) but if you are up on what’s good editing/choreography- nope. 
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megankoumori · 5 years
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Continuing my pissy little rant from where I left off at four in the morning, I feel like a lot of people will want to give Hekapoo the benefit of the doubt. And look, I get it. Of the Three Stooges, she’s clearly the smartest and the most well rounded. She’s Marco’s pal who he rides Dragon Cycles with (Though she did make him spend sixteen years chasing after her like she was the Roadrunner). She’s fun and sassy with cool powers, and design wise, she’s totally adorbs. Look at her spiky widdle arms.
Common Sense: You’re not helping your case.
I’M GETTING THERE. However, Hekapoo is not off the hook. Not by a long shot. First of all, listen to what she says to Wingus and Dingus: “She’s not following the plan.” She’s not upset that they brought in Mina, a deranged super soldier who has been magically stripped of her conscience and therefore has no qualms about killing people. She’s not upset that they’re staging yet another coup, this time against the clear wishes of the previous royal family and at a least a good portion of the people. Hekapoo’s upset that they can’t control Mina.
Second, Hekapoo hates monsters. Bluntly, Hekapoo is a total bigot. I’m working from a different laptop that doesn’t let me use the print screen option to take pictures, so here’s Slice of Otaku’s video on Solaria the Monster Carver (Incidentally it also gives background on Mina):
Solaria was a genocidal maniac, Mewni’s equivalent to Hitler, who wanted to wipe out all monsters at any cost. And who was on her war council? Scroll to 6:54. That’s right. Hekapoo. Hekapoo helped Solaria wage a sadistic campaign to murder thousands of monsters.
And after Solaria bit it? Hekapoo was part of the conspiracy to overthrow Eclipsa and get rid of Meteora. Who by the way, were Solaria’s daughter and grandchild. She effectively threw away her friend’s grandchild because she didn’t like the man her mother married. But then she raised Fesitivia. Meteora had a tail, so dump her and replace her with this human baby and pretend to be her “auntie” instead.
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Am I saying Hekapoo is one hundred percent responsible for all of this? No. I’m saying she’s complicit. Complicit in the War, complicit in the genocide, complicit in the coup and cover up, and she’s complicit in what’s going on now. I don’t know if they’ll give her a redemption or a heel-face turn like some other shows (STEVEN), but as far as I’m concerned, she’s as bad as the rest of them. She’s probably worse. She’s smart enough to know better.
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tumblunni · 4 years
Dude the comedic potential of monster person dating Sims is the entire damn reason I love monster person dating sims! Different and unusual funny cute moments makes a romance feel more fresh and unique to the genre, yknow?
Not that I have anything against people who are just simple monster fuckers who like a hot monster, I just mean this is why I also enjoy the genre as an asexual person too. Everyone should be united in loving monster smoochies genre!!!! It has so much to give!!
You like romance? You get a unique and different romance, with lots of potential for tender moments inspired by the way the monster's magic works or some unusual trait they have such as cute lil animal ears or being adorable eating stuff awkwardly cos of their chompy zombie fangs or SO MUCH MORE!! And if youre not fond of romance on its own but like cuteness or comedy or sassy dialogue then all of that could spring from the same scenes! And if you want cool action or badassness then YO OF COURSE, ITS A COOL MONSTER PERSON!! If you want angst there's loads of unique angst potential in monsters! If you want cool worldbuilding or interesting speculative biology: MONSTERS! If you want fabulous over the top cool character designs: MONSTERS!! And yes if you just want a stronge sexy person whom is sexy and stronge: MONSTERS! EVERYTHING GOOD IS CONTAINED IN MONSTER DATING, GOD DAMMIT!!!!!
Everyone appreciate monster couples today~!
Also this also applies to every other genre with monster characters, every genre should add more monster characters, monster characters are THE BEST!!!
Personally I'm quite fond of monster family stories right now. Either a monster parent or a human parent raising a monster child. Also the same but with grandparents are even more adorbs!!! LITTEL MONSTER GRAMPYS...
put kind monster people in all your stories TODAY
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meltingpenguins · 5 years
Good Omens MiniSeries Final Verdict
After a couple of rewatches now, I think I can safely make a post on what I liked and what I didn’t.
A lot of the new scenes where amazing and a great joy to behold
When what’s on-screen is 1:1 from the book it’s really neat. Goes for scenes and personality.
The theme song s a joy
I love Hastur and Ligur to bits
I actually like Gabriel
Dog is adorbs
The. Costume. And. MakeUp. Design. *grabby hands*
I’m glad they didn’t include that cottage thing
Why is Crowley ‘genuinely cool’ (not in a good sense) and delighted by evil? Book!Crowley is a dork who tries too hard to come across as smooth and suave and fails endearingly. Show!Crowley is like this in a few scenes too (see above) and the ‘improvised’ magic show bit on the bench (a similar bit IS in the book, too), but mostly... For somebody’s sake, we are to believe this Crowley gladly took credit for the Spanish Inquisition AND WW2? I’m sorry, but Crowley taking credit for the f*cking H*locaust is a major NOPE. Why was that THERE?!
Why is no one allowed to gain the upper hand over Crowley? In the book you worry for Crowley when Hell tells him he’ll be ‘collected’. He’s panicking, he’s nervous, the whole Holy Water Bucket is a last resort. He wants to save his hide. And you -worry- for him after that because of how Hastur reacts in that scene. You -worry- there won’t be enough left of Crowley to be tortured in Hell once Hastur’s through with him, unless a miracle happens.
There’s a general problem with characters doing 180° turns in terms of personality between scenes.
Look, if you add in new scenes exploring Aziraphale and Crowley’s relationship through the ages, maybe don’t cut that screentime off of other characters? This was just... something was missing. And I read the script. The scenes were THERE.
Can we talk about how TV!Crowley sometimes comes across as not caring for the world AT ALL and seeing Az as a convenience, some---thing to get enjoyment off? Sorry, but Book!Crowley (and script!crowley) RAN into the burning bookshop in panic and despair. That and other scenes feel disconnected from others, like wtf.
Can we also talk about how in the book ADAM stops time while Az and Crowley hold hands (at least they never let go after shaking them), marching against satan to try and protect the human? Sorry, but the ‘i’ll never talk to you again desert bit’ pales against that.
If you removed all the slurs against Az, maybe don’t put in other homophobic remarks and stuff?
The body-swap was interesting, but still rips open a major plothole to me (see ‘no one may outsmart Crowley’ above) as Heaven and Hell would not be THAT easily fooled.
Man, that was a lot of contra points, wasn’t it?
It’s still a nifty show and a lot of stuff in it is a joy to behold. But DAMN and BLESS, people who haven’t read the book are in for a surprise if they do...
Hope it’s a pleasant one.
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AOS 05.20 Summary
Coulson and Talbot flying up to Qovas ship.  Some pretty good effects by Kolpak & Co.
Qovas on the bridge of his ship, and Talbot and Coulson show up. Talbot wants to "Show these ETs who's boss."
The team is backin the Lighthouse talking about what to do. Simmons thinks Talbot will have a psychotic break.
Mack went to make sure the aliens on the base are neutralized, but one of them is still alive/awake and drinks something (probably what Kassius took to make him strong). Mack shoots at him and they fight and May stops Mack from killing him because it's their only chance to find Coulson (?) and Talbot.
Talbot and Coulson talking, Talbot says that the voices don't borrow him he's a General and can keep them in line. Talbot says that the alien's didn't count on squaring up against the two best military minds the world has to offer. XD Coulson is obviously disturbed by all this.
The Sneak Peek where Qovas says he has a deal with HYDRA and that they spent years grovelling. He accuses them of coming aboard his ship and making demands. Talbot says it's his ship and kills Qovas minion in a gross way. Talbot demands Qovas kneels. They all kneel before Talbot. Talbot looks at Phil and says they make a good team.
Mack and Elena talking in the hall. Elena asking him if he's okay. Mack avoiding her touch. WHY SHOW?!!! Mack not wanting
The alien they captured is being observed, Simmons mentions slave-trading aliens (hmmm, show) and the alien monologues and tries to get free then dies. Simmons says she can't figure it out without opening him up then acts like she's not excited to do surgery for the only time in the history of the show.
Coulson and Talbot talking and Coulson is testing how unstable Talbot is. They figure out Qovas has Hale and Coulson asks to be taken to her.
Hale tells Coulson she sold out her team it was the only option she had after Ruby died. Coulson says he's sorry for her loss. Hale talks about how she's an evil, twisted white feminist, and they're trying to make us think she's repentant (I mean who knows with this show). Coulson says she can help. Coulson seems upset/untrusting of her, but probably has no other allies.
Talbot confronts Hale and says he doesn't believe her, Coulson says Hale is the only one who knows how the Confederacy operates. Hale says Talbot is the only one who can save us all. HYDRA arranged to prevent the Earth from being attacked. Coulson makes a legit-terribly written joke. Qovas says the Gravitonium can build empires, has limitless powers. They demand to be taken to the Confederacy.
Shitz talking about how everything is a disaster to Deke. Them trying to make them seem dudebro adorbs (eyeroll).  The dialogue is really bad in this episode. Daisy comes up on the coms. Daisy comes back and Elena accuses her of lying and blames Daisy for Coulson being kidnapped. She takes the bag Daisy is carrying and there is a skeleton inside. Daisy punches Elena in the head.
Daisy and Elena fighting and duking it out. They use their powers, May shoots a gun and breaks it up. Elena says Daisy is going to get everyone killed. May says they're going to find a way to help Coulson and she can help or get out (callback to previous season).
Talbot gets a shave and haircut to look like a leader. Coulson tells him he looks pretty cool (feigning). Talbot puts Coulson in charge and threatens to "pretzel" anyone who disobeys.
The Confederacy are a bunch of aliens played by POC. Talbot declares himself "Earth's Mightiest Hero" to the Confederacy.
Oh no. Daisy and Deke hanging out. Daisy says her mom is "in the bag". Deke wants to make sure she's okay.  Daisy said some creep put a bunch of lemons on her bed as a prank. Deke blames it on Shitz. Deke is trying to compare himself to Daisy. Daisy says she's glad she stuck around. Daisy says everyone she gets close to ends up dying. Daisy talking about Bland. Blergh. Who cares about this. Daisy said Bland died for him and she's still kind of in love with him. Deke says they're going to find a way to save Coulson. Deke tells her F/S are his grandparents. Ugh, Daisy comparing him to Shitz, and saying their such "special people". Gross. Gross. Gross.
The Confederate woman who is a black alien says they want to strip Talbot and auction him. Talbot wants in their society. They won't let Talbot in because he's human. Talbot says they made a mistake thinking he's still human. Talbot sucks the member into the Gravitonium inside him, then says, "Looks like there's a spot for me after all."
Mack working on something and Shitz coming to talk to him. Ugh. Shitz tells him, "Good job getting this assembled." They're trying to make the Z1 do space travel by equipping it with Gravitonium. Shitz apologizes for locking up Shitz and says it wasn't his ideal.  Mack says by having Elena execute Ruby. Aren't they supposed to be better than that. Mack is blaming Shitz for all of it, YES!!!! Shitz says it's not that simple. Mack says it's doing the right thing every time. Shitz says, not always and says it's necessary the lives of few to save many. Mack says, "Of course you'd say that." Mack says he needs to look inside himself and figure out what kind of man he wants to be because who he has become needs fixing.
Simmons operating on alien dude's brain. Daisy is asking what she's doing and brings her Jiaying's body in the bag. She wants to combine the Centipede with Jiaying's DNA. Simmons says they might cross a line. Daisy says is she willing to let Coulson die, yes or no? Simmons says no. Daisy says that this is her top priority. Yawn to Simmons giving Daisy ethics lectures.
The Z-1 is clearing for takeoff. May piloting, Daisy, Davis and Deke with them.
There is a Kree that looks like Kasius' father, and, yup. He is sucking up to Talbot.  The Confederacy was designed to extort resources from Earth before their time runs out. They mention Thanos.  THIS EPISODE IS TERRIBLE! Talbot mentions fighting beside the Avengers, LOL!
Hale and Coulson talking, he mentions HYDRA inside NASA (a reference to Roz) and why Hale didn't get a job there if she's admiring the stars. Talbot shows up and tells them about Thanos. Talbot says that he can become invincible if he powers himself up from all the Gravitonium on Earth (Kasius's father's idea). Coulson says he could lose control. Talbot starts to turn on Coulson. Coulson finds out it's Kasius's father, and he tells Talbot he's being played. This is all super-boring. Talbot makes Coulson kneel before him.
The Z1 is arriving in the upper atmosphere, pushing up into space, Deke and Daisy making jokes, Daisy touching his hand like Coulson did hers in S1 (whatever).  Mack and Elena with Piper in back in mission control and them nodding at each other. Z1 going cloaked.
F/S talking and S sucking up to Shitz because he got the Z1 into space. Shitz questioning if what Daisy wants to do with Jiaying is a good idea. S leaves Shitz alone with the formula and he stares at it like he's planning on doing something bad with it (Which is why they just had Mack tell him he's making bad choices, to make us wonder if he'll do another shitty thing. Even though experimenting on himself isn't as bad as torturing Daisy.).
Daisy getting ready to dock onto Qovas' ship with May. Talbot IS talking to the voices in his head and getting paranoid. Talbot asks if Hale knew and she lies to throw Coulson under the Bus. He says Coulson has betrayed him for the last time and whatever happens next is Coulson's fault. Daisy is on the ship Quaking everyone. Talbot threatens to kill Coulson unless Quake backs off. Talbot blames Daisy for being at the center of everything (sounds like Quinn). Hale says she trusts Daisy for keeping her agreements. Talbot says Ruby was weak and Hale tells him to take a breath and calms him. She uses the HYDRA brainwashing compliance stuff on him. Talbot kills Hale (gross). Daisy takes a shot at Quaking Talbot and he withstands it then he uses his powers on her to knock her out. May pulls her weapon and Talbot threatens Coulson's life, she drops her weapon. Talbot says they are prisoners of war and to treat them accordingly.
The tag is the Confederacy and Kasius's father calling Earth a hidden blue gem and it still has "gifts to give" and he has Daisy.
The trailer shows Kasius's father with Daisy offering to unleash her powers if she'll become his "disciple" (callback to Hive) and Coulson on the ground bleeding out of his mouth as Daisy's voiceover says, "Stay with me."
Gross episode. Talbot sounds like he's relying on multiple personalities, even though he thinks he's in control.
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suzie-guru · 7 years
Suzie’s Thinky Thoughts on “Beauty and the Beast” (2017)
OKAY. So I do believe I’ve calmed down enough to assemble my thoughts more coherently/eloquently, but guys, I am just damn pleased over my reaction and experience with this movie, I was SO apprehensive...
First of all, I wanna just preface this post with saying that “Beauty and the Beast” (1991) is My Heart. I say that is because my favorite film of all time just doesn’t cut it. So when I saw the trailers for this, I was enormously excited, but also incredibly apprehensive because...well, it was adapting My Heart. I wondered over how it would hold, what changes they would do.
Y’all saw my reactions/thoughts on the changes with the Beast’s appearance/design and their take on Belle’s gown. Y’all know how I reacted over those, so you know that I had some apprehensions, and they were ones that other held too. 
And yet, there was/is nothing that this movie would do would change the fact that the original is my best beloved and the classic of my soul. I went into the movie theater knowing that no matter what, I would always and evermore prefer the original, but NOT in a way that set me up to pre-belittle/begrudge the adaption. I wanted to see what they would do, and I was excited for it. 
Like, okay, to prove a point/get it out of the way, here are the things I did not like/wish they had differently, BECAUSE THERE ARE SO FEW OF THEM: 
The design of the Beast. I still think they could have done heavier brows and nose and really make it look like the original design (although apparently, they were drawing on Jean Cocteau’s take for The Beast, which is...okay? Like, it explains why Beast had a lion tail instead of his wolf tail). The Disney Beast is just SO iconic and perfect - it’s what I think of when I picture the Beast no matter WHAT version I’m reading, and I would have loved to see it realized through live-action. 
Belle’s ballgown. I KNOW, I KNOW, I AM REPEATING A CHORUS THAT Y’ALL KNOW THE TUNE OF, I GET IT. And I know that people have made the point that it’s supposed to move beautifully when she dances. I totally get it. But...I just don’t like it. I don’t. All that I can see with that dress is a Missed Opportunity. And it sucks, because everything else she wears in that scene was really well done.
That last dress Belle wears. I’m sorry, that pattern looks like something off of a sofa, and a tacky one at that. I would have LOVED to see her in the ballgown (even with my coldness to it) again. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I WOULD HAVE TRULY LOVED? To see her in a BLUE ballgown. Because I think it would have been such a neat nod to the original decision with the 1991 film of having only Belle and The Beast dressed in blue. 
The delving into the backstories. 
Oh my GOD, that scene where the Beast and Belle go back to Paris and we see what happened with Belle’s mother...this movie does such a good job of enriching these characters, deepening these characters that were already plenty deep rich and compelling. They were EXCELLENT additions, one that truly served the story, and I wish more adaptions followed this. 
Like, truly, by doing this we see how both Belle and the Beast are shaped by their fathers and the loss of their mothers, and it just deepens the connection between them so so so much. 
Hell, even Gaston being made into a War Hero as opposed to just a Hunter is brilliant! No wonder the town adores him when that comes into play! 
That intro scene was boss as fuck and I will fight all who disagree 
What next? 
Everyone was spot fucking on, holy hell
Like okay, I will confess here and now I was NOT 100% feeling Emma as Belle when the casting was announced. She’s beautiful, yes, but she’s not...classically beautiful, you know? 
But I was pleasantly surprised by her acting and singing and take on Belle 
You can clearly tell she loves this character 
(God that sounds so awful, I do like Emma I just feel like she can be a bit hit or miss sometimes). 
You don’t understand I rarely RARELY cry in movie theaters/over movies 
So that I was just overflowing in the theater? 
REALLY speaks to the power of that scene/song
(Tangy you are SO RIGHT it provokes ALL the BtSatS feels)
I was surprised that they went with him already being Worldly and Learned since Belle teaching the Beast is such a key part to their story/deepening romance, but man, all those scenes with her reading to him SOLD ME LIKE WHOAH
But oh my God, okay, the moment that had me slapping my leg in such triumphant emotion? 
"I am not a beast."
I have ALWAYS wanted a line like this in Beauty and the Beast
It’s SO damn powerful
The Beast is RECLAIMING his humanity 
And how is he doing that?
(Keep it together Suzanne)
Luke Evans and Josh Gad did SUCH solid jobs
"There's a beast running wild, there's no question. But I fear the wrong Monster's released..."
Oh, Lefou
Unsurprisingly, that leads me to my next bit...
Okay, what else...
You can’t go wrong with Audra McDonald and Kevin Kline and Ian McKellen or Ewan McGregor or STANLEY TUCCI, WHOM I HAD NO IDEA WAS IN THIS 
(which explains a whole fucking lot, honestly)
Audra McDonald can do no wrong in my eyes, I am so incredibly in love with her
Actually on that note
So. Beautiful.  
Can you imagine if Disney had been brave enough to cast her as Belle here, oh my GOODNESS
Chip was ADORBS 
I am honestly so #blessed that they had Audra sing the last refrain to Beauty and the Beast - it would have been the gravest injustice to NOT do so. 
I loved the addition of each time a petal falls, the castle crumbles a bit more
It was a really good/clever way to mend some of the plotholes in the original
Overall, the LOOK of the film is FLAWLESS. From the costuming––
––to the sets to everything, it FELT like a fairytale and EXACTLY what I had dreamed for a Live Action Beauty and the Beast. 
So...long story short, I would happily go see it again. I was pleasantly surprised, and I can’t wait to see it with my sister. When I left the movie theater, I overheard one lady behind me say,
 “Oh God, I feel like I’m seven years old again.” 
That about sums it up for me =) 
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janiedean · 7 years
do you have any romance recs? books or movies, anything, as long as it's got a happy ending. (i'm in the mood for fluff, but anything will do)
sorry for the lateness HERE I COME
okay with books I don’t read much Romance TM but if you want a few nice classics:
maurice for all ur m/m healthy happy ending needs also a room with a view (forster is a+++)
most nick hornby books aren’t centered on romance but have it as a subplot and they’re all extremely feel-good
it’s not ROMANCE but like... steinbeck’s cannery row + sweet thursday are like the only not sad things he wrote and like the first is a+ people getting by during the great depression and the second is the entire neighborhood shipping two of them and trying to hook them up it’s fucking adorable okay
aaand man sorry I don’t read ROMANCE books like most shit I read has romance subplots but nothing in that sense
I recced the book but if you wanna see it brought to life with young rupert graves being the best thing ever GO WATCH MAURICE-THE-MOVIE MAKE YOURSELF A FAVOR
also for the part where ‘rupert graves has no problems starring in lgbt themed movies’, different for girls is a movie that tumblr would find hella problematic TM these days but is a delightful romcom a+++
it happened one night
bringing up baby
the apartment
his girl friday
design for living
sabrina (the original is the best but I also enjoyed the remake)
some like it hot (not proper romance but ur life will get better just watching it honest)
for newer things:
just like heaven is fucking adorable (also any romcom with mark ruffalo is a+ tbh that man doing romcoms is a gift to humanity)
frankie and johnny is one of the most adorbs romantic movies I’ve seen also al pacino doing romcoms was a joy
I know that nicolas cage these days stars in trash movies but it could happen to you was when he was doing good movies and it was really lovely a+++ would rewatch
moonstruck also counts for the above (nicolas cage in not bad movies) and like it’s sorta eyeroll worthy for me because of some Ridic Italian Stereotypes (also the accents brrr) but other than that it was v. cute so if you don’t mind that it’s a nice film
THE ACCIDENTAL HUSBAND WAS ADORABLE also to me seeing jeffrey dean morgan and uma thurman being modern screwball comedy material was pretty much visual porn
elizabethtown was also a v lovely feel good movie
benny and joon is one of my historical fave Romance Movies TM and it has the extra benefit of having... er, let’s say not neurotypical protagonists in tumblr terms who aren’t portrayed as like Pure Angels TM and who have Needs TM XD
that said I’d generally recommend taking a look at 90% of billy wilder’s filmography that man made romcoms that would put most stuff to shame ;)
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10 Points will be enough to summon the powerful dragon! ...wait, that's not how it works?
Hey there! So, today we had rain, lightning and thunder, where I live. That's why we watched Raya and the Last Dragon! Mainly because the movie took its time to come in Italy, so yeah! Se watched it today! Let's see how it fares!
1) Girl, you're barely 12, and you took part in this heist? I'm kinda worried about your upbringing...
2) Sisu is voiced by Amethyst in my dub, and it suits her so much! Love her even more now!
3) There must be something meaningful about how people turn into statues: they all make that praying gesture. Feels deep.
4) Wished Tang, Boun and Noi were explored a bit more: I want to see more of them! Everytime I learned about either one of them losing their families, I felt sad... Makes the Found Family trope even sweeter! *_*
5) Psh, everyone has been a dragon nerd at some point in their lives, no big deal!
6) Sisu really does act like she's in the autism spectrum... And I LOVE her human form: so cute and expressive! Have I said already that Sisu is adorbs? Because she is!
7) Fight! Fight! Fight! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! ... anyway, never been much into swords, but Raya's weapon... I want one! *_*
8) Man, I really hope none of the statues lost any limb at some point... Oh, great, I made it dark... o_o
9) *Baby Noi says something* Yeah, I agree with you, small child.
10) Gotta say, for how much the movie hammers the "Trust" lesson, I still really like how it focuses on the "first step" part. One small thing can lead to something bigger, after all. As someone who had to learn to believe in this, it really means a lot!
So, how was it?
Well, I actually liked it a good deal! Felt quite different from the usual Princess movie, as in it's got a story that involves a political dilemma and there's tons of sword fights, that's not something you see everyday!
Gotta say that the lesson of trust is kind of a double edged sword (heh): couldn't fault Raya about not trusting people, especially in such a tense period like hers, and indeed several people were pretty ready to hurt her and her friends. Then again, it's also true that when times are rough, people put on a hard esterior to survive, while also mantaining their good heart. My ultimate take is pretty much this: don't let a disastrous first experience let you believe that this is how the world works. And yeah, not all people are good, that's true, but you still have the choice to do what you believe is right. There's a lot of wrong, in the world: that's why everyone's contribution, no matter how small, means a lot.
...sorry, got a bit sidetraccked, there... ^^'
Anyway, I feel this movie deserves a series: as much as we saw how big Raya's world is, I still wish we could've seen more of that, and how each clan lives, and, yeah, see more of everyone's family. A series can fix that! It would be cool!
Also, I know Sisu doesn't have the best dragon design around, but she's still precious, an easy fave from the movie.
So, yeah! Good movie! Loved the water animation in this! Cool themes and world, all in all, a very good experience for me! :D
Signed, a dragon nerd. ^^
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