#and the Ardennes is Rosie
angrybatgaming · 1 year
Some more fun with photo mode, but Red Dead Redemption 2.
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🎵 I like big horses and I cannot lie 🎵
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buckyegans · 10 months
Just Me and You, Shifty Powers
just a little imagine I crossposted on my Wattpad (boneflu) and wanted to post here!
no warnings just pure fluff
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 Austria had been some sort of dream—the daily warm meal and hot showers seemed to be too good to be true. Yet, here you were, hands gripping the splintered wood of the old dock, swinging your legs to just barely graze the surface of the water below. The sky had turned pink and orange as the sun had made her way down, bringing forth the moon rising from behind the mountains. Your shoes and socks were somewhere further up the dock, your mind too focused on the coolness bringing small goosebumps up your bare legs, trousers rolled to your calves.
 "This is where you've been hidin' all night?" a soft voice asked, footsteps accompanying Shifty's voice as he made his way down the dock. You looked up, finding Darrell haloed by the wind-blewn trees and waking stars. You gave a lopsided grin and nodded, offering your hand to the sharpshooter. For a man who always wielded a rifle, the pads of his fingers were smooth, and soft. He carefully plopped down next to you, your thighs pressed together. Soon enough he was tossing his shoes and socks behind him just as you had, propping his legs up to roll his pants to match yours. His feet met the water and he let out a content sigh. "Found yourself a pretty spot, huh?" The Virginia asked.
 You nodded. "Sure did, Shift. All the boys are being too loud." you stated, looking to what he had gripped in his hand. A bottle of champagne, no doubt some lavish brand some Kraut had been waiting to pop when they won the war—but tonight, it was their victory. "Whatcha got there, Shift?" Darrell looked down to his hand and grinned, shrugging before offering it up to you. The label was a different language, you suspected French. "Where did you manage to find this?"
 You hummed, thumb pressing against the cork until it popped loudly, causing both of you to jump before turning to one another with giddy grins. You took a long swing before wiping your mouth, "here's to our alcoholic intelligence officer—and his ability to choose the good stuff."
 Shifty takes the bottle from you by its neck, tipping it into his own mouth. "Here's to him," he agreed, grimacing at the taste. Shifty's face twisted, causing you to let out a laugh, while Shifty grinned proudly. You nursed the bottle once more and drank from it once more before laying on the dock, legs hanging over. Darrell followed your movements, readjusting to get his shoulder flush against yours. He unashamedly lopped his head to the side to stare at you, your eyes fluttering shut, glowing from the sun. The hard war was evident in your tired eyes and silver scars, but Shifty thought you had never looked to gorgeous.
 "You're starin', Powers." your comment is accompanied with an amused glance at him, head falling to meet his gaze. He only hums in response, smiling with his rosy, sun-loved cheeks. "Do I have something on my face?"
 Shifty is shaking his head slowly. "No," he states shortly, grinning that smile that had gone into hiding since stepping into the Ardennes—the endless months in a permanent winter had hardened even the softest of soldiers, Shifty Powers included. Every now and again, you got him to give that little smile, hidden behind a scarf, only for you to see. But, here on this dock, it was on full display. "It's just you and me, so I get to stare all I want."
 You're cocking your head to the side and pushing yourself up to stand, brows furrowed. "Is that so?" you ask, looking down at him. Shifty is following your movements as he gives a confident nod. "And why is that?"
 He smiles again. "No distractions. No questions. No possible gunfire. Just me and you." You're inching closer with each of his words, his arms snaking around your waist and pulling you closer. "Now I can tell you how pretty I think you are." He's giddy as he says this, looking like a little kid on Christmas. You can't help but blush pink, shaking your head.
 "Was I not pretty enough in Bastogne?" you tease. Shifty is rolling his eyes playfully, shaking his head and tutting.
 He's pushing hair behind your ear. "You're always pretty. But now I don't got no competition—no one around to try and take you from this moment. Just you and me?"
 You wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him down closer and closer. "So," you trail off. "What are you gonna do now that it's just you and me?"
 Shifty grins. "Well, I'd like to kiss you."
 You laugh. "Kiss me, Darrell."
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batmanschmatman · 1 year
Carwood Lipton - North American Beaver
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Lip is perhaps the most group oriented of the officers, maybe even more so than Dick. While Dick’s daemon matches his dual nature of a capable leader/team player who also holds himself back from getting close to everyone, Lip’s highlights how THERE he is for the men. Beavers live in family groups of about eight individuals and work together to build and protect their shelter, collect food, and look after babies. They are team players through and through, and while their nature is to look out for their group, they’re not especially bossy about it and are instead very grounded souls. Lip’s ultimately very comfortable taking a leadership role, but he doesn’t think it makes him special or puts him above anyone else. They’re also family oriented, with baby beavers usually sticking with their parents and learning to help out around the lodge over the course of two years, much like how Lip helped out with his family’s boarding house and had to step up after his dad died.
Beavers are always on alert in their environment, and warn other beavers of danger or tell those in other family groups to back off with confidence. Lip always works hard to make sure everyone is on the same page, feeling reassured and supported. If they’re not, he works to fix the problem, or alerts someone of the issue, like when he expresses his concerns about Dike to Dick in the Ardennes. Like most of the guys in Easy, he’s got a competitive and athletic streak that means he’s specifically proud of his men and his unit, genuinely thinking they’re always the best of the best.
Beavers are monogamous, but if a mate dies, the other can and often does “remarry.” This fits Lip’s intensely caring nature, but also his practicality. He feels it when men he’s friends with die or are wounded, but he doesn’t let it knock him down for long. Beavers are also extremely resilient and resourceful creatures. Almost nothing can get them to stop building their lodges when they’ve found a good location for one, and they’ll gather a variety of materials to make sure it’s sturdy and safe. They’re pretty tactically minded for an herbivore, and have a great work ethic, although sometimes this can lean towards stubbornness. Lip’s so hardworking and focused on getting the job done and looking after the men that he’s trying to work even when clearly out of his mind with pneumonia. He’s also got an interesting balance of recklessness (climbing the tree at Brecourt, having almost zero self preservation while directing the men in Carentan) and caution (reminding the other NCOs that they could be shot for the mutiny against Sobel, telling Luz to stop mocking Dike) that fits pretty well with a beaver, as beavers can’t really be scared off from their desired dam location, but also aren’t terribly aggressive animals, who would rather adapt to a bad situation than pick a fight.
In our backlog of unpublished stuff, Lip’s daemon is named Rosamund, called Rosie. She is often carried around in a specialty harness because beavers aren’t especially fast creatures and Lip’s gotta get going places.
( HBO War Daemon AU Masterlist )
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parcequetuesenvie · 7 years
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author-morgan · 3 years
Deliverance † Arthur Morgan
Two: Eastbound and Down Chapter Summary:  With renewed strength and the weather finally clearing, the gang ride down from the mountains, meaning to set up camp somewhere the weather is warmer.     Masterlist
     COLTER IS AN old mining town buried in the snow of the West Grizzlies and where the Van der Linde gang has made camp for now. It's freezing and Pearson, among others, isn't happy there's another mouth to worry about feeding. They'd lost Jennie and Davey but already replaced them with three new hungry bellies —Sadie Adler, Kieran Duffy, and now Lilian Cornwall.
    "Here" —Arthur holds out a tin cup of watery venison stew as he kneels next to the fireplace— "ain't much but can't have you witherin' away." Unable to hide the rumble of her stomach, Lilian takes the stew, gingerly nursing the bland broth and watching as Arthur stokes the fire 'fore adding another warped piece of lumber.
    Dry wood crackling in the hearth permeates the tense silence until the shrill howl of the cold wind starts back up, whipping at the door of the small cabin and under the tin roof. Lilian Cornwall glimpses the stern look on Arthur Morgan's rugged face as he stares into the dancing flames from under the brim of a worn gambler's hat. His lips set into a harsh line half-hidden behind the unkempt beginnings of a beard and blue-green eyes shining with flecks of gold from the fire and lanterns. Sitting aside the empty cup, Lilian brings her knees up to her chest, shrinking into the torn and stained fustian coat.
    The warmth is chased away by the cabin door swinging open —snow skitters across the uneven floor with a great gust of wind. "Dutch," Arthur greets, gaze tracking the gang's leader as he moves fireside, peeling off a pair of thick leather gloves and righting an upturned stool. He sits with a flourish, pushing back the hem of his thick, black winter coat and stretches his hands out toward the fire. With an audible sigh, Dutch Van der Linde turns his attention to Lilian Cornwall.
    Her pensive stare reminds him of the card in his pocket. Bill had been so kind as to offer it up after getting back to the camp. The portrait is already a few years old, three or four if memory serves her right —they curled her dark hair and placed a crown of white lilies upon her head. Rising Stars, a collection of young entrepreneurs and doe-eyed beauties sure to make it far. Lilian Cornwall made card number twelve. Dutch tosses the cigarette card down between her and Arthur, lips curving into a smile.
    "How is our Lily doing?" It's a saccharine question with no sincerity. She spares a glance but does not reply —silence is answer enough. "Don't worry, Miss Cornwall. We're jus' biding our time until the moment's right."
    Once the weather cleared, they'd pick up camp again —no one wanted to linger up here longer than needed, and it'd put more distance between them and Blackwater. She watches Arthur pick up the card, turning it over to see the list of names in the collection. "Then you'll let me go?" The question is meek. Lilian doesn't like feeling helpless or sounding so weak —she is a Cornwall. Her name alone commands respect and authority. She's the same woman who'd secured over six thousand dollars in new investors for Cornwall Kerosene and Tar within the past week, successful in her own right. But Dutch Van der Linde makes her feel uneasy, more so than the rest of his rabble of outlaws.
    "Of course," he grins with something lurking in that unsettling smile —the first cracks of madness shining through, unseen by those closest to him but clear to Lily. "Of course, my dear." It's meant as reassurance, but a knot forms in her stomach, a growing realization she might never leave. Dutch rises, stretching his back and slipping his black riding gloves back on. He stands by the fire for a moment longer, warming his aging bones before going back to his Irish rose. "See that she don't freeze, Mr. Morgan," he says from the door, flooding the small cabin with the frozen night air again.
    Lilian shivers, in part from the cold, but mostly because of Dutch Van der Linde. Arthur hangs his head with a nigh silent sigh. He's not one for words —never has been— and he knows Lilian Cornwall won't believe anything he says any more than she believes an outlaw will keep his word. When he glimpses her again, she's staring into the fire with a blank expression, tears sliding down her rosy cheeks.
    Arthur brings a patchwork quilt from one of the side rooms, draping it around her before sitting back near the fire. He knows they've messed up big this time —knows Hosea will agree with him on that— but Dutch has a plan, and he doubts anyone will be able to talk him out of it. The Van der Linde gang's luck seems to be changing, but Arthur can't say now whether it's for better or worse. Lilian shifts, watching as he takes off his worn hat and rakes one of his hands through his hair —only a few shades lighter than her own. "Won't be too much longer 'fore we can get out of here," he says, voice a low rasp and laced with exhaustion —the last weeks were more than enough to make sleep hard to come by.
    HE HAS SILVER hair and a kind smile, introducing himself as Hosea Matthews in the early hours of the morning. The sun should be on the rise, but the snow clouds haven't broken yet, and a cold wind still whips down the main road of the abandoned mining town and at the tin roofs and windows. Hosea makes himself comfortable next to the fire, bringing up a chair. "Coffee?" He offers a cup to Lilian, and she takes it with a nod, glad to have the warmth in her hands if nothing else.
    She takes a sip, the bitterness catching her off guard —twisting her nose and lips when her face scrunches up. Hosea chuckles, though it turns to a fit of coughing. The cold air only made his lungs ache and cough worse. Arthur appears from one of the side rooms and claps him on the back, the fit subsides, and his smile returns. "Used to cream and sugar?" He asks, remembering how sweet and watered down some rich folk took their tea and coffee.
    "Two sugars and a splash of milk," Lilian answers —the same way her father took his coffee, just enough to dull the bitter taste, but not so much you forgot it was a cup of coffee. There's little to speak of, but Hosea is decent company, offering to play a game of cribbage or war if only to take her mind off the circumstances, especially given Arthur's absence.
    The next morning, there's a break in the snow and the first glimpse of blue skies anyone has seen in weeks. It's time to make a move and get out of Grizzlies, though instead of pushing west, the only way left to go is east, into New Hanover. Lilian wakes to a ruckus of creaking wagon wheels, shouts, and nickering horses. Arthur and Hosea mentioned heading out soon last night, but neither thought the weather would clear so quickly.
    Sitting up, she runs a hand over her face, lingering by the dying embers of the fire for a while longer. Folding the quilt, she drapes it around her shoulders, stepping out into the brisk air, watching as the Van der Linde gang work with practiced haste —breaking camp and packing it away into a line of wagons on the main road. For now, she's invisible, likely for the best.
    Arthur Morgan is standing off to the side of the wagon line, brushing the mane of a silver Turkoman. He doesn't notice Lilian until she stretches out a hand, stroking Silver Dollar's neck, up to his withers, admiring the fine beast. Arthur hides his surprise under the brim of his hat —most of the gang's horses didn't take kindly to others in the camp, let alone a stranger. "Where are we going?"
    Given her position, she doesn't expect a response, at least not an honest one, but his lips twitch upward, and his gaze darts to her. "Warmer weather, I hope," Arthur remarks —not quite remembering what Hosea called the place in New Hanover. He leads the Turkoman to one of the wagons, securing him to the tongue next to a bay roan Ardennes.
    Hosea lays a hand on Lilian's shoulder, gesturing to the last wagon of the caravan. It's time to clear out of Colter and leave the frozen hellscape of the West Grizzlies behind. "Why don't you ride with Arthur and I, Miss Cornwall?" He suggests, leading her to the rear of the wagon where Arthur is loading the last of the crates. "Think you'll find us to be better company than most of this lot."
    Arthur shakes his head to keep from laughing, he knows when Hosea is making jokes at his own chagrin. "Didn't know you thought so highly of me, Hosea." The old man laughs, patting Arthur on the shoulder —their smiles and mirth contagious. Lilian hides a fleeting smile behind the quilt's edge, noting something oddly endearing about these two outlaws. Hosea secures the last crate, circling the wagon to clamber up into the seat. Arthur offers his hand, helping Lilian up and over some of the crates and rolls of canvas to a space nestled behind the seat. "Good?" He asks, and she nods, knowing she'll at least be a little better once they're out of the mountains.
    The wagon lurches forward when Arthur snaps the reins to the two draft horses, and with a cautious pace, they clear Colter and turn southward, trudging through knee-deep snow down the mountain and past frozen lakes. Then the snow begins to clear down path, and the sun feels warmer than it had before. Hosea shifts in the wagon seat, looking back where a forlorn young lady sits, watching the trees pass with a distant, empty look in her eyes. He knows it's only a rouse —he'd seen the fear in her eyes and the tearstains on her cheeks. If Dutch had only listened, maybe they could be heading west. Instead, the Van der Linde gang is eastbound with only a handful of rail bonds and the daughter of one of the most powerful men in the country. "I'm sorry, my dear" —he reaches for her hand with a sad smile— "I really am."
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cnbnews · 4 years
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莎士比亚故居都铎厨房。(图片:facebook/Shakespeare Birthplace Trust)
【希望之声2020年1月14日】(编译:袁心怡)英国在戏剧和表演艺术的鼎盛历史可以追溯到十六世纪,威廉?莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的剧作对后来的发展举足轻重,不可或缺。向大文豪流芳于世的巨作致敬,铭记这位文学巨擎为世界留下的物质和精神财富。
英国着名的罗斯布鲁弗戏剧学院(Rosie Bruford College)的前校长Michael Earley表示,“一切起源于莎士比亚,又最终归于莎士比亚。一般来说,英国以演出莎士比亚剧本中角色的能力作为衡量一名演员素质的标准”。
6. 英国温莎
莎翁着作《温莎的风流妇人》(The Merry Wives of Windsor)描述了浪漫的嫉妒,“诡计”多端的女人和洗衣篮里的恶作剧成为家庭的笑料。在特色的哈特加特(Harte & Garter Hotel)酒店小憩,重温情景,回味无穷。菜单的精致,不会让人联想到书中的法斯塔夫,但若走上楼梯,呈现在眼前的便是描绘剧中人物的可爱的彩色玻璃窗。如果一天在温莎还有闲暇,便可以去乐高乐园(Legoland)寻找更多历史真迹。
7. 希腊雅典
很遗憾,在这座古城的边界之外没有你所期待的《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night’s Dream)中的神奇森林,但年轻恋人逃离束缚的那种原始的魅力,却让古代雅典的井然有序和固守陈规变得更加鲜明。很少有地方能像帕特农神庙(Parthenon)那样代表这个国家的文明,帕特农神庙高耸于城市之上,呈现出多立克柱式和经久不衰的结构。在剧中,月亮用于产生巨大的象征效果,因此,仲夏的满月之夜的参观令人心驰神往,许多雅典景点届时可以免费入场,开放直至深夜。
8. 奥地利维也纳
维也纳似乎是莎士比亚将腐败和罪恶联系在一起的城市,除了《量罪记》(Measure for Measure,又名《一报还一报》)中描绘的人性堕落和无法无天,他还把《哈姆雷特》的剧中剧《冈萨加之死》(Murder of Gonzago)的情景从意大利移到维也纳,这部“戏中戏”反映了《哈姆雷特》中国王被谋杀的情节。
为避免负面印象,家庭观光建议住在斯科特斯蒂福特古老女修道院(nunnery of Schottenstif)的宾馆里,向善良的伊莎贝拉致敬,把你的罪过留在维也纳最好的咖啡馆和糕点店里。
9. 雅顿森林
正如在莎士比亚作品中经常出现的那样,《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It )中的雅顿森林(Forest of Arden)为幻想与现实的碰撞提供了一个空间,扮演各种角色,达到以善胜恶的美好境界。尽管有些人认为剧中的森林是莎翁的故居埃文河畔斯特拉特福(Stratford-upon-Avon)附近曾有的一片森林,也有人觉得这个幻想的林地指的是法国的阿登森林( French Forest of Ardennes)。既然前者几乎已经不存在了,那么前往法国北部这个树木茂密、地势起伏的地区似乎是个更好的主意。那里的风景非常适合全家步行和骑自行车度假。
10. 埃文河畔斯特拉特福德
在莎士比亚故乡,可以参观他出生的房子,他接受教育的学校,他的妻子安妮·海瑟薇(Anne Hathaway)婚前居住的小屋,以及他长眠的圣三一教堂。作为皇家莎士比亚协会的所在地,这里一年四季都有各种戏剧表演,每年四月都会举行大规模的生日庆典和游行。
从茱丽叶阳台到环球剧院 十大家庭旅游胜地 重温莎翁经典巨作(上)
从茱丽叶阳台到环球剧院 十大家庭旅游胜地 重温莎翁经典巨作(上)
菲律宾旅游胜地火山喷发 中使馆:中国公民注意安全
为让失明的妻子重露笑脸 日本丈夫种下芝樱花海 成春季旅游胜地
日落时分:国外观看美丽日落的十大旅游胜地 充满神奇色彩!
AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:从茱丽叶阳台到环球剧院 十大家庭旅游胜地 重温莎翁经典巨作(下)
原文链接:从茱丽叶阳台到环球剧院 十大家庭旅游胜地 重温莎翁经典巨作(下) - 新闻评论
本文标签:戏剧, 旅游, 旅游胜地, 森林, 温莎, 维也纳, 英国, 茱丽叶, 莎士比亚
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infoburger · 5 years
Trinetta: Surface
Full Name: Trinetta Odélisse ter Althuis
Age: 13
Gender: Cis Female
Height: 4'6/137 cm
Species: Witch
Occupation: Private Tutor and Inventor
Race: Caucasian
Nationality: French
Ethnicity: French and Belgian
Birth Place: Champagne-Ardenne, France
Location: Champagne-Ardenne, France
General Backstory
The sweet though fanciful younger daughter a nobleman family. When she was born, she became the favorite child of her father. Though he spoiled her greatly, he mistreated her mother and sister very badly though she was shielded away from by everyone around her. So it confused and devastated her greatly when her mother committed suicide, causing her to believe for a long time her mother was cursed due to her father saying so.
Her sister and father's relationship grew even worst, to the point her sister was sent to go school afar for years. When news traveled about her mother's suicide, her uncle came to see about it and through a disagreement discovered that her father lied to her. Mother was never cursed, she killed himself because of father's cruelty. Now she finally sees the real side of her beloved father.
Her father was exiled and left her to be cared for the next years by her uncle. Now seeing him as her new father figure and grew attached to him and her cousins, when her sister came back from her school after years things changed.
Her sister wanted to live not as a noblewoman, but off in the outskirts and live off her own means. Her uncle gave her sister full permission to take Trinetta long with her. In hopes that she grows from experiencing a simple, expensive life with her sister.
A short, adorable girl whom is very childlike and short for her age. Her golden eyes are big and innocent looking. She have long, wavy flaxen hair that is usually tied in twin tails but reaches her mid back when let down. Her skin is fair but slightly more rosy than her sister.
She's polite, cheerful and friendly to all that's around her, though is very naive due to her sheltered lifestyle before now. Imaginative, curious, and playful; seems to be full whimsy.
Expressive and sensitive, can get spooked or hurt easily. She's is very oblivious to things around her and her cheery personality can be a bit too cheerful as if some it is just a mask.
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