#and that one abt the guy in the zombie apocalypse
transgenbur · 2 years
no bc then that quiz i rbed the other day abt what type of attraction either gave me aesthetic or platonic attraction when i tried it with diff crushes ive had and now i am . Questioning if i have ever been romantically into someone at all
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comradekatara · 4 months
for tbe atla people who has had in-universe fanfiction written about them (along the lines of tina belcher who came from bobs burger belcher)
your asks are always so strange (both in content and wording) that I end up having to read them like 5 times before I can begin to parse them. anyway I love that you cite tina belcher instead of just. rpf. like the literal terminology for this phenomenon that we do very much have at our disposals. so I even can’t tell if you’re asking “who would have rpf written about them” (which also presumably differs from historical fiction about past avatars or smth like that) and “who would write freaky friend fiction (like tina)?” i’m gonna go with the latter bc it’s way funnier.
i think that girl meng would definitely have written some….things…..about aang, iykwim. zombie apocalypse au, enemies to lovers, there was only one bed, etc etc.
i can also just kind of see jin doing this (abt lee from the tea shop or otherwise) i can’t explain it she just has fujoshi vibes. like, whenever ppl talk about how jin, zuko, and jet should have all been friends in ba sing se, i’m usually like “uhh… why tho….” but now i see why. it’s so that she could write jetko rpf about them.
for therapeutic purposes mai probably writes a lot of really cathartic short stories about her entire family, the entire royal family, and ty lee all falling into a sinkhole. but then mai saves ty lee from drowning at the last minute, which teaches ty lee to appreciate her instead of that stupid sinkhole bitch azula (this is all pre boiling rock, obviously).
at one point mai and sokka find a notebook of really angsty fanfiction about the blue spirit and they’re like, “oh my god this is amazing we gotta show this to zuko, he’ll get a kick out of this,” not realizing that zuko actually wrote it himself as a way to work through his identity crisis. he’s just like, “yeah….wow….so cringey, right? but also, kind of incredible how this writer articulates the struggle of the bisected self in extremis so beautifully……right? you guys think so too?” and sokka and mai just look at each other and silently go, “okay…. we may have made a mistake…..”
when katara was a child she would make up stories in her head about finding the avatar and befriending him and having him fall in love with her due to her courage and beauty and (hopefully, someday) waterbending talent and they would defeat the firelord together and live happily ever after. but thankfully she never wrote any of this down, because paper is a very scarce commodity in the southern water tribe and even she knows better than to invoke gran gran’s wrath on that. she never tells aang. although at some point (in sworn secrecy) she does end up telling zuko (assuming that he’d understand considering he also devised fantasies of finding the avatar to cope with his miserable existence), and he laughs for hours.
during their time together in the nwt, yue’s diary gets filled with all kinds of lurid fantasies of sokka killing hahn (in increasingly brutal ways) and sneaking her out of the palace so that she can join team avatar and they can be together forever. of course, whenever they talk about it, she’s just like “yes I love hahn he is great and I love my people and I would never leave my home” so sokka’s just like “okay girl you do you.” but then during the siege, yue actually sees sokka kill a man, and she’s suddenly so conflicted because all her self-indulgent fantasies were a bit too real (and in reality, he’s way more efficient about killing people than he was in her fantasies, almost like he’s done it before….) and she has no clue how to feel about it. anyway, thankfully, yue has learned how to hide her diary really well at this point, because if arnook ever found those particular pages he would’ve tracked down sokka and killed him without hesitation.
ok bonus follow up to the fujoshi jin writing jetko rpf au: eventually they find it (or maybe she’s bold enough to just straight up give it to them. you know what, she might be) and read it. jet’s like, “uhhh…. jin….. i’m not gay. you know that, right?” (he’s actually been hitting on her for… a while now…) and zuko’s like, “okay well i might be. BUT NOT FOR HIM!!!”
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quirkle2 · 1 month
little things about the zombie au that make me sad
the two guns ritsu owns are more dangerous than they normally would be on account of the fact that he does not know how to properly handle either of them. he doesn't know how to hold a shotgun, and he's very bad at trigger discipline. the first time he fires that shotgun he probably gets his ass knocked back by the recoil, and depending on how he holds it, it could probably hurt him or twist something (reminder that he is both small and very light). it's a miracle the kid doesn't shoot himself or mob Or tome accidentally, but he's doing his best with the knowledge he has
during the journey, ritsu had 2 whole years to mourn their parents—mob, however, was effectively put into a time capsule due to the infection and therefore when he wakes up after the cure, he's rushed right back into that new, fresh grief and trauma of witnessing his parents die
buried beneath all the dirty and bloody supplies ritsu carries in his bag is an old, dead nintendo DS he'd packed for a sleepover before the apocalypse started. it screams 13 year old in a nightmare
at some point in the story when ritsu is somehow finally made aware of the exact date, he realizes that he missed mob's birthday, and that his brother is now 15. he is quiet and distant for the rest of the evening
ritsu loots the bodies of humans he's shot for ammo, because ammo is a currency at this point. settlements will do basically anything for more ammo, so ritsu gets a nice haul when he waltzes in there with a bag full of bullets he can't use. he hates doing this for two reasons: 1) looting dead bodies was not made for 13 year olds or their fragile mental health, and 2) ritsu is basically handing the patrols more opportunities to kill innocent zombies. he's backed into a corner—ammo is the most valuable thing he has on his person, and he doesn't need it, but he Does desperately need food, so he trades off that ammo box with starving, unsteady hands and exchanges it for a meal so he and his brother can survive one more night
horrid thing abt That ^ is that after a while of doing this, ritsu becomes quite desensitized to the concept. at one point, he shoots a man in self-defense and when he's looting the corpse, he realizes this guy has a Lot of ammo on him—enough to trade for several meals, probably. ritsu has this very fleeting thought of "wow im kinda glad i kil—" before he stops in silent horror of what just came across his mind and how natural it had felt.
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hi ari!!!! hope you’re doing well!! 🐟🐟 these days the weather is so so nice and the sea is so tempting……………… i went ahead and took some days to swim like the fish i am! surprisingly the water wasn’t so cold and it seems i wasn’t the only one who thought of swimming because the beach was full of people 🙂‍↕️ it was really fun!
anyway!! i wanted to ask you, which films and/or cinematic universes you think your jjk favs would suit the most??? :33 if it is too restraining you can name tv series, of course!!
(p.s.: oh, i’m glad you liked my silly rant about statue!gojo TT 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 it has been rotting in my mind for months now but i’m a procrastinator and i have too many wips… i think it might be that summer is near and i’m super inspired but i don’t know where to begin lmaooo. my notebook is overflowing with half-finished prompts and chapters that are waiting to be completed……. 😭😭) — 🐟 anon
i’m so happy that it’s getting warmer where you are!!!!! the weather is starting to take a turn for the better here too hehe….. but wahhh!!!! beach trips!!!!!!! i miss them i do…. you’ll have to have double the fun for both of us!!! <3333
AND . GULP. that’s a super fun question and also super tough bc i don’t watch …. a lot of movies……… 😔😔 i’ve been watching more recently!!!! but honestly i have a lot of trouble remembering series and movies that i’ve watched….. my brain doesn’t store a lot of them. HOWEVER . yk what i do watch??? and adore????
……. musicals >:33
so here are some musicals that i associate w my jjk favs!!! I HOPE THAT’S OKAY… i got a little too into it i think 😭
gojo - legally blonde
I JUST THINK HE WOULD LOVE IT SO MUCH……….. i know him personally . honestly i would’ve given him the movie if i had followed your original assignment bc it just screams gojo to me either way!!!! i think he loves chickflicks. :3 and this is definitely one of his comfort movies…… the musical is also just SUCH a bop i knowwwww this man is terrorizing his coworkers by singing ”gay or european” in broad daylight (specifically to nanami)……
sugu - the phantom of the opera
THE PHANTOMMMMMMM OF THE OPERA IS HEREEEEEEEE 🎶🎶🎶🎶 …. <- sugu doesn’t sing along to musicals + doesn’t rlly like them that much in general but i know in my heart and soul that he would hum this part quietly to himself . what can i say….. this is just a very classy musical that i think would appeal to him <3333 he’d read the book beforehand too. he’s a lil pretentious but it’s okay :3 he’s veryyyy picky abt what musical renditions he enjoys tho…….
shoko - the guy who didn’t like musicals
MY PERSONAL FAVORITE MUSICAL OF ALL TIMEEEEE <333333 i just know she’d adore it. the blend between horror and comedy is soooo shoko and i feel like she wouldn’t like musicals at ALL lmao so she’d appreciate the meta commentary!!!! it’s just. suchhhh a good musical….. i love starkid so much it hurts………… AND THE WHOLE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE THINGGG she would eat that up!!!! pls watch this one if you haven’t 🐟 anon you can find the full thing on yt and it’s INCREDIBLE i’ve watched it like 10 times!!!! it’s my most beloved!!!!
kenny - beetlejuice
BEETLEJUICE 👏 BEETLEJUICE 👏👏 BEETLEJUICE 👏👏👏 okay so i actually lied this one is ALSO my absolute favorite . and i’m giving it to kenny solely based on vibes :3 HE REMINDS ME OF BEETLEJUICE OK…. and i think he’d love it a lot. the songs are so fucking good and i know he’d appreciate them. the theme of life/death is also very kenny obv !!!!
toji - black friday
ANOTHER STARKID MUSICAL. this one is just…… soooo good and funny and also . tragic. one of the characters reminds me a lot of toji :’3 former veteran w a dead wife…. who struggles to show his son how much he cares…… and the theme of capitalism and money and how it corrupts ppl also feels in line w toji’s character!! but above all else this musical is abt. Family. and that’s more toji than anything!!! :((( this is another musical that i rlly recommend checking out, it’s set in the same universe as the guy who didn’t like musicals but like . an alternate timeline. it’s not my favorite in the series but the songs slap and it made me cry so <3333 yeah.
nobara - heathers
was lowkey considering six the musical for my beloved nobara (bc of the gorgeous women and catchy fun songs) but . i think heathers fits her more!!!! i just feel like she’d ADORE it…… i know she’s singing along at the top of her lungs too LMAO especially to dead girl walking <3333 it’s just such a fun badass musical and i think she’d be obsessed. she does NOT like jd tho god bless 🙏🙏
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risetherivermoon · 6 months
theory/interpretation abt dndads s2 of mine
life pre-code purple was probably post-apocalyptic. since it was before they swapped the planes around and we've seen what earth is like- it would make entirely a lot of sense if it was like a last of us/walking dead type apocalypse situation
i like to think that D.A.D.D.I.E.S. used to be some kind of refugee camp + research facility, and that everyone used to live inside the huge building and thats what all of the rooms w/ keys used to be for
i think that it makes a lot more sense that the twins are teaching their kids how to shoot guns if their lives are constantly at risk, with only concrete walls and finicky spells to protect them against the doodler's chaos
and i think it makes sense why the kiddads act the way they do, they're all still adjusting to a life that isn't dystopian with waste lands full of monsters/ zombie-adjacent creatures,
i think the need and want they all have for their kids to have normal lives makes even more sense too, praying that they don't have to be involved with all of the horrific things that happened after lark released the doodler
(and honestly lark as an entire character just seems like a guy so guilt ridden that he can't adjust to a normal decent life after everything that was going on because he doesn't think he deserves to have one-)
also- the spouses were most likely people the kiddads met when d.a.d.d.i.e.s. used to be a place for survivors to live and thrive, i think that if everything that happened on the titanic w/ marco & grant was pre-code-purple, then marcos reactions make a lot of sense, he's already seen the horrific doodler-pocalypse, so he isn't that frightened about being on the titanic
with everything that happened during the flashback to the doodler church, id say that was them all going on a huge stake out type thing to get information about how to stop the apocalypse in their own world
i see it as henry coming up with the idea for something like a refugee camp in d.a.d.d.i.e.s., they go with it and they help all of these people, and after code purple is enacted, he goes back to earth and does the best he can to do what he did before and create the remains of oakvale into something loosely akin to how he was helping back b4 code purple
this is probably badly spoken since im just spilling out my thoughts here (which there are so much of) but i wanted to talk abt it lol. i have seen other people say this as well, but i do feel like the general fandom consensus is that the kiddads just had normal lives when they were teens? which is a fun way to play w/ their characters but i personally dont see that as what happened
i just think its pretty obvious that code purple freakishly changed their lives-
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rockmonopoly · 2 months
Tag game!!!
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
Teehee ty for the tag @twottie-m8 <3
erm. Most of these r apocalypse au pieces bc I’ve been working on a series :P
1. Eclipse federation zombie apocalypse au. V and subz r both hiding being infected from each other; zam, tagging along with them and looking for his old group finds out abt both of them being infected before they tell each other. Horrible paranoia ensues. Reunion arc for zam and leviathan yay! Now these two infected guys gotta deal with each other, one slowly getting sicker and sicker, meanwhile the other is…. Completely fine?
2. 3ht apocalypse au: cold, low on resources, and sick.
3. Leviathan apocalypse au. Spoke is patient zero. Leviathan are doing everything they can to make poafa recognized as patient zero instead. Spoke’s not infected.
4. oc project on the ethics of bringing someone back to life who probably wanted to die
I honestly don’t know who to tag other than @giddyfenix , but anyone else is free to join :P
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kinjkihu-s · 1 year
Spoilers for ep. 8 and cw warning for csa mention🚨
Random thought III. I’m definitely not the first one to be saying this or anything, but w/ David’s episode dropping last night i am once again obsessing over how tlou presents love through side character vignettes.
So far we’ve had:
Love in the form of a father doing everything he can to protect his daughter on zombie outbreak day.
Love in the form of an old gay couple finding peace in the mists of the apocalypse.
Love in the form of an older brother willing to kill a whole revolution to get medicine for his younger brother.
Love in the form of a sister willing to destroy herself and everything she’s built in pursuit of avenging her brother.
Love in the form of community.
Love in the form of two estranged brothers.
Love in the form of young crushes and puppylove
Then ep. 8 comes along and here's a guy whose whole stick is abt twisting love into something awful and vial to fuel the flames of his sadism. And Ellie — not Joel — is the one to face this head-on. Mind you, right off the heels of her flashback episode where the audience sees her at her most innocent and carefree.
So Ellie confronts it. She has to. Because she loves Joel, it’s love in the form of a not-daughter doing all she can to protect her not-dad.
This is the first time she’s been directly exposed to this kind of senseless violence and brutality. David wants her because he can have her, because he knows that he’s physically stronger than her and a hell of a lot crueler. Ellie was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.
It’s “love” that he’s twisted into something so hideous and so unrecognizable and so terrifying and cruel — everything that love shouldn’t be.
And Ellie's loss of innocence at the hands of this "love" is enforced by Bella Ramsey's incredible acting (give them an Emmy for ffs). Even with David dead, she doesn't stop bashing his head in, she can't.
Cause I mean, yeah. It's the desperate, terrified actions of a little girl who's already been conflated violence with justice and safety being pushed to her absolute limits.
obv. she's totally in the right here. fuck david all my homies hate david. but, at the same time, it's showing what she's capable of when being pushed to that extreme. all that fear and anger and sadness and rage that's been festering in her since riley (and probably for much longer) absolutely has the potential to become destructive. it's a rlly good set up for season 2 me thinks.
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
cannot stop thinking abt andrew minyard he's a canonical gay goth. hes exactly five feet tall. he only gives a shit about five people ever & one of them is his therapist. he's a study in dehumanization of mentally ill people. he's genuinely a lame little freak with serious opinions on a zombie apocalypse & insanely pretentious syntax. he has gods worst taste in alcohol. he killed his mother in a car crash & then used her life insurance to buy a new slutty car. hes a freelance murderer. he has attachment issues. he gave his crush his house key and his car key & then continued to pretend he didn't like him at all. he's like voted guy most likely to off himself before fifteen but inexplicably he survives. all his friends are utterly terrified of him. he's like the incarnation of brutally murder ur abusers. he's insanely toxic. he's got the world's most obvious crush & no one notices ever because they somehow think he's straight. he carries knives around like a y/a protagonist & it's impossible to tell if this is because the author thought it would rule or he specifically thought it would rule to be like an edgy ya protagonist. his whole deal is being a stone cold bitch but he cares so much & so hard it's like viscerally painful. he's mean as hell. he's got bad taste in expensive cars. he buys his friends cute clothes. he's like ill kill anyone whos mean to u >:( but he's dead fucking serious about it. he's nineteen & he's still painfully nineteen about it all. etc etc etc.
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stiffyck · 1 year
Okay so I was thinking about Scar opening up about his parents to the other person he's come in contact with so.. Here this- Its in the style of a chatfic because thats all I know
GoodTimeWithScar: Hey,
GoodTimeWithScar: Sorry for the whole word vomit that i'm about to send you but I can trust you right?
GoodTimeWithScar: Right?
GoodTimeWithScar: Whatever, Lemme just get this over with
GoodTimeWithScar: Remember before the apocalypse started? I mean, I do, Its funny cause I was only 6 when it all started.
GoodTimeWithScar: Ever since before that, And I guess after the whole zombie thing started, My parents never paid me any attention
GoodTimeWithScar: Like, Ever, I'd talk to them but they'd just be like "Yeah whatever," and then then continue whatever
GoodTimeWithScar: It kinda fucked me up y'know?
GoodTimeWithScar: last night I got so scared of being alone I threw my video recorder against the wall and almost broke it, And then I couldn't stop crying so I tried to call you but I didn't wanna bother you
GoodTimeWithScar: Maybe i'm the bad guy, I barely even cried when they got taken by zombies, I had a brother aswell, He's the only one I miss,
GoodTimeWithScar: Whatever you probably stopped reading my messages awhile ago
*GoodTimeWithScar has gone offline*
???: Scar?
(Well that one got dark quickly-)
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awhoreintheory · 2 years
Voltron zombie apocalypse AU except all of Keith's family is alive, and they somehow save Lance from smth but he's injured so they fix him up n stuff
And Lance is like a super chill and cool guy, he knows quite a bit abt zombie bc he's been by himself and taking notes n stuff
Krolia and Texas LOVE Lance. He's respectful, funny, sarcastic, eager to help, but hopelessly clueless and quite cute
Keith didn't like him at first, for one reason or another, but rlly warms up to him (after checking out 24/7, getting knowing looks from Shiro bc that booty be FINE)
Lance likes everyone, but it took a while to warm up to them. Bc Cuba got hit really hard by the zombies, so his family is probs dead and the Kogane’s rlly remind him of his family
And Keith's like super hot, and Lance is being a huge simp (Keith off-handedly mentioned he liked pineapples, and Lance spent a week looking for canned pineapples)
Texas, Krolia and Shiro bully Keith into confessing
Edit: turned it into a fic! Find here
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 5 months
hey, this is the same anon who just asked for the vamp fics, i just wanted to say THANKS, and i had another question lol, since u love giving recs you must read a lot!! have you ever read anything you didn’t like?? this might be messy but do u have authors u avoid bc of it, or do u tend to just enjoy and recommend everything you do read?
Great question my dude! And I seriously read CONSTANTLY lmfao but tbh, I’ve rarely met a fic I didn’t like! I do have some stuff I tend to avoid as a general rule like pedophelia, underage smut (not the biggest smut fan in general tbh) and really graphic sexual assault, plus I don’t seek out fics that center around ships I couldn’t care less about (for example I don’t give a shit abt dip but I’ll take it or leave it as a background pairing) I definitely don’t have any authors or concepts that I avoid wholeheartedly, though I do have my preferences for SURE!!!
I’m definitely one to read all pairings for the sake of a tag I like (I’ve said before that I don’t ship kyman but I’ve read some EXCELLENT stuff via that damn injury tag lmfao) it really helps to keep an open mind I feel like! I’ve been introduced to some really awesome ships through this fandom, plus it helps that I’m not particularly turned away by many tropes. I don’t usually seek out party fics (they feel juvenile to me personally, that’s not to say i hate parties in fics as long as they’re not the main plot ya feel me) or like zombie apocalypse aus (I do have exceptions) or high school aus (for me most of them get old fast and I generally prefer to read the guys closer to my own age and again, juvenility) I do avoid omegaverse for the most part too it just ain’t my realm. Oh yeah and if I’m reading smut I NEED a plot. ALSO anything that one-notes the characters, like puts them in a stereotypical box! While I’m definitely a oneshot girlie, I really try to avoid shit that’s like “Stan is a depressed alcoholic and that’s it” if ya catch my drift.
ALSO dude I HATEEEEE first person. Like other than abysmal grammar, that’s my biggest turn off lol. To each their own, of course, but I CANNOT truly get behind first person in fics. (I did write first person one time because I couldn’t see a way around it and Narrator Kenny as Hermes needed to happen, but I’ll never do it again)
Another thing that immediately makes me go NOPE is anyone/reader like absolutely tf not, not for me, AND if I see a “written with ai” HELLLLLL NO!!!
For the most part, I’m not super picky unless I don’t particularly care for the writing style, but I do only seek out whatever’s holding my interest the most at any point. Like right now I’m mostly digging Kyle centric fics and style, k2, or cryle as the main pairing, but who knows what I’ll be into next!
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wonderfulxhappiness · 6 months
ohhh doctor who.... host was watchin it earlier (parents had a marathon on)......... um i don't know what the episode is called but s one of the modern ones.... the ww2 has mask kid. "are you my mummy". i really like that one ehe... "it feels like there's something in your throat trying to break out".... s cool. ehehe
but um... host s doin ok! he's stressed n all but m tryin t' make him relax..... he's just younger than me so i get why he's pushin so hard but he needs t' calm down i think..... ehehehe but i love him!!! he's been dealin with a lot n m proud of him :)
know ya don't like horror much vani but ah... do ya got any media with horror...... particularly movies. wanna watch more movies but m no good at findin stuff on my own..... i love ya a lot i hope school goes well!!!! -🪴
ooo nice !!! i do like that episode!!!!! it's one of the earlier 9 ones i think??? 9's one of my faves he's a silly guy <3 rose tyler the loml <3 i think you'd like it if you watched it further !! it gets Silly at times but also gets Serious and has some very fun storylines down the line !!
uu glad he's doing okay :< sending him good vibes. cheering u on. perhaps introduce him to puzzles <- guy who fucken loves puzzles i am also proud of him <3
uu uh. if you want. kinda low-budget older japanese horror (just assume all of these are undubbed into english lmao) : - the booth (2005) is more... silly? than scary? but still has horror elements. - dark water (2002) is pretty good. i don't remember much abt it tho. - ju-on: the grudge (2002) is also good ! i've never seen the american remake or whatever but this one is fun :) - one missed call (2003) has a kinda neat premise iirc? i can't actually remember if me nd my parents watched this one or one with a similar premise but the wikipedia page rings bells so ! - pulse (2001) BANGER STORY. focuses on ghosts taking over the world via the internet kinda thing? very sci-fi but also like. has gen moments of Scary its great :) pls watch pulse - ringu (1998) the og ring movie from japan ! actually kinda good ngl?
uh not necessarily horror but Train to Busan and its sequel Peninsula are good. from korea, set in a zombie apocalypse :) has scary moments but is definitely more of like. a tense movie than a scary one.
as for. american horror. i do not watch a lot but. a very stupid (affectionate) one is Bodies Bodies Bodies which is SUCH a silly movie. Unfriended was also good ngl. people didn't like it but i liked it.
also the death note movies exist. again not necessarily horror but tbh the slightly older ones from japan are good
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rollercoasterwords · 8 months
hiii, substack guy here just wanted to say that i absolutely love rob horning and little dog, my beloveds. zombies are also my favorite monster!! so ill definitely check and then i woke up, and am so accepting more zombie recs if you have any to give (btw i love your zombie apocalypse AU). Hmm what else. i fangirled so much over one of your girls (esp the music video) as someone who's been following troyes career since blue neighbourhood. Oh, and the haunted ~experience~ seems so fucking cool. we dont really do halloween where im from so the most im doing is some movie marathons and parties, which are super cool but seeing the pic you took got me yearning for some more elaborate celebrations. hope you're doing well!!
hi substack guy <3 another rob horning fan omg!! his essay "social media is not self-expression" is a fave of mine (although the title is maybe overstating his point a bit lol) so i was soooo excited when i found his substack. & yeah on earth we're briefly gorgeous kinda wrecked me ngl...i understand why everyone was raving abt it now...
+ a fellow zombie fan omg fun <3 unfortunately i do not have many zombie book recs bc. well most of them r bad i will not lie...unless we're talking nonfiction in that case i really like zombies and sexuality: essays on desire and the living dead. fiction-wise and then i woke up is probably one of my fave "zombie" stories i've read; i'd recommend severance by ling ma as well although it's not really a zombie story in the classic sense...i still kind of think of it as adjacent 2 the genre. if ur looking 4 movie or show recs tho...hmu happy 2 share my faves...
i have not actually watched the music video for 'one of your girls' yet lol but i'm loving the song!! + yeah i grew up watching troye sivan on youtube + went 2 see him live during the blue neighbourhood tour so it's really cool 2 see how his trajectory as an artist has progressed <3
haunted experience WAS so fun omg it was super elaborate...it was like on this big outdoor park/complex/event space + divided into 4 different sections where u essentially followed these hiking trails through the woods, but each section had a different theme w all these scary sets + props + lights etc. & scare actors in full costume + makeup jumping out + shouting + trying 2 scare u...i've been 2 similarly elaborate haunted houses before but never an outdoor one where ur on hiking trails (outdoor-wise i've only ever been 2 haunted corn mazes...which i will be doing at the end of the month <3). hope ur doing well as well + enjoying ur own halloween celebrations movie marathons + parties sound v fun <3
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snxpdragons · 10 months
plz tell me abt ur wips
Im assuming this is about my art wips but!!!! I can't share those because its a birthday present and the person looks at my blog occasionally lol. All I draw/write about these days are ocs though. Theres at least 20 different sketches of lucifer specifically floating around. I did this whole thing last month where I kept drawing him as photos of awsten knight lmao
In terms of my writing though, I'm mainly working on three things right now [again all original work/oc stuff]
- This Time Last Year, its a breakup au between Giovanni [Anxious wreck of an engineer] and Miko [Loud + brash punk cartographer] where of course theyre exes and they're forced to get along during a Bachelorette party + wedding. Lots and lots of shenanigans, Miko is sorta dating Esme [sexy ambassador lady, tho bassist in this au] in the meantime but she's totally still into her ex, and Giovanni is an I.T guy that somehow became besties with a famous singer. Theres a solid side plot about Lucifer and Damien and them coming to terms with their relationship/them being more than friends with benefits. The first two chapters are actually already on ao3, but im rewriting ch2 and writing ch3 simultaneously.
- The Aptosis of a Supernova; Zombie au, my magnum opus that is still not written somehow. It has like one billion pages of plot in my brain. I can't possibly summarize it, but its mainly about Giovanni, Miko, and Damien, their struggles, and their relationships, and it cycles between their povs. Giovanni has to figure out how to reasonably survive as a pacifist in a zombie apocalypse, Miko learns to stop getting everyone collectively into danger, and Damien learns to let himself be around others and lean on people. Theres also a decent amount of content about Cynthia [Giovannis sister] and Alice [Mikos mom], and Lucifer, though he doesn't make an appearance until way later. Lots and lots of found family, people die, people murder, tragedy occurs, etc etc. Its a zombie apocalypse bad stuff happens. The first half of the story is about Miko/her moms traveling across the country to find her brothers who were shipped off to a military camp pre apocalypse, and they pick up Giovanni + his sisters along the way.
Im working on chapter 1 of it right now, and its almost done actually! Its super fun. I think Giovanni getting shot is the least eventful thing that happens in it.
- The third thing is just a fun lil Lucifer lore thing. I can't say a whole lot about it because its meant to be confidential [and alas the people who can't know about it also follow me][hi drrp] BUT its super fun to write. Lucifer in general is a fucking blast. Hes an asshole and a lunatic. I mean, being a daredevil is his entire shtick after all.
Im sure like none of this means anything to you because you have little to no idea who any of these characters are. but erm. I can also explain that too if anyone wants <3 I could go on for days about any of these guys really. But tysm for asking!!! <33
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mylarena · 1 year
OK SO . HERES THE FIRST DRAFT/VERSION OF THAT ZOMBIE AU BTW. i was still working out the plot and what was going on. then i thought abt how i could put more mw2 plot into it. so i had to p much rework the entire thing. but it ended up way better!!! but i wanna share this anyways!!!
hrngh. zombie apocalypse au.
ghost is the big ol' lone wolf whos doing perfectly fine in the apocalypse, of course, no he doesnt need anyone else. he has no group bc he doesnt need one.
soap is some guy who got separated from his group (price, gaz, laswell, etc.) and stumbled into ghost somehow, and for whatever reason ghost didnt kill him and instead told him to get lost, but soap decided fuck that and started following him instead. ghost does not like this and wants him to fuck off. soap insists that he has no where to go because he doesnt know where he is/where his group is outside of a name, so hes staying with ghost bc he knows he'll protect him (how the fuck does he know that? he doesnt know him. he doesnt know what hes done, how much blood is on his hands. hes a fucking moron placing his trust in the unknown. what an idiot. being so trusting is going to get his ass killed someday. not that ghost cares, anyways. he'll be long gone by then.)
ghost shows him the route to the place via map. he lines it out. soap insists that hes shit with directions and will need a guide. ghost says he can find one elsewhere. soap says that no one else is anywhere around, plus ghost already knows the route, so why not he just lead him there? ghost says no. they go back and forth for a while, but eventually ghost gives up and agrees to bring him to his group- just to the location, and then hes getting the hell out of dodge. soap is very very happy about this, much to ghosts disgruntlement.
so they start some sort of post-apocalyptic roadtrip, fighting like hell through cities and towns and forests and at one point a literal cornfield, for whatever fucking reason.
throughout their journey, they talk. its mostly soap. (john, he insists, or soap. thats what his friends call him. ghost, in some sort of rebellion of being one of his friends, calls him johnny. it threw the man off guard at the start for whatever reason, so ghost kept it up in hopes of unsettling him and keeping him at arms length. it didnt work.)
ghost never gives him his name. never gives his story. never shows his face. never lets johnny past the walls hes built up over decades, no matter how hard the man tries. he keeps everything to himself, even his wounds- no bites. never any bites. hes not stupid enough to hide a bite from johnny, no matter how much he dislikes the man. the man trusts him for some reason, and hes not going to let himself turn and kill him if he can stop it.
johnny talks about his life. he talks about his family over in scotland; his maw, his brothers and sisters, his cousins, nieces, nephews... he tells him about his childhood pets, his time in high school, the jobs he had over the summer.
he tells him about his group. price, their de facto leader; laswell, the woman who has price by the ear and actually runs shit; gaz, a snarky little shit that loves to cause problems on purpose; and graves. johnny always cuts himself off after he mentions graves, almost as if its a lingering habit to talk about him in the first place.
ghost is curious, he wont lie, but its nothing personal about johnny. he just likes to know all he can about a situation, naturally. and the way the usually sunny disposition of the man darkens whenever he thinks about this graves man seems to be an important part of johnny situation. thats all it is. he never asks. johnny will tell him if he wants to, anyway.
and he does one night. theyre camping in the woods, no fire, ghost taking the first watch. ghost is leaning against a tree, rifle in his lap, while soap lies on his back, staring at the stars. its quiet, and johnnys own voice is barely more than a whisper as he starts to talk. he starts talking about graves- phillip graves- and his friendship with the man. how they got along, how they helped each other, how johnny trusted him.
then he talks about how he got all the way out in fuck-all-nowhere. how graves sold them out to another group-
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gooopy · 10 months
Tell me abt your oc please… looks at you with big sopping wet eyes
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YIPPIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TYSM FOR ASKING!!!! ogogg okay. the characters name is Jude Marshall, and they started out as a side character in a zombie apocalypse style roleplay, as a curious kid who watched the effects of the plague from afar and would explore the ruins left behind with their friend. then they transformed into a mortuary assistant who was medically abused as a child, one with a dry sense of humor and also just autistic swag. their mother encouraged the medical abuse and did not protect Jude from it and so now they struggle around hospitals but find themself at ease in the similarly sterile areas around dead bodies (that being a remnant of their zombie apocalypse form. type opf kid who would poke a body with a stick a few times yknow?)
they also went through several iterations through this roleplay, such as a ghost, a sorta victorian-era gentleman type, a supervillain, etc. their most recent iteration being my elden ring character. right now though i want to rearrange the story a bit. i however am not good at making stories on my own, so i intend to take some inspiration from frankenstein and shit.
id like to get jude closer to the 'mad scientist' srota area. a tragedy methinks. im going through and gutting their playlist now but im thinking that jude will still have experienced medical trauma, still face trauma from their mother, and still work with dead bodies. still hammering it out but im thinking of sprinkling some classic 'lovecraft pursuit of forbidden knowledge' stuff. to make a name for themself, to be helpful, to be useful. get dragged into something bigger than themself and then have their desperation blind them to the horrors and to lose anyone who may be close to them in that pursuit, then turn back and see that theyve done nothing but create destruction in their path. i dont know, ill figure it out, but i also want jude to be like. a normal guy. like theyre just some guy who lives ina shitty apartment and has a pet turtle (only friend. her names shellsy) and drinks coffee out of a silly novelty mug. its not something they inherently deserve, to hurt those around them.
like i said, writing stories? not my strong point. i get too many ideas and then it turns into a rambling mess. i am a lot more familiar with roleplay anda lot better with that too, but for now thats the sorta direction i want to go with jude. this is sooo long i love jude my babygirl jude <3 heres a drawing of them (couldnt find any good old drawings of them so scribbled one out on the spot <3 they run cold so they always got a sweater)
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[image ID: drawing of an indian person with square glasses. they are wearing an orange sweater and a long brown pleated skirt. they have a pontail and are looking forward with an optimistic but anxious expression. /end ID]
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