#and thank you all for the comments 🥺🥺 and kudos🥺💕 they are so sweet and make me soft and make me laugh 🥰
bi-buckrights · 1 year
AO3 Wrapped
Thanks for the tags @swiftiediaz @rogerzsteven @monsterrae1 @spotsandsocks 💕 finally getting around to doing this like... two weeks after y’all tagged me, oops.
I have been wanting to write fic for a very long time now and finally got the courage about two months ago thanks to the encouragement from my lovely friends, so this is a big thank you to them for all their love and support ❤️
Works Published: 3
Word Count: 55,077
Hits: 6708
Bookmarks: 137
Most Popular by Kudos: Sometime Around Midnight 
Most Hits: Same as above!
Longest: Our Love is Like a Storybook Story (but it’s as real as the feelings I feel) aka the princess bride au (45987 words)
Shortest: In a Beautiful Dream (You Wanted Me Like I Wanted You) (2469 words)
Most Comments: Our Love is Like a Storybook Story (but it’s as real as the feelings I feel)
Fic that made me cry: I think this is supposed to be of my own but I’ve talked enough about my fics so here are a few that I’ve read that made me cry 😌
Till Now I always got by on my own (I never really cared until I met you) by @monsterrae1 it’s sooo good very soft and sweet but one of the last chapters literally made me cry and that doesn’t happen to me often 
when the night was full of terror (and your eyes were filled with tears) by @rogerzsteven bc Simi’s whump NEVER misses 
Fic that made me smile: There’s too many but here are a few notable mentions 
The story of us by @lostinabuddiehaze had me 🥺🥺🥺
I’m the one on the phone as you whisper by @swiftiediaz was SO SWEET
if it weren’t for you meddling kids by @prettyboybuckley was absolutely adorable 
Gifts: Umm I’m working on some prompts but not sure that counts 😅
Collaborations: no collaborations, maybe next year!
Events: Only started writing less than two months ago so no events yet!
I’m doing this pretty late so I think everyone has done this so far, but if not then take this as your invitation to do so ✨ Tag me if you do so I can get some fic recs 😌
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sagesfandomspot · 10 months
CHAPTER 4 IS SO BELOVED AHDJFJSKFJDM i’m actually in love, i’m hugging this fic, i’m virtually sending you 1000x kudos my friend 💗💘💕💞💘💕💗
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willkimurashat · 11 months
Fanfiction writing asks
Well, i’d ask you all these questions but i need to choose so 12, 26, 36, 72, 79
(35. Will flower shop fic WAS A FREAKING MASTERPIECE 😭🧎🏻‍♀️🛐)
Heya there! Hahaha stawwp you’re too sweet!! 🥹🥹🥹 but thank you for the ask!🥰
12. Do you outline your fics?  If yes, how detailed are your outlines?  How far do you stray from them?
Suuureee haha.. ha.. ha…👀
Nah, I mean, I try, but I’m just very shit at planning things out. It also depends on what kind of fic it is - for Stargazing I have an excel sheet that’s broken down into chapters/days in the villa and then what should happen in the morning, afternoon, evening, and night, but I strayed away from it many a time lol. For Beloved and Beloathed I have exactly zero outline whatsoever🙈 I don’t outline one shots either, except for Snog, Marry, Die, where I planned out the order of who dies when based on the horror film tropes (first is the comedic relief, then jock, then nerd, etc.)😄 I’m more of an intuitive, “go with the flow” kinda person and am very chaotic while writing. If I get an idea, I instead start a google doc with bullet points just jotting down thoughts or quotes that pop into my head:)
26. What’s your least favorite part of the writing process?
When I really want to get to the scene I’m super excited about, but I have to write 500 000 words before I can get to it😭😭😭 it makes me wanna crawl out if my skin sometimes lol😂
And also the preparation before writing - like, if I’m in the mood to write, but I have to have at least some idea of an outline and do at least some research before I can actually write😞 then I spiral into it and start overthinking everything and that really kills the vibe😒
36. What fic are you proudest of?
I’m honestly proud of all of them, otherwise I wouldn’t have posted them haha😅 but I’m gonna say Stargazing, for the sheer amount of time and effort it takes to write it. I can’t believe I decided to do something so incredibly ambitious and time consuming for my first fanfic - kudos to me lol!🙈
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
Aww I love all of my commenters and always giggle and kick my feet when I get a comment, it’s impossible to pick one🥺🥺🥺 I absolutely melt when people pull out quotes from my stories - the serotonin boost it gives me is impeccable lol🥹 or when people say they like my writing style🥰 or when people say they laughed or cried or felt scared while reading something I just- The fact that the silly little words I put together evoke such strong feelings and reactions in others makes me just so immensely happy, I can’t even express it😭💕💕💕
79. Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
Lol I don’t feel qualified enough to give writing advice😅😅 But if I must, I guess what I’ll say is - write simple. There’s definitely beauty in simplicity and overusing fancy words doesn’t necessarily make it better. I think it’s more powerful to use big words sparingly, so that there’s more impact in when you do use them, but otherwise it can be jarring and won’t feel natural.
Fanfiction Writing Ask
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house-of-mirrors · 2 years
I wrote several paragraphs of review but my phone died suddenly and I lost it, so please take this shorter accolade of: your fanfic is excellent, thank you for writing it, please write more, the way you do dialogue for this clowncar of losers is hilarious, and I hope the very instant Fires is awake their coworkers Get His Ass about this whole adventure and never, ever, stop. Also, watching Irons briefly lose grip on the group braincell with the YOU ALL ARE NO FUN comment was incredible.
I have been sending your fanfic to all my friends every update, and it has been a great source of "This Your Man Business Associate?" material to bully my one Fires-Enjoyer friend over, so thank you for your service, I hope I have paid well for it through kudos, likes, and only-slightly-manic publicity.
I may get the sense to leave a more thorough review on ao3 when I get the time, but seeing as I'm likely to forget, I hope this passes enough for one.
Hope you have an excellent evening. May you be blessed with free time and perpetually cleared writers block, and may the keys rise to meet your fingers.
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This is so very kind, thank you so much 🥺 😭 I have so much fun writing this fic and I'm happy that you have as much fun reading it.
Ajajksksksk the masters have one collective brain cell, they lost it sometime early in the First City and legend says Virginia keeps it as a mantle piece
Can the keys PLEASE rise to meet my fingers, I have hypermobility and braces only go so far (but this is so sweet, thank you, manifesting it)
I'm just. Aaaaaaaaa! Printing out this ask and holding it gently and hanging it on my fridge 💕going to be happy wiggling for the rest of the night and the next few days over this 🥰 I hope you have a nice evening too 💜
(I hope your Fires enjoyer friend is having a time. @thedeafprophet is the resident Fires enjoyer who inspired the original idea for the fic and their special boy Alex is such a good muse <3)
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chemmerson · 2 years
Hii 💕 my ao3 app sucks and would not let me leave kudos or comment on hey champ no matter how many times I smashed the buttons on my phone. So I just wanted to say that it was AMAZING and I squealed the whole way through.
The idea of everyone partying at asuma's was perfect and so relatable tbh ☠️ and your characterization of gai was soo spot on. I kept thinking, thats EXACTLY what he'd say! And I always see genma portrayed as konoha's biggest slut, so I loved seeing him as readers bestie. Oh and anko! ARE YOU A BITCH? nxnznxsk
And kakashi was perfect <3 I loved the bit about his ninken being his family sobs. AND HIM PICKING FLOWERS PLS it was so sweet. Thank you for writing it and for sharing with us <33
this was such a great message to wake up to my friend🥺wow thank you thank you thank you!!! i am so glad you enjoyed reading it❤️i feel all warm inside when people comment on hey champ because it’s a story that means a lot to me, so i thank you for taking the time to send such a sweet comment! thank you so so much🥰✨
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taegularities · 2 years
Rid! I just finished reading Love Me Better and it's just so damn beautiful! Thank you so much for writing it. 😘 Thank you for blessing us with this warm, perfect Jimin so beautiful and brave beyond words I love his character so much! 🥺 (Detective Jimin so fucking sexy as well aahhhhhh)
Also, I've never been this scared of Seokjin lol kudos to that as well lol and my heart literally stopped when Nurse Namjoon was introduced like my my I have a crush on him lol
And my sweet, lovely Yoongi. My heart bled a lot for him. 🤧
And adorable, trusty Hobi.. I'm glad he's there for Jimin. 🥺
And for the OC, she's a tough one. I'm so frustrated at her, but I do get where she's coming from. I'm glad both her and Jimin went on that journey of healing together.
Sorry for the long ask but I just had to! (I can't reblog idk why) This one is a masterpiece. Your patience and passion for writing this surely paid off. Lovelots! 💕
OMG YOU DID ???!!!! and i'm so happy you liked it, too !!! 🥺
ugh everything you said. jimin really is brave (tho a little stupid for risking his life like this all the time), and seokjin really was scary, huh 😔 AND I KNOW! nurse namjoon was there for just a second, but he stole my heart, bcos he was so sweet and lovely, and i imagine he flashes his dimples a lot when he talks to her 🥺
yoongi..... yeah, no comment :(
hobi was another favourite of mine, and oc was.. I KNOW, so frustrating at times. but i'm glad you liked them both, too and could see her struggles and where her insecurities came from !! there's quite a lot to unpack.
and omg don't worry about long asks at all !! those are my favourite <33 thank you so much for reading and telling me all this, love 🥺
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saradika · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
Ah, thanks so much for the tag @princessxkenobi! I loved reading your answers (and everyone else’s)! It’s so fun to see what you think of your own fics - you’re all so talented! 💕
What You’d Consider Your First Fic:
The Bet! This was my first Star Wars fic, and first time writing for Mando. I remember posting it to AO3 and then immediately going to sleep because I was nervous, haha- and being so so excited when I saw I had a couple kudos in the morning! (I still get so excited by those emails). And then I posted it on here a couple weeks later.
Your Softest Fic:
Let Me Love You - this one is pretty much 99% sweet fluff (1% yearning/angst). Obi-Wan is so charming and romantic, it was impossible not to make this fic with him as soft as it is.
Fic You Are Most Proud Of:
Ahh it has to be The Violet Hour, for sure. Both Thrawn and Maul are such strong characters (personality and dialogue). I really tried hard to hopefully do them both justice. And I also tried to figure out a plot that made sense to get them all in the same place at the same time within the Rebels timeline. I dunno, I just feel a little bit proud of this one 🥺💖
Fic That Shows Your Progress:
I think it would have to be Utterly Wrecked - I put this out after Clone Wars Season 7 but before TBB. I remember it was hard to sort of piece together Wrecker’s personality, but it made me so happy that to see such sweet comments on it. I feel like there was progress with expressing emotions and characterization in this.
Favorite WIP:
The Bodyguard and the Betrothed! I am working on it, I promise 💕 And I also have a Modern AU about VacationHookup!Boba that I’ve been slowly outlining - I think that will be a lot of fun. 👀
no pressure tags – @rosethornxs, @zinzinina, @milf-thrawn-nuruodo, @ohheyitsokay, @rexsjaigeyes, @lesbobiwan, @writeforfandoms
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