#and she's the same when ocean votes for her...
fairytale-poll · 2 days
Welcome to the Best/Worst Modern Fairytale Adaptation Tournament!
We've done best Red Riding Hood, we've done best Cinderella, and we've done best Little Mermaid! As voted by you guys, we'll be switching gears a bit and doing Best/Worst Modern Fairytale Adaptations! This will be two simultaneous tournaments to see what is the best modern fairytale adaptation and what is the worst!
If you are confused on what qualifies as "Modern Fairytale Adaptation", please read the following:
By "modern fairytale adaptation" I mean an adaptation of a fairytale that takes place in the modern day.
I will be a little loose with what I mean by "modern day". "Modern" will be defined as taking place around the same time as when it was published. (Ex. "Splash!" is an adaptation of the Little Mermaid that was created in the 1980s, so it taking place in the 1980s works for "modern day".) The earliest I will accept something taking place is the 1950s, anything earlier than that I will not count as modern.
If the modern fairytale adaptation has some magic / a little bit of fantasy in it, it can still counts just as long as the world it takes place in can be reasonable compared to being our modern day world. (Ex. "Ponyo" has a lot of magical elements with the titular Ponyo being a magical being from the sea and her mother being the Queen of the Ocean and her father a magician, but the world she sees on the surface is very clearly our world, so it counts.)
No futuristic settings. (Ex. Something like "The Lunar Chronicles" series by Marissa Meyer, for example, which takes place in a Sci-Fi dystopia will not count.)
Some other rules to read before submitting:
Submit a modern fairytale adaptation to the best or worst brackets. There will be two separate forms for each, so make sure you fill out the right one!
Submit as many pieces of media as you want, but don't submit the same thing more than once to an individual form. You can submit the same piece of media to both forms, if your heart truly desires. (Ex. You can't submit "A Cinderella Story" more than once to the best bracket, but if you think it's simultaneously the best and worst you can submit it once to both brackets.)
This tournament will be for pieces of media, not individual characters. Thus far we have only done character polls to this blog, but don't let that confuse you. (Ex. Submitting "Sam Montgomery" would not be accepted, but if you submit "A Cinderella Story", that will be accepted.)
Make sure you submit a substantial piece of media, such as a movie, TV show, book, short story, comic book, etc. Things like a comic strip, a meme, or a fanfic will not be accepted. Additionally, smaller pieces of media such as someone's OC story will not be accepted. (There might not be enough public info for someone to vote on & it might not be fair to put someone's OC story against a big name like Ghibli or Disney.)
Do not submit anthologies. If there is a series you want to submit that is a collection of different fairytale retellings, like a TV show where every episode is a different story, that is not allowed. Feel free to submit an individual episode where there is only one complete story, though.
Submit something based on a specific fairytale(s), not something that just happens to have a fairytale vibe.
This will be either a 32 or 64 bracket for both. I would ideally like the best and worst brackets to both be the same size (i.e. either both 32 or both 64), but if one is smaller than the other, so be it. I'm going to cap each bracket at 64, as doing any more would be a lot to manage since there already are two brackets.
Submissions will be open either until they reach the cap or for a full week (closing on Friday, June 14th.) Whichever comes first.
And that's it for rules! Remember as always to be kind and respectful to others. This is bracket is supposed to be fun so please have fun with it! ✨❤️
Best Bracket Submissions:
Worst Bracket Submissions:
Tagging other tournaments under the cut for visibility.
@tournament-announcer @princess-polls @the-ballerina-battle @booktomoviebrawl @do-you-ship-it-polls @mattapparentlystumbltourneys
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amarkofcain · 2 years
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she finally got her celebration and was confused that the others weren't running from her. bye
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god ride the cyclone is the fucking musical ever. a rat named Virgil that's going to kill the narrator (a paranormal fortune telling machine) in like an hour plays the bass. you're then immediately introduced to five children that are brutally killed in a roller coaster accident and have their hopes and dreams and everything they loved taken away from them. an unidentified headless body depicted as having her doll's head appears and sings a very woeful introduction to her character and then asks if her purgatory-mate would like to brush her dolly's hair and then recites a fact about how when a lioness has children she stops making love to the lion. the lion gets jealous. sometimes so jealous he eats the children. you would think this would upset the lioness. far from it. they make love again like the children never existed. she finds that idea terrifying. the paranormal fortune telling machine is able to move the children's bodies against their will for choreography and "catchphrases" and this is shown to be something they're discomforted by initially but continues nonetheless through the rest of the musical. ocean tears down all of her friends in her song to come back to life until she's told they decide who comes back through unanimous vote. you laugh for half a second before you remember that even if she's initially stuck up and conceited her song was an attempt from the soul of an innocent dead teenager who died for no reason to try to plead to come back to life. noel has fantasies of being a sex worker in post-war france and dying of typhoid flu driven by his love of french new wave cinema (mischa calling him tragic later is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to him). mischa recites a very precise and accurate analysis of the meaning of Saw VI but calls it Saw V. you listen to a very silly hip-hop rap before you listen to one of the most heartbreakingly loving songs you've ever heard and you hear "I lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood" and you wonder how this is the same musical where the rat played the bass. you go from a song about a teenage boy saving an alien race of cat girls by breeding with them all to a mournful and breathtaking song about a jane doe's complete lack of identity besides the fact that she is dead and without an identity and the fact that she spends the whole song not begging to come back to life but begging to know who she is. her purgatory-mates get her a party hat and an old hello kitty cupcake and a cape and you sob when this choir made up of dead children make up a new birthday song that doesn't require a name so this jane doe can have a good new birthday because they finally don't see her as a freaky and eerie character but as a dead child just like them who can't remember who she is and they treat her like one of their own even though none of them recognize her from their choir. the last thing constance did before riding the cyclone was lose her virginity to a thirty year old and you try very hard not to think about how horrible that is. the girl that had been selfish the entire musical is given the final vote and is given a chance to vote for herself and she honors the original rules so she can give a new life to jane doe and everyone agrees. these children watch jane's new life play out and you think about how much they all deserved new lives too. it's both the most fun and most sad fucking musical you've ever listened to. fuck.
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creapysummer · 1 year
Things I loved about Some Theater Company's production of Ride the Cyclone
-i didn't have super high hopes because it was at this tiny community theater in the middle of nowhere but OH MY GOD IT WAS INCREDIBLE
-the cast came around and told everyone that there was going to be a loud noise at the end so that no one would be too shocked which i thought was very considerate
-before the show started the cast (minus jane) was kind of milling about in character and it was so much fun to watch
-mischa was just on his phone the entire time and at one point before it started noel tried to take it from him and mischa flipped him off
-ocean was dragging constance to see a bunch of posters
-like literally dragging
-mischa and ricky were kind of like bro-ing together it was funny
-ocean and noel were standing in like the exact same stance while bickering with eachother it was so funny
-V I R G I L
-karnak was really cool and funny
-uranium suit was so good omg i got chills at the build yourself a funeral pyre part
-when karnak showed them the other side they all RAN for it
-noel was physically restraining ocean to get her not to go through
-talia was playing in the background during mischa's catchphrase
-i might be wrong but i'm pretty sure when karnak first started controlling them that mischa tried to fight against it
-when jane showed up was just sdjsjms
-jane looked kind of like a ragdoll but had more the posture and mannerisms of a porcelain doll it was really cool
-during her catchphrase she literally had constance in a chokehold and was just kind of like petting her head
-constance started crying
-ricky almost tried to comfort jane after her introduction
-all the girls had bows around their necks and ocean and constance's were black but jane's was red
-"ohmigosh ricky you can speak!!" "that's NOTHING watch this." *little tiny jump*
-mischa was so happy for ricky when he started talking
-"HOW CAN SHE HAVE SPEECH FOR THIS⁉️⁉️" like bro was furious
-during oceans monolog literally no one was paying attention
-like the entire choir (minus jane) just went to the back of the stage and started playing rock paper scissors
-mischa called ocean a bitch in the middle of her speech
-at the end of her speech the choir faked clapped for her and when karnak said she was conceding they started full on applauding
-the cast came out into the audience sometimes
-virgil and karnak were both chilling in the box together (electricity is real😍)
-ocean needed constance's help to get down from the human pyramid
-when karnak revealed that it was a group vote everyone sort of looked away kind of sympathetic and ocean realized she wouldn't win except for noel he looked right at her and started grinning
-it was my cousins BORTHDAY
-jane was literally constantly trying to hug constance
-"noel i love you!!" and he BOLTED like he tried with all his might to run away from her
-ricky quite literally did not have an attention span bro was always staring off into space and paying no attention to anything
-during the nativity scene noel used his tie to mime hanging himself and then constance grabbed him by the tie and YANKED him forward
-"OR we can just go to the manger JOSEPH😡"
-noel tried yet again to take mischa's phone because he wasn't listening to his monolog
-the monique dress was so pretty omg
-and instead of typical heels she had these kick ass heeled boots
-constance and ocean started slow dancing in noels lament
-when noel and mischa started making out the entire audience started cheering it was so funny
-"that was dope yooo!! 😃😃"
-ocean was so annoyed with noel
-ricky was SO engaged with the improve scenario
-he got very excited when constance brought up doing and/or dealing recreational drugs
-mischa called ocean a bitch several more times. both in ukrainian and english
-he was also like constantly flipping people off
-mischa was trying not to cry when karnak told his past☹️
-collective cheering from the audience when mischa took his shirt off
-talia was so beautifully done omg
-i'm pretty sure that there was also a complete separate actress for talia (who also played virgil i believe?)
-talia's dress was so beautiful
-ocean and constance danced together again
-at the end talia left and mischa ended up hugging noel (he was very confused and noel looked absolutely thrilled)
-noel tried one more time to take mischa's phone but this time he let him
-they all had a group hug instead of just noel and mischa hugging
-noel and mischa still had a one on one hug omg
-oh boy space age bachelor man
-"or i could tell you about the time i was a superhero sex god on a cat planet!!" "😨"
-horrified looks from everyone in the room
-sabm was so wonderfully weird
-oh my god the costume change.
-i don't know how i can describe it besides train conductor meets gay sparkles
-like it actually had a hat that looks like the ones train conductors wear
-also you could totally see his dick
-it reminded me of david bowie in the labyrinth
-during his speech afterwards he was like hiding his dick with the conductors hat
-when jane went "my turn!!" constance literally LEPT into mischa's arms like he was holding her bridal style for a hot second
-tbojd was so good omg it was haunting
-everyone gasped when the flying mechanism started
-the new birthday song ☹️☹️☹️
-happy birthday to hmm hmm and noel tried to finish the song before ocean shut him up
-ocean did the whole 1 2 3 thing then trial off and ricky just jumped in with "4!!"
-jane was so happy aaa
-she was soso excited about savannah with the greenest eyes
-when mischa called noel tragic they hugged again they were literally hugging all the time nischa is real
-ohh constance's monolog ☹️☹️
-this one lady kept laughing while i was trying not to sob
-sugar cloud was so amazing and happy and lovely
-the choreography was so silly
-nischa did the synchronized headbanging
-at the end constance thanked them all
-when ocean was deciding who to vote for everybody froze except for her and karnak
-aaa i almost sobbed
-it's not a game/it's just a ride was soso beautiful
-at the very end they all reached out towards the audience it was so incredible
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lillythecoolest · 2 months
hey!! hows ur day been? anyway,would u mind doing hcs for ocean,ricky and mischa (rtc) with a younger sibling reader? maybe,the younger sibling died in the rollercrash accident,with them,aswell.if you do my request,than tysm!!
Ocean, Ricky, and Mishca With Younger Sibling reader!
Warnings: Alcohol
And I’ve been lovely, thank you!
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•She is SOSOSO relived to have you with her
•And also SOSOSO concerned at the same time
•Threatens to sue anyone who doesn’t vote for you to go back
•Even if you’re dead, she asks if you finished your homework before you died
•Also she’s all the backing vocals to your song. She will literally yap anyone’s ears off who tries to interfere
•She’s very protective over you, actually overprotective, yanking you away by the ear whenever Jane gets near you
•(Don’t worry, she still gets better by the end❤️)
•Where do I start . . .
•Ricky was so happy when he first got to talk to you! He immediately ran over and hugged you when he saw you.
•He mostly stays around you the whole time, wanting to talk as much as he can knowing he doesn’t have much time with you.
•He makes Ocean take you to the back of the area and cover your ears for his whole song.
•He might not be an angel, but he wants you to remain one.
•But he might as well be an angel because he’s so sweet😭❤️
•Oh lord.
•Ohhhh lord.
•(I’m guessing you’re not his blood sibling since he’s adopted)
•First thing he does? Offer you vodka. He thinks it’s a necessary staple before you die.
•Does NOT matter how young you are.
•But rather than keeping you away during his song, he makes you sing the chorus with him.
•But he does draw the line at watching him kiss Noel.
•But what I’m saying here doesn’t matter, he just wants you to have a madwickedawesome last day.❤️
tysm for the request!🩷
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tourneys-by-me · 6 months
Round One - Aquamancy 3/4
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Propaganda under the cut (beware of potential spoilers!!)
He's really funny. Also he's a super sweet villan who really cares about his minions. His power is soup. Which he uses in a lot of creative ways.
She's the elemental master of water and she's a badass. She discovered her powers later than the rest of her team and in the same season she discovered her powers she used them to kill an eldrich-like creature which ended up killing a whole bunch of ghosts as well which also domino effect killed all the djinns in another realm too. She learns to control ice for a little bit (although not fully) She can create water to control from nothing but also control any water around her. And the big one, she literally merged with the ocean itself to defeat an ancient storm snake and she turned into a big water dragon. Vote for Nya, she literally turned into water.
Okay so Nya is literally master of water she IS water she merged with the sea to save the entire realm from a serpent ANYWAYS. Uhm she can use her element to call the creatures of the sea, she can control the rain and she used that to slow a flying ship from crashing down hard she’s also capable of creating a tsunami and she has created a water tornado. In the process of merging with the sea she also expelled the water in her bfs lungs so she’s an all rounder when it comes to water. You need to vote her think of her sacrifice (her merge like drew tears from my eyes im telling you she can control water even through the screen)
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coffehbeans · 4 months
Sinking Chips Chapter 1
Okay I'm done editing, new story aaaaaahh
This is the story written after the result of this poll! Thanks sm for voting and for your patience! It took a looong while aaaaah
These two characters are very dear to me. They're one of my oldest g/t ocs alongside Juhren and Sunflower, and I've even made art for them years ago. (funny how I said back then that I'd write about them soon and it took me SIX FREAKING YEARS)
Anyway, I'm very happy to finally share a snippet of their story! Enjoy! <3
Summary: Caytlin Brooke, a sophomore marine biologist student gets stranded in the middle of the sea, with no hopes of rescue. But a chance encounter challenges all she knew about marine life, and a bond is formed in the proccess.
The whales’ singing blasted like trumpets in the cave, a sign that a new Heir was about to be announced. With King Freyr’s last breath on the day before, it was a matter of time until the Ocean declared a new protector for the North Atlantic.
Merfolk swam and gathered at the center of the plaza; a large outdoors space made of polished stone. Bioluminescent creatures illuminated their path in a spiral shape, and a large crowd formed as they cheered with clicks and whistles. In front of them laid a magnificent castle, bigger than the length of two blue whales, and with towering, pointy towers. It was made of the same dark blue stone material as the vast cave, and if it wasn’t for the glowing plankton and the blue gemstones decorating the walls in spiral patterns, the intricate carvings of the castle would merge with the walls of the cavern.
Inside the palace, Queen Haliae watched her tears float upwards, the pain of losing her King like a fresh wound in her heart. On each arm, she held a baby, non-identical twins that would never meet their father. One had pale blue skin, as light as the sand on the seabed at night, and dark turquoise hair that flowed like the ocean waves. His tail was a greyish shade of blue, mimicking the pattern of a blue whale, just like his mother’s. The baby cried as the light of the Ocean’s Oracle shone like a chandelier on the ceiling, a ball-shaped crystal filled with flowing, glowing water. It was too bright for the little mer’s small, fragile eyes. The other twin on Haliae’s arm had shorter, unrulier hair as light as the sand with a distinct turquoise undertone, and his skin was a darker shade of blue. His tail was a deep blue like his father’s, mimicking a humpback whale. Unlike his brother, this baby was transfixed by the glowing orb over his head, giggling every time light pulsated from it.
The mother swam up to that crystal with unwavering determination in her eyes, eliciting a prayer to the Ocean, which flowed as easy as a whale’s call. She finished it with a personal supplication, one she whispered so only Mother Ocean would hear.
“May whoever you choose be a beacon of guidance in this kingdom, much like their father were... And may the other find his footing as the New Heir’s shadow.”
As if answering her, the Ocean’s Oracle shone a light as bright as the sun, blinding the mother, her children, and all merfolk gathered inside the palace. The crowd waiting outside whistled and twirled, knowing that the time for a new Heir was soon to come.
When the light dimmed and the Queen opened her eyes, one of her kids was glowing.
It was not the giggling child, no, for Mother Ocean chose the crying, screaming child, who now sobbed louder while glowing a vivid blue. The teardrop-shaped necklace he wore filled with cerulean, fluorescent water, a sign that he was now the New Chosen Heir.
The mother smiled, melancholy shining in her features. So, this was the one that would carry her husband’s legacy. She kissed the unchosen child on the forehead, giving him to one of the servants so she could present the chosen child to the people.
The glow dimmed from her son as Queen Haliae swam towards the outskirts of the castle, and the crowd praised their Majesty with louder cheering. She raised her kid up high, swimming further above her kingdom, and the whistling of merfolk and sea creatures alike shook the foundations of their cave. She cradled her small son in her arms, who was looking at her with pure, round eyes, unaware of the reason for the commotion around him. It was customary for the royal merfolk of the North Atlantic to name their children after the Heir was chosen, and so she thought of a name much fitting for him:
“Your name will be Aegir Sonhavet.” She whispered to his tiny ears.
Warm temperature of 77 degrees Fahrenheit. A soft breeze by the sea, no sign of storm in sight. No prediction of wild waves today either.
Today, Caytlin would go cruising.
She shot up from her seat at yet another cell development class, huffing as she shoved things inside her bag before waving bye to her friends and hurrying outside. Pushing her strands of light brown, shoulder-length wavy hair aside and fixing the collar of her white and blue stripped shirt, Caytlin searched for her house’s keys in her jean shorts pockets. Her hand curled around a cute dolphin keychan and she sighed in relief. Putting her keys away safely in her pocket, Caytlin walked out of the university with wide steps.
She walked, no, dashed away from the building, saying hello here and there to the people she knew in her hurried way, until arriving at the bus stop. She recovered her breath as she waited anxiously, pacing left and right, and celebrated when her bus finally arrived.
A few minutes later and Caytlin was close to her home by the harbor. She walked on the sidewalk, glancing to the calming sea to her right, the view of its gentle waves and its deep blue color filling her excitable heart with absolute joy. There it was, in the distance, anchored by the harbor: her, oops- their, well-kept cabin cruiser.
‘Dad is definitely not home today. Soo, I will definitely come back before he arrives!’ She thought, a mischievous smile on her face.
Caytlin checked the inside of her house, which was on the way to the port, to confirm her suspicions. Yep, he wasn’t home. The winds were sure favorable today.
Passing by her house to pick some lost supplies, which she piled on her arms with hurry, Caytlin strode towards the awaiting ship she and her father had for over ten years already. He had taught her everything about the ocean, from how to maneuver the cruiser to curious facts about sea animals, all of which cultivated her deep passion for marine life to begin with.
Loading the ship with supplies, Caytlin boarded it and steered out of the port, giggling with excitement.
And off she went, towards the open sea.
It’s jammed.
The engine is jammed.
Caytlin pushed the lever again. Nothing. She tried kicking the engine. No results. She tried opening it with a screwdriver and seeing the inside, and her body ran cold.
The wires were burnt. Completely burnt.
And she had forgotten to bring the reserve components.
“W-well, it was an old boat, after all…”
Caytlin’s heart hammered full swing. She’s in the middle of nowhere, for she cruised too far away from shore, way ahead of the safety margin she and her father had stablished. There’s no land in sight, no signal on her phone and no way of returning back safely.
“I-it’s fine! I-I’ll find a way. Dad will notice I went to the sea. Yeah.”— She said in-between panting breaths.
She’d be rescued safely, that’s it. She’ll just have to wait out in her pretty little ship until help arrives.
That is, if the ship doesn’t topple over or break down when that huge, dark cloud in the sky reaches her.
Caytlin gasped and dashed outside of the cabin to look at the storm that was nearing her location. She gripped the railing tightly.
“No way! The weather forecast said there was no rain today!”
‘But the weather isn’t always predictable’, her father had said once.
Caytlin groaned and clutched at her hair, sucking in a breath. She had to find a way out. She had to.
‘The radio! Maybe the radio would work!’ She ran back inside the cabin and pressed a number she memorized all too well – her father’s.
“No signal. Why there’s no signal?!” – Caytlin flailed her free hand while bouncing on her feet and begging under her breath, as the phone ringed in her ear. – “Please work please work please work plea – “
A heavy slamming of something against the bottom of the ship sent Caytlin flying to the ground with a scream.
“AAH! What was that?! —”
The perturbation made the ship swing side to side, as the ocean waves rolled under it. Caytlin got up, clutching her head, and left the cabin, looking for the source of the sound.
What she saw underneath sent shivers down her spine.
There was a huge shadow under the water. Bigger than two to three times her cabin cruiser, and it was moving.
Despite being knowledgeable of marine life, Caytlin’s heart still hammered against her chest.
“Must be a curious whale. Yeah! Just a whale… But…”
Realization set deep within her, heartbeat rocking inside her ribcage.
“But whale season hasn’t arrived yet –”
The shadow hit the ship in the bottom and Caytlin fell with a shriek. Supporting herself on her hands and knees, she turned around, out of breath as she feared the ship toppling over and making her fall into the cold depths below.
Just as she was reaching for the railing, a shadow covered her frame.
Caytlin hugged the metal bar and closed her eyes shut, preparing herself for the splash of a humpback whale but, nothing came.
Instead, all she heard was breathing, like the creature was right by the crook of her neck.
With wheezing breaths, Caytlin clutched the railing with clammy hands. A huge droplet of water fell to her right, hot, humid air blew on her back, making the hairs on her skin turn up to their end.
She turned around.
The visage confused her. Something light blue covered her field of vision everywhere, but it moved, no, it contracted like muscle tissue. Adorning it were dots of bright blue and teal-colored spots, trailing up the fleshy surface and towards a –
A face. There was a billboard-sized face right over her. White, round eyes covered her field of vision, the cerulean blue irises staring down at her. Its unnaturally grey pupils alone must be bigger than a basketball, massive eyelids covered them. A blink.
Caytlin screamed from the top of her lungs and tried to get up, only to slip and fall hard against the floor. A clicking sound reverberated above her and the ship swung under the creature’s blunt force. She scrambled back with wide eyes until she hit something soft and wet and – Oh gosh, it was the creature’s hand, a gigantic hand brushed against her back, claws longer than her head hovering above her.
Caytlin screamed until her throat went hoarse and the creature backed away, rocking her ship with it. She skidded over the slippery surface until she managed to stabilize long enough to sit still and stare at whatever was staring back at her, a few feet away.
The creature was more distant than before, but very much there and not going anywhere. Only when her screams subsided did Caytlin manage to try and process what the hell was going on with panting breaths.
The ocean got eerily silent, the only sound being the ripples on the sea, the huge creature’s breathing, and Caytlin gasping for air. She attempted to calm her racing heartbeat with deep breaths, one after the other, to process whatever was it that was floating right in front of her, glancing at her small frame with widened eyes.
Directly in front of her field of vision, there was a human-looking chest wider than her boat’s length. Three slits laid on top of its torso on each side, which looked like gills, as they opened and closed under the water. She looked up, and up, at something that resembled very much a male chest, blue in color, with those same splotches of bright blue adorning its – his, vast shoulders and —
That face again. Human-looking, too human and not human at the same time, with almond eyes, no visible crease on its eyelids, blue irises and translucent pupils. There were two thin lines over the eyes in the shape of eyebrows. A flat nose that resembled nothing that could be found in a human, as its nostrils opened and closed like the blowhole of a whale. The spots on his face were like freckles, a darker shade of blue than the blotches on his shoulder.
Despite the foreign appearance, he looked… Beautiful, Caytlin exhaled, lost in wonder. Wavy hair flowed from his head like waterfalls, a dark teal color with light blue tips, which curled at its ends just like waves that crashed on the beach. On one of his pointy ears, which tapered on their ends like a fin, adorned three purple jewels, made of a crystal she couldn't recognize. Around his neck there was a glowing, teardrop-shaped necklace with purple beads, while one arm had a silver-colored arm ring. His arms had dark blue spots and stripes scattered in a random fashion, and Caytlin wondered if they were natural markings or painted on.
He looked like a mermaid out of a fairytale. Except the 80-something-feet in height.
“I-I… Am I dreaming?” – Caytlin whispered.
The creature chirped in return in what sounded like a very loud whale call over the water, way louder than any whale she has heard. Caytlin yelped and covered her ears.
The creature sank itself lower in the water, sending ripples through the ocean, but not taking its huge eyes off her.
Such a creature shouldn’t exist. She must be hallucinating. Yup. That must be it. And yet, why did it look so real? Caytlin looked up at him with widened eyes.
“Y-you’re not gonna eat me, are you?”
She only received a confused noise in return. The creature didn’t open its mouth, yet the sound coming from its throat was just as loud as if it was from a speaker. It must be its way of communication, similar to that of whales and dolphins. That was…
With buckling knees, Caytlin got up, maintaining eye contact with the creature while clutching the nearby railing with all her might. The merman stayed on its place, observing Caytlin with what she guessed was mighty curiosity. The expressions looked so human… It was like she could see what it – he – was thinking. He widened his eyes as he watched Caytlin get up, sucking in a breath and closing the gills on the side of his neck.
“H-huh, looks like you aren’t going to eat me. Phew.” She sighed and gave the creature a crooked smile.
The creature, however, looked down at her with a confused, but curious expression.
And then it got closer.
“Oh gosh, no no no –! “
He raised himself more above water, waves crashing as he loomed over her with a long shadow and – yep, definitely bigger than 80 feet – Caytlin made a note inside her head. She had swum next to blue whales before and what was before her was certainly bigger than a blue whale, so pretty much over 100 feet tall. When the creature noticed she was shaking and backing away, it raised its eyebrows and sank a little to the ocean, with only its face at view.
It came closer to her, anyway.
Caytlin gasped and sealed her eyes shut when the merperson got so close she could feel his breath – and oh, he was carnivorous alright – her heart racing as she gritted her teeth, pressing herself so hard against the wall outside the cabin she thought she would merge with it. It seemed to be observing her, looking her up and down with a curious expression, moving closer and leaning his large hand over the boat, which was on the verge of capsizing as the metal groaned under the heavy weight.
His eyes observed her just like she has seen whales do before. Was this creature intelligent? Was it a fish? A mammal? Caytlin had so many questions…
She slowly got up again, not taking her eyes off the creature, and sighed shakily, calming her accelerated heart.
If she wasn’t hallucinating right now, this was the greatest discovery human kind had ever seen. And she was its first witness!
Caytlin took one step closer towards the merperson – ‘Yeah, I’m really going crazy’ –she thought, raising her hand with a nervous expression. She knew she had to be calm but, it was so difficult! His face rose far above her and she had to crane her neck up to meet his eyes. Taking a deep breath and closing her own eyes to disperse her fear, Caytlin reached out with a trembling hand, little by little until –
A gasp echoed from above her and she opened her eyes.
She had touched the creature’s nose and he looked at her tiny hand with widened eyes. Caytlin raised her eyebrows. For that moment, time had stopped, her green eyes lost in his. It felt so…So out of this world. She smiled, noticing how both were so curious about each other.
And soon the creature acted the same way.
Caytlin yelped when a wet appendage – the mer’s finger, she realized – caressed her arm up and down as it peered at her with those glossy, cerulean eyes. A sigh ruffled Caytlin’s hair, and she gulped down her nervousness as the creature touched her arm, claws grazing her, heartbeat rocking loudly in her chest.
Satisfied, the creature backed away from her and started lowering his head back to the ocean, with a frown on his gigantic face. ‘Was he sad…?’
When the creature sunk his face completely, Caytlin realized with sinking dread that it was leaving her alone.
“Wait!” she shouted, reaching out towards the ocean.
The merperson raised his torso up again, surprising Caytlin as she fell on her back towards the floor with a yelp. ‘Ow, I really have to stop falling down.’ – she thought. He sunk his body again, whistling and clicking with an apologetic expression, and left only his eyes visible. Caytlin got up and sighed in relief when the merman returned. An impulsive idea lightened up in her head: She could ask for the merman’s help!
But… How would she do this?
“I’m, um, you see, I need help!” – she said, waving her hands around. The merman only tilted his head in confusion.
“Oh, u-um, how am I going to do this…” – Caytlin looked down pensively until an idea popped up, and pointed to the vast horizon behind her with her hand.
“Um, shore, land! I need to get back there! See?”
She made a motion of sea waves with one arm, while cupping her other hand over it, mimicking the vague shape of a boat.
“Boat, um, crashed!”
She ran to her cabin, which made the merman raise his head above water, and tried to turn the engine back on, which failed with loud noises.
“S-see? It’s not working! And, and –” Caytlin ran back to the railing, where the creature looked down at her with a puzzled expression.
“So I need help! Got it?” she gave him a tentative smile. The merman’s frown got deeper.
Yeah, he didn’t seem to have understood a thing. Caytlin groaned and sat on the floor, holding her face with both hands.
“This won’t work…”
And just as she lowered her head, loud splashes sounded all around her. The merman was probably going back to the ocean. It was better this way. Help would arrive soon, anyway.
But when Caytlin kept hearing the sounds, she opened her eyes and looked around. What resembled a blue whale’s tail appeared in her field of vision, splashing gently around her. The creature was swimming around her boat, looking it over. As if analyzing it. Her eyes widened in wonder. Yeah, there was no way he didn’t have similar human levels of intelligence. His behavioral patterns were unlike any other animal she has seen. The merman swam back to be in front of Caytlin, with his eyes lit up, as if he had understood something. He covered her once again with his shadow, looked down at her and nodded.
That was the only warning Caytlin got.
The creature’s heavy hand collided against the bottom of her boat with a loud thump, sending her sliding backwards with a yell until she hit the wall of her cabin again. The boat moved towards the direction Caytlin had pointed before in her previous attempts to communicate. She got up on shaky knees, supporting herself until she entered the cabin, and looked straight ahead, widening her eyes in realization.
The creature was moving the boat back to shore. It was helping her. It had understood what she meant!
Caytlin giggled, leaning over the front window with a gleeful expression on her face. The boat glided quickly on the ocean with the help of the merman’s hand, and from the distance, loud splashes resounded from the powerful flaps of the creature’s tail. Caytlin walked out of the cabin and looked up to the merman, who blinked down at her.
“It’s working!” she raised her hands in triumph.
And then, just when Caytlin thought she could not be more surprised, the creature glanced back at her, and the corners of his lips tilted up.
He smiled.
Her jaw went slack. She could not believe this. This mermaid-like creature, despite his gigantic and intimidating size, not only was intelligent enough that they managed to communicate somehow, but was also helping her get to shore. Not to mention his many human-like mannerisms. She was so… So mesmerized. She gazed at his focused face.
‘I need to know more about him.’
But the rocking of the boat followed by a complete stop made her leave her blissful moment. The merman had stopped swimming, so Caytlin turned around, realizing why. She could see the shore in the distance, close enough so she could be seen and rescued, but far enough so that the creature could slip back into the ocean unnoticed. She looked back up at him, who answered with a sympathetic frown, as if to say “That’s as far as I’ll go.” Caytlin looked down.
“Right, guess this is it, huh?”
She approached his face once again, capturing every single detail in it, hoping to write it all down on her journal later that day. Caytlin reached out a hand for him, who complied, leaning his face against it, as she felt the wet and smooth texture of his skin.
“Thank you… I just hope I can see you again.”
Caytlin looked up, and backed away, leaving space for the creature to dive deep into the ocean again. It lingered by her company for a few moments, as if to also capture her every detail, and with a nod, he dived back into the ocean.
The rescue team didn’t take long to find her, even in the pouring rain of the heavy storm. When she stepped safely onto the beach, soaked from head to toe, her dad Charles hugged her tightly, scolding her right after. He was mad, but that was understandable. She wasn’t a teenager anymore, but she sure acted recklessly like one. Caytlin took her dad’s sermon with a saddened but understanding expression, nodding at everything he said, even if her mind drifted somewhere else, back to that encounter by the sea.
Later at night she wrote everything down, from the moment the engine got jammed to the time the merman swam away, as well as observations regarding the creature’s fascinating behavior and appearance, all in precise detail.
Caytlin plopped into her bed, looking at the ceiling with longing and determination.
‘I’ll definitely find you again.’
Looking up at the vast stone ceiling of his room. Aegir’s mind drifted back to that excitable, fearful yet curious human face. He remembered the way her tiny hand touched the tip of his nose, how her dry skin brushed against his fingertip.
Humans were, fascinating. She was fascinating.
‘I want to see her again.’
Aegir raised his body up, and secretly swam out of his room towards the dark of the night ocean. He left the cavern, where his kingdom resided in, with a silent whoosh of his tail, swimming up to the surface. Taking in the moonlight, Aegir closed his eyes, opening his nostrils to breathe in the fresh air, and leaning on his back over the ocean’s surface, letting the relaxing currents drift him away.
Dread sank heavy in his mind.
He had just made a grave, grave mistake.
And he did not want to go back on it.
Aegir looked at the moonlight, lost in the recollection of that human’s face, yearning to find her again.
‘Mother Ocean, what am I going to do now?’
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hạt dẻ hạt phỉ [@tboyblogger] (she/her sister, he/him for brother)
theyre a pair of twin beasts, middle schoolers! i have no idea who is hazelnut and who is chestnut i kept calling them both names like that, theyre they/them in the way there are always two kids. these kids are beasts(?) that look like human but with magic and animal ears and tails. theyre adopted by a desi family of wizards so they do witchy spellcasting stuff. their names are in vietnamese cause. well im viet, and theyre kind of a ripoff of a vietnamese early 2000s tv show about a family of wizards (LOL) coming to the human world and try to blend in, except mine is just about the family trying to take care of these two beasts and the shenanigans revolve around them! if i were to continue writing them now i'd probably do the sitcom format, something like old d*sney channel series like wizard of waverly place (wait i think i also stole from this LMAO) or good luck charlie where the focus is on the interpersonal relationships of everyone in the family and how they are to the kids, growing as they learn to take care of them? idk. but this was 2012, i was 12, so i ripped from cardcaptor sakura and ben10 and pokémon or other similar video games to make them into mahou-kodomo shounen protags going around different worlds capturing creatures-of-the-week but theyre all in the back of my head now </3 vote for them if you like little animal freaks that would crawl on the floor chewing furniture and bite each other then cry to mom
Excavator [@enjoliquej] (he/him)
Behold, a mere mortal man, born with the name Excavator, destined to become part of one of the most fantastical endeavors known to man: Archeological Excavation.  Being gifted with a genius and brilliant name as Excavator, and having a career that shared the same name gave him some trouble with introductions.
A bold and thoughtful quote from our hero:
"My name is Excavator, and I am an excavator."  --  Excavator
Follow Excavator, the world's WORST and luckiest archeologist as he embarks across the world to different locations that his 12 year old writer was learning about in history class. Watch as his boss constantly fires and re-hires him on account of Excavator's stupidity and luck at finding rare artifacts. Embark on his first adventure when he accidentally hurled himself into a tar pit from clowning around and found the Rosetta Stone buried deep beneath. Join him on his trip to China where he gets thrown into a basket and is forced to float the Pacific Ocean for days until he discovers ancient Chinese scrolls hidden in the basket with him, narrowly escaping being fired by his boss yet again. Follow him to India where he believes he traveled to the 1800s and is mistaken for a butler and cleans precious furniture with bleach which ruins everything until he realizes he was just staying at some guys house the whole time and he didn't time travel to the 1800s.
All this and more on The Silly Adventures of Excavator, The Indiana Jones Wannabe!
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when you've been alone as long as i have, you tend to anthropomorphize your friends. (karnak)
-If you believe both armrests are yours exclusively, you are part of the problem. (karnak)
-even in competition against yourself, you can still walk away a loser (ocean)
-he was inspired by traditional african folk music, specifically the lion king (constance)
-raise a middle finger to that most ruthless adjudicator called time (karnak)
-i hope i wiped my browser history clean (constance)
-democracy rocks! (ocean)
-i trade mostly in prophecies that dont make any sense until they actually do (karnak)
-even in death i can't escape her- she's followed me to the afterlife! (noel)
-well played satan, well played (noel)
being the only gay man in a small rural highschool is like having a laptop in the stone ages. sure you can have one but theres nowhere to plug it in (noel)
When a lioness has children, she sops making love to the lion. the lion gets jealous, sometimes so jealous he eats the children. You think this would upset the lioness. far from it. they make love again like the children never existed. (jane/penny)
-noooo i cant get any wifi up in this bitch (mischa)
-my gansta persona is only armour to conceal the fact that i am naked child wandering through the wilderness holding in my hands my wounded fragile heart (mischa)
-that was wack (mischa)
-i dont know how it is in your culture but in ours, playing games with peoples lives? super illegal (ocean)
-if its yellow, let it mellow. if its brown scoop it out with your hand and put it in the compost (karnak)
-some people are right wing, some people are left wing but last time i checked it takes 2 wings to fly. we are community we are family, we are the world (ocean)
-what you need is a fother-mucking hero (ocean)
-your cousin was in grade 4 he had to get his stomach pumped (ocean)
-you challenged my preconcieved notion that all gay dudes are fun to be around (ocean)
-OHHHH sweet jesus christ. on a bike. (noel)
-its like a slurpee woodstock (noel)
-a s.xual provacetour and a novelist. who never wrote a novel. or had sex (noel)
-that was DOOOOOPEE YOOOOO (mischa)
-mad wicked awesome! (mischa)
-fornication under consent of the king (jane/penny)
-in my country it is natural for 2 men to show affection by kissing… not always in heels (mischa)
-theres a difference between affection and smut (ocean)
-not in my bible baby, bonsoir (noel)
mine will only have profanity in chorus (mischa)
-little orphan a hole (mischa)
-teen sex? kills (ocean)
-porno is magical (ricky)
whattt just because im all gangsta dont automatically make me homophobic. its not cool to be homophobe in rap game anymore since macklemore dropped same love. that sh.t was emotionally devastativing yo. (mischa)
he turned to the last fashion of pure stregnth and masculinity in society, self agrandizing commercialized hiphop (karnak)
grab yo dicks if you in the 306 bruh (mischa)
-autotune will never die (mischa)
-my rage has subsided, i am vulnerable now (mischa)
and that is why not everybody should have a library card! and you should vote for me (ocean)
and this is why you both SUCKED at math (ocean)
-on the other hand, given the context of german history, being a party spoiler might be a good thing. (karnak)
-i guess you could say im pretty sexy on another planet (ricky)
i told you moneky lovedrop (ricky)
-life is hard enough without making up reasons to be dicks to each other (ricky)
-incredible~ (ricky)
-theres only one commandment in the bachelor man bible: dont be a dick (ricky)
-we listen to you now space jesus (mischa)
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booksandchainmail · 19 days
Hugo Best Novel Finalists 2024
I've read all 6, so here's my impressions and loose ranking. The numerical ranking is only approximate for now, I'm going to pin it down once we get closer to voting closing. I could see the top two books switching places, or any rotation within books three, four, and five.
The Saint of Bright Doors, by Vajra Chandrasekera This was one of my top books of last year and one of my own nominations. It's a very strange book, twisty and creative, and left me with a lot of thoughts, particularly about how it handles government. I appreciated the mishmash of worldbuilding, all sorts of things that felt incongruous next to each other but somehow fit together. It also felt more literary than most sff novels? I am not normally deeply noticing of language, but I kept coming back to individual turns of phrase here. All books should have a 50-page chapter in the middle where the protagonist wanders through a neverending surrealist prison land.
Some Desperate Glory, by Emily Tesh Another of my nominations, this is a more straightforward exploration of, essentially, the deradicalization of someone raised in an authoritarian military camp. I respect how this book lets Kyr be awful, be completely convinced she is correct, and be defensive and lash out when confronted with her home's issues. I think the ending stumbles a bit, but really I mostly wanted this book to be much, much longer and have Kyr's character arc spread out more. Also, the choice of title and epigraph is excellent.
Translation State, by Ann Leckie Not much to say here, it's a new book in the Imperial Radch universe, I read it when I came out so don't remember detail. I liked the different intersecting plotlines, and particularly the Presger merge-and-devour adolescent instinct
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi, by Shannon Chakraborty This one I hadn't read before but enjoyed. I don't know how deep I'd say it is, but it's fun, a good classic adventure story with a putting-the-crew-back-together plot common to heist narratives. It benefits a lot from its setting: my main takeaway was that the Indian Ocean in medieval times is a criminally underused setting for any kind of nautical/swashbuckling/adventure story.
Witch King, by Martha Wells I read this one when it came out, and remember liking it a lot. The two intertwined narratives, set centuries apart, worked well for me to let the backstory unfold to inform the main plot as it progressed. I think I preferred the backstory narrative? But that might be due to also having the present narrative, since my favorite part was seeing how the echoes of relationships are still going on centuries after we get to see them form
Starter Villain, by John Scalzi I did not like this. I had some criticism last year for Scalzi's Kaiju Preservation Society, on the grounds that it was fun but not substantive enough for an award. But at least with that one I enjoyed reading it! My main thought while reading Starter Villain was "Well, at least it's short." I think my main problem with this is tonal: it doesn't commit enough to the over-the-top goofiness of "guy inherits his uncle's supervillain empire" and keeps trying to ground it in what an actual secretive genius billionaire pulling strings behind the scenes for his own nefarious purposes might look like, but then any attempts to actually be serious with the grounded stakes and world established kept running into the fact that it also featured sentient cats and talking dolphins! Also, I couldn't stop noticing that the protagonist talks the same way as the major supporting characters, which is the same way the protagonist talked in KPS last year
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If you're a Billie Eilish fan, you won't like what I have to say. I suggest you skip over my post or just stop following me. This is my page and I will speak freely on my own page. If you attack me, you will be blocked, so fuck right off. Go dry hump grass in your backyard.
If you needed further proof that Billie Eilish is an industry plant, don't look further then the fact that she unfairly won her second Oscar last night. First for that James Bond song and now for that stupid Barbie movie. Both songs inferior to the masterpieces Lana wrote for Big Eyes and The Great Gatsby.
Let this sink in. Lana has never been nominated for best song for a film, for either The Golden Globes or The Oscars. Remember how shocked we all were when Young and Beautiful was completely ignored. Even the press stepped in and wrote articles about how fucked up that was.
All Billie has to do is win a Tony award to be a EGOT. She did a red carpet interview yesterday for the Oscars and she was laughing about that. She will eventually win a Tony. She will eventually be an EGOT.
Then there's the Grammy's where Billie beats Lana for every fucking category nominated right along with that other asshole Taylor Swift. Taylor isn't a industry plant but there's speculation that she bribes Grammy voters committee members to keep voting for her. It's something a lot of artists do to win Grammys. That's why the same artists keep winning every year for the top categories. That's why Midnights won AOTY this year over Ocean Blvd and SZA's SOS. None of the songs on Midnights stood out like A&W did. SOS was THAT album. Had SOS won, I wouldn't be bitching right now.
It's a cruel joke by this point because everybody know how desperate Lana wants that Grammy trophy in her hands. She never asked to be forcefully dragged on stage to watch Taylor win over her and then call her a fucking legacy artist.
Last night The Oscars just re-opened up the rage for me. It's not fair that an industry plant with boring songs keep winning all these prestigeous awards and Lana doesn't even get nominated. Let all this sink in.
I feel better letting this anger out. Let me go about my day. 🙄
Go stream Big Eyes and Young and Beautiful all day. 🌹
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mercymermaid · 7 months
next stop theatre rtc production rant
@ihavenoideamanokay you're being sacrificed
- jane didn't actually sing during her first verse of karnak's dream of life, she just flung her doll around which was iconic
- karnak unfortunately spoke very quickly and didn't have the comedic timing of 2016 :(
- virgil was this tiny little rat who moved up and down it was so silly
- karnak had little blinds in his booth and the front one got stuck and at first we thought it was a bit until he opened the side one and said "oh that one works-" (and then during the entirety of uranium suite he was trying to fix it 😭)
- ocean and constance both had the same outfit, jane had the same outfit as them but with white socks (instead of black), noel had a whole ass blazer over his dress shirt, mischa was. mischa. and ricky had a normal sweater vest over his dress shirt and a beanie
- during uranium suite constance kept managing to channel Main Character Energy (/pos) and then ocean just went. nope <3 and constance actively looked hurt
- once karnak started speaking and they were all standing there ricky was rubbing his throat like "oh my god-"
- noel was a lot less vocally expressive but damn his facial expressions were on POINT
- constance was just having this huge ass panic attack throughout the entirety of everyone's catchphrases and it's hilarious
- speaking of, during everyone's introductions, they hovered by karnak's booth just in like a video game idle animation
- noel, instead of being disgusted, just kinda shrugged like "okay, me, pop off"
- ricky did a handstand and slayed
- jane sounds a lot more like an actual teenager, which was great
- she also had a ragdoll which slayed and it's head was constantly falling off
- noel looked like he was struggling very VERY greatly to keep it together while ocean talked
- mischa and noel were so nice to jane 😭 - noel was talking to her about nails during ocean's intro and waving ajd shir, and they both like ushered her around and shit oh my godddd 😭 they'd make hand gestures and jane would imitate and they looked so proud oml 😭 
- mischa sounds german 😭 
- ocean started her songs by aggressively blowing a whistle which spurred everyone into choreography
- jane was really out of it and didn't actually know what she was doing until towards the end of what the world needs 
- ocean somehow managed to hurt everyone at the end - noel was hit in the nose, constance was knocked down, ricky was as well, mischa got kicked away, and ocean used jane as a little stepping thing at the end
- they all very much enjoyed that, and as karnak announced the 'unanimous vote' thing, ricky and noel both were trying not to laugh
- noel started dramatically clapping and it was great
- "not all gay people are fun to be around" he stared ocean right down, stuck his middle finger in his mouth and then cornered her into the middle while aggressively flipping her off (as he should)
- noel yelled a LOT more than "sweet jesus christ on a stick" when he was fed up "I LOVE YOU GUUUUUUYS-"
- his idle animation was some really weird sexually invigorating writhing (funnily enough mischa was sitting behind him 😭)
- instead of the gay pose for the "his mother found out two things", this mf all but twerked and showed off his ass to the audience 
- this man. /pos
- during the "i hear it gives you an erection" ocean looked on the verge of tears and smiled and nodded aggressively when constance suggested just moving on
- noel was fruiTEA he was not holding back at ALL 
- the taco bell pic was on thr back of a karnak poster and noel all but sprinted and screamed to stand in front of it and trying to play it cool (he failed miserably)
- oh the flirting with mischa was WILD
- at one point he made some innuendo ("never wrote a novel.. or had sex.." points at mischa with a wink) and mischa immediately started texting talia
- instead of a full-blown kiss scene it was a bit more of a little peck and then mischa going "😍"
- and then right after that he got his wig lmao
- he was laughing like a MANIAC he was FERAL
- he was about to do a split and then after constance refused to pay he gave up
- his "tell the lord im dying like him" moment was less dramatic and more peppy
- he just say up and excitedly started rattling off what he would say
- he walked down a pathway of chairs and boxes to The Box and then did his lovely singing while everyone else was also on chairs and shit lmao 
- ricky's accordion was rapidly falling apart 💀
- karnak danced to every song except wtwn and ballad
- again. more fucking flirting with mischa. this man was WILD-
- everyone was sitting on the sidelines during ocean's lesson rant
- jane was sitting with constance, trying to show her her doll, which constance accidentally threw onto the stage
- jane went to get it and mischa went "no-"
- also when karnak said "not every story has a lesson" constance was motioning for him to stop like "please do not-"
- tsia was dope. he had a fur coat and EVERYTHING. he was slaying hard
- everyone was being extremely sexual which was fuckinf hilarious to watch 💀 
- noel was getting INTO IT
- ricky had a silly little robot head thing
- "i lay my masculinity at the altar of your maidenhood" he offered his rapper dollar sign necklace 😭 ily sm my guy
- someone said "aw" and he focused on them for the rest of the song lmao
- talia was beautiful. the big projection fabric was brought in as a veil by jane, and then they used it to shadow project jane and (i think) noel dancing behind it it was so cooollllll 
- instead of the dance circle they all just started dancing crazily it was great lmao
- mischa fucking THREW himself at ricky and noel that mf was sobbing
- no sped up speech from ocean (thankfully /j)
- however at the virginity bit noel immediately walked over like "fucking SPILL"
- they all collectively nudged ricky forward it was so sweet like "you should go"
- it was. wild.
- as he was explaining his religion, noel was nodding along like "yeah this seems sick dude"
- instead of having ocean, jane, and constance at the beginning, he had jane, constance, and noel (bisexual king) 
- he had a cape for a bit but took it off before the "it gets weird now"
- speaking of there was no backstage or costume change he just played guitar aggressively smh
- everyone had a cat helmet and fluffy cat tail and they all has different color and they all had visors and mischa's was constantly falling off 💀 
- mischa: "dude you are so cool now" ricky: "nobody-" *gives the biggest fattest nastiest side eye to ocean* "-ever listened to me"
- jane gave her doll to karnak 😭 dadnakdadnakdadnakdadnak-
- her voice was so powerful holy SHIT
- the choreography was everyone moving around with masks on their hands like heads before the first chorus, and then after that it was just hands constantly grabbing at her
- she was terrified kf the hands and heads
- oh and there was uv lihting which made everything very very ckntrasty holy shiat
- her voice was torn between fear pain and anger and it was so fucking gorgeous DUDEEEE
- THOSE HIGH NOTES 🤩 best jane ive seen since emily rohm (i say, this being the only other version i've seen-)
- at the end she just kinda stood there, nobody else was on stage, she kicked the floor like a lil pouty child (my sweetheart) but then when the others started singing happy birthday her eyes widened like "what the fuckkkk"
- mischa beat boxed the first half of the og birthday song
- the new birthday song was super awkward but then ocean figured out the beat and it got really fast really randomly for some reason- felt a bit rushed
- they all blew it out together so once she reached for the cupcake it was already put out
- she didn't wander off to eat the cupcake shr went straight to Ricky
- at first he kinda dismissed her but... oh my goD
- her voice was so confident "savannah, with the greenest eyes..!"
- once the focus shifted off of them ricky unwrapped the cupcake and then he took a bite to show her how to eat it then they took turns until she just shoved the entire thing in her mouth-
- mischa was all alone and then he pointed the bottle at noel who came over
- he offered a sip and noel was such a lightweight hetook one gulp and his knees buckles 😭 
- they had their deep convo and then just took turns drinking until they ended up finishing the entire bottle
- the constance ocean situation. goddamn. it escalated to yelling and then constance punched he really hard and ocean sat down and sulked for the entirety of jawbreaker
- mischa was the guy and he had the tattoo and once he was Free the look of disgust on his face as he tried to dust himself off
- everyone was kinda smiling somberly as constance talked
- they all kinda did their own jigs yk
- dadnak had them walk past his booth and grab various sparkly accessories from a bucket for them to dance with it was so cute
- no recorder solo sadly but she did do some wicked scatting
- it was utterly amAZING
- as ocean being the final vote is announced, the choir turns to look at her rhythmically, and then just look at that exact spot for the rest of her monologue
- it is. long. obviously
- as she's turning around to pick the final vote, everyone makes varying faces of some sort of hope, and as she chooses jane, they relax
- jane's life is revealed by a waterfall of photographs coming from the ceiling and everyone crowds around her to point out all the stuff in them as ocean starts its not a game
- eventually she has all the photos and she's shuffling through them quickly on the verge of tears
- she leaves without much fanfare, constance WAVES and jane runs off behind the wings
- karnak gets his ass killed and just leans out the window, very dead (his death scene was.. interesting)
- as they start it's just a ride oh my god 😭 it's so happy because they're just kinda running around and dancing together and everything AUGH MY HEART
- this one chair to the side was used as the breakdown chair because constance had like thirty anxiety attacks on it and noel was barely keeping himself together from tearing ocean to shreds 
- can't remember in which interaction specifically but ocean pisses mischa off and he stomps off to sulk backwards on a chair by ricky
- either at the beginning of lament or tsia jane fucking. chucks. her doll somewhere behind karnak's booth
- at one point jane and ocean are sitting next to each other and jane keeps trying to initiate contact and ocean is leaning away like 'fuck no babes'
- mischa beat boxing was a good bit and he did it twice-
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anyway that's all-
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sydneyofalltrades · 9 months
Okay here is my post about my Ride the Cyclone ✨animation/animatic✨ ideas I’ve been formulating but never really posted bc I cannot draw for the life of me 🥲
@gay-little-axolotl read at your own risk (you’ll be here a while, trust me)
Karnak’s Dream of Life
Basically the exact same as in the show, headless body singing eerily, finding a little doll and popping off the head
there’s a shot of Karnak’s machine at the end of the song which snaps into Welcome…, which is just talk so we don’t need to animate that shit
Fall Faire Suite/Uranium Suite
Since I love them both, I’m writing their ideas both in the same category
When the kids start singing at the beginning of the song, all six of them are in the bandshell, Penny included
However, every time we think we actually get a good look at Penny, something coincidentally blocks her face, whether it be Mischa’s figure, Ocean’s arm, a quick shot of Ricky playing the tambourine, shit like that
The world is in full color while the kids are alive (I’ll explain why that’s important in a sec)
As Karnak explains how the kids got into the accident, we see them get into the coaster*, Ricky needing help from Mischa and Noel, and we see the ride function as normal
In Uranium Suite, you can hear Jane vocalizing ominously in the background, and that little warning sign is present in the way the kids are all a little tense
Once Karnak says “hurtling the children to their deaths,” the color is gone. The kids are drawn in white outlines and all there is is a black screen
During Fall Faire Suite, each kid goes back in color as they speak, only for it to disappear once they’re done
During the “sailing through space” bit, they’re back on the coaster, in slow motion as it falls, then quickly cuts to them in purgatory
“Empty streets of empty shops” has Ocean taking apart little buildings and Constance scooping up the pieces to make a mall
“Smart ones all packed up and went” has Noel dragging out a bunch of suitcases and Mischa labeling the abandoned houses for sale
Very few visuals of Penny are shown, like she disappeared without a trace
“Did we finally leave our town?” has them all in color for a second, then back to white.
Meet Jane Doe
Ocean whispers her line, Karnak says his, and BAM! Spotlight from nowhere
Foreshadowing TBOJD, Jane floats as she’s introduced, and touches ground once she speaks
As she speaks, flashes of the aftermath of the incident show up
“They found my body/not my head” has professionals finding the kids’ bodies, and flashlights looking for Penny’s head
“No parents came” actually has a little boy with a black cape running to the headless girl, screaming a name no one hears
“My life, an unsolved mystery” has pictures of Penny with the choir, her face always strategically covered
What the World Needs
Here we go with the solos!! Ocean’s in color in her song, along with everything she interacts with, the others are in black and white
Ocean wears a varsity jacket with her name in the back, along with a blue shirt that says “Vote for Ocean!” with her hair in a ponytail with a bandana
The others are dressed in “Vote Ocean” propaganda, but whenever Ocean herself insults them, they become newspaper clippings of the people she’s calling them (sandwich artist, security guard, Wal-Mart greeter)
“The move” has Ocean dancing in a club
“The shake” has an earthquake that is covered by a statue of her
“The headline maker” has a newspaper thrown on screen with a headline saying “World’s Greatest Woman!” and a snazzy picture of Ocean
During the second verse, as Ocean is berating Mischa, Constance, and Ricky, there’s a story book-esque animation of each of her interpretations of their lives, under smaller, less important articles
“And as we move through life” is a sliding shot of Ocean standing on top of the world, with the others tiny and insignificant
As the “zeros” bit happens, a big fat 0 is written over everyone’s newspaper picture, and Ocean rips up the paper as she just shoves the thought aside
For the climax, the world spins as Ocean stands on top of it, with the others just barely catching up to admire her and her glory
Final shot is EXACTLY like the 2016 promo shot, her on top of everyone in a human pyramid
Noel’s Lament (TW: drinking, smoking, mu*der, s//h)
Now Noel’s Lament was more fluid for me to think of. Noel himself and his reality is grey, but when he sings about Monique or from her perspective, the world is bright and alive
Noel doesn’t do the quick change, it’s a transition shot from his iconic pose to Monique in a similar stance
The “good girls call me the town bicycle” is Constance and Jane in their costumes (beauteous dresses of the time) whispering while Monique walks past
Claude is Ocean. I will not elaborate (psst she’s in a suit with the cutest low ponytail)
“Ten! Times! In! His! Back!” shows the stabbing, but cuts to Monique holding a cigarette innocently
“Never ending carnival” is a revolving shot of Monique’s hand holding booze, a cigarette, and another man’s hand
The accordion (piano if you’re a 2016 bootleg fan) solo has the little nischa dance, i literally cannot take that away
“I think I am in love with you” cuts to a close up of Monique’s eyes widening a little, whether in fear or in recollection, I’ll leave that up to you
“I give in to the fantasy” is like a little spicy cut, that’s all im saying
“for i sing sONGs” has people passing Monique by as she trips on the road scrounging up some loose change, and she moves into an empty alleyway
Time passes a little, and there are deep lines in Monique’s face and her eyes are heavy with lack of sleep
“In some rat infested Chinese dive” is just Monique smoking alone in an alleyway, pressing the hot cigarette to her arm to try and get a reaction
“Eight months later” is Noel telling the story, then the little gasp is a quick shot of Monique’s eyes filling with tears
We see her forced out of the house and she desperately drags herself through an alley
She’s slumped against a wall when Ricky as the priest approaches her
During the first “for I sing songs,” we see through Monique’s hazy eyes as she spots a bottle of booze and drags herself towards it
We see her drink it, and then her hand goes limp and the bottle shatters
In the real world, Noel’s now in costume, standing on that chair
During the climax, Noel’s singing face is projected over flashes of Monique’s life, her tragedy shown in clips and hastily sewn together
And finally, the song ends with Noel draped against the chair, the others surrounding him
Every Story’s Got a Lesson
Short and simple, but Ocean snaps about Noel’s song and Karnak deadpans
As Ocean says “No.. every story has a lesson!” she finds a grad cape and cap and throws it on
As she sings, a blackboard appears with the words of the song written in chalk
The others, also in capes and caps, whistle and sing along
Somehow Karnak gets a hat on his head too
This Song is Awesome
Unlike Ocean and Noel, since being a rapper isn’t Mischa’s dream or desire, he’s black and white while the others are in full color, along with the contents of his music video
You read that right. Music. Video.
Specifically a music video shot by a seven year old with a short attention span and edited by a bunch of preschoolers
Not that it’s bad, it’s just got focus on things that are irrelevant, the editing goes insane, there’s a brief moment where Jane is literally photoshopped into the sky (TBOJD ref hehe)
Mischa wears a black and gold tracksuit but since it’s black and white you wouldn’t really tell
The others are Mischa’s background dancers, wearing blue and white
Basically every single time Mischa says “awesome,” the word is like edited onto the screen like a history teacher’s presentation
There are really good shots tho, like Mischa driving a convertible to the Hard Rock Cafe with Noel and Ricky
Surprisingly there is a Learjet in the video, no one really knows how that got there
The girls are all fawning over him in the club and then he sees a girl wearing punkish clothes and a white flowy skirt and the music video falls apart
The second Mischa lays eyes on Talia, the color slightly blooms into the video and he walks over to her
Instead of a photo of her, he genuinely talks to her, and you can see the love and care he has for her
When the others come back, they’re not in a club anymore, they’re out in a garden in a traditional Ukrainian wedding
While the girls escort “Talia,” who’s now been replaced with Jane, the boys help Mischa get prepared
When Mischa and Jane finally do interact, instead of Jane’s doll face, it’s Talia’s big brown eyes and warm smile that greets Mischa
They dance together, happily in love, with the others singing cheerfully in the background
Then Talia is suddenly ripped away from Mischa as he falls, falls, falls from the rollercoaster
As he does, his phone, also falling, flashes a picture of Talia on the lock screen
Mischa’s now in normal clothes, staring at the picture, while the others just dance around him, it’s a whole vibe
Then it cuts to Mischa and Talia in a grainy video, Mischa picks Talia up, spins her around, and she kisses him
Space Age Bachelor Man
I have SO MANY ideas for this song so this is gonna be LONG!
Song starts with Ricky alone, a single spotlight illuminating him in black and white.
“Others from outer space” has a peculiar spacecraft arriving in front of Ricky
Once those claps start, you know it’s gonna be wild
The spacecraft opens and spills a light that makes Ricky come into color, and the boys, in Zolarian couture, alert Ricky of their duty
When Ricky arrives on Zolar, the girls, now space aliens with tails and cat ears, practically throw themselves into his arms
“The naughty/holy daughters of the realm” has a shot of Ricky being crowdsurfed (for lack of a better term) through a sea of cat ladies
Um before the guitar solo, Ricky kisses Cat!Ocean. I don’t make the rules
Now the.. that scene is kept covered for a reason, so naturally I’d also just use shadows to convey wtf is happening then
“Now there is a new challenge” has the boys worried in front of holographic screens showing K-9’s enemy fleet
“For they’re at war with K-9!” had Ricky bursting out with the wildest, sexiest, most glittery costume you could EVER expect and it is everything to me
Suddenly everyone’s holding a laser gun and that makes Ricky freak out
So instead of announcing war, he goes to a podium and explains his desire of peace, which is broadcast to K-9’s fleet (idk how, i just think it’s funny)
“And they listened/and they heard my message” is Ricky breaking the fourth wall, pausing the action Emperor’s New Groove style before going back to the scheduled programming
The rest of the song is basically then partying in the spacecraft as it sends Ricky back home to Earth
The Ballad of Jane Doe
Jane, in a plain white dress, is alone. And everything is black and white. Not a single sliver of color anywhere
Everyone else is in funeral wear, however they pay no attention to Jane, like she was never human to begin with
We see Jane play with the decapitated doll and a rollercoaster toy, watching as it went up, then fall out of the seat
Every so often a flash of color and the faintest hint of a life beyond Jane is shown, but it’s so brief there’s no way to actually see it
As Jane begs St. Peter to let her into heaven(?), Jane tries to look for a helping hand but no one assists
“Wont you tell me at last who I am?” has Jane reaching out, not just to the sky, but to the funeral goers who can’t seem to notice her
Then we cut to Ja/enny (flashes between perspectives) in the rollercoaster, and how she lost her head
As Jane starts flying, her pleads become angry, more scornful since no one is giving her answers, but she’s still getting only tiny flashes. Not even a face, just a feeling or an emotion
“Time eats all his children” is Jane standing ominously, slowly pointing out into the non-existent crowd
“A melody floats through the air” has her flying through the funeral, the others ignoring her as she desperately tries to find herself. Her name
She flies through the graves, her desperation becoming more and more apparent
There’s a flash of a baby, a little boy, a monkey puppet, a thermos
Then Jane stops in front of a freshly dug grave, and she knows it’s her own. But its headstone is unmarked
And she just cries as the funeral goers surround the tomb of the empty girl
The New Birthday Song
Also short and sweet
Everyone wears a birthday outfit and Jane has the cape and hat
As she stands in the middle of the circle, holding the cupcake, the others dance around her
Then Constance gently nudged her arm and gestures to the cupcake
(Jane tries to eat it but Constance blows it out first)
Jawbreaker & Sugar Cloud
Lumping them both bc of the themes
We see the accident through Constance’s eyes. See the way it rose, then suddenly fell
“My heart just welled up” is a shot of Constance’s eyes widening, her terrified face morphing gently into a smile
As this happens, the flashbacks of the mundane things Constance learned to love are shown over it. We see her going back to bed, hanging upside down, her brother, her friends
And she starts to laugh as the coaster falls. And tears spill from her eyes as she does
In the present, Constance, in white outlining, wipes away her tears and collects herself for Sugar Cloud
As the song begins, we see a little flashback of Constance as a little girl given her first jawbreaker. She’s excited, then starts slowly sucking away the layers and gets visibly disappointed
“At first it seems so sweet” shows some clips of Constance growing up, and then she just loses the sparkle in her eye and spring in her step
Then the song starts to pick up and color arrives, everywhere as Constance just siblings merrily
Constance and the others aren’t in the warehouse anymore, they’re in the skies of blue, pink, gold, and purple
Constance jumps through a gold, pink, and blue cloud and emerges with her outfit, a pink jacket over a gold top and blue flats. A pink top hat attached to a headband is on her head
Twirling a cane, Constance genuinely sings happily with the others as they dance and jump through the multicolored clouds
The recorder solo is as memorable as always, with the others hyping Connie on by dancing and cheering excitedly
With no guilt in her heart, Constance happily shouts from the top of the sugary puffs her love for everything in her life, and the others happily back her up
It’s Not a Game/It’s Just a Ride
At this point in time, everyone’s back in their normal uniforms, drawn in their white outlines
The portal’s light gives Jane color, as she’s the one the others picked
Before Jane goes through the portal, she hugs Constance and Ricky, then steps through
A slideshow of clips appear showing of Penny’s life, before and after LEGOLAND, and the others all cuddle together to watch
As the slideshow goes by, the others are overlayed above it, so we can see their expressions now that Penny was brought back
As Penny grows older, she’s closer to her brother, she gets married, has children, is happy
When the slideshow starts showing clips of Penny growing much older, a clip is shown of children pointing at a picture
Older Penny takes a look at it and smiles. “They were my friends,” she seems to say, gently holding the picture of her and the choir
As she dies, Karnak says his final line as Virgil cuts the power cable
As sparks fly and the kids huddle close, they learn they’re not five. They’re six
Penny had come back to the afterlife after her death and the six of them were alone, in their white outlines
“But it’s not a game, it’s not a game” has Ocean picking up pieces of their outfits. A “Vote Ocean” pin, a feather boa, and black and gold cap, a cat ear headband, a doll with no head, a headband with a hat
“It’s just a ride!” has the kids in their outfits actually riding the Cyclone in full color, passing the loop that ended their lives and finishing the ride
*Now that they finished the ride in the afterlife, they all get out of the rollercoaster and reminisce about life together
“We’re all just sailing through space” is the kids as they revolve through all their outfits of the show, while talking about their lives, and their death
“It’s just a ride” has them all holding hands and spinning around, wearing the outfits for their individual songs
Then they fall to the floor and smile as they’re all together again
“And the world will keep on spinning/With no ending or beginning” has flashes of their songs, Ocean’s victory pose, Noel’s dramatic end, Mischa stopping his video, the couple’s fateful kiss, Ricky and his cat warriors, Penny taking Jane’s place on her named grave, and Constance in sugary clouds
Now in their uniforms, the Saint Cassian Chamber Choir is just a group of friends, who are all together and happy in the afterlife forever
“I know this dream of life is never ending” cuts to a girl with French braids waking up on the ground. She stands up and sees the light of the sun
“It goes around and ‘round and ‘round again” shows six friends, bonded by fate and together through time
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Please vote based on the picture AND the description!
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Sh'zkai [@kazeharuhime]
Sz'nami's rebellious sister, Sh'zkai is betrothed to Tsuname and loathes it. If anything good came out of the invasion that killed many and captured others, it was that she doesn't have to deal with Tsuname anymore. Her wanderings bring her to an island where she one day meets Nell, an enterprising stranger who promises her power and revenge if she cooperates with him. Though she's loath to trust him at first, as she learns about his world out in space, she finds the life of luxury he leads far more appealing than the primitive lifestyle she and the other islanders lead, so she agrees to cooperate with him and bring down a threat to his power—none other than Korosa, a murderer on the run who crash-landed on Gaede not long ago. According to Nell, he has information that could ruin his reputation, and needs to be eliminated before he can spread these slanderous lies about him and lead a rebellion against him. Sh'zkai is more than happy to oblige, as her sister Sz'nami found him some time ago first and has been helping him recover. She always hated that freak, so why not?
Shleaema [Artorbis @epnona-the-wisp]
The world is all the same color now—it moves quickly in this new place, blurred by the action like the ocean spray. That is what she would like to say when she learns the words. Daven does not speak the ones she knows. He is nice though—when he is not annoying—and he makes for a good distraction. In this world without language, Shleaema has found that she does not have the tools to parse the past, and that is good. It is easier to follow her new brother through a land of strange plants and forget.
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tourneys-by-me · 6 months
Round Two - Aquamancy (water) 5/8
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Propaganda under the cut (beware of potential spoilers!!)
Sailor Neptune:
No propaganda :(
Okay so Nya is literally master of water she IS water she merged with the sea to save the entire realm from a serpent ANYWAYS. Uhm she can use her element to call the creatures of the sea, she can control the rain and she used that to slow a flying ship from crashing down hard she’s also capable of creating a tsunami and she has created a water tornado. In the process of merging with the sea she also expelled the water in her bfs lungs so she’s an all rounder when it comes to water. You need to vote her think of her sacrifice (her merge like drew tears from my eyes im telling you she can control water even through the screen)
She's the elemental master of water and she's a badass. She discovered her powers later than the rest of her team and in the same season she discovered her powers she used them to kill an eldrich-like creature which ended up killing a whole bunch of ghosts as well which also domino effect killed all the djinns in another realm too. She learns to control ice for a little bit (although not fully) She can create water to control from nothing but also control any water around her. And the big one, she literally merged with the ocean itself to defeat an ancient storm snake and she turned into a big water dragon. Vote for Nya, she literally turned into water.
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theblacktiecacti · 1 month
Battle Jacket
a very small chip and price fic for the Zeroes to Heroes and Beyond AU (WHICH YOU SHOULD GO VOTE FOR IN THE @battle-of-the-jrwi-aus!!!!!!)
Chip fumbles around with the needle in his hand, trying to place it where the string will easily loop around the feather he’s holding tight against the collar of his new jacket.
Lizzie told him it would be a good idea to have a jacket now that he was out on the sea with the Grandberry Pirates. To keep him warm or something.
He knows it’s total bullshit. Caspian doesn’t even wear a jacket, and she’s just trying to pawn him off on something to do.
Well, the joke is on her because he’s going to make the best damn jacket on this side of Mana.
Between the bright red fabric that mimics Lizzie’s and the black accents of his own choice, it’s probably the nicest thing he’s ever owned, though that isn’t saying much.
He couldn’t really tell you why he picked out black feathers for the collar.
The feathers aren’t the same purple he recognizes. They aren’t the rich and royal color that decorated the coat that Reuben had yet to wear when they were kids—a promise of a future to come. 
Reuben would sneak it out of the leader’s room sometimes, as a joke between him and Chip. He’d stand and give a drawn out speech of how they would rule Skullslice together as a team: Reuben at the helm and Chip as his right hand man.
It was a promise of a good future. Of confidence in themselves and each other. Something that ate itself away as reality came to pass. The leader died and responsibility came to destroy anything that held them together. 
It was going to be them, together, against the world.
Until it wasn’t. 
The needle sticks on a thread, only the tip poking through the collar of the jacket. Chip picks at the needle from the tip, pushing as hard as he can from the other side, but the needle won’t budge.
It’s not like it even matters. So what if the confidence comes from the memory of someone he hates. It doesn’t have to be about some stupid coat that his best friend wore while joking around on the rooftops. It doesn’t have to be about the comfort he got from feathers being wrapped around his shoulders, when for the second time in his life, somebody cared enough to notice he was cold and give him a place to stay. 
Now, it’ll be a reminder that he got rid of Reuben. He’s strong enough and powerful enough and it’s not like the guilt of it gnaws at him every day. 
How pathetic is it to feel guilt for hurting a guy who made him hurt others?
With a shove, the needle comes through, right into Chip’s finger.
“Shit,” he hisses, sticking his finger in his mouth, already tasting coppery blood trickling onto his tongue.
It’s not like he has anyone else to comfort him.
From behind him, a tired voice rasps, “Feathers on the ocean is a choice.”
Chip groans as he looks up to see Lizzie standing, arms crossed as she leans against the doorframe to the cabin. Her gaze lazily trails over the black and red jacket in his hand, seemingly picking apart each design choice he’s made along the way.
“It’s not like you’re going to do anything about it,” Chip fires back. His chest is still tight in defense. Defense over feathers and defense against himself for why he chose them.
Lizzie pauses, staring at Chip for an amount of time that leaves Chip feeling as if there’s an itch under his collar, her picking him apart as easily as she had with the jacket.
Finally, she mutters, “Your decisions are your own,” as she walks past him.
Chip rolls his eyes, turning back to the task at hand, the one in his hands, and sews another feather on.
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