#and she is so utterly lost 😂
idk why but the concept idea of John Brady having a massively stupid crush on one of Ida Brady’s subordinates/girls is hilarious to me
like he’s out here fighting for his life bc his sister is terrifying enough and he’s trying to be all casual “don’t be suspicious, don’t be suspicious” as he’s attempting to be subtle about said crush 😂
Pray for this poor boy, he’s going through it. Don’t mistake him, he was always a rule abiding and rank observing fella, but he’s a man and he’s not blind and some of these girls make him feel like up is down and down is up and he could keep that all shoved away far easier back before he was sharing bunks with them!!! It was easier back when they were beat up -god forgive him- and he could tend to them with soup and needles and not have to fend off flirts and soft eyes. He’s quite glad his sister is alive and well but fuck -did she have to be so near him all the time?? Bucky is sympathetic, he’s out here trying to help his adopted baby bro have some breathing room but the shadow of Ida is long. And Maureen Kendeigh is bored.
Spring, 1944
here, have a blurb đŸ€­
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Candy -as in Kendeigh?
“Candy?” he repeated her nickname.
“Yes, a play on Kendeigh.” Maureen confirmed, patiently waiting for a semblance of understanding to appear behind Captain Brady’s eyes.
“So not like -Candy.”
Maureen held her breath and counted three Mississippi’s before replying in a strained voice, “Only as in Kendeigh sounding like Candy.”
“So it’s got nothin’ to do with Candy.” he asked once more, seemingly in dire need of confirmation one last time.
“Kendeigh.” Maureen enunciated, she’d had about enough and if she didn’t owe him her life she’d be up and off this front step and doing something productive like picking at the wooden walls of their shack or making a mud pie.
“Kendeigh,” he repeated, “nothin’ to with, with-“
“With what?” she dared him, fully intending to actually punch him if he used the wordy Candy once more in that bewildered way.
“-I dunno
pop sickles?”
“Pop sickles?” She repeated loudly, utterly lost, “What the -no! John Egan just played off my name- Kendeigh/Candy! For God’s sake, Johnny, you can’t be this dull you’re a pilot.”
“Ok, ok, sorry.” he had a defensive hunch to his shoulders, “Egan just always sorta
Kendeigh/Candy, ok, ok, got it.”
Maureen stared out ahead at the piddling occupation of the winter camp as an awful thought began to form. “He always what, Captain?” she snapped and the rush of blood to the young man’s cheeks confirmed her track of questioning. “What did John Egan always say about me and popsicles?”
John Brady knew her well enough, knew she knew him well enough, he knew his own face well enough to know his chances of fibbing were zero. He had the gentlemanliness to meet her eyes before reciting with a pained precision that crumpled his whole face, “That you could
whole.” he closed his eyes as if in pain before explaining with devastating honesty: “-So, we all thought
Maureen’s mouth folded into a thin line and she knew well enough to divert her piercing glare at the combine right past John Brady’s shoulder and not at the poor defenseless messenger himself.
“I show that sunnuvabitch a party trick once
!” Maureen seethed, “You know I used that talent to help Hambone siphon the gas for you in Idaho, right?”
“You siphoned it for me?” Johnny’s eyes grew wide in touched comprehension of a long expired favor.
Maureen was too preoccupied with rage to appreciate his gratitude. Popsicles. Swallow them whole -Oh!- how she wished that dart had taken Bucky’s eye out. Oh!-how she was going to do more than punch John Egan.
“Sorry, sorry Maureen.” Johnny muttered again, almost more to himself than asking for her absolution as the minutes ticked by and she kept fuming beside him on the step.
Until Maureen could think of a way to make Egan suffer, she could find ways to amuse herself. Camp was boring after all, and it wasn’t every day one got John Brady verbally against the ropes. She smoothed her face a little and turned to him almost pleasantly, not enough to spook, just enough to send a small blanching look of dread across his face.
“What?” he asked after the suspense got to him.
“Oh nothin’.” Maureen smiled, shrugging her shoulders and drawing lines in the dust with the toe of her boot. “Just wondering is all.”
“What?” he demanded more forcefully. “What’s that face for?”
“Just wondering. Wondering what’s your stake in it all -whether I can with a popsicle or not? What’s it to you, John Brady?”
He held her gaze for a disbelieving moment before letting out a little winded scoff, eyes rolling, shaking his head, utterly and merrily defeated. “Nothin’ -nothing at all, I’m just a nosy bastard.”
“Ah, well, that solves that.” She pointed out, taking pains to bump his shoulder companionably with her own, and got the gesture returned so heartily she was almost knocked off the steps if he hadn’t been quick to grab her. “It’s always the quiet ones.” She mused with a cruel glint in her eyes as she surveyed him, secure once again.
“Don’t make me shove you off again.” He warned, and she didn’t doubt he’d do it.
Oddly some part of her wanted him to. Instead she made peace by reaching over and taking his pipe from his mouth and puffing on it herself. He’d grown too used to this to waste breath balking about ladies and pipes and personal property. “So are you going to help me make him pay or are you really that much of a bastard?”
“The Brit’s in B Block call you Nike.” he informed her conversationally, seeming to think a little sermon on vengeance and its merits was opportune when trapped in a dog pen with one’s fellows.
Armed with recent awareness that John Brady had been intrigued by her popsicle throating capabilities, Maureen was having none of it. “Yes and they call you ‘Cunty,’ sweet John.” she informed him levelly before delivering her punchline, “And not a single American defended you.”
Brady processed this with an amiable mouth shrug of admittance before sighing deeply. ïżœïżœïżœSo what do you want this cunt to do for you?” He inquired, resigned even before Maureen’s smirk grew in triumph.
“Hmm, it’ll come to us.” she hedged, “For now let’s enjoy the sunset.” and with that they continued sat side by side, staring down the rows of shacks and their muddy lanes and the dismal forest beyond and the slate gray sky overhead and the whole damn place without a touch of color except for the pink in his cheeks.
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acourtofquestions · 2 days
So, I (of course😂) have a LOT of thoughts after finishing The Assassin’s Blade — heading into Heir of Fire, so I still don’t fully know the series
 this is current non-spoiler thoughts — but let’s get into it:
First off let’s deal with a big one: Celaena and Arobynn.

Mostly “big” because their entire relationship is so severely f*ed up it take’s a LOT to understand
 However, the biggest thing that keeps sticking out to me is the fact that it does makes sense (I am NOT saying it’s right, or healthy; to be clear it is most definitely NOT) it is a disturbingly realistic portrayal of what THAT kind & level of abuse does to a person.
It is infuriatingly painful to watch; as the reader you can clearly see the issue; you want to scream at Celaena to RUN already, get out, NOW; you feel for Sam’s frustration at times becoming fury & terror at the fact she does not stop him.
Yet, it is not a lack of knowing or agreeing with this that makes Celaena stay; it isn’t even wanting to stay, often she confirms the opposite; it’s the fact that she is utterly terrified. At times Arobynn makes her revert into a terrified state of childlike fawning. All centered around the idea; I can only seem to explain using this quote (because Shakespeare has nothing on Taylor Swift; though the context of this is 100% NON romantic; that question mark on their relationship is utterly skin crawling) “Who’s going to know me?” if not Arobynn who is going to know Aelin Galathynius ever even existed?

 Everything Celaena has become she has been (falsely) taught into believing was “Arobynn given”; even her notoriety as the prized “Adarlan’s Assassin” is not by her mark but by his word. He has ensured at every opportunity that she does not forget it; that she feels small & one breath away from being prey, that she does not feel sure of herself or anything aside from him (and even that is a pendulum) that she is haunted by her past; and never forgets what it is to lose EVERYTHING. She lost everything. In that she had to destroy every piece of the girl she was; the one that had a family she loved; the one that had a home, a country, a purpose; anything she was before the one Arobynn pulled out of the river. And if not him; does anyone even remember? — Does it all cease to be nothing more than forgotten; her grief, her love, Aelin herself; is it any different than if Aelin had drowned in the river?
— This is Celaena’s obsession with being remembered; on the surface it appears shallow, selfish, full of nothing more than pride & arrogance alone; in truth it has more to do with fear (a key point of her character’s driving mindset) & purpose (a key point of humanity/morality).

 How does she make any sense of all she has done & become at Arobynn’s hand; every life she has taken, every terrible thing she has done; if not for him?
And this is why for so long she stays; because she is more afraid of the unknown & so tired of loss; it feels much safer to be known, to know the loss that will come, to hurt with familiar pain, to exist within a tether to his realm; then to feel as if she is risking everything over again.
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that-blue-vault-dweller · 11 months
You know seeing the reactions to my last ask reminded me of another legendary encounter I had that made me feel like a badass. I had just finished exploring a ruin in the glowing sea and walked outside only to see a legendary matriarch death claw come out of nowhere and slap me hard. Scared the hell out of me and almost killed me but fortunately I had a piece of legendary armor that slowed down time when I took too much damage and the weapon I had equipped at the moment was the knife you get from that mine with the cult vision in it. My reaction was to swing at one arm which ended up breaking it, swing at the other twice and it broke while dodging attacks, swung at one leg broke it, jumped over the tail and ham strung the second leg, which caused it to finally mutate but didn't heal the broken limbs.
As a result by the time the slowdown wore off I had a legendary deathclaw matriarch lying on the ground unable to do anything but growl and snap at me and occasionally whimper which I didn't even know they could do. It was one of my most badass moments in over 400 hours of gameplay. And for some reason my companion (cannot remember which one I had) took almost 2 minutes to come out of the ruin that I had been in before the fight started. No idea why or what took them so long. Still I would love to see how you would write them reacting to coming out of the building and seeing that sight and the explanation for what happened. I'm certain it'll be very entertaining
Dang, you've had some serious encounters on this game 😂 Sounds freaking awesome, though 💙💛 I need to get on the game and fight some more stuff soon 😂
But here's your reaction! Thank you so much for the request! 😊 For the sake of explaining the companions' absence, we're going to say that they got lost down in the ruins.
Cait - Comes out and is honestly quite freaked out despite her attempts to remain composed. However, she's not doing a very good job of looking composed... Once she figures out what happened, that F!Sole is okay, and she more fully soaks in the creature lying there, she is rather impressed but is quickly irritated at her friend for putting herself in harm's way like that instead of getting down into the ruins and waiting for Cait to come and help.
Piper - Is almost rendered speechless. She had heard the thing from inside the ruins and she had been desperately panicking and trying to find her way out because she was terrified Blue was going to be hurt. When she finally escaped to find the Deathclaw completely crippled and nearly dead at her Blue's feet with Blue not too hurt, she could hardly believe her eyes. When Blue shoots it and finishes it off, she finally finds her ability to speak and inquires about the story, asking for every detail she can as she prepares to make a whole article about how the heroic vault-dweller accomplished this incredible feat.
Curie - Somehow had missed the whole thing so when she comes out of the ruins, she is utterly baffled at the creature's presence in the first place. She had somehow not heard it, but she was now utterly shocked at how her protector had taken the creature on. Once she understands that F!Sole is not gravely injured, she then requests that the creature be put down so that it does not have to suffer any longer with its current condition.
MacCready - Comes out of the ruins with his gun at the ready, looking through the scope, scared to death he's going to see an angry Deathclaw coming at him. To his surprise, however, he quickly realizes what happened, and as F!Sole is explaining it to him, blasting a bullet through the creature's head, he honestly has no idea what to think. He's just standing there in utter shock, unable to say anything for a little while.
Deacon - Is standing with his mouth hanging open. Out of all of the things that he has seen in this job, this definitely tops the list for most insane. He almost thinks she is lying for a few minutes as she tells the story, her somehow managing to beat even his own frivolous tales, but the results speak for themselves. He can't believe his eyes, and when she finally puts it down, he has decided that she has to tell Glory this one because she'll never believe it coming from him.
Codsworth - Is shocked, but is more concerned with Mum's safety than anything. He is not overly fazed by things like this when they're not a threat any longer, and he is more worried about whether she is critically injured. When he finds out that she is not and he tells her the story, he compliments her formidability and then asks that they take care of the poor beast so that it can die peacefully and without much more pain.
Hancock - Just lets out a loud curse as soon as he sees it, staring for a few moments as he listens to the story that F!Sole tells him about how she pulled this off. He is shocked at the fact she made it through that, but he honestly admires her even more now. He does urge her to go ahead and kill it off, though, since it is the humane thing to do.
Danse - Is rather panicked, but does a good job of hiding it except for the Surprised Eyebrowsℱ. After getting the story, he commends F!Sole on a job well done but tells her that she should have waited on his backup before taking on something like this. He also tells her to go ahead and finish it off because while it is a monstrosity, it deserves to die quickly. He is mostly just trying to disguise the fact that he almost crapped his power armor.
Preston - Comes out of the ruins yelling for his general, terrified that he had lost yet another one with the sounds of the Deathclaw that he had heard from where he had been lost. As soon as she tells the story and shoots the Deathclaw, finishing it off, he is just reeling but definitely has the biggest heart-eyes ever. That's the best general and the most heroic person he has ever seen.
Valentine - Is rather surprised, but does not handle it with as much shock as the rest. All he's really worried about is F!Sole and as she excitedly tells him her story of how she pulled this off, he realizes she's fine. As soon as he does, he tells her to finish the creature off, and once she does, he takes a little more time to actually respond to the entire thing.
X6-88 - Actually is worried about F!Sole despite his outward appearance. However, as soon as he sees the thing on the ground and hears her story behind how it happened, he offers one of his very few and far-between, almost nonexistent smiles. He expresses that he greatly admires her abilities in combat, the smile still hanging on despite the fact that he ordinarily shows hardly any emotion at all.
Dogmeat - Is extremely concerned about his owner and when he gets out of the ruins, he is happy to see that she is okay. The big, mean lizard is still alive, though, so he growls and snaps at it until she hits it with her fire stick. She offers him an affectionate scratch behind the ears and he feels much better.
Strong - Is actually angry that she did not wait for him to find his way out of the ruins before almost killing the creature. He finishes it off for her and after a few moments of fussing about her being a tiny human and expressing his strange sense of worry in his own manner, he begrudgingly says that tiny human is very strong even if she isn't a Super Mutant.
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ohmotherwhereartthou-if · 7 months
Hiii I’m new to this Page and I’m so sorry to ask this given how much I love how descriptive the RO’s, and if you are uncomfortable with this question, please ignore this😭

But what would the RO’s reaction be if after a long night of socializing, they wake in bed next to someone who isn’t MC?
You did everything right, don't worry. 😊
I low key would like some more context on this ask though lol. Are the RO's drunk? Who is the stranger? Is this a prank? Since you didn't specify I will make my own conclusions lol.
Edit: This ask low key reminds me of the Sinbad Magi anime where he sleeps next to princess Kougyoku by accident and everyone thought he slept with her but literally nothing happened. lol 😂
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Cassandra: I am going to say that she was hosting a party and things were getting late but MC was still very awake so she left things to MC and went to bed. Only for somebody to channel their inner mexican childhood and find some random room to sleep in like they own the house. Dude really just let himself into their bed and passed out next to her, she probably felt the bed dip but thought it was MC and brushed it off. Until she turned around to hug MC and saw somebody else and lost her shit. Screaming and yeeting that man off the bed, with him being so terrified he ran to the balcony and jumped into the bushes to get away.
Valeria: I'm going to say with her this was a prank from MC and her brothers so when MC and her were getting ready for bed, MC goes to the bathroom and tells her to go to sleep while they shower. She gets some rest and feels when the bed dips but the lights are off so she doesn't see anything. She hugs the person next to her and immediately smells somebody else, she squints and asks for MC as she reaches for the lamp next to her. When the light comes on and she sees her twin Marcos resting on the bed blowing her kisses she cusses him out and kicks him off the bed. Cracking up the rest of her brothers and MC, after the immediate irritation blows over she laughs too and admits it was a good prank.
TomĂĄs: Ummm, I am going to say he was at some event with MC and they rested up at a nearby hotel. At the party there was a foreign lady who was thirsting over him but he kept blowing her off, which in terms made her more desperate for him. So when you both got back to the hotel after the party MC said they were going to shower and he got in bed to sleep. He heard the water turn off but didn't know MC was taking their time getting dressed, he heard a door open and then someone climb in bed next to him. He turned over to embrace MC and smelled a odd perfume that MC has never worn but he ignored it. It wasn't until MC turned on the light and he looked up confused at them, that he turned his head to see the lady and he;
flipped. the. hell. out.
Poor man was screaming, utterly terrified and after MC drags her out of the room he is swearing up and down he had no idea it was someone other than MC. Please reassure him that you believe him, he couldn't bear the thought of MC thinking he would ever cheat on them.
Ludovica: ... I don't how this would happen with her. Probably the same way as Cass but she wouldn't be throwing parties that are not done by like 5 pm.
I'm going to say she attended one of Aurelio's parties with MC and it got dark before they realized it. Aurelio not wanting to send you guys back home in the dark he lets you spend the night in a borrowed room in his mansion. They go to bed together but at some point in the night MC goes to get some water from the kitchens and she stays awake in the dark waiting for them to get back. Some other house guest mistakes the room for their own and goes to bed, she just feels that something is off and says MC's name and the dude yells because she scared him and Vica screams because he scared her. Aurelio and MC sort everything out and while Aurelio escorts the dude back to his room Mc is going to have to calm her down and figure out how to get her back to sleep.
Aurelio: Moron probably threw a party and got too drunk and mistook a guest room for his own. Got in bed sleep there until morning and when someone kept poking his nose and didn't respond to MC's name when he told them to stop he opened his eyes and saw a very unamused noble women.
Aurelio: ... Good morning Signora Moretti.
Signora Moretti: Signore Aurelio. Got lost?
Aurelio: Yeah... so, how did you sleep last night?
Signora Moretti: Get out.
Aurelio: I mean this is technically my house-
Signora Moretti: Out.
Aurelio: Yes, Signora.
Elio: I also don't really know how this would happen to him but let's just keep blaming everything that happens in Romandi on Aurelio.
Elio channels his inner child and got sleepy during a late party and sleep in a random room. A nobleman got into bed with him thinking he was his wife and later when his actual wife turned on the light and both men sat up from under the covers chaos ensues.
"I knew you were gay!"
"Excuse me?! I don't even know this man!"
"I knew it! The way you always looked at your best friend and always prefered spending so much more time with him rather than your own wife!"
"Have you ever thought I prefer to spend more time with him, because he doesn't bitch and moan to me about every little thing!?"
Elio would either say: "Well this is awkward." or "Can you both shut up? I am trying to sleep." or "Where is MC? I think I am lost."
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vodika-vibes · 1 month
Dust & Ashanii having to sit and do math hw 😂
Fun fact: Math was always my worst subject—and I hated it more because my parents always signed me up for extracurricular math classes. Maybe Cody should threaten to sign them up for math class next time they be mischievous little gremlins đŸ€­
Mm. Math. I fell behind in elementary school, when I was like 7, and I stayed fallen behind until I was, like, 11 and was failing math. I'm still so bad at it. I don't know my times tables at all. Multiplying big numbers is easier than multiplying small numbers.
And then, of course, I strongly suspect that I have dyscalculia. One of the biggest signs is a hard time with pattern recognition (i always had to guess when pattern questions were on math tests), difficulty with word problems (I can't turn words into numbers. I just can't.) Reading an analogue clock (I can, but it's not instantly. It takes me about 15 seconds) and differentiating left and right (my husband thinks it's funny, but I have to use my hand to determine which way is left, it's why gps is a life saver.)
"So, you think that this planet is a good one?" Master Windu asks over the holo as his daze darts between Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and then back again. "I do." Ahsoka agrees, "The force feels weird here in some places, but I think that might actually help us hide." Mace nods slowly, "And your padawan, what does she think?" "She's fine." Ahsoka replies absently. Blue glances at his General, and then clears his throat, drawing the attention of the council, "And by that, she means that the planet can be confusing to young Force Users. Ashanii got lost and wasn't able to use the force to find her way back." "That's concerning-" Mace murmurs, "And she's alright?" "She is now. We pulled a cadet around the same age out here, they're bonding. Hopefully it'll keep her out of trouble while she adjusts." Blue folds his arms, "Other than that, it is a good planet, we just need to mesh the kids together." "How do you mean, Captain?" General Koon asks. "Look, I get that you force types are used to using the Force for every little thing. But it makes you utterly incapable of surviving when you can't use it. Our Cadets can help the kids adapt until they adapt to the planet." "Hm...I think it's a good idea." Depa muses thoughtfully as she taps her lower lip with her knuckles, "We can start merging the cadets with the younglings here, before we move there-" "Send the corps to you, we shall." Master Yoda says, "Begin building shelters, they will." And that's the end of it. The Jedi now have a new base of operations while they fight the war.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 month
You know what would make you feel better!
Did you read Cassandra Clare’s newsletter Better-er in Black?
It’s hilarious and an April’s fools joke but man I’d love to read some of those! 😂😂
Feel better love! -Bri
If you didn’t get it here’s a copy!
Hi readers! Spring is truly here, and along with it I have an announcement I think you’ll enjoy. As you know, I recently revealed the ten romantic relationships that will form the basis of the ten stories in Better In Black, a collection themed around love and romance. Since that post I’ve been veritably drowned in a sea of requests for other relationships to get their own stories. So rather than the originally planned ten stories, I will somehow be producing, while writing the first Wicked Powers at the same time, twelve extra stories, which will be compiled in a lengthy blog post called Better-er In Black.
Below find the relationships for the previously unannounced stories, as well as a brief summary. I’ve tried to capture the ones that had the highest demand, so apologies if your favorite didn’t make it.
A short while after the defeat of Valentine, Thule!Clary begins her Shadowhunter training with Thule!Jace, but their romance, finally allowed to truly blossom, means neither of them can keep their mind on fencing for very long. Note that at this point in the story Thule hasn’t actually diverged from the main world of the Shadowhunter books, so the text here is exactly identical to Chapter Two of City of Fallen Angels. However, the word THULE has been stamped on every page in bright red letters, to remind you.
In 1412, as a result of an epic, high-stakes beef stew cook-off, eight Lightwoods and nine Blackthorns gathered in East Sussex, at the site of the Battle of Hastings, where in 1066 William defeated the English king to secure the Norman Conquest of England, for a truly massive orgy. This
is that orgy.
Magnus/Abraham Lincoln
In 1858, Magnus Bane travels to Springfield, Illinois to help his friend, lawyer and future President Abraham Lincoln, prepare for his series of upcoming debates with rival candidate Stephen Douglas. He buys Abraham Lincoln a comically tall top hat, and somehow Abraham Lincoln pulls it off. As their debate prep grows more intense, they eventually fall into one another’s arms, and the fire of their love will tear the roof from the Illinois State House. Possibly literally.
One day while shaving, Valentine catches sight of himself in the mirror, and is utterly struck with his own beauty. That jawline! Those cheekbones! Valentine can barely look away as the figure within the mirror raises one eyebrow enticingly. He catches the other man’s gaze and stares him down. He dares him to look away first, but neither of them will break eye contact. Truly, Valentine has never before known the kind of respect and desire he feels for this hot blond man before him. Eventually, Jocelyn comes upstairs when he doesn’t appear for breakfast and finds him sloppily open-mouth-kissing the mirror. She tactfully doesn’t ask any questions and hurries him out of there. Unfortunately, he doesn’t remember, and she doesn’t notice, that he has only shaved the left half of his face. Havoc ensues among the Circle.
Kraig/Kraig’s Retirement Party
When Kraig’s parents unexpectedly visit him in London for the weekend, it turns out he has been pretending to them to be in a serious long-term relationship, and when they arrive they’ll surely find out he’s single. Now the attendees of his retirement party must pretend to be his polycule to fool his parents. But who can say what the fake romance might demand Kraig and his retirement party do to keep the deception going? And what the results might reveal of feelings long held secret
The scene immediately following the epilogue of Lost Book of the White. I don’t really get why people are always asking for this one, guys, it’s gonna be super gross. I guess, as the old fandom saying goes, “You ask for the tentacles, you get the tentacles.”
I mean what’s she going to do, sue me?
Luke/Fassandra Flare
In an alternate universe, Jocelyn is away on a ten-year-long mission to Antarctica. One day a red-haired writer of fantasy for teens and adults named Fassandra shows up at the New York Institute and guess what? She is the best Shadowhunter of them all, and wows the rest of our heroes with her incredible skills at sword fighting, knowledge of demons, motorcycle riding, witty banter, mixing poisons, performing autopsies, singing, and skateboarding. Jace wants to smooch her, but is rejected because he is too young by, like, decades. Luke loves her, but sadly before they can kiss he holds a signing event for her at his bookstore and is trampled to death by people looking for pens, since Luke forgot to provide any.
Prospective marriage partners from across the globe come to take an audience with Reginald and propose to him a romance that would be known for eternity, a legendary love that would write its name in stars across the sky. He rejects them all and eventually falls asleep in a picnic basket.
A no-magic AU in which Simon is a plain, mousy, shy college student in the Pacific Northwest who meets dashing, dangerous billionaire entrepreneur Isabelle Lightwood. Sparks fly when Isabelle’s past brings unexpected darkness to their affair. I had this idea one night after falling asleep in front of something on streaming, I can’t remember what it was.
It may seem glamorous, but it’s hard being of the same steel and temper of Joyeuse and Durendal! The life of a legendary magic sword is just go, go, go, busy, busy, busy, and nobody could possibly understand
or could they? A chance meeting on the battlefield brings together two swords who couldn’t be more different—until they start to realize how much they have in common, such as having been forged in faery fire by Wayland the Smith and also constantly being used to stab people. Taylor Swift songfic.
Ragnor Fell/Batman
I’ve just always thought they would get along.
Happy April 1st!
- Cassie
Also, this is such a passive aggressive fuck you to all the people who bullied her about the pairings lmao.
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Hello there skeleton lady: hope you are having a nice day 😂 For real though, heya Sofie, just wanted to say you have absolutely lovely art and some of the headcanon stuff you’ve got is absolutely hilarious! XD So: I have a random question of my own and I don’t expect it to make any sense at all but we ball lol. Portal drops: Twig & co get dumped in the nearest supermarket and there is also an IKEA nearby. What are they buying (or torturing each other with mwehehehehehe)? I also really need to read your AU at some point, so I really hope I can at some point 😭 Hope you have a nice day! :D
Thank you so much for your kind words, they’re very appreciated!
Twig is eyeing the cheapest products possible and lamenting the products that pass the limit of her $15 budget despite being independently wealthy. She puts her skills at not getting lost to good use in the store.
Kip and Celebi are in the section with all the stuffed animals and staring at everything like đŸ‘ïžđŸ‘„đŸ‘ïž !!!! Kip is head-over-heels for Blahaj, while Celebi is relating to Aftonsparv on a spiritual level.
Dusknoir is debating what legs to get with his plain Linnmon tabletop. He’s getting out a tape measure and graph paper. He will be here for the next two hours at minimum.
Ark is trailing after Twig wherever she goes because he’s 100% getting lost without her internal GPS. He’s also mentally noting down the fact that Twig is utterly enamored by the numerous artificial flowers and greenery and trying to wrap his head around why she likes these plastics imitations better than the real thing.
Grovyle is helping Dusknoir in his weighing of table leg options. He’s taking it even more seriously than he is. His added deliberation bumps Dusknoir’s two hour minimum session of analysis paralysis to five hours, bottom line. He grabs a lifetime supply of Kroppsvarm on the way out and the Future Trio’s home will forever smell of lavender that is potent enough to singe your eyebrows off.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
hannix drabble request - literally anything đŸŒ¶đŸŒ¶
(Okay, this one definitely got away from me and ended up being longer than I expected 😂 It also got a bit angsty, too. I decided to set this during Hangman and Phoenix’s FWB era, so there’s still a lot of denial of feelings going on. For obvious reasons, this one gets NSFW (18+), so please do not interact if you are under 18.)
Meet me in the locker room in 20 minutes.
Are you fucking crazy?
What? Scared? 😉
Fuck offđŸ–•đŸŒ
I’ll take that as a yes, Minx.
Huffing in annoyance, Phoenix tossed her phone back into her duffel bag and ran a frustrated hand through her dark hair, which was hanging loose after she had just yanked out her ponytail.
Hangman had officially lost his mind. It was one thing to sneak around behind everyone’s backs at night, behind the privacy of closed doors. It was another thing entirely for him to make a booty call at work.
Couldn’t this wait? They were almost done for the day. She had been planning to go over to his place later on anyway, as she did most nights nowadays. Did they really need to do something as risky as fucking in the locker room on base?

As much as she was loathe to admit it, something about Hangman’s text had sent a wave of desire shooting straight to her core, her stomach clenching and her toes curling in anticipation when his message lit up her screen.
It was ridiculous. She was ridiculous. This whole thing was ridiculous.
Their “friends with benefits” situation was getting way too messy for her liking. There were too many feelings suddenly getting in the way. And that was not what she had signed up for. It wasn’t what Hangman had signed up for either. She kept reminding herself of that fact on the days when she almost convinced herself that his feelings for her might be growing into something deeper

What did that matter? It wasn’t as if her feelings for him were changing. They definitely weren’t. This was strictly about sex. Nothing more, nothing less.
So she could do this. She could walk into that locker room, get the one thing she was after, and walk away without a backwards glance.
That’s what she told herself anyway.
She made him wait 25 minutes, just to put him in his place.
She smirked, shaking her head. He was a bit desperate today apparently.
Is everyone gone?
Yes. Come on, Minx.
Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door to the guys’ locker room and took a tentative step inside. God, it would be absolutely mortifying if anyone caught her in here.
Suddenly, a strong arm snaked out and wrapped around her waist, tugging her into the nearest shower stall. Before she could so much as utter a word, her back was pressed up against the cool steel wall and a pair of hungry, greedy lips descended upon her neck.
“What took you so long?” Hangman muttered in between kisses, nipping urgently at the pulse point just beneath her jawline.
Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh and roll her eyes, even as her arms came to wrap around his broad shoulders. “Excuse me for not dropping everything to come running into your arms,” she murmured softly in response, purposely trying to keep her voice down. This was still dangerous.
“Always with that smart mouth,” he smirked, pulling back and running his thumb over her lips with a wink that sent her heart racing in a way she utterly despised. “Take a shower yet, Minx?”
“I was about to before I got so rudely interrupted by this ridiculous request of yours,” she told him, arching an eyebrow and gazing upward as he leaned in closer, pressing his body more tightly against hers.
“You’re here, aren’t you?” he shot back smugly, running a hand down her body slowly. She could feel the warmth of his palm through the thin fabric of her black T-shirt, and it took everything in her not to shiver at the contact. She wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
“This is crazy, Jake,” she said, his name slipping off her tongue more easily than she would have liked it to. “What if someone catches us?”
“Everyone’s gone, Minx. Relax,” he chuckled, lowering his head and nibbling softly on her earlobe.
Turns out she wasn’t that good at putting up a fight. Within minutes, their clothes were lying piled in the corner and warm water was running over their naked skin as he pulled her into his arms, kissing her deeply.
She shouldn’t let him kiss her like that. It was too deep. Too personal. Too intimate. Too everything a friend with benefits wasn’t supposed to be. But she couldn’t stop him. She didn’t want to stop him.
Groaning into her mouth, Hangman reached up and wrapped her dark hair around his hand, tugging her head back slightly so that he could begin attacking her throat, his tongue tracing lazy circles on her skin. With his other hand, he reached up and caressed her breasts, pinching her nipples between his calloused fingers.
“You really have the most gorgeous tits, you know that?” he murmured, sliding his hand down and running it all over her body.
“Come on, Bagman. No time for foreplay,” Phoenix smirked, running her hands down his chest and lifting her eyebrows in challenge. “We’ve got to be quick about this before someone catches us.”
Grinning wickedly, Hangman nodded and pinned her up against the wall of the shower stall, nudging her legs open with his knee and slipping a hand between her thighs. “Always so wet for me, Natasha,” he laughed, teasing two fingers inside her.
“Shut up,” Phoenix groaned, more turned on than she cared to admit as he pressed her into the wall with his body and slowly began to enter her, pushing his way inside her inch by inch until he had filled her to the breaking point. “Fuck,” she sighed quietly, biting her lower lip and letting her head fall back against the wall.
“Damn, you always feel so fucking good,” Hangman gasped, digging his fingers into her waist as he began to thrust, his hips moving slowly at first and then picking up a more frenzied pace. “Damnit, Natasha,” he moaned, reaching down and cupping the backs of her thighs in his hands.
Suddenly, without any sort of warning, he yanked her off her feet and lifted her in the air, still buried deep inside her. Wrapping her toned legs around his waist and holding them there with a firm grip, he pressed her back more tightly against the wall until she could feel the metal biting sharply into her skin. The coolness of the steel contrasted sharply with the heat of his skin, which nearly made her eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Jake!” she cried out, clinging to him desperately as he held her in his arms and bounced her up and down his stiff length.
“What do you want, Natasha? Hm?” he asked in response, lifting one hand to brush a wet lock of hair off her cheek. His movement was gentle. Too gentle, she reminded herself. Damnit, why did things have to get so messy? “What is it you need, Minx?”
“You,” she gasped before she could stop herself. Fumbling to recover, trying not to think too much about the spark she saw flashing in his green eyes, she quickly added, “I need you to fuck me, Jake. Just fuck me,” she begged, thinking maybe if she could turn it crass and dirty, his eyes would lose that softness and her traitorous heart would stop doing somersaults in her chest and they really could just be friends with benefits, with no strings attached.
His eyes darkened suddenly, but he did as she asked and then some. Pressing her roughly against the wall, he pounded into her vigorously, his hips snapping and rolling against hers as she gasped and mewled in agonizing pleasure. Digging her nails into his back, she dropped her head forward and buried her face against his shoulder, trying to smother her moans, which were verging on screams as Hangman chased her higher and higher, bringing her straight to the edge of her sanity.
“Like that, Minx? Is that what you want?” he groaned in her ear, pulling her hair away from her neck and sucking on the skin in a manner that was sure to leave a bruise, damn him.
“Y-yes,” she whimpered, her entire body turning into a trembling mess as he took her hard and fast, her moans growing louder and more incoherent the closer she got to her climax.
“Say my name when you come, Minx,” he whispered roughly, his voice hoarse with arousal.
Those words alone pushed her over the edge, her body tensing momentarily and then relaxing once more in a sated rush. “Jake,” she breathed against his ear, holding onto him for dear life.
The sound of his name on her lips seemed to do the trick for Jake. “Natasha,” he moaned, burying his face in her neck. “Natasha,” he said again, his voice thick with an emotion she couldn’t bring herself to think too deeply about as he finished, panting softly against her.
The two of them stood there like that for a few moments, Phoenix’s legs still wrapped around Hangman’s waist as they clung to each other, neither of them apparently willing to let go.
“Phoenix,” Hangman rasped, pulling back slightly to look at her. Gone was the look of smug superiority that he so often wore. In its place was a look of raw emotion, his green eyes boring into her dark brown ones in way that was almost pleading with her to understand the words he couldn’t bring himself to say.
But she couldn’t bring herself to do that.
“Hangman, I—”
He suddenly placed a hand over her mouth when the sound of the locker room door opening shattered the moment.
“Anyone still in here?”
It sounded like Jim, one of the evening custodians.
“I am, Jim!” Jake called out, his fingers still brushing against Phoenix’s lips. “Be out in a few minutes!”
“Alright, Seresin,” Jim called back in his gruff, but good-natured voice. “I’ll be back. Going to hit the ladies’ locker room first then.”
Thank goodness. Phoenix didn’t think she’d be able to live it down if poor Jim of all people caught her in here.
“I have to go,” she whispered once she heard the door close behind him, slowly sliding down Hangman’s body and disentangling herself.
“Phoenix,” Hangman began, his fingers brushing against her back as she reached for her clothes.
“I’ll call you later,” she muttered, grabbing her things and walking away without a backwards glance, just as she’d sworn she would.
She pretended that she couldn’t feel the hurt radiating off him as she walked away.
She pretended that she didn’t feel the hurt blooming in her own chest as she walked away.
Hurt was messy and she didn’t want messy. She didn’t sign up for messy.
But that didn’t stop her from pulling out her phone as she walked towards her car, typing out a message she hoped she wouldn’t come to regret later.
Can I come over tonight?
You better.
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
Almost too Late
Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Request: "okay, i've got a humourous one for you;
#48: “Where the hell have you been?”
#64: “Here he/she is.”
so, maybe Tom almost misses the birth of his child, and Reader gives him absolutely chaos for it? 😂
love you, babe. 💗" - Requested by my wonderful friend @youlightmeupfinn from this prompt list! :)
Summary: You went into labour with Baby No. 2. This wouldn't be a big problem, if your husband Tom wasn't somewhere in Atlanta, on a boys night out - and you just can't reach him. Is Tom going to miss the birth of his second child?
Warnings: Pregnancy, labour, quite a few swear words and a lot of fluff!
Word Count: 2,3k
a/n: I am back, yay! :) Sorry guys, life had been utterly busy in the last few weeks... This request waited a looong time in my inbox to be written and now I finally made it to sit down and write this. Surprise, @youlightmeupfinn ! 🧡 This takes place in the same universe like this fic does, so I guess this one is kinda a part two? Anyway, I hope you like this one shot as much as I do! 🧡 All mistakes are my own!
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Voicemail. Again. I hung up, groaning and cursing under my breath. "Oh, you are fucking kidding me now... Why isn't he picking up?!" I hissed, on the verge of throwing my mobile against the wall of our bedroom. I tried to reach my dear husband for hours. Tom just wanted to have a - what did they call it? A 'Marvel Mens Night Out'? Yeah, something along that. He wanted to have a night out with a few of his mates. Ben, Chris H., Chris E., Sebastian and Tom. Of course, I didn't say Tom shouldn't go. I was more than okay with it, since we were in Atlanta, Georgia for the last three months anyway. Why? Tom needed to fly to Atlanta to film the first season of 'Loki' - and me and Mia just went with him, since it was the city I came from. My parents still lived here, so we kind of combined work and holiday. After reassuring Tom a thousand times that I was going to be fine without him, he left. What I didn't think of, unfortunately, was the possibility of me, going into labour. Yup... Five years of marriage and an almost three-year-old toddler later, Tom and I were expecting baby #2. Mia was going to be a big sister - like, right now.
Once again, I tried to call Tom, but like before, I only reached his voicemail. "Where the fuck is he?!" I groaned, dropped my mobile on the bed and steadied myself against the wall, breathing through another contraction. I gave Tom a last try, before I decided to call Ben. "Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up." I mumbled to myself. Sure, I could've called my parents, but they were in bed now, with Mia hopefully sleeping deeply next room. Ben's mobile rang and rang. I was already on the verge of hanging up, but then I heard my man's best friend's voice urging to my ear. "Y/N?" "Ben! Finally! Where is Tom?! I tried to call him, but he didn't pick up." "Uh... He just left for the bathroom, I think." Ben sounded slightly tipsy - which caused me to roll my eyes. Not now, guys, not now, I thought. "Okay and where are you boys?" I could hear the others laugh and talk rather loudly in the background. "In a bar in, uh, Columbus." I frowned. "In a bar in Columbus? Columbus?? Why the fuck there?!" I only now realised that I spoke way louder than I intended to... "Is everythin' alright, Y/N? You seem a bit... tense?" That was the point when I lost my nerves. I had absolutely no time for this. Not after trying to reach them for hours! I gritted my teeth, feeling how the anger build up inside me. "Oh, I don't know, Benedict. Maybe it's because I AM IN FUCKING LABOUR SINCE HOURS AND MY HUSBAND IS UNATTAINABLE!" And suddenly there was deadly silence at the other end of the line. "You're what?" Said Ben in a small voice, almost rueful. "You heard me, Benedict." Another beat of silence passed, before I suddenly heard loud shuffling. "Boys, Y/N's in labour, we need to get Tom somehow back to Atlanta! As fast as possible!" And then everybody talked at once. 'Tom! Get Tom!' was the only sentence I understood and it came from Hemsworth. Apart from that, was everything that happened on the other line a blur, until... "Tom asks how you are feeling." Ben's voice reached me once again. "He asks how I feel? Really? I am in labour! How does he think I feel?!" Again, was the other side of the line deadly silent. "We'll be right there, I promise!" "I'll hope so! If not, I am going to cut off his balls. Tell that Thomas!" With those words, I hung up, squeezed my eyes shut as another contraction rolled over me. Somehow, this time felt even worse than last time... At least I could try to relax a bit, now that I knew that Tom was on his way. After taking deep breaths, breathing through the contraction, I called an ambulance. They came immediately, of course and took me to the hospital. I was very glad that this was not the first time for me. To have the experience and to know the procedure and what maybe could happen, helped me ease my mind a lot. Especially since Tom wasn't by my side - yet.
Thirty minutes later, I was brought to a room, had changed into the familiar hospital gown, got hooked to an CTG and was checked by the doctors. "Alright, Mrs. Hiddleston..." The friendly female doctor in the white clothes smiled at me. "Everything appears to be like it should be. You and the baby are perfectly fine - according to the circumstances." She adjusted her glasses and scribbled something onto the clipboard she held. "But you are not yet ready to deliver your baby. We have to wait a bit longer. Although, I guess not that much longer, 'cause your labour is progressing very fast." The doctor gave me another small smile. "Until then, I am afraid we have to wait and see." With these words and a last smile, she left the room, leaving only a super friendly midwife - Mary - behind. "We are going to check on you and the baby regularly. But you already know that." Mary said, winking at me. "Yeah... I am very glad to be a lot more experienced now than I was last time with my daughter. Makes me feel calmer. Despite the fact that Tom isn't here..." Mary's eyes softened. "I was already thinking... Where did you leave your husband?" I sighed. "I allowed him to go out with some of his friends, told him I was fine, but well... Baby's got different plans." Mary laughed. "Let's hope he's going to make it in time then. Call me if you need something, yes?" I nodded, offered her a smile. Then I was left alone and I absolutely hated it. To spend the time I had to wait for my body to prepare itself for the birth alone was absolute torture. I missed Tom and I wanted nothing more than to have him by my side.
It was a curse and a blessing, that labour progressed so fast. Two hours later, I found myself surrounded by nurses, doctors and Mary, of course, ready to bring mine and Tom's second child into this world. I wasn't afraid of this, no. Maybe nervous, yes, but what I definitely was, was in pain and angry. Angry at my sweet husband who didn't sit by my side, holding my hand and just being there for me. No, instead sat Mary by my bedside - what wasn't bad, god no... Bless her for bearing with me. But it just wasn't Tom... "Okay Y/N, if you feel the urge to push, give into your body!" I nodded quickly, sweat already dotted all over my forehead from the previous contractions. While you were about to bring a new life into this world, stormed a man with long, pitch black hair through the main doors of the hospital, on the other side of the big building. Tom...
The father-to-be ran down the halls of the 'Emory University Hospital Midtown' like a madman, bumping into several staff members on his way. "Sorry, I am so sorry!" Tom said what felt like thousand times in five minutes. Unfortunately was the hospital quite big and Tom struggled to even find the maternity ward. So, he had no other choice than to stop his frantic search and ask a nurse. "I'm sorry, can... can you help me?" Tom, who was still out of breath, approached a nurse with short chopped blonde hair and tattoos up and down his arms. The man looked up at Tom, offering him a polite smile. "Of course, Sir. What's the matter?" "I-I am looking for the maternity ward." He panted, trying to catch his breath. "My... My wife is in labour." The nurse nodded and immediately gestured for Tom to follow him. "Follow me, Sir. I'll get you there. It's not far from here." The two men crossed another few hallways, before they finally reached the destination. "There we are." "Thank you so much." Tom smiled kindly at the other male, who gave him a nod and a smile himself in return. "No problem." Tom didn't lose another second and jogged down the ward, on search for someone who could help him along. After all, he hadn't a single clue where Y/N was...
After he had rounded the second corner, he stumbled over a woman who appeared to be a doctor. "I'm sorry?" He addressed the female, who turned to face him immediately. "I'm Tom Hiddleston and I am looking for my wife, Y/N." The corners of the woman's mouth lifted into a smile. "Ahh, so you are the missing dad?" Tom scratched the back of his neck, smiling awkwardly. "Well
 I suppose that I am, yes." "Well, come on then." Tom followed the doctor hastily down the sheer endless, white hallway. "D-Do you know by any chance how my wife is doing?" Dr. Miller -  the woman's name, how Tom was able to read on her nameplate, nodded. "She is doing fine. Labour progressed very fast." At those words, Tom felt his heart sink. Progressed? Did that mean...? Dr. Miller seemed to read from his expression what he was thinking. "Don't worry. You didn't miss the birth of your baby - yet." This took a load off Tom's mind and he breathed out relieved. "This way." They turned another corner and came to a halt in front of a closed door. "There we are." After Tom quickly slipped into a scrub, he was granted access to his wife. Barely after the door swung open, was the first thing he heard a heart-breaking scream, coming no doubt from Y/N. It caused Tom's mind to spin, his guilty conscience immediately spoke up. This was his wife, being in pain, bringing his baby into this world - and he hadn't been there for her. "Mrs. Hiddleston, I found the missing dad." A voice suddenly cut through the room, causing my head to turn to the left. I didn't even notice that somebody had entered the room. Well, I was quite a bit too busy to pay attention to who entered or left the room. My eyes met the female doctor I had shortly seen earlier and- "Tom!" I cried out his name, unbelievably happy and relieved to see him. As his name left my lips, he immediately jumped into action, rushing to my side. "Darling!" Mary quickly stood up from the chair and made way for Tom. He sat down on the chair, hands instantly reaching for my hand. He wanted to say something, but the next contraction I had threw a wrench in the works. I squeezed the living hell out of Tom's hand and shut my eyes. "I need you to push, Y/N." Said the nurse, who sat at the bottom of the bed. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" This contraction was by far the worst I had yet. And it sparked something inside me, brought the anger on my husband back to life. After I had breathed through the contraction, I unleashed hell on Tom. I turned my head towards him, staring at him. If looks could kill... Tom swallowed visibly, well aware of what was to come. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" "Darling, I-I am so s-sorry, I-" He stuttered, trying to explain. "Shut the fuck up, Thomas! I suffered here for over two hours, plus almost five at home alone, to give birth to your child and Mr. Hiddleston just decided to not pick up his phone when I called him!" Tom swallowed once again, his mind reeling. I could tell that he was picking his next words very carefully now. "I know, my love and I am really, honestly very sorry. My phone ran out of battery-" Wrong words. "That is no excuse, Thomas!" The man beside me flinched every time I used his full name. "I know, Y/N. I should've told you. I-" "And why Columbus?! Why did you and the boys needed to go to fucking Columbus to drink a stupid beer?!" Tom sighed and hung his head. "I can't apologise enough, darling. I deserve all your wrath. I hate that I wasn't able to be by your side, but now I am here and I won't go anywhere. You are doing so wonderfully in bringing our second wonder into this world. I can't be prouder of you, my love." By now, I had tears in my eyes. This time not from the pain. His words had pulled at my heartstrings. Why did that man always find the right words and was so utterly charming? This wasn't fair. I wanted to be mad at him... "Ugh, you fucking sweet-talker. I wanted to be mad at you, but now I can't." I said, pouting. Tom's expression shifted immediately and he snorted out a laugh. "Oh darling, I love you." I shook my head and rolled my eyes, but smiled.
The rest of the birth went rather smooth. Unlike with Mia, I didn't have an epidural. I wanted to do this all natural this time. With Tom by my side, everything was easier anyway. And so, Tom and I were able to welcome another baby girl into the world, only an hour later.
"Here she is." Mary announced, smiling and placed the tiny girl, who was wrapped up in a thick pink blanket on my chest. As soon as my skin came into contact with my new-born baby, the tears started to fall freely. "Hello, my sweet girl..." I whispered, unable to tear my gaze away from her. I felt how Tom pressed a kiss on my forehead, before his bigger hand joined mine, wrapped around the little girl in my arms. Time seemed to stop. This was a moment just between Tom and me. "Welcome to this big, wondrous world, Lily." Tom said with tears glistening in his eyes.
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the-lonelybarricade · 6 months
Secret santa here!!!!
Did YOU drink water today????
.02 seconds of stalking told me that while you might be the Queen of Feysand, you're ALSO a Lucien girlie, so I'm making sure this fic serves a side of Feyre & Lucien friendship along with pining Rhys and oblivious Feyre.
Feyre resisted the urge to roll up one of the papers in her bag and smack him with it. Lucien had overheard her speaking to Rhysand once and apparently decided the prince was in love with her. Ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. "Rhysand isn't—" "By the Cauldron, he'd follow you around like a lost puppy if you'd let him." "He's just a flirt," Feyre said, the edge to her voice making it clear she didn't want to talk about this anymore. "What did you need me for?"
I hope you don't mind that I let this ferment in my ask box for a few days while I LOST MY MIND
Also yes, I did drink water today! đŸ„° I'm halfway through my second nalgene and I'm about to make myself some tea and *hopefully* get some writing done before I have to make dinner
And also me??? A Lucien Girly? How could you tell? 👀
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I have absolutely no idea what would give that away, I thought I've been very discreet about it
Don't think I'm not taking in these details about this world!! Rhys is a prince 👀👀 Feyre has papers in her bag 👀👀 Is this daddy giving her reading lessons??
I'm SO THRILLED with the pining and Lucien calling it out 😂 He's the only one who can see Rhys for the pining idiot he is, bless him
This is wonderful, thank you so much for sharing it with me!! I'm so excited to learn more about what's going on!!
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baku-usagi · 4 months
So my tav is Baku, which is kind of the placeholder name I give all my first game ocs 😂
Her story goes like this
Her parents were a young couple from. The country side, he father a human, her mother A tiefling. Not a lot of racism towards tieflings in their part of. The boonies. He joined the military, and worked his way up. The ranks, and with his wife pregnant, he. Receives the promotion of a life Time in balders gate! It's too good a deal to resist and he takes it, but like many men who get with women from different ethnicities, he ends  up getting redpilled by his new coworkers who have less good opinions about tieflings. He's ashamed of his wife and their newborn tiefling child, and does his best to distance himself from the concept of their race.
Baku knows from a young age her father resents her, and does everything she can do earn his love and approval but he is unmoveable, she watches her mother stay inspite her father's new found mistreatment..
Eventually against his wishes she joins up in the military in the hopes that she can make him Proud through service.
She works hard and quickly becomes one of the finest soldiers in the force but many amongst the ranks have issues with tieflings and haze/harass her. She does her best to be a model soldier inspite of this.
But unfortunately after several years on the force she snaps on a group of soldiers shit talking her people calling them devil folk. She confronts them and they beat the shit out of her at the stables, holding her head under the water trough and almost drowning her.
Her father manages to intervene in time, but instead of punishing the soldiers or supporting her, he angrily reprimands her, saying she should be keeping her head down better instead of attracting trouble.
Hurt physically and emotionally she finds herself in the church of ilmater, offering some sad prayer for Comfort. A paladin finds her there and offers her a booklet about oaths, he tells her of a convent that is always looking for able bodied young recruits. She leaves that same day and starts her journey as a paladin, resonating most with the tenants of vengeance.
She spends her time defending any. Who cannot protect themselves, picking fights with racists of any brand, and helping as many tiefling as she can, getting to reconnect with her culture in the process.
After years of this, she realized the person she hadn't yet gotten vengeance for was herself.
Suffering mental Health and wanting to overcome her feelings that she'd be better dead, or rather never born, she tries to channel This into anger at her father, deciding to meet him and demand answers/hold him accountable.
She finds him just as he was when she left, her mother still with him.
She ends up Fighting her father after a heated exchange of words, winning by a land slide. Beat and battered her father tells her his daughter died years ago, and she needed to leave before he called for backup.
She tries to convince her Mother to leave but her mom knows no other life.
She officially cuts ties, feeling utterly defeated.
Less then a week later she's taken by the mind flayers and wormed
The story of the game ensues, and she finds herself loosing faith In. The divine. Vengeance left her empty.
She confronts the tiefling trying to kill the caged goblin. Telling her what she knows to be true, that the veangance won't make it better.
As the words leave her mouth her oath breaks, leaving her terrified at the feet of a larger then life suit of armor, who tells her she's Lost something.
She decides she wants freedom. Freedom from all of it..
"tired of doctrine and dogma, I wanted freedom" she told the oathbreaker.
And thus the journey continues.
She falls deeply in love with gale
There is obviously a lot more but that's the gist!
Please tell me all about y'alls tavs/durges!!!
@breadedsinner @catsquirrelgurl!
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I give you the a possible epilogue of sorts where its like a day or so after the masquerade madness,and everything is back to its old ways at nrc,meanwhile poor sebek has yet to catch on to the fact raven and malleus aren’t related
Or alternatively crowley asks how everything thing went over at the other school and raven just looks at him so tired
[Related Posts: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9]
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Crowley asks the NRC kids how the symposium went and they all respond with dead-eyed stares. “It was fine.” Then he demands to know what souvenirs they all got him and the boys march off to their own dorms, totally blowing him off 😂 Raven regales him with a story about a great crimson calamity that struck the City of Flowers over dinner. “But it’s just a story,” she insists to the headmaster, intent on keeping Rollo’s secret, and onto hope that he will repent for his sins.
Sebek continues to remain completely ignorant 🙃 and he now follows Raven around like a lost dog hoping for free treats/headpats. (He also now picks fights with J word--) Raven has no idea what’s the matter with him and she’s mildly on edge that his attitude has done a 180. “I-Is Sebek-san up to something shady?!”
Meanwhile, Silver is happy that Sebek finally made a friend that he doesn’t constantly shout at... and Lilia’s encouraging Sebek to invite his “new bestie friend” over for tea in the Diasomnia lounge with sweets personally made by himself, of course. (Silver has to drag Lilia away before his father can do any real damage.)
... I also like to think that Raven and Rollo become weird passive aggressive pen pals đŸ€Ą Like Rollo probably wants nothing more to do with her, but Raven’s dead set on keeping in touch and trying to be someone he can talk with (like how coming to NRC helped change her for the better). Maybe she can be like a student correspondent between NRC and NBC??
Raven sees herself and Rollo as very similar and she wants to do what she can to help him. We both scrawl down our true feelings on paper rather than share them with those around us, she writes, so let’s talk with each other. It doesn’t have to be about anything serious, but just sharing a little of our days and sharing stories. Let’s take small steps together. Shall I start? Today, Sebek-san introduced me to a new book series—
She can ask VP or Aide-kun to pass the letters along for her, and when the letter finally arrives at Rollo’s desk, he’ll frown and shake his head. “
 Utterly ridiculous.” Because honestly, who sends letters these days instead of texting?? But Rollo will take out a piece of paper and a pen and write down a response anyway. Miss Crowley, you must cease your frivolous communications—
Over time maybe that animosity will ease a bit 😔 but honestly, they’ve still both got high walls to scale when it comes to being emotionally vulnerable. It’s just that Raven recognizes those barriers exist more readily than Rollo does. (And again, that’s why she empathizes with him.)
I can see them just talking about random subjects that turn out to be metaphors for how they’re really feeling, so each letter exchanged turns out to be like a little mind game or puzzle to get into the other’s head. For example, maybe Rollo begins to remark on the weather in each letter. On the surface, it seems like he’s making notes about the weather he observes when he goes up the tower to tend to the Bell of Salvation, but it may just be an indication of his mood. Stormy weather for a foul mood, clear skies for a happier mood, etc. Maybe when they’re “close” enough, he can send along some rare magic flowers for her enchanted inks too 💐
“What are you smiling about, milady?” Sebek might ask Raven.
“I received a letter from my friend! I can’t wait to read it after class.”
I wonder what the weather is like over in the City of Flowers
 I wonder how Rollo-senpai is feeling today.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 18 days
Susie and Demarco sitting in a tree K I S S I N G
Oh my GOD! Is she ACTUALLY letting him in and allowing him to get close to her?! He stayed the night, and she’s worried about him coming back, and the note he left her was so utterly domestic and sweet like they’re a married couple that does it all the time! And she asked him to the wedding I am SO happy to see her chipping away at her walls and letting Benny in! He’s good to her, and for her, and I hope she sees she’s allowed to have good things.
Also, I lost it at him being at the door with her in the wedding dress. Reminded me of the episode of Friends when the girls are all wearing dresses, and Rachel opens the door expecting it to be Chandler but it’s Joshua lmao and she goes “I DOOOOO” 😂
Susie and DeMarco are SOOOOOOO special to me!!! It's such lovely slow burn to write, especially since they're both at such different stages in their relationship with one another. I think this chapter was the first time Susie considered DeMarco a friend, but it was also the first time DeMarco properly realised he's starting to feel more than that for her.
Every part of this chapter was so much fun for me, I'm so glad you enjoyed it too!! The wedding dress scene was a very last-minute decision but I honestly really love it 😂😂 poor DeMarco was NOT expecting to be confronted with those kinds of feelings
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loving-and-dreaming · 1 year
a kid?!? s.h
steve harrington x reader
what if Steve found El? Based on this just transformed into a x reader(because I can barley write those good) anywho be kind I literally just typed this up while babysitting 😂
@kisakon I know it’s not the whole story but it’s a start 💕 it’s also not that good so I’ll probably go back to redo it later
Word Count: 1.6
Getting home from Tommys party wasted was not what Steve had in mind for tonight. He wanted to come home with Nancy, but she wanted to go home. He is trying to get on her good side so of course be obliged and dropped her off at home. Pulling into the driveway he sees the kitchen lights on and just knows his dad is working late at the kitchen table, so he does what any respectable dad hating son would do. Walk around to the backyard and use the back stairs instead of the main staircase. When he made his way around the back he honestly just needed the cold air to sober him up, so instead of sneaking into his room right away he sat on one of the pool loungers and closed his eyes. It could have been hours or minutes but when he heard a tree branch snap he sat up quick enough to make everything spin.
What he saw was enough to sober him up completely. A girl with a shaved head and a big yellow shirt covered in dirt from head to toe and looks utterly terrified. Jumping off the chair to go to her to see what was wrong, she jumped when he jumped. Now, Steve is a bit of an airhead, but he’s not dumb. He knows something is going on, so he puts his hands up like you would approach a wounded scared animal. This seems to calm her down enough to not run away when he approaches her. In a soft voice he says, “what’s your name? Where are your parents? Are you hungry?” She doesn’t speak at all, but what she does is hold up her wrist that has the number 11 on it. “Eleven? Is that your name sweetheart?” At this she simply nods her head. “ OK well, how about we go inside, take a bath and get something to eat?” He doesn't want to go past his father in the kitchen and he’s praying by time she’s done in the shower that he’ll be upstairs or gone like he normally is.
Softly making their way up the stairs he shows her to the bathroom. At her very lost look he figures that he might have to stay with her in the bathroom. He grabbed some of his moms expensive extra toiletries, and walked her through each step. He would pass her the body wash and point to his body and make a washing motion. Then he would hand her the shampoo and repeat the process, this one until she was completely clean. He gets a pair of his boxers and one of his old shirts, and lets her put that on. Once she’s dressed and standing in his room, he can hear her stomach grumble. Wondering when her last good meal was, he goes to make her some food.
Walking down the steps he realized his dad must’ve left the office. Why is it that he left for the office at 11 PM at night he has no idea and his mom is God knows where so it looks like it’s just him and the strange girl he found in his backyard. Once down in the kitchen, he looks at everything that they have. He makes a peanut butter jelly sandwich, a turkey and cheese sandwich, some waffles and some chicken nuggets. He’s still a kid himself. He doesn’t know what kids eat so he just got a little bit of everything. For drinks he just got some water, milk, and apple juice. He just hopes something here she likes and is willing to eat. He slowly makes his way back upstairs and pokes his head in the door to find eleven just staring at everything on his walls from his horrid wallpaper to the picture of him and Nancy he has up there. With a knock on the door, he announces his presence to her, so as not to scare her. She looks at him with a question in her eyes, and he holds out the food. “Eleven I didn’t know what you like to eat so I brought a little bit of everything you can try everything till you find something you like.” At this he set the food down on his desk and backed up so she wouldn’t feel pressured. The first thing she tried was a PB&J, but by the look on her face he could tell this wasn’t for her. Next she tried the waffles. Now those? Oh her face lit up so much. “ Looks like we found a winner,” he said, smiling at her. After dinner, he let her sleep in his bed, and he made a little bed by the door to hope it would alleviate some of her nervousness.
Luckily, it was the weekend so he didn’t have anything to do today. He told El(that’s what he decided to call her because nobody should be a number for a name) to stay in his room while he went shopping for her. Getting to the store was interesting. All he kept thinking about was a strange little girl in his room and he was praying she would still be there when he got back.
Because of her love for waffles, he decided to get her some waffles just to help her feel more relaxed. In the aisle for waffles, he saw someone that he recognized from school. You’re not popular, you're not in sports but you are in his calculus class because he does recognize your face and the kind smile you have. Steve doesn’t know much about waffles so he thought this was a perfect time to talk to you. “ hey you’re y/n right? I think we have calculus together. I don’t really eat waffles but I’m buying them for my little cousin. Got any recommendations? There’s so many different flavors.”
“Hey yes that’s me! You’re Steve right! OK Steve, so I wouldn’t say that I’m a waffle expert, but I do know my waffles. My favorite are the chocolate chip waffles but if you don’t know what flavor your little cousin likes, homestyle waffles are always the safe bet.” You give him a smile that makes him forget about Nancy for a moment(meant ally cursing himself because he’s a lot of things but never thought he’d be a cheater).
“ Okay y/n that clears that up I will be getting homestyle waffles. Thank you so much.” At this, he grabs four boxes of eggo homestyle waffles. You look at him with an insane look on your face, and he just shrugged his shoulders at you. During this conversation somehow he ended up walking off with your shopping cart. You don’t notice until you go to put your chocolate chip waffles in your cart. Looking down you sure don’t remember putting four boxes of waffles in your cart so immediately you know that Steve must have your cart. You look side to side wondering where on earth he must’ve gone, all of a sudden you see his hair turn the corner, so you grab the cart and rush after him. Eventually catching up to him and the children’s clothes. Walking up to him, you tap on his shoulder, but what you see when he turns around breaks your heart. He looks like he’s in the middle of a panic attack and you would know firsthand how scary those are. So in the calmest voice you can, you ask him “ Steve what’s going on?”
“ I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m barely a kid myself. How am I supposed to help raise and take care of another kid?!” he says frantically. You put your arms on his shoulders and rub them with your thumbs, hoping to calm him down.
“ OK well, let’s start out if they’re a boy or a girl.”
“ a girl”
“ OK, that's great. Good job Steve now, do you know how old she is?”
“ No, my guess is that she's the same age as Nancy’s younger brother.”
“ OK, that helps us out. Right now you’re in the baby section, so how about we go over to the older kids section?” Between the two of you you pick out at least two weeks worth of clothes and some shoes. He knows this isn’t high-end stuff and so do you, but neither of you care. Because of you he is no longer panicking.
“ Thank you y/n seriously I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” At this point you both are ready to check out so you go to the checkout lines together. Pay and then go your separate ways.
Steve feels bad he really does but he’s been avoiding Nancy’s calls all day. Frankly he has been too busy taking care of el to be worried about anything else including Nancy. Yeah, in hindsight, it’s funny he spent three months chasing after this girl and now he’s avoiding her calls to spend time with another girl(it’s el he’s spending time with, remember he’s not a cheater). He spends the day walking EL through with the different clothes and how to use them, the toiletries and how to use the toiletries, and he even started teaching her some words. Before he knew it the day was over, fortunately his parents still weren’t there so he found a show for him and EL to watch together. He started cooking dinner. Chicken nuggets with a side of waffles as the doorbell rang.
He goes to the door to find you standing out there. “ At the store we must’ve switched cards” you hold up his card for him to see. Slapping his forehead he apologized profusely and welcomed you in. Out of everything you thought you’d see when you walked into Steve Harrington’s house. This is not it. Almost being hit in the face with floating waffles that the young girl on the couch grabs out of the air like it’s a normal occurrence. You do the only thing you can do, look to Steve with wide eyes for an explanation.
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dmagedgoods · 1 year
Sphinx, somehow I can't remember if I already sent an alternate love interest ask!! If I didn't, let this be the one.... I don't believe I've seen anyone ask yet about Eneas and Galfrey, so I would be curious! And for something silly, Salvadore and Woljif. I am relatively sure my tracking list is up to date... pardon if I've accidentally sent a duplicate.
Ohh, you only sent this one and it’s highly interesting. 👀 Eneas and Galfrey, this would be glorious if the game would allow it. And while I wouldn’t say he’s terribly strict regarding what his “type” entails (one of the most intense, most important romances that ever happened to him in any universe, was in Enderal with a chaotic neutral character, leaning chaotic good, to speak in alignment terms), a high sense for duty and a strict set of values works extraordinarily well with him. Eneas knows how to treat a queen, his manners are flawless, he would court and serve her with a combination of open admiration, bold flattery, and humble devotion.
Since he would start on Aeon path, things would go very well in the beginning. He likes to make meaningful gifts and his ability to read emotions far too easily surely comes in handy.
For the first time in a long while his adoration would grow into a sincere affection that would go deeper than a fondness he can carry with him without needing to act on. He would sincerely try to gain her trust, of course without showing too much of himself.
It would be one of his personas again, one of his roles: He would create and become the perfect second-hand man for her – and mean any part in it that’s of importance. But she’d only know a very small part about him and his life.
How well would this go? It seems they wouldn’t even find out.
Eneas has been betrayed so often in his life and became a master of it too. To find himself in the situation where she turns against him – while she didn’t even discover the truth about – oh, this would be a very, very painful stab. And like a bloody amateur, he didn’t see it coming. He would struggle in the Abyss after her deed, lost in feelings of all-consuming pain and rage he thought he had left behind many decades ago.
But even if it was possible to repair what would break between them in this moment – and he’s terribly bad at forgiving when someone actually managed to hurt him – I see an even bigger problem:
Eneas himself refuses to judge his own actions as “good” or “evil” – and he does a lot of both sorts actually –, there is so much more to it and this spectrum to simple for his taste. He rarely feels regret, but he did a lot of things in his life Galfrey would condemn. Unfortunately, I doubt she’d ever even attempt to see beyond his crimes should she find out about his schemes and games and deeds.
It’s a pity, because for someone he actually loves, he’d adopt their moral code to a degree, not believing in their reasoning but doing so in deep admiration for the person following it. ~ Omg, Salvadore and Woljif. Poor Woljif. 😭😂 I have to admit Salvadore was amused, even delighted, by his humor and shenanigans right from the start and felt a surprising fondness. You know that Sal usually keeps his personal distance. But Woljif won him over with his way of talking, his behavior, even with how openly untrustworthy he was (something that would make Sal react with cold aloofness in almost any other case).
He still tried to act mainly professional around him and not to rely too much on him, knowing that he’d probably run off soon.
Ah, he failed at both and felt the heavy loss when Woljif left during the Gargoyle attack.
It needed Woljif’s act 4 quest, though, and even a bit longer for Sal to finally truly accept the fact that they were actual friends (and had been friends for a long time already).
What I want to say: Woljif means a huge lot to him, did so before Salvadore himself fully realized it even. But they are utterly incompatible as a couple.
Any kind of romantic and/or sexual spark between the two of them is entirely missing. I can’t even fully explain it. They love to spend time together, they love to joke together, they love to plan their charity projects together, to talk about Woljif’s newest findings, Salvadore is relaxed and even playful around him (something he only shows with those very close to him to this degree), but I can’t imagine them flirting without them chuckling about it a moment later.
I can imagine Daeran with Woljif, though, if they feel adventurous, and Sal watching, in a “we had too much wine, let's try this” scenario after one of their nights in a tavern. Woljif would probably get nervous about it the next day and Sal guarantee that it is alright with a little kiss to his lips, but it would stay a one-time-happening probably.
And even if Salvadore and Woljif would end up together in some universe by a weird miracle: Sal would be too intense for him, too dominant, too ambitious etc. etc. And Woljif too insecure in return regarding relationship things, not used to the sort of “dance” Salvadore enjoys so much and he’d probably rather flee than allow him to show him how it works.
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bambirex · 1 year
how about yennskier + they're trapped in the snow and yen tries to keep them warm with chaos (and maybe she's injured or still regaining her power so the weaker she becomes the colder they get until... 👀)
There's a more nsfw version of this in my head, but I stayed out of horny jail today 😂👀
Warnings: nudity
The light kept flickering in and out. Yennefer cursed under her breath as she tried to will her chaos to stay, to stop floating away and leave her at the worst possible time. She hated feeling so helpless, and it wasn't even herself she was so worried about.
Her body could endure harsher conditions, but even she could feel herself trembling from the cold: she could only imagine how a human body felt right now, fragile and utterly vulnerable to this horrible weather.
They managed to find a small hut just in time before the height of the snowstorm came down, but it wasn't enough. It was an old, shattered wooden shed, and the frosty wind whistled through the cracks, not giving them much protection. Yennefer has only regained her powers, and her chaos was still weak: she couldn't conjure a portal and get them somewhere safe and warm. They were trapped in here, half-buried under the snow, and even trying to keep them warm with her remaining powers didn't seem to help much.
Jaskier trembled next to her, his teeth chattering audibly. He was uncharacteristically quiet, which alarmed Yennefer. Even in the most dire situations, he would make silly jokes to try and ease the mood. He was now completely silent, except for his shaky, weak breaths. He hugged his knees close to chest, rolled up into a ball to try and keep some of his body heat.
"Come on, for fuck's sake," Yennefer groaned as the orange glow around her fingers dimmed again. "Do not fucking leave me again!"
The last time her chaos abandoned her, everything went to utter shit. She couldn't handle another repeat of that, especially not when she had another life to worry about. She might survive, but Jaskier wouldn't. She needed to try and stay strong at least for him.
She scooted closer to Jaskier and tried to direct the warmth of her hands towards him. Jaskier gave her a weak smile. His lips lost their usual pink color, and so did his face. He was pale like the snow rampaging outside.
The more her chaos dimmed, the colder Yennefer felt herself get, as well. She released a shaky sigh, curling in on herself. If the magic would fail, her body would, too. She would be just as vulnerable as Jaskier.
"Well, this isn't the way I thought I would go," Jaskier finally said. His voice was so weak, Yennefer could barely hear him over the wind. "Embarassing."
"I'm gonna warm us up, somehow," Yennefer promised, but her voice didn't sound convincing to her ears, either. She leaned even closer to Jaskier, until their bodies touched. Jaskier's body still held some of his warmth, and Yennefer hoped her own did, too, so she could transfer some of it to the bard.
An idea suddenly sprung into her head. She vaguely remembered Geralt telling her about the winters when it was so cold at Kaer Morhen that nothing helped, only huddling for warmth with his wolf brothers. If they wanted to survive this snowstorm, they needed to share their body heat.
Jaskier let out a surprised squeak when Yennefer suddenly wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer.
"Yennefer, what the hell are you doing? Oh, God," he sighed, shaking his head, "you think we're dying. We're dying and so you're getting all sentimental and hugging me, trying to make up for all the wrongs..."
"What wrongs... Jaskier, I'm trying to keep you warm! We need to stay close to each other."
"Ah. Alright."
Tentatively, Jaskier reached for Yennefer. His arms went around her waist in return, his chin rested on the top of her head. It was nice, Yennefer thought. She soon started feeling warm inside and out; gently, she started rubbing Jaskier's arm, and he tightened his hold on her in return.
Unfortunately, as nice as it was, it didn't last long enough: Jaskier soon started shivering again, his body trembling against Yennefer's. Yennefer realized both their clothes were still wet, and all their shared body heat seeped out as the damp materials, instead of drying, went even colder.
They needed to get rid of those wet rags as soon as possible, because they were only going to make things worse.
Yennefer unbuttoned her blouse quickly, shrugging it off. Jaskier's eyes went wide before he snapped his head away, trying not to stare at Yennefer's naked chest.
"What the fuck!?"
"Get out of your clothes," Yennefer ordered as she got rid of her skirt. The cold air felt uncomfortable against her bare skin. Jaskier made a weird little sound at the back of his throat.
"Woah, that escalated quickly. People usually buy me dinner first."
"I am not getting naked, Yennefer! I'm freezing to death in my warmest coat, you think having my bare arse out would be better!?"
"Our clothes are drenched, we're gonna be even colder if we keep them on! Undress, or I'll tear them off!"
Something flickered in Jaskier's eyes. He bit down on his lip as his trembling fingers got to work, shedding his clothing as quickly as he could. Something about him succumbing to her orders made a strange emotion flutter in Yennefer's chest.
"Do not make this weird," she warned him as she wrapped herself around him. A shiver ran through her body, but it was not because of the cold. Jaskier's skin was terribly cold, but still soft against her own. It was pleasant, and Yennefer found herself burrowing deeper into his embrace.
"Says the woman who ordered me to get naked when there's a literal snowstorm outside," Jaskier chuckled. His voice was already a bit stronger, and his shivering eased up a little. He buried his face in Yennefer's hair, probably to not make her feel like she was being stared at. Yennefer appreciated his kindness.
Actually, she appreciated a lot more. She never would have thought being in Jaskier's arms would feel so wonderful, but right now, Yennefer didn't want to leave.
It was only because she needed to stay warm, she told herself. That was the only reason she liked it.
Combined with the weak flickers of her chaos, they soon warmed in each other's arms. Jaskier's shallow, ragged breathing turned into quiet, almost happy little sighs, and his skin felt much warmer. Yennefer smoothed a hand down his side, only to feel if it really was warm, of course. Not because she wanted more of his bare skin.
"If we survive, I expect you to not tell anyone about this," Yennefer said. "No one needs to find out we were cuddling."
"Naked," Jaskier added. Yennefer felt his grin against her hair. "Also, I thought we were just keeping each other warm. I didn't realize we were cuddling."
The teasing edge in his voice told Yennefer that he was feeling better now. It was now safe to give his arm a smack, so that was what Yennefer did, making Jaskier whine.
All the same, Yennefer smiled into Jaskier's chest. Whether it was about keeping warm, or something else entirely, she couldn't say she didn't enjoy it just a little bit.
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