#and one of them is indarant
rohirric-hunter · 3 months
I've long lauded the entertainment value of running around LotRO on an overleveled hunter and oneshotting everything.
Little did I guess the entertainment value of running around LotRO on an overleveled brawler and oneshotting everything.
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uchuukinoko · 8 months
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Anahita , the goddess of water ☁️🪷 Anahita is the goddess of all pure waters, liquids, plants, protector of Iranian warriors, love and fertility, protector of babies and mothers. She was one of the most powerful and popular Iranian gods in ancient times. As the population of Iran increased, Anahita's roles also grew. She took on the role of goddesses and gods from neighboring civilization, and even some other Iranian gods became subordinate to her. In the end, Anahita is the goddess of all water, rain, hail, fog, and snow (which you have already seen two of them in my previous paintings). She is served by four horses, and the lotus flower is her symbol. In some stories, Anahita is the mother of Mithra and gave her lotus flower to him. I gave Anahita a motherly role in my story, but not in the sense of fertility, but in the sense of creation. So, Anahita is not the biological mother of all Iranians (even for Mithra, Indar Daena and Ashi) 💙
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thechasefiles · 1 year
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There is a possibility that the bounty for monkey hunting could be increased as Government officials enter discussions on how to bring a balance between the island’s biodiversity and the protection of the agriculture industry. In an interview with Barbados TODAY Minister of Agriculture Indar Weir said that over the past several years the farming community and even residents have complained about the negative impact of the Green Monkey. He said his ministry and the Ministry of the Environment were discussing ways in which the island’s food security could be improved without terminating the species. He said that the notion of a higher bounty would not be ruled out during the stakeholder meetings with hunters and other players in the industry. “The Ministry of Agriculture is responsible for protecting the agriculture sector so where monkeys are impacting the sector that is where we will respond . . . Wherever possible I am going to go all out to protect the agriculture sector and if it means having to work with those known hunters who are in the system we would do whatever it takes to facilitate them, ”he said. The Ministry of Agriculture has been facilitating the culling of the monkey population since the 60’s/70’s and for more than 20 years, the bounty for turning in tails was $15 each. The ministry then disposes of the tails in an incinerator. Weir said it was important for officials from both ministries to discuss a strategy to ensure the island was neither breaching international conventions nor putting the agriculture sector at risk. When contacted, Minister of Environment Adrian Forde said the Green Monkey was one of the animals under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and Barbados could not simply wipe the animal off the face of the planet. Read the rest below 👇🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/CoXD71tgnElyhOhyqVrOzMnCI5r3FGDgwam7Kw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suraanahita · 3 years
I wrote in an older post that:
“Something interesting to note is that there is no full equivalent of Ahura Mazda in the early Vedic texts (Rigveda to be exact). The closest thing would be “ásurasya māyáyā”, aka “Magic of the Asuras” (or their - literally - “mind-powers” as One). I just wanted to include this because it helps display a relationship between the Yazads and Ohrmazd. There is a unity, but also a plurality among them (unique in their own right).”
In terms of linguistics the direct Sanskrit cognate to “Ahura Mazda” would be “Asura Medha”. Although this doesn’t appear at all together, as one name anywhere in the Vedas AFAIK.
HOWEVER! “Asura Mahat” is a title Varuna is given after he champions Rta (Asha)... This more or less correlates with the name of Ahura Mazda (as the “Great (Wise) Lord”). Medha or Medhira is a quality also very associated with Varuna too, as he is the benevolent and thoughtful Asura King, the (original) ruler of the heavens who judges both men and gods. The name “Varun” too is listed as one of Ahura Mazda’s 101 names... funnily enough.
Despite this though, “Varun” (Varuna) as a deity is a dīv/dēv/daēva i.e shadowy/false being. “Varun” is quickly referenced sometimes as a demon (in one Gathic commentary, Bundahišn, and Videvdat) who promotes “unnatural lust”.
Most of our daevas serve as the dual opposites to their respective ahura/yazata counterparts. For example, the good Tishtrya (similar to Vedic Tishya or Indra; rainfall/divine arrow) vs the evil Apaosha (drought).
Here are some other daevas that some might recognize (by name):
Indra (Andra/Indar)
Nasatya/Ashvins (Naonghaithya)
P.S There wasn’t really a “widespread demonization” of an entire pantheon. The entire dichotomy is semantics. Most daēvas one wouldn’t recognize. I can name a few, Jeh, Az, Zarigh, Aeshma, Bushyasta, Mitokht, Nasu, and so on...
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cyrelia-j · 6 years
[fic] Invictus III (Kelas Parmak, past Garak/Parmak)
It might not be past for long if Garak has his way. 
So, kidfic turned dark AF? Check. Federation through a bit of a warped and bitter lens? Check. Morally bankrupt and not nice Garak? Check.
Still with me? Alright, let's rock. A continuation of the Kelas centric PCC for @guljerry​ here is part 3. Parts 1 and 2 are HERE and HERE
Summary: Post Canon Cardassia story (AU from the novels) After the war, Kelas Parmak finds himself a father seven times over to orphans left behind after The Fire. At his age in this new world it isn't easy but he's going to live as he pleases and he's going to survive no matter the cost and no matter the enemies. Even if they're the Federation itself. Even if they're Elim Garak.
This Chapter: Parmak returns home to see Garak's been following him. He knows he's safer if Garak's dead but they have to take him alive.
Warnings this chapter: some language and references to torture.
A brief note on the biology in this story: It's a bit involved and I'll make a bigger post later but there are multiple sex/gender variants as well as Cardassians who breed live vs hatch. They are able to reproduce with each other- in this Parmak is intersexed and a live breeder (albeit sterile)
“He followed you,” Yihot says. “I’ve been watching him since I could see the city outskirts.
“Shoulda put up the guns,” Jummett grumbles. Jummett’s parents were executed by the tracking lasers outside one of the last standing warehouses near the industrial district. Rats, vermin, voles, the wealthy heads in charge of the city at first had declared. That was before the military had finally regrouped and ordered martial law restoring order to the panicked city. That’s when the warehouses were opened by forced and the rationing began. Parmak remembers those days when he and Yihot were just beginning their work under cover.
It was dangerous to cross the families then before the redistributions. They’d been made proper example of when Gul Darath’s forces came through during one of the last sweeps to clean up. There was a provisional council with the Federation talking of establishing elections, some representative government which was all well and good, but Parmak could testify with the rest of the Northerners that those on the Nokaran and Kranessan continents would be little better off than they’d been previously. Ah, but the Federation didn’t deal with “the nomads”; that would be interfering with the “Cardassian World Government” and that’s what the Federation dealt with.
Ironically, Parmak’s come to realize there are likely more living on the Steppe, the Eastern Mountains, and the cold deserts than the main Southern Continents but then again, the Federation doesn’t deal with indigents on a diplomatic level. From what Michael’s said the Federation has traditionally relied on information from the Records Bureau in Cardassia City and the previous Central Command to determine that Nokar and [especially] Kraness are little more than a few tens of thousands of primitive tent dwellers. Parmak has taken pains to educate him and the rest of the relief team in Lacoria City but little has been done from higher up. The latest report came back from Drav that the city was largely abandoned and they couldn’t afford to spread their resources thin when there were so many in the Southern Cities who were more centrally congregated and in need of assistance. Indar was much the same. Michael was apologetic. Parmak was furious...
They didn’t have cities in the north. When The Fire happened the targets were obvious. It was far easier to deal with the Southerners in the concentrated areas of population than go hunting through the desert and snow for the camouflaged nomads. But that didn’t mean they hadn’t suffered losses. The majority of the remaining rebel forces were Northerners who joined seemingly from nowhere, so said some of the more grand stories told after the war. Parmak had heard many tale told ‘round a warming fire of the Nokarans and Kranessans materializing out of the sands with their energy nets and poisoned darts to take down the Jem’Hadar soldier.
They were exaggerations from ignorant city dwellers but they still filled him with pride as the bodies kept piling up, kept him going as he fought a losing battle of casualties to the bitter end before Lacoria and the rest were razed to the ground. The North had lost more than their fair share, which seemed conveniently forgotten that most of them had returned either as corpses or broken cripples. Parmak had shown them log after log from the registries he’d acquired copies of. There were millions who’d been killed. There were millions still there starving and in need of medical supplies. All but the sickest had joined the Resistance forces and if the State were running relief properly they would have already been seen to.
There had always been lean months and Parmak remembered a few times they would trade at the relief depots- some of the hard to find spices and herbs that only grew there for enough in rations to survive lean winters. They may have been an afterthought but they were clean, well-stocked, and even if those running them were rude, they worked and they worked well. But more than that, the lifeline, the blood of the steppe were the clones. The Science Academy kept careful track of the wild game population, monitored it precisely and when necessary were sure to reintroduce new breeding stock from the clones, the DNA stores they kept vaulted. All of that was gone. He knew that the balance between population and food was a careful one and what they needed most of all, was bio mimetic gel.
Barat Gok, who’d somehow survived the collapse of the entire academy holed up in the basement under a table had told him their stores were destroyed. They were trying to recreate the work they needed but the survey teams were gone, they had no more count, they couldn’t be sure they’d be able to have the next lot ready when it was time. He told as much to Michael. He told as much to the Officers visiting during inspection, he pleaded with them to meet with the Science Council members picking up the pieces at Central. The told him quite plainly that biomimetic gel was an illegal substance and they could hardly believe that a few hundred tribes no one had ever seen suddenly required fifty liters of it. As far as he was concerned, The Federation was no better than a benevolent Borg full of wide eyed indoctrinates spouting its praises with little to show for it. He told them as much too before he was thanked for his time and escorted out.
He and Michael have had some fantastic debates on the matter which in turn led to some fantastic sex but in the end Michael is just… too human. But that… is exactly what Parmak needs. He’s flawed, he’s corruptible, and he gets Parmak the medicines that he needs to treat the children the Federation can’t. Time is limited. Resources are limited so they’ve had to make priorities. Parmak is sure the relief forces are aware but they don’t say anything- non intervention, the Federation is always non intervention unless it’s convenient to them. The orphans, the whores, the beggars, the thieves, those not right in the registry don’t dare approach the relief workers. They’d be executed by Gul Dareth’s orders in taking attention away from proper citizenry.
Parmak hates it. But he understands it. So he operates the clinic for the rest of them with what he can scrounge up... and Michael supplies him what he can’t get otherwise. Michael likes that. It makes him feel important, like he’s a savior to the backwards and ignorant Cardassians. Michael has agreed to try and smuggle the gel. He says he knows some people who can help. He likes promises his “precious little doctor” that he’ll get whatever he needs. Parmak strokes his ego properly in return. It’s all he can do. It’s all he knows- him and his children- survive at all costs. That’s what life is now.
Parmak sighs, mind wandering as he readjusts his spectacles and crosses his arms. Elim Garak is just another obstacle they’re going to have to survive.
“You know the guns’ll attract the brawlies,” Yihot says flatly. “They don’t like anything that looks threatening nowadays. It’s defense or nothing.” Jummett looks as displeased as any child but Yihot is right. The warehouses, the mansions that had been reinforced “against The Dominion for the war” were the first targets of the military once they swept through and they keep a tight watch for any signs of what they call “future hostile insurgence.” It’s understandable. He hears the report of the riots on Elar and how lawless some of the other cities have become without government control, without the State to guide them.
The last remaining military forces have been spread thin concentrated only in the capital aside and the other city ruins. Those powerful figures coming out of the few remaining underground bunkers seem to have taken it upon themselves to “reestablish order” with their militias and themselves styled in charge. The most recent campaign he read was to retake Pogar City from one of the last overly ambitious Legates. The military is on a hair trigger for other would be warlords rising from the ashes and with eyes around the entire city, Parmak doesn’t dare chance making them a target.
“Yihot is right. It’s too great a risk. There are too many people who depend on us for us to be so reckless. You know the Federation can’t treat the…” Parmak trails off. He doesn’t want to say “undesirables” because no Cardassian is undesirable as far as he’s concerned and the sooner those vying for power realize that the better. “How long before he’s… in range?” Parmak swallows look down at the floor as he asks. They don’t have the turrets that Jummett might want but Teno is a dead shot with a disruptor pistol. Parmak stops when Teno steps forward frantically tapping him on the arm gesturing quickly; he doesn’t speak much and he can’t hear. The State has never charged for a family to have their child’s hearing corrected. It provided for implants when necessary. That tended not to apply to those without families before the war but once it started, it didn’t matter. Class didn’t matter. Once the Occupation began there never seemed to be enough for anyone.
Parmak holds up a hand and motions for Teno to slow down and watches as he sees the gestures urging him to remember his story. He’s right. Teno and his family had found a building still halfway intact with a roof garden that still had dirt. They were careful, wary of anyone who approached, but when the men came who killed them all they had sent one ahead as a sacrifice to check for inhabitants. Teno had always thought if they’d left him alone they could have escaped. Garak isn’t a fool. Garak is a survivor like it he. No, Garak is far worse. He’s a parasite. Parmak watches him getting closer to the defense perimeter and he knows that Yihot’s getting anxious.
“Yad’...” Jummett says looking nervous. Parmak looks to Roka and then back to Yihot. They can’t risk making any impetuous decisions. And he knows Garak better than anyone. Garak will have a plan no matter what his end game.
Parmak looks at Yihot steadily.
“We have to take him alive. Ah... I don’t know how I don’t know how and I know we don’t have a lot of time. He’s dangerous. Mmm... quite dangerous and I don’t know his intentions and I know you all tell me I build danger out of clouds but I’m not exaggerating. I’m serious.” Parmak isn’t even sure how they’re going to get any answers out of him once they... Oh... yes he does. He has the necessary compounds. He still remembers the formula. It was one of Tain’s favorites when he wanted to show one of the interrogators how replaceable they were. He should be able to make it quickly enough. “I trust you with the shooter, Yihot,” he says calmly, not letting his anxiety show. Every child who grew up on the steppe, in the mountains knew how to use the blowguns, knew how to use them with the winds. It was decades since he’d used one himself but it was one of those skills hard to forget.
He’d taught Yihot how to use one of the familiar cylinders they’d scavenged. There were a lot of them lying around after The Fire. The Northern Rebels found they weren’t useful against the Jem’Hadar unless one aimed dead for the eyes, but once they realized it, they were able to turn the tide hoewver briefly. They decorated the dead streets like discarded festival straws. Parmak had taken a few of the most skillfully made. and in ten years his son has put his admittedly poor use to shame; Parmak’s weak eyesight was always a liability and his mother used to say he was better suited to heal than fight or hunt. The shooters are useful post war. They’re accurate, they’re effective, but most importantly they’re silent and unlike the Cardassian disruptors they can be used to stun if necessary.
“Please take care,” Parmak urges taking Yihot’s hands in his. He looks to Teno who nods shortly. The both of them should be able to retrieve the body once he drops. They’ll need to be quick. Parmak will need to be quick in the lab to mix the serum.
“Nete,” Parmak says softly, putting his hands on his daughter’s shoulders. “Can you and Jummett watch Jala and Iliana in the evac room?” She looks about to protest, looking up to Roka for support. Roka shakes her head as she hands Jala off. It’s better they’re safe if... things don’t go as planned. Better than Garak doesn’t see his most vulnerable.
“You need me for that man...” Roka says looking uncertain. He nods.
“Will you be okay? I think Nete is old enough but-”
“Nete’s a child, ya... I got this.” She nods determined.
“Good.” Parmak breathes out a nervous breath before drawing himself up a bit. “Set him in the second bay. It’s near enough the infirmary and I can keep an eye on him once he’s situated. Tie everything, search everything and please... be careful.” They nod seriously, and Parmak holds his hands out, everyone taking a hand, a bit of an awkward pile but a brief shut of eyes and a squeeze before they rush to catch the monster back from exile. Parmak only hopes that he’s strong enough to face him when the time comes. Garak has always been one of his weaknesses.
And so he prays.
The first thing that Garak sees upon waking is a young man. He’s Parmak’s oldest, Garak’s mind supplies from the files he read at the Bureau. Yihot Parmak, age twenty five, height one hundred sixty centimeters, weight eighty five kilograms. His hair is long, ridiculously, defiantly so. He’s definitely Parmak’s despite what little resemblance they bear each other. Garak can tell by the look in his eyes that he’ll be the most physically dangerous. Garak blinks at him slowly and discreetly tenses and relaxes his muscles.
He’s bound one leg to a chair leg, bound at the hips, bound at the wrists, arms behind his back. There’s even a chain wrapped around his neck trailing behind him likely shackled to a pipe. He can barely move a finger; he can tell that without showing any sign of testing the bonds. His anus is sore. His ajan is sore. It would seem they searched him thoroughly. They’re not taking any chances with him. He smiles at that. Limited imaginations to think those are the only places one might hide secrets. Garak sees a near snarl appears on the young man’s face. He’s dangerous but easy.
“S’how ya know he’s one of them Obs... They’re all evil sons of regnars. If the Changelings and their shit dragons did any favors it was wiping them all out.” Garak’s smile grows wider.
“It would seem my reputation precedes me. But the pleasure is all mine, young Parmak. I should never think I would have such a privilege as to meet one of my dear Kelas’ little hatchlings.”
“‘m not a hatcher like you Obs,” Yihot fires back quick enough. He’s lying, of course, Garak can tell just by looking at him that he wasn’t a live birth- the teeth aren’t right, the jaw and the hair aren’t quite right and more telling the skin isn’t as smooth, dermal scaling all over. Yes, the accent is definitely from Central and sounds nothing like Parmak’s Northern slur. But he’s good with a lie. Garak likes that. “And don’t say my old man’s name like you’re anything to him. He says the word, we kill you. We kill all our old man’s enemies. They’re all dead. You’re next soon as he gives the order so show some respect.” Garak listens to him talk. His threats could use a bit of work as well. Garak knows that everything he says is a lie. Or rather that Parmak’s enemies may all be gone but certainly not from any action on Parmak’s end. Perhaps save for one…
“He ain’t your nothin’,” comes a second voice and Garak pleasantly cranes his head as best as he can manage towards the sound.
Next to Yihot is a young woman. She’s a newer entry on the registry, Garak recalls. Roka Parmak, age seventeen, height one hundred seventy five centimeters, weight eighty two kilograms. Her hair is woven with those Nokaran beads and braided like Parmak’s. Her chufa is painted blue as is her chula; tawdry. She’s wearing nothing up top save for a long wrap around her large breasts- he gives a discreet scenting that tang in the air informing him that she’s nursing, a live breeder his mind supplies- that crosses her shoulders and a pair of loose pants low on her ample hips full of pockets. He sees the sign of knives in two of them though the sight of her stomach distracts him momentarily. It’s such an obscene display of skin, of scales; she’s definitely Parmak’s as well despite possessing a stature much larger than his. Parmak’s in every way save blood Garak imagines.
Her eyes are hard but bright. She’s not educated formally but not stupid. She’s ikely a prostitute active or retired but also dangerous since she’s a living seventeen year old prostitute in a war zone. Good muscles, strong girl. She’s dangerous and not as easy as the young man.
“I suppose not,” Garak concedes dramatically, “As it would appear dear Kelas has moved on to more shall we say productive endeavors. I must confess to a deep sense of betrayal young hatchlings.” he pauses to let Yihot growl at that goading misspeak, so easily riled that one is. “For you see Kelas had always maintained he could neither sire nor bear children but then again that may have been his way of avoiding the subject altogether. I try not to take offense at that bit of deception.” Garak waits, seeing a slight flash of surprise across the young man’s face. No, Parmak hadn’t disclosed the nature of their relationship, though Garak’s hardly surprised. He watches as Roka’s eyes narrow; pretty dark blue. She’s overcome the surprise, focusing on what he’s not saying. Garak blinks at her a few times.
“Ya said this’un can’t be tortured,” She drawls looking at him but speaking to presumably her brother. “Said the Obs got them kitted out brains, got them implants that gets ‘em off on it. Bet this old’un gets off on it too; looks one of ‘em gets off on lots of stuff most whores won’t do.” Garak makes no reaction to that little tidbit of information but he nearly sobs with laughter. They don’t know. Guls, Parmak doesn’t know! None of them know that the Guls damn thing broke years ago and he’s just as helpless as any of them, he’s just as vulnerable.
Of course Parmak knows about the implants. He would have told them so many things. He would have told them about Garak’s eyes. He would have told them about Garak’s profession, about his skill, about what a dangerous man he was and surely how they should be careful should they ever encounter him. They should run, he would say and only fight as a last resort. They should leave nothing to chance because Garak is cunning and clever and a dozen other things he’s heard before. He’s on a lot of family kill lists.
So far he’s sure he’s the only one left alive of all of them.
Garak smiles wickedly. Yes, Parmak would have told them a myriad of things but it’s clear now all the things that Parmak didn’t tell them. He didn’t tell them that he and Garak were involved- that he was Enabran Tain’s physician but he was Garak’s to use whenever Garak desired. He didn’t tell them how willing he was, how eager, how he’d come to Garak’s quarters that first night and offered himself easily because he liked the way Garak always watched him. He didn’t tell them how quick he was to get on his knees for Garak at the slightest gesture, the slightest heated look, letting Garak fuck him hard in every one of those tight wet holes of his. He didn’t tell them how he was spreading for Tain as well.
“While we’re on the subject of things that “this old one” delights in, we seem to be missing a vital party to this delightful reunion. Or does my dear Kelas not know that I’m here?” That wouldn’t surprise him. They seem the types to act impulsively as a preventative measure. He might be able to use them as well. They react as he expects.
“Why don’t we see if enough pain overrides that implant, old snake,” Yihot hisses but makes no move to follow through on that threat. Garak could tell he didn’t have the appetite for blood and that affirms it. Pity.
“You ain’t threatening this’un. Old’un’s got threats for days, bet. Bet the Obs train for that too. Knew a girl trained for the Obs,” Roka brags but Garak doesn’t believe she’s lying. Interesting. Then that means her acquaintance failed out. “Told me all the secrets all that stuff real good. That brain kit might stop the pain... but it don’t stop everything.” He sees her pull out a small tablet from one of her pockets. He knows what it is immediately. It’s one of the psych drugs the whores use on their clients to enhance pleasure with delightful illusions- or to punish ones that try and harm them. He’s read reports of those who’d flung themselves out of windows in the throes of fear. The tablets, the street name Trap, are expensive. High class brothels use them, or they used to when they were still there. Street whores don’t- they don’t have the collateral. But she may have stolen them after the occupation. The Dominion occupiers were funny about certain things. Garak’s estimation of her rises. He decides he can ignore the young man.
“Are you going to send me to heaven with that my dear?” Garak all but purrs, seeing Yihot about to lash out at him angrily. He kicks the chair leg instead sending it jumping back but surprisingly not tipping. Roka is stalking him holding the tablet now smiling too.
“Send ya to hell more like, Obbie.” She’s bluffing. It’s fake. They need information and she isn’t stupid enough to damage him or even risk his biting off his own tongue if it goes wrong. Clever, but not enough. He opens his mouth and sees her falter. Then it’s real. She could bet on a bluff and his own fear to do the rest if it was a fake but this is real. Nice, very nice. Garak sticks out his tongue and Yihot looks about to grab her arm if she does give it. They’re in over their heads now.
Which makes it all the more disappointing when Parmak finally appears from outside. He would have escaped with the two of them given enough time. But disappointed isn’t quite accurate either, he thinks as he watches his old lover come into view from the light into the dim darkness. He’s older; thirty, forty years older by Garak’s count but he hardly looks it. Oh he has a few more rough scales, ridges on his face, his neck, Garak imagines the skin may not be as supple, he may even have a little fat around his middle at last. Oh that would be nice, soft, and those hips are just as tempting as ever.Those hips and those full pouty lips that he always licks so nervously around him. Garak doesn’t bother hiding his attempt to scent him as he steps closer, that stoop a bit more pronounced. He tries to straighten up; he always has around Garak. And that’s when he scents that nursing tang from him as well, almost sweet in the air between them. Fascinating.
Parmak doesn’t look him in the eyes, a dart everywhere but right at him. Lovely, Guls, he’s lovely. He looks just a few words away from crumbling at Garak’s feet. Yes, Garak definitely made the right decision when he told Lok he knew just the man that they needed for the jobs of the New Order. But Garak wasn’t just speaking of the missions, he thinks when he tastes that heady fear coming off him in waves.
He wants his traitorous little Nokaran bitch back. Badly.
(Part 4 is now HERE)
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inisurabaya · 4 years
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Netizen ikut membahas terkait kisruh berebut mobil tes Covid-19 antara Pemkot Surabaya dengan Pemprov Jawa Timur. Bahkan nama Wali Kota Surabaya, Tri Rismaharini masuk dalam jajaran trending topic, Jumat (29/5) malam. . Bukan hanya nama "Bu Risma" yang menjadi trending topic. Banyak pula netizen yang 'mengadu' antara Tri Rismaharini dengan Gubernur Jawa Timur Khofifah Indar Parawansa. . Sebagian netizen berpendapat bahwa perseteruan antara dua pemimpin dalam wilayah yang sama tersebut tidak seharusnya terjadi. Menurut mereka, sebaiknya kedua pihak bekerja sama."Bu risma pls stop gelut w bu khofifah. what is this battle all abt," kata salah seorang netizen yang meminta keduanya untuk berhenti meributkan soal mobil tes dengan teknologi PCR tersebut. . "Pemprov dan pemkot harusnya tidak mementingkan kepentingan masing2 dan BEKERJA SAMA. KENOPOOOOO SEEEEHHH situasi koyok gini seeeeeeeeekk ae onok kepentingan politik.......kecuuueeewa ak sm pemprov dan pemkot ini tbh," lanjutnya. . Pendapat serupa juga diutarakan netizen lainnya. Keributan antara dua belah pihak tidak seharusnya terjadi karena hal ini menyangkut nasib jutaan masyarakat Surabaya, yang juga bagian dari Jawa Timur. . "If it's true, there's battle between Bu Risma and Bu Khofifah, I'm just begging them to be wiser leaders. Please. This isn't senior high school gangs battle that impact no one except themselves. It's about lives of millions citizens in Surabaya. Please stop being childish," kata seorang netizen. . Namun ada pula yang membela Tri Rismaharini dan memaklumi kemurkaan yang ia tunjukkan terkait hal ini pada Jumat (29/5). Selain itu, kekisruhan ini juga dinilai bentuk dari pemetaan dan koordinasi yang buruk. . . . ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ INFO 📷 : cnnindonesia.com ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■. . #surabaya #ini_surabaya #inisurabaya #aslisuroboyo #lovesuroboyo #banggasurabaya #galerysurabaya #seputarsurabaya #sparklingsurabaya  #surabayapunyacerita  #exploresurabaya #suroboyo  #panoramasurabaya  #exploreindonesia #banggaindonesia #jawatimur #indonesia #travel #viral  #Persebaya #greenforce #Bonek #indonesiajuara #BikinBanggaIndonesia #SURABAYAMENDUNIA #SUROBOYOWANI (di Surabaya, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAzDd7rFAes/?igshid=1h3lj1ca9115u
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bcczeandgettinglcst · 7 years
TAGGED BY: Stolen from @jushirou-ukitake TAGGING:  Anybody feel up to
A - AGE:  twenty-six
B - BIGGEST FEAR: any kind of fridgin’ reptiles, hate them
C - CURRENT TIME: 11:35 pm
E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: wanting to get more sleeps
F - FAVOURITE SONG: DT, Angra, Symphony X, almost any kind of progressive metals
G - GHOSTS ARE THEY REAL: nope, at least I haven’t get haunted since I was born
I - IN LOVE WITH: guess who?
L - LAST TIME YOU CRIED: hadn’t cried since I was a toddler
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: little brother and sister
O - ONE WISH: I wish for my corrupt president and his communist allies vanished from this world
Q - QUESTIONS YOU ARE ALWAYS ASKED: “how’s work went?” and “when will you get married?” (ain’t those are bitch for questions?) (>A<)
R - REASONS TO SMILE: my luck hasn’t dried up yet
S - SONG LAST SANG: angels and demons by Angra
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 5:30am
U - UNDERWEAR COLOUR: dark colors
W - WORST HABIT: procrastinating shits
X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: my lung teehee
Y - YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD: Minangese traditional food
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7. Is your clan open to the public or closed off to strangers (is it easily traveled to or hidden somewhere)? and 13. Is there any dragon species discrimination?
I already answered 7 in a different ask, but I’ll answer 13!
13. Is there any dragon species discrimination?
There is no vocal Clan-wide discrimination, but there are a few sticking points. For example, Stonehearth only boasts two Imperials, father and son, and I suppose that it could be said that the Clan discriminates against them slightly in terms of size. Many of the den-tunnels are only large enough to admit their occupants, and since most of the members of Stonehearth are only a few meters long, there are places that Valor and Candor simply cannot go. Candor does not care, as he disdains the company of 99% of Stonehearth anyway (he will only talk to mages); Valor, as the original inhabitant of Stonehearth, will take it upon himself to enlarge any too-small tunnels he comes upon in order to explore them. It is quite invasive and inconvenient at times, but he always has a good reason and is able to smooth any ruffled feathers or scales.
There are only five Pearlcatchers in Stonehearth. While nothing has actually been said (at least not where any of the more nosy members of the Clan can hear), Sable was quietly excluded from the others’ groups and mealtimes when she became mates with Edel, a Spiral. But even this is unclear; Manchineel is very antisocial, Cleros is obsessed with her to the exclusion of all else, Myst has not spoken or moved by herself since Gree found her, and most of Gree’s time is spent tending to her, so it could just have been coincidence. Gree’s heartfriend, Indar, is a Tundra, and nothing seemed to happen to him when Indar joined Stonehearth and they began to spend time together.
Despite wanting to be welcoming, no one currently in Stonehearth speaks Coatl. The last Coatl member of Stonehearth died many seasons ago, and none have come to visit since.
Cappadocia thinks all Bogsneaks are the scum of the earth and should never have been created. But this is probably because Mekoides recently joined the Clan and immediately tore apart his blueprints. He refuses to understand that just because something looks beautiful doesn’t mean it’s safe.
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r-nico · 6 years
Mahakaali 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Mahakaali 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
scene 1 Parvati told Shiva that Indra instigated the masses, killed them so that they could provoke Devantak, tell me if I am worried about the coming storm? Tell me. Shiv says that there is nothing with it. Parvati says how will we handle it? If there is the power of Devantak, which can be killed only by using the brain, power and sensitivity. A faithful King Vishnupupta comes there and says that I have come to thank Parvati and Ganesh, you have saved my laws and my people by killing Nartak, I am sorry that if I have come at the wrong time but I My daughters are here to thank you. Their daughters come there. They say that my daughters wanted to meet Mahakali so I could not stop them. Girls salute Parvati. One girl says that my name is Siddhi (sensitivity) and the other says that my name is Buddha (mind). Parvati is listening to the smile.
Devantak is angry
And throws things around Indar says that I understand your anger but you have to eliminate Ganesha, she is sensible and can find a way to kill you as she killed your brother, go and take revenge for your brother because you Can eliminate Devantak asks why do you want Devraj? Indar says that my position of Devraj was taken, I hate him, I will eliminate him, will you go alone? Devantak says that I will use my powers to finish them. Indra smirks Devantak brings his army and says, I will fight with my enemies, I will be with you. Indra thank him and leaves. Devantak says that Indra tried to fool me but I would cheat him. Parvati tells Vishnu that Devantak is behind Ganesh because he killed Naranak, we want your help for this. Vishnu asks for order. Parvati says that we want your daughters to marry Ganesha and become part of our family. Vishnu says that it will be our honor. Shiva asks if he accepts his proposal? Vishnu says that do not embarrass me, this is the honor of making a relationship with your family, but how will Devantak be eliminated? Parvati says that your work is Goddess to show the right path, Buddha is knowledgeable, there are the powers of Ganesha, if they come together three then it can eliminate Devantak. Vishnu says that I agree but if he is still a child then how will he marry? Parvati says that we will use our powers to bring them together, we will be wandering them so that their powers can end the coalition and we have to talk to the children before this. Shiva says that I will talk to Ganesha, Parvati says that I will talk to Sidhi and Buddha.
Ganesh asked Shiva how can I marry? I am a child and I do not think Sidhi and Buddha will agree that when we went to our village, they got angry with us because we did not let them kill their enemies.
Parvati talks to Buddha and Sidhi and says that was your encounter with Ganesh not pleasant? This happened to me and Shiva too, but think about it, I will not force you anything, tell me your decision.
Ganesh told Shiva that you are planning against me, Shiva says that no, I am just telling you that if you agree with it then you will get married in adulthood but you will remain tied in one relationship, the final decision will be yours So think about this.
Ganesh, Buddhi and Siddhi come to Parvati and Shiva. Parvati says that let us know your decision and it will be final. Shiva says that women will first tell their decision. Siddhi and Buddha say that we agree with this marriage. Shiva asks Ganesh. Ganesh says that I am sorry but I do not agree with this marriage. See all.
Indra comes to her place, her daughters ask if everything is fine? Inder says that soon Devendak will destroy the gods and I will get back my status, do not worry, Devantak has promised to hurt me and my loyalists, so we will stay here and stop the entire Kailash Devantak Will try but they will not be able. His daughter says that I do not agree to go against Kailash, Indar says that you are going against your father because Kartika had saved you once? Let the Devantak kill Kailash He hears the force and sees the Devantak coming with his power. Devantak says that I am not a fool to go to Kailash, I will kill you and take all my gods, then I will call my enemies here. Their army starts fighting with Indra. Agni thinks to inform Parvati and Shiva.
Parvati asks Ganesh why she is against this marriage? Ganesh says because I can not say yes without agreeing with my heart. Shiva says that it is about his deeds. Kartika says how will we fight with Devandak? Fire comes and says that Devantak has started the destruction, he will kill all the gods. Kartika tells Ganesha that we have to eliminate Devantak. Ganesh said. Kartika summoned her birds and leaves with Ganesh. Buddha and Siddhi that we want to be part of this battle. Shiva says that you will be an important part of this war.
Indra takes her daughter Devseen and asks him to stay away from Devantak. Devantak comes there. Indra asked to go to Devasena, she ran away. Indra tries to attack Devantak but he laughs and says that your weapons are useless at me. She catches Indra and says that you have to die, but I have to show her standard first, she throws it. Devasena is running but the forces of Devantak revolve around it.
Kartika tells Ganesh why did not you say that for marriage? How will we kill the Devantak? Ganesh says that we will get a solution, Shiva told me that we will get an answer for our actions. They see Devsena hanging on the rock and calling for help. The army of Goddess is coming to her. Kartika tells Ganesha that Devantak goes, I will help him, he leaves. Ganesha says that the father was right, we will find solutions for the deeds, Devantak will now die.
Scene 2 Devasena falls off the rock but Kartika jumps and protects it. When they share the eyelock, he smiles at him and says you saved me again. Kartika says that we can do one thing over and over again.
Ganesha attacked Devandak Siddhi and Buddha also come there. Devantak says that the killer of my brother is here. Ganesh says that I freed him and I too will release you. They both attack each other, Devantak falls. Mahakali comes there. Devantak says what the son could do, what mother has come to do? You can not kill me She says yes but I can hurt you, she attacks her. Indra says where is Devsena? She goes to find her. Shiva also comes there.
Kartika takes her bird to Devasena and they fly away.
Indra told Mahakali that I am sorry, please forgive me. Mahakali says that you have a chance to improve your mistakes. Kartika and Devasena come there. Mahakali asks if they will marry each other? They said. Mahakali says to Indar that you have a long way to repent for this mistake starting with this marriage. Indar says that I bless this marriage but how will we eliminate Goddess? Mahakali says that it will happen.
Ganesha tells Sidhi and Buddha that you are good with me to kill Devantak. They say we can help you. He says that I do not need help. Parvati tells Ganesha that Devasena is with us now, are you still against Sidhi and Buddha with this marriage? He shakes his head
Devantak tells Ganesha that there is no power in this world that can end me. Ganesha says that you are very proud. Siddhi and Buddha give their powers to Ganesha. Ganesha grows in size and looks in Devantak. Devant was shocked and says how can this happen? Shiva, you blessed me Shiva says that you were proud that any power can kill you but they have three powers to kill you. Devantak is called, but these three powers are different and not one. Parvati says that Siddhi has the power to show sensitivity and is the brain of Buddha but they are combined due to the walqan and now they have joint powers which will end you. Ganesh attacked the attacker Devantak dies and goes away. Smile all Ganesh takes his place back. Shiva says that the great battle son, Ganesh ended the evil so that he would be called Ganapati. Indar says that I am sorry for my mistakes, I will repent for my mistakes. Parvati says that the end is good, we should go back to Kailash. Sidhi and Buddha salute them. Parvati Smile in Shiva
Shiva and Parvati sit. Parvati says that I am grateful for your guide, my honor, honor, everything is connected with you, I found you and found my journey. Shiva says that your journey has given me a reason, Parvati says that I thought that my journey would end, but you have learned that the end has begun, with your guide, I am blessed with Mahakali In the form of its powers Shiva says that I have done all this for me, if you are here I am here, you are the power of this universe. Parvati says, but you showed me the right path, now I understand that every problem is solved, I am calm because I know that you are always with me, my sons marriage is confirmed, so I am in peace I have done my part, to protect the universe and to do my work as a woman, I feel that all my desires are full and I am in peace. Shiva gets disturbed and thinks that you said Parvati? If you do not have any desire then no desire and hope will be left in the universe; now you are finished and now nobody will be safe. Shiva says that the final journey of Mahakali will now start and it will end.
Vishnu told Shiva that Mahakali no longer has any wish that will destroy the world, its beginning will end now, the earth will see the results first.
On earth, flowers become hairy. A man asks the priest what is this? The priest says that I do not know, I think the end is coming, it does not know how big the problem is now.
The priest told Shiva that the deadly log will disappear from the first earth, how will we fight with it? Shiva says that Mahakali will get a solution, I am confident that he will be able to find a solution which will eventually bring a new start.
Parvati says why do I feel bothered? Everything is fine. Shiva comes there. Parvati says that I want to talk to you, everything is fine but I think something is going to go wrong. Shiva says that you can know everything, how do you see the situation, do not know whether you are troubled about the good thing to come or not. Parvati says that you have to answer me, you can not ask me to find everything. Shiva says that you have to get the answer related to the answer. You have to come with me for the prayers because I am going to make a cave with everyone. He sees
The post Mahakaali 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on Latest Indian TV Serials Written Episode Updates.
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rohirric-hunter · 2 months
Oh yeah and this is the shortlist of my OCs/stolen canon characters that are going to Umbar:
Leonys. Leonys is getting to Umbar in an unconventional manner and will not be involved with most of the Epic.
Hathellang. I know the devs aren't reading my fanfic because that's illegal*, but I honestly do find it hard to believe, after they wrote the perfect foil for Hathellang in Nakasi. And it's a delightful challenge because while there's a fair chance I couldn't do so well myself, there's a 100% chance I wouldn't have. Like this is not something I would have thought to write, regardless of how perfect it is. And that's always fun to play with!
Indarant. I mentioned at some point the idea of multiclassing her "back" into Loremaster, but wasn't really sure what I would do with that. A really good setup is a sorcerer antagonist who makes a big deal out of drawing his power from nature. Make her face head-on what scared her so much about the power way back when. Also Kholtekh is going to come up to her like, "I think maybe Thorongil might have possibly become a king. What do you think of that?" and she's gonna fully look him in the eyes and say, "He did. What about it?" Like in public. Woman has No Tact. I am still figuring out her in-universe reasons for going, though.
Dahlia and Ferelin. I may or may not have mentioned on here that their big motivation for leaving the Shire was to track down their missing father, who, being a Took, had gone off on an Adventure, as Tooks do, and then never came back before they were born. So they've actually never met him. And spoilers technically but I don't really care -- they do eventually find him, one of the oar-slaves aboard a Corsair ship in Pelargir. Pretty quickly after the Black Gate he goes back to the Shire to see their mother. The twins, dealing with mixed feelings about All That, stay behind and go adventuring with Leonys and Hathellang some more. They need to see some of the things their father saw, and also have some conversations with a certain old friend going by a really stupid name and playing at being a bounty hunter assassin. For character development.
Helegdil. Helegdil is my mariner alt and is specifically being developed to stop this from happening again. Leonys and Hathellang weren't even supposed to go to Gundabad, let alone Umbar. They need to go home before I have to rewrite major parts of Blood of the Covenant on account of it happening years in the future. So the next time the Urge strikes me to throw them at a new questline I am going to do my level best to throw Helegdil at it instead. He's a new character and hasn't told me much about himself yet, but I've got a strong base with some wibbly themes that I can work into whatever stories he ends up in, probably. Heavily inspired by many indulgent fanfics set in post-war Gondor that I read as a kid.
I am putting Candaith in this situation. Candaith has an arc in Blood of the Covenant that I think will benefit from this sort of adventure.
I would really like to put Boromir in this situation too. I don't know how feasible it is from a logistical standpoint, since Imrahil's very good reasons for not going would also apply to him I think. But I have this vague fuzzy idea for what to Do With Boromir post-war and I think this would lead into it very well. That's the trouble with writing an AU that saves characters that die in canon. You have to Do Something with them, especially if, as in this case, parts of the shape of the story after their death are defined by their absence. It can be a lot of heavy lifting.
*It's not illegal actually I don't think but their lawyers will tell them not to do it. For this specific reason. If I was of a less agreeable sort and could produce evidence that they were reading my fanfic then they run the risk of getting sued. I wouldn't win this particular case, I don't think, but getting sued is expensive. And this has happened in the past I think with some TV shows. So unfortunately no fanfic for writers while they're actively writing for a property.
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uchuukinoko · 8 months
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Vayu Vata, the god of wind 🌬🌪 Vayu Vata, also known as Vay-bod, is the god of air, wind, storms, and atmospheric events. He is a neutral god who can help both good and evil humans. He is very powerful and has been called upon for help by Ahura Mazda on several occasions. Vayu has a cool and kind face, but he can also be terrifying. He helps evil humans, but that does not mean he supports them. He is the observer of human actions and after death, accompanies humans to the Chinvat Bridge (as-Sirat in Islam), where he judges their actions along with Mithra and Daena. Purple is one of Vayu's favorite colors. He wears golden and purple clothing during war, when he destroys demons with his powerful weapons. In times of peace, he wears white clothes and adorns himself with golden jewelry. Vayu cooperates with Zurvan and has a good relationship with Indra (Indar in my story). He is also the guardian of other gods and does not allow demons to enter the world of gods. In my opinion, Vayu is like a kind uncle (100 % uncle, father never :)))) ) who loves his nieces and nephews very much. He is always there for them and makes time for them. I think of him as a big supporter 🤍
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thechasefiles · 4 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 28/5/2020
Good Morning #realdreamchasers! Here is your daily news cap Thursday 28th May, 2020. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
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PLOT TWIST – A massive effort to improve the living conditions of struggling single mother Katura Luke has taken a shocking twist. Barbados TODAY understands that the owner of the lot at Diamond Valley, St Philip where Luke lives has given no permission for cleaning or renovations to take place on his property and has enlisted the services of an attorney to resolve the matter. As social media sensation Jordan English commenced The Luke Family Home Renovation, Mervin Jones, whose uncle owns the property revealed that rent had not been paid for the last six years and the unsightly home was in fact up for sale. “Unimpressed” with the ongoing “hype” surrounding the endeavor, Jones is instead urging Barbadians to get the full story before “jumping on bandwagons”. “You can’t just go on someone else’s land and carry out renovations just because a man goes on social media saying that we have to be sympathetic. Sympathy doesn’t pay to repair a house,” Jones told Barbados TODAY. “There is more to this story than meets the eye and I can speak because I am directly involved with it and I spoke to the landowner’s attorney and told her to get her hands on this because I don’t think any renovations are going to take place at this time,” he declared. But on Wednesday afternoon, English started honoring a promise to improve the family’s deplorable condition. Photos and videos from his social media page captured a team of youngsters cleaning a massive amount of garbage from the house with help from Jose Y Jose Liquid and Solid Waste Management. The matter was thrust into the public domain on Monday, when the 23-year-old launched an appeal to assist Luke who is living in squalor as she raises four children and battles a myriad of serious health issues. On Tuesday, management of Crane Resorts facilitated a seven-day stay for Luke and her children who have been promised a newly renovated home in seven days. The young man has since launched a website and is accepting donations to aid the initiative. Up to press time, efforts to reach English and Jose Y Jose’s Managing Director, Anderson Cherry were unsuccessful. In the meantime, Jones, who is perplexed by the developments explained that a well-kept and fully furnished house with a new television, fridge and stove was offered to Luke approximately ten years ago after the death of his aunt, who previously occupied the property. The Rural Development Commission (RDC) had been paying rent on Luke’s behalf, but stopped sometime in 2014. The caretaker added that in 2013, the house had been repaired and another estimate for improvements to the tune of $7,600 had been done. However, with no rent being paid, repairs were simply not feasible. “Three offers were made to her, including one from the current Member of Parliament for the area [Indar Weir], who is being ridiculed now to go to a house in Church Village, St. Phillip and she refused,” claimed Jones, a former school teacher, well known umpire and cricket match referee. “Now you will try to stop my uncle from getting rid of that property, which is now filled with bottles and all kinds of rubbish?” he asked. “It is laudable what the gentleman is trying to do. But when he went to the house and saw the for sale sign he should have asked some questions, because everybody in Diamond Valley knows me,” he added. When contacted, Minister in the Ministry of Housing and Lands Charles Griffith admitted that the family “is known” to the RDC. He said that an officer from the commission visited the property on Tuesday to carry out an assessment. Meanwhile, Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs Cynthia Forde said she received “background information” on the unfolding situation and is preparing to meet with the relevant social agencies to develop a plan to assist Katura and her family. (BT)
‘GOV’T, CAN DO BETTER’: HOWARD ON ECONOMY JOB – From getting a passing mark in the first year, the Mia Mottley has slumped to near failing grade over its handling of the economy in its second year in office, according to emeritus economics professor Michael Howard. But he gave Government “high marks” for its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Professor Howard told Barbados TODAYwhile the administration had done a satisfactory job in their first year, they had dropped the ball this time around. He made the comments just days after the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) celebrated their second year in office on May 24. Professor Howard said: “If I had to evaluate the BLP in terms of the two separate years I think the performance was different. In my opinion, if I had to grade them I would give them a B+ for the first year and a D for the second year. “In the first year they did well and they had a right to boast of having restored confidence in the Barbadian dollar, they went to the IMF [International Monetary Fund] which I felt was necessary, and it helped to raise the level of foreign reserves and I complimented Ms Mottley in the way she went about it. The way in which she brought stability to the economy was the hallmark of the first year. “In the first year even though the level of taxation rose I think that Barbados was rescued from the previous years under the DLP.” He also pointed to the debt restructuring which he deemed as necessary and which helped to reduce the level of debt. But in evaluating the Government’s second year, the Professor Emeritus in Economics at the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill said Government’s performance left a lot to be desired. He told Barbados TODAY: “In the second year I think things went downhill. The economy remained in recession, there were more draconian taxation; the water tax continued, heavy taxes on tourism; there was a decline in sanitation, poor water management. “Somehow they lost track of the course and perhaps one of the main problems was the failure to restore economic growth. The taxation was very heavy and a lot of people especially the poor suffered a loss in welfare during that second year. “Despite the income tax reform people were burdened by the increase in direct taxation. But I wouldn’t give them a failure because the fact that they achieved the six per cent IMF surplus meant that something was achieved.” But on the Mottley administration’s handling of the COVID-19 crisis, Professor Howard said while he did not agree with everything that had been done he was impressed by Government’s handling of the challenges it faced. He told Barbados TODAY: “I would give them some high marks, although they have been some blemishes. But I would give them some high marks for the way they approached especially the health aspect of this crisis because this was a new area and even though there were one or two slipups at first I think that they did a good job in restoring confidence in people.” (BT)
GRIM OUTLOOK ON JOB FRONT – Two of the island’s corporate representative organisations are warning the country to brace for more job losses in the private sector if business activity does not pick up quickly. Chairman of the Barbados Private Sector Association (BPSA) Edward Clarke has cautioned that the country can expect companies to take some drastic measures to remain in business, including layoffs, if economic activity does not improve in the next few weeks. He warned that with revenue having dried up in some cases and being “very poor” in others, businesses will do what they have to do to survive. Clarke said while some people have gone back to work in a number of businesses which were allowed to reopen, things could take a turn for the worse if revenue remains dormant or non-existent resulting in more job losses. “What is being assessed now is what will happen if business does not pick up in the next couple weeks, next few weeks. Revenue is going to drive the decision-making. Unless businesses have revenue to support the organisational structure and staffing structure they will have to make decisions,” Clarke told Barbados TODAY this afternoon. “Once they follow the due process, you would expect people would have to make decisions for the survival of their businesses,” he added. The private sector spokesman said he hopes things would change for the better sooner than later and that Government would expand the opening hours of business and allow more retailers to resume operations where practicable. Clarke is also calling for the reopening of some restaurants in the near future while acknowledging that all this hinges on the health protocol and the continuing “good outcome” of the COVID management. “But things are slow and we are having to manage the situation day by day and hopefully things will improve…but right now it is not a good situation for businesses in Barbados at this time…very weak performance overall. Many businesses have to make some serious decisions in the next few weeks, if things don’t change,” he reiterated. And President of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) Trisha Tannis is also expecting more people to go home in the coming weeks and months. But while she anticipates additional layoffs, she is urging business leaders and owners to ensure they follow due process as provided for in the Employment Rights Act. “I would take the opportunity to encourage the members of the private sector, where they are contemplating or in the process of laying off, to remember to ensure they follow due process where the labour representative is concerned and the Labour Office as well,” the BCCI president told Barbados TODAY. The business sector leader disclosed that the Chamber has been getting complaints that some employers were “progressing with certain actions without due process. And I would just like to take the opportunity to remind the private sector to follow the appropriate protocol.” Tannis also warned that she expected the current bleak business conditions to continue until year-end especially if tourism remains in the doldrums. She noted that a series of major festivals which would have boosted tourism have been cancelled for this year including the United Nations’ Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Conference slated for October. “Obviously the spinnoff and trickle down benefits to the economy are going to be missed. So it remains to be seen how long…how deep, this is going to be. But we may be in for a bit of a long haul. It may not be before 2021 before we begin to see some recovery,” the Chamber head declared. “I do think there is going to be a bit of a contraction for a while. As you know, the employment levels are very high and traffic flows are still very sedate,” Tannis stated. “It is good to be able to reopen…that helps. But traffic will still be significantly down versus the prior years. I think it will be a slow and gradual climb, hopefully back to some level of buoyancy, but that timeline is likely to be protracted,” she said. Meanwhile, Government and other members of the Social Partnership are consulting on a plan proposed by Prime Minister Mia Mottley that is designed to give the political directorate more elbow room to help the economy rebound from the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Prime Minister has proposed what was initially termed a “forced savings plan” now known as a National Meeting Turn that offers “National Pandemic Solidarity Bonds” as part payment for salaries. The bonds are to be redeemed at the end of four years at high interest rates but can be cashed in at financial institutions before the maturity date. (BT)
DOUBLE TAX BLOW HURTING PENSION SAVINGS – Barbadians who are paying taxes on their income and are then required to pay taxes again on the money they have put aside to support them during retirement should be entitled to some relief from the double burden. The case has been made by Roger Cave, Investment Director of Fortress Fund Manager as he addressed members of the media Tuesday at the company’s virtual media briefing. Asked what Government could do to make the investing environment more appealing, he said the matter of taxation on pensions was a longstanding sore point. Noting that since Government removed registered retirement savings plans from the list of investments Barbadian could claim against the tax liabilities, they are now facing two tax hits; one at the source in the form of PAYE and another at the pension payment stage for sums over a minimum amount. “The one area from a policy point of view that we do need to relook is the taxation on pensions and it is a point that we raise repeatedly. We have a situation where contributions to pension schemes are no longer deductible but they are still taxed on retirement. “This COVID-19 situation has demonstrated even more so the importance of saving for long-term needs and that has increased rather than decreased. And further, to have a situation where there is a tax penalty, we need to reverse this where there is an incentive to put away those savings,” Cave urged. “We have a strong regulatory scheme with pensions with a number of local providers, so the environment is there but the policy needs to be revisited.” On the matter of Barbados’ blacklisting by the European Union over claims the country was not been meeting the standard for Anti-money Laundering and the Countering Financing of Terrorism, Cave said the development was “most unfortunate”. The Fortress top executive added: “We think there has been a number of initiatives and ongoing things to strengthen our AML processes and procedures. As a player in the financial system, we are very aware of them and think that that was a very unfortunate case. I know that representation has been made to have [blacklisting] revisited and we hope that we will be off that list sooner rather than later. “It is never helpful, especially in the environment that we are in,” Cave added. (BT)
BRANDING KEY TO SELLING BAJAN AND CARIBBEAN PRODUCTS, SAYS CADDLE – Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment, Marsha Caddle, believes that more must be done to utilise the Barbados and Caribbean brand when it comes to promoting and selling local and regional commodities across the world. She made this point during a live YouTube discussion on the topic, The Future of the Caribbean: Sustainable Supply Chains, Trade, and Agriculture, hosted by the Grow Local Caribbean Team. The other participants were Jamaica’s Minister of State in the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries, Floyd Green; Jamaica’s Opposition Spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade and Director of Lydford Logistics, Lisa Hanna; and Oneyka Akumah, Founder and CEO of Farmcrowdy from Nigeria. It was hosted by Ethnie Miller Simpson, Managing Director of Grow Local Caribbean, an entity which provides resources for Caribbean businesses. Caddle noted that within the local agricultural sector, government was focused on identifying those things that were unique to Barbados. She suggested that branding was key to standing out, especially within a niche market and where there are economies of scale. “Branding for us is extremely important. We keep talking about niche markets and the issue even with a niche market is that we still have economies of scale. Even if we have a couple of producers who are able to create a niche high value product, because of our size it is very unlikely that we will still be able to produce enough of that product to make a dent in the market, even within the region. “One of the things we have focused on doing is identifying what are uniquely Bajan things. Black belly sheep is one of those things. It is sought after all over the world; there are chefs in different restaurants who say if we have that lamb we don’t want anything else. The same for avocado and the same for aloe vera, so we are really focused on that…,” she explained. The Investment Minister also lamented that too often Caribbean products are being packaged and resold to the region and she stressed that the islands needed to do a much better job in this regard. “We can globalise even the production but we need to really brand who we are and what we are selling. This issue came up even recently with the ‘clash’ between (musicians) Bounty and Beenie. Why is it that people are selling back to us our Caribbean product? We hear all these jingles in advertising and you have a soca rhythm in the back [or] you have a reggae rhythm, because our brand is happiness, the Caribbean brand is happiness and we are not doing anything with that. So I think as part of our overall conversation, that is a huge part of what we need to do,” she emphasised. Adding to the conversation was Lisa Hanna, who pointed out that a huge part the problem with agriculture was that the youth did not see the sector as attractive. She also complained about value added products, which are grown in Jamaica, being imported and sold on the island. “I say we need to make farming ‘sexy’ because it is where the next frontier is coming from… I should not be sitting in Jamaica and buying a packaged can of coconut water. I shouldn’t be sitting in Jamaica and buying cured mangoes from Indonesia. That to me is just criminal because what we keep doing is exporting our primary products,” she argued, adding that locals must also be able to afford locally grown products. Hanna also called for more investment into the industry and the identification of what are the global competitive advantages, especially since she did not believe there would be enough prosperity generated by feeding one’s population alone. (BGIS)
COACH OWNERS MULL FERRYING COMMUTERS – With no tourists to drive their businesses, some coach owners have now said they may very well accept Government’s offer for them to join the public transport system. But for it to be a feasible option, the contract would have to make “financial sense”, said one owner. With public service vehicles and Transport Board buses only allowed to carry 60 per cent capacity for effective social distancing, Prime Minister Mia Mottley recently announced that private coaches might have to help move commuters. With Ross University temporarily closed, Mottley said the medical school’s coaches could be used, among others. Scott Davis, owner of Williams Tours Barbados, acknowledged the offer was not ideal, but he said that with few options available, coaches might have to take advantage of the offer. He told Barbados TODAY: “There is not necessarily a great excitement to integrate because of the class of vehicle. “We have to try and create the most luxury vehicle and so to convert to that style… but I believe there are many who are going to be in the situation where that will be an ultimate game-changer for them. “Take, for example, all the Ross transportation, they don’t have any Ross students to carry around anymore and I don’t know if Government is still having to honour that contract, so I believe there will be people who will definitely fill that void who are doing that type of transportation already.” With the COVID-19 pandemic having practically wiped out the tourist industry for the near future, Davis said he may have to consider accepting the Government’s offer. He said: “As the news spread about the future it’s not looking so bright so I might be willing to come on board. I’ve gone from income to zero income and so it is definitely something I would need to consider. “I believe we all will be thinking about it for sure, so we might seem reluctant now but a couple more days without a dollar a lot of us might be coming around.” Davis recalled that several months ago, Minister of Transport  Dr William Duguid spoke to them regarding a similar initiative. He said at the time several concerns had been raised, including the basis on how routes would be assigned. General manager of Sun Tours Barbados Eva Marshall declined to comment, but another owner who asked to remain anonymous told Barbados TODAY the offer would have to be financially beneficial for him to consider. He said while he did not want to appear selfish, the bottom line was critical. He said: “This is something which is new and probably something we would have never contemplated before COVID-19. We are accustomed to setting our own rates so for us to operate in this fashion is a bit strange. “I’m not against having a discussion but at the end of the day it has to make financial sense for me as a business owner. It makes no sense having my vehicles working and having to service them if the money isn’t decent. “I think Government would have to offer us some form of concession maybe on diesel or something as well, because the majority of private coaches operate with air condition.” He said the loss of the tourist industry would be very hard on private coaches, as in some instances tourists accounted for 85 per cent of business. (BT)
GRADUATES OFFER BETTER CHANCE AT INNOVATION – Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, President of the Universities Caribbean and Vice Chancellor of the University of the West Indies (UWI) is predicting that there will be an increase in persons seeking higher education in the post COVID-19 period. Speaking during today’s One Caribbean Virtual Forum titled: Assessing the impacts of COVID-19 Designing the Future of the Caribbean University Sector, the historian explained that there is a historical tendency for the demand for higher education to increase during an economic recession. However, Sir Hilary stressed that while there is the expected increase in persons seeking to further develop their knowledge in skills and academic areas, it is important for governments in the region to see the importance of continuing to invest in education even though there is an unfavourable economic climate. He said members of the labour force often work towards retooling and reorganizing their skill sets, while several parents make sacrifices for their children to acquire a higher education at a moment of recession. Sir Hilary said during a recession people are focused on surviving the competition which narrows considerably against persons who are not in the higher education sector. “On the contrary, when economies are booming and there is significant growth and development people do believe that they could survive and they could do well without higher education. But, I think we will witness that as soon as the shock has been overcome we will actually see a very significant increase in our higher education within the recessionary period, the history shows that. “But at the same time, I think we should recognize that people do attend university for different reasons, and many reasons. It is not simply a matter of their employability, though I should say that the private sector has recognized that this is the age in which their businesses have to innovate and your chances of having an innovative economy, or an innovative industry or company or enterprise is increased with the employment of graduates,” he said. Sir Hilary noted that society is looking at graduates to be the innovative drivers of the future and they are sought after even in a climate where there might be an existing unemployment growth. On that note, the Vice Chancellor said the university must demonstrate to students that the content and the pedagogy of their programmes are in alignment with significant areas of development relevant to private sector growth or public sector commitment to greater service and care for communities. He added that one of the lessons of COVID-19 is that countries that have highly developed universities that have been engaged in handling the pandemic are the countries that seem to be able to better deal with the COVID-19 containment. However, he said countries that have not invested in higher education and are lacking good public healthcare systems because they have not invested in medical facilities; are having great difficulty in getting on top of COVID. “So the lesson then that we have found, certainly in the Caribbean, is that higher education, research, now more than ever, is critical in managing not only the COVID situation but post-COVID strategies will require a greater embracing of the higher education sectors. “This is a lesson that we are saying to all of our governments in the region, if you want to come out of this recession, if you need to manage post-COVID issues, this is a time when you must invest even greater resources in the higher education sector, teaching and research, and critical issues such as community empowerment and innovation,” he said. (BT)
SIR HILARY WARNS OF LOW ENROLMENT – The Caribbean has the lowest enrolment per capita in higher education throughout this hemisphere, and the COVID-19 pandemic threatens to push the region further down the scale. This is according to Vice-Chancellor of The University of the West Indies, Professor Sir Hilary Beckles. He was speaking yesterday during a “One Caribbean” virtual forum on UWITV entitled, Assessing The Impacts Of COVID-19: Designing The Future Of The Caribbean University Sector. “If we take the age cohort 18 to 30, the Caribbean has the lowest enrolment in higher education in the hemisphere. We are less than 25 per cent in the hemisphere where the average is close to 45 per cent,” he said. “We already have an enrolment crisis. We already are suffering the consequences of low enrolment in higher education and professorial training . . . so we are likely to be experiencing a further reduction in higher education when we are already in the hemisphere at the bottom of that enrolment chart,” he said. (DN)
SCORES OF STRANDED BAJANS RETURN VIA CRUISE SHIP – Scores of once stranded Barbadians are now back home thanks to Government’s decision to allow some cruise ships to use the Bridgetown Port for repatriation. Chairman of the Barbados Port Inc Senator Lisa Cummins told Barbados TODAY that in exchange for allowing those ships to dock on the island, the chartered planes coming to take the crew home were also bringing Barbadians home. Harmony of the Seas, the world’s longest cruise ship and the second largest, became the latest vessel to dock at the Port when it arrived today carrying over 4000 crew members. “What is an important part and is not necessarily known is that we would have heard about some Barbadians, including Barbadian crew members and Barbadians who were stranded abroad being able to come home. “These ships are the reason that these Barbadians are able to come home because the cruise lines are flying the planes in. They are going to be flying them in empty and say they are Barbadians in the UK or wherever, these Barbadians have an opportunity to work with our overseas embassies and they are able to get home and then they go into quarantine here in Barbados because they are staying on the island,” Cummins said. “Because these ships are repatriating through Barbados, the planes that are taking them home are also bringing our Barbadians home.” The chairman disclosed that Barbados had been facilitating crew repatriation since March 23. Cummins said more than 25 ships had already benefited from the initiative. Speaking in relation to Harmony of the Seas, Cummins said some of the crew had been on the water for close to two months. She said those crew members would be transported to the Grantley Adams International Airport where chartered flights were waiting to take them home. “But why is the second largest cruise ship in the world in Barbados at this point? Because the cruise lines have had a number of challenges with various ports around the world not allowing the ships to disembark and to allow for the chartered planes to come in even though there are protocols in place, or you have crew members that are all healthy,” Cummins said. “In the case of this particular vessel these are crew members who have been at sea, in some instances, over 60 days and quarantine periods as we know are 14 days. “These people have been stranded at sea for close to two months and so they just want to get home. So what Royal Caribbean has done is they have consolidated their crew members across multiple ships, placed them on single ships and sailed them to different ports, “Barbados is not the only one but we are the one in this area. There are chartered flights that are flying in and the crew members are going directly from the seaport to the airport to board those chartered flights and fly out to their home countries to their families,” she added. Cummins emphasized that those crew members would not be quarantined in Barbados as they were not staying here. She said they would all be moved over the “next couple of days”. “There is no local stay here in Barbados at all and they are all not moving at the same time. They are moving over the course of a couple of days at a time, so for this particular vessel and the other vessels that are berthed here, there are maybe like 25 chartered planes that are being flown in and out of Barbados to take them to the various locations,” Cummins reiterated. She said planes would be leaving the GAIA destined for the Phillipines, Indonesia, Ukraine, South America, Canada and Europe. The chairman maintained that everything had been done under the watchful eye of the Ministry of Health. Cummins said last weekend over 700 crew members were flown out. (BT)
SARGASSUM HARVESTER TO START WORK ON BEACH CLEAN UP – A new harvester to reap sargassum seaweed, which clogs beaches nationwide each year is set to get to work, Minister of Maritime Affairs Kirk Humphrey has announced. He said he expected the new equipment to significantly boost efforts to clean up the country. Addressing the launch at the Barbados Coast Guard base HMBS Pelican, the Minister recalled that the sargassum seaweed was among the challenges Government faced two years ago and a plan had to be put in place. As a result, Government spent almost $300,000 to acquire the seaweed harvester, a tractor and conveyor, Humphrey said, suggesting it would help transform Barbados. He said: “I think it is important for us to recognize that there are a few things we have to do right now. If COVID-19 hasn’t taught us anything then nothing will. We cannot continue with business as usual. So the first thing Barbados has to do is clean. And, the seaweed harvester is part of our cleaning up programme and we are going to deploy the seaweed harvester mostly along the early west coast and the south coast. “Ón the east coast we are going to continue to use mostly manual labour. We have about 75 people who are trained in how to handle the seaweed and we are about to deploy another 50, if not 75, to be able to start cleaning the seaweed [there].” Humphrey said the ministry has been very conscious about removing the seaweed in a responsible way so as not to take all the sand, adding it was “more about respecting one ecosystem, not trying to advance one at the detriment of another”. He said: “ I think we have been able to do that fairly well. We moved a significant amount of tonnage of seaweed over the last year. Certainly, with this [the seaweed harvester] we will be able to move even more seaweed. So, we are going to keep Barbados clean. Humphrey also stressed the need for much more innovation in the use of the seaweed. While noting there had already been a lot of scientific work and studies on sargassum, he added Barbadians have shown how innovative they can be through the making of fertilizers, soaps and the ministry’s own work on making energy. Humphrey said: “Fishermen, for example when they were dealing with the seaweed they made adjustments to their fishing vessels. So, instead of throwing the net on top of the water; they put the net so that it floats just below the seaweed so that they could still catch the fish below the seaweed. They have also been able to do things to protect the propellers on the boats so it does not destroy their vessels. “All of these things without anybody showing them…just innovating and responding, in a way, to issues and problems. So, I believe we are going to be able to be transformative. I think this part of our programme is going to be transformative.” (BT)
CDEMA TWEAKS DISASTER MANAGEMENT PLANS – Days away from the start of a likely above-average Atlantic hurricane season, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the regional disaster management agency to revise its preparedness protocols. Acting Executive Director of the Caribbean Disaster and Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), Elizabeth Riley said: “We have modified the regional plans based on COVID-19 public health protocols from both the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) and from national health authorities in our member states. “Since we could not do face-to-face training this year, we are drawing upon people trained in previous years to conduct refresher courses in June. “We realise that as a result of the protocols we are committed to following from our health sector partners, there may be a lag time in terms of getting a physcial presence on the ground, so we are looking at remote support to our states and we have discussed that with national disaster coordinators.” Riley said one of the areas that needs special attention this year is shelter management. She said: “In treating to physical distancing requirements we have to explore options for additional spaces, as well as the necessary physical resources and human and financial resources at shelters, for example supplying personal protective equipment, respecting physical distance guidelines, and having adequate water supplies as well as other solutions to ensure hygiene practices are adhered to.” Experts have also focused on changes to the way shelters are to be used in the time of COVID-19. Professor Lloyd Waller, Executive Director of the Global Tourism Resilience and Crisis Management Centre, said: “Shelters can be relatively cluttered in a normal situation, but with coronavirus now and social distancing we have been identifying additional centres and plans to minimise the number of people allocated to centres. “There is usually a medical person at the shelters in case of emergency, but in this instance, some have said they have identified a medical doctor, others are training medical people already in the shelters on this, and in some cases, they are setting up stations for people who may have been evacuated and are showing signs of the illness so they can be isolated from other people. “Since February the regional disaster management agencies have been amending and reviewing their guidelines with respect to coronavirus.” Dr Laura Lee Boodram, director of Vector Control Surveillance with the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA), said that apart from COVID-19,  the region should ensure it does not face any of the other health issues that might emerge in the aftermath of storms, such as water and foodborne illnesses. She said: “Our recommendations are that we may have to source alternative additional shelters, not only because of physical distancing, but people in the shelter will have to wear protective gear and masks, and once we have that in place, we won’t be able to accommodate the same number of persons as in the past, so we would have to assign people to places where there is enough space for that. “Apart from COVID-19, there are other potential diseases that can break out in shelters, like food and water-borne diseases and these have to be constantly monitored, and medications kept on hand for those with preexisting health conditions. Yes, extra resources will be required but once we are aware of these, advance planning will go a long way to mitigate these scenarios if they occur.” (BT)  
LOCKDOWN COULD AFFECT PLAYERS PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY – West Indies tour to England will be tough during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic but it is good to get the game back in the middle, says former Barbados all-rounder Franklyn Stephenson. Whether the three-match Test series scheduled for July 8-28 at the Ageas Bowl in Hampshire will take place is an ongoing debate as there are concerns about the safety of players travelling to England. That country has one of the highest death rates because of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, Stephenson during a telephone interview with Barbados TODAY, said once the authorities in England put the relevant safety precautions in place to protect the players, then he was all for cricket being played when that time comes. “Anything to get the game back on the field of play is of help and taking a lead from other countries around the world is a step in that direction,” Stephenson said. He added that with the amount of testing players were going to be subjected to and their privacy invaded, this was the time for the players to remain positive in what is being referred to as the new norm. “Anything for cricket. It is going to be tough. The authorities are putting so much in place; they are sacrificing so much; it is all for the sport and I am all for it. I am sure they will be safe; I am sure that they are going to take all precautions to make sure that they put strategies in place. It will be great to see cricket being played. I think that is some of the fastest progress we can make actually to inspire the people to get their sport back. “We need to look at the other countries to see how they implement breakout strategies safely and that is going to help, anything to help the game go forward will help. Unless there are breakouts and I do not see that happening because the players are going to be tested so often, their privacy is going to be invaded big time, but these are different times. But they just have to stay positive,” Stephenson said. Playing without spectators is also going to be a challenge but Stevenson insisted that going forward this will be the new norm. He said: “These are new times and I am sure they are practising for all those scenarios. They have to be less audible with their banter, they have to be careful about that because they would not have any crowds to drown out what they say to each other. But they are not dead men out there, things are going to be said and it is going to be a big loss not having the spectators. It is almost like a trial basis and I am sure we will see some new norms coming out of that without spectators.” Head of the Franklyn Stephenson Academy located at Bennetts, St. Thomas, the man considered by many the best regional first-class cricketer never to play Test cricket, offered words of encouragement to players during this time especially the young ones who are eager to get back out and play the sport they love. While Stephenson advised the players to be proactive and positive as they navigate through these unprecedented times, he also urged local authorities to observe closely the impact this lockdown could have on the mental health of players. Therefore, Stephenson, an outstanding cricket on the England and South African circuits, advocated for the current restrictions put in place by the Government to be relaxed further to allow young people the opportunity to train with their clubs. “The youngsters are going to be wondering why they are on lockdown, they can’t leave the house, they can’t play the sport, it is going to be messing with their lives for sure. I think we have to act as soon as possible to give them that outlet. I mean they say ‘no’ to playing the sport, but why not allow the youngsters to get supervision under their normal clubs. I am sure the clubs would be instrumental in keeping the youngsters (training). They cannot do it every day, but you have small groups in the evening, and I am sure the clubs would put in that sacrifice. “This will help their bodies and mind develop. We do not know what damage it is doing to them to have to sit at home all day with all that energy and all that focus on the disciplines they are normally good at. So I think the authorities have got to look at that and get together with the sporting bodies and get the youngsters out on those big wide-open playing fields to do some running around and help to develop their bodies and minds,” Stephenson said. (BT)
NEW ZEALAND BOARD CUTTING JOBS - New Zealand Cricket (NZC) will cut up to 15 per cent of staff and look to shave NZ$6 million (BDS$7.45 million) in operating costs as part of proposals to cope with “challenging” conditions brought on by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, chief executive David White said. He told New Zealand media he had informed NZC’s 80 staff on Wednesday about the planned cuts, which would allow the board to maintain funding levels at provincial and district levels, and avoid shrinking the domestic schedule. “We have our priorities for the year, which we’re not compromising and we’re investing in those,” he told Stuff Media. “The cuts are coming from NZC, NZ$6 million, of which NZ$1.5 million is staff.”Players and staff for the national men’s Black Caps and women’s White Ferns teams would not be affected by the cost-cutting measures. Players’ annual retainers would remain as forecast for the coming season, White said. (DN)
SEARCH ON FOR GUNMAN WHO SHOT OFFICER – ‘District C’ Police were tonight hunting an unidentified gunman who shot and wounded a police officer while he was on duty in central St John. The officer, a male, who has not been named, was shot in the area of Henley Plantation around 11.45 am when police challenged a man who opened fire on them. The officer received a gunshot wound in his left forearm and he was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, said Sergeant Michael Blackman. It was not thought that the injury was life-threatening but police released no further details on the officer’s condition. Police have launched an appeal to the public for information that can help them track down the assailant. Anyone with information has been asked to contact the District ‘C’ Police Station at 416-8200, Police Emergency at 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800 (TIPS) 8477 or any police station. (BT)
GUILTY PLEA OFFERED ON GUN CHARGES – A young man has pleaded guilty to firearm and ammunition charges in the High Court. Jamar Julien Ricardo Proverbs, a first time offender, from Crawford Road, Ellerton, St George offered the plea today after originally being arrested on August 25, 2017. Lawmen were on mobile patrol that afternoon travelling along Kendal Hill, Christ Church when the noticed a motorcycle with two men on board. Proverbs was the pillion rider. When officers got the driver to stop the motorcycle, Proverbs, who was wearing a backpack, jumped off and fled. He was seen throwing the backpack into a bushy area before police caught him. Senior Crown Counsel Olivia Davis said when the bag was retrieved a small revolver, five rounds of ammunition and four empty shells were found. “Sir don’t charge me for the gun, give me a break,” he told police on his arrest. He was taken to the Oistins Police Station and told of his rights to an attorney. ”I don’t want any so go ahead and talk to me,” he told the police. He was then cautioned and asked about the firearm. He told police that while they had held him with the gun he was holding the bag for another man so he could be comfortable on the motorcycle. Proverbs also admitted that he had seen the gun the night before when he was at a “birthday bash”. He said he subsequently held it and fired two shots. “When I fired the gun it was so loud it ring my ears,” said the then 21-year-old coconut vendor who added that he gave the weapon back to his friend. The prosecutor said police investigations showed that the gun, a .32 long caliber revolver, belonged to another man and was last registered in 2005. The four shells, found in Proverbs’ possession, were fired from the weapon. The trial of the now convicted man, who was represented by attorney-at-law Krystal Fenty will continue on Tuesday, June 2 via Zoom before Justice Randall Worrell who is presiding over the No. 2 Supreme Court. The time he has spent on remand at Dodds will be detailed to the court at that time. A presentencing report has been ordered in the meantime in preparation for sentencing. (BT)
LAWYER MAKES CASE FOR CONVICT’S RELEASE – Attorney-at-law Sian Lange today urged a High Court judge to impose a sentence of time served on her client who apologised for having in his possession, a loaded gun he had “found”. The defence attorney made the submission today in her remarks on behalf of convicted man David Wayne Harper, a Bibby’s Lane, St Michael resident. Last week he pleaded guilty, via Zoom from his location at Her Majesty’s Prison Dodds, to having the illegal firearm and seven rounds of ammunition in his possession on May 26, 2017. On that day police doing traffic checks along Jack-in-the-box Gully stopped the vehicle in which he was travelling. His actions during that time caused lawmen to become suspicious and a search was conducted with his consent. A silver and black 9mm semi automatic pistol along with several paint brushes were found in his haversack. “The gun is mine I find it,” he said when asked to account for it. A further check discovered that the gun was equipped with a magazine containing seven rounds of ammunition. He told police on his arrest that he was walking through a track near Ellerton Pasture in St George when he found the loaded weapon and decided to keep it. Addressing Justice Randall Worrell  via Zoom again today the first time offender said: “ I apologise for the offence.” His lawyer then acknowledged that he had committed a serious offence and under the circumstances a custodial sentence was merited as the gun was loaded and was capable of taking a life. But, in her client’s case, she said, the gun was not used although the No. 2 Supreme Court could find it “passing strange” that he had simply found the firearm while passing through a track. While Harper had made a “bad choice”, she said, there was “no sophistication” on his part to having the weapon as he had found it, took it home, stashed it, then removed it when it began to rain, and put it in his bag. She pointed to his clean record and the fact that he had never been involved in any criminal activity before that charge. All of those factors she said should go in Harper’s favour and the court should consider a starting sentence of six years in prison. A third discount she said should then be credited for his guilty plea bringing the sentence down to four years. According to her, Harper’s previously good record should get him a further discount and the fact that the mitigating factors of his case “overwhelmed” the aggravating factors, another year should be shaved off the sentence. “That should bring it very close to the time that he has spent on remand, being time served,” Lange added. The convicted man, who is in his late 40s, has been at Dodds for 1,094 days. Crown Counsel Oliver Thomas will respond to the sentencing submissions on June 9. (BT)
BUNNY WAILER’S WIFE MISSING – The search is continuing for Jean Watt, the 70-year-old wife of musical icon, Neville “Bunny Wailer” Livingstone, who has been reported missing since last Saturday. Relatives said the dreadlocked Watt, who is also known as “Sister Jean”, was last seen in Washington Gardens, St Andrew. In a message posted on Facebook on Wednesday, relatives said they were “starting the day with a prayer for the Livingston family that Sister Jean is found”. “Meditating positively that she is being cared for by ones who don’t know who she is, but will by the outpouring of support and interest for the Hon Bunny Wailer that it will all come together. “Hail Jah Rastafari, someone I love is missing and my thoughts are racing into fear and panic. I surrender all of my fearful thoughts to you. I call upon your perfect wisdom to guide everything to ensure the complete safety and protection of my loved one. Please take my fearful thoughts from me and heal them for me. “I am willing to trust that your love ensures our safety and well-being, and there is nothing to fear. In the presence of your light, there is no darkness. No one can be harmed, threatened or in danger when they are surrounded by the light and protection of your love. “Please take my fears and replace them with your certainty of a peaceful outcome. I place my loved one in your capable hands and trust, with all my heart, that they are safe and secure. Thank you, in advance, for their safe and immediate return. Thy will be done. Amen.” Livingston is a singer/songwriter and former member of the Wailers that included the late Bob Marley and Peter Tosh. (BT)
MORE THAN 100 000 DIE FROM COVID-19 IN USA – The novel coronavirus has killed more than 100 000 people in the United States, according to a Reuters tally on Wednesday, even as the slowdown in deaths encouraged businesses to reopen and Americans to emerge from more than two months of lockdowns. About 1 400 Americans have died on average each day in May, down from a peak of 2 000 in April, according to the tally of state and county data on COVID-19 deaths. In about three months, more Americans have died from COVID-19 than during the Korean War, Vietnam War and the U.S. conflict in Iraq from 2003 to 2011 combined. The new respiratory disease has also killed more people than the AIDS epidemic did from 1981 through 1989, and it is far deadlier than the seasonal flu has been in decades. The last time the flu killed as many people in the United States was in the 1957 to 1958 season, when 116 000 died. Total U.S. coronavirus cases are over 1.7 million with some southern states seeing new cases rising in the past week, according to a Reuters analysis of data from The COVID Tracking Project, a volunteer-run effort to track the outbreak. Globally, coronavirus cases have topped 5.6 million with over 350 000 deaths since the outbreak began in China late last year and then arrived in Europe and the United States. South America is now bearing the brunt of the outbreak, with Brazil having the second-highest number of cases in the world. Of the top 20 most severely affected countries, the United States ranks eighth based on deaths per capita, according to a Reuters tally. The United States has three fatalities per 10 000 people. Belgium is first with eight deaths per 10 000, followed by Spain, the United Kingdom and Italy, according to the Reuters analysis. (BT)
PAT SYMMONDS, VETERAN OF EDUCATION AND PUBLIC LIFE, DIES – Renowned educator, former senator and privy councillor Dame Olga Patricia “Pat” Symmonds GCM, DBE died today at age 94. The iconic principal of The St Michael School began her 40-year teaching career there in 1945, becoming deputy principal in 1963 and ultimately principal from 1976 until her retirement in 1985. She was also one of the first part-time tutors and lecturers at the College of Arts and Sciences in 1963 that later became the Cave Hill campus of the University of the West Indies.  Dame Patricia, a stalwart of the Barbados Labour Party, served as a senator for 13 years from 1994. She also sat on several public commissions and was a member of the  Privy Council from 1997 to 2000.  For her long and distinguished service to education, Dame Patricia received the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Medal in 1977.  In 1985, the Barbados Government awarded the country’s second-highest honour, the Gold Crown of Merit (GCM). In 2000, Symmonds was knighted as Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire by the Queen in recognition of her life in public service and contribution to education. She is survived by her brother, the retired diplomat Algernon “Algie” Symmonds. (BT)
PM REMEMBERS RENOWNED EDUCATOR PAT SYMMONDS – A lady of great poise and impeccable manners, who mastered the English Language, and made indelible accomplishments in education, community service and politics, is how Dame Patricia Symmonds has been remembered by Prime Minister Mia Mottley. She said the renowned educator, former senator and privy councillor, who died today at age 94, lived an extraordinary life and left Barbados much better than she found it. Mottley said the Barbados Labour Party (BLP), of which she was a long-standing member, was saddened by her passing. She said that the educator was the best and probably is the last, of a unique classical group that represented the best of Barbados, exuding and instilling the importance of character and civil conduct while encouraging achievement and personally assisting and influencing hundreds as a result of a modern view of personal and national development. The Prime Minister said: “Her life was one of dedication, exemplified by long service to every institution in which she was involved. She had a historic and much loved tour de force of a career at the St Michael School, where she taught for all of her teaching career. That career began in 1945 and ended in 1985, with Dame Patricia as Principal from 1976-1985. “Her tenure remains one of the most storied in education in Barbados, and was illustrative of another central aspect of her life that she always, on merit, rose to the top and broke new ground. Her pioneering work at The St Michael School forged an education developmental nexus that was very much ahead of its time. “It included strengthening religious principles to encourage discipline, personal responsibility, humility and leadership; expansion of the school orchestra and the enlargement of the school curriculum to include sports and other extracurricular activities.” Mottley indicated that what can never be captured adequately is how Dame Patricia put a new sheen on The St Michael School as an enviable institution, nor the confidence and pride she instilled in hundreds of students’ circumstances and potential that meant the difference between failure and success. No wonder she was universally revered by those who had the good fortune to be tutored and guided by Dame Patricia, Mottley said. Dame Patricia was also a part-time lecturer at the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill and gave free tutorials, but her work in promoting and developing English as a subject of study and language, also occupies a special lofty place. She was a founding member and president of the Barbados Association of Teachers of English for 22 years from 1967, leading work that evaluated external examinations and English curricula and, in a watershed achievement, secured the separation and independent grading of English Literature from English Language. Mottley said: “It goes without saying that Dame Patricia, who was also a member of the International Federation for the Teaching of English, conducted numerous training sessions in writing and speaking English across the board. Many also in conversations with her would also get a gentle reminder of the correct construction of a sentence or correct pronunciation. Simply, there was no greater proponent in Barbados of the English Language. “Dame Patricia also had a range of interest that included Chair of the Royal Commonwealth Society, President of the Friends of St John Ambulance Brigade, of which she was also a member, the National Trust, Barbados Family Planning Association, among others. “An avid cricket fan, she was also a life member of the Barbados Cricket Association. And, of course, the Barbados Labour Party will always be deeply grateful for the gift that was Dame Patricia. “Her devotion to our party is legendary, demonstrated not only in tireless work in numerous areas but in attending almost every possible meeting, branch or national, even in later years when she had to be assisted.” The Prime Minister recalled Dame Patricia would invite budding politicians to her Strathclyde home and treated them to a taste of her delectable cooking, in the most unobtrusive way dispensing advice so that at the end of it all, they only remembered a delightful occasion. Dame Patricia served in the Senate for 13 years, becoming the first female Deputy President and was a member of the Privy Council. She was General Secretary of the BLP between 1986 and 1994 and was a President of the Women’s League. She was also a Deputy Chair of the Commission on Social Justice, Deputy Chair of the National Commission on the Status of Women. Dame Patricia received numerous awards for her powerful contributions to education, civil life and politics, crowned with her appointment as Dame Commander of the British Empire by the Queen, in 2000. (BT)
PM PAYS TRIBUTE TO RESPECTED BUSINESSMAN – It is most regrettable that for the second time today I feel duty-bound to issue a statement on the passing of another builder of Barbados — this time Ralph “Bruggadung” Johnson. He was a very successful post-Independence industrialist of Barbados and would have led the way in exporting locally-made products into the Eastern Caribbean and beyond, as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Harris Group of Companies. Certainly, thanks to his creativity, leadership and hard work, Harris Paints is today a household name, not just in Barbados, but across the Eastern Caribbean. But for all his successes as a manufacturer, you cannot chronicle his life’s journey without pausing to consider his considerable achievements in, and contribution to, sports in this country. For more than two decades, starting in 1986, he sat as a member of the board of the National Olympic Committee and was a principal architect in the founding of the local lottery, from which sports was always a major beneficiary. Bruggadung has also been president of the Barbados Yachting Association, the Barbados Squash Rackets Association, the Caribbean Area Squash Rackets Association and the Caribbean Yachting Association. In his younger days, he played basketball, football, water polo and squash and was also known as an avid motor racing competitor, with his colleagues in the Barbados Rally Club describing him as a spectacular driver. His business success and love for sports no doubt contributed to the name Harris Paints being associated with several teams in a variety of sports as the sponsor. It was this long and distinguished contribution to sports and business that led to him being awarded the Gold Crown of Merit in 1997. Above all those though, Bruggadung was Bajan — and you could not miss it in the way he interacted with others. He was Bajan by name and by nature and anyone who knew him knew that what you saw was what you got with him. I extend deepest sympathy to the Johnson and Straker families — his wife Isabelle; children Jason, Jade, James, Tracy and Amanda; brother Paul Johnson and sisters Lady Straker, Rosemarie Smith and Diane Primo. May his soul rest in peace. (Prime Minister’s Office) (BT)
The world is facing the rapid spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. As we continue to do our part in Barbados please remember to stay home but on the days you have to go out wear your masks, practice social distancing (stand 6-10 feet away from each other), practice good daily hygiene, eat healthy, exercise and keep your mind active. There are 218 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell #coronavirusinbarbados #nationalresponse #dailynews #thechasefilesblog
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im-fairly-local · 6 years
Mahakaali 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Mahakaali 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
scene 1 Parvati told Shiva that Indra instigated the masses, killed them so that they could provoke Devantak, tell me if I am worried about the coming storm? Tell me. Shiv says that there is nothing with it. Parvati says how will we handle it? If there is the power of Devantak, which can be killed only by using the brain, power and sensitivity. A faithful King Vishnupupta comes there and says that I have come to thank Parvati and Ganesh, you have saved my laws and my people by killing Nartak, I am sorry that if I have come at the wrong time but I My daughters are here to thank you. Their daughters come there. They say that my daughters wanted to meet Mahakali so I could not stop them. Girls salute Parvati. One girl says that my name is Siddhi (sensitivity) and the other says that my name is Buddha (mind). Parvati is listening to the smile.
Devantak is angry
And throws things around Indar says that I understand your anger but you have to eliminate Ganesha, she is sensible and can find a way to kill you as she killed your brother, go and take revenge for your brother because you Can eliminate Devantak asks why do you want Devraj? Indar says that my position of Devraj was taken, I hate him, I will eliminate him, will you go alone? Devantak says that I will use my powers to finish them. Indra smirks Devantak brings his army and says, I will fight with my enemies, I will be with you. Indra thank him and leaves. Devantak says that Indra tried to fool me but I would cheat him. Parvati tells Vishnu that Devantak is behind Ganesh because he killed Naranak, we want your help for this. Vishnu asks for order. Parvati says that we want your daughters to marry Ganesha and become part of our family. Vishnu says that it will be our honor. Shiva asks if he accepts his proposal? Vishnu says that do not embarrass me, this is the honor of making a relationship with your family, but how will Devantak be eliminated? Parvati says that your work is Goddess to show the right path, Buddha is knowledgeable, there are the powers of Ganesha, if they come together three then it can eliminate Devantak. Vishnu says that I agree but if he is still a child then how will he marry? Parvati says that we will use our powers to bring them together, we will be wandering them so that their powers can end the coalition and we have to talk to the children before this. Shiva says that I will talk to Ganesha, Parvati says that I will talk to Sidhi and Buddha.
Ganesh asked Shiva how can I marry? I am a child and I do not think Sidhi and Buddha will agree that when we went to our village, they got angry with us because we did not let them kill their enemies.
Parvati talks to Buddha and Sidhi and says that was your encounter with Ganesh not pleasant? This happened to me and Shiva too, but think about it, I will not force you anything, tell me your decision.
Ganesh told Shiva that you are planning against me, Shiva says that no, I am just telling you that if you agree with it then you will get married in adulthood but you will remain tied in one relationship, the final decision will be yours So think about this.
Ganesh, Buddhi and Siddhi come to Parvati and Shiva. Parvati says that let us know your decision and it will be final. Shiva says that women will first tell their decision. Siddhi and Buddha say that we agree with this marriage. Shiva asks Ganesh. Ganesh says that I am sorry but I do not agree with this marriage. See all.
Indra comes to her place, her daughters ask if everything is fine? Inder says that soon Devendak will destroy the gods and I will get back my status, do not worry, Devantak has promised to hurt me and my loyalists, so we will stay here and stop the entire Kailash Devantak Will try but they will not be able. His daughter says that I do not agree to go against Kailash, Indar says that you are going against your father because Kartika had saved you once? Let the Devantak kill Kailash He hears the force and sees the Devantak coming with his power. Devantak says that I am not a fool to go to Kailash, I will kill you and take all my gods, then I will call my enemies here. Their army starts fighting with Indra. Agni thinks to inform Parvati and Shiva.
Parvati asks Ganesh why she is against this marriage? Ganesh says because I can not say yes without agreeing with my heart. Shiva says that it is about his deeds. Kartika says how will we fight with Devandak? Fire comes and says that Devantak has started the destruction, he will kill all the gods. Kartika tells Ganesha that we have to eliminate Devantak. Ganesh said. Kartika summoned her birds and leaves with Ganesh. Buddha and Siddhi that we want to be part of this battle. Shiva says that you will be an important part of this war.
Indra takes her daughter Devseen and asks him to stay away from Devantak. Devantak comes there. Indra asked to go to Devasena, she ran away. Indra tries to attack Devantak but he laughs and says that your weapons are useless at me. She catches Indra and says that you have to die, but I have to show her standard first, she throws it. Devasena is running but the forces of Devantak revolve around it.
Kartika tells Ganesh why did not you say that for marriage? How will we kill the Devantak? Ganesh says that we will get a solution, Shiva told me that we will get an answer for our actions. They see Devsena hanging on the rock and calling for help. The army of Goddess is coming to her. Kartika tells Ganesha that Devantak goes, I will help him, he leaves. Ganesha says that the father was right, we will find solutions for the deeds, Devantak will now die.
Scene 2 Devasena falls off the rock but Kartika jumps and protects it. When they share the eyelock, he smiles at him and says you saved me again. Kartika says that we can do one thing over and over again.
Ganesha attacked Devandak Siddhi and Buddha also come there. Devantak says that the killer of my brother is here. Ganesh says that I freed him and I too will release you. They both attack each other, Devantak falls. Mahakali comes there. Devantak says what the son could do, what mother has come to do? You can not kill me She says yes but I can hurt you, she attacks her. Indra says where is Devsena? She goes to find her. Shiva also comes there.
Kartika takes her bird to Devasena and they fly away.
Indra told Mahakali that I am sorry, please forgive me. Mahakali says that you have a chance to improve your mistakes. Kartika and Devasena come there. Mahakali asks if they will marry each other? They said. Mahakali says to Indar that you have a long way to repent for this mistake starting with this marriage. Indar says that I bless this marriage but how will we eliminate Goddess? Mahakali says that it will happen.
Ganesha tells Sidhi and Buddha that you are good with me to kill Devantak. They say we can help you. He says that I do not need help. Parvati tells Ganesha that Devasena is with us now, are you still against Sidhi and Buddha with this marriage? He shakes his head
Devantak tells Ganesha that there is no power in this world that can end me. Ganesha says that you are very proud. Siddhi and Buddha give their powers to Ganesha. Ganesha grows in size and looks in Devantak. Devant was shocked and says how can this happen? Shiva, you blessed me Shiva says that you were proud that any power can kill you but they have three powers to kill you. Devantak is called, but these three powers are different and not one. Parvati says that Siddhi has the power to show sensitivity and is the brain of Buddha but they are combined due to the walqan and now they have joint powers which will end you. Ganesh attacked the attacker Devantak dies and goes away. Smile all Ganesh takes his place back. Shiva says that the great battle son, Ganesh ended the evil so that he would be called Ganapati. Indar says that I am sorry for my mistakes, I will repent for my mistakes. Parvati says that the end is good, we should go back to Kailash. Sidhi and Buddha salute them. Parvati Smile in Shiva
Shiva and Parvati sit. Parvati says that I am grateful for your guide, my honor, honor, everything is connected with you, I found you and found my journey. Shiva says that your journey has given me a reason, Parvati says that I thought that my journey would end, but you have learned that the end has begun, with your guide, I am blessed with Mahakali In the form of its powers Shiva says that I have done all this for me, if you are here I am here, you are the power of this universe. Parvati says, but you showed me the right path, now I understand that every problem is solved, I am calm because I know that you are always with me, my sons marriage is confirmed, so I am in peace I have done my part, to protect the universe and to do my work as a woman, I feel that all my desires are full and I am in peace. Shiva gets disturbed and thinks that you said Parvati? If you do not have any desire then no desire and hope will be left in the universe; now you are finished and now nobody will be safe. Shiva says that the final journey of Mahakali will now start and it will end.
Vishnu told Shiva that Mahakali no longer has any wish that will destroy the world, its beginning will end now, the earth will see the results first.
On earth, flowers become hairy. A man asks the priest what is this? The priest says that I do not know, I think the end is coming, it does not know how big the problem is now.
The priest told Shiva that the deadly log will disappear from the first earth, how will we fight with it? Shiva says that Mahakali will get a solution, I am confident that he will be able to find a solution which will eventually bring a new start.
Parvati says why do I feel bothered? Everything is fine. Shiva comes there. Parvati says that I want to talk to you, everything is fine but I think something is going to go wrong. Shiva says that you can know everything, how do you see the situation, do not know whether you are troubled about the good thing to come or not. Parvati says that you have to answer me, you can not ask me to find everything. Shiva says that you have to get the answer related to the answer. You have to come with me for the prayers because I am going to make a cave with everyone. He sees
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kittyterrific · 6 years
Mahakaali 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
Mahakaali 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update
scene 1 Parvati told Shiva that Indra instigated the masses, killed them so that they could provoke Devantak, tell me if I am worried about the coming storm? Tell me. Shiv says that there is nothing with it. Parvati says how will we handle it? If there is the power of Devantak, which can be killed only by using the brain, power and sensitivity. A faithful King Vishnupupta comes there and says that I have come to thank Parvati and Ganesh, you have saved my laws and my people by killing Nartak, I am sorry that if I have come at the wrong time but I My daughters are here to thank you. Their daughters come there. They say that my daughters wanted to meet Mahakali so I could not stop them. Girls salute Parvati. One girl says that my name is Siddhi (sensitivity) and the other says that my name is Buddha (mind). Parvati is listening to the smile.
Devantak is angry
And throws things around Indar says that I understand your anger but you have to eliminate Ganesha, she is sensible and can find a way to kill you as she killed your brother, go and take revenge for your brother because you Can eliminate Devantak asks why do you want Devraj? Indar says that my position of Devraj was taken, I hate him, I will eliminate him, will you go alone? Devantak says that I will use my powers to finish them. Indra smirks Devantak brings his army and says, I will fight with my enemies, I will be with you. Indra thank him and leaves. Devantak says that Indra tried to fool me but I would cheat him. Parvati tells Vishnu that Devantak is behind Ganesh because he killed Naranak, we want your help for this. Vishnu asks for order. Parvati says that we want your daughters to marry Ganesha and become part of our family. Vishnu says that it will be our honor. Shiva asks if he accepts his proposal? Vishnu says that do not embarrass me, this is the honor of making a relationship with your family, but how will Devantak be eliminated? Parvati says that your work is Goddess to show the right path, Buddha is knowledgeable, there are the powers of Ganesha, if they come together three then it can eliminate Devantak. Vishnu says that I agree but if he is still a child then how will he marry? Parvati says that we will use our powers to bring them together, we will be wandering them so that their powers can end the coalition and we have to talk to the children before this. Shiva says that I will talk to Ganesha, Parvati says that I will talk to Sidhi and Buddha.
Ganesh asked Shiva how can I marry? I am a child and I do not think Sidhi and Buddha will agree that when we went to our village, they got angry with us because we did not let them kill their enemies.
Parvati talks to Buddha and Sidhi and says that was your encounter with Ganesh not pleasant? This happened to me and Shiva too, but think about it, I will not force you anything, tell me your decision.
Ganesh told Shiva that you are planning against me, Shiva says that no, I am just telling you that if you agree with it then you will get married in adulthood but you will remain tied in one relationship, the final decision will be yours So think about this.
Ganesh, Buddhi and Siddhi come to Parvati and Shiva. Parvati says that let us know your decision and it will be final. Shiva says that women will first tell their decision. Siddhi and Buddha say that we agree with this marriage. Shiva asks Ganesh. Ganesh says that I am sorry but I do not agree with this marriage. See all.
Indra comes to her place, her daughters ask if everything is fine? Inder says that soon Devendak will destroy the gods and I will get back my status, do not worry, Devantak has promised to hurt me and my loyalists, so we will stay here and stop the entire Kailash Devantak Will try but they will not be able. His daughter says that I do not agree to go against Kailash, Indar says that you are going against your father because Kartika had saved you once? Let the Devantak kill Kailash He hears the force and sees the Devantak coming with his power. Devantak says that I am not a fool to go to Kailash, I will kill you and take all my gods, then I will call my enemies here. Their army starts fighting with Indra. Agni thinks to inform Parvati and Shiva.
Parvati asks Ganesh why she is against this marriage? Ganesh says because I can not say yes without agreeing with my heart. Shiva says that it is about his deeds. Kartika says how will we fight with Devandak? Fire comes and says that Devantak has started the destruction, he will kill all the gods. Kartika tells Ganesha that we have to eliminate Devantak. Ganesh said. Kartika summoned her birds and leaves with Ganesh. Buddha and Siddhi that we want to be part of this battle. Shiva says that you will be an important part of this war.
Indra takes her daughter Devseen and asks him to stay away from Devantak. Devantak comes there. Indra asked to go to Devasena, she ran away. Indra tries to attack Devantak but he laughs and says that your weapons are useless at me. She catches Indra and says that you have to die, but I have to show her standard first, she throws it. Devasena is running but the forces of Devantak revolve around it.
Kartika tells Ganesh why did not you say that for marriage? How will we kill the Devantak? Ganesh says that we will get a solution, Shiva told me that we will get an answer for our actions. They see Devsena hanging on the rock and calling for help. The army of Goddess is coming to her. Kartika tells Ganesha that Devantak goes, I will help him, he leaves. Ganesha says that the father was right, we will find solutions for the deeds, Devantak will now die.
Scene 2 Devasena falls off the rock but Kartika jumps and protects it. When they share the eyelock, he smiles at him and says you saved me again. Kartika says that we can do one thing over and over again.
Ganesha attacked Devandak Siddhi and Buddha also come there. Devantak says that the killer of my brother is here. Ganesh says that I freed him and I too will release you. They both attack each other, Devantak falls. Mahakali comes there. Devantak says what the son could do, what mother has come to do? You can not kill me She says yes but I can hurt you, she attacks her. Indra says where is Devsena? She goes to find her. Shiva also comes there.
Kartika takes her bird to Devasena and they fly away.
Indra told Mahakali that I am sorry, please forgive me. Mahakali says that you have a chance to improve your mistakes. Kartika and Devasena come there. Mahakali asks if they will marry each other? They said. Mahakali says to Indar that you have a long way to repent for this mistake starting with this marriage. Indar says that I bless this marriage but how will we eliminate Goddess? Mahakali says that it will happen.
Ganesha tells Sidhi and Buddha that you are good with me to kill Devantak. They say we can help you. He says that I do not need help. Parvati tells Ganesha that Devasena is with us now, are you still against Sidhi and Buddha with this marriage? He shakes his head
Devantak tells Ganesha that there is no power in this world that can end me. Ganesha says that you are very proud. Siddhi and Buddha give their powers to Ganesha. Ganesha grows in size and looks in Devantak. Devant was shocked and says how can this happen? Shiva, you blessed me Shiva says that you were proud that any power can kill you but they have three powers to kill you. Devantak is called, but these three powers are different and not one. Parvati says that Siddhi has the power to show sensitivity and is the brain of Buddha but they are combined due to the walqan and now they have joint powers which will end you. Ganesh attacked the attacker Devantak dies and goes away. Smile all Ganesh takes his place back. Shiva says that the great battle son, Ganesh ended the evil so that he would be called Ganapati. Indar says that I am sorry for my mistakes, I will repent for my mistakes. Parvati says that the end is good, we should go back to Kailash. Sidhi and Buddha salute them. Parvati Smile in Shiva
Shiva and Parvati sit. Parvati says that I am grateful for your guide, my honor, honor, everything is connected with you, I found you and found my journey. Shiva says that your journey has given me a reason, Parvati says that I thought that my journey would end, but you have learned that the end has begun, with your guide, I am blessed with Mahakali In the form of its powers Shiva says that I have done all this for me, if you are here I am here, you are the power of this universe. Parvati says, but you showed me the right path, now I understand that every problem is solved, I am calm because I know that you are always with me, my sons marriage is confirmed, so I am in peace I have done my part, to protect the universe and to do my work as a woman, I feel that all my desires are full and I am in peace. Shiva gets disturbed and thinks that you said Parvati? If you do not have any desire then no desire and hope will be left in the universe; now you are finished and now nobody will be safe. Shiva says that the final journey of Mahakali will now start and it will end.
Vishnu told Shiva that Mahakali no longer has any wish that will destroy the world, its beginning will end now, the earth will see the results first.
On earth, flowers become hairy. A man asks the priest what is this? The priest says that I do not know, I think the end is coming, it does not know how big the problem is now.
The priest told Shiva that the deadly log will disappear from the first earth, how will we fight with it? Shiva says that Mahakali will get a solution, I am confident that he will be able to find a solution which will eventually bring a new start.
Parvati says why do I feel bothered? Everything is fine. Shiva comes there. Parvati says that I want to talk to you, everything is fine but I think something is going to go wrong. Shiva says that you can know everything, how do you see the situation, do not know whether you are troubled about the good thing to come or not. Parvati says that you have to answer me, you can not ask me to find everything. Shiva says that you have to get the answer related to the answer. You have to come with me for the prayers because I am going to make a cave with everyone. He sees
The post Mahakaali 28th July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on Latest Indian TV Serials Written Episode Updates.
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tsunamipatel · 6 years
Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update
Scene 1 The parishta told Satan that Massa is trying to attack your faithful children, it is not right. Shiva says the test of loyalty is also with Mansa.
Laughs, chef loyalists see their children trapped by Monas. Manma you say you are ready to be loyal now? WP says that the devil must be due to it, but I will not change my loyalty. Manma says to see. Mana’s snakes attack brave children, they see death. Manma says that your belief about your loyalty brings death to six of your children, if you are faithful to me, he has only a few hours left, he leaves out there. Captures cry for their children.Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update The parishti told Shaitan that we can stay silent like this.
Peru comes to earth, Manssa says I have not broken any rules. Parwati said that you attacked six
Innocent children and think people will become your hello? How do I die of pain of six children? Shiva, Manasa and Parvatites come there. Shaat says that there is still hope, his first child comes there. Vivari surrounded him, Shiva says that you sent him out of the city at night because it was fate to save it. Satan says that the marriage will protect her. The captain says that Masa will not marry, who will marry my son Laxmi? Parvityi says that I know a girl in a village, she will marry her. Shaat says that unless my and the family are here, no one can be attacked. Lakshmi’s wedding starts. The bride and the bride comes in the snap. Pratavati told Mansa that we did not break any principle, you killed six children, we are marrying Laxmi. Manma says she can not enjoy her marriage. Parvity says we can stop you at any time, but we are giving you an opportunity to choose the right path. Manma says that both of you think that you are very good and are doing all this to disturb me, but I will get everything I want, I will be Goddess. Lakshmi is married.Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update
The indicator told Pomegranate that Masaa is crossing its boundaries, says Indar that it will bring the anger of the Mahakali, Laxmi’s wife will become a widow today.
Lucknow and his wife are in a room after marriage. Manasa comes there, he attacks Lakshmi, he dies. His wife is crying and says that you worship the devil, so it happened to you. She does not say her wife, she has to get back to my husband. They cry and say how can my blessing end? The vomiting comes there, his wife asks her to get her husband back. Andarra says I can not do this, it’s not in my power. Vivari prayed to Shiva.
The parishta told Satan that you have to protect your loyalty. Shaat says that Masaasa has to understand that it is not easy to become a founder.Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update
Mansa tells the valley that when I killed your sons, where was your Shia? Finish my loyalty and all this. It seems immoral and says I’m ready to be your loyalty. Manas are happy and say that Shiv made his loyalty loyal to him. Shiva and parvity come there. Manma says that I did not break any rules and completed my challenge, so give me a goddess position. Parvwati says that as a Goddess, you have to work like a mother in your parents, you have assured them that you will always protect them, keep them happy. Manma says that you may be depressed that I am faithful to you but soon all the Levites pray to me, Satan says that you are now a loyalty to fulfill the first desire of your loyalty. Asked about Mansa that he wants? Just ask and it’s yours. The captain says my son Laxmi returns. Parvati says that you have to fulfill your desire, and make Laxmi dead again Goddess Mania. I feel like Indoor smirks. Monsa uses its powers but can survive the writing. Manma is feeling dizzy using all his powers. The captain says that just give my son back and I am your loyal to life. Mona says I want to give you a son but I will not do it. The behavior is promptly told to give back to my son, I have always prayed to you. The party takes one leaf and puts it on the lid. I feel like Laxmi lives with this leaf. All are most famous Lakshmi is his wife. Thank you for sharing. Pratavati told Mansa that we were trying to tell you that it is easy to say that you want to become a Goddess but you need to get the love and faith of your loyalty so that they should maintain their power. Mansa says I am sorry, I did not understand this before, but now I know why you are a follower, you brought us all into life and you took back Laxmi, I am always guilty that the VPP Kill six children Satan says he is not dead, he uses his power to get back. Runners walk to them and surround them. Manama says how it is possible? I hit them. The devil It is said that your mother is epic, she can kill, she can get back to life. Manma says that both of you knew what was going to happen and I thought I could get this position, I did not think you had to face injustice with your loyalty, I’m sorry that Both of you had to bear all this. Parvati says that you got your lessons and I’m glad to get back to my daughter. Maulana says he will always be loyal to you. Shat says that you are close to my heart, many walls can pray faithfully. Security says Manaa has got your place, now you will be asked to Abi Deh Main Another world will pray to you. The captain says that I want to pray to you too. The parishta makes a throne for Manasa and says it will be associated with you and people will pray to Goddess Manah. Manama smiles and sitting on his throne fortunately. They take Goddess’s avatar. Insomnia is scared. Goddess Mera Smriti Peru and Chef are happy. Looks like cats and cartridges. The captain asks him. Mansa told Vigilant that I want to connect with my walls, he says, I want to accept charity from my followers with my left hands. Parody smile and noodle The wary keeps his feet on the left with flowers. Parvati says that my daughter will keep in her heart. Vashuki said that you guarded my sister and made him a goddess. Shiva says that Mahakali showed her daughter’s way, Parvati says that circumstances can change, but evil things are eliminated badly, they see the eyes of the blind. Cartota says I am happy for my sister-in-law. Gunsh says that all will be encouraged to meet Goddess Mana. Satan’s snake goes around his neck. The parishti told Chef that there are still some elements that are negative and we have to stop them. Devil says we can wait for the fire. Prayavati said okay, I will wait to end it, but if it does not happen, then the Mahakali will not be able to forgive, they see the darkness.Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update
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the-apartments · 6 years
Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update
Scene 1 The parishta told Satan that Massa is trying to attack your faithful children, it is not right. Shiva says the test of loyalty is also with Mansa.
Laughs, chef loyalists see their children trapped by Monas. Manma you say you are ready to be loyal now? WP says that the devil must be due to it, but I will not change my loyalty. Manma says to see. Mana’s snakes attack brave children, they see death. Manma says that your belief about your loyalty brings death to six of your children, if you are faithful to me, he has only a few hours left, he leaves out there. Captures cry for their children.Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update The parishti told Shaitan that we can stay silent like this.
Peru comes to earth, Manssa says I have not broken any rules. Parwati said that you attacked six
Innocent children and think people will become your hello? How do I die of pain of six children? Shiva, Manasa and Parvatites come there. Shaat says that there is still hope, his first child comes there. Vivari surrounded him, Shiva says that you sent him out of the city at night because it was fate to save it. Satan says that the marriage will protect her. The captain says that Masa will not marry, who will marry my son Laxmi? Parvityi says that I know a girl in a village, she will marry her. Shaat says that unless my and the family are here, no one can be attacked. Lakshmi’s wedding starts. The bride and the bride comes in the snap. Pratavati told Mansa that we did not break any principle, you killed six children, we are marrying Laxmi. Manma says she can not enjoy her marriage. Parvity says we can stop you at any time, but we are giving you an opportunity to choose the right path. Manma says that both of you think that you are very good and are doing all this to disturb me, but I will get everything I want, I will be Goddess. Lakshmi is married.Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update
The indicator told Pomegranate that Masaa is crossing its boundaries, says Indar that it will bring the anger of the Mahakali, Laxmi’s wife will become a widow today.
Lucknow and his wife are in a room after marriage. Manasa comes there, he attacks Lakshmi, he dies. His wife is crying and says that you worship the devil, so it happened to you. She does not say her wife, she has to get back to my husband. They cry and say how can my blessing end? The vomiting comes there, his wife asks her to get her husband back. Andarra says I can not do this, it’s not in my power. Vivari prayed to Shiva.
The parishta told Satan that you have to protect your loyalty. Shaat says that Masaasa has to understand that it is not easy to become a founder.Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update
Mansa tells the valley that when I killed your sons, where was your Shia? Finish my loyalty and all this. It seems immoral and says I’m ready to be your loyalty. Manas are happy and say that Shiv made his loyalty loyal to him. Shiva and parvity come there. Manma says that I did not break any rules and completed my challenge, so give me a goddess position. Parvwati says that as a Goddess, you have to work like a mother in your parents, you have assured them that you will always protect them, keep them happy. Manma says that you may be depressed that I am faithful to you but soon all the Levites pray to me, Satan says that you are now a loyalty to fulfill the first desire of your loyalty. Asked about Mansa that he wants? Just ask and it’s yours. The captain says my son Laxmi returns. Parvati says that you have to fulfill your desire, and make Laxmi dead again Goddess Mania. I feel like Indoor smirks. Monsa uses its powers but can survive the writing. Manma is feeling dizzy using all his powers. The captain says that just give my son back and I am your loyal to life. Mona says I want to give you a son but I will not do it. The behavior is promptly told to give back to my son, I have always prayed to you. The party takes one leaf and puts it on the lid. I feel like Laxmi lives with this leaf. All are most famous Lakshmi is his wife. Thank you for sharing. Pratavati told Mansa that we were trying to tell you that it is easy to say that you want to become a Goddess but you need to get the love and faith of your loyalty so that they should maintain their power. Mansa says I am sorry, I did not understand this before, but now I know why you are a follower, you brought us all into life and you took back Laxmi, I am always guilty that the VPP Kill six children Satan says he is not dead, he uses his power to get back. Runners walk to them and surround them. Manama says how it is possible? I hit them. The devil It is said that your mother is epic, she can kill, she can get back to life. Manma says that both of you knew what was going to happen and I thought I could get this position, I did not think you had to face injustice with your loyalty, I’m sorry that Both of you had to bear all this. Parvati says that you got your lessons and I’m glad to get back to my daughter. Maulana says he will always be loyal to you. Shat says that you are close to my heart, many walls can pray faithfully. Security says Manaa has got your place, now you will be asked to Abi Deh Main Another world will pray to you. The captain says that I want to pray to you too. The parishta makes a throne for Manasa and says it will be associated with you and people will pray to Goddess Manah. Manama smiles and sitting on his throne fortunately. They take Goddess’s avatar. Insomnia is scared. Goddess Mera Smriti Peru and Chef are happy. Looks like cats and cartridges. The captain asks him. Mansa told Vigilant that I want to connect with my walls, he says, I want to accept charity from my followers with my left hands. Parody smile and noodle The wary keeps his feet on the left with flowers. Parvati says that my daughter will keep in her heart. Vashuki said that you guarded my sister and made him a goddess. Shiva says that Mahakali showed her daughter’s way, Parvati says that circumstances can change, but evil things are eliminated badly, they see the eyes of the blind. Cartota says I am happy for my sister-in-law. Gunsh says that all will be encouraged to meet Goddess Mana. Satan’s snake goes around his neck. The parishti told Chef that there are still some elements that are negative and we have to stop them. Devil says we can wait for the fire. Prayavati said okay, I will wait to end it, but if it does not happen, then the Mahakali will not be able to forgive, they see the darkness.Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update
The post Mahakaali 21st July 2018 Written Episode Update appeared first on allnewstv - Mobile Prices And Buy now mobiles.
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