#and not screenshots of facebook posts with no verification
alder-knight · 5 months
very genuinely begging all of you to stop sharing posts about palestine and israel with no fact-checking and sometimes not even a link to cited articles
there are actual horrific criminal atrocities happening
it is not necessary to manufacture new ones
please please please do not keep circulating information that is not verified
I understand the emotional reflex when you see something upsetting and want others to know about it, but that is exactly how misinformation is designed to work
please pause, think for a minute, and if you're compelled to share, at least check the source first
signed, your local antizionist Black climate educator 🖤🇵🇸🤎
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A media literacy handbook for Israel-Gaza
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Next Tuesday (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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Media explainers are a cheap way to become an instant expert on everything from billionaire submarine excursions to hellaciously complex geopolitical conflicts, but On The Media's "Breaking News Consumers' Handbooks" are explainers that help you understand other explainers:
The latest handbook is an Israel-Gaza edition. It doesn't aim to parse fine distinctions over the definition of "occupation" or identify the source of shell fragments. Rather, it offers seven bullet points' worth of advice on weighing all the other news you hear about the war:
I. "Headlines are obscured by the fog of war"
Headline writers have a hard job under the best of circumstances – trying to snag your interest in a few words. Headlines can't encompass all the nuance of a story, and they are often written by editors, not the writers who produced the story. Between the imperatives for speed and brevity and the broken telephone between editors and writers, it's easy for headlines to go wrong, even when no one is attempting to mislead you. Even reliable outlets will screw up headlines sometimes – and that likelihood goes way up in times like these. You gotta read the story, not just the headline.
II. Know red flags for bullshit
The factually untrue information that spreads furthest tends to originate with a handful of superspreader accounts. Whether these people are Just Wrong or malicious disinfo peddlers, they share a few characteristics that should trip your BS meter and prompt extra scrutiny:
High-frequency posting
Emotionally charged framing
Posts that purport to be summaries or excerpts from news outlets, but do not include links to the original
The phrase "breaking news" (no one has that many scoops)
III. Don't trust screenshots
Screenshots of news stories, tweets, and other social media should come with links to the original. It's just too damned easy to fake a screenshot.
IV. "Know your platform"
It used to be that Twitter got a lot of first-person accounts from people in the thick of crises, while Facebook and Reddit contained commentary and reposts. Today, Twitter is just another aggregator. This time around, there's lots of first-person, real-time reporting coming off Telegram (it runs well on old phones and doesn't chew up batteries). Instagram is widely used in both Israel and the West Bank.
V. "Crisis actors" aren't a thing
People who attribute war images to "crisis actors" are either deluded or lying. There's plenty of ways to distort war news, but paying people to pretend to be grieving family members is essentially unheard of. Any explanation that involves crisis actors is a solid reason to permanently block that source.
VI. There's plenty of ways to verify stuff that smells fishy
TinEye, Yandex and Google Image Search are all good tools for checking "breaking" images and seeing if they're old copypasta ganked from earlier conflicts (or, you know, video-games). The fact that an image doesn't show up in one of these searches doesn't guarantee its authenticity, of course.
VII. Think before you post
Israel-Gaza is the most polluted media pool yet. Don't make it worse.
There's plenty more detail on this (especially on the use of verification tools) in Brooke Gladstone's radio segment:
The media environment sucks, and warrants skepticism and caution. But we also need to be skeptical of skepticism itself! As danah boyd started saying all the way back in 2018, weaponized media literacy leads to conspiratorialism:
Remember, the biggest peddlers of "fake news" are also the most prolific users of the term. For a lot of these information warriors, the point isn't to get you to believe them – they'll settle for you believing nothing. "Flood the zone with bullshit" is Steve Bannon's go-to tactic, and it's one that his acolytes have picked up and multiplied.
It's important to be a critical thinker, but there's plenty of people who've figured out how to weaponize a critical viewpoint and turn it into nihilism. Remember, the guy who wrote How To Lie With Statistics was a tobacco industry shill who made his living obfuscating the link between smoking and cancer. It's absolutely possible to lie with statistics, but it's also possible to use statistics to know the truth, as Tim Harford explains in his 2021 must-read book The Data Detective:
There's a world of difference between being misled and being brainwashed. A lot of today's worry about "disinformation" and "misinformation" has the whiff of a moral panic:
It's possible to have a nuanced view of this subject – to take steps to enure you're not being tricked without equating crude tricks like sticking a fake BBC chyron on a 10-year-old image with unstoppable mind-control:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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teawitch · 1 year
How tumblr created the baby witch phenomena.
No, we didn't do it all on our own but we were a major player.
(Note: I'm writing this from recollection and not going to name accounts. But if anyone needs to do thesis or dissertation on the effects of social media on community and communication - may I suggest deeper research into "baby witch")
So, at no point before tumblr can I ever recall it being a thing to emphasize how new you were at witchcraft. Generally we tended to extend things in the opposite direction, even if we had to work in a few years where, well, we wouldn't have called ourselves a witch if asked about it then but, now that we think about it, it was leading to witchcraft. This meant "baby witch" was definitely not a term, unless perhaps you were at a Wiccaning.
Then came social media and witchblr (tumblr witches). When I first joined, the usual "I've been a witch X years" process seemed to hold. In fact, tumblr made it easier to make claims. Not only because there is no verification process but also because no one could see how young some of the "I've been a witch 5 years" claimants were. (Consider I was coming from a "real world" environment where you couldn't even take classes until you were 18. So a witch would likely heading towards 30 before being able to make that claim.)
Baby Witch
What went wrong.
Witchblr is a lot calmer now than it used to be. Gatekeeping? Nah, we had people building brick walls and throwing stones over them. There was at least one account created so people could yell anonymously about other witches posting on tumblr. Certain people became favorite victims.
Then the battle left tumblr. Well, not so much the battle as the spoils of war. People created tumblr accounts to follow the tags and then screenshot anything they felt that should be made fun of on other social media sites. Suddenly tumblr posts started appearing on instagram and facebook and elsewhere with people pointing out anything they felt was wrong.
The way this was done showed no intention of helping the OP understand witchcraft better but rather an attempt by a few to become "witchcraft influencers" by finding content to make fun of. And it is a lot easier to make fun of people on social media when you don't have to see them for a real person and aren't at any point confronted with the fact that you might be an adult attempting to humiliate a teenager. Not that we should humiliate anyone, but sometimes the accounts seemed to me to be particularly cruel in looking for young victims who might phrase something wrong.
Then it happened. Someone posted "look, I'm just a baby witch..." as part of their post. And we were off. Younger / Newer witches started adding "baby witch" to their posts to indicate - hey, I'm new at this. Incoming witches saw "baby witch" on other people's post and added it to their own. It became a tag and a way to share information for newer witches.
I knew it had migrated away from tumblr when I saw witches on Facebook complaining "why are people calling themselves baby witches?" 
Because we made them do it.
It's not like the communities overall attitude has changed that much. If it had, the whole baby witch thing would probably have faded away by now.
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hiccupmistress · 10 months
So earlier today, everyone on twitter got all confused because everything was showing a “rate limit exceeded” error message with no further clarification whatsoever. Then, some hours later, Mister dumb-dumb claims its “totally deliberate u guys” to “address extreme levels of data scraping”, and limiting people to seeing 600 posts per day. That might sound like a lot, but the way Twitter loads its feed, that basically means you get about 30 seconds of usage.
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So basically, Mister dumb-dumb spent an unearthly amount of money to buy one of the biggest, most relied-upon social networks in the world, fired all the people who actually worked there, changed the verification badges so instead of confirming celeb accounts are legit, they instead mean “my cult is paying me $8″, claimed an adjective is a slur and is now massively restricting people using the service.
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He does claim this is “temporary”, but given this idiot’s track record, he probably doesn’t know how to fix it. Especially since he laid off most of the actual software engineers.
Twitter has, for years, been a primary platform for both communities as well as keeping up on news. If people can barely see any tweets per day, that all goes right out the window. 
Twitter got so big largely because it was convenient to get those things on one feed. Netflix got big when it started because it was convenient to have everything in one place, it reduced the amount of piracy that was going on for film/TV because it was easier and more convenient than the old torrenting services of the day. Now, every last studio wants to cash in with its own streaming service, and people are going back to piracy because its more convenient that having 500 different monthly subscriptions. This is the social media version of that. Mister dumb-dumb took one of the most convenient social media platforms and utterly mangled it, so user retention is understandably going through the floor.
Anyway, that means a lot of the communities I’ve been a part of are splitting all over the place to countless third party platforms. I’m not 100% sure yet, but I might be making more of an effort to get used to Tumblr. I’ve never quite felt confident posting here, but its currently the best alternative; Reddit is also going down the toilet with their API changes, Facebook is more built for people you know IRL rather than fandom communities (I never particularly liked the groups systems there), Discord is utterly alien to me and I simply cannot learn how to make the most of it and stuff like Mastodon or random-twitter-knockoff-that-my-mutuals-aren’t-bothering-to-tell-me-what-it-is are too niche and a bit weird.
So yeah, this feed might become more active with videogame screenshots, Star Trek episode thoughts and opinions, neurodivergent ramblings and whatever else, idk.
EDIT: News article with a bit more detail if you want
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darnellclayton · 1 year
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Interesting tweet by @photomatt. I am thinking that @Tumblr could replace Twitter if they actually embraced Matrix & the Fediverse.
But then there is this:
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Note: I am providing screenshots here just in case Twitter disappears!
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Okay, so Automattic is trying to make Tumblr self sustaining by offering premium features that people would be willing to pay for.
Premium features that Tumblr currently offers are:
Vanity blue check marks
Premium custom themes
Tumblr Blaze (basically paying to promote your post to other Tumblrs)
Pay for ad free browsing
Apparently this is not enough, so what other features could Tumblr offer that users would be willing to pay for‽ Here are a few a few suggestions:
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Actual verification (yes, seriously)
As people flee Twitter, they will look at alternatives & Tumblr will receive a massive amount of traffic (which will drive up the cost of the site). This includes celebrities, businesses, politicians, other government officials, etcetera.
Offer a real verification service that is open to everyone—celebrities, businesses & normal people—but would require:
A real world ID (passport, government ID, drivers license, etcetera).
An annual fee (between $100-$300 depending on the person or organization, government official, etcetera) in order to combat spam impersonation
A video phone call from Tumblr / WordPress staff (Facetime, Telegram, WhatsApp, etcetera) to confirm the person/organization is legit
Forget the checkmark (twitter ruined that) & use something else (maybe dancing emoji’s around the profile picture‽ Make it unique to Tumblr).
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Federation with ActivityPub
I honestly would prefer that this would be a free feature, however the sad fact remains that people could easily be overwhelmed with spammers, trolls, scams, etcetera, outside of Tumblr & not know how to deal with it.
I solo host on Darnell.one & I have encountered spammers, trolls & scammers on Matrix & Mastodon (latter uses ActivityPub).
While I have the patience to deal with the unfettered interwebs attempting to harass me, most people will feel overwhelmed with [email protected] sending them unsolicited messages on the daily.
Making it a premium feature would reduce the chance of spammers using Tumblr to harass the world (resulting in Federation blocks), as well as preventing people from being harassed by the world.
Price should be between $5-$10/month
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Into The Matrix
I am already on Matrix (I am @darnell:shh.darnell.ooo for those interested) & I think integration would be key with one caveat: make it a replacement for messages on Tumblr.
So I could then use @darnell:tumblr.com to securely communicate to other people on Tumblr as well as Matrix users for free.
However, those who pay Tumblr could also use their Matrix/Tumblr messenger to communicate with other people on Facebook Messenger, Signal, Telegram, WhatsApp, etcetera, via bridging, which would appeal to power users.
Another bonus is that paying folks could also create their own mini zoom like video calls, without having to use Zoom (which would appeal to people on Tumblr). I would make it so that paying folks can initiate a call, but anyone else on Tumblr can join for free (in order to increase appeal).
Price range would be between $10-$20/month (as this tech is not cheap!).
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Instead of relying on YouTube, Tumblr should offer this feature for free—with a catch.
People should be able to live broadcast in standard definition for free, but if they want the broadcast in high definition as well as saved then they will have to pay for storage (otherwise the streamed video is deleted after 24 hours).
Premium users could also have the “broadcasted on Tumblr” watermark/label removed, as well as the ability to automatically upload their video elsewhere (VideoPress, Vimeo, YouTube, etcetera).
Price range should be $10/month
Tumblr Prime‽
Tumblr should also offer a combination package on all of the above except verification (for obvious reasons).
Call it Tumblr Prime or Tumblr Pattycakes for all I care, but for around $20/month they should offer:
ActivityPub federation
Matrix Integration for messages (including bridging, video conference calls, etcetera)
Live-streaming services
Of course Auttomattic should look at the economics of these features to see if they are feasible, but I think they can come up with a workable solution that is deemed valuable.
That is all folks!
Those are my suggestions, & if you made it this far after reading this post, congratulations! If you have any suggestions, refutations, or questions feel free to comment below or message me via Tumblr.
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tutchtcasares · 5 months
Wang Dan, Blue and green politicians have all been accused of sexual harassment Wang Dan responded again. Taiwan recently set off the "#MeToo" (Mi Rabbit) movement upsurge, blue and green politicians have been named. Two days ago, Li alleged in a personal Facebook post that he was sexually harassed by Wang Dan when he invited him to the United States nine years ago. On the morning of the 4th, he was accompanied by Taipei City Councilor Lin Liangjun and retold the story in a public way. A netizen surnamed Li said that on the evening of June 6, 2014, Wang Dan forced a kiss and "attempted rape" in a hotel in New York. Over the next few days, he said, Wang Dan periodically verbally harassed him and intentionally or unintentionally hinted that he was trying to have sex. He said that because he had no relatives in the United States and did not know the language, he was worried about being afraid for more than a week and finally returned to Taiwan in advance. For some netizens to question his allegations, Li took out a screenshot of his conversation with Wang Dan, pointing out that Wang Dan sent a message "waiting for you in New York" at 4:47 PM Taiwan time on May 30, 2014, saying that this was a clear invitation. He also released several photos of Wang Dan's private residence, which were compared with Wang Dan's live broadcast, such as hanging pictures, lamps, and other positions were completely consistent, proving that he had indeed been there. As Wang Dan responded to the relevant allegations with "no sexual harassment" and "memory gap" the day before, Li netizens shouted to Wang Dan that he had relevant evidence such as recordings and asked Wang Dan to apologize or Sue. "If by June 6, I do not apologize in the community to those I have bullied or harassed or even assaulted for my past behavior, I will bring evidence to the prosecution." "We welcome complaints and support legal means to find out the truth." Wang Dan made the above reply when accepting the verification of this station. Li netizen took the initiative to explain that June 4 is a very important day for democracy in the world, but it is also a stain. He said that Wang Dan once stood in front of a tank and spoke out against the suppression of human rights by the Communist Party of China. But now he faces Wang Dan, "like the man who stood in front of the tank." "I am afraid, I think if I am not careful, I may be killed by your tank, you have too much power than me." You have so much aura, you can even reach into politics or academia." "Said Li. Li once complained to two former Taipei City Councilors, but he said that nine years ago, he was physically and mentally unstable, and worried that he would be tarnished as a "Chinese enforcer", so he gave up. Now, inspired by the recent Revelations by several political workers about sexual harassment and mistreatment in the workplace, he has been emboldened to speak out. Coincidentally, Blue Camp also has political figures have been named involved in the sexual harassment incident, mirror literature general manager Dong Chengyu revealed on Facebook that a blue camp at the time of the county head, is now a legislating politician had grabbed her hand without her consent on the dinner table, and even suddenly stood up "hug her head and kiss her." According to its description, the outside world is speculated to be the KMT lawmaker Fu, Fu also issued a statement saying, "If there is any sexual harassment, please inform according to law!" Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate drafted by the Kuomintang, issued a statement calling on the party central committee to "never neglect this matter." Taiwan's political #MeToo movement, in less than a week has been more than ten, and how many unexploded bombs, blue and green can not be ignored
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dfoxmarketing · 6 months
Instagram’s New Feature: Personalized Feeds for Meta Verified Users
Instagram’s Verified Users Get Exclusive Feature
Instagram is looking into new strategies to support its verified paying users. A feature that provides a unique feed that only displays posts from verified users is presently being tested by the platform.
Instagram’s Meta Verified membership service, which focuses on confirming users’ identities and offering them extra perks like priority customer assistance and unique stickers, includes this advancement.
Prioritizing verified content
Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri highlighted the importance of this new feed option when he launched it. With the use of this function, users may view postings from companies, influencers, and celebrities that they follow without having to navigate through their usual feeds. The goal is to give creators and companies a platform for better discoverability and visibility.
Elevating Meta-verified subscribers
In addition to being a content aggregator, the new Meta Verified feed benefits consumers by providing value through the Meta verified tag, which attracts additional companies and content producers. Users can curate material from verified accounts by utilising the Meta Verified option.
The cost of this service is $11.99 for the web and $14.99 for the app. This might encourage more people to choose the Meta Verified membership, increasing demand and engagement.
Instagram’s official statement
A screenshot showing how the new feed choice appears was supplied by Adam Mosseri. When users tap the Instagram logo, it appears under “Favourites” and “Following” and is named “Meta Verified.” Instagram is now testing this new feature, but no specifics have been revealed about it, such how big the test will be or who will be eligible.
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Meta Verified Subscription
To put things in perspective, Meta Verified is a premium membership service that it launched earlier this year for Facebook and Instagram. A blue verification checkmark, improved customer service, and protection against impersonation are just a few benefits that subscribers enjoy. It was first tested in Australia and New Zealand, then it moved to the US and companies, and in the spring of 2023 it was finally introduced in the UK, Canada, India, and most other countries.
Instagram’s action demonstrates the platform’s goal to charge for its services and improve the user experience for those who are prepared to pay for Meta Verified memberships.
Future of exclusive feeds
Instagram is continuing to test the Meta Verified feed in order to better cater its platform to various user categories. Those who agree to participate will receive special rewards. It fits well with the larger trend of membership fees and the need for better user experiences on other social media networks.
New monetization avenues
Instagram is committed to customising the user experience and developing new revenue streams, as seen by its investigation of a separate feed for verified profiles.
Also Read: WordPress Update Boosts Speed: Smart Script Loading
Although under testing, this feature has the potential to drastically change how users engage with material from their favourite accounts, which would greatly enhance the Meta Verified membership service.
Follow Digital Fox Media for latest technology news.
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windex-for-blood · 6 months
I can not FUCKING believe that Elon Musk is just...gonna get away with tanking Twitter.
He said he'd buy it as a joke, then goaded himself into saying he was really gonna do it, and then was FORCED to buy it because his mouth LITERALLY wrote a check that he had to cash.
And every single change he's made has been a disaster! Even the Elon Defence Squad has struggled to justify the post limits, or the forced verifications, or paid checkmarks.
Everybody still thinks the new name is stupid (and, by the way, if he doesn't have the common god-damn courtesy to properly recognize his daughter's name and gender, I'm under no obligation to acknowledge his fetish for the letter x). And now he's floating this stupid fucking $1 a year charge. Just like every change, he says this is about curbing spam, ND just like every other change he's made, he's lying. He's sunk BILLIONS, the GFP of several nations, into plugging the holes THAT HE'S PUNCHING IN HIS OWN SHIP, and he's trying to produce revenue quickly to attempt to bail himself out. But he's also saying he's going to pull access to the platform from the entirely of Europe! So he's going to yet again shoot himself in the mangled, viscous mass that was once his foot out of more spite and inflated pride.
And he's just going to sink Twitter entirely. It will go cemetery tits-up, and then he's going to grouse to all the tech mags that "twitter was always a losing prospect. It never had the infrastructure to pull itself into the future, and no amount of tweaking on my part was going to undo the nosedive it was in" even though every single problem has been a product of the
Elon Musk Mistake Generator 8000
And all his fucking tesla drone are going to come out and say "Yes! Even the prophet's mind-dick couldn't straighten out the problem, it could never have been fixed in the first place!"
Like, I HATE Twitter. I think it's real stupid, and have never signed up. But it would be even more stupid to pretend like it hasn't been important for the process of quickly sharing breaking information as quickly as possible. This debacle in Gaza with the baptist hospital would have NEVER taken the shape it has if we were still on pre-twitter social media. The triggerhappy dipshits in the Isreali military might have taken at least a second to consider their messaging, to say nothing of determining IF THEY FUCKING BLEW UP THE RIGHT BUILDING, if every group and individual weren't expected to be their own journalist and update the world on their activities as they happen. But as it is, they sent the stupid fucking "yeah, it was us" tweet before deleting it and acting like screenshots don't exist, and in less that 12 hours the whole complexion of western response to this latest war changed.
And withing a few years, it's not going to be like that anymore. Twitter will dissappear like a fart in a wind tunnel, and nobody with any self-respect is going to use Blue Jeans or whatever, so we'll be stuck with more languid blogging options like, god keep and preserve us, facebook. And it will be all Musk' fault, and he'll face absolutely nk consequences at all.
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gencihoxhayaaeu641 · 7 months
Wang Dan, Blue and green politicians have all been accused of sexual harassment
Wang Dan responded again. Taiwan recently set off the "#MeToo" (Mi Rabbit) movement upsurge, blue and green politicians have been named. Two days ago, Li alleged in a personal Facebook post that he was sexually harassed by Wang Dan when he invited him to the United States nine years ago. On the morning of the 4th, he was accompanied by Taipei City Councilor Lin Liangjun and retold the story in a public way. A netizen surnamed Li said that on the evening of June 6, 2014, Wang Dan forced a kiss and "attempted rape" in a hotel in New York. Over the next few days, he said, Wang Dan periodically verbally harassed him and intentionally or unintentionally hinted that he was trying to have sex. He said that because he had no relatives in the United States and did not know the language, he was worried about being afraid for more than a week and finally returned to Taiwan in advance. For some netizens to question his allegations, Li took out a screenshot of his conversation with Wang Dan, pointing out that Wang Dan sent a message "waiting for you in New York" at 4:47 PM Taiwan time on May 30, 2014, saying that this was a clear invitation. He also released several photos of Wang Dan's private residence, which were compared with Wang Dan's live broadcast, such as hanging pictures, lamps, and other positions were completely consistent, proving that he had indeed been there. As Wang Dan responded to the relevant allegations with "no sexual harassment" and "memory gap" the day before, Li netizens shouted to Wang Dan that he had relevant evidence such as recordings and asked Wang Dan to apologize or Sue. "If by June 6, I do not apologize in the community to those I have bullied or harassed or even assaulted for my past behavior, I will bring evidence to the prosecution." "We welcome complaints and support legal means to find out the truth." Wang Dan made the above reply when accepting the verification of this station. Li netizen took the initiative to explain that June 4 is a very important day for democracy in the world, but it is also a stain. He said that Wang Dan once stood in front of a tank and spoke out against the suppression of human rights by the Communist Party of China. But now he faces Wang Dan, "like the man who stood in front of the tank." "I am afraid, I think if I am not careful, I may be killed by your tank, you have too much power than me." You have so much aura, you can even reach into politics or academia." "Said Li. Li once complained to two former Taipei City Councilors, but he said that nine years ago, he was physically and mentally unstable, and worried that he would be tarnished as a "Chinese enforcer", so he gave up. Now, inspired by the recent Revelations by several political workers about sexual harassment and mistreatment in the workplace, he has been emboldened to speak out. Coincidentally, Blue Camp also has political figures have been named involved in the sexual harassment incident, mirror literature general manager Dong Chengyu revealed on Facebook that a blue camp at the time of the county head, is now a legislating politician had grabbed her hand without her consent on the dinner table, and even suddenly stood up "hug her head and kiss her." According to its description, the outside world is speculated to be the KMT lawmaker Fu, Fu also issued a statement saying, "If there is any sexual harassment, please inform according to law!" Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate drafted by the Kuomintang, issued a statement calling on the party central committee to "never neglect this matter." Taiwan's political #MeToo movement, in less than a week has been more than ten, and how many unexploded bombs, blue and green can not be ignored
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meghalayacareer · 1 year
AIC Recruitment 2023: Management Trainee (40 Posts)
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AIC Recruitment 2023: Agriculture Insurance Company of India Limited (AIC) has released an employment notification for the recruitment of the Management Trainee (IT) and Management Trainee (Remote Sensing & GIS) disciplines. The last date for submission of the application is 17.03.2023. 1. Post Name:- Management Trainee (IT) - No of posts:- 30 - Essential Qualification:- (a) GATE Qualified candidates with valid score card (3 years from the date of qualifying GATE) from the Computer Science and Information Technology (GATE Paper code – CS) branch and (b) Minimum graduation in Computer Science/Information Technology 2. Post Name:- Management Trainee (Remote Sensing & GIS) - No of posts:- 10 - Essential Qualification:- (a) GATE Qualified candidates with valid score card (3 years from the date of qualifying GATE) from the Geomatic Engineering (GATE Paper code – GE) branch and (b) Graduate/Post-graduate in Remote Sensing/ Geo-Informatics/ Geomatics/ GIS. Age limit - 21 to 30 years as of 01.02.2023 i.e., a candidate must have been born not earlier than 2nd February 1993 and not later than 01st February 2002 (both dates inclusive). Relaxation of 3 years for OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) and 5 years for SCs/STs and 10 years for PWD candidates. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)/PWD/Ex-Servicemen candidates. Salary - The selected candidates would be paid a consolidated pay of Rs. 60,000/- p.m. during the training period of one year. How to apply for AIC Recruitment 2023: Management Trainee Jobs? Candidates shall click on the link given below to submit the application and upload the documents. Apply Online for AIC AIC Management Trainee 2023: Direct Link The link will be active from 28.02.2023 (10:00 hrs) to 17.03.2023 (20:00 hrs) Selection Procedure - The company will utilize the rank of the candidate in Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE-2020, 2021, and 2022) for recruitment of Management Trainees in the disciplines of IT, Remote Sensing & GIS. - Based on the GATE rank, candidates will be shortlisted for the further selection process for the position of Management Trainee in the above disciplines. - The shortlisted candidates to be called for an interview will be up to 4 times the number of vacancies to be filled in subject to the availability of candidates. Shortlisting will be provisional based on the details filled up in the application form without verification of documents. - The final merit list for the selection of MTs shall be prepared in descending order of the marks secured in the interview by the candidates. Application Fee - For SC/ST/PwBD candidates: Rs. 100/- - All other categories Rs. 500/- The proof of payment is to be mandatorily uploaded on the Google form. The application will not be considered for further processing, in case the payment proof is not uploaded/wrong screenshot is uploaded. Those who wish to apply are advised to go through the below official notification in detail before submitting applications. Online Application Link Click Here Download Official Notification Click Here Job Updates on Facebook Click Here Read the full article
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tastydregs · 1 year
Facebook Will Use Age-Confirming AI to Check if You're Old Enough to Date
Facebook dating debuted in 2019, but three years later it’s looking to make sure the people using the service are actual adults using a third-party company’s AI systems.
Photo: Boumen Japet (Shutterstock)
Meta may ask you to send the company a video of your face before letting you hit up fellow people looking for love on Facebook Dating, if only to verify you are indeed old enough to date online.
On Monday, Meta announced it is updating its Facebook Dating service to “detect” if a user is lying about being younger than 18. After that happens, Facebook said it will prompt them to verify their age, in which case they can either upload a form of ID, such as a driver’s license, which the company said will be encrypted and won’t be visible on the public profile. The other option is for users to upload a video selfie, which the company then sends out to a third party who uses AI technology to verify age based on a users’ facial features.
The separate company in this case is the UK-based Yoti, which Meta had already tapped to verify the age of its Instagram users earlier this year. The system similarly asks for an ID or a video selfie when a user tries to edit their birth date from under 18 to somebody over 18. This will be the first time Meta has brought the tech over to the U.S. In screenshots of the system in practice, Meta says it doesn’t share any other details about the user save for the selfie. It further claims “Yoti doesn’t identify you or use your selfie for anything else.”
On the flip side, those users who try to verify their profile with the physical ID route should know that both humans and automatic systems analyze the documents. On the company’s information page, Meta says it may store the ID for up to one year before deleting it.
Gizmodo reached out to Meta to see how it determines if users are lying about their age and to learn more about the length of time the company stores their physical IDs. We did not immediately hear back but we will update this story if we hear more.
In a post announcing Facebook Dating’s new age verification system, Yoti said its facial estimation tech is a “privacy-preserving solution” that deletes all images after they’re used to determine users’ ages. In a white paper created this past May, the company wrote that its machine learning model correctly estimates the age of those under 23 99.65% of the time for 13-17 year olds. The process is just under 99% positive for those aged 6 to 11.
The company claimed its system is not facial recognition technology, and instead works to detect features of a human face without analyzing the whole. Yoti’s chief policy officer Julie Dawson previously told Gizmodo they built the system for users to prove their age without having to share their personal information or IDs.
In Yoti’s post, Meta’s director of data governance Erica Finkle said their ongoing tests with the technology in this partnership shows “our tools are working.” Finkle told Axios the company may push this kind of product to different markets who also use Facebook Dating or require age verification.
Facebook is looking to get in front of governments impending regulations and fines over the use of social media by children and teens. California is moving to protect kids’ privacy online, and nine states attorney generals have said they were investigating the impact Meta’s apps have had on young users, even though the company has noted certain features like Facebook Dating and posting videos on Instagram are age restricted. There have been numerous lawsuits targeting Meta and other social media apps for addicting young users.
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icloudbanana · 2 years
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reviewprovider5678 · 2 years
Buy Facebook Verification
Facebook is more than a social networking site where you can share photos and videos. Many businesses use it. Purchase Instagram verification. It’s a myth that only celebrities or corporations can have their accounts verified. Anyone can request account or page verification, including you. Follow these steps to verify ANY Instagram or Facebook Page. Facebook verification costs money. How to verify your Facebook and Instagram accounts
Account verification has four steps.
You can pay Facebook to verify your account’s authenticity. Anyone can verify Instagram accounts. Genuine accounts can be validated. Your name or your company’s name appear on paperwork. Same name on ID and Instagram. You are not permitted to choose a name.
Facebook verification costs money:
No one else should have your name. Original names and usernames are required. Your name will be verified once. Nobody can use your name to verify an account. Your account should be near the top of search results if it’s required. Increase your account’s traffic to make it more distinctive. Ten to fifteen newspaper articles with a URL will improve the credibility of your statements. If you’re well-known for your account’s work, people will recognize you. If Google indexes your website and Wikipedia searches for you, you’ll have a better chance of ranking higher and having your information confirmed. Once setup, you may quickly validate your account. Account verification can be purchased.
Facebook verification costs money:
It should be complete. You should have a high-quality profile photo and bio after choosing a name and username. Finally, your account should be public and have at least one post.
Instagram accounts and verifications are easy to acquire. Buying an Instagram account or verification is hazardous. It’s against Instagram’s regulations to buy or sell accounts, but it’s a common practice. I’ll now tell you some essential information. Before spending money on verification, know the legitimate and scammers in the sector. You can avoid cons in several ways. First, find a reputable buyer for his account.
Users can verify their accounts through various ways. When someone looks for information on Google account verification, they may find people advertising their services and pushing account verification purchases. Before buying from them, check sure the account provider isn’t a con artist or imposter. Most scammers use these strategies. You must pay for your blue checkmark. When you promote other people’s companies and things in their updates, you may earn more than the verification fee.
Buy Facebook Verification
Instagram Scam Prevention Facebook verification costs money. These approaches can help you avoid cons. First, a money-back guarantee is needed. In some cases, you might get your money back or pay after receiving verification. The way someone interacts with you can indicate if they’re trying to scam you. The real seller will let you check for free if your account meets standards. If your account verification is refused, he’ll return your money. Con artists offer reduced services to attract customers but never refund money. So, YOU can decide if the person is trustworthy.
Even if you trust someone, be careful while giving them money. You can use PayPal or a middleman. If you utilize a middleman, you must agree on ho choow tose one and send the funds to that person. Your middleman will validate your account and ensure you’re happy with the transaction before sending the funds to the seller.
Facebook verification costs money.
It’s safe. The second choice is PayPal. In this scenario, you must pay money to PayPal, and after your task is complete, the money is sent to the other person. If you’re displeased with the job, you can file a complaint and get a refund. You should have a written argument and chat screenshots so you can show PayPal your communication and accuse the seller if anything goes wrong. You can even use video chat, but if the person refuses, he may be trying to scam you. You can defend yourself this way.
Facebook Verification Cost Buying an account
Account verification costs can vary per market. Remember this. Cost is another clue of a scammer. Fraudsters request less money. Depending on time and effort, account verification could cost $5,000 to $8,000. Facebook verification costs money.
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tutchtcasares · 5 months
Wang Dan, Blue and green politicians have all been accused of sexual harassment Wang Dan responded again. Taiwan recently set off the "#MeToo" (Mi Rabbit) movement upsurge, blue and green politicians have been named. Two days ago, Li alleged in a personal Facebook post that he was sexually harassed by Wang Dan when he invited him to the United States nine years ago. On the morning of the 4th, he was accompanied by Taipei City Councilor Lin Liangjun and retold the story in a public way. A netizen surnamed Li said that on the evening of June 6, 2014, Wang Dan forced a kiss and "attempted rape" in a hotel in New York. Over the next few days, he said, Wang Dan periodically verbally harassed him and intentionally or unintentionally hinted that he was trying to have sex. He said that because he had no relatives in the United States and did not know the language, he was worried about being afraid for more than a week and finally returned to Taiwan in advance. For some netizens to question his allegations, Li took out a screenshot of his conversation with Wang Dan, pointing out that Wang Dan sent a message "waiting for you in New York" at 4:47 PM Taiwan time on May 30, 2014, saying that this was a clear invitation. He also released several photos of Wang Dan's private residence, which were compared with Wang Dan's live broadcast, such as hanging pictures, lamps, and other positions were completely consistent, proving that he had indeed been there. As Wang Dan responded to the relevant allegations with "no sexual harassment" and "memory gap" the day before, Li netizens shouted to Wang Dan that he had relevant evidence such as recordings and asked Wang Dan to apologize or Sue. "If by June 6, I do not apologize in the community to those I have bullied or harassed or even assaulted for my past behavior, I will bring evidence to the prosecution." "We welcome complaints and support legal means to find out the truth." Wang Dan made the above reply when accepting the verification of this station. Li netizen took the initiative to explain that June 4 is a very important day for democracy in the world, but it is also a stain. He said that Wang Dan once stood in front of a tank and spoke out against the suppression of human rights by the Communist Party of China. But now he faces Wang Dan, "like the man who stood in front of the tank." "I am afraid, I think if I am not careful, I may be killed by your tank, you have too much power than me." You have so much aura, you can even reach into politics or academia." "Said Li. Li once complained to two former Taipei City Councilors, but he said that nine years ago, he was physically and mentally unstable, and worried that he would be tarnished as a "Chinese enforcer", so he gave up. Now, inspired by the recent Revelations by several political workers about sexual harassment and mistreatment in the workplace, he has been emboldened to speak out. Coincidentally, Blue Camp also has political figures have been named involved in the sexual harassment incident, mirror literature general manager Dong Chengyu revealed on Facebook that a blue camp at the time of the county head, is now a legislating politician had grabbed her hand without her consent on the dinner table, and even suddenly stood up "hug her head and kiss her." According to its description, the outside world is speculated to be the KMT lawmaker Fu, Fu also issued a statement saying, "If there is any sexual harassment, please inform according to law!" Hou Youyi, a presidential candidate drafted by the Kuomintang, issued a statement calling on the party central committee to "never neglect this matter." Taiwan's political #MeToo movement, in less than a week has been more than ten, and how many unexploded bombs, blue and green can not be ignored
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reviewprovider5687 · 2 years
Buy Facebook Verification
Facebook is more than a social networking site where you can share photos and videos. Many businesses use it. Purchase Instagram verification. It’s a myth that only celebrities or corporations can have their accounts verified. Anyone can request account or page verification, including you. Follow these steps to verify ANY Instagram or Facebook Page. Facebook verification costs money. How to verify your Facebook and Instagram accounts
Account verification has four steps.
You can pay Facebook to verify your account’s authenticity. Anyone can verify Instagram accounts. Genuine accounts can be validated. Your name or your company’s name appear on paperwork. Same name on ID and Instagram. You are not permitted to choose a name.
Facebook verification costs money:
No one else should have your name. Original names and usernames are required. Your name will be verified once. Nobody can use your name to verify an account. Your account should be near the top of search results if it’s required. Increase your account’s traffic to make it more distinctive. Ten to fifteen newspaper articles with a URL will improve the credibility of your statements. If you’re well-known for your account’s work, people will recognize you. If Google indexes your website and Wikipedia searches for you, you’ll have a better chance of ranking higher and having your information confirmed. Once setup, you may quickly validate your account. Account verification can be purchased.
Facebook verification costs money:
It should be complete. You should have a high-quality profile photo and bio after choosing a name and username. Finally, your account should be public and have at least one post.
Instagram accounts and verifications are easy to acquire. Buying an Instagram account or verification is hazardous. It’s against Instagram’s regulations to buy or sell accounts, but it’s a common practice. I’ll now tell you some essential information. Before spending money on verification, know the legitimate and scammers in the sector. You can avoid cons in several ways. First, find a reputable buyer for his account.
Users can verify their accounts through various ways. When someone looks for information on Google account verification, they may find people advertising their services and pushing account verification purchases. Before buying from them, check sure the account provider isn’t a con artist or imposter. Most scammers use these strategies. You must pay for your blue checkmark. When you promote other people’s companies and things in their updates, you may earn more than the verification fee.
Buy Facebook Verification
Instagram Scam Prevention Facebook verification costs money. These approaches can help you avoid cons. First, a money-back guarantee is needed. In some cases, you might get your money back or pay after receiving verification. The way someone interacts with you can indicate if they’re trying to scam you. The real seller will let you check for free if your account meets standards. If your account verification is refused, he’ll return your money. Con artists offer reduced services to attract customers but never refund money. So, YOU can decide if the person is trustworthy.
Even if you trust someone, be careful while giving them money. You can use PayPal or a middleman. If you utilize a middleman, you must agree on ho choow tose one and send the funds to that person. Your middleman will validate your account and ensure you’re happy with the transaction before sending the funds to the seller.
Facebook verification costs money.
It’s safe. The second choice is PayPal. In this scenario, you must pay money to PayPal, and after your task is complete, the money is sent to the other person. If you’re displeased with the job, you can file a complaint and get a refund. You should have a written argument and chat screenshots so you can show PayPal your communication and accuse the seller if anything goes wrong. You can even use video chat, but if the person refuses, he may be trying to scam you. You can defend yourself this way.
Facebook Verification Cost Buying an account
Account verification costs can vary per market. Remember this. Cost is another clue of a scammer. Fraudsters request less money. Depending on time and effort, account verification could cost $5,000 to $8,000. Facebook verification costs money.
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