#and mad at the elongated muskrat
sestrahulk · 11 months
Thank you all for following me! I will probably be more active on here again, since twitter is such a mess right now. Love you all. <3
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61below · 3 months
Elon Musk is store brand Mads Mikkelsen
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nightmaree-eyess · 11 months
I reached my Twitter limit in under 2 minutes…bruh imma lose my moots cause I haven’t had this account for more than a month. Gotta be thoughtful about what I tweet and shit.
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salubri-outcast · 2 years
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Plucked fresh from twitter. Some utter MAD LAD is doing this.
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rae-gunz · 2 years
twitter is currently imploding (thanks elon). so i will be moving some of my favorite posts here & coming back to tumblr full time 🤪
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forkaround · 8 months
I don't care about their Rich People Problems - A Rant
So, I was doing my weekly audit and I realized why I didn't like 2023 BLs.
I love Perth but I can't stand Kanghan. His problem is his dad is too nice. HIS DAD IS TOO NICE. He has money, his dad doesn't expect things from him. Like seriously. That's his problem.
Also the Only Friends characters. Their problems are seriously HAVING money and time. Money can't buy happiness type story. *deep breaths*
And Tantai from Laws of Attraction. They want to paint him as abused, but we know for the most part his dad only ignored him. There wasn't that much physical harm. And he has all this money that he can do anything with. Hell his dad even offers to send him to the US. They have money. And still Tantai doesn't have a job. He only has to pick a place and his name will get him a decent job but no, he is doing god knows what.
And the shows point it out over and over again. Like make up your mind, you want me to like them or not?
I can't stand any of these characters especially when they are paired with a poor boy.
Sailom has to carry the emotional and rational burden of the relationship while Kang acts out. Kang won't suffer any consequences what so ever but Sailom will and yet...
And don't get me started on Tantai and Thee. He has an evil father. He knows what his father is capable off and yet, Thee is taking the brunt of the fall, the blame, the beating, everything.
Same with Sand. He keeps saving Ray at his own expense. Not just emotional but physical, financial and social. And Ray gets mad at him??? Like boy take a look in the mirror.
Even a little bit with Bai Zongyi and Zerui's relationship.
I can't... I just can't with these characters.
I'm like read the room. It's 2023. Rich people are enemy No. 1 all over the world. Especially rich assholes with no self awareness and you make them into the romantic leads. Like 10 years ago I could have suspended my disbelief. In 2023, I can't. I can believe the 'everyone is gay' universe. I can believe all BL shenanigans. I can even believe people would choose to kiss other people with vomit still on their lips. But I can't suspend my disbelief and say they aren't Elongated Muskrat baby edition.
It's simply because the writers didn't know how to come up with a life struggle for these characters and that's why you have 'having money is a problem' problem. Like grow up.
You want power dynamics? There are other ways.
You want poor little rich character? There are other ways.
BLs have done it before. BLs have had decently written poor little rich characters. But this isn't it.
I still remember what Mark's mom said last year in Love Mechanics: (To paraphrase) 'Money can buy happiness but it's not as expensive as we think.' That is such a powerful, honest, realistic and rational statement.
Forget vampire BLs I want Eat the Rich BLs.
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jewishbarbies · 2 years
to everyone defending tony stark saying that he’s nothing like elongated muskrat, rdj based his portrayal of stark on elon and is friends with him, which is why he was in an iron man movie. die mad about it.
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gynoidgearhead · 1 year
"$2 trillion dollars" fuck off. that's not a real number (a frustrated shitpost)
You can't put two trillion dollars' worth of goods into a room.
You can barely even put two billion dollars' worth of goods into a room.
It is an actual exploit of our economic system that you can turn real goods into tokens that allow you to cram more ""value"" into a room than its referents would naturally allow.
No, fuck off. If you try to stack more than a million dollars, it should refuse like it's Minecraft or something. A million dollars plus one should still be a miilion dollars for rules purposes. A million dollars plus a further million dollars should still equal one million dollars.
At some point we have to admit that the numbers themselves are violent - that the nature of our economic system allows for distortions that are obscene and inhumane.
A human being should not be able to have ""a billion dollars"". If Elongated Muskrat or Jeffrey Bezos tried to cram a billion dollars worth of real value into a treasure chest, do you think he could even close the lid, let alone meaningfully "own" the contents of that treasure chest? No, and furthermore, fuck off!
Here is my rage-inspired proposal for a rules patch. If you put more than a million dollars into a pile, the value of the pile is instantly reduced to zero and the paper (or the digital medium holding the sum) spontaneously combusts. Numbers over a million dollars are just Metaphysically Banned. This affects larger sums first and is fairly broad as to what constitutes a pile.
"But that'd break the economy!" For all human purposes, our economy is already broken. Capitalism is the existential-risk paperclip maximizer AI that is already here, taking over everything.
The planet is dying for the sake of Number Go Up. In my desperation, is it really so unreasonable that part of me wishes the numbers themselves could break down, could rebel against this additive and multiplicatory madness?
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aimee-b-loved · 2 years
Bruce said, “Since I got rid of Twitter, now I have to share all my thoughts with you!” And I’ve never been so viscerally, violently mad at anyone as I currently am at Elongated Muskrat.
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cosmicsponge2004 · 1 year
Yo, The Internet be mad buggin'
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remzarci · 10 months
...If I hear, in a Destial meme, that Elongated Muskrat, in a Peyote induced madness, died because he tried to climb the X on his building...
I am not gonna be surprised
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lawlznet · 9 months
State of the Channel Address:
I've missed this entire week so far in part because I've had so much accumulated crap to do from months of avoidance behavior, and I can't bring myself to get on late just to do a half assed show for a couple hours before disconnecting with all the grace of a fart.
I know that the opposite end of "waiting until you can do everything perfectly" is potentially, never streaming again, but honestly? Is it really that much better having a VOD archive full of embarassment?
Look, I haven't even found the time to edit out potential dox from an old vod, which is why there have been no new updates on youtube aside from the occasional short in over a month. Don't even get me started on the mental emotional landscape.
Turning to social media and filling your profile with retweets and retoots and getting involved in drama that's almost certainly beyond you is a coping mechanism. Hell it's probably how some former vtubers degrade into vtweeters over time, getting stuck in this hell of forever shoving things under the bed.
So what's to be done with this?
Well I'd jokingly say "time to touch grass" here but I never stopped my diet and exercise regimen. Cosplaying May was a proof of concept that it was possible to get fit from sheer desire to become a Femboy alone, and that journey hasn't ended.
I've also swallowed my pride and hooked up for some new vtuber collabs, soon(tm). Also I have no idea why I didn't stream the previous ones. These WILL be streamed.
And though I've teased it before, I intend to continue the spoopy ARG stuff sometime in November, perhaps with social media blitzing the week of my anniversary (October 31st to November 5th). I don't know what form it will take and frankly there remains the possibility that all of my current active socmed accounts (the ones you're reading this from) somehow die before that can happen, from Elongated Muskrat making yet another dumbass move, Fediverse eating itself into an ouroboros, or Tumblr conducting another Purge, but given how the last one was *also* a caffeinated dream splurge of using up free time at work and fueling my in-character tweets with out of character madness?
I'm sure it will be A-okay!
Even if that all fails somehow, the crowning event of all of that socmed hoopla is meant to be a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition live play that i'm hoping to run in December, the first I will have run in years. I have three months to prepare the campaign and in the weeks leading up to it i'm hoping to slowwwwwwlly send out invites to people who might be interested in joining. It is sure to be a mess, insofar as trying to run online several session long TTRPG's while balancing meatworld and vtuber world responsibilities, but sometimes you have to kick bad expectations to the curb and just try and do shit anyway. All I have to spend is time and while everything from employment to online presence is uncertain, at the end of the day...
...so what?
Yeah I could trash all these plans and simplify things and be as mundane as possible trying to force things to "work" as they did for the past two years. Because there might not be a December because any number of things could happen before then.
But so fucking what? Tomorrow I could die, the next week a tragedy or three happens and then all of this will be the last thing on my mind. I could also try to limp along and get back to "normal" because its safe and I totally loved looking back at a whole bunch of mediocre and embarassing archives where a clearly disinterested and half asleep femboy tells themself that they're entertaining.
Stop it. This isn't my primary job (thank god) and nobody is forcing me to keep up this song and dance to a made up metronome and an imaginary conductor, so why do I feel the need to force half baked, half assed content online only to excortiate myself afterward? Does that make any fucking sense? No? Why would it?
Why do something you don't love? Why do something that only makes you hate yourself if you're not even being PAID for it?
You look at what you've "accomplished" in the meanwhile, frittering away time everywhere but your passions while lamenting not finding time for your passions and you don't even recognize yourself in the mirror anymore.
Go big or go home.
...So yeah i'll also be working on an in-character youtube project with another vtuber friend! The details of which need to be-
-hashed out but it'll be an excitingly different experience all around! It's been forever since i've done any recorded acting, voice over or otherwise, and i'm not entirely sure what to expect. You can bet that there will be #lulzlore involved and yes, it'll be canon. That's going to be sometime in November once again, schedule and a messy timeline notwithstanding.
On the short term it'd be nice if I could stream regularly again. As in, you can reliably tune in at 2100 CST and expect to at least see my loading screen running instead of randomly getting a twitch email notif at like 2236 which lasts for like an hour because Lulz literally (note: not lirerally) dies on stream.
You know what would also be nice? How about not having to pack up and switch fucking social media platforms every few months? Gee fucking willickers wouldn't that just be BEAUTIFUL.
As beautiful as you reading this. <3
Anyway if you've read this far you're a trooper and Thank You For Playing. See you next time when one of these rants is less stream of consciousness and doesn't disseminate the point in between sporadic bouts of insanity.
See ya!
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angeloswings · 2 years
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hihi, im Jasper!
uhhaha so, this is my…
introduction my loves.
im disabled, im haitan and puerto rican
i’m ftm, he/him, im 18 and an aries ~
i’m omnisexual, and here’s some tw’s for my blog 💉
block and avoid if you find my account uncomfy, would never be mad i totally get it!
some but not all of my posts include
~ yandere coping posts
~ nudity and sexual posts
~ blood, vampire, and generally uncomfy aesthetics
~ me making jokes about my trauma & issues to help me cope lol
~ fandom stuff including, undertale, deltarune, encanto, coco, hetalia doja cat, billie eilish and melanie martinez
~ gay shit
!!do not interact if!!
honestly ion have a huge problem with most of tumblr but, if you're an encanto proshipper? to the mf gulag with you, oh and if you’re into usuk, sorry! and if you're truscum or don't support neopronouns. lol you're banished
please interact with
if you're a poc
(i rly dont trust white people lol-)
are also into kinky stuff or yandere stuff (but don't get any ideas, i'm more than taken my husband LOVES ME.)
like drawing/animating and wanna talk about it!
into my certain fandoms
are interested in rp
are anti twt/elongated muskrat
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aritamargarita · 1 year
i just deleted my twitter account and im telling you rn it's so freeing. it's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, and i can breathe again 😭 i only stayed for as long as i did because raven doesn't have any other social media but the manchild Elongated Muskrat just made that already shitty app SOOO unbearable i couldn't deal with it. i love raven but NO man is good enough for me to wanna stay on twitter for that long
also im going to miss x-pac's extremely based takes that made all the middle aged conservative wrestling fans mad 😔
MANN I BET THATS THE BEST FEELING EVER SMH!! man raven needa get with the times get on insta. facebook? idek who uses it now, tik tok?? MMMMMMMMMM…….I don’t know…….. IM RIGHT BEHIND YOU BESTIE ELON MADE THIS SHIT WORSE I CANT!! there’s so much shit goin on over there it’s just not even worth it
BASED? based on what🤨jk but WE STAN X PAC!!!!!!!
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electricangels · 3 months
i tried using twitter again for the first time in years and holy shit that website is held together with duct tape. like tumblr is fucking high art compared to how glitchy twitter is these days. putting my experience undercut in case anyone is curious
first of all, anytime i try to do ANYTHING i get asked to do these weird robo tests. you like a post? robo test. retweet a post? robo test. want to change your icon? robo test.
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then when you complete the robo test, it glitches the fuck out. you get logged out and it takes you to this screen
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and if you try to click log in the screen flashes and the page refreshes, and you wind up at the same "this doesn't exist" page
and note that this experience has happened to me SEVEN TIMES in the past 3 days trying to use twitter
not to mention how any time i try to just scroll through my feed and interact with posts, i get flagged as a bot and get a message saying i'm rate limited on suspicion of being a bot. i don't have any screenshots for that one but like. you're mad at me for what, using the website???
so yeah. it really did go to shit once elongated muskrat took over, huh
don't think i'll be using it again after all
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everyone is like “oh computer science? such a growing field, full of career opportunities... you know, my friend’s nephew just got a job at google” like how do I explain that I don’t want to take part in the corporate hellscape I just want to hole up in a basement and mutter to myself about algorithm efficiency and unsolved conjectures
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