#and lemme tell you- watching /all/ of them implode at once is *wild*
today two different servers I'm in imploded in .... very different ways, and another server I'm in is having what they've coined as 'partnergate' where it really seems like a core majority of the active users who are in relationships are about to.. potentially no longer be in relationships and man. truly gives me additional appreciation for both my relationship and my lil server. we're not perfect. but... yeah.
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deathandrenegades · 7 years
Enscripted - Part 8 (end)
Summary: Soulmate AU between Dean and reader. Dean’s your new neighbor in a small town, which arises strange feels to implode from you. On top of it, there’s another face that seems to stir trouble. Could he be who he says he is?
Word Count: 1901
A/N: final part, there’s definitely some blood and gore here. lemme know what you guys think, i love feedback and requests!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
I awoke to a cold, damp room, filled with musk. I groaned as I rolled my head up slowly, opening my eyes carefully to the dimly lit room. I felt something warm ooze down my face, and only until it dropped on my lap did I realize it was blood.
I tried to think back to the last thing I remembered..
Hitting my head on the pavement, the fog choking me until I collapsed..
Suddenly I realized what's happening and my attention heightened, my eyes looking around me to assess the situation and figure out where I was.
I try to move as My wrists tugged at the restraints, realizing that I've been bound to a chair with rope that's also wrapped around by my ankles. My breath quickened as I struggled more, desperate to be free.
A low menacing chuckle erupted from one of the dark corners, my eyes snapped up to where the sound came from, my heart beating wildly at the sound.
“Struggling won't help.” The voice hissed, still unclear of who it was.
Kyle stepped out into view, his eyes wild with anger and excitement.
“Kyle? What the fu-”
“It's Kai!” He snapped, cutting me off and making me wince at his anger. He stepped closer to me, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look up at him.
He pulled out a knife and flicked it open, my eyes went wide with horror.
“Kai what're you-” I started, my voice pleading for mercy already.
“You will be silent.” He ordered, his eyes locked into mine as he dragged the knife across my chin, tears slowly started to roll down my cheeks. I squeezed my eyes shut, terrified of what he was going to do to me.
Kai slowly moving his knife down from chin along my neck to my chest.
With a swift gesture I felt the buttons of my shirt pop open more, exposing my chest and tattoo very clearly. I opened my eyes, wondering what, if anything, my tattoo has to do with any of this.
The smoke swirled around, burning and hissing at Kai being so close to me. I ground my teeth together as he trailed the blade over my neck and down to my tattoo
“Now this, this is a real beauty.” He murmured to himself. “Why are the Winchesters here?” He asked quietly. My brow furrowed, completely confused.
“Uhhh, I don't know? Dean moved here-” his palm quickly smacked my cheek, leaving a big red smear stinging my face. I squeezed my eyes, panting.
“Bullshit you bitch, don't fucking lie to me.” He bellowed into my ear, following his yells with several blows to the face.
“Kai, please-” I started, pulling against my restraints trying to fight looking so weak. His laughed erupted as he held up the knife. My eye and cheek stinging from his punches and starting to swell.
“You told them about me didn't you?” He spat, as he began dragging the knife slowly into and across my chest. “Didn't you?!” He yelled into my ear, pushing the knife further into my chest.  
“No, what are you even-” the movement was too quick to see, but whatever he hit me with i knew my nose was surely broken. I screamed and sobbed as blood poured down my face, my broken nose throbbing as pain invaded me. He cackled at my cries, taking the knife out of my chest. He kneed me in the ribs, a large cracking sound echoing off the walls and I doubled over, blood sputtering from my mouth.
Quickly he cut free my hands, taking the knife and pressing it into my wrist with just enough pressure so it didn't slice me open.
“Fucking try anything and I will not hesitate.” He whispered into my ear, I shivered as I tried to choke back the sobs. He cut my ankles free and roughly helped me to stand, dragging me over to a metal table. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as he pushed me to it. I looked back to him, horrified.
“Get on it.” He grumbled. I slowly hoisted myself up, in the most pain of my life, surely climbing to my inevitable death. I sobbed quietly as I very carefully laid down, the cool metal chilling me to my core.
He quickly restrained my ankles and wrists again, then began to drag the knife slowly up my calf to my thigh, across my stomach and back to my exposed chest, where blood happily spilled over my shirt.
My tears leaked onto the table, wondering how long it would take for me to die.
He stepped away from the table, my eyes darted to him, wondering where he was going.
He delicately took a couple steps back, and just watched me. I swallowed, tempted to ask but second guessing how strong my voice would be.
Slowly I felt my body rise off the table, as Kai’s face twisted into a dark smile. My wrists pulled against the restraints, attempting to hold my body in place but my body pushed further. I let loose an ear splitting scream as my wrists and ankles pulled from the restraints, the chains clinking as it felt like my feet and hands would rip off.
My body slammed back onto the table, my breathing ragged as I quietly sobbed.
“You will tell me everything you know.” He threatened, I looked over at him, feeling hopeless.
Deans POV
I paced around my living room, Sam sitting on the couch looking tense.
“So what you're telling me,” I started anxiously, “is that, this Kyle kid,” my voice thick with disgust, “is a fucking witch, or something? Actually named Kai?” I scoffed. Sam sighed, but nodded, lips pressed into a thin line as his laptop glowed in between them. I glanced at the clock, 3 am. My eyes quickly glanced out the window to her house, praying to see her car but it still wasn't there. I began pacing faster, my heart quick with anxiety.
“Something is wrong.” I muttered. She should've been home. I shouldn't feel anxious.
Sam sighed, knowing I wanted to go out and look for her.
“I think I know where Kai has been taking victims.” He said quietly. I froze, slowly turning to him.
“Get in the car” I snarled at him.
Your POV
Blood poured onto the table, Kai frantic around me. I didn't even hear him anymore, feeling warm from the blood that drenched me. Around me there was several things being thrown around, the periodic clang of metal on metal, kai’s lucid screams of maniacal laughter.
My thoughts drifted, in and out of pain. Trying to keep my self conscious.
Finally he came over and grabbed my face, not ready to accept I didn't have what he was looking for.
“I'm getting this shit off of you.” He concluded, determination spread over his face. My eyes snapped to his, realizing what he meant. I pulled against my restraints, screaming and flailing for him to stop as he started to slice into me again.
“Kai, please, don’t-” I begged, tears streaming down my face.
“Do you have any idea what this is?!” he shouted, cutting me off. “I will NOT let him be your soulmate, he can’t be! Not him.” he said frantically, his wild brown eyes staring at Dean’s name on me. His words threw me off, I caught my breath for a second.
“Soulmate? Wha-” His knife drove further along the edge of my tattoo, and then he swiftly hit me over the head once more, knocking me unconscious.
When I awoke, there was nothing but loud bangs and screams every so often.
I immediately tried to get up, only realizing now that I was still restrained. I twisted around, trying to get a better look as my head pounded with pain.
“(Y/n)? (y/n)?!” A frantic, husky voice grew louder and louder. I coughed, trying to speak, my throat hoarse from screaming.
Suddenly he was beside me, the look of pure horror on his face as he took in all the blood stained on me, finally his eyes landed on my tattoo, sharply inhaling at the sight of gashes tossed around it. He gave a small shake of the head and moved to remove my restraints quickly, I groaned at the release of pressure.
His arms gently moved around me, scooping me into his arms. I sobbed into his chest, the pain coursing through my entire body.
I was frantically put into a car, a seat belt hurriedly tied around me.
“Wake up, wake up!” A voice panicked in my ear, my subconscious probing at me to stay awake.
I opened my eyes slowly, nothing but monitors and beeping. The light was bright, and I tried to move my hands, only to have minimal pull. My breath hitched, thinking I was back on the metal table, I almost started to scream as the monitor went erratic, before Dean quickly rose and stepped to my side, my wild eyes looking into his.
“Shhhh (y/n), relax you're fine.” He whispered. I tried to slow my breathing, and steady my rapid heart rate as a nurse popped her head in.
“Glad to see she's awake.” She commented as Dean waved her off. My breath finally calmed as Dean turned back to me, gently stroking my hair.
“What the hell happened?” I whispered. Dean swallowed, refusing to look at me.
“Nothing you need to worry about anymore.” My heart jumped, announced by the heart monitor and I rolled my eyes.
It was bright when I left, gingerly walking to Deans car as he kept a protective arm around me. I slowly got in, still sore from three broken ribs, 8 stitches in my skull, a broken nose, and various gashes across my chest.
We slowly pulled into my driveway, and I got out, prepared to go home finally.
Dean met me on the side of his car, and I sighed.
“I can't even explain to you, how thankful I am Dean. I would've died..” my voice trailed off as tears welled into my eyes.
“Listen, I can't...I can't do this.” My eyes shot up to his as I felt my heart pang at his words. “I can't put you in danger anymore...I won't.” He sighed.
“You didn't put me-”
“That whole thing happened because of me Aleeya and you cannot deny that.” He countered sternly. My eyes shot down. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.
“So you're just gonna leave?” My voice cracked, making him wince at the pain in my voice. “As my fucking soulmate, you're just gonna leave? Because you think I deserve better? I've got news for you, Winchester,” I spat his name, making him gulp and looked up into his eyes. “It's too fucking late for that,” I continued, hissing the words. “I am fucking tied to you, Dean. And I know you're tied to me too!” I lunged suddenly, ripping open his shirt and exposing his chest. My name, in elegant script in a jet black, laid into his skin. “I fucking knew it.” I cursed. “You think you can just walk away from this now?” I challenged, taking a step closer to him, not breaking eye contact. He grabbed my face, I ignored the pain as he crashed his lips to mine, sending shivers to my core.
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