#and lately it’s been happening more so I automatically thought it was really bad™️
mrd-gvf · 7 months
Sure googling symptoms can be bad and it can definitely cause anxiety but sometimes you find a name for a condition you never knew you had and it makes you feel much better about it. Also knowing the condition is not life threatening lifts a huge weight off my shoulders
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scolop98 · 1 year
No other contestant in the final four is such A Creature™️ the way that Jakapil is. Jakapil is simultaneously the ultimate being to exist from the perspective of a dinosaur-obsessed child and a fascinating, paradigm-shifting paleontological enigma. Literally the perfect dinosaur, what more could you want
Why vote for Jakapil?
the most likely scenario here is that this guy represents a hundred million year old ghost lineage of basal thyreophorans that we’ve never discovered before. The less likely scenarios are bipedal armored ceratopsian or a completely new kind of ornithsician, both of which have been genuinely considered by some paleontologists! Whatever the case, Jakapil represents a brand new, never-before seen lineage of dinosaurs unlike anything we’ve ever known before, and that’s SO COOL
Aesthetically, this is a bipedal armored dinosaur with tiny abelisaur-grade arms, estimated to be less than 5 ft long and 15 lb (or 1.5 m and 7 kg max). Literally perfect. I’m really bad at visualizing measurements but I’m pretty sure you could pick it up and hold it in your arms if you tried. Sure you could do that with Heracles or Caihong, but you don’t need a Time Machine to pick up parrots and shiny bird things - there’s nothing like Jakapil for you to hold and snuggle today
They’re so friggin weird. It’s got jaws like a ceratopsian or a heterodontosaur, a jaw bone that no other basal thyreophorans have, arm anatomy shockingly similar to abelisaurs, and THEY CAN CHEW. I know that chewing seems really normal to us humans but it’s so weird to see outside of mammals. Practically the only other dinosaurs that chew are ornithopods. Jakapil seems like it’s trying to be as many kinds of dinosaur as possible, which further supports my statement that it is the Ultimate Dinosaur
It’s armored and covered in spikes. ‘Nuff said
Also a friendly reminder that the only other known bipedal thyreophoran is Scutellosaurus, which was from Early Jurassic Europe. Jakapil is from late Cretaceous South America, so this guy just popped up across the world a hundred million years later with practically no trace of its ancestors. How did this happen? What the fuck were its ancestors doing in that time? Heracles may have given us neat answers to New Zealand-y questions, but Jakapil gave us questions we didn’t even know needed to be asked
I’ve said it once and I’ve said it again, South America’s fauna has been friggin' amazing since the Cretaceous and never stopped. Automatic points for being a South American dinosaur. This guy lived alongside Giganotosaurus and Buitreraptor!!
What about the other contestants, you may ask? Kholumolumo is only here for the meme. Outside of the funny name and it’s absurdly convoluted history to getting formally named, what do you actually know about it? How much does it contribute to our understanding of dinosaurs compared to the other contestants?
Caihong is basic. I’m sorry but I won’t back down from this (for another few months at least). I love dromaeosaurs as much as the next person, but literally all that Caihong has going for it is it’s ultra-inridescence. Any other Chinese dromaeosaur could provide the rest. Look past your instinctual love of shiny things and vote for something that breaks away from everything we thought we knew to become something truly unique!
As for Heracles... I actually have nothing bad to say about Heracles, I love New Zealand's fauna and giant flightless birds (especially on islands). But while I love Heracles for everything it stands for, I feel like Jakapil stands for so much more. Heracles is a wonderful addition to our knowledge of it's lineage and environment, but also... is it really that surprising to find a giant flightless bird in New Zealand that belongs to that a family endemic to New Zealand? Jakapil is just such a bizarre, fascinating, unexpected discovery from so many perspectives. It is truly the ultimate dinosaur, and we should honor it as such
As of the time of writing there's still four days left at the polls and Jakapil is a steady second place in all three of them. We still have time to win this for Jakapil and dethrone Caihong!
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max--phillips · 3 years
Hey Maxaroni ;)
Could I by chance vent to you about my sexual orientation? (Or get some advice maybe?) I’ve been confused as hell lately and it feels like I’ve entered a ‘slump’. 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
I’m um, ace, and I’ve identified as such ever since high school. And now that I’m nearing (college) graduation, I’ve come to realize that I might be attracted to women. I’m not really sure how to come in terms with it + I’ve been doubting if whether I’m actually ace…
The idea of having a girlfriend genuinely makes me happy (much more than a hetero relationship) and I’ve just been wondering if that’s the case would I comfortable w/ having a sexual relationship with them as well.
Sorry if this all sounds weird.
AKFJDdjgkfbsjs Maxaroni omg I love it thank u
ANYWHO yeah ofc!!! Trust me I totally understand the Sexuality And Gender Confusion™️ vibes, it happens!! It doesn’t sound weird at all, I promise
The way I understand it, ace people aren’t necessarily barred from being attracted to other people. There’s aesthetic attraction & being attracted to their personality and all that jazz. There are ace lesbians, ace bi people, ace gay people, all that. So you may well still be ace! And there’s also demisexuality and gray-ace people. I’m pretty certain gray-ace is just basically ‘I’m pretty sure I’m aspec but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯’ though I’d double check on that gjrbfjdbdh
On top of that, being ace doesn’t automatically bar anyone from having a sexual relationship with a partner or anyone for that matter. Being ace doesn’t necessarily mean you have no libido/hate sex; I’ve seen that sort of thing described as being on a scale from “sex repulsed” to “sex neutral” to “sex favorable.” So maybe you’re sex favorable! Nothing wrong with that.
Despite all that, though, it’s absolutely within the realm of possibility that you’re not ace. That’s okay! Sexuality is fluid and it changes sometimes. I thought I was bi for a long time before I came out as a lesbian. Labels aren’t permanent, and it isn’t a bad thing to change them. It doesn’t hurt the ace community to find out you’re not actually ace, just like it doesn’t hurt lesbians if someone finds out they’re actually bi or vice versa. Labels are there to make you comfortable, not everyone else.
Ultimately though, it’s your sexuality and only you can define it!! And if it’s messy and nebulous, that’s okay! You don’t NEED a label, either! You can always answer “¯\_(ツ)_/¯” or “wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy” if someone asks you what your sexuality is. That is Acceptable.
The most important thing is you do what makes you happy. Like getting a girlfriend if that’s what u wanna do!!!!
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