#and just a bsd thesis in general
if i loved you like i'm capable of
Chuuya stared at him, eyes wide before bursting into laughter. “Phah! Dazai was right—you are high-strung!” they cackled, slapping their knee with their hand.
“I am not high-strung!” Kunikida argued. “Unlike you, I actually have a set of ideals and morals that I strive to live by. If that makes me high-strung to the world, then so be it. At least I have those to fall back on.”
“Hm,” Chuuya hummed, all traces of laughter vanishing within seconds. Although their chests were practically touching, they somehow managed to stalk even closer. They hooked a finger around Kunikida’s collar and pulled him down, ignoring his indignant squawk and red skin.
“You seem pretty high-strung to me, even without all your ideals. Looks like you could use a break, pretty boy.”
[or, kenji, chuuya, & kunikida have a sleepover & bad flirting ensues]
🛏 7,045 words | kunichuu & kenji 🛏
a gift for my beloved @zukkaoru because they had to listen to me complain about writer's bock for two months straight, they wanted more kunicuu, their kunichuu spam yesterday inspired this, & bc i'm biased & love them <333
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shizukais · 8 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Hi! Thank you for asking ❤️ On general (no specific order):
Coraline, Neil Gaiman (book)
I read it for the first time in elementary school. I completely fell in love with the story. I was young and I remember being quite impressed with it (for a children's book, it's quite shocking huh). Years later I reread the book and felt again as if I was reading it for the first time. It's been my favorite book for a long time. I always read it every now and then.
Friends (TV series)
My comfort show. I watch it at any time to have fun or just pass the time. I've watched it so many times that I know almost everything about this series. I can talk about it for hours or write a 10,000-word thesis about it.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle (manga)
My favorite manga of my collection. My little paper treasure, as I like to call it. I really like this story, it has everything I enjoy in a piece of media (fantasy, mystery, plot twists, angst, well-developted characters, etc). I really wanted to erase my memories and read it as if it were the first time again. It is breathtaking.
One Piece (anime)
Despite having seen Naruto first, One Piece is somehow more memorable for me. Whether due to its long duration or the complexity of the character/world build, One Piece is a remarkable work that I always talk about when talking about favorites.
Shinya Shokudo (manga, TV series)
Talking about Shinya Shokudo is not easy. Whether it's the manga or the TV series, it touches me on several levels. A feeling of nostalgia for something I didn't experience, coziness and tranquility. There are few media that bring me such nice feelings. It's simple but touching. Even though I have zero kitchen skills, I love seeing Master cooking different dishes and the customers telling their unique stories.
Hajime no Ippo (anime, manga)
It's a lifetime series, published since long before I was born. I've been reading it for so many years already! I always say I need to see its ending before I die. It's something that I simply have as a goal in life lol Seeing Ippo reaching the end of his story. (Mori sensei please be healthy, okay?)
World Trigger (anime, manga)
Amazing story, amazing characters, amazing world building. Everything about World Trigger is amazing to me. I'm a big fan of science fiction and World Trigger delivers everything and much more. The only sad thing about it is the very slow pace for the story to progress, but we have to be grateful that even with health problems, Ashihara sensei keeps going. I'll always support him and wish to see the end of WT someday.
Supernatural (TV series)
I watched it for the first time when I was a kid and it scared the hell out of me. Ever since then I've been watching SPN from time to time. I love the cheap drama and the quirky stories. Although, for me the quality of the series has deteriorated a lot over the seasons and I don't understand the fandom tbh. But that's another topic I guess.
Tokyo Revengers (manga)
Tokyo Revengers started as an obsession and has remained as a favorite. Time travel stories are always a must-read / must-watch for me and TR knows what they're doing with it. I love protagonists who at the beginning are nothing, but over time manage to develop into someone better in order to achieve their goals. Also, Mikey has become a very imporant character for me, I can say that in the end, he was pretty much the reason why I read the whole thing.
*I didn't include movies because I would need a whole list to fit all of them, there are so many that I would like to mention.
**Honorable mentions: mushishi, natsume yuujinchou, link click, nge, golden kamuy, pandora hearts, yu yu hakusho, dorohedoro, hxh, naruto, bsd, clamp's works, junji ito's works.
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lesbianyosano · 1 year
what do you think bsd is trying to say about war? do you have any other thoughts about political themes present in the story?
oh i have,,, thoughts,, for sure. also these are more loose threads that have been floating around in my head more than a concrete thesis so sorry if they dont make much sense as a whole
one thing i think is crucial to discussing bsd as a political story is to look at which countries' authors asagiri choses to include in the story.
obviously the main cast is japanese, but the other prominent characters come from usa and russia, and if you also take in characters from the light novels or ones, who have been foreshadowed to be important (like agatha), france and the uk come to mind. those are all states with imperialist past/present, and while there are none morally pure countries this specific selection is still pretty intense all things considered. many of the authors included in bsd were also involved politically one way or another (most had been active during the first half of the 20th century, and wrote about war one way or another)
the imperialism isnt really touched upon, unfortunately so, but ( and maybe this is just me being hopeful) i like to think its less about asagiri not seeing it and more about him not wanting to open another sensitive topic in an already complicated work of fiction.
ultimately i'd say bsd is anti-war. that's the most prevailing political theme, and one that has been slowly revealing itself and becoming more prominent the further we go into the story. worth noting is how elements that could've (and maybe should have) been shown as explicitly political avoided this framing in earlier parts of the story (fukuzawa's old profession, kunikida's ideals), but ig there's still time for that. the anti-war sentiment ties back to a lot of the works that the abilities are named after, esp in the agency. no longer human, thou shalt not die, the makioka sisters (tanizaki's light snow) are all prime examples (and kunikida's ability could technically be put under this too depending on how you look at it, since his war journalism is what made him a prominent literary figure). even if some of the authors had some questionable opinion's irl, the parts that asagiri choses to include always come back to the horrors of war.
decay of angels is another thing, given it's named after mishima's last novel, one that he left to his publisher on the same day he started a coup trying to restore the emperor of japan and commited seppuku. there was a theory i saw a while back that said bram wasnt actually a doa member, and the 5th person is yet to be revealed, and it'd be really interesting if we got mishima in bsd but he's still to this day a pretty polarizing figure (understandably so) and im not sure if asagiri would want to take that step, since it'd be a point of no return in terms of explicit politics in the story. and he's been pretty timid with that i mean look at the way he handles police brutality (cops in yokohama being portrayed as incompetent yet ultimately good people, jouno going from prime example of someone knowingly abusing their power to apparently caring abt the innocents, and this is obv a different, more complicated topic so uhh idk maybe ill talk abt it some other time adgsfgagd). idk it just seems like he's afraid to really push the ideas forwards, keeps them palatable to the general public although idk if this is a concious choice or not. im willing to give asagiri the benefit of the doubt bc of how he handles fukuchi though. people hate him bc??? idk he's not a twink and he killed someone ig but personally i adore him, goofy aah guy imo. it'd be easy to write him off as just an autoritarian crazy guy who wants to take control of the world for unspecified "greater good" but the arguments he makes are generally pretty compelling! and not just to readers, we see atsushi questioning the way world works and government's role after listening to fukuchi explain himself. its fukuchi's methods that are questionable not the ultimate goal of state abolition. and we still dont really know what his ultimate reason for doing all this is, just that he claims it's not revenge on fukuzawa, so im curious how this is going to get handled.
and the last thing is the brief anticapitalism theme in the guild arc but again, its like asagiri gave up on it before it became too prominent. fitzgerald is the ultimate capitalist and we see this esp in relation to steinbeck, whose dislikes list finansists in the enligh translation and capitalists in the polish one (no idea what is listed in japanese exactly). but fitzgerald is ultimately sort of redemed, with his (and poe's) wealth treated as a gag rather than a human rights violation
those are all the things that have been ping ponging around in my head and i hope this is in any way at least a little bit understandable. there are some things here that deserve a post of their own but id have to reread at least the last few arcs to talk about them in depth.
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note-boom · 2 years
Getting Around Here...
All right, we’ve reached the point where I’ve been told I have 1000 posts on here, so I’m gonna make a navigation/what’s this blog about post so I don’t go insane...
What’s This Blog About?
Basically this started as a realization that I was saving way too many BSD-related links on the app I use to keep track of all my obsessions, reactions to things, etc. So I figured a Tumblr blog would be the solution, and now this is my archive of things I would usually just save as a link elsewhere (plus some thoughts of my own to spice it up a bit.)
Navigation Stuff
Now how do I tag things for future explorations?
Fandom Tags: #bsd, #bungo stray dogs, #bungou stray dogs (will be updated if I switch/tack on other fandoms)
Character Tags: In general, I just use [acronym] [character’s most used name]. Like #bsd atsushi. Sometimes, I use two like #bsd edgar allan poe/#bsd poe or #bsd gogol/#bsd nikolai gogol but only when I’m not sure what their most used name is. There’s also #bsd characters (for unnamed characters or just incorrect quotes) this one (when there are too many characters to tag) and group specific tags (armed detective agency, port mafia, bsd guild, soukoku, shin soukoku, there’s no naming consistency)
Meta Tags: #bsd musings (for literally anything that contemplates bsd) #bsd theories (for theories, specifically) #character analysis (metas about characters)
Specific Media Tags: #bsd official art, #manga things (anything that features the manga panels) #anime things (anything that features anime screenshots and the like) #light novel things (anything referring to the light novels) #stage play things (anything featuring stuff about the stage play) #bsd fanart, #bsd edits, #bsd gifset, #bsd fanfic. Of course, there will also be tags for the light novels specifically, which is usually just bsd [light novel name], and wan.
Additional Tags: #humor, #alternate universe, #crossover, #random fandom spamdom (generally fandom related either because of my tags or the post’s contents itself) #bsd fandom slander (mostly a subset of humor that lovingly slanders the characters) #not fandom spam (has nothing to do with the fandom specifically) #spitting nonsense (my posts) #rambling in the tags sorry (when I get a bit TOO carried away) #note re-reblogs (currently nonexistent but the time will come...i advise blocking this tag lest you wake up to find 50 posts rereblogged because I didn't want to queue them...)
Spoilers tags will be tagged bsd spoilers (for all of them), manga spoilers/bsd manga spoilers, and anime spoilers/bsd anime spoilers.
In (Rambly) Conclusion
Why am I writing this like a three-point thesis...ah never mind.
And that’s how I sort out my obsession with this stupid show. If any other piece of media seizes me by the throat like BSD has, then I’ll probably start posting about it here (but my fixations are usually short lived and thus onto main sideblog they go).
I tend to...ramble in the tags a lot, which I mildly feel bad for (there’s a reason why I generally just privately save things). So if you’re seeing this because I spam reblogged you and you wondered who in the world was crowding your notifs with tags, I’m sorry. I also try not to crawl out of the tags too much, though, just do so if they don’t fit my rambles (oops....)
I try and lessen the blow by slapping most everything on the queue (but I don’t tag what I queue, let there be CHAOS), so maybe that helps a bit?
That said, I DO love tags, so feel free to spam reblog whatever you want from here and comment-tag as much as you want...I LOVE seeing people say stuff (whether I agree or not, this IS just for fun). I don’t usually use the comment/reply section or the like button because I don’t actually do anything in my main blog (I just work off sideblogs, heh), so I’ll likely abuse the reblog button a lot or just hope my vibes of appreciation are psychically felt.
OH RIGHT!! Asks are always open. Feel free to scream at me about literally anything, ask anything, or share cool links and shiny stuff I can reblog/save (the last one especially because I am a magpie of fandom things). I generally have to be asked things to talk about them, so I do warn you that the right ask can really get me going.
And with that, back to spamming I go!
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cyanoscarlet · 2 years
alive, awake, alert
(Or, in our language, "conscious, coherent, cooperative".
Not enthusiastic, though. Much too late in the day for that.)
Felt physically fine after my bout with COVID last month. Was immensely demotivated for some reason, though. Always retired early everyday despite not being sleepy at all. I knew I was wasting time by not working on my slowly-piling academic output (hello, 0% written Graduation Thesis), but I couldn't muster the motivation to drag my ass to my desk beyond 9pm.
Today's the first day I properly set up my workstation. I already feel fulfilled. Hope this is a sign things get better for me again. I really, really, really need to get my shit together.
Last three months in residency - crossing fingers.
- (more rambling under the cut)
- Since I don't want to bother making another post anymore, have some more words from moi while I still remember my Tumblr exists lol.
Twitter Presence
Or rather, my sort-of lack thereof. The accounts are still up, but I haven't posted at all in months, for those who've noticed. Been busy IRL, and I find Twitter's pace too fast and too toxic for comfort these days.
Funnily, around once or twice a month I'd decide to end my Twitter hiatus and post just once to get the ball rolling, but every time I'd log in, the timeline would overwhelm me so much I end up nope-ing out again, so.
cyano scarlet
*** WIPED AND LOCKED. It's there only as a placeholder now. *** I don't really have a fandom account anymore. *** A lot of things happened- mainly drifting from the BSD fandom and the friends I made on it, for almost the same reasons I left the YOI fandom in the past. For a while after, I kept getting the nagging feeling that I really shouldn't have given in to my over-enthusiasm over BSD back then and made that damn account. *** Engaging in fandom made me lose confidence in my writing again for a while, then I became so busy with IRL (residency) that I eventually lost interest in writing fan fiction altogether. (That I'll write about as a separate post when time allows- got a lot of thoughts to unpack and unravel regarding my relationship with creative writing in general at this point. I hope this is just because I'm worn out from residency and not a sign of something deeper going on. IDK.)
choon xie
*** It's the public version of my IRL account, minus all the specific self-incriminating stuff, as well as all the fandom-related stuff. *** Originally just a "nom de plume account", but it's now basically just "me" except with a different surname. (My IRL surname's a whole boatload of complicated I don't want to explain again and again to people anymore. *** When I locked cyano scarlet for good, I decided to not complicate things anymore. Being my IRL self means I can and should be able to talk about and retweet whatever the hell I want on MY space, so if I want to talk about fandom or other non-mainstream / professional (MD) / original writing-related stuff, I'd do it all as "me" and not as some partially-sanitized version of myself. (i.e. "Oh, Doc Therese is a fujo / fangirl / stan / whatever?" Yes, She Is. Deal With It.) *** That said, it's currently DORMANT / ON HIATUS. Too busy.
Real IRL Account
*** My REAL account. Also my very first one- had it since college, so around 11 years ago. *** It's the unfiltered version of choon xie, including but not limited to: specific self-incriminating stuff, regular breakdowns over residenshit, Anxiety and Depression(TM), petty whining, and more. Locked private ever since, for a reason. (That said, I whine about everything on Tumblr these days, so yeah everyone knows now anyway - if anyone's even reading.) *** Followed only by people I know IRL, and fandom / online people whom I consider close enough to let into my "real" world. You know who you are. *** Also DORMANT / ON HIATUS.
Aerial Arts
Ah, yes, happier life update. I've started taking Aerial Classes at a pole dance stuido!
I actually took some classes in 2018 as a graduation gift to myself after med school. I wasn't actually working yet then, so I only limited myself to what I could afford with my meager allowance + red envelopes saved through the years. The day I filed for my medical license, I swore to myself I'd attend regularly and pay for it all myself.
(Then, of course, pandemic happened, and everything closed down. And of course residenshit's obviously an energy-draining bitch, but apparently I'd sorely underestimated how busy it could get, despite people saying Family Medicine's "just an easy program". Was only able to adjust properly now, sometime in the middle of senior year.)
So far the class I'm taking most regularly is aerial silks (tissue). It's the apparatus I was most drawn to in 2018, and for some reason I find myself gravitating back to it. (Also, silks classes for beginners are every Saturday, and I'm almost always available only on Saturdays, so there's really no other choice lol.)
Of course I also equally enjoy aerial hoop (lyra) and aerial hammock. They both involve a lot of spinning! Thing is, those classes happen on days I'm not available (just for now in residency!), so I don't get to attend them as regularly as I do aerial silks. I plan to attend classes for both hoop and hammock when I graduate, since I don't have hospital duties anymore by then - and hopefully will be earning more than I do now!
There's also pole, of course, which is actually the most popular class there! (Obviously.) I have my reasons for not doing pole - but who knows?
(Another reason why I'm not on Twitter or Tumblr anymore is because I'm using my Instagram again! Funny things is that I used to be inactive there instead, in favor of the two abovementioned sites, but now it's the reverse lol. I post all my aerial class videos there, despite it being locked to only IRL people.)
I believe this has been long enough. Have work tomorrow.
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landoinghomework · 3 years
H/FOSS: history and philosophy
Tumblr media
Whenever my friends from other majors ask what I have to do for my senior seminar, I find it hard to explain for them that we are working on a free open-source project. I mean, it doesn’t sound cool like business students who try to propose and run a business, we are also not humanitarian majors, who have to write a 50-page long thesis to be able to graduate. At times, I simply resolve to saying that we are working on a coding project.
What is FOSS?
But what is a free open-source software (FOSS)? It’s not only an app or a website that we can use for free on the Internet. It is more than that. Sometimes, the software that you are paying money for has also a part of FOSS too. FOSS has been a huge part in the development of software history and without it, we would be amazed to find out the Internet right now would not be the same. 
A free open-source software means that the source code is open for everyone to use, distribute, and modify it. FOSS also allows users to freely contribute to the source code, and by doing so improve the software even more. 
Software sharing has been as old as the stare of the software itself. Many people in the early age who were able to get a computer were highly educated - they wanted to modify the software and make it better. Manufacturers even encouraged this as they put a heavier emphasis on the hardware and of course, when their products improved, it became more profitable for them. 
As the technology industry matured, hardware was treated as less of a priority and now manufactures focused on developing their software instead. More copyrights reinforcement made it hard for people to freely distribute and share the software. By doing so, proprietary companies can get more profits by selling the machine and the “added values” that come with it. 
But the world would be boring if people adhered to rules without questioning it. There has to be someone who would stand up against these capitalists and do something, right? And that person is Richard Stallman. He started the GNU Project and the Free Software Foundation. Stallman (along with Linus Torvalds) created a new operating system that is essentially the backbone of a lot of many computers today - the only difference is that it is freely used and distributed by everyone. In addition, he also invented a new copyright license - GNU General Public License (GPL) that guarantees his code, or any other software that uses his code will be forever free. 
One other open-source project that was created was the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD). They did not raise any political statements about propriety properties, but they still practiced FOSS. More and more organizations were created with this philosophy of making the software free and easily distributed. 
The philosophical ideology is divided between software engineers. Some think it is absolutely necessary that people stand together and fight against propriety companies. Others take a more neutral role - they don’t have a problem with it, they just get excited to work and improve the technology that they are using. Just like any political arguments, there’s no ending to it - they just eventually collaborate and live together like communist and capitalist countries. The free open-source projects produce some very high-quality code, and businesses started to take notice of them. Propriety companies aren’t decreasing, and neither are FOSS. 
What do I think?
Like a computer science major, I have never thought much about politics, let alone software politics. However, I have noticed more open-source projects now belong to private companies (some of them can be found in the photo). Pull requests from users (non-employees) rarely ever gets noticed or merged. But it is still a good platform to get feedback from people who are using/ understanding the product as well. If the technology that I am using gets better, I have no complains. 
0 notes
goddamnitdazai · 7 years
Alright I couldn't see if requests were open or not so sorry if you're not accepting RN just ignore me if you aren't XD So uh I'm really really really in love with the BSD collage AU and I just need more content for it so please may I sin- I mean ask for general headcanons of Chuuya and Akutagawa with their s/o in the Collage AU thank you so much for providing me with more fuel for my trashy fire, thanks ily and your writing xx
This is my favorite AU honestly[Chuuya]•You’re never lacking in the coffee or energy drink department. If you don’thave any at your house Chuuya buys you a case of your favorite and stocks yourfridge full especially around finals season. But, Chuuya knows surviving offenergy drinks is terrible for your health so he spends Sunday’s doing meal prepfor you (and him) so you have snacks and food for the week in case you’re toobusy to cook or go out to dinner with him.• Chuuya spends the majority of his time in your dorm or at your apartment ifyou’re on different schedules.  He napsin your bed or does chores if your place is a bit messy, and sometimes hesurprises you by being absolutely naked under the covers when you get home. Ifyou’re a bit stressed he pulls you to the bed and starts massaging yourshoulders. More often than not if you only came home for a twenty minute breakbetween classes you end up not making it to class, or if you do you look very disheveledthanks to Chuuya and his magic hands.• Attending class is the worst part of this experience to Chuuya and if he canget away with skipping all together without affecting his grade he will. Hewaits for you to get out of class with a fresh cup of coffee and takes you outfor lunch. Depending on how much time you have free Chuuya whisks you away toan impromptu date. A movie, a festival, or a local bar he’s been wanting tocheck out for a while. Chuuya knows studying is important but on these dates hetends to coax you into staying with him a little longer or come back to hisapartment so he can ‘help’—you both know he has zero intentions of helping youstudy.• Games are important to Chuuya, it’s how he got a full ride to school in thefirst place and he invites you to every game. Seeing your face in the crowd beforea game starts helps him focus and helps him fight away any exhaustion or stresshe was feeling beforehand. He always finds you before the game starts for a goodluck kiss that leaves you breathless. He keeps a little soccer ball keychain onhis game bag near the sidelines that you gave him when you first starteddating; he fiddles with it when he’s on the sidelines and getting nervous ifhis team is losing.• When he needs to Chuuya can buckle down and study (he can’t risk losing hisscholarship) so he organizes little study dates somewhere quiet. Chuuya prefersstudying where all his things are and he winds up turning a small space of hisroom into a romantic comfy spot perfect for all night cramming and cuddling. Hemakes room for carry-over stuff of yours on his desk and gets a big comfy chairboth of you can fit on. There’s a mini-fridge with snacks, wine, water bottles,and all of your favorites. [Akutagawa]• Akutagawa takes his grades very seriously and is often buckled down in hisroom or the corner of a library studying. As much as he wants to spend timewith you his schoolwork comes first, but he won’t be upset if you come andsnuggle up to him while he’s reading or outlining a paper. Running his fingersthrough your hair helps relax him when he’s staring too intensely at a PDF fileof his logic lecture. Planting little kisses on his neck helps soothe him, anddistract him, if you’re pushy enough for his attention.• The minute he can afford it Akutagawa is practically running out of his dormroom to an apartment by himself. Of course you’re welcome to live there but notreally, in that awkward grey area because Akutagawa still likes his space, andhe leaves half the closet and a dresser drawer open for you. Unless you’re bothtrying to study for a final or have to whip a paper out of your ass in twohours Akutagawa assumes you’re going to be spending the night with him all thetime.• Akutagawa loves campus in the fall. Tumbling auburn leaves crunching underhis boots, the grey clouds and gusts of wind that make you snuggle up to himwhile he’s walking you to class. Instead of reminding you to bring your owncoat Akutagawa saves one of his older ones for you to wear during the coldermonths. When it starts to snow he brings out the matching scarf for you, andalways wears the one you gave him last year when his other one ripped.• Unless he’s absolutely famished Akutagawa hates eating in the dining hall andwould rather grab something to go from his apartment and eat outside or takeyou to breakfast. Starting off the day with food that doesn’t look or taste terribleis important, but there is a certain hot beverage cart near his old dorm thatAkutagawa has to go to in the mornings or he will be very grumpy. They’re theonly cart on campus that carries the type of tea he prefers. • Sleeping is a foreign concept to Akutagawa, and there are weekends where he’sslamming red bulls down his throat to finish a thesis and a report before Sundaymorning. Letting him ride out his insane homework habits is best because hewill get pissed if you try and interrupt him. But, after he’s finisheddestroying himself for 48 hours he’ll shower, crawl into bed, and snuggle up toyou like a koala with his limbs wrapped tightly around you and promptly passout for the entire day.
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baburaja97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Vin Zite
New Post has been published on https://vinzite.com/linux-power-tools/
Linux Power Tools
World War II – Germany decided to attack Poland. Poland had many great warriors. They all prepared to fight the Germans. They were all ready with the best armor, the best and well trained horses, and of course the best weapons , swords , spears …. And the Pols were brave and were ready to give their lives for their country. Sadly they did just that… give their lives. The Germans had tanks… It is very important to have the right weapons when one goes for a war.
In the same way it is very important for system administrators to have the right tools to to work smart. Linux is a great desktop OS for developers as well as system administrators. Let us take a look at some of the utilities which makes this a great environment for system administrators and developers. Most of the content below is taken from the home pages of these apps and the I make no claims to the originality. My aim is to introduce the reader to the wonderful tools that are available in a Linux/BSD desktop environment.
Let’s start from what most people think Linux is all about – a text-based part shell. Konsole is what is known as an X terminal emulator, often referred to as a terminal or a shell. It gives you the equivalent of an old-fashioned text screen on your desktop, but one which can easily share the screen with your graphical applications. What makes Konsole special? Konsole’s advanced features include simple configuration and the ability to use multiple terminal shells in a single window, making for a less cluttered desktop. Konsole is also availablpartand can thus be easily embedded in other applications, like practiced by Kate and Konqueror. As most system administrators need log into servers on a regular basis the konsole gives them a benefit over the Windoze command prompt. In windows one needs to use a program like putty to log in using SSH. Also as linux is the desktop OS the techs can use the man pages on the local system.
One can also try out the various commands locally. Consider a simple example.
Is it
$ ln sourcefile destinationfile
or is it
$ ln destinationfile sourcefile
Such things can be easily found out locally without carrying out experiments on the server. Many techs believe that servers are places where they can experiment. However, such experiments can lead to major losses to the customers due to one small error. A system administrator must understand that people have immense faith in them when they give their entire data to them and they cannot risk carrying out simple experiments on servers.
Some screenshots of the konsole can be seen at the konsole site
Personal Information Manager / Groupware
There are two popular choices here. Evolution from Novel and the Kontact from KDE. Both these an email client, calendaring, meeting scheduling, a task list, contact management and syncing functionality. Kontact is essentially the regular KDE PIM components which have been put in together i.e. kmail, korganizer, knotes etc.. It is very a very neat package and is stable and light. Both these are very functional and can connect to many groupware servers.
Klipper is the KDE clipboard utility. It stores clipboard history, and allows you to link clipboard contents to application actions. Klipper can perform actions on the contents of the clipboard, based on whether they match a particular regular expression. For example, any clipboard contents starting with “http://” can be passed to the web-browser as URLs to open.
Copying text is as simple as highlighting the text. And to paste the text all one needs to do is click on the center mouse button. This can be particularly useful for sys-admins as they use a sequence of commands from time to time. Having these in the clipboard and using them often can make the work a lot easier.
Gaim / Kopete
Communicating via an instant messenger is an essential these days. Linux has a very clean solution for this. Both Kopete and Gaim are capable of handling multiple IM protocols such as supporting AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber, IRC, Novell GroupWise Messenger, Lotus SameTime. Gaim is a multi-protocol instant messaging (IM) client for Linux, BSD, MacOS X, and Windows. It is compatible with AIM and ICQ (Oscar protocol), MSN Messenger, Yahoo!, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, SILC, GroupWise Messenger, and Zephyr networks.
KJots is a small program that helps you to write down some short notes and organizes them for you. It has two basic items used to organize your notes – “Books” and “Pages”. This is a good light tool to write in all the templated responses and other important notes for quick references.
A lovely password manager which can store passwords for all the logins including those of kopete and websites.
Tea Cooker
KTeaTime is a handy timer for steeping tea. No longer will you have to guess at how long it takes for your tea to be ready. Simply select the type of tea you have, and it will alert you when the tea is ready to drink. Now how can a tea cooker be useful for techs. Often techs get involved in solving a problem and forget to update the client about the progress. Without communicating with the client, on many occasions the entire effort goes down the drain as the client get very agitated thinking that nobody is looking at his problem. What the tech can do is use the tea cooker and get a reminder so that he can respond the client with the progress.
Koffice/ Open Office
M$ Office is one of the most used software and a major reason why customers do not shift to other operating systems. They need Word and Excel for just about everything. K-Office and Open Office are two great solutions. Open Office can open M$ Office files and can even safe the files in M$ Office format which makes it easy to communicate with those who still use M$ products.
Besides office suites which replicate the windows world products in features, Linux also has some great alternatives. LyX  is an example of a great document processor.
What is LyX?
LyX is the first WYSIWYM (What you see is what you mean) document processor.
LyX is what?!
LyX is an advanced open source document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. LyX lets you concentrate on writing, leaving details of visual layout to the software. LyX produces high quality, professional output — using LaTeX, an industrial strength typesetting engine, in the background; LyX is far more than a front-end to LaTeX, however. No knowledge of LaTeX is necessary to use LyX, although it will give a user more power. LyX is stable and fully featured. It has been used for documents as large as a thesis, or as small as a business letter. Despite its simple GUI interface (available in many languages), it supports tables, figures, and hyperlinked cross-references, and has a best-of-breed math editor.
Dia is a great tool for creating diagrams. It has a huge in-built library of objects which are specially useful for software engineers. So making a diagram of a computer network is as easy as dragging a few computers and switches from the list of objects available. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and simple circuits. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape.
An average tech earns a good salary and spends it is well too. To keep track of all these personal expenses the best is to have a great software. Gnucash is an ideal way to manage personal finances. Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.
And finally a product for all those techs who maintain their servers well and have no work or pending issues and yet have to sit through the nights waiting for some issue to popup.
KTuberling was originally game intended for small children. Of course, it may be suitable for adults who have remained young at heart. Most techs in general love this software. It is a “potato editor”. That means that you can drag and drop eyes, mouths, mustache, and other parts of face and goodies onto a potato-like guy. Similarly, you have a penguin and an aquarium on which you can drop other stuff.
There is no winner for the game. The only purpose is to make the funniest faces you can. There is a museum,like a “Madame Tusseau” gallery, where you can find many funny examples of decorated potatoes, penguins and aquariums.
World War II – Germany decided to attack Poland. Poland had many great warriors. They all prepared to fight the Germans. They were all ready with the best armor, the best and well trained horses, and ofcourse the best weapons , swords , spears …. And the Pols were brave and were ready to give their lives for their country. Sadly they did just that… give their lives. The Germans had tanks… It is very important to have the right weapons when one goes for a war.
In the same way it is very important for system administrators to have the right tools to to work smart. Linux is a great desktop OS for developers as well as system administrators. Let us take a look at some of the utilities which makes this a great environment for system administrators and developers. Most of the content below is taken from the home pages of these apps and the I make no claims on the originality. My aim is to introduce the reader to the wonderful tools that are available in a Linux/BSD desktop environment.
Let’s start from what most people think Linux is all about – a text based shell. Konsole is what is known as an X terminal emulator, often referred to as a terminal or a shell. It gives you the equivalent of an old-fashioned text screen on your desktop, but one which can easily share the screen with your graphical applications. What makes Konsole special? Konsole’s advanced features include simple configuration and the ability to use multiple terminal shells in a single window, making for a less cluttered desktop. Konsole is also available as kpart and can thus be easily embedded in other applications, like practiced by Kate and Konqueror. As most system administrators need log into servers on a regular basis the konsole gives them a benefit over the Windoze command prompt. In windows one needs to use a program like putty to log in using SSH. Also as linux is the desktop OS the techs can use the man pages on the local system.
One can also try out the various commands locally. Consider a simple example.
Is it
$ ln sourcefile destinationfile
or is it
$ ln destinationfile sourcefile
Such things can be easily found out locally without carrying out experiments on the server. Many techs believe that servers are places where they can experiment. However, such experiments can lead to major losses to the customers due to one small error. A system administrator must understand that people have immense faith in them when they give their entire data to them and they cannot risk carrying out simple experiments on servers.
Some screenshots of the konsole can be seen at the konsole site
Personal Information Manager / Groupware
There are two popular choices here. Evolution from Novel and the Kontact from KDE. Both these an email client, calendaring, meeting scheduling, a task list, contact management and syncing functionality. Kontact is essentially the regular KDE PIM components which have been put in together i.e. kmail, korganizer, knotes etc.. It is very a very neat package and is stable and light. Both these are very functional and can connect to many groupware servers.
Klipper is the KDE clipboard utility. It stores clipboard history, and allows you to link clipboard contents to application actions. Klipper can perform actions on the contents of the clipboard, based on whether they match a particular regular expression. For example, any clipboard contents starting with “http://” can be passed to the web-browser as URLs to open.
Copying text is as simple as highlighting the text. And to paste the text all one needs to do is click on the center mouse button. This can be particularly useful for sys-admins as they use a sequence of commands from time to time. Having these in the clipboard and using them often can make the work a lot easier.
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netmaddy-blog · 7 years
Linux Power Tools
New Post has been published on https://netmaddy.com/linux-power-tools/
Linux Power Tools
In the same way, it is very important for system administrators to have the right tools to work smart. Linux is a great desktop OS for developers as well as system administrators. Let us take a look at some of the utilities which make this a great environment for system administrators and developers. Most of the content below is taken from the home pages of these apps and the make no claims on the originality. My aim is to introduce the reader to the wonderful tools that are available in a Linux/BSD desktop environment My Live Updates.
Let’s start from what most people think Linux is all about – a text-based part shell. Konsole is what is known as an X terminal emulator, often referred to as a terminal or a shell. It gives you the equivalent of an old-fashioned text screen on your desktop, but one which can easily share the screen with your graphical applications. What makes Konsole special? Konsole’s advanced features include simple configuration and the ability to use multiple terminal shells in a single window, making for a less cluttered desktop. Konsole is also can thus be easily embedded in other applications, like practiced by Kate and Konqueror.
Linux Power Tools
As most system administrators need log into servers on a regular basis the konsole gives them a benefit over the Windoze command prompt. In windows one needs to use a program like putty to log in using SSH. Also as linux is the desktop OS the techs can use the man pages on the local system.
One can also try out the various commands locally. Consider a simple example.
Is it
$ ln sourcefile destinationfile
or is it
$ ln destinationfile sourcefile
Such things can be easily found out locally without carrying out experiments on the server. Many techs believe that servers are places where they can experiment. However, such experiments can lead to major losses to the customers due to one small error. A system administrator must understand that people have immense faith in them when they give their entire data to them and they cannot risk carrying out simple experiments on servers.
Some screenshots of the konsole can be seen at the konsole site
Personal Information Manager / Groupware
There are two popular choices here. Evolution from Novel and the Kontact from KDE. Both these an email client, calendaring, meeting scheduling, a task list, contact management and syncing functionality. Kontact is essentially the regular KDE PIM components which have been put in together i.e. kmail, korganizer, knotes etc.. It is very a very neat package and is stable and light. Both these are very functional and can connect to many groupware servers.
Klipper is the KDE clipboard utility. It stores clipboard history, and allows you to link clipboard contents to application actions. Klipper can perform actions on the contents of the clipboard, based on whether they match a particular regular expression. For example, any clipboard contents starting with “http://” can be passed to the web-browser as URLs to open.
Copying text is as simple as highlighting the text. And to paste the text all one needs to do is click on the center mouse button. This can be particularly useful for sys-admins as they use a sequence of commands from time to time. Having these in the clipboard and using them often can make the work a lot easier.
Gaim / Kopete
Communicating via an instant messenger is an essential these days. Linux has a very clean solution for this. Both Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) and Gaim (http://gaim.sourceforge.net/) are capable of handling multiple IM protocols such as supporting AIM, ICQ, MSN, Yahoo, Jabber, IRC, Novell GroupWise Messenger, Lotus SameTime. Gaim is a multi-protocol instant messaging (IM) client for Linux, BSD, MacOS X, and Windows. It is compatible with AIM and ICQ (Oscar protocol), MSN Messenger, Yahoo!, IRC, Jabber, Gadu-Gadu, SILC, GroupWise Messenger, and Zephyr networks.
KJots is a small program that helps you to write down some short notes and organizes them for you. It has two basic items used to organize your notes – “Books” and “Pages”. This is a good light tool to write in all the templated responses and other important notes for quick references.
A lovely password manager which can store passwords for all the logins including those of kopete and websites.
Tea Cooker
KTeaTime is a handy timer for steeping tea. No longer will you have to guess at how long it takes for your tea to be ready. Simply select the type of tea you have, and it will alert you when the tea is ready to drink. Now how can a tea cooker be useful for techs. Often techs get involved in solving a problem and forget to update the client about the progress. Without communicating with the client, on many occasions the entire effort goes down the drain as the client get very agitated thinking that nobody is looking at his problem. What the tech can do is use the tea cooker and get a reminder so that he can respond the client with the progress.
Koffice/ Open Office
M$ Office is one of the most used software and a major reason why customers do not shift to other operating systems. They need Word and Excel for just about everything. K-Office and Open Office are two great solutions. Open Office can open M$ Office files and can even safe the files in M$ Office format which makes it easy to communicate with those who still use M$ products.
Besides office suites which replicate the windows world products in features, Linux also has some great alternatives. LyX (http://www.lyx.org) is an example of a great document processor.
What is LyX?
LyX is the first WYSIWYM (What you see is what you mean) document processor.
LyX is what?!
LyX is an advanced open source document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents, not their appearance. LyX lets you concentrate on writing, leaving details of visual layout to the software. LyX produces high quality, professional output — using LaTeX, an industrial strength typesetting engine, in the background; LyX is far more than a front-end to LaTeX, however. No knowledge of LaTeX is necessary to use LyX, although it will give a user more power. LyX is stable and fully featured. It has been used for documents as large as a thesis, or as small as a business letter. Despite its simple GUI interface (available in many languages), it supports tables, figures, and hyperlinked cross-references, and has a best-of-breed math editor.
Dia is a great tool for creating diagrams. It has a huge in-built library of objects which are specially useful for software engineers. So making a diagram of a computer network is as easy as dragging a few computers and switches from the list of objects available. It currently has special objects to help draw entity relationship diagrams, UML diagrams, flowcharts, network diagrams, and simple circuits. It is also possible to add support for new shapes by writing simple XML files, using a subset of SVG to draw the shape.
An average tech earns a good salary and spends it is well too. To keep track of all these personal expenses the best is to have a great software. Gnucash is an ideal way to manage personal finances. Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a checkbook register, it is based on professional accounting principles to ensure balanced books and accurate reports.
And finally a product for all those techs who maintain their servers well and have no work or pending issues and yet have to sit through the nights waiting for some issue to popup.
KTuberling (http://opensource.bureau-cornavin.com/ktuberling/) was originally game intended for small children. Of course, it may be suitable for adults who have remained young at heart. Most techs in general love this software. It is a “potato editor”. That means that you can drag and drop eyes, mouths, mustache, and other parts of face and goodies onto a potato-like guy. Similarly, you have a penguin and an aquarium on which you can drop other stuff.
There is no winner for the game. The only purpose is to make the funniest faces you can. There is a museum,like a “Madame Tusseau” gallery, where you can find many funny examples of decorated potatoes, penguins and aquariums.
World War II – Germany decided to attack Poland. Poland had many great warriors. They all prepared to fight the Germans. They were all ready with the best armor, the best and well trained horses, and ofcourse the best weapons , swords , spears …. And the Pols were brave and were ready to give their lives for their country. Sadly they did just that… give their lives. The Germans had tanks… It is very important to have the right weapons when one goes for a war.
In the same way it is very important for system administrators to have the right tools to to work smart. Linux is a great desktop OS for developers as well as system administrators. Let us take a look at some of the utilities which makes this a great environment for system administrators and developers. Most of the content below is taken from the home pages of these apps and the I make no claims on the originality. My aim is to introduce the reader to the wonderful tools that are available in a Linux/BSD desktop environment.
Let’s start from what most people think Linux is all about – a text based shell. Konsole is what is known as an X terminal emulator, often referred to as a terminal or a shell. It gives you the equivalent of an old-fashioned text screen on your desktop, but one which can easily share the screen with your graphical applications. What makes Konsole special? Konsole’s advanced features include simple configuration and the ability to use multiple terminal shells in a single window, making for a less cluttered desktop. Konsole is also available as part and can thus be easily embedded in other applications, like practiced by Kate and Konqueror.
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