leoxxii · 2 years
song that ALMOST fits your set of blorbos but has like two out of pocket lines so that if you told someone the song fits them, they'd assume they have a sexual relationship. when the blorbos absolutely do NOT have a sexual relationship.
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odysseys-blood · 2 years
Ask tag game!
I HAVENT SEEN ONE OF THESE IN FOREVERRR. Was tagged by one of my favoritest people ever @tilapiamafia mwah
I dink my oiter! woke up stuffy from the fan being on all night
Phone call:
Could not tell u i ignore like 90% of the calls i get. I think my dad called me abt smthn they did or didnt have in the store.
Text message:
I sent my dad this picture
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Song you listened to:
Roll Over Bethoveeeen by Ryoma Maeda (this is the only song of his i know. its in a playlist with clipping., death grips, lil mariko and more. this is my Sounds playlist titled :) ]
Time you cried:
honestly could not tell you. i need to cry more but alas
Have you ever…
Dated someone twice:
Not even once 😔
Kissed someone and regretted it:
nope. would like to kiss someone tho (if you could not twll i have not done Shit. the world is my oyster still)
Lost someone special:
also not in a death way but most definitely lol. we keep it pushing tho it is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Been depressed:
Am. Im making it tho
Been drunk and threw up:
Never been drunk! or drank at all rather im not super interested. folks might try to get me smthn for my 21st but i still dont really care. most ppl talk abt alcohol tasting like pure chemical and i wont drink smthn if it doesnt taste good i have standards
Last year, have you…
Made a new friend:
Yeah! had the startling realization that the panny means one of my friends had seen my face for the first time ever bc we just met the past year (she said i had nice lips tho)
Fallen out of love:
yeah it happens. gotta stomp it out by force tho esp if the person wasnt good for me
Laughed until you cried:
all the time! i love a good laugh there is nothing more that i enjoy than to cackle, a hee hee hoo hoo, a tee hee, a giggle
Found out who your true friends are:
do you know how many fake ppl there are out here.
Found out someone was talking about you: 
see above. i have "friends" who will talk shit abt me to my face. (yeah im bad at leaving shitty relationships when its all i got for mental health during semester sessions)
How many people on your fb friends list do you know in real life?:
i do not have facebook. likely never will. i barely have an insta
List 3 favorite colors:
not a color but my favorite color scheme is analogous (from blue to red) and i call these the blood colors bc it reminds me of textbook circulatory system diagrams. if i do have to pick 3 tho then wine purple, teal, and red (or pink. theyre the same color.) (this is basically again just blue to red.)
First surgery:
never had any surgeries so im gonna say being a c section baby
First piercing:
My ears got pierced when i was a baby! my brother is trying to convince my mom to get his ears pierced tho (she agreed to one ear only) so whenever he goes im probably gonna get more. someone suggest some bc besides a couple more lobe piercings bc idk for sure what i want. I used to want lip and nose piercings but i think i can manage with just faux piercing rings for now
First best friend:
a military brat i dont talk to anymore. i will say one friend i still hold dear now i met before her, early in elementary, but we didnt really talk as much til middle school when we met again. i adore her sm she texted me the other day crying bc frosting colors are harder to mix than paint. shes doing her best baking and i believe in her
First sport you joined:
none. did do orchestra in hs tho! id love to play violin now but those hoes are expensive
First vacation:
probably just to the beach. never really had a chance to vacation in my life
First pair of trainers:
....you want me to remember the first sneakers i ever got????
Right now
last thing i had was some strawberry cream pie it was real good :]
nothing i should get on that tho bc im thirsty
I’m about to:
https://youtube.com/shorts/KcKbwOFLibo?feature=share real answer is im goin outside. i want to draw some tho so idk the world is my oyster yet again
Your future
Want kids:
probably not im good enough being an auncle. i love my nephews the littlest guys ever
Get married:
i think so! i think id be content without one tho. if i do idk if id want a big wedding either or even a reception
i wanna be a character designer and i am going to believe i make it bc i have no other skills. (i know autocad but god i dont want to be doing autocad)
Which is better
Lips or eyes:
Hugs or kisses:
i dont like being touched too much but hugs
Shorter or taller:
just somebody. lord.
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Older or younger:
dont really care as long as its not a weird gap but probably a lill bit older
Romantic or spontaneous:
also no idea what that means. idk ig romantic? i like to know ehats going on so spontaneousness can get on my nerves sometimes
Nice stomach or nice arms:
i appreciate both. i need my partner to appreciate a nice tummy tho bc i def have one
Sensitive or loud:
sensitive bc i dont like loud volumes ever lol
Hook-up or relationship:
Relationship i dont think i can do a hook up. i need to know someone before i try to do anything
Trouble maker or hesitant:
either way is fine. im v hesitant tho maybe i need a trouble maker
Have you ever…
Kissed a stranger:
Drank hard liquor: 
Lost glasses/contacts:
every fucking day in this goddamn hell hole. they fell when i got in bed i have no idea where they are.
Sex on first date:
nah i need to build trust
Broke someone’s heart:
idk. probs not but if i did oopsie daisy (◕_◕)
Been arrested:
Turned someone down:
Cried when someone died:
probably but i dont cry as often as i should so
Do you believe in…
i try to! bc who else is gonna do it if i dont first
no but if they happen then nice
Love at first sight:
no. a crush is not a love
not really but itd be nice to think about. dont think they'd let me in id be primed for like purgatory tho
Santa Claus:
Kiss on the first date:
yall can i probably never would
would be cool could exist might not either way i have no control over it. i think some of my friends are angels tho (like the one battling with frosting colors)
i can feel that this ask list is probably from like 2015 lol. idk who else to tag but if you want to do it go ahead and tag me! @meicheesecake u have to tho.
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shotosimp1 · 3 years
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sugawara x GN!reader.
Authors note: helloooo this is my first ever fic so if I did something wrong or its low key cringe don't hate me lmaoo so this fic is basically that you're daichis sibling and you and sugawara are like close friends who love taking naps togather I don't want to spoil anything so I'm going to stop here. ⚠️Important note⚠️: when suga is talking the text colour is purple. And when you're talking its blue :D genre: fluff. warnings: nothing but if there is dont be afraid to tell me! Here is this playlist i made for this fic i hope you like it! :D
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being daichi's sibling came with its pros and cons. I cant lie to you he is a good brother but that doesnt mean he isnt protective of you. And no, no boyfriends. But the best thing about being daichis sibling is that you would get to spend time with the one and only crush of yours sugawara koushi. Everything about him just made you happy. He is so caring and sweet you just couldn't halp yourself from falling for him. And because sugawara and daichi met in middle school they were very close. And with that he came over to hang out like at least once a week. You didn't mind as long as daichi let you be around for a bit you just wanted to be around cutie
And with that you and him would chat every now and then Just getting to know each other more. Both of you would talk about your hobbies and interests and life etc. You just found him so interesting you just kept wanting to be around him more and more. And daichi as the good brother he is will try to leave you two alone for a couple of minutes to have a good conversation together and would excuse himself with "oh im going to the bathroom" or " um im going to get a snack" and it works too!!
Finals were close and the boys, daichi suga and asahi came over to study it was their second year and you were a first year student. Suga would help you study and help you understand the things you couldn't and all that jazz. You felt kinda flustered whenever he says "good job!!" And gives that warm smile of his. It was around 1:12 pm and all of you were too focused on your work and didn't remember lunch....Yeah I know unbelievable. "Mmmm god I'm so hungry" "shoot we didn't eat lunch" daichi said looking at the clock "its 2 something pm there is still time for that just go order _______ or something" -"ahh your probably right" asahi said "okay okay should we all go get _______ i mean we should get our mussels movi-" "im not going anywhere im tired" "okay fine what about you asahi?" -daichi- "sure" "and what about you ____?" -asahi- "nahh I would rather stay sorry.." "eh its okay we'll get going yeah?" -daichi- " yeah let's go" -asahi- and boom you two are alone.
"You look kinda sleepy" he said as he chuckled for about. 10 minutes both of you were kinda silent he was laying on his tummy on the sofa while you sat on the floor near the desk you were studying on. "Kinda actually" "oh? Well mabye you should take a nap" "sure.. but uh you look sleepy too" "hm? Oh yeah i am " you both laughed a bit. "Wanna sleep in my room? It would be more comfortable there?" " well what about you?" "My bed is big i will be just finee" seconds after you said that he starts..to grin? "Ooou you wanna sleep with me that bad?" "You're honestly making me regret my choices." "Hey!" "You can sleep on the sofa bye bye!" You said as your going to your room and him of course following you.
"Cute room kinda messy tho" he laughed " can you leave me and my "messy" room alone" "fine fine" he said chuckling. Both of you layed on the bed and him falling asleep almost instantly from how tired he was. It was peaceful sleeping next to him. I mean yes you were blushing at the thought of him being so close to you but it still felt so peaceful and nice. You turned around to face him. It sounds like too much but he looked like an angle. You stared at his features for quit a while.. he's just so nice to look at. "Can't sleep?" "what the hell!? You scared the living shit out of me!" He laughed. He asked you again "can you not sleep?" " yeah actually" you said still mad at him for scaring you like that. He asked if he can come closer and you said yes. He but a hand on the back of your head and gently guiding it to his chest. And with that your head is on your crushes chest. You tried your best to not show how surprised and flustered you were. "Do you feel comfortable? Can i put my hand on your back? it would feel even better" "s-sure I don't mind" he started to rub soothing circles on your back. Seconds after that you fell asleep..in his mf arms ahh.
"Sorry we took so long the line there was kinda long" No response. Both asahi and daichi left the house for about an hour. They looked around the living room to see that no one was there. "Hm that's wierd" -asahi- daichi agreed as he went to check your room to see if your there. "Oh.my.god." asahi heard him and went to see what's up. "Wait aww that's kinda cute" "what! No its not!" Asahi laughed at how angry he was from just seeing his best friend cuddling his younger sibling. "Hey..hey! HEY!!" "Hmm what what do you want cant you see were sleeping here ugh" " yeah i CAN see and get your filthy-" " why are you so mad? Its not like I did something to them I was just helping them sleep" " I mean he has a point..plus I'm sure its just a nap" -asahi- "ugh fine...CAN YOU ATLEAST MOVE YOUR HAND OH MY GOD" "Why are you yelling...?" You said as you got woken up from your brothers yelling "its nothing..get up its time to eat" daichi said as he went downstairs to eat. Asahi mouthed a 'sorry' to both of you and went to fallow him. "Did you sleep well? I hope I didn't make you feel uncomfortable or anything.." "No no!! It.. it was nice thank you" "great!! Let's go downstairs now im starving..." you both laughed as you went downstairs to eat.
From that day whenever the both of you found the chance to nap together you would do it. Suga tired from practice? nap time! Stressed? Nap time! Sad? Nap time! It's like both of you were nap buddies and you loved it. Daichi couldn't really do anything at this point. Don't get me wrong he was SO happy when you actually found someone to hang out with and actually be comfortable around. But he just didn't like the fact that the both of you were so touchy its like you guys were dating. But you always denied him saying "no no he's just a close friend nothing else!!!!" Until...
It was a Saturday night you and suga were in your room watching a barbie film. It was a chill night both of you got snacks and watched the movie in peace. sugawara kept giving you these side eye glances every now and then you noticed them but didn't say anything. It was the last 20 minutes of the movie and he did it again but this time it was a side glance his eyes were fully on you. "What?" He giggled and said nothing. You were confused a bit so you paused the movie and looked at him. "Is there something on my face?" "No..you just look pretty" he smiled. Both of you were eye to eye and very close. His eyes would go from your eyes to your lips as he came even closer. He gently took your hand in his as he said "can i kiss you?" You were in shock your heart was beating as you nodded. It was gentle and sweet you swore you could right a whole essay about how that kiss was the best thing you have ever experienced. "AHM AHM!!!" Both of you pulled away almost instantly as you saw daichi standing in your bedrooms doorstep "listen- its not what it looks like okay??" "Uhuh..koushi have you been dating my sibling behind my back?" "WHAT? no!! I swear-" "come downstairs cuz we have some stuff to discuss here"
You sat there confused but genuinely so happy 'I kissed him..' 'holy shit i actually kissed him!!' your mind was running with thoughts 'wait what if we start dating?' 'Oh my god!!!!' 'Wait what did daichi mean when he said "discuss some things"??' "Hey im back..." he smiled nervously at you "oh hi!" He smiled as he sat down on the bad next to you "um suga" "yes?" "what did my brother 'discuss' with you downstairs?" "You know "don't hurt their feelings!!" And "don't even think about cheating on them!" And he may or may not threatened to kill me if I did" you giggled "all that because of a kiss? Its not like were dating" " ..Well what would you do if I asked you to be my partner right now hm?" "Uhhh!!??!!? I- I dont know mabye say yes or something" he laughed "well then do you want to be my lovey dovey partner?" You giggled a bit as you nodded "tsk, man i kinda wanted to hear you say "yes please please i do!!" Oh well.." "really suga.."
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I hope you guys liked it ♡ again this is my first time ever writing fics so I hope its not that bad
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chungledown-bimothy · 5 years
Lost Ourselves in the Bright Lights
Hello hello hello! About a month ago, a LOVELY anon gave me a multitude of prompts. One of which was “Virgil and Logan are at a concert. Virgil cause he loves the band and Logan because he brought his brother (Patton or Roman) and at first Logan Hates the whole thing but then he sees Virgil and Virgil is singing along and he thinks virgils beautiful and that’s how they meet”. 
Here’s to you, Prompt Anon. <3
Warnings: some swearing, some sexual innuendos/suggestiveness, but nothing anywhere near explicit. 
Pairing(s): analogical, logince as brothers, patton is logan and roman’s dad. very brief virgil and remy as friends.
Word Count: 3701 (a Big boy)
Tag List: @ren-allen @ilovemygaydad @ccecode @emo-sanders-sides-loving-unicorn @bloodropsblog @funsizedgremlin @raygelkitty @roxyfox23 @thomasthesandersengine 
"I understand that you want to go, Roman, but what does this have to do with me?"
"Because, Logan, dad says I can only go if you come with me 'to keep me out of trouble,’" Roman begged.
Logan sighed. "That's not fair to either of us. Aside from the fact that we graduate high school next month and are capable of keeping ourselves safe, now I must choose to either suffer through an evening of mediocre music played far too loudly to be safe or prevent you from seeing your favorite band."
"That's what I told dad, but he wouldn't budge! Please, Lo? I'll do your chores for the next two weeks if you come with me."
"Okay, I will. Don't expect me to have fun, though."
"I have a feeling you're gonna have a better time than you think, little brother."
"How many times do I have to tell you? Not only are we twins, but I am taller than you!" Patton stood in the doorway with a soft smile, listening to his sons bicker. He knew full well that Roman would have been just fine at the concert by himself, but something told him Logan should go with his brother, and all of the best things in Patton's life had started with that same feeling.
"Why is it already so loud?" Logan complained.
"It's called hype, calculator watch!"
"It is obnoxious. Enjoy the concert; I'll be at that table. Come find me when it's over."
"God, you're such a nerd. Did you even listen to the playlist I sent you, so you knew what to expect tonight?"
"Are you referring to the playlist entitled 'Mayday Parade Owns My Sad Gay Ass'? If so, no. All of this genre sounds alike, and the name itself is absurd, bordering on oxymoronic."
"You're absurd and bordering on oxymoronic!" Roman cried.
"I'm certain you don't know what that word means. Regardless, you're wasting your time here with me; it appears that what is colloquially known as the 'mosh pit' is filling up, and I know how much you wanted to be there."
"Good looking out, Lo! Mayday's going on soon anyway. I don't know how you think you're gonna be able to read once they start playing, but I hope you enjoy your book."
"Go have fun. It's what we're here for, after all." Logan smiled briefly before turning to the e-reader he brought, loaded with the newest Song of Ice and Fire novel. It wasn't long before the band started playing, and, loath as he was to admit it, Roman was right. Between the flashing lights and the ear-splitting volume, focusing on a book was simply impossible, so he decided to indulge in an exercise in observation, or 'people watching'.
Logan Sanders did not believe in fate or kismet or providence or any term one could use for that sentiment. He believed that the universe is cold and indifferent, and that even the most serendipitous events are simply chance. But, for a split second, after about fifteen minutes or so, he believed all of it when the spotlight paused its sweep over the crowd, illuminating the most beautiful man Logan had ever seen. He was a lost Bernini sculpture brought to life, soft lines belying a quiet grace and strength. Lost in the music, he was swaying and singing along, and he was radiant- purple hair and sharp features glowing in the light.
Logan Sanders certainly did not believe in love at first sight; he didn't even believe in love at all. In that moment, however, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he needed to meet this man, that he was special.
And that absolutely terrified him.
He tried to keep his eyes off of him, he really did, but it was impossible to look away for long. So when the band took a break and his mystery man went to the bar to get a drink, Logan knew it was his chance.
"I apologize if I'm being too forward, but I couldn't help but observe you in the crowd tonight, and you are stunning."
"I wondered if you were going to come talk to me. What were you trying to read, before it got too loud?"
"I- I'm sorry, what?"  The man was even more handsome up close; dark eyeshadow and lipstick contrasting what Roman would call 'killer contour and highlight'. The overall effect was truly striking, leaving Logan speechless for the first time.
"A guy dressed like a teacher at a Mayday concert trying to read and clearly wanting to disappear into the walls? I'm sure most people, like you wanted, didn't notice you, but I'm not most people." He smirked, looking Logan up and down.
"Clearly." Logan replied, returning his 'elevator eyes', if he remembered the colloquialism correctly, and finding his voice again. "My name's Logan."
"Virgil. You obviously don't want to be here, so why are you?"
"Correction- I didn't want to be here. My brother loves the band, and our father insisted I accompany him."
"Past tense? What changed?"
"You're an intelligent man, Virgil. You tell me."
"You've licked your lips twice while we've been talking, and your breathing is uneven and shallow. And I'm fairly certain that if I do this," Virgil stepped forward, getting as close to Logan as possible without touching. "Your pupils will dilate and your breath will catch. Just. Like. That." He finished, whispering.
Logan looked up at him and noted the same physiological responses. "That's not what I asked, now, is it?"
"No, it isn't. What do you want, Logan?"
"Once again questions you already know the answers to."
"Once again, you're not answering them. Maybe I just want to hear you say it."
"Maybe I don't want to give you the satisfaction."
"Now that's just not true. If satisfaction wasn't on your mind, you wouldn't still be standing so close to me." Virgil leaned in and tilted his head, daring Logan to make the next move.
"What do you want, Virgil?" Logan whispered, eyes locked on his lips.
"You. All of you," Virgil confessed.
"Then take me." He barely got the words out before Virgil closed the gap between them.
Logan was no blushing virgin; while he hadn't had a relationship per se, exploring one's sexuality is a traditional part of the high school experience. He'd never been kissed like that, though. Like the answers to the world's most profound questions lay between their lips, and then oh. Virgil's hands were on his hips, pulling him even closer.
Logan broke the kiss, panting slightly. "We… we shouldn't be doing this here."
"You're right. Come back to my place? It's not far from here."
"I want to say yes, but…"
"You can't." Virgil stepped back, and Logan's heart metaphorically dropped when he saw the sadness in his face.
"If I were here alone, I absolutely would, but I promised I'd keep an eye on my brother."
"I get that, and I respect the fuck out of you for it. Here, put your number into my phone, and then come dance with me."
"I'll gladly give you my number, but I can't dance."
"Well, you're in luck, then. There's only one rule when it comes to dancing."
"What, pray tell, is it?" He asked, not looking up from Virgil's phone.
"Pick a partner who knows what he's doing." With a wink, Virgil took his phone back and led Logan to the dance floor.
The rest of the night was a blur of pounding bass, stolen kisses, and hands everywhere.
All too soon, the show ended, as all things must. With great reluctance, Virgil and Logan parted ways with a promise to meet again soon. Logan wasn't above admitting that while he didn't want him to have to, he enjoyed watching Virgil walk away.
"Ooooh, who was that, Lo-Lo?" Logan jumped, not having heard his brother's approach.
"Oh, that was, uh… that was no one."
"Falsehood, as you say so often. You were all over each other! I'd never seen you like that before. You like him!"
"Preposterous. I don't know him. And, as you said, my behavior was entirely uncharacteristic. I don't know what came over me."
"You stopped thinking with your big brain, and apparently your little brain has game. Please tell me you got his number."
"I don't understand; I only have one brain, and it is the average size for an 18-year-old male. Regardless, I did not get his number, but I gave him mine."
"You're gonna have to look that one up yourself- I'm not explaining it to you. Going off of how he was looking at you, I guarantee he'll call, and soon."
"I… honestly don't know if I want that or not."
"Trust me, you do. Come on, let's go home."
"That is the most rational thing you've said all day. And please don't say anything to our father about this. He'll be insufferable."
Virgil woke up the next morning with dreams of dark eyes and a sharp tongue dancing through his mind. Some of them, though, were memory, not fantasy, and that realization brought his thoughts to a grinding halt, leaving just one behind: oh fuck.
In an instant, the night replayed in his mind's eye. The music, the dancing, the cute guy looking miserable and trying to read, the flirting, the kissing, the proposition, being turned down, the dancing. The only things he didn't remember were what possessed him to be that bold and the guy's name. He grabbed his phone and saw that the guy put his name, Logan, in with his phone number. One mystery solved, and he knew he wouldn't be able to solve the second alone.
[V]- 911 im fucked
[Rem]- i assume not in the good way?
[V]- no, im texting you with a dick in my ass.
[Rem]- 1) we both know you aren't a bottom 2) watch the attitude, babe. you sent the 911. what's up?
[V]- well i met a guy at the concert last night
[Rem]- FINALLY. was he any good?
[V]- we didn't fuck
[Rem]- no offense doll, but why are you telling me about him then?
[V]- i have his number, but i wasn't really me last night. i was smooth and confident. what happens if we meet up and he hates actual me?
[Rem]- then he can fuck off? i don't get why you're buggin about this
[V]- because im me and need a common sense filter sometimes
[Rem]- you're welcome, girl. now hit him up and lmk how it goes, mmkay?
[V]- ofc
Logan's alarm went off the next morning at 7:30 as usual, but, for the first time in years, he was tempted to turn it off and sleep in. A single thought, however, floated to the front of his mind, and he was wide awake. Virgil. The handsome stranger who, with a smirk and a kiss, made Logan question everything he thought he knew about love attraction as well as himself. What happened to me last night? I'm never that bold, that impulsive. It was completely irrational, not to mention possibly dangerous if I'd taken him up on his offer like I wanted to. Dear Newton, I wanted to. Well, I'm not going to solve anything just laying here, and Crofter's helps solve any problem. Breakfast time.
A few minutes later, Logan was in the kitchen with his Crofters-smothered English muffin and a steaming mug of his favorite tea when Patton came in.
"Hey, kiddo! Did you have fun last night?"
"Erm, yeah. More than I initially anticipated, in fact."
"That's great! Did you make any new friends?"
"I don't know what Roman told you, but it was nothing, and nothing will come of it, so there's no point in dwelling on it."
Patton chuckled. "I haven't seen Roman since you guys left for the concert. He's still sleeping." Logan blanched, realizing he'd given himself away. "Now, kiddo, wanna tell your old pop about this 'nothing'? Seems like it's weighing pretty heavily on your mind; maybe we can talk it out."
"It really is nothing, dad."
"Hmm. Well, if you don't want to talk about it, how about I guess, and you let me know if I'm right?" Realizing he wasn't going to be able to avoid the topic, Logan nodded. "Awesome. Okay, so, you're all out of sorts and insisted 'there's no point in dwelling on it', so it's a problem you don't think you can solve. The last time I saw you like this, you were 14 and had the biggest  crush on that boy… what was his name?"
"Gabriel," Logan muttered, embarrassed.
"That's it! I knew he was no good for you. Anyway, I think this is about a boy you met last night. Now, you're my little boy, and I've been to enough concerts to know that I don't want to know the details, but to throw you for a loop this big after one evening, there must have been a real connection. Am I on the right track?" Logan nodded, impressed and embarrassed by how accurate his dad was. "Thank you for being honest with me, Lo. I know feelings are messy and can be scary. I was absolutely terrified when I met your mother."
"Dad, we don't need to- this isn't-"
"It's okay, Logan. Yes, she's gone, but she's still part of us. I know how much it changed all of us, especially you, but you can't shut out all possibility of love because ours didn't work out. I won't pretend it didn't hurt like heck when she left, but I wouldn't trade what happened for the world; that pain was nothing compared to the love I have for you and your brother or how happy you both make me every single day." Patton reached across the table and wiped a tear from Logan's cheek. "The boy you met last night. He's special, right?"
"Y- yeah, I think so. He brought out a side to me I didn't know existed."
"Then go for it. Take a chance."
"I… I think I would if I could."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't have any way of getting in contact with him. I gave him my phone number, but didn't think to get his."
"He really did a number on you, huh? Well, look at it this way: it's out of your hands. What happens next is up to him. I know it's hard, but really all you can do at this point is to try to put it out of that brilliant mind of yours. Hey, do you wanna watch that Sherlock show you love so much with, uh, what's his name? Scratch-and-sniff Cabbagepatch?"
"It's Benedict Cumberbatch, and you hate BBC Sherlock. I've been trying to get you to give it another chance for the last year."
"That's what I said. Bumblebee Anglerfish."
"Getting further away. Benedict Cumberbatch."
"Burgerking Capncrunch."
"Never mind. You're clearly trying to distract me from the Virgil problem. Thank you, dad. I love you too."
"Virgil, eh? Nice name."
"Oh sh-"
"Sorry, dad."
"It's alright, kiddo. Come on, let's see what all the fuss is about Bandersnatch Cuttlefish."
As difficult as it was to decide that he was going to message Logan, actually typing and sending a message was infinitely worse. "Hey" was too vague. "Is this Logan? It's Virgil from last night" implied that he thought Logan gave him a fake number, which he didn't. "This is Virgil. What's up?" could be interpreted as a booty call, which it wasn't. After an hour of staring at his phone, he took a deep breath and sent a message.
[To:Logan?]- Hey, Logan, this is Virgil.
Now all he could do was wait. He hated waiting.
Patton and Roman, worried about Logan, did all they could to keep him distracted, but nothing could stop him from checking his phone at least once every 5 minutes. It was shortly after 3pm when it lit up with a new message.
[Unknown Number]- Hey, Logan, this is Virgil.
"Umm... Roman?" Logan called across the house.
"Can you come here? He just messaged me." He'd hardly finished his sentence when he heard a thud and Roman's footsteps, running to join him in the living room.
"I told you he would! What did he say? What are you going to say?"
"That's why I called for you. Here, take a look and tell me what I should do. I don't have any experience with this, and reading the message gives me an odd feeling in my abdomen."
"Those are butterflies, calculator watch! Wow, you really like him, huh?"
"I assume you mean metaphoric butterflies referring to the influx of dopamine, norepinephrine, and testosterone released when one is experiencing attraction, as it is impossible for any lepidopteran to survive, let alone reproduce, in the human digestive system. And yes, I believe I may have... feelings for him that are far stronger than the briefness of our acquaintance should allow."
"Oh my god, you are insufferable. Now, let's look at the message. Simple, to the point. He's as nervous about this as you are, Lo."
"How could you possibly know that from just 5 words?"
"Science is your thing, love is mine. I also literally just got a 5 on the AP Psychology exam. You want my advice, here's what I've got."
"I apologize. I asked you for advice; questioning that advice was bad form."
"Thank you. Now, as I was saying, he's nervous. I think your best bet is to match his tone. Don't try to pretend you aren't nervous, too. I won't tell you what to say, just that you should be completely honest. In any relationship, but here especially. You're afraid he won't like you; if you keep your messages legit, he'll get to know you, and I'm sure he'll love you."
"You can't know how he'll feel about me, but I appreciate the advice, and will certainly take it."
[To:Virgil]- Hello, Virgil. I wasn't sure you'd reach out, to be honest. The reply came almost instantly, which he wasn't expecting.
[Virgil]- I wasn't sure I would, either. Do you… wanna get coffee or something some time?
"Oh my god, I ship it so much! Y'all are so cute I can't even!!" Roman shrieked, scaring Logan so much he fell off the couch.
"E equals mc scared! Why did you feel the need to scream like that?"
"You guys are so precious. Clearly, you aren't the only one who was uncharacteristically bold in the face of new love. You're going to say yes, right?"
"It would be foolish of me to decline, given the emotions I've felt over the last..." he checked his watch, "approximately 21 hours."
"Take him to Jimin's cafe! Now that he's got a boyfriend, it's all domestic and cute. The perfect romantic location for a first date!"
"You mean the cafe where the barista put salt in your soda?"
"Okay, technically, yes, Jimin did that, but I was flirting with Taehyung. I deserved it, really."
"Despite my better judgment, I'll propose we go there, but only because I'm at a loss for an acceptable alternative."
[To:Virgil]- Coffee would be excellent. My brother's friend runs a cafe downtown- Bulletproof, I believe it's called. I've been reliably informed that it is a common first date location; are you available tomorrow, by chance?
"Oh my goodness, Logan, you are a disaster. It's obvious that you need me to teach-"
[Virgil]- haha yeah, I know Bulletproof. Really good coffee. Would 11 tomorrow morning work?
"Never mind. Clearly, he's into your nerd vibe, for some reason. Alright, I've gotta leave before dying of loneliness. Good luck in your romantic endeavors, brother dearest."
"Clearly you are not distraught enough to abandon your propensity for hyperbole. Thank you for the well wishes, and I truly hope that you will find someone to satisfy your romantic inclinations soon. You certainly deserve it."
"Ew, gross. Mushy Logan is weird. I'm leaving." With that, Roman stood up and left the room.
[To:Virgil]- 11 tomorrow would be perfect. I look forward to seeing you again.
[Virgil]- same. See you then :)
It was 10:55, and Logan was sipping an Americano, so lost in his thoughts and anxieties that he didn't hear the bells on the door jingle when someone walked in. He was startled back to reality by a barista's cheerful "annyeonghaseyo!", the cafe's standard greeting for customers, and looked up to see him. Virgil. His heart started racing as he took in the more casual look, leather pants and tight t-shirt swapped for ripped skinny jeans and a hoodie with purple plaid patches and no makeup, except for some dark eye shadow.
As Virgil got closer, Logan stood to meet him.
"Hello, Virgil. It's, it's nice to see you again." Logan's heart, already beating faster than was strictly speaking healthy, started pounding when Virgil smiled and blushed.
"You too, Logan. I, um, I'm gonna go order a drink. I'll be right back." Logan tried not to stare as Virgil walked away, but it was an exercise in futility.
A few minutes later, Virgil returned, drink in hand.
"May I ask what you're drinking?" Logan asked, internally cringing at the banal attempt at conversation.
"It's a caramel macchiato. Usually I'm an Americano kind of guy, but that barista recommended it and made it sound really good, and he was totally right."
"In that case, here's to finding pleasure where you don't expect to." Logan raised his mug in a half-toast. Virgil raised his in return and smirked; only then did Logan realize the double entendre and blush.
"So we're back talking about pleasure, eh?"
Logan cleared his throat. "Perhaps this is not the appropriate venue for that conversation. May I suggest space as an alternative subject?"
"VIVA LA PLUTO!" Virgil shouted, immediately looking down and blushing. "Sorry. Impulse. I'm clearly still bitter about some things."
"No, no. I completely agree. August 2006 was a dark, dark time. Viva la Pluto indeed."
They spent hours in that cafe debating, joking, and flirting. This time, Logan accepted Virgil's offer to go home with him.
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sweetttarttt · 7 years
jack and deans 2017
heres a masterpost of everything (i think) jack and dean did in 2017, everything is linked if you so wish to see them also the dates might be a day off bc im in Australia and i cba getting the timezone correct. follow me on twitter @jackhowad for me and @jackandean for updates x (this took me like 3 days to put together id really appreciate if u read it xo
6th- deans 25th birthday 
8th- they uploaded ‘the good the bad and the just plain sh!t parts of 2016′
13th- dean and his brother daniel went to a Nintendo switch event in london (x,x,x)
16th- deans ass is now available on vinyl & dean followed me on jack and dean updates
27th jack saw moonlight and mark hamill liked his tweet 
28th jack and hazel saw the lego batman movie
30th hazel uploaded “a lovely night” cover with jack
9th the trailer for drunk history, which jack and dean were in, was posted (x)
10th they posted a photo revealing raleigh richie was going to be in jadoat & dean was on bbc radio 1 talking about games
11th jacks 25th birthday
12th dean did a twitch stream (the only clip i have from that is him saying he wants to fuck tom hardy so, enjoy) & jack and hazel went to the baftas (x,x,x)
13th superglued was the first jack and dean video to hit 2 million views & dean first drew the heart guy
15th bertie took some nice photos of dean (x,x,x,x)
19th dodie posted a cover of ‘someone in the crowd’ with jack and co
20th dean wants to eat ass?
21st they had a screening of jadoat season 2 for cast, crew and friends (x,x,x)
22nd dean posted the first designs for what would become his merch
23rd cayleigh posted the 120 chicken nuggets challenge with dean
27th dean posted the first “We Need To Talk About Games” podcast with bertie
1st the poster for jadoat season 2 was posted
3rd dean got his nintendo switch and died a bit inside
6th dean posted the second episode of the “We Need To Talk About Games” podcast with his brother daniel
9th the jadoat tralier was posted on youtube
10th jack went to stay in a cabin in the woods with hazel for the weekend
14th jack posted a vlog “naked man at the gym”
16th jadoat season 2 went online along with season 1 being posted in full on fulscreens facebook page
18th jack and dean (and co) went to dodies gig in london
21st jack posted a vlog “dont talk about it”
23rd episode 3 of jadoat went on fullscreen
26th dean finished playing zelda breath of the wild
27th jack and dean posted a #spon sketch “living room shootout” ft bertie and hazel
29th jack and dean were on hannah wittons fubar radio show (x,x)
30th the 4th episode of jadoat went on fullscreen & they were on the greg james show on radio 1
31st dean posted a vlog “Dean Updates You”
1st jack posted a vlog “my bad acne”
6th jack posted a vlog “hasnt seen the matrix" & dean posted the first dean draws ‘Dean Draws A Slime Ghoul’
7th jack and dean went to vidconEU in Amsterdam (x,x,x)
12th jack and dean did an interview with maximum pop
13th jack posted a vlog “movie directing secrets with gareth edwards”
14th dean did the photoshoot for his new merch store
15th dean posted “Dean Draws Space Elephant POTUS”
21st jack and dean posted jadoat S1E3 to youtube as “babysitters”
22nd dean posted ‘Dean Draws A Top Hat Mermaid’ & jack posted a vlog “things go wrong”
25th dean started his patreon back up again (go donate) & jack met james gunn (the director of gotg2)
26th their episode of drunk history aired & jack posted a vlog “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 - Thoughts/Review”
28th dean posted “Dean Draws A Candle Samurai Shark”
3rd jack hosted a roundtable thing with Ridley Scott and Michael Fassbender & he met billy crudup & katherine waterson
5th dean flew to playlist live in florida
6th jack posted a vlog “whos the best chris” with hazel
7th daniel j layton posted “baking with layton also jack howard” & dean did a m&g at playlist live
8th jack and dean were on cbbc to play “say what”
9th jack was on an episode of reasonable beef to talk about guardians of the galaxy
10th jack posted a vlog “theres NOT hope for us all”
17th dean posted “Dean Draws Jack Howard Cthulhu” & jack was on another ep of reasonable beef to talk about spiderman 3
20th deandobbsstore launched 
21st jack posted a vlog “if wonder woman fails”
24th dean posted “Dean Talks #1 - Merch, Patreon, Jack & Dean and the next Dean Draws”
27th dean posted “dean draws a broccoli dinosaur”
28th jack and dean posted a sketch “bed head”
29th jack posted the bts/bloopers of bed head to twitter
3rd jack posted a vlog “bad brain days”
16th dean drew this adorable pic of him and jack
17th jack and hazel saw hans zimmer in concert
18th hazel posted “talking pictures” with jack
21st jack and dean flew to LA for vidconUS
23rd jack and dean attended viconUS in Anaheim
25th jack and dean hosted part of the vidcon livestream (x)
27th dean got his jacket embroidered with DAD (his initials) 
28th jack and dean officially became real youtubers when they were on “youtubers react to the nicki minaj challenge”
30th jack and dean posted a sketch “nazi bar” (which got trending and pissed off all the alt right piss babies)
1st dom fera posted a sketch “banana shirt” with jack
4th nazi bar was featured in philip defracos “today in awesome”
7th jack saw spider-man homecoming
13th jack and dean (& co) attended the dunkirk premiere (x) and jack met tom hardy
14th jack and dean were on another episode of youtubers react “Try To Watch This Without Laughing or Grinning” & nazi bar hit one million views so jack posted the deleted scenes to twitter 
15th jack posted a vlog “wonder woman review” & was on another reasonable beef to talk about spider-man homecoming 
16th jack posted a vlog “spider-man homecoming review”
17th jack posted a vlog “i love Christopher Nolan”
2nd jack and dean were in “youtubers react to 90s internet comercials”
4th dean attended sitc on his own for the first time ever
7th the fratocrats posted “Jack Howard, Muggles Vs Wizards and Roy!“
10th dean drew theresa may babbadook for a dean draws but the file for corrupted
11th wetheunicorns posted “dean dabbs”
14th jack announced that there wont be a jadoat season 3 :( (x)
17th dodie posted “in the middle (acoustic)” with jack 
27th jack and dean posted a sketch “handful”
29th jack posted the outtakes to handful on twitter
31st jack and hazel went to ireland
7th jack attended the premiere of “Mother” (x)
8th deans week long gaming IG project started (x,x,x) & jack met Jennifer Lawrence and Darren Aronofsky in paris with hazel
15th dean posted  "Dean Draws A Mystery Movie Poster - Cineworld Spon”
23rd jack posted a vlog ‘a chat with matthew vaughn’ 
24th jack posted a vlog “Kingsman: The Golden Circle - RANT & Review”
26th jack and hazel celebrated their 2 year anniversary 
27th jack was on reasonable beef to talk about kingsman: the golden circle
28th jack was in a video on school of life “Why we should show our hurt rather than argue” & jack and dean flew to toronto for buffer festival
29th jack was on the jackmaate podcast
1st jack and dean posted a sketch “self conscious computer ft anna akana” after screening it at buffer fest
3rd jack posted a vlog “why do we binge” & timH posted a sketch “we’ve all been there” with jack and dom fera
11th josh edwards posted “game show” with jack and dean
16th dean did a photoshoot for season 2 of his merch
19th dean attended an event for mario oddyssey (x)
27th deandobbsstore launced season 2 with chill one hoodies and eat people beanies & dodie posted the official video for ‘you’ with jack and sav
28th dean attended MCM comic con in london 
31st josh edwards posted “houndz of the BASTARDvilles“ with jack, hazel, dan and dodie
3rd jack went on the orient express
5th dean posted “dean draws chill one (a really bad how to)”
14th jack did some baking as promo for daddys home (i think)
16th jack posted a vlog “the problem with marvel”
17th hazel posted “would you rather” with jack
28th they shot a new video
30th dean was on radio 1 talking about games
3rd jack and dean posted a sketch “cup phones”
idk if anyone will actually read this far, thanks if u do. also congrats to the lads who have had a p sick year, i’ve had a great time updating it. also s/o to felicity who proofread this for me, i appreciate it, even if i didn't use any of her changes. follow her on twitter, shes whipped for taron like me but its more sexy from her 
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neon-skies95 · 7 years
Tagged by @sketchesanddoodlesandthings​
So I’ll tag @artimus-maora​, @spaceferrari​, and @141-point-12​. Do what you will.
Favorite Place: My bed. It’s warm and will never harm me.
Relationship Status: Single. 
Favorite Color: Orange,
Pets: Currently deceased.
Last song I listened to: Keep on Loving you by REO Speedwagon
Favorite TV show: That’s a good question... Generally when I watch something, I rarely re-watch it. I guess Courage the Cowardly Dog then, that’s the one I re-watch the most.
First Fandom: Power Puff Girls and Barbie. That was in the old-time when I was a wee bab.
Hobbies: Playing video games, watching anime and cartoons. It used to be drawing, but that’s kind of my job now.
Books I’m currently Reading: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. Also slowly making my way through Les Miserables by Victor Hugo.
Favorite book: Phoenix: Future by Osamu Tezuka
Name: Mia
Nickname: just use shortened version of my URL, neon. the internet using my real name just feels weird.
Sign: Scorpio.
Height: 5′1″
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw. 
Favorite animal: Echidnas. They don’t have boobs so they lactate out their pores. They’re the raddest.
Time right now: 10:10 am.
Average hours of sleep: fuk
Cat or dog person: Dog. If I touch a cat, my throat closes and I run the risk of dying.
Favorite fictional character from Harry Potter: Norbert
Number of blankets you sleep with: ∞
Favorite singer or band: The Protomen. u thought echidnas were the raddest thing holy shit these wonderful ppl are 10x as rad
Dream trip: Tour of Japan. Just roughly half a year to explore the whole country. Learn some shit, buy some shit. The works.
Dream job: Character design for a video game company. I’m currently a level designer and concept artist for video game courses, so I’m getting there.
When was this blog created: long-ass fucking time ago when i was young and dreamed of glory
When did your blog reach its peak: haha wat the fuk is that?
What made you decide to make a tumblr: Most of the links to my OTPs traced back to tumblr and I had some friends already on it, so I figured I’d jump on the bandwagon.
5 things you’ll find in my bag: My laptop, at least 2 different chargers, my tablet, some pencils (most broken), and headphones.
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: There is no bedroom, only plush toys.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: Sleep all day, play all night, travel the world, learn at least one new language, and be productive. Some of these things contradict the others on this list...
5 things that make me happy: Cartoons, sleeping, plush toys, the cheesiest of music, and good scenery.
5 things I’m currently into: Pokemon, Sherlock Holmes, Transformers, Metal Gear, and sleeping
5 things on my to-do list: Required reading, meetings, finish MGSV, finish Birth by Sleep, speaking of sleep...
5 things people may not know about me: I’m a huge history buff and I like to learn as much as I can about history from different points of view. There are about 4 boxes of plush toys in my permanent home and at least 1 more still in the basement. I was a “Sherlockian” before the BBC show came out, and to this day I still prefer the Granada series. I started my love of Transformers and Pokemon roughly around the same time, and they’ve stuck ever since. Speaking of which, I have 2 other blogs: @thatcleffa (Pokemon) and @djblasterblastinrightatya (Transformers, but also just robots in general).
Rules: Put your music on “Shuffle” List the first 10 songs
(most of my music comes from Spotify, so I’ll just use my biggest playlist and go from there)
1: Bat Out of Hell - Meatloaf
2: Live & Learn: Crush 40
3: Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
4: Science Fiction/Double Feature - Richard O’Brien/Rocky Horror Picture Show
5: The Stand (Man or Machine) - The Protomen
6: December, 1963 (Oh, What a Night) - Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons
7: The Trooper - The Protomen (it’s a cover of the original)
8: Flash - The Protomen (also a cover)
9: Opening Ceremony - Bjorn Skifs/Chess
10: Shia LaBeouf Live (Actual Cannibal Shia Labeouf) - Rob Cantor
A - Age: 21
B - Biggest fear: My home going up in flames. C - Current time: 10:45 am. Time flies. D - Drink you last had: Water. Gotta stay hydrated. E - Every day starts with: reluctance F - Favorite song:  Will of the One by The Protomen G - Ghosts, are they real: i mean, they could be H - Hometown: Michigan. That’s a state not a town, but you get the idea. I - In love with: my bed. my one true love. J - Jealous of: Those who can actually draw. Also those who can pet cats. Please stop teasing me for my inability to touch cats. It’s a dick move. K - Killed someone: ur a nosy one arent ya? L - Last time you cried: like, last week. maybe last night. M - Middle name: Frances. N - Number of siblings: 1. Younger brother. O - One wish: infinite wishes. then i can do whatever. P - Person you last called/texted: My future Dungeon Master. We’re starting a one-off campaign this Friday. Q - Questions you’re always asked: Is it Mia or Maya? (when the fuck has it ever pronounced Maya???) R - Reasons to smile: my bed. it’s waiting for me. im coming my darling, just a few more hours...! S - Song last played: Keep on Loving You - REO Speedwagon T - Time you woke up: 8:00 am. Wasn’t technically awake until 8:05 am. U - Underwear color: They have the Avengers on them. V- Vacation destination: This Spring break I’m going to LA! Mostly for business reasons, but it sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun, too! W - Worst habit: I bite the inside of my lip a lot, and I grind my teeth and generally don’t realize it until my jaw hurts or my head aches. The latter is reason for most of my dental issues.
X - X-rays you’ve had: Mouth and arms, and one time my leg.
Y - Your favorite food: I can’t really choose one because if I eat too much of one thing I get sick of it. Oreos, Nutella, and lava cake are currently at the top there.
Z - Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
1. What can’t you sleep without? I sleep a lot easier with at least one plush to hug. 2. What are your favorite kind of socks? I have one pair with cute little Pikachus all over them and another pair with cute little sheep all over them. I try not to wear them when I have to walk a lot so they don’t get holes. 3. What’s your favorite snack/meal/drink? I really like soup... like a lot. Especially if there’s a lot of noodles and meat. It’s generally my go-to if I need a pick-me-up or can’t find anything appetizing on a menu. 4. What’s your favorite kind of weather? Sunny and warm with a hint of a breeze. 5. What do you like to listen to/do to relax and feel better when you’re upset? Get something warm (like soup), and get cuddly in bed with my plushies. Also some Youtube. 6. What’s your favorite store to shop at? Book stores. 7. What color do you wear the most? Red and occasionally dark green. And a surprisingly large amount of black. 8. What’s your favorite (video/board/social/party) game to play? Pokemon.  9. Any guilty pleasures? “One Night in Bangkok”. The song is from the concept album/play Chess, and the song is about an American chess player being a douche in Bangkok. I don’t think we’re supposed to sympathize with him, but it can be pretty cringe-y. It’s very catchy and it’s terrible. 10. If you could go anywhere (in real life or in fiction), where would it be? It would be so rad to go to Destiny Islands from Kingdom Hearts. Preferably as a kid. idk, my current age on an island of kids would be weird.
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kryptomalawian-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Released in August 2018, The Dairies is a project that’s curated by Barry Uno and Phyzix and one that has a lot of potential of being one of the ones to carry us through the summer. I’ve been with the record for over a month now and should have come round to reviewing this sooner but video games and other things on my time table kinda kept me from getting around to it. Anyway here we are…. At first glance I can honestly tell you that this project feels like these guys put a lot of thought and heart into to bringing this concept to life.
Both, Veteran musicians in the Malawi rap scene, have extensively experimented with various methods of sonic delivery, from afro pop, to grimy rap, to trap, to gospel, you can pick any and that experience definitely shows on this project.
The first track, The Diaries Intro, is definitely an ode to just that. Both start off with a strong performance mostly acknowledging their career paths, they each reminisce about their challenges in life, the highs the lows, and that common ground is what sets the foundation stones for their chemistry on this project. And you will hear a lot of that retrospection on the album. Beats here are really great and they set the mood for the listener for the whole project.
Zimandiwawa; (Hurts me to think about it) is great stand out track with an Afro touch, Barry, shows of his versatility in both rhyme delivery, subject matter and staying on topic, Phyzix also sails through the beat gracefully with charm and great delivery,  but the shining gem of this track is the featured Nepman on the hook who adds an odd blend of the style of rapper Future while adding a dancehall spin to the beat
Phyzix leads on the next track Mfana Wa Hip Hop (translated Hip hop Cat) with what I must say is an honestly predictable verse and not very technical rhyme scheme, the beat is not that spectacular and is badly mixed so that also doesn’t help things. Barry Uno however, comes to the rescue and utilizes the chance to show off his rappity rap skills which he does that really well. The final verse is performed by Cyclone who happens to be Barry’s brother and he ends the track with an easily forgettable but generally respectable verse.
Relationships, goes the introspective route does well in describing usual problems and the heavy situations that can weigh down on long term and committed relationships. It definitely helps that Barry Uno and Phyzix who are both married themselves are able to articulate these problems although to be honest Phyzix’ verse falls short with some lazy writing and slightly off topic subject matter in the end.
Wine is another Nepman feature, an up beat track that successfully touches on alcoholic routines and patterns that are quite relatable for the average 20 and 30 somethings in Malawi. Without giving away too much Barry starts off with a roleplay on how he’s navigating a day after serious drinks plagued with a serious hangover. And the plans for that day obviously lead to another link up with the squad where they get to do it all over again. Were also blessed with a strong Hook from Nepman with the same Dancehall and Future meshed sound. The downside however is Phyzix delivers more lazy writing in his bars, and the bad mixing doesn’t help things much.
Feeling Your Body is a stand out beat that could fit into any Malawian club playlist well. It delivers an Afro pop sound, the hook is catchy and on point. On this track you can tell Phyzix is at home and he shows off his recently sharpened abilities to make entertaining party scene jams very well. Barry delivers a fantastic Chichewa verse that really stays on theme with the track. This is a really great track
Mental Level, is a Trap beat with an attitude. If you want to admire the willingness of both rappers to experiment outside their comfort zones this is the track. This track while being forgettable, because its very derivative still is still capable of being entertaining if you’re not being too critical about what it obviously sounds like.
Vina (translated Dance) is one of those tracks that puzzles me. Much of this is probably due to the god awful and to be brutally honest,… boring production. It’s trying to be melodic and catchy but it fails miserably at both attempts. This is the track probably shouldn’t have made the final cut in terms of their arrangement and yeah you’re allowed to skip it.
Were now in the second half… Patentha (The scene’s hot) explores themes of the club scene. A proper Malawian beat. A dope hook and the Waxy  is definitely doing an alright job of keeping up. Phyzix comes off believably with that home grown unwashed street smart hood rat (Ghamba) signature vibe he’s well known for (think Cholapitsa... if you know you know). Many great local references to have fun with, Barry finishes the track keeping on theme with that same street smart hood rat energy making the track pretty satisfying.
Chovala Chosasita (Unironed clothes). This track has great energy, it has dope banter, playfulness, and attitude (think 2005 Jeezy) which is honestly great and im honestyly not mad at. Both Emcees are basically doing lyrical backflips switching between Chichewa and English to deliver a track that demonstrates the chemistry the duo have. Unfortunately again the bad mixing lets them down here and that stands out more than their individual talents which is kind of sad cos this beat has serious serious potential and staying power after the beat stops.
Ukamandiona(When You See me). A track touching on faith and hope and all that jazz. Phyzix goes in describing his underprivileged roots and aslo gives you a glance at the lifestyles he used to covet from far. Barry Uno does a strange auto tune thing in this one that I honestly I didn’t relate to so this quite likely defining his lowest point in the album. The beats got trap vibes, so its also derivative which means I find it a bit diluted, but as a plus the strong hook will definitely keep with your after the beat dies off.
Timakukondani. (We love you) A track proclaiming their love for God an obvious proclamation of their Christian faith. Its not a very nuanced track so don’t expect to be wowed by any sort of message beyond gratefulness to the creator for the artists successes. What makes me mad about this track is that it’s a real mess and if you ask me It quite honestly doesn’t really fit in with the whole project but that’s just my opinion. Moving on…
The Diaries: another title track and a solid solid outro. Probably Phyzix’ strongest performance, he catches the beat pockets as much as possible. Weaving in and out of English and Chichewa, the subject matter itself basically giving thanks to another successful collab and project. Barry also delivers a melodic flow that comes from the same POV of admiration of the effort put into this project. A great closing track.
Overall the project definitely deserves a lot of fan attention, I think many peeps should definitely sample this. The guys have a dope chemistry, the themes aren’t too pretentious, in fact they are quite honestly grounded, intended to connect with any 20 to 30 something living in Malawi with all the lovely local  and relatable references ,and punchlines. Production is a huge issue on this project, the sounds derivative for some of the contemporary beats, but the Afro influenced beats make the project really really interesting and those are the high points.
Last word, these guys are great rappers, and they need to do a Chichewa album which would be so fire, considering Barry Uno did “How We Do” and “Automatic”, and Phyzix came with it on “Cholapitsa” and “Ghamba” which were widely popular in their time and could probably still give Tay Grin a run for his money. And in closing just to impress audiophiles such as myself, I would definitely recommend they go back and remaster this project, get it mixed right cos that would do the project a lot of justice.
We give it a strong 5.5/10. Great effort they should form a rap group.
0 notes
213hiphopworldnews · 6 years
Nicki Minaj’s Upset Tirade Over ‘Queen’ Album Sales Is The Final Straw In A Flawed Campaign
Getty Image / Uproxx Studios
Nicki Minaj may have proven wildly adept at marshaling the powers of the social media sphere to promote her music and outsized persona to unprecedented success for a woman in hip-hop, but over this past weekend, she violated one of social media’s cardinal rules when it was revealed that Houston rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld second-week sales would eclipse her Queen first-week sales; she reacted, going on an extended rant that proves just how bothered she truly is.
First, there were the tweets. Sunday afternoon saw the assertively outspoken rapper using the platform to try to explain away the perceived commercial failure of the album. “I put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling people to come see her and Stormi,” she wrote. She continued to try to further elucidate the behind-the-scenes maneuvering that led to Astroworld‘s higher sales totals.
Travis sold over 50K of these. With no requirement of redeeming the album! With no dates for a tour, etc. I spoke to him. He knows he doesn’t have the #1 album this week. I love my fans for the #1 album in AMERICA! I’ll explain on #QueenRadio 4 albums in, #1 in 86 countries pic.twitter.com/CiYEuczgm3
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
“Travis sold over 50K [tour pre-sale access passes that came with a digital copy of the album],” she went on. “With no requirement of redeeming the album! With no dates for a tour, etc. I spoke to him. He knows he doesn’t have the No. 1 album this week.” She bolstered her arguments with comparisons to other big name releases that have dropped in recent months. “I looked at the numbers the Carters, Kanye, Nas, etc recently did. Travis sold 200K in his first week off clothes alone. I spoke to him last night & he said he’s been selling clothes b4 the music. Billboard says they’ll change the rules cuz of this, so it should be changed now!”
I looked at the numbers the Carters, Kanye, Nas, etc recently did. Travis sold 200K in his first week of clothes alone. I spoke to him last night & he said he’s been selling clothes b4 the music. Billboard says they’ll change the rules cuz of this, so it should be changed now!
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
Then, her explanations turned downright accusatory as she laid a share of the blame at the feet of Spotify, which she says deliberately sabotaged her promotion on its service to punish her for previewing Queen early on Apple Music’s Beats 1 Radio. “Spotify had to teach me a lesson but rewarded the man who has had an Apple radio show the longest,” she raged. “They took away my promotion they had promised for the first couple days because of this.”
I put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling ppl to come see her & Stormi. lol. Im actually laughing. #Queen broke the record of being number 1 in 86 countries. Thank Jesus & thank you to my fans.
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
She concluded her tirade by retweeting supportive messages from her staunch Barbz fanbase, which has served as her loyal attack team as much as a listener base. While they were quick to buy into her conspiracy theories as fact, others were much more skeptical, however, wondering why Nicki felt the need to cop such pleas in the first place. After all, No. 2 is nothing to be ashamed of. Billboard reports that Queen racked up 185,000 equivalent album units earned. 78,000 of those were traditional album sales. That’s nothing to shake a stick at; Nicki has still outsold a number of other artists in the hip-hop arena, including the aforementioned Nas — a certified rap legend. She also had the second-largest week for an album by a female artist in 2018 — right after Cardi B, whose Invasion Of Privacy completed its first week with 255,000 units in April.
Spotify put drake’s face on every playlist but told me they’d have to teach me a lesson for playing my music 10 mins early on #QueenRadio. Even tho they’ve been giving away my music for free for years & I am one of the top Spotify artists of all time.
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
Spotify had to teach me a lesson but rewarded the man who has had an Apple radio show the longest; inadvertently helping the Apple platform the most. Oh I can’t wait for #QueenRadio on Tuesday. They took away my promotion they had promised for the 1st cpl days b/c of this. #Queen
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
My music went up on Apple so I played it. I assumed it was on Spotify & Tidal at the same time. Spotify said that Apple tweeted fans advising #Queen was up & therefore they had to teach me a lesson. But PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!!!
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
However, maybe that’s the problem. As tiresome as it is to compare Nicki Minaj and Cardi B again, it seems their fortunes have been inextricably linked by the ongoing “are they beefing or not?” narrative that defined the late part of 2017 and early 2018. Nicki herself has made her sales figures her proudest talking point, boasting that “these b*tches is my sons” with regards to album sales since her very first album, Pink Friday. They’re a fixture of any number of interviews about her never-before-seen level of success as a woman rapper. Her sales, as much as any other aspect of her brand, have come to define what she sees as success. So, of course, it rankles that an album in its second week outsold her latest — especially since most albums see a significant falloff in sales in their second weeks.
The thing is, Nicki’s arguments don’t hold up on examination. She sold her album with merchandise bundles as well. She pushed Queen with an extended, dramatic rollout featuring tearful interviews, colorful costumes, multiple singles, late-night appearances, and all the other hallmarks of a traditional promotional cycle. She did everything she could to drum up interest in her album, but her Barbz seemed more interested in harassing journalists than supporting the product when the time came. They mobilized to berate, threaten, and terrorize Wanna Thompson over tweeting that she wished Nicki’s content would mature, but didn’t turn out in the same force to actually support that content given the chance.
Do you know how many women get systematically blackballed out of their positions in an office building & can’t fight back?????
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
There are any number of reasons why Travis Scott outsold Nicki Minaj, but what it most likely boils down to is the music itself — as it should. Travis delivered a fully-fledged, cohesive album, the natural evolution of the sound we’ve come to expect from him. Astroworld is fully realized and bears repeat listens. The numbers bear that out, but anecdotally, I’ve had multiple people point out how many times they’ve listened to it. Plus, it’s emotive, revealing, and occasionally surprising.
Queen sounds like a Nicki Minaj album, yes, but not one she’s put thought into or worked hard on. She may have — but it doesn’t sound like it. It really is so strange to hear someone rapping like it’s 2013. The bars cover the same narrative territory she’s paced for four albums and ten years now. They may be some of her gulliest in a while, with nary an EDM blowout to unsettle the pacing, but they’re still upstaged by treacly pop and a lethargic approach to production.
Besides the lackluster effort on the musical front though, the true culprit might just be the simplest explanation, the enemy of every entertainer who’s chosen to make their living in the rap game: Time. Over time, tastes evolve. Fans grow up. New fans with new aesthetic sensibilities take their place. Today’s rap fans don’t exactly favor hyper-lyrical boom-bap, and on Queen, Nicki is as close as she’s ever come to that style, right down to her Biggie Smalls redux, “Barbie Dreams.”
Furthermore, as social media’s “gotcha”-style aversion to bullying and scandal has grown, Nicki’s use of an attack squadron of bullying cronies has likely turned off many would-be listeners, as has her recent collaboration with controversy magnet, Tekashi 69, whose legal troubles all-too-closely mirror those of Nicki’s brother, who was convicted of raping an underage girl. While Tekashi’s transgression was by no means on the same scale, finding nuance on Twitter is like squeezing blood from a stone. Between the rumors and Nicki’s persistent proxy pestering of anyone who dares criticize her, supporting her seems like a bad bet to many of her former fans and supporters.
People are calling me thinking I’m huffing & puffing. Omg y’all this is sarcasm/dry humor. Yikes. I’m having the most iconNIC time. Come let me kiss you. Who’s coming to the secret show? When people call me & hear me crackin up laughing they seem so puzzled. Loosen up
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
Nicki does have one point: It��s very suspect that, of all the artists to collaborate with Tekashi, only Nicki has been called out on this scale. Like nearly every woman in hip-hop before her, she’s judged by a double standard, and that’s wrong. She shouldn’t have to pay for her brother’s actions or those of her collaborators or even those of her fans — but she does have to answer for her own. She is often the catalyst in the Barbz’ attacks. She chose to make her album promo about practically everything but the music, then make the music about none of the intriguing life events many of her fans wanted insight into.
Nicki made herself the “bad guy” in a musical landscape that has turned on hip-hop heels and wants to see heroes flourish. She is the one who hyped up sales as the be-all, end-all, and as much as she protests that “this is sarcasm/dry humor,” it’s hard to believe her when she’s made the same complaints across multiple platforms for hours at a time. As the Queen of online provocation, Nicki has fallen into a trap she should know to avoid — overreacting online is never a good look.
Queen is out now via Young Money/Cash Money Records. Get it here.
source https://uproxx.com/hiphop/nicki-minaj-queen-album-sales-twitter-rant-travis-scott-astroworld/
0 notes
pierresonalthoughts · 7 years
im feeling like talking about myself to The Void™
so heres a whole ask prompt that im just gonna answer without nobody really asking for it or reading it, actually
ice cream asks
chocolate: when was your first kiss?
when i was 16, bc my best friend had kissed my our two best friends in a party, drunk off champagne, and she surprise gave me a kiss like a week later to keep it even. I answered saying ‘hey, i guess its a nice time to tell u that im gay?’. we laughed, got real awkward and never talked about that again
but if its the actual kiss that i did wanna have + w a boy, it was when i was 17, one week before the college exam for the one im currently in. bc it is technically the most difficult college exam of the country, or at least the one with biggest competition, i was so fckn nervous that i went on a tinder date with some boy who ended up being such a bad kisser, such a bad conversation and an acquaintance to like half my closest friends.
french vanilla: how old are you?
18, but nearly 19
cotton candy: three places you want to travel to?
germany, japan and england. i used to want to go to USA but with the whole current shituation? nope
strawberry: a language you wish you could speak?
im trying to learn french, german and japanese so theres those
coffee: favorite cosmetic brands?
no cosmetics, we die like goblins
mint chocolate chip: indoors or outdoors?
depends on the mood. i love walking through the outdoors but i literally spent 70% of this semester in my bed, so thats both a reason to favor both options
cookie dough: do you play any instruments?
nope, used to want to play guitar but rn ill just sing badly under my breath
rocky road: favorite songs at the moment?
i have a little playlist of songs that im listening ad nauseum at all times, but rn its either Praying, the whole Melodrama album or the whole Red Velvet new album
butter pecan: favorite songs for life?
between two lungs, the only exception, sakura-colored time capsule
cheesecake: what's your zodiac sign?
libra sun, virgo rising and idk my moon or the rest rly
toasted coconut: the beach or the pool?
pool is p much bootleg beach but i love both. but the whole beach is so good? walking by the shore, the activeness of the water, beach food, the sound of waves, just all in all 10/10
chocolate chip: what's your most popular post?
absolutely this 270k post
bubblegum: books or movies?
with the books i can just savor the story for way more time so books? and i can do it like at random times and places so thats right within my aesthetic whipping out a book at random moments.
but i both wish i had time to read in my shit rushed life and i definitely need more money to spend on actual books. so i end up watchin more movies since i can just watch it at 3am and with some easy pirating
pistachio: manga or anime?
same feelings about books vs movies
salted caramel: favorite movies?
i dont even know really
birthday cake: favorite books?
probably the hitchhiker series, but i love me some classical lit like jane austen and machado de assis
moose tracks: favorites for manga?
i love kuragehime with my life, mob psycho with my soul and jojo (parts 4,6,7) with my full love for extraness
orange sherbet: favorites for anime?
oh man, im going for the ones that made the most impressions on me, like ouran, madoka, bokurano, katanagari, nichijou and psycho pass
peanut butter: favorite academic subject?
like all? i shit you not that i liked all my subjects in high school and now in engineering college, i loved algorithms and data structures
black raspberry: do you have any pets?
nope but i rly want a cat
mango: when and why did you start your blog?
a friend of mine convinced me to read homestuck right after cascade, and when i read it i started following the updates here. so, since october/2011? the truly darkest times of this site. i remember seeing a full episode of doctor who in a 200 gifs gifset when photosets had no image limitation
mocha: ideal weather conditions?
i wanna say cloudy weather but that just makes me depressed. but i love when its raining enough to streets go empty but not enough to it being fully inconvenient when you have an umbrella, bc it makes for the most aesthetic strolls under a nice umbrella, with only my thoughts and music, and protected from the elements
black cherry: four words that describe you?
gay nerd depressed and supportive, i guess
neapolitan: things that stress you out?
my life, all the things i need to do and the possibility of stopping being good at the only things im good at
raspberry truffle: favorite kind of music?
i really cant find a pattern on my music taste so idk
chocolate marshmallow: favorite brands of candy?
i absolutely sold my soul to Fini, not even a question
toffee: a card game that you're good at?
ill kick anyones ass in Uno and ill kick my own ass in solitaire
lemon custard: do you eat breakfast?
yes im one of the few people i know that eats the breakfast from my college cafeteria, but thats mostly bc breakfast food is a loophole in my hundreds of picky eating no-nos
dark chocolate: turn ons?
any boy with piercings gets instant +3 on my 1-10 scale and im a sucker for perfume
fudge: turn offs?
general shitty personality, smoking and i guess i still have some fatphobia to deconstruct too
peach: how do you relax?
haha i dont. but i guess watching anime, scrolling through this hellsite, listening to some tunes, walking around aimlessly and making a cocoon out of myself in my bed count
praline: a popular book you haven't read yet?
im so out of touch with the current trends that i cant even say what i havent read
superman: do you like sweaters?
im living in hoodies for the last month or so but the general weather here is not exactly sweater weather and my hometown only goes from 25-31 celsius everyday of the year
cherry: do you drink tea or coffee?
i hate tea and most of my liquid intake is in coffee with milk
dulce de leche: an instrument you wish you could play?
the piano i guess
blackberry: have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
ofc, either with videos in the interwebs and with my friends
ginger: a new feature you wish tumblr could have?
a more efficient use of internet data when in mobile, bc good god im losing my life waiting for things to load
blueberry lemon: favorite blogs?
i love every webcomic that i follow
almond: favorite mean girls quote?
“too gay to function” is absolutely an accurate definition of me tbh
butterscotch: what color are your nails right now?
no color and 6/10 were bit off
cinnamon: have you ever been confessed to?
indirectly by a girl friend i had in my school, and by my bestfriend’s brother this may
blue moon: have you ever had a crush on someone?
hahahaha im pretty sure i had at least four painfully hopeless and debilitating crushes on straight boys ever since 2013
cappuccino crunch: do you take naps?
my sleeping schedule is so fucked up that i just pass out in the middle of the morning, afternoon or night, so thats both naps and my actual hours of sleep
mint: the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
hahaha nope, not unearthing any memories, nope, thank you
brownie batter: do you like sushi?
key lime: where do you want to be right now?
i wanna be home, in fortaleza
red velvet: do you wear prescription glasses?
yea, ever since i was 5 and i cant see shit without them
green tea: favorite flavors of ice cream?
neapolitan, cream and theres an ice cream shop in my hometown that has a lemon pie flavor that actually sent my soul to heaven
0 notes
213hiphopworldnews · 6 years
Nicki Minaj’s Upset Tirade Over ‘Queen’ Album Sales Is The Final Straw In A Flawed Campaign
Getty Image / Uproxx Studios
Nicki Minaj may have proven wildly adept at marshaling the powers of the social media sphere to promote her music and outsized persona to unprecedented success for a woman in hip-hop, but over this past weekend, she violated one of social media’s cardinal rules when it was revealed that Houston rapper Travis Scott’s Astroworld second-week sales would eclipse her Queen first-week sales; she reacted, going on an extended rant that proves just how bothered she truly is.
First, there were the tweets. Sunday afternoon saw the assertively outspoken rapper using the platform to try to explain away the perceived commercial failure of the album. “I put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling people to come see her and Stormi,” she wrote. She continued to try to further elucidate the behind-the-scenes maneuvering that led to Astroworld‘s higher sales totals.
Travis sold over 50K of these. With no requirement of redeeming the album! With no dates for a tour, etc. I spoke to him. He knows he doesn’t have the #1 album this week. I love my fans for the #1 album in AMERICA! I’ll explain on #QueenRadio 4 albums in, #1 in 86 countries pic.twitter.com/CiYEuczgm3
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
“Travis sold over 50K [tour pre-sale access passes that came with a digital copy of the album],” she went on. “With no requirement of redeeming the album! With no dates for a tour, etc. I spoke to him. He knows he doesn’t have the No. 1 album this week.” She bolstered her arguments with comparisons to other big name releases that have dropped in recent months. “I looked at the numbers the Carters, Kanye, Nas, etc recently did. Travis sold 200K in his first week off clothes alone. I spoke to him last night & he said he’s been selling clothes b4 the music. Billboard says they’ll change the rules cuz of this, so it should be changed now!”
I looked at the numbers the Carters, Kanye, Nas, etc recently did. Travis sold 200K in his first week of clothes alone. I spoke to him last night & he said he’s been selling clothes b4 the music. Billboard says they’ll change the rules cuz of this, so it should be changed now!
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
Then, her explanations turned downright accusatory as she laid a share of the blame at the feet of Spotify, which she says deliberately sabotaged her promotion on its service to punish her for previewing Queen early on Apple Music’s Beats 1 Radio. “Spotify had to teach me a lesson but rewarded the man who has had an Apple radio show the longest,” she raged. “They took away my promotion they had promised for the first couple days because of this.”
I put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling ppl to come see her & Stormi. lol. Im actually laughing. #Queen broke the record of being number 1 in 86 countries. Thank Jesus & thank you to my fans.
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
She concluded her tirade by retweeting supportive messages from her staunch Barbz fanbase, which has served as her loyal attack team as much as a listener base. While they were quick to buy into her conspiracy theories as fact, others were much more skeptical, however, wondering why Nicki felt the need to cop such pleas in the first place. After all, No. 2 is nothing to be ashamed of. Billboard reports that Queen racked up 185,000 equivalent album units earned. 78,000 of those were traditional album sales. That’s nothing to shake a stick at; Nicki has still outsold a number of other artists in the hip-hop arena, including the aforementioned Nas — a certified rap legend. She also had the second-largest week for an album by a female artist in 2018 — right after Cardi B, whose Invasion Of Privacy completed its first week with 255,000 units in April.
Spotify put drake’s face on every playlist but told me they’d have to teach me a lesson for playing my music 10 mins early on #QueenRadio. Even tho they’ve been giving away my music for free for years & I am one of the top Spotify artists of all time.
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
Spotify had to teach me a lesson but rewarded the man who has had an Apple radio show the longest; inadvertently helping the Apple platform the most. Oh I can’t wait for #QueenRadio on Tuesday. They took away my promotion they had promised for the 1st cpl days b/c of this. #Queen
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
My music went up on Apple so I played it. I assumed it was on Spotify & Tidal at the same time. Spotify said that Apple tweeted fans advising #Queen was up & therefore they had to teach me a lesson. But PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!!!
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
However, maybe that’s the problem. As tiresome as it is to compare Nicki Minaj and Cardi B again, it seems their fortunes have been inextricably linked by the ongoing “are they beefing or not?” narrative that defined the late part of 2017 and early 2018. Nicki herself has made her sales figures her proudest talking point, boasting that “these b*tches is my sons” with regards to album sales since her very first album, Pink Friday. They’re a fixture of any number of interviews about her never-before-seen level of success as a woman rapper. Her sales, as much as any other aspect of her brand, have come to define what she sees as success. So, of course, it rankles that an album in its second week outsold her latest — especially since most albums see a significant falloff in sales in their second weeks.
The thing is, Nicki’s arguments don’t hold up on examination. She sold her album with merchandise bundles as well. She pushed Queen with an extended, dramatic rollout featuring tearful interviews, colorful costumes, multiple singles, late-night appearances, and all the other hallmarks of a traditional promotional cycle. She did everything she could to drum up interest in her album, but her Barbz seemed more interested in harassing journalists than supporting the product when the time came. They mobilized to berate, threaten, and terrorize Wanna Thompson over tweeting that she wished Nicki’s content would mature, but didn’t turn out in the same force to actually support that content given the chance.
Do you know how many women get systematically blackballed out of their positions in an office building & can’t fight back?????
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
There are any number of reasons why Travis Scott outsold Nicki Minaj, but what it most likely boils down to is the music itself — as it should. Travis delivered a fully-fledged, cohesive album, the natural evolution of the sound we’ve come to expect from him. Astroworld is fully realized and bears repeat listens. The numbers bear that out, but anecdotally, I’ve had multiple people point out how many times they’ve listened to it. Plus, it’s emotive, revealing, and occasionally surprising.
Queen sounds like a Nicki Minaj album, yes, but not one she’s put thought into or worked hard on. She may have — but it doesn’t sound like it. It really is so strange to hear someone rapping like it’s 2013. The bars cover the same narrative territory she’s paced for four albums and ten years now. They may be some of her gulliest in a while, with nary an EDM blowout to unsettle the pacing, but they’re still upstaged by treacly pop and a lethargic approach to production.
Besides the lackluster effort on the musical front though, the true culprit might just be the simplest explanation, the enemy of every entertainer who’s chosen to make their living in the rap game: Time. Over time, tastes evolve. Fans grow up. New fans with new aesthetic sensibilities take their place. Today’s rap fans don’t exactly favor hyper-lyrical boom-bap, and on Queen, Nicki is as close as she’s ever come to that style, right down to her Biggie Smalls redux, “Barbie Dreams.”
Furthermore, as social media’s “gotcha”-style aversion to bullying and scandal has grown, Nicki’s use of an attack squadron of bullying cronies has likely turned off many would-be listeners, as has her recent collaboration with controversy magnet, Tekashi 69, whose legal troubles all-too-closely mirror those of Nicki’s brother, who was convicted of raping an underage girl. While Tekashi’s transgression was by no means on the same scale, finding nuance on Twitter is like squeezing blood from a stone. Between the rumors and Nicki’s persistent proxy pestering of anyone who dares criticize her, supporting her seems like a bad bet to many of her former fans and supporters.
People are calling me thinking I’m huffing & puffing. Omg y’all this is sarcasm/dry humor. Yikes. I’m having the most iconNIC time. Come let me kiss you. Who’s coming to the secret show? When people call me & hear me crackin up laughing they seem so puzzled. Loosen up
— QUEEN (@NICKIMINAJ) August 19, 2018
Nicki does have one point: It’s very suspect that, of all the artists to collaborate with Tekashi, only Nicki has been called out on this scale. Like nearly every woman in hip-hop before her, she’s judged by a double standard, and that’s wrong. She shouldn’t have to pay for her brother’s actions or those of her collaborators or even those of her fans — but she does have to answer for her own. She is often the catalyst in the Barbz’ attacks. She chose to make her album promo about practically everything but the music, then make the music about none of the intriguing life events many of her fans wanted insight into.
Nicki made herself the “bad guy” in a musical landscape that has turned on hip-hop heels and wants to see heroes flourish. She is the one who hyped up sales as the be-all, end-all, and as much as she protests that “this is sarcasm/dry humor,” it’s hard to believe her when she’s made the same complaints across multiple platforms for hours at a time. As the Queen of online provocation, Nicki has fallen into a trap she should know to avoid — overreacting online is never a good look.
Queen is out now via Young Money/Cash Money Records. Get it here.
source https://uproxx.com/hiphop/nicki-minaj-queen-album-sales-twitter-rant-travis-scott-astroworld/
0 notes