#and it’s implied he used to join in before Nancy
j0nathanby3rs · 5 months
jonathan byers is not this deeply flawed irredeemable monster for doing something really fucking creepy and wrong once when he was 16 and the amount of people who don’t get that is insane
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blushweddinggowns · 3 months
“Your boyfriend,” Chirssy sighed as she picked through Nancy’s clothes, “Y’know, Steve?”
Robin blinked at her, “You think I’m dating Steve?”
That was a silly question, “Of course I do. Why wouldn’t I? You guys are all over each other.”
They were. Piggy back rides, cuddling on the couch together, constantly invading each other’s personal space. The only person worse with Steve was Eddie, but Chrissy figured that just came with being best friends for over a decade. She didn’t exactly have a frame of reference for that, considering her first real friends were barely six months old. 
Chrissy just hadn’t expected Robin to burst out laughing. Hard enough to double over.
Robin wiped at her eyes, barely managing to speak through her own cackles, “That’s-oh my god. How have we fucked up this badly?” 
Chrissy could feel a flush creep up her neck, embarrassment kicking in. She hated when she wasn’t in on the joke. It usually meant that it was actually on her,  “Don't be mean.”
“No!” Robin rushed out to say, effortlessly catching on to the look on Chrissy’s face, “No! I-I don’t mean- you’re not stupid! I am. We are. For… reasons. But we aren’t dating.”
That didn’t make any sense. Unless… was Steve leading her on? Was he the type of guy to do that?
Chrissy raised a brow at her, “So what are you doing? The two of you are attached at the hip. Unless he just drives you around everywhere for fun?”
Chrissy could tell Robin was still trying not to laugh. She was failing at it too, obvious as she hid it behind her hand. 
“Stop laughing at me,” Chrissy grumbled. 
“I’m not! I’m just laughing near you,” Robin said quickly. She turned to Steve, “Hey babe, can you come over here for a second?”
He came trotting right over, leaving Eddie to argue with Nancy in his place. He kind of reminded her of a dog, but in a cute way. Like a golden retriever boyfriend. 
Robin wrapped an arm around his shoulder the second he was within reach. She grinned at him, shaking him the slightest bit, “How would you feel about us going out some time?”
Steve stared at her, obviously confused, “Huh?”
“You, me,” Robin went on, “The whole boyfriend girlfriend shtick. What do you say?”
Chrissy didn’t expect to Steve physically cringe, like the idea completely disgusted him, “Ew, no.”
Robin scoffed but she didn’t look very surprised, “Fucking rude.”
“No!” Steve said, raising his hands to placate, “I don’t mean you’re gross! I mean it would be like banging my sister!”
It was Robin’s turn to cringe, “Dude, ew.”
Chrissy didn’t understand what was happening. She stared at them, blurting the question out, “You guys aren’t together?”
Robin did a set of jazz hands, “Nope. Absolutely zero attraction between us. See?”
“But why?” Chrissy asked, looking between the two of them, “You both seem so perfect for each other.”
“Hey Eddie,” Steve called, a weird smile on his face, “What do you think? Are Robin and I perfect for each other?”
Suddenly Robin had that same look, “Yeah. He knows Steve better than anybody. Let's have him weigh in.”
Eddie groaned as he came over, clearly eavesdropping the entire time. He left Nancy to dig around her closet, walking up next to Steve with a sigh, “Are we really doing this? Really?”
Robin gasped, faking a faint, “Are you implying that I’m not good enough for Steve?”
Steve gasped right along with her, joining in with the dramatics while Chrissy was still lost, “I think he might be.”
“As fun as this little game is,” Eddie sighed, “I think we should just tell her. I’m tired of keeping my hands to myself anyway.”
Steve looked at him, head cocked, “You think so?”
“Why not?”
Steve shrugged, his eyes landing back onto Chrissy. His voice dipped down, more serious then before. He was talking like he was speaking to Eddie, but Eddie wasn’t the one he was staring down as he spoke, “It makes sense. I think the chances of it going badly are pretty low. The alternative wouldn’t be very wise.”
Chrissy was reminded, not for the first time, why she thought Steve was the scarier one of the best friend duo. 
But then Eddie was clamping a hand onto Steve’s shoulder, pulling him closer as he mumbled in his ear, “Put the claws away angel. I highly doubt she's like that. Plus she's been through enough for one day. Don't you think?”
It was actually pretty impressive, how easily a few words had Steve’s face transforming from scarily defensive to pleasantly neutral. It nearly looked like the words made him shiver, “I-you're right. Sorry Chris. I'm just… sensitive about it “
“I have no idea what’s going on,” Chrissy said, completely unable to accept an apology that she didn’t understand, “What is happening?”
And what did Eddie just call him? 
Eddie went on, “Well… we kind of have this thing when we’re in a near death experience. Or at least adjacent to it. Where we, well, kind of let loose? So we might as well warn you about what you’re going to see beforehand.”
Chrissy stared as Steve leaned further into him, nearly too close. No, definitely too close. He was basically nuzzling the side of Eddie’s face as he spoke, “You’re making it sound like we’re going to commit public indecency in front of her. And I’m the one who needs to calm down?”
Chrissy still didn’t get it. But her brain was still trying to work it out, fitting the weird pieces together. The way they were leaning into each other. The fact that Steve, for some bizarre reason didn’t want the best girl in the country, despite the fact that Robin was right there. How Eddie was instantly able to calm him down. 
“Uh, you okay there Chris?” Eddie asked, watching right at the realization hit her.
She was not okay. Not because of Eddie and Steve, but because this meant Robin was single. And she had been the entire damn time. 
Chrissy shook herself out of the stupid thought, just because she wasn’t taken didn’t mean she had a chance-
“Yeah, we’re kind of the queer trio over here,” Robin added, effortlessly grinding Chrissy’s train of thought back to a halt, “I um, probably should have told you sooner but piggybacking on their coming out seems appropriate.”
Nancy snorted, her outfit choices formalized as she walked over, “If you’re the queer trio what does that make me? The straight fourth wheel?”
They were all talking about it so casually. Like the thing that has plagued Chrissy’s mind for years, filling her with guilt and doubt, didn’t matter. It was normal, it was fine, and Robin liked girls.
She was pretty sure she was going to faint. But before she could her mouth was opening, “That’s- I - Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”
Her voice came out more forceful than she expected. Though in her defense, she just found out that she had a real shot with her best friend the same day her life was in danger. She was feeling frazzled, but she corrected herself when she was met with silence, “I-I’m fine with it! Really! I j-just wish I had known.”
Nancy looked at her sympathetically, “Did you have a crush on one of them too? I get it, Steve got me the first time we started getting close. But I promise it’s not that hard to get over it.”
“No!” Chrissy said quickly, again with too much force, “I’m just surprised. T-That’s it. Everything’s fine.”
“Think you got the wrong category there Nance,” Steve mumbled under his breathe, yelping when Robin pinched his arm with a sharp glare. 
“Ignore him,” Robin said with a sad smile, “He doesn’t get everyone doesn’t have the gay gene.”
Chrissy nodded, her eyes trailing the flush that was going up Robin’s neck. Suddenly her mouth felt dry, the urge to correct her coming out full force. She shouldn’t tell them, right? It was wrong, it was bad, it didn't make sense. Because she knew they weren’t wrong. They weren’t bad. And Chrissy was so, so, tired of other people’s words invading her own thoughts. 
Nancy was laying the clothes out, the only one capable of getting everyone back on task, “Since it looks like neither of you were actually looking. I picked these out for you-”
“I have it,” Chrissy blurted out, her eyes still on the clothes on the bed. She refused to look up for any of their reactions, “The um, what you guys were talking about earlier. Me too. And I like the blue skirt.”
Nancy was the only one who didn’t miss a beat, “Ah, so now there’s four. Good for you. And I agree with the skirt, it will make you look a little taller with the heels and the elongation. We can get you to pass for a college student for sure. Robin, what do you think about the pink?”
from the next chapter of this fic
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Eddie really tries to graduate this time. And he means really. He asks the whole party for their help, and the kids reluctantly agree that although they’re smart, they’re not that far ahead.
But they find a clear solution: Nancy.
And she tries everything. Flashcards. Acronyms. Word association. Practice quizzes. Textbook problems…
A few hours in, she gives Eddie a tight smile and says, “Maybe you need a break.” She immediately heads down to the basement where everyone else is hanging out.
Eddie sighs because that’s definitely code for Nancy needs a break from him and his multiple failed practice quizzes. He doesn’t stand a chance.
He hears the stairs creak as someone makes their way up. Steve’s head pops around the corner. “How’s it going?”
“Did Nancy send you up here?” Eddie asks.
Steve makes his way to the table and sits next to Eddie while saying, “No, but I did notice the look on her face. She used to try to tutor me, too.”
“How’d that work out for you?” Eddie asks genuinely curious.
“I got a girlfriend and an F,” Steve answers, digging though the papers spread all over the table. He picks up a stack of flashcards and smiles. “Ahh, the infamous Nancy Wheeler flashcards. Color coded by difficulty.”
Eddie fidgets with his rings and bites out, “If that was the case, they should all be the same color. I don’t know, man. I just don’t care. Information in one ear out the other.”
Steve nods in agreement and pauses in thought - if the furrowed brow is any indication. “What do you care about?” Steve asks.
Eddie shrugs, at a loss as to what Steve is asking.
“Dungeons and dragons!” Steve exclaims and throws his arms up as if it’s the answer to all of Eddie’s problems.
“Yeah, I’m not following.”
Steve stands up and starts going through the pile of notes. “This is all for history, right?”
Eddie nods.
“Perfect. All you have to do is treat it like a campaign.”
Eddie’s head spins as he takes in Steve’s idea that actually clicks in his head. He also can’t help but wonder how many times Dustin has ranted to Steve about D&D for him to call it a campaign instead of a “game” like most people do.
“Steve, you’re a genius.”
Steve shrugs. “I’m not sure if you can say that about someone who couldn’t get into college.”
Eddie squeezes Steve’s arm and comments, “At least you graduated high school.”
“I wouldn’t have if I didn’t have the Harrington family name with their yearly donations to Hawkins High,” Steve confesses. He shakes his head and taps the table once before wishing Eddie good luck and making his way back down the stairs.
Eddie gets to work on the abridged version of a campaign.
A week passes before Eddie gets his test score back. He takes a deep breath and glances at the top of the packet.
An A. Eddie Munson got an A.
He also got a note under it that says, “Meet me after class.” Fuck.
After class, the teacher tries to imply that Eddie somehow cheated until he pulls out the pages of planning and notes he had taken in preparation for the test. The teacher easily dismisses him without an apology… bitch.
When Eddie sees the kids at lunch, he immediately shows them the test. It only stings slightly when everyone thinks he’s joking, but the satisfaction of proving them wrong is way more fulfilling.
After school, Eddie immediately finds Steve working at the Family Video.
“Steve Harrington, I could kiss you right now!” Eddie announces to the thankfully empty store. He slams the test down on the counter and beams.
It takes Steve a moment, but then he realizes what Eddie is showing him. “Dude!” Steve yells and scales the counter. “Dude!” He grabs Eddie’s arms excitedly and begins jumping up and down. Eddie joins in.
It’s absolutely childish, and Eddie loves every second of it.
They calm down for a few moments, catching their breath. Then, Steve catches sight of the test again and excitedly yells, “I could also kiss you right now!”
Eddie smiles and easily flirts, “You could.”
And Steve does. Right there in the middle of the Family Video store.
When the two pull away Eddie jokes, “Is this what I get every time I get an A?”
Steve laughs. “If you want it to be.”
Eddie smiles and says, “I’ll hold you to it.”
That semester, Eddie has to convince a lot of teachers that he isn’t cheating before he graduates.
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myosotisa · 1 year
scoops steve is a mood so can I request scoops steve??
you absolutely can, my friend!! here is some jealous!Reader with some Scoops Ahoy Steve
New and Different
ǁ summary: You visit your boyfriend at work for the first time and catch him talking with an old classmate. Your envy takes over.
ǁ tags: implied fem!reader, jealousy, happy ending, fluffy, content warning for scoops ahoy shorts because they are simply too much
ǁ word count: 1.8k
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One of the problems with Steve working at Scoops Ahoy is that stupid little outfit he has to wear every day.
The two of you had only been dating a few weeks when you decided to visit him at work for the first time. You’d seen the outfit before, of course, but only in the privacy of your own home where it felt like all the thigh on display was completely for your own enjoyment. Seeing him wearing it in public leaves a sour taste in your mouth that you are reluctant to acknowledge is a burning pit of jealousy.
“Well if it isn’t my favorite customer,” his smile is absolutely radiant in the bright overheads of the shop the moment he sees you. “To what do I owe the pleasure of getting to see such a babe during my work day?”
“That depends,” no one is waiting to order so you walk right up to the counter, hands pressed to the vinyl as you lean in toward him, “how many free samples are you allowed to give out?”
He laughs, shaking his head at you as the corners of his eyes crinkle in joy. “For you? I’d sample every flavor.”
The sentiment makes your heart warm as it thumps in your chest. A bit shy, you ask, “Even though you hate people asking for a ton of samples?”
“What can I say?” His head tilts to the side, a lazy smile tilting his mouth. “I’m a sucker for a pretty face.”
It’s your turn to laugh, blood rushing to your face in embarrassment. “Okay, smooth operator, why don’t you–”
“God, will you two STOP.” Robin pushes her way out of the swinging doors to your left with a dramatic flourish, hands in the air as she gives you her most exasperated look yet. “We get it, you’re in puppy love, you’re making us all sick with your shit.”
Steve rolls his eyes, crossing his thick arms over his broad chest as he leans a hip against the counter to tilt toward her. “You’re just jealous you’re sad and alone.”
“Wow, dingus, that really hurts,” she retorts in a total monotone, “how will I ever recover from being attacked like this?”
“Sorry Robin,” you offer to try and limit their bickering, an apologetic smile flashed her way. She seems to appreciate the gesture at the very least as she goes to grab what she came to the front for before disappearing back into the kitchen.
Steve is quick to offer you an apology on her behalf that you insist you don’t need and the two of you go back to awkwardly flirting while he puts together a two scoop bowl of ice cream for you. He has a break in 15 minutes or so, encouraging you to take a seat so he can join you when he is able to relinquish his post.
Having no plans this afternoon, you’re quick to agree, settling into a booth on the left hand wall with a view of your pretty boyfriend behind the Scoops Ahoy counter.
Unfortunately, you are not the only one vying for a view of your pretty boyfriend behind the Scoops Ahoy counter.
Honestly, you don’t even remember her name. Someone from high school that had never said two words to you but probably was an attendee at all of Steve’s parties in his big, empty house on the edge of town. He’d told you recently that people from high school hadn’t treated him very kindly since he started working at the mall – after his falling out with Tommy, his breakup with Nancy, and his failure to get into college, he had changed a lot. So you can see the apprehension he is trying to hide as she approaches the counter and he greets her.
He looks utterly delighted when she not only remembers him, but also seems happy to see him. Acting like old friends catching up and not just 2 people who were acquaintances catching up barely 2 months after graduating in the same class. He’s all bright smiles as he takes her order and they keep talking and you really, really want to be happy for him. You should be happy that he is finally interacting with someone who knew him at King Steve and isn’t being rude or dismissive of him now. That is what a girlfriend should want for her boyfriend.
But she is laughing too brightly and airly. Her hair is twisted around her finger and she looks way more popular – and therefore more attractive – than you. She’s watching him too closely, her gaze shifting down to his ass and thighs in his stupid little shorts when he turns around. And when he hands her the waffle cone she ordered, her fingers linger a little too long on his. Plus, you bet she doodled her phone number with a little heart next to it on her receipt when she slid it back to him. Bitch.
Okay, wait. Hold on there. The little green monster of envy that you try to hide deep in your gut very quickly took the reins of your thoughts for a few moments there. You trust Steve and you know he would never do anything to encourage someone flirting with him or do anything to betray you like that. He probably has no idea she was flirting/checking him out and he doesn’t even look twice when she struts out of the store and calls back to Robin that he’s taking his break.
Which doesn’t leave you nearly enough time to try to recover from your jealousy and the shame that accompanies it before he’s sliding into the booth across from you.
“Hey honey, is this seat taken?” He asks, like a loser, even though he is already sitting in it.
Clearing your throat in an attempt to fully reset yourself, you offer your best attempt at a flirty retort. “Actually, I was saving it for my boyfriend.”
And there’s that lovesick smile again, the apples of his cheeks dusting pink as he runs a hand through his hat-hair. “Well isn’t he a lucky guy?” You hum an agreement before returning your attention to your almost entirely uneaten ice cream that has been steadily melting in front of you since he handed it to you 15 minutes ago. “You’ve barely eaten a bite, did you end up not liking what you picked? Because I can go and grab something else–”
He’s halfway out of his seat again when you hold out a hand to stop him. “No, no, it’s good. Totally fine. I just got distracted, that’s all.”
“Oh, okay.” Falling back to sit, he takes your outstretched hand in his own and rubs his thumb back and forth over your knuckles. “What was so distracting that you let award winning Scoops Ahoy brand ice cream melt?” He can barely say it with a serious face, and he makes sure to draw out the word distracting like he knows the answer. And he’s probably assuming you were distracted looking at him, which, in a way, you technically were. Just not in the way that he thinks.
“That girl who was just in here,” his eyebrows raise, pink lips forming a small ‘o’ in surprise, obviously having not anticipated this topic of conversation, “I don’t remember her name, but she went to school with us, right?”
“Yeah, Anna Jakobi. She said she was doing some shopping for some party on Saturday at Carla’s, asked if I wanted to go.”
It feels like your heart drops into your stomach. “Are you going to go?”
His eyebrows draw together on his forehead, obviously confused. “No? I work in the afternoon and then we are going to see a movie with Dustin before he leaves for camp. That’s still the plan, right?”
Although slightly relieved, you still don’t feel entirely settled. “That was the plan but if you’d rather go to this party at Carla’s then you can, I won’t stop you–”
“Hey.” You return to making eye contact with him, not realizing you’d been avoiding doing so for the last few minutes. He looks confused and concerned, his grip on your hand tightening slightly. “Did I do something wrong? It kinda feels like you’re mad at me.”
“No!” You try to assure him, way too quickly to sound normal, as you bring your other hand up to rub at your forehead. “You didn’t do anything wrong at all, you’re perfect, I promise.”
“Then what’s bothering you?”
How are you going to get out of this one?
After taking a few moments to try to find an excuse, you settle on: “I just know you’ve been kinda bummed about losing some of the people you talked to in high school as friends so it sounds like a good opportunity to, I dunno… Reconnect with some of them.”
He chuckles again, a small smile returning. “I don’t really know if I would call a lot of those people my ‘friends’. But you’re right, I was pretty bummed.” A long exhale leaves his nose, his eyes falling to watch his thumb as it continues its gentle glide across your knuckles. “Still, I would much rather spend time with you and Dustin than go to some party.”
You want to believe it. You really do. But the jealousy had linked hands with your insecurity and muddled everything up. “You’d probably have a lot more fun with them,” and you follow it up with an awkward laugh. If only you could bring those words back into your mouth and swallow them so they were never heard from again.
“No way,” he shakes his head, honey shaded eyes returning to yours with a certainty that makes you feel all warm inside, “nothing’s more fun than spending time with my girl.”
The ice melts further, your posture visibly relaxing at the term of endearment as you layer your other hand on top of his. He looks relieved at the smile that returns to you before you see an idea visibly click behind his gaze. “Wait, were you jealous? About me talking to Anna?”
The way you quickly squeak out a “No” makes your case in no way convincing.
And where you’re expecting disgust or anger or maybe pity, you find none. If anything, he looks delighted at this discovery. “You were jealous. That’s why you sat here that whole time without eating any of your ice cream.”
Embarrassment piles on top of your shame, your mood plummeting. “Don’t be mean, Steve.”
He just shrugs, his delighted expression never falling. “I don’t know, honey. It’s kind of a turn on.”
It’s your turn to be shocked, sitting up straighter as you blink your widened eyes rapidly. “What?”
“You seeing me talking to a girl and getting all possessive over me? That’s hot, actually.”
Your heart is absolutely hammering in your chest as you mirror the smile on his face. “Oh yeah?”
“Hell yeah,” he confirms a little too enthusiastically, grabbing the attention of someone walking in before you both duck your heads and giggle when they look away. “You can get possessive over me all you want, babe. I’m yours and you’re mine. My girl.”
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songforeddiemunson · 3 months
Haunting in Blackwood Hollow Part 2
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An Eddie Munson x F!Reader Miniseries
Series Summary: It’s the year 1991. Eddie and reader check into a rented house in the Appalachian woods, joined by Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin. Unfortunately for our gang, things in Blackwood Hollow are never as they appear.
Tropes: established relationship, Jonathan x Nancy, no mention of the events from ST, smut, comedy, fluff, scares, bit of whump (but nothing too crazy)
Series Warnings: Swearing, drinking and weed use, sexual and scary situations, minors please DNI.
Chapter Two: Fool Me Once
Chapter warnings: naughty language, mentions of drinking, weed use. Smut, p in v sex, bit rough (you like it) wrap it before you tap it. Spooky situations
Author's Note: Thanks so much for the smut inspo, @hiscrimsonangel (with this post haha iykyk)
Word Count: ~3K
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You stayed up quite late that first night catching up with your old friends, drinking cans of pilsner or oversweet margarita mix from sticky solo cups, laughing your asses off, the ouija board forgotten and back in its box. No longer a big fan of heavy drinking yourself, you cut yourself off after just a few drinks, preferring the more mellow buzz of herb than bubbles. 
Jonathan got quite drunk, which was a riot, and his friendly ribbing of Steve always increased in that state, to the delight of everyone in the room. Despite Steve’s history with Nancy (and subsequently Jonathan), the three of them managed to become great friends. 
Robin bemoaned what she referred to as her perpetual spinsterhood, making you all laugh; “I don’t think you can legally call yourself a spinster at 23,” Steve said. “Just enjoy not being tied down yet,” he finished, causing the rest of the room to tease him for projecting, considering he couldn’t seem to find his one-and-only either (but he pretended he didn’t mind, fooling nobody). 
Steve dated plenty, but Robin struggled with it more than he did for obvious reasons. The two of them were roommates for a time in Indianapolis before going their separate ways. The catalyst; one of Steve’s hookups once implied she would like Robin to join them in the bedroom, which horrified them both so much they ultimately got separate places but still lived on the same block. Robin managed a coffee shop and spoke about her wish to try out for the Indianapolis Philharmonic, which thrilled her but made her so nervous she became nauseated whenever she thought about it for too long. Steve had been employed as a junior high school basketball coach for the past year and decided he would like to go back to school for academic sports; he loved working with the kids.
Nancy filled in the group regarding her grad school studies at Columbia University in New York City for journalism. It was hard work but, true to form, Nancy was excelling, and she had a bright future in print journalism in the city. Jonathan had relocated to be with her and was working as a freelance photographer when he wasn’t working in the kitchen of a popular Brooklyn restaurant. He had ultimately decided not to pursue college and chose to support Nancy instead, thinking that would be the best chance for them as a couple. It caused a lot of friction at first, with Nancy initially pushing Jonathan to go to college, but they were able to work through it and had come out stronger.
After high school Eddie had tried his hand at being a musician, mechanic, bartender and assorted other odd jobs with limited success, and ultimately decided to attend vocational school to become a tattoo artist, which was truly his calling. All the doodles he made for Corroded Coffin and the Hellfire Club paid off, and he was one of the most sought-after ink artists in St. Louis, earning enough for the two of you to live in a nice apartment, despite your modest salary as an administrative assistant for a dentist’s office.  
You were all thriving, and it was wonderful to celebrate each other’s successes. The wedding rehearsal was the following evening, and you looked forward to catching up with the younger kids there– “kids” who were all legal adults by this time; a fact that none of you could believe nor enjoyed thinking about. You were all relieved that you weren’t staying with them, despite the less than ideal location in which you found yourselves; those kids were like a pack of ferrets on cocaine, especially when they were all together. It would be too much, so you stuck with your own age bracket.
Finally, around two in the morning, Robin decided to turn in. Nancy and Jonathan followed about fifteen minutes later, leaving you and Eddie alone with Steve.
You stretched and yawned. “I think it’s time for bed. You coming Eddie?”
Eddie waggled his eyebrows at you. “I don’t know, am I?” he asked, his voice dripping with hyperbolic innuendo.
You laughed and gave him a smack on his tightly bedenimed rear end. “Just get moving, Munson.” 
“Yes ma’am,” he saluted, while Steve rolled his eyes.
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It turns out that mercifully, someone did actually change the sheets.
A blessing, honestly, considering you were currently tangled up in them, with the sharp bones of Eddie’s pelvis almost painfully pressing into the soft flesh of your thighs. The bed, old and squeaky with a metal frame that resembled something out of a cold war era prison, was a loud testament to the rhythm of your sex. You couldn’t be bothered to care much, since it felt incredible. The few cans of PBR you had chugged didn’t hurt either.
Eddie had you pinned to the mattress, caged between his arms as he nuzzled and suckled your neck, punctuating soft kisses with nips that would surely leave a mark. You enjoyed it like this sometimes, when he would manhandle you just a bit, claiming you, marking you, and fucking you roughly into the mattress. Sure, there was a time and place for soft lovemaking, but sometimes, you just wanted to be nailed.
“Feel so good baby,” he murmured into your ear, barely more than an exhalation, most of his efforts being concentrated on slamming his cock into your depths. You could barely do more than wiggle and squeal with the way he had you immobilized, which seemed to heighten every sensation. Even his breathy little grunts and gasps were sending you into the stratosphere. You clawed at his back, and the resulting moan in your ear helped bring on climax number three, and you bit into Eddie’s shoulder to stifle your cries.
Eddie’s pace began to falter, and he grasped your waist roughly with his fingers as he shuddered and thrust to his own completion, ending with a final grind of his hips against your sensitive clit, making you yelp. “Ha,” he burst triumphantly; he could be a cocky shit when it came to the pleasures he could draw out of you. He also wasn’t wrong. 
After a tender kiss, Eddie rolled off of you and retrieved his boxers from the floor, sliding them on before fumbling around on the bedside table for his smokes.  He lay back down with his back propped up against the pillow, lighting a cigarette and sighing contentedly. He looked at you and grinned.
“You think everyone heard us?”
You chuckled. “I don’t see how they couldn’t,” you said, as you dressed in a tank top and sweatpants. “This bed is so squeaky, it almost wasn’t worth even trying to be quiet.” 
Eddie laughed. “You sound so cute though when you try,” he said as he flicked his ash into the ashtray on his nightstand. “All squeaky and whiny,” he finished with a wink.
“How dare you,” you joked. “I’m a vision of propriety.”
“Properly fucked, you mean.”
“Eddie!” you scolded, laughing.
“I’ll take it back when it stops being true darlin.’” 
“You’re the worst,” you countered.
“You love me,” he said.
“Dammit, you’re right, I do,” you said. You bent to kiss him, and as you pressed your lips to his, you felt him smile.
“I love you too babe,” he said. 
It was incredible, how he could still make your heart beat faster after all this time.
You headed into the ensuite bathroom and started to go through your usual bedtime routine of brushing your teeth and washing your face. You were suddenly struck by how exhausted you were; between traveling, cleaning, drinking (and smoking) and some vigorous sex, you were thoroughly spent. You glimpsed through the open bathroom door that Eddie had picked up his paperback of Needful Things, and was reading it by the light of the table lamp.
You clicked off the bathroom light and were just about to exit when something caught your eye out of the window. You peered closer to the thick glass to get a better look.  
There was someone standing below on the lawn.
You couldn’t make out any details, but you had the sudden, hair-raising sense that whoever it was was looking right at you.
You jumped backward in alarm.  "Eddie!” you shouted. 
He was out of bed and by your side in an instant. “What?!  A rat?  Why are you standing in the dark, babe?”  He peered around the room intently.
“No, down there!”  You pointed out the window, down onto the grass, but now the figure was gone.  “But…but it was there a second ago…”
Eddie bent to the glass for a closer look, brows furrowed.  "I don’t see anything. What was it?“
"A person! They were definitely standing down there. And babe– I swear it was looking at me.”
A look of intense wariness crossed his features, and he straightened, all business.  "Are you sure?“
"Yes! It was right there!”
“Stay here.”  He was out of the bathroom like a shot. He quickly pulled on his flannel pajama pants and strode from the bedroom.  You waited with your heart in your throat as you heard the front door below you creak open.  You watched out the window as Eddie came into view on the lawn, carrying a fireplace poker in one hand. He clicked on a flashlight and began to sweep the property with it.  It was late, and the shadows from the trees that peppered the property created long ribbons of darkness across the grass that the lights from the house were unable to penetrate.  You realized that it must have been difficult for Eddie to see out there, even armed with a flashlight, and you broke into gooseflesh at the thought.
Screw this, I’m not leaving him alone out there, you thought to yourself, and left the bathroom.  Eddie hadn’t turned on any of the lights in his wake, and in the darkness the house had taken on an even more sinister quality than when you had arrived. You tried to push it out of your mind, dismissing it as the aftershock from your scare. It permeated regardless, with a nearly palpable weight. You hurried downstairs and toward the front door, clicking on lights as you went.  The downstairs area was deserted; everyone else must have also turned in. You quickly scanned the entry area for a weapon, finding only an umbrella. It would have to do.
You stepped outside, eyes sweeping the lawn for Eddie, hearing only crickets as you peered into the trees. In the moments since you had taken your eyes off of him he had disappeared from view. Your heart was pounding and your breath misted around you in the chilly night air.  You crept forward slowly, and you found that your eyes were having difficulty adjusting to the darkness. The shadows were too inconsistent. Anyone could be watching me from those trees and I’d never know it, you thought. Dammit babe, where did you go? 
“Babe?” you called softly.  Silence. “Eddie,” you called again, a little louder this time. Was that a twig snapping?
“What?” said a voice, from directly behind you.
You squeaked with fright and whirled, striking out with the umbrella.  "Ow, what the fuck?!“ Eddie bent forward, clutching his head.
"Oh my fucking god Eddie! You scared me!”
He rubbed his head in irritation where you had whacked him, mussing up his curls. “What are you doing out here? I asked you to stay inside!”
“I’m sorry! I couldn’t just stand there waiting for you. Are you alright?” you stood on your toes to get a better look at your boyfriend’s scalp, but thankfully there was no blood.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” he said, then sighed resignedly.  "I didn’t see anything in front, so I circled round the back to be sure. There’s nothing out here that I can see.  Are you sure you saw someone?“
“Your eyes couldn’t have been playing tricks on you?”
“Edward,” you said, your voice taking on an acerbic tone. “You know I’m not prone to hysterics.”
“Fair enough,” he shrugged, and hugged you to him.  "Maybe it was Steve or something.”
“If it was, where is he now? I didn’t see anyone when I came downstairs.”
Eddie could only shrug at that.
Once back inside, he bolted the front door. "Seems solid,” he said.  He went around the house and checked to be sure all the windows and the back door were locked, and when he was satisfied, you went back to the bedroom together.  As you passed Jonathan and Nancy’s room, Jonathan opened the door and poked his head out, his hair mussed and sticking up in every direction.  
“Someone scream?” he mumbled blearily.
“Eddie saw a spider, go back to bed,” you said. Eddie shot daggers at you with his eyes, but a slight upward curl of his lips belied his irritation. Jonathan only nodded and closed his door.
Back in your own room, you undressed and crawled under the covers, snuggling up to Eddie.
It was quiet for a moment, but the wheels in your mind were still turning. “Maybe it was just a local cutting across the lawn on the way somewhere. They may not be used to the house being occupied,” you offered.
"Maybe,” Eddie replied, but he didn’t sound convinced. “Will the light bother you if I read for a while?” he asked.
“Not at all,” you said.  "Going to sleep with the light on will be okay with me tonight.”
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The following morning you shuffled downstairs for breakfast, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as your housemates warmed up the oatmeal or ate the boxed cereals that Nancy helpfully supplied the previous evening.
“Did anyone see or hear anything strange last night?” you asked the group as you poured yourself a cup of hot coffee.
“I think I did,” Steve began. “Some sort of instrument I think. What was that Robin?”
“Bedsprings,” Robin stated simply as she swallowed a bite of peaches ‘n cream flavored oatmeal, looking the worse for wear.
“Uh, besides that,” you said, feeling the blood rush to your cheeks. Eddie laughed.
“Don’t hate,” he said.
“I heard Eddie scream at a spider,” Jonathan said, and this time it was your turn to laugh.
“It was NOT me, and it was not a fucking spider!” Eddie yelled, offended by the notion.
“No,” you said, quelling your giggles. “It was actually me. I– I thought I saw someone outside last night, watching me when I was getting ready for bed.”
Steve sat forward, suddenly wide awake. “Wait, really?”
You nodded. “Eddie went out to look for whoever it was but he didn’t find anything.”
“Oh shit,” Robin said, “that’s the last thing I needed to hear. Can we go to a hotel now?”
“I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation,” Nancy said. “Maybe it was just a local?”
“The nearest neighbors are a quarter mile away,” you said. 
“I dunno,” Jonathan chimed in, “you hear stories about cannibals living in the woods in Appalachia…”
“That’s a gross stereotype,” Robin scolded.
“Feel free to ignore him,” Nancy said with a sigh.
“My mom was from Appalachia!” Eddie spat.
“Okay, nevermind,” Jonathan said, as he shrank down in his seat and went back to his oatmeal.
“Well if it wasn’t a local, what could it have been?” Steve asked.
“Maybe messing with the ouija board woke something up,” Robin said, and though you normally didn’t place much stock in those things, you felt something akin to an ice cold finger trail down your spine. You shivered.
Steve chuckled. “You can’t be serious.”
“No really!” Robin cried defensively. “In the movie Witchbo–”
“I am not using a shitty 80s horror film as a guidebook!” Steve shouted.
“Whatever,” Robin said. “If you guys get murdered by an evil axe-wielding ouija spirit, you can’t say I didn’t warn you.”
You laughed it off along with everyone else, yet the idea wouldn’t leave you. It was unsettling, to put it mildly.
Unbeknownst to you, Eddie was studying your expression. You did always wear your emotions on your sleeve, and he could sense your unease.
“So,” Eddie said. "What’s everyone wearing to the wedding?"
His umber eyes slid over to yours as the conversation devolved into fashion and hairstyling chatter.
Thank you, you mouthed to your boyfriend, and his Mona Lisa smile wordlessly said, I’ve got you. And he did, that much you would never be unsure about. Regardless of what was happening in your life, Eddie Munson would always have your back, which made you feel very lucky indeed. 
You didn’t know it yet, but it was a sentiment you would come to rely upon much more in the days to come. 
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To Be Continued...
More is coming! As always, comments and reblogs are the lifeblood of every fic writer!
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andvys · 1 year
Everlong / part seven
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Warnings: 18+, angst, physical fight, blood, sexual harassment (someone touches readers thigh without permission but she stands up for herself and Steve defends her), reader uses a gun, smut, breeding kink, jealous!Eddie, daddy kink, mentions of pregnancy 
Pairings: Eddie Munson x fem!reader / Steve Harrington x fem!reader / implied Steddie x fem!reader (?) 
Summary: After weeks of avoiding you, Steve finally finds the courage to face you and apologize to you which may or may not end with a broken heart. 
Series masterlist 
The hideout was never really crowded, only a few town residents occupied the tables and the chairs at the bar, though the group of men that would always sit at the biggest table by the windows were loud enough to for you to think that half of the town were in here, no one ever minded them though, they are kind and never start any fights.
There’s five of them– the five drunks, Eddie always jokes about.
Tonight, the bar is more crowded, you don’t see many women around and it makes you a little uneasy. Usually, Robin and the rest of your friends would be here to watch Eddie play but Robin and Nancy left for college again. 
Robin hasn’t come to see you, she didn’t apologize and she didn’t say goodbye either, not in person and not on the phone. It broke your heart a little, despite what happened, you still consider her your best friend even if you aren’t hers anymore.
Argyle and Jonathan went back to college in Lenora, you and Eddie spent a lot of time with them before they left. Sometimes, Nancy would join and something about the way she behaved around you had changed. She was more open and more kind.
And Steve, you haven’t seen him since that night.
You can’t help but feel sad that he didn’t seek you out yet. You are still upset and very hurt by the things he said to you and by his behavior but you still want to talk to him.
You don’t know where you are standing now.
Does he hate you or does he feel ashamed for what he has said to you? You don’t know.
He didn’t apologize to you but he apologized to Eddie a few days ago. He waited for him outside of his trailer after work and apparently they had a long conversation. Eddie didn’t tell you every detail of their conversation but he did tell you that Steve is very sorry for the things he has said and done. Eddie had a pitiful look in his eyes when he told you about their little talk, you know that he forgave him, you don’t know if you can though.
Steve and Robin were on your mind a lot but not tonight.
A smile appears on your face as Eddie starts playing the next song, he winks at you as he mouths ‘for you, baby.’
Your eyes light up and your smile widens as he starts playing hysteria by def leppard.
You giggle as he blows you a kiss. Leaning your elbow against the counter, you place your hand under your jaw as you watch your boyfriend play. 
He looks so good, he always does but something about the way he looks tonight makes all your insides tingle and your heart flutter like crazy. 
He is wearing a red and black flannel you got him, a black tank top underneath, his jeans hang low on his hips and as he raises the guitar higher, his shirt rides up a little, exposing his pale skin.
You bite your lips, squeezing your thighs together. He notices it, of course he does. Even with the distance between the two of you, he notices the flustered look on your face. A smirk tugs at his lips.
He does the same to you, checking you out shamelessly, he could care less about the crowd or the other people in the room, all he cares about is you. His little groupie is what he called you the last time you came to his gig. When he was done playing, he sauntered over to you and began flirting with you as though you both didn’t know each other, you played along, pretending to be his groupie. You ended up fucking in the dingy restroom.
You’re wearing a skirt that he specifically picked out when you went shopping together, a cute black top that showed your boobs off nicely, way too nicely. If you weren’t his already, then he’d certainly make you his tonight.
You look like an angel, a naughty fucking angel. And of course, you caught someone else’s eyes tonight. He noticed it right away when you both walked in.
A group of men he hasn’t seen here before sat around a table near the stage. One of them kept checking you out shamelessly, eying you from the other side of the room with a hungry look in his eyes.
Eddie kissed you possessively and made a big show out of it, making sure that everyone in this bar knows who you belong to. He draped his leather jacket over your shoulders before he left for the stage, hoping that the guy would take the hint that you’re taken but apparently that didn’t stop him.
Eddie’s smirk fell when he saw the man walking towards you, stopping next to you, he was already smirking as he turned to look at you.
You noticed the frown on Eddie’s face before you heard the man’s voice.
He puts his hand on the counter and steps in front of you, blocking the view to the stage.
You furrow your brows and straighten your back as you put your drink on the table, eying the tall man in front of you, “hi…” you mumble, eying him cautiously.
“I’m Drew,” he says as he holds his hand out for you.
You look down at his hand, noticing the few tattoos on his forearm. You raise your head, eyes meeting his, “and I’m not interested, now move, you’re blocking the view.”
He laughs in surprise and draws his hand back, you expect him to leave after that but instead he sits down in the chair next to you, eyeing you up and down with a dark look in his eyes, “that’s an interesting name.”
You look back at Eddie again, noticing the worried and angry expression on his face as he looks at the man in front of you. You give him a small smile, subtly holding your hand up to tell him that you’re alright.
“So what’s a pretty girl like you doing in–”
You roll your eyes as you turn back to him, “dude, I’m not interested. Go and bother someone else.”
He squints his eyes, stroking his chin as his face grows a little serious. He eyes the jacket around your shoulders.
He is young, probably your age. He is tall, way taller than you, his blue eyes flash with anger and you can already tell what kind of a man he is.
His demeanor and the look behind his eyes reminds you of someone you once knew.
“I’m just trying to talk to you, what’s your problem?”
Irritation and anger sparks inside of you, “do I look like I want to talk to you?”
He shrugs, smirking, “you looked at me earlier.”
You looked around the room the way you always do when you walk into any place. 
You raise your brows and chuckle, “so?”
“Figured you wanted to talk to me.”
You laugh, shaking your head, “I didn’t. Why would I want to talk to you?”
He licks his lips, chuckling, “you’re kind of a bitch, you know that right?”
Your expression turns into a sour one and you clench your jaw. You would love to slap the cocky smirk off his face and throw your drink at him.
“And you’re fucking annoying, Drew. Now piss off and go find someone else to talk to,” you say as you wave him off.
“Nah,” he shakes his head, bringing the bottle to his lips, he brings his beer as he continues to check you out.
You know you should just get up and go but you refuse to give up your spot because of some asshole who won’t take no for an answer.
“I’d rather talk to you. Little brats like you just need to be put in their place.”
Your glare turns into an icy one. Your heart starts pounding in your chest as you feel the anger rising inside of you.
He leans closer to you and puts the half empty bottle on the table before he places his cold hand on your thigh.
“How about I take you back to my–”
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You slap his hand away and jump off the chair, taking a few steps back.
Your loud voice alerted his friends, who looked at the two of you right away. Eddie too, who was just about to jump off the stage. His face showed nothing but pure anger.
“Oh come on,” he chuckles, stepping towards you and before you can take another step back, he grabs your waist, pulling you towards him.
You shudder in disgust and anger as you raise your hands to push him away but his hands are suddenly gone and he stumbles back as someone pushed him off of you roughly. A surprised grunt falls from his lips as he stumbles back.
“Don’t fucking touch her.”
You look at the man in anger, who only chuckles as he walks back towards you, holding his hand up to his friends.
Eddie puts his guitar down, telling his friends to keep playing as he jumps off the stage, making his way towards you.
Steve grabs your hand and pulls you back. You can see the anger in his eyes as he eyes the man in front of him. He is breathing heavily, pumped on adrenaline, he is ready to fight the guy and anyone else in this room who dares to put their hands on you.
“I’d suggest you to leave,” Steve mumbles angrily.
“And who are you?” he asks, looking down at Steve’s hand that is still holding yours.
You sigh in annoyance, “just fucking go and leave me the hell alone!” you exclaim as you pull your hand out of Steve’s grasps.
He points to Steve, smirking, “is this your second boyfriend?” he grins, “damn, I knew you were a bitch but I didn’t take you for a cheap slut–”
Steve throws a punch before he can even finish the sentence, the sickening sound of a bone cracking follows as Steve throws another punch.
Your eyes widen and you step back, looking around in panic, you notice one of Drew’s friends heading towards the fighting men.
“Shit,” you mumble, gulping nervously.
This guy is shorter than Drew but he definitely packs more muscles than him and Steve.
He walks towards Steve and your heart stops in your chest.
You should do something, you know you should. You fought interdimensional monsters before, ones that were twice your size and yet, men still scare you more than any monster ever could.
Before he reaches Steve, he falls back as a fist collides with his face and Eddie steps in front him.
Your heart jumps in your chest, you watch Eddie worriedly, scared to see him getting hurt but he is fueled by anger, the guy has no chance against him as Eddie steps over him and grabs him by the collar of his jacket.
You hear a glass shattering and look towards Steve, eyes widening in fear as you see the blood dripping down his face as he fights Drew off, throwing one punch after another.
“Steve!” you look around in fear, not knowing what to do. The bartender looks just as panicked as you are, Drew’s friends are ready to fight and the five drunks are useless as always, meanwhile Gareth and the rest of the band look like they’re having a good time as they watch the fight unfold.
Drew gains the upper hand and delivers a punch to Steve’s stomach causing him to double over in pain.
“God… fuck this,” you mumble, you rush behind the counter, knowing that bar owners usually keep some kinds of gun around.
The bartender looks at you in confusion as you walk towards him, “you got a gun?” you ask.
He nods with widened eyes, “shotgun.”
“Well, give it to me.”
His eyes widen, “no, kid–”
“Give me the gun!” you demand as you glance at Eddie, who still has the guy pinned to the ground. One of the other men walks towards Eddie, the tallest one out of them. Your heart leaps to your throat and you rip the shotgun out of the man’s hand the moment he takes it out of one of the cabinets.
The last time you held a gun in your hand was when you escaped the Russian base at the mall and managed to steal a rifle from one of the guards.
You know how to use them, years of fighting against monsters forced you to learn your way around all kinds of weapons. 
You cock the gun, pointing it at the man who walks towards Eddie.
The shotgun isn’t even loaded but it doesn’t matter, you don’t plan on actually shooting, though you wouldn't hesitate to blow someone’s hand off if they tried to hurt Eddie. 
“Do you even know how to use–”
“Hey!” you yell.
The band stops playing as they see the gun in your hand. Gareth’s eyes widen and he drops the drumsticks.
“Oh damn,” Jeff mumbles as him and Gareth share a look.
“That’s the most action this town has ever seen!” one of the drunks yells, causing the others around him to laugh.
You glance at them, they are barely even fazed by the fight they just witnessed.
Eddie lets go of the grunting man on the ground and glances at the one who headed towards him.
“Do you even know how to use this, baby?”
You glare at Drew, aiming at him now, you tilt your head, “wanna find out?”
Steve pushes him off, wiping the blood off his face, “fucking asshole,” he mumbles.
“Hey kid, put the gun down.”
You glance at the man, the one that walked towards Eddie, he holds his hands up. Surprisingly, he doesn’t look as mad or pissed as Drew or his friend on the floor does, he just looks frustrated and shoots Drew a pointed look as he throws another comment at you.
“We don't want any trouble.”
You chuckle and raise your brows at him, “really? Cause Drew over here touched me without permission and then he attacked my friend.”
You miss the way Steve’s eyes soften after you called him your friend.
“And this pathetic asshole over there wanted to join the fight,” you say, pointing the gun at the groaning man on the ground.
He raises his head, “I wanted to break them apart but this Kirk Hammett wannabe broke my nose,” he grumbles as he pushes himself up into a seating position, clutching his nose.
Eddie glares at him, scrunching his face up at the comment.
“Please just put the gun down, kid.”
“I will, once this asshole is gone,” you mumble, tilting your head towards Drew.
The older man nods, turning to look at Drew, he glares at him, “get your ass up, we’re leaving.”
He furrows his brows, “seriously–”
“We’re leaving,” he says with a stern voice, one that can only belong to a father. Judging by their similar features, you figure that he must be Drew’s dad.
He clenches his jaw and nods, turning away from Steve, he looks back at you one more time before he walks away from Steve, spitting on the ground, “this is a shithole anyways–”
Eddie steps forward, he places his hand on his chest, pushing him back, he throws his fist into his face, “that’s for touching my girl, you piece of shit,” he growls, “if I ever see your ugly face here again, I’m gonna do worse than a few punches.” 
You watch as he clenches his fist, ready to punch Eddie back.
“Don’t even think about it, asshole!” you yell.
His friends seem to have enough of his bullshit. The guy on the ground grunts in pain as he gets up, walking past Eddie, he glares at him, “thanks for that, rockstar,” he grumbles, holding his broken nose.
The older man grabs Drew by his shoulder, giving Eddie and Steve an apologetic look before he turns to his friend, “go,” he mumbles as he pushes him towards the door.
You glare at him as he gives you a wink before he leaves the bar, his friends following suit.
“I’m sorry about him, kid always pulls some shit like this,” the older man grumbles before he places a few bills on the counter, “nice music by the way,” he says to Eddie before he turns to leave.
Sighing in relief, you close your eyes and take a deep breath as you place the shotgun on the counter.
Eddie turns around, looking at you with a concern in his eyes. He notices the way your hands are shaking. His eyes soften as you open your eyes and meet his. He walks towards you as you move away from the counter, meeting him halfway. Reaching out for you, he cups your cheeks as you place your hands on his forearms.
“Are you okay?”
“You okay?”
You both ask at the same time.
You chuckle as you stare into each other’s eyes.
Steve rolls his eyes, not looking amused in the slightest.
“I’m sorry, baby,” Eddie whispers, his eyes still flicker with anger, “should’ve killed that asshole for touching you.”
Your eyes soften and you lean in, pecking his lips, “I’m okay,” you whisper and grab his hands, frowning as you see his bloodied knuckles, “I should clean that up.”
Placing his hand on your lower back, he presses a kiss to your forehead as he looks over your shoulder at a grunting Steve. The bartender handed him a rag to clean off the blood, he winces in pain as he holds it against the wound on the side of his cheek, “I think you should help Steve instead, I’m fine.”
You shake your head, “Eddie–”
“He looks pretty bad, baby,” he mumbles.
“I don’t want to talk to him.”
“You don’t have to,” he says, although he hopes you will.
Steve was your friend before he became more than that to you. He knows that he still means a lot to you and he knows that you mean a lot to Steve. He doesn’t want you to lose each other because of the mess you three have gotten yourself into.
“Just play nurse, I know you love to do that,” he chuckles, squeezing your waist, “I’ll help the guys carry all the stuff back into the van, guess the gig is over,” he sighs.
“I’m sorry… it’s my fault,” you mumble, feeling guilty for causing a scene earlier.
“Hey….” he shakes his head, placing his fingers under your chin, he tilts your head up, “it’s not your fault, that asshole shouldn’t have touched you. I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself, Sweetheart.”
Your heart flutters and you smile, “thank you,” you whisper, you look into his soft eyes and place a kiss on the top of his hand.
Eddie smiles at your sweet action, he brings you closer to him, brushing your hair back, “can’t wait to take you home.”
You smile and lean closer, “me too,” you whisper and give him one last kiss before you turn away from him and look at Steve, who stares at you with a sad expression on his face.
“Come on,” you sigh.
He turns to look at Eddie, who nods at him, eyes flickering with encouragement. 
The flickering lights in the bathroom drove you crazy, you couldn’t concentrate on the wounds on his face. You grabbed the first aid kit the bartender gave you and took Steve into the backroom instead. You both sat down on the couch and spent the first few minutes in silence as you began to clean his wounds.
“You need to see a doctor,” you mumble, you avoid looking into his eyes as you cup his cheeks, eying the wounds, “you might have a concussion.”
“No, I feel fine.. He didn’t hit my head or anything,” he mumbles, staring at you.
You nod but you don’t respond and you don’t look into his eyes either. It makes him sad. You brush your fingers through his hair, pushing it back so it doesn’t get in the way as you to clean the blood off his face. Your hands are gentle on his face, your thighs are pressed against his and you lean closer to examine the wound on his cheek.
Steve stares at you and he feels a pang of hurt in his chest.
Your pretty eyes used to light up whenever you saw him, now you can’t even look at him anymore.
Your lips were always set in a smile whenever you looked at him, now they are set in a frown.
You look tense and he hates it and hates that he is the one who caused it. He is the one who pushed you away, who pushed you into another man’s arms– a man who makes you happier than he ever could.
But god, Steve wants you so bad.
“Thanks for defending me but you really shouldn’t have done that,” you mumble.
Steve scoffs, “he touched you and he called you a slut–”
You scoff at his words.
“Oh, don’t worry, it wasn't the first time someone called me that,” you say as you briefly look into his eyes.
He sighs, closing his eyes, “I-I didn’t mean that–”
“Whatever, I don’t want to hear it, Steve.”
His heart sinks and his shoulders slump. He feels awful for the things he has said and done.
Luckily, there is only a little cut on his cheek and the bleeding from his nose has stopped. You disinfected his wounds and put a bandaid on the cut.
You grab his hand, examining his bruised knuckles. You stop your movements and your eyes flash with recognition as you notice the ring on his middle finger, the one you gave him for his 20th birthday. You touch it with your thumb, letting it linger there for a moment.
Steve’s heart flutters in his chest as he sees the softened gaze on your face.
“Y/n, I’m–”
“Don’t,” you snap at him.
He tenses up.
“You don’t get to say you’re sorry after all the shit you have done, it won’t change anything.”
“But I am sorry,” he whispers.
You roll your eyes, shaking your head, “are you?” you ask, looking back into his eyes.
He nods and moves his hand out of your grasp before he takes your hands in his, “I am, y/n. I am so fucking sorry and I-I know that it won’t change anything, I know I messed up but I want you to know that I’m really sorry a-and I don’t even know where to start but I wanna apologize for everything that I’ve done– I don’t expect you to forgive me, I just want you– need you to know that I’m sorry,” he says with tears in his eyes, he squeezes your hands.
You look into his brown eyes, seeing the regret and the sadness in his eyes leaves a dull ache in your chest.
He looks so vulnerable, so soft and innocent. You can’t believe that this man broke your heart.
“I know I fucking ruined it, I know that we could have been happy together–”
“But it doesn’t matter anymore, we won’t be happy together!”
You take a deep breath as you feel the anger growing stronger. How dare he say this to you after everything that happened?
“I-I know, I know that okay? I know I fucked it up for us–”
“There is no us, Steve. There never was!”
His face falls, his eyes flicker with sadness.
“But I love you.”
You blink, sighing, you turn away from him.
"Oh, you do?” you scoff, “did you love me when you were with all your girls?”
Guilt crosses his expression, “I always loved you.”
“No you didn’t, Steve. You said you did but you didn’t. You wouldn’t have been with anyone else if you really loved me. I didn’t blame you for needing time for yourself when you said you weren’t ready for a relationship but using that time to be with other people when you apparently loved me makes no sense.”
“You kept saying that you love me, you kept saying that all you ever wanted was me, you kept telling me that you want a future with me and yet you did all of this. How am I supposed to believe you?” you ask as you think of all the times he claimed those things only to be with someone else right after, “I mean, was I ever, even for one second, enough for you?”
He tilts his head, holding your hand tighter than before, he speaks your name softly, “you were always enough for me–”
“Don’t say that I was enough for you, I never was. You wouldn’t have chosen Nancy over me, you wouldn’t have chosen any of your meaningless flings over me if I was enough for you,” you mumble as you feel the frustration rising inside of you, “you kept stringing me along, you kept me waiting, you were hurting me all this time and you didn’t even care because I never mattered to you, did I?”
Being away from him and being with Eddie, truly helped you open your eyes. You realized things that you haven’t realized before. Steve manipulated you for years and you acted like a damn fool and waited around for him, knowing that he would never feel the same.
“What?” he gasps, shaking his head, “you always mattered to me! Nancy or any of these girls… they never mattered to me–”
“Stop, just stop, okay? You’ve done nothing but hurt me all these years, you gave me all this hope, all these empty promises. It took me years to even try to get over you–”
“Try?” he asks as his eyes lighten up a little, “try to get over me? Does that mean that you still aren’t over me?”
His eyes hold nothing but hope now and he squeezes your hand tighter than before and it kills you, you love him, you always will but it’s not what you once thought it was. Even if none of this would have happened, even if he never hurt you, the moment you’d lay your eyes on Eddie, things would have changed.
Eddie is your person.
You are his and you wouldn’t want it any other way. Even if you could change things and you could have Steve from the start, even if he would do anything to prove to you that he wants you, only you, you still wouldn’t want him back. You want Eddie. 
He cups your cheeks, staring at you with pleading eyes, “y/n, please.. I-I can change, I can prove my love for you, I haven’t been with anyone since–”
You shake your head and grab his wrists, pushing his hands away from you, “no, no.. stop this.”
You can’t take this. The look in his eyes, his shaky voice, the tears that are welling up in his eyes.
“You don’t have to change for me and you don’t have to prove anything to me. It’s too late, Steve.”
His brows draw together, he starts breathing heavily as he tries not to cry in front of you.
“I love you so much, y/n…”
You look into the eyes of the man you once loved so much, the man that broke your heart over and over again, it still hurts to look at him and it hurts even more that you have to break his heart now.
“I don’t think you ever loved me, Steve. You are just scared of ending up alone. You always knew that it wouldn’t work out with any of your girls and you knew how much I loved you, you knew you would never be alone with me there,” you say, trying to blink the tears away.
Confusion flickers in his eyes and he shakes his head, looking at you as though you have gone crazy.
“No! No that’s not it!” he says as he tries to take your hands again but you move away from him.
“Then what is it?” you ask angrily, “why did you do all of this? Why did you treat me like that, why did you want other people when you apparently love me so much?” you get up and turn away from him, running your fingers through your hair in frustration before you cross your arms over your chest, pulling Eddie’s jacket tighter against your body, you instantly feel calmer as you smell his cologne. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, “Eddie never did that, you know? He loved me and he didn’t want anyone else even when he knew that I loved you.”
Steve nods to himself, he leans his elbows on his knees and buries his face in his hands.
He knows that now. He knows that Eddie loves you, that he spent all these years loving you and pining after you. Apparently everyone knew it, everyone except for you and him.
Eddie opened up to him about his feelings for you when he apologized for what happened at his party. Steve wanted to know, he wanted to know how all of this even happened and Eddie gave him all the answers that he wanted and it left him with a heartbroken feeling.
Eddie deserves you, he doesn’t.
For a few minutes the room is silent, the only noises you hear are coming from the bar. The faint music, the laughter.
You didn’t want your night to go like this. You didn’t want to see Steve and you sure as hell didn’t want to deal with this now.
You are over him, you don’t want him anymore, you promised him a future, just like he did to you and this time it won’t be him breaking the promise, it’s you and it feels awful but this isn’t your fault, it’s his.
You let your arms fall to your sides and you turn around to look at him. He sits back up, wiping the tears away quickly before he raises his head, glassy eyes meeting yours, his bottom lip quivers a little.
He looks horrible.
The heartbroken look on his face, the tears, the wounds he got from fighting because he wanted to defend you– it hurts.
Your 12 year old self would be disappointed if she saw you right now, if she saw what happened to your friendship.
You and Steve were inseparable, you were best friends, ones that never even fought. You protected each other, you loved each other and now? Now you hurt each other.
“I-I was scared to end up like him… my father. I didn’t want to hurt you the way he hurt my mom, he constantly cheats on her, I didn’t want to do the same to you when we’d start dating. I-I thought that if I did all of this now, then I wouldn’t feel the urge to be with anyone else later on. But, I didn’t realize that I was already hurting you.”
You don’t even know what to say at this point, you don’t know what to feel either.
“I promised you a relationship, you already gave me your heart and I fucked up, I broke it and I’m so fucking sorry,” he says, getting up, he walks towards you, “I-I was an asshole and I took you for granted, I hurt you and I lost you because of what I did and I will always regret it a-and I want you to know that I always loved you even if it never seemed like it. You have had my heart since we were kids, I never loved anyone else the way I love you and that will never change.”
You turn your head away from him, not wanting him to see the tears in your eyes, you cross your arms over your chest.
“I’m so sorry for what I’ve done,” he whispers.
What have we become? Steve thinks to himself. His heart breaks at the sight of you, the way you can’t even look at him anymore, the way you try to blink your tears away, trying to act like you don’t care anymore, that what he did doesn’t affect you anymore.
“I uh–, I just want you to know that you were always enough, in every way. You never did anything wrong, ever. I fucked up. I wasn’t faithful. You didn’t deserve the shit that I put you through.”
Feelings don’t just fade away, there’s still some love for him left. Not enough to want him but enough to care about him and his feelings. The wounds that he left are still fresh too and hearing all these words from him only makes you feel weak. A few tears escape your eyes and you dig your nails into your arms as you try to keep yourself from crying.
You narrow your eyes and clutch your chest as you look at him, “you stopped seeing other people?” you ask, ignoring his confession.
He nods, “yeah, I-I don’t wanna do that anymore,” he says as he draws nearer to you.
“Why not?”
He shrugs, “I just, I realized that it’s not what I want, it doesn’t make me happy.”
A bitter laugh falls from your lips and you shake your head, “why did you realize that now? You seemed happy a few weeks back.”
“I wasn’t happy a-and after what happened that night.. after I lost you, I realized that all these girls were never what I wanted, I want you,” he pauses, looking down in shame, “you are the only one who can make me happy.”
You can’t help but feel sad that things have to end this way.
Steve glances at you. He wants to pull you into his arms, he wants to hold you and tell you how sorry he is, over and over again but he doesn’t.
Instead, he swallows the lump in his throat and stares at you through his blurry vision, “for what it’s worth, I love you and I always will.”
Your heart would have fluttered and a smile would appear on your face if things were different but instead he is met by a frown on your face and tears in your eyes.
“A-And if there’s a chance then I’m willing to wait for you, the way you did for me,” he whispers, hoping that you will say yes.
You furrow your brows and shake your head.
You don’t need to speak to let him know that you don’t want him anymore.
Your eyes swim with tears and so do his. You stare at each other and you both understand, it’s over.
There was never a beginning for the two of you but there is an ending and it’s not a happy one.
You look at him as though it’s the last time you ever will and it hurts. Losing him still hurts.
You might not feel the same way about him anymore, you might not love him the way you love Eddie but he still means a lot to you and losing him feels like you are losing a part of yourself. He was your best friend before he was anything else.
Tears fall from his eyes, his eyes show nothing but sadness and heartbreak but he nods in understanding and he gives you a sad smile, “I get it,” he whispers, “I’m sorry for everything.”
You sniffle, staring down at your hands, you are suddenly overcome by sadness and anger as your mind takes you back to all the moments when he broke your heart.
When he canceled what was supposed to be your first date to take out Nancy instead.
When he promised you a future only to walk into Tina’s house party with some random girl clinging to him, later that night.
When he kissed his dates in front of you, knowing how much you loved him.
When he paraded them all in front of you.
When he begged you to wait for him right before he went to a date with someone else. 
When he called you a slut for being with Eddie.
“I don’t forgive you.”
You look up at him and watch the way his face contorted in pain and shock.
“I don’t forgive you, Steve.”
He panics and his heart hurts in his chest, his face falls, his shoulders slump, he looks defeated and by the look in his eyes, you can tell that he is on the verge of a breakdown.
“I can’t just move past all of this, I just can’t.”
You want to, you really do but you need time away from him.
You can’t look at him, knowing that you will only cave in, like you always do, so you turn around and walk away from him.
Steve stares at you, the pain in his chest is so bad. He already realized that he lost you a few weeks back. Seeing you today, getting the cold shoulder from you, hearing all these words from you and watching you walk away from him breaks his heart in a way he can’t even begin to describe.
He can barely see through the tears in his eyes.
You stop as you reach for the door handle and for a second he hopes that maybe, just maybe you changed your mind and you can forgive him.
“I… I don’t love you anymore, Steve.”
He freezes, the tears fall but he can barely feel them.
“At least not like I used to,” you say as you turn back to look at him, the pain in his eyes breaks your heart but he deserves to know the truth, “Eddie is the one I love, the one I always loved, I just didn’t realize it but he’s different, Steve. He is my person, my.. soulmate.”
He closes his eyes for a moment and nods at your words.
“I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head and opens his eyes, “you have nothing to be sorry for, y/n,” he pauses as he brings his hand up to his face, wiping away the tears quickly, “I’m not mad.. I just– fuck, remember when you told me you’d wait forever?”
There is no anger in his voice or in his eyes, just a bitter sadness and you get it.
You blink, looking down at the ground, you nod slowly.
You did tell him that, on more than one occasion, mostly when you were drunk or high and he would take care of you.
“Yeah.. guess, I’m the one breaking the promise now.”
You expect him to agree with you. In the time you have been away from him, you realized how selfish he was, how cruel he could be sometimes.
You wouldn’t be surprised if he still blamed you for your falling out but instead he gives you a small but sad smile, “no… I made you break that promise,” he sniffles, “a-and I know you said that you don’t love me anymore and that there’s no point in waiting but… I will always wait for you. I messed up, big fucking time but you are my person. I know you probably don’t believe me but, you mean the world to me and I really do love you.”
You find it hard to believe his words, you don’t trust him, not anymore. He broke it too many times.
“And I hope that you can forgive me someday,” he says as he inches closer to you.
You want to but you don’t know if you can.
He maintains eye contact as he comes closer until he is right in front of you. He waits for you to say something, to tell him to leave or to push him away but you don’t, you even let him touch your face but the look in your eyes tells him not to try anything. He cups your cheek and for a moment, he just admires you. He looks into the eyes that always gave him comfort, the ones he would always see love and warmth in.
He kisses your forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment as he closes his eyes.
He could have kissed you if things were different.
He could have seen you smile if things were different.
He could have hugged you and walked out with you if he hadn’t been such a fool this whole time.
He could have taken you home if he would’ve just chosen you from the very beginning.
‘What now?’ he wonders as he looks into your eyes.
You were always there, you were his light at the end of the tunnel, waiting for him, you were his hope. You were always the one to hold your hand out for him, to catch him and hold him in the safety of your arms but now it’s over.
How will he continue to live the life he wanted to spend with you?
How will he look in the mirror without wanting to break it whenever he will see his reflection staring back at him, seeing the person that ruined it all.
How will he live with himself, knowing that he broke your heart and that he lost you because of his foolish behavior?
He leaves before he breaks down in front of you, he rushes through the hallway, walking back into the bar, he feels Eddie’s eyes on him, watching him in concern, he calls out to him as he walks away from Gareth, he waves him off and rushes out of the bar though, not wanting anyone to see him cry.
Eddie halts in his tracks, shoulders slumping as he watches his friend leave.
When Eddie asked him to come to his gig, he hoped that it would give Steve the chance to apologize to you. He is not sure if Steve deserves forgiveness after all the things he has done to you but you do deserve an apology.
He still feels angry for what he has done to you and for the things he said. Steve opened up to him though and promised he would do better.
He knows that Steve loves you, despite the things he has done. He loves you.
And maybe that should make him insecure or scared because there could be a chance that he might change for you, that he will make it up to you, that you might want him back.
But the love you have for him is different than the one you always had for Steve.
He finds you in the backroom, sniffling quietly as you clean up the bloodied tissues and the wrappers from the bandaids you’ve used. Your shoulders are shaking a little as you cry.
Eddie’s eyes soften, his heart hurts at the sight of you.
You close the first aid kit and get up from your kneeling position, turning around, a small gasp falls from your lips as your eyes lock with Eddie’s. You quickly wipe your tears away and plaster a smile on your face.
“Sweetheart,” he whispers, entering the room.
You press your lips together and dig your nails into your palms. You don’t want to cry, you really don’t but ending a friendship with the person that once meant the world to you is anything but easy.
The look in Eddie’s eyes and the way he cares so much for you, only makes you want to cry even more.
He places his hands on your cheeks, eying you with his large sad eyes, catching the falling tear with his thumb, he wipes it away.
“What happened?” he asks.
His hands leave your face, he brushes his fingers through your hair, pulling it back and tucking it behind your ears before he pulls you into his embrace.
You wrap your arms around his waist and lay your head on his chest, instantly calming down at the feeling of being in the safety of his arms.
“I-I ended our friendship,” you manage to say before you break down.
You are overcome by the feeling of guilt.
Everybody leaves him.
His parents always left him.
His friends always left him.
Nancy left him.
You promised that you never would and yet you did.
Eddie understands it, he has broken your heart and your trust too many times but he can tell that it’s not what you really want. Despite what happened, you still want him in your life.
“It’s not what you want, is it?” he asks.
You shake your head against him.
“Then why did you do it, baby?”
You lean back a little and tilt your head up to look at him, he meets your eyes and he squeezes your waist, eyes flickering with understanding, whatever it is, he wants you to tell him.
“He’s always gonna come in between us, he’s gonna try to ruin things for us– not intentionally b-but he’s gonna draw you away from me and I can’t handle that. Losing him hurts but losing you would fucking kill me, Eddie.”
Sadness flitted across his face. There is nothing that could draw him away from you.
“J-Just earlier, he told me that he loves me, that he wants to wait for me even though he knows that I’m with you now. If I keep him in my life, he’s gonna keep doing this, he’s gonna keep trying things and you’re gonna get sick of it and then you’ll leave me,” your voice cracks at the end and a new wave of tears wells up in your eyes, you look down, trying to hide your face in his chest.
“Hey,” he whispers as he moves his hands up to cup your cheeks “look at me, y/n. Nothing and I mean nothing could ever push me away from you, okay? Look, I didn’t even think that this– we would happen. I expected you to go back to him a-and that would’ve fucking broke me and I wouldn’t even know what to do with myself if I lost you but when we started this whole– I’m not even gonna call this a friends with benefits thing, ‘cause let’s be real, it was never just that,” he says with a small smile on his face as he looks down at you, “I really thought that you would leave me once he’d want you back, shit, I think I knew that you would leave ‘cause you were so in love with him. I knew I didn’t have a chance b-but I still wanted this, you, us and even if it would’ve turned into nothing but a fling, I would have been okay with that because at least, you’d be mine even if just for a moment- I would’ve spent the rest of my life pining after you but-”
“Eddie,” you whisper sadly.
He places his finger on your lips, giving you a small smile, “let me finish, Sweetheart.”
You nod as you look into his loving eyes.
“I loved you from the very first moment and my feelings never faded, not even when I found out about your feelings for ‘King Steve’,” he chuckles, rolling his eyes at the memory of him coming home and hiding in his room all day, listening to a ‘sad rock songs’ tape, he stole from Wayne’s car and laid in bed all day with headphones on, crying after he found out that his crush was in love with the popular guy.
Yeah, teen Eddie would throw a party and invite King Steve if he could see himself right now. “I fell so fucking hard for you when we worked on that stupid anatomy project together, you took me home with you and the first thing you did was show me your horror movie collection,” you both laugh at the memory.
You took his hand and brought him to your room, rambling about all the new movies you got. Eddie nodded along the whole time, he watched you with a smile on his face and an awestruck expression. To this day, he still feels his heart flutter whenever he thinks of the first time you held his hand. 
“You were the only one who listened to my rambles!” you exclaim as you smile at him.
“I always loved your rambles,” he chuckles, “and I still do.”
“I fell even harder for you when I was roped into this whole mess. You were the one that stayed with me the whole time, from the beginning till the end. Shit, I saw you killing things– oh and by the way, the whole thing with the shotgun earlier? Very metal, babe and so fucking hot.”
You giggle at his words and you can’t help but blush as he pulls you closer against him.
“But what I’m trying to say is, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you, not even death could take me away from you,” he jokes, which only earns him a slap to his chest.
“Don’t,” you frown.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckles before his face grows serious again, “Sweetheart, I love you so goddamn much, you have my heart no matter what, nothing and no one can come between us, okay?”
“But what if–”
“Not even Steve. And, it doesn’t seem like he’s trying to sabotage anything,” he shrugs, “he just realized what he had all this time and what could’ve been if he wasn’t such a douchebag, of course he’s gonna declare his love to you and tell you that he will wait, I’d do anything to get you back too.”
“You would?”
He smiles, leaning down to kiss your lips softly, “yeah, I’d do anything to get my girl back,” he says as he presses another kiss to your lips, “and I’ll do anything to keep her too.”
Your heart skips a beat, you wrap your arms around his waist and gaze into his eyes, “I’ll do anything to keep you too.”
“Yeah?” he smiles.
You nod, “yeah.”
He inches closer to you, lips brushing against yours again, your noses touch and you smile at each other, “good,” he whispers before he smashes his lips against yours, pulling you closer and closer until you’re completely pressed against him.
He lets go of your waist and wraps his arms around your shoulders instead, hugging you as he deepens the kiss.
Your soft lips, your scent, your touches, your kisses will always drive him crazy. 
Sometimes, he can’t help but feel like this is all just a dream. He never thought that he would get to have you. The girl of his dreams.
What started off with longing gazes, admiring you from afar, loving you from afar turned into something so beautiful and he will forever be thankful that he was brave enough to even make a move.
You break the kiss and stare into each other’s eyes for a moment, lust lingers in both his and your eyes, you want him and he wants you, now. He slams the door shut and locks it before he grabs your hand and pulls you along with him. 
Eddie sits down on the couch and you straddle him, placing your hands on his neck, giggling as he pushes his jacket off your shoulders, “you look fucking hot wearing my jacket but it has to go for now,” he murmurs as he lets it fall to the ground.
His dark eyes flicker with lust as you grind against him, skirt riding up your thighs as you do so.
It never takes him long to get hard with you, one look, one simple touch, one kiss and he is hard and twitching in his jeans.
“Baby,” he whispers, cupping the back of your neck, he brings you closer, “you really wanna do this right now?” he asks as he looks down at your hands, watching as you begin to unbuckle his belt.
Your lips find his again as you continue to grind against his dick. He grabs your waist, pushing you down harder against him causing you to whimper into the kiss which only makes his dick harder.
“Want you,” you mumble against his lips, “want you inside of me, please….”
He chuckles as he looks into your pleading darkened eyes, “what’s gotten you so needy?” he asks as he moves hands down to grab your thighs.
“You,” you moan as he bucks his hips up, you grip his shoulders and dig your nails into his flannel, “got so wet watching you play but then that dick had to ruin everything.”
He growls, eyes flashing with anger.
Eddie is a jealous person by nature, he doesn’t like when people want what belongs to him and he isn’t blind, whenever you go out together, he can see the looks you get from men, he doesn’t blame them, you are a beautiful woman but he can’t stand the hungry gazes. He never had a reason to get this angry though, no one ever made a move on you, until tonight.
Seeing him talk to you and touch you left him with such rage.
Eddie slams his lips back against yours, kissing you roughly with teeth and tongue and such passion, it only leaves you wanting more and more. Wetness pools in your panties, you clench around nothing.
Slipping your hand past his boxers, you take his dick, teasing him as you begin to jerk him off. He squeezes your thighs roughly, moaning into the kiss as he feels your thumb on his tip, collecting his pre cum, you pull your hand away and bring it up to your lips as you break the kiss, you look into his eyes and take your thumb into your mouth, closing your eyes as you moan around it.
Eddie’s eyes widen, his cock twitches, he could cum just from the sight alone, “shit, you’re so filthy baby,” he murmurs, he watches you in awe as he slides his hand up your thigh, grazing your lace panties, he smirks at your little whine. He pushes your panties to the side and cups your wet pussy, slipping his cold ringed fingers through your folds, he collects your wetness and places his fingertips against your aching clit and begins to circle it.
“Wanted to suck your dick so bad,” you moan and grind against his fingers after you release your thumb with a pop, “but this guy–”
Eddie growls at the mention of that asshole, pulling his hand away, he grabs your waist and slams you down on his cock.
“O-Oh my god!”
Tears spring to your eyes at the sudden stretch in your pussy, your forehead falls against his and you whimper at the feeling of him filling you up, it feels so good.
Eddie holds you tightly, his rings dig into your skin, he growls and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. Your tight wet walls clench so tightly around him and he needs to focus not to cum right away.
He feels your soft hands on his face and your lips on his cheek, “Eddie,” you whine, “love your dick so much.”
He opens his eyes and finds you already staring at him with a needy look in your eyes, “yeah? How much?” he asks as he bucks his hips up, pushing his cock in deeper, causing you to clench around him again.
You both moan against each other’s lips.
“S-So much,” you whisper, “fuck me…. fuck me, daddy. Show me who I belong to.”
His eyes darken and he growls at what you called him.
“You need a reminder, baby?”
“Mhmm,” you nod as you bite your bottom lip, closing your eyes as you focus on the feeling of his twitching dick inside of your aching pussy.
“Ride my dick, c’mon, be a good girl, ride me,” he husks as he starts to fuck into you from underneath.
You lick your lips and grip his shoulders tightly as you roll your hips, “E-Eddie….”
“Just like that,” he praises you, placing his palms on your shoulders, he pushes the straps of your top down and slips your top down to your stomach, exposing your boobs, he grabs them, rolling your nipples with his thumbs, “so fucking sexy,” he grunts, mouth watering at the sight of your pretty tits, he leans in and buries his face in them, kissing and licking around your nipple.
You grab his hair, pulling at it as you arch your back in pleasure.
“Feels so good…”
You move your hips faster and faster, yours and his moans echo through the room. He marks your chest and your neck, leaving hickeys on your sensitive skin, you are his, no one else’s.
“You’re mine,” he growls into your neck before he moves back, leaning his back against the soft cushions, to watch you. Keeping his hands on your boobs, he squeezes them roughly, “wanted to rip that asshole's head off for touching you.”
“I’m yours…. just yours,” you moan as you ride him harder and faster, “c-can you feel how wet I am for you, daddy?”
His dark eyes bore into yours, his flustered cheeks and his puffy lips make you smirk, his hands on your tits are rough. He moves his hand to your throat, wrapping his hand around it, he pulls you closer against him.
“That’s fucking right, you’re mine, y/n, your pussy is mine, your body is mine, your heart is mine,” he growls against your lips.
You breathe heavily, whine and whimpers escape your mouth as you feel his dick hitting the right spot.
For a moment, you lean back, placing your hands on his knees, you arch your back as you ride him, you both look down, watching the way his glistening cock slides in and out of your pussy.
“Mine….” he moans, reaching for your hips, he helps you ride him faster, “all mine.”
He watches the way your eyes roll back, the way your chest rises up and down heavily, forehead coated in sweat, the prettiest sounds fall from your lips, you keep your eyes on him, hand reaching for his wrists as he keeps his hand wrapped around your throat. God, you are perfect.
His dick twitches, his stomach tenses up, he is close and he can feel you getting there too. Your walls tighten around him. He moans your name, over and over again.
Placing one hand on your lower stomach, his fingers find your clit, you tense up as he starts rubbing circles on your nub.
Letting go of your throat, he moves his arm around your body and pulls you flush against him.
This time, you reach for his throat and he can’t help but smirk at your action.
“You’re mine too,” you mumble against his lips, “my man.”
His heart flutters and he gives you a dopey smile, “that’s right, baby, I’m yours, your man.”
Goosebumps arise on your skin as you feel your orgasm approaching. You fall against him, still keeping your hand around his neck.
“You’re so…. wet, fuck…” he growls, the feeling of your juices dripping down his cock makes him moan in pleasure, “so.. perfect. Making a mess on my cock.”
Your moans get high pitched and you almost squeak as the feeling gets too overwhelming. Stars blur your vision, you can’t help but drool, “p-please…. n-need to cum… please, daddy… want you to cum inside of me.”
“Yeah? Want me to breed you, baby?” he pants, barely able to keep his eyes open but he needs to see you, he wants to watch you come undone. He is the one that gets to feel you like this, that gets to touch you like this, that gets to fuck you like this, “want me to fill you up with my cum, get you pregnant so everyone knows who you belong to?”
You whine and nod against him, unable to form a sentence. Tears roll down your cheeks and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“Shit baby…. you wanna make me a real daddy huh?”
“Yes….. yes….”
He growls, your hand loosens around his neck and you fall against him.
“Gonna fill your tight little pussy up with my cum….”
“P-Please..” you whisper, “please, I need it…”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
Rubbing your clit faster, he grabs your face with his free hand, he watches your face, the way it contorts in pleasure as you come around his cock, your walls tighten and flutter around him.
“S-Shit… baby, y/n…” he moans loudly as he cums, painting your insides white with his seed, “I love you,” he murmurs against your lips before he kisses you.
You cling to your man, holding onto him tightly as you kiss him.
He can taste your tears, the drink you’ve had before, your strawberry chapstick. His heart continues to race in his chest, even after you both calm down. He feels your body relaxing as you slump against him, still holding onto him. His heart swells and he smiles against your puffy lips.
“I love you too,” you finally whisper after pulling away from the kiss, you lay your head on his shoulder and look up at him with a tired look on your face.
He wipes your tears away and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead, “you good, Sweetheart?”
“Yeah,” you whisper, “can we stay like that for a moment?”
“Yeah, of course,” he smiles.
He runs his fingers up and down your spine and kisses your shoulder softly.
Your walls still flutter around him, small moans continue to escape your lips. You are so sensitive but you both feel so good.
The room is quiet for a moment, the only sounds you hear are Eddie’s breathing, the music from outside the room and the voices– reminding you that you should probably get up and go home but you are too lazy and you don’t want to move out of his embrace.
“We could make things work, you know?” he whispers. 
With furrowed brows and a confused look in your eyes, you glance up at your boyfriend, “what?”
“With Steve.”
it’s not what you think it is.... or is it?
taglist: @prettyboyeddiemunson @littledemondani @wroteclassicaly @lnnlove @corrodedcorpses @mysticmunson @strangermarvelss @yogizzz @metalhead-succubus @aftermidnightwriting @somethingvicked @shelbycillian @lorielulu7 @munsonsuccubus @tlclick73 @manda-panda-monium @hey-rowan @sherrylyn628 @luna-munson83 @qnsfwthoughts @mxcheese @emmalee-01 @eddielives1986 @tvandfanfic @miarosso @m4nulup1n @likeficsinthewnd @hazydespair @ogoc-19 @mopeymopeymouse @clilxlx @yssnxiw @sweet-villain @soanxiousimcalm @olrjmarvete @personofyou @thewritersoldier1918 @levylovegood @elvendria @honeyglee @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @aysheashea @littletittygothgirl @freeshavocadoooo @sllooney @gracieluvthemoon @martaboj92 @let-love-bleeds-red @kissylovie @sheisjoeschateau @big-ope-vibes @i-me-mine @turtlehyung @corrcdedcoffin @spookycreepycookie @freezaz123 @boinkybarness @babyloutattoo89
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triplexdoublex · 4 months
Chlorine and Nicotine
Pairing: Jaden Hossler x Reader
Warnings/tags: Smut , Age Gap (reader is in her 30’s) tipsy hookup (consent implied) mentions of prior divorce, pregnancy, c section and children. Body image issues /self conscious reader . Mention of coopers death/fentanyl poisoning.
A/N: 5.5k words! This one’s for the self conscious and tired mamas on this app. Go find yourself a Jaden lol
You and your two other friends, Ashley and Liz, had planned the perfect getaway to celebrate your messy divorce being finalized: A child-free, 7 day, all-inclusive, 21+ cruise to the Bahamas. Tickets were purchased, excursions were selected, trustworthy babysitters were hired and bags were packed, there’s only one thing you all forgot…
“Is it just me or are we like the oldest ones here?” You ask your friends, looking around as you all board the cruise ship.
“Yeah, I noticed that too— seems like mostly college kids for some reason?” Liz responds.
Just then you all notice the banner on the side of the ship ‘Spring Break 2023’!
The three of you, having been out of school for close to two decades already, had completely forgotten this week was usually spring break.
“Ugh,” Ashley groans, “I can’t believe we forgot. I was hoping we could all get some much needed rest and a full night's sleep this week without our kids, not be kept up by a bunch of frat boys and sorority girls partying.”
“Hey, you know what? As long as I’m with you guys I’m sure we’ll still have a great time, even if they do keep us up. Besides you know the saying ‘if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. When was the last time any of us got to let loose and party a little?” You reply.
“Yeah, you’re right,” your friends answer in unison.
“Ok,well now that that’s settled, first order of business is finding our cabin, changing into our bikinis, and working on our tans while we sip margaritas pool side.” You instruct. “Let’s go!”
“Whooof!” You exhale. “I’m getting hot. I’m gonna go take a dip in the pool and cool off real quick. I’ll be right back.” You head into the pool.
“Ash, do you hear that? I think those guys next to us on the right are talking about Y/N. Listen,” Liz says, keeping her voice low..
“— yeah the one in the yellow floral two piece… right there … she just got into the pool… she’s a total MILF bro—“
“Okay, I’m back, mmmn that cold water was refreshing. Did I miss anything?” You joke, knowing you were only gone for a minute.
“You did actually,” Ashley speaks in a whisper “Apparently you’re a Milf!” Liz adds.
“Says who!?” You laugh.
“Shhhh! Liz warns. “That little cutie right over there,” She nods in his direction. “The one in the black swim trunks.”
Descretly, you turn to see who your friends are talking about.
“Oh my god, I’m pretty sure I have jeans in my closet older than him! You scoff before taking another look. “I mean… he is pretty cute though— solid body, lots of tattoos.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure you actually do,” Ashley laughs. Which reminds me we need to go shopping and update that wardrobe of yours, I haven’t seen you in anything but leggings for the past 6 years.”
“Ugh I know! It’s because nothing fits! It’s been 6 years since I had the twins and I’m still not back to my pre-baby weight,” you sulk. “Plus I’ve been so busy taking care of them and putting them first, I haven’t even had time to think about me. And now with the divorce and paying my lawyer— money’s tight. If it wasn’t for you guys paying my share of this trip, I wouldn’t have been able to go, and lord knows I need the break. I can’t thank you guys enough.”
“Aww you’re so welcome,” Liz hugs you.
“You deserve it,” Ashley says, patting your shoulder.
“Sorry, I’m being a negative Nancy. Fuck all our problems! We’re here to escape them and have fun!” You state. “Anyone else getting hungry, I could totally go for a burger?”
At night, the pool area transforms into somewhat of a night club, with drinks, dancing, swimming and fun events— tonight’s is a singles lap dance competition.
“Good Evening,cruisers!!! The lap dance competition is about to begin,” the event organizer announces. “I need three single people to volunteer to receive a lap dance, raise your hand if your single and would like to receive a lap,” he shouts loud and enthusiastically as if announcing a wrestling match.
“Oh my god y/n! You should totally do it!” Ashley squeals, trying to raise your hand for you.
“No way, are you crazy?” You laugh pulling your hand back down.
“C’mon y/n, you’re single now , and when was the last time you had a hott guy on top of you?”
“Not within the last eight years, I know that much!” Liz sasses, wide-eyed taking a sip of her drink, and making you spit out yours.
“Fair enough,” you cough out after practically choking. “Fine I’ll do it,” you agree,the liquid courage you’ve been sipping on, helping to release your inhibitions.
“Alright, I just need one more volunteer!”
You adjust your bathing suit and raise your hand.
“ Ok pretty lady, c’mon up,” the DJ calls out. You head up onto the stage, your friends laughing, screaming and cheering you on. “Now I’m gonna need some volunteers to give the lap dances. Let’s start with this pretty lady right here,” the DJ motions to you. “Who wants to give this beautiful woman a lap dance?”
You look out into the crowd watching as a few hands go up. One in particular catches you eye, and you try to place why he looks slightly familiar, and then it hits you; it’s the young guy your friends overheard calling you a MILF earlier in the day.
“Alright, take your pick,” the DJ tells you.
“Him—the one with the dark hair and tattoos,” you point into the audience, before taking a seat on the folding chair on stage.
“You heard her, my man, c’mon up,” the DJ calls him to the stage.
He stands in front of you wearing his black swim trunks from earlier but is now also sporting a white tank top and a forward facing baseball cap. You can feel his eyes looking down at you, checking you out while waiting for the other contestants to choose their lap dance partner.
“Let’s get it started!” the DJ announces. “At the end of the song, y’all are gonna help me decide the winner,” he says, speaking to the audience. “Let’s gooo!!”
Sam Smith’s ‘Unholy’ starts bumping from the speakers and your tattooed partner throws his head back in a brief laugh at the song choice, before locking eyes with you. He wastes no time getting close; stepping forward so that both of your legs are sandwiched between his wide stance. With one hand on your shoulder he begins rolling his body in your lap, his free hand quickly grabbing his hat and turning it backwards so the brim doesn’t hinder his view of you. He glides that same hand down his torso over his white tank to its hem, bunches the material in his hand and slides it up, exposing his perfectly toned abs. You smirk, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth at the sight. He removes his hand from your shoulder and uses both hands to peel his tank off completely, tossing it down on the stage. Then he slides his thumbs into the waistband of his swim trunks purposely lowering them, his prominent V-lines on full display, along with a fuzzy line of hair descending from his navel. Your eyes follow the trail down until it meets a small patch just barely visible peeking out the top of his swim trunks. Your mind wanders, imaging what’s below—imaging what he’s working with. The trance you’re in is broken when he places one of your hands flat on his chest, inviting you to touch him while he moves in your lap. You let your hand glide down over the topography of his body, your fingertips exploring the hills and valleys of muscle as you go, stopping when your hand reaches the horizon where flesh meets material, even though your hand craves to continue its descent. As if he can read your mind, he pushes your hand lower, pressing his half hard bulge against your palm as he rolls his hips insync with the last ‘unholy’ of the song before it ends.
“Alright it’s time to vote. Let me hear you give it up for couple number one,” the DJ instructs. The audience claps, cheers and hoots. “Alright, a alright, now make some noise for couple number two.” A slightly louder roar of cheer and applause echoes under the night sky. Your sexy partner stands behind you with his hands on your shoulders as you both await your turn.“And last but not least couple number three.” The crowd goes wild with thunderous clapping,and high pitched whistles —your friends cheers the loudest of them all. “We have a clear winner here tonight, folks,” the DJ announces. “Winning by a landslide…couple number three!”
Tattooed arms unexpectedly scoop you up off the chair, running bridal style off the stage and towards the pool with you. You playfully shriek and laugh the whole way until … splash... he jumps in the water with you. When you both surface again, your hungry mouths are attacking one another like prey: desperate and determined. He moves forward in the water, pinning you against the side of the pool with his body as you devour each other— all lips, tongue, teeth and flesh. His skin tastes like chlorine, his kisses- a hint of nicotine; and just as addictive. Underwater, he teases a hand up your inner thigh and begins gently rubbing you through the fabric of your bathing suit. You allow it, encourage it actually—rocking your hips to press yourself firmer against his fingertips. You can feel how hard he is through his swim trunks and you opt to help him out, grasping his hard cock through the thin veil of fabric. You work each other into a sexual frenzy and it’s not long before his fingers transcend the boundary of your bathing suit bottoms, pushing the fabric aside and inserting two slender fingers inside of you. You follow his lead, sinking your hand into his swim trunks and wrapping your fingers tightly around him.
Maybe it’s the fact that he’s a complete stranger who’s name you don’t even know, or that he’s much younger than you, or perhaps even because no one besides your ex-husband has touched you this intimately in years, but you feel a familiar sense of heightened arousal that can only compare to the giddy exhilaration of your first sexual experience. God the nostalgia!—Back when just the novelty of making out, and touching each other was enough. Back when foreplay still existed, before the busyness of life and motherhood had you trading sex for sleep. Or swapping making love for quickies during naptime.
Every swirl of his tongue, curl of his fingers, and flick of your wrist has you feeling renewed, awake and alive again. You never want this to end but your body is chasing after the high it so desperately wants bucking against his palm while his fingers caress that sweet spot inside of you. As your orgasm begins to build, your grip on him falters so he places his free hand over yours, helping you stroke him. The feeling of your walls squeezing his fingers as you cum is so sexy to him that he finishes shortly after you.
Since the moment he jumped into the pool with you in his arms, you’ve been in your own world, oblivious to anything or anyone around you. It’s not until you start coming down from your high that the outside world starts to trickle back in: the music, the people, the sounds of your friends cheering your name. You turn to the direction of the noise in search of your friends, but a series of cannonballs by a group of guys momentarily blocks your view before you finally spot them. When you turn back after locating them, the boy is gone.
The next morning in line for the breakfast buffet you feel a gentle tap on your shoulder.
“Hey, sorry about last night. My name’s Jaden by the way,” he holds out his hand.
“I’m y/n,” you shake his hand. “What exactly are you sorry about? I may have been a little tipsy, but I remember having a great time.” You give a small smirk.
“Ok, good,” he smiles “I was worried I got a little too caught up in the moment and took things too far,” he admits. “But mostly I’m sorry I disappeared on you like that. My buddies almost drowned me with their cannonballs and I wanted to spare you from having to see me choke to death and squirt water out of my nose.” He laughs.
“Fair. You’re forgiven,” you joke. “Can I ask you something?
“Of course, ask away.”
“How old are you?” You brace yourself for the answer, but at least you know he’s at least twenty one.
“Twenty two, you?”
“Oh god, umm let’s just call it mid 30’s” you answer, slightly embarrassed, and worried about how he might react.
“Can I ask you a question now?” He asks.
“I’d like to spend some more time with you today. Would you like that?” He asks.
“Wait, so your not bothered by me being much older than you?” You question.
“Not at all,” he smirks. “Sooo is that a yes then?”
“I-I dunno..” you're sure he just wants to hook up again , and you don’t want to give him that impression. Last night was just a heat of the moment thing.
“I just wanna talk, get to know you. Hands to myself this time, promise,” he replies as if he’s read your mind.
“Okay,” you agree. “My friends and I have a dolphin excursion during the day and dinner reservations at 6:00, so why don’t we meet somewhere around 8:00?”
“That works for me. Meet at the hot tubs?”
“Sounds good, I’ll see you then.” You answer.
You head down to the deck with the hot tubs after dinner; bathing suit on and towel in hand. You know you’re going to be a few minutes early but you figure you’d get there before they get crowed. When you arrive however you see Jaden already in one of the hot tubs; his elbows resting on the edge, and a cigarette between two fingers. You know it’s a nasty habit and not good for his health but fuck - why does he look so good doing it.
“Hey,” you say, grabbing his attention.
“Shit!” He blows out a mouthful of smoke and ashes the cigarette out on the edge of the hot tub. “Sorry, bad habit, tryna quit. I wasn’t expecting you for like another ten minutes, thought I could sneak one in.”
“No worries,” you smile, stepping into the hot tub with him. “I expected there to be more people out here, thought I’d come early before they filled up.”
“Yeah, same,” he says as you scoot over next to him . “But apparently there’s supposed to be a rainstorm some time tonight, so maybe that’s why. Although I don’t really see why it would matter, like you’re in a bathing suit literally sitting in water anyways.” He shrugs. “So anyways, tell me about yourself. I’m guessing you’re not here on Spring Break too.” He laughs.
“Nope, celebrating my divorce actually,” you admit, holding up your left hand and wiggling your ring finger— a lighter band of flesh, where a ring once sat.
“Ooh brutal, sorry to hear that. Did you guys have kids together?” Jaden asks.
“Dont be. I’m glad it’s over. And yeah twin boys actually. They’re six. My moms watching them while we’re gone.”
“Aww, sweet” he smiles.
“How ‘bout you? I already know you’re here on Spring Break. Sooo ummm—ooh I know, tell me about your tattoos, do they have any special meaning or anything?
“Some I just liked, and some have meaning but this one’s the most important to me,” he points to a scrawling of repeated sentences that goes from his chest down his side. I got it for my best friend Cooper who passed away from fentanyl poisoning last year. I just didn’t know what say, didn’t know what to do after he passed , ya know, it’s like — “ he pauses a moment and swallows hard . “Fuck, I’m sorry. Let’s just talk about something else,”
“Sure, no problem. I understand” you say supportively, placing a hand on his shoulder.
The rest of your conversation is much more happy and upbeat —sharing your favorite movies, music, and books, where you both live and what you do for work. Also telling silly anecdotes about your childhoods, college life, motherhood and so on.
And then the rain starts; which you both agreed was no big deal but, unfortunately this rain is accompanied by thunder and lighting.
“Ugh, I was having a great time talking with you. Sorry the rain cut our little date short.” You say, sounding disappointed as you both quickly exit the hot tub.
“Is that what this was?” He smiles.
“Maybe,” you answer coyly with a shrug and flirty smile.
“If you’re okay with it, you can come back to my cabin and talk a little more, hangout, watch a movie or something,” he suggests. “But I totally understand if you're not comfortable with that. No pressure.”
“Sure, I’d like that,” you agree.
“Shit, I just realized I don’t have anything dry to change into” you state upon entering his cabin. “And my rooms like on the complete other side of the ship. Do you have anything I could just throw on for now?”
“Uhhhm, sure,” Jaden looks around the room for something to give you. “Here you can wear this bathrobe,” he says, tossing you the white, terry cloth covering before sitting down on the bed.
In the corner of the room you turn, facing away from Jaden, put on the robe, and then descretly remove your bathing suit from under it.”
“What, no show?” Jaden jokes.
“You don’t wanna see, trust me.” You say, sounding down.
“Oh, but I do,” he laughs, but then stops when he notices you aren’t laughing too. Hey, what’s a matter. I’m just joking.I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable that wasn’t my intention. I don’t want you to think that’s why I invited you back to the room. You don’t have to show me anything you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that. I’m just really not comfortable in my own skin these days—haven’t been for a while actually. I love my kids to death but let’s just say pregnancy didn’t do my body any favors. You're young, you can have any hott girl with a tight little body. Why would you wanna see mine, it’s nothing to look at, I promise you.”
“I promise you you’re wrong. Let me show you how beautiful you are.”
You’re not sure what that consists of exactly, but you nod in agreement anyways. Jaden makes you feel so safe, and you could definitely use a confidence boost.
“C’mere,” Jaden leads you by your hand into the bathroom, and positions you in front of the mirror. “Can I take this off?” He whispers in your ear from behind you, as he places a hand on each of your robe covered shoulders. You meekly nod yes and he slips the garment off your shoulders, letting it pool at your feet, leaving you completely nude. You fight the urge to cover yourself but the look of awe in Jaden’s eyes as he surveys your naked body helps melt away some of your insecurity. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous,” he breaths against your our neck. “Now what I want you to do is look in the mirror with me,” he instructs. You flick your eyes up to the mirror meeting his in the reflection. “I want you to tell me what you see when you look at yourself in the mirror—give it all to me, the good, the bad, the ugly, then I’m gonna tell you what I see.”
“I see someone I don’t recognize anymore. I used to be pretty, but now I have crows feet by my eyes, and my breasts have lost the perky fullness they had before breastfeeding two kids. It’s been six years and I still haven’t lost all the baby weight,” You poke at your stomach. “And I have this C-section scar from when my body failed to do the one thing it was literally designed to do!“ You start getting emotional. “My hips are so wide now, and my ass is huge , and don’t even get me started on the stretch marks on my inner thighs,” you sigh, holding back tears.
“First of all, you ARE pretty, I think you’re absolutely gorgeous. When I look at your eyes I don’t see crows feet— I see a million smiles and childhood summers spent having fun in the sun,” he says, making you smile. “That’s a million and one now,” he teases playfully. “Now, before I continue, do I have permission to touch you?”
“Permission granted,” you snicker “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dying to feel your hands on me again,” you admit, blushing.
“And my lips too?” He begins kissing slowly up the side of you neck, making every hair on your body stand on end with arousal.
“Mmmhm, yeah, that too.” You giggle coyly.
“And these,..”he continues, cupping you from behind, “I see breasts that nourished two beautiful babies,and still look plenty perky to me, especially these nipples,” he rolls the buds between his thumbs and pointer fingers. “I love how erect they are for me.” He tugs on them gently before moving his hands to your stomach. “You don’t need to lose a single pound, all I see is curves and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not the 90’s anymore where women had to be rail thin to meet some ridiculous standard of beauty— all bodies are beautiful. And besides you don’t give yourself enough credit for growing two human beings inside you, this was their home for nine months!” He grips your soft belly tightly as he speaks. “And this scar,” he traces his finger over it, causing a ticklish chill to run through you at the ghostly sensation— you still don’t have much feeling there. “This is not a failure, it’s a reminder of how your babies were able to safely enter this world when things didn't go quite as planned.” Your eyes begin to well with tears again, not with sadness, but from the joy of a guy you met less than twenty four hours ago helping you fall back in love with your body and realize all its accomplishments. “And your ass and hips— fuck, that might be my favorite part of your body. Do you know how many women literally pay thousands of dollars to make their hips and ass look like this?” He rubs his hands over the swell of your backside. “It’s literally perfect.” He says with a firm squeeze. “And these—” he places his fingertips on the jagged pink and white lines on your inner thigh and begins to trace them upwards. “These are a map, leading me to where I wanna be the most,” he slides his middle finger through your wetness, “God damn you’re soaked and we’re not even in the pool this time,” he teases. “I think you want me here too, huh?” He begins rubbing slow circles on your clit, “and I mean more than just my fingers this time,” he smirks at you in the mirror before pressing his growing erection against your backside, and his mouth to your neck.
“Mhm, fuck—“ you moan, tilting your head and reaching back to run your hand through his dark hair while he marks you. “Mmmm, Jaden… do you… do you have a condom? I mean, my tubes are tied but—”
“I just got tested before the cruise baby—I’m clean.” He states breathily, before reattaching his lips to your neck, and pulling himself free from his swim trunks with his free hand.
“Okaay,” you moan. “I-I trust you.”
He slips in with ease; both of you releasing a shaky breath at the feeling. And while you haven’t exactly seen his dick yet, you can tell that it’s big.
“Fuccck, you feel incredible!” He nips along your jawline as he begins to thrust — one tattooed hand on your hip and the other, full of your breast, holding you against him so you can watch. He begins with a slow, gentle rhythm, taking his time to fully appreciate your warmth and tightness with each lengthy stroke.
“Ohhhh, Jaden!” You moan breathily.
“Mmmh yeah—am I making you feel good, baby?”
“Ss-so good.” And you mean that in every way- not just sexually.
“Keep your eyes on the mirror. I want you to see how beautiful you look while I fuck you,” he rasps in your ear.
You watch Jadens thrusts grow more urgent, his hands more hungry as he claws and grabs at every square inch of flesh he can get his hands on. Because of him you’re able to watch unashamed, as your soft body jiggles everytime Jaden’s hips crash against your backside, the movement spurring him on even more. You’re able to see the undeniable desire in his eyes, hear the truth of his words.
“God, you’re so fucking sexy!” He grunts through clenched teeth, increasing the intensity and depth of his pace even more, as he grows close to orgasm.
You grip the bathroom counter in front of you and let your head hang down in overwhelming pleasure. With a firm but gentle hold of your throat, Jaden lifts your head back up to face your reflection.
“Don’t want you to miss the best part,” he teases.
And with one final thrust, he cums hard, filling you to the brim. The warm eruption triggers your own orgasm, splashing against Jaden’s pelvis and dripping down his tattooed thighs.
“Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever came that hard before,” you admit after finally catching your breath, your legs still weak and trembling.
“I can believe that,” he laughs looking down at the mess you’ve made of him. “It was so fucking hott though…Shower then room service?”
“Sounds perfect” you smile, stepping into the shower with him.
The shower starts off innocent, with the intent of actually washing up and getting clean but when Jaden asks if he can help wash you, things heat up rather quickly. As he soaps up your breasts you feel something brush press against you and look down.
“Are you really hard again, already? You just came!”
“I’m young, I got the drive and the stamina to go all night if you want,” he smirks.
“I just might have to take you up on that,” you smirk back, reaching to grasp his cock. You give it a few teasing tugs before dropping to your knees.
He watches with his bottom lip between his teeth as you tease your tongue along the underside of his shaft , tracing the vein from hilt to tip. He lets out a low and breathy “Fuck” as the head disappears inside your mouth— the rest of his length soon to follow. He tastes of you, and the scent of chlorine still lingers on his skin, especially when you take him deep, your nose pressed into the neatly trimmed patch of hair on his pelvis. The same patch that was just slightly visible last night above the waistband of his low hung swim trunks. You remember the way your eyes followed his happy trail to it, your mind wondering what was below it. Now just barely twenty four hours later it’s been inside of you; first your pussy and now your mouth. Every bob of your head brings him closer, his pleasure building so much he can’t help but buck his hips, gently fucking into your mouth.
“Ohh, shit —Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” He moans out, grabbing the back of your head with both hands holding you in place as he spurts down your throat. “Mhgmmmmmmmmm” he lets out a long and pleasure-filled moan, still pumping his hips in short stokes, enjoying the last tendrils of his orgasm before pulling out. “God damn, that was so good!” He praises your skills, making you blush. “Ok” he starts with a laugh “let’s try this again, shower then room service”
By the time room service arrives after your shower, you’re at it again, this time riding Jaden in bed— a position you haven’t been brave enough to do in quite some time. You’ve already cum and Jaden is dangerously close when you both hear the faint knock followed by “Room service.”
“Shit, don’t stop,” Jaden whispers to you before shouting to room service “Just—fuck, j-just leave it by the door!”
Another roll of your hips and he’s done for, eyes rolling back, chiseled body twitching under you, calling out your name as he cums for the third time tonight.
“We definitely worked up an appetite,” Jaden laughs looking at all the now completely empty pile of dishes on the room service cart. “You save any room for dessert?”
“No way, I’m stuffed,” you answer.
“Well I did.” Jaden smirks pushing you back down on the bed, and spreading your legs, his head disappearing between your thighs.
“Ohhh Jaden …”
In the morning Jaden wakes before you, he can’t help but watch you sleep, sofly swiping a single knuckle along your cheek as he admires your beauty. The sensation stirs you from your slumber. Your eyes still heavy with sleep blink open and Jaden’s face comes into focus.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you,” Jaden says, his husk, sleep laden, voice sounding so sexy. “It’s just that you're even beautiful when you sleep.”
“S’ok,” You murmur, with a smile. “Gotta get up anyways,my friends are probably wondering where the fuck I am.”
You put your key card to the door of your cabin and the door clanks open rousing your friends from their sleep.
“Shit, what time is it?” Ashley asks, squinting at her phone. “Ten thirty two, sorry we woke up so late. I think me and Liz had a little too much to drink last night. I hope you weren’t bored waiting around for us.” Ashley apologizes. “Have you already been swimming this morning?” she asks noticing you're in a robe with your bathing suit dangling from your hand.
“Wait!” Liz interjects, “That’s the bathing suit you had on when you left for your date with -with that college boy, what’s his face—“
“It’s Jaden” you remind her.
“— you’re just getting back now, aren’t you!! You spent the night!?” Liz exclaims accusingly.
The hue of your cheeks and your guilty smile give you away. You take a seat on the edge of the bed and wait for the slew of questions you know you’re about to get pummeled with.
“Oh my god, did you sleep with him?” Ashley asks.
You answer wordlessly, pulling back the collar of the robe, exposing the numerous wine colored markings that decorate your flesh.
“Jesus! I haven’t seen that many hickeys since highschool” Liz teases. “Ok, spill, how bad was the sex? I’m cringing just looking at your neck.”
“It was honestly the best sex I’ve ever had,” you blushed. “He made me feel like a fucking Goddess!”
“ There’s no way,” Liz scoffs. “How much experience can he even have.” She says with an eyeroll.
“Yeah I’m not buying it either,” Ashley laughs. “C’mom you don’t got to lie to us. We’ve all had our subpar hookups, especially when we were in college. Guys that age are all confidence and no skill.”
“No I’m dead serious, it was amazing!!!” You gush. “And not just his dick, but the way he made me feel…”
You proceed to tell them every detail of last night, from how he praised and appreciated your every flaw and gave you your confidence back, to just how good his dick felt inside you and how talented he was with his mouth and fingers. When you're done talking Liz gets up and starts walking towards the cabin door.
“Where are you going?” You ask perplexed.
“Going to find me one of these college boys” Liz laughs. “Does he have friends?” She jokes, making her way back to the bed. “Seriously though, sorry we teased you, that sounds amazing.”
“Yeah,” Ashley agrees. “I’m a little jealous— good dick AND body positivity, sign me the fuck up!”
“What are you guys gonna do when the cruise is over?” Liz asks, “You’ll probably never see eachother again.”
“Oh my god, that’s right! I forgot to tell you guys the best part! Earlier in the night when we were just talking in the hot tub we figured out that he only lives an hour away from us!”
“Holy shit, what a small world, that’s awesome.” Ashley exclaims.
“I’ll tell you what’s not small,” you smirk.
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nadia-zahra · 2 years
Deep Dive on Mike and his Gay Feelings
So a lot of people speculate when exactly Mike realizes he has romantic feelings for Will, and I’m jumping onto the snowball train. Lemme explain:
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For the show’s pitch on the characters, Mike was insecure ab not having a girlfriend. From the start, the duffers wanted his character to struggle with not being heteronormative. All of the characters are type casted as being different in their own ways. But this let’s us know that Mike thinks having a gf is what’s going to make him normal. Lucas and Dustin didn’t have anything ab girlfriends in their description, so why Mike? Well, it implies that the duffers have always had the intentions of making him queer (ima gay mike truther personally), but I don’t think this means since s1 he knows he likes Will.
Season 1 shows us Mike and Will have a deeper connection compared to the rest of the party. Mike keeps a binder of his drawings, puts himself and the rest of the party in danger in order to find Will, trusts El solely because she says she can help find him, and was going to kill himself at the quarry because he had lost all hope in finding Will. I don’t think Mike starts developing romantic feelings for him in this season because tbf he’s 12 and it is really traumatic to have your bff of 5 year’s old disappear. But I will say that this behavior does show just how deeply he cares for Will and that his feelings definitely have some romantic undertones (again gonna mention the binder of Will’s pictures and drawings all over basement).
His relationship with El s1 also highlights how mike is queer. El is the only girl he’s ever became friends with that understands what it’s like to be an outsider. He’s in the mindset of normal=girlfriend, and since El is the only girl in his life he thinks they’re supposed to date. Even tho they are depicted as a blossoming romance, both Mike and El’s behavior isn’t romantic in the slightest. It more so reads as mike thinking him and El need to date because he’s a boy and she’s a girl, and El just going along with it because she doesn’t know better. The clearest piece of evidence that mike doesn’t have romantic feelings towards El is when discussing El living in the Wheeler house in 1x8. Mike says El would be like Nancy’s sister, but wouldn’t be Mike’s. This means that his feelings for her are platonic because he views Nancy and El as a sibling dynamic, but thinks the next step in their relationship is dating because of heteronormativity. If he didn’t view her platonically, he would’ve said El could become friends with Nancy or wouldn’t have mentioned Nancy at all.
Season 2 pre-snowball is when things pick up a bit more with byler because now we actually see how Mike and Will interact with each other. Will said Mike was the only one treating him the same. So before the ud, Mike was super affectionate and protective and was basically acting like a boyfriend? Cool, good to know. 2x2 specifically gives us the most insight into how they’re dynamic works. The whole Halloween episode let’s us know Mike thinks of Will and their friendship differently than the rest of the party’s. Him getting pissy with only Will for not talking to him ab max joining (even tho lucas or Dustin didn’t either), him immediately searching for Will after he’d left Will’s side for not even 3 minutes and then dragging Will back to his place to be alone, and, finally, the crazy together scene. Again, I don’t think the crazy together scene is when Mike realizes he has feelings for Will. This is when WE, the viewers, know Mike has feelings for him. That scene was the nail in the coffin in confirming these two clearly have romantic feelings. But for Mike, it was a turning point in their relationship. It confirms that they are their own individual team separate from the party. This scene probably had mike feeling all kinds of butterflies and just didn’t know why they were happening…yet 😏
His relationship with El s2, again, shows us that his feelings for her are platonic and also not has strong compared to Will’s. He doesn’t believe El is dead…but he also doesn’t search after her once, doesn’t bring up how he saw her out his window to the party (only to Will might I add), and, besides calling her everyday, Mike basically acts like she doesn’t exist. This is a complete contrast with Will’s disappearance!! This is the girl Mike supposedly has a crush on, the only girl he’s ever had a deep connection with—this behavior doesn’t add up with his character…unless he doesn’t feel as strongly towards El as he does Will. And the way Mike behaves versus how El behaves in their reunion is telling ab how they see each other too. It’s obvious that El feels romantically towards him now (she’s looking at him with heart eyes and is a little breathless), but he reads as platonic. Like if it had been Dustin or Lucas, he would’ve said and reacted the exact same way. He didn’t overreact (in my books at least) when finding out hop was hiding her either. Just really platonic and would’ve also started punching and screaming at hopper if it was anyone in that room.
I need to preface this beforehand: Mike didn’t think El was going to show up!! His reactions and responses of what’s to come are without El in mind.
Ok back to Mike realizing he like likes Will
When Dustin arrives late to the dance we see Lucas and Max together (presumably as dates) and Mike and Will…so he thought during the whole dance it was just going to be him, Will, and Dustin together once lumax started doing their own thing.
But then this random girl comes up and asked Will if he wants to dance and Mike pushes Will to say yes. Just noticed only Mike and Will turn to her when she comes up, Dustin doesn’t. this happens for two reasons 1) Dustin is heartbroken ab lumax so ofc he isn’t watching this happen 2) Mike isn’t heartbroken by lumax, and is also thinking “why tf is this girl coming up to Will?”. So when this random ass girl asks Will for a dance and Will looks at him for an answer, the only thing he thinks is to say yes because that’s what a good NORMAL friend would do.
Yet, even though he’s the one that told Will to say yes, he automatically starts sulking. He looks just like Dustin: heartbroken from jealousy.
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but this is his face when he realizes what his jealousy is from:
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Sitting there, just processing his feelings, Mike realizes that his jealous insecurity of someday being replaced by Will’s future girlfriend is because Mike doesn’t want him have one and, instead, wants Will to be with him.
His face gives it all away!! He looks in shock. Eyes wide, mouth opened, and staring at nothing because he’s so deep in thought. He looks completely dumbfounded, like “I like like Will holy shit” is on repeat while he thinks about every interaction they’ve ever had. And this shocked face was intentional!! They stay on him with this face for almost 10 seconds before El walks in. This wasn’t just a quick cut to him looking bored (which is what it looks like if your just casually watching). They wouldn’t have stayed on him for so long if we weren’t supposed to notice his facial expression!
You might be thinking, why now? How does this girl coming up to Will and making Mike jealous get him to this realization? After all, he was super jealous when he thought Will liked Max, so why not back at the crazy together scene?
Heres the difference between him getting jealous over Max and Will versus the rando and Will: he saw unrequited feelings between Will and Max (she didn’t like him back), but not with Will and the rando (he says yes). Plus the crazy together scene leads Mike to believe their bond is stronger than anything else, but Will leaving him for a girl makes him realize it isn’t.
And this realization doesn’t help him mentally— it just feeds into his “I’m not normal” insecurity. Not to mention he thinks Will doesn’t love him back or even could. So guess who walks in and is able to save him from his gay crisis…
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Even the mileven kiss proves mike knows he likes Will. Mike wasn’t originally supposed to kiss her— he duffers didn’t even want it, Millie did. She literally asked for it because she thought that shippers would be pissed (she’s the shipper) if it didn’t happen. The duffers don’t give a fuck ab what shippers want! Never have! And even tho it was her begging for it, I don’t think they would allow a 13 year old to make major decisions like this without it working with their vision. However…it does. They realized the kiss actually strengthens Mike pushing away Will, so that’s why they lit the green light on that impromptu kiss. The kiss is just Mike belly flopping head first into his new (fake) personality.
Mike begins his “I don’t like like Will, I’m normal 😃” phase that continues through s3 and s4. Except that phase takes a turn after he realizes he’s in love with Will in the season 3 finale, but that’s for another byler essay.
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creaturecosmo · 5 months
TAGS: Steddie, implied D/s dynamic, Daddy kink/title
Steve, Eddie, Robin, and Nancy visit home for the holidays. They wanted to see all the little shits that aren't so little anymore, split up between art schools and colleges and trade schools. Of course, Joyce and Hopper (mainly Joyce) insist they stay at their new place bought with the government hush money years ago, and the four are all too happy not to drop money on a hotel.
With the limited seating in a living room filled with 12 people, Steve decides to just sit on Eddie's lap on one of the big arm chairs. The kids claim the couch area, sprawled on top of each other in a never-ending pile of limbs and laughter. Nancy takes over the other arm chair, Robin slung across her lap with a blanket. The loveseat by the tree remains empty for the hosts.
It's been a while since everyone was able to get together like this, Eddie having been with Wayne for Thanksgiving and everyone working over summer break. Thanks to this, it's also been a while since Steve pulled out his old tricks to get his way with Hopper and Joyce, tricks he's been using since Joyce practically adopted him at 10.
So, when Eddie's messing around on his phone to make sure things are set with Wayne for tomorrow, he's woefully unprepared for what comes out of his boyfriend's mouth.
"Daddy!" the sweetest voice calls out to the kitchen. Big Bambi eyes and a bigger shit-eating grin greet Eddie when he looks up without a second thought, ready to see what he needs. Only, they're not directed at him. No, they're aimed at Hopper, who comes out of the kitchen looking like he's already about to kick Steve to the curb. Joyce pops out behind him and the grin turns sweeter than ever. "Hi, Mom! Can we have cinnamon rolls with breakfast?"
Eddie has never looked faster, worried he snapped his neck with how quickly he turns away and tries to act natural. However, he's never quick enough to escape Robin's and Nancy's observant eyes. Joyce and Hopper turn back to the kitchen with the promise of dessert for breakfast, and the chaos begins.
Robin's cackling pairs perfectly with Nancy's disappointed headshake. And of course, Dustin has the most disgusted look on his face looking right at Eddie, with Will next to him trying to hide his own laughter. While Lucas and Mike have the decency to feign sudden blindness, Max is joining Robin's uproarious laughter and dragging Will with her. El simply shakes her head.
Eddie shoots them all his best "shut the fuck up before I make your death look like a hunting accident in the woods" glare. Steve looks around at the abnormally intense reaction and pouts.
"What did I miss?" he asks, looking at Eddie's beet-red face with confusion.
"Nothing, Bambi. Nothing important."
Steve squints with that same dusty blush he always gets with the pet name. Eddie gives him a small smile and a kiss on the nose in return. It seems to sate the curiosity for now. But Eddie knows by Robin's frantic typing on her phone, and the way his own screen keeps lighting up, that this would not be the last he hears it for a while.
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twelvegate-blog · 5 months
Season 1 Promo Poster Analysis:
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"Are we really going to the place Will went missing?"
*spoiler alert*: Mike never says this line. At all. He says this:
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Dustin is actually the one who says a line most similar to what is on Mike's promo poster.
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"Did anyone bring a weapon?"
Lucas never says this line, but Dustin ends up saying something similar when they look for Will after he goes missing.
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The same scene where they meet "weapon" number 1 (011) of 2 (012). Later in S1, Mike refers to El as a weapon after arguing with Lucas over who can join the party. (It's giving "one kid [nuclear bomb] goes missing, the other kid [nuclear bomb] runs wild?" and "that doll is pregnant with an explosive" if you ask me.)
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“Do you think we should turn back?”
Dustin actually ends up saying this line twice. Once, before they enter the woods where Will went missing, and once right before they meet El.
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"You think I don't know my own son's voice?"
This line has interesting phrasing because Joyce tells Hopper a similar version of this in the show. This also implies that Joyce heard Will talking while trying to contact her over the phone.
But in the show, we get this line, which is a line that comes up fairly often - almost as if breathing is a hint to solving a larger recurring theme in the show.
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They make it a point to mention both Joyce's son - Will - and Hopper's daughter - "Sarah" and (as of S2) his daughter, El. As Jonathan looks awkwardly between his stepdad and his mom as they argue about his twin siblings and their disappearance. And before this interaction, Joyce says "I know it was his breathing," to Jonathan TWICE. This all ties back to Terry saying "She wasn't breathing!" about Jane, but I'll get to that in another post.
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"You ever feel cursed?"
Now. . . Hopper's line is possibly the only line that is word-for-word repeated in the show. Everyone else ended up getting their phrases broken down into segments - or that character actually never said that phrase at all (Lucas and his mention of bringing weapons).
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Hopper says this line to Sandra, a woman that we only see once in the show. And I can't help but think this extra was cast as a nod to Joyce. My mind jumped straight to Sandy in Grease when I found the name of her character, but that's also because I know they used some movie inspo for S4.
For Hopper, the feeling of being cursed is another recurring theme for the show. And as TFS has shown us, this is an important theme In Hopper's life.
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“What’s wrong with just observing people rather than talking to them?”
Now, I could only find this dialogue in a scene between Jonathan and Nancy when they are in the dark room developing photos.
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Nancy says "Talk to them." in this scene.
Side note: the dark room lighting made me think of Vecna's mindscape in s4, so take that as you will.
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"You're a cliché, you realize that?"
Nancy says this line to Steve while at his pool party in Season 1. Now, I wasn't sure if this was said to Steve or Jonathan before searching for the quote itself in the show. I'm not quite sure what to make of Nancy's quote here for analysis's sake, but in the context of season 1, it works well.
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Arguably, the next three are the most important (and interesting) lines to analyze.
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"Could you repeat that back to me like we used to with nursery rhymes?"
Brenner says this line to El in a flashback in season 1. These flashbacks are some of the only memories we see from El's perspective, there are points in S2 - S4 where we see memories from El's perspective again (being the flashbacks in S2 of El living with Hopper in the cabin, and the flashbacks that occur prior to El joining Owens for the NINA project.) We don't know if the memories Terry shows El are true, the same goes for the memories/recordings/tapes that El is shown in the NINA deprivation tank.
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Now, Erika pointed out that in S2, Kali mentions something about the nursery rhyme "Old McDonald Had a Farm". Some of the decor in the Byers house as of S1 includes chickens (there is a rooster in Joyce's kitchen), and as of S4, Joyce has cow gloves on. Jo pointed out that in some cultures, cows are seen as a sign of fertility or motherhood. Interestingly enough, cows and deer are some of the few land mammals able to give birth to fraternal twins (what Will and El would be if it turns out our crazy theory is correct).
I'll probably make a post about all of that later as well, but it is interesting to me that Brenner mentions nursery rhymes. El would have never experienced nursery rhymes with her mother or father as a toddler if she had been stuck in the lab. I've taken this as a time loop hint, to be honest.
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"The bad people can't hurt me - promise?"
El never actually says this line. (I'm sensing a theme here. . .)
El never says this line, but Mike kind of does?
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He asks El if the bad people want to hurt her, but El is the one who says "Promise." after the scene where she is crying in Mike's closet.
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"What's the worst that could happen?"
This one has driven me insane because Will NEVER says this line. He doesn't even say it in S4, which leads me to believe that we might see something about this line in Season 5. This line definitely made me think of The First Shadow, it made me think of the stage play because of the context we now have surrounding Henry and how he came to be involved with Dimension X. This line, to me, sounds like a line a kid would say to a friend or a sibling before voluntarily going into the dark and haunted woods before being lost forever.
When I first read this line, I thought of the possibility of Will and El being in the lab together and Will saying this to his sister before escaping the lab. . . but again, I'm not sure what to make of it. I think it is important to note that Will's outfit is not the outfit that he disappears in, whereas most of the other character's outfits fit the scene in which the line is being said.
Either way, I'm interested to see if this line pops up in S5 at some point.
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heytherejulietx · 2 years
If you're still accepting prompts from your side blog, I think the hold one in the crying section would be good to see with Steve and reader if that's alright? (Although you can choose who is A and who is B 💙)
thank you for the request from the crying prompt list! i hope you like this my love <3
tw - implied abuse/absence of parents, bad relationship with parents, family trauma
1k words
@eddie-darling @amazingphanisnotonfire-imagines @80strashbag @ilikefruitgummies @d22malfoys @ninuffi @eldriidd @icarus-star @demigirl-with-problems @alexxavicry @simplymurdock @sydnee-writes @savagejane1 @vintageobx @katsukis1wife @pastel-abyss-x @levylovegood @mayyvh @mystickenz join my tag list
“So, we’ll have the morning to ourselves, because otherwise I won’t get you to myself for the whole day,” she smiled as she walked around Steve’s kitchen to grab a glass for herself and him. His birthday was exactly a week away, and with the help of Nancy Wheeler they had the whole thing already planned out. “I think Eddie said he’ll be here to pick us up around lunch time – he’ll already grab the kids first so we just need to grab Robin, and Nance is meeting us-”
For possibly the first time ever, Steve wasn’t listening to her. His eyes were in her general direction, but they were unfocused, like he was mentally somewhere else. He hadn’t moved from his spot leant against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest as he stared into nothingness.
She put the glasses back down on the counter and turned to face him, a slight frown on her lips as she walked over. “Stevie?” Her voice was soft, and he only looked up at her when she gently touched his hand. “You still with me?”
He cleared his throat and nodded, but his smile was so forced that it was impossible to believe nothing was wrong. “Yeah, sorry. Birthday stuff, go on?”
Steve still looked completely uninterested, so she gently worked her fingers in between his to lace them together. His hand was tense, fingers flexed until she moved them. But as she stood in front of him, she noticed that the rest of him was tense too.
“Steve,” she mumbled, her voice softer as she worked circles into his hand with her thumb. “Penny for your thoughts?”
He sighed and wiped his face with his free hand. “It’s nothing, honestly.”
“It’s not nothing,” she kept her voice soft as she looked up at him, her thumb continued rubbing his hand. “You can tell me anything, you know.”
For a moment he looked guilty, and she couldn’t possibly decipher why. He hadn’t done anything wrong to her knowledge, and to be honest she wasn’t sure he was even capable of doing something wrong. Whatever was going on must’ve been really hurting him, and that was all the more worrying.
“I know,” he sounded quiet and deflated. Like he was just really tired of everything. “It’s not… I guess I just didn’t think it was that big of a deal.”
“What, baby?”
Steve stared at her for a moment through an expression that she couldn’t decipher, before he squeezed her hand and took in a deep breath. “I told you that my parents won’t be here for my birthday, yeah?” she nodded, and watched with an aching heart as his gaze dropped to the floor. “I wasn’t really that upset at first. I mean, you know what they’re like, they’re never here,” he grumbled, an undertone of hurt in his words. “and I really am excited about what you and the guys have planned, I know I’m gonna have a good day,” he took a pause and sighed, and she could practically feel his gaze on their interlocked hands. “Sorry.”
“S’okay,” she told him, and lightly squeezed his fingers. “Take your time.”
Steve nodded. It took him another moment before he spoke again. But she made sure not to voice her concern just yet. “I dropped Dustin off at his house yesterday but he wanted to show me something in his room – I think it was a new game or something, little nerd – and I saw how much his mom loves him. Like… really loves him. I’m happy he does, but why does his mom love him and mine can’t even come home for my fucking birthday?”
“Oh Steve.” If he had taken Dustin home the day before then just how long had he been dwelling on this thought?
She didn’t know what she should say to help him – what could help – so she pulled her hand from his grip and wrapped her arms around him instead. His head fell limp against her shoulder as she worked a palm between his shoulder blades, and as soon as his arms tightened around her waist he shook.
He was crying.
She had seen him go through many different hardships; he had fought and got hurt by interdimensional creatures, got the shit beaten out of him by Billy Hargrove, and was drugged and tortured by Russians. But she had never once seen him cry. But for him to have broken down in her arms like that, his fingers curled into her shirt for some stability, it made her wonder just how much his parents, or their absence, had an affect on him.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered into his hair as she held onto him tighter. She wished that she could tell him that his parents didn’t mean to hurt hm, and that they really did love him so much, but how could she? She had only met them a few times herself, and she knew nothing about their treatment of Steve and how they felt. It would be unfair to feed him empty promises when she just didn’t know. “I love you,” she settled with instead, her voice soft before she pressed a just as gentle kiss to his cheek. “So much, so so much. I’ll always be here for you, I promise.”
Steve took in a shuddered breath and nodded into her shoulder. His fingers gripped her shirt tighter whilst his other arm wrapped around her completely, where he held her tightly. It reminded her of how she used to hold her teddy bear when she had a nightmare as a child, and it made her frown worsen. Steve was still just a boy who needed his parents.
“I know,” he mumbled, his throat thick as he spoke. He leaned back against the counter again and pulled her with him, slotted her between his parted legs to lean against his chest. “Thank you.”
“Anytime, baby,” she whispered, and pressed another soft kiss to his neck. “Do you need anything?”
He shook his head, and if anything held onto her tighter. “No… just stay here a while?”
“Of course,” she whispered. “Always.”
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knottyk · 2 years
Can't Fight This Feeling 
Pairing: Steve x Fem!Reader, Eddie x Fem!Reader, and platonic interactions with other characters.
Summary: The group went on an overnight beach trip where Y/N and Steve found themselves in an argument. A sing-off leads to a choir performance and Y/N catches the eyes of the one and only Eddie Munson. (no spoilers!! s1-4)
Word count: 1.9k 
Warnings: silent treatment, implied arguing, not proofread 😮‍💨
A/N: *shamefully pokes head through door gap* *squeezes whole body in the room* so sorry for being MIA and suddenly coming back with a a new fic for another fandom aaaaaaaa, you can consider this my red flag. I give you permission. 🚩 Anyway, I binged Stranger Things season 1-4 within a week and now I live with permanent dark circles and an unsteady sleep schedule plus undying love for all the characters… and heartaches from all the losses.
PS: i wrote this to 'Can't Fight This Feeling' by REO Speedwagon..
do not repost w/o permission, reblogs are most welcome &lt;3
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It was the way that Steve would let his gaze linger on Nancy when she laughs at his jokes or the way that he’d offer his shoulder when she cried, no questions asked. For him, it was an act of service for an old friend whom he had history with. History that neither Jonathan or Y/N could erase. 
As the group sat around the bonfire, Y/N watched as Steve offered Nancy his freshly made s’mores. She looked away when Jonathan put an arm around Nancy, not wanting to see her friend upset for the same reason once more. 
They’d gone through it before but it fell on deaf ears and resulted in a slight rift in their friendship as Steve made her realise where she really belonged in his life. The night was not off to a good start.
“You’re my friend. Why can’t you just respect that I’m not over her? She’s all I want, damn it.”
Each sentence digging a deeper hole in her heart. Steve may not know how she truly felt but that doesn’t mean the others are blind to the truth staring at them in the face.
Robin drove a leg in between Dustin and Y/N and wedged herself down on the log. “You okay?”
Her gaze lost in space and hands playing with the sand, Y/N replied with a nod. Robin followed her line of sight and sighed when she reached the other end. 
“He’s still not talking to you.” Robin faced Y/N and watched as the flames illuminated her side profile. 
She remained silent. The kids’ chatter and the gentle sound of waves against the shore enveloping them.
“Give him time. He’s just being stupid.” 
“Time? I’ve given him plenty.” Y/N said in a sharp but low voice. “If that’s what he really wants to do, let him. I don’t care anymore.” 
The kids suddenly erupted in cheers and hooting, snapping Robin and Y/N out of their own conversation bubble. Eddie had just taken an acoustic guitar from one of the tents and is now challenging the kids to a sing-off. 
“Okay, so the rules are simple.” Eddie towered everyone else as he stood with one foot on one of the logs, using his leg as a resting place for the guitar. “Spin the bottle. If it points to you, you sing.” 
“Where are we going to spin the bottle? That’s not fair.” Max interrupted. “There’s no flat surface and the fire is in the middle so it won’t work either way.”
“Fine! I will be the bottle. I’ll choose whose turn it is.” Eddie elongated his neck for emphasis while addressing max sitting across him.
Lucas raised his hand. Beside him, Max muttered, “Still not fair.”
Eddie sighed and extended an arm gesturing him to go on with his question. 
“We won’t get enough turns.” He looked around to look for support within the group. “There’s like, 14 of us.” 
Beside Lucas, Erica muttered something about regretting joining the outing.
Dustin perked up, also raising his hand. Though, he didn’t wait for Eddie’s signal that he could speak. “Yeah, there’s not enough lines in the song for all of us to actually enjoy singing a phrase.” 
Mike joined in on the conversation, breaking from the conversation he was having with El. “Wait, what song are we doing?” 
“Can we sing Can’t Fight This Feeling?” El looked up at Eddie, her doe eyes glistening. 
“Ooh, that’s a good song.” Max agreed, now looking expectantly at Eddie.
“Okay, okay.” Eddie, on Y/N’s right side had started bouncing his leg up and down, fingers roughly scratching at his nape. 
“We’ll do it in pairs, we’ll follow a clockwise order, starting from Vickie. Yes, we can do that song and yes, you have a minute to pair up.” He had his eyes closed, ring clad fingers spread out and hands hovering in the air. His guitar tucked under his arm.
Robin tapped Y/N’s shoulder gently before whispering. “I gotta get back. Later.” 
On the left side of the circle, Vickie sat with her legs crossed at the ankles as she waited for Robin to circle back to her. Dustin scooted back to his original place beside Y/N. 
From across her seat, Y/N saw how Steve paired with Will. Though, his expecting stare at Nancy before she almost immediately turned to Jonathan didn’t slip through her observation. 
Meanwhile, Y/N was about to ask Dustin to be her partner but he was already practicing the verse with Erica. 
“Too bad, it looks like you’re stuck with me.” Eddie spoke as he started fingerpicking the opening tune. Tuning the strings as he went.
Y/N looked over to his other side where Robin and Vickie are laughing at one another, clearly partnered up. He was talking to her. 
“Not bad at all, actually.” She smiled up at him as the soft wind suddenly carried stray hair over her face. 
He had a charming grin on his face, dimples visible and further emphasised by the light emitting from the fire. He broke their eye contact and addressed everyone else. “Ready?” 
The group replied in a variety of agreement and some silent nods. Eddie began to play the opening rhythm as Robin and Vickie got ready to sing the first verse. 
I can't fight this feeling any longer
And yet I'm still afraid to let it flow
What started out as friendship has grown stronger
I only wish I had the strength to let it show
The chaotic ambience just a mere moment ago was replaced in stark contrast by the warm smiles and attentive ears. Each one of them carrying swelling hearts from a moment so wholesome and peaceful, compared to what they’d gone through the past years.
The next pair to sing was Nancy and Jonathan. Two of them started off timid but eased into the song almost right away. Hands clasped within each other’s and loving glances were shared as they sang the words. 
I tell myself that I can't hold out forever
I said there is no reason for my fear
'Cause I feel so secure when we're together
You give my life direction
You make everything so clear 
Steve averted his gaze and just caught her eyes when it was their turn. His singing more of a mumble and had to be gently nudged by Will. The group chuckled softly as Y/N broke off their stares and instead focused on the fire. Steve followed suit. 
And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
He was being eaten by the guilt for him snapping at her just after they arrived the beach, now too afraid to approach her so he chose to give her time to cool down. It sucked that such a moment is wasted not by her side but somehow, he did deserve it, he thought.
The group erupted in cheers and laughter as Mike opened their verse with him dramatically kneeling on the sand and grabbing them with his fist as it sprinkled away with the wind. Eleven giggling through the song. 
And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fighting for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever
The laughter died down as Lucas and Max’s turn approached. Max had an elbow on Lucas’ shoulder and her chin on her hand, both of them swaying to the melody. 
'Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fightin' for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore
Erica rolled her eyes at Dustin who had a pretend mic in his fist, placing it in between them. The girl eventually joining in the song and even having her own pretend mic, a hand over her chest and eyes shut. 
My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you
I've been running 'round in circles in my mind
And it always seems that I'm followin' you, girl
'Cause you take me to the places
That alone I'd never find
Y/N remained staring at the fire the whole time. Her eyes focused on the waves of the fire and how it wiggled through the air, as she simultaneously listened to the lovely voices carried by her friends. Too focused on the fire that she missed singing her verse with Eddie. 
And even as I wander
I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might
Her head snapped up when he started to sing. His voice was deep and raspy compared to his normal talking voice, a perfect combination with the cool and smooth sound of the guitar. He tilted his head at her, with a teasing face. Still charming, she thought. 
The kids started to giggle and tease Y/N. The older kids (apart from one) joining in too. “That’s cheating, make her sing the next one!”
“You heard them.” Eddie told her as he shifted chords.
She smiled as she shook her head, not believing the teasing she’s receiving from the group. Robin and Nancy were the first to cheer when she began her verse. She could hear Eddie guiding her as he played. 
And I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fightin' for
It's time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever
All her fears and insecurities flying with the wind as they merged in a duet. Her eyes fluttering closed as she got carried by the moment. Opening them only towards the end where she locked eyes with Eddie who was already staring. 
She chuckled under her words and instinctively aligned her gaze across her where Steve sat silently, observing her. His brown eyes dull despite the bright shine from the light of the fire. His arms crossed over his chest and his body leaning forward, resting both elbows on his knees. At the sight of her, looking at him, he quickly found another focus.
Their sudden moment was interrupted when Eddie shouted, “Everybody!”
Cause I can't fight this feeling anymore
I've forgotten what I started fightin' for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crashing through your door
Baby, I can't fight this feeling anymore
The group erupted in the catchy chorus. Y/N feeling an arm over her shoulders, forcing her to sway. She looked over and saw that Dustin and the others had started the chain. She held Dustin’s hand on the other end and swayed along.
It was a memory waiting to be permanently engraved in their minds for the future to come. A perfect image of teens being teens. An image of youth. 
The swaying continued as Eddie finished the song with improvised riffs and ended it with a slow down strum, letting the strings ring out as it faded. 
Everyone clapped and hooted with big smiles plastered on their faces. 
Y/N looked over at Eddie. “Not bad at all.” 
He chuckled as he laid the guitar on the sand, eyes never breaking and smiles not faltering. His big, dark eyes embedded in her mind for the first time that night. Too drunk in the moment to realise the deep brown orbs watching them through the flames. 
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fandomohana · 2 years
1986 Will Be Their Year {Eddie Munson x Plus Size Henderson Sister Reader} Chapter 4
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Plus Size Henderson Sister Reader
Rating: Mature 18+ Minors DNI
Genre: Mild smut, some fluff
Warnings: Cussing, implied/referenced sexual activity, implied/referenced masturbation, self esteem issues, canon typical violence, let me know if I missed anything
Word Count: 4.1k
Summary: Picking up where we left off. The gang goes through Watergate, basically goes through the timeline of episode 7
Author’s Note: So I’m posting this during a big sad, and my first draft poofed, which made me grumpier...so this chapter is not beta read, I doubt anyone cares. Anyway, interactions are nice, and I hope this chapter isn’t a dying turd flower
Second Author's Note: I came here to write this, and almost deleted the damn thing. 😳 My heart almost stopped...I wanted to add, I really was a member of my high school swim team, and I was a distance swimmer. 💙 I'm trying to keep reader fairly neutral, to fit a wider group of readers, but I couldn't resist. 🥰
Authors Note 3: I want to make it abundantly clear that reader is self conscious because reader is based on me. It has nothing to do with plus size people being unacceptable, I find plus size women to be beautiful! BUT I don't feel that way about myself, and reader is based on me. In time, Eddie will help reader see herself through kinder eyes. When someone says something nice about me, I reassess my negative point of view. Like when someone visits your hometown for the first time, and all of a sudden you see these well known attractions through their eyes, and suddenly the common becomes beautiful again.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Eddie Munson Masterlist
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Dustin raced ahead of the group, following the wildly turning needle of his compass, before entering a clearing in the forest, “Something’s happening.” He breathed out before continuing on his path.
Behind him, Eddie brushed past the trees, and low hanging branches, the area feeling eerily familiar, “Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?”
Dustin turned his head, a smile stretching across his face as he looks to Eddie, “I think we’re getting close.” He spoke excitedly, but neglected to turn back around, and face the trail, as he hurried on.
Eddie’s hands were on Dustin in a flash, keeping the younger boy from falling directly into a lake, “Watch your step, big guy.” He clapped a protective hand across Dustin’s chest, as the rest of their party caught up.
“Oh man. You gotta be shitting me.” Came Steve’s exasperated voice from behind the pair.
“Yeah,” breathed Eddie, “I thought these woods were familiar.”
“Lover’s Lake.” Robin replied.
Confusion was evident in Dustin’s voice as he spoke, “This is confounding.”
“There’s a gate in Lover’s Lake?” Came the equally confused voice of Max.
“Whenever the Demogorgon attacked,” Nancy began, “It always left an opening. Maybe Vecna’s the same way.”
“Yeah, only one way to find out.” Steve’s voice sounded tired, and the group instantly knew what had to be done.
After whipping off the tarp hiding the small boat waiting on the beach, Eddie and Steve began to maneuver the vessel into the water. With a grunt, and slight reprimand from Steve, the boys held the boat against the shore to steady the vessel as the passengers stepped aboard.  
Robin stepped between them, using both Eddie and Steve as hand holds, to enter the boat. “I’m just gonna do that. Thank you.”
“Yeah, that works too.” Steve responded sarcastically, as Robin positioned herself in the boat.
Eddie was next, standing to aid the others who would be joining them. He knew Nancy would be one, the boat could easily hold four, and with the gate being inside the lake, he assumed Y/N would be another, as she was a veteran of the swim team. “Wheeler.” Eddie held Nancy’s hand as she got her bearings, his heart skipping a beat knowing Y/N would be next. His favorite swimmer didn’t disappoint, she stepped up, Steve holding her back, Eddie reaching out with a, “M’lady.” Before assisting her into the boat, and ensuring she was safely seated before stopping Dustin with a, “Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us? This thing holds four people tops, okay?”
Eddie moved to sit by Y/N, meeting her reassuring gaze with a small smile, before Nancy spoke again, “It’s better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble.”
“You keep an eye out.” He squeaked out before sassily adding, “It’s my goddamn theory.”
“Dustin, as much as I love your disgruntled pelican routine, would you give it a rest, please? Just listen to Nancy.” Y/N called to her brother.
“Who put her in charge?” Dustin squealed indignantly.
“We did.” Came his sister’s cool reply, as she gestured between herself and Robin, leveling him with her best big sister eye.
“Compass.” Nancy reached toward Dustin, as he silently fussed, but still handed the device over, earning an eye roll from Y/N.
As Eddie and Robin each took an oar, preparing to lead the boat into open water, Steve threw his bag to Dustin, pushed the boat off the beach, and jumped in, to the chagrin of Dustin, “You said four.”
“Sorry.” Came Steve’s whispered, half-hearted apology.
“Bedtime at nine, kiddos.” Robin’s voice carried across the still night, Dustin giving her the finger in return, “Miss you already!”
As the small vessel reached the middle of the lake, Nancy noticed the spinning of the compass become even more erratic, “Woah, woah, woah, woah, slow down. Slow down, guys.”
Eddie and Robin immediately halted their rowing, pulling the oars inward to bring the boat to a full stop, allowing it to sway slowly in the stillness of the night.
After a brief communication with the shore, Nancy noticed Steve taking off his shoes, and socks, tossing them into the bottom of the boat. “Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy asked, obviously confused.
“Somebody’s gotta go down and check this out.” Replied Steve, not stopping his disrobing. “Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then...”
“I’m a distance swimmer, but it’s usually across a pool, not exactly down, where I can’t roll my breathing...” Y/N responded, being the only other true swimmer in the group.
“It’s gotta be me. No complaints, all right?” Returned Steve.
Eddie let out a small breath, “Hey, I’m not complaining. I do not wanna go down there.” He glanced over the side, into the murky depths, before reaching into his pocket to retrieve a plastic bag. Emptying the contents into the boat, he began to wrap the flashlight inside the bag, creating a makeshift, waterproof beacon, he then handed to Steve with a, “Good luck.”
His plans for a smoke were quickly shattered when the cigarette between his lips was pulled out by Robin, and tossed into the lake with a, “Gross.” Followed by the rest of the pack, courtesy of Y/N. ‘Guess I’m going cold turkey.’ He thought to himself, he could quit for her.
The four left in the boat, closely monitored the time Steve had been down, in case Y/N needed to intervene, and bring him back to the surface.
Steve broke the silence of the night as he burst through the surface of the water, thoroughly startling the entire boat, before panting out, “I found it.”
Robin radioed the shore, “Dustin, you are a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate-”
“It’s pretty wild. It’s more a snack-size gate than the mama gate,” Steve panted, holding onto the boat, “but still, it’s pretty damn big.”
Without warning, Steve is pulled back into the water, still clinging to the boat, he is able to pull himself up, unsure of what he just felt. With barely a second breath, he was pulled again, this time his hands were wrenched from the boat by the force of the pull. The other’s screamed, trying to reach him, as he was dragged toward the bottom of the lake.
“What the hell was that, man?” Eddie screamed.
“Nancy, really, what happened?” Asked Robin.
Nancy stood slightly, preparing to jump in, when Eddie’s voice broke through, “Wait, wait, wait. You’re not going in there, are you?”
Nancy didn’t take a moment to look at the others before saying, “Just wait here.” As the other’s attempted to stop her, she dove in.
“Goddammit!” Exclaimed Eddie in sheer frustration. A breath later Robin poised herself on the edge of the boat, Y/N following suit, entering into a diving position. He held up a finger, chanting, “No, no, no, no, no, no. What are you doing? She said wait.”
“Yeah, we heard her.” Y/N responded.
“She’s in charge.” Eddie was grasping at straws to keep the other two in the boat.
“Are you kidding me? I made that shit up.” Robin replied before holding her nose, and leaning back into the water. Y/N followed, almost synchronized, her body curving in a dive, fingers cutting through the water as she disappeared into the murky depths.
Eddie knew he couldn’t just stay and wait, he didn’t know what was down there, what could hurt the others, what could hurt Y/N. He wouldn’t let her face it alone, and after a small, curse filled tantrum, Eddie stood in the boat, “Oh, this is so stupid. This is so stupid. This is so stupid. Shit! Shit! Shit!” filled the air as he flailed into the water.
When the group found Steve, he was surrounded by bat-like creatures, each clawing, and biting into his exposed skin. Brandishing oars, and other makeshift weapons, Nancy took aim first, beating one of the creatures to the ground, while Robin pummeled the beast. While one had managed to escape, others were fast approaching as the four of them fought to free Steve.
After sending one of the monsters reeling, Eddie looked up in time to see Y/N, bat pinned to the ground with one foot, the other coming down with all the force she could muster, crushing the beast’s skull under her foot. Her eyes were wide, full of rage, Eddie found himself taken aback, she was always incredibly gentle, warm. But here she was, shaking bat viscera from her shoes, wheeling around to kick another across the landscape, and if he was being honest, would have scared him had he not known her outside of this situation. He had been worried about how Y/N would handle this violent altercation, but here she was, a warrior, and in spite of himself, he swelled with pride.
Y/N appeared at Eddie’s side, as he pulled another bat to the ground with his oar, before sending her foot through the skull of the creature, a pool of black blood, and tissue spread out around the pair's feet.
“Thanks for the backup, Princess.” Eddie huffed out, unable to help the proud smile that crossed his face.
Y/N took a steadying breath, “Anytime. Besides, Dustin would kill me if I let anything happen to his Dungeon Master.” She laughed, shaking more blood, and tissue from her, now ruined, Converse.
Eddie and Y/N turned to see Steve, now freed from the heinous creatures, battling the last. Steve looked like a man possessed, tearing at the creature before swinging it into the ground repeatedly, before tearing the thing in half.
The party, now reunited, took inventory of injuries while catching their breath, and regrouping. Unfortunately, the relief was short lived, as a fresh wave of bats swooped to the ground, near the gateway.
“All right. There’s not that many.” Huffed Steve, feeling confident in their odds. “We can take ‘em. Right?”
Their hearts dropped, collectively, as the screeches of a larger horde could be heard echoing through the open air.
“You were saying?” Robin added.
Nancy’s voice broke through the shock of the remaining group members, “The woods. Come on.”
The group began to run toward the sanctuary of the woods, dodging black, vein like vines that littered the dry lake bed.
Taking refuge under Skull Rock, the party waits out the bat horde flying over their heads, but as the creatures passed the rock, the severity of Steve’s wounds became more apparent.
While Nancy dresses Steve’s wounds, Eddie steps away to survey the area. He had been unaware of Y/N’s approach, until he felt a hand on his arm, “You okay, slugger?” she asked when he turned to face her.
“You know me, Princess, it’ll take more than some bats to get rid of me.” He replied with a wry grin, before stepping away to scale a large rock outcropping, and take stock of the hellscape they found themselves in. “So, uh,” His voice echoed through the space, “this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?”
“Pretty much.” Nancy replied as she helped to support Steve.
Eddie lifted a foot, preparing to climb down from his perch, when Nancy’s voice breaks the silence a second time, “Wait, watch out for the vines. It’s all a hive mind.”
“It’s all a what?” Came Eddie’s confused response.
“Think of a hydra, or Cerberus, different pieces connected to one body. You step on a vine, you’re stepping on Vecna.” Y/N answered.
Nodding, “Shit.” was all Eddie could muster, as he began his slow, deliberate descent from the rock.
The other four discussed ways to get past the bats that were currently guarding the gate. Robin suggested grenades from the police department, but was rebuffed by Steve, who was doubtful that a small police station would have anything nearly that powerful in their arsenal.
Nancy piped up, “Well, we don’t have to go all the way downtown for guns. I have guns in my bedroom.”
“You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?” Came Eddie’s incredulous reply.
“Oh yeah, I forgot about that! Nancy, our badass, one-woman armory!” Chimed Y/N, a grin splitting her face.
Wanting to break the uncomfortable romantic banter that had cropped up between Nancy and Steve, Eddie shucked his jean jacket off, launching it at Steve, “For your modesty, dude.”
No sooner had the words left his mouth, before an earthquake rocked the ground beneath them, sending all five reeling. Steve blocked Nancy, and Robin, while Eddie grabbed Y/N to shield her from falling debris. The pair of them falling to the ground in the commotion.
As the shaking begins to subside, Eddie takes a quick inspection of Y/N, assuring she was unscathed, she appeared to be doing the same to him. Feeling a brief sense of relief, she leaned back into his chest, despite the dire straits they found themselves in, Eddie couldn’t help the stuttered jump of his heart as he felt her weight on him.
The bliss would, however, be short lived as a long, loud screech tore through the air. “So guns seem like a pretty good idea to me.”
“Yeah, me too.” Came Y/N’s breathy response.
Eddie hates to part from where they are seated, he wanted to relax, and revel in her warmth for a moment longer, but reluctantly began to stand when Steve began to lead the group out, helping Y/N from her seated position.
Eddie fell into line shortly behind Y/N, despite proving herself more than capable, he didn’t want her out of his sight in this hellhole. His thoughts were broken by Steve calling his name, “Eddie. Eddie. Hey, man. Uh...listen, I just, uh...I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there.”
Eddie huffed a laugh, falling back to walk beside Steve, “Shit. You saved your own ass, man. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there.”
“Ozzy?” Steve questioned.
“When you took a bite out of that bat.”
Steve looked to his side, confused.
Before Eddie could explain, Y/N could be heard, “Are you talking about when Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off a bat on stage?”
Eddie faltered a moment, “You know Black Sabbath?” She wasn’t real, she couldn’t be.
She turns her head to address him, “I don’t listen to them much, but shit like that, that news gets around.”
Regrouping himself after yet another shock at the hands of the girl he was definitely in love with now, “It doesn’t matter. It’s very metal, what you did. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact.” Eddie spoke through slightly gritted teeth.
“Wait, Henderson said that?” Came Steve’s shocked response.
“Oh yeah. Shit. Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It’s kinda annoying, to be honest. I don’t even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks,” he tries to be nonchalant, “but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve.” He didn’t mention his jealousy also bled into Steve’s closeness with Y/N.
“Calm down, there’s enough room for two mother hens in Dustin’s life.” Y/N said with a snort of laughter.
The pair gave her a half-hearted withering stare, before Eddie continued, “I guess I couldn’t accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way, man. No way. That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe, and my own personal Munson doctrine.” He gestures to himself for emphasis.
“He’s our very own shiny haired unicorn.” Y/N snorts.
“Haha, Y/N.” Steve deadpanned.
“I do what I can.” She shrugged in front of them.
“Still super jealous as hell, by the way.” The two men laugh, before Eddie continues his thought, “Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh...normal circumstances. Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that’s what I’ve learned about myself this week.”
“Give yourself a break, man.” Steve tried to reassure him.
“Do I need to hit you again?” Y/N asked, back still turned to the pair.
“Good god, woman, do you have bat hearing?” Came Eddie’s exasperated response.
“It’s a gift, and I don’t like hearing people I care about, put themselves down.”
Eddie tries to hold back the smile, and the small rush he feels upon hearing she cares about him. “See, the only reason I came in here was ‘cause those ladies came in straight after you.” He gestures to the three women ahead of them. “Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind.” He neglected to mention Y/N was the other reason he dove in, but Steve didn’t need to know that. “But Wheeler right there, she didn’t waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in. Now, I don’t know what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would get her back. ‘Cause that, was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.”
A second earthquake ripped its way across the land, Eddie’s eyes shot to Y/N, until he saw her squatted down close to the ground, steadying herself against the shaking. Once the ground settled, Eddie again helped Y/N to her feet, before the rest of the group ran to catch up with Nancy, who was standing on a bluff overlooking the Wheeler home.
“Come on.” Nancy leads the charge across the field, eyes trained on home, and hopefully, their salvation.
With sinking hearts, the party realizes the Upside Down is stuck three years in the past, Nancy’s guns being replaced with shoes, and various aspects of her room having reverted to a time before.
Steve’s voice could be heard from downstairs, screaming for Dustin. Robin, Y/N, Eddie, and Nancy bolted down the stairs, toward Steve’s calls.
“Maybe he really does have rabies.” Robin muttered.
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy questioned.
After momentarily blinding the other members of the group, Steve spoke frantically, “He’s here. Henderson. That little shit, he’s here. He’s like...He’s in the walls or something. Just listen.”
Steve’s companions look on, wondering if Robin had been right, that he had lost his mind, until Dustin’s voice could be heard, distant, and echoing. “That brings us to the question you first raised.”
They begin searching the house, trying to follow the distant sound to its source, but to no avail.
“All right, either this kid can’t hear us or he’s being a total douchebag.” Steve volunteered.
“To be fair, either of those is a distinct possibility, knowing my brother.”
Nancy began to put the pieces together, Will had found a way to communicate with Joyce through lights, but a cursory check of lamps, and light switches, proved to be futile. Futile until Steve noticed the faint, shimmering light emitting from the dining room light.
Nancy was the first to reach into the swirling particles, the small lights becoming brighter at her touch. In turn, they each reached a hand into the light, watching it shine brighter, and stronger.
“Does anyone know Morse code?” Asked Nancy.
A chorus of, no, was the response from Robin, Steve, and Y/N.
“Wait, does SOS count?” Eddie questioned. “Is that...is that good?”
“That’s perfect.” Y/N looked up at him, smiling, as warmth bloomed in his chest under her praise.
Eddie set to work, sending SOS in Morse code, hoping Dustin would get the message on the other side.
Waiting in Nancy’s room, the entire group seemed to be holding their breath in unison, watching for a sign that they could communicate more easily with the other side.
Dustin’s voice could be heard across the void, asking for a sign that the others saw their lights. Nancy ran a hand through the empty space on her bed, watching light appear under her fingertips.
With cheers of relief, Nancy begins to communicate with Dustin, formulating a plan to get them out of the Upside Down.
Unsure of Dustin’s meaning about a gate at each murder site, Nancy writes a question mark. Dustin could be heard, heaving a dramatic, exasperated sigh, “Okay, seriously? How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?”  
“Jesus Christ. This kid’s gotta get his ego in check.” Steve replies.
“It’s his tone, right?” Comes Eddie’s answer.
“Try living with him...” Chimed in Y/N
Seven miles, they need to traverse seven miles of treacherous, open space, to reach the gate inside the Munson trailer. Robin has the idea to use the Wheeler bikes, objects that would have been at the house in 1983, and thus frozen in time like the rest of the residence.
Reaching the trailer, they discard their bikes, and observe the intimidating red sinew spread across the ceiling of the living room, the place where Chrissy died. The membrane pulsed, leaving the group on guard, unsure of what was going to come through.
With a gush, the membrane is penetrated, and all five jump back, waiting, on edge. When nothing attacks, Steve leads the group slowly, under the new hole, unbelieving what they see. Max, Dustin, Lucas, and Erica stare down at them from the ceiling, laughing.
When the mattress was dropped to the ground beneath the hole, stains on full display, Eddie attempted a shaky excuse, “Those stains are, uh...I don’t know what those stains are.” He couldn’t exactly admit that six months of sexual fantasies about Y/N were the source. The first time he had plucked up the courage to go to one of her meets, he knew what would happen after seeing her in a swimsuit, it was worse than he thought. He had to race to the bathroom to relieve himself before she even hit the water for her first event, like a goddamn thirteen-year-old, catching his first glimpse of cleavage. No, he couldn’t admit that her name was on each of those stains, and then some, and still maintain a chance of being with her. It was too pervy, she’d be turned off, or worse, disgusted, it was better to leave the source, to their collective imaginations.
After watching Robin pull herself up the makeshift lifeline, Y/N squeaked out, “Uh...as far as I know, the physics are still the same over here, and I know I can’t hoist myself up there...” She began worrying her lip as she watched Robin plummet to the mattress. “And I know for a fact I can’t do that, without some serious injury...”
“We can stack furniture, and make a ladder for you, Y/N. We’re not leaving you behind.” Nancy reassured.
“I’ll go next, and catch you.” Eddie added.
Y/N let out a self-deprecating snort, “And I’ll flatten you...Dustin, can you guys just build me a little ladder, so no one is killed when I come through?”
Before Dustin could answer, Eddie had started piling furniture, “I’m stronger than I look, Princess, just trust me.”
“It’s your funeral...If I break myself doing this, make up a heroic story.”
Eddie’s heart sank, how could she not see how amazing she was? He wanted to destroy whoever had put into her head, that she was anything short of perfect. He vowed then, if he was ever given the chance to be hers, he would spend all of his time, and effort, proving to her how much he adored her. Eddie wanted to soothe every pain, every scar that an indifferent, shallow, idiotic world had left on her.
Once the furniture tower, or hobbit ladder, as Y/N had called it, was finished, Eddie began to scale the rope. Falling to his mattress, Eddie let out a huff, and “That was fun.”
When he got to his feet again, he stood beneath the hole, watching Y/N, still hesitant. “Come on Babe, I got you.” He held out his arms, and she began to slowly scale the tower, and pull herself through the hole. Eddie could see her tense, as gravity began to take over, and she fell, but strong arms were waiting to catch her.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly, and is met with Eddie’s beaming smile, as he holds her. “Hey, Pretty Girl.” Was all he said. Fuck, she was warm, and soft, and holding her felt as natural as breathing, although he did have to will the blood flow back to his upper body, an awkward boner was the last thing he needed at this moment. Although he’d be lying if he said he didn’t think seriously about, and desperately want to, take her back to his room in that moment.
Y/N smiled at him, taking his breath away, before letting out a quiet, “Thanks.”
“Are you gonna put her down?” Erica’s blunt question broke the pair out of their brief moment, and Eddie thought he might have seen a flash of a blush, cross Y/N’s cheeks, as he set her back on her feet.
Header credit goes to the fabulous, @sweetpeapod 💙
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l1ghth0p3 · 11 months
Stranger Things and Dungeons & Dragons
So I just read the comic Stranger things and Dungeons and Dragons- if you haven’t read it I would highly recommend it- and there is a lot of interesting moments in the comic. The comic books are not canon, however they can provide insight on some theories, and that’s what I want to talk about.
So these are the moments/quotes I feel like could have implications in the show, or are just interesting choices based on what is actually in the show.
Mike and Lucas find out about D&D first, and try to convince Will to help them buy it. What convinces Will is Mike saying, “ ‘Do you want to be a wizard and cast awesome magic spells? … Then join us, Will the Wise!’”( Which kinda implies mike made that name on his own)
They talk about the movie Alien. Will asks if they can kill aliens in D&D, Lucas says no because it’s not fantasy. Will responds with “‘ Okay, but what if the monsters are all aliens from another dimension?’”
Will says that he should cast ‘Web’ instead of invisibility since invisibility is only for 1 person
The party calls mean people monster names like Medusa and troll. (Troll is repeated the most)
originally it’s just Will the wise, Lucas the lion, and Dustin of Dwarfholme. Mike doesn’t seem to have a character.
there is a picture of the party and Joyce helping make Castle Byers
mikes b-day is April 7th
theres a time jump to two weeks after Will was rescued and the main theme is “going back to normal”.
post time skip it seems mike has a character in a flashback
mike draws
mike is worried the party thinks D&D is a “stupid waste of time now”. He is especially worried Will doesn’t want to play anymore, and makes a loophole to resurrect Will the wise.
Mike wants his new campaign to end with Will killing the Thessalhydra because “ ‘He needs to be a hero, not a victim!”, and he wants things to go back to normal. In this scene Nancy comforts him. She says “‘Will made it back safe… you guys are still best friends. Not even a monster… could take that away from you.’” Nancy also says she wishes she had friends like that.
mike says that if Will is going to save the day they all have to make that happen
on may 18, 1985 the whole party including Max and El play D&D, while Will DMs. Mike asks him to do he can impress El. El wants to be an elf (“‘She’s pretty’”). Mike suggests she be a magic user. Will says that he is the wizard and they can’t have 2. Mike thought he changed Will the Wise into a cleric.
mike has a “new character” called Mike the mighty who is a paladin. It’s unclear if this is the character he had before or if he just made this one recently. Mike the mighty is really tall and heroic with long black hair, shining armor, and a spiked mace.
Max can’t be a zoomer, but Will suggests she be a quickling as they are small and really fast. Her character is Max the Zoomer-Doomer. El’s is Eleven of the Eldritch Elves
a web attaches to Lucas and they think it’s a giant spider, it’s actually a Cave Fisher. It has 6 legs and 2 giant claws, big red eyes, and a thing long snout(?)
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It almost attacks El, but Mike jumps in front of her and receives the hit instead. “‘The sticky line hits Mike the Mighty so now he’s getting dragged up the cliff wall toward the Cave Fisher’s gaping maw.’” The gaping maw is very reminiscent of Nancy’s vision of a gaping mouth killing her family.
El says rats are like her as they were separated from their mama and trapped
The last day before Will leaves they play D&D as a whole party, Will DMs again. Will the Wise takes them through a portal to purge the darkness. He is now Will the Grand Wizard.
the party fights an army of demons. Max kills a man who looks like Billy with black hair (and a bit like Eddie). Lucas says max is dealing with a lot “‘so just give her a bit of space…’”. El casts true sight which makes her eyes yellow, revealing the army was an illusion.
the true enemy was Will the Grand Wizard as he was possessed by “‘…some kind of terrible evil’”. There is then a quote of “‘…It’s always been about saving Will’”
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Mike holds Will in his arms as Will is dying and asks how long he was possessed. Will says since the Eldertree it took root in him. Mike says they can’t do this without Will, and will says they already have and then dies.
It shows the seen from s3 of “not possible”, but continues it to have mike say it was a good game, and will respond with I learned from the best.
That was a lot, but I do think that some of these moments could foreshadow or give insight on the show. If y’all have any thoughts about this please share, I love to hear different takes on media.
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
purple gel pens — part six
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summary: soulmate au where every mark on your soulmate's skin appears on your own pairing: steve harrington x billy hargrove series content warnings: language, period-typical homophobia, implied abuse (neil hargrove)
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When Billy was ten, he nearly drowned. 
It was the first time he’d gone surfing without his mother there, no one standing on the shore cheering when he stood up or waiting ready to call for help if something went wrong. It wasn’t the largest wave he’d ever ridden—not even close—but it had been the first time he looked over with a wide grin only to see an empty beach staring back at him. His feet slipped on the board and suddenly he was tumbling under the current.
The first thing his instructor taught him years before was what to do if he got caught under a wave. Hold your breath, stay calm, and try not to fight it lest it pulls you further down. Don’t expend unnecessary energy, just grab the ankle tether and climb your way back to safety as soon as you can. 
Except, when the moment it came to put that training to action, Billy did none of that. The shock of the slip knocked all the breath from his lungs. The wave tumbled him around, smacking his body against the rocks so harshly Billy knew there’d be scrapes and bruises if he made it out okay. He panicked, and if it wasn’t for the lifeguard that was on duty at that beach, he was sure he would have died.
Even through everything his dad put him through, the feeling of water rushing in where air should have been was the most painful thing Billy had ever experienced. Even thinking about it made him shudder, made him want to make sure no one ever experienced such a fear-inducing feeling ever again.
Being around Steve Harrington felt a lot like drowning, these days.
That night in November had already been doomed to be one of the worst he’d had in a while, and yet somehow it beat all expectations by becoming one of the worst days of his entire fucking life. 
His dad had threatened him, had laid down the expectations for him clearly: find Max, bring her home from wherever the fuck she was hiding out, or else. Considering how it used to be, his dad had been on decent behavior ever since moving to bumfuck Indiana. It was like the man had actually believed in the idea of a fresh start for them, and though the slaps and rough grips never faded to memory the bruises mostly did. Billy would do anything to make sure that memory never came back to real-life, even if it meant threatening all of Max’s new friends.
Maybe especially then, because she never had to know the fear of Neil’s hand. Sure, part of that was on Billy, purposefully sticking around when he could have run away years ago if only out of fear that Neil would find a new target in a little girl who definitely didn’t deserve it, in the same way his anger had been brought down on Billy when his mother left them. But even then, Max could get away with shit that Billy would have been buried in the ground for doing long ago. And maybe deep down, it angered Billy. It wasn’t fair, was it? It wasn’t fair that Max got to spend so much time with her friends while Billy spent his night out in the cold driving aimlessly around looking for where she’d snuck off to. 
And when he found her with King Steve Harrington? Billy just about saw red.
He’d heard the rumors. Of course, he had—this was King Steve, the guy who had once been at the top of the school’s rankings in terms of popularity. He’d heard all about how Harrington had slept with just about every girl at Hawkins High, including prim and proper Nancy Wheeler. Tommy had told him all about how Harrington brought those girls out to some secret spot in the woods, would romance them, would eventually bring them back to the Harrington fucking Mansion for the opposite of a restful night.
Then there was Max, his fucking sister, peeking out of the window of a house in the middle of nowhere with this guy. This guy who was lying to Billy’s face, who didn’t even try to hide how shifty he was being. And when Billy pushed past him to find there were a handful of other guys in the house with her?
Billy was sure he would’ve killed someone that night if Max hadn’t drugged him. It would’ve been Harrington, too. The second he smashed a ceramic plate over the other guy’s head, it was over. It was like he’d gone into a trance, watching the way red blossomed under his fists with dark beauty. One after the other, smack after crunch after fucking whimper. None of the scared shouts from the kids reached his ears, nothing at all sounded over the roaring in his head because he had fucking King Steve on his back, helpless and scared.
Billy wondered only briefly if Steve Harrington had ever actually felt so helpless before.
Then a needle was sticking out of Billy’s neck, flooding his body with instant numbness. His limbs grew heavy and it was impossible to stay upright. He flopped onto his back and watching Max hold that bat over him reminded him of why he’d attacked Steve so brutally in the first place, why it felt so strange to be the one with fists flying—Billy was terrifyingly too used to being helpless.
And as the world faded to black around him, Billy remembered the shock breaking through Harrington’s pained expression when he’d wailed on him, remembered the distant sound of that fucking curly-haired dork saying, “His face looks just like Steve’s.”
It sounded so faded and warped from whatever was in that syringe that he wasn’t all too sure it was real when he reawoke a couple of hours later. But then he’d walked home—muttering to himself that Max would pay if his car was damaged, though knowing deep down she never really would—and caught a glimpse of his face in his bedroom mirror.
Harrington was a lot of things, but a good fighter was not one of them. He’d put up an okay defense but really he was no match for the power Billy had been able to throw into each and every strike. In other words, there was absolutely no explanation for the bruises and cuts that littered his face. 
No explanation, that is, other than the one that sent Billy reeling toward the bathroom, dropping to his knees and releasing the contents of his stomach into the toilet. 
He’d tried to protect his soulmate for years. Ever since he was seven and his mother had whispered those words to him. Don’t tell your father about this, make sure he never knows. People had told him that finding your soulmate was meant to be the best moment of your life, that being able to see what marked their skin was nothing short of miraculous and completing. Instead, Billy had to spend his life running from that person, ignoring him and hurting him in every way except physically to try to spare him from his dad. He knew even at seven that if his dad ever found out, his soulmate wouldn’t live another day.
The only saving grace to Billy was that it was clear his soulmate hadn’t lived in California, that he was somewhere untouchable to Neil. All he had to do was not get caught talking to him. He would be safe, wherever he was, as long as Billy didn’t try to find him.
But after everything, after so many years of holding back everything he wanted to say to his soulmate, his person got hurt anyway.
Even worse, it didn’t even take Neil finding out for his worst nightmare to come true. No, as Billy pulled his knees closer to his chest as he leaned against the tub of the bathroom, he was hit with a haunting thought.
Billy had done nothing but hurt his soulmate since that first day when they were seven.
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Billy was thankful to have a week without Harrington at school.
The first day had nearly sent Billy into a tailspin—had Steve really been so hurt that he couldn’t make it to school? Was he okay? Was he alive? That is, until Tommy asked what happened to his face and Billy was reminded that he knew, startlingly, how badly hurt Harrington was.
“You should see the other guy,” Billy chuckled to Tommy, turning to face inside his locker before his carefully neutral expression cracked at the thought. 
Maybe it was better this way, so no one would notice how oddly similar their injuries really were.
But then the days dragged on and Harrington still wasn’t there. At lunch, he saw the open place where the boy normally sat and he saw the way Wheeler and Byers openly stared at him, glaring in a way that had him wondering if they knew more than they should about the depth of that night’s events.
Billy would still rather sit under their knowing stares, knowing that he’d hurt his soulmate in the way he swore he never would, than be at home.
“You know you don’t have to knock,” Billy shouted out when a hesitant rap sounded on his bedroom door. He was sitting on the ground, back pressed to his closet as he tried to focus on homework. None of that shit seemed to matter compared to what else was going on though, especially since winter break was looming ever closer. 
“It still feels right,” Max practically whispered after undoing the lock outside his door and swinging it open.
Because that had been the punishment for not bringing Max home that night, a lock was installed on the outside of his door. The rules had been clear—come home, get in his room, and someone will make sure he stayed there until his dad decided it was acceptable for him to leave the room.
There was too much there for Billy to even begin to consider how it made him feel, locked in here like a fucking dog.
“What do you want, shitbird?”
Max was hesitant for probably the first time in her life. She clung to the doorway, hand still on the doorknob like she considered just pulling it tight and relatching the lock. Her face changed though and in one hurried movement, she was shutting the door and walking closer to him, arms crossed over her chest in some false show of confidence.
“Steve’s going back to school Monday, Dustin told me so,” she said.
“Why do I care about Harrington’s truancy?” Billy asked, though couldn’t help the sudden buzzing in his chest at the thought. How would he handle this now? How could he possibly come up with the perfect solution to all of this in just the weekend?
“I’m not stupid, you know,” Max snapped, rolling her blue eyes in a way that made Billy want to scream at her, wanted to hurl enough nasty words at her that she’d leave. But when he parted his lips, the memory of her bringing that bat down far too close to him silenced any of the planned words. “He’s really hurt. He’s been putting on a brave face for us but he’s really messed up about all this. You should talk to him.”
“You should think about telling me what to do,” Billy instinctively snapped. “Get out.”
Max watched him for a moment, maybe waiting for the anger to fade and an apology to come. When none of that happened, though, she sighed and headed back to his door. “Neil’s not coming back until tomorrow. I’m not locking this shit.”
A lazily thrown sock hit the back of the door as she closed it behind her.
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The conversation was supposed to go very differently, in Billy’s defense.
He’d spent all weekend going through the options, running through what was supposed to happen and how he could best spare his soulmate from further harm. He would explain the absences for years at a time, would explain why he couldn’t risk words on skin anymore, would explain everything that it took to convince Harrington that this was messier than he deserved.
But then Harrington turned and every ounce of air in Billy’s chest vacated with a harsh slam. He’d seen his own face, of course, and knew what was there should also be reflected on Steve’s. But this was the first time he’d seen the damage he’d inflicted on Harrington, on his soulmate, and it sent the vice grip on his heart squeezing, squeezing, squeezing until he was sure he’d pass out on the spot.
That was his soulmate’s face that was bruised and swollen. It had healed considerably in the span of a week but Billy could recognize the pain lingering in Harrington’s eyes like he was trying not to show anyone else around him just how hurt he was. But Billy knew. Billy knew because he’d practiced that look for years, he knew because he was the one who caused it on Harrington this time.
So instead of every confession Billy had hanging at his lips, the worst possible words slipped out. “We have nothing to talk about.”
Soulmate. Soulmate. Soulmate. Yours, the one person you were never supposed to hurt. You’re going to ruin him like Neil destroyed your mo—
“We’re nothing to each other. Let’s keep it that way, Harrington.”
He couldn’t do this. So Billy hurried to the one escape he knew would work. Neil would kill him for missing a day of school but at this point the slam of fists in his ribs would be impossibly better than seeing the clear shock and hurt in Harrington’s eyes as Billy discarded him so cruelly.
It’s for the best, pretty boy, it’s for your own good, please believe me.
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But for all the brave faces Billy put on, he still couldn’t completely walk away from Steve. It haunted him, seeing that crumbling of the other man’s expression as those words fell between them. It left him awake at night, wondering if there was ever a time, later down the road when Neil wasn’t so much a threat, that Harrington could forgive him.
The first time he redrew that heart, it was an honest-to-God accident. It was a Friday night and everyone else was going to a party at Tina’s. Instead, he was stuck in his bedroom locked from the outside in, and sure he could have snuck out the window but it wouldn’t have been worth it. All his homework was done and Billy was bored.
It was just a doodle. He’d grabbed the purple pen he kept hidden deep in his backpack (the one he rarely, if ever, actually took to school) and drew on his hip. It was comforting, seeing the shape there reflected back at him. 
Except, when a few minutes passed and there was no return the weight of what he’d done smacked him in the chest. Billy panicked, wondering if he should wipe it off or simply deal with the consequences tomorrow. Maybe that would be best, to let Harrington yell and scream at him, maybe even throw a few punches if it was bad enough.
But then tomorrow came and Harrington never said a word. He never even looked at Billy, actually.
So he continued. He continued drawing and somewhere along the way it began to feel as though he hadn’t lost anything at all. His soulmate was just busy, he was just trying to hide what they had between them. He hadn’t thrown away his soulmate, hadn’t hurt him in every single way possible. He could have him back, someday.
It was easier over winter break. 
The rest of them were traveling a lot, going to visit Susan’s family out west. Neil had made it clear that Billy wasn’t going, that he didn’t want to embarrass himself with his queer son.
It stung, but ultimately Billy couldn’t be more pleased. It meant he had a couple of weeks to himself, a handful of days of complete freedom.
And he knew just what he wanted to do with it.
The second Neil’s car was pulling out of the drive, so was the Camaro. Billy had spent all night trying to get ready, trying to find some outfit that could possibly help him convince his soulmate of his grand plan. Now, he made his way to the other side of town going the speed limit for the first time since moving there, hands shaking at the thought of what was to come.
Billy knew the most likely outcome was getting a door shut in his face. After all the fists he’d thrown, all the harsh words and ‘mind games’ as Harrington had called them, there was absolutely no reason Harrington should trust him now. He just hoped being soulmates was enough to give him a chance.
Billy didn’t know where the Harringtons lived exactly, but he knew from hearing Max talk as well as the rest of the school that the Harringtons ruled this town. They had the best of everything, including the largest house. And pulling onto the wealthiest street Billy knew of, it wasn’t hard to pick it out.
“Mansion wasn’t an exaggeration,” Billy mumbled under his breath, taking a moment to sit in his car and consider what the fuck he was actually doing. There was still time to turn on his car again, to pull out of the long driveway and pretend this never happened.
Instead, Billy got out of the car, making his way up to the front door with hands shoved deep in his jeans pockets. It looked like every light was on in the house, but the only car he saw around was Steve’s BMW. He knew the parents weren’t often around, just based on how Max talked about hanging around there so often lately. It all seemed too strange, honestly.
“Henderson, I’m telling you I do—oh.” That familiar voice immediately began ranting as soon as the front door opened, though cut off abruptly when Harrington realized who was standing there. Billy watched as his expression shuttered, eyes widening before narrowing again, eyebrows dipped in confusion. “Is Max okay?”
“What? Why wouldn’t she be?” Billy retorted, confused at the immediate mention of his step-sister. “She wasn’t kidding, you really are a god damn mother hen, aren’t you, Harrington?”
“Is there a reason you’re here?” Harrington sighed, shoulders dropping to look even more resigned to be there. Billy looked over every inch of Harrington’s face, trying to find some evidence that he wasn’t completely unwanted. 
It was December, so any trace of the fight was now long gone. Instead, it seemed to be replaced by sheer exhaustion. Deep circles clung to the undersides of Harrington’s eyes, and his hair wasn’t nearly as perfectly styled as normal. Logic might have told him that it was because it was the middle of the night, but it looked more than that, more bone-deep. 
“You mean other than being soulmates?”
That properly shocked Harrington. The guy’s perfect fucking lips even dropped open partly, eyes widened impossibly far. He just watched Billy, almost waiting to see if this was some cruel joke or not. Then the exact thing Billy didn’t want to see happen unfolded before him. His expression closed off as Harrington actually scoffed. 
“Last I checked, we were nothing to each other,” Harrington snapped, hands going to his hips and gripping tightly there as if to keep his hands from doing anything else he’d regret later.
“You’re gonna hold onto that forever, aren’t you?” Billy protested, throwing his own hands up like he couldn’t believe Harrington actually had the gall to do so when really, he would’ve expected nothing less. “I didn’t mean it like that, okay?”
“How else was I supposed to take it?” Steve shouted, “You could’ve said anything else and it would’ve been better!”
“I already fucking know that!” Billy yelled back, wondering why his soulmate couldn’t have been someone a little even-tempered. Even from the beginning Harrington had gotten on his nerves and had caused a reaction out of him unlike anyone else ever had. Maybe he should have known from the start, then, that Harrington was meant to be someone special to him. “You don’t understand!”
“Maybe I would if you’d actually talk to me!”
“That’s what I’m trying to do, asshole!”
Both of them were out of breath despite neither having moved from their spots on either side of the doorframe. Billy watched Harrington then, watched as those brown eyes searched his own for something. The other man seemed to find it, though, because he strangely laughed, all breathy and a little sharp around the edges.
“You’re better with your hands than your mouth,” Harrington teased, and this, well this Billy could do.
He winked, letting his tongue run along his lips before calling back, “I can show you just how good I am with my mouth, pretty boy.”
“Fuck,” Harrington breathed out, brown eyes looking up to the ceiling and cheeks bursting red. Billy would be a liar if he said his chest didn’t flutter at the sight of how much he’d affected him. 
And then it happened. Billy never would have expected it, but it was the very thing he’d hoped would happen when he drove out here that night. “Maybe I’m crazy for this, but get inside. We’ll try one more time at this,” Harrington conceded, “just once.”
So Billy crossed over the threshold into the Harrington’s giant fucking mansion, wondering when he’d ever gotten another chance at anything. Maybe soulmates really were something important, after all.
The first word Billy could come up with to describe the house was sterile. It was clear the family had money and plenty of it. The furniture was all modern and new, with protective covers over the couches and chairs that looked like they’d never been used ever. He could see the lights of a pool in the backyard and wondered briefly why Harrington wouldn’t spend every second he could in a pool like that. 
Except instead of being in the pool, Harrington was standing awkwardly in front of him, hands gesturing around like he wasn’t quite sure what to do with them.
“Do you want—” Harrington sighed, running a hand through his already wild hair. “Need anything to drink, Hargrove?”
“D’you have beer?”
That pulled another laugh out of Harrington, another breathy one like he wasn’t quite sure if he could make the full sound in front of Billy. By the end of the night, Billy was determined to hear that full, uninhibited laugh. “Yeah, good idea. Let’s have a beer,” Harrington conceded.
Through a few other strange conversations, the pair ended up on the roof of the Harrington castle, each holding onto a beer with a couple more tucked behind them as spares. It was easier here, outside where Billy could turn his focus to the stars. There were never this many stars back in California, where all the bright lights shielded them from view. It was almost peaceful here in Indiana, where the wind prickled at Billy’s skin to remind him of where he was and the moon shone down on them like a gentle beacon. 
“Why now?” Harrington finally asked, not looking at Billy thankfully. Those brown eyes were too much sometimes like they could see deep into Billy in a way that no one had been able to in years. He didn’t like it, feeling that on display. “What changed your mind?”
Billy didn’t answer right away. How could he? He knew, of course, that Harrington was aware of what went on in his house but how could he say it aloud? He’d never told anyone, not so directly. 
Luckily Harrington liked to talk when he was nervous, a habit Billy had picked up on just from watching his interactions with other people. He didn’t like to sit in the quiet, didn’t want to experience any tension when he could just as easily continue trying to remedy the situation.
“Max said your family was on vacation. You didn’t want to go?”
It was Billy’s turn to scoff, the pull of his lips into a frown hidden by his pull on the beer. “Wasn’t invited.”
“You...weren’t invited to your own family’s Christmas vacation?” Harrington clarified, and fuck if it didn’t sound brutal like that.
“Nah,” Billy answered, hoping to sound more blase about it than he felt. He never wanted to actually go to some random relative of Susan’s house, he never wanted to pretend to be someone he wasn’t over the Christmas feast and pretend any of them actually wanted him there. He didn’t want any of that, really, but to know that he was so different, so disliked, that his dad could just completely replace him with a new family? That stung in ways Billy had never expected. “Don’t worry about me, pretty boy. I’m better off here.”
There was a pause. Billy could just see Harrington in his peripheral vision, and what he saw made his jaw tighten with nerves. Harrington was facing him now, fingers tapping idly on the beer can he held between both hands. The other man was chewing on his lower lip like it was taking everything in him not to say what he was thinking. His brown eyes looked, well, sad beyond belief. No one had ever looked at him like that, not without any disappointment slipped in alongside it.
“I’m not talking about that tonight,” Billy told him without ever once turning to face him, preferring instead to start the impossible task of counting the stars in the sky. It was better that way, gave him time to carefully build the wall between his expression and the memories he knew would be brought up by Harrington now.
“If you ever did want to talk about it t—”
“I won’t.”
“If you did,” Harrington pushed, and Billy only faintly wondered if the beer was enough to instill false confidence in the other boy because then their hands were touching—and fuck if that didn’t take away any lingering bit of anger in Billy. Because after so many years of wondering what holding his soulmate’s hand would be like, he finally was getting the idea. 
They couldn’t exactly call it a handhold. Billy’s hand was rested flat on the roof, fingerpads scraped against the shingles. Steve’s was placed only partially over his, only covering the space near his pinky and ring fingers. He didn’t apply pressure or anything, either, just let it rest there as proof of what they could have, someday.
It meant everything. He never thought he would get this, and even if it was only ever this, then he would take it and cherish the memory.
Billy turned his head away from Harrington, hoping that it would be enough to hide the color flushing his cheeks now. Why did this feel more intimate than any night he’d spent in bed or the backseat of a car with random guys, how could one touch of the hand completely ruin him?
Steve Harrington would be the death of him someday, of that Billy was sure. 
“If I did,” Billy conceded, not sure he’d ever want to put into words what Harrington could already catalog in bruises, “you’d be the first I’d go to.”
“No shit?”
It was so out of place and yet so fucking Harrington it made Billy nearly giddy. He laughed, nothing hidden by layers of fear or anger, just him sharing a moment with a guy he supposed he could really care about someday.
“Yeah, Harrington, no shit.”
“Well, if we’re actually doing this whole soulmates thing, then maybe we should get used to using our first names,” Harrington, Steve, suggested, suddenly looking sheepish. He rubbed at the back of his neck before shrugging, giving him a look like ‘what can you do?’
“One step at a time, princess,” Billy chuckled like he wouldn’t start trying to make the change anyway, pulling himself up to stand on the roof and holding his hand out to help Steve up. “C’mon, it’s cold as fuck out here.”
“Will you stay? Tonight, I mean,” Steve offered once they’d climbed back in through the window they’d escaped from. The decline was on the tip of Billy’s tongue, ready to make an excuse that his dad needed him home.
But no, that wasn’t true, was it? He had two weeks of peace, of freedom. Why not spend it living the fantasy life he wanted but knew he couldn’t have?
Billy knew he had exactly two weeks to have a soulmate before Neil came home and he’d have to give everything up. And maybe it was a little selfish, but he was willing to take the risk that Steve would understand, eventually. 
“Sure, why not,” Billy agreed, feeling more reckless than he did speeding forty over the speed limit.
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pineapplemcclean · 2 years
i barely use tumblr so im not sure how to use it but i hope this reaches the right audience
this is a post on why I think Mileven is unhealthy/toxic that probably no one is going to see 💀
Anyways I apologize in advance if this has any spelling or grammatical mistakes I'm not going to read all of this when I finish it I'll just post it right away
First off Mike doesn’t know/love El as a person. During his monologue he never mentioned a single personality trait. Nothing about El as a person. And not a single favorite memory- like for example his monologue to Will in s2 where he talks about how they met on the swings. In his monologue he says something along the lines of “I’ve loved you ever since I saw you” that, however, is a lie- he wanted to send her back wherever she came from until he found out she knew something about Will. And when he says “I love you” the vines tighten around her neck. I’m not sure exactly why yet but I have a theory I will delve into later on. “You can fly, you can move mountains” here Mike is appreciating El the Superhero again. Not El as a person. Mike talking about El's powers isn’t romantic. its here that I bring up Millie’s interview about her favorite scene. https://youtu.be/wAMjtRvRQIY
“Mike isn’t loving El like she wants him to” and “Does he truly love her or is she still the superwoman in his mind?” Which implies that Mike has only ever shown love towards El the Superhero. We don't really know if he loves El as a person BUT he called her a superhero during his monologue so….. Mike says he’s never been scared of El before- another lie. For example, when El threw Lucas in s1 using her powers, he was scared of her. Which is completely reasonable, but lying about it in his “love confession”… When he says he’s scared El isn't going to need him anymore he doesn't stutter and his voice is steady (unlike with the rest of his monologue) which means he isn't lying- because Mike and El truly are codependent on each other. And what happens after the monologue? We see El ignoring the topic of their relationship which most Mileven shippers think is simple- they think that now El knows that Mike truly loves her blah blah blah and that she isn't talking to him bc of Max. However, El talked to Mike about Brenner which is a heavy topic for her but she couldn't address the topic of their relationship? which should be obvious? They're going to have a big talk in s5 and its going to be very emotional- possibly a breakup and a talk about their feelings (about time)
Someone also pointed out that this scene contrasts with Max’s whole Vecna moment, because the memories that help Max escape are the memories that visually appear to us, during this scene, the only time we see a memory put to the words that Mike says is the “you were wearing a yellow t shirt in the woods” kind of thing, it gives her a push before the vines tighten more, I believe that this is because everything else that Mike is saying, she can’t put a memory to it, he’s basically just rambling ? nonsense…? her facial expressions, it’s almost as if she’s searching for any like PROOF or memories to go with his words.
To finish the first reason, we genuinely have never seen Mike appreciate El as a person, not just in his monologue but at any point.
Second I want to talk about the “Mike can't express his love bc of his parents” Yet Nancy can? Let me just talk about Stancy/Jancy a bit here and how they're paralleled to Byler Stancy was a toxic relationship because both Steve and Nancy pretended to be people they aren't. After the break up we see both of them get character development. Nancy also started acting like a jerk which is a parallel to how Mike starts treating his friends like shit in s3 while dating El. Mike pretends to be more mature around El. He stops playing d&d and all...and when the Byers move to Cali we see him joining a d&d club. Also, at the end of s3 he apologizes to El for being excited about presents. In s4 we see El lying to Mike about having friends and going to parties, so she can be seen as cool to him. They are both pretending to be someone they aren't. Nancy couldn't say "I love you" to Steve just like Mike couldn't say it to El. And back to the main point “Mike cant express his love bc of his parents” but when its Nancy its bc she loves Jonathan? And actually, Mike having parents who are in a loveless relationship is actually more proof that Mileven is loveless because loveless relationships are something Mike is familiar with so its easier for him to yk be in a loveless relationship. Same goes for El who is used to people appreciating her for her powers only because of the lab.
Something that's kind of similar to what I'm talking about, an example- if you've seen the IT movies then you know Bev and Eddie basically married their parents because bc of their trauma with them (not that Mike's parents' relationship is like traumatic but it obviously affected him)
Nancy has the same parents but why can she say ily to Jonathan without someone telling her to and why can she talk about his personality but Mike can't??
its because Mike doesn't love El and the "from, Mike" is proof enough. because he obviously wrote "from" subconsciously meaning he never thought of writing "I love you" to someone who apparently means the world to him and he loves very much. I mean, it might've not been subconsciously but El's point was good "you cant even write it" because you can easily fake something while writing it I think that's all for reason number 2 (on and also Jancy and Byler have parallels- talking while sitting on a car; Nancy/Mike and Jonathan/Will talking and Nancy/Mike glances at Jonathan's/Will's lips reason number 3 I don't think El is ready for a relationship a controversial take but let me explain "you say El isn't ready for a relationship but then go ahead and ship her with Max" I ship her w/ Max bc she'd treat El better but I don't think it should happen (or that it will) because El has unresolved trauma from the lab and Mike triggered her "what did you do?!". My point is not that you shouldn't ship Mileven, its that I think they shouldn't be canon. "Will is also traumatized" Will's trauma is different and he had more people help him cope with it. El was introduced to so many new things like friendship, love, school, etc. and reason number 5 is that Mike makes El feel like a monster, even if its not on purpose. Even if they love each other they don't make each other feel loved. I think that's all but I'd like to add a bit of a s4 Mileven analysis (with some Byler in it)
In the beginning we see Mike reading El's letter and we're shown how El is doing- we notice that she's lying to him about everyone being nice and about her grades. She ends her letter with "Love, El" when Mike finishes reading her letter he crumbles it, despite being a sentimental type of person- he has (had?) Will's art hung up in the basement.
When he arrives in Cali he looks ugly (sorry i just needed to express my opinion on his outfit) he looks very excited to meet El but when he gets to Will, his childhood best friend, he becomes very... weird. he bumps him on the shoulder instead of hugging him back. this is why the line "Will is acting weird" El wrote to Mike is so important- bc even though Will is the one who loves Mike, he's been acting normal. and everyone is saying its because Mike doesn't want to be friends with Will anymore- yet later on Mike apologized for his behavior and him and Will have been glued to the hip since. so its def not bc he doesn't want to be friends with Will...suspicious Anyways on to the rink-o-mania scene we see Mike and El being happy yk just your usual couple hanging out. However, as it zooms into Will's face we realize the scene is from his pov. And Will is actually an unreliable narrator, meaning this scene might not be as happy as it looks. (someone said that Will was confirmed to be an unreliable narrator but since no one provided a video or article I'm going to prove it in a bit) When Angela enters we see Mike and El skating from her pov but not looking as happy- in fact they look...bored? meaning that they aren't actually happy in the skate ring scene. And about Will being an unreliable narrator: in his pov Mike is ignoring him entirely. However later on Mike confronts Will about how he's been acting meaning Mike was actually paying attention to Will. Anyways you know how the rest of the skate ring scene unfolds. As I already mentioned, Mike makes El unintentionally feel like a monster (and in my opinion he was scared of her here) and he's paralleled to Brenner (which will become a bit important later on). An important thing to note here is that in season 1 El broke Troy's arm. Troy is Will and Mike's bully. He didn't show the same reaction then as he did in the skate ring scene. He was happy/pleased but in the skate ring scene he's angry/scared. ONWARDS the dinner where Mike makes El feel like shit yet again. "She didn't look fine" Jesus Michael that's your gf, why are you being annoying The next day Mike goes to apologize to El who then points out the "From, Mike" and how he was scared of her. The whole argument is about Mike only showing love towards El the Superhero (as MBB said in the interview I mentioned earlier on) and it's important to know he calls her superhero during their fight. Which just makes El feel worse. another important detail is that he blames this whole thing on the "mouth breathers" when Mike is the problem - he's pushing the blame away from himself again (same as in s3 when he asks what he did wrong when he literally lied to El. Meanwhile in both of his apologies with Will he fully takes the blame, saying how he was acting like a jerk. And Mike always knows what to say to Will, but with El he needs someone to motivate him or tell him what to say - Will's speech to him in s4 and Lucas dragging Mike to the mall in s3, meanwhile Mike dragged Lucas over to Will's). El feels like Mike doesn't love her anymore because she lost her powers/she isn't a superhero anymore. wattpad time skip to El's note:
"Dear, Mike I have gone to become a superhero again. From, El" 1. "I have gone to become a superhero again" is in a way saying she's gone to become someone he can love again. 2. "From, El" this screams breakup to me, idk about you guys. And Mike said this fight seemed more adult compared to the rest of the fights they've had (the s3 breakup included, which could possibly mean that this is a serious breakup). He also said it's "a fight you can't come back from". And imo Mike knew El was breaking up with him by the way he was staring at the note. And the word "adult" that Mike used, I think it's important because Caleb says they have a teenage relationship dynamic. teenage relationship. adult fight.
another reason why I think they had an implied breakup is this parallel: Vickie: "I am rambling about my dumb boyfriend when there are people out there suffering" talking about her breakup to Robin. Mike: "No, i..it's stupid, given everything that's going on" Talking about his fight with El to Will.
fast forward to the van scene
If you take Mike from a surface level standpoint some of his scenes flat out don't make sense. For instance, in episode 5, Mike and Will have their heart to heart. Mike says he regrets not being able to say what he wanted to El and that maybe things would be different if he had. Then Will talks about how scary it is to open up to people you care about because they might not like the truth. And Mike agrees. So let's say Mike is surface level. And he's only talking about El in this context. The truth Mike would be talking about in this scenario would be telling her that he loved her back in ep 3- But that doesn't make sense?? El was practically begging Mike to prove that he loved her back in the first few episodes. So in what universe would El not like that truth? Why would Mike think that El wouldn't want to hear that he loved her? And if Mike truly meant everything he said during the finale, why would he not tell her what she wanted to hear back in episode 3? If you love someone and you don't want to lose them, you'd want to get your feelings across and make her feel validated. Even if he can't say it, he could prove it through his actions. Hug her. Kiss her. Hold her hand. Anything to showcase that he loves her. But he doesn't do that. And then when the moment in the finale comes around, he starts contradicting himself. His actions just stop making any semblance of sense when you try looking at it that way. In fact, the script of the van scene released recently. Noah said they filmed it all day. But when he saw the scene play out, he noticed that it was edited to be more subtle in certain areas. Now, there are two important lines that are removed from the final product. One is Will talking about "El" and saying how losing Mike hurts too much. I'm supposing they were just trying to make Will's feelings more subtle here. But the second line removed is from Mike who says that the last time he looked in El's eyes, he saw that she didn't need him/love him anymore. Now, if they were trying to keep Will's feelings a secret, making it more subtle in that area might make sense. But them choosing to remove Mike's line and make him more subtle as a character doesn't make sense unless there's a deeper truth about Mike that they're intentionally keeping hidden from a lot of the audience. That Mike knows El isn't interested in him anymore and that maybe, S5 will have El break up with him again.
then the reunion
Mike and El...don't kiss. Even though they both almost died. Now, we all know El got character development concerning her lab trauma- she disobeys Brenner because she is more than just a girl with powers, she is a human being but he treated her like a monster. this is why I think the fact that Mike is paralleled to Brenner is so important- because he also appreciated her only for her powers. I think they didn't kiss then and there because El realized she won't be happy in the relationship if Mike only appreciates her for her powers.
And the reason why the vines tighten around El's neck when Mike says "I love you" is because she knows he can only say it because she got her powers back. that's my theory at least. Oh Jesus this is- a lot. I really hope I didn't miss anything. Bonus fact: Mike and El being referred to as Romeo and Juliet isn't romantic- Romeo and Juliet are star-crossed lovers doomed to fail. and Romeo actually loved Juliet's sister Rosaline.
also im going to tag this as byler so there's a smaller chance of milevens coming after me
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