#and im willing to here their perspectives as long as their being civil
kiwisandpearls · 21 days
inspired by a certain post in the proship tag i just wanna say this before i go back into my little hole:
i think discussions on how shipcourse has become very overblown are very important but i think just as important as discussions that shipcourse has become way bigger and more concerning than needed are discussions of why shipcourse has become the beast it is today, is there anything we can do to…not make shipcourse as big as it is, and is shipcourse a possible precursor to real world issues such as censorship of fictional media?
idk…i just don’t think saying “shipcourse is dumb and has hurt people” is really enough to unpack the actual damage shipcourse has and may continue to do.
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lilyfreshwater · 2 years
gogysnewmove tumblr com/post/680079221544140800/the-hasan-brothel-thing-drives-me-fucking-nuts thoughts?
ive seen other posts about hasan from this person but i just saw this one. i am going to preface this with the fact that i am a fan of hasans, i am going to continue watching his content, and i respect anyone who disagrees with me as long as they are willing to be civil about. also just because i watch hasan does not mean im a sheep, i would say i only agree with him about 65 percent of the time and really only on broader issues mostly. but just because i disagree with someone politically doesn't mean i dont still like hearing their perspective, or, for ccs, stop enjoying the content they make
so when i saw this post a few things came to mind. first of all, we know hasan was there in 2010, which was 12 years ago. hes 30 now, so he was 18 when he went to the brothel. now idk about you, but i highly dobut an 18 year old turkish boy would have a complex knowledge of the history and problems of sex work in germany. does that excuse his actions? no, but i think its important that we consider that we aren't talking about current hasan who did that
secondly, the thing that sparked this whole controversy was a couple second clip from xqc's stream. the vice article i cited in an earlier post in which he talked more extensively about it shows that he has a very america-centric view on this situation and there's a possibility that he wasn't even made aware of this issue until the controversy actually happened. is it good that hes ignorant of the situation or that he hasn't taken the time to understand it in a european perspective? no, but again idk if this is necessarily him saying that he excuses whatever happened at the brothel. now if someone has brought this up again and he said that, even knowing what happened, he would go back and get service there again, i would have a problem with that and it might color my view of him more.
i think the biggest reason people have a problem with me supporting hasan is that it seems hypocritical. they view hasan's transgression as more severe then dream, who i have been very critical of. i explained this when the manatreed drama happened but i have a lot of new followers so i'll reiterate it. a lot of the issues with what happened with manatreeed hit very close to home for me, and they dream handled the situation makes it very difficult for me to continue supporting him and consuming his content without being reminded of that and feeling uncomfortable. i know that i am in the minority here and that plenty of people are still fine supporting dream, but i'm not. i respect those who do, that's their decision and whether or not they support dream doesn't affect me. if its really bugging you to see me post positive things about hasan, then i would just suggest that you unfollow me. i've unfollowed people here who post a lot of hasan neg cause i just dont want to see it. i'm not trying to create an echo chamber for myself or be ignorant of his controversies, i'm just not interested in seeing it. if i want hasan criticism i know i'll be able to find it lmao
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rabble-dabble · 3 years
The Cancer King's Court ~ The Humans
Dave Strider, Rose Lalonde, and Jade Harley/The Crimson Defender, The Lady Clairvoyant, and The Witch Scientist.
This version of Dave Strider came very close to becoming Davesprite in his timeline. Up until his final conversation with Rose. 
Dave can’t stand the thought of leaving Rose to die all alone by herself. He’d grown close to her after spending so long with her in a doomed timeline. He couldn’t bare to lose her. So, he gets an idea.
If he goes God-Tier, he could potentially bring Rose back in time with him. So, Dave puts off time traveling back in exchange for reaching his quest bed. Upon going God-Tier, Dave brings Rose with him back in time to save her life, seeing how he can now just fly over to her planet and pick her up.
The two explain their situation to their doppelgangers, causing them both to pester John to try and stop him from following Terezi’s advice. Like in canon, John reconsiders and manages to avoid dying. God-Tier Dave is now able to steamroll the challenges of LOHAC with ease, guiding everyone and their counterparts to their quest beds so that they can reach God-Tier as well. Ultimately, this seems like the best case scenario…. until everyone discovers the timeline is now doomed.
Simply put, Dave was supposed to become Davesprite and Rose was supposed to be left behind. Because that didn’t happen, Paradox Space judged the session to be void.
This effects Dave more than he lets on, since it was his decision to take Rose with him in the first place. Both Roses are able to sus this out pretty easily, even as he tries to bottle it up, and they motivate John, Jade, and Other Dave to comfort him. The Roses conclude that the Horrorterrors may be able to help them, so they go to them for guidance. 
The Horrorterrors remember a similar situation with one of their “chosen”, so they inform The Invincible Heir of the situation. Equius gets Karkat to bring him and Nepeta in to investigate. After seeing how well they’ve managed to ace their session, the Meowrails decide it would be a good idea to get some of them to join the Court. 
Equius approaches the Roses first, believing them to be “human highbloods of proper breeding and stature” that he can easily approach. While they mistake his mannerisms for humility at first, they quickly put the pieces together and explain, no, humans don’t have a caste system. Nepeta takes Equius aside so he can recuperate and the two come back after a moment. They explain that they may have a means of salvaging their doomed timeline. However, it would require some morally dubious actions.
While the moirails do preface the info with the knowledge that all these atrocities will be undone, the Roses are still pretty horrified. They meet up with humans to discuss this and, at first, it seems like everyone is in favor of rejecting the offer outright. Until Dave speaks up. He and Rose came from a doomed timeline because John was manipulated. They ended up landing right in another one because Dave trying to save his only remaining friend was arbitrarily declared a mistake. Who’s to say that this isn’t happening to thosands of other versions of them across the multiverse?
Rose recognizes he’s only saying this to vent out his guilt and counters that they have no way of knowing if the offer is legitimate. Equius and Nepeta’s explanation sounded almost cultish from their perspective, after all. Dave immediately concedes and almost finds himself confessing how much all of this is weighing on him.
Then John and Jade raise their points. If these guys are willing to kill thousands of people, what will they do to them if they refuse the offer? A doubly valid point, seeing how the Court specifically targets God-Tiers.
Silence reigns over the humans. Equius and Nepeta had been so polite that they hadn’t even considered how pressed up against the wall they were.
So, they change gears into figuring out a plan to beat the Cancer King’s Court.
Dave, Rose, and Jade decide to go undercover. Pretending to agree to the offer so that they could find intel to Other Dave, Other Rose, and John. After all, the Court would probably be interested in having a Time Player, a Space Player, and a Seer on their team. The home team would still have two of those advantages at least, so their not losing much.
Dave, Rose, and Jade meet up with the moirails and say that they agree, on the sole condition that Other Dave, Other Rose, and John are spared. Equius and Nepeta agree and the three and inducted in.
Karkat doesn’t buy this for a second.
From what he remembers, the humans are a lot more intolerant of morally dubious actions. So, he decides to test their loyalty. He sends the three of them to gather up a bunch of God-Tiers for him to absorb, sending Gamzee with them so he can poke and prod at their minds all the while. Gamzee reports back that they’re spies after reading their minds and asks permission to kill them. Karkat shuts that down and chews him out for it. He instead takes the humans aside so he can convince them.
Firstly, he proves his intentions to them by  making a big show of reviving a timeline left destroyed by Lord English in front of the whole Court, instructing them to act like this is a normal thing. He allows the destoyed civilizations within to rebuild and guides them to prosper. Then, he shows them what The Condescension is capable of with her current power, letting them witness how she bends fate to her will. If he has that power, he could not only fix their doomed timelines, but save all doomed timelines everywhere.
He leaves them to think things over and immediately begins indoctrinating the revived timeline into his army. Another pawn towards his end game. They are indebted to their King, after all.
From the humans perspective, however, he made incredibly valid points. He revived an entire timeline, showing that his good intentions are genuine. Plus, the Condescension shows just what kind of horrific evil he’s up against and the kind of power he’ll have by the end of it. That last note leaves Rose hesitant. Power corrupts, after all. Dave and Jade are a lot more trusting, out of desperation and naivety respectively. 
But, all the same, they know their friends probably won’t accept this. Rose elects to be the one to give the intel. They all agree, she’s the only one capable of lying to them. Even if it hurts like hell.
The Humans play the same role in the Court as Tavros does. People are more inclinded to trust them, so they’re good for gathering up God-Tiers. And, if they need to drag those God-Tiers in by force, a Time Player and a Space Player are hard to beat.
The Humans get along well with the trolls, all things considered. It helps that they couldn’t spend much time with them and are going in with a mostly clean slate.
The sole exception is Dave and Terezi. After all, Terezi is the whole reason Dave’s timeline was doomed. Terezi is willing to accept full responsibility, however, and apologizes for what her counterpart did in his timeline.
The two are able to get past that eventually, but Terezi soon starts asking some uncomfortable questions. 
“ok but like i’m not though. he’ll understand that. …he has to.”
How much of that is The Hung Jury and how much is Main Terezi, I’ll leave up to you.
Conversations between Rose and Kanaya are awkward here. Their romance was a bit of a boil. Rose barely knows this Kanaya, which throws her through a loop given they’re narried married in this timeline. The whole thing is rather surreal for both of them.
Ironically, the troll Rose spends most of her time with is Gamzee. Gamzee insists on having “smart sister poke around in this thinkpan of mine”. While Rose enjoys psycho analyzing him, that’s not what he’s there for. In truth, he’s planting thoughts into her head psionically. Making her side with the King more. He knows she’s the weak link in the human’s loyalty, so he’s going to keep her on lock.
Conversely, Jade spends most of her time with Tavros. They bond over a shared love of animals and over their timelines getting screwed for actions well outside their control. It helps that Tav is still nursing his crush on her. She’s lucky Gamzee hasn’t noticed.
To the King, the humans are among him most effective enforcers. If only their friends could see them now…
also I’m torn at the thought that dave is just thinking he fucked up because he wanted to save everyone even the doomed ones and he believes it’s his fault for making this doomed timeline I'm ;0;
also i’d like to think that john, double rose and double dave definitely knows somethings the Fuck Up (or at least rose and dave, john on the sense that he knows his friends are definitely more antsy around them now) and also that they hang out and converse a lot just being “left alone” in that timeline while their friends go obey king karkat’s orders. i mean they wouldn’t just SIT there, not dave or especially rose, so I bet they’d also kinda go out in the furthest ring in their timeline to try and find some info on cancer king while their friends are away. and then they might become a threat....
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i mixed the three into kinda “team uniforms” because i’d imagine as being humans and having a very bad relationship with trolls in general (hello john almost dying called?? they want their timeline back) and when they first joined it kinda inforced on them that they’re a team collecting info for their friends back in the other timeline and looking like BFF gang with their stupid cool hoodies and jeans (lol!)
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