#and im learning how to fir you guys into my language when talking about aspec ppl
redysetdare · 1 year
Because people keep missing the point of the aromantic part of that one post here is a post specifically for my loveless, aplatonic, and other a-attractions siblings out there!!
You do not need love to live a happy existence! This includes platonic and familial love. You can be loveless! You can be aplatonic! you don't have to feel any kind of love to be worthy of existing as yourself, you are not a bad person for not feeling love and you shouldn't have to justify your identity to allos at all. Your existence isn't just a footnote or something to be shamed in favor of more "acceptable" experiences. You experience deserves to be normalized too. You deserve to have your experience validated and understood and accepted. You deserve to not be left out of the conversation and community. You're part of the aspec community too and you deserve to be seen.
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