#and he CALMS DOWN because he's talking to fucking eridan and fucking eridan is a fucking idiot
caligvlasaqvarivm · 5 months
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Gamzee Makara
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Submission reason:
Started off as a pretty interesting character, a Highblood with a high social ranking but without the typical aggression. I thought he was a cool contrast to the violent expectations of troll society, even if he was on drugs, and he did have some sympathetic moments (talking to Tavros/Eridan and the scene where his negligent lusus died). And then suddenly he gets off the drugs, and it turns out that without mind-altering substances he’s just inherently a bad, violent person?? Like, genetically or something? He just ended up being a plot device, and Homestuck literally ends with him still trapped in a fridge. I get why people don’t like him, Hussie turned him into a literal monster, but I thought he was a fun character with a lot of potential behind the juggalo stereotype. To be honest, it feels pretty off that the neglected stoner kid who was a kinda sweet dude on drugs just magically turned out to be naturally awful and irredeemable. Kind of a weird message.
His point of view became non-existent after he became an antagonist. His personality and thoughts were just thrown out the window. He was stripped of all character and depth and used as a pure plot device. He faced so much canon abuse that was meant to be ""funny"" (man was shot and crowbarred so much). And when Homestuck 2 was a thing the writers mocked his childhood trauma and legit turned him into a pedophile with a foot fetish who is part of some weird cucking fantasy.
Abandoned by his lusus (animal guardian/parent) in his younger years, never learned not to do certain tasks because of it. Developed unhealthy behaviors and actions all for it to be thrown out in favor of him becoming the ""crazy killer clown that kills all his friends because he's off the influence of drugs""
Gets stereotyped and then has all his characterization flattened and thrown out the window and they just turn him into a mindless murder object plot device with no real story or conclusion or closure and is just a big joke in general despite being one of the most important characters.
he had so much potential for story and further elaboration and I feel like they just kinda gave up on my boy gamzee tbh
Sweet stoner boy and silly friend who liked to goof around with his friends, and who was neglected by his parent. Murderous and wild, but still recognizable, still with a valid character arc. And then... ah whatever the fuck all that was.
Introduced as a stoner obsessed with miracles (ICP parody) I found him annoying at first but his whole schick really started to grow on me. AND THEN. He sobered up and became a generic murderclown for the rest of forever. Complete 180 in personality, no character depth, do not pass go. At this point ""Stoner Gamzee"" and ""Sober Gamzee"" are practically different characters in my mind
when gamzee's introduced he's this fun little sober clown guy who just really wants to make sure his friends are happy. then they turned him evil and?? didn't really explain exactly WHY? but were so firm in him being evil and no one being able to help him? despite how OUT OF CHARACTER that was for EVERYONE? he gets calmed down once and then everyone just decides he's still a horrible person DESPITE forgiving vriska who did arguably worse things. AND his character is a really racist personification and the way they handled his shitty villain arc made things so much worse in regards to that
Could have been so so much, could have had stuff happen, but nooooo he's got to just be part of the big bad guy's evilness. Dude I'm mad, I'll never get over this. I want a Gamzee who deals with his issues and fixes his realtionships. I want gamkar to have gone nicely okay????
Hussie, the creator, openly hates and rags on Gamzee and is doing all this fucked up stuff to him just to hurt the fans who still like Gamzee.
Please. Please he's so abused. He takes so much shit from other characters and before he was slaughtered as a character he was so sweet and chill. He never once assertively put himself down even when he was uncomfortable.
One of his outfits has a cod piece. Is literally a clown.
TC: I'm NeVeR bEiNg GeTtInG cEaSeD tO bE aMaZeD bY aLl ThEsE fUcKiN mYsTeRiEs LiFe'S gOt FoR uS.
I have a lot of big feelings about this little clown, have this meme I made: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/778343155065946142/1114133861299933205/Untitled246_20230602030931.png
We are the Homestuck site and we always will be #gamzeedeservedbetter
i used to not like him bc i was blinded by the hatred of him killing my fave but then i saw that it wasn't really his fault. how could it be his fault? the author consistently treats him as nothing more than a narrative device to carry out the villains' murderous will. it's not fair.
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gl1tchypyr0 · 3 days
Homestuck may have changed my brain chemistry too much because now, I see Asexual Arackniss and Asexual Baxter being Best Friends in the roleplay server I'm in, that are heavily they do love each other to an extent, very QPR over there But when I close my eyes All I see is Pale Karkat and Eridan again LIKE I see a fish boy, he really likes science, is stated to be antisocial, kinda grumpy, and my brain goes "okay that's just like Eridan" And then I see spider guy over there and sure Vriskas a thing but dark grey fur and red eyes? and a moody temperament? "Karkat is that you?" and then I see them being Friends that also talk about their feelings to each other and protect each other and calm each other down, and are willing to Kill for each other and watch movies with each other and share their hyperfixations with each other and do give each other kisses from time to time and are willing to cuddle sometimes? THE FUCKING PARALLELS HAVE GOTTEN TO MY BRAIN THEYRE FUCKING MOIRAILS YOUR HONOR-
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back on my drone karkat shit, but this time, with a twist! karkat being a drone isn’t really prominent, just in the background
karkat lives in the middle of nowhere, not too far from the sea, but far enough that seadwellers won’t decide to attack him. so he’s at the shore one day catching some fish bc mans gotta eat yknow, and who other than feferi swims up to chat (they’re both roughly 3-3 1/2 sweeps rn) and the edges of her fins haven’t started turning pink, and she only has her head poking out of the water so karkat can’t see her blood color/sign. she says hello and is all friendly and poor karkat is just so confused. they talk for a bit before they have to leave because the sun will come up soon. karkat thinks it’s just a one time thing, but then it happens again. and again. and again
and now it’s a routine, and neither knows the others blood color (karkat assumes feferi is violet and feferi assumes karkat is a lowblood) and everyone is just having a grand old time for a couple sweeps but then oh fuck! some highbloods that are probably drunk on faygo decide that this hemo-anon troll sitting by the shore should die! and it’s this whole thing, feferi comes and joins the fight and she and karkat kill the highbloods and all is well but then they both notice that they’re both injured and bleeding and it’s this whole dramatic, emotional thing, where karkat is freaking the fuck out because 1) a troll knows his blood color and 2) said troll is the ducking heiress, and feferi is frantically trying to calm him down and she does and oh fuck I guess they’re moirails now who woulda guessed
and feferi thinks that everyone knows that drones have bright red blood, until karkat says that his blood isn’t natural and he’s a mutant, and she informs him that actually no karkat you’re a drone I thought everyone knew drones have your blood color and karkat proceeds to have a mental breakdown
anyway karkat teaches feferi about lowblood culture and stuff and feferi helps karkat research about drones and what they need and this got really long so I’m just gonna stop here but how do you think this would affect their session
~ 🔥 anon
If Feferi and Karkat start the session as moirals independently of the reason, the team avoids a lot of the Eridan downward spiral cause Feferi wouldn't have revealed she never had romantic feelings for him right after losing Alternia and he wouldn't have isolated himself in his planet
Karkat would have been a lot more in control if he had a moiral and Feferi's position on the hemospectrum would have taken away some of the pressure to prove himself so he would have been a lot more effective and focused as a leader
Feferi would have had some perspective and would have been more invested in trying to smooth down casteist disagreements among the team as soon as they popped up. She might avoid dying altogether
The drone thing would add some unique problems but overall the session might have gone better, I guess? It would be one of the cases where being too good dooms the timeline
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dav3katz · 2 years
Eridan x troll-reader kismises hcs maybe a mutant-goldblood reader
Eridan Kismesis Hcs
- he’s quite an annoying kismesis, as you’d expect. He’s extremely clingy, so he’s always coming up with excuses to talk to you and bother you.
- he mainly does this to keep you from being bored of him though, to be honest. Many people have left him, so he has the fear you will too (whilst not wanting to tell you)
- however, he’s desperate. He tries to get you into other quadrants with him as well, fully convinced he may feel that way. He will take your rejection with stride though, and acts normal after that, with some slight bitterness. It only angers you more though.
- perhaps that’s a good thing! Cause wow! Eridan is really easy to hate and he is good at hating himself and really good at maintaining a black relationship!
- tries to kiss you a lot though, regardless of whether he thought he was red for you, or not. He’s just .. like that with his black partners sometimes. Hoping for some hate makeouts or something??
- will find any excuse he can just to see you, new doomsday device that doesn’t work? Perhaps he just pisses you off more on purpose and purposes a fight?!? Doesn’t matter
- he’d realize his blacker feelings for you quickly btw, he has a good understanding on that sorta thing for the most part (though I am under the belief that while he does often seek for black relationships, and knows the feeling, a part of him is truly looking for red relationships and doesn’t really know/realize it lol!!)
- black flirting all the time though, always talking about how much he fucking hates you
- and he brings it up to a lot of people too, especially to people that also hate you (so straight up shit talking? But then he tells you about it so like LOL?)
- he’s a bit obsessively clingy though so he’s always messaging you and can be tiring and even overwhelming at times and goes a bit far
- and would tell you to “stop bein such a wwriggler about it”
- but if you expressed it really upsets you and he’s being too crazy he will calm down a bit
- communication is key with him!! Because he will go too far and it may end to your relationship ending and left with bitter feelings
- back to the red crush thing though, he’d eventually realize he feels black for you truly! he just gets confused about his feelings, even if he feels he understands them relatively well.
- and hey! Despite the hatred he feels for you he has moments of being nice to you and doing things for you, with the “still hate you tho” sorta thing
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lovethemamporas · 2 years
I may not be super involved in the fandom anymore, but there is still something that lots of fans do that gets on my last nerves: the woobifying of the amporas. especially eridan.
(woobify: to turn a character that is canonically wrong or morally grey into a cute little guy you feel sorry for. (urban dictionary))
like... eridan is a killer. he kills people. and animals. and wants to murder all lowbloods... he's a violent high blood, and it's canon that highbloods are the most bloodthirsty of the trolls. like, moiraillegance exists so that highbloods don't go off the deep end and kill everything in sight when they go into one of their angry moods.
like, so angry their scleras turn red and they pretty much tear everything in their path apart. the only troll I can remember seeing actually go into a highblood fit is gamzee, and that's because he didn't have any friends to help calm him down.
now, it's a comic. and everyone is free to do what they want with their character interpretations! go wild, have fun! but I'm not gonna turn him into a tiny little guy who never did anything wrong ever.
eridan is a murderer, a genocidal rich snob who likes killing. he murdered two of his friends and tried to kill another. one of which came back to life and cut him in half right after.
eridan FLARPed (fatal live action roleplay) with vriska as his partner. do you think she didn't go around killing opponents willy-nilly? now, eridan was most likely definitely more discerning than she was when it came to FLARP killing, but you know he killed opponents while playing.
all trolls are violent and bloodthirsty, but especially highblooded ones. eridan IS a bloodthirsty guy, and it's okay to like characters like that!!! he's snobbish, rich, prejudiced against lowbloods, murderous, legit planned to flood the planet to kill all the lowbloods.
were the genocide plans probably mainly a call for help, in his own way? most likely: he was lonely and wanted someone to talk to. but in the game he still went around killing his planets denizens. I do agree a lot of the violence eridan committed against his friends was his own way of asking for help... but bruh... he still killed them. he's still violent.
vriska went on about how he was violent and powerful and not someone to trifle with, before they started the game. she got doomsday devices together for him! she knew he wasn't someone to fuck around with!
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like?? did we read the same comic??? eridan isnt a wooby little baby, I'm sorry, thats canon.
but again. feel free to do what you want with your interpretations! I'm just... not gonna write him as a tiny baby. because that's not what he is, and frankly, I think he'd be offended by that idea of him.
(current, post end "canon" is not something I take into account because I hate it, death of the author, etc. etc.)
tl:dr; I keep seeing people woobify eridan and honestly? that aint it, not for me. he's prideful, snobbish, royal, murderous and bloodthirsty. these are all things eridan is very proud of.
feel free to write eridan how you want! I just personally don't agree with wooby eridan.
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insertmesoftly · 2 years
Eridan x Loner Troll Oc (Whobie)
(I apologize for how erratic this post is, it’s not really a narrative so much as just a bunch of notes scribbled down for these idiots. I’m still posting them anyways cuz fuck it. I can be sorry and still do something :,D)
The Beginning of Their Friendship:
Me, before: Hmm this is a slow build friendship. Whobie tried being friendly because they noticed Eridan was a loner too without a place and they were severely snuffed. They do not like each other and Whovie avoids him but eventually Eridan is caught crying somewhere and he starts a spiteful argument doing everything to threaten then into shutting up and Whobie just yells back like 'Shit man stop being so fucking stupid, if you wanna talk about your feelings we can just hang in my room and chat. God damn it im miserable here too lets fucking bond.' And that's how Eridan is very forcibly abducted to their room. And he'd never admit it but he really felt. Relieved. Someone was noticing him. Someone finally insisted on talking to him. Ah. He's still a smug fucking asshole and sees this as 'OH you WANT me as your friend so badly? That's so embarrassing for you.' And Whobie let's him cuz it was somewhat true and they know he needs his pride over it.
Me now: Actually what if their first meeting was Whobie enthusiastically volunteering to help Eridan after everyone's been ignoring him and they themselves have been feeling left out all game. They pretty much fall into his world far from his Hive, end up journeying through it and possibly befriending an angel that follows em now, taking a long ass time and many dangerous paths before FINALLY REACHING HIS HOME! And as they run to it with an eager smile- they get shot and burnt to a crisp. Eridan was too careless and only saw their angel companion, shooting first then realizing his mistake, but not before the fire trap that was set got triggered and burned em. Now he stares at their charred body and deals with the panic of having killed a troll he doesn't know but that was the only one to come visit him in too long. He's shaking as he texts Karkat for info on how to revive a troll and he is absolutely disgusted by the response. Their meeting was not the best. But it's one neither will ever forget.
"Wwhatevver, charred lips. Remember wwho it wwas that savved you!"
Cute Miscellaneous Friendship Stuff:
- Imagine a cute wholesome scene from some other universe where they’re bffs and happy and Whobie gets the idea to ask 'What’s the worst thing I could ever say to you?' and Eridan is caught off guard and scared and Whobie reassures him it’s just to know what not to say because they'd never want to hurt him like that and he kinda calms down and they both share their greatest fears and make a pact to make fun of each other for anything and everything... but to never bring these things up. And they hold hands and stare at the sky and get a little closer.
- Eridan catches Nepeta and Equius making out and he is VERY offended and calls them out on confusing their quadrants, but Nepeta waves him off and says it just shows how good friends they really are that they can do this because it feels nice and not have it be weird, and that truly sticks to Eridan as he keeps glancing at Whobie wondering if it's true. He ends up waving it off most of the time… but… he keeps asking.
- A carnival date. *teary eyed* holdim hambs. Bullying each other in bumper cars. Trying to win each other prizes but sucking until Eridan gets to a shooting game and wins and he smugly keeps the plush hostage until Whobie can get them one too. By the end of the night they tried so hard and finally got a miserable excuse for a plush that is ugly and unwanted. They’re so ashamed of it and Eridan insults it but he switches plushies in a heartbeat and you can now pry it from his cold dead hands because Whobie tried all day for him and this was all he wanted.
Things Get Serious/ Where I’ve Left Off Cuz This Is Where We Stopped Reading For Now:
The order of the session had Whobie being helped out of their cave and starting the game thanks to Tavros. This is how they came to have a crush on Tavros while also having to deal with Vriska always being there and noticing and taking advantage to annoy them every step of the way.
Tavros is an oblivious dumdum that thinks Whobie is nice but weird. Whobie clearly tries a bit too hard to talk to him and they always end up giving Tavros mixed signals on whether they like him or hate him because of this. Eventually he sees em as a friend and this pleases Whobie greatly.
Eridan and Whobie have a pact to help each other with their crushes. Eridan's take up the most time cuz he has so many and a variety. From trying to catch Sollux's attention, to trying to show off to Nepeta, and a bit of trying to convince Karkat to hang out with them, they have their hands full with Eridan's problems. But on the off chance of Whobie seeing an opportunity, Eridan isn't above helping them in return, hearing them out and giving advice. He of course thinks this crush is absolutely pathetic and sad, tells Whobie so multiple times, but he helps anyways. Especially when it means distracting and making Vriska mad.
He had no particular feelings for this at first, it was just the business of helping a moiral out. Then the more the two end up bonding... he tries writing it off. Laughs nervously to himself. He can't possibly be going through this again. With a moiral! And yet. Sullenly, he relents that Whobie has been making progress with Tavros. Spending less time talking with him... Doing a lot of touching as they help him with his legs. He loathes it. And he acts huffy. Obviously jealous. Whobie takes it as him feeling lonely, so they suggested the three hang out. It... didn't end well. Eridan was a jerk the whole time, even pushing Tavros at one point and he made Whobie furious. They demanded he apologize. As if he ever would. He turned to walk away. He was glad they followed. They hold his shoulder and ask why he can't just be nice for once, for their moiral. Why he had to ruin a perfectly good way to keep both trolls they liked happy.
Eridan is aghast at being on the same level as to Tavros on their mind. He pushes their hand away and yells at them that if they really knew him they should've known he'd ruin this. It's all he does. He doesn't likebeing with other trolls! Whobie is done with his self-depreciation. Why can't he learn to at least coexist? Just keeping his mouth shut would've been fine!
This hurts him. 'You'd rather I stay silent? Fine! I'm not talking to you again! You're a coward in love with an idiot and you two deserve each other! I hope you'll be happy now!' And he storms away before he can cry in front of them. It was all unfair! He broods alone. Doesn't want to come out of his room. Glares at Whobie when he sees them but immediately looks away when they glance back. He hates seeing them closer to Tavros.
With how badly that went, Whobie immediately panicked and had a breakdown. Tavros helped calm them down and now Whobie has just been... way too clingy. They lost their best friend. This was all they had... anyone else would've been more annoyed but Tavros was ok with it. Whobie respected whatever limits he gave em ('Oh, uh, could you please not read over my shoulder? Thank you!' 'Um... I know you're being nice... and um, I appreciate the thought! But... I'm not sure what to do with a um... dead mouse... especially not one so uh... in pieces.')
This friendship progress culminates to a point where Whobie feels secure enough to try confessing and Eridan is beginning to get Grimdark... and then the awkward Tavros confession to Jade occurs. Everyone saw because of the projector Jade used. Whobie felt their blood run cold and they heard Vriska's laughter behind them. 'Better go comfort your 'buddy.' I'm sure he'll appreciate you a lot~' That's the last thing Whobie wants to do. They crawl to the teleporters and sit next to Eridan's for basically hours until he finally comes out of it. He trips over them and scrambles.
'What the fuck?! What are you-'
'You were right.'
Whobie isn't even looking at him. Still staring at the ceiling. Tears roll down. 'I was a coward and he was an idiot and I'm also an idiot and I wasted all that time just-' They're sobbing, wiping their face. Eridan feels keenly aware of how they're in an open space and he gets up and grabs at their hoodie, dragging them to his teleporter with a sigh and sending them somewhere private. He was fully prepared to make them suffer before accepting any apologies. To demand they kiss his shoes and call him a god.But those plans went out the window as they clung to his leg and kept apologizing. Spilling out all their emotions about how much they missed him and how they felt like no one could replace his friendship. They were such sweet words, the right words for his ears. He almost wanted to cry too. But he instead got mad at himself, knowing he gave in too fucking fast. He kicked them away. Then he crouched down and hugged them. Whatever had happened wasn't important. He was right. And now they're back and they learned their place. They know better than to ever prioritize someone other than him now. That was all that mattered.
Still don't know what to do for the massacre/death but this is where this train of thought stops. Bleh. Maybe he recruits Whobie. Maybe he makes em wait in the room for him and they're none the wiser, still lost in thought, only to get the biggest blows of their life as they eventually wake from a nap and look at their laptop to see all that happened. And now they're stuck in Eridan's room and stuck living without him.
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I was on my old laptop that I had used during my prime Homestuck days, and I found a prologue to a mermaid!stuck au I attempted from 2013 (mermaid!stuck because that was the hot au then), and while I have OPINIONS with Homestuck nowadays I'm pleased with some of the writing that came out of me eight years ago.
So I fixed some word choices and spruced it up to display, because fuck it, I'll die a Homestuck at heart.
The sun beamed down on the ocean, warming it slowly as the day began to age from morning to noon, as the water gently licked at the coastline. Young laughter erupted from children as they ran from the waves that came in and receded back out. On the beach adults were lounging on beach towels as they baked slowly under the sun while other folks reclined back in plastic chairs, chatting amongst themselves or wasting time on their electronic devices. A group of kids busied themselves burying one of their friends in the warm sand, whereas other children occupied their attention on crafting castles and other structures.
Out in the water a whole assortment of boats zoomed by, loud and disturbing the calm of the ocean, waves being cut in the wake of the machines as they sped by. As waves rippled out from a passing ski-boat they pushed the girl away from the human world continuing on in ignorance like a gentle warning not to get too close. The water felt tepid against her skin, soft as it drifted by. She let the flow pull her out to the open sea until she used her arms to swim back to her original spot.
Human life had always mesmerized her, although she was limited to what she could watch or learn. She wondered what it would be like to run on land, on the sand as she dug her toes into it, or what it would feel like to walk on hot pavement, to feel the burning sensation on her skin. It would be such a difference compared to living in the ocean that it boggled her mind to comprehend the new possibilities that she could experience.
As she watched in wonder at the human activities, the girl failed to notice a boy pop up behind her, his hair soaked with salt water. Pushing his hair back with a swipe of his hand, the boy glowered over her shoulder at the humans polluting the beach, scrutinizing the people as they went about their business, unknowing about the two sea folk in the ocean.
“Fef, we need to get goin’,” the boy murmured, his tone an indicator of his feelings.
Frowning, Feferi twisted around to look at her companion. “You should join me one day, Eridan. Humans aren’t as bad as they used to be. Give me the opportunaty to show you.”
Eridan scoffed. “No glubbin’ thanks. It’s a bad idea to evven be around them, let alone trust one.”
“But, Eridan--”
Eridan, unwilling to listen, disappeared back under the water with a splash, his tail smacking the surface as he swam away. Feferi sighed as she took a longing glance at the beach before she followed Eridan away from her curiosities, her dive more graceful and subtle than his abrupt leave.
Maybe one day, she could get a chance to actually encounter a human up close. She could talk to it, learn more about their culture, their life.
If only Eridan would let her.
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How would the Beta Boys react to their s/o walk in on them while they're changing?
It definitely would depend on how long you've been together but I'm gonna guess that's it's like not so short but not so long either.
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Beta Boys react to their S/O walks in on them while they're changing
(btw I'm NOT going to use troll quirks when they talk)
John Egbert
You were just staring at each other like you had some brain lag before you decided to leave.
He quickly finished changing but he still needed a second to calm himself down becouse he was blushing like crazy.
He tried to forget that this ever happened and actually it wasn't that hard for him to ignore it in the end and if you felt bad about the whole thing he'd try to reassure you that it's okay.
Dave Strider
When he heard his door open he tried to put on a shirt as fast as possible... But he couldn't find it.
He muttered "Dammit" under his breath when he realized it was too late. He was a bit relieved it was you but still told you to leave.
He was embarrassed quite a lot but he tried to act cool without fail.
Tavros Nitram
He didn't notice you coming in until he heard you apologize. And hoo boy was he shocked.
It took him few seconds to realize why you were apologizing in the first place. But once he got ready and went out to see you he tried to play it cool.
Let's be real both of you were quite embarrassed in the end and the conversation was akward, fortunately it took a quick turn.
Sollux Captor
It really depends on what mood he was in when you went in. It's most likely that he's going to not-so-politely ask you to leave in the end.
But if he did catch you staring for a bit longer than necessary he definitely was going to use it against you at some point once he calms down.
Still it was something he was quick to forget but will think about this situation in random times and sometimes he wasn't sure if it actually happened.
Karkat Vantas
When you opened the door you didn't even got to see what was going on before he shouted "Get the fuck out I'm changing!" and you didn't need to hear it twice.
Even though the 'crisis' was avoided he still felt embarrassed and he thought it was stupid that he felt such way.
He apologized for yelling at you but he also expected your apology from your side aswell for just going in like that.
Equius Zahhak
He was more than once shirtless around you (for many reasons) so he didn't have any strong reactions.
But you did decide to leave wich wasn't necessary, but appreciated.
He did try to change quicker though. After all he can't keep his lover waiting. Whatever you want from him is always urgent for him so of course he's going to do everything as fast as possible to be able to help yo- oh you just wanted to hang out... Just as urgent.
Eridan Ampora
When he heard the door open he got caught off guard and turned around with rather shocked expression on his face.
When he realized it's just you he said "Don't you know how to knock?" and threw nearby object (luckily it was a pillow) at you so you look away.
It wasn't matter of shyness but more of a matter of privacy in his opinion. But he couldn't help but blush out of embarrassment and he didn't know why he felt this way.
The whole situation was quickly forgotten in the end but he did scold you again for not knocking.
Gamzee Makara
Negative reaction time, probably he didn't even notice that he is half naked when you came into his room and greeted you like he couldn't be bothered.
And mostly Gamzee greets you with a hug so you know where this is going.
But after he saw your reaction only then he realized what was going on but he still didn't care much.
However he did dress up quicker because he wanted to spend time with you.
~Mod Auvana
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homestuckstuff · 4 years
Swimming hcs
Karkat: horrible at chicken, he’s too short to actually hit people and he’s terrified about falling. Managed to learn how to swim in six minutes and nobody knows how. Can be deadly silent when Marco Polo comes from all the droid scares he had, once just stood in the corner of the pool and Dave couldn’t find him for an hour.
Dave: good at chicken, will throw hands with anyone who try’s to win. He and John constantly find ways to cheat at Marco Polo. Got John to find karkat for him after an hour of searching. Probably threw his ice cream at someone by accident, gfdi Dave this is why we can’t have nice things. Karkat gives him his out of pity
John: cheats at Marco Polo but still cannot manage to find Karkat. He turns into wind so he can dash around the pool and tag people. Did chicken once and fell and hit his head on the concrete, refuses to play it again. Got dared to eat Dave’s floor ice cream for two dollars and did it, terezi calls him a floor licker. “Stfu terezi you were the one who dared me” tries to pull peoples feet and gets kicked in the face.
Jade: doggy paddles everywhere but still manages to be faster then everyone but Jake. Didn’t know you were supposed to wear bathing suits and just jumps In. She and Dave kill at chicken but her and Jake are unstoppable together, they’ve never lost a single match. Jade is s t r o n k, looks like she could kill a man by looking at him but she won’t.
Rose: doesn’t swim but wears a matching outfit with Kanaya and roxy that spelt fuck off please when put together. She wore the fuck part. Was goaded Into playing chicken and did it with John against terezi and Dave. She killed them on sight but when Jake and jade came against them John promptly got knocked onto the fucking concrete and everyone thought he was dead. Bought a squiddles themed sun hat and drew over it.
Aradia: doesn’t go in the water. She knows how to swim but she just doesn’t feel like it. Will grab pebbles and toss them at whoever’s Marco just to watch them freak out.
Tavros: doesn’t swim because of his mecha legs but his sits by the pool anyways. He and Gamzee did chicken and when tav fell in Equius nearly came for his head. Gets a water type fidusmon and floats across the pool until Vriska shoves him in. Equius Comes for Vriskas head.
Sollux: pulled a gamer move and didn’t touch the water, used his Psionics to make a whirlpool and then dragged eridan into it. Throws pebbles at John and eridan cause it’s funny
Nepeta: the water turns brown when she touches it cause she hasn’t taken a bath in years. Hangs out with Equius at the end of the pool and kills anyone who fucks with him on sight. Makes shipping charts out of the pebbles sollux and Aradia throw. Equius and her have a tea party together and invite Aradia and Karkat to it, they try to play eachothers wingman and fail miserably. At least their tea is good :,33
Kayana: didn’t swim either, wore the off part of the swim suits. Stole roses squidle hat and wore it all day. Bought rose some flowers. She and rose ate some donuts together and had a lovely time
Terezi: she went behind John and slapped his ass so hard that he turned into wind. Didn’t give John his two dollars when he ate the floor ice cream and he pushed her in the pool. She sat in the pool with Vriska and they got to play chicken with terezi’s cane. They slap jade in the face to win and they make her cry. Jake almost beats the shit out of them. Vriska says that whoever’s angry at them can fight them but literally everyone starts gearing up to beat her and terezi up. Vriska almost shits her pants and terezi apologizes for them. Jade gets to slap them both to make it equal but she doesn’t cause she’s nice.
Vriska: is glad that jade didn’t kick the shit out of them. Stole roses martini but turns out she can’t handle her alcohol for shit. Almost passed out in the water but John got her out of there. Wears a nic cage themed bathing suit and John is so jealous
Equius: sits with nepeta and plans to beat up anyone who hits on her. He keeps breaking teacups, nepeta keeps pulling out more. He refuses to talk about the party incident with Aradia.
Gamzee: his face paint doesn’t even wash off. He and Tavros are decent at chicken, he’s nervous about Tavros falling in. Freezes sopor into popsicles and c r o n c h e s on them all day long.
Eridan: turns out eridan can’t swim well. It doesn’t really come up until sollux drags him into that whirlpool and he gets stuck at the bottom of the pool. He can breathe, he’s just kinda.....stuck down there. Feferi has to drag him out. He tries to play it off like he was joking about being stuck at the bottom but no one believes him. Sollux begrudgingly apologizes and eridan almost cries.
Feferi: is the one who made sollux apologize. She races jade and everyone is terrified because they both look like they’re going to throw hands. Jade wins by a damn inch. They high-five and congratulate eachother.
Jane: has a cute ass one piece. Dave makes a joke about johns hot mom. She’s not real good at swimming. She and roxy are a decent chicken team. She tried to help eridan out of the bottom of the pool but he yelled at her. She refers to him as the fish bitch. Made the snacks for everyone.
Roxy: wore the please part of the outfit. She and John are real good at chicken. She, John, and terezi decided to ditch for a minute to go flying. She and John picked up terezi and flew around happily. Everyone else joined, none god tiers got carried around. They eventually land and turns out terezi isn’t too good with heights. She vomits and they have to give her some water. The rest of the day she watched movies and played chicken with her friends.
Jake: is wayyyyy too nervous around all these people. He loves hanging out with his friends but he really doesn’t know half the people here. He and jade swim around to try and defuse some stress. John tried to grab his foot but he panicked and screamed for him to go away. He and dirk moved inside so he could calm down. He comes out two minutes later and apologizes to John. John is Lowkey scared of him because of how tall he is. He spends the rest of the time trying to convince Roxy that he and dirk didn’t do anything weird.
Dirk: is nervous around the pool. He thinks it’s way too cold and doesn’t want to go in. Roxy pushed him in and he refuses to get out because spite. He and Jake are pretty good at chicken but dirk can’t really hold Jake up on his shoulders. He and Jake had a bonding moment and talked about why Jake was so nervous and why he freaked out. More tears were shed then they both would like to admit. Got revenge on roxy. He started a food fight and got a frozen sopor popsicle to the eye. He’s lucky his stupid glasses didn’t break
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 1 month
was in the process of starting writing an eridan centric no sburb au and the more i write the more i’m like goddamnit pale erikar is happening without me even trying you’ve 100% gotten me invested
YEAH. Even if you just go purely by canon, their personalities just wind up meshing so well.
Like how Karkat gives Eridan special treatment and is extra nice to him because he knows how rough it is to be in Eridan's thinkpan.
Or how Eridan is willing to immediately shelve his own problems whenever he hears that Karkat isn't doing well emotionally and basically demands to give him emotional support.
Or how Karkat lies to Vriska that nobody listens to him talk about quadrant stuff when we've seen them talk to each other and we know they gossip about that shit all the time.
Or how Eridan is basically the only person who's ever succeeded in getting Karkat to calm the fuck down, by virtue of his incredible obtuseness, like, he doesn't even need to try.
Or how Karkat makes a bunch of death threats to Eridan and Eridan takes it as "ironic repartee," meaning that Karkat's usual problem with mixed signals is not a problem to Eridan, because Eridan is honestly just happy for the attention.
Or how they're so in sync with each other that Karkat telling Past!Eridan that their pact is over led to Eridan assuming they have a pact, and Past!Karkat hears about it and just rolls with it, because apparently it makes sense that they have a pact or something with a caveat that they be nice to each other. Of course.
Or how they talk so often that Feferi outright laments how it leaves Eridan with nothing left to talk to her about.
Or how, even before he knows that Karkat is a mutant, Karkat is still one of his best friends, and their relationship doesn't change after Eridan finds out - in fact, unlike Vriska or Equius or Gamzee, who make comments about his blood color (Gamzee calls him a punchline blooded motherfucker), Eridan never even bothers to mention it. (Because he doesn't actually give a shit about the hemocaste, it's basically all performative).
Or how Eridan knows Karkat well enough to know that Gamzee's advice to just be chill and w/e doesn't work for Karkat.
Or how Karkat's response to Gamzee going murderous is "oh god oh fuck oh man oh fuck" and his message to Past!Gamzee is "get out of here, this barely even concerns you," but his response to Eridan going murderous is a very personal "fuck you, BACKSTABBER, HOW COULD YOU???"
Or how Karkat has a double-v typo once and there's a point where Eridan drops his double-letters and yells at Feferi in capslock 👉👈
And that's all JUST CANON. That's all stuff we've SEEN them do. If you start making some extrapolations, there's so much more.
Karkat's dream has always been to become a threshecutioner - a member of the Empress's strongest troops - seeking to find some sort of acceptance within the society that outcasted him if he could prove his worth that way. However, Karkat's the weakest fighter on the team, and given that Eridan's pissed off angels scared everybody else off his planet, it's likely he's one of the best fighters, if not THE best. Combined with his noble status, Eridan was on the fast track to, if not becoming a threshecutioner, then otherwise achieving some great rank or prestige within the Condesce's army. (Even Dualscar, laughable as he was, was still Mindfang's superior).
Karkat would think Eridan is badass.
Meanwhile, Eridan's problems nearly all stem from the pressure he feels to live up to the expectations on his shoulders, as a highblood, as the orphaner, as the person keeping his friends alive, and as a sea dweller. His is a world of constant anxiety and anguish, not helped by his innate troll/highblood volatility and his own knowledge of how dangerous he is. And Karkat is their self-described "fearless leader," who will happily tell everyone what to do.
Eridan would be relieved that the pressure is off his shoulders.
Karkat's had to live in fear for his life for nearly all of it; when Eridan got added to the group chat, Karkat was probably fucking terrified, especially when Feferi got added right after. Like, oh, fuck, it's a sea dweller (noted as being so hostile that even GAMZEE is nervous about being by the water for too long), oh fuck, he knows the heir apparent, oh fuck, he's an insane murderer.
And then... the sea dweller respects his authority. The sea dweller takes him completely seriously, once he gets past all the slurs and talk of genocide, which the sea dweller obviously doesn't actually mean (Eridan's contradictions are REALLY obvious, which is part of why nobody else takes him seriously). The sea dweller doesn't give a shit WHAT his blood color is.
Like, I think Karkat finds a weird sense of safety in having a violet-blood friend that he can make death threats to. Their last memo together implies that such "ironic repartee" is completely normal for the two of them, and I personally like the idea that Karkat at one point took issue with one of the insane shitty things that Eridan likes to say, went off on a classic Karkat Rant, and then went "oh wait. shit. fuck. im so dead," only for Eridan to completely laugh it off and treat it like casual joking around.
And Eridan just craves attention, positive or negative. He desperately wants people to take him seriously and care about him. Kanaya, Vriska, and Feferi don't, because frankly, they don't really get why he's got so many problems - they're all privileged and they like it! - and Terezi is like "yikes. wow. glad that's not my problem," while Gamzee just tells him to chill out (he can't, that's his entire issue) and Equius avoids (void joke ha ha) him. He doesn't really talk to the lowbloods, but given he doesn't express any casteist anti-lowblood sentiment specifically until he's mad at Sollux (and has totally caste-neutral opinions on Sollux before that), it's not even because he doesn't like lowbloods; one has to assume he's got a different reason for avoiding them - like his canonical guilt over all the murders, or an extrapolation of his general anxieties in that he doesn't like talking to people who are going to be dead before he's even 1/100 of a way through his own life, or that the lowbloods tend to avoid him because... yknow, -gestures to all of Eridan-.
But he always had plausible deniability when it came to Karkat, because Karkat was always anonblood; even if he assumes Karkat's an "assblood," he had no way to know for sure 'til he found out Karkat was an off-spec. And Karkat DOES take him seriously, or at least more seriously than anybody else, by a longshot. He's even willing to outright tell Eridan that it's not Eridan's fault Nepeta doesn't reciprocate his feelings. WHO ELSE WOULD DO SUCH A THING???
And on that topic is pity. They both extend to each other a pity that they don't really afford anyone else, and Karkat - with his uncanny romantic acumen - outright says that pity is the driving force for all non-pitch relationships. Because he's the only person who even acknowledges that Eridan's probelms are PROBLEMS, it's clear he feels pity for Eridan's utterly fried thinkpan. Meanwhile, Eridan seems to recognize how sensitive Karkat really is, IMMEDIATELY putting everything else on pause to try to provide Karkat emotional support whenever it's brought up that Karkat is sad.
Eridan never extends this kind of consideration toward anyone else, too busy grandstanding and putting on the Big Bad Sea Dweller act; Karkat never even extends this much sympathy to Gamzee, never once bothering to understand his religion, or comment on his shitty lusus or crisis of faith. Even when he tries to cheer Terezi up, it's not really with outright sympathy - he tries to build up how awesome he thinks she is, or take on the blame for the situation. But with Eridan, he just goes, yeah, okay, shut up. I know it's tough being you.
I think it's also pretty notable that although Eridan comments about how HYPOTHETICALLY Future!Karkat can't reject him because he's not Eridan's Current!Karkat, he has never actually hit on Karkat in any quadrant, as far as we've seen. And I'm even willing to believe that he never has - when he met Karkat, his pale and pitch quadrants were filled, and he was always pining after Feferi in flushed; it probably never even crossed his mind to see Karkat as a viable dating partner, and I think he likes their unofficial moirallegiance friendship exactly the aay it is - when he thinks Karkat is hitting on him pitchwise, his reaction isn't "yes let's date," it's a surprised "whoa, coming on kinda strong, there."
And just. Just. The way that Karkat took Eridan's murder spree so fucking personally, especially compared to Gamzee in the same memo. You BACKSTABBER. I HATE you (not enough to not talk to you for an extended period of time but still). How COULD you. I thought you loved her...
Like. Man. I think it would require a third party to point it out in order to get them together - Karkat seems to be kind of embarrassed by how often he talks to Eridan (because it's, y'know, ERIDAN), and has convinced himself that Eridan is SUCH a pathetic dumbass that OF COURSE it would never work out between them (keep telling yourself that, buddy, you're the one who started thinking about that in a conversation where Eridan literally was not hitting on you), and Eridan is, uh, a dumbass.
But even that's kind of tricky, because Karkat's mixed signals make their friendship read as weirdly pitch-coded (I don't think you're normally supposed to threaten death upon your moirail and call them slurs), and also, nobody really wants to imagine Eridan being in a happy, loving relationship. You run into this problem sometimes even in real life.
But he's kind of basically in one?????
Literally, society if Eridan and Karkat made it official -
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lockedstuck · 3 years
sorrow that you keep
March 2021 - Sollux Captor
“Vitals!” Dirk announces, rapping on your door with his knuckles. “C’mon, let’s get this over with so I can serve breakfast!”
When you walk out of your room, there’s already a line leading out of the treatment room. The person in front of you, a dark-skinned kid with an Angela Davis-style afro - Karkat, you think his name is - curses up a blue streak while he waits in line.
“I don’t see why I had to get a prissy fucking bastard with insomnia as my goddamn roommate. I didn’t ask for any of this fucking shit. Fucking involuntary status, fucking dumbshit Eridan, I hope this fucking hospital burns down.”
It’s too early to put up with this guy, especially with the migraine you woke up with.
“Not tryna piss you off or anything but do you think you could keep it down with your tirade?”
If looks could kill, the glare Karkat shoots you would have rendered you to a pile of smoldering ash.
“I haven’t had a cigarette in six days, it’s seven oh fuck in the morning, my roommate wakes up seventeen times a night, and I might be losing my job because my shithead brother signed me into this fucking place, so you can go straight the fuck to hell,” Karkat replies.
“Are you this obnoxious later in the day, or did they just forget to give you your ativan last night?”
“I don’t even take ativan, dumbfuck.” He squares up. Maybe if he weren’t five foot one, you’d actually be afraid. “I’ll knock you out if you keep talking, though.”
Behind you, a guy with eyes so dark that they might be violet moves to plant a hand on Karkat’s shoulder. It’s your roommate, Gamzee Makara, who appears to sleep for fifteen hours a day. Karkat surprisingly refrains from flinching or scowling. You probably wouldn’t scowl at this guy if you had the opportunity either; he’s easily six foot four, his hair curling around his ears and sticking out worse than Karkat’s.
“Now there’s no reason to get up an’ motherfucking truculent with the new guy so early in the morning.”
Karkat rolls his eyes. “Makara, if you tell me to calm down and wait for the morning miracles, I’ll kill you too.”
“There’s no need to wait, Karbro. The sunrise is a miracle in and of itself. When I looked at the ceiling in my room, I saw miracles. Everywhere.”
“They need to put you on haldol, man.”
“I don’t need no helldogs telling me what to do. I just go with the flow.”
“Of course,” Karkat says, almost fondly. “You and your motherfucking miracles.”
When it’s nearly Karkat’s turn for vitals, Dirk escorts Roxy over to the nurses’ station. She blows a kiss at Karkat, who raises his hand in half-salute. Ignacio walks out of the charting room and takes a look at her.
“Miss Lalonde, I have medication for you. This’ll help with the shakes, hypertension, and sweating.”
Roxy puts her hands on her hips and winks at him. “Again, cutiepie?”
Ignacio rolls his eyes at her and shakes his head, his mohawk moving slightly with the motion. He hands her a medication cup and a paper cup of water. She swallows her medication down fluidly, without drinking any of the water. That has to be an xbox achievement.
During breakfast, as Eridan continues to scowl and bitch about his lack of breakfast (he has ECT today), and Karkat tells him to stop being an overdramatic fuckass before he stabs him with a fork, Dr. Vandayar pulls you aside for one of his “no big deal” discussions.
Otherwise known as morning check-in.
Truth be told, you rather like Dr. V, or Krishna, which is what he told you that you could call him, even though he has a doctorate.
He got you access to sharps, your body wash, and your clothes. He means well, and aside from when he checks in every morning, he doesn’t force you to talk if you don’t want to.
“How are you doing today, Mr. Captor?” he asks.
You shrug. “I’m okay, I guess. Pretty much the same as yesterday.”
Then come the “one to tens”, as you’ve come to think of them. Krishna has his little clipboard balanced on his thigh.
“Urges to hurt other people, one to ten?”
You think of Karkat Vantas and that smug fucking look on his face.
“Two.” It’s always less than three. Maybe that’s why he starts with it.
“Urges to hurt yourself, one to ten?”
You contemplate yesterday’s DBT handout, Roxy’s outburst about self-destruction, and its many varying connotations.
“Eight,” you reply.
“Suicidal thoughts, one to ten?”
“Active or passive?”
“Passive, mostly. Fleetingly active. I don’t want to live if I’m going to burden people, the usual.”
“Do you have any plans to seriously harm yourself on the unit?”
“No. Not here,” you say. “Everything I’d want to do would require me to be outside.”
“I see,” Krishna says. “Have you been seeing or hearing things that aren’t really there?”
“What about feeling like people are out to get you, or sending you special messages?”
“No. Nothing like that. I get enough of that shit at home.”
Dr. V does not laugh at your attempt to joke about your chaotic home life.
If you were to be completely honest, you’re wondering when your medications are going to start working, or if they’re going to start working. Talking to the other patients has been a double-edged sword. So many of them have been on a million different drugs without relief.
Logically, you know that it’ll probably take whatever you’re on more than a week to cure you, but… You’re scared. You’re not in full control and it scares you. There’s a reason you slit your throat. There’s a reason you’re here.
You’re scared the melancholy will wrap itself around you like a shroud, and never relinquish its hold. You’re scared you’ll hate yourself and this life forever.
“I thank you for your honesty, Sollux,” Dr. V says, once he makes his notes. “Any uses of target behaviors that I should be aware of?”
“I cut myself with a plastic knife on Friday evening. Not deep enough to need medical attention, though.”
You scan his expression for evidence of emotion, but he has the mother of all poker faces. All he does is write your answers down in his incomprehensible shorthand,
“How did that make you feel?” he asks. “Remember, it didn’t necessarily have to make you feel anything.”
You shrug. “It helped relieve the tension in the moment, I guess.”
“But it also made me feel disappointed later on,” you go on. “Disappointed at myself. I’m such a fucking idiot for relapsing.”
Dr. V jots this down as well, and shuffles through his papers.
“I wouldn’t use that language to describe yourself. Ridding yourself of maladaptive coping mechanisms can be quite difficult, especially if they have worked for you in the past,” he says. “Nevertheless, do you think you need to be on one-to-one for a few days? So that you stop hurting yourself while you’re here?"
You shake your head vehemently. “Absolutely not. I won’t do what I did again.”
“That is reassuring to hear. I’ll refrain from filling out the paperwork that would put you on constant observation for self-injury. That said, though, there is something you also need to do to prevent that.”
You roll your eyes a little. “You want me to contract for safety, don’t you? Like, filling out one of those sheets that says I’ll grab someone else before I decide to hurt myself. Otherwise I end up on one-to-one, right?”
Dr. V nods at you, before going on. “Yes, that is the general idea. You may either fill it out with me later on in the afternoon, or with a member of the staff with whom you are more comfortable.”
“I’d rather fill it out with you, to be perfectly honest. I trust you.”
He smiles. “I am very glad to hear that, Sollux. I don’t have any further questions for the moment.”’
You get out of your conference with Krishna, and walk into the dayroom.  
Gamzee sits there, watching Good Morning America. He’s got a small smile on his face, and a faraway look in his eye, like he’s both here and not. You call his name to get his attention. It works, his dark eyes trained on you.
“You mind if I sit down?” you ask.
He shakes his head. “Naw, it’s cool. You can even change the channel if that’s somethin’ you wanna do.”
He’s built like a linebacker, all broad shoulders and muscles. He could probably snap you in half if he wanted to. You take the seat next to him and he smiles serenely at you.
“So what’s up?” he asks.
“Nothing, man. Just got outta session with Dr. V. He wanted to make sure I didn’t want to hurt myself.”
Gamzee looks thoughtful. He pulls a red paper flower out of his shorts and hands it to you.
“I folded that a couple days ago. You can have it, if you want.”
“For what?”
“For when you need to up an fuckin’ remember the miracles. Like we talked about last night.”
Last night, Gamzee harangued you at length about the Mirthful Messiahs, and the Dark Carnival, and with a practiced skill you have learned from your sibling’s rants about the NYPD following them, you tuned him out utterly. You really hope he doesn’t count you as a believer in his weird ass faith, which seems like some kind of psychotic juggalo cult.
He’s a nice guy, though. You know he’s not utterly harmless, but he seems easygoing enough. You fiddle around with and tear at a piece of paper until you have a square, which you then use to make a paper crane.
“Hey, Gamzee,” you say. He glances up at you.
You hand him the paper crane. “You know, the Japanese believe if you fold a thousand of these, you get a wish. I’m not folding a thousand cranes, but this is for you.”
“I will cherish it every day of my motherfucking life.”
You think he means it, too.
Art group is at 11. Katya herds everyone who wants to show up into the art room. So far, that’s you, Roxy, Karkat, June, Gamzee, Calliope, and Porrim. Karkat nods his head at you, and then inclines it toward the door. He wants to talk to you one-on-one. Whatever the fuck about?
He looks like he’s swallowed a lemon before he deigns to speak to you, all pursed lips and narrowed eyes. You’re tempted to ask him what the fuck’s eating him, and then he speaks.
“Listen. I want to apologize about earlier this morning,” he says. “I was in a foul fucking mood, and I need to work on not taking that shit out on other people.”
Wait, seriously? He can’t actually think you’re still upset about that; you get cursed out worse by your sibling on a daily basis, and that’s when they’re in a good mood.
“Accepted,” you reply. “Don’t worry about it, man.”
Faint relief breaks out on Karkat’s features.
Katya has all of you gather around before she constructs a box out of a weirdly shaped piece of cardboard that looks as if it’s been cut so that a small briefcase sized box could be constructed.
“These are what I like to call coping boxes. You make the box, and then you decorate it. You can put anything in here. Things that make you feel good, or that make you think, or handouts you get during other groups. Whatefur you want!”
She hands a box to each of you, after she puts out tempera and acrylic paint, colored markers, gel pens, and colored pencils.
You weren’t planning to keep any of your distress tolerance handouts in the box, but maybe you should. Gamzee’s staring at you while he paints, and that’s kind of weird, at least until you get a good look at how he’s decorating his coping box.
He’s painting halfway decent pictures of you, Roxy, Karkat, Calliope and Eridan on the front part of the box, with the word “friends”, in purple cursive.
He counts you as a friend even though the only thing you’ve really had to do with him was vaguely listen while he spouted his weird theories about the mirthful messiahs?
You have to hand it to him, though. Kid’s a real artist, probably - no, definitely - good enough to paint portraits for money over in Washington Square Park or something. Karkat gets a decent look at what Gamzee’s painting and blushes.
“Oh, come on, you didn’t have to put me on the damn box,” he says.
“But you are my best friend in the whole wide motherfucking universe,” Gamzee replies.
Karkat splutters something and looks like he’d like to object, then just sighs, and tells him to make sure he gets Karkat’s good side. 
“Hey, Gamzee!” Roxy calls.
“Yes, Roxybro?”
“Does painting that mean you’re gonna paint me like one ‘a’ your French girls one of these days?”
Gamzee gives this a good half-minute of thought.
“I ain’t up an’ got any motherfuckin’ French girls.”
Meanwhile, you focus on your tree. It looks like a lollipop with antennae, but whatever, that’s going to be as good as it gets. You ask Katya if you can get a piece of paper to paint on, she “of course”s you and hands you a piece of printer paper.
What will you paint today, Sollux Captor? More trees?
Tears spring to your eyes, and just when you think the worst is over, they start trailing down your face. Roxy recoils and apologizes to you, thinking she’s done something, and all you do is cry harder, you fuckup. You can’t do a goddamn thing right. Only things you’re good for are fixing computers and having nervous breakdowns.
Katya looks up from praising Calliope and Gamzee’s collaboration, and walks up to you.
“Hey - no, it’s okay, mew don’t have to cover your face - what’s wrong?”
She crouches so that she’s eye level with you as you sit in your chair. It somehow makes you feel even worse, like you’re some small child that can’t control their emotional outbursts. Come to think of it, you were like this as a kid, too. Tuna was the outgoing twin who made all the friends, and you were the twin who would start crying if you accidentally colored outside the lines.
“It’s alright. If you don’t want to paint, maybe you’d like to go for a walk?” she asks. You shake your head emphatically.
“I’m sorry,” you say. “It’s just that I’ve never really been good at artistic stuff. Sorry I suck so bad.”
“Art group is not about being good or bad stylistically,” Katya says. “It’s about expressing yourself. As long as you’re doing that, you’re fine. I like your tree. You and Roxy are both excellent at trees.”
Roxy, who has been sitting next to you, using highlighters to draw what looks either like a really bad tree or a neon colored mushroom cloud, gives you a small little smile.
“Wanna draw with me?” she asks.
At first, you assume she’s found some oblique way to hit on you the way she does everyone else, but then she hands you the bottle of black tempera paint and a couple of colored markers. You don’t know what she expects you to do with them. Your tree sucks way more than hers.
“If you can’t think of anything to draw, why not try making patterns?” Katya asks.
You guess you can do that. You start drawing red and blue circles on your piece of paper, clustering them closer and closer together. 
Apropos of nothing, you remember the time in undergrad where you and Ray couldn’t get back to campus in time to beat the blizzard. You and she slept overnight in your car, parked in a gas station. Outside, nothing but a vast, enveloping white, what you imagine death or infinity must look like. The whole world rendered down to the slope and curve of dunes and valleys.
If you think hard enough, you can feel the wind rocking the car, can imagine the sound of Ray’s teeth chattering, or the occasional slip of her hands as she does a tarot reading. Another one. Another one down, another one down, another one bites the dust, Queen playing through your radio speakers. She sits in the front passenger seat, one leg bent beneath her.
“You think we’re ever gonna get out of here?” she asks.
At this moment, you ask yourself that same question. It’s a little different, now.
You wish you could take your seven eighths of a computer engineering degree and come up with a way out of this, but you can’t. That’s your problem. You’re only you, and you’ve never been good at managing your emotions.
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skeletorific · 4 years
How do you think the Beforus Ancestors(Aradia, Tavros, Sollux, Karkat, Nepeta, Kanaya, Terezi, Vriska, Equius, Gamzee, Eridan and Feferi)were like? I love your Alternian Ancestors stuff so far and was curious what you Interpretation of the Beforus ancestors were.
oh HELL yes I am about this.
Aradia Megido, the Tombkeep: I see Aradia as being born a bit later than the others, while the coddling laws are at their strongest. Rather than put up with that, as quickly as she can she removes herself from Beforan society to the very outskirts. Like their Alternian counterparts, Beforan’s are often avoidant of the notion of death. However, in their case, it is not because death is a failure of the dying, but a failure of those around them. It is not seen as a natural cycle but something to be abhorred and feared at all costs. As such, tombs are kept, but they are far away from the rest of civilization and usually talked about in hushed tones. Aradia grows up among these tombs, befriending the local ghosts and considers them her own coddling charge. She guards the tombs from any who get too curious, or more often, from well-meaning government officials looking to tear down monuments to such “nastiness”. What they find instead is an angry little girl with powerful psiionics. She becomes something of a bedtime story for young grubs, even long after her passing. They say she still haunts the halls.
Tavros Nitram, the Menager: In parallel to his obsession with Fiduspawn, I see Beforan Tavros as being some variety of animal handler, using his fully fledged wings (and his bronzeblood bankroll) to travel the world and collect rare and exotic creatures to his own plot of land, to tend to and train. Some know him as a kindly soul, treating all beasts with the utmost love and dedication. He seems like some kind of fairy tale figure, surrounded on all sides by animal companions who he communes with. To others, this is reckless ecosystem mixing, but then, what do scientists know anyways. He prefers the hero title a bit more, as it aligns more with his intentions anyways. Eventually one of his expeditions ends poorly, with him being confined to a wheelchair for the remainder of his life. Outwardly he dies content to let his coddler and his animal friends care for him for the rest of his life, but there’s a restless spirit that he passes down to his descendant.
Sollux Captor, The Dronebee: Completely and utterly unremarkable in every way. Sollux contented himself with working his function as a goldblood. His technical ability was fostered at every turn by a Beforan education system eager to see a lowblood embrace their “natural talents”, but while he made minor waves in the programming circles in which he moved with his often unique approach to coding, to most he was just one worker among thousands, very valuable of course! Every worker is valuable :) But ultimately.....not worthy of notice. Which is fine: that’s how Sollux likes it, and more than that if left him time to pursue more personal projects, such as a little game later known as sgrub. Just because he’s not vocally complaining doesn’t mean he’s not compiling a list. From his perspective, Beforan civilization is a ticking timebomb anyways. Why shouldn’t he be the one to start the countdown?
Karkat Vantas, the Advocate: Look, I know we all love revolutionary Karkat, but I think something we forget is that Karkat was pretty pro-system even as late in the game as Act 6. So, for the Beforan model.....well, every system needs its bootlickers. Karkat Vantas becomes a mouthpiece for some lowblood lobbying groups, acting in vocal support of the Empress’s coddling plan. Its not all love of power: legitimately there is a part of Karkat that tries to see how this is good. Healthy. The needs of his friends are being met, they’re safe, and attended to. Surely all of that is worth a little......infantilization, right? He deals with a lot of criticism from other lowbloods for being a sellout, and though he does his best to cultivate a calm unflappable demeanor so craved by Beforans, I guarantee Beforus has more than a few Grubtube compiliations of Vantas meltdowns that Kankri watches when he needs a good cringe. As he got older he slowly began to question the system he’d spent his whole life building, but ultimately lowbloods don’t live long enough for those kinds of regrets.
Nepeta Leijon, the Believer: What, you think clowns have the monopoly on weird religious communes? Nah. To be fair to Nepeta, her commune’s status as a “cult” is probably more indicative of Beforan prudery than anything else. Her sect, the Righteous Assembly of Withdrawn Renegades (or RAWR for short), is dedicated to the principles of free love and a return to the natural. Within the massive tunnel and cave system in which they live, trolls are free to strip themselves of signifiers like caste and clan and live as the gods intended: covered in dirt, chasing something furry, and flirting furrociously :33. While Nepeta in life insisted there was no leader it was her effect on people that kept them coming back for more, and while the commune purrsisted after her eventual death, ultimately its membership dwindled. Meulin was brought up among some of the last vestiges of it, and some of their old hideouts have been inherited by the Lost Weeaboos.
Kanaya Maryam, The Prioress: Literally, the prior. One of the earliest trolls, widely considered the Matriarch of Trolls in some sense. In her time she revolutionized many of the practices of auxiliatrices, ensuring greater safety for the grubs and greater care for the mother grubs. Many of the norms now in place for jadebloods are in large part due to her own influence. Despite her farreaching influence (and the fact that she left behind a journal of her practices), not much is known about her personal temperament. Quick readers may catch a certain dry sarcasm behind her words, and the especially studious scholar may note slight reference to a few great lovers (and a few great disappearances, *cough* rainbowdrinker *cough*. Her greatest secret is her brief and tumultuous kismesis with Vriska Serket, notorious Mafiosa, but only a very few historians have ever uncovered it. In part, her long shadow may have contributed to her descendant’s eventual anxiety regarding her prescribed role,
Terezi Pyrope, the Gumshoe: Beforan justice is tricky. As opposed to Alternia, there are in fact actual laws in place that aren’t just “don’t fuck with highbloods”, but in many ways its almost more corrupt. More often than not the courts are more concerned with petty infractions than it is with actual injustice, and furthermore, inter-caste tension remains a huge concern that bubbles up in violence. After a few years badgering olives for traffic tickets while watching actual fully fledged crime families get off scott free, well....Terezi had had enough. She took her pursuit of justice into the real world, working as a private detective for hire. She’s notorious for her, erm....quirks, but she’s a fastidious hunter and a careful investigator when she wants to be. She brings em back alive. USU4LLY >:).
Vriska Serket, the Mafiosa/Mapm8ker: Let’s be clear, a lot of Vriska’s society was laid on top of her and it was abuse from which she struggled to free herself. However, what does one do when freed from society, but seek to shake things up a bit. She’s still a thief of Light, make mistake, and she slowly works up the ranks from card shark working the tables to in charge of a small army of foot soldiers, smuggling mindhoney to goldbloods (who have been restricted “for their own good”) and sopor slime to clowns. She’s the flamboyant head of her own criminal empire, with the code of only stealing from those she deems worthy and a reckless approach to life
However, most of that isn’t generally known. And to the outside world, she’s just a simple cartographer, travelling the world to assemble some nice, safe, boring maps. Indeed, when her journal was finally unearthed by her descendant, she couldn’t help but wonder if these exploits were true, or simply a story her ancestor liked to imagine herself into on her off days. Tough to say.
Equius Zahhak, the Showpony: Alright, y’all knew I couldn’t stay away from that one. Equius was something of a puzzle to his descendent when Horuss actually went back through his (meticulously kept) caste records. By all accounts, he was an intelligent, capable, hardworking man. A tinkerer in his off hours, he was a pioneer in the field of robotics, and by all accounts not romantically unsuccessful. And yet, the man never seemed concerned with making a name for himself. Instead, over the course of his long life, you could perpetually find him at the shoulder of someone more powerful and important than he was. Was he....a bodyguard? Trophy husband? Butler? Hard to say, but there he was. Trotted out like the loyal steed he was.
Gamzee Makara, the Borrower: A peculiar legend of clownery regards a strange “hobo looking motherfucker what will wander into your hive and be all and snatching up your most secretous things for the messiah’s wider purposes”. So far as is known, he is not malignant, although its not unknown for a troll to occasionally disappear while running after him to retrieve their stolen items. Even without that possible threat, its usually not worth it to chase after him: the things he takes have a way of ending up back in your hands, one miraculous way or another. Gamzee is an itinerant monk, wandering the countrysides. Some passerby he’ll occasionally offer aid to, or proverbs. Which might be helpful if anyone could decipher what they mean. Ultimately he’s a happy man, if prone to fits of temper and bouts of melancholy. Still, as he notes, he’s got motherfucking friends all over these globes :o) what’s a motherfucker gotta be lonely for?
Eridan Ampora, the Magician: Well.....the Empress doesn’t exactly need Orphaners. As such, the violets are largely left to their own devices. Given they’re often prone to creative endeavours, Eridan found his own outlet. He became renowned as an illusionist, and at one point his shows were capable of drawing large and massive crowds, who would gasp in awe at his tricks and wonder if the violet really did have a trace of magic in his blood. He seemed to like the idea, eventually penning a popular grubling children’s series about a boy with those very abilities (which eventually found its way into the young hands of his descendent). However, celebrity wasn’t necessarily the best mix with Eridan’s temperament. He was prone to some truly disastrous quadrant outings, as well as developing several more addictive habits to drown out the oddly oppressive loneliness that permeated him. These bad habits were only worsened by the worst thing to ever happen to Eridan Ampora: the internet. With access to videos of his performance, most were pretty easily able to spot the trick of it, and hell hath no fury like a cyberbullying teen going after a b list internet celebrity. He took it as a sign to swear off the craft forever and lived the rest of his life on book residuals, alone, drunk, and miserable
Feferi Peixes, Her Highness: Not as much to say about this one, as Feferi is the one we have the most information about. Like it says on the tine, she instituted the coddling system on Beforus. This was widely considered a Bad Idea by those victimized by it, but you couldn’t pay anyone in Feferi’s court to tell her that. The Empress is sweet tempered and excitable, it’d be like telling a child 12 perigree night is cancelled. Perhaps the great irony is that as Feferi gets older, the thing that frustrates her most is that it feels like no one takes her seriously as a person. Merely as a figurehead. Still, she lives her life on Beforus ultimately convinced this is what’s best for the greater good. 
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riverboundao3ff · 4 years
Riverbound, Chapter 20
Your name is MICAH, and ten nights have come and gone in what felt like a few hours.
It’s still early enough that even Lynera is still asleep in the next room over, which is really saying something because that girl is up at the asscrack of dusk no matter what night it is. You’re curled up on the sofa in the study, staring at a fungus-shaped nightlight that does a poor job of actually illuminating the surrounding area, and wondering what the hell you were going to tell your friends in the future.
Hey, guys! Sorry I kind of dropped off the grid for a while there. I fought this fucked-up version of one of my human friends, vanished into the literal void to take a nap because I was super tired from splitting a whole universe apart, and then traveled back to the past to help fight in a literal revolution… because I want to save my other friends, I guess? You don’t have to worry about that changing the future or whatever, I promise! I’m literally a god now, so I have total control over time and space.
Geez. You hope Vriska is ready to stop the others from kicking your ass.
Should you just go? You could easily spend the night on future Alternia and be back by breakfast. Teleporting still makes you a little nervous; the fear of messing up still lingers in the back of your head, but nothing bad has happened yet, so…
Yeah, you’re definitely not getting any more sleep. Might as well be productive.
You roll off the couch with a grunt, stagger a bit as all the blood rushes down to your legs, and then stumble over to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. Maybe you were about to pull up to the future to get yelled at by a bunch of teenagers, maybe not, but that doesn’t mean you have to look like crap.
The person looking back at you in the mirror startles you more than you’d like to admit. Their eyes are tired but wild, like a feral animal that’s been hunted to the point of exhaustion. Too-pale skin reflects the ceiling lights with an intensity that hurts your head if you look for too long. The dark shadows underneath both eyes are so dark they look like smudged mascara. You’ve always been very fair, even for a white kid, but you know that looking like this can’t be healthy.
Then there’s the fact that you’re still pretty underweight. You’ve been doing your best to eat on a somewhat regular basis, but you just don’t feel hungry anymore. It’s like your body already decided to give up.
And to be honest, the rest of you isn’t too far behind.
“Look at you. Sans Undertale looking-ass,” you tell the shadow in the mirror.
The shadow blinks in agreement at the same time you do.
You can’t look at yourself anymore. Moving as quickly as you can, you brush your teeth and do your best to assemble yourself into what could maybe pass for a functional human being and leave to go get dressed.
You’re rifling through your backpack for your water bottle when the lights come on in Lynera’s room. The bedroom door cracks open, and a messy head of pair pokes out, bits of sopor slime still clinging to black curls.
“Micah? What are you doing up so early?” she yawns.
“I, ah, I gotta go visit some friends a ways out of town. I’ll be back in a bit,” you promise. “Sorry if I woke you up.”
“You didn’t! A new cluster of eggs is due to hatch tonight and I want to be there!” she practically sings as she gets ready.
You feel the sadness leave your body as Lynera practically prances around as she gets ready for her shift. It’s not often she lets down her walls, but when she does, you can’t help but take a step back to enjoy the show.
“Give those babies some love for me,” you tell her as you hoist your backpack over your shoulders.
“I will!”
Alright. Here we go. You close your eyes and visualize Vriska’s living room. That’s a good place to start, right? You’ll have a quick talk with Vriska, you’ll go visit your other friends one at a time to explain what’s going on, and then you can talk to those who are interested about helping the rebellion from the future.
Time and space part easily as you zap out of Lynera’s study and--
“-- worry about OH MY FUCKING GOD.”
You yelp in surprise as somebody shrieks at a deafening volume right next to your ear. Instincts take over, and you spring backward into something big and hard. That ‘something’ turns out to be a bookshelf, as you soon find out as a couple of novels fall from the top shelves and hit you right on the head.
“Ow! Shit!”
And that’s when you realize you have twelve young teenagers sitting around Vriska’s living room, all staring at you in various degrees of shock. Nepeta, Equius, Kanaya, and Sollux are all on the sofa, with Sollux perched on the backrest like he’s ready to take flight. Terezi and Vriska are standing on the coffee table together for some reason. Eridan’s curled up on the loveseat with one hand on his rifle. All of the others are sprawled out on the carpet.
All of the others except for Karkat, that is, who seems to have been returning from the kitchen with a pile of chips on his plate.
“Oh, hi!” Aradia says cheerfully. “Wow, I can see your bones--”
“THEY’RE BAAAAAAAACK!” Vriska hollers, launching herself off the coffee table and slamming into you at full speed.
The air is smooshed out of your lungs before you can brace yourself for impact. Thankfully, Vriska catches you before you can eat shit, otherwise you would have probably just teleported back to past Alternia and tried this whole thing again some other time.
“Hey, Vris,” you wheeze, patting her back. “Happy to see you too.”
“Fucking HELL, don’t do that,” Karkat yells, stomping over to the sofa and plopping down next to Kanaya. Kanaya purses her lips in mild amusement and delicately plucks a chip from his plate to eat.
Vriska just scoffs. “Don’t be a baby, Vantas, you know full well Micah can teleport--”
“Eat my full ass, Serket.”
“Hi, Micah!” Nepeta trills. A general murmur of greetings follows that, some more enthusiastic than others. Sollux, Equius, and Tavros all seem to be very on-edge tonight.
Feferi actually hops up to give you a hug as well, thankfully with a lot more care than Vriska had. It’s becoming weirdly normal to know that this big-ass six-sweep old girl could crush your skull like an eggshell.
“Don’t worry, nobody’s mad at you, I promise,” she whispers in your ear.
Vriska grins and clasps your shoulder. “Oh, I already told them everything.”
“... Oh, boy.”
You turn back to the others and try your best winning smile.
“Yeah, what the fuck, dude?” Sollux demands.
“How are we even gonna exist with this kind of thing?” Karkat splutters, throwing his hands up in the air.
Tavros winces. “We get that you can do crazy space-time stuff, but--”
“You’re in way over your pan, retard!”
Ah, fuck. “Listen, guys, I know what I’m doing sounds pretty insane. And I’m sorry that I can’t tell you how exactly I’m going to pull all of this off because… you know, time shenanigans. But I need you guys to trust in me, at least for now. Also, Karkat, let’s not use that word. It’s extremely disrespectful.”
“Who are you, my lusus?” he challenges.
“No. Should I zap over and get him myself?”
“That’s what I thought.”
Vriska snickers under her breath. Karkat gives her a look that just screams murder.
Everybody else still looks a little queasy. Guilt rears its ugly head for the millionth time in the hour you’ve been awake, fearful and taunting and ashamed all at the same time. If you could just tell them everything, right now, you wouldn’t have to feel like this anymore.
Tell them.
You don’t, because you’re a coward, but you do try and calm everybody’s nerves again. “To elaborate on what Tavros just tried to say, yes, I can do crazy space-time stuff. Which means I can do stuff in one point in time and it won’t completely fuck up all the other points in time. It’ll change things, sure, but it won’t erase people.”
“What about our memories?” Eridan asks tersely.
“Definitely not,” you tell him. I won’t let that happen. “If everything goes according to plan, things will just start… changing.”
“We’re gonna make a new world that’s better for everybody!” Vriska announces proudly. “That’s why you guys are all here today.”
“By our human friend fighting in a rebellion that was already lost? Setting aside the fact that’s… treason… that also sounds rather dangerous. Micah, you aren’t a great fighter,” Equius says. His voice is quiet, but he’s so stiff you could probably use him to prop open a barn door.
“A rebellion is a lot more than just fighting, dude. So far I’ve just helped teleport people around,” you remind him.
“... Still.”
Nepeta suddenly surges to her feet, eyes blazing. “I don’t care that it’s treason! Don’t you care about what they did to me? My whole neighborhood got burned down in a drone strike!”
“No! I remember everything now. I’m gonna help them win, ‘cause, ‘cause… even though we all had to suffer, the ones who come after us might not have to.”
Nobody speaks for many heartbeats after that. Something about what she said rings inside your head, sticking to your neurons like glue.
“See? Nepeta knows what’s good!” Terezi yells.
“This is insane.”
“Yeah, it’s awesome!”
“I’m in,” Aradia agrees, winking at you as she smooths her skirt down. Your anxiety backs down a little at her blatant support. Aradia Knows Things, right? Surely if she thinks you should keep doing what you’re doing…
“So am I,” Tavros announces, setting his jaw defiantly. Nepeta seems to have set off a chain reaction, because everybody else sits up a little straighter, eyeing each other as if daring anybody else to go first.
“And I,” Kanaya adds.
Karkat groans. “Fuck you guys. Fine! It’s not like we can play SGRUB anymore.”
“You guys are gonna die,” Sollux says, scrubbing his face with the palms of his hands. “We. Are. All. Gonna. Die.”
“So are you in?” you ask, reaching over to poke his arm.
He smacks your hand away. “Get fucked. Sure. Whatever.”
Eridan huffs quietly and crosses his arms. “Well, you guys are gonna need somebody with power to help. And money. I’m in.”
Equius turns to stare at him with his jaw nearly on the floor, and you’re so full of pride you think you’re going to explode. You should have known your friends would eventually come around. And with not one, but two whole seadwellers on their side, they were truly going to be a force to be reckoned with.
“I knew it! I knew you cared!” Feferi squeals, jabbing a finger at her ex-moirail. Eridan curls up tighter on himself, but that doesn’t stop a small smile from lighting up his face.
“Is that a yes from you, Feferi?”
“It’s a hell yes, Micah!”
Gamzee smiles lazily from underneath the coffee table. “I told you motherfuckers. I told you a miracle was coming, and here it is.”
Poor Equius looks like he’s on the verge of a panic attack. “I-I… you can’t possibly, I mean--”
“If you’ll excuse us!” Nepeta chirps, effortlessly pulling her moirail from the couch and slinging him over her muscular shoulders. The indigoblood yelps indignantly, but Nepeta just prances on upstairs as if she’s carrying a sack of potatoes and not a teenage boy nearly twice her size.
“What’s up with olivebloods and being insanely buff? I mean, my girlfriend’s taken on a jadeblood and a teal at the same time and she won,” you wonder.
Karkat immediately focuses on you with the intensity of a laser. “A girlfriend? You’re in a relationship?”
“Micah’s got a girlfriend!” Feferi yells, picking you up and twirling you around.
“What quadrant?”
“Is she cute?”
“An oliveblood, right-?”
“We wanna meet her!”
“Guys! Can we please focus on taking down the Empire? We can gossip about Micah’s love life later!” Vriska yells, clapping her hands for order.  
You rest an elbow on Feferi’s shoulder, enjoying being tall for the moment as she’s carrying you. “Ooh! You got a mission plan, Vriska?”
“You bet your skinny alien ass I do!” She pauses for emphasis and puffs out her chest. “We’re gonna go beat up a bitch for using lowbloods as FLARP bait!”
“Didn’t you do the exact same thing not too long ago?” Karkat scoffs.
Vriska scowls down at him. “Yes! Yes, I did! But now I’m gonna turn things around and help them instead, okay? ‘Cause I’m changing my…. my toxic behavior.”
She looks to you for support, and you give her the thumbs-up.
The others actually look a little impressed, which gives her the courage to keep going. “In half an hour Terezi and I are going to meet this violetblood dude who’s been responsible for a lot of rust and bronze deaths in the area. It’s a FLARP session at sea, so he’ll have his team-- I mean hostages-- on board with him.”
“You need a team?” you ask.
��You offering?”
“Of course.”
“Yes! But no passing out on me! Our goal is to neutralize the threat, secure the hostages, and deliver them back to shore so they can go home. Any questions?”
“I’m coming too,” Eridan says. He hops to his feet, dusting off some invisible debris on his pants. “That’s not a question, though.”
“Can I come? It sounds exciting,” Aradia begs.
“Sure! Anybody else?” Vriska scans the crowd with a smirk, as if saying You are all too pussy for this kind of adventure.
Unfortunately, it works. Karkat and Feferi step forward as well, which brings the team total up to six. Everybody else gets ready to go home before the sun comes up. Out on the horizon, heat lightning crackles in the sky like a strobe ball. You end up leaving your jacket with your backpack on the couch, because even for somebody who has trouble retaining heat, Alternian summers are brutal.
Surprisingly, the team figures out their FLARP-ing shit quickly enough, as they all played at one point or the other. You still have no idea what to make out of all the numbers and stats and scores that come with each move, even though Vriska makes it all look like child’s play. Karkat keeps grumbling about “games for girls” which has your hackles up until you remember that female trolls tend to be more violent than the males. That makes sense to you, especially when you remember Remele beating the shit out of that purpleblood and all of Lynera’s knives.
In almost no time at all the six of you are sailing out to sea, the wind in your hair and the smell of salt water filling your nose. If you close your eyes and pretended, you could almost imagine you’re back on Earth, taking a boat ride with your mom’s boyfriend and your stepsister at the lakehouse--
A particularly large wave knocks you back on your ass, and the memory cuts off as quickly as it began.
“Fuck!” you hiss, trying to get your bearings. You try as hard as you can to visualize what you just remembered, but all you can recall is sunlight sparkling off water, the rumble of an engine, a man laughing and nearly choking on his beer as your tiny preteen self got knocked around by the rocking of the motorboat.
A strong hand picks you up by the arm and sets you on your feet. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Thanks, Fef.” You pat her elbow. “Sometimes it’s rough being a little guy.”
Her eyes are round with sympathy. “Looks like it. That reminds me, I wanna ask your opinion on something really important.”
“Oh, okay!” Wow, the Heiress of Alternia is asking my opinion on something? Talk about friends in high places.
… Wait, what was I trying to remember?
“What do you think of the hemospectrum?”
You purse your lips. “Well, if that ain’t a loaded question I dunno what is.”
“I mean, you don’t have to answer, but…”
“You know what I think? I think that the hemospectrum could have been a really good thing. Those who live for quite some time, paving the way for those who won’t be here as long? Sounds great. But then it became about power and control. And-And I think that if-- that once we win, we can’t go back to that system. There’s just too much trauma that’s been birthed from it that’s affected literally every troll to have ever existed,” you explain.
Feferi considers that, and then she nods in agreement. “That makes sense.”
“Oh, shit, is it big brain hour?” Terezi calls from the wheel.
“It is!” Then you do a double-take. “Why is the blind girl driving?”
“Vriska’s getting dressed.”
“Do you even know where we’re going?”
Karkat throws up for the fifth time over the side of the ship. You groan and stumble over to him to pat his back.
“You’ll get your sea legs soon,” you promise.
“I hate the ocean. Why does there need to be oceans. I never would have thought I would ever say this but by infant Troll Jegus do I miss Texas. It’s hot, it’s human-racist, but there is hardly any damn water and for that it’s easily one of the best places I’ve ever been,” he rasps.
You smile. “Wanna see Dave after this is over?”
“Yes, please. Strider’s bullshit is the only thing that can numb me to the pain of occupying the realm of mortals.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eridan smirk. You turn to look at him in confusion, and he makes the quadrant symbol for flushcrush: two thumbs pressed together over the center of his chest, where a troll’s heart would be.
Really? you mouth at him, delighted by this unexpected turn of events. He nods eagerly, clearly just as enthusiastic about Karkat getting a boyfriend as you are, but before you can sneak off with him to get the tea his gaze fixates on something past you.
You turn to see the small speck of what is undoubtedly another ship coming your way. A ship that is much bigger and fancier than the 8rigantine, at full sail and most likely armed to the teeth.
“He’s coming on our eleven!” Feferi calls up to Terezi.
“Go get Vriska,” the tealblood orders. Her perfectly white fangs flash in the light of the moons as she grins like a shark. “Time to kick this bitchboy’s ass!”
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thegodshavehorns · 3 years
Come Into My Parlor (5/5)
Chapter 5: Tentacle Therapist Slumber Rumpus
The spring draws to a close, and you go home without seeing Vriska again.
Your mother is as she always has been, seesawing between near-manic workaholism and decrepit insobriety. She buys you a new, top-of-the-line laptop. You leave her bitterly to her self-destruction.
You spend most of the boreal summer reading supernatural romances, riding Maplehoof through the woods, and talking with your online friends about everything except your shared fate. You are introduced to John. You knit yourself a new set of mittens for Antarctica, as your old ones have gotten a little small.
You avoid speaking Vriska's name. You know she'll come on her own if she wants to, but you're not anxious to accelerate the process. As much as you'd like to have closure on what, exactly, her intentions are, you are also a little apprehensive. You are not sure if she was being serious or not, and if she was, you are not sure if you reciprocate, or even if you can reciprocate. How can you be sure? What is 'pale' supposed to feel like to a human? Perhaps you should have asked that Archangel, while you had the chance.
It's a bit of a shock when she appears on your doorstep in the middle of a rainstorm, but you also can't say you haven't been expecting her. Thank gods (well, thank her, you suppose) that your mother is working late.
"So, gonna let me in?" She smiles at you, hair and clothing sopping wet, and it's not even a predatory grin. She's significantly shorter and slighter than usual.
You step back, and she steps in, boots squelching. Her outfit is not one of the the form-fitting black getups that you've seen her in before, but rather baggy and grayish, almost like sweatpants. No sign of her sigil. She glances around the foyer, at the chandelier and the plush carpets and the huge wizard statue. Judging solely by appearances, she doesn't look a day over fifteen. "Fancy digs. Can't say the decor is quite my taste."
"Digs?" You finally find your voice as you shut the door.
"Isn't that the thing mortals say now? 'Digs?' Like it's, I don't know, a fucking burrow?" She's dripping on the marble floors.
"Surely," you swallow. "Surely you could have carried an umbrella? Or a raincoat? Or do you enjoy getting drenched? We get thunderstorms often here, you know."
She grins and brushes a sodden lock of hair behind an ear. "Oh, silly me, I must have... forgotten to bring one."
"Forgot to bring one in the infinitely large, yet portable, pocket dimension to which you alone have access."
"Right. Oops!"
You cross your arms and let the silence drag on a moment. The goddess continues to drip.
"Why are you here?" Your voice is softer than it had been a moment ago. "This is my time off. I don't have any more information on Eridan. "
Her black lips purse. "I didn't want any."
In truth, you hadn't really thought she did. You let out a long sigh. "You should dry off before the floor becomes dangerously slippery. Come on, we have towels in the bathroom."
She grins. "Sounds... comfortable."
You're not sure what to make of the emphasis she put on 'comfortable'. You're not sure what to make of any of this. She's not here to make you spy on Eridan. She's not here to exchange questions. What does she want from you?
Once at the hall bathroom, she touches the towels, frowning. "Don't you have any more than this?"
You blink, surprised. "Ah, yes, in the closet. This isn't enough?"
"I'll need more than this." At your expression, which could be metaphorically compared to a wild game animal in headlights, she adds, "I'm soaked."
You go to the closet, leaving the goddess to her own devices, and grab as many towels as you can hold, mounding them in your arms. You don't think she'll destroy your house while you're not looking, but you're a little on edge.
"Okay," you sigh in exasperation, returning to the bathroom. "Here's all the towels we-"
"Perfect!" Vriska grabs the towels from your hands, and drops them unceremoniously on the floor on top of the first set of towels, which had been treated likewise. She flops down on the pile of towels, crossing her legs and folding her hands behind her head.
You stare. She's completely dry, dressed in what looks like a white nightgown and blue pajama bottoms with a spiderweb motif. She looks so young she could have been one of your old classmates from the Academy. It's eerie.
"I was thinking," she says cheerfully. "That we could have a slumber party."
You stare at her, a twisting, tingling sensation rising up your throat, and you don't bother holding it back.
You burst out laughing. You double over, knees weak, and grab the bathroom doorframe for support. This is ridiculous, undignified, what are you doing here? How did this become your life?
"I don't see what's so funny," Vriska mutters, sitting up and crossing her arms. "Isn't this a normal thing humans do?"
You try to compose yourself, wiping tears from your eyes. You haven't laughed like this in a long time. "It is, it's just- it's such a normal thing, but I - you're not normal. Neither am I! You're a god, and I will be, and it's not normal, and you come in here acting like we're old friends, and why are you making yourself look like a teenager?" You take a few calming breaths and straighten up, starting to get yourself back under control. "Are you trying to get me to let my guard down?"
She blinks at you, eyes wide and blue. Her mouth twists. "No, it's not that."
"Then what?"
Vriska frowns, looks away. "Maybe there's no big reason. Maybe I just want to paint my nails and shoot the breeze and relax in a non-godly way, once in a while. And maybe it's hard to find someone else to relax that way with. Maybe instead of questioning it, you should be flattered." The goddess crosses her arms.
You sit down and cross yours as well, mirroring her pose. "Relax? Lady Vriska "Irons in the Fire" Serket? You're surely joking."
"Well, I'm full of surprises!" she snaps. "Now let's do each other's hair or get makeovers or something."
You raise an eyebrow. "Apparently. Well, you should know that I've never had a traditional slumber party, per se, but I am aware of the cultural script. And makeovers are no doubt a better option than 'truth or dare.'"
Vriska snorts. "Yeah, you're not stupid."
You set up in your room, kicking your diary under the bed as you arrange cushions for you to sit on the comforter. Vriska insists on bringing the heap of towels as well, though their purpose still eludes you.
As Vriska adds her towels to your arrangement, you go into your mother's room. You haven't bothered with makeup since your preteen dabbling with black lipstick, but you have no shame in raiding your mother's vanity. Blue would look good on Vriska, you think.
Upon returning, you see that the Thief of Light has perched herself atop a considerable-sized jumble of sheets and cushions, which is in turn piled on top of your bed. Before you can remark on this arrangement, she speaks:
"Remember how we met?"
"I could not possibly forget," you reply. "Vriska, why-"
"I didn't make a great first impression, did I?" Vriska's expression seems distant. "Since I was plastered with happy honey. It was pretty pathetic of me, wasn't it?" She smiles, sadly, and gestures towards the mess on the bed. "Join me?"
With some trepidation, you climb into the pile of upholstery. She turns away from you. "Do my hair?"
Strange as it seems, this is your life now. You might as well go along with it. "...How do you want it?"
"I don't care at all."
So, with both of you sitting cross-legged on the bed, you braid the Thief of Light's hair into pigtails. Her wavy locks are thicker and stiffer than human hair, and they feel almost rough to the touch, a contrast to their silken appearance. Still, her hair is long, not like yours, and you can braid it as you've never braided your own. There's something satisfying in that.
"Yes, you were pathetic," you agree, after a taking the time to consider. "But that's okay. There... probably aren't very many other people my age who know how to deal with drunks as well as I do."
"Hm." You can't see Vriska's expression, but she doesn't sound elated to hear that. "But, I still should have tried to make a better impression. I let my grudge against Eridan get away with me, and I acted like a scrub."
You're not entirely sure what the 'look' you're going for is, with these pigtails. Canadian lumberjane? Farmhouse-chic? Wednesday Adams? Maybe you could make her up as Dorothy Gale in The Wizard of Oz. The blue eyeshadow you stole would go nicely.
"Actually," you reply, "I didn't mind that much. I have a generally low opinion of gods in general. Your intoxicated state didn't do much to affect that." You pause, your hands stopping their motion as well and dropping down. Then you continue, your tone softer. "I minded it more when Eridan shot you."
Vriska's shoulders tense. "Well," she says, after a moment. "That doesn't matter much to me. It... wasn't the first time. But I'm sorry that you had to see it. It was probably unpleasant, to see death like that."
To your infinite surprise, she sounds sincere. "Yes," you say. "Although 'unpleasant' is rather an understatement."
Her hair is so thick, your fingers vanish into it, completely obscured in the black. If you squint, it almost looks like your hands are vanishing into tendrils of eldritch darkness.
"What did Eridan do to bother you so much?" you ask.
Vriska's head tilts downward slightly. "Nothing, really. He didn't do anything, personally."
You affix a clip-on bow with a cartoon pony decal to the goddess' hair, for no reason other than because it amuses you. Then, you tap on her bony shoulder and hand her a small mirror. "Done. So, what was it, then?"
Vriska blinks at her reflection in the mirror. Then, very suddenly, her expression scrunches up. "I killed someone," she says.
A year ago, you would have deadpanned back: "Is that really newsworthy?" and it's a testament to your maturity, or your tact, or your budding friendship, or something, that you don't. Instead, you quiet, and she turns around to face you on the linen pile. You listen.                                                                                    
"Someone I liked. Someone who didn't deserve such a bad break." She sighs, puts down the mirror, curls up her legs, and leans her forehead against her knees. "This is stupid. Why am I telling you this?"
You have the same question, frankly, but instead you just nod. "Do you normally feel this way about killing?"
Vriska's face snaps up. "No! That's the thing! I don't! I kill idiots and stuck-up assholes all the time! And sometimes for other reasons too, but it's fine. They deserve it! But," she rests her face down again, and when she speaks again she sounds... strange. "She didn't."
"Then why did you do it?" you ask, quietly.
"I was upset. She told me something... truthful. And I didn't want to hear it anymore. So I killed her. That's all. It's... it's my prerogative as a goddess to do that, isn't it?" She still sounds strange, and you realize it's because she sounds... flat. Defeated. Lady Victory, defeated.
You pause a moment to consider your reply. "You know how I feel about that."
Vriska, goddess of Light, chuckles dryly. "Yeah, I do."
"So, I'm not going to tell you that what you did is okay. Because it wasn't." You lift one hand up, reach towards her a moment, then withdraw. "But it's progress, that you feel bad about it. I think. So that's good. You still need to learn to control your temper, and be held to consequences for your actions... but it's progress."
"I hate this," grumbles Vriska. "I didn't become a goddess so I could feel bad about it."
Your lips quirk upwards. "Well, great power comes with responsibilities, or so once said a beloved superhero movie character themed after your favorite arachnid."
She rolls her eyes and lowers her legs from their fetal position. "Responsibilities? Please, no, that's so last epoch."
You frown at her irritation. "You're a goddess, does that really not come with inbuilt responsibility?"
"The responsibilities came first, then came the godhood." She leans forward, ridiculous braids and all, and takes your hand in hers. "But I suppose you're going to learn about that eventually, too." As she continues, you stare down at her hand, holding yours. "You don't like responsibility, either. But you think some things are more important than your dislike. Right?" She smiles, closes her eyes, and brings your hand to her cheek. Her skin is cool and silk-smooth. "You'll be a better goddess than me."
You stare at your hand on her face. You feel oddly mesmerized.
"Vriska Serket," you say softly. "Is this a pale solicitation?"
The goddess laughs, a little teasingly, but without mockery or cruelty. It's an unexpectedly pleasant sound. "It took you this long to figure that out?"
She's a goddess, but you're not normal, either. You still don't much like how the gods run this universe, but you're becoming self-aware enough to realize that, well, you're starting to like them more as people. They are flawed, immature, selfish, sometimes cruel. But they were mortals, once. Why do you expect them to be that much better than humans?
Still. It's... good, to have someone who confides in you. Someone who's not just there to teach you, to mold you, to be your superior. Someone to keep you company when Mother is in the lab for days on end, a warm body to lean on when she is black-out drunk.
She's not your mother, not your sister, not your friend, not your lover. She runs her fingers through your hair. She lays her forehead on your shoulder and listens to your problems. You listen to hers. There are times that summer she comes in angry, upset, wings spread and words burning blue. So, you make a soft nest for you both and clean her horns, rub her shoulders, stroke her face. She calms. Is this what is meant by moirallegiance?
Maybe it's helpful. Maybe you are making a difference this way, calming her and making her more likely to show mercy on her supplicants. But you know these are justifications. The truth is, you just like it.
Maybe, for now, that's enough.
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ukeealyptus · 4 years
crocker corp ARG recap days 20-22!!
day 20: no news :)
day 21: 
after three and a half hours of decoding, we got another security recap!!
- Sollux and Dirk are moirails-----------------     
  they calm each other down and are best friends
- there is a switch that lowers the glass of Dirk's tube------
   Sollux knows where it is- he can theoretically get him out.
- Sollux finally looked into his own file--------------
He joined CC out of his own voilition. He is also probably why Aradia joined the CC. He has no wash strikes.
- it seems like AGT Dirk can sense emotions/bonds between people---
day 22:
- tiaras are def keeping workers alive in every way--------------
 unless karkat just normally doesnt sleep and then just blacks out for an hour, which could be possible. this is still prolly tiaras workin to keep them alive and healthy
- Karkat used to be friends with Mituna------
 he thought that he was dead, until we told him that the servers were technically his reflections. Karkat had talked to Felix before we got him out.
- Karkat refuses to go to see dirk and aradia------     
     He is scared of being punished. He hasn't fucked up yet, and he doesn't want to change it. He's friends with Eridan and Meenah, but even they can't help him if he gets in bad trouble. Apparently, accessing the AGT room is strictly forbidden. Sollux may be the only person able to go in. 
 - Karkat knows that we know Sollux-----       
   He told sollux that ardent helped him fix his computer, which made sollux get nervous and leave.
 - Karkat knows that we know Dirk-----     
    At least, he knows that ardent knows. They bonded over having someone dear to them die, Mituna and Dirk.
 - Karkat doesn't talk to Finn, but used to talk to Felix-----      
   He used to talk to Felix, but he stopped once Finn took charge. When told that we rescued 
 - Felix didn't remember Karkat. He doesn't have any of Mituna's memories.----        
  This made Karkat. . . . frustrated. 
 - Felix identifies only as an AI-------       
   Being told that he used to be a troll stressed him out, to say the least. We already know from Finn that one of the AI's learning or thinking that they used to be a troll could have very negative reprecussions. Something similar could be why Felix struggled so much with the idea. He knows that he is based on a troll, but is adament that he is not one. 
 - Felix accepts that Mituna is his ancestor, and knows that we can possibly get his memories back-----         
 He's going to think on this. please don't put any pressure on him. He'll tell us what he decides when he's ready.
 - Karkat left the server and is currently blocking everybody who messages him---          
We will give him time. If need be, we can message him through Finn. We should let him be.
- Feferi is talking to us!!!!-------------      
   Feferi is talking to us, and asks that we refer to as "Princess"! She is run by a third mun, whom we are calling munderwater (or munder for short) and she is a sweetie!! munder will not be joining this server yet, but they know the offer stands  
 - She doesn't like Eridan----------       
 He makes fish puns but he's still a load a carp. However, he helped her get a school of cuttlefish, which is pretty cool!!!
 - Condy doesn't let her do much----------      
 Although Fef is really passionate about it, condy doesn't let her research cuttlefish because she says its a childish waste of time and money.
 - She doesn't know much about humans-----      
 We had to explain how parents and siblings work, and she thought i was a guppy cause i still live with/know my parents! 
 - She does not like the caste system-------   
    She is sick of everybody putting her on a pedastal and she hates the heirarchy. She wants it to change. 
 - She holds a lot of power within the CC-------      
  She was able to get an ID for Isi, who was acting as a new AI for the system. We haven't tested it out yet, but it should work. 
 - She's been listening to what the lowbloods say, and it seems she's open for a revolution--      
  She agrees that CC needs to do a better job ruling them, and is very open to the idea of a revolution.
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