#and have been retweeting certain fanarts
thefandomstorage · 2 years
I’m just gonna say this now:
No matter what they show us today during the broadcast, I will still keep doing art for F&S (Fire and Steel au) and I will continue to write.
They could announce whatever storyline they want for Soren. It could be the best storyline ever and delivery of all my hopes and dreams for Soren; and I will STILL continue to indulge in my au
I do this for my own entertainment, y’all are just along for the ride.
And not just for F&S but that goes for all my Soren Aus. Changeling au, Asassin au, Consort au, etc. I will continue to indulge in them shamelessly.
If I like the way Soren’s character arc plays out, cool. Still writing and doing fanart for my AUs.
If I don’t like it and am let down or it becomes awful, whatever. I’ll treat it like GoT.
I’ll still be here writing my silly little stories and drawing Soren with his not so silly and not so little dragon.
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AITA for telling a school counselor about what my friend does online?
I (F minor) am in middle school. I have a group of friends, about 8 people, but this is about one girl in specific we can call Annie. All of us are mutuals on tumblr, twitter, etc. and we have a discord server too.
All of us are into a lot of the same things, like art, anime, video games, and have a lot of the same hobbies. Most of us also struggle with mental health stuff like anxiety and/or depression so we regularly talk to our school counselor (F, Idk how old she is).
Anyways, we're all really close and we get along really well for the most part, but lately Annie has been doing stuff that really bothers and worries us.
She's VERY into internet discourse. Has 10 paragraph long DNI page, is constantly starting fights with other people, etc. She usually argues about stuff like LGBT+ rights, womens rights, etc. but also a LOT of fandom discourse which is my biggest concern.
A lot of my other friends reblog/retweet stuff like anime gifs, fanart, memes, etc. but pretty much every post I see from Annie is her fighting with someone over shipping or something like that.
A lot of the posts are basically:
Her talking about how disgusting a certain ship or character is
How everyone who likes that specific thing is a degenerate, or freak, or pedo or groomer.
How if you like problematic ships you need to get a therapist, or you deserve to be hurt. Once I saw her arguing with someone who said they write certain stuff due to trauma and she said "You don't have trauma, you're either lying or you actually liked it and that's why you write such disgusting nasty shit"
Fighting with random people and accusing them of being a predator or a pedo
Breaking her own DNI (which says adults, proshitters, etc. DNI) and then getting mad at the other person for responding
It's really upsetting to see because she does this CONSTANTLY. She never seems to use tumblr/twitter to do things she actually likes. I never see her reblog gifs or memes or just silly lighthearted posts about stuff she enjoys.
It's especially upsetting because we're minors and she TELLS PEOPLE THAT. Like she's arguging with people that she thinks are pedos or child predators, while openly telling people her actual age. To me that's like covering yourself in bloody steaks and then jumping into water full of sharks.
I was really starting to get concerned because even in our private discord server she's always talking about how much she hates these people or whatever and how they should die, a lot of the time she says things like "they should get the wall" or "I hope their nasty fanfics happen to them irl that would teach them lol" and it really freaks me out.
She also talks about seeing the "child porn" that these people make which as far as I'm aware is drawings of characters but it still freaks me out how open and calm she is about looking at what she THINKS is child porn. I asked her if it's child porn why is it being linked in callout posts for other people (including minors!) to see and not being reported to the FBI but she just gets mad and changes the subject.
Me and our other friends have mentioned before that we don't like hearing about this kind of stuff but then she just gets mad and goes offline or gives us the silent treatment at school.
A month or so ago I got so fed up and upset, that I took a bunch of screenshots of her tumblr account and discord messages. One thing to note is that her username is VERY specific.
It's a combination of her first and last name and her birth year. Most people will not know that, but if you know her name and birthday, it's easy to tell it's her. She also goes by her real name online which I also screenshotted as proof it's her.
I brought all this to the school counselor, and I told her how worried I was about Annie, and how I think she's doing something really unsafe. Not only is she confronting people she thinks are child predators/groomers, she's telling people they deserve to get hurt in really awful ways, and looking at porn and I don't think this is good for her mental health.
The counselor at first was like "Idk are you SURE it's her? It could be anyone online!" But I insisted that it was and explained the username thing and that this was our private discord server so obviously I know it's her.
She thanked me for letting her know and told me I was being a good friend and then we talked about how I was doing, and then I left. I kind of forgot about it until a week later.
Annie wasn't online at all and I was kind of worried, but then I saw her on Monday at school. I was with our other friends and we called out her name so she would see us and come over and she LOST IT. She started screaming at us and telling us how awful we were, and how we ruined her life.
Idk what exactly happened, but apparently the counselor talked to her and her parents got involved? Her parents now monitor her internet usage, they have child safety stuff on the browsers, and she's only allowed on certain websites for doing research for school, or watching videos on youtube on their account so they can see what videos she's watching, or playing games on steam.
She said that her parents are also putting her in therapy once a week now (with an actual therapist, not the counselor) and she's only allowed to go out with an adult chaperone (either her older sister or one of her parents).
But... None of our friends know it was me who told the counselor. Annie has other friends besides us, so they're also "suspects" for being the snitch. It seems like half of our friends are relieved that Annie is kept away from that kind of stuff and the other half are mad at whoever the snitch is for ratting Annie out and resulting in her having less privacy/freedom.
At first I was happy that Annie was getting help and being kept away from this but now I feel really conflicted. I feel so disgusting talking to her and our other friends and pretending nothing happened, knowing that I was the one who told the counselor.
Annie still talks to us but she's a lot less open. We still have our discord server but apparently her parents will read through the messages to make sure she's not talking about anything bad and that she's only talking to us and not strangers.
What are these acronyms?
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stressedbisexualtm · 6 months
i will say, one thing i really enjoy is how a lot of traffic/hermit twt and tumblr casually enjoy the qsmp. it shows up (for me) mostly in the form of people say "cubito" rather than "c!", and i like that a lot. it's fun to see big life series or hc accounts talking about todays lore on the qsmp, or who their favorite cubito is, or which egg they think is the best/most underappreciated. even the people who don't really say anything, maybe just reblog/retweet some fanart or a clip of fitmc being gay as hell absolutely make my day. i like what the qsmp has been able to do- not just merging different ethic communities, but subdivisions of the english mc community as well. during the dream smp and that little while before the qsmp was announced, there was this HUGE divide between the dsmp and all the other sub-communities and how they interacted with each other. there was some division before, as there was bound to be, but it's become a really harsh line since 2020. and im thankful the qsmp has merged that break between the two halves of the english mc community. again, it's just really awesome (and a little surreal!) to see hermit mains talking about the qsmp.
And there are qsmp fans out there who have never even heard of the life series or hermitcraft! to those of you that might see this post, I encourage you to watch a little bit of either series. they don't have the same standards on lore qsmp does, but they're all really great and fun people who love to make content. they're all youtube videos, but i promise that doesn't diminish the fun! there is lore, bits that certain creators sprinkle into the life series, and at least once per hermitcraft season (at least since season 6) they have a big lore event happen. hermitcraft is currently on it's 9th season, and they have so many massive projects and games and have had more than one lore event this season. the life series is on it's 5th season, secret life, that uploads weekly and has some really unique and fun game mechanics and player interactions. (and with both series, don't let the lack of lore deter you! both fan communities are amazing, and we have a habit of creating our own lore that is really interesting to work with).
same to life series or hermitcraft fans- they swear a lot on the qsmp, and it's all livestreamed, but they also have so many interesting characters and stories and so much more they still want to tell. it's not all completely scripted either, and there are a lot of references and cameos you can find! there's a lot to enjoy here, and I hope someone who reads this will go see it for the first time.
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strawbrygashez · 1 year
ALL THE TIMES DUDE HAS BEEN SUGGESTED/ALLUDED TO NOT BE STRAIGHT!!!!!!!! Feel free to add or correct me if I get something wrong!
First I will start off with things RWS has said themselves and the most obvious example of Dude basically being confirmed to be NOT STRAIGHT. This is from the official Running with scissors Twitter!
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And here is a post from the RWS tumblr where they reblogged a post and added this comment
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Just in general if RWS or Destructive Creations comments under Nottemdude fanart it’s always more than likely them being positive about it. The RWS tumblr hasn’t been active in 7 years so it’s not just a ‘new’ thing also. I would post more pics of these times but there is a image limit to posts so unless someone wants me to show specific examples….😐 But anyways, they have alluded to adding Nottem to Postal under a piece of nottemdude fanart before if I’m remembering correctly. They also support Dude being shipped with Duke Nukem as well, having retweeted ship art of Duke/Nottem/Dude. Also there is fanart of Nottemdude and just other works where he’s seen being 🏳️‍🌈 or just wearing all kinds of different pride flags on their offical website on the fanart page. And if you take all of this as them being cool about it (fanart and ships) and not minding it and being a ‘good sport about it’ then okay. Sure. But to say that RWS doesn’t encourage or support it would be veryyyy odd.
Before I get into my list of a couple moments Dude is alluded to being bi, I wanna add that If you wanna get technical, the Postal Dude according to RWS can be ‘anything you want him to be’ so while he might not have a totally confirmed sexuality yet or hasn’t been seen being with a man, he is more than likely never gonna be confirmed as straight and if you headcanon Dude being anything other than bi then that’s fine but the baseline seems to be that he’s into both men and woman.
Anyways, here is some moments that come to mind for me.
————————————————————————•In postal 2, You are able to let him kiss another man at the kissing booth on Valentine’s Day
•Most of Dudes dialogue to the other Dude in Brain damage has a flirty tone to it. Dearie & handsome are words Dude uses to refer to the other him. (Which sure, you could say he’s just flirting with himself but be fr for a moment. You wouldn’t be like 🤨 if you heard a man irl calling a clone of himself ‘dearie’?? And the tone Dude uses to tell him not to go and to come back???)
•In postal 4, one of the first things you do is write a sign in hopes to find work. No matter what you choose to write Dude adds something along the lines about being willing to ‘do dirty work’ with men. HE SAYS TO MALE NPCS THAT THEY CAN TAKE HIM BACK TO THEIR PLACE!!! How much more obvious-
•His whole thing with the drag outfit in postal 4. He really didn’t have to wear that if he didn’t want to or really felt uncomfortable with it. Wearing drag doesn’t make someone a certain sexuality but I just wanted to add this part because some people still view Dude as this manly man or this guy who sticks to only stereotypically masculine things?? When he wears drag, makeup & high heels.
•In postal brain damaged, there is a place in his mind specially for Doomguy. And not just in a “ohhh hes so cool and manly 🤩” way..there is full on pictures of his bare ass in Dudes brain. Why would a straight man have a secret part in his brain saved for another man’s ass????
•In BD again, there is a scene where in Dudes dream, buff men are standing behind him set up in a meme reference, suggesting that Dude is about to have sex with them all. Here is the pic 🫡
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(And would you look at that. He’s smiling!)
•Lots of d*ldo jokes in postal 4 and BD. A used one is seen on his floor in the opening cutscene for BD. (Again you can just say it’s for the laughs besides the used one but why would a straight man own that many?)
•Dude says “it’s like taking it up the bum” in BD…how would u know how that feels like sir? 🤨
•In postal 2, Postal 3 Dude uses a certain kinda…tone and way of taking sometimes with p2. For example the “Short tempered today, are we?” line. Im sorry but that is such a oddly flirty teasing way of talking to another man. Also p3 Dude felt the need to remind p2 that he wore ‘skin tight leather’ and maybe it would rejog his memory wearing it again.
•In postal 4, dude has a line saying something about how no one has it harder than a “white cis man”. What’s interesting to me is that he didn’t throw in that he’s straight too. You’d think he would do to the nature of that sentence.
•Postal 3 dude is oddly insecure about his masculinity and or is not confident in his sexuality. He’s worried about being seen as gay just for riding some kinda scooter and hopes none of his friends sees him like that. I dunno to me I feel like people perceive Dude as a ‘no fucks given’ kinda guy but he’s whining and complaining about riding some scooter.
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
I've gotta actually feel bad for the helpful members of the wiki team because they all know that their wiki is god awful for any kind of accurate information. It got to the point in December where they'd stream working on the wiki to prove that it's a totally legitimate service but like. Also it's objectively terrible! Any website trying to gather and consolidate information should focus on, you know, having accurate information before trying to make it big via connections with the Quackity Studio Team and with ccs.
Like, did you know that the wiki supposedly has a podcast going with ccs to talk about Lore And Stuff? With a whole One Single Episode? And then there's them reaching out to streamer mods to ask about boundaries to put on the wiki that's a whole Problem in itself, and the wiki team repeatedly sending weird unfunny donos to Fit and "jokingly" heckling him and Tubbo and Phil and whatever cc they feel that they can "banter" with despite not knowing these people whatsoever and despite the ccs really just not giving a shit about the wiki anymore. Like, I don't think a single cc outside of the one dude that did the podcast with the wiki team has mentioned the wiki in any substantial way since November when Cellbit called the wiki and its members out for messing with both his and Richarlyson's pages- without citation or reason- to add the family dynamic.
But then the team has its connections within the Quackity Studios team itself, and that's how it gets some of its information about the server itself. And that's admirable in its own way, I guess, but the way certain members of the wiki team act really just makes it seem like they're trying to nepotism their way(s) into making it big and/or make it onto the Q Studios team itself.
And the thing is? There are people on the team who at least seem to genuinely want to make the wiki a useful tool again. They know that they have problems, but things are rarely ever fixed because whether or not it's fixed depends heavily on which admin is online when you @ them on Twitter or dm them. In my own experience, I've been ghosted for over 12 hours before a different admin got online and answered me, and then a third different admin got back to me after that. The first time I dmed them, two different admins dmed me, and their responses were entirely different. One was helpful, the other just kinda brushed off my concerns entirely.
Going through the wiki's twitter account, you can see exactly where the wiki's priorities lie, because the majority of the account is non-stop retweeting of (very good!!) fanart of the English-speaking ccs, primarily Philza and the "Death Family", as they call Phil and Missa and Tallulah and Chayanne and Wilbur. Sometimes it's Fit instead. Very rarely will you find any retweeted art of the Brazilian or Hispanic ccs outside of the occasional Guapoduo/Spiderbit fanart, and there's very rarely French fanart retweeted. I've never seen fanart of the Hispanic ccs retweeted. I don't think I've seen fanart of a single female cc retweeted ever from any language. When art of the Death Family is retweeted, it rarely contains Missa; it's mostly all just Phil fanart, which just really shows the bias going on because you know which wiki admin is behind all this. They're the same one who donates to Fit every day and tries bantering with the ccs and tried applying to Purgatory and... yeah.
Oh, and the wiki's One Certain Admin will just come out and tweet that something is canon without it being canon. Take their tweet from what I think was the second day of Purgatory, aka when Baghera and Cellbit jokingly called Phil "dad" out of character, and when that One Certain Admin tweeted (this is paraphrased, btw), "So the found family is canon now! Let's put it on the wiki!"
And when the wiki's account will retweet other things that aren't canon, like calling the Prison Ghost "the Ghost of q!Cellbit" on the first day of prison without waiting for confirmation.
And it's HORRIBLE because I know that there are "good" wiki admins on the team! They can be very helpful! They're so willing to work with Tumblr and our complaints that they listened to me when I recommended they make a Tumblr account so we can have open communication with them rather than have everything depend on the Twitter community, and they're working on the account and putting a little team together for it as of last week when we last corresponded.
It's just that. The wiki sucks. It's a mess of disinformation and headcanons with no citations and no protections against disinformation. They could lock down certain pages until things are cleared up. They could appoint only certain people to be able to work on character pages to ensure fact-checking and citing.
They could do anything, but they won't because information isn't the wiki's priority anymore. It's starting to become clear that the point of the wiki is to be the wiki with no actual work put into being the wiki. And it's sad, because the wiki used to be actually useful for so long. But, at some point, it stopped being reliable, and you can see the public starting to realize it starting in November when the wiki account started trying to do literal damage control streams to show that the wiki is reliable, and then there's now when ccs who used to reference the wiki all the time rarely do so because they know that it isn't an actual source of information anymore.
Imagine that.
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trilobi-te · 5 months
Chipspeech Twitter Archive Update
Hi I should have done this months ago.. I do not know when (or if) I am going to finish that website lmao. So I am just going to share my notes from Google Docs. Should be easier to read than the original posts and helpful as a starting point if anyone else decides to make a website :3
The documents are all on commenting mode so feel free to make comments to bookmark things for yourself or write your thoughts or whatever. Under the cut I have put some formatting notes.
It's a folder, each year of Twitter posts is its own document (I tried to compile them into one but it lagged too much). There is also a document with all of the original Tumblr posts (from the accounts I could find, no tags yet but I will go back and get them eventually, also no dates but they're all from 2015), and one with the bios from the official website for ease of access.
The formatting is a little (a lot) weird and there are probably pictures that need resizing/transcription but I figured it's better to give people access now. The text is small (to keep the page count as low as possible) so you will have to zoom in.
It goes by day, organized with a bulleted list. The top level bullets are each character that tweeted that day. The second level bullets are original tweets/retweets by that character. The third+ level bullets are comment threads under that tweet, the organization here is inconsistent but imo still readable (if you think something needs an edit for clarity let me know and I'll fix it).
For each character's section of the list, normal text is that character's tweets/comments. Italicized text is anyone who is not that character. If it is labeled with unitalicized text, it is that character/important account (e.g. the official Chipspeech account), otherwise it is a fan. I also included some labels and/or clarifying comments for Vocaloid producers I like, they're not central to the story though
I got rid of the line breaks within the tweets when copying them down because it was easier to format. Sorry about that. Idk how to fix it other than going through everything again but it doesn't take away from the story so I'm leaving it for now.
If something came from a website other than Twitter, I tried to provide the link (unless its content was deleted). I did my best to transcribe the Clyp posts that were not deleted.
If something is a text-only retweet, it is marked with [retweet]. If it includes an image, it's probably a screenshot of the whole thing. I only included retweets that felt story-relevant (so no miscellaneous cat pictures, Apple-related aesthetic images, etc.), but if people really want it I can go back and add the rest.
Deleted tweets are noted with [deleted tweet], with the characters they came from if applicable. Idk how Twitter works but it the person in the thread is replying to the username of a certain character, I assumed it was that character's tweet that had been deleted. If something says [deleted Dandy thread], assume there is a deleted Dandy tweet in between each of the listed tweets (or another character, but it's usually Dandy). That was meant to be a temporary time-saver and I've gone back and fixed the ones I've found, but there's probably more I accidentally skipped.
Anything not in English is translated in a comment. Except the X-Sampa (I will fix that sometime but there's not much of it). Also it was done with the built-in Google Translate feature so it may be a little incorrect. Unclear pictures and whatnot also have clarifying comments. I can add more clarifying comments (or image IDs) if anyone needs them.
I tried not to include any unattributed fanart but there are some that I forgot to copy the handle for (I am also fixing these when I find them).
As for any future updates to this folder as a whole, I kind of want to go back through each account's liked tweets to see if there's anything funny in there but idk when that will be. That would probably be its own document.
Honestly I should have given everyone access back in June.. oops. If you have any questions you can put them in a comment on this post (or reach out to me another way, idk). As I mentioned before, feel free to use all of this as a starting point if you're making your own website.
I'll pin this post so it's findable in the future. Also sorry for disappearing for several months (it will happen again).
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bogkeep · 2 years
The Independent Online Artist & The Engagement
may i speak plainly for a moment? nobody owes you the Engagement, and staking all of your value and success as an artist/creator on it is a recipe for misery. eggs in baskets and all that. as a Creator myself, i hope you believe me when i say that i absolutely understand the importance of getting feedback and encouragement for your work. i know what it's like to have no audience. i know how gutting it is to feel like you're chucking paintings into a void. i know the difference a supportive community makes. obviously i cannot speak for every Creator, i can only speak for myself and my own experiences, and to be entirely fair - making art is not my main income, even if i've worked on quite a few commissions over the years. people engaging with my art has been a wonderful well of inspiration AND helpful for me getting some extra cash. we post our work online for a reason! i 100% believe in the power of letting people know you love their stuff. there's many ways to do that: you can leave comments and messages; you can reblog, retweet, and share with your friends; you can like and kudos; you can commission them; you can support them monetarily through patreon/ko-fi/bandcamp and suchlike; you can buy their merchandise; you can spread the word of their work; even create fanwork. i'm certain there are many more ways to support creators you love than just this, too! there's a whole wide world beyond just Likes and Reblogs, and different people show support in different ways. now speaking as a Creator Appreciator, i once again hope you believe me when i say this - i truly love artists and creators. when i was working, a huge chunk of my paycheck would go to commissions, indie artist merchandise, and my patreon bill. i follow a lot of artists and webcomic creators on here and on twitter, and i share their work frequently (for those who don't know, i have a reblog sideblog). i think i can safely say i'm singlehandedly responsible for getting multiple of my followers into certain webcomics by sheer power of fanart and enthusiasm. i LOVE artists. i WANT to support creators of the things i love. i LIKE sharing the small indie projects i'm into. it is something i prioritize in my life because i find fullfilment in it - it is not a moral high ground. i'm only one person, though. throwing 1 (one) dollar monthly at an artist i like through way of patreon is a very achievable course of action. the problem is:
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i like a lot of artists. it's not possible for me to give the same amount of support to every single one, all the time. i just do not have the time, energy, money, or the attention for it. i don't think anyone expects me to, it would be completely unreasonable! especially because - i'm not alone. i'm not the only Creator Appreciator out here! i am not personally responsible to keep every Creator afloat with my own two hands! HOWEVER, it's not reasonable to expect everyone to do what i do, either. as i've said, it's something i prioritize and put a lot of effort into. i know a lot of people put just as much effort, or more! there's people with more time and money than me out there! but i can and want to do it, and not everyone can or wants to do All This. nor should they have to! they're not responsible for keeping creators alive, either. it's not a job. enjoying things shouldn't be a chore. a webcomic creator i used to follow had to shelve the comic they were working on because it wasn't getting enough engagement, and working on it was unsustainable. a heartbreaking decision on the creator's part, for sure, and also very understandable. making webcomics is hard work, and if you're only one person you have to cover a lot of bases and do the work of multiple people, all the while your creation is free to read and enjoy. i've seen a lot of webcomics put to rest over the years for all kinds of reasons and i understand why! the creator of this comic was fairly pragmatic about it, saying That's Just How The Numbers Are, Nothing To Do About That - and at the same time being very frustrated about it. again, very understandable! the creator has every right to be frustrated about the situation. it sucks big time. i did have to unfollow them, though. it was frustrating for me, one of their patreon supporters, to constantly read threads about how lurking kills webcomics or how everyone MUST show their support to creators. it kinda sucked to have all that ire that i know wasn't directed at me all over my feed. it kinda sucked to feel like i wasn't doing enough somehow, even though their twitter followers are statistically more likely to actually be their supporters. or maybe it was directed at me, after all, for not commenting directly on their comic? was it directed at me for not supporting a higher patreon tier? was it directed at me for not telling my friends all about this comic? was it directed at me, because while i did support this comic on patreon, there were fifteen others i didn't? i'm sure the creator was just working through the awful experience of having to make this decision. still hurt, though. not getting enough support for your work is absolutely a pain point. but people demanding my support is a pain point for me, in turn. i mean, fuck, what a mess all of this is, though! being a creator is hard, being an independent creator is even harder, social media is an fickle mistress and we need to make a living!! besides, not every online creator has the same goal, either! you've got artists encompassing the whole spectrum of "Art Is My Livelihood And I Need The Visibility" to "im drawing for Fun and Relaxation :)" on the same websites, meaning that for some people these social media sites are inextricably linked to Work, and the same social media sites are places other people go to escape work? ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING THE ISSUE HERE i think both creators and fans can be quite entitled at times. we're all mere humans swirling around in the internet soup, and we want the Contents and we want the Validation. these are fine things to want, and i do think creators should let people know what the best ways to support them are! but also - do consider how you're cultivating your audience. people are, in general, not out to hurt you or slight you personally. demanding a certain type of engagement is more likely to get you less engagement overall, because people will feel less comfortable engaging on their own terms. lurkers are gonna lurk and prodding them with a broom is more likely to make them scamper away then unlurk. only ever wanting more reblogs will just leave you starving for more reblogs. yes, you can feel hurt by the lack of attention you’re given... but i also think there’s lots of love hiding in the brush. shy love, tired love, silent love, gentle love, waiting-to-pounce-when-it’s-ready love. if you create a welcoming space for it, it may come forth. who’s to say.
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faenemy · 7 months
honestly internet validation is so FASCINATING to me, partially because the more you receive the more you crave, but like
there is a certain feeling about creating, and then throwing something out into the void, desperately hoping, someone, anyone see it, just a lil like, or updoot would make you happy, y'know
but then (maybe) overtime you gain a bit of popularity, your creations get retweeted, pinned, (reposted), liked, comments even! and it feels good its rewarding for people, strangers, to acknowledge the effort and work you put into your creations
and you don't think you've grown used to it, but you have, at some point you stop screenshotting every comment, you stop checking your notifs and email for any sliver of interaction, you don't squeal and celebrate everytime you gain a follower
but maybe you still want more, or maybe you built yourself into a box, and you're trying to escape, so you join another platform, and the cycle starts anew. Maybe you hoped some of that popularity transferred, but it never did. You realized people only liked when you made that specific, niche thing, and that this has no appeal
you get it, you understand it, but you don't like it. in a way it makes the prior validation mean less. did they care about the effort, time, and love you spent honing your craft? or were they just happy to see their favorite character? are you a creative individual to them, or are you a machine, something that ejects fanart they like on occasion, with a null void of disinterest in between.
but that feeling of having received validation before, just to put your heart on display once more, to receive nothing, hurts. and obviously no one is at fault here, you just want attention right? someone to say good job and give you a pat on the back. something to tell you that you are doing well, that you can and will continue to do so. that your creations bring joy, even if just for a moment
because thats the question isn't it, do you want to be perceived to be known, for fame, for attention, for that validation you so crave? Or do you want an acknowledgement of your existence, as a way to acknowledge your creation? that it has been seen, that it will not perish to the incoming tides? in a world of constant creation, why do you want to stand out?
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immortalwanderers · 2 years
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For the month of October, we at Immortal Wanderers are shining our spooky spotlight on the dark happenings within Ghost Valley!
This means that throughout the duration of the month we encourage fans to explore any content surrounding any of the themes or characters which feature here, and we will be sharing any new creations sent our way through our blog and twitter account!
What is this event about?
For October, we are celebrating any creations which feature the Ghost Valley setting or its characters through both the show Word of Honor and the novel it is adapted from, Tian Ya Ke. Perhaps there’s a certain ghost you wish had more explored about them throughout the fandom, or you’d like to make a ghasty gifset or fan-video for the Halloween season. Whatever your inspiration, here is the perfect opportunity to share some extra love their way!
And any content we make can be in any format?
Yes! Be it gifsets or graphics, fanfictions or drabbles, fanart, meta, fan videos - the choice is entirely yours! As long is it is of your own creation, we will share your work either here or through our twitter account.
If you’d like to take part in celebrating this theme, please tag any creations you make throughout the month with #immortalwanderersevent. Content within the tag from October 1st onwards will be shared. If you’d rather take part over on twitter, simply quote tweet your entry to us at @immorwanderers. All content we see will be retweeted to our twitter feed directly.
This event is open to everyone, so do feel free to join in on our celebrations if this is something which interests you.
If you’re not a creator, but would still like to celebrate, you’re more than welcome to do so! Here are a few ways in which you can:
Sharing this post so more people can find it.
Reblogging or retweeting any creations you like, so the content creators involved can feel the love of the work they’ve so kindly shared with the community here on tumblr.
You can share your recommendations with us! Click here to submit a link to any works you’ve enjoyed, and we will share it in a recommendations post. Just be sure that any links lead directly to the original creator, just so they can receive the credit and love that they so deserve.
Join in on celebrating our monthly spotlight with other members of the community through our discord.
If you’d like to check out what people have been up to with our current and past spotlight events, please do browse this tag to see their creations!
Have fun, and we’ll be looking forward to seeing what you create or share! 👻
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cabottombingo · 11 months
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What is a bingo?
A bingo is a type of fandom challenge during which participants are given a 3x3 or 5x5 card where all but one square are filled with creative prompts and the last, middle square acts as a free space. A bingo encourages people to create new fanworks for a certain fandom, theme, or ship. By filling out your bingo card you will receive bingo badges that you may use on your social media pages with varying requirements for different badges.
What is the goal of this bingo?
The goal of this bingo is to produce fanworks that feature bottom Steve Rogers. That’s it! The rating, genre, ships included and type of fanwork you produce are decided by you. As long as the fanwork prominently features bottom Steve Rogers, it fits a card prompt and it’s done during the bingo schedule then it works!
Are there any specific rules for participating?
Most importantly, this bingo is an 18+ only event. We want to keep this a laid-back event, but to make everyone 18 or over feel welcome, we do have a few basic rules: 1. No ship, character, or kink bashing.   2. No harassment towards other content creators or bingo mods. 3. No hate speech against any sexuality, gender, creed, or identity. If your content has any of this because it fits with a Marvel character’s portrayal or you need an OC villain, check with a mod to make sure it’s okay. Essentially, be kind to one another! Just because something is not listed here does not mean we welcome hate speech against it or any other kind of bad behavior.
What fanworks are accepted?
The Captain Bottom Bingo accepts all kinds of fanworks, including but not limited to fanfic, fanart, playlists, gifsets and so on! If you’re not sure about your fanwork and want to double check, feel free to email us.
What are the minimum requirements for fanworks?
This is a low-pressure event where we hope everyone will have a great time and let their creativity take them where it will. That said, we do have minimum requirements for content. Remember, these are only minimums. If you want to do more than what’s listed below, feel free! Art: 300 x 300 pixels if digital, 3 inches x 3 inches if traditional Fanfic: 100 words Fanvids: 30 seconds Moodboard: Three images Playlist: Five songs, including cover art Podfic: Five minutes in length with clear permission from the author use for the bingo Rec lists: Three fanworks, with an explanation for each, detailing why you’re reccing them. Tell us why you love it. Now’s your chance to gush! Translations: The work translated must be at least 100 words, whether new or pre-existing, and you must have clear permission from the author to translate AND use for the bingo. All other fanworks: If it’s complete, you put your best effort into it, and it fits the theme of the bingo, you’re good to go. <3
What are the requirements for filling a square?
You cannot reuse old content for this event. If you want to dust off an old WIP that has never been posted, we’ll accept that, but you cannot reuse anything publicly posted. You are, however, allowed to use new chapters in an already posted WIP to fill your squares.  You cannot combine squares for a single work since we’re trying to create as much new content as possible. However, multiple squares can be used in a multi-chapter work as long as only one square is used per chapter.
How do I post my work once I’ve completed a square?
1) Follow this formatting guide. 2) Complete the Submission Form. 3) Add your work to our collection (if on AO3). The Submission Form helps us keep track of what you’ve done so you can receive your badges at the end of the round. This is also where you can tell us there’s something for us to promote in case Tumblr or Twitter decides to eat your mentions. If you don’t fill out the Submission Form for each fill the mods are not responsible for any missing reblogs, retweets or badges. 
Can I use my work for another fandom event, or can I use something from another event for filling a square?
As long as the other fandom event is okay with it and you make an effort to fill ALL requirements for this and any other events where your fanwork is used. Remember, bottom Steve must be a prominent feature for this bingo, and the other events will also have their own requirements, too! Find a way to do all this with your work, and we’ll be happy as clams.
I finished my card, can I get a new one?
Absolutely! Once you���ve completed your previous card, fill out the Blackout Form. By the end of that month (at the latest), we’ll email anyone who’s requested one their brand new card. Additionally, you don’t have to pick the same card or prompt types unless you really want to. So if you had a 5x5 card with angsty prompts, you’re free to switch to a 3x3 card with fluffy prompts instead. It’s entirely up to you! Note: Late sign-ups can pick the size of their new cards, but they still won’t be able to get custom prompts. Sorry!
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palettepainter · 2 years
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I just wanted to take a minute to make a quick post to you guys
I want to say a big thank you to all of you guys for giving my non Hazbin and MHA art some love. If you’ve been following me since DA you’re probably used to Hazbin/Helluva Boss content, and if you’re a newer follower then you’re more used to MHA art. I jumped into MHA because the Hazbin pilot by that point had been on Youtube for a while and the Helluva Boss series hadn’t even started. It was something new to keep me occupied while I waited for Vivziepop’s team to deliver more animation. And with MHA season 6 still being in the works I then jumped into Lupin the third and the Muppets to pass the time, which I still consider new-ish content for me since I’ve only been producing art for Lupin for a few months now, and the Muppets for just a few days
I know that it can be a bit of a surprise when an artist popular for a certain type of media posts something totally unrelated to their main content and that waiting for things can be hard. But you guys all surprised me with the amount of love I got on those Lupin the third and Muppet drawings. With me (and many others I’m sure) still waiting on new Hazbin or Helluva content and MHA not having any new episodes yet, it’s been refreshing to go into a new fandom where there’s already so much content to it already, it’s nice every now and then to go back to an old fandom or visit a new one to keep things interesting, but there’s always a small worry in the back of my head that you guys won’t like what I post because it’s out of the norm for my usual art: but all I’ve gotten on my socials where I post that fanart is love, kind comments and shares.
I'm really grateful that you guys like my art, even the art that is unrelated to things like MHA or Hazbin/Helluva which I feel I’m more commonly known for. Not only does it further prove you guys are sweet lil angels (I love you), but it also takes the pressure off me a little to push out Hazbin and MHA art or stories. I’ve never said this anywhere but during the weekdays I work on commission based art, and when I’m not working on commissions I’m working on merch designs or story notes, so that only really leaves a few hours at the end of each day plus Saturday and Sunday for me to just draw whatever I want. Because of this I sometimes feel like I have to rush out artwork in order to keep you guys happy otherwise I’m not being a good artist. So to then see you guys giving my other fanart pieces love by reblogging, retweeting, liking, commenting - just interacting with the post at all - it seriously helps take the pressure off my shoulders and means so much to me!
Because of your support over all my platforms I feel like I’m getting closer and closer to where I can call making art my job - I’ve obviously still got a long way to go, I’m not at the point yet where I’m earning enough that I can ease off on taking commissions as frequently (I aim to try and take a few each month but things as of recent have been a busy outside of art) and work on my projects. But I can say with certainty that I am so much closer to that goal than I was at the start of the year! And that’s all because of you guys!
I just wanted to make this post to let you all know I’m super grateful for your support and for always liking my art no matter what fandom it is, the fact I’m still doing art is honestly flabbergasting to me! As a kid I didn’t even know you could earn money online from commissions. Art was never a big part of my primary schools curriculum and so we never learnt about jobs in that field of work, let alone that you could make money from home by doing art online. Art was a big part of my childhood growing up as someone who didn’t have a lot of friends and whose situation at school could have been better but was never fixed by the teachers, I would often draw to help distract myself from that. I know some people toss around the phase “art is my therapy” in a joking manner but for me it is quite literally a hobby that helps me relax and has helped my mental health greatly in the past and still does. It’s thanks to art I’ve been able to learn how to express feelings that as I kid I didn’t know how to, so now being older and understanding my emotions better, art really has helped me grow over the years.
So the fact I’m still here doing my silly little doodles for nearly five years, way back since I started posting on Deviantart, and that they can make you guys happy - that you guys want to support me so I can continue doing my drawings and stories - is so crazy!!
So truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for sticking around and supporting what I do - whether you’re an old follower and have been here from the start or if you’ve been here for just a few days - thank you for continuing to support me 
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ghostoftheyear · 3 months
This has been on my mind as my other big fandom post has been going around.
A long time ago in a fandom I am no longer part of (for a variety of reasons we won't talk about here), I was told that I was a snob. I remember very clearly that I was sitting in my car with a person I knew from said fandom, outside an arena where we were about to attend a concert; the doors hadn't opened yet and we were both from out of town, so we had time to kill.
At the time, Livejournal was the main spot where fandom communities gathered. I used my LJ to post both personal stuff and fandom things, with custom filters so that my private stuff stayed private. Many people followed each other and did similar things, so that one would have a robust reading page (similar to a dash or timeline, but there was no reblog/retweet kinda feature) while also posting to community pages with community-specific posts: i.e. if it was a knitting community, you'd post your latest knitting projects. I liked it because I am a shy and private person who doesn't do a lot of outward engagement, so it was easy to connect with other fans.
Right around that particular moment, an anonymous hate LJ had also risen in popularity. Someone would start a post, leaving the comments open for anyone to respond, whether or not they had an account, and you could reply without logging in. It was hugely popular. And incredibly cruel. I cannot overemphasize the astonishing meanness of the posts. You'd get sort of a prompt post with the name of someone active in a certain fandom, and people would fucking tear them apart.
You may guess, from the way I'm describing it, that I really didn't like the practice. I went through the trenches of people attacking others online on web forums, and I didn't want any part of it.
(As an aside, I want to clearly state that people in a fandom never have to be the bestest of friends at all times. That's an impossible ask, and as well it's frankly unrealistic. You're never going to get along with every single other person who occupies a social space with you. But you don't have to be nasty, either. When I realized that people can just exist without having to particularly like each other, it changed my worldview.)
So there's this anon meme. And the person who was sitting in the passenger seat of my car told me how she'd seen my name on there and how I was perceived in fandom as being an arrogant snob who thought she was too good to interact with everyone else.
I had turned anon replies off in my journal after getting a few comments that creeped me out. I knew there were people who enjoyed interacting with anons, but I was never one of them. I didn't always comment on others' fandom posts, or on their fic. I kept to myself a lot, but I had a few really good friends within the fandom, people I did feel comfortable interacting with. I didn't make public posts about my private life. I guess not talking is the equivalent of being snobby and rude just as much online as it is in real life. (It didn't help that I wrote a lot of fic and was pretty well-known in the fandom.)
Why am I saying all this? I guess because even then, it felt like people wanted to make some kind of weird separation between those who make fanworks and those who don't.
This came up in tags and such on the other post, and it still baffles me. It was never quite as bad back then, but in recent years, when fandom got hacked and stolen by corporations, it's way worse. It almost feels now like there are three tiers in fan content:
The actual creators of the media. The writers, the artists who draw the comics and do the animation. The directors. The songwriters and performers. The actors. The video game creators. Those who legitimately get paid money to make the things we read and watch and listen to.
The fan creatives. Those who write the fanfic, who draw the fanart, who make the fanvids and meta-analyses. Those who create the challenges and big bangs even the zines. Yes, and those who make the gifsets and edits.
Everyone else in the fandom who doesn't contribute to fanworks, but takes in the media as well as the fanworks.
And I'm here to tell you that, no matter what corporations or fandom.com or Those On High try to tell you, that is not the case. There are two tiers.
Those who make the media. (#1 above)
Everyone who loves the media. This includes both those who make fanworks and those who do not.
That's right! We're all swimming in the same pool! All of us. And yes, in some cases those who make the media are not separate from the fans who enjoy it, but there is a distinction. And yes of course there are media creators who are also fans of other things (certain writers I follow on here who love other TV shows and so forth) but when they're loving the same stuff we are, we're still all in the same pool.
My point is that, as a fanwork creator, I am no better than, say, my BFF in the whole world, who generally is an enjoyer without feeling the need to add on in some way. I am definitely not better than you for making stuff, nor are you better than me for not. We're all fans, enjoying the same stuff in our own ways. I might feel inspired to write a few words; you might enjoy making headcanons while daydreaming. (And as someone who both draws and writes, one type of creator is not better than another).
So please, remember that fanwork creators are not """"above"""" any other fan. Which is just one of the many reasons why no one should feel weird about commenting on fics or reblogging art. We are truly all in it together.
(You may notice I did not use the terms "content creator" or "consumer" in this. You can be assured there is a very strong reason for that.)
K I'm going back to FFVII Rebirth now. I need to go find a missing chocobo.
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official genshin account should really just stick to news and art released by staff for events/character releases and not retweet art like all the other gacha accounts (or not like posts calling people criticizing them babies)
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sambuckyauweek · 2 years
Welcome to Sambucky AU Week 2022!
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This is a fanweek running from Sunday, July 17th to Saturday, July 23rd and made specifically for creators to share their AUs (aka “alternate universe” works)! There are set prompts for each day, which are as follows:
July 17 - Based in Canon: canon divergence | role reversal | multiverse
July 18 - Meet Cute / Meet Ugly: single parent | tattoo shop | coffee shop
July 19 - In the Public Eye: celebrity | royalty | bodyguard
July 20 - Slice of Life: coworkers | college | summer camp
July 21 - Genre Themed: historical | fantasy/scifi | based on film or TV
July 22 - All the Tropes: soulmates | roommates | fake dating
July 23 - Free Choice!
There will be an open collection on AO3 that's already up here, and you can also tag any works you post with the tag #sambuckyauweek2022. Feel free to also tag this blog and if you’re on Twitter, tag @sambuckyauweek in your postings on there as well - works will be reblogged/retweeted throughout the fanweek!
Can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
FAQs are listed under the cut:
What classifies as an AU?
AU stands for “Alternate Universe.” For the purposes of this fanweek, that means that the works created for this week will - for the most part - not take place within the events of MCU canon. Though you are welcome to still create works that take place within the MCU (think: Everybody Lives/Nobody Dies, Sam is the Winter Soldier instead of Bucky, etc), the prompts for fics like these will likely fall into Day One: Based in Canon. There may be some exceptions to this - for example, soulmate AUs that are MCU canon compliant are still acceptable since the soulmate schematics required for these kinds of fics classify them as AUs. However, it is important to remember that the point of this fanweek is to get creative and add more sambucky AUs to the world, so feel free to get inventive and fun with it!
What works count for this fan week?
The following works count:
photosets / mood boards
videos / edits
Want to make something that isn’t included in this list? Send an ask and we’d be glad to discuss it with you!
Are there any length, sizing, etc. requirements for works in this fanweek?
Do I have to sign up?
Do I have to make something for each prompt / day of the fanweek?
You can make as many or as few works for the prompts as you wish; you do not have to make a work for every day or prompt.
Can I come up with my own prompt?
Yes, but please stick to posting these on Day 7: Free Choice. Other works posted must follow the prompt(s) of the specific posting day.
Can I use more than one prompt per work?
Yes! Though the prompts were intended to create variety, you are more than welcome to combine prompts within a certain theme, i.e. a single parent + coffee shop AU for Day Two. You can even implement ALL THREE of the prompts in the same work if you feel up to the challenge!
Do I have to wait to post on certain dates?
Since each date corresponds with a specific theme and prompt(s), we do ask that you wait to post on the day designated for each theme / prompt(s).
What if I create a work that incorporates two prompts from different posting days?
This is allowed, so your posting date would be up to your discretion. For example, if you wrote a fic that was both a college au and a fake dating au, you could post your work on either Day Four or Day Six.
Can I use this event to re-promote something I’ve already created?
No; this event is only for new, original works. This means that the fic, fanart, video, gifset, etc. that you’ve created must have been first posted during this event.
Are NSFW postings allowed?
Yes, but please tag them appropriately.
Can I post a multi-chaptered fic if it isn’t completed?
You can post a multi-chaptered fic and it does not have to be completed as long as you post at least the first chapter on the designated posting date for your prompt.
Can I include other characters/ships in my works?
Side characters and side ships are fine, but because this is a sambucky fanweek, the main focus of your works must be Sam and Bucky.
Have any other questions?
Please feel free to submit any other questions in the ask box, or reach out on Twitter!
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soyeah-anyways · 2 years
you know, this was the first time i’ve ever cried watching anything ever. i’ve never cried during a show or movie up until now, the only times i’ve ever come close to crying during a show or movie was in the last episode of Gravity Falls . Even then i only shed a single tear.
 i think it’s because even though i know the ending of a show is sad(and i do feel sad about it), i’ve never had that strong of a connection to any show really. Not necessarily in the sense that I couldn’t relate to it, or that I couldn’t empathize with the characters, but more so because of the fact that i watch most shows after they’ve already been over for a year or so. i don’t have any fond memories of the show while it was airing on tv. so it doesn’t have a strong sentimental value to me.                                                                                                             i think that’s why i cried when i was watching the hardest thing, because i can say that i was there.   
i was there when i saw the fandom theorizing and sharing their thoughts as to what would happen to the characters after each episode came out.
i was there, when matt braly would like or retweet certain tweets, just to see if he liked any fanart of my ship or to see if he would confirm any theories or headcanons. 
i was there, tuning in every saturday morning, excited to see what would happen next.
i spent time with this show. as i was watching the characters develop, i was still developing too.  
with each new adventure that the characters went on, felt like i was having my own adventures too.
and now it’s over. now i won’t get to see any more new episodes when i tune in every saturday morning. the fans will no longer theorize as much any longer because their theories are already confirmed. matt braly will no longer tweet about amphibia as often as he used to because it came to an end. im never going to forget the memories i made from watching this show, and im never going to stop loving it with each new day that passes by. 
i guess all i have to say is, thank you amphibia. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to stay by your side and grow up with you. Thank you for letting me see all of its characters stories come to a bittersweet end.
Thank you for giving me the chance to say, 
 “I was there”
because i’ll never forget it
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elioli-art · 3 years
What websites do you suggest are best to get your art out there?
In our opinion :
Twitter :
Pros -
 Less algorithm based  
Instant spread of works and chances of other people seeing it the minute you post something . 
You have the chance to retweet and share how much you want to.
You usually can see different types of art on there! Found a lot of cool artists through twitter that don't show up as much on Insta.
Cons - 
Depends what you post . Just art ? Shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
 Ranting mixed in with personal tweets ? Best to make a website haha.
 And it’s obviously not catered for JUST art, so it can be a mess in terms of all the info on there that clouds up your timeline.
Instagram :
(We do use this...but we recognize the cons that come with it. it’s been helpful in a lot of ways but can mess with your head... Which is so weird but yeah...)
Pros - 
Looks aesthetic-y lol. 
Occasional recruiters DO reach out . But our insta has gotten less consistent so we made a website !
Cons - 
Not entirely great for artists unless you already had a previous following;  hit a certain niche and gain said following
Not great for being experimental as you have to be pretty consistent with type of work posted or you’ll notice fluctuations in engagement (from personal experience) .
 Algorithm !! Insta pushes what it wants people to see on certain posts . A robot is telling you what’s good and what isn’t ?! Pfft !
Makes people feel inadequate when it’s all popularity based.
Artstation :
Pros - 
Pretty clean in terms of layout .
 Has good features and has a lot of recruiters looking on it . We personally don’t use it though - reasons below
Cons - 
The site is overwhelmingly concept / video game heavy type of art. There’s probably some illustrators and other types of art sprinkled in , but the majority of the site is catered towards the art mentioned above . Kinda sucks for the other kinds of artists !
Pixiv :
We have an account just to lurk  😆
Pros - 
Beautiful work can be found here !! 
If you’re into drawing this kind of art ( you know it when you see it!) then this is the place for you!
Cons -
 Caters towards a certain style most of the time and is not really catered to animation jobs in the US. (If you care about this!) 
 It’s like a Deviantart for Japan and other Asian countries . Just casual posting ! And of you don’t draw anime-esque art ,you won’t have too much eyes on your work unfortunately . Not that any of this is entirely a bad thing , but it can be a con if you’re looking to put your work out there for people to see in a larger scale or a certain audience!
DeviantART :
It’s generally a good place to put work! Over the years , it’s become more photography and digital manipulation, but there’s other art on there too! (Haven’t used ours in years..)
 You can easily make this into your portfolio if you present it in that way. Has a portfolio good options for displaying.
 Interactive and has a fun aspect to it if you want to post for fun!
Not algorithm based!
Cons -  
Less customization? Can’t really make it the way you want to.
Sometimes there’s weird stuff on there haha
Custom Website
Custom domain
Whatever you want on it.
Great place for recruiters to see a portfolio
Sometimes you have to pay monthly for a website domain and or hosting site. depends what you get.
There’s more sites, but that’s the ones we know/have used . If you don’t care about the arbitrary stuff and just want to post art, then any of these sites are fine! But if you wan to lean little more on the professional side, then consider some of the pros and cons on that side of the coin.  Example - Our Instagram over the past 2 years has a lot more fanart now...so we made a new website just for all of our personal work and set up an email so people can contact us through there! (shameless plug) We balance it out by linking our site to our social media!
Hope this helps some! Anyone can feel free to add. :)
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