#and anyway me and my sisters have been following her on insta and tracking this love story from afar
itspileofgoodthings · 2 months
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alirhi · 3 years
I just want this done 😭
When I was 15, I started RPing with my friends over AIM. Usually we'd only stick with a particular story or set of characters (always original work; I wasn't much into fanfiction back then, though I'd started a few that never went far lol) for a session or two and then move on, but I had this one friend - we'll call her T - who had one character with a really rich, interesting backstory. We stuck with him and the boy I'd created to pair with him and just kept developing this story over several months.
My character, Zephan, ended up getting sidelined by another, much more interesting character who got added later, Kieran. And the first incarnation of what would eventually become the Crossroads series was born.
This is a really long rant, so I'll be nice and put the rest under a cut.
I have no fucking idea why T wrote with me, tbh. She was in her 20s. I was 15 and really annoying, and really bad at writing. 😂 I look back over that early material (and my ooc ramblings) and I want to die. Or reach back through time and slap that kid lmao. But anyway, for some reason this grown-ass lady put up with me, and my barf-inducing fawning over her character, and out of all that truly fucking awful writing, a pretty great idea came about.
I wasn't going to get into this, but then I realized context kind of matter lmao so here's a (hopefully) quick rundown on Crossroads 1.0:
Zephan is a bi cutie who meets a really hot guy, they hit it off right away (no insta-love, so at least I had that going for me lol) and start dating. They both have secret traumatic pasts neither is ready to reveal to the other, but of course, they come back to bite them in their respective asses. Zephan starts acting really strange; not moody so much as literally his entire personality changes. Eventually he learns that when he was a baby, he was possessed by this dying creature who needed a body - Kieran. And part of Zephan's trauma is actually linked to a monster from Kieran's past tracking him down. Kieran was weakened by the shit that almost killed him, so once he was safe in a new body, he kinda just went to sleep for 20 years. But then he started waking up and taking control of the body, which Zeph's not too happy about. They fight for dominance, hurting Zephan's bf in the process (emotionally lol not physically), and bf fucks off to a scary place from his past while Zephan and Kieran go to Kieran's home world to try to sort some shit out. It doesn't work. Eventually, they do figure something out with the help of one of Zeph's best friends, Leyna, who happens to be a super powerful witch. She splits them and gives Kieran a new body, he goes home to face his monsters, Zeph tries to find his bf... the whole thing was left unresolved because T and I drifted apart and I haven't spoken to her in like 17 years lol
in the meantime, I met a new bud. We'll call this one A. Me and A? IRL insta-love, yo! Not the romantic kind, but definitely BFFs from the second she first spoke to me. It's been a roller coaster since then lol. She's still very much in my life (is my unofficial sister) but our friendship has been nothing but drama the whole damn time. Not all of it was rl drama, though! A became my new RP partner! and guys, back in the day? This girl had some good ideas!
I can't remember anymore who was responsible for what. We spent years talking about this story... and not doing much else with it tbh. I got a little writing done here and there, but was hampered by all the rl fights and her flaking constantly, and when the drama got bad enough that we "stopped being friends" (every few weeks in high school lmao and a few times in our 20s), I had to go back and rewrite everything to get her contributions out of there.
It wasn't called Crossroads yet, btw. Until around 2012-ish, it was just this one story line - Achlais (T's suggested name for Kieran's world. I later learned that it's apparently Gaelic for "armpit" and was like "fuck that" XD but I loved the sound of it. so my friend - we'll call this one S - did some digging and found this really cool Greek deity Achlys and we were both like "yeah, that works." So...yeah. story was just Achlais/Achlys)
Achlais centered around Kieran and his struggles. Zephan became a footnote in this much more interesting character's journey. See, Kieran was born of trauma; he's a rape baby and the first thing he saw in the world was his mother being killed for having him. Never mind the fact that the man who killed her was his father and her rapist. Always blame the women, amirite? The cool thing is, though, daddy fucked himself over big time. Kieran was his first child, and by the very strict laws of their world (not Achlais; Kieran was born on a different world, called Takaldor, and then banished to Achlais) is the only legitimate heir to the throne. Oh, yeah. Daddy's King of Takalador. And mom? Mom's human, but she's also a Queen of another world in her own right. So enter leetle Kieran, heir to two thrones and shipped off to a third world and left to die. His body does, but his soul's too strong, so he body-hops for a while. Finds stillborn babies (no soul to fight him) and takes their bodies. Kieran gets to live, parents get to raise their child instead of mourning them. They never know their kiddo is actually just the vessel for a half-demon magical parasite lol.
It's in his last host body before Zephan that Kieran gets his name (mom was killed before naming him; he eventually found a host with a name he liked and kept it)... and also the bulk of his trauma. woo lol. He's kidnapped by the main villain, Kanaye (I was obsessed with A and K names in my teens. this story was rife with them until I painstakingly went through and changed as many as I could over the past few years), kept as a slave, bad things happen to him that I won't go into detail on because I forgot to put a trigger warning in the beginning. 😅 But just... really, really bad, traumatic shit. And even though his mind is fully grown at this point, his host body is a child (5ish when kidnapped, 7ish when Very Bad Stuff starts, 15 or so when he escapes. ...oh yeah, spoiler alert XD Kieran escapes). I had this policy that I still sometimes have trouble shaking off: I was never satisfied with my writing until it made me cringe (from ick factor, not from lack of quality lol. unfortunately, I have a very strong stomach and my tolerance for ick only grew as my writing got more icky lmao so... yeah. that snowballed.)
While in captivity/slavery, Kieran meets a girl also enslaved to Kanaye, named Amara (see? A and K names 🙄) and falls in love with her. He escapes, joins a gang (don't ask 😂 I'm trying to keep this as bare-bones as possible because there are a lot more stories than just this one in Crossroads), eventually when he thinks he's strong enough to take on this crazy demon wizard, he goes back to rescue Amara. he fails completely, Amara is mortally wounded, Kieran's host is killed, and Amara uses the last of her strength (she's magical af and that's why Kanaye kept her around) to push his soul to Earth. The whole thing with Zephan happens, just with a different bf who opens up this whole awesome subplot having to do with one of Achlais's moons. Anyway, when Kieran gets his own body back, he goes back to Achlais (where his enemy has literally taken over the world) and leads a war against Kanaye. Then he stands against his father to avenge his mother, and eventually becomes King of Takalador. unfortunately, it's a super ultra over-the-top racist world so they hate him for being half human, and there's like civil war and shit. fun stuff. Also, his mother is brought back from the dead lmao. There was stuff with different types of dragons, a whole slew of fantasy species and magic and y'all I have been building this world since I was 14 (yes, before the RP that kicked off the main plot. I had the world before I had characters or plot)
I would love nothing more than to go into excruciating detail about the worlds and their canon history and that awesome moon subplot and everything, but... I mean, look how long this already is, and I haven't even touched on the other stories yet lmao
The first non-Achlais/Achlys story to get linked to it was A's and my amazing (if I do say so myself lol) retelling of the war between the Biblical Heaven and Hell. It's told from the perspective of the First Fallen, and reframes the entire thing. Adonai (God, if you didn't know his name) is a psychotic fuckwit, there's an oft-repeated saying that no man is made more in His image than his Catholic priests, and Lucifer and his followers didn't fight for the throne or because they hated humans or whatever. that was all propaganda. They fought for their freedom, and they won. As part of the treaty that finally ended the bloodshed, they were given Hell but with the caveat that they have to torture the souls of evildoers. Kay, fine. They got a level for that lol. They finally have a home! They're safe from Adonai!
Until he breaks the treaty himself, determined to have his favorite pet back, and kidnaps Lucifer. His eldest daughter (a general who helped lead the first war) invades Heaven to get him back and a second war breaks out. The rescue attempt is ultimately successful, but Luci's just about fucking had it. There are all these rumors that Adonai can be killed, but because he created all things, kill him and reality unravels. Lucifer gives zero fucks. He's willing to put it to the test. Turns out is exaggerated... but pretty much true. The reality he created - Heaven and Hell - does depend on him being there and, y'know, alive lol. and so it all collapses when Luci kills him. The few survivors become refugees and they end up on - you guessed it! - Achlys!
There's also this whole other realm we created with our own made up Gods and Goddesses, that also comes into play and has its own story arc, but we'll get back to that. Just remember that the main Godly place is called Valdell.
Next we have the one I'm struggling with most rn, DJ's story. DJ is the oldest OC of mine in the entire Crossroads series. I made him up when I was 13/14. Originally, he was supposed to sort of blend into the background; he was just the bestie of the one I'd intended to focus on, Kali. but Kali's kind of a fuckhead and DJ was much more fun lol. They're both still in play, and still besties, but DJ is the main and Kali's just kinda there XD
Oh, DJ Gallagher, how I love thee, let me count the ways... On the surface, his story doesn't seem at all connected to the rest of the Crossroads universe (unless you're eagle-eyed and notice little Easter eggs here and there). There's no magic, it takes place entirely on Earth (in my hometown in the 90s, specifically lol)... doesn't seem to have much to do with this epic fantasy adventure. but oh, it does. DJ's got quite the future ahead of him... or did, when A was supposed to be writing this with me.
You know what? DJ's getting his own post. He deserves the attention lol. Just know that I love this boy, and his story is the part of this series giving me the most grief right now in my attempts to rewrite yet again to get all of A's crap out of the way.
Claddagh - Rebecca's story that I posted a bunch of snippets from a few days ago - is the next road added to Crossroads. What's her connection to all this? Well, in addition to her meeting Lucifer and his daughter/General Haliel, you learn that she is actually Rachel's (Kieran's mom) little sister. She's also the final piece of the puzzle at the end, in the one book that ties all of these stories together. Thankfully, despite many attempts to get her to, A never even tried to look like she was helping with this one. S was, back when we were friends, but she ghosted me in 2015, so I wrote her character out, replaced her with Fiona, and got a much better plot out of the deal, so that worked out lol. Thanks for being a bitch, S!
There are smaller parts, as well (Claddagh's planned to be a pretty long series, and so was Achlys when A was involved) - Dying Breed, in which Johanna's mother is abducted and skeptical, cynical Jo is forced to see a world of magic that her mom had been trying to show her (and protect her from) all her life; Annwn, where we're shown that Jo's mom actually knew a boy from DJ's story, Ice, and begs him to take on this insane quest that only gets crazier once he's actually on it; and the Winter trilogy, which genuinely started out as a joke, but my friends liked what I had, so I decided to keep it. That one's... it's different. XD it's a "reverse harem" story that gets pretty squicky. I'm not entirely sure how much of my original plan to keep. A never had a hand in any of this (though a mutual friend of ours, L, was briefly trying to help me with Dying Breed before she had to bow out) but just because it didn't come from our 2 AM spazz sessions doesn't mean all the ideas are good lol.
And then there's Heart and Seoul, which is actually a really long fanfic we wrote 11 years ago. We never finished it (almost, though) but it got popular for a while, so we decided to convert it to an original and, due to references mainly in DJ's story, it became connected to Crossroads. I was actually very happy to cut that lol. It's A's baby so I feel a little bad for saying this, but... I never loved that story as much as she did. It was fun for a while, but I'm so over it.
Valdell had its own trilogy planned, at first, too, but it was kind of just more of the same tired crap that one comes to expect from A - mpreg for the hell of it and a "doomed" romance. meh. On their own, they're not bad story elements if done right, but when it's literally every goddamn story she comes up with, it gets old real quick.
So that was Crossroads 2.0 - it went through many stages and rewrites, but that's the basic gist. We had this whole interconnected Whedonverse concept, and an MCU Phase 1, 2, 3 thing going on (Phase 2 was kicked off by one of the Valdell Gods getting fed up with all the mortals' bumbling and erasing all of existence except his home and the other Gods. his wife flipped shit until he remade it. DJ was brought back as a girl. wife was like "fucking really? are you kidding me?" so he rolled his eyes and fixed it, and DJ got a Phase 3. also, Lucifer got 3 phases because of some shit with the whole killing Addie thing and a boy named Cole...)
It got...complicated, to say the least. Convoluted is probably more accurate. So when I made the decision to cut A out once and for all instead of spending my life in limbo waiting for her to suddenly become reliable, I cut like... that whole MCU concept. I also cut out a lot of what happened in Achlys, and around 20 planned books got cut down to 5. and the whole struggle with DJ... character arcs that I loved are gone, that whole awesome subplot I mentioned in Achlys? gone. which means I have to rewrite shit all the way back to the first book, because it was an underlying mystery that persisted through the whole series!
A lot of stuff, I cut because it was just bad. Whether it came from her brain or mine, or this weird hive mind thing we have going on when we're overtired, doesn't matter. It was bad. Some stuff was great, but I cut it because it was either her idea initially (she used to be so creative before she dug herself a little rut and decided it was comfy and dis is home nao) or tied into her ideas and characters too tightly. I couldn't cut her Achlys characters, for instance, without cutting that mystery subplot even though the mystery was 100% my idea, because we'd worked together on building the shit necessary for it to exist, and solving it for the reader hinged on A's characters in the Zephan chunk of the story. and none of that is there anymore. Zephan's not a part of this at all. That whole story line is gone.
Unfortunately, erasing the Zeph part also erases Leyna and her brother Lucian, and Lucian appears in DJ's story and that was a clever little tie-in before, but now it's just... a random boy who appears for one scene and is mentioned once or twice, and that's it.
So it's been a struggle, to say the least. I don't know if I should stick to my guns and keep this new, much shorter Crossroads 3.0, or rework it one more time to keep these elements I loved...somehow. ugh.
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The first time Jamie and yoga Tyler have sex Jamie goes to push Tyler's legs towards his chest and they just go so easily and and Jamie realises how flexible Tyler is and has to take a minute
okay now i’ve started thinking about backstory for this and it will put me in the grave.
tyler moves to vancouver after he graduates from university of toronto. he’s interning at a sports marketing firm, and just. fucking hates it. he tries to keep his chin up, gives his mom happy updates when she calls every week. but the truth is he feels like he’s slowly unraveling in this new city, and his hips hurt all the time from old hockey injuries. everything’s new, and he works such long hours and making friends isn’t as easy as it was in school. 
he adopts a dog and that makes things a little better. marshall likes to cuddle a lot, and tyler doesn’t know how he survived without him. 
he’s at an after work party, and it’s fine, it’s fun, the drinks are free, and he likes his co-workers just fine. but there’s definitely a part of him that wants to be back in his apartment with marshall instead.his hip twinges and he rubs at it absently.
his team leader’s wife notices and asks him about it. tyler tells her all about the hockey injuries, and she nods, tells him about rehabbing from playing college soccer. 
“you should try yoga,” she suggests, and gives him the name of the yoga studio she goes to. 
tyler thanks her and forgets about it for awhile. 
until one weekend when he feels like he’s aged 75 years overnight and sits on the couch with marshall all day, heating pad across his lap.at that point he’s willing to try anything. he orders a yoga mat off prime and looks up their class hours.
and then, he falls in love with it. 
first of all, his hips start to feel miraculously better. that enough sells him on it.
but it’s been so long since he’s used his body. with hockey, he used to be able to push himself to his limits and then keep going. with yoga, he learns, he can do the same thing. his body is still his, still has that same strength, and maybe he felt a little lost in a world where he couldn’t *use* it. 
he starts going to two classes a day. he works on his handstands at home while marshall yips and paws at him. it’s actually a great way to practice balance, with marshall pushing him off center and making him giggle.it’s not a lie anymore when he tells his mom that’s he’s doing good. work’s still boring, but at least tyler has something outside of it now.
so tyler’s getting really good at this yoga thing. enter jamie.
who goes running on the same route tyler uses to walk marshall. he’s getting up a lot earlier now to practice his flow, and maybe that’s why he’s never noticed the guy. but he’s really broad in the chest and always stops to pet marshall. “okay, marsh, let him get back to his run,” tyler says, pulling gently at marshall’s leash. “no, it’s okay!” the guy protests quickly, running his big hands all over marshall’s wiggly, happy body. “i love dogs, it’s not a problem.”he has these big kind eyes and his hair is kind of sweaty and flopping onto his forehead.“he’s going to follow you home if you keep doing that,” tyler jokes.the guy shrugs, smiling gently. “i’d be okay with that.”tyler feels out of breath the whole walk home
it keeps going like this for *weeks*. tyler doesn’t even know the guys name, but he’s soft spoken and makes stupid jokes and marshall actively looks for him when they’re on their walks now.and then the guy shows up at tyler’s evening yoga class.
“hey,” tyler says, surprised, when he notices the guy unrolling his mat in front of him. the guy lights up with a smile. “hey!” he says with genuine excitement. “sorry, i don’t know your name! marshall’s dad, right?”tyler laughs and holds out his hand. “yeah, tyler’s my actual name.”“jamie,” the guy, jamie, says, and then grimaces. “please don’t judge me. my sister got me a class here for christmas because she thinks i work too much. i’ve never done yoga before.”tyler giggles, and promises. but.fuck, jamie is bad at yoga.
when they’re rolling up their mats, jamie is drenched in sweat and tyler is full on laughing at him now. he managed to hold it together during class okay, watching jamie fall out of his lunges and curse quietly under his breath trying and failing to hold tree pose.but now that class is over, tyler lets it all out.
“i asked you not to judge me,” jamie says, sheepish and still redfaced from exertion.“i’m sorry, dude. i didn’t expect it to be *that* bad.”“yeah, well.” jamie wipes his face. “you’re incredible, so i guess you’re allowed to judge.”tyler heart flips a little at the praise. like it always did when one of his teammates slammed into him to celebrate a good goal. “i’m alright,” he shrugs, and crosses his arms because it makes his biceps look really good. and, okay, he knows he’s better than alright. but there’s always room for improvement. “i haven’t been doing it very long.”jamie looks surprised. “really? fuck, now i’m really embarrassed. you’re amazing, seriously.”tyler shrugs again, blush spreading over his cheekbones. “thanks. that’s cool to hear, man.”
so jamie asks for tyler’s number and asks him out to dinner and they fall really hard, really fast.
jamie works at a startup he helped get off the ground after he graduated from school. jamie and tyler are dating and it hasn’t even been a year, but they’re in deep.and then jamie’s startup gets bought out. and they’re promoting him to CTO. and they need him to relocate to dallas.so jamie makes tyler dinner and drops all this information on him and tyler’s kind of in shock and kind of steeling himself to get dumped. 
then jamie gets down one one knee and proposes.
“will you marry me? i can’t imagine making this new life without you.”
tyler cries a little, and punches jamie in the shoulder. “you fuck, i thought you were about to dump me.”jamie’s crying a little bit now, too, laughing wetly. “so is that a yes?”“yes,” tyler says. “that’s a big fucking yes.”
and jamie slides the ring on tyler’s finger, kisses his forehead. his eyelids. the end of his nose. and tyler just clings to his arms.he gets to have all this. all of jamie, for the rest of his life.
so tyler quits his job, which is great because tyler hated it anyways, and they pack up and move to dallas.jamie buys a huge fucking house with big windows that let in the early morning texas sun. tyler starts looking for a job, but he’s not really feeling… anything.
jamie tells him to take his time, no rush.tyler adopts another dog. he finds a yoga studio he likes but it’s not great. but that’s okay, he’s getting more into his home practice anyways.
starting the instagram is mostly out of boredom. jamie works a lot, and tyler wants a way to track his progress. when he starts getting followers and views, it’s a bit of a surprise.but tyler loves a challenge. on weekends, jamie acts as cameraman so tyler can take pics in cool backgrounds and nature. tyler jokes that jamie’s his instagram husband.
and it’s jamie who says, “i think you should stop looking for a job. you’re really good at this. i think you should make a go of it.”because tyler always hated working in that corporate atmosphere. he honestly can’t think of a job he’d be as happy with as he is coming up with new insta content. and he gets to hang out with marshall and cash all day. and his practice is growing in leaps and bounds.so tyler adopts another dog, and commits to it, 100%.
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hellojessicabrown · 6 years
Back to Work + Getting Derailed Again
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Good Morning Friends! Another week has come and gone so it’s time for a recap.
Let’s go back to last Monday which was my first day back to work. It had been almost 2 weeks since the last time I had worked out with any kind of weights and direction so I set my alarm for the normal 5:30am and got to it. I was a little worried about my back so I opted for a 30 minutes A Little Obsessed core workout. To my surprise I was feeling much better! I had some time to foam roll and then I hopped in the shower.
I know you probably think I’m crazy but I was ready to get back into a routine and there is nothing like a 9-5 to keep you on track. It also doesn’t hurt that I love my job. I spend the day helping people from all over with their missions to do good and there is never a time I don’t enjoy that. 
Jeremy was asked to sub for a volleyball league so the moment I got home I threw together dinner so that he could fuel up before playing. I made some easy tacos fajita style. When he left Ke$ha and I set off for a walk.
My new goal, especially after getting hurt, is to make sure every day I reach 10,000 steps. Even if that means running a circle in my house to hit it I’m going to do so!
On Tuesday morning I work up with a headache so instead of working out I prepped dinner so that I could do a booty workout when I got home from work. I chopped a whole orange pepper, 1/2 a yellow onion, 1/2 a red onion, 1 head of broccoli, 1 container of while mushrooms and two carrots. I also diced up two chicken breasts and popped them back into the refrigerator for dinner.
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When I got home I really did not want to work out but I pressed play anyway and didn’t regret it. With dinner being prepped it took no time at all to throw together. As you may have seen on my Insta stories I forgot to make rice... I put everything else together and started on rice. Good thing brown Basmati doesn’t take that long to cook.
Jeremy had plans with one of his friends so I got Ke$ha into her harness and we set out on another walk. I couldn’t pass up the chance to hit my steps in 50 degree weather. That’s more like it St. Louis!
Wednesday morning rolled around and I could tell my back was starting to get sore. Instead of an arm workout I took a shower, cleaned up the kitchen a bit and started some laundry. I am still working on listening to my body. I made it my goal to hit an extra 5,000 steps if I wasn’t going to work out. I felt doomed by 1pm because I was only at about 2,000. It was time to kick it into gear! I ended up only getting in my original goal of 10,000 because that is when the week got derailed. 
I wasn’t sure how I was going to handle this part of the week. Would I want to talk about it? Would it be okay to talk about? I’ve decided it is all part of my journey so I am going to do what I can with it. 
While at work Wednesday I got word that Jeremy’s grandpa had been put in hospice. We were not sure the severity of it but had plans to go grocery shopping when I got home. We got through the list of random things we needed and then ended up back at home with a pizza and some chicken. 
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After eating we got settled in for the night right before receiving a phone call that we needed to come say our goodbyes to his grandpa. It was like it happened so fast. One minute I was eating dinner and the next I was focusing on changing into clothes and driving to the hospice center. 
I only managed about 6 hours of sleep before getting up for work on Thursday. I spent the morning so sick to my stomach. A workout was also out of the question. Around 11:15 am I got the call that Jeremy’s grandfather had passed and that they couldn’t get a hold of him to tell him. I kicked into crisis mode and made the phone call I never wanted to be responsible for. I still cringe at how unprepared I was to deliver this horrible news. 
Thursday seemed to fly by in a whirl. I stayed at work until 4 pm and then went to have dinner with Jeremy and our friends Dan and Katie. These two. The real MVP’s in my life this last week. Just picking up all of our broken pieces. I cannot thank them enough for their friendship. Jeremy and I ended up playing volleyball for another team before our playoffs game. We lost but at that point, we were over that day.
Friday I decided to work because there was already people gone that day and I didn’t think I could stay home and do nothing. I posted that this was my lunch and then Jeremy ended up coming to have lunch with me. 
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The yogurt ended up expiring and my granola bar I had as a snack the following Tuesday. It happens. That night Jeremy helped me put together a really nice memorial for the funeral the next day.
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For a 3rd night in a row I running on less than 6 hours of sleep. The alarm went off at 6:30 am on Saturday and I was dreading the day. I got up and did my hair and took Ke$ha to daycare. She spent the day playing while we were out of town. I got back to the house by 7:10 am, got dressed and packed up all the things we would need for the funeral. We picked up Jeremy’s sister, hit the drive through at Starbucks and got on the highway.
Again, the day was a whirlwind. We made it home by 7pm. Thank goodness my mom is amazing and picked up Ke$ha from daycare for us. She was asleep in her bed when we got there.
I finally got some quality sleep from Saturday into Sunday, 10 1/2 hours actually! Jeremy and I decided to go looking for a ceiling fan for the bedroom and picked up coffee at Starbucks along the way. We also went to get his dad’s birthday gift and copy pictures from the memorial the day before. For lunch we stopped at Pieology for the first time. Our pizza had: Pineapple, Jalapenos, Chicken, Bacon and Garlic. 
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We also tried a Alta Palla Sparkling Lemonade. 
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When we got back to the house Jeremy’s cousin came over. That ended up being most of what we did Sunday night. He ended up spending about 8 hours with us.
While this weekend wasn’t our best I didn’t want to leave it out of the blog just because it might be easier. This is a very real sadness we are dealing with and I am so thankful to everyone who has helped us breath through the hard days. Hopefully I will have a sunnier recap for next week and starting this Friday I’ll be getting back to vacation posts starting with our trip to the beach with Ke$ha.
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