#and also for fuck's sake real life people don't queerbait jesus fucking christ. like that's just not something people do.
finexbright · 2 years
cannot believe this is even a topic of discourse when it really, really shouldn't be. not everything is twisted and plotted. the simple honest truth is that louis acknowledged publicly how only the brave has taken over a completely different meaning by fans and is now a queer anthem played everywhere and THAT is something we should be proud of, for us and for him. that means that he sees the seas of rainbows, the colourful lights and fans adorned in rainbow colours and knows, and relates, and empathises with that feeling of belongingness and community and we should all be proud of what we, him and us, created together ✨🌈
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sherlock-is-ace · 5 years
About your post regarding bothering Neil, can we also talk about how people absolutely won't accept the "they are sexless" thing. Like somehow Aziraphale and Crowley aren't truly Gay™ unless they want to have sex. I do get the criticism of Neil, but also it really feels like people don't want to accept an asexual couple
  Hi anon, sorry it took me this long to answer, I was gonna do it sooner from my phone but the answer was too long and I needed a keyboard lol.
  I agree, people are so obsessed with sex that they think that’s the only way a couple can be “canon” even in real life… Besides they’re also forgetting that even if they could/wanted to have sex, there’s a billion other sexualities they could be…
  Besides, Neil has established that none of the angels, none of the demons, not God nor the horsepersons are gendered… None of those are human, if they’re “not bound by physics” and their “geography is immaterial”  then why is it so hard to understand that they don’t have a gender nor a sexuality?
  I’m personally so happy that we finally got non human characters behaving non humanly for once. I’m so tired of robots and animals falling in love, and supernatural creatures and aliens with the same morals and ideals as the human race… They’re fictional races, you can even argue that none of those exist, then why limit yourself by human standars?!  And here I am, quoting Roswell New Mexico but it is true: “we are literally aliens and you’re gonna hold me to some outdated binary of sexuality?”   Like I get it that the point of Crowley and Aziraphale is that they’ve been on Earth for so long that they’re used to a human lifestyle but that doesn’t change your sexuality… if you are, per say, asexual because you don’t experience sexual attraction then it doesn’t matter how many allosexuals you meet, you won’t catch it… We would all be straight if that were how it worked…  And the gender thing… even if they did experience sexual attraction towards each other… neither of them are male, they’re not the same gender, because they don’t have one so they can’t be gay…
  Now that said, of course we, as humans, with our human words and lables, are gonna see them and lable them judging by our standars and our interpretation… but that’s my fucking point… Do it, lable them, headcanon them, interpret them as whatever you want! But don’t go after Neil for not using that one word you think he’s obligated to use. Neil has been delightful about this, making it so easy for all of us to just go for it with whatever we think, yet he’s getting so much hate, being called homophobic, or aphobic, and people saying that he’s queerbaiting… The alternative is him imposing his view of the characters (aka his work btw…) by telling us we cannot see them as anything but what he says they are, is that better? Like, do you think that even if he says “oh yeah, they’re two human males and gay and have sex with each other” (a la JK Rowling) that means that all our headcanons are automatically shut down? that we can’t think differently? No, that would just give people an excuse to fight over headcanons and ships like they do in every other fandom because “ThE wRiTtEr sAid blah blah”…
  People wanting Neil to #confirm that Aziraphale and Crowley are gay, are just looking for an excuse to be aphobic to the people who can finally see a couple on tv who don’t even kiss!
  Besides these characters have been in people’s lives for almost 30 years now, a tv show, or a word from just one person (and only one of the writters at that) is not going to change what they’ve first thought about Aziraphale and Crowley. I strongly believe that this “he needs to say they’re gay for representation sake” is coming mostly from new fans who haven’t read the book or that read it after watchign the show…
  And last thing, to people who say Good Omens is queerbaity… why? what makes it queerbait?The fact that they don’t kiss? We don’t see people shitting in tv shows either, does that mean they cannonically don’t poop?The fact that they didn’t say “I love you” to each other? Isn’t it fucking enough that they continue to save each other’s lives, risk their own lives for each other, defy literal God and literal Satan for each other?
And if you really need the word of Neil Gaiman to be happy… Then isn’t “they love each other” enough?!
Jesus fucking Christ, people!
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