#and Grima/Naga get another kid
noonslullabies · 1 month
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I decided to call this kiddo, Viatrix, and got her as a free summon!!
Her existence is quite sad. She's an artificial being whose personhood is tied to a crown, and its so difficult not to read her lines as being said by someone much younger than Veyle. A reverse young Tiki, if you will.
FEH gives the means to heal the fallen, so maybe the Order's chill atmosphere will allow her to grow. If not, I still have my pen!
According to the note I made when playing Engage last year, she got 3 potential nicknames Vi/Via/Vivi.
I came across the name when looking up things about Genshin Impact (can't play so reading instead), and its the name of Lumine's constellation.
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Back in Jugdral with the Three Frat Houses AU for another important question (and actually a post I started to write before I went on a tangent about the Crusty Old Cult Leader Dudes):
What Is Loptous' Deal.
We know Manfroy's deal - he's trying to resurrect Loptous so that it can destroy the world, and he's trying to do this before A) the Grimleal resurrect Grima to destroy the world, B) the Duma Faithful convince Duma to conquer the world, or C) the Agarthans successfully infiltrate the Loptr Church, the Duma Faithful, and the Grimleal, and kill their gods.
However, we have several possibilities for Loptous:
1. Grima et al. Have A New Compatriot: Loptous presumably exists somewhere off with the other dragons and is paying absolutely no attention to the humans vying for his attention.
Pros: makes everything much much easier for Sigurd and Deirdre and they deserve it after what they go through in canon; one may consider the drama happening behind the scenes between Naga, Duma, Mila, Loptous, Grima, and the other dragon gods who are detached from the everyday.
Cons: no drama happening in the foreground in the everyday situations of the main cast
2. Sothis and Foresti Have A New Compatriot: Loptous is Julius' pet lizard and communicates with him in vaguely prophetic dreams which he ignores.
Pros: Foresti-Loptous slapfight except they're both lizards who are less than 5 inches long combined; Julius and Uncle Lewyn have this weird point of connection and bond over it; does anyone remember that viral twitter thread about the guy who ordered crickets and they got loose everywhere? that's Sigurd trying to facilitate his son's interests.
Cons: if Loptous is hanging around being a menace to Julius I want it to have begun at a very young age* and I don't think that even Deirdre would think that letting a two-year-old have a pet lizard is a good idea.
(*Canonically, Julia notes that Julius used to be a kind boy before he was influenced by Loptous and became a terror when he was older. The reverse will happen in this AU. Loptous influences Julius to be the absolute most menace of a toddler that anyone has ever known, who attends a different preschool than his twin sister because he got kicked out of his first preschool for biting other kids all the time. Then when Julius is around 8 years old, it's like a switch flips as he thinks "hm, I don't need to follow every impulse that I have, do I?" and Loptous ineffectually rages.)
3. Some Kids Have Cool Imaginary Friends But All I Got Was This Horrid Beastie: Loptous is simultaneously Julius' (not-so) imaginary friend and the monster under Julia's bed.
Pros: I think that the twins should be really weird kids and this fits the bill; duality of how Sigurd and Deirdre would handle combatting a monster under the bed (Deirdre does forest witch things to reassure Julia that monsters can't get to her; Sigurd gets a baseball bat).
Cons: there is a certain level of shenanigans that can't happen when you have an incorporeal dragon known only to two people.
4. Where'd This Fucked-Up Haunted Antique Doll Come From: Loptous' spirit lives inside a haunted doll plushie that Manfroy tossed into the yard in the hopes that one of the kids would pick it up.
Pros: similar vibes to Option 2 but Loptous has infinitely less dignity; Julius being in high school and still having this beat-up dragon plushie living at the bottom of his backpack is a really cute thought even if the plushie is evil.
Cons: similar to Option 3, as the plushie would not be able to navigate the world on its own.
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dentos-wife · 1 year
That's the last anon about the canon stuff here! What I meant is that making a pairing canon with two characters being siblings while allowing the players to make others allowing the players to make marry said characters sounds like a cursed idea. For example if they made Chrobin canon than Morgan and lucina would be canonically sibilings but in normal circumstances Morgan and Lucina can get married so imagine if they let this option available provided that you make another father fro Morgan while knowing who is canon dad is !!
and the multiverse thing was used to explain time travel in Awakening. You know ? alternate timeline and stuff. Like in the drama Cd they explained it's why the future Ylisse would still remain destroyed and why the future units are still orphans no matter what. For example, in Hiddent Truths, the Trio first begged Anankos if he could revive their parents and Emblem Lucina speaks her father as dead. This confirms the fact that Awakening relies on several branches.
Ooooh I get you I get you. Yeah see that option is why I personally think nothing will ever be canon just inferred like they've been doing. That said while Chrobin is pretty pushed, if someone would rather ship Lucina and Morgna people shouldn't get mad, because in that person's canon obviously they aren't sibilings. Or maybe they are, and they want to ship them anyway, that's odd to me but I have no right to judge someone's fictional preferences
And yeah the future line stays the same no matter what I think the new line is just an off shoot? Kind of like how Madoks Magica does it? Instead of Lucina trying millions of times it was once but I think all these lines is the best way to describe it. Also the ruined future Naga sent Chrom and Robin to to interfere wasn't even the og place Lucina came from it was another one so there's probably a bunch of lines out there. And only those two, our plot, and the one that Naga interfered in are the ones Grima failed in. I dunno man time travel and lines and all this stuff is honestly too much for FE to handle I'm stunned we never got an Awakening anime or manga to really go into things, Fates got that Leo manga that really helped explain a lot about Rev for example.
I also think it's a strong possibility because we know Robin wasn't the same person in the OG timeline he wasn't as close with Chrom and thus there was not as strong as a bond and Lucina has a different parent in the og line then the new line, heck the kids could even all have different parents (they don't but it's always a possibly the butterly effect and all that) Grima did say touching Robin knocked his memories out and it was amnesic Robin who was the one to for lack of a better term be Chrobin'd. What's Robin's true personality? Who knows, but my belief is Grima *is* Robin's original personality and Robin is amnesic Grima. So in other words the reason the new line didn't turn out like the first was Robin was just a nicer person. I have nothing to back this up and this is all headcanons but like...we also have nothing from the og line so people can make up stuff as they go lol
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iturbide · 3 years
Seeing the Sumia breakdown reminded me no one asked about Chrom, so... Chrom character breakdown so the whole trio is together? :D
You know what, you’re right, we do need the whole trio together
How do I feel about this character?
He’s just.  So amazing.  I didn’t go into Awakening completely blind, but I had no idea what Chrom was really like when I started, and within basically five minutes I knew that I wanted to marry him.  (This was a problem because I went with the beanpole on my first run and was playing the game straight, meaning I had no gay romance options; I consider this a travesty and it may have contributed to Future Built).  I showed a friend of mine the opening movies, and when we got to the one with Chrom and Lissa, right after Chrom helped Robin up off the ground and smiled she said, entirely unprompted, “I feel like I’m being seduced.”
And what’s so amazing about him is that it’s entirely uncalculated.  He’s not trying to charm people, he just has that way about him: he’s open and earnest and wants to help people, even if that means getting into dangerous situations -- and on top of that, he wants to trust people even if he’s told he shouldn’t.  He and Lissa might make fun of Frederick and his wariness, but honestly the man has a point; the fact that Chrom would rather let Frederick watch his back for him and give people the benefit of the doubt, rather than letting that mindset infect him and distrusting strangers, is so heartening to me, and one of the many things I really do love about him. 
He’s also flawed, though: he’s by no means a perfect person, and is susceptible to doubt and anger both.  Even if the game doesn’t give it the attention it deserves he has conflicting legacies that he’s trying to measure himself against: his father the warmonger, who he doesn’t want to be like but fears he’s becoming...and his sister the pacifist, who he wants to live up to but fears he’ll never manage.  It makes a fascinating internal character conflict and helps round him out further into his own person, rather than being just another generic blue-haired Lord.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
ROBIN.  From day one it has always been Robin, because the entire game revolves around the bond between these two people.  Even if you don’t marry Chrom, the fact is that he and Robin trust one another implicitly, such that Lucina’s herself knows that the person he trusted most in the world took his life; she might not immediately put the pieces together, but it speaks volumes for their relationship.  And honestly, the way it’s built, especially in the M!Robin supports, is so incredible: the trust and care between these two people who want to help each other and who can and do rely on one another is incredible, and makes a rock solid foundation for romance down the line.  They’re just amazing together and I love it.
Also I wholeheartedly ship him with Sumia because she’s wonderful and brings an entirely different set of skills and outlooks to the table that I think can and would be very useful to the halidom as it continues to grow under Chrom’s watch.  And yes, it’s improved 5,000% when he’s with both Sumia and Robin together (because I stand by my OT3).
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Sully, hands down.  I’m pretty sure in their supports they talk about how they’ve known each other since they were kids, and I really love the idea of these two growing up together, training together, becoming super tight as friends and being constantly ready to have each other’s backs.  Sully also makes a fantastic wingman for Chrom, let’s be real here.  Vaike is another that I really enjoy, because the idea of them having this friendly rivalry where they’re constantly sparring and trying to one-up each other is really fun.  Having them be just a chaos trio together is one of my favorite things and I really need to find a place to put that in because it’s arguably hilarious to think about Chrom getting terrible advice for how to flirt with someone from Vaike and getting smacked upside the head later by Sully after failing spectacularly with it.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
He’s really not that dumb, you guys.  Fandom loves to play up that one line from Gaius’ support with Olivia about Chrom eating an unpeeled orange (which may not even be true, it could have just been Gaius trying to make Olivia laugh), and conflating it with the idea that he’s dumb as a box of rocks.  There is very little that frustrates me more than the whole “moronsexual” joke that runs around fandom with regards to him and Robin, and it’s just not fair to Chrom as a person.  He’s not an idiot: he can do dumb things, like most people, but he is also a very capable and considerate person, and an accomplished fighter: if he were really as stupid as fandom likes to play up, he’d have been dead before getting any kind of proficiency with a sword.  Just because he can lose focus and mess up doesn’t mean that he’s a hopeless idiot.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
Okay so this is probably weird but I honestly wish that he’d tried to talk to Grima in the end.  Most of the conversation after Validar’s death at the Dragon’s Table is between Robin and Grima, and the final battle starts with the call to arms rather than any attempt to engage with the Fell Dragon; basically Chrom writes Grima off as unreachable and a force that needs to be destroyed based solely on Grima’s words, Lucina’s news of the future, and Naga’s insistence that it has to be done...even though Grima doesn’t actually hurt them at any point before the final battle. 
Do you see how weird that is?  Grima could, logically, have gone ahead and shot Chrom through the heart with a Thoron at the Dragon’s Table, since they state flat-out that they were the one who killed Chrom in Lucina’s timeline and that they share the same Heart of Grima with Robin, so it arguably would have fulfilled the same purpose regardless of whose hand summoned the spell -- but they didn’t.  They talked a big game and the giant dragon came back but Chrom at no point took fire from Grima -- heck, even after raising the dragon form Grima lets them go, flying off past Origin Peak and letting them parley with Naga.
Considering the fact that Chrom made an attempt to talk Walhart into a laying down his arms and forging an alliance, and willingly engaged twice with Validar in good faith (once after the events at Port Ferox, once after returning in hopes of acquiring Sable), it seems bizarre to me that he wouldn’t do the same with Grima.  He’s been trying so hard to hold true to his sister’s virtues of peace, of trying to talk rather than going immediately to arms the way his father would have, that it feels like he’s backsliding in the final battle when his quote facing Grima in combat is literally “I come to end you.”  I just wish he’d remembered Emmeryn’s ways in that moment, and at least tried; even if it failed like it did with Walhart, it would have been a powerful reminder that he’s still trying to live up to the best influence in his life.
Give Me a Character    
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crystalelemental · 4 years
Grima: “Ah, springtime.  A time of warmth.  Of growth, and life.  The perfect time for EVIL!  SUMMONER!  Cast the stones, and bring forth our new batch of fallen heroes!”
Summoner: “K.”
Grima: “Ahahaha!  Yes, show me the darkness that has crawled into this land!”
M!Corrin: “I...I’m a monster...”
Grima: “Oh Naga, not this shit again.  Another candy-ass do-gooder too afraid of their own power?  And you’re just a less pretty version of the one from last year!  You two aren’t even evil, you’re just a disappointment!  Get out of my sight!”
M!Corrin: “Yes.  I don’t deserve better...”
Grima: “You, specifically, do not.  Now who else is here?  Give me something good.”
F!Ike: “Hate!  Hate!”
Grima: “Okay, a bit on the nose, but I’ll bite.  What’s your story, buddy?”
F!Ike, clutching the medallion: “I will wipe everything away!”
Grima: “Ah, another possessed of a cursed relic.  How droll.”
Yune: “Oh hey, it’s my old place!”
Grima: “Your...what?”
Yune: “Oh, I’m in there.  Chaos goddess sealed away.  Anyone who touched it directly without having the right powers went super nutso.  Not really my fault, mind you.  It’s just what happens when you imbue an object with pure chaotic energy.  The meatlings just can’t take it.”
Grima: “So you’re saying he’s not possessed?”
Yune: “Not really.  I mean sure, my influence is the spark that sends them mad, but the fall-out of that chaos?  That’s all them.”
Grima: “Huh.  I never would’ve guessed Ike had it in him.”
Yune: “You’ve never talked to Ike before, huh?”
Grima: “Irrelevant.  At last, we may have a proper lineup of villains this year!  Who else?”
F!Julia: “There is no way to stop the darkness encroaching on this land.”
Grima: “Like you already.  What’s your deal?”
F!Julia: “I am the scion of Naga, corrupted by the dark powers of the dragon Loptous.  I will plunge the world into darkness, by my own hand.”
Grima: “Okay, not entirely your own will, but hot damn if that’s not fun.  Didn’t think Loptous had it in him, given that he mostly goofs off with that edgelord’s body.”
F!Julia: “He doesn’t.  I’m here to finish the job for him.”
Grima: “...gold star, kiddo.  Who else?  There must be another.”
Lyon: “Yo.”
Grima: “Oh, you.  The kid who calls himself the demon king.”
Lyon: “Ah, I see you’ve met my shell.  I am the demon king, Fomortiis.  This boy, Lyon?  He sought to help his country and his world, using the power of the sacred stones that sealed me away.  Thought he could use their powers to tap into visions of the future, and heal mortal wounds.  He was right, it worked...but it also freed me.  I took possession of his body, and slowly consumed his heart and mind, then used his own country to bring chaos and disaster to the continent while reviving an army of demons to terrorize the world.”
Grima: “...”
Yune: “Are you blushing?”
Grima: “No, shut up.  Anyway, Fomortiis, you uh...you free?  I happen to be able to raise the dead again as monstrosities out for blood.  We could make a whole day of it.”
Yune: “Wait, I thought you and Idunn were a thing?”
Grima: “She never wants to do anything evil!  I thought she was cool, being laid back about the whole omnicide thing, but I’m starting to think she’s just a nice person who was told to do evil when she couldn’t refuse.  And that’s no fun at all.”
Lyon: “It’s been about ten minutes since I had a good village burning.  Let’s go.”
Grima: “Yes!  I mean, of course.  I’ll show you a place.”
Yune: “Well, good luck on your date, I guess?”
Grima: “It’s not a date!  We’re just getting to know each other by devastating a countryside.”
Yune: “Hey, sounds like a good time to me.”
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citadelity · 5 years
do u have any headcannons abt any other people in awakening?? 💕💕
let’s do the 1st generation shepherds! (excluding chrom and robin)
-Olivia, Gaius, and Anna are all Plegian. unless a Plegian is mixed, (common at the borders) Plegian hair is white, black (grey), and red tones. Sully and Miriel, however, are still 100% Ylissean.
-Libra serves Naga in one of the largest cathedrals in Ylisstol, hence why he’s so dedicated to Emmeryn. he’s heard her speak on every holiday that calls for her presence, and resonates with her yearning for peace.
-Tharja is agnostic. when you meet her, the first thing she expresses is her dissatisfaction with a blind cause. she doesn’t care for Grima at all, and would rather study her dark magic.
-Donnel is impressive with his knowledge of living off the land, and he’s a huge resource for the more aristocratically-inclined of the shepherds. he’s a more enjoyable teacher than Frederick, to be sure. Frederick himself is eager to learn all he can!
-Lissa litters camp with small gifts, pranks, and messages. she loves to leave a surprise for her friends, especially in the gloom of war.
-Vaike is ethnically Feroxi, born in Ylisse
-Sumia is precise with her hands, despite her clumsiness. she’s good at embroidery, sewing, and doily making, and loves to personalize things for herself and her friends. (also, she adores just about anything that’s pink.)
-Virion is the one who teaches Robin to dance for his wedding, at his own insistence. to his credit, he’s a fantastic teacher.
-everyone has chores they prefer, and Maribelle loves going into town for supplies. shes the best haggler of the group, and she picks out any injustices as they come.
-Stahl picks natural growing herbs to use in his own medicines on the road. the more curious and rambunctious shepherds (Nowi, Donnel, Lissa) caught on, and keep an eye out for them as well.
-Sully is a rough big sister type, hard on her friends-turned-family because of her trauma with loss after her two brothers died.
-Gregor is an animal lover, and enjoys the horses and wyverns regardless of if he ever gets classed into having one. when he’s not doing the more work-intensive chores for the camp, he’ll be in the stables, talking to the animals like they understand him.
-Miriel finds Panne to be invaluable, scientifically. she’s tasked herself with writing down every single piece of taguel custom and lore Panne can remember, before the world loses that knowledge completely… of course, Panne never asked Miriel to do this. (Miriel insists on giving Tiki and Nowi the same treatment, Nowi demanding treats as payment)
-Henry and Donnel bond well over backwater living. they’re both earnest, but come from opposite ends from the magic-versus-melee spectrum. when they hang out, either a miracle or a disaster occurs. (Donnel laughs at all of Henry’s corny jokes!)
-Olivia loves being included in group activities (especially girl groups doing tea parties or book readings), and is a natural born hostess. she anticipates her friends needs before they know themselves. also an empathetic crier.
-Nowi insists on stopping in town during festivals, and shows off her tricks to townsfolk of her own volition. she adores the attention, especially from kids, and lets them touch her dragonskin.
-Kellam keeps a diary, as a written record of his existence. he’ll also write down little moments on his journey he doesn’t want to forget, or recipes, or the progress of the garden he keeps with Frederick and Donnel. 
-Cherche is the mom friend. 
-Gaius can dependably sumrise the value of any given object. accuracy lowers with distance. when the Shepherds are at dinner, it’s not uncommon for the group around Gaius to be playing this guessing game with him, especially if they already know the price. the game steadily gets more challenging, and others will join. (Chrom is unnaturally bad at it.)
-Cordelia always prioritizes her job, so others around her can feel neglected. She’s bad with kids in the long-term because she’s in her own world, and bad at teaching because she’d rather focus on honing her own abilities.
-Lonqu has a refined palate, but will still eat anything set before him, regardless of how much he likes or dislikes it. There are few foods Lonqu will outright refuse.
-Ricken dives into any new interest head-first. He likes being able to do anything and everything, so that he can be useful lest he’s called upon. this only helps him when he ages into a high-order mage. and, eventually, he gets the height he always wanted… but never the bulk!
-the Shepherds as a whole are a big family, and it’s not uncommon to share clothes and food with one another.
-contrary to popular fanon, I believe the Shepherds are funded just fine. usually the problem is receiving gold from the capital, with the shepherds moving as they please–and the bandits have been getting worse recently.
-special mention: Emmeryn went on several speaking campaigns through the country when she was younger, inspiring her citizens (Vaike) and teaching Chrom the importance of direct action.
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luckythereviewer · 3 years
The Truth about Fodlan
This is certainly something a lot of people have discussed and looked into. Ever since the release of Three Houses as well as the Cindered Shadows DLC, people have been looking over ever detail they can find to figure out how Three Houses fits into Fire Emblem as a whole. Some believe it’s simply a different world, some believe it isn’t and there has been debates about everything for a while. Today, I would like to bring up some information that possibly clears up the confusion around Three Houses.
To start off, let me simply lay out the premise now. What if Fodlan is Jugdral 3000 years after the events of Genealogy and Thracia? I know that sounds crazy but think about it. In Awakening, a game that was suppose to be the last game in the series and give us one last look at the world that started it all long after Marth had passed, there is barely any mention of Jugdral. We travel all over Archanea, now called Ylisse, and go to Valentia, now called Valm, but we never see anything Jugdral related. The only time we ever see such a thing is during Chapter 22. The chapter where we face Risen Deadlords and some of them are wielding Holy Weapons: specifically, we see Valflame, Gungnir, Helswrath, Balmung, Yewfelle. Now whether the Risen Deadlords are the actual Dead Lords used in Genealogy and converted to Risens or simply a new take on the Dead lords of old is up to debate. The question here is, how did the Grimleal get their hands on 5 Holy Weapons from Jugdral when we have no mention of them throughout the game.
To this, I ask another question: how come the Three Archanea Regalias and Hauteclere are absent from Awakening yet rusted versions of them can be found in Three Houses? These weapons never have appeared outside the Archanea games (the sole exception being SoV but the fact they have to be forged makes their canonicity dubious at best) yet we can end up finding them by battling special monsters and forging the rusted weapon they drop. What’s even more confusing is how the in game description for Hauteclere reads “An Empire Wyvern Corps Axe, wielded in the War of Heroes, that has a high hit rate and might.” These weapons were used during events of the games. Mercius was used during the War of the Eagle and Lion and Gradivus was used by a defender of Fodlan’s throat. Parthia lacks a sort of description but 3 of the 4 having such descriptions means these weapons were used throughout Fodlan’s history. But that begs the question of how these weapons ended up in Fodlan? One would guess that, since they could be forged in SoV (something I don’t consider cannon) that it means they were forged in Fodlan and yet we have no one that takes credit for them. They aren’t considered Sacred Weapons forged by Maculi, They aren’t Heroes Relics made by TWSITD. They are not stated to have been made by the only other legendary Blacksmith, Zoltan. Meaning these weapons have to be the orignal Regalias and Hauteclere. 
With this we now have two questions from both Awakening and Three Houses. How did 5 of the Holy Weapons end up in Archanea and How did the 3 Regalias and Hauteclere end up on Fodlan? First off look at 4 of the Holy Weapons given: Balmung (a Sword), Gungnir (A Lance), Helswrath (A Axe), Yewfelle (A Bow). Then you have Mercurius (A Sword), Gradivus (A Lance), Hauteclere (A Axe), and Parthia (a Bow). Here’s my idea. During the War of Heroes, TWSITD likely wanted to give an edge to Nemesis and his army in the form of more powerful weapons. This lead to them getting into contact with the Grimleal in the early days after Grima’s first defeat. The Grimleal, likely aware of Jugdral’s amass of Holy Weapons, offered a trade. The 3 Regalias and Hauteclere for 4 Holy Weapons. Given that TWSITD likely did not know or simply could not make use of the full power of the Holy Weapons agree and threw in Valflame as a sign of good faith as well as an item they likely would not need, seeing as all of Fodlan operate on non-tome magic. Of course, the description for Hauteclere shows that the shipment carrying the Regalias and Hauteclere did not make it to TWSITD and said weapons ended up in the hands of the Empire. While some would say TWSITD wouldn’t be dumb enough to give away Holy Weapons, remember these are people who were arrogant enough to try and fight Sothis. From their perspective, they would simply see a group of people offering really powerful weapons with no real requirements and asking for weapons that nobody can make full use of in exchange. Then there is the questionability of TWSITD even having Holy Weapons and to that I say this: The Heroes’ Relic and the Holy Weapons act in such a similar manner that it’s very likely TWSITD found the Holy Weapons, found out what they were and how they worked and figured out they could replicate them if they took the remains of Nabateans and crafted them into weapons. Once they figured out how to do this, the Holy Weapons were just taking up space. 
Now that’s only the first piece of evidence but it’s certainly the biggest and one that took time to explain. These next ones will be much simpler and quick.
The second piece of evidence for this theory is the maps of Fodlan and Jugdral. When you compare both maps, they are very similar in shape. Given that we have examples of continents ending up with different names and changing over time, Archanea being Ylisse and Valentia becoming Valm. Given how Jugdral would have an additional 1000 years to change comapared to Valentia and Archanea, it’s possible that Fodlan is Jugdral after that long of a period. The only other thing of note here is how Thracia and Almyra play similar roles for Jugdral and Fodlan. Thracia tries to invade and conquer the Munster District while Almyra tries to invade the Alliance. The difference being Thracia does it due to lack of food while Almyra does so as a show of strength. Not as strong of evidence as the first example but it was still worth mentioning.
The final example is how the Nabateans were created. We know they were created by Sothis via her blood. Now, the first question would be why Sothis did it this way. If this was any world, why not simply have kids the traditional way as we’ve seen with almost all dragons in FE outside a few notable exceptions (Grima and Lilith being such exceptions). Well, playing devils advocate and saying Fodlan is within the world of Archanea, then people would quickly remember a certain issue that plagued dragons alongside the degeneration: their loss in fertility. These two factors are what lead to dragons becoming Manakete and stepping to the side to allow humanity to become the leading race in the world. Given how many crests there is in the game, there simply no plausible way for Sothis to have so many kids and possible descendants unless she went the blood route. Not to mention this explains why none of them are Divine Dragons like Sothis. (Yes the whole debate of if Sothis was a Divine Dragon or not is a thing but given how we’ve seen how dragons like Mila and Naga can not only control the passage of time but repair the lands as Sothis did after the war with TWSITD, it’s more or less pretty open and shut case Sothis is a Divine Dragon). 
Now as for how she discovered the whole creating dragons through blood method, there is only one known instant of a dragon being created this way before Sothis: Forneus. What’s even a odder coincidence is how Sitri, Byleth, and Forneus’ names are names of demons in the Ars Goetia. Sitri and Byleth being connected via this piece of trivia makes sense. Forenus, on the other hand, a person who only just got named during SoV’s post game, is something to think about. Regardless, Sothis had to have found out or find something that would give her the idea of creating the Nabateans via her blood somehow and Grima and his creation is a very strong possibility. 
Now some might bring up how they’re called Nabateans and not Manaketes or how the Crest Stones are something we’ve never seen before. To answer the Nabatean and Manakete thing, Manaketes are usually referred to as dragons who sealed their draconic powers into dragon stones. The name is likely just to avoid confusion. Ultimately, it’s a name. The core that makes Nabateans the same as dragons is the method of which they transform. We’ve seen how crest stones are integral to this, given what happens to Miklan and other characters that use the crest stones and end up as demonic beasts. We know that the crest stones are quite literally the heart of these dragons. What did dragons do to become Manaketes? They sealed their dragon forms in stones and took a human like form. This is the detail many have missed. Nabateans are not just a different race of dragons. They’re how dragons used to be before they were forced to take on the forms of Manaketes. The entire reason we’ve never seen these crest stones is due to the fact that, in Valentia/Valm and Archanea/Ylisse, dragons have either become Manaketes or they were well respected as to not have their bodies scavenged and turned into weapons. 
There are plenty more details I could bring up like Anna’s existing in Genealogy and Thracia, explaining the Anna we see in Three Houses and why she has a crest, and more, I think I’ve made enough points here. Maybe there are details proving this is wrong or something but this post was mostly to bring up a possible idea I don’t think I’ve seen people really touch upon in regards to Three Houses. 
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convxction · 4 years
/ / a thought i had but what if c.hrom dad did not die ? ? ? the thing happened 15 years ago so imagine he was maaaaybe rescued by someone either forgot who he was due to the trauma of losing the war or seeing things he did not imagine he would see like grima or, or, or, or he pretends that he forgot who he was because he wanted to start over after getting the news of his wife’s death, his eldest child is forced to clean up his mistakes etc. so he goes undercover idk where and vows to not appear ever again so his children can live without being forced to deal with him alive; they suffered enough even when he is dead. he could have started a new life with a new family in a way to completely forget and if that happens the thought of half-sibling for chrom and lissa will probably be . . . interesting to see. or he will vow also to not be happy and thus be forever alone me gusta vibe.
fun idea. ha ha.
until the half-siblings get the brand and whoops. is that naga’s brand kids? ARE YOU THE LATE EXALT HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? bitch we gotta go back to castle and claim what is ours--THE THRONE DA DA DA~ or not. stay away from the castle BUTTTTTTTTTT chrom is an unfortunate magnet so he will definitely be attracted to them one way or another haha ~
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lampsabout-moved · 5 years
hhhh awakening rewrite reboot
info under the cut
Alright so forever ago I had an AU called “Fire Emblem: REAwakening, which was a novelization/rewrite of awakening, to in general let me do whatever i want with the plot, while keeping in the same basic structure, and changing character details, the works. But then I realized my writing was bad and forgot about it, and now I’m revisiting it. fixing the bad shit in Awakening, like Henry, Robin, and Tharja all being plegians (a darker skinned people), but because they join your party and are good guys, they are lighter skinned. Same thing with Olivia being of Feroxian descent. since this is in fic format, the characters would have unique designs, and still use only a few weapons, but be able to branch out more and more. Some characters have changed classes, or are pre-promotes, etc, etc. Lucina never pretends she’s a guy, she introduces herself as Marth, and uses she/her right off the bat. She also never drops her Marth persona until she reveals herself as Chrom’s daughter. because i’m me, i’d prolly write some supports? idk which though.  Emmeryn kind of comes back? Like, not in the weird way it happens in canon. Emmeryn is revived by Naga, but it’s really just Naga’s spirit keeping her alive, so she’s a lot more Naga than Emmeryn.
Tharja! My Girl Tharja was dONE SO CRIMINALLY DIRTY! In this AU, Tharja is actually a bit of an aristocrat in Plegia, being high up in the Grimleal, despite not believing in their teachings at all, really only there to fuel her real passion, Dark Magic. Because of that, she is FASCINATED with Grima, a being made of pure dark magic and despair. Because of that, Tharja can sense Grima slumbering inside Robin, and that’s why she follows him around. She is in no way interested in him in a romantic way, but more of a “hey can I study your heart and maybe like, see if you’re harboring a dark god?” which also gives her more plot relevance!
this is kind of a nitpick, but lore to explain why Falchion looks different in different games? Like, Falchion takes different forms depending on who is wielding it. It takes the classic Awakening look when Chrom wields it, or a spear styled weapon when Lucina has, etc, etc, GRIMA ROBIN SHOULD HAVE FANGS, SIX EYES, HORNS, AND WINGS, ATLUS YOU ARE FUCKING COWARDS-
kids are:
Lucina: The oldest of Chrom and Robin’s kids, and future exalt. Has Chrom’s blue hair, with streaks of Robin’s light pink. Has the Fell Brand and Mark of The Exalt in opposite eyes. (I do what I want)
Marc and Morgan: Chrom and Robin’s other kids, twins! Marc has the Exalted Mark, while Morgan has the Fell Mark. (Marc = Male Morgan, Morgan = Female Morgan). Morgan has blue hair while Marc was Pink with blotches of Blue. Owain: Maribelle and Lissa’s younger kid, wanted to be a dark mage as a kid, and now has dark markings over his face and arms because of botched curses.  His personality is virtually unchanged form canon. Owain’s already perfect.
Brady: Maribelle and Lissa’s older child, pretty similar to canon, except he’s a troubadour, because I headcanon him as GNC! AlsobecausehelooksuptoMaribellealotandwantedtopursueasimilarpathasherbutshhhhh Kjelle: Daughter of Flavia and Sully (because i do what i want). Similar to canon, but some of her supports mention her being technically royalty. She hates it Severa: The rebellious daughter of Sumia and Cordelia. She’s one of the class changed characters, this time being a horseback mage. She specializes in Wind Magic (get it cause wind magic is good against pegasus knights), and dyes her hair a lot to defy Cordelia, even though Cordelia really doesn’t care. She’s also Lucina’s self appointed Retainer. Cynthia: Sumia and Cordelia’s other daughter, pretty similar to canon in personality, but what was i supposed to do? NOT give her a cheesy medieval super-heroine outfit? C’mon! Inigo: Son of Olivia and Panne, and yes, he’s a taguel. Consider for a moment, a taguel dancer unit. He’s a dancer who uses beaststones because not only is that metal as shit, but provides a really interesting class idea! He’s pretty similar to canon in personality. ALSO GeroAzu rights
Yarne: Son of Olivia and Panne, pretty similar to canon because i have, few ideas about our bunny boy Noire: We all know that Future Tharja was a massive dick to her family, and especially to Noire. Basically, Libra divorced F!Tharja, and they lived seperately. F!Tharja’s curses were still deep-seated into Noire, and created a bit of a specter haunting Noire. If you’ve seen BNHA, imagine Dark Shadow, but it looks like Tharja, is Noire’s shadow, and constantly feeds her insecurites. because of this, Noire has taken up being a kick-ass priest/light mage, in order to undo the damage her mother did. Reclaimation and Redemption babeyyyy
Gerome: Son of Anna and Cherche because I do what I want?? Not much but he’s also a big fan of merchanting. get it? cause dragons? he hoards gold? haha? Also he’s apart of the justice cabal fuck you Laurent: Son of Miriel, other parent unknown. I don’t really pair Miriel with anyone that often? So I left her spouse ambiguous. Laurent is still Laurent, and shares all of the child units brain cells with Lucina. Nah: Similarly to Laurent, I left her parentage ambiguous because EW! Nowi does not enter a relationship, because ew, and it’s implied Nah is from another timeline where an older Nowi had her. Maybe Manakete’s produce asexually? THe world may never know! Her hair color is a green-purple gradient, because it’s pretty I’m also considering adding more kids? Specifically for Kellam/Henry, Tiki/Say’ri, and Frederick/Gaius, but we’ll see. --- this got out of hand, so like, hmu if you have questions! i’d be happy to awnser.
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pendulumwing2 · 5 years
Dumb Headcanon about Crests
I have a headcanon for Fire Emblem: Three Houses that if, say, another Fire Emblem Lord or Noble or other important character from a different Fire Emblem entered the the world of Fodlan, their potential bloodline would manifest itself into a crest. And if should anyone in Fodlan get close to them and have kids with them, their kids (as long as they are born in Fodlan) could inherit that very crest, thus starting a whole new bloodline of crests.
For example; Chrom and Lucina, or anyone else related to them go to Fodlan, The Brand of the Exalt becomes the Crest of Naga. (Except Lissa cause she don’t have the brand LOL.) Robin and whoever is related to Robin comes along with them, Crest of Grima.
Or maybe, a Hoshdian Noble/Norhian Noble comes in. They’d get The Crest of The Dawn Dragon/Crest of The Dusk Dragon respectively. If they are of mixed blood, they’d get whichever is more dominant.
I don’t know if all the main Fire Emblem protagonists would inherit the Crest of Flames just for being the main characters of their games or not, though they probably wouldn’t since they aren’t the protagonists of Three Houses lol.
Also could you imagine the chaos that unfold if this actually happened in Fodlan? It would be nuts to say the least.
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drylicu · 5 years
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So I’m too excited to wait for my Three Houses verse to put it off till next week.
This is a verse shared with @drylic and we have explanations as to why the twins would be in Fódlan!
So to start off, this takes place after the events of Awakening in place of the Fates route.
Morgan and Marc knew they couldn’t stay for long because with the them from this time being born soon, they couldn’t have doubles. Robin doesn’t want to give them up though, different times or not, they’re still his kids and he loves them and would keep them. Although he did express strong concerns for the twins extremely antisocial behavior and dangerously unhealthy codependency on each other.
His solution? Send them to a school with other students around their age so they’d be forced to socialize and develop properly.
He purposely picked another school in a different country so that the twins wouldn’t be able to run away easily. No returning to him until their time was up, and no dipping out to try and get away from having to socialize since they’d be in a completely foreign territory. Robin had also requested that the twins reside in different classes. Sure, since they belong to neither Kingdom, Empire, or Alliance, it was easy to just drop them anywhere. He had them separated on purpose.
Marc was placed in the Black Eagles, and Morgan was placed in Golden Deer.
For the first month or two, the separation was awful for the twins. More so Morgan than Marc. Her separation anxiety and depression set in hard and she refused to speak to anyone in her class. Through the constant pestering of them actually trying to get to know her, she started opening up little by little. However, she finds herself closely drawn to Claude. He, like herself, is a schemer. She loves to think, to come up with new strategies. Him and his poisons and his general theories and schemes are entertaining for her. And she can amp them up to 1000 if not put in check. If Claude had a prank that would affect the class, Morgan would work it enough so it could affect all the classes.
These two together is really a dangerous team since they’re both basically chaos incarnate--
So now with some friends under her belt, Morgan is....okay talking to them now. She’s still relatively secretive, hiding that she remembers almost nothing from childhood, and only has vague nightmares of it. So instead, she speaks of her former time in Ylisse if asked about her home life.
Morgan and Marc share a room. See, they were given separate rooms, but just like in the Shepherds camp, they would spend most nights together, either reading or locked in a game of chess.
Morgan also enjoys games with Claude too. It’s fun to see new strategies and such. He’s a good opponent as well.
Marc’s protectiveness of Morgan is still really obvious, such as the way he will not let certain students or staff near her. He refuses to let his or her ‘crest’ be seen since it would reveal the mark of Grima for them. While there’s slim chance of anyone in Fódlan knowing of what transpired in Ylisse and Plegia, they’d rather not take any chances lest the be outed for being Fell children. Not to mention living in a church while under that status would not bode well for them.
Morgan and Claude are probably gonna be best friends by the end of the year, because they also share the same similar beliefs in religion. One, she is not of this country so she shares no attachment to the goddess. Two, she doesn’t even believe in the Divine Dragon Naga. Morgan knows she exists, however she refuses to worship her like others do. It’s a mentality of “If Naga is so good and protective, where was she when my brother and I were suffering” kind of mentality. And then of course we all know about her twisted and warped sense of love and adoration for Grima while also fearing him and being an absolute puppet for him.
With Morgan and Marc now in a completely different country separated from all of their ties from home except each other, sleep actually comes easier for them. They still have nightmares, but no longer being near the direct cause of them, and not being near that danger anymore lets them rest easier than before.
The whole ordeal of commoners and nobles boggles their minds since back home in the Shepherds, no one was separated by class. Everyone was on equal footing. Regardless, they have been registered as Commoners. They’re not even Nobles, they’re straight up Royalty to Plegia. They’re above being Nobles. However, that would out them and their origins, so they choose to simply be like the regular people.
This is what me and Ryan have come up with so far, so we’ll add more as we think it becomes necessary, but as of right now, this is it!
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pixs-pinings · 5 years
Alright so, the awakening self insert.
Pix, a Dark Mage- or a Manakete, depending on the version of the world you reside in. However, the Dark Mage world is the most developed, so let’s start talking about her.
Her body and spirit were picked up by the actual Goddess Naga, who wanted to do something with timelines. details unclear, gods can be tricky. Pix was given magical talent akin to her creative ability- a lot- and a dark mage outfit, then tossed into the world to fend for herself.
Pix woke up in a field, with 1. her purse, with her phone, 3DS, and other items that were in it when she transferred 2. weird new clothing on her body 3. a belt with a tome in the pouch on it??
and then there were bandits, which were fought off by... you guessed it... the shepherds. Naturally, Chrom asked if she could fight, and Pix “lied” (didn’t know) and said yeah she could, and then got recruited to the shepherds and got a room at the gallards or whatever it was called, i don’t know.
thus began the journey. Pix practiced with her magic and found that whoaaa it feels cool, but also wait, she feels some Dark Magic with this tome, but its sort of weird and blah blah, okay, shepherds find robin and the storyline of the games happen, but with Pix in tow...
except maybe not? i might change some of the plot, but i haven’t thought about that. Anyway, basically, while Pix is wandering through some towns, she hears an oddly familiar voice, and turns around to see none other than our lovely flirt himself, Inigo. She, of course, goes over to talk to him, and he actually is surprised by that because he’s still a bit immature and thinks nobody wants to talk- ANYWAY
he and her decide to go talk, and Pix, also being a younger teen at this point (the insert is like, 16 at this point,) decides to use Inigo for food. Because he takes his dates for food. What, she’s food motivated sometimes. 
So then she invites Inigo to the shepherds, and Inigo freaks out a teensy bit but doesn’t want to tell Pix because it involves meeting his mom (and Pix guesses that this might be the reason, but doesn’t want to make it clear to him that she knows this shit)
so, because Pix happens to be lucky, she also meets up with Severa (hasn’t met up with dude who steals her mom’s ring), Nah (doesn’t get stuck in the mansion), and sees Laurent but isn’t able to catch up to him. Well, Nah and Severa join the army, and- oo, change could stem from that...
that aside, Pix also develops her Dark Magic skills late at night, trying to figure out magical spells that involve the sacrifice but also don’t sacrifice living beings, and uses her knowledge of molecules in the air in order to Do Shit. Miriel stumbles upon this one day and Pix sweats about that. there’s a plotline there i’m sure.
blah blah blah inigo and pix get closer via late night talks and revealing their secrets before the two year time skip. Pix thinks ‘oh i’ve gotten over my feelings for Inigo now that i’ve spoken to him like a Real Person’, then talks to Severa and severa gives her this Look. 
Pix realizes later that she was really, really wrong. But WAIT THERE’S PLOT and feelings get shoved to the backburner until the kingdom is at peace and the shepherds are let out to do peaceful things.
theeeen pix and inigo get together and date sometime. during the time skip. not that they want people to KNOW THIS but they do try to get a house (and it works because this isn’t america) and go exploring because Pix wants to do more w/ her magic and they need work so they’re a mercenary duo
severa and nah join them so then they become a mercenary group because, for some reason, pix attracts the future kids like Flies (maybe some ocs but let’s not go that far) and Pix sweats every time the future kids try to go around the fact they’re from the future because Inigo has to go ‘she knows, actually she knows a lot??’
vague details because its vague, but inigo and pix become Romantic and stuff- and the other future kids are. kinda shocked. because it’s inigo. Then the two years of peace stop when valm’s invasion is heard of, and the group goes over to stop it at the port and, of course, meet up with the shepherds.
blah blah blah pix gets some pointers on making magic babies from Tharja and Henry blah blah mercenary kids join group and reunite w/ parents and heartwarming moments blah blah valm blah blah grima
i clearly haven’t thought out the game, sue me.
then after its all over, and Pix doesn’t go home, Pix decides to get working on making magical babies, and, after lots of slime piles with personality, Pix gets it right and makes Soleil! She has Inigo name the first successful baby. Also the slime piles w/ personality are their pets. Pix would’ve felt bad shoving them into the wild.
And then Pix got tempted to make another kid after raising Soleil for a few years and makes Luna, naming her, and then walking w/ her up to Inigo and going ‘hi we have another child now.’
and they live in peace, because inigo ignored the call to go to Fates. Nah picked it up instead.
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So when it comes to FE: Awakening I said once I hoped that Pokemon Mystery Dungeon time travel mechanics were in play - averting the bad future means that everyone from that future world disappears from existence - so that the game could emotionally ruin me as much as Explorers of Time did. That did not happen - I should have expected that from my experience with Three Houses, Fire Emblem games end quick and there’s not much time for wrapping things up, so they couldn’t/wouldn’t take the time to explain that and unpack that. Because that would kind of be a huge thing to deal with.
But I had these tags on that post
#you know that if this isn't how the game works itself out then an AU of that will be the first thing i do #bc man. pmd explorers. few games have ruined me more than i was playing Explorers of Time 
and now that I know that the game doesn’t work itself out that way, I just said to myself "listen how fucked up would this concept be. And also how thematically interesting and complicated!” and then I wrote 2000 words thinking about it.
Naga told them that Robin was going to disappear with Grima’s death. Okay, fine - I mean, not fine, but they know that. Robin and Chrom are fighting over who makes the final strike against Grima because of that. Everyone is anticipating that.
What they’re not anticipating is when Lucina, Morgan, and the other kids to start fading away the same as Robin did, like the way the Risen crumble into dust, dissipating in bright light
“What’s happening?!” Chrom demands of Naga, because again, obviously, not expecting this. 
“They are children born of a future that no longer happened,” Naga explains. “How can they continue to exist when the world that they came from, the times that bore them and shaped them, no longer happen?”
The cost of victory is this: Robin’s life (it is unlikely she will return, Naga says, but Chrom has faith, he always does in Robin), and these particular lives of the children of Shepherds, children who wrote themselves out of existence so that another self would have a better future.
The cost of victory is this: Chrom has seen almost all of his family fall away from him. His wife, and his son and daughter, his nephew, and other comrades-in-arms and friends, are gone.
He still has a daughter, Lucina, back at the palace in Ylisstol, Lucina who is a child who has grown without her parents around - how old is she now? How long has this war in Valm and with the Grimleal lasted? Has Lucina learned how to walk and speak her first word while her father and mother were away at war? She was two months old when they left her; does she recognize Chrom when he returns?
This is Lucina and it is not Lucina and it will be Lucina and it will never be that Lucina. Chrom had a grown daughter who was strong and clever and beautiful and determined, who saved his life and saved the world, who inherited a Brand and a sword and the deepest grief of loss from him. Chrom has a baby daughter who will grow up with a Brand and someday a sword and never that grief from his death at her mother’s hand. She will have the life and the world that her other self fought for. Is this the same Lucina, or is it not? Did Lucina who went by Marth die just as she achieved everything she fought for? Or is there only one Lucina, one who will be happy now for never needing to fight a war and lose her parents, one who assured herself a better future and now gets to grow up in it?
Chrom is a firm believer in the future never being written in stone, in destiny being thwartable.
But what does it mean to write a new future when there are parts of the old that you miss so dearly and want back?
The Shepherds’ children from the future were their children and also, because of the unnatural time-travel-wrought closeness in age, their friends and comrades. And the Shepherds will someday have children again, but they will not be friends or allies in a war that was already fought.
What does it mean to miss a version of someone who will not truly exist like that again?
Miriel works on her experiments, refining techniques that she developed with help from Laurent, and she misses her son even though he is toddling around at her heels, chubby little hands turning pages of her notebooks. She can teach Laurent all that she knows and all that she learned from a him that no longer exists, but it will be decades before she can consult with him in the same way.
Sully knows why her future self, the self that she is becoming, stopped training Kjelle in mounted combat. Sully’s recent past self continued training Kjelle as the closeness in age meant Sully could always be right there in battle to protect her daughter - that she wouldn’t grow old enough to be sidelined while Kjelle was still fighting. “We can fight side-by-side for the rest of our lives,” Sully told a Kjelle that no longer exists, because she didn’t know or expect then, none of them did, that these children of the future would write themselves out of history. And the Kjelle who now exists is too small to put on horseback, and Sully wonders if someday there will come a war that Kjelle fights without Sully at her side, and she wonders if or when she would stop training Kjelle to fight on horseback.
Cherche has to explain to a confused wyvern what has happened to her “twin” and her other new, dear friend - dear family, in fact. But there’s a spark of familiarity in Minerva’s eyes when she sniffs newborn Gerome for the first time, like she knows before Cherche says it who this is, like they both know that one day this will come full-circle. Wyverns live for a long time. Perhaps one day Gerome will inherit Minerva as his mount, without Cherche’s death as the catalyst.
These children of a terrible future were precious and cherished comrades-in-arms, friends, and of course beloved children. It feels wrong to act as if they never existed. It feels wrong to try to keep them a secret talked about only among the adults behind closed doors. But does telling the children of the Shepherds when they are young about the people they in a different timeline became cast a long shadow?
What is it like to grow up in a shadow, trying to live up to someone else, when the shadow is that of your own self, and the someone else is you, but from a darker future that will never be?
How do their parents balance dwelling on a future that will never be, when they knew its inhabitants in the past that was.
Chrom carries his baby girl around the grounds of the palace at Ylisstol, showing her the hole he years ago broke in the wall where a Lady Marth once made her entrance. He shows her where she saved him from assassins, where he saw her face for the first time, not knowing then, of course, who she was to him. Not knowing then who she was to Robin, who was with him. (Not knowing then who Robin would be to him.) And then he wonders if he shouldn’t. If it will hurt Lucina down the road to be compared to a different version of herself. If it’s better that she’s so young that she won’t remember what he’s telling her now.
In averting the future that Lucina knew was written, Chrom and Robin were still following a sort of script. They knew what they needed to do, or not do. The future is open now, an empty expanse. Chrom does not believe in the strength of destiny; Chrom believes in the strength of people and the love that ties them together. Love, not destiny. Morgan is not destined to exist. Chrom wants Morgan to exist, because he loves him, because Lucina loved him and will love him again when he exists again for her to.
But there’s a certain fear that dwells within the blank slate of the future. Chrom believes in Robin, always and forever, and he will search the world over for her if she does not return to him first, because they are two halves of a whole and they will not let each other go. Robin will come back to him. He believes in that with his whole heart and everything he is, but it creeps up on him in the dark of some sleepless nights, with his young daughter cradled close, of what it would be like for Lucina to grow up without a little brother. For Chrom to never see his wife and son again.
Robin does return. Of course she does.
But how long was she gone? A week, a month, a year? 
She destroyed herself and Grima for the sake of everyone’s future. But the children of that future in some way destroyed themselves, too, for the sake of their own futures already past. To change their pasts in the future.
What it means is that Robin returns to a smaller family than she left. To no son at all, and a young daughter who looks at her and sees not her mother but a total stranger. And Robin barely knows her own daughter, either. The Lucina she knows was an adult, and is gone, and a memory.
The Shepherds’ children might grow up beneath the shadow of memories. And not just their parents’ memories of the person they were in a future that will never come to pass.
Robin dreamed memories of her other self, because they shared the same heart. 
And maybe that was because it was Grima’s heart, the heart of a nigh-godly creature, but hearts are strange things. Robin’s heart is made up of pieces of everyone she loves, now; it isn’t Grima’s. 
Maybe human hearts share memories - dreams - of a life that is past and future and will never be.
Robin doesn’t dream of new memories, anymore, because Grima is dead and her other self no longer exists. But the memories she saw before still haunt her in her nightmares. She saw them enough to remember them, burned into her mind like they are her own memories. Of a life that could’ve been and almost was and already was and is no longer where she killed Chrom. She herself knows the feeling of what it was like to strike at him; she pulled the (metaphorical) punch, but it would’ve been all to easy not to. Whether she made a mistake, or whether Validar made her.
All the Shepherds have nightmares about the war. That happens, because of a war. But Robin alone knows what it was like to have someone else’s memories as dreams. 
Robin alone can realize why it might be that Lucina wakes up crying so often in the night. Lucina doesn’t yet have all the words necessary to explain, not yet, still too young to comprehend the horrors that she lived in another time, but it becomes clear to Robin after she observes on several occasions that if Chrom wakes Lucina and sits with her, she’ll immediately calm down and drift back to sleep. But if Robin is the parent that she first sees upon waking, she’ll only continue to scream and cry.
“One of her last memories from her future self was of someone who looks like me possessed by Grima and trying to kill us all,” Robin says quietly, when Chrom has finally gotten their little girl back to sleep, held safely in his arms and her head against his chest so that she never saw that Robin was here, behind him. “And who knows if Grima in my body ever attacked her in her future. Of course she’s scared; she has those memories, and she’s too young again now to truly understand any of that.”
“To understand that it isn’t you she’s seeing,” Chrom says.
“But it was me,” Robin says. “I was her. She was me. I killed you. I was Grima. I killed Grima. It’s always me.”
“Not this you,” Chrom says. “Not this life. Not this time.”
Robin, too, knows what it’s like to be haunted by the shadow and memory of someone you could have been and once were and never will be.
#roddy plays fe:a#fire emblem chatter tag#this is 2000 words of me just spitballing BUT WHAT IF AND WHAT IF AND WHAT IF--#i know that morgan is from another alternate timeline and not lucina's future so like technically he doesn't have to disappear?#but nothing is done with that 'morgan came from an alternate timeline' plot and it doesn't really. serve anything thematically#and doesn't really build on anything so i'm just not going to concern myself with that one#and i'm just gonna have morgan be like the rest of the kids here#anyway i'm just really fascinated by the thought of what it would be like to raise your children having already met their adult selves#but knowing that they won't/can't become those exact adult selves because of such different circumstances#what is it like to miss someone who is still with you but it will be decades before they are almost the person that you miss#almost but never that person exactly. and what's it like growing up knowing that your parents love you with their whole hearts#even while missing a you that they knew and loved first who you will never quite be#i tend to hate time travel plots bc they bend my brain and i hate tripping over paradoxes when i think too long#and so i present this AU as me getting rid of the 'there's going to be two of the same people running around just 20 years apart in age'#'that's weird as hell honestly. that's super fucking weird what the fuck the writers just let that happen'#i loved the game but that's super fucking weird right??? i don't like that.#so thus i am thinking about a situation that would do away with that while also just being. weird but in a good interesting way to me#i might mess around and write something set in this AU today. or maybe one of the 12 other fea story ideas i have
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Do you think its possible the Awakwning Trio could possibly have a form of dracophobia what with a dragon literally destroyingtheir entire world. Laslow at least seemed to exibit at least some form of it through his support with Nah as Inigo (altho that could just be because Nah was a horrible person in that one) and Odin's fear of heights might actually be linked tk the final battle they had on Grima's back?
Given how scary Grima is, I’m sure the Trio (or any of the Future Kids) could have developed a fear of larger dragons because of that, sure! Maybe specifically when they see them in dragon form, though, since I don’t think they ever had a problem with Maketes or Naga, for example. Plus human Anankos seemed fine. But full on dragon Anankos might have given them flashbacks to Bad Timeline Grima, and that could definitely scare them! I think Odin’s fear of heights stems from Future Past DLC as a writing error (since the Trio we see in Fates is implied to be the Trio from our Awakening, not an alternate timeline), and later on in that Support, Odin has another moment of conquering fear on a bridge, further reinforcing that idea. But the final battle could have definitely exacerbated that fear too! They were all so high up! In Inigo’s support with Nah, I think that was more Nah purposely trying to scare him than a regular fear of dragons, but it’s certainly possible! Since Manaketes in general don’t seem to be a problem, though, it’s more likely to be regular dragons that might scare them.
(Also I want to defend Nah here because I don’t think she was a horrible person in that Support? Yes, it was mean of her to scare Inigo by turning into a dragon and she doesn’t mince her words either, but keep in mind that Awakening Inigo is also kind of an asshole? Which is something I like from a characterization standpoint, don’t get me wrong. But there’s a tangible difference between Inigo in Awakening and Laslow in Fates. Inigo in Awakening is just all around less mature and snobbish, and the reason Nah is approaching him in the first place is because Inigo’s flirting (i.e. harassment of women) has caused women to actually yell/hit him. So clearly he’s doing unwanted things that women are vocally upset at him for, and Nah is making a point of telling him to knock it off. She gets understandably annoyed when he doesn’t listen, and she’s not the first female character Inigo interacts with that expresses this same annoyance. She could arguably handle her interaction here more maturely, yes, but Inigo literally talks down to her about her childlike appearance and tells her to go ask “Uncle Chrom” for a “bedtime story.” So Inigo has some growing up to do as well. Which he does by Fates! And though we don’t see her, I’d like to think Nah does as well. So even if Nah handles things poorly here, I think it’s understandably so, and Inigo does some uncalled for things as well rather than stepping back and listening to her.)
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iturbide · 3 years
(same anon) Exile Naga is a concept i realy love and im so glad you liked it!! though i want to clarify that for max angst i mean that tiki actually dies from the ensuing war, and this is so when E!Naga ends up in Askr, she sees Tiki not only as a child but also a fully grown up by version, both surrounded by friends and family and her choosing to isolate herself bc of the logic of "i ruined her life trying to save it and i wont ruin it again"
okay but I don’t do max angst is the thing.  I can’t.  I even held out with fallen!Naga of all things and put my foot down when it came to hurting the Tikis.  My angst tolerance threshold is actually pretty low all things considered and also I can’t stand the thought of something so terrible happening to a kid who already has it bad in other AUs.  Fallen!Naga’s backstory is about as far as I’m willing to go when it comes to absent Tikis; I’d much rather Naga believe her daughter died when in actuality she’s alive and ends up safe and cared for, whether they reunite or not.
(Also it would make sense for humans to capture but not kill Tiki since she is so young: Duma might have destroyed their means of defending themselves, but taking a dragon so young and raising it themselves?  They could turn it into a weapon of their own in the event that dragons attack again.  And then Things happen and Tiki ends up in a better situation.)
But might I posit another option for Exile!Naga: rather than isolating herself from the various Tikis, she just chooses not to force engagement on them.  She doesn’t avoid them, exactly, but she doesn’t try to talk with them of her own accord, believing at first that the Nagas in other timelines must have made different, better choices that led to this Tiki’s survival and happiness...
Until she finds out from someone else about the whole ‘magically induced coma’ thing.
At which point she storms her way down to the creche to publicly chew Naga out for what she did to her daughter she didn’t treasure her she just cast her aside that’s unconscionable how dare she think to call herself a mother
...Naga eventually manages to get a word in because she’s aware of this now yes and she’s trying to atone for it :c meanwhile there are several Grimas hovering very close to Exile!Naga because she looks like a Naga but she doesn’t talk like a Naga who is this mysterious Hero
(basically Exile!Naga is getting adopted into the creche whether she likes it or not.)
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sentofighta · 6 years
The Theocracy of Plegia Headcanon post
In this post, I will try to write some headcanons for Plegia, kind of world-building to be a reference for myself and anyone who is interested to read it.
Please remember, these are mere headcanons, they are my own interpretation. If you disagree with something then I don’t mind discussing the points you don’t find accurate. There is no harm in checking other views, but please be polite or keep it to yourself. Suggestions and feedbacks are highly appreciated.
Special shout out to Jee @/stratesia for giving her opinion on some points~
Please don’t Reblog.
Plegia ペレジア, Perezia
I thought at first it might be a play on word (spelling i think) Plegia> Persia
Perezia is the name of a flower just like Iris (Ylisse)
I tried to look for the flower meaning but there is nothing. The only link is stated below in the headcanon of Religion.
Origin and History
Plegia is originally part of Ylisse, the content before the Schism event when The First Exalt with Naga’s help fought Grima and because of the immense power, the content was divided and thus having the awakening world continent.
After the schism, three counties were formed, Ragna Ferox to the north, Halidom of Ylisse in the middle and the Theocracy of Plegia to the west.
Some of the content here is shared with my previous ylisse headcanon so copy pasting some info here to connect the two posts together.
With the separation of the three counties, each country took a different path from the others. Ferox being in a harsh climate, was more of active of the two countries in terms of manpower and parties. Plegia to the south with its scorching desert life, the development was steadily but not very fast like Ferox and Ylisse in terms of trading business due to the lack of earthly materials like in Ylisse (farm yields and animals), Ferox (Ore, and furs.) Though, there are things that only found in Plegia like certain food spices, herbs, unique clothes textiles and dyes, exquisite make-up, etc.
The Grimleal in Plegia are a minority in Plegia and only grew with time especially in the game events. King Gangrel and his men were not Grimleal but they had to follow the cult for their own safety and the services they will gain from the cult.
After the separation, it was hard for the Plegian to fully operate with how harsh the weather is especially after they became independent from Ferox and Ylisse. Their livelihood was in a tie with Ylisse’s agriculture and meat products. and Ferox’s ore, manpower, and fur. They worked tirelessly to be a fully functional nation on its own that does not rely on its neighboring countries. Being a nation that is known for its dark magic, this enabled this to advance despite the harsh circumstances.
Plegia prospered during the time between their separation until the great war against Ylisse which Plegia suffered a lot. The truth that normal citizens of Plegia were the true victim of the war meanwhile any Grimleal were plotting from the back and escaped the war’s damage. The Grimleal played with its nation’s emotions saying that Ylissean wants them to become their slaves so they can enjoy their lives as their masters. Naga told them to take over Plegia and make it their own as it was once before. People were agitated with these false claims and sought to stop the Ylisseans--Chrom’s Father from invading Plegia. The cost of war was Ylisse’s almost destruction and Plegia while the Grimleal watched in the background this war. The Grimleal used their people to act as a human shield to protect their experiments and projects to revive their fell dragon god.
Reviving Grima was the Grimleal’s wish. As Validar said in the game that his Grandfather and father were failures to be the host of Grima even himself until he had Robin (Avatar) who was of pure blood to host Grima in them. The process of creating a suitable vessel was an ugly and disgusting one. A lot of experiments on subjects, children were torn from their parents. Subject after the other to create the right formula for the final product which was Robin. Whether Validar or Robin’s mother was a close being to Homoncluos (Grima in a way) that made Robin with a high success rate of being able to host Grima. Going by the events of SOV, Grima was made by Forneus and by the description, Grima resembles a homunculus in the way he was created and Forneus is an Alchemist so that kind of allude to that. Wouldn’t be surprised if Robin’s mother was a created being, homunculus to be able to give birth to Robin. Alchemy was lost because there was no mention to it in Awakening world. But surely the knowledge remains in the hidden abodes of the Grimleals.
After the Great war, Gangrel assumed his role as a King to the nation, a plan woven by Validar to dart everyone’s eyes away from the Grimleal as they plot their scheme to revive Grima from the shadows. When Emmeryn died, a lot of people who were affected by her sacrifice stopped fighting but sadly some were killed by true Grimleals or during the battle against the Ylissean army. Whoever could escape hid away and decided to start a new life.
When Gangrel was defeated, Validar took over as regnant King, making sure that the Grimleals are now the controlling force of the country; making it clear that the Grimleals are in power now. There was no need to hide their motives after finding Robin is still alive so the plan B they had, using the future Robin to assume the role. Validar aided Chrom’s army to defeat Walhart because he knew that Walhart if he reached Plegian, no one will be saved, not even the weakened Future Robin (Grima) from his wrath.
Once Walhart was out of the picture, Validar ought to steal the Fire Emblem and then fuel the Future Robin with power to regain the lost power they lose during their travel (and i assume reviving Validar as well?) even though the plan was to use the current Robin’s body but when they refused time was of essence so they had to move to use the future body (which is odd because they are not older even after they said that they did came with lucina so??? Maybe their aging stopped when they killed chrom or something idk man this game got a lot of ??? for me to think of answers im but i weak moogle.) Validar used the strong faith of the Grimleals to call them over to the Dragon Table to be Grima’s lunch. When confronted by Chrom and the company, these people were brainwashed, only speaking in gibberish
...the appointed...time...
...to the Dragon's...Table...
...our prayers...Grima…
Using these people so Grima can feed on them to be resurrected to its true form, however, the future robin mortal body remained as well. This could mean that the true form is mindless while the mind and conscience remain in the human body thus why Robin could kill Grima and end it. If Grima chose to get rid of the human body, I only assume that Robin would not be able to kill Grima and severe the ties between because his power is not equal to the current Grima so perhaps Robin should accept this current Grima’s powers if they want to destroy the future grima?? 👀
With the defeat of Grima, Plegia was left in shambles with the Grimleals are out of the picture as well. There is no information to what happened to Plegia next but I imagine with Ylisse’s help and Ferox, the people slowly regained the control of their country. Either Robin (Avatar) take their role as King/Queen but i kind of doubt that the people would just ‘yes we accept’ knowing that Avatar is Validar’s kid--the man who killed half of their people for a big ass dragon. This could require a lot on Avatar’s part to reassure the people that they can grant them the peace they want or surprisingly the people will accept avatar after knowing that they are the one who fell the dragon. Or it will be a democracy, they will elect someone to be their leader.
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Plegia comes between Halidom of Ylisse to the east and Ferox to the north. Plegia is a country in the Ylisse continent that was once one country with its neighbor.
Plegia is known to be a desert country evident with a map up there. There are little to no forest areas like its neighbor country, Ylisse. A lot of mountains and sand dunes. Plegia as any desert country, it is bound to have dangerous areas of quicksands often used by bandits to lure helpless merchants and villagers towards them so they can trap them. Unlike Ylisse, Plegia’s bodies of water are more active because the Plegian made a lot of ports to make the trades between them and the Valmesean easier.
Because unlike Ylisse, Plegia is pretty much has the same climate all over its land. Very hot humid, even scorching at summer, and slightly cold at winter. In summer, the days are humid and hot while at night, it can get a little chilly and even freezing at certain times. In winter, the days are sometimes cloudy little chances of rain depends on the circumstances and at night extremely cold due to the desert winds and being exposed to the sea. Nearby the sea, the air can be salty and suffocating for newcomers.  
Flora & Fauna
Since the climate is the same, the flora and fuana are pretty much the same across the land as well. Short plants in the desert area, different types of reptiles, a lot of wild birds like falcon and hawks, wild rabbits, coyotes and gazelles which often found near the border pass between Plegia and ylisse. Between Ferox and Plegia at the border wastes, some giraffes and elephants might be around.
As the name of the country suggests, it is religion based country, more like a forced one. The government is hereditary from one leader of the Grimleal to another, most likely as Validar said, his grandfather, father then him and possibly Robin (Avatar).
Gangrel, as stated before he was placed to fuel the war between plegia and ylisse because he had the charisma and the drive to get people around him for that purpose--the revenge on the ylissean.
After the battle with Grima, the line of Validar--the Grimleals is over. The people either pick their own leader or accept Robin (Avatar) as their King/Queen if they wanted to serve their country alongside their friend Chrom being the Exalt of Ylisse.
The Law
The Law in Plegia is simple, Worship Grima, and hate Naga. The same rules that the previous Exalt had to not trade with Plegian or marry into them applied in Plegia as well. Who is caught to be trading with a Ylissean was immediately killed on the spot.
This to be changed slightly when Gangrel ruled because he wanted to use Ylisse for his revenge to he allowed some sort of trading to happen but with a lot of restrictions.
After the end of Grima, the laws are loose to let both trading and wedding from both countries without any sort of restrictions following after Chrom’s Laws.
The Hierarchy is simpler than Ylisse because it is simply:
The Hierophant (Grima)
The Grimleal leader and the country Leader, the King (Validar)
Right hand and trusted advisor (Aversa)
The Grimleals is definitely set to ranks but for my sake, they are three levels according to what the enemies we have seen.
High ranked Grimleal: Priests & Dark Mages & Scholars (Chalard & Algol)
Middle ranked Grimleal: Loyal Military Soldiers & Spies (Campari)
Lowest ranked Grimleal: Believers and worshipers of Grima
Military Commander (Mustafa etc)
The commoners
After the Grimleals ranks, who comes next kind of does not have any authority nor power except on those who are around them. Mustafa being the commander of the army that fought Chrom, it should be apparent that his loyalty to his people not the religion should be known by the Grimleal so I doubt he has any power except on the men around him.
The forced religion is worshiping the fell dragon Grima even though there are many around Plegia who do not worship Grima at all. The Religion was founded when the first fathers saw the destruction that Grima caused in his first war with the First Exalt. They sought his power for their own misguided ends. They wanted to obtain that power knowing that Grima had a pact with a human, they thought they could control this ‘God’ to do what they want. When Plegia was founded, I imagine it was their goal; to revive Grima so they can use him. Naga helped humans on her own, they wanted their God to be same; to help them realize their dreams and wishes; their own God that they don’t have to share with anyone else. These wishes developed and reshaped to be wanting destruction about everyone so no one can be better than them; total damnation to all even if the in the process they died at least their selfish wishes that no one be happy happen. Validar was revered among the Grimleal because in a way he was the host or almost was going to for their God. If Robin remained in Plegia, they would be worshipped as the Human that has the pact with Grima, their own God, their messenger for their God.
Note to Grima’s design, which is just my own opinion again but look at the picture
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The true form of Grima resembles Perezia, the flower that the nation is called after in the Japanese release. I don’t know if this was intentional or just me diving deep where it is not necessary. The right images are from here if you like to look at the other Perezia’s types because they are A LOT, i picked these two because they looked close enough to grima’s design imo. Just like Ylisse (Iris) the symbol is the flower itself, I think Plegia is the same. Ferox (Felia) on the other hand, their symbol is two wolves(?) animal motif instead of plant perhaps to represent the fierce nature of Ferox.
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Holidays & Celebratory Days
The day when Grima was fell the first time, is a day that all Grimleal spend it mourning their God’s long slumber and prepare a lot of sacrifices in hope for the day Grima is revived come closer.
If Robin remained in Plegia, I am sure their birthday would be a day to be celebrated because the messenger of their God, his vessel was born on this day.
With how Plegia is under the Grimleal, there are a lot fo celebratory events unlike Ylisse and Ferox but common folks do enjoy summer festival and such in their cast away villages.
Grimleal’s customs
To get into the Grimleal is not an easy as it sounds like. Test of loyalty and such would be asked for the recruiters to do. Often raiding and killing people, offer sacrifices, be ready for any job whatever it is to be done. Who can’t fight, must assist in a way or another. Scholars and Scientists were expected to keep experimenting on different projects, more strong Risens and whatnot.
Commoner’s customs
Plegians are like the Ylissean in terms of upbringing. Respect is a must to teach their children, they might be little more strict with that than the Ylissean. The family may hold the Grandparents, the parents, their kids, and their kids. The extended family may live in the same house with how the living in Plegia in the years are getting harder with previous war and the current one, it is hard to save up money to live in your own.
It is not a custom but perhaps an explanation to why most Plegian are seen devoted of emotions or if they had them they are considered cold and distant. Basing the information on the real world, desert people are affected by the heat and being constantly under the sun thus they are more hot-tempered and emotionally distant (of course this does not apply to ALL desert living.) The heat damped their emotions but they are there but only visible to really close knit of people, for example, Mustafa and his company. They were moved by Emmeryn which does not necessarily they are cold but to the outsiders they seem like it.
First Grima war
  The Events of the [First Grima war] against the First Exalt with Naga VS. Grima and the human he pact with was the first war in ages the people faced their first trial. There are no records of the war but a point to note that the whole continent was against Grima unlike the 2000 years later where The Halidom of Ylisse was against Grima alone, mostly. Another thing to note, that the human that had a pact with Grima was known, however, these little details ‘human pact’ was not known for anyone outside the Grimleal in the game (during Awakening) timeline. Evidence that everyone was shocked to hear of Avatar’s relationship to Grima and the whole plot to use them as a vessel. A lot of Grima’s secret was swept away when the three nations were made, means that the Grimleal in their early days, made sure to cover up Grima’s tracks to make sure that his next revival would be the last and no one can interrupt him.
The Grimleals made sure only to keep who will hold their tongue from blurting any information that could threaten their plan to revive Grima. Who was suspected to leak anything was murdered on the spot. It might have shaken them in numbers but that made the new generation even more stronger and loyal to the cause.
Ylisse-Plegian situation
  It is no secret that these two countries have always had troubles and skirmishes. Ylisse worshiping the divine dragon and Plegia worshiping the Fell Dragon. Both contrasting counties of faith and beliefs. Ylisse wished for more peaceful negotiations, but Plegia saw it as a way to silence them--it agitated them because they thought Ylissean are simply provoking them due to their past.
  Pre the previous Exalt’s time, the relationships were already on a thin ice. The Grimleal experimenting with everything they got to get the results they hope for-- a perfect vessel for their master. What kept the relationship at bay was on both sides, Ylisse’s Exalt was still going for the peaceful route and the Grimleal trying to maintain a low profile until they finish their experiments.  
  In the previous Exalt’s time, the situation got worse when Validar who had hopes that he will be the perfect vessel for Grima, was provoked by the Exalt who got a whiff of the situation tried to pursuit Validar to explain what is he doing but Validar did his best to conceal it that until Validar had Avatar who was, by all means, THE perfect vessel then it all hells went loose. With Avatar’s mother escaping, all spies who were around Plegia and the borders reported back of the scheme that plegia is making which made the first Exalt more determined to wage war against Plegia in name of Naga and peace. Thus the war 15 years pre awakening happened. It was a mean to stop Validar from making the vessel but it failed. The only success was that the vessel, Avatar was lost and their whereabouts were unknown. Sadly, this information was only shared by the Exalt and the Clergy and his personal knights so the news of vessel and Validar’s scheme died when the Exalt fell in battle.
  During the game situation was the follow up of the previous war. Plegia did not forget the war even though 15 years have passed. The wounds did not heal and the people wanted a revenge, an end to their pain, a closure that no more of that cruel war is going to happen. With Emmeryn’s sacrifice, it showed that even Plegian were not sure of their emotions and deep down they want an end to all the fighting and when Gangrel was defeated, the situation calmed a little bit until Validar came back into the scene. Fueling the people against Ylisse and using every possible opening to rekindle the hatred. Who followed him were mostly long rooted Grimleal who would gladly give up their lives for Grima. Anyone else was fighting for other reasons, some because they fear for their families who were captured, some for glory, some for money, etc.
A lot of problems emerged after the first war, a lot of dead plegian, poverty, lack of funding. These were somehow fixed by the Grimleal in order to shut the people up and use that anger and direct it at the Ylissean. Some of course, knew that the Grimleal at fault too but couldn’t speak about it or death will be their end. People were living in horror from the Grimleal and from the Ylissean to strike again.
Plegia and Valm situation
Validar understood that Walhart was smart for his own good and decided to do something about Plegia when Ylisse failed to act, he used Chrom and his company to take Walhart down so there will be fewer people at his doorstep asking him to stop resurrecting Grima. If Walhart was not stopped, all what Validar planned with Future Robin (Grima) would have been under threat.
The Last Grima war, Avatar’s ending
  In the second Grima war in game, there are three outcomes for the battle. 1) the shepherds lose to grima, 2) chrom’s ending where he delivers the last strike sending grima into another 1000 of slumber, 3) or avatar’s ending where they sacrifice their life. Since this is the true ending of the game, it is the best outcome of the three endings. The world was saved from Grima and history wrote about its savior. Naga did tell Avatar that if they have strong bonds they are to fight and come back to this world. During the time the avatar went missing, everyone continued to grow and develop in their name. The scars of the last battle did not heal quickly but they are surely coming along. There is no set of time to when Avatar came back but it is not that long taking that from the game ending where there are no visible changes on both Chrom nor Lissa; between a year and two max. The duration is a controversial topic so it is not that of important at this point. Meanwhile, Plegia is gathering itself after losing so many of its citizen for being Grima’s food and in the war itself.
Chrom’s ending
Avatar has the choice to return to Plegia and rule it as King/Queen.
Ruined Future ending (Future Kids timeline)
Plegia prospered even further to become the land of the Fell Dragon, the land of the risens. A lot of plegian escaped to Valm or Ferox leaving the country in fear for their lives. Who remained were the loyal Grimleals and commanders.
  In Fate, Anakos asks Owain, Severa, and Inigo if they had a request after helping him and they asked to revive their families and friends but he could not do that so they asked to make revive their original world that was tainted by Grima and in the process make graves for their fallen families and friends. I assume that fixed Plegia too.
Ruined Present ending
If The Shepherds failed to take down Grima, an ending close to the future that the kids escaped from will happen. However, this time, Falchion and the Fire Emblem might be either lost or be confiscated by Grima’s puppets. A worse ending than the future they escaped from. The Grimleals will take over command of everything and the new place people will start pilgrim to is Plegia’s castle to worship their new God, Grima.
Plegia units are [Barbarians, Dark Mages, Wyvern Riders, Myrmidons and Thieve] a balanced army. Plegian considers having a better strategic approach to battle so they can be hard to deal with especially with the wyvern riders who can travel a long distance and have a decent defense to close ranged and magical attacks. Though, with proper planning and using the archers they can be an easy target. Their advantage is only if they are fighting on their land where the movement is quite restricted to everyone but the mages and riders.
Same with Ylisse, education was for people who could afford it. Priests, Dark Mages, and scholars are the highest people in rank of education, of course after the Grimleal leader themself.
Because of how the Grimleal is, a lot of experiments and projects are involved, thus why scholars are important in the country for their continuous experiments and researches.  
Unlike Ylisse, we did not get to see official letters for Plegian nor any other nation (correct if im wrong please). Looking at the in-game sprites, you can see the spells are identical so I couldn’t get anything out of them to link to plegia.
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All the spells have the same writing so it did not give away anything special. Weak spells and the powerful spells; all alike.
One could headcanon that the writing is the same what is different is how each nation pronounce them? Because of all magic stem from one place??? Idk.
The warp spell pattern is different
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The letters are kind of, slightly, different to the above one. Maybe because they are skewed they look different. But for me, they kind of resemble the arabic script because it looks cursive at the first part to me and we saw that ylissean counts on the symbol and they are not cursive. I will bite the bullet and say that Plegian script resembles the Arabic script, written from right to left to be just different from the ylissean. Out of spite lolololol
Health & Services
Due to the aftermath of the first way, poverty struck the country and famine. People died because of the heat and lack of food and clean water. It was a lot of work to provide food and water across the country and health services. Healers are not common around plegia that is why scholars work on more effective medicines to replace the lack of the able arms to cure and heal with items that can be used by the laymen. Of course, it is not because they ‘care’ because every soul is important in order to revive Grima. Plus, they are the human shield that the Grimleal will use to provoke the new war to happen. War can’t happen if there is no one to fight back.
Art & Entertainment
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The overlook looks similar to how Persian castle looked like, no color a lot of castle towers. I imagine that small villagers only have somewhat colors in their building because they are further away from the Plegian Castle and the Grimleal.
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The inner design, however, has dark colors. The windows are above only assuming because to avoid having the heat of the sun come through them so they are strategically built to only let cool air in during the day and night and only enough of the sunlight depending on the position of each window and the sun circle.
I imagine the music would be, all poetry of praising Grima and the soon fated hour of his return. Commoners might sing about their daily life struggle and whatnot, somehow melancholy fill all their songs. little when you find happy songs.
Painting / Statues
I looked all over the castle for any hint of painting like in Ylisse’s castle but nope. Nothing. I think Plegia is more famed for statues more than painting with how they build their houses from stones.
The same as their music, all written art is based on imaginary days of Grima’s arrival. Recording the feat of the Grimleal, and the history against the Naga worshipers.
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