#and Buck is like “I already have my vows written” and there's a long pause and he's like “...Tommy?” because he's sure he's dead
buckttommy · 27 days
and if i said i've been thinking bucktommy major character death thoughts where buck has to listen to his boyfriend dying when he physically cannot get to him... either over the radio or over the phone, able to do nothing but listen to the wet sound of his breath as he chokes on his own blood... able to do nothing but beg him to stay and make promises he knows they won't be able to keep.... what then
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Flames of Jealousy (Diluc Ragnvindr x MC)
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Diluc Ragnvindr x MC(F)
Warnings: NSFW, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Penetration, Orgasm Denial
Written by: @voltage-vixen Prompt: Jealous Sex​
Notes: The MC featured in this story is a former traveler that is of age.
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“Diluc, is everything alright? You’re not acting like yourself.”
Ignoring MC’s expressed concern, Diluc snaked his fingers tighter around her own, and proceeded to storm through the village at an increasing pace as he dragged her along for the ride. 
They had attended (unwilling on Diluc’s behalf) a gathering hosted by none other than the Knights of Favonius. Often one to avoid these types of shindigs where civilities were long forgone as the liquor poured throughout the eve, Diluc had exhausted all options of excuses for not attending when the former traveler he was presently dragging away had insisted upon making an appearance. The woman who had chosen to remain in Mondstadt in the stead of pursuing the journey her brother ventured on with after reuniting with one another; she had chosen to reside stationary in the great nation of freedom to remain by his side.  The least he could offer up was to stand by her side as the proud partner of the honorary knight.
That was until that bastard entered the scene. More specifically, that cryo bastard. Kaeya naturally was the object of the affection of many suitors; in which made Diluc question why the Captain of the Calvary had chosen to stand so closely next to his suitor. The two were exchanging what seemed to be innocent enough pleasantries-but it wasn’t until Kaeya flashed that panty dropping smirk in MC’s direction did Diluc find himself storming across the foyer.  
“Pardon. Allow me to extend my deepest apologies, but I’m afraid we must be taking our leave now. An urgent matter has come up at the guild,” Diluc explained to the nearby guests loitering in the grand hall. Latching onto her wrist, Diluc yanked MC towards the large doors to make an exit without allowing any sort of refutes. MC blinked in confusion at Kaeya’s perceptive wink, and waved a swift goodbye to Lisa and Amber before being dragged fully out of the castle. 
Damn, him. Damn, him all to hell! Who the hell does he think he is putting his hands on my woman?!
Furious thoughts of jealousy raged throughout Diluc’s mind, swirling around like the fury of a violent storm. Wanting to wipe Kaeya from his mind, the animosity shifted onto MC instead. Why in the name of the archons was she allowing other men (least of all one that drove him loony) to position themselves in such a close vicinity to her? Gods, did he love this woman more than his own life itself, but she was due for a lesson. He was going to instill a sweet punishment upon MC that she would never forget. Turning the corner, they soon reached the front of Angel’s Share. Throwing the door open to the closed pub, Diluc slammed it shut behind them before his hands were drawn to her body.
The wielder of pyro’s hands descended the trace of MC’s hips until they cupped the curve of her rear end. She breathed a wistful sigh as he fondled the sensitive mound of flesh. Flames of passion scorched through her veins, igniting her body in a burning desire so fierce, her knees trembled in duress at the grazing heat of the tycoon’s caresses. MC swayed into the embrace of Diluc’s chest, crashing into him as she fervently grasped onto his shirt to brace herself.
“Please,” a breathy whisper slipped from the purse of her lips. “Please, Diluc. I can’t wait any longer. Make me burn for you even more.”
Chuckling, Diluc drank in the sounds of MC’s moans amid lifting her up and settling her onto the counter of the bar. Yearning for more, MC’s hands were drawn to the back of his head. Tugging him closer, their lips collided with such a fierceness, her breath lingered, and a pleasurable tingling consumed the greedy inclination between her legs. 
Diluc longed to satisfy his dear MC. Gazing down at the woman in question, she was a sheer exquisite mess of beauty. Her dress was hitched above her hips, sweat trickling down her thighs. The pupils of MC’s eyes were coated in a desirous lust, and her tongue traced the crease of lips in anticipation of what she was aching for. Oh, great archons did he want to worship MC. Both in body and soul, the nobleman wanted to take her here and now, drowning her in all the whims his affections had to offer. 
Alas, his ravishing of MC would have to take pause. For flashbacks of Kaeya’s smug stupid face as he purposely taunted the owner of Dawn Winery danced into his mind. The way MC unsuspectingly smiled at the flirting ministrations the captain tossed her way infuriated Diluc. Never did he question her loyalty to him, but still….a tiny reminder of who MC belonged to wouldn’t harm anyone. In fact, it could even prove to be an enjoyable experience for the two of them. Slipping underneath the disheveled fabric of dress, Diluc caressed her thighs affectionately as he ascended higher until-
“Already, my ember? The real fun hasn’t even begun yet,” Diluc crooned, pressing two of his fingers against the wet fabric of the thin undergarment serving as a bothersome barrier for the woman writhing beneath him.  
Diluc’s grasp around her waist tightened while he nonchalantly guided his fingers up against her lingerie, rubbing circles of friction against the wetness of her slit. MC’s nails clawed into his chest as the digits on his hands pressed proactively onto her core, occasionally flicking the bud of her womanhood. Diluc nudged his forehead against hers and leaned in to lick the bead of sweat trickling down the side of her face.
“Your eyes are practically begging me to indulge you even more,” Diluc huffed. 
Making haste with his own trousers, his pants fell to the floor of the deserted pub. The pads of his fingers gripped firmly onto the trace of her silhouette. His clasp on MC was so tense, he could already make sight of the light bruises forging vividly, staining the surface of her skin. Concerned his jealousy consumed him with an out of line rashness, Diluc was about to withdraw until MC threw her arms around the base of his neck. Refusing to let her man pull away, she cradled him closer to dimiss the distance between them.
“Hold me tighter,” MC solicited, alluring to his carnal desire by batting her long lashes. “Remind me who I belong to.” 
 “Take care you heed not forget those words. Remember, you are mine, and mine alone,” his honeyed response melodiously rang into her ears as Diluc’s hips snapped forward to enjoin the pair as one.
Sensuous whimpers echoed yonder into the abyss of the tavern whilst MC entrusted herself to Diluc’s spoils. Reaching out to clutch the mound of her ass to brace her from the force of his thrusts, Diluc grunted in between the slaps of her breasts heaving down against her chest from the vigorous momentum of each gratifying movement. Diluc entwined his fingers in between MC’s, as her hitched breathing increased in volume. This response of hers was a telltale sign that approaching the final destination was within sight. He leaned in to pepper her fine skin in kisses, occasionally licking away at the beads of perspiration coating her. 
“Diluc,” she breathed, desperate to catch the breaths he stole, yet unable to deny the pining fueling her tantalizing lust.
“I know,” he murmured, lifting her leg to enfold it around the cut of his toned waist to allow him a more accessible angle of entry. 
“MC, everything about you is captivating,” he whispered. “Your very essence exhilarates the fibers of my very being. Never forget that.”
“Ah, stop torturing me, Diluc,” she moaned during the course of each of his lavish pecks that were assaulting the nape of MC’s neck.
“I shall cease the vexing of this punishment if you surrender and concede yourself over to me,” Diluc demanded, his tone raspy as he pined to bear witness to the scene of MC immersing herself while he drove her to climax. “Say my name-no, scratch that. Scream my name. Scream my name until that lovely voice of yours goes hoarse. Shout high and loud to the mighty archons that I’m the only one that will ever be able to please you.”
Halting the snapping motions of his hips, Diluc held firm and reached out to cradle MC’s chin. Tilting her gaze to lock into his own, he etched the part of her lower lip with his thumb. Tauntingly slow, Diluc slightly shifted the angle of his lower body, further inflicting torment on his squirming companion. Instead of bestowing the release MC was anticipating, the vision holder held her desire hostage by denying any additional penetration.
“Pledge yourself in a vow that your flames shall only ever be ignited by I. Do it. Do it now, and I will set you free from this heat.”
“Diluc, I-DILUC!!!!!”
An extravagant wanton scream escaped from MC, since despite Diluc’s request, he simply couldn’t bear to waste another moment and plunged deeper back into her core. The lewd sounds of her wetness resounded in the air as he pounded into MC, bucking madly, eager to remind her that it was him and him alone that would always be there to fulfill each and every one of her fantasies. It would be him, and him alone, that would allow MC to use him emotionally and physically as she sought fit to indulge in her heart’s content. 
Wrapped around each other, the lines of where he began and she ended were lost in the swirl of pleasure trickling down to the curl of their toes. The heat consuming them was greater than it had ever been prior to this rough lovemaking session, and Diluc chewed on his lip to will himself to hold on for just a while longer.
Come on, hang in there.. Not until MC is satisfied. I can feel her tightening around me, so surely she should be finishing any moment.
Diluc’s prayers were answered, because he felt the familiar tightening of her encompassing around him. A wistful sigh accompanied MC’s relieved one as her body quivered from the aftermath of her coils fluttering from reaching her ograsm. Her body heaved and her back arched down onto the counter of the bar. Heavy and dropping from the aftermath of pleasure, MC was ready for a post-sex slumber and cuddles with Diluc. Placing her hands on the wood counter, MC was about to drop down onto the floor when the grip of her man encircled her suddenly.
“Bold of you to assume we were finished with your punishment,” Diluc coaxed, ignoring the squeal when he flipped MC over. Her bountiful chest was pressed flat up against the hard finished wood of the counter. “You were quite the naughty little vixen today, my ember. Perhaps another round should help you more clearly understand the error of your ways.”
Flinching out of reaction, the tension faded away and MC relaxed onto the counter while Diluc sprinkled kisses on her bare back. She whimpered when his arousal pressed once again at her opening, but then groaned when he pulled back. 
“Fear not, my darling,” Diluc crooned, running his hand to tenderly stroke her back. “I plan on pleasuring you in all of our favorite positions until I’m satisfied that the fact that you are mine is engraved in your heart.” 
His fingers twined through her hair, and Diluc gave a slight tug to bring MC closer to him. She wiggled her bum in the air impatiently, and groaned when his lips touched the responsive spot.
“Diluc,” MC swooned, her words as wet as the happy tears trickling down the side of her face. “I’m yours, my hero. Only yours, for now until forever separates us.”
“Until forever…..,” Diluc mimicked her promise, and willed his body for another round. Those were the final words uttered as they were eventually replaced with incoherent babblings, moans, and whimpers from the delight of losing themselves in each other. 
The fates would ensure that Diluc and MC would live a prosperous future together. That much Diluc was sure of. Despite his perceptions, Diluc abided into a vow that for the rest of their days together, he would spend any amount of time reminding MC of just that fact.
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playedwright · 2 years
MWAH ilu ty ty <3
👀 Do you have any words/phrases you use habitually oh god i'm sure i do BHSHFKHS hmm.. ive noticed in a lot of my stuff i tend to include something along the lines of "[great extraordinary thing] but none of it compares to [love interest]". also i really like sweetheart as a pet name so that makes its appearance fairly often. that's all i can think of off the top of my head buh
🏅 What is the fic you’re most proud of? answered here but since we r buddie mutuals i will include i was p proud of (like 85% of) flash like a setting sun<3
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say? oh god so many!!! one person commented quoting a line back to me and said they wanted it in their vows, that was amazing. also any comment i get about characterization being spot on always makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside, idk why that's something i fixate on but god it Thrills me every time. also one recently that i've come back to reread a few times said "at several points during this fic i was so reminded of my own past unrequited love that i had to pause so i could cry... which is all to say that op's depiction of love is so authentic and brutally honest and warm and beautiful. i want to live in this world you've created forever." and i have not stopped thinking about it since
❤️ Who is your favorite character to write for and why? OHOHO ok going by fandoms i've written for bc there is a Lot. for 911, buck hands down. my next buddie wip is eddie pov and i'm really enjoying writing from his perspective but i LOVE writing buck, i am inside that guy's head and i'm gonna make it everyone's problem. for spn, i think i'm best at writing dean but i love love love writing castiel, he's just. this huge cosmic entity who has seen more than we comprehend and i love referencing that and juxtaposing it with him ogling just some guy on earth. for it movies eddie was my favorite to write, he's my special little guy and getting to write him and give him stupid little antics was so fun. ok i'm gonna stop there tho bc this is already long enough xoxo <3 <3
fanfic ask game!
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driversmutbucket · 4 years
Kitten X
I can’t, and i can’t stress this enough, believe this frivolous ho has written a 10 part series. I mean, granted, a lot of it is straight porn. But still.  I love these two. Lets marry them.   Yes i did cry writing this because i am ridiculous and emotionally attached. 
To catch up on this series please refer to my master post. 
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(this looks like a wedding photo right?!)
Kylo Ren AU x Reader Warnings: disgusting levels of fluff, mentions of pregnancy, NSFW
 9 months later
“Better late than never!” Your mom smiled as she laced up the back of your gown.
“Oh come on, I’m hardly an old maid at 34 mother.” you sighed, rolling your eyes. 
“I know, I know darling, we are very happy for you, your father and I. We were just worried we would be in the grave before you ever settled down” She patted your shoulder, “you look lovely.” 
Your parents were old school. You were their only child, and they had you later in life after a long battle with infertility. Had they planned your life things would be very different. They had found your focus on academia and career baffling, failing to understand how it was more fulfilling than settling down and starting a family. 
They meant well, they really did, and despite your contrasting beliefs on many matters, you remained close. 
Kylo had survived a family Christmas, your mom was particularly smitten with him. He had survived 1000 questions, photo albums, extremely dubious political chat and constant hints about grandchildren. Every night you had apologized profusely, he just chuckled and told you they really weren’t that bad. 
Kylo proposed in mid-January, booking out the entire the Italian restaurant you had your first date in. You had accepted through sobs, as the staff all clapped and cheered. 
It was now August, and the leaves were changing colour, the days slightly cooler and shorter. 
You had planned an intimate wedding in a downtown Hotel that you both loved the historical architecture of. In attendance were a handful of friends and family, uninterested in a big showy affair, you had opted on quality rather than quantity. 
Your metallic silk gown made you feel beautiful. The corset design accentuated your figure, and the deep v neckline was sexy yet tasteful. The gown evoked 1920s glamour, and you had your hair styled and makeup applied to echo the era.
Your father even became misty eyed when he saw you, “Like an old-hollywood beauty, you look lovely sweetheart.” He said gruffly, trying to discreetly dab his eyes. 
Heart pounding, you waited outside the doors of the small ceremony room clutching your father's arm. 
Cat Power - Sea of Love began to play softly. 
You were already blinking back tears as you stepped through the doors, Kylo’s head snapping up from where he stood at the front of the room. 
He didn’t, for one second, take his eyes off you as you made your ascent up the aisle. 
Kylo shook your father's hand when you made it to the front, he then placed his hand on the small of your back and leaned down and whispered in your ear.
“Y/n, babe, you look fucking incredible, so beautiful, Kitten.” 
“Thank you”, you beamed, “you look so handsome.”
He did. In a classic tuxedo, Kylo looked very dapper. His eyes shone with emotion. 
Time seemed to go at warp speed as you tried to soak everything up, remember every detail. How Kylo couldn’t take his eyes off you. How he whispered ‘my wife’ into your ear every so often, like he was in disbelief. How your mom and Jan clutched each other and dabbed their eyes during your vows. How Luke beamed at Kylo and clapped him on the back, expressing his pride. 
As Kylo took your hand for the first dance, your heart swelled as the opening notes of Into my arms by Nick Cave played. You had told Kylo to pick a song and not tell you what it was.
His arm circled your waist and pulled your body to his. 
I don't believe in an interventionist God But I know, darling, that you do But if I did, I would kneel down and ask Him Not to intervene when it came to you
Your eyes swam with tears for the upteenth time as he kissed the top of your head before resting his forehead against your own. 
“Don’t cry Kitten.” He teased, his own eyes glossy. 
You sang the words of the next verse softly to him. 
Oh, not to touch a hair on your head Leave you as you are If he felt he had to direct you Then direct you into my arms
As the chorus played tears were running silently down your cheeks now, as happiness, gratitude and love overwhelmed you.
Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms
Kylo wiped the tears away with his thumbs as he cupped your face, kissing your lips softly. 
And I don't believe in the existence of angels But looking at you I wonder if that's true
“My angel.” He hummed, before pressing another kiss on your lips.
But if I did I would summon them together And ask them to watch over you Both to each burn a candle for you To make bright and clear your path And to walk, like Christ, in grace and love And guide you into my arms
Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms
Other couples joined you on the floor, there weren’t many dry eyes to be seen. 
You chuckled softly, nodding towards Jan “you better dance with Jan after this baby.” 
Her face was blotchy from crying, as she looked on, radiating so much joy that Kylo couldn’t help but grin. 
But I believe in Love And I know that you do, too And I believe in some kind of path That we can walk down, me and you So keep your candles burning Make her journey bright and pure That she'll keep returning Always and evermore
“Perfect song choice.” You sighed, as it came to a close.
Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms, oh Lord Into my arms
You blinked and it was over. 
The honeymoon suite in the hotel was yours for the night.
“Let’s go consummate this holy union Mrs Ren” Kylo murmured playfully into your ear as you both walked into the elevator. 
You giggled, buzzed on the champagne coursing through your veins. 
“I can’t believe I have a husband.” You grinned, running your fingers down the lapels of his jacket. 
“Can’t believe I bagged such a fucking hot wife.” He mirrored your grin, eyes dancing with mischief as you slapped his chest in mock shock. 
The elevator dinged, and Kylo led you to the door of the suite.
“Can’t wait to kick these shoes off.” You sighed.
“Can’t wait to rip your dress off.” He replied, opening the door. 
“Rip this dress and I will divorce you, Ren.” you deadpanned. 
“You wound me, Kitten.” He winked, shrugging off his jacket.
You quickly stepped into the bathroom and slipped out of your dress. The lingerie beneath was as important as the dress. White and luxurious, the delicate lace bustier and thong accentuate your curves, stockings were held up by straps connected to the bustier. You primped your hair slightly before re-emerging and leaning against the door frame. 
“So what- oh fuuuuuuuuuck!” Kylo stopped dead, midway through undoing his cuff links. 
You raised your eyebrow with a smug smile, “what were you saying?”
“I was going to ask what you wanted to do…. if you wanted some more champagne.” He gestured blindly at the bottle next to the bed, eyes drinking you in.
“What I want,” you began walking toward him, as he sat on the edge of the bed, “is for my husband to make love to me,” You purred, stopping in front of him and bending over, resting your hands on his thighs, “then yes, I will have some more champagne, preferably in a bubble bath.”
“Babe, right now you could ask for anything and I would give it to you.” His voice a bit deeper, as you stood back up, his fingers ghosting down your sides. 
You did a slow twirl, “do you like?” 
He nodded dumbly, like his brain was short circuiting. 
Clutching your waist he pulled you between his legs and kissed along your collarbone. 
You loved how far his hands were able to reach around your waist, you felt so safe in those big hands. 
You sighed happily as his mouth moved down, teasing your covered nipples with his tongue.
Reaching for his shirt you began fumbling with his buttons, as his hands slid down and cupped your bottom, squeezing gently.
“Lay on the bed.” Kylo murmurs against your skin. 
You make a show of crawling into the middle of the plush mattress, wiggling your ass before laying down and propping yourself up on your elbows. 
“Fucking hellllllllllllll, that is my wife!” His smile devilish and smug and he strips off his remaining clothing. 
“Kylo?” he pauses and looks up, just as he is about to pull down his trousers. “I’m not on birth control anymore.” 
You chew your lip nervously as it dawns on him what you are insinuating. 
“Do you want to-” he began, eyes wide.
“I mean, only if-” 
“YES, yes! Fuck! babe, are you serious?” The hope and glee on Kylo’s face was enough to make you melt into a puddle. 
“I want nothing more than my husband to put a baby in me.” you couldn’t help grinning at how those words sounded coming out of your mouth, kind of ridiculous but kind of...erotic? 
Apparently Kylo found it very bloody erotic. He was buck naked in seconds and crawling over you, caging you beneath him, his rock hard cock prodding your stomach.
You arched your back as he dragged his nose down into the valley between your breasts, burying his face in between them with a soft moan. He unclasped your bra, tossing it off the bed while he admired your breasts, as they sat naturally. 
“Perfect tits.” he murmured, tweaking a nipple, you gasped- then whimpered as he quickly soothed the sting with his mouth. 
Gripping behind your knees, Kylo pushed your legs up and out beside your torso. He kept his hands there, spreading you wide, running his mouth over the lace of your thong as you desperately tried to thrust.
“These panties are very damp Kitten.” He breathed, finally letting go of your legs. “Hold your legs up for me.” You replaced his hands with your own.
He tugged the flimsy fabric aside and pressed a kiss on your clit. 
“Fuck.” You hissed. 
He pushed one finger, then another into your sopping cunt, scissoring them slightly to stretch you out.
Keeping his fingers inside you, working you into a fit of whines and whimpers, Kylo scaled your body, seeking your mouth with his own. Hot and heavy kisses as his fingers continued pumping, your hand wrapped around his hard length.
He removed his fingers and positioned you on your side so you were leaning into your elbow. He straddled your bottom leg and pulled the thong aside, pushing into your warmth with a grunt and he settled behind you. You twisted back so your mouths could meet again as his hand found your breast. 
It wasn’t fevered fucking, it was passionate and luxurious love making. His hand roaming your body, tracing your curves. His mouth kissed you, peppered kisses down your neck and over your shoulder. 
“My wife.” He murmured in your ear, on more than one occasion. 
You whimpered and moaned, the position meant he could get deep inside you, hit your g spot relentlessly as he thrust his hips. 
You came with a cry as his fingers expertly worked your clit, he followed soon after as your whispered sweet sentiments in his ear. 
The second he pulled out, he was elevating your hips, shoving pillows under your butt.
“Ahh...what the fuck are you doing?” you asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Keeping my cum in you.” he replied, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
You barked out a laugh, but he was deadly serious, “stay there and i’ll run the bath.”
You watched with an amused smile, from your ridiculous position as he grabbed the champagne and glasses and disappeared into the bathroom. 
As Kylo led you into the bathroom you gasped, there were candles on every surface and a small table next to the large bath held a bunch of roses, the champagne, strawberries and a gift bag. 
“Did you organise all this…” you looked at Kylo in wonder. 
He just nodded silently, studying your face as if to gauge your reaction. 
“This is beautiful, thank you.” you said softly, pressing a kiss on his lips. 
He began to undress you, pulling off the remainder of your lingerie before helping you into the large tub. 
“Oh my god this is heavenly!” you groaned, sinking into the hot water. Your aching feet from a day in heels soothed. 
Kylo pulled you into him and you rested your head back against his chest with a happy sigh. 
He reached and pulled a red box from the bag next to the bath. 
“Kitten, for you.” he smiled, as you hurriedly dried your hands and took the box. 
“Kylo! Jesus Christ!” you breathed, recognising the unmistakable design of the jewellery box as that of Cartier. 
You opened it slowly, revealing a beautiful gold necklace. The round pendant was inlaid with what was surely diamonds. You gaped at it, silently.
“Is it ok?” Kylo sounded slightly worried. 
You handed it to him blindly, “can you put it on me please, baby?” your voice wobbling. 
You traced the circle gently as he fastened it, before turning around completely, “what do you think?” you asked.
“Perfect.” he smiled adoringly. 
“I love it, but i didn’t get you anything! I feel-!” you fretted. 
“Y/n, you married me. That’s enough for me, forever.” 
“If you could stop making me cry that would be really great.” you sniffed, wiping your eyes, “I’m dehydrated from all this crying.” 
He grinned, pulling you into his lap and handing you a glass on bubbles. 
“Drink this and stop blubbering, silly Kitten.” he teased. 
You flicked water at him. 
You ate room service in fluffy robes at 2 in the morning, before collapsing into the bed, exhausted from the day. 
You snuggled into the warmth of his body, right when you were drifting off Kylo began thinking aloud.
“We need to get you on prenatal vitamins babe, and i’ll find ask the board who the best OBGYN is, we should really get you in there as soon-”
“Baby, i love you, but please shut up and go to sleep.” you mumbled, sleepily.
Tag list: @reyloaddict55​ @candycanes19​ @jediminddicks1000​ @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @maybe-your-left​ @thegreenmatt​ @morby​ @sydneyssmut​ @contesa-lui-alucard​ @millenialcatlady​
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eightlittletalons · 4 years
Death and Faith
Hey so we’re still calling smutty fics lemons, right? While this definitely isn’t the raunchiest fic I’ve written, the beginning does have some. Also deals with discussions of death. Lavellan/Dorian, as most of my old fics were. 
Dorian drifted somewhere between sleep and wakefulness when he faintly heard the door to the Inquisitor’s personal chambers creak open. He sluggishly registered the sound of bare feet padding up the stone staircase and across the room, followed by the soft rustling of clothing being discarded. A moment later, he felt the mattress dip under a familiar weight. Forcing his eyes open, he reached out to pull Revas against his chest. “Abelas, ma lath,” Revas whispered apologetically. “I didn’t intend to wake you.”
“Think nothing of it,” Dorian responded, voice still rough from sleep. “I planned on waiting up for you, but it appears your meeting with the advisors ran later than expected, yes?” Revas hummed an affirmative and leaned in to brush their lips together in a light caress. 
One kiss became two, two became many more until Dorian found himself panting and pressing his hips up against Revas’ as the elf sat perched atop him, lavishing open-mouthed kisses along the column of his throat. A small voice reminded him that this wasn’t the reason he had wanted to see his lover before bed, even as his hands grasped the elf’s slender hips for better control over the delicious friction.
“Revas,” he gasped, breath hitching as the Inquisitor paused to suck a love bite into the juncture of Dorian’s neck and shoulder. Pulling back to admire his handiwork, Revas flashed his teeth in a devious smile before continuing to kiss a trail down the human’s chest. Well, perhaps Dorian could afford to allow the elf his way for a moment longer. Maker knew he would much rather put that clever tongue to a much more pleasurable task than talking.
A sharp nip at his hip brought Dorian’s attention back to Revas, who was now kneeling between his spread thighs. The elf locked eyes with him, a smirk lifting the corner of his mouth as he leaned back down to press a chaste kiss to the tip of Dorian’s cock. Exhaling harshly, Dorian threaded his fingers through Revas’ hair, uncertain whether he wanted to encourage the elf further or push him away. “Revas, there’s something I’ve been wanting to discuss with you.” Dorian felt more than he heard Revas’ sigh, a puff of hot air against his flesh that made his toes curl. “Now?” the Inquisitor asked incredulously. It would be all too easy to give in to the temptation his lover so willingly offered. He could always breach this subject another time. Although with how busy Revas was with his duties, running to and fro, who knew when the next opportunity would arise?
When Dorian hesitated to respond, Revas ran the bridge of his nose teasingly along the human’s rigid length, tongue darting out to tease at the skin there. Groaning, Dorian tried and failed to resist the urge to buck his hips upwards and fisted his hand still in the elf’s silken hair. He yanked, desperate to get some room to think clearly and immediately regretted it as he heard Revas moan lustfully at the abuse. Dorian’s mouth went dry at the heated look the elf pinned him with. Fasta vass. 
He released Revas’ hair as though scalded and cleared his throat as he tried to find his voice. “Yes, I would like to speak of this now,” he managed to croak out. He cleared his throat for a second time, not missing the Dalish mage’s grumble of displeasure. Regardless, the elf decided to humor him, propping his head up on Dorian’s thigh and watching him expectantly. “You often joke about death as though it is a trivial thing. Your own death, specifically.”
“Is that what all this is about? Fear not, vhenan, I have no immediate plans for my very likely untimely demise,” Revas assured, patting Dorian’s leg in a comforting gesture. It might have worked were it not for the thinly veiled patronizing tone or the fact that the Inquisitor’s other hand was slowly inching towards his cock again. 
Feeling his temper flare, Dorian roughly grabbed the elf’s wrist, halting his progress. “Be serious for once, Inquisitor,” he snapped irritably. He watched as Revas’ eyes went hard as steel and worried that the Dalish would try to fight him on this. “Please.”
That soft plea caused Revas to deflate, his eyes softening to a molten silver. He sighed again, casting one last longing look between Dorian’s legs. Then he crawled up beside the man on the bed, making sure to keep a small distance between them. “Very well, let’s talk.” Dorian could have sworn that his lover was pouting, but at least he was seemingly willing to cooperate. 
“What are you doing all the way over there, amatus? Come here,” he urged, wrapping his arm around Revas’ hips. 
“No. One of us might become distracted,” Revas responded waspishly. Ah. Yes, he was definitely sulking. 
“Come here,” Dorian insisted, hauling the elf closer. He enveloped his arms loosely around the elf and was pleased when he leaned into the embrace immediately instead of trying to wriggle away.
Eventually, the Inquisitor took a fortifying breath and drew back far enough to look Dorian in the eye. “So. You wish to talk about...my death?” he asked hesitantly.
“About the fact that you have such a cavalier attitude regarding it, preferably,” Dorian kept his voice soft to hide the slight tremor it held. 
“And this troubles you?” Revas asked, frowning. Dorian nodded. “Why? I can remember more than a few occasions of you yourself mentioning becoming martyrs.” 
Dorian reached up to cradle Revas’ face in his hand, his thumb slowly tracing the vallaslin that curved along the elf’s cheek. “I apologize for being flippant,” he breathes, whispering the words so softly that Revas’ ears had to twitch forward to catch them. “The thought of you ceasing to be...I can’t bear it. I would give anything to be able to stay with you like this forever.”
Revas shook his head rapidly. “Do not fear death, vhenan. It’s the natural balance to life. All that lives must eventually fade so that another life may thrive in its place,” he said quietly, taking Dorian’s hand in one of his own. He pressed a kiss to the human’s palm before lacing their fingers together.
“Is that a common belief among your people?”
Revas shrugged, giving a tight smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “I suppose it is. Falon’Din, my chosen god, used to guide us on our journeys into the Beyond upon our deaths, but...that was before he and his brethren were locked away by Fen’Harel. Nowadays, the specifics on what happens are a bit vague,” Revas explained, laughing humorlessly.
Dorian was quiet for a long moment, bowing his head as he thought. “Is that what you believe?” he finally asked, meeting the elf’s gaze once more. For all the time he’d spent in Revas’ company, he could count on one hand the number of times he’d encountered the Dalish praying to his gods. Either his amatus was incredibly private about his faith or he wasn’t terribly pious. Considering how open he was about information regarding his people, Dorian suspected it was the latter. 
“I believe it’s as plausible as your people believing that your souls join with Andraste and your Maker once you expire,” Revas remarked, shrugging a second time. The elf took ahold of Dorian’s other hand, clasping them tightly between his own with an oddly shy look settling across his features. “Since we’re already on the subject, I was wondering if there is something I could request of you.”
The Inquisitor grinned lopsidedly at the immediate response, the kind of smile that made Dorian’s heart ache. “Anything? You might want to wait to hear what exactly it is I want from you before agreeing. What if I were to ask you to swap clothes with Solas for a week?” he teased. Dorian wrinkled his nose in disgust, causing Revas to laugh before he sobered again. “Dor, you know how most of those here view me as a...holy icon because of this mark on my hand, yes?”
Dorian’s eyes darted unbidden to their intertwined hands. “Yes. I also know how much you despise it.”
The elf shifted uncomfortably, drawing Dorian’s eyes back up in time to see Revas glance away with an unreadable look. “If...if something does happen to me, I want a Dalish ceremony. Would you be willing to see to that?”
Dorian hummed thoughtfully, freeing one hand to rub at the stubble on his jaw. The Chantry would no doubt desire to give the Inquisitor a traditional Andrastian pyre. He wasn’t sure how easy it would be to ensure that Revas’ wish was fulfilled. “What exactly would that entail? I know that you don’t burn your dead and there were the trees in the Dales, but…” he trailed off helplessly.
“It might be easier if you were able to pass me off to a clan, but they wouldn’t likely allow - I mean, if you would even want to…” Revas began, the words coming fast in his nervous state. Dorian caressed the elf’s hand that he still held, hoping the contact would calm him. “I would like for you to be there, Dorian. If you have no objections - I could teach you the proper way to prepare...and the songs and prayers, and-”
Dorian gripped Revas by the back of his neck and pulled him until their foreheads rested against each other, cutting off the elf’s rambling. “I would be honored,” he vowed, firmly. Revas relaxed immediately, sagging against Dorian in relief. They sat there together in the dimness of the room, Dorian petting the elf’s hair in long soothing strokes until both drifted off into sleep.
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