#amphiba marcy
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A lot of people liked the apple trio so here’s another one
Fantasy Trio??
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Sasharcy before + after
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genericnam · 9 months
Why, out of GF, Amphibia, and TOH, only Luz didn't have to leave her new world behind:
I've seen people complain about Amphibia and to a lesser extent, Gravity Falls, for having their series end with a goodbye; the main characters having to leave their found families and this world they've grown to love and return to regular life. But the thing is, the three shows all have MASSIVELY different morals, that each fit in with how the goodbyes (or lack thereof) work into the finales.
Gravity Falls has a large theme of temporary goodbyes and reconciling. Stan and Ford being the primary example. But there are others: Soos and Melony, Wendy and Robbie, even Dipper and Mabel to an extent. The show builds upon this with Gravity Falls being a VACATION, they aren't trapped there, they could theoretically go home at any time. Episodes such as Summerween and Dipper and Mabel Vs. The Future also build on the tone, telling that it's okay to both grow up and move on, but you don't have to leave behind what you once loved in doing so.
The final conflicts (Wierdmaggedon) are caused because of characters not being able to let go. Stan couldn't let go of Ford, Mabel couldn't let go of Gravity Falls, Gideon couldn't let go of Mabel.
Gravity Falls teaches the viewer that even if you love something, you have to let it go, and eventually it will return. In the words of Bill Cipher: "We'l meet again. Don't know where, don't know when. I just knew we'll meet again, some sunny day."
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Amphibia has a similar theme of Gravity Falls, but it takes it further. Amphibia tells you that if you don't let go, sometimes things will only get worse. The primary example for this is the show's catalyst event: Marcy getting Anne to steal the Music Box. Marcy chose to go to Amphibia, rather than move away, and she dragged her friends into it with her. Instead of having a long distance friendship with Sasha and Anne, she took them to an alternate dimension in order to spend eternity on a massive adventure, and it got her killed. Marcy and Anne died and Sasha tried to kill herself.
And that's only Marcy. Sasha was a control freak that bordered on yandere at the height of her villain arc. Sasha couldn't accept that Anne was beginning to move on from the toxic friendship that the Calamity Trio had locked themselves into.
The trio were horrible to eachother, pre-character arcs, and they needed to focus on self improvement before they could even hope to be good friends. In the time between 'All In' and the epilog, the Calamity Trio would not have actually been able to be good for eachtoher. They say they forgive eachother, but that was forgiveness given during a WAR. Post show, the real feelings would start to bubble up. Anne's resentment for the betrayals, Marcy’s abandonment issues, Sasha's definite self hatred. The trio HAD to split up to have any semblance of a friendship.
Amphibia tells its audience that not all good things can last, and if you obsess and force it to stay, it can destroy you.
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The Owl House has a completely opposite moral. It tells you to find your people, and fight for them.
Luz lived in the Human Realm, but it was never her home. Her home was with Camila and Manny, but when Manny died, Camila and Luz's relationship began to falter. That world wasn't her home. When Luz found the Boiling Isles, she was always supposed to be able to leave. This wasn't a summer trip she didn't want at first, or a one way portal. The Boiling Isles was HER choice.
Luz picked Bonesburrow. Luz picked Hexside. Luz picked The Owl House. Her home was always meant to be The Boiling Isles. She only started trying to find a way back to Earth because the choice was taken from her. Luz no longer had the choice to go back to the Human Realm. In fact, the only time Luz chose Humans over Isles was when she was PUNISHING herself for helping Belos.
Luz got to stay in the Boiling Isles because TOH tells its audience that where you start isn't where you should always stay. Find your place and find your people. And when you do, hold it dear and never let go. "Us weirdos have to stick together."
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demonicsaiyan20 · 9 months
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calamitytrio-8 · 29 days
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Ok I got a lil bored soo I colored some of the drawings in Marcy’s journal
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cartoonfan21 · 10 months
Disney TVA pre teens/teens with possessed yellow eyes.
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loudlyhappycupcake · 1 year
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Finally... After all this years... I have them all......Try and solve the puzzle for this one👀.... @shironezuninja @misterygem @magical-girl-techno-genius @cartoonfan21 @homuncvlus @sakulovejulius12 @bitter-yet-civilized @tcn1205 @finalfortuna @3llazedrawinggirl @adriennsposts @kuskicanlove @untitled14360 @cartoonvibe @magnetar334 @nevaehjwilliamsvaeh @illustrated-ink @hkthatgffan @hellowillowk @ciphercovenauofficial @cipedor @jacky-rubou @bluefrostyy @ilovetvtoons @motheyesofnight @jademz1711 @grivessillus @chaodeknoi @serentiydraw5678 @violetrose-art
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panickedghost · 10 days
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Gonna post all my recent animal designs 🫡 the amphibia ones first
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brendanthebomber · 2 years
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ineffablelvrs · 1 year
favourite character requirement: get possessed
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underloudf · 9 months
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crushing on her 💙💚
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ilovetvtoons · 10 months
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3 years since Marcy made her official debut and began to sneak her way into our hearts, changing our lives forever. 💚💚💚
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nathaaaan · 16 days
I-I think something’s a little off here…
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genericnam · 7 months
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Finally made my first kinlist! Make guesses about me or whatever it is people use these for-
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detachable-tits · 4 months
People of tumblr, I’ve been told you might like these amphibia fusion mock ups I have created so here you go
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Anne + Marcy = Marcanne
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Sasha + Marcy = Sasharcy
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Sasha + Anne = Sashanne
These were just quick doodles I made, I might finalise the designs in the future and render them:P
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calamitytrio-8 · 4 months
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Sasha is a loser in love
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