madgemadigan · 2 years
What is Love Bombing? If it Happens, Run!
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aprilcornwall · 6 years
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TW: DISABLED ABUSE, DISABLED SEXUAL ABUSE, TEENAGER RELATIONSHIP ABUSE, TEENAGER SEX ABUSE Its important to not that abusive partners will often gaslight previous abuse (including sexual assault) to manipulate you into being abused again by this new partner. #gaslighting (see more on gaslighting on posts 2 & 3) #sexualabuse #disabledabuse #teenagerabuse #amiinanabusiverelationship #abuseusingtechnology #relationshipstandards #relationshipabuse #abuse #abusesurvivors #ptsd #ptsdrecovery #ptsddoesntgettowintoday #relationshipptsd #abusiverelationshipptsd #abusiverelationship #metoo #metoomovement
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