#amc the terror season 1
theterrorbigbang · 2 months
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Come one, come all!
Author Sign-ups for The Terror Big Bang 2024 are officially open!
Author sign-up's will be open until April 30.
After that, the next dates to watch out for are:
June 1st: Artist & Beta sign-ups open
June 9th: Author check-in
June 30th: Artist and beta sign-ups close
We look forward to meeting this year's excellent authors!
- The Terror Big Bang Mods
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midnightmurdershow · 2 years
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The Terror (2018 – ) Season 01 Episode 06 “A Mercy” Directed by Sergio Mimica-Gezzan
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vreenak · 1 year
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- Doctor Stanley. - Sir.
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merryverse · 4 months
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The Terror AMC (2018) - Opening
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Coldboys poll ready to go!!!
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All matches have been randomized, even if it doesnt always look like that. (between the franklins and the Francis Crozier bffs, i dont know which one looks more on purpose)
All matches will last a week, and round 2 wont start until the last match has finished. Have fun!!
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jenniferleecopping · 1 year
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misc terror portraits
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polteageist-s · 2 years
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late to the party with bad jokes as usual
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mikimeiko · 2 years
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The Terror | Season 1 (2018)
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jolselin · 1 year
the thing about the main cast of moonlight chicken is that while the show is nominally centered around jim you could also make six different shows focused on each of the characters (so the hypothetical jim show would be even more about jim and a bit less about, for example, li ming) and they would all be great and interesting. i've just been thinking that if i had been given just one additional episode of mlc i would love to see a fuller picture of alan and wen's relationship and how wen fell out of love and then i thought i would watch a show told entirely through wen's perspective and with more of his background and then of course i thought i would even more gladly watch the alan show with both his backstory and the continuation of his storyline past the end of the original show (the alangaipa spinoff we deserve) and then i thought we saw even less of gaipa, in a way, so that would also deserve more spotlight, and finally there's so much to know about heart from the keyboard in his room to him learning sign language (we have to assume all by himself?) and to him finding community among deaf/hard of hearing people of pattaya and then of course to his university adventures in rochester. and as for li ming well one just has to check the tag to see that like half the audience either would rather watch the li ming show or treats the original as the li ming show.
so mlc could really be any of these shows but instead it's kind of like a little bit of everything with the focus on jim but not as much as if it were mainly a jim show. the trade-off is that you actually get so many wonderful characters and stories coming together in one show and isn't that great
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nedlittle · 1 year
good evening "nedlittle" was a 12-year sociological study conducted by harvard university. we are now complete with our study, thank you for your time.
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gone-grl-gone · 2 years
Goodsir singing “Earth Angel” by Marvin Berry and The Starlighters (with the Lieutenants as backup instruments) as a lullaby to Silna/ Lady Silence is my comfort after nightmares.
Fight me.
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cordeliaflyte · 9 months
the terror amc season 1 fandom is dying. reblog if you're a real terrorist
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nalyra-dreaming · 13 days
I was wondering if you had any insight into why there are people tying themselves in knots to try to explain how Lestat’s letter to Louis was intentionally malicious: suggesting it was written knowing Louis would betray Lestat & with the explicit premeditated intent of psychologically torturing Louis.
I honestly don’t understand how you could watch that scene & not be moved to tears due to the love expressed in Lestat’s letter & the poignancy of that, given what actually happened, and added to by the little details such as Lestat’s misspellings..?!???
And even for Louis, surely the letter doesn’t only make him feel bad? Surely he also feels the love in it too? And considering he is manifesting visions of Lestat, wouldn’t he want to feel Lestat’s love? Even with the pain of that?
Why would Lestat leave Louis a box full of money if he wanted to torture him? We all know Lestat is perfectly capable of being acerbic, cutting & cruel with words, so why not leave a letter with actual hate & actual threats in if he wanted to hurt Louis?! If he wrote the letter at such a time?!
Also, did everyone watch season 1? Did you see Lestat’s words to Louis on the balcony at the Mardis Gras Ball? Did you see how he looked at Louis? How he danced with him? Lestat didn’t truly believe Louis would or could harm him till literally the last seconds, as Lestat realises - first in terror & horror, then with acceptance that Louis *will* do this.
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But Lestat’s last contact with Roget was BEFORE the ball!
My mind is just boggling at comments about Lestat’s letter being intended to cause Louis pain in a manipulative, calculated way & while art is what we the consumer take from it, so people are of course free to see whatsoever they wish, I simply can’t understand how you could take that from the beautiful scene of Lestat’s letter!?!
... Because it's easy and "accepted" in the fandom to hate on Lestat, because, you know, he is the big abuser and all he ever did was isolate and abuse Louis and Claudia.
So what else could it possibly be than a manipulation????
Sarcasm aside the reactions have made me shake my head at times as well, tbh. And, I mean, the writers have been very clear that it was Lestat leaving that for Louis in a beautiful gesture:
“We felt it would be totally romantic if Lestat left an 'open upon my demise' letter to Louis, solidifying his eternal love, and yet one that signals that he may still be alive in some way, 'waiting on the other side,' etc."
Romantic. Eternal Love. Waiting on the other side. 🤷🏽‍♀️
The cast, writers and creators have been very clear re Lestat as well and... *waves hand*
In any case, no matter how much some people twist everything into pretzels now... it won't hold. Because the shifts have been announced, for over a year now. And now they're happening. *shrugs*
I just wished so many of those who should know better wouldn't fall into all this BS because they're afraid of getting attacked otherwise, but I guess that's where we're at, fandom-wise.
Oh well. In any case - the show will go where it will, no matter some takes. And there have been more than enough hints.
And AMC has been very clear with the marketing. *shrugs*
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rlllythough · 1 month
for some, amcs the terror season 1 was just a really terrible cruise
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Ok, after some deliberation i have a list prepared, but since this is a democracy, im open to changes and other peoples opinion.
The askbox is open so feel free to offer suggestions over the weekend. On monday i will publish the final list and how it's organized in the bracket (it's going to be randomized) and start publish week long matches four at a time on tuesday.
So the list is under a readmore because it's long as fuck, but it is:
Sir John Franklin,
Francis Crozier,
James Fitzjames,
Edward Little,
George Hodgson,
John Irving,
Thomas Jopson
Thomas Blanky
Henry Collins
John Bridgens
Henry Le Vesconte
Graham Gore
Henry Goodsir
Alexander Mcdonald
Stephen Stanley
Charles Des Voeux
Cornelius Hickey
Harry Peglar
John Morfin
Magnus Manson
James Ross
Solomon Tozer
Thomas Hartnell
Thomas Armitage
William Gibson
Sophia Cracroft
Lady Franklin
Netsilik Shaman
Netsilik Hunter
Charles Dickens (Look i need the maths to make sense and everyone know who he is, he has a scene about what he is doing and how he contributes to the story. If anyone has any other suggestions he is the first one to go)
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jenniferleecopping · 2 years
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john...can we sleep?
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