#ambient trip hop
nonenglishsongs · 3 months
Sulk Station - Bindya (Kannada?)
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haveyouheardthisband · 7 months
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disease · 8 months
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joklhops · 29 days
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bozorubear · 11 months
Hey Y'all!!!
hi tumblr!!! uuh.. about a month ago I released an album and because this is pretty much the only social media that I publicly use I thought it would be nice to share it in here to see if anyone other than my friends could listen to it and get in contact with my music!
Thou Shalt Spark in the Ruins of What Remains of a Home is a experimental album that blends together a multitude of genres such as dark ambient, lo-fi, post-rock, electronic, noise, trip-hop and everything in between! It's made out of very abrasive and harsh sounds that can be really scary, but also really disarming and vulnerable, bringing a strange sense of intimacy and comfort not despite the uglyness and chaos but because of it.
Hope I don't sound too cocky saying those things haha but I thought it would be nice to give a brief introduction to what this album is for me before just telling people to go listen to it. If you guys could share the album with people who would like i'd really aprecciate it. If my art means something important even to just one person, that's enough to make me the happiest person in the world.
also, the album is free! download it as you want. But if you're gonna use it in a personal project, please give me proper credits!!
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iamlisteningto · 4 months
Boards Of Canada’s Twoism
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Let Go • Breathe In • It's Good To Be In Love • Must Be Dreaming • Psychobabble • Only Got One • Shh • Hear Me Out • Maddening Shroud • Flicks • The Dumbing Down Of Love
Spotify ♪ YouTube
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numenrecords · 4 months
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darksoundzero · 6 months
Obelisk Ruins - I Told You It Was a Vision (in Thought-Vision-Doubt, 2023)
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unclassable · 12 days
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guerrilla-operator · 5 months
Ulver // Hallways of Always
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almostlookedhuman · 6 months
A dark jazz arrangement of Red Snapper's trip hop banger Image of You by The Lovecraft Sextet. The latest project of Jason Köhnen, formerly of other jazz noir stalwarts The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble and The Mount Fuji Doomjazz Corporation.
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disease · 8 months
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kuliak · 11 months
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I'll be honest, this one is a banger - from concept to execution. Demo of the track below as well.
My intention coming into this patch was to revisit a patch concept I made when I had just gotten Cold Mac and was using it as a crossfader/VC panner to distribute audio back and forth between ears. One of the shortcomings of that experiment was that I didn't have any "real" LFOs, so I had Mac tuned negative and the function from Pam was asymmetrically driving it - not awful, but not exactly what I wanted.
I'll be honest, I still don't have any dedicated LFO's - just Peaks, which I always use for Envelopes, and normal old oscillators. Thankfully, though, both of my oscillators have LFO range switches, so I got a bit funky. Rather than using Pam as a clock, I'm using Banshee Reach in LFO range, with the pulse output going into Bloom which is sequencing and acting as a clock multiplier to bring everything up to a more groovy tempo.
The sine out from BR goes into Mac's survey input. Ts-L's wavefold goes through Sinc Bucina and then Mac's "left" input, and the +/- outs go into Data Bender, on which bend and break are toggled and repeats is played by hand throughout the patch to bring some excitement to the lead pluck. Wavefold is modulated by an envelope from Peaks on the same trigger as the Kick (which I'll get to later) to further integrate the rhythm.
Ts-L's PWM output goes first through Ikarie, receiving the same LFO as Mac for stereo panning, and a long envelope from Peaks on the base/unmultiplied beat to sweep the cutoff. This goes into Melotus Versio for the background texture - it's also receiving the multiplied clock and an attenuated LFO from BR to keep the movement and structure consistent.
The rhythmic structure is where this patch really gets interesting. The multiplied clock from Bloom goes into Zularic Repetitor, on which I found three complimentary patterns to structure the piece around (Gahu, Clave, and Rhumba). Mother goes into Akemie's Taiko, tuned to be like a snare with noise going into R2 and Ratio for variation. Child 1 triggers a sample and hold modulating Ts-L's wavefold. Child 2 is used to trigger SB for the main voice. However, since it is velocity/level sensitive (which I just learned), I'm running it through an attenuator first so I can control how hard the LPG is struck in different parts of the song (this is how I get the long-release, loud hits in the B section and outro, without having it blend into one long tone in the main section. Finally, Child 3 triggers the aforementioned envelope modulating wavefold, as well as the kick from ABD.
Finally, the odd part out, the hat rolls. I'm using channel 2 of Tyso-Daiko with high wavefolding and a short release to create the hats. A retrigger chokes the previous notes, so it makes each ratcheted trigger sound like its own, one-part sound. But what's triggering it? D-gate out from Telharmonic, with degree sequenced by Bloom. Earlier in the night, I'd been making the patch with tH as the main voice, but it just didn't sit right with me. The hat pattern is perfect though, so weirdly enough here I'm only using this amazing paraphonic module as a trigger sequencer - but I guess that's the joy of modular: you can do that!
That right there is the beta-version. You'll notice the sequence has a bit of polymeter going on - that's from the other Bloom channel into degree! Sadly, I filled all the timbral inputs of Ts-L or I'd have loved to carry that over, and I don't have space to rack Quantus Pax to transpose the sequence. I'll have my bigger case set up in just about a month, though, and I'm looking forward to even more elaborate sequences once I've got everything in once place like that!
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donocapo · 1 month
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