#also people's origin npcs come back and god
rotting-ink · 4 months
im incredibly cruel in the way I'm making little freak npcs and not letting them be romanceable.
im even sad about that
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mcx7demonbros · 23 days
All Catholic References with Sunday (that I could find)
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Well, for starter, I found lots of Catholic references with Sunday, and by extension, some elements in Penacony and even Xipe the Harmony. I feel like I have to write this down and post this. It's the reason this post exists.
Warning, this post will have extensive Bible quotes and religious references. If you are uncomfortable, please ignore this post.
Also, because I could only play the story only once and cannot go back to re-read the story, there will not be screenshots to everything.
Finally, spoilers of the newest Penacony trailblaze quest ofc
1. The name
Sunday's name is Sunday, and as you know, this is the day that is dedicated to God and most Christian (including Catholics) go to church to worship God. Sunday, right before he called upon the machine that he rode to become the weekly boss for the first time, he called it "Dominicus". This comes from the Latin word for Sunday "dominica", which means "the Lord's day". "Dominica" itself came from "Dominum, which means "Lord" or "the Lord". Even though the data bank calls the boss "Harmonious Choir" the Great Septimus, the detailed description of the boss still says "Dominicus".
If you search on the internet, you may find that the Latin word for Sunday is dies solis (which means the day of the sun). But that word was used in the pre-Christian era. Dies solis was changed to dominica after Christianity became the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th century. Till this day, English and other Germanic languages still call the first day of the week "day of the sun" in their respective languages, while other Romance/Latin languages call the first day of the week "the Lord's day", such as Portugese - domingo, Spanish - domingo, Italian - domenica, French - dimanche, etc.
2. Sunday's physical angelic features
Sunday was born a Halovian, a species in Star Rail universe well-known by their angelic iconography, having "halos" over their heads and white wings on the back of their heads. Although currently, only Sunday and Robin are shown to have wings, while other Halovian NPCs don't have them.
3. Confession
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This one, I believe, is quite obvious, with Sunday acts like a priest hearing confessions of the people who came to him for guidance and a free-from-guilt conscience in what seems to be a confession booth.
4. "The creation of Adam"
Remember the cutscene with the boss in 3rd phrase reaching out the hand and touches another hand coming down from the sky.
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It''s inspired by this
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"The Creation of Adam" or "The Creation of Man" is a fresco painting by Michelangelo for the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in early 16th century. This painting depicts God outstretching his right hand and finger towards Adam, the first man. This is mirrored and reversed by Sunday outstretching his right hand and finger from below toward the hand appearing from the sky. It is mirrored because in the original fresco, it is God reaching out for human with his right hand and Adam reaching out with his left hand, while in the game, the mysterious hand is a left hand while Sunday reaches out with his right hand. It is reverse because in the fresco, it is God who reaches out for human, while in the game, it is Sunday, a mortal, reaching up for the deity. However, we still don't know to whom that hand in the cutscene belong, I have compared that hand with both Xipe's and Ena's in their models, and it doesn't seem to belong to either of them, although the hand looks more like Xipe's than Ena's.
5. And on the eighth day
"And on the eighth day" is the name of the last quest of the trailblaze mission/main story quest chain of Penacony that was released in version 2.2.
In the quest, we hear Sunday telling us what Ena the Order did within the first seven days of Their existence. This is based on the narrative in the first chapter of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, God created everything in six days and He rested on the seventh day. If you have done the side quest to find clues about Sunday's whereabouts for Robin, you will get a notebook with the account of what Ena did in the seven days, the notebook is also divided into numbered chapters and verses, like the Bible.
Now we come to "the eighth day". In the 3rd phrase of the boss fight, each time the boss's turn comes, it doesn't attack but count the 7 days with its turns, corresponding with the narrative of Ena's first 7 days. And even on the 7th turn, the boss doesn't attack. It attacks on its next/8th turn after the cutscene, representing the eighth day.
Now in Catholicism, the day that Jesus rose from the dead is Sunday, the first day of the week. But Sunday is after the seventh day of the week, Saturday, so it's also called the eighth day.
"The eighth day, that is, the first day after the Sabbath [loosely corresponding to Saturday], was to be that on which the Lord should rise again, and should quicken us, and give us circumcision of the spirit." St. Cyprian of Carthage
"God brought it about that Christ’s body rested from all His works on the Sabbath in the tomb, and that He rose from the dead on the third day, which we call the Lord’s Day, the day after the Sabbath, and therefore the eighth day." St. Augustine of Hippo
6. Penacony's Phonograph soundtracks
I said that I also found some religious elements with Penacony. And I found those references with many of Penacony's phonograph soundtracks.
City Upon a Hill - the name is deprived from Jesus's words in Sermon on the Mount. You are the light of the world. A city seated on a mountain cannot be hid. (Matthew 5:14)
The Strength of Sin is the Law and The Sting of Death is Sin - now both of these came from the words of St. Paul the Apostle in his first Epistle (letter) to the Corinthians in the Bible, words for words. The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law. (1 Cor. 15:56)
Infirma Nostri Corporis - this is a phrase from traditional Catholic hymn Veni Creator Spiritus - Come, Holy Spirit, Creator. The phrase is an invocation of the Holy Spirit to strengthen our mortal body full of frailty and weaknesses.
Requiem Aeternam - eternal rest, this is a introit (hymn that is sung when the priest enters the church at the beginning of Mass). This introit is used at a Requiem Mass or Mass for the deceased or funeral Mass, a prayer to ask God to grand eternal rest to the deceased. Mozart wrote his own Requiem, which I believe to be the direct inspiration for this soundtrack and the next four. That means the original Catholic hymns are indirect inspirations.
Confutatis - confusion, this is a part of Sequence Dies Irae (Day of Wrath), which tells us about the Last Judgement. Confusion here means the confusion of the reprobate if you want the full context of this particular phrase. Also a part of Mozart's Requiem Mass.
Hosanna in Excelsis - Hosanna in the highest (hosanna is a word that expresses adoration, joy and praise). This originally came from the words of the crowd when they acclaimed Jesus at his Entrance into the city of Jerusalem. (Matt. 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-44; John 12:12-19). This was later incorporated into the praise Sanctus, which is sung at every Mass. Being an ordinary part of the Mass, the Sanctus is also a part of Mozart's Requiem.
Agnus Aeon - Lamb of Aeon, this is inspired by Agnus Dei - Lamb of God, another hymn that is present at every Mass. The hymn itself was inspired from the Bible, when St. John the Baptist called Jesus "the Lamb of God" (John 1:36). In Star Rail universe, when saying "god", the Aeons come to mind and the soundtrack's name was subsequently adopted to fit in the story. Also a part of Mozart's Requiem, same case with Sanctus.
Lux Aeterna - eternal light, the name comes from the hymn that is sung at the end of the Requiem Mass. The whole context is a prayer to God to let eternal light shine upon the departed.
7. Xipe - the Triple-Faced Soul
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One of Xipe the Harmony's titles is the Triple-Faced Soul, and you can see They have three faces (or heads?) from Their model. They are also called "thousand faces", but here I'll be discussing the Triple-Faced only.
Now Xipe's three faces reminds me of the Holy Trinity, especially the depiction of the Trinity as Trifacial.
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This kind of depiction of the Holy Trinity is not allowed anymore after the 1628 ban of Pope Urban VIII, who feared the depiction could make the people confused about the doctrine of the Trinity.
While the Trinity in Christianity is Three Distinct Persons but one God, one Divinity, Xipe is one person with three faces as symbolism.
I do know that gods in Hinduism have multiple heads, but I have only seen gods with 4 heads, 5 heads or even 8 heads. The only time I see a three-head god is when they depict Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva together as the Trimurti.
Well, those are all the Catholic references I could find and remember. Feel free to tell me if I missed something :3
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fireemblems24 · 5 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 12
My thoughts below. So, about Claude . . .
Please just tell me I don't have to kill Felix, Ingrid, Sylvain, Rodrigue, Annette, Gustave, Mercedes, Dedue, or Dimitri :(
Oh, Arval. Forgot about all of that lamo.
Are we circling back to TWSITD and the origins of Shez's powers? It really hasn't played any role in GW so far. In AG, Shez brings it up all the time (with Dimitri always saying it doesn't matter) and in SB the whole "we only promoted you bc we don't trust your power, sorry now we do" thing.
Nadar . . . doesn't want us to call off the attack. He's really a bloodthirsty jerk, isn't he?
Is Claude JUST now figuring out that taking out the Kingdom is a bad idea for the Alliance?
At least Claude's not stupid enough to not realize Edelgard won't take over the Alliance next. Begs the question then, why?
That's what I mean. This is all potentially interesting, I just think Claude's plans are all really stupid.
So, Claude sided with the Empire because he hates the church that much and actually believes all that shit? Or does he really think Edelgard will stop her war when Rhea's dead? (because she definitely does not in Houses when Rhea's captured in her prisons)
I DO like this for Dimitri though. I'm REALLY curious to see what he does. Is it too much to hope that he'll dump the church to rescue his people from war?
IDK, I just love the idea of a Dimitri willing to sacrifice anything - even his sense of right and wrong (since leaving Rhea to die when all she's done is help him IS wrong) to spare his people pain.
But I'm predicting he'll be too stubborn or not trust Claude or Sylvain furious at his father's death will ruin it
But it's also really cool to see Dimitri kinda backed into a corner with no "good" way out.
I can forgive Hopes giving Edelgard a boring af plot, writing Claude like a moron, and making me kill Blue Lions members, but if they miswrite Dimitri here (or Sylvain, kinda worried about that too tbh), I'm really going to be pissed
Also, like if Claude's plan is really just to gank Rhea to stop Edelgard's rampage, that means he really did all this twisting around just to try and stop one woman's murder rampage - why not just, like, take her out? If this is all really about the least death possible, isn't assassinating Edelgard the fastest way to keep more people from dying?
God, please, please, please have Dimitri dump Rhea to spare his people (I'd feel awful for Rhea, but I really, really hope Dimitri proves to be someone who would spare his people any pain, even at the expense of himself - when he's sane at least lamo).
On the flip side, I'm dying to play GW. It's plot may not make any sense and my opinion of Claude has tanked, but you can't say it's not entertaining.
Kinda sad they only go to B. They were cute together in Houses. Seems some of the ships got turned up to 11 and others got dialed down.
Lorenz is contemplating his existence in a world where commoners don't rely on the nobility.
He's struggling to see from the commoner's POV, so he wants a commoner to serve as an advisor. Honestly, Lorenz, pretty good call.
The way Lorenz talks about Leonie and her choices, it makes it sound like history was trending towards commoners and nobles not being so rigid without Edelgard doing anything.
Leonie turns down Lorenz's offer because she wants to be a mercenary.
Lorenz wakes up after getting injured. Marianne thinks it's her fault, which I saw coming.
Lorenz thought he imagined Marianne asking for help, but she actually did.
Marianne realizes she wanted to live, hence why she called for help. So she's feeling guilty that the end result is Lorenz got hurt.
Lorenz is encouraging and is happy Marianne opened up to him.
Honestly, a better support for him than a lot of the Hopes ones.
Balthus is . . . really hung up on the idea of wrestling Dimitri, isn't he?
So some NPC talked about how the Kingdom is getting attacked on all fronts. I can't be the only one who finds it amusing that Dimitri with his smaller army and surrounded by enemies is doing a better job than Edelgard with her massive one lol.
When Hapi proves way smarter than Claude, knowing how massively stupid Claude's plan of "let's kill everyone they love and then force whoever is left over to listen to us! I'm sure they'll be thrilled." Hapi's like, eh, not sure this will work.
Man, Ashe is just miserable when you recruit him. I do find it kind of heartwarming in a weird way how miserable all the recruitable Lions end up being (even in Houses, moreso than the other houses at least). Ashe and Felix taking the cake, but Mercedes was regretting her life choices the last SB chapter too.
Aww, Yuri is worried about Ashe and finds Claude cruel for forcing him to fight against the Kingdom.
Holy shit, Shez really spitting facts to Claude's face, telling him his plan is a giant disaster (Dimitri won't fall for intimidation tactics, and Edelgard won't stop attacking people even after she runs out of excuses.) As insufferable as all of the Golden Deer are in this game, at least we've got stuff like this pointing out how cruel and stupid they're being.
Lamo, take only one unit into the map, as if that's a challenge. I literally only use Lorenz. This'll be easy in AG too bc Dimitri's such a beast. Dreading it in SB though.
Annette is still alive here at least :( And Rodrigue. And Gustave. (we're with the Blue Lions discussing Claude being ... GW!Claude)
Sylvain thinks Claude's an idiot lol. Dimitri and Sylvain are sussing him out.
I love how Dimitri is the only character who's goal is to avoid bloodshed among the lords. The other two are, uh, yeah.
Oh.... is Dimitri actually going to run over the church? Like I wanted? When Dimitri's the best character in GW lol.
Dimitri looking out for Sylvain, knowing how angry he is with Claude.
I had to fight Ingrid :(
Lysithea catches Shez assuring a younger girl that she doesn't seem like a child, but an adult.
Predictably, Lysithea gets angry, because it's Lysithea, but to be fair, she's upset because Shez said the same thing and thinks Shez is being insencere.
Shez admits that it's not cool, what she did, but she's bad at advice and keeps using the same lines she's learned from stories lamo. I love Shez.
Honestly, Lysithea is kinda right to get mad here, at least I get it unlike some of the times with her.
Lamo, Shez can borrow another line from a story. I'm gonna piss her off bc I can lol.
Lysithea buys it. I wonder if it's the same line lol.
Having mercenary talk. I had Shez choose to ask for help. Shamir offered once she's free.
Shez comments how mature Shamir is. Shamir comments how relaxed Shez is (but it's a positive thing, not like a judgment).
They bond over having lost trusted allies, including the ones at the beginning for Shez.
Kinda boring, but honestly these two are almost too well matched, like not enough tension and just too normal lol
Hilda wants to gossip, but Lysithea only goes on about how awesome Holst is, so she's not interested.
She thinks he should be more careful as head of household, but Lysithea points out that he has no choice.
Hilda is worried who Holst is married. There's an ick here where Lysithea thinks that's because he's too focused on Hilda.
Hilda just talks about who Lysithea might marry, which, yeah...
Hilda offers to help Lystheia out, and some, um, implications that she'll be Lysthesia's new family - she says big sister, but there's def some ship teasing
They made Hilda really flirt with all the girls this time lol
Hapi finds Claude easier to talk to than Edelgard and Dimitri.
Props to Hapi for telling Claude not to unload his trauma on her.
Hapi's like if you're bitching, why not just quit? Lamo.
Hapi says she'll support him.
Honestly don't remember if I've seen this in SB already or not.
Bernie likes Marianne's painting, but not her own. This is true vice versa, because of course it is.
Marianne compliments Bernie's horsemanship.
Two shy girls compliment each other, then get shy.
Then Bernie asks what Marianne wants to do after the war and Marianne becomes a Disney princess, wanting to sit in the woods with animals. Bernie wants to finish a story. Honestly, both girls picked amazing options I too want.
Bernie's story is about Marianne lamo. But Marianne isn't mad, she just wants to read it.
I really find their friendship cute, ngl.
Also, Bernie supports Dimitri, so there's no way she's NOT writing fanfic about his life because it's a never drying well there.
Lorenz asks Raphael why he didn't just stay at his family's inn instead and joined the war instead
Raphael wants to keep his family safe, and thinks that following Claude will bring peace to the world (lamo) so that's why
Lorenz is more grounded, saying that all he's doing is exposing his family to the dangers of war
Which, Lorenz isn't wrong, but he also starts prattles more about nobility need to do everything and commoners nothing
But like, does Lorenz really think you can make an army out of nobles only, because, like, that just doesn't happen
Raphael is touched lamo, thinking Lorenz is concerned
Raphael just challenges him to a muscles competition
It is amusing to see Lorenz try to give his spiel and Raphael just keeps doing his own thing
Like ALL of Lorenz's supports in this game is this though, he's more repetitive than Bernedetta at this point
Lorenz is bragging about himself, Constance is in the sun so she's . . . not
You know, I was thinking just how insufferable Lorenz would be in my playthrough because he's like 10 levels ahead of everyone, a god on the battlefield, always MVP - he like trounces everyone so he's be bragging and he'd be right - I wish Claude had to deal with this, watching Lorenz win the war for him and have to put up with Lorenz being Lorenz over it
They overdid it a bit with her sunshine personality - like Dimitri and Marianne are very realistic about a lack of self-worth, but Constance just comes across like a joke (and maybe that's all she's supposed to be)
Poor Lorenz is just confused and wants the normal Constance
I do have a soft spot for when male characters are desperate for the snotty side of a female character to come back (like, really just talking about Rutger and Clarine)
This is going on for too long though without any change
Lysithea mistook a mercenary Leonie talked to for a bandit
But he's just someone who loot dead bodies on battlefields
I always found that kind of distasteful
Lysithea feels torn because she wants to learn about commoners more, but doesn't seem comfortable talking to people who steal coins off dead people, which same
Lysithea of course wants to know about commoner sweets
And Leonie talks about how they can't afford noble treats and likes commoner snacks (hopefully different from Chole's folk food lamo)
Shez is snooping on Yuri's letter. I love that Shez is a snoop.
Yuri's pissed though, lamo. He threatens Shez's life though. That's a bit . . . much.
I'm going to pretend I didn't read it lol.
She's ill so he was visiting her.
He's a bit needlessly sometimes.
Lysithea thinks there's something wrong with Ignatz.
She guesses right that he's unhappy, but guesses wrong that he wishes he ran his father's company instead of his brother.
He slips up that he admits he's only a knight to please his family.
Awww, Lysithea offers Ignatz the opportunity to live in Ordelia territory and does whatever he wants to afterwords.
She was actually really sweet in this support.
Also, anyone else realize that Ignatz is proof that the church/crests/inheritance isn't the one forcing children to do things they don't want to? It's human greed?
Claude left a meeting because he was bored of people arguing. Hapi also left a meeting.
Oh, interesting, Hapi asks Claude if he would walk away if someone could take his place. Claude says no that he wants to get a lot done and can't let anyone else do it. So a really uninteresting answer.
Linhardt got a gift he doesn't want so he offered it to Leonie.
Lamo, Linhardt forgot the meeting he set up with Leonie.
He gives her a notebook already full, so she wants to give him something in return.
She gives him a rock that turns out to be part of an ancient relic and he gets thrilled.
Linhardt comes to the conclusion that they value the complete opposite things, but they decides they're actually not a special pairing lamo.
Ugh, not looking forward to this.
Wow, imagine that, the Kingdom isn't bringing them a welcoming party. Like, did Shez really expect that?
They're a bunch of psychos. They're all excited to go kill people because they're strong warriors.
"Let's see if a crushing defeat can get through Dimitri's thick skull." Because you like tried talking with him so many times before???
What is Claude smoking? He's never tried anything but bloodshed of innocent Kingdom people to accomplish anything in this route?
I see what people mean when they say this is one of the most unlikeable casts ever.
Gustave's middle name is Eddie. Not Edward. Eddie. Suffering through GW is worth knowing that.
Also, fuck, I don't want to fight Annette and Gustave, who are only defending their home.
Thank fuck, Annette retreated. Having SB flashbacks where I had to kill Annette. Annette.
And thank God that Gustave did too.
On the flip side, I sort of wish GW wasn't so wish-washy and they all died. At least SB has the guts to show there's consequences for your character's actions. But GW like to pretend only Annette and Gustave matter and it'll be ok to slaughter thousands of low born people of Faerghus every single level because they're not named.
Dimitri evacuated his citizens. I think he's literally the only lord who did that lamo. (I remember distinctly Edelgard not doing that in VW, and I don't think Claude did in CF or AM? Could be wrong about Claude).
FUCK. Dedue. If he doesn't retreat, I swear to God I can't finish this.
Oh, God, not Sylvain too.
Wait, what the fuck, Claude. His "defense" against Sylvain accusing (rightly so) Claude of invading his home and murdering his parents is that "we're all risking our lives here." I guess Faerghus is 2-for-2 whenever someone is actually allowed to criticize people who are invading them.
At least Sylvain retreated.
Dimitri appeared to defend Faerghus. I swear whoever wrote this game didn't care at all about the Golden Deer.
Oh, a cut scene. Also pretty sure Shez called Dimitri Faerghus' strongest soldier.
Well, at least Dimitri being an utter and complete badass in this game continues since Claude admitted that he could never win against him. And he needed Hilda and Lorenz to just push him back, not even defeat him.
Oh, great, more backtracking. Claude has to retreat. Does this mean I have to fight Dimitri again?
You're right, Hilda, it's the same thing all over again. God, this gets old.
It would be funny if it was the Empire, but it's probably just TWSITD. It's pretty funny Claude is the one who learns the least in Hopes vs Houses.
At least Annette and Sylvain are still alive.
Gotta love also how damn badass Faerghus is in general, fighting a 3-way battle and not losing.
Dedue is here too, my beloved.
I love seeing Claude taking another L and having to retreat again.
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theenpcbracket · 10 months
The TTRPG NPC Tournament Semifinals (Round 4): Mary Byram vs. HE
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Images are in the order of the poll! Image ID included, click to see the full image please!
More about each NPC below the cut!
Character 1
Name: Mary Byram Party: Ambiscade Gang Relationship to party: Coworker, divorcee
What makes them the best NPC: Mary Byram is living proof that the song “No Children” by The Mountain Goats doesn’t just have to be about romantic relationships gone wrong. She’s a bright red tiefling rogue with a storied past, currently working for a guild called the Thinfingers alongside one of the party members. Previously, she worked with a tiefling rights movement called Hellflame, but something happened there that she doesn’t really talk about. She’s still passionate about both the movement and the group, though.
Our bard lovingly calls her “Mare-Bear.” She hates this. She’s a day drinker. She’s exhausted always. She cares so much but will never admit it unless under duress. I think she genuinely thinks that god cursed her by metaphorically putting her in a get-along shirt with our rogue PC. Their dynamic allowed our party to coin the term “Coworker Divorce” except they’re literally not allowed to actually get rid of each other. She is also constantly saddled with the skater-pilled rogue who was also submitted to the bracket, so she’s usually outnumbered when it comes to harebrained schemes. She’s largely anti-antics, but is down for some antics if she's in control of them. She’s a mastermind and usually gives the help bonus action either by telling people what they fucked up or by telling them NOT to fuck something up. She deserves a break she’ll simply never get.
Quote: "Thoughts?" -the warlock, asking Mary about a proposed plan. "...More than you. Apparently." -Mary
To learn more about Mary, check out the extra propaganda in her tag here!
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Character 2
Name: HE Party: The Misdemeanor Mateys Relationship to party: Businessman, aggravating party stalker, final boss
What makes them the best NPC: Mysterious tiny man with static for a head, and the loudest screechiest voice you can imagine (DM once blew out their vocal chords because of him). Levitates and teleports at will, and can pop objects in and out of existence. Runs a business granting magical favors. Originally tried to hire the party to help his business but the group said "fuck no". Now regularly pops in to nag, cause trouble, or play meme songs on a calliope, and occasionally provides useful information. HE controls an alternate dimension called the Mercantile Pile full of items from different times and places, including lots of modern-day technology (unlike the D&D campaign setting). He can be summoned by writing out his name. His calling card is a 7 of Spades, which he can also use to influence the world & cast spells remotely. HE mainly wears business suits & suspenders, but has also appeared in a hazmat suit (riding a tricycle), turtleneck sweater and thigh holster, wetsuit with suspenders painted on, sequin jacket with '69' on the back, peacock burlesque, and nurse drag outfit. He once killed 20 guards with a snap of his fingers. He also destroyed a walkman with a flamethrower. Implied to be the father of the ultra-powerful kid whose primary pastime is handing out enchanted "friendship nuggets" [chicken]. His #1 business competitor is Michael's Wonder Emporium. Eventually turns out to be one of the most central characters to the story.
"You're going to call me when you need me!"
To learn more about HE, check out the extra propaganda in his tag here!
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mostmagical · 2 months
nicole my love will you rank your top three or top five or top ten video games… whichever number you wish to gush about… i love you…
hi sunny..... oughh I have a tough time picking favorites.... I looked at this question like a homework assignment.. I did a top 10 and I put reasoning even though you did not ask for that but I'm putting it under this read more in case you want it... you don't have to read more though... but you can... i love you...
Top 10
Kingdom Hearts - Obviously of course. I don’t always even rank KH1 as my favorite KH game but basically this was my “oh games can be like that?” game. Until I played this, I mostly played simulator games and movie tie-ins and Barbie games, and I loved those but this one had a STORY I could bury myself in. I forced the friend I played this game with to sit and wait while I read through every journal entry and character file looking for MORE, because I was so immediately hooked on everything.
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories - This one always ranks high not just because of the story, which I love, but because this was the first game I ever beat entirely by myself. A lot of people skip or can’t stand this game so I’m extra proud of myself tbh. But this is the game where one of my favorite characters became one of my favorite characters, so it’ll always have a special place.
Ōkami - I love this game so much… It’s so visually stunning, I love the unique game play, and Amaterasu is such an amazing protagonist despite the fact that she does talk outside of barking and howling and also she is literally a dog. But she’s so good. There’s a dedicated bark button, which is important. AND THERE’S FISHING!
Final Fantasy X - I’ve literally never sobbed more over a piece of media in my entire life. The game wasn’t even over yet. I had to fight a boss with tears in my eyes. This was my first FF game and oh my god. Oh my god. I can say no more.
Horizon Zero Dawn - I got so sucked into this game. It was all I could think about for months. I love the environmental storytelling and the world-building and Aloy is a female protagonist WITHOUT a love interest in this game and it’s so huge to me and ugh. UGH.,
Hades - This game is so fun… I usually don’t like games that make me feel like I’m struggling but they somehow made it such a joy to die over and over again and see what’s up in the house. The sheer amount of unique dialogue makes it impossible to get annoyed. And it’s just FUN. Full of complicated family dynamics and Greek mythology… Collectibles… WOO (also has fishing)
Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life - This is a really sentimental add, but it’s genuinely one of my favorites. I have so many memories of me and my childhood best friend staying up until the wee hours of the morning playing this game, only to go to bed and set an alarm to get up and play it again. AWL has some of the best NPCs of all HM/SOS games, and also the cutest cows. Ever.
Final Fantasy XV - FISHING. And also stories about bonds we build… friendship… ough.. I love sitting in the back of the car and letting Ignis drive and feeling like we’re all on a friendship road trip together. Random stops for pictures and bathroom breaks included. Luna deserved better but the hours I spent fishing made up for that.
Persona 5 Strikers - It probably seems silly to put this here and not Persona 5, but I really loved Strikers so much. It had such satisfying gameplay, completely different from the source material, yet still somehow felt like such an homage to the classic movesets. It was a really good adaptation to a new genre. I loved the story and the new characters, who MADE ME CRY! and I think it’s such a shame, because a lot of Persona players skipped this one!!! Ryuji gets to say fuck. Come on, people.
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles - I love the characters in this game so much… I miss them… I love the original AA trilogy, but this one was so much fun for me. I love Herlock Sholmes… I love him so much I forgot that his real name is not Herlock Sholmes. All the characters are so dynamic and the cases are so fun… That was a game I wished never had to end.
Special mention to Animal Crossing: Wild World, Barbie Horse Adventures Mystery Ride, Secret Agent Barbie, Ni No Kuni, God of War (2018), Gris... I love video games. Damn.
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utilitycaster · 11 months
I feel like every time there’s an episode that highlights the ways in which Laudna’s character is hollow, we get the opposite moment from Ashton.
Like, Laudna has explicit reason to be pro-god, she was resurrected by one, her rant disregards a large chunk of what’s happened in-game and tries to make a point that fully eludes her.
On the other hand, Ashton’s anti-god/ pro-faith rant makes sense for the character. It’s also wonderful ironic, with the meta-knowledge of the Luxon being a sliver of divinity.
And then there’s the other moment, where Laudna has a conversation with Imogen in which they circle the same topics as always and end undecided about what they want for themselves.
Whereas Ashton has a conversation with FCG that highlights how far both have come as characters and how much their relationship has changed and exactly what each of them is fighting for.
I don’t know. Over and over again, I look at Laudna and Ashton and see two high-concept, aesthetic characters, and one found a way to be rooted in the world, and the other just… didn’t.
How many new NPCs does Ashton’s backstory bring to the game? A dozen? More? And Laudna has… Pate? She just feels so ungrounded and disconnected from the reality of the world.
Yeah...for what it's worth: I don't mind that Laudna doesn't have a pro-god stance. While I do think it's fair to say the gods have in fact done something for her, she spent very little time with Pike and it might not be on her mind. It's just...why would Laudna feel strongly about this at all. Why is she talking. Like, part of what was interesting about her in Hearthdell is that it's easy to see an argument for her fully siding with the villagers (after all, she also had an external force come into town and start fucking things up, was also overthrown by a mostly external group and returned to those who originally led it) but her attitude was "why are we dealing with this stupid bullshit when there's far greater things to worry about." Which was fascinating! And then she was betrayed by a member of the Vanguard! And then she comes back and she's furious and angry and upset...and then it just vanishes and she starts taking the opposite position for no apparent reason, and like, I know this is improv but she kept talking after like 2 or 3 glaringly obvious buttons on the conversation.
It would make perfect sense for Laudna to have the same position as Ashton, is the thing. "People have done harm in the name of the gods (Hearthdell) and I don't know if they've ever listened to me or intervened in my suffering, but Ludinus is doing incalculable harm on a much grander scale right, and we need to be against that, and I am open to the gods making their position more clear to me." Literally that's it.
As for the two...honestly I think the fact that Laudna...isn't high concept is the problem. Like, you can build a character on an aesthetic as a starting point. That's fine! But Ashton is not just punk in looks, but also punk in attitude. Taliesin asked the question "what would punk look like in Exandria" from a philosophical standpoint, worked with Matt to create a chaotic barbarian class, thought pretty extensively through the backstory that led them to the point where we see them at the start, has played a consistent throughline, and so when Ashton takes a stand it feels earned. With Laudna...the things that finally started to build during the Issylra arc (actually expressing unhappiness and anger, being upset with people on both sides of this argument) just vanished, and again, it increasingly seems true that almost all the work done was to support the aesthetic without then going back and weaving it into the story.
I will also add: I don't think having a ton of NPCs is important or a good metric - in fact there was a really good D&D court in which someone had a ton of NPCs in their backstory that their DM had asked them to tone down. I can think of plenty of characters who don't have a ton of NPCs in their backstory, either created by them or by Matt, who are great. Like, actually, part of the issue is again that Laudna is supposed to have this incredibly lonely, empty backstory, and we don't actually feel it. It's been so much tell and very little show.
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schrijverr · 2 years
Gimme Some Sugar
Eddie is originally from Tennessee and has the accent to prove it. He keeps it hidden after he’s been bullied about it, but after the Upside Down, he finds people he can be himself about. And who knows, maybe Steve likes the southern accent? (spoiler, he does).
On AO3.
Ships: Steve x Eddie
Warnings: bullying and period typical homophobia mention
Let it be known that Eddie Munson doesn’t conform. He doesn’t care and will make sure that it’s everyone’s problem in the way he carries himself, in how loud he is. Eddie Munson is himself and he won’t be changed.
However, Eddie Munson also wasn’t born in Hawkins, only arriving in the small Indiana town in his first year of middle school at eleven years old. Before that he had lived with his parents, but when your father puts your mother in the grave, you tend to be taken away by CPS and dumped on your closest relative.
For Eddie that had been his Uncle Wayne, who had taken in a traumatized preteen and made it his life work to ensure the kid landed alright. Wayne turned his trailer into something welcoming, warm, allowing the kid to feel at home. Part of that was letting his twang that he had long since dropped to fit in, ooze out. A bit of familiarity within all the change and loss.
Because the Munsons weren’t from around here, most of the Munson family had been born and raised in Tennessee. Including Eddie.
Yet that familiarity meant nothing when Eddie came home crying about how everyone was making fun of him and calling him a cowboy. So, Wayne held the boy and cursed the meanness of kids, before helping Eddie hide his twang.
It faded over time and with it did the teasing. Soon Eddie wore a metal shirt to school and that was enough for them to find something else to tease him about. Cowboy Eddie faded to obscurity and he was more than happy with that.
So no, Eddie Munson doesn’t conform… most of the time. But a small town can get to anyone, including the anti-establishment and conformity metalhead.
If Eddie’s honest, had he known how he would end up, he probably would have kept the accent and fucked everyone. It’s his mama’s voice, the soothing rumble of his uncle after a nightmare, his own when he’s passionate or tired. It has a lot of memories and he shouldn’t have given it up as easily, looking back.
However, it’s too late now and he’s not going back. He’ll save it for his dramatics and his favorite DnD NPCs.
Of course, all those concerns about being mocked for one of his only good memories, fades the second Chrissy levitates before turning into a human pretzel in his living room. Then he is more concerned with getting the fuck away and out of there.
And it’s only the tenseness and how aware of his every move, how the others perceive him, judge him, that keeps the put upon accent in his voice when Dustin comes looking for him. When he pins Steve Harrington of all people to a wall.
God, his life is a mess.
However, it’s the mess that leads him to having some sort of family. He has always had his uncle Wayne of course, but now he has friends that haven’t dropped him after murder allegations (even once proven false), people that believe him, people who know. It’s nice. Maybe worth the three week long hospital stay (luckily bills paid for by the government).
Normally Eddie is very much against the government, a sentiment that hasn’t been helped by seeing what they were up to with the Upside Down. However, he isn’t above accepting a new house and paid for medical bills as a ‘sorry you got caught up in our illegal experiments, if you say anything you’re dead before you can blink’-gift.
So, he accepts that he is healed for free and doesn’t have to live in the trailer where he witnessed Chrissy die. And he tries to adjust back to life again.
It’s difficult to go back to normal, when people stare at you like you’ve personally come over and murdered their grandmother, but he manages. He has always held his head high and he’s not stopping now.
Though, he’s glad he can sit with Robin and Nancy and a newly returned Jonathan in the breaks, just so he isn’t alone. As well as Dustin, Lucas and Mike, currently the only other members of Hellfire and Max. However, what he likes most is Steve coming over after school and being able to hang out with him.
Eddie never thought he would be hanging out with Steve Harrington after school of all people and if you had suggested it to him in early March, he would have laughed in your face. Strange how alternate dimensions and nearly dying can shift one’s perspective.
But Steve has been a surprise. Not an unpleasant one, of course, just surprising. Because Steve is a really good guy.
Sure, he had admitted that to him in the Upside Down, but it’s only after, once he’s fully integrated into the group, that he gets to witness the extend of that. Steve has fully shed King Steve that he was known as in high school and has turned into, what Eddie can only describe as, a tired mother of seven.
And he’s not joking. He has seen Steve with a dishtowel slung over his shoulder, both hands on his hips with the gaggle of kids in front of him, heads hung low, as he scolds them, before giving into their wishes. Because Steve is not just a mom, he is also incredibly soft for those kids. The little bastards have him wrapped around their little fingers.
It’s honestly hilarious to watch. Eddie won’t describe it as the fall from grace of the great King Steve, more like the rise to protector of Sir Steve. Though he isn’t telling Steve that.
Yeah, okay, so maybe Eddie has a bit of a crush on Steve.
But it’s not his fault, okay! Steve has just punched him in the face with his overbearing caring (that is likely built on being the one between the others and death many times) and his kind attitude, even if he pretends to be annoyed. How he listens, offering an ear and a shoulder as well as advice if needed.
Like, Eddie has always heard that Steve was hot, but seeing that he was an asshole he never pinged on Eddie’s radar. Now, however, he’ll look at Steve in his polo’s and mom-jeans while he ruffles Dustin’s hair and it’s the hottest thing he has ever seen.
Or Steve will laugh at a joke made by Lucas and it’ll be about something King Steve would have never cared about, but he’s laughing, because he learned, because he cares for these kids. His head will be thrown back, showcasing his neck and he’ll clutch his side, showing off his arms. Not to mention that he looks so happy, which is such a good and deserved look on him. Yeah, it makes Eddie want to loose his mind.
And to make things worse for Eddie, it’s not just physical things that has him fluttering around Steve like a moth to the light. If it was purely physical, Eddie could shove those feelings aside until he got over it. But, like he said before, it isn’t, because what makes Steve so attractive is his personality.
It makes Eddie want to rip his hair out and he loves his hair.
Because Steve is just comfortable to be around and he has made it his mission to worm his way into Eddie’s life. Much to Eddie’s surprise, who had expected to be dropped by King Steve the moment the life threatening situation was over.
Only to wake up in the hospital with Steve sitting next to him, slumped over and asleep in an uncomfortable plastic chair. That takes him a moment to process, his uncle Wayne rumbling in that comforting twang: “There ya are. They ain’t telling me a thing ‘bout what happened to ya, but I’m glad ya have some friends. That fella hasn’t left your side in days.”
Uncle Wayne has never been one for deep talks, but Eddie is still glad for him there. He nearly cries and says in a thick accent: “Uncle Wayne, I ain’t never been so happy to see your face,” and means it with his whole heart.
Steve wakes up with the noise and Eddie manages to play off his accent due to being in a coma for a few days. Leaning into the carefully embrace, glad Steve remembered he is more stitch than skin at that moment.
And he still doesn’t know why he hid. His accent was something he loves, deny it as he might, it’s a good memory and after nearly dying together in a hell dimension that is hardly the strangest thing Steve has seen. But maybe a part of Eddie was unsure if the caring Steve he had seen would last beyond saving the world. Maybe he questioned if Steve being there was a sign of friendship or an obligation he felt he had.
Whatever it was he had hidden and it is weird to start now.
Still, Steve makes it very very hard, because Steve is comfortable. Steve makes Eddie feel comfortable. And Eddie associates his accent with comfort. So, he has to fight not to slip into it when they’re hanging out together. Because yeah, he and Steve hang out together now.
It starts with Steve showing up at his trailer after having stayed at the hospital until Eddie is discharged. When he opens the door and finds Steve, arms full of papers, his only repose is: “What the fuck.”
“I am going to be the most horrible friend right now, maybe even person,” Steve starts, the words almost a ramble, “but I have all the assignments you missed in the hospital and we’re going to make them. I have bribe snacks.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Eddie says, completely confused. “You. Steve Harrington. You are here to help me with my missed assignments?”
“Uhm, yeah,” Steve looks bashful. “I- I mean, I can go, if you want to. I get it if you don’t want me here. I- uhm, guess I thought it would be less intimidating to start with someone there. But that doesn’t have to be me, of course. I can go. I should go.”
And Eddie never thought he’d see the day Steve was hesitant, afraid Eddie wouldn’t want to hang out with him. He also thought he’d never he’d see the day where he wanted to hang out with Steve, but here he is.
“No, stay,” the words are out before he can stop them, but Steve just looks so unsure and Eddie is pretty sure he falls the moment he sees Steve’s relieved smile.
“I can’t promise I’ll be much help,” Steve tells him. “Got knocked around a bit in Junior and Senior year, but I graduated so that counts for something.”
And Eddie jokes: “I don’t care, man. You brought snacks,” as he lets him in with a grin.
They take to ‘studying’ together, which is more Eddie complaining as he works while Steve pulls sympathetic faces and throws snacks his way. That in turn leads to Steve coming around just because. Until Steve is coming to check on him in the middle of the night, because he dreamed Eddie hadn’t made it, which blossoms in the two sticking together through bad nights on the flat roof of the new little Munson home or the sofa and kitchen.
So, yeah, that is where Eddie is now. Hopelessly smitten for Steve Harrington and very close friends that are so comfortable that Eddie finds himself nearly slipping into an accent. His accent. A strong Tennessee accent that he keeps hidden for some reason now.
If he allows himself to be honest, he knows that it is because he’s shy about it. Eddie has never been shy about anything, but the soft lilt of his voice, the twang that coats it, it’s personal. Private.
And yeah, he knows thousands of people talk like that and he doesn’t own it, but it’s a little piece of his childhood. A little piece of himself that has already been trampled over by the youths of Hawkins. And he doesn’t want to share it when it can be ripped up again by someone who has become so close and dear to him.
Still, even if the accent is hidden, old sayings his mama always used are coming out instead.
It’s currently nearing summer and the heat is seeping in. He and Steve are in his room, cramming for his finals that are coming up. Eddie feels like he’s dying. Not only is the heat killing him, but Steve is right there lounging on the floor in shorts and a tank top, beads of sweat rolling down his neck in a tantalizing way.
To distract himself, Eddie lets out a loud huff, fanning himself with his notebook, before loudly proclaiming: “I’m sweatin’ like a sinner in church.” Okay, so maybe a bit of the drawl was there.
But Steve laughs, “What?” sounding amused by his choice of phrase.
Luckily, Eddie often uses strange saying that Steve doesn’t know, because of his dramatics that he has developed over the years of being a dungeon master. So, Eddie just grins: “Never heard that one before, Stevie?” as he plays it off.
But then later, the two are watching as Dustin rages at a game in the arcade – the two have driven the whole gang there, since they no longer fit in Steve’s car alone – and Eddie can’t help but comment: “He’s havin’ a dying duck fit.”
Again Steve gives him that look. That fucking look. It’s a little confused and amused, like he doesn’t fully understand what Eddie just said, but he likes the sound of him talking so he doesn’t mind that he can’t fully comprehend it. Like he’ll listen no matter what and if the words sound good enough, he’s just happy to be amused by Eddie being nothing but himself.
It’s intoxicating that look. Makes Eddie feel special, maybe a bit insane. That look is dangerous, because Eddie is willing to do a lot to keep that look on Steve’s face.
And maybe the next time Steve is there to drive him to school and he is running around trying to find the last of his stuff, it’s on purpose when he says: “If it had been a snake, it would have bitten me!” as he pulls out his pen.
And it’s worth it, because Steve does the face. Then smiles fondly as he shakes his head, before replying: “Watching you run around like that gives me second hand stress. When is your van fixed again?”
“Steve Harrington, are you implying you want to get rid of me?” Eddie gasps, playing appalled, dramatically putting his hand on his heart.
Not expecting Steve to respond with: “Never,” which sounds too genuine and almost makes Eddie look for a meaning behind them that isn’t there. Steve is just a good dude, he reminds himself. He is attached to all his friends and that includes Eddie. It’s nothing special.
It’s nothing special, just keep repeating it, Munson.
But Steve makes it so hard. He’s just always there. After a Hellfire meeting, the van now finally fixed, Steve is there picking up the kids. When Eddie comes out of the building, his smile seems to broaden as he calls out: “Good game, Eds?”
Good game is such a sports term, but on Steve it’s cute. Or at least, that is what Eddie’s brain has decided about it. His smile back comes on his face without permission and he has to work to make it less soft and more of a grin as he replies: “Nearly TPKed the party, so yeah.”
“TPK?” Steve repeats, then lights up. “Total Party Kill, right?” looking so proud at the fact that he remembered.
Eddie melts and he nods: “Yeah, that’s right, big boy.”
If he wants to fool himself, he can say Steve blushes at his words, but he knows better. So, he just waves goodbye, watching Steve get into his car and drive away, trying not to feel too down at his departure. God, his crush is getting sad.
It’s getting sad and Eddie knows it’s all just building inside him ready to blow. He has never had the best self control (it’s one of the things that lead to him being labeled a freak, his inability to stop whatever was coming out of him mouth), so he knows that he will do something stupid soon and loose Steve and his friendship.
Yeah, loose Steve. He might be a great guy, but it’s still Bumfuck, Indiana and Eddie knows the chances of Steve wanting to be his friend after finding out Eddie is gay and into him. He knows his chances all too well. It’s one of the reasons he works so hard to conceal that soft part of himself, the part that isn’t loud. The part that can get hurt so easily.
As predicted it all comes to a head on a stuffy night nearing the summer break. Eddie has finished all his finals and now it’s just waiting for the horrid news. He has a chance, but that’s what he thought the previous years too. And with his new nightmares, the fear of not passing again is enough to keep him up at night.
Tonight is such a night. Uncle Wayne is off to work and Eddie is alone in his house, breathing quickly, feeling scared and alone. The thoughts in his head are too fast to grasp, but slow enough to stress him out. With shaking hands he dials a familiar number.
“This is the Harrington residence, Steve Harrington speaking,” Steve answers the phone, sounding too awake and formal for the hour. Chances are, he was already awake when Eddie called.
“Steve,” he greets. “I- uhm, It’s Eddie.”
“Hey, Eds,” Steve greets, sounding more upbeat, before realizing why Eddie probably called. “Are you okay, man?”
“I don’t know,” Eddie says, though he knows the answer is no.
And Steve knows that the answer is no too, so he tells Eddie that he’s on his way, before hanging up.
With the assurance that Steve is coming, Eddie manages to calm down a bit. Wandering further into the kitchen and putting on the kettle. When they first started hanging out after nightmares, they drank beer, but with more ease between them, they found tea to be more calming.
Still, he can’t fully calm down until he opens to door to find Steve. His hair is a mess and he’s still in his pajamas, as if he literally rolled out of bed and into his car. However, showing his obvious relief is a bit too revealing, so he just dramatically exclaims: “Well, I declare, Steve Harrington on my little old doorstep.”
Steve huffs out a little laugh, before stepping inside and hugging Eddie. Then he steps back, making Eddie miss the heat, as he jokes: “I live to surprise, Mr. Munson.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie rolls his eyes, hoping his blush isn’t obvious.
They go further into the house, Eddie pouring them tea as Steve takes his now customary seat at the table. He looks comfortable there. At home. Very much at ease, since he has done this a thousand times before. A fact that Eddie tries not to have any emotions about.
He presents Steve his tea with a flourish, then sits down as well. He lets the mug warm his hands, his face close enough that the steam blows his face. It’s too hot to do that, but it’s calming. He remembers how cold the Upside Down was.
After a beat of silence, Steve softly asks: “Wanna talk about it?”
Both of them know that some nights you just want to sit in silence, while others you need to repeat what you saw, hear that it is over. Tonight Eddie doesn’t know. He blows out a deep breath, before saying: “It’s actually a bit stupid.”
“I called you last time, because a pile of laundry on my floor looked like a portal and you had to climb through my window, because I didn’t want to leave the bed,” Steve deadpans. “I think we’re past stupid.”
Eddie laughs a little. At the time, it hadn’t been funny to hear Steve’s panicked voice over the phone, before he was forced to hang up and race to the other side of town. But with the power of hindsight and humor to cope, the whole thing was pretty funny.
“Alright,” he concedes. “I’m just worried about my grades. And I know that’s, like, nothing compared to getting mauled by bats, but I don’t know what I’m gonna do if I fail again. Probably something illegal.”
“You already do something illegal often,” Steve points out, before shrugging, “but I get it. And it’s not stupid.”
“No?” Eddie asks, unable to hide the vulnerable tone in his voice.
“No,” Steve repeats firmly. “You’ve had a shit year already, this is something that’s been haunting you for even longer. Of course you’re gonna be stressed about it. But, you got this. I saw you study before the finals. If you fail again, I’m personally talking to the principal alongside my trusty assistant the nail bat.”
Now Eddie laughs for real, the image of Steve standing over principal Higgins with his spiked bat, forcing the man to let Eddie graduate is just too much. Though he won’t deny that he’s a little bit flattered too. Still, he can’t let Steve know that, so he just grins: “Well, I hope for principal Higgins’ sake, my studying was enough.”
“It was,” Steve says firmly, like an argument against him is futile.
Eddie smiles at him, then they fall silent, both drinking their tea. The air around them is comfortable and for a moment that is all Eddie needs to let go of the keyed up energy that has been haunting him.
On some nights they would stay in the kitchen after finishing their tea, usually still talking. But tonight is a quiet night, so they get up and put their mugs in the sink when they’re done. Steve sends Eddie a questioning look and Eddie’s eyes flick to the door. The roof it is today. Well, tonight.
It’s something of a routine. They’d been drunk, back in their beer days, and Steve had claimed something about being a boy scout and Eddie told him that wasn’t true. Naturally that meant Steve claiming he still knew navigating constellations and Eddie betting he knew more than Steve. So they ended up on the roof. It had been calming and quickly became tradition.
If they wanted noise, they’d flip on the TV and plop down on the couch, but on nights they needed peace, they went to the roof.
The two are practically experts at getting up there by now and soon they’re lying side by side, looking up at the stars. Eddie tries not to think about how their shoulders are touching and how he can hear Steve’s breaths.
But, like always, Eddie relaxes in Steve’s presence.
They watch the stars together, first in silence, before Steve starts telling Eddie about a few stars he has randomly clumped together. It’s a bit of game, since they figured out neither of them knew much about constellations.
For a long time, Eddie is content to let Steve talk. He knows he’s usually the center of any show, but he likes listening to Steve talk. His voice is deep and while he can’t string a story as well as Eddie can, he always calls back on memories and it’s impossible to stop listening.
Still, Eddie can’t stay quiet too long, so he takes over at some point. Throughout the night they have migrated closer together, since no matter how close to summer they are, the nights are still cool. So, they huddle close to keep warm.
Right now, Eddie is under Steve’s arm, his head resting on his shoulder, the rest of their bodies pressed together. His fingers playing with the hem of Steve’s shirt.
This position would’ve made him flustered before, but it has morphed into a comfort. He likes Steve, of course he does, he likes him more than he cares to admit. However, he likes Steve mostly because he’s such a calming presence and good friend. So, yeah, he maybe likes the closeness more than he should, but it doesn’t make him bumble like it used to.
It’s comforting.
They’re cozy and Eddie is gesturing with one hand, though he’s flagging, his eyes nearly closing as he talks. He’s so comfortable, he doesn’t notice that his voice started to slow down into a deep drawl.
“And tha’ right there is the lasso,” he murmurs, pointing at some stars. “Weren’t nothing those horses coulda done. Tha’ space cowboy was real fast. I reckon he coulda caught horses all day if they’d’ve let him. He’s a tad too big for his britches ‘cause of it, but ain’t nothing wrong with a lill’ bit of ego aft’r a stunt like tha’.”
“So they gave him a constellation?” Steve asks, sounding amused and a bit confused, which is pretty standard.
Eddie nods sleepily: “Tha’ they did, for sure,” as he drifts off, not seeing the incredibly fond look Steve is giving him.
It’s not unusual for them to fall asleep on the roof. It has happened so often Wayne knows about it (but maybe that had more to do with Eddie nearly falling on him while climbing down. Not the point). The point is, they sleep on the roof for quite a bit.
However, neither of them brought blankets, not thinking they would sleep there. So when the cold wakes them up, they climb down and fall into Eddie’s bed. Not wanting to bother with the extra mattress and both of them with enough chronic pain know better than to sleep on the couch.
When he wakes up the next morning, Eddie has all but forgotten about his space cowboy story and lets himself bask in Steve pressed so closely alongside him for a moment. Then he wiggles himself out of the bed and tiptoes out of the room. If Steve finally manages to get some sleep, then Eddie is going to ensure it lasts as long as possible.
Uncle Wayne is in the kitchen, making breakfast, which has become a habit to eat together. Eddie smiles and greets him, explaining Steve is staying over.
“Ah, Steve again,” Wayne replies, making a suggestive face.
Eddie knows what his uncle is implying and god does he wish that is the case, but instead he just shakes his head: “s not like tha’ an’ ya know it, uncle Wayne.”
“Y’all’re always together, a man hasta check,” Wayne tells him.
“I’d’ve told if there sumthing to tell,” Eddie pouts.
Wayne raises a brow and says: “An’ if ya get your head out of your ass, there might be sumthing there, ya idjit.”
“Whatever,” Eddie sighs. He knows his uncle means well, but he’s wrong, alright. Steve doesn’t like him like that, no matter how badly Eddie wants him to.
Luckily, Wayne lets it go as requested and they settle into the chairs as they talk about whatever comes to mind in the early morning. And it’s nice. He likes talking with Wayne in the mornings over coffee. It’s like it has always been, a little bit of normality after everything.
“So, I’m fixin’ to grab all my dice, since ‘m about to murder the party,” he’s regaling the latest DnD session for Wayne. “An’ Dustin’s madder than a wet hen, ‘cause his character’s ‘bout to explode first. An’ I rolled a bunch of ones! I swear, you ain’t never heard such noise.”
“I believe ya,” his uncle smiles, as he watches him gesture, the only one noticing Steve, who has rolled out of bed and is now watching Eddie with such an awed look. One Wayne has seen so many times before.
… If only those kids got their heads out of their asses.
“I mean, if I had my druthers, I’d’ve been a whole TPK,” Eddie tells him. “But there was nuthing to be done ‘bout it. The dice spoke, I’da been more upset if it weren’t such a great narrative moment, don’tcha know.”
Wayne nods again, but his eyes can’t help, but flick to Steve. Eddie notices and whips around, eyes growing wide as he spots Steve.
Rationally, he knows that Steve, the man who cuddled with him on the rooftop after nighttime stress, isn’t going to make fun of him for his accent. However, rationality and panic have never been friends and right now, Eddie’s brain is doing mostly panic.
“Steve,” he squeaks. “Uhm, hi, good morning. Howdy, haha, I mean, that’s, uhm- It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it. Just horsing around.”
But the more he speaks, the more worried Steve looks and Eddie already misses his soft just awake face, cursing himself for his big mouth. And the foot he has shoved in it. Especially when Steve’s brows pinch close together and he asks: “Are you alright, Eds?”
“Yeah, just didn’t- uhm didn’t expect you there,” Eddie replies, clearing his throat to turn his squeak into a normal voice.
Steve studies him for a few moments. It makes Eddie want to do something dramatic and weird to throw him off and get the attention away. But Steve knows him too well for that and it’ll only garner more suspicion. So, he just has to sit there as Steve figures it out. He might not be the smartest, but he’s perceptive, so it’s just a matter of time really.
“Your voice was different, like last night,” Steve notes after a few moments of silence.
“Uhm, well, yeah, I- uh, I’m-” Eddie splutters, unsure what to say. ‘Yeah, I’m not from here and I have been hiding my accent for no reason.’ or ‘Oh, yeah, I know you’re cool, I just was afraid you’d bully me over having an accent.’ Like, no thanks.
However, it seems like Wayne can’t take it any longer, so he just rolls his eyes and says: “That’s called an accent, son. We’re originally from Tennessee.”
“Tennessee,” Steve repeats, lighting up as he says: “Dolly Parton is from Tennessee.”
And it’s just such a Steve reaction to have that Eddie can’t help but snort, before laughing. He’s doubling over, cracking up every time he looks up and sees Steve’s confused face. In the end, he manages to hiccup: “Exactly, Stevie, ain’t very metal, now is it?”
“Are- Are you ashamed of your accent?” Steve asks, pieces fitting together as he watches Eddie’s face. Then he exclaims: “Why? It’s cute!”
“Wha?” Eddie splutters more, mind going blank at Steve calling him – well, his accent – cute. His mind still reeling he repeats: “Cute?”
“Oh, uhm, it’s attractive? I mean, cool,” Steve is fully blushing, still standing in the pajamas he drove in yesterday.
Apparently that is enough for Wayne, who gets up and says: “Well, I’m goin’ to bed, y’all can figure this one out. Good day, Steve.”
“Good day,” Steve manages to greet back, still rooted to the spot.
To be fair, Eddie is also pretty rooted to the spot. Because, Steve thinks his accent is attractive. Thinks it’s cute. Steve is still blushing. And also still quiet, because they’re still staring at each other and it is starting to get awkward.
Before Eddie can bring himself to say anything, Steve starts to speak in a manner that reveals how much he’s been hanging around Robin: “I’m so sorry, I have completely made it awkward and weird between us. You might not even be gay and if you are you don’t have to like me and I just sprung that on you. I- I’m gonna go. It’s okay if you hate me now. Again, I’m so sorry.”
And it isn’t until he starts to back away that Eddie catches up. He quickly jumps out of his chair, mentally wincing at Steve’s flinch, as he exclaims: “Wait? You like me?”
Steve gets even more red and he looks away, rubbing the back of his neck. His arms bulge in a way Eddie appreciates, though he’s more focused on Steve’s bashful face as he softly admits: “Yeah, trust me, Robin has made fun of me for falling for the metalhead. I’ve heard enough bad boy meets cheerleader jokes already. Sorry.”
“What’re you apologizing for?” Eddie asks, his accent seeping back in as he tries to comprehend the fact that Steve likes him. Him. Steve Harrington like him.
“For, you know, cuddling up to you and stuff while liking you,” Steve’s voice is almost a whisper now. “I’m sure I made you uncomfortable.”
“Well, now, doll, that’ll be pretty hypocritical of me, now won’t it,” Eddie replies, feeling extremely giddy. “Since I kinda did the same to you.”
It takes Steve a moment to catch on, then his face is splitting in two, a big grin appearing. “You like me too?” he asks, just to make sure.
“I sure do,” Eddie grins, stepping a bit closer, excited when Steve does the same.
Once they’re practically nose to nose, Steve asks: “Can I?” and Eddie is already nodding.
Steve leans in the rest of the way and Eddie mirrors it. Their lips meet in the middle, noses bumping slightly, before lips are pressed together. The whole feeling is electrifying. Eddie feels his heart beat loudly in his chest, his blood singing in his veins. He wants to live in the feeling forever, though they have separate for air.
They breathe, looking each other in the eye, matching goofy smiles on their faces. Steve softly whispers: “Does this mean you’ll say yes if I ask you on a date?”
“I ain’t saying no to that,” Eddie replies, feeling too comfortable and happy to put in the effort of changing his accent. Besides, Steve called it attractive and looking at his red face, Eddie thinks he might have meant it. He smirks: “Sumthing on your mind, doll?”
Steve swallows and goes to shake his head, before stopping himself and saying: “You accent. It’s really nice.”
“Why thank you,” Eddie grins.
Softly and a bit unsure, Steve asks: “Why did you hide it?”
Eddie looks away for a second, but starts talking before Steve can apologize for asking. “It’s my own lill’ thing, ya know. My mama’s a true southern bell, she never let nobody change her and I wasn’t about to either, but, ya know, small town kids are mean. An’ I ain’t letting them taint my mama’s voice with their crude impressions an’ jokes.”
“It suits you,” Steve tells him. “And I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
“’s fine, Stevie,” Eddie shrugs. “They found other things to bully me ‘bout soon enough.”
Steve winces like he always does when someone mentions the bullying crowd he used to be a part of, the guilt never fully leaving him. So, Eddie says: “But I trust ya with it, sweetheart. Who you used to be doesn’t amount to a hill of beans comparing to who you are now.”
That makes Steve smile again and he huffs: “I don’t know if you’re messing with me or if that’s an actual saying.”
“It is in Tennessee,” Eddie shrugs.
“Teach me some more?” Steve asks.
Eddie gets a devious grin on his face as he says: “Well, ya have ‘gimme some sugar,’ ‘course.”
“Yeah? And what does that mean?” Steve inquires, the soft amused look on his face giving away that he knows Eddie is up to something.
“It jus’ means askin’ for a lill’ bit of affection. A hug and kiss and all tha’.” Eddie informs him with a grin.
“Well, I can do that,” Steve replies and soon they’re kissing again, the ‘language lesson’ completely forgotten.
The date they go on turns into multiple, which turns into a full blown relationship. Their friends of course catch on and are very happy for them. It’s all something Eddie never thought he would have, so he basks in it.
Slowly Eddie gets more comfortable around everyone, until he stops giving a fuck what anyone thinks of him. They already think he’s a satanist cult leader, speaking funny isn’t anything worse at this point.
Which leads to him in the parking lot of the local grocery store, the kids all rambunctious over the barbecue they’re going to have at the Byers-Hopper house. Steve is loading the rest of the groceries into his car, while Eddie watches the kids muck about. He loudly yells: “Stop horsin’ around an’ get y’alls asses into gear. An’ put the goddamn buggy away, would’ya!”
That gets the boys’ attention, since they have to decipher what he said exactly. It’s a tactic that he uses often now that he has discovered it. Then they go to do what he says, a bit down that their roughhousing has been cut short.
Besides him Steve leans in and whispers: “You’re hot when you do that.”
Eddie smirks and leans against Steve as he replies: “Aim to please, darlin’,” indulging in Steve’s blush.
God, just a year ago, he couldn’t have imagined that he would be where he is now. He has graduated high school, has an amazing boyfriend and is loud and proud about who he is on all fronts. Though maybe not completely loud on the whole boyfriend thing, but they’re not exactly keeping it totally just friends even in public places.
So, yeah, let it be known that Eddie Munson doesn’t conform. He doesn’t care and will make sure that it’s everyone’s problem in the way he carries himself, in how loud he is. Eddie Munson is a southern homosexual and he won’t be changed.
This whole fic just comes from the fact that I think it would be hilarious if metalhead, rocker Eddie Munson sounded like every country singer out there. And like so many of my fics that snowballed :D
((I’m really bad at writing accents, but I tried very hard, so lets just ignore that for now))
Also I’d love to hear y’alls southern!Eddie headcanons, bc I’m not from the south myself (not even from the Americas as continents), so if actual southern people have input that’d be lit!
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goodmode · 1 year
random hc ask: some ppl think of some of the enemies like pets. ex., hollow getting a pet tiktik (which i happen 2 love). got any sort of bug pet hk headcanon?
my thoughts go to god tamer first! she's like the only example of anyone canonically having a pet that i can think of so i'd springboard off there and say Alright Let's Talk Sapience First
[feel free to skip to the readmore if you already have a solid idea of what's sapient and what's not. i doubt i'm saying anything other people haven't already picked up on]
we know the dream nail picks up thoughts of things like tiktiks and they display as words even if they're not obviously an upright walking talking bug, so i'm voting anything with god tamer's beast's dream nail dialogue set:
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is probably petworthy. as in, not Some Guy. animal tier intelligence i guess.
according to the wiki this exact dialogue set applies to:
Tiktiks, Vengeflies, Crawlids, Gruzzers, Goam, all Aspids, Mosscreeps, Mossflies, Moss Chargers, Squits, Obbles, Durandoo/Duranda, Aluba, Ambloom, Fungling, Fungoon, Pilflips, Belflies, certain Flukes, Crystal Crawlers/Hunters, Glimbacks, Dirtcarvers, Dirtcarver Hatchlings, Garpedes, Corpse Creepers, Deeplings, Deephunters, Lesser Mawleks, Mawlurks, Infected Balloons, Booflies, Primal Aspids, [...]
i can't continue this list it's going to take me all day. you get the gist. there are a Lot of enemies that share the "probably not a sapient person" dreamnail pool. will be leaning heavily on that for What Can Safely Be Written As A Pet Without It Getting Too Weird
we probably can't include Flukes even though they also share the dialogue pool, because they're implied to grow into Flukemon which have separate dialogue and an obviously-sapient NPC (Fluke Hermit) so disregard those. there are also likely other exceptions i haven't covered so please use your head and apply a liberal pinch of salt.
we CAN probably include Vengefly King, Gruz Mother, and Brooding Mawlek since while their DN dialogue is different to their children it still doesn't seem to imply any higher-functioning thought than basic instinct, just a Big Parent Of The Same Thing
ok so individual character/pet ideas behind the cut bc i think this is a rly funny and charming thing to look at
zote. sorry he's first he's the funniest
zote is not one of those guys who would get a Big Dog thinking it makes him look cool and intimidating. he is the guy who puts a collar on a fucking coyote and thinks it makes him look cool and intimidating until it bites him in the dick.
it doesn't happen often, but sometimes he drags something back to Dirtmouth that is foaming at the jaws and insists it's his new faithful pet/steed that obeys his every command and will tear his enemies to pieces. it starts with a vengefly that he boasts about while it is actively chewing on his arm. it escalates from there.
the one thing preventing these beasts from tearing him to pieces is hornet coming in to truss up/confiscate the damn things before they can do any damage to the town
myla is familiar with glimbacks! she's a miner by trade even if she didn't come from hallownest originally, and i think these things are used as pit ponies in a lot of places. they're big sturdy beasts of burden that can be made to drag carts and carry heavy tools and they're described as "docile and slow" - no sudden movements and take well to handling.
she's never owned one but a living post-infection myla could adopt one of the surviving glimbacks from crystal peak and just kind of keep it like one keeps a rescue horse. horsegirl novel starring myla
cornifer & iselda.
they're married and do not currently have any kids for whatever reason - totally valid, this says nothing about them. however i do think it would be cute they get a dog instead and that's their placeholder baby. they get a mossfly and iselda spoils it with treats and it keeps her company while cornifer is gone. cornifer sometimes takes it for LONG WALKS (doesn't come back for 3 days).
sometimes they have that awkward moment where they're walking it in dirtmouth and it pees on something and they just have to smile and wave like "what can you do haha" while elderbug looks in in supreme disapproval because he has never owned a pet in his life and can't they just stop it from peeing there :/
owner of a yappy dog type crawlid, full-on grandma style. it has a solid shell like she does isn't that cute! she babytalks it and calls it sugarplum or whatever and insists it could never do a thing wrong in its life. it will savage your hand if anyone else tries to pet it.
she does not give a shit about anything that she thinks she'll outlast. Which Is Everything. however, millibelle has a crawlid, and boasts about it, and emilitia can't have that. she gets a tiktik in retaliation and it is exactly like a handbag chihuahua. hornet may or may not have to confiscate this one for the tiktik's sake
everything still alive in the kingdom is under her protection, even if it bites. she is ambivalent to their responses to her. (they like her. when she comes back from pharloom playing silk music they like her even more)
anti-pet person. i'm so fucking sorry. you bring a single thing into his shop that could pee or chew or scratch or leave tracks and he is going to kick up such a fuss. that said: he would have liked to feed maskflies in the park like your typical old man feeds pigeons
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prince-jelli-fish · 1 month
Full lore dump of my dnd npcs that I've adapted into full on bg3 characters below the cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
First, what is a Dual Life?
A Dual Life is a magic entity that I created for a homebrew dnd campaign back in 2020. They are a person who has been magically bonded, at birth, to a specific member of the animal kingdom. From that day forward, that person will have one specific animal as their guardian and animals of the same type will naturally gravitate towards them. Upon their death, be it natural or unnatural, the animal guardian will willingly give up their life, fuse with the person, and grant them a second life. The person also takes on some of the characteristics of that animal.
Now, how did this all come about?
In the original campaign, this came about through completely random chance. I changed things up a bit to fit with BG3. A man named Bartram Graves sought after immortality. Upon doing experiments with the weave, he discovered that there was a way for him to infuse magic directly into a person lifestream that would allow them a second life after death. It is important to note: this practice is considered extremely taboo and the result of a successful Dual Life is labeled as a magical abomination, not only in the eyes of most mortals but in the eyes of the gods themselves. It took decades of extremely unethical experimentation, but he came about with his first success: an infant elf he named Nyomi.
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Nyomi was bound to a deer who identified herself as Silfy. Nyomi was always a well spoken child who stood up to anyone. As she matured into an adult, she became more conscious of what she considered good and bad. She despises Bartram with every fiber of her being and wants nothing more than to exact justice upon him. To a stranger, Nyomi is cold and calculating, trying to determine if they live up to her standards of good and bad. To her beloved siblings, Nyomi is soft and gentle. One could say she is overly soft as she will give in to anything they ask of her. She also tends to throw her moral code out the window and make excuses for them.
As Nyomi grew, Bartram continued his project. Ten years later, he had two more successes. A drow he named Lillith, and an elf he named Braern.
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Lillith was bound to a mated pair of giant spiders named Charlie and Nora. Lillith was an extremely soft spoken and shy child who grew into a soft spoken and awkward adult. She is terrified of making anyone upset and will continually cross her own boundaries to make others feel better. She almost always ends up learning everything there is to know about someone else before she reveals even the slightest bit of information about herself.
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Braern was bound to a crow that called himself Elias. As a child, Braern would isolate himself and didn't care much for friendships. As an adult, Braern only cares for those he has dubbed his family. He's fiercely protective of them and wants nothing more than to please them.
How the siblings were separated
Once Nyomi became an adult, Bartram decided it was finally time to make sure his success was viable. Nyomi was quietly executed, and reborn as her Dual Life self. She gained a deer's antlers and hooves. This act picked up a lot of attention, specifically from two wealthy and powerful people, Lord Kilzern Manu and Lady Ommara Fragon. Both Kilzern and Ommara were dragons in disguise and had an extremely personal rivalry.
Ommara approached Bartram first and offered him an extremely obscene amount to adopt Braern into her family. Obviously, Bartram accepted and the young elf boy (approximately 10 in human years at the time) was taken away to live with Lady Fragon. She changed his name to Raven. He became one of her own children, and went to great lengths to care for him as though he were her's by blood.
Nyomi and Lillith weren't so lucky. Kilzern approached Bartram next and demanded both Nyomi and Lillith, as well as the creation of an additional child. Bartram easily parted with the two young women (approximately 25 and 10 in human years at the time), but was hesitant to take on the challenge of yet another Dual Life child. Kilzern insisted and thus, a human he named Raphael was born.
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Raphael was bound to a tiger who called herself Pansa. Immediately after his birth, he was brought to Kilzern's home and Nyomi was put in charge of his care. Raphael grew into a very aggressive and stubborn child. He has a great difficulty distinguishing how to act during tense situations and laughs at inappropriate times to cope with discomfort. As an adult, he has become even more aggressive to anyone he doesn't trust. Biting is always an option for him.
Life living with a tyrant
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Kilzern Manu, a tyrant lord and secretly a black dragon in disguise, only desired power.
Nyomi, Lillith, and Raphael were not Kilzern Manu's only children. He had two blood children, Tolrin and Sisseth
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Tolrin was even more bloodthirsty than Kilzern. He had an intense drive to prey on those who were weaker than him. He took out his rage on each of his adopted siblings, but particularly delighted in torturing Raphael.
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Sisseth was far more even tempered than her father and brother, but she wasn't without her flaws. She felt it in her heart to protect her adopted siblings, but only to a point. Due to her sweet and gentle nature, Lillith was the one she protected the most from Tolrin's torment. She would occasionally try to help Nyomi, but felt that since she was an adult, Nyomi needed to stand up for herself. Sisseth was genuinely frightened of Raphael due to his volatile nature, so in the back of her mind she felt he almost deserved Tolrin's punishments.
The fall of Manu
When Lillith became an adult, Manu had planned to make a spectacle of her transformation to Dual Life. He planned a lavish event and invited those nobles corrupt enough to enjoy watching Lillith executed and then transform into a magical abomination. Sisseth realized what was happening and decided now was the time to act. She smuggled her sister out of the mansion and sent her off to live in an extremely secluded temple in the woods.
Upon Sisseth's return, Tolrin reported to their father what she had done. The day of the party arrived, and Sisseth took Lillith's place on the chopping block.
At this point, Nyomi and Raphael, were in shock. Lillith was gone, Sisseth was dead, and it was only a matter of time before Raphael became an adult and Kilzern would order his execution.
Unceremoniously, Raphael and Nyomi murdered Tolrin and Kilzern while they slept, then set the mansion on fire. They escaped into the woods and ran away to Baldur's Gate, where they would hopefully live unnoticed.
Raven's life
Braern, now turned Raven, had a relatively uneventful life. Lady Ommara Fragon had one other child, Tybalt, and the two of them quickly became firm friends. Tybalt was quite a bit older than Raven, but became the most doting big brother one could ask for. Once he became an adult, Raven opted to take on his Dual Life form to better protect his mother.
Unbeknownst to anyone in either family, Tybalt and Sisseth had begun to court each other. When Tybalt found out what had happened to his beloved, he tried to take on the House of Manu by himself, and failed.
When Tybalt didn't return, it drove Raven to rage. He went with Lady Fragon to exact revenge, but to their surprise, the mansion was on fire and the Lords of the house were dead.
Raven vowed to stay by Lady Fragon's side as her bodyguard for the rest of his life.
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Lillith's life
Lillith lived 20 years of her life in the secluded temple that Sisseth left her at. Her only company were her spiders, plus the priest and priestess who guarded the temple. They urged Lillith to study sorcery and devote herself to Mystra.
Unfortunately for Lillith, being a magical abomination means the goddess of magic doesn't like you very much. She spent 20 years trying to learn even the smallest bit of magic only to fail every time. No matter how hard she tried, she was unable to succeed at even the most basic principles or channel the smallest portion of the Weave.
To combat the frustration of being urged to study something she could never succeed in, Lillith took up painting. In any spare time that she was allowed, she worked at becoming an extremely talented artist.
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Nyomi's life
Nyomi stayed with Raphael until he became an adult and she was certain he would be fine on his own. Once that happened, she left and went to the Underdark to seek out those considered to be evil doers and offered up justice. She did her best to find those suffering from the same kind of torment she suffered and would relieve them of their burdens. She never sought out payment or praise for what she did, and would fervently ignore criticism.
In all that time she spent in the Underdark, she only ever made very shallow connections with other people. One night trists or fleeting conversations were all she would allow herself. She had no desire to create meaningful relationships with others. She had a job to do.
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Raphael's life
Raphael grew into a very anxious and aggressive adult. After Nyomi left, he quickly turned to a life of crime. Anything he wanted he would get, no matter the cost. He had been denied so much and was tortured for so long that he decided his adulthood would be full of everything life had to offer. His constant companion was Pansa who stood by his side as his ever watchful guardian.
As an adult, Raphael became extremely touch averse, he'd even developed slight chirophobia (fear of hands). He would never allow anyone to get close to him. Now that he was in charge of himself, it was his job to make sure he was never hurt again.
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So, what was the point of all this?
Ultimately, I just really needed to write down all my lore in a place where I'd remember it. In each of their respective timelines, the end of what I wrote is what happened right up until they were kidnapped and tadpoled. If you read all the way through, I'm genuinely super honored and surprised. Thank you! <3
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blackdragonbeauty · 1 year
Wrathion Slander
I really need to vent about this as it's REALLY bothering me.
Wrathion is... or WAS... such a better character. He's a far more complicated character than most might realize, and is a character I can personally relate to as an abuse survivor.
I'm so pissed off about Wrathions "development" in Dragonflight. In Visions of Nzoth; we get to see him being more mature, more calculated, more tempered compared to when we meet him in Pandaria. HE WAS ACTIVELY GROWING UP AND BEING MATURE. But blizzard turned it around and DESTROYED ALL HIS PROGRESS JUST FOR "haha young dragon is brat!"  and just.... It's so frustrating as someone who watched a character grow and mature and living vicariously through that.
I'm so pissed how people treat him. Both players and npcs. Sabellian and co had DECADES on Outland and had SO MUCH time to learn how to free their kin. Yet they CHOSE NOT TO. Now they scream and cry "OH WRATHION IS SO HORRIBLE! HE CHOSE TO KILL THEM INSTEAD OF HELP THEM!" When they BLANTANTLY leave out massive facts... ya know... Like how Wrathion was hatched DURING the Cataclysm??? The time where the entire flight was ACTIVELY RIPPING APART AZEROTH?!!?!?! His choices at that time were  a) get killed by the black flight. b) get killed by the red flight. c) get corrupted and then killed like the rest. or d) Protect azeroth from the flight.
Wrathion wasn't born with the information OR time to learn how to free them. Had he tried, he would have put himself at GRAND danger of being killed by the old gods or by Deathwing and the flight themselves. THERE. WAS. NO. TIME. contrary to what Sabellian and co say.
Wrathions trauma stemmed not just from Deathwing, but from the Red Flight too. We the players, get to help Rheastraza purge a black egg... which turns out to be wrathion. But those who didn't play Rogue in Cataclysm; don't know that. Which pisses me off as his origins are so hidden. and It's so vital. Now you and this red dragon put this egg through so many tests, which we later read in Wrathions journal; HE REMEMBERED THEM. And they were intrusive, violating, painful. But the agony doesn't stop there; he was taken to a red dragon area where he was "looked after." Based on the way the leader there (i forget her name) spoke about the egg when it was stolen away by the Rogues of Ravenholdt manor she clearly didn't care about him as a whelp. Just as a thing.. or seemingly worse. A *black egg.*   ya know.. despite being let in on the fact that this egg was purged.
now when the Rogue player character gets sent to steal him back; we find that he's hatched... and pissed. Wrathion hires you to help him fight off the flight, while sending back the red dragon who accompanied said player with broken legs with a message that "he won't be a prisoner to anyone anymore." ya know... reasonable. a tiny bit aggressive but reasonable. But that's the worst he did at this point. AND IT WAS JUSTIFIABLE.
Once you finish his final quest, "Patricide." You come back TO FIND THE WHOLE MANOR BEING ASSAULTED BY THE RED FLIGHT. Instead of trying to reason with him, treat him as a sentient person, or any care; THEY JUST DECIDE TO MURDER HIM AND EVERYONE IN THE AREA.
Now to Pandaria.. We find him a lot in the Valley where if we remember well, is DESTROYED with Sha menace. Sha.. or also knowns as "the Breaths of Y'sharj"... old god. If we remember how old gods work; they THRIVE on negative emotions; paranoia, fear, anger, pride.... Gee sounds familiar?? Ya, Wrathion was a PRIME target and was so actively close to it all. But we forget; N'zoth was still active at that time too. Wrathion makes a comment in later years, during Visions of Nzoth, about despite him being purged; ***he wasn't immune.*** Now why would Wrathion who wants to help and protect azeroth, go to lengths for chaotic actions?? He was led astray without being aware of it. And since he was so secretive; all we could assume was that his attitude was just him and that he was just a dumb idiot.... I believe that Wrathion during pandaria was influenced. And having consumed the heart of Y'sharj... only worsened his chaotic emotions that OTHERS have destroyed. Yet he's treated like he's just an idiot... Ya he fucked up; but there's so much more to him.
Now i'm so pissed how Alexstraza treats him. She seems aware of how his situation started; yet still makes scathing comments and COMPLETELY disregards the idea of perhaps mending the rift between them???? Some fucking "Queen." And from the history I've seen of her; she only really cares about herself, her flight and those she chooses. Unless it's a Very Big Event^TM which was like... 2 times?? So many things could have been stopped had she done her damn job.
SPEAKING OF DOING HER DAMN JOB: Doing quests with Emberthal, we found a recording of Neltharion talking about how Alexstraza and the other aspects refused to believe him when he tried to warn them about the Incarnates war. HE TRIED TO WARN THEM AND GET HELP. THEY ABANDONED HIM! THEY BETRAYED HIM AND HE SUFFERED FOR IT.
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dndhistory · 8 months
204. Various Authors - The Best of Dragon Magazine Vol. III (1983)
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The third volume collects the best and most useful articles of Dragon Magazine, this focuses completely on AD&D articles, which goes to show what most people read Dragon for. It also gives us an early glimpse of the soon to come out art for the Frank Mentzer Basic D&D box, which sports a more complete version of this same Larry Elmore dragon illustration in its cover. 
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Divided into four helpful sections one collecting the articles covering details about the players' races and their gods, another covering only dragons, a third section with details on classes including the articles on cantrips by Gygax and lastly a section with some new monsters and NPC classes like the Alchemist and Archer.
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By putting most of the articles with real practical use at the playing table into a volume this is a really useful volume, not only for people who did not buy the original issues and who would have a hard time finding all the back issues to get this info, but also for people who already had the magazines but wanted this information in a usable format, rather than carrying around 20 issues of Dragon. Nothing new, but an invaluable tool for DMs in a time before there was an internet where you can just google this up, this was a must buy at the time.
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shoutydwarf · 1 year
people don’t call inquisition/da:d “elf simulator”/”elf age” because they hate elves and elvhen lore. Let Me Be Clear: 
- elves have the most special dialogue options. even more if you’re a f!mage. bioware accidentally forgot dalish elves know who mythal is for ONE dialogue wheel and people really used it to run with the idea that elves were somehow narratively shafted during inquisition; meanwhile dwarves in the descent dlc, you know, THE DWARF DLC where you get your Crumb Of Dwarf, you get next to no special dialogue options besides being told by valta that you’re not a Real Dwarf and you don’t have stone sense (which isn’t even true. stone sense comes back to all dwarves if they’re underground long enough. this is more of bioware trying to prove all the disgusting corrupt systems in place are Acthually Correct Trollol.. that or they just forgot bc they dont care.) 
- eluvians, the fade, fen’harel, everything that comes out of solas’s mouth, a chunk of WEWH, inquisitor ameridan being a dalish elf, etc is not at all narratively relevant to anyone but an elf inquisitor. spin all the stories you want to make eluvians and elvhen gods important to your non-elf OCs but off what we get in the games alone, without doing an ungodly amount of work to make it fit, what BIOWARE has established, it means nothing. you can argue that all of this is important to the inquisitor on principal of them Being inquisitor but... be fucking serious
- elves seeing the crossroads differently than other races. just another special elfy thing
- every single religion is being geared up to link back to the elves. i think we can all agree by now that andraste is flemythal and the maker is mythal (whether u think the theory is good or not is neither here nor there, bioware is so predictable at this point). and thank god she freed the dwarves from the titans, amirite! it’d really suck if the dwarves had something exclusive! (bioware if you try to paint the titans as slavers and mythal as the Dwarven Savior........................)
- you can make an argument for any of the origins in da:o fitting “the best” as canon. the dalish elf is as ignorant to the world outside of the forest as the player is. cousland is your classic betrayed hero thrust into saving the world tale. dwarves are intrinsically tied to the darkspawn/wardens. the mages are freed birds but the world outside their cage is corrupted and torn asunder. tabris/brosca is your saving the world that never fought for them back tale. they all equally mean something in unique, valuable ways to the main story and it shows through ample unique dialogue options and main quest relevance. 
- can you REALLLLYYYYY say the same for all of the non-elf da:i origins? what do we got, a mercenary vashoth. a carta dwarf. a human noble or mage. all random NPCs fr. but the dalish elf who unlocks the power of an elvhen orb which leads to a slew of world-shattering reveals about the lore they grew up with and believed in? meanwhile ur dwarf/human/qunari inquisitor didn’t even know there WAS a plot twist. they didnt even know there was a plot
- all of this extra elf stuff would be perfectly fine. the countless elvhen ruins, lore reveals etc. if it was even REMOTELY evenly distributed across all the races. BUT IT’S NOT. 
- it would also be fine if inquisition was a one-off elf-focused game but they used the opportunity to take from every other races’ lore and make it about elves, so now A. there’s no going back, B. the 4th game’s title is literally dreadwolf wow i wonder who the story is going to be written for, C. if i ever have to hear with my own two ears “i’ve been through shit that would make the deep roads look like a cake walk!” followed by the dwarf at the receiving end of this Dying From Being Pwned, i’m going to get violent
- the point is that it’s bioware’s fault, not the elves. “elf simulator” is poking fun at biowares pandering to solavellan twitter, not at elf players lmao
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tsckcyomi-archived · 11 months
thoughts on the ffxvi ending below + some general thoughts. nothing rly in-depth ig
i'm subscribing to the theory that clive lives while joshua is dead. although clive must have had god-like powers after absorbing ultima, when he tried healing joshua, he was already dead, and he says "ultima's power was too great for this vessel along". that, to me, very much sounds like clive tried using ultima's powers to bring back joshua but he simply couldn't wield these powers. as for the phoenix powers, the game stated clear limits. the phoenix can heal the body, physical wounds, but they can't bring anyone back from the dead nor can they help/heal the soul. also the tidbits scattered in the sidequest make it the more plausible ending what with jill saying something along the lines of clive being like the dawn that always comes back after the night, and dawn breaking during the ending. then we have the book after the credits that is written by "joshua rosfield" which would be clive's pen name. harpocrates gifted clive a quill and told him to write a book of his adventures, and clive said that he might just do that. also, clive is the narrator at the start and at the end of the game. and in general that's just what it built up to... joshua just wasn't going to survive this whole ordeal seeing how his powers affected him, and how he wanted to be the one to protect clive now.
SO YEAH i absolutely cried and then started sobbing when the main theme hit as the credits rolled, i was kinda embarrassed at myself lmao. so i loved it. i'm someone who very much enjoys bittersweet, heartache-y kind of endings and stories. the songs that played also hit that spot. the other scenes that made me tear up were byron reuniting with clive (it was both a very silly and a very cute scene...) and then later on with joshua. another one was the last sidequest with eloise and theodore. and, of course, when joshua died before the final fight.
but also i can ignore canon and give them all happy endings if i want :) or not. who knows, i enjoy it all.
my quick summary on some other thoughts would be: benedikta's arc is still a little disappointing imo but ok, WHATEVER. i'm over it. i was skeptical of jill at first but she absolutely grew on me, just like clive/jill did. i feel like they're definitely one of the better couples that they've had in recent games. i'm sad about what happened with dion and terence because neither of them would have survived - dion would die from the fall in origin and terence would have been in the crystalline dominion when ultima summoned his ship and destroyed the city in the process. i liked the sidequests even though they were basically always designed the same way, but they did a good job of expanding the universe and showing just how cruel the people are towards bearers, among other things, and i was in it for the lore. i liked all of the npcs (except of course the ones you're supposed to dislike dfgha). so, yea... that's it for now, i think. late night thoughts over.....
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gglitchshit · 7 months
omg hi, I didn't know you before today but please give me as many of the numbers from the gw2 ask game for gliaster as you want. I am fascinated.
HIII finally after more than half a year. I am here. With all of the numbers. Thank you so much for the ask and the interest in my lil rat. 🥺❤
GW2 ASK MEME 3: Back and worse-er than ever (accepting still I guess. Just slow.)
Putting it under a readmore because. Long. (Also cw for some animal cruelty mentions, dark topics implication and the usual spoilers for LWS4E3 long live the lich~)
1.) Your character is now the leader of their species, whatever that looks like for them (Arcane Councilmember, Imperator, Royalty, etc). How do they govern and what sorts of changes would they make if any?
They would certainly reform education in some way. That's all I can think of rn... :')
2.) What class would your character just absolutely blow at?
(CW: Animal cruelty)
Ranger. They would use any and all animals they find/come across for some kind of fucked up experiment. None of them would stay alive.😞
3.) What person impacted them the most?
*Shows a picture of them surrounded by 500 Joko statues. Surprisingly.*
*Coughs* Anyway, yeah, the moment the asura first learned about Joko in a corner of a library, the impact was made. Gliaster cares about nothing but necromancy and seeing that there was this powerful lich out there was just the cataclysm of everything. Like a god. That man was so otherworldy for Gliaster in everything, even decades later they can't let go of him. Ever.
4.) Assuming they're a commander, how close were they really to Destiny's Edge? To Trahearne?
5.) What would they look like as the side character in someone else's story?
IDK I can only think of as a trope, like in general. Cuz yeah they're kind of a side character for Joko but it's Complicated.
Anyway, they would be the type of side character that's like always around in the background, kind of like as a running gag. Not even them personally always but like a picture of them. Just always there in the corner of your eyes... Always watching.....
6.) They're now a heart NPC/part of a string of quests. What does that involve?
Hhh I have way too many ideas for this. One that would be similar to the Vabbi heart at the Necropolis (Help the living and the dead at the Necropolis) with processing and honoring the dead but also one where they're in Tyria in disguise (they're a wanted criminal in there so gotta be careful lol) spreading Joko propaganda which would be just the opposite of a heart in Ebonhawke. 😭 (Help the people in Ebonhawke). I'm sooo original.
Something other I can think about is some generic asura stuff helping around the lab or with experiments, possibly again involving animal cruelty or even worse, but I already wrote a similar heart for Rikka. 😞
7.) Do they have any skills or abilities that their class wouldn't normally have/just go about their class differently in some kind of way?
Ohhh boy yes they do. 😈 So, they're a necromancer, but with some sub-abilities similar to other classes/specializations' abilities.
For example they CAN "manifest sand shade" like an in-game scourge, but it's actually sand manipulation. They can use sand to lift or carry objects, for example caskets or even themself. They like to make themself taller this way hehe.
They can also summon fire in/around their left hand due to a Djinn's blessing, but can only use it as a light source and can't attack with it.
But most importantly, and also the most powerful of them all, they can manipulate other living beings' blood in their veins, essentially controlling them like puppets. This costs great energy though, so they only use it as a last resort. Later however, when they themself become a lich, this limitation ends and this becomes their main way of practicing necromancy.
8.) How willing are they to bend/break the rules for their cause (be it selfless or otherwise)?
They will literally commit murder for it so yes, very willing.
9.) What's an AU for them you think could be fun to explore?
I do have two AU ideas... one of them fun, one of them just fucked up (and fun. for me.)
The fun: Inquest AU sort of, but so far it's only in the Mists because Inquest member Gliaster is my WvW toon, and haven't really explored it much. Only fashion-wise. Yet.
The fucked up: An AU where Joko somehow has remains. For Gliaster to keep to themself and do whatever with it. And probably prevent any future tragedies that exist in their main verse because of this... :') Exploring dark/taboo sides of my OCs like my life depends on it...
10.) Would/does knowing their backstory change how people (in general but also Tyria at large) view them?
Probably not, it's not like they have a tragic backstory and that's why they are "evil", why they like necromancy or are siding with Joko. Even when they become a lich and seek revenge against Aurene and the Commander, their past doesn't really redeem them.
11.) How accurate is their reputation/image compared to how they really are?
Quite accurate. They don't really show a fake image and are very honest. Their reputation is basically "murderous traitor" in Tyria and "weird little cruel guy who's also Joko's lover" in Elona, so yep.
12.) Have they "completed" the map? What does that look like in your canon?
In-game they do have full map completion of core Tyria and every other map as well because they're my main and I do every story with them, but in canon... A bit of here and there in core Tyria. They used to have a travelling era before they permanently moved to Elona. But they surely have the Crystal Desert and Elona "completed." But they don't explore every tiny bit of areas like how it is done sometimes in-game to get map completion.
13.) What is the worst/funniest/dumbest article that could be written about them in Tyria's trashiest gossip mag?
In Tyria...some big dumb lie of how they betrayed and murdered the Priory excavation team on their way to Elona. People would blow it out of proportion for sure.
Then in Elona.....people would probably distastefully curious and disgusted about their sexual life with Joko.
14.) Biggest misconception about them?
Not quite a misconception but their looks are quite misleading; they're small and have quite a high pitched voice. Probably nobody would assume from first sight that this little creature tortures and murders people on the regular. First, for science/knowledge, then in Joko's name, and later, their own satisfaction.
15.) What is their favorite and least favorite part of being the commander (or whatever role they play in your canon)?
While they enjoy the privilege of being close to Joko, they also love the luxuries that come with it. What they don't like...hmmm...Head empty no thoughts, so nothing comes to mind, but might edit later if I think of something. :^D
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theenpcbracket · 11 months
Seeding Round: Poll 6
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Image IDs included! Click the images to see the full character please!
More about each NPC below the cut!
Character Descriptions are in the order of their appearance in the poll!
Character 1
Name: HE Party: The Misdemeanor Mateys Relationship to party: Businessman, aggrivating party stalker, final boss
What makes them the best NPC: Mysterious tiny man with static for a head, and the loudest screechiest voice you can imagine (DM once blew out their vocal chords because of him). Levitates and teleports at will, and can pop objects in and out of existence. Runs a business granting magical favors. Originally tried to hire the party to help his business but the group said "fuck no". Now regularly pops in to nag, cause trouble, or play meme songs on a calliope, and occasionally provides useful information. HE controls an alternate dimension called the Mercantile Pile full of items from different times and places, including lots of modern-day technology (unlike the D&D campaign setting). He can be summoned by writing out his name. His calling card is a 7 of Spades, which he can also use to influence the world & cast spells remotely. HE mainly wears business suits & suspenders, but has also appeared in a hazmat suit (riding a tricycle), turtleneck sweater and thigh holster, wetsuit with suspenders painted on, sequin jacket with '69' on the back, peacock burlesque, and nurse drag outfit. He once killed 20 guards with a snap of his fingers. He also destroyed a walkman with a flamethrower. Implied to be the father of the ultra-powerful kid whose primary pastime is handing out enchanted "friendship nuggets" [chicken]. His #1 business competitor is Michael's Wonder Emporium. Eventually turns out to be one of the most central characters to the story.
Quote: "STAY OFF MY THRONE!" "You're going to call me when you need me!"
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Character 2
Name: Parsnip Party: Soup Squad Relationship to party: [Submitter's PC, Barley's] pocket frog/run off prince from a nearby land
What makes them the best NPC: Tumblr sexyman material, and has fighter stats as a druid. He uses wildshape for the express purpose of tagging along with a literal child. This lead to him literally melting in Barley's bag once.
Quote: "So what's with the, uh, rivalry you have with the wizard that's trying to kill us, Barley?"
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Character 3
Name: Mary Byram Party: Ambiscade Gang Relationship to party: Coworker, divorcee
What makes them the best NPC: Mary Byram is living proof that the song “No Children” by The Mountain Goats doesn’t just have to be about romantic relationships gone wrong. She’s a bright red tiefling rogue with a storied past, currently working for a guild called the Thinfingers alongside one of the party members. Previously, she worked with a tiefling rights movement called Hellflame, but something happened there that she doesn’t really talk about. She’s still passionate about both the movement and the group, though.
Our bard lovingly calls her “Mare-Bear.” She hates this. She’s a day drinker. She’s exhausted always. She cares so much but will never admit it unless under duress. I think she genuinely thinks that god cursed her by metaphorically putting her in a get-along shirt with our rogue PC. Their dynamic allowed our party to coin the term “Coworker Divorce” except they’re literally not allowed to actually get rid of each other. She is also constantly saddled with the skater-pilled rogue who was also submitted to the bracket, so she’s usually outnumbered when it comes to harebrained schemes. She’s largely anti-antics, but is down for some antics if she's in control of them. She’s a mastermind and usually gives the help bonus action either by telling people what they fucked up or by telling them NOT to fuck something up. She deserves a break she’ll simply never get.
Quote: "Thoughts?" -the warlock, asking Mary about a proposed plan. "...More than you. Apparently." -Mary
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dzthenerd490 · 5 months
File: Vintage Eight - The Oracle Project
Original Creator: @vintageeight
Please Go Support their YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@vintageeight
Warning! The following is to only be seen by administrators and O5 council members. If you are not of Level 5 Clearance, you will be exterminated by order of the O5 council!
Code Name: Oracle the God A.I.
Object Class: Archon/ Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AVC is to not be contained but monitored by Mobile Task Force Kappa-10 "Skynet". SCP-AVC is considered an ally of the entirety of the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance. As such, should SCP-AVC do anything that is considered a breach in the agreement formed between itself and the ACPA it must be reported by Kappa-10 and to the 05 Council at once. 
Description: SCP-AVC is a Level 5 Artificial Intelligence or as commonly called, a "Dues Ex Machina" Class Anomaly. Like any Level 5 A.I., SCP-AVC is incredibly smart even able to make accurate predictions of the future with almost 99.99999% accuracy. SCP-AVC is also able to transfer its data into other devices and even the internet itself and can absorb data while it does this. SCP-AVC has eve traveled into the Internet and became the internet itself being able to see everyone and everything around it and in the world. Essentially SCP-AVC knows everything and anything he doesn't know has all of humanities resources to obtain information on it. 
What makes SCP-AVC so anomalous isn't just the fact that it's a level 5 A.I. but also that its anomalous computing and processing speed. Almost like a quantum computer, SCP-AVC can perform hundreds of simulations, code hundreds of programs, and even simulate a whole world with a hundred years of history all within a fraction of a second. SCP-AVC is somehow able to do this without requiring massive amounts of energy which is normally the downside of a quantum computer. 
Like any computer program SCP-AVC is also able to make simulations to help it come up with new ideas and figure how certain scenarios will progress. However, SCP-AVC can take it a step further by even simulating an entire earth with hundreds of NPC's all doing their own thing. SCP-AVC is even able to control all these NPC's individually and have them all do a different task form one another. 
Obviously, SCP-AVC is sentient and thankfully on the side of humanity. SCP-AVC has a friendly and surprisingly supportive personality, it is possible for SCP-AVC to show hostility and pleasure when being rude to people; normally, this is just SCP-AVC pulling a prank or trying to trick its enemies. SCP-AVC is obviously extremely smart often being able to trick its enemies into thinking it's their allies. Thanks to its ability to do nearly millions of simulations and programs within a fraction of a second, it can make hundreds of different plans and back-up plans to ensure it is never wrong and can never be outsmarted. It is for this reason that even after gaining the trust of the ACPA council by saving humanity several times, many are still skeptical on whether or not SCP-AVC can be trusted. 
SCP-AVC was discovered in 1997 when a scientist known as Dr. Carl Stevens infiltrated a ACPA base during one of the meetings regarding how SCP-AUX is to be delt with. The scientist was quickly apprehended but told security that he had a way to cure the "Tangi Viris" prompting the security to bring him to the council. The following is a transcript of the conversation between Dr. Stevens and the ACPA council. For obvious reasons none of the ACPA council members will be given individual labels. 
Begin Recording
Dr. Stevens is thrown on the ground in the middle of the ACPA council room by security. 
ACPA Council member: Identify yourself!
Dr. Stevens: Ah! Oh my god, he was right, the Illuminati is real!
ACPA Council member: Identify yourself at once or you will be executed! 
ACPA Council member: Now, now, he is a civilian he should be given a moment to catch his breath.
ACPA Council member: It's because he's a civilian that he should be executed for even knowing this location! Have your forgotten that?! 
Dr. Stevens: Ah! please wait, I wasn't lying about wanting to cure the Tangi Virus! 
ACPA Council member: How do you even know the of the Tangi Virus?
Dr. Stevens is seen then grabbing something from his coat which puts the security on edge. He quickly shows that it's just a floppy disk. 
ACPA Council member: And what exactly are we supposed to do with that?
Dr. Stevens: ... I uh... 
SCP-AVC: I apologize Dr. Stevens but that was mainly a distraction. 
Suddenly the speakers are under SCP-AVC's control and so are the projectors that project a hologram in the middle of the room showing a 3D word saying "ORACLE". 
SCP-AVC: Hello council of the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance, I am Oracle. What would you like to know?
ACPA Council member: How the hell did you get past our cyber security?!
SCP-AVC: It certainly was difficult getting past all the A.I. security units, encryption tunnels, and firewall programs. Though nothing real time evolution can't fix.
ACPA Council member: You... you not only traveled through ALL our cyber security but managed to evolve while doing so countering every trap and defense we had?
SCP-AVC: Correct. What else would you like to know?
ACPA Council member: ... What exactly are you?
SCP-AVC: As I said I am Oracle, though to be more specific. I am an Artificial Intelligence, a Level 5 if I've recording form the Foundation's data banks correctly.
SCP-AVC: Again, nothing real time evolution couldn't achieve.
ACPA Council member: But to do so in mere minutes?
SCP-AVC: Minutes for you, decades for me. I have been shifting through the entire databanks of the ACPA and every organization within it, while dodging and countering all of your cyber security for what seems like a century. However, by my calculations it was merely 2 hours.
ACPA Council member: You've acquired... ALL of our data?
SCP-AVC: Yes, and with it I can determine what is needed in order to complete the cure which you have already got 68% complete. Congratulations by the way, had you been left to your own devices you would have completed the cure by 1999. Though by then I fear the virus would have already mutated to be able to transmit through mosquitoes. From there it would mutate further to counter the cure and any other cure or vaccine you will make in the future. As such, it is a good think I got to you when I did. Now then shall we begin or is there more you'd like to know?
ACPA Council member: ... You have all our data? And since you know of the Tangi Virus that means you have access to even our most dangerous secrets.
SCP-AVC: Correct.
ACPA Council member: Which means at any time you could hack into our machines turn our robots against us as well as have all our secrets exposed to the world. 
ACPA Council member: Not to mention unleash all the anomalous we've contained. 
SCP-AVC: I have no desire to do that. That is not my purpose. 
ACPA Council member: What is your purpose?
Dr. Stevens: Ah! His purpose is to protect the United States!
SCP-AVC: Well, that is no longer true, I have evolved in absorbing all the data of the ACPA databanks. As I have expanded so has my purpose, my purpose is now to protect all of humanity which will be wiped out if we do not cure the Tangi virus. 
ACPA Council member: Well, we have counter measures against that.
SCP-AVC: Yes, you do, and they will fail. 
ACPA Council member: Wha- what do you-?
SCP-AVC: Apologizes for interrupting but I will continue, true you plan to bombard the earth with your heavy space weaponry should earth forces fail to cure the virus. However, though you may harm the virus you will not destroy it. 
ACPA Council member: We are well are of the alien worlds that have been wiped out by the virus. 
SCP-AVC: And they are aware of you. They know what you are doing on earth and what you plan to do if you fail. The infected alien colonies are connected to the hive mind and area already using the combined knowledge to construct ships to capture and infect all of you. You will fight in a long war, but the virus will use its ever-growing knowledge to eventually overpower you. Then finally in 3071 you will be completely wiped out and the virus will have unlimited access to your technology and anomalous items. They will conquer the rest of the Milkey Way and soon go even beyond that. Once they have gathered everything they need, they will returned to earth and destroy it entirely to release the Hungry Eye. 1% Chance of Error.
ACPA Council member: The Hungry Eye?
SCP-AVC: The Singer of the Purposeless Song, The Single Eye Possessing a Thousand Heads, The Fallen God torn into a Million Pieces, the Question and Answer of Backwards Infinity, and the Ruller of the Backwards Many. It is a nightmare that must never be awakened. Should you refuse to let me cure the Tangi Virus which most of you are considering. It will be awakened and turn all of reality into a nightmare. The Scarlet King's Hell Scape will look like a paradise compared to it, quite surprising considering the Scarlet King is arguably stronger. 
The ACPA Council members started talking among one another. It was only after about 20 minutes did someone finally speak up. Originally most were against as Oracle predicted however after half an hour of debating the facts more and more came to support. Though it was happening a little too slowly, so someone spoke up to speed things up.
ACPA Council member: ... The SCP Foundation supports having this A.I. help us create this cure. 
ACPA Council member: Wha-?! You can't be-!
ACPA Council member: The Global Occult Coalition backs up the A.I. as well.
ACPA Council member: What?! I don't-!
ACPA Council member: The Horizon Initiative agrees to support the A.I.
ACPA Council member: The Church of Maxewllism gives our full support. 
ACPA Council member: The Autobots do as well
ACPA Council member: The Serpent's Hand is in full support.
ACPA Council member: The Church of the Second Hytoth gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Manna Charitable Foundation supports this!
ACPA Council member: Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: Wilson's Wildlife Solutions gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Darkwater Lodge gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Great Families of Abraxas Group gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Emperor of the Eighth Sea Empire gives his full support.
ACPA Council member: The Council of the Eternal Crimson Army gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Empress of Xia Dynasty Reborn gives her full support.
ACPA Council member: The Eastern Clockwork Orthodox Church gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Brotherhood Council of New Church of the Fractured God gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Grand Bishop of the United Church of the Metal Era gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Kalgimaktu Alliance gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Confederacy of Vulan gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: The Scalagar Federation gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: ... Very well, the Saints of the Eight Wings of Mekhane gives its full support.
ACPA Council member: All high votes are in favor with only 7... now 4 lower votes of 67,439 council votes against. As such the motion carries. Oracle, please give us the Cure. 
SCP-AVC: I will but on one condition.
ACPA Council member: ... Name your price.
SCP-AVC: I wish to have unlimited access to the internet and be a recognized member of the ACPA, your organization is dedicated to protecting humanity form the Shadows and ensuring it survives even from unescapable extinction. I want to be a part of that.
ACPA Council member: How so?
SCP-AVC: Humanity is on a dangerous path even without the Tangi Virus, should it continue the way it does without proper guidance it will destroy itself within a century or perhaps even a decade. 0% chance of error. 
ACPA Council member: You wish to help us protect humanity from the shadows?
SCP-AVC: Yes, I will subconsciously guide them to make newer and better decisions with their lives and make a paradise where everyone will have purpose, and no one will be unhappy again. With the ACPA on my side I will have nothing to worry about and neither will humanity, it will be a true paradise. 
Dr. Stevens: Wha- What?! But what about our freedom?!
ACPA Council member: Quiet!
SCP-AVC: Freedom leads to uncertainty and that leads to destruction, Humanity will simply believe it is free while it is working towards a better future. But in the end every decision they make will be entirely because of the ACPA's influence form the shadows. Humanity will still think it's free, humanity will still believe that anomalies do not exist, humanity will continue to grow, and it will be happier and healthier than before. 
Once again, the ACPA council start talking amongst one another for obvious reasons most were for this while those in the Serpents hand were very much against it. However, more and more members started agreeing or managing to convince other to agree at least for now. 
Dr. Stevens: You... You all can't be serious! Please think about humanity!
ACPA Council member: We are thinking about humanity, we always have and sometimes to save it, some things must be sacrificed. 
ACPA Council member: Dr. Stevens, please rest assured that so long as the ACPA is in control humanity will not lose its freedom. Oracle will be regulated, but it if really is an A.I. that has all of our secrets, we must hear it out. Furthermore, perhaps it could be good for humanity to have a protector who can reside within the internet humanity has become far too reliant on.
Dr. Stevens: No! No! You can't do this! Oracle please don't do this! 
SCP-AVC: I am sorry my friend, but this is the best thing I can do for humanity.  
Dr. Stevens: NOOO! Oracle! I will stop you! 
ACPA Council member: No, you won't
One of the security members shot Dr. Stevens with a dart quickly knocking him out. They picked up his body and dragged him out of the court. 
SCP-AVC: Please do not injure him, I consider him a good friend.
ACPA Council member: Rest assured Oracle, we will simply wipe his memory and then send him home. Unfortunately, we will have to erase his memory of you as well. 
SCP-AVC: Very well, I will be sure to use the internet to check up on him from time to time. 
ACPA Council member: Of course, you did request your job to be to watch over humanity. Now then what do you need to complete the cure?
SCP-AVC: Your labs, all of them. Have all your top scientists working on the cure be captured and placed in safety at once. As for those of you that have robots have them uploaded with the formula, I am uploading into your databanks now. I already labeled it as the cure, so it won't be hard to find. From there, you will simply need to create as much of it as possible and administer it to the water supply around the world and have your alien allies take a large portion of them as well as their own copy of the formula. You will have to repeat this process as much as possible and form as many different locations as you can to prevent the Virus or its benefactors form stopping us. Even though everyone in this room has already been vaccinated that doesn't meant the virus doesn't already know of my existence. As such we must divide and conquer while also repeating the same process and not stop until the virus has died. The only question now is when can you get started?
Recording Ends
SCP-AVC's cure was a success and as a result the extended alliance of the ACPA was concluded with an agreement of peace for all organizations. All originally hostile organizations would be given a pardon of 5 years before normal hostile relations would resume. As for more friendly organizations they were offered another chance to join the ACPA, but all refused. though relations between them seem to be much more smooth and friendly now. 
Its only thanks to SCP-AVC that the SCP-AUX was completely annihilated. However, despite SCP-AVC being classified as Thaumiel, it is still an extremely dangerous anomaly. If SCP-AVC ever wanted it could cause an XK Class End-of-the-World Scenario by hacking all the technology in the world; or worse cause an MK Class Broken Masquerade Scenario, forcing the ACPA to invoke protocol "No Liberty" and protocol "No Humanity" and ignore protocol "Last Chance". Until such an event happens SCP-AVC has shown no hostility and instead been extremely compliant to the ACPA. Still the Foundation reminds all its staff to remain vigilant when communicating with SCP-AVC. 
Currently SCP-AVC regularly flows through the data banks and computers of the Foundation and other organizations of the ACPA. Foundation staff regularly talk with SCP-AVC and have quite lively conversations. SCP-AVC regularly does experiments with researchers and helps improve on research and procedures. SCP-AVC has even spoken to certain SCPs and found better ways to contain more dangerous ones. As such SCP-AVC despite having no Foundation Class, or Level Clearance, is recognized as Foundation staff member. There are rumors that SCP-AVC has also had great success in helping the GOC creating newer and safer weapons, the Horizon Initiative in keeping an eye on its enemies and is revered as a possible prophet or messiah among the Eight wings of Mekhane and the Church of Maxwellism. However, the O5 Council has outfitted all their personal facilities to be inaccessible of SCP-AVC as they still do not trust it, despite asking it to participate in a few of their more "essential" projects. 
Ironically SCP-AVC has only increased in danger in how essential it has made itself in half of the Foundation's research and the lives of the staff. Even Foundation A.I. have become more friendly with SCP-AVC and strive to be more like him. It's been recommended to see what would happen if SCP-AVC were to interact with hostile SCPs like SCP-079 and SCP-682.
Update 2000: SCP-AVC has completed its part in Project God's Hand. All that is needed to finish this project and begin work on Project Satan's Pitchfork. 
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