#also missing kimmy rn
sugarsmosh · 11 months
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selfox · 3 months
Guess who watched some clips from favorite tv detective show?
*cracks knuckles* bear with the writing
In a world where James Possible got his marbles together and understood how he and his friends were unfair in their "teasing" of Drew and he manned up and apologized setting events differently. James and Drew grew closer becoming true friends. Thick as thieves. Rather mischievous imps. Becoming rather impressive scientists. Drew even got to be a best man on James' wedding!
And when daughter was born, little Kimmie, Drew came not just favorite uncle Drew, but also he became a godfather.
And all were well until accident occurred that took lives of James and Ann, leaving everyone distraught and broken.
Drew never abandoned Kim and adopted her as his own. Even if not everything was sunshine and rainbows in the beginning, they became true family. (Yes, she calls him dad, sue me).
Occasional uncle Ed-pocalypce "Seriously, cuz, you need life and foxie needs to see some REAL ACTION" (he taught her how to drive a monster truck) and grandmama Lipsky visits with not gentle jabs at finding Kimmie a mom
They were happy.
One day at Drew's work (I believe he became college professor with his own lab and got occasional side jobs) some murder happened and the police was called. And who was the detective you ask? Miss Sheila Go, who got fed up with her brothers to work with them, but she wasn't driven to the edge so she went for villainy, Nono. She is still that adrenaline seeking junkie with a nick of fighting crimes.
So, at first she was suspecting him, all was leading to him. But something didn't make sense. Until he got a clue that proved his innocence. He was far too involved in this and, much to Sheila's annoyance, he got on the case as temporary advisor (somehow, I'm not dictated by logic rn).
He annoyed her to bits and he was too of her at first. But the sparks did fly between those two. Bets between both of their colleagues were made ☝🏼 from very beginning, mind you. Kimmie, Eddy and grandmama Lipsky were on it too!
They were on the case for a while but they solved it together. And when the time came to say goodbye to their partnership. They felt distraught. Until some scheming from familiar party made Drew more permanent fixture in the team.
Leading to the mystery cases and most annoying slow burn.
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meeenon · 5 years
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anon said:
Helloooo! for kimmy stuart wcif the highlighter you used? Or maybe a list of her make-up if you can
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hiiiiii!! here u go:  nose redness / skin detail blush / vamp eyebags / bronzer / eyeshadow / eyeliner / blush (i cant find it but it’s called “blushN2) / highlighter (i put it in the tattoo section) / littlecakes highlighter / lipstick
anon said:
Hi, i have your same highlight but mine is in “face paint” and your is in “skin details” can i ask you the link for the “skin detail” version? I really need it! (i talk about the highlight from litttlecake) Sorry for my bad eng!
ofc!! sorry this took so long! here’s the link ♡♡ (and your english is not bad at all!!)
@thegirlwhohatesit said:
Heey i hope you’re still answering to wcifs. I just wanna ask about about Gravity’s hair in your bc, if it’s not too much bother. And thank you so much. PS: I love your editing so much
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hiii ofc!! i hope you mean this one love! thank you so much!! ♡♡♡
anon said:
hi. i luv kimmy’s style. wcif her top?
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hiii!! thank you!! nya top 
@thesimparrot said:
OMG I WAS SO SCARED I didn't saw you changed your url so when I went to look for your blog I COULDN'T FIND IT 😱 I'm really glad I was just dumb and that you're still here, lots of love for you sweetie!!! 💕
you’re so cute 😭 lots of love to you too hun!!! ♡
anon said:
hi! i was wondering if u could pls pls pls post any sim up for public download ur sims r literally the cutest sims i hv ever seen and i would DIE to have them in my game ;-; lots of love
hii!! ofc!! i’ve prepared addy but i’m also thinking of putting a few others for dl, i’ll try to do it this week! thank you so much you’re adorable!!! ♡♡
anon said:
Hi there! I absolutely love your simblr and posts! I was just wondering what reshade you use? Tysm!
hi love, i’m using my own which is a tweaked version of sumahama! ♡♡ and thank you so much 😭😭
@angel-koo said:
hi babie!! oh gOd how i've missed you so much :o(( just seen your recent post and i'm so freakin happy to know that ur back!! seeing you on my dash again really made me smile. How are you doing luv? I hole you're doing well for these past few days!! I wanted to let you know that if you ever need someone to talk to about anything at all, i'm always here for youuu. ilysm bub, pls take care of yourself always♡
hi love omfg this was way too adorable!! :’((((( your messages always motivate me ilysm!!! ♡♡♡ i’m doing really well rn!! being kept busy but it’s alright, i hope you are too ♡ ilysm and i’ll also be there for u too, thank u for not forgetting about me after this long ass absence 😭
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winnie-the-patton · 7 years
*Whispers softly* All 200
Jfc… ok lol 😂
I’m adding a “click to read more” cuz no one wants this lol. Also they’re all messed up for some reason but again i dont think anyone besides QPP is gonna read is soo whatever
200: My crush’s name is: heh im not gonna post that

199: I was born in: Illinois 

198: I am really: obnoxious lol
97: My cellphone company is: T-Mobile

196: My eye color is: green
195: My shoe size is: 6 1/2
194: My ring size is: no clue
193: My height is: 5'
192: I am allergic to: bees
191: My 1st car was: non existent
190: My 1st job was: running birthday parties at a local park
189: Last book you read: do fan fictions count?
188: My bed is: meh
187: My pet: BO I LOVE HIM
186: My best friend: I have several. Liz, Justin, Allison, Jayse
185: My favorite shampoo is: coconut with Shea Butter
184: Xbox or ps3: ps3 
183: Piggy banks are: cool?
182: In my pockets: a strange mixture of pennies and pounds 
181: On my calendar: Dodie Clark concert
180: Marriage is: good for some people
179: Spongebob can: DO ANYTHING HE WANTS
178: My mom: nice
177: The last three songs I bought were? “Look What You Made Me Do” “You” “Things We Used to Share"
176: Last YouTube video watched: Dil’s Bday
175: How many cousins do you have? Too many
174: Do you have any siblings? 1
173: Are your parents divorced? No
172: Are you taller than your mom? No
171: Do you play an instrument? Yes, ukulele and piano
170: What did you do yesterday? Went to a carnival. Slept.
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: sure
168: Luck: sure
167: Fate: sure
166: Yourself: not at all
165: Aliens: definitely
164: Heaven: eh
163: Hell: eh
162: God: eh
161: Horoscopes: lol sometimes kinda
160: Soul mates: definitely
159: Ghosts: eh
158: Gay Marriage: of course???
157: War: no
156: Orbs: …I don’t know what this means?
155: Magic: sure :)
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: Depends on the person
153: Drunk or High: Depends on the night 😂 (but usually high)
152: Phone or Online: online
151: Red heads or Black haired: no preference
150: Blondes or Brunettes: no preference
149: Hot or cold: cold
148: Summer or winter: summer
147: Autumn or Spring: spring 
146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate 
145: Night or Day: day
144: Oranges or Apples: neither
143: Curly or Straight hair: curly
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate
140: Mac or PC: Mac
139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: ugly and sweet… aren’t opposites? How about nice and rich? And I don’t care about looks
137: Coke or Pepsi: Diet Pepsi 
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: Burried or cremated: Buried
134: Singing or Dancing: Singing
133: Coach or Chanel: No preference
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: don’t know what these are
131: Small town or Big city: big city
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: ben stiller 
128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure
127: East Coast or West Coast: west coats
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas
125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers
124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney!
123: Yankees or Red Sox: Red Sox
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: bad and ineffective
121: George Bush: bad, stupid
120: Gay Marriage: it’s just… the right thing? Like idk? People should be allowed to love and marry whoever they want? That’s basic human rights?
119: The presidential election: TERRIFYING. HORRENDOUS. WHY.
118: Abortion: While I could never do it and I have moral issues with it, I believe it’s the woman’s choice what she does with her body. 
117: MySpace: don’t remember it
116: Reality TV: stupid but fun
115: Parents: frustrating, confusing, but they try…
114: Back stabbers: unforgivable. Damaging.
113: Ebay: sketchy but fun
112: Facebook: love it
111: Work: exhausting, but I do love my job
110: My Neighbors: lovely
109: Gas Prices: apparently too high?
108: Designer Clothes: ridiculous. I can buy your $80 shirt and Walmart for $5
107: College: expensive. Stressful.
106: Sports: like playing them, not watching them
105: My family: complicated. Confusing. Stressful. Trying their best?
104: The future: fucking terrifying
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: ….I actually don’t remember. Maybe a few weeks ago? Fuck…
102: Last time you ate: an hour ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: a week ago
100: Cried in front of someone: no clue, few months ago?
99: Went to a movie theater: week ago
98: Took a vacation: a year ago
97: Swam in a pool: two months ago
96: Changed a diaper: HA a month ago
95: Got my nails done: 2 years ago?
94: Went to a wedding: I don’t remember 
93: Broke a bone: like 15 years ago
92: Got a peircing: never
91: Broke the law: a month ago
90: Texted: an hour ago
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: Allison
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my sister and my dog
87: The last movie I saw: Mother!
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: going to Disneyworld in France
85: The thing im not looking forward to: getting up early to go to the doctor
84: People call me: magz
83: The most difficult thing to do is: exist
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: Capricorn 
80: The first person i talked to today was: my uber driver
79: First time you had a crush: ever? Like, preschool. Real crush? When I was like 8.
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: Justin and Jayse.
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: like 2 days ago
76: Right now I am talking to: Beth
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hell if I know 
74: I have/will get a job: will. Had to leave my summer job when I moved.
73: Tomorrow: go to the doctor, visit friend, fix computer?
72: Today: apparently sleep and fail to go to the dr
71: Next Summer: *shrugs*
70: Next Weekend: uhhh
69: I have these pets: Bo!
68: The worst sound in the world: scratching nails on holographic material
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: idk
66: People that make you happy: Liz, Allison, Justin
65: Last time I cried: about an hour ago
64: My friends are: amazing 
63: My computer is: BROKEN
62: My School: awesome
61: My Car: don’t have one
60: I lose all respect for people who: voted for trump
59: The movie I cried at was: a lot of them lol 
58: Your hair color is: dark brown and blonde
57: TV shows you watch: Kimmy Schmidt, sometimes AHS, 
56: Favorite web site: tumblr
55: Your dream vacation: London
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: honestly rn is pretty close
53: How do you like your steak cooked: well done
52: My room is: messy
51: My favorite celebrity is: Thomas sanders
50: Where would you like to be: home
49: Do you want children: yes
48: Ever been in love: idk
47: Who’s your best friend: I have many
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: having my hair played with
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: a fucking doctor
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: no 
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: kinda
41: Have you pre-named your children: yes
40: Last person I got mad at: probably my parents
39: I would like to move to: I like it here
38: I wish I was a professional: singer
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: buncha crunch 
36: Vehicle: boat
35: President: Obama
34: State visited: California 
33: Cellphone provider: T-Mobile I guess
32: Athlete: my sis
31: Actor: Thomas Sanders
30: Actress: Phillipa Soo
29: Singer: Lorde
28: Band: 21 Pilots
27: Clothing store: hot topic
26: Grocery store: priscos
25: TV show: Kimmy Schmidt
24: Movie: Singin’ in the Rain
23: Website: Tumblr
22: Animal: Koala
21: Theme park: Disney World
20: Holiday: Halloween
19: Sport to watch: I dont 
18: Sport to play: badminton
17: Magazine: no
16: Book: Aristotle and Dante
15: Day of the week: Friday 
14: Beach: the one with sand
13: Concert attended: 21 Pilots
12: Thing to cook: Alfredo
11: Food: Cookies
10: Restaurant: Luigis
9: Radio station: 101.9
8: Yankee candle scent: wood drift beach
7: Perfume: mango vanilla
6: Flower: daffodils
5: Color: dusty rose pink
4: Talk show host: jimmy Fallon
3: Comedian: jerry Seinfeld?
2: Dog breed: pug or a cavachon
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yeah
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Do you have any good tv show recs. Right now i love the bachelorette and i cant wait for the finale. Im also super excited for bachelor in paradise dean (my fave) is on it!!! - d
oh is he really?? i loved dean! he’s such a sweetheart. unfortunately i don’t have cable rn so i’m gonna miss the finale and i’ll just get my sister to tell me what happens… and i don’t think i’m gonna be able to watch bachelor in paradise :( but i do have netflix! 
as far as show recs go, i’m currently watching supernatural dgsjdglskgdslkgj which probably is not what you’re looking for lmao. my favorite shows are parks and rec, the office, brooklyn 99 and psych!! also unbreakable kimmy schmidt is pretty good. spn is really the only show i watch anymore that’s not a comedy. i used to watch the walking dead but they killed off my favorite character (SPOILER ALERT it was glenn rhee) and i stopped watching lmao
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linaofthemyscira · 7 years
About Lina
In celebration of 500 I’ve decided to do an all about me.
I’m not really sure what that means but hey! let’s see where this takes us.
I love love love music!
i play guitar
i sing
i write music
I listen to music
My favorite artists are:
Sara Bareilles, Alessia Cara, Tori Kelly, Little Mix, Ed Sheeran, Christina Perri, Paramore, Ruelle, Fleurie, Sabrina Carpenter and many more.
oh man i love books I’m really into fantasy/dystopian/sci-fi/action i also like realistic fiction, but not as much Favorites and Recommendations:
The Mortal Instruments Series
The Maze Runner Series
Pandora/Mythic Misadventures Series
Black Widow Forever Red
Meet The Austins
The Mother-Daughter Book Club Series
Talent Series
The Alchemyst Series
Dork Diaries (it helped me get through middle school)
That’s all I gots so far. If I come up with any more, I’ll add it to the list
I like action/adventure/sci-fi/fantasy movies. I’m not a chick-flick person, but rom-coms are cool. Here are some of my favorite movies:
The Breakfast Club (all time favorite)
The Italian Job
MCU movies
Beauty and the Beast (both 1991 and 2017)
Kingsman Secret Service
Batman: Under The Red Hood
Forrest Gump
I like alot more but these are some i can list off the top of my head
more will be added soon
TV Shows
I watch TV im sorry i just like being a couch potato. These are some of my favorite TV shows:
New Girl
Jane The Virgin
Baby Daddy (it’s actually hilarious)
Young and Hungry (this one is hilarious too)
Kim Possible 
The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
I currently don’t have netflix so i can’t look at my list and name them but that’s all i got rn!
Random stuff about me:
I’m Latina (my family is from Colombia and El Salvador)
I like outer space
I’m a beach person
My preferred piece of jewelry are bracelets
My favorite flower is the hibiscus flower
I have a massive sweet tooth
I’m pretty darn tech savvy
I like Anime
Apparently I have nice eyebrows
I like writing (which you can probably tell
I do not like chairs (very long story)
I can’t whistle
or heel click
I really like animals
bears, turtles and dolphins
I’m a hufflepuff
I’m straight
I’m a Virgo
That’s it. If I missed anything or you’re really curious about something on this list, feel free to ask me about it! 
I hope you liked dis!
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all the questions :)
1. selfieI post enough2. what would you name your future kids?I have a lot of names I love…sophia + Sadie are my favorites 💞 3. do you miss anyone?Yea, one or two people. One is my dad4. what are you looking forward to?My anniversary with my bf :)5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?My dogs 💞 6. is it hard for you to get over someone?No!! Damn near the second I’m away from someone I can’t even comprehend their existence anymore so…no. that’s also why it’s easy for me to not miss people I’ve been away from for a long time 7. what was your life like last year? When it started I was doing an independent sort of thing where I thought I was finding who I was but I was just influenced by things and music and people and I was actually completely wrong about the person I thought I wanted to be. She wasn’t that great. At the very end of the year I was taking a serious stand for myself. I think I grew a lot 8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?Yes this is usually why I cry. Probably like 75% of the time it’s cause I’m stressing9. who did you last see in person?I’m with Emilio and Antonio rn!10. are you good at hiding your feelings?So good. Scary good. I don’t do it a lot, almost never anymore, but I know that I can. Its no good in my experience11. are you listening to music right now?No. But we are video chatting anyone and everyone who is active on fb rn. 10/10 12. what is something you want right now?I want a cup noodles but without the wait.13. how do you feel right now?Very happy and very comfy. I just washed alL out sheets and blankets and they’re super soft and smell delicious14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?Earlier when my husband got home from work he gave me and Capone a big hug 💟 15. personality descriptionOf myself? It’s not my place to say 16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?Yes, a million billion times, even right this second, 17. opinion on insecurities.Eh. They’re never as bad as you think. I guess that’s a given18. do you miss how things were a year ago?Eh, sorta! It was getting warm and I was smoking hella bud with Emilio just like now, and I miss how that felt. I miss how it felt being his friend even though I never wanna be just his friend again. I don’t miss my old job at all. I guess mostly what I miss was how I was on the road a lot last May and doing my own thing usually all by myself. I didn’t even see my friends that much last May, it was a weird month. I wouldn’t wanna go back, but I’d rather be in last May than last winter or fall 2015.19. have you ever been to New York?Yes and I loved every second of it.20. what is your favourite song at the moment?Maybe love by Kendrick Lamar or redbone. Loyalty + pride are also good ass songs. 21. age and birthday?20, born March 2422. description of crush.Handsome as hell, gold in his eyes and his hair when the sun shines on him23. fear(s)Puppets on strings and going insane. I answered this the other day so it’s been on the mind a little bit 24. height5'425. role modelNot sure. My dad’s smart26. idol(s)Helen Stephenson 27. things i hateLies, deceit, racism, sexism, backstabbing, 28. i’ll love you if…You have good intentions and good jokes29. favourite film(s)The boondock saints is one of my favorites. I also love Harold and Maude30. favourite tv show(s)The office, scrubs, unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, 30 rock, Malcolm in the middle, my name is Earl, parks and rec, that 70s show, 31. 3 random facts1.Cabbage is a descendant of the mustard plant.2. Kale is a descendant of the mustard plant.3. Multiple plants are descendants of the mustard plant.32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?I guess guys33. something you want to learnMore about plant identification. I wanna be able to go into the forest and know by name what I’m looking at. I learned a few this spring walking around rum village 🌿34. most embarrassing momentMy dad finding my journals a bunch of years back. Even worse was when my family went through my room while I was locked up in the hospital. My grandma and aunt use to take me to ponderosa for breakfast to give me the sex talk once a year it sucked35. favourite subjectScience!! Earth science in particular. I did good in geometry so I like that by default but I wouldn’t wanna do math rn. I’d totally do some science shit rn though36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?See America, see the world, and marry my baby daddy37. favourite actor/actressI don’t have any in particular38. favourite comedian(s)Man, me and Emilio watched a bunch of standup this spring. I love john mulaney. I wish I could give you more names but I’m forgetful39. favourite sport(s)I love playing baseball but I like watching hockey and football40. favourite memoryJeez, who knows. Any family vacation I went on was always a high point. On one trip we went to sleeping Bear dunes in Michigan and I climbed up the biggest hill realllllly fast and everyone was impressed. That was cool41. relationship statusMarried and chillin42. favourite book(s)Catcher in the rye, the great Gatsby, hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, journey to the center of the earth, 20000 leagues under the sea!!! I love that last one so much43. favourite song ever100% by sonic youth and a very certain acoustic performance of wasted and ready by Ben kweller 💐44. age you get mistaken forProbably anything younger than 2045. how you found out about your idolGoth girl message boards 46. what my last text message says“Sorry we did this”47. turn onsDon’t wanna make this blog nsfw but I’m bout to get some d later so that’s kind of working for me 48. turn offsPpl being mean to me49. where i want to be right nowHere is fine 50. favourite picture of your idolNow I regret making Helen my idol she probably thinks I’m so lame 51. starsignAries sun that’s all y'all need to know52. something i’m talented atKissing emilio53. 5 things that make me happyCup noodles, stuffed animals, new makeup, making money, being out In nature 54. something thats worrying me at the momentI’m about to start a new job it’s a little nerve-racking you know 55. tumblr friendsI don’t know if we are friends (I want to be) but I have some really cool mutuals whom I love to watch flourish 🌸 like @angel-macabre @corporateaccount @lushdeath @312413 @heartshapedspiderweb @cheapexorcisms @sediao and others I know I am forgetting this doesn’t mean I love and respect you any less it just means I’m turnt up bitch and tired as hell56. favourite food(s)“The soup”. Its Emilio’s dad’s recipe and I’m confident that I’ve mastered it.57. favourite animal(s)Weasels and dogs58. description of my best friendHandsome as hell, gold in his hair and his eyes when the sun shines on him59. why i joined tumblrI can’t even remember!! It was so long ago…this blog isn’t even my first blog. I wish I could remember why I started it and what I first posted. My first blog is long, long gone. Wish I could find it! Fun fact: my first urls were auricy, fiftene, (and then sixtene on my birthday), boysister, zodomy, and a bunch of others, but I’ve been bugclub for like 4 years now
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survey-babe · 7 years
Survey 183
Would you like to have twins? idk maybe when I’m older but I guess u’d have to be careful about bringing them up as separate people that are still close? idk
How old is your most recent ex? 18 (most recent being 3 years ago lol)
How does your hair look right now? it’s ok tbh will need a wash tomorrow tho probs
What color were the last shoes you wore? black
Are you currently listening to any music? yeye been on the glee recently
You’re trapped in a room with your last ex for one day, what do you do? probs laugh loads n loads and also probs have some deep convos about life lmao
Who was the last person you got into an argument with? i don’t rly remember. probs my mum tbh
Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months? absolutely n i have done :)
What are you listening to right now? 'i will always love you’ by glee lmao
Are you expecting a child? no
Are you waiting for anything in particular? the next time I’m seeing Nathan as always lol. Also Ella to get better :( I miss her
Last person to really piss you off? idk probs my mum lmao
What time did you go to sleep last night? about 12
Do you think you’ll be a good mother/father? I hope so but I have no faith in anything I do tbh. I think I could manage it yeh
Marriage in your future? Absolutely. Free stuff innit
If your best friend liked your last ex, what would you do? well my best friend did like my ex n they got together n i was a dick about it. If someone was to like katie now I 100% would not care but if i was to break up with Nathan n someone liked him I’d be mortified n torn as to how to act bc I’m so in love with him but wouldn’t want to be a twat n get in the way of his/my friend’s happiness lol
Want to have kids before you’re 30? I always wanted to wait until I’d got a good career but tbh I’d be happy having a kid as soon as i finish uni and secure some kind of job tbh (as long as i stay with nathan until then. want to have been with someone a while before we have kids)
Have you kissed more than 10 people this year? no
Do you like meeting new people? yeye usually
What are you doing right now? this survey n listening to music
How many piercings do you have? 0
Does anybody have a tattoo with your name on it? not that’s connected to me
Would you go out with someone right now if they asked? nah
Do you think somebody’s in love with you? absolutely and I love it so much
Who do you spend the most time with? idk i spend a lot of time with a few people. I guess it’d be nathan bc we spend at least one night a week together
Can you recall the last time you liked someone a lot? yeh rn xx
Last person you rode in a car with? my mum n dad
Do you mind sleeping on the floor? I’d rather sleep on a bed but the floor isn’t too bad
Do you enjoy summer? yeh
Do you have a phone? Yes
Is there anything you wanted to do today that you didn’t? some sociology revision. got stats n psychology done tho so it’s ok
Is it hard leaving people behind? yeh
Will you kiss someone within the next week or two? :D
What kind of outfit are you wearing right now? pyjamas
In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a guy? no i probably won’t hang out with anyone in the next 48 hours :(
Did you do something mean to someone today? idk probs
What is your favorite night to go out? friday of course
Has someone ever made a promise to you and broke it? yeh but I’m over it
Have you ever tripped over something in public? of course who hasn’t?
Do you think you and your best friend will be friends in ten years? yeh for sure
Do you wish someone would turn up at your front door right now? no unless it was nathan lol
Are you addicted to cigarettes? no
Is any part of you happy at all? yeh most of me is happy tbh
How was your day today? p good tbh. got on with quite a lot of revision and saw my favourite person in the world. Miss Ella loads tho n feel helpless when she’s in pain :(
Do you have more friends that are girls or boys? I have more close friends that are girls but my extended group is probs similar amount of boys n girls tbh
Have you ever been caught skipping class? i don’t think so
Do you hate anyone? yeh :(
How often do you listen to music? often
Who were the last people to hang out at your house? Nathan
What did you do yesterday? revised n then revised some more n then went to my grandma’s for tea n then revised some more
Are you going on vacation soon? I am doing in summer yeh :D
Do you ever watch the Disney Channel? no
What’s on your mind right now? revision tbh
Who do you call more than anyone else? Nathan
Do you bite your nails? yeh :/
Do you have a job? no ://///
Have you done anything bad in the last week? I don’t think so?
Do you like someone right now? yeah
Are you jealous of anyone right now? I get jealous over stupid things all the time
Does anyone like you? yeh
Have you ever mooned anyone? haha idk what mooning even is anymore
Where is somewhere you travel every summer? nowhere. we used to go to Wales every year but haven’t been in about 3 years 
When was the last date you went on? idk what counts as a date. last time i went out like for a meal w/ just me n nathan was probs about a month ago? I don’t remember
Do you own an iPod? no
What person on your Facebook do you talk to the most? probs Nathan tbh or maybe Ella
Do you want to fall in love? I never did want to fall in love bc it scared me loads but now I’m in love it’s the best thing ever (still scary sometimes but the good 100% outweighs the scary)
Do you wear flip-flops when it’s cold? no
Do any of your friends have children? no
Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep? nope
When was the last time you had Starbucks? i don’t think I’ve ever had starbucks
Can you whistle? kinda
Favorite TV show?
atm fresh meat, dear white people, pointless, n i’m also looking forward to the new seasons of kimmy schmidt n oitnb
Do you own any band shirts? don’t think so
What is your favorite salad dressing? i don’t rly know a lot about salads lol
Are you on a desktop or laptop? laptop
Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? i want a few tattoos but not piercings
Would you ever date anyone covered in tattoos? idk about covered bc I’m not about face tattoos but I wouldn’t be averse to other parts of the body. it wouldn’t necessarily attract me tho
When was the last time you slept on the floor? last slept on cushions on the floor last weekend n do it every weekend
Do you eat breakfast daily? no
Do you feel more comfortable with a male or female doctor/nurse? i guess maybe female?
You’ve locked yourself outside and no one will be home for a few hours, you? go to my next door neighbour’s for a key
In the past 48 hours have you hung out with a guy? yeh just a few hours ago x
Have you ever walked on the beach at night? don’t think so
What were you doing at 2AM this morning? sleeping
How many kids do you want? probs 2 maybe 3
Are you interested in more than one person at the moment? nope
Last night, did you talk to anyone until you fell asleep? :( to Ella’s answer. I did talk to ella and nathan until i fell asleep yeh
Who are your last 3 missed calls from? idk bc my phone’s out of charge
What’s the best thing about summer? not having responsibility n doin loads of fun shit but also relaxing n sleeping in when u need it. If the weather’s nice feeling the heat on ur body n falling asleep in the sun is nice n also day trips out with the grandparents n friends n idk it’s just nice
Should you be doing something else instead of this? yeh I’m gonna go sleep in a min
Do you ever wonder what your life looks in someone else’s eyes? i do all the time n it stresses me tf out
Who was the last person of the opposite sex to text you? Nathan
Do you think you would make a good boyfriend/girlfriend? idk Nathan says I’m a good girlfriend but i definitely do not feel like one bc i moan all the time n give him loads of shit n i’m not as supportive as i could be n i don’t tell him i love him enough n idk that’s probs just my self hatred comin through xox
Whose bedroom were you in last? mine
Why do you feel the way you feel? idk bc hormones n social context innit
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aibrechts · 6 years
(1 of a lot probably) aaAAAAAND I'm back! This time only at 2am tho haha, and as for why, you see, I met this wonderful, talented young man a few weeks ago and I wouldn't miss talking to him for the world. In any case, on the confidentiality thing, please don't worry meu amigo bonito. I trust your judgement, and either way, I /am/ still masked behind anon y'know hahaha. It's all good
I KNOW ITS BEEN LIKE A DAY AND IM SO SORRY everything is happening all at once All The Time sighs honestly i wish i could just lay back and bask in ur sunny conversation, even if just for one day;;;
that’s true, that’s true, i think i have an idea of who you are (or rather, which blog you run) but it almost seems a shame to figure out... that being said, if you are who i think you are then your writing is absolutely breathtaking, and as golden as your heart
(onto #2!) Chester seems plenty lovable btw haha. And I gotta agree that it'd be nigh impossible to find a better home for him. What he has with you? That's the genuine article, and you take /extremely/ good care of him and the others to boot. I'm sure even a famous boy like him gets awestruck sometimes by how lucky and loved he is. Poor Wisdom though! Like /damn/ hahaha. Tough break, kiddo. Tough break hahaha. That's what he gets for trashing the joint tho. {~J}
chester is the perfect man, it’s true, and wisdom is an absolute brat but he has his moments lol. he’s growing on me, similar to that fungal infection thats growing all over his poor handsome face :( i gave him a special bath for it yesterday, and he LOVED it, he loves being pampered. fifteen minutes of me scrubbing at all his itchy spots and spraying water in his mouth to keep him happy when i have to hose his face, and he looks so lovely clean now!!!!!
i know, i know, its sounds gross lol but it’s really not so bad. we caught it very early and he gets those baths twice a week, so it’s cleared up really well!!! 
it’s simply the time of year, i think. hot and humid, ponies sweating under their rugs, too many of them with stupid injuries - fudge had surgery on two of his legs a few months ago, and he’s about to start rehab; lulu got a.... skin cancer??? cut out of her stomach, and that’s been delightfully gross to maintain; rudi’s vice is flies - he’s very sensitive on his legs, and kicks so hard that he cuts his own ankles, poor boy; nikki went lame somehow and no one knows how or why but she seems fine now???????; and we were SO WORRIED that chester had an abscess in his hoof bc a big chunk went missing out of it, but the farrier came for him today and everything was fine, the hole trimmed out clean and simple. 
BIG SIGH THEY’RE....... SO DIFFICULT. so much to maintain, and rumple is as sick as ever but he’s old so that hardly counts. the only ones who are really maintaining themselves are wyn and louie, and i honestly don’t know how louie does it with how he runs around like a maniac all day. BUT ANYWAY!!!!
3 never did end up coming through lol so i’ll move right on
(and then there were 4) What can I say? Your silvered light dazzles even the sun, and inspires the moon and stars with its iridescent brilliance. It'd be a crime to put someone so amazing on hold hahaha.
i dont know much lol but i know im a saggittarius. i seem to be surrounded by scorpios at this point in my life, and i can hardly find a thing to complain about. you’re all absolutely wonderful, and i always seem to be quite taken with your crew’s company ahahaha. 
rather, im surrounded by water signs in general LOL. my siblings are each pisces, cancer and scorpio, i met a bartender last night who was a scorpio, and kimmy is one too lmao yall are everywhere and im Loving it
(#5 comin in hOt) You were also right on the water-affinity thing though haha. I actually knew how to swim before I knew how to walk, believe it or not. Anyway, that picture is absolute /gold/. It really is. And the prophesy was fulfilled so completely that even Voldysmoldy was blown away. You look dashing, by the way! 120/10 best wrapping paper boob stuffer. On the subject of talking though, /holy hell/ don't tempt me I would /gladly/ talk with you all day without hesitation hahaha
LAUGHS thank you i certainly try my best. my brother’s a good sport, and i somehow feel like a strong mix between him and the sister im now living with (the cancer, if you’re curious ahaha). every day we’ll find ourselves saying the same thing at the same time, and every now and then she’ll give me a strange look and say i sound just like leo, or even that i look like him for a moment ahahaha. 
it’s interesting, it’s strange. i’ve always looked up to them so much (being the youngest and all), so it feels oddly like a compliment, whenever these things happen. 
(#6)(just think, two more of those and you get one of me hahaha). Onto the sleeve tho! The circle maze sounds /fantastic/, and I bet it looks really cool right now, though I'm sure the finished product will be absolutely astronomical. The design you have in mind sounds /epic/! (for real though tatts are so expensive I feel your pain there hahaha)(may the Force be with you I believe in you)(you got this)(you SO got this)(you're gonna kick this resolution's ass). {~J}
lmaoo thank you thank you, i intend to bust so much money on it this year. i still have my lower forearm to design, but i’ve thoroughly plotted out the rest of my arm; the maze is given to inception, the next installment will be vaguely reminiscent of kingdom hearts, and pokemon will take up the space from halfway up my forearm before turning into cc beyond my elbow. so it’s just that part on the back of my forearm that is a bit of a blank canvas rn ahahaha
(holy hell I might need more than 7) I regretfully inform you though that I can't and I shan't cease to flatter you, because you deserve to know the truth of how talented and wonderful you are. And I definitely agree on the balance thing. The devil is in the details and complexity is key, so all the more reason to be proud of how amazing your works are! And /20k/? /Damn/ that's impressive! (and even tho I prefer halloween, I for one will gladly plunge back into the tinsel for you hahaha) {~J}
it’s officially 22k but i haven’t had time to work on it the past couple of dayssssss BUT I FIGURED OUT THE LAST SCENE so it’s only a matter of spare time lololol
(#8 because what's second christmas without snowmen? lol) I'm glad to hear you've got a pretty solid sleep schedule by the way! (and it definitely /was/ worth the discomfort)(still slept like a rock the followin night tho hahaha). I'm really happy that Alma appears to be defying the odds by the way! True to their namesake, and all thanks to their wonderful father. Sheesh. I knew you were dynamically skilled, but this just proves you're magical haha. In your care? I know they'll flourish. {~J}
LOL i am LOVING these message starters btw. yesss tho my family has always been keen on growing things lol. mum had a magnificent herb garden, and i’ve never seen oregano as big as what’s growing in my garden rn. we just planted dahlias where the sunflowers used to be and i wasn’t sure they’d be alright, but they really seem to be flourishing!! im so glad!!!!
(9/9 for the new record hahaha) I'm so proud of both you and them! Not to be punny, but I'm a sap anyway when it comes to plants. or, well, all of nature really haha, and Alma looks really great from the pic I saw! Anyway, speaking of hocus-pocusing, I hope today has been absolutely magical for you, as you deserve no less than the wondrous and the fantastic. Talk to you soon, meu amigo bonito! {~J}
lmfaooo i love that. and yes, their leaves are so cute!!!! so small!!!!! thank u so much tho, the past couple of days have been pretty great. I’m wondering if i can worm a morning off out of my sister, considering she’ll have a day off on sunday and i’ll be working at the cafe from 7 lol;;;; i desperately want to finish starboy, but time really is my enemy right now ahahahaa
thank you so much for all this, i adore you and i hope you managed to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight!!!! sleep well, i’ll see you soon
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