#also for the angsty pairing
touchlikethesun · 2 months
part of what makes brazil so special in my mind is not only did oikawa show up right when hinata needed him to, but meeting hinata there when he did also healed something in oikawa, something that had been hurting for years. do you- do you get it? they both saved each other then. they both needed the other in that moment and no one else could have filled that role… don’t you get it… oikawa saved hinata and hinata saved oikawa they both got what they needed when they needed it
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bonnvivre · 5 months
more thoughts abt ch 479-480 !!
posted abt it on twitter but i just have to talk abt it here: GUN DIDN’T LOOK AT GOO ONCE DURING THIS WHOLE EXCHANGE.
i feel like there’s many ways to interpret this and i’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts but here’s my take.
goo spared him a glance at least, probably couldn’t resist himself to a glimpse at gun’s expression, to gauge what he might be thinking, might be feeling. it’s a big decision after all. the status of their relationship rides on gun’s decision.
not once did gun look back but that doesn’t mean he didn’t care enough to; in fact, he cared a lot, enough to share a drink even when he didn’t like it, enough to even apologize to goo for already making a tie to someone else. this was just as important to him as it was to the other. i’d like to think that he’s aware of the mask goo puts up to shield his vulnerability. he knew that goo was at his most genuine, in an unguarded state, so he refused to look at him as a courtesy. or maybe he couldn’t bring himself to because HE HIMSELF was vulnerable. because the sheer weight of having to be the one to end his closest friend is affecting him greatly and he wouldn’t be able to take it if he looked at him.
either way, it’ll end tragically and it’s 1000% goo-over and they’re doomed :[
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goodobservationshirley · 11 months
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Emotions can guide you where memories can't. [...] It's something that forgetting can't take from you. Love.
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skullndaisy · 1 year
Lunch Break
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centurieslove · 2 months
🍄and/or 🖍 for the ask game? :3
🍄 the disir + timeloop (!!!!!) = merlin's mental breakdown™️
🖍 :
“I appreciate you're eager to get home, but don't you think it’d be quicker on the horses?” Arthur raised an eyebrow at him. “Not to mention, Camelot's that way.”
Merlin reached out to grab Arthur again, but the king dodged him, and he grunted in frustration. “Not Camelot,” he bit out. “You're going back to the Disir.”
Arthur paused, had the audacity to look guilty.
“I already went,” he said solemnly. Merlin let out a pained groan.
“I know, you utter moron,” Merlin said angrily. “That's why I'm taking you back. You're telling them no.”
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zapsoda · 4 months
i ❤️ unrequited ships
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nostalgia-tblr · 11 months
but i feel like loki show fandom has completely slept on "it's a weapon to be wielded far away or up close" and got stuck on the rest of it. like no, no, go back to that... you think love is a weapon?
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OK SO * rambling incoming *
It seems like it has been hinted that Akari/Rei are not Dawn/Lucas by one of the first interactions that they have with Adaman and Irida.
This is basically how the scene plays out: upon arriving to Pasio, the clan leaders 'recognize' Dawn and Lucas, but after some closer inspection, realize they are not who they thought they were. The reasoning behind the realization being that "they look similar but their mannerisms are completely different".
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For starters, PokeMas could be a completely different canon to the games, seeing as its supposed to be a game where both protagonists of each game 'coexist' while being given a sort of "important trainer" status instead of calling one of them the champion of said region like the player character would be treated, which could leave room for DPPt's protag to still be sent to Hisui.
Then again, it would certainly be odd for PLA's MC to completely change their mannerisms upon arriving to Hisui, but an argument could be made for the theory that they lost all of their memories when they fell from the sky and therefore could have changes in personality and quirks.
The fact that the clan leaders don't notice they're mistaken until Dawn and Lucas start talking could also mean that they're practically indistinguishable from Akari/Rei, though I'm not sure this makes any sort of valid argument.
I think it's an interesting topic of discussion and I'm excited to see if they'll say anything else about it! Personally, I'm still a fan of the "Akari is Dawn" theory, and I shall live in denial despite what PokeMas has to say, oh well...
What do y'all think?
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Been reading svsss fanfic and fan content for nearly two years now and I gotta say I am appalled by the lack of diety bros!sqq and sqh.
Like, we don't have nearly enough creator deity sqh anyway (the feral ones are e x q u i s i t e) but I haven't seen any where sqq is on the same level!
Consider: at one point in the past sy, in full hater inglory, starting (accidentally or otherwise) a full scale fan war over pidw. Trolls rampaging through comment sections, toxic ship wars spilling into social media sites and trending for days, streams of hate mail, attempts at doxxing poor sqh even. It culminates in the crashing of the entire site he posts on, obliterating the chapter he was working on and the site admins banning his work.
For the days it takes for him to get it put back up with his account unsuspended sqh suffers, and he almost successfully gets peerless cucumbers account terminated for starting it until he realises that pc jumped right back to paying for chapters and extra content like he was doing even in the final days of the war. Like he never did anything. Yeah, like he'll be forgetting that username any time soon.
Skip to the final chapter, and the fan war has calmed down, and actually benefitted sqh in the long run by giving pidw such a huge cultural platform. He posts, sy responds with the most scathing vitriol he's ever commented (having successfully pressed send before his body gave out) with allusions to another fan war surely brewing, and sqh jumps from his chair in fury and terror - he's on complete burnout, he hasn't got anything left to give, he can't afford to go through that again -
Trips, spills, the ramen gets everywhere. Killed by his own sparking computer, he dies before he sees the files corrupt, the entirety of pidw corroding away into terabytes of faulty static.
They both die within minutes of each other, sqh, the creator of pidw -
And sqq, who destroyed it.
#I just think that'd be incredible to read#I love healthy cuplane but sometimes I just think they aren't vicious enough#The parallels in the book are already close enough#It'd just take a couple small adjustments and BAM#barely an au but so feral#Yin yang connection where sy is the great evil with a genuinely kind personality hidden away#And sqh the great creator who scurries around helping people out who might stone his favourite oc to death with his bare hands#Sqh holds the most sincere hatred for pc for the longest time and vice versa but then they meet in pidw#And it's been long enough that a screaming match venting it all cleanses most of the active loathing#I'd like to think they end up getting along and feeding each others diety complexes when they discover#Their influences in regard to the world remain#Also I am in desperate need of a Ultimate Regress Forms where sqh is all lines of code and sqq is made of error messages and glitching stat#No one in svsss would have any idea what they were looking at#It'd be so delicious#If you want to go extra angsty: yqy seeing and realising sj has been taken away but being helpless against what replaced him#Lbh having weird dreams hearing them talking together like the Minecraft people end scene#Mbj would of course both find it hot and have a full crisis of hierarchy if he found out#Sqh: glowing from behind eyes blank text streaming behind him I WEAVE THE THREADS OF REALITY TO MY WHIM#Sqq: movements lagging behind sound of static face glitching horribly SUCKS FOR YOU I HAVE A BIG PAIR OF SCISSORS THEN#svsss#scum villain's self saving system#scum villain#shen yuan#cumplane#shang qinghua#moshang#bingqiu#shen qingqiu
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titansarmy · 6 months
when will rick tell me how thalia feels about luke’s sacrifice !!
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quil12 · 1 year
Tell me why I have two active fics that I should be working on, but I decided to spend the past few hours writing the first 5k of an entirely different one...
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no1ryomafan · 10 months
The con I’m going to is literally tomorrow-started today technically-but instead of thinking about getting prepared n shit I talk to two of my friends separately about new!ryoma and I’m being hit with the emotions again AOAGAHA
I need to write a essay about him so fucking badly but how do you WORD about Ryoma Nagare.
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mt10lt20 · 2 years
I guess these “now kiss” sketches come as a set. Did Count/  Trigger (AC7) and Talisman/ Shamrock (AC6) under the cut. 
Shippy stuff - HC-ing the ACZ,6,7 pairs to have different dynamics because <3 comes in different flavors after all ^^
Trigger/Count: The pair with an ironic sense of innocence. Annoyed at each other at first but brought closer through shared adversity. Also.. height difference!
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Shamrock/ Talisman: A reverential kind of relationship. Seemingly the most level-headed pair, but HC-ing that they danced around each other for ages sorry for the AC6 pun because the Emmeria-Estovakian war gave them (mostly Shamrock) a bomb-load of emotional scars to recover from =(
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pencrows · 1 year
I am now never going to shut up about Vashwood. I've binged over half of Trigun in one night, I'm on a fucking roll
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sobredunia · 11 months
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coffeebanana · 1 year
the good thing is that so far i'm using my writing break to outline things. the bad thing is that i'm only two days in and outlining things is already making me want to write them 😂
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