#also fellow drabblers
gallawitchxx · 1 year
Helllloooo beautiful BEE!!! 🐝
Got some questions for you!
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
AUDDDSSSSS! my fellow long-term drabbler, my weaver of mysteries that i think about EVERY! DAY! DAMMIT! 🥰🥰🥰
5. what work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
i answered that one here! but also my ficlet for jessie's birthday, a seven letter word for love, has gotten more kudos than other ficlets like that have. that's been cool to see!
12. how many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
technically, none!
i have one idea that i've had for so long that i thought about writing this year, but it just never came to be! so maybe that'll live a life next year?
also in a group chat with some pals, i just mentioned checking in on my universes in 2023, like writing one-shots for my ghostie boys, my witchy boys, my wolfy boys -- am i missing anyone?
29. favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
answered here & here. i also love the traffic lights/safeword miscommunication in chapter 3 of M8TE.
ask me about my year as a writer! ✍🏼
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rori my sweet! I saw your post about perchance writing some little drabbles, so I am come to give you a nudge. Maybe you could write a little something about some way they tease each other. Or perhaps how they make up after an argument? Do either of them have any phobias? Maybe tells us about a way in which they're a team. Or if you'd prefer some single word prompts a la galladrabbles, how about:
I hope at least one of these sparks something for you! But if not, then I'm just saying hey 👋🏻🖤😘
thank u for answering my call and GRACING ME with your amazing beautiful big brain!!!! your one-word drabble prompts really got my brain whirring and i wrote these little (sort of connected?) guys one after the other🥺​ the theme is sad mickey lolol
it said something that he had never been afraid of a monster under his bed. the monster was already too real, too alive, breathing the hot stench of liquor into his face.
in moments like those, mickey would close his eyes— he couldn’t shut the doors to his room that swung open from both sides, he couldn’t let out the air building in his lungs and shout back.
so when gallagher shows up at the door, hair mussed and eyes wide, while the monster is sleeping on the couch and his snores are rattling the den— mickey’s heart catches in his throat.
i’ll never get to have this.
“i’m just saying, it’s kind of inconvenient that we can only fuck in the freezer.”
mickey let out a panicked exhale, but he tried to turn it into a scoff before ian noticed. typical, naive fucking gallagher.
“you want us to go to my place, then? or you want to fuck at your place with your seventeen fucking siblings? ain’t happening either way, man.”
ian just gave a crooked smile. “we could go to the old baseball field. get a change of scenery, celebrate your freedom from juvie.”
mickey rolled his eyes to mask whatever was blooming in his chest. “yeah, whatever.”
when mickey thought of home while he was locked up, it was almost ironic how much he didn’t miss the milkovich house, his creaking bedframe with the sagging mattress. he didn’t think of the neighborhood, really, either— not the front yard littered with beer cans, the tufts of dead grass.
he hadn’t really been anywhere else— nowhere west, nowhere south.
he just couldn’t stop thinking about lips drifting over warm, freckled skin glowing in the sun.
he’d escape. he’d go to fucking mexico. 
he’d go somewhere where things could bloom.
he has a husband, and he’s dancing. 
maybe his brain is fuzzy with one too many beers, but both of those facts feel entirely too ridiculous for mickey to wrap his head around. how the fuck did he get here— arms stretching up ian’s back, staring down at their overly shiny tux shoes, ian’s untied tie bumping against mickey’s shoulder.
a thumb on the back of his neck— gentle, there. he doesn’t remember a time they’d ever held each other this close, where other people could see. there were years in the freezer, in alleyways, hiding in the shadows while terry was locked up.
mickey tugs himself closer.
it was ian’s idea— to get away for the weekend, to do it over, preferably without terry blasting the glass of the hotel windows.
mickey woke with the sunrise, like that morning years ago. it’s warm, next to ian— it always has been. maybe it’s the thick, synthetic silk of the sheets on the heart-shaped bed, holding in all the heat.
or maybe it’s just his husband radiating sunlight, breathing out pure warmth that sticks to mickey’s skin.
birthday parties with pink frosted cakes. barbeques. weekend anniversary trips. milkoviches really didn’t do that shit.
after years of being a gallagher, he’d almost gotten used to it.
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orangeflavoryawp · 7 years
Fanfic Writers Appreciation Day (Belated, I know, shut up)
Soooooo since I wasn’t really online at all yesterday for Real Life Reasons, I kind of missed out on a day of love from some of the most amazing people I know.  Fanfic writers.  Whether you’re a longfic-er or drabbler, PWP writer or WIP writer, character driven or plot driven, hardcore invested or just passing through, I want to thank you for putting so much (your hearts and souls basically) into fandom, and being the reason I’m in fandom communities at all.
I always knew I wanted to write, and while I have my original work, fanfiction is where I became a part of a community, and it’s all because of other fellow writers who encouraged me, supported me, and endlessly inspired me.  I hope you all know how thankful I am (not just today) for everything I’ve experienced because of you, writers.  And while I’ve been absent from fandom lately, and steadily easing out of fanfiction, I wonder if I will ever be able to truly leave (probably not, let’s be real, I’ve dug a hole and can’t get out) but fanfiction will always be a very impactful part of my life.
Special thanks to those who mentioned or messaged me yesterday, @thunderheadfred, @ilyasvieltrevelyanshepard, @joufancyhuh, @ulyssesthecourier, @tlcinbflo and @jediserenity82.  I means the world that you thought of me.
Aside from the lovely people above, I’d also like to recognize @eilonwycousland, @yourlocalpriestess, @bioticsandheadshots, @continuousspec, @ahealthylionisanonillion, @theherocomplex, @graymalkyn, @barbex, @normandystarlight, @riptidemonzarc, @dustierhoades, @kirikaclyne, @foofyschmoofer, @garruskrazykanuck, @wyles77, @goddesstiera, @hawkeykirsah and @vorchagirl, who have all impacted me and my writing in some way or another, and are amazing writers (and people in general) themselves.
Thank you fanfic writers for being my family these past several years.  Here’s to many more years!
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