#also bad are the ones nancy is cheating but with robin. OF ALL PEOPLE. she would not do that and especially not to steve
findafight · 1 year
Absolutely bonkers trying to find a fic where Nancy and Steve talk about her cheating on him in S2 and literally the whole ao3 tag besides like. Two? is filled with Steve cheating fics??? As though. He would do that???
I am a firm believer in just keep scrolling. Saying He Would Not Do That and moving on. But I find it fascinating in a frustrating way that such a fundamental and early introduced part of Steve (his extreme sensitivity to infidelity) is just. Reversed? Like I can and have forgiven a lot of characterizations I don't particularly agree with in fic. It happens in Fandom all the time. I just don't understand how you could see him in either S1 or 2 and think yeah...this guy would cheat...That's just a completely different guy for the most part at that point. Blows the mind
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hawkinsmethlab · 1 year
Dustin is quiet on the ride to his house.
Unusual, but nothing unheard of, especially when he’s thinking hard about something. From what Steve had been able to pick up before he’d dropped off Mike and Lucas, there’s a lot going on in the Dumpsters and Dangers department.
Steve is half-tempted to ask him about it, even though he won’t understand a single word, just to see Dustin get excited about something. Not that he’d ever admit it to the kid’s face, but he’s missed him a bit. Ever since he started up Hellfire it’s been “Eddie this” and “Eddie that.” Give him a break.
But, it’s a bad listening day, and Steve’s really just trying to hear the commercial on the radio over the sharp ringing in his right ear. It’s one that plays a million times a day and he knows it by heart at this point, but that kind of makes it worse. Just means he knows when he’s missing a word or a sound effect.
But it’s fine. He’s handling it. The constant ringing used to make him feel like he was going insane, especially on bad days like this where it’s like a physical presence in his head that leaves him feeling lopsided, like the Upside Down itself is pulling on him. Coming and going in piercing waves that block out any other noise, no matter how loud or how close.
Robin thinks it’s a problem.
“I’m dealing with it,” he’d told her, both of them on her bed with her history textbook in his lap. She had a test on Monday and sure, Steve wasn’t the best student, but he’d helped Nancy study a million times.
“Sure,” Robin said. “Except that you aren’t. You’re avoiding it, and those are two very different things. Do I need to pull out my dictionary and beat you over the head with it?”
“Which one, you have like, seven in here.”
“Maybe we can try them all just to see what sticks.” Then, she’d folded herself over the edge of her bed to rummage around in her bag. “But also, I was just thinking, maybe we could give this a try?”
She handed him a folded up piece of paper, biting her lip. Steve took it, skeptical, and unfolded it to see a poster for the Bloomington community center that read American Sign Language Lessons.
At Steve’s extended silence of like, a second, she continued, “I thought we could do it together. For fun. Really up our trash talk game.”
Steve had just stared at it, dread settling low in his stomach like a sack of rocks. He dropped the poster on the bed. “Thanks, but neither of us are deaf. We don’t need it.”
She’d sighed. “Steve--”
“‘In which battle was Napoleon defeated?’”
“Waterloo, easy, but listen to me. ASL isn’t just for deaf people. Besides, you don’t have to wait until you can’t hear anything at all to start learning. I mean, you could, that’s the whole point of the language, but I don’t think you would handle it very well.”
“I’m just saying.” She rolled her eyes. “Maybe we could even get some of the kids into it. I bet Dustin would--”
“No, Robin.” It came out a bit more harsh than he’d meant it, a little scared and he hated that. He crossed his arms just in case his hands decided to start shaking. “Just. Can we drop it?”
Robin, being Robin and he loved her for it but Jesus, leaned forward on her elbows. Steve raised his legs a little to hide the textbook. He wouldn’t put it past her to use this as some kind of con to cheat. Not that she needed to, she’s a genius.
“Steve,” she said, “you can’t just not tell them forever. Eventually, one of them is going to figure it out, and I don’t know about you, but I’d rather tell somebody something like that on my own terms.”
“I’m not not telling them,” he insisted. “It just hasn’t come up.”
“In five months? Or no, you said Billy is when it got really bad and that was a year ago. There hasn’t been a single moment in all that time where someone hasn’t noticed something different?”
Sure they had. A few different times. But, he’d always been kind of air headed and spacey, even before his concussions so it was easy enough for them to just brush it off as Steve being Steve. “I thought I was here to help you study.”
Robin looked at him like he was one of her crossword puzzles. “I’m just trying to understand why you told me and no one else. That’s all.”
What did she want him to say? That to tell her had been one of the scariest moments of his life, had made him miss the demodog-infested tunnels, had made him feel like he needed a bat in his hands? That saying it, any of it, out loud had left him feeling like he needed to hurl? That the thought of telling anyone else who wasn’t her, as wild as that was for someone he’d met six and a half months ago, left him on the edge of a fucking panic attack?
Yeah, sure, he’d get right on that.
Robin stared at him a little longer before she leaned back, the fight gone. “Fine.” She reached over and grabbed the poster, folded it back up and put it back in her bag. “Just promise me you’ll give it some thought? Even just a little?”
“Scout’s honor.” He held up his hand.
“You were never a scout. And that’s the wrong hand.”
“I went to summer camp that one time!”
“That’s not the boy scouts, Steve!”
It’s been three days since then, and as much as he would like to forget about the whole thing, he’s been kind of agonizing over it. Over what Robin had said, about them figuring it out on their own. Would that be better? Worse?
Either option leaves a bad taste in his mouth. Makes him want to dig Billy up from his grave just to put him back in it. Him and those fucking Russians.
There’s a slap on his arm. “Steve!” Dustin’s glaring at him. “Jesus, finally. You just passed my house.”
Oh. Whoops. “My bad.” He pulls into a random driveway to turn around. “Don’t have to shout, man, car’s only so big.”
“I said your name like six times.”
Steve sighs and wishes for about the millionth time that his tinny-whatever-Owens-had-called-it had a dial so he could turn it down. Or off, really, that’d be great. “Sorry, I guess I’m a little distracted. Some--work thing that Keith’s on my ass about.”
He pulls up in front of Dustin’s house and debates getting out. On any other day he’d be happy to walk him to the door and talk to Mrs. Henderson, but that usually leads to her inviting (or ordering) him to stay for dinner, and while his stomach is more than on board for whatever she’s whipped up, his head has the louder argument.
“Alright, man,” he says and cuts off the radio. “I’ll see you later.”
Dustin doesn’t move. He’s got his backpack on his lap and a loose grip on the door handle, but that’s it. He almost looks...nervous?
He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Dustin nervous before.
“What’s up?” Steve asks. “Your mom pissed at you or something?”
Dustin scoffs. “Please, I’m an angel.”
“Only in her eyes. Come on, what’s bugging you? Something one of the guys said? A kid at school? Some sort of mathematical nerd thing that’s got you stumped?” He gasps. “It’s not Suzie, is it, I swear to god--”
Dustin looks almost scandalized at that. “No. What? No. Nothing like that. I’m just--” He’s suddenly back to nervous. He starts picking at the zipper on his backpack, takes his hand off the door. “I’m just not sure how to--”
After a few more seconds of stuttering silence, Steve rolls his eyes. “Dustin, just spit it out. Whatever it is, you can talk to me. I mean, I can’t promise how helpful talking to me will be, with all the stuff you guys get up to but hey, I can at least try, right?”
Dustin sighs and turns in his seat to face Steve more fully. He seems to steel himself before saying, “Okay. I just want to say, before we move forward, that I’m not mad.”
Oh. Not exactly what he was expecting. “...Okay? I’m not either.”
“And I still think you’re cool or whatever, and we’ll still be friends no matter what.”
Steve nods, completely lost. “Right.”
“Because society can say whatever the fuck it wants!” Dustin is yelling suddenly. “And they can go on and on about the bible and whatever the hell Reagan is talking about, but you’re my friend, dammit! You’re my friend!”
“Whoa, Dustin!” Steve raises his hands, both to calm him down and maybe to protect himself a little. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Dustin takes a deep breath. “I’m talking about how you’re--” He looks around, as if they weren’t alone in the car, then whispers, “About how you’re gay.”
Steve blinks, slowly. There was no way he heard that right. Right? “You think I’m what?”
“I know,” Dustin says. He puts a hand on Steve’s shoulder in what he assumes is supposed to be comforting. “I know that you’re gay and I just want to tell you that it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with it.”
Steve leans back and stares at him. Dustin leans with him, keeping his hand on Steve’s shoulder. “I’m not gay.”
“You don’t have to hide from me anymore,” he says. “I love you, you’re my friend, one of my best friends, and nothing is gonna change that.”
“Well, that’s great and I appreciate it, but I’m still not gay.”
“Yes.” Dustin nods solemnly. “You are.”
Steve laughs. A short one, like a gunshot, and pinches the bridge of his nose. When Robin had told him about people drawing their own conclusions, she probably hadn’t imagined something like this. God, he can’t ever tell her about this. “Oh my god. Okay. What, uh, what gave me away?”
“Well, really, you shouldn’t feel too bad. I don’t think anyone else has noticed.”
“But you’ve just been kind of out of it lately. Distracted more, like right now, driving me home, or when we watch movies. Don’t think I didn’t see you staring at Harrison Ford. Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars, dude.”
“Now hold on, that’s not--”
“And then, back at Thanksgiving, when my mom was telling you that story about me and Suzie and you just looked so uncomfortable--”
Because Steve hadn’t had a single clue what she was talking about.
“--plus, I’ve seen the way you look at Eddie so--”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.” Steve scoffs. “How I look at Munson? The Freak.”
“Well, yeah, it’s like you’re being tortured or something.” He shrugs. “It’s kind of romantic, honestly.”
Jesus Christ. “Okay. Wow.” This is worse than every Upside Down encounter combined. “Dustin, I will repeat: I am not gay. There’s an explanation for all of those things, but it doesn’t involve my sexuality in any way. Got it?”
Dustin raises an eyebrow, totally not believing him. Finally, he leans back. Crosses his arms. “Alright then, I’m listening.”
Whenever he did let himself picture how telling one of the kids would go, this hadn’t been what he’d imagined. But really, this has already gone so terribly, so how could it possibly get worse?
(Dustin could look at him like he’s broken, like he doesn’t recognize him, could tell him that he doesn’t trust Steve to watch his back, could start treating him differently or avoiding him, he’s already hanging out with Munson more, why not just abandon him altogether--)
“Alright.” He runs a hand through his hair before settling it on the bottom of the wheel, gripping it so tight his knuckles go sheet white. “So. Yeah, I’ve been distracted and not...listening as well.”
“Because you’ve been thinking about--”
“Nope!” Steve closes his eyes. Deep breaths and quick prayer to not kill a child. “It’s because I literally can’t listen as well as I used to. I--I have hearing loss.”
His second time saying it out loud to another person and it’s met with a similar kind of gut-turning silence. Steve watches Dustin’s face go through several rapid changes before settling on something confused, his mouth slightly open and his eyebrows low.
Then he looks mad.
“You have what? Dude!” He starts slapping Steve across his arm. “Since when?”
“Since--Jesus, man, stop! Since the mall fire, okay?”
Dustin freezes and Steve does too, the guilt like ice in his chest. He looks at Dustin and knows he’s thinking about the elevator and the bunker and the sizzling of human flesh under a fucked up cattle prod. It had been a tough summer for all of them, but Steve won’t ever be able to forget how Dustin had sat next to him in his car, just like this, trembling when he told Steve about how he was having nightmares. About how he thinks he might have killed that guy, and what did that make him?
A hero, Steve had told him. You saved our lives.
“If I hadn’t--” Dustin starts.
“Cutting you off there, Henderson. This,” Steve waves a hand around his face, “is not your problem. Okay? It has nothing to do with you.”
Dustin looks so small then, so lost, and Steve feels his heart twist. He reaches over and ruffles his hair. “It’ll be okay. I can still hear out of my right ear, so I’ve got that going for me.”
Dustin frowns. “Does anyone else know?”
“Only you and Robin. I just...haven’t found the right time.”
“The right time being when? It’s been months. If we’d known, we could have helped you.”
Just like with Robin, he doesn’t have a good answer. Doesn’t really have any answer, and doesn’t know when he will. “I’ll get around to it. Sometime. But,” he locks eyes with Dustin, “you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone until I’m ready.”
“Promise me, Dustin.” He stares him down. “I’m dead serious.”
Dustin sighs, but nods. “Alright.”
“On your mom’s life?”
Dustin recoils. “Dude, you’re bringing my mom into this?” Then, “Alright, fine, I swear on my mother’s life. Cross my heart and hope to die and all that shit, I won’t tell a soul.”
“Thanks.” Steve claps him on the shoulder. “Now get out.”
“Does Robin know you’re gay?”
“What?” Robin can never know about this conversation. “Dude, no, I’m not gay!”
“So you are dating Robin.”
“I’m not dating anyone! Definitely not Robin, and I don’t have any kind of crush on Munson or anyone else!”
“But I swear, the way you look at him--”
“I hate his guts, now get out or I’ll hold your hat hostage.”
With a proper amount of grumbling, Dustin manhandles his backpack and steps out. He goes to shut the door, but pauses. “You know, you saved my life too. I’ve got your back no matter what. Okay?”
His eyes sting, so he itches his nose. Clears his throat to make sure it won’t crack when he says, “Yeah, Dustin, I know. You too.”
The next second he’s gone and Steve, alone in his car, is left to think that maybe...ASL lessons might not be so bad.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 8 months
I've decided that I will be blowing up the Steddie tag starting Monday with Rovickie since a lot of y'all still insist on replacing Vickie with Nancy as the girl of Robin's dreams, try to come with bullshit about it all you want but you fuckers know they don't make a lick of goddamn sense. I'm feeling pretty petty, yes, because I'm fucking sorry but we finally get a bisexual woman who would more than likely understand Robin's relationship with Steve who would understand Robin's quirks and who hasn't slept with and cheated on Steve?? And what? She gets tossed in the trash for a girl who obviously wants nothing more than to focus on school and her career?? Nah, gtfo. Nah, you're just like the Duffle bags trying to force Nancy into a relationship she clearly wouldn't want to be in. She doesn't want to be with Steve, not really. She doesn't want to be with Robin. Hell, she doesn't even want to be with Jonathan. She clearly wants to focus on school and why the fuck can't she do that? Why does she have to be put into another romantic relationship that is once again built on trauma and drama? Why can't life be a little simple for them for once? Vickie is perfect for Robin, and yeah, she's boring to you, but it's what they need. And if it's boring that Nancy isn't in a relationship and just wants to focus on school, well, good. They fucking deserve boring. It's fucking annoying to read yet another goddamn Steddie fic and then BOOM R*nance. No, they would NOT make a good couple. Eddie wouldn't think they would at all. In fact, he would probably be protective of Steve over that. I tried to be nice about it, tried to hold it in but fuck it's disheartening to think that so many of you think that Robin Buckley would date the woman who her best friend probably once claimed was the love of his life. Well, guess what assholes? Try as you might to deny it, you know that Steve Harrington is the platonic love of Robin Buckley's life, and no way in hell would she ruin that for a girl. Even if she DID have feelings for Nancy, she can move on and fall for someone else. People can fall for more than one person. She still wouldn't do it even if Steve said it was okay because if Steve is expected to set his feelings aside, then so should Robin. We don't have to worry about that, though. Robin would think the idea was disgusting, and she would never have feelings for Nancy in a million years.
You know, I probably wouldn't be this twisted up about it if a lot of you would just fucking acknowledge how fucking weird and awkward it is to date your best friend's ex instead of ignoring it. I've been in that situation. It weeeeirddd. I also wouldn't be this twisted up about it if some of you wouldn't somehow make Vickie the bad guy in order for your ship to make sense. (One of you had Vickie r*pe Robin??? What the fuck's wrong with you??) Anyway, JUSTICE FOR VICKIE.
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drunkengodsofslaughter · 10 months
I'm still a bit mad about s4 of Stranger Things because they turned both Robin and Steve into pathetic messes in order to make their dynamic work with Nancy, when in reality all three would struggle to be around each other.
Like Robin acted borderline pathetic for befriending Nancy, who was rude to her in the beginning. It's like she didn't care and threw herself at her. Plus, realistically, she would have side-eyed her for being Steve's ex. But her entire personality got thrown out the window in order to avoid conflict. Because let's be real, if Steve acted the way around her like Nancy did, Robin would have acted differently and called him out. She wouldn't let it slide, but it's Steve and not Nancy, who is perfect.
Steve acted pathetic around Nancy because he still loved her after all these years despite moving on in s3. It wouldn't be half as bad if it was more balanced, but we never saw Nancy being completely in love with Steve, even when they were together. It was always him who loved more, and now he still followed her around despite her actions in s2. Like the audience (at least some) knows Nancy cheated on him, which is a touchy subject for Steve, and yet all of his personality was ignored in order to worship his ex. I swear if he would know the truth about what happened at Murray's, I doubt he would act that way. But that would require the show acknowledging Jancy cheated, which would paint their relationship in a bad light, and the show wanted you to root for them (at least in s1-s2)
Not to forget how both Robin and Steve's other relationships got ignored for focusing on simping for Nancy. Stobin deserves an independent arc outside of romance. Like discussing their trauma from s3 and healing from it.
I wouldn't be so mad if Nancy was the driving force to make it work in s4. If she had reflected on her mistakes with Steve, it would be much more satisfying. It would make her befriending Robin much more meaningful and more natural to bring back Stancy. Because again, it's only one-sided, and Steve deserves someone who loves him as much as he loves his partner. Nancy never showed that in the show. It was always about Jonathan from s1 onwards. Her admitting she only chose Steve because Jonathan wasn't available put Stancy in such a tragic light for me. Because they never were to make it because Nancy wasn't in it 100%. It's not even the Barb thing, I'm sure it played into it, but Stancy failing is mostly due to Steve being the second choice from the beginning. Steve deserves to know that from her because he still has hopes and blames himself for the relationship's failure. And if they make Stancy endgame without Nancy putting in an ounce of work, I'll be pissed.
Also, if the show had included the messy problems within the teen group, the season ending in disaster would have been much more believable. Like the plan wouldn't have worked either way because of the tension and them not being on the same page and having trouble working together. They were destined to fail because of inner circle problems. I don't get this need of everyone being best buddies when there is so much conflict between them. It's boring tbh. And idk what the Duffers problem is that nobody is allowed to have negative feelings about Nancy or admitting that she hurt people. It's like the show is gaslighting us. You, as the audience, see how Nancy makes mistakes, and yet nobody in the show acknowledges it or is phased by it. The opposite happens because everyone simply loves her more for it. And then you're like, am I crazy??? Like when every other character makes mistakes, it's called out. People still give Steve shit about high school, but with Nancy, the same standard doesn't apply.
also this is going to be long so going to put under read more
oh my god same every time i think about how stobin just looks pathetic to show how nancy is this capable ‘leader’ drives me insane. because first of: steve and robin helped way more than nancy did. nancy just got told things and then shot a gun. that’s honestly all she did in season 4 except for create a plan that failed (which it would have failed either way but yeah). legit people think that stobin did nothing in the major fight which is because they put so much pressure on nancy’s shot that their contributions mean nothing.
honestly i will never understand robin wanting to make friends so fast with nancy meanwhile we saw last season that she called nancy a priss. also everyone complains about robin not having more talk about her sexuality and being outed which would have been good if right here we got it! robin is hesitant to be friends with nancy because maybe for her it’s always been weird for her to have friends that are girls. we could have gotten this expansion on how there’s homophobia in the 80s so perfectly with this storyline! but nope! yeah honestly they three out a bunch of robin’s characteristics and personality to just follow nancy around like a duck or a dog. and 100% robin would have called steve out if he acted like nancy did to her.
honestly yep that about steve! like he acts sooo whipped about nancy which to be fair he was while they were dating and even before. but why isn’t steve allowed a little bit resentment about how their relationship ended? why isn’t he allowed to be mad at nancy? god everytime i think about how steve is just now reduced to worshipping his ex i get so fucking annoyed. like i love how sweet steve is don’t get me wrong but can we also see him maybe experience some more negative emotions? it feels like after season 1 steve wasn’t allowed to feel anger at people/characters anymore. of course he’s bitchy and snippy but he doesn’t have any true anger moments! honestly lol the show will never acknowledge jancy cheating just like the people in the fandom who are delulu. also like lol just because you admit it doesn’t mean that you can’t still like them or that they’re evil people.
i am so fucking mad how stobin was just reduced to nancy! it even happens in the fandom: you can’t go two seconds about hearing the boat scene without hearing how ‘robin stared at nancy and look how she yelled nancy’s name’ meanwhile her bestie STEVE is dying. there are so many other dynamics but the show did stobin so dirty by just making their dynamic about nancy so fandom simply followed suit no matter how much they hate the duffers and what they write: they always seem to do exactly what the duffers are doing.
everything you said about nancy being the driving force. honestly it’s wild how nancy admits herself that she settled for steve because jonathan wasn’t available and people still think that she didn’t a) cheat by knowingly getting with another man despite the fact that she knew she wanted jonathan and b) just say that she went along with what steve was doing. i’m actually going to scream about that second one because how on earth do you want nancy to be her own person but then fucking willingly take away what she says she did of her own right?!? makes no sense: the math ain’t mathing. thank you for saying it’s not just barb! honestly people think it’s just about barb but no it’s legit because nancy just doesn’t love steve.
the way i love the messy dynamics but the duffers just breeze over it now bothers me. hell the fandom bothers me more when they do this lol. god everything here! this is already so long so i don’t want to add too much. but i do like nancy it’s just the fact that a) the show makes you believe that she’s right all the time! b) also her fans who just don’t want to criticize her or just won’t admit that she’s wrong in areas where she is also c) when her fans just make steve seem like an abuser. honestly the fans of hers have been pissing me off more than anything ngl but yeah i do love her just wish her flaws were more showed in a negative light and wish more people can acknowledge it
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fastlikealambo · 11 months
Could we see how the decision to get reader went down? Half of me thinks that they came up with a gameplay to seduce the reader, but the other half of me feels like they're semi-flying by the seat of their pants to get her
Also I'm devouring all of this AU, I love it!!
I'm having the best day with this au omg thank you <3
So it was both actually!
Nancy sat her lovers down after the first time Reader spent the night, after they all agreed that there was something about reader that they all felt in that short time in her presence. Nancy told them that they had to be careful, that reader was still so guarded, they couldn't just throw themselves at her feet or she'd be lost.
At that kitchen table, they all agreed to let reader slowly come to them, to draw her out in a slow seduction in their own ways with assistance from Nancy whom Reader already trusted. They agreed that while they couldn't be outright with their romantic intentions for Reader, they could still watch out for her.
They started their own individual plans; nancy convinced the editor of the newspaper to give reader a sports article about the swim team and guess who's on the swim team? Steve. Eddie is failing french 101 and guess who's a french minor? Reader. Reader's favorite campus coffee shop is hiring, guess who wants another part time job? Robin.
In their own little battle stations, they slowly start to get to know reader individually and fall just as hard as nancy, reporting back to each other on how their alone time with reader is going.
But then something happens, the outside world starts to creep in their relationship with reader. Steve overhears someone on the swim team talking bad about reader, someone spills their coffee on reader on purpose in Robin's presence, Eddie notices that Reader isn't smiling and laughing as much during their tutoring sessions, and Nancy sees Reader falling asleep in journalism class.
Nancy does a little digging and finds out in the beginning of the semester, some rich kid cheated off Reader during a test and reader went to a dean about it who let it slide with barely a slap on the wrist since their building was named after the kid's great great grandfather. the rich kid and their friends have been targeting reader ever since, even more since she's fallen in with the aloof foursome of hawkins that the rich kid can't pay for access to.
Reader mentions to Eddie that she's going to help him find a new tutor since she'll be transferring at the end of the semester AND ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE
This is when they start to go to the lengths explained in the last post, just pure chaos, and their more dark impulses start to make their way to the surface because not only is reader not supposed to leave, no one, and they mean, no one, is supposed to harm reader. there's a reason why people think nancy, robin, steve, and eddie are dangerous and someone's about to find out why....
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rogueddie · 2 years
oh my god season one steve defender, hello
am i glad to find you because i’ve ben rewatching stranger things and the fanon version of steve before the upside down seems on the harsh side now. and the way the show was comparing him to jonathan who was dealt a shitty hand in life made people a bit biased.
like, he was asshole, not refuting that! but also he was a moody teenager who didn’t know better and peer pressure is a bitch even without people making assumptions about you and your big empty house. (i think a big part of steve being so gone on nancy was because she didn’t treat him like he was an asshole. unlike others who made it seem given.)
also he tried to rectify his mistakes. didn’t try to run from that. went to jonathan to apologize, even when his face was still fucked up from the beating he got and not knowing what jonathan was doing with nancy, exactly. he trusted nancy. he was jealous and lashed out in the worst way possible but he chose to trust her—like she trusted him before he went and hurt her. didn’t want to disappoint her again.
also he made the right choice at the most important time. running back to nancy after she threatened him with a gun and a literal monster jumped out? most teenagers—hell, even adults—would not do that, not even the kind and mature ones.
he wasn’t involved with the interdimensional monster shit, unlike nancy and jonathan who each had a person they lost to it and were in deep. he chose to be involved. like. people seem to think that the upside down and its subsequent trauma was what made steve a good person. he was good to begin with, he just needed a push. the upside down didn’t happen to steve, it was the other way around. that’s a big part of why i love his character: his choice to be involved. a lot of people understate that. like.
steve isn’t connected to anyone in the party. he’s there for them all nonetheless. a rich kid just inserted himself into danger to save people, how come he catches so much heat from others?
he wasn’t bad, is what i’m getting at. he acted bad. he was innately good and just had to practice that goodness outside the influence of mouthbreathers.
Oh, people are definitely too harsh on Steve. But that's entirely the Duffers fault, I'm convinced. Most people won't have watched s1 for a while so things like Robin insisting that Steve used to be an asshole will be informing their perceptions of early Steve, or Steve telling Nancy that he really needed that knock to the head like he was the worst person before that.
He was definitely problematic, majorly so. It was his friends who were the assholes but he didn't try that hard to stop them- we see him trying to scold Tommy for going too far, but it's only after he implies that Jonathan is responsible. He initiates it too, even if his comment isn't necessarily that bad.
And trying to make up for his mistakes? That was almost immediately afterwards as well. With the implication of his father cheating, obviously he's going to be paranoid about that type of thing happening to him just like his mom. It makes sense that he'd overreact and went way too far. He was upset and a kid!
Plus, on the point of him choosing to go back- isn't he the only one who really chooses to keep getting involved in the Upside Down, even though he doesn't really have any personal stakes in it?
Like, s1 he's given an out. Nancy pointed a gun at him and Jonathan isn't exactly a friend, but he goes back anyway. And in s2, he could've told Dustin no. He didn't need to babysit or agree to help him, he had no real reason to and it's heavily implied that the two aren't close at all. Then in s3, he could've turned Dustin away too. Why would Steve want to waste time on translating Russian? He had a job! S4 is the only time he has any personal stakes bc at that point he's good friends with Dustin and it's a clearly dangerous situation.
He's always had a very clear pattern of behavior that is the same now as it was in s1. Considering he's a rich kid, it would make sense that hed get stuck in a certain crowd too and of course theyd be assholes.
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agathaharkness-simp · 2 years
random robin buckley headcanons yea (ft. ronance and platonic stobin)
(i also projected extremely on her btw, it’s not my fault her whole personality is also mine)
- so we all agree that robin is at least neurodivergent right? anyways robin has so many rings and stuff to stop herself from picking at skin/nails. they don’t work as a distraction all the time but it’s better than having her fingers covered bandaids 24/7. steve would notice sometimes and give her something to occupy her hands or, if they’re someplace where they can’t goof around, he’ll let her play with his hands.
- robin loves having inside jokes with people but absolutely hates when she doesn’t understand other peoples inside jokes.
- robin is an abba lover.
- robin has a really messy room but still organized in a sense. everything is where you can see it, not put away in a drawer and forgotten, making it easier to locate her things. she will get upset if someone moves something and doesn’t tell her where they put it.
- her sleep schedule is not even a schedule at this point. there’s no pattern at all. she’ll be sitting on her bed with like dozens of papers for like a new language one night. and then a couple days later, she’s in steve’s car and telling him about the great 16 solid hours she slept.
- speaking of sleeping, she has the most bizarre dreams (like argyle in my jargyle hc’s) and will retell each dream as many times as it takes for everyone to hear about it. but as she’s telling this one person about a dream, she’ll remember something else that happened in that dream and then everyone gets the same story but slightly different from each others.
- won’t wear any other shoe except converse.
- has been rotating the same 4 outfits for like 2 years now. she’s very picky about whether this plain shirt should go with blah blah. she’s just gotta look cool in public.
- secretly loves her hair as much as steve loves his.
- robin obviously likes to doodle on things (her shoes) so steve and nancy will let her draw on them. they both got a little too trusting with the maturity of her art and then ended up with male and female genitals drawn all over them (she switched out her sharpie for a pen on those ones because she would feel bad after). she writes little jokes and would just wait for her victim to question it.
- she likes rocks. not like a full on collector but just likes to point them out when seeing a shiny one. ok yea she’s not a collector but she definitely does have some cool rocks in her room somewhere.
- robin is a warm person. her body temp could get so high that she just wants to climb in a freezer. on the other hand, nancy gets super cold. her hands, nose, and ears specifically. so naturally, nancy is always staying really close to robin like robin’s her personal heater. robin unintentionally flirts with nancy using her furnace hands. like nancy would be wearing earmuffs and complaining how she’s just getting colder by the second. and then in comes robin taking off nancy’s earmuffs and holding her hands on each side of nancy’s head. nancy sticks to robin like glue after that.
- robin hasn’t lost one single staring contest (not counting the ones who cheat aka steve, dustin, and max). steve has to warn everyone who goes against her because he’s seen her stare at a wall for 4 minutes straight during their shift in family video. only one person has gotten close to beating her and that was jonathon.
- steve and robin have matching best friend necklaces like the cheap necklaces that would break in a millisecond. yet they still treat it as if it were sack of diamonds. they agreed that they’d bring the necklaces to the grave with them.
- robin gets super excited for other peoples birthday. like she gets to show her friends how much she appreciates them with gifts on the day of their birth!!!! so steve would give her a whole bunch of cash and just tell her to go crazy. and so she does. after his shift at family video, he gets to his house and finds decorations on decorations. there’s presents set by the table and everyone is there. the byers + the hoppers, the wheelers (minus t*d), the sinclairs, and the hendersons. his house has never truly looked like a home more than it has in this moment. robin knew this too. and robin wasn’t surprised when steve tried to wipe his eyes without anyone noticing. robin then hands him a wimpy looking cake with a giant cake art rendition of steve’s hair. it was the best god damn cake steve ever had.
(anyways i think imma leave it on that giant hc that definitely felt like more of a short fic lmao)
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youmakemyhearthowl · 1 year
Punk Princess
Ao3| Part 1| Part 2| Part 3| Part 4| Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10| Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 (Next Part)
Also please go check out THIS fan art done by @heavenlycrashes
Steve was about ready to vibrate out of his skin. He was absolutely over the moon when he woke up Friday, pulling on the Hellfire shirt Eddie had given him, and El had taken a bunch of fabric paint to, adding pastel hearts and flowers to it, mixed in with deep red and black ones. The pants he wore on the El and Max shopping trip slipped on easily, with the new patchwork pastel pink he’s sewn into a few places.  He’s got his fishnets under it, so they peek out through the massive hole on the left thigh that Dustin had said he should add and not patch for the vibes of it all.  He slips his jacket on with his vest over it and sighs.
Today, he was gonna ask Eddie out.
He was only mildly worried Eddie might say no. 
And like Steve wasn’t an idiot, alright. He knew that Eddie liked him too, knew that Eddie would say yes. But while he wasn’t stupid, Steve had learned he was a bad boyfriend. Even though he’d tried, like really tried with Nancy, to make her happy, and make sure she wasn’t alone with the guilt about Barb.
It was all just bullshit though. 
And he’s not really sure why that had hurt so bad, when Nancy and him had only dated a few months, before she went and slept with Jonathan at the end of the school year, and told Steve that everything about him was bullshit. Maybe it was because she was the first person he’d been really truly himself with, opened up to her in a way he never had, and to her the real him, was bullshit. 
He should have just let her go the first time he thought she cheated on him.
But he really had loved her.
And he’d gone off the fucking deep end after that, the bender, the bar fights, all of it, just pushed on by the fact that the first time he’d started to let his guard down he still wasn’t enough.
All this to say, he was terrified to ask Eddie out.
But he was going to do it. Today.
“You look like you’re going to throw up.” Robin chirped, slamming the car door as she climbed in. “
“I think I am probably going to throw up. Jesus Christ.” Steve leans his face on the steering wheel, “I’m gonna ask him, Buck. Today.” The fucking pitch of the squeal she lets out, turning towards him and grabbing his shoulders in each hand.
“Steve! Yes, oh thank god, I was so tired of telling people ‘no they’re just friends.’ Gareth owes me 20 bucks!” She's positively beaming at him, shaking him slightly as she babbles. “Steve, this is so big! Okay, okay how are you going to do it?” The unfiltered love, and excitement she has written all over her face makes his chest squeeze, God he loved her.
“I was gonna just…. Ask?” She pulls her hands off his arms, throwing them up in the air to emphasize her groan, scream, whatever the fuck that noise is she’s making. Steve makes a distraught noise at her in return shoving her back over towards her side of the car so he could put it in gear and start making their way towards the school.
“Steve, Steve , you have to do something like, weird and out there to ask him! It’s Eddie! I mean, you could write it in mud and he’d definitely say yes, but come on, this is months, months  in the making, Dingus!” Her hands are flying all over the place as she speaks, bouncing in her seat. “This is so good, I can not wait to rub it in Gareth’s face that you asked first!” That startles a laugh out of Steve as he pulls into the parking lot, looking over at his best friend while he puts the car in park.
“You’re gonna ruin it either way if you don’t chill out about it.” He can feel his face stretch into a smile, his anxiety pushed down in favor of the giddiness Robin is emitting around her. He reaches out and squishes her cheeks between his hands, her lips puckering slightly under the pressure, and she tries to glare at him, but the effect is, simply, not there.
“I’ve got a plan babe. He’ll lose his mind.” He smirks, placing a kiss on her forehead before releasing her face and climbing out of the car. Robin's excited energy always has a way of rubbing off on him and bringing any mood he was in, out of the gutter. He was bound and determined to hold onto that excitement and not dwell on the failed relationship of the past, when a hand lands on his shoulder just after Robin kisses his cheek goodbye before she bounds over to where Chrissy is waiting for her at her locker. 
It’s like thinking about her had somehow summoned Nancy Wheeler out of wherever she’d been the entire school year. 
His stomach clenches. 
They hadn’t spoken since the break up the day before summer break. Hadn’t even been in the same room as each other, even when picking up Mike. Mike always met him at the end of his driveway so Steve wouldn’t have to interact with her, but somehow the same day he’s finally ready to push forward and move on, her Wheeler senses tingled and there she was in all her Nancy glory.  He turns to face her, indifferent mask carefully sliding into place on his own face as their eyes meet. 
“Nancy.” He nods, tilting his head to tell her he’s not about to actively participate in this conversation unless she’s the one initiating everything. 
“I’m really worried about you Steve.” 
Steve’s muscles lock up suddenly, not really knowing what to expect from her, but definitely not her pinched smile or the judgment in her eyes. 
“And why, pray tell, is that?” God he’s been hanging out with Eddie too much, if he’s starting to talk like him too. He can feel his expression hardening from indifference to aggravation as she begins speaking again. 
“This isn’t you Steve. This whole look, and attitude you have going on. I don’t know what happened to you over the summer, and I was willing to let it slide for a while, figuring you were working through some things, but Steve what the hell is going on with you?”
Steve feels white hot anger inching into every crevice of his body, boiling around and seeping into the ache Nancy usually leaves in his chest. 
“You were willing to let me do this? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” He’s vaguely aware of Robin and Chrissy making their way closer to him at his raised tone. And he’s distinctly aware he wished Eddie was here too, because Eddie calms that anger that flickers in him sometimes. Eddie, although not a calm person, always brings calm and warmth with him. 
“Steve, you look like a-”
“A what? A freak? Yeah come on Nancy you can say it. Although I didn’t hear you complaining about freaks when you cheated on me with one.” He snaps, his hands balling into fists. He doesn't really feel bad calling Jonathan that, but it still brings an uncomfortable feeling to his gut. It feels like a flash of who he used to be, but he and Jonathan have long since buried the hatchet between them, Jon explaining that Nancy had told him she was already broken up with Steve when they had slept together. He’d felt just as betrayed as Steve but was happily committed to his long distance boyfriend Argyle now, and Jon and Steve actually would meet up once a week for a smoke sesh these days.
Nancy’s looking at him like she used to when they were together and he’d messed up something he wasn’t even aware could be messed up, and Steve felt like he was going to vibrate out of his skin with anger. Nancy had no right to him, or any part of him and here she was pretending like it was okay for her to speak her mind about his new everything. She takes a slight step back, like he’d slapped her but keeps her expression level. Ever the journalist. 
“Steve, what has gotten into you. It’s like I don’t even know who you are anymore.” 
“You don’t. And frankly I’m starting to realize maybe you never really did. Save your fake worry over who I’m becoming and keep your opinions on it to yourself.” Robin is at his side then, sliding under his arm into her spot there at his side, Chrissy surprisingly on his other side, uncoiling his hand and holding it in her delicate one. 
“I happen to really like who I’m becoming and I won’t let people, won’t let you try to tell me who I am anymore. It’s all bullshit anyways isn’t it?” He finishes, the anger gone at the contact of his friends, just a cool bored tone seeping back into his voice. 
And that’s the thing isn’t it? Nancy never really did know him. Sure, he’d been softer and kinder with her, hopelessly romantic and in love, but she was only ever wrapped up in her own desire to act out, which is why she’d dated resident party boy King Steve to begin with. She wanted to rebel and show people she wasn’t who they thought she was, so she only saw Steve as exactly who everyone else did, no amount of anything he had done was going to change that. And when Barb died, Nancy was so understandably wrapped up in the pain of that loss, she stopped giving a shit about anyone else’s feelings or anyone else really at all.
“Actually,” he starts as Nancy goes to turn around and walk away, “Thanks for doing this today. It helped settle some things in me that I needed to realize so I could move forward.” He tossed the last part over his shoulder as he wrapped his free arm around Chrissy’s shoulders and tucked her into his other side, making their way towards where the Hellfire club usually bumbled along in the mornings. 
“Steve, I’m so proud of you.” Robin smiles, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “I know how hard that must have been” 
“You know what Robs, I’m really proud of me too. I realized a lot of things from all that. And honestly can I just reiterate to you how thankful I am for your friendship over the last year.” He places a kiss on her temple before turning to Chrissy. “And that totally wasn’t your battle, but thank you for the support and comfort you offered. It helped a ton.” He hesitates for a second before he just decides fuck it and places a kiss to her temple as well. Chrissy giggles at the soft affection.
“Us ex.preps gotta stick together Steve.” Her face takes on a serious look, nodding to herself before continuing, “Speaking of, let’s meet up sometime this weekend, Hellfire and us, I wanna pick your brain about some things.” Robin beams at the other girl and Steve chuckles softly. He’s way better off now then he ever was before. 
And Yeah, sure, he was still terrified he was going to fuck everything up with Eddie. But the fact of the matter was he liked Eddie, and he wanted to be happy, and with his two girls under each arm he felt like for once, maybe he deserved that.
Originally, Steve was going to ask Eddie out first thing that morning, but Robin was right, Eddie deserved something more than a simple ask and he was bound and determined to make this perfect. It had been hard to not just blurt it out when Eddie had wrapped around his back like an octopus at the lockers, but he’d held his tongue because this needed to be perfect. He was so excited, he’d skipped his first few classes of the day, sneaking over to the middle school to hopefully corral his gremlins to offer him some help on his quest. 
Oh man he was calling it a quest now, he’d really been falling into the nerd herd with the rest of his favorite people. Not that he was complaining really, DnD although hard for him to really follow still sometimes, was one of his favorite things of the week, whether it was watching Eddie walk the kids through their campaign, or playing in the one on Fridays at Hellfire. 
And DnD was important to the people he loved, and it was an integral part of Eddie, so he knew a general idea of what he wanted to do with this ask, but he also knew he’d need the kids' help to really nail it down. 
He hoisted himself over the fence at the back of the middle school, over to where he knew the kids usually hung out when they were ditching class or if they had a free period. Usually, the little dorks didn’t skip classes often, unless it was gym or history, and lucky for Steve that was the first two classes of Dustin’s day today, so he was perched casually on the swing set over here, a DnD manual open on his lap, while he hurriedly wrote notes down into his notebook.  Steve smirked to himself, sneaking up behind him silently, and sucking in a deep breath ready to yell in the younger boy's ear, when Dustin let out a dramatic sigh.
“Steve, those boots are like a negative 12 to your stealth.” Steve blows out the breath he’d taken in, loudly groaning as he throws himself onto the swing next to his sudo little brother.
“I’m great at being sneaky, these boots make like no noise.”
“Well then maybe it's all the metal on your clothing I heard.” Dustin beams over at him, shoving his notebook into the DnD manual to hold his place in the text. “Or the metal in your face, Jesus, when did you get a nose ring Steve?” Steve’s hand instinctively goes up to his nose, touching the hoop gingerly. 
“I’ve had it for a while now, I got it the same time as the rest, I’d just lost my hoop for it and have been wearing the one that makes it look like a freckle. Not my fault, no one noticed it.” Dustins rolls his eyes as Steve speaks, twisting the swing he’s on back and forth. “Also you really shouldn’t be skipping class right now.”
“You’re one to talk!” Steve snorts, ruffling the hat on top of the younger boy's head.
“Yea okay that’s fair, and really I shouldn’t complain too much, cause if you weren’t here I wouldn't be able to ask for your help.” Steve turns in the swing, planting his feet to hold it in place facing Dustin, and Dustin mimics his exact movement. Steve braces himself for whatever reaction his next sentence it’s going to get outta the younger boy. 
“I need to find a nerd way to ask Eddie out.” He watches as the words sink in, Dustin’s eyes growing wider until he’s throwing himself off the swing and bouncing up and down on his feet.
“Fuck yes! I knew it! Although Lucas and Max were pretty sure you’ve been dating for months now. Oh this is so good. Yes!” Dustin’s practically sprinting around in circles in his excitement, pulling a loud happy laugh from Steve as he watches.
“So you guys are okay with it?”
“Okay with it? Steve! Me, Will, El and Max have been basically planning your wedding to Eddie since like January.” Dustin’s smile is toothless and happy, and so, so young, it sort of hits Steve again that these kids are like 14. Fuck, it’s so nice to see Dustin act his age. Steve lets out another bark of laughter, motioning for Dustin to come and sit back down.
“Alright, alright, well if you ever want it to get that far, I need your help on how to ask him out.”
“Oh I have the perfect idea!” Dustin lisps out, throwing himself back into the swing. “It’s a great way for you to not have to make all the choices, cause I know you kinda hate that, but that's sorta the whole point of asking someone on a date you planned right?” He spins the swing around and around as he’s talking, all excited energy. “But, The Party we have a great way to plan our hang outs! And it involves rolling a D20, so Eddie’s gonna looove that.” Steve’s just listening, a large smile over taking his face at the fact that not only do the kids seem to support this, but that Dustin is so ready to help, it makes Steve’s heart feel warm in his chest. These kids mean everything to him, and to know he means that much back its a little overwhelming, but in the best fucking way possible. 
“So basically, what I think you can do is, write a list of places to eat, places to hang after or before, and outfits to wear! Then have Eddie roll the D20 and whatever number it lands on is what you’ll do! That way, Eddie is still a part of the picking places process, but it’s still your date to plan!” Dustin lets the swing unravel from where he’d twisted it all up, spinning quickly round and round in circles. Steve watches with amusement, as Dustin tries to get his bearings again after spinning so much before he continues talking.
“Steve, seriously, this is the best news. Eddie is a super cool dude, and he seems to make you really happy. I’m like, ecstatic that this is happening.” Like a fawn trying to walk, Dustin stands on wobbly legs before throwing himself into Steve’s arms. 
“I still have dibs on being your best friend though.”
“That’s Robin.” Dustin groans at his response.
“Then I’m your brother, which means you’re stuck with me for life . And I get to be the best man at the wedding.” Steve’s pretty sure the entire middle school could hear his responding laughter.
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ronanceautistic · 25 days
If you were the one writing Stranger Things... how would you have handled the Nancy The Slut Wheeler incident and its aftermath? Or rather, what long term consequences do you think it would have for Nancy? How would it realistically affect her relationships with other people? With her body? Her self-esteem? Her capacity to trust? Her self-worth?
It would've definitely spread around school, especially since after S1 she was still hanging out with Jonathan and Steve. But I don't think she would've paid attention to it with her mind so wrapped up in Barb's death. Not necessarily water of a ducks back, because it still would've hurt her, but not nearly as much as it would've done before all of the supernatural shit happened.
I think even years later she gets very sensitive when people use any sort of word to describe her. Maybe Robin jokingly calls her a priss one time and Nancy gets, like, disproportionately upset about it because she's holding that memory of being labelled so viciously and assumes everything people call her is meant maliciously. I think it's especially bad when she starts actually dating Jonathan, the rumours start all over again and maybe it makes her not want to be around him during school to try and stop it.
I think there's also just a part of her that believes it. Obviously, she was called a slut because she 'cheated on Steve with Jonathan', and she literally didn't. But with Barb dying because she went upstairs with Steve, I think she always would've felt somewhat dirty because of it, like there was some truth to the statement even if Steve & Tommy didn't mean it in that way.
I headcanon she's asexual, or gray-ace. I think partly she is just like that, partly from Barb trauma, and a little bit because of the sign. She just has a lot of bad memories tying to sex that would take a long time to look past. And because of the sign I don't think she'd be able to have it/enjoy it casually. Not necessarily because she doesn't want to be a slut, but for fear the person she has it with might hold it against her. With Robin (and even Jonathan) I think they have to wait for her to trust them enough for it.
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j0nathanby3rs · 7 months
warning: rambling about Jonathan Byers/Jancy from someone who hasn’t rewatched the show in a while
i honestly cannot stand people who say that jonathan deserves to get cheated on because he’s a bad boyfriend/distant. i literally cannot count on one hand how much horribly traumatic shit this guy has been through that would prompt him to push people away!!! and while i agree he should put more effort into his relationships, it’s kinda hard to be as loving and caring as he used to be when he is constantly at risk of death/losing someone he loves. and the fact that people think that stancy is so much better despite the fact that steve and nancy have been shown time and time again to have very different goals in life/plans for the future. let’s be real, nancy wheeler will not be content with six kids and a winnebago, even if there’s a hot husband thrown in there. she has aspirations!! she always has!! being tied down to a picket fence and a crying baby is so distant from her character!! why everyone is suddenly so pro stancy is beyond me. ALSO the people who vilify robin and say that she wants nancy to cheat/break up with jonathan piss me off so bad. robin wants the best for her friends, and despite everything nancy is HAPPY with jonathan. we all saw the reunion hug!! so even if robin DOES want nancy for herself, she won’t ruin her relationship for it. as always don’t take any of this seriously and don’t treat it as meta i just had to get this off my chest yknow
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achingly-tired · 11 months
Hey, this might be an unpopular opinion but… a person can be a fan of both Nancy Wheeler AND Steve Harrington. It doesn’t need to be an either/or situation. Maybe it’s just my feed and I need to diversify it, but I am seeing a lot of people be like “oh, Nancy Wheeler is the innocent one in all of this, Steve was the one who fucked up” OR “Steve Harrington is innocent one in all this, Nancy fucked up.” Like… no, friends. There’s some nuance.
First things first: Steve did some messed up shit season 1. There is no denying that. Did Jonathan take inappropriate photos without people’s consent? Yes. Did Steve need to break his camera? No. Did Steve need to call Nancy a whore on the sign? No. Did he need to say all that really toxic shit—especially about Will being queer??? Absolutely not!! But also.. after getting his ass handed to him by Jonathan, he kind of realized he fucked up and WENT TO APOLOGIZE. He just happened to accidentally stumble upon the Upside Down. And then he stuck around. AND AFTER THAT, NANCY MADE THE DECISION TO GET BACK TOGETHER WITH HIM. That’s not on Steve.
In season two, did Nancy and Steve both make mistakes? Yes. But it isn’t because either of them were ignoring each others traumas…it was because they were both dealing with trauma in different ways. For Steve, his coping mechanism was “it’s fine, I’m fine, everything’s fine. Nothing happened.” That’s an avoidance response, common in people with PTSD. For Nancy, the way she coped was she needed to get closure for Barb. She literally could not think about anything OTHER than Barb—everything was a trigger for her…yet another common PTSD response. Neither was more wrong or more right for how they responded. They just responded differently. Do I personally think it was fucked up of Nancy to get drunk and call Steve bullshit? Yes. But I also recognize that she was hurting, she had lowered inhibitions, and she is a traumatized teenager. Do I think Steve should have just… left her at the party, drunk and alone? No. But also his girlfriend of a year just told him she didn’t love him. And he was hurting, and a traumatized teenager. Do I think Nancy cheated on Steve? Yes. Do I think she’s a horrible person because of that? No. But she caused hurt—same as Steve. And honestly, I really wish the ST writers would have them have some sort of conversation about this all.
Now these are just the first two seasons—I have *thoughts* about the fourth (i.e., the writers really do be trying to ruin both Nancy and Steves character arcs). But my whole point is… I am so tired of seeing everyone choose one or the other. And act like there is no god damn nuance.
Personally, I love the idea of Ronance! Do I think Robin might be a little worried about it at first, especially as she and Steve probably had many a conversation about how he was really hurt? Yes. But do I think Steve would forbid her from dating Nancy?? Or being weird about it??? No! At least, in the world where the ST writers aren’t trying to force them together,
I also really love Steddie! I think the two boys balance each other out! Where Steve is quiet, Eddie is loud. Where Eddie is terrified, Steve is brave. They need each other. They work better with each other.
Ultimately, I don’t think Steve and Nancy were EVER right for each other. I think they wanted to be right for each other because that’s what they were told to do. But neither of them is a bad person—they’re just both nuanced, traumatized humans.
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findafight · 11 months
Robin holding a grudge against Nancy for Steve is something that I love so much. Sure, Steve might not have told her much but she would have heard the rumours in high school following everything.
The would be rumours following the party, all different stories from different people, but with the basis of Nancy and Steve show up together, get in a fight, Nancy leaves with Jonathan, Steve leaves alone and upset.
Also, following the fight outside the gym, especially combined with the ones following the party. Like people might not know what was said, but everyone who was also in the gym would have seen them leave together.
And then with Nancy disappearing with Jonathan.
Tommy and Billy wouldn't have been the only ones talking about this. Steve had been popular, everyone would want to make it their business. And unless Robin was absent from school for a while she would have heard about it. And with the way we know she held a grudge against Steve for something minor, she absolutely would have been invested and listening to the gossip, for a reason (at the time) to make Steve look bad.
Robin is so fun I love her so much. She admitted that her and fellow dweebs also want to be popular, and that would absolutely extend to following all the gossip. I can see Robin trying to get dirt on Steve and Nancy's break up but all the rumours are going around like. Nancy cheated on him. Nancy broke up with him and then ran off with byers. They had a fight and he asked jon to take her how and then she cheated on him. Jonathan and Nancy ditch together. Someone who's aunt or whatever worked at the flower shop says he got flowers for her on the weekend but then Nancy showed up with Jonathan on monday. She was cheating on him the whole time...Steve got the shit beat out of him and Billy is acting smug about it, it had something to do with Billy's Middle schooler sister(and Robin thinks at last! Steve was picking on middleschoolers! something that validates my hate! but then a pack of said middleschoolers swarm Steve in the parking lot and it's pretty clear he was on their side of whatever happened)
and none of that is conductive to her Steve hate train, it just makes him look sad and pathetic mostly so she half forgets it lol. But then they're best friend torture buddies and suddenly she's remembering all that mess. Something in her brain flicking the "target acquired" light on, and she has a growing dislike of Nancy. She's like uhg. Nancy. why are we talking about her? Sick of her...
She realizes she's holding a grudge against Nancy and actually tears up a little and tells Steve but he's just confused and she has to explain that this is the first time she's held on to a grudge for someone else and isn't it great they're best friends and his enemies are her enemies even if he doesn't hold anything against Nancy......and Steve's just kind of staring at her but then it clicks and he's also emotional because sure Tommy and Carol would have held onto a grudge for him but it would have been petty and probably a choice. Robin's doing this because she can't help it and she loves him.......
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that-bitttch · 2 years
Reasons I dislike Nancy Wheeler:
1) She just feels super two dimensional to me ngl. Even without taking a look at her character arc and actions, she kinda just.. exists for me
2) her whole personality can basically be summarised as: Independent woman who likes boys and guns. Yes I can and will look further into that if wanted in another post.
3) She is so condescending? Like all the time! Her opinion is the only valid one apparantly and everyone else is below her. Examples of this include: her treatment of Robin, her treatment of the kids, her treatment of Fred and many more.
4) She insults literally everyone. S1 begins with her insulting Steve's intelligence (which i have a lot of issues regarding not just for Nancy but all of the shows characters and I will follow up on this). S4 she insults Fred, a literal child following her guidance, for having differing opinions, IN THE 80S!! as people like to say when defending the shows harsher aspects.
5) her character literally never develops. S1 she began investigating Barbs death and never stopped. Held her feminist ideals *THAT I AM NOT AGAINST FTR*. Got given a gun and boys. And that was it for her. Every single season for her goes the exact same: Something bad happens, Nancy investigates, people doubt her and laugh, gets given a speech to carry on, is proven right, shoots the bad guy.
6) Does not seem to overly care about anyone else? S1 she did not GAF about anything going on unless it affected her. Will went missing? gosh Mike stop acting childish. Barb goes missing? Why is the world so unfair! Nobody is listening to me!
7) Like, she was only really investigating for her own career? In s3 and 4 in the least. She may have posed it to everyone else that she cared about the odd events, but she just wanted to be the first to get the good story. Like talking to Wayne Munson in the beginning and trying to invoke sympathy for her plight. It was just.. Not It for me.
8) she is selfish. Like i get she is a teenager, and teenagers are selfish, but... I would not like her irl unlike the other characters. Not one bit. She is always in everything for herself and she refuses to out herself in other peoples shoes for even a second. Mike is distraught over Will? Lets go have sex with Steve and argue with Mike. Steve wants to pretend a literal TRAUMATISING event didnt happen because he is also, a literal child? Nah he is bullshit. Jonathan decided not to fly down from California, despite literally being poor and having siblings to look after whilst pulling away from a ldr? Nothing she did there was wrong obvs.
9) the way she treats her partners is so horrible. Lets recap. S1- is dating Steve. Okay, so she lies to him about what she is doing with someone who TOOK PICTURES of HIS house without consent. Does not include him, her boyfriend, in her thoughts, and leaves him with the impression she is cheating on him. S2- still dating Steve. Lied to him for a whole year about her thoughts on their relationship. Gets drunk and calls him and their relationship bullshit while implying he is a murderer for something that is not his fault. Acts like it is not her fault when confronting him the next day. Proceeds to fuck off with Jonathan and have sex with him before even ending the relationship properly, and that is after insisting that there will never be anything between the two of you. S3 she just absolutely does not listen to a word Jonathan says and does what she wants whilst expecting him to drop everything for her and follow her around. S4 she puts the blame of their failing relationship on Jonathan and flirts with Steve.
10) she is really entitled. She is like the definition of a spoiled. She is handed things that she wants on a silver platter and is applauded when she gets it? Like she comes from what looks to be a upper lower/ middle class family in a nice meighbourhood with two parents, wanting for nothing, and does not seem to understand when people do not have the same constraints as her. Like she is okay to drop her job at the change of a hat but others actually need the money to survive? It is canon that Jonathan worked A LOT to help pay bills, and babysat Will, and she just, did not understand.
11) she gets applauded for doing the bare minimum. She showed up to help Eddie purely for the inside scoop and because she would look bad otherwise, and is HCed to be his new bestie? She tells Jason to fuck off? Shoots Vecna AFTER it has been set on fire? Like Hopper BEHEADS a whole ass demogorgon after being tortured and starved in Russia, but gets so little recognition.
12) literally risks getting her friends and family locked up/killed by the US government, for her guilt over killing Barb, and the want of a good story to publish. Like they were willing to shoot a shit ton of people for a child abusing lab who had no ides there was a child abusing lab *cough cough Benny*, and shoot a bunch of 11 year olds. They would have had no qualms about getting rid of them all!
13) literally abandons Mike, her BROTHER to go with her fresh BF at the end of s2! She was definitely not needed there, in fact she would have been more useful at the house with Steve and the kids, but nope.
14) Doesnt have a good relationship with her mother for what? Her caring? Like Karen Wheeler has her faults (Billy. Thats enough said) but noone can say she does not care about her kids. And Nancy just takes that for granted. This one is a personal slight, because a parent that offers up good advice, support and genuinely cares? That would be the life!
I am going to stop myself here, because I could probably go on for hours ranting. If you want to discuss any of this with me feel free to drop mw a message or something! No hate though please! I respect everyones opinions and will gladly take part in RESPECTFUL debate about any of this!
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beawritingbooks · 2 months
Ronance (Robin and Nancy ship) headcanons?
You probably won't like this, but I do not ship Robin & Nancy. I think that they could become friends, mainly because they will have formed a trauma bond, but I don't see them ever becoming a romantic item.
I actually hc Nancy as a heterosexual/aromantic person. Like, I think she enjoys sex with men, but she often seems annoyed with her partners the second she has to commit to and engage in a long-term romantic relationship with them.
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Imo, I think that Nancy is a rocket ship, and the men she chooses to date weigh her down.
Jonathan doesn't want to rock the boat at all, because after a lifetime of struggling he wants things to be stable and predictable. Steve, who seems lonely, wants something far too traditional and crowded for Nancy's tastes.
I truly think with her intelligence and determination that, if she'd set out on her own in university, she'd take off and reach heights that Jonathan and Steve don't really want to reach.
Also, even if I saw Nancy and Robin as a potential couple, they wouldn't work out.
Here is my reasoning: you NEVER fuck your friends' exes.
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You just don't. I don't care if your friends say that they're cool with it, either. It's a conflict of interest and a betrayal.
For context, I'm going to share a piece of my lore with you.
In high school, a friend of mine got together with my ex & she and I stopped being friends after that.
Here is the thing, I was not in to my ex at all any more. He cheated on me. The second I found out, every single feeling I had for him instantly died because I realized that he wasn't the guy that I thought he was.
So, I washed my hands of him. Good riddance to bad rubbish, and all that.
Then, a few weeks later at a party, my friend publicly confessed to me that she liked my ex, and she even asked me if she could officially date him (meaning that she had already been flirting, sexting, & unofficially dating him since a little after he and I parted ways).
She knew I couldn't say "no" either in that setting, or I'd be seen as the bad guy that didn't want two single people to be happy together.
Now, here is the thing, I wasn't upset about him liking her, or even her liking him. They were both attractive people, and they could both be charming & likable when they wanted to be. So, it wasn't like I couldn't understand why they'd be in to one another.
What I was upset about was that my friendship with her meant so little to her that she'd want to be with someone that hurt me.
That's where the betrayal came in.
She pursued and prioritized a relationship with a person that hurt me so deeply, and I could never look at her the same way or trust her again after that. The reason for that is because no true friend could/would do that to someone that they cared about.
So...to sum up, due to the fact that Steve and Robin are platonic soulmates, and with my belief that soulmates wouldn't hurt one another in such a manner, that's why I can never ship romantic Ronance or even see it working out long-term.
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stevethehairington · 2 years
11 3 9
Steddie asks 😊
3. Favorite three Steddie fanfics?
oh man okay this is SUCH a hard question because obviously there are SO MANY MORE than just 3 that i would consider favorites!!! which is why i have to cheat and list more than 3 sklgjds. i tried to narrow it down, i really really did but. i am horrible at decisions so 5 favorites you will get instead slkdjdsl
let it roll into the night by @toburnup (aka adure on ao3) this one is very special to me bc vio wrote it for me and i love them very very much for that, but also it's just an absolutely incredible fic and it is filled with SO much yearning, like it made me ache so bad (in the best way possible) and i just really really loved it. (i also love literally anything they write so. if you have not PLEASE go check out their fics!!!)
eddie's spectacular, awkward, very safe, very fun first time by @alligator-writes this is pretty much exactly what it says in the title lol and it is quite literally one of my absolute all time favorite headcanons come to life. and the second i read this fic- no the second i saw this fic, i was sold and obsessed already. ria TRULY never misses, ever, and i highly hiiiiiighly recommend literally anything she writes also!!!
the most remarkable thing about you standing in the doorway is that it's you by greatunironic i am sure you must have heard about this fic, everybody has heard about this fic. but there's a reason for that!! it is SO good and SO emotional and just SOOOO. there's just something about those coming back together later in life fics that really fucking hits, and this one hits HARD. plus i love all the little like interview snippets and transcripts that are sprinkled throughout, that's such a fun extra flavor to the fic and the format and i love that!
doing nothing with you by @red-0ak-tree i love love LOVE this fic so so SO much omg. i always love fics that have steve and robin getting out of hawkins and moving in together, and this one has the excellent wonderful fantastic bonus of eddie practically, unofficially moving in too (and also nancy!!). it's so charming and sweet and emotional and the slow burn is soooo good and there's just so so much to love about this one!!
stuck in indianapolis (feeling not so alone) by @oatflatwhite (aka iphigenias on ao3) this is another one that i truly adore so very much!! another delicious slow burn, another moving out of hawkins, another unofficial move in until it is official!! the writing is incredible, the characterization is incredible, the dynamic built up is incredible!! i cannot recommend this one enough!!
9. Do you imagine they would have been childhood friends?
i think that if the circumstances of their childhoods had been different and if they'd had the opportunity to meet as kids, yes, i think they could have been childhood friends. it's clear that they are very different people who come from very different backgrounds, but that doesn't stop them from getting along so well now. they just mesh so well together. there's something about them that just fits. and i think had they been able to nurture that from the start there could've been an even stronger bond between them (which is saying something because the bond they do have is a ridiculously strong one already).
11. Which one would confess their attraction/love first? Why?
ooh okay love this one!!
when it come to confessing their attraction first, i think it would be steve. i think eddie would probably realize his own attraction first, but i don't think he would do or say anything about it because 1. he thinks steve is straight 2. he doesn't want to make steve uncomfortable 3. he doesn't want to ruin their friendship because like. steve is one of the closest friends he's ever had, and they're so comfortable with each other and there's so much love there (even if it isn't the same kind eddie wishes it were). he wouldn't want to jeopardize that. and even if eddie started to pick up on steve's mutual attraction, i think he would still hold back on his own, because this is still so new for steve, and eddie doesn't want to scare him off, or acknowledge something that maybe steve himself isn't ready to acknowlede, and he also eddie doesn't want to just be some experiment. it means too much to him. so he waits. he leaves the ball in steve's court. which means that steve is the one who has to make the first move. steve is the one who kisses eddie first. steve is the one who tells eddie, scared out of his mind but still pushing that back to be brave, that he likes him, that he really likes him.
when it comes to confessing their love first, i think that would fall to eddie. we allllll know steve's experience with love. nancy wheeler was the last romantic partner that he said confessed his love to, and that was all bullshit. so, i think steve would be ready to say it first (he usually is, in any relationship he has, though i do think nancy was probably the first one he actually meant it with) but he would be so god damn scared. he would be terrified. so he would swallow it down. he would keep it locked up. he wouldn't say it because the last time he did everything crumbled around him. and he doesn't want that. not again. not with eddie. so he bites his tongue and he doesn't say it even though every cell inside his body is screaming it. (even though he says it perfectly clearly in every action anyways). so that means that eddie is the one to say it first. eddie is the one to turn to steve, to grasp his face, to look him in the eye and say "steve, i- i love you". and when it happens steve is both over the goddamn moon about it. and there's still a teeny tiny part of him that is scared, that thinks the rug could be pulled out from beneath his feet at any second. but then he looks into eddie's eyes, and he can see that he means it. and he trusts eddie, too. he knows that eddie chooses his words carefully when he wants to, that he doesn't say things that he doesn't mean. and he means this. steve can tell.
steddie ask game
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tartarusknight · 10 months
What you need to know :)
Hello darling readers <3 I'm TartarusKnight or Knight of Tartarus! (they switch depending on availably honestly)
I'm here to chat, read, and write. That being said~~~~ come and message me anytime <3 questions, requests, and kind words make my day
This is an overview of my work just in case anyone is bored and wants something to read <3 (My Stranger Things work, honestly. I've also got some Marvel, Criminal Minds, and Teen Wolf but ST is my hyper fixation now soooo)
We're Not Perfect
This is a 4 part series in which Steve and Eddie knew each other before Steve ever got with Nancy Wheeler and before he learned about the Upside Down. It's heavily inspired by music <3 (Total Words 300,395) With Playlists because I can't stop <3 This story is my baby
Part 1 - It's the Start of Our Journey?
Pre-season 1 Steve Harrington and Eddie Munson are paired together in class and they learn they work well together. (Words 22,869)
Part 2 - I just want to go home
Set during Seasons 1-3, changing canon but the overarching story doesn't change too much. (Words 85,678)
Part 3 - say you'll live for me
Set in season 4, diverting from canon almost completely but with all the same characters. (Words 63,885)
Part 4 - I'll follow the beat of your heart
And the end. The final battle with Vecna and the epilogue aka season 5 <3 (Words 127,963)
Based on the song Fool by Djo.
Steve and Nancy get annoyed at Robin and Eddie for ignoring them when they're with their band. They decide to prove that they know music better than either Eddie or Robin thought. (Words 1,488)
I know you've been hurtin'
Based on the song Better Days by Dermot Kennedy and fanart by @babysitterpng
Steve has a plan. It involves a skirt, confidence, Nancy Wheeler's ability to do make-up, the party's anxiety, his parents, and Jason Carver's temper.
And well, Steve's pretty sure he has it in the bag. He might not be smart but he knows people and there's no way he's read any of them wrong. But maybe he'll learn more about himself as the plan unfolds (Words 7,205)
This dream isn't feeling sweet, we're reeling through the midnight streets
7 things that changed about Steve and Robin after Starcourt and 1 time they explained why. (Words 11,837)
I'm just gonna swim until you love me
Five times Steve had to prove he was worth love and One time someone just loved him without needing him to. (Words 8,612)
But when I touch her I feel like I'm cheating on you
Eddie is getting overwhelmed by the party just barging into his life without any warning after Spring Break. So, he makes a plan with an old friend of his. It works... in a way. (Words 1,932)
you're losing your memory now
Robin Buckley wasn't prepared for Steve to crash, but he had been pushing his limits for too long. He had a plan, but he never thought to tell her. He didn't want to worry her. Too bad she'll always worry about him... Especially when he collapses at work. (Words 17,784)
But Now We're Stressed Out
Eddie Munson knew he wasn't the smartest person. He never planned on college but he never planned for the Party either.
Title based on Twenty One Pilots - Stressed Out (Words 2,021)
I don't know what you're hunting. It's not me, it's something else
Steve looks over her face, “I'm not having any of you at my place. Did you see the map, no way?” He states and it's one part of his reasoning but not the main reason. “Then come stay with one of us,” Robin says and it feels more like a plead than anything.
He shakes his head and she looks angry now. “Stop whatever the fuck this is! We care about you! Let us in! We're safer in groups.” The words don't hurt as much as he thinks they should. “Not that much safer.” He spits back out and she blinks. “Max is as good as dead. Eddie is dead. And guess what! We were in groups!” The shouting makes his throat burn but he can't calm down.
A Halloween Special!!! Happy Horror season <3 (Words 22,620)
WIP - The Fallen King and the King of the Freak
Steve has to deal with the fallout of Season 2.
New nightmares, losing Nancy, kids who he's willing to die for, and Billy's new hatred towards him. He went from the top to the bottom in the school and he doesn't know how bad it is until Eddie Munson is the one that steps in to help him. And maybe he wants the help and maybe even some friends. (Words 150k and climbing <3)
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