#also Rosie was pissed of how terrible her date went and as soon as she comes home Alastor sides with her ex husband
nouverx · 13 days
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*proceeds to drink the whole bottle*
Yeah Alastor you're gonna be loved and appreciated wether you want it or not :)
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anxiouslynumbme · 4 years
Carmuel Missing Scenes/Moments
A/N: Hello! I hope you're all doing well. So I was planning on posting the last 2 parts on the same day but that would've taken way too long, so I decided to just post the part I'm done with. I also forgot to add a quick note for last chapter, I’m aware that I ignored the show’s timeline (with 3x07 and 3x08.)----I kinda just put the whole murder plot in 3x07, 'cause it worked with the chapter. But mainly, it's because I wanted 3x08 to entirely be about Carmuel/Samucarla. Anyway, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy.
WARNING: (Explicit Sexual Situations, Strong Language.)
3x08 - Part 1
Given everything that'd happened, Carla was taking her time to get back into the swing of things. But then again things had been terrible, so maybe she shouldn't bother. A fresh start was probably the best option and she was lucky that she even had one. Carla had dodged too many bullets, it was time she stopped walking into the line of fire.
Going to Polo's funeral had provided a closure Carla didn't know she'd needed. She wasn't just letting go of someone she loved, she was letting go of everything that'd come with him. Unfortunately, it also meant she had to let go of all the good memories as well. And that when sadness hit viciously, mourning for Polo, the Polo she remembered before all that shit had happened. He was gone, and Carla wanted to believe that she could remember him for the good things because the bad things had been buried with him. But it wasn't that simple, was it?
Life for her had gotten calmer after the funeral, stagnant, even. Carla liked that, it was a much needed change of pace. But life was also moving fast, soon everyone was starting their own journey, paving their own path, and while Carla never liked to admit to these kind of things, it was sad that they wouldn't be sharing their lives with each other anymore.
Carla wasn't gonna lie to herself, she didn't have many friends, there were a few select people she was going to miss when she left Spain. And try as she might, Carla couldn't stop thinking about one person in particular. Samuel had occupied her mind every second of every day.
They had called each other, it was mostly Samuel. Carla was still feeling a considerable amount of guilt and she had tried to keep their phone calls short and terse. She was preparing both of them. But Samuel, Samuel was relentless, calling, trying to get her to agree on meeting.
But then everything changed.
Carla had told him the exact date she was leaving and it was like a bucket of ice water that she'd felt being dumped on both of them over the phone.
And that was when Samuel had started pulling back. He called less and less and when Carla was brave enough to call, sometimes he didn't answer. Days passed quickly after that, Carla got busy making arrangements for the wineries and Samuel was busy avoiding her, so she didn't really know what was going on in his life.
Carla would be lying if she said his actions weren't just a bit confusing; since he was the one so adamant on 'hanging out' before she left. But Carla also knew he was only trying to protect himself from what he knew was coming, or maybe he was just done with her. Which was what Carla wanted in the first place. So why was she so frustrated with him?
Carla was getting more irritated with the situation every day. Samuel had finally realized she was right and he was letting her go. She should be grateful that he'd woken up and realized they had no chance of a future anymore.
Carla was glad, she was okay with it. Until Lu and Guzmán had planned an outing to get everyone together, including Samuel, of course.
The gathering was held at this cute, cozy bar. It was pretty mellow and atmospheric; twinkling lights all over the ceiling, soft music playing in the background so people could actually hear each other. A perfect place for friends to hang out before everything changed and they all went their separate ways.
They were all currently sitting around two tables, which they'd pushed together earlier in the evening. And other than a 'hello' that was meant for the entirety of their group, Samuel hadn't tried talking to her, he didn't even grant her a private greeting.
Good for him. It was for the best.
"All right, darlings," Lu began, standing up and addressing the table, raising her glass. "I'd like to make a quick toast. . .we've survived some serious shit, haven't we? It's a little crazy to think about the insanity that's been in all of our lives. Everyone here has been through a lot, some of it we share, some of it we don't. But we're all here right now. Together. And I'd like to think that we've grown enough to understand each other.
"To be there for each other, even if it's not physically." Lu paused, eyes brimming with tears. "I guess I'm just grateful that when it mattered most, I wasn't alone. We'll never forget what we've been through and who we lost - " Lu's breath caught in her throat as she stuttered over her words and Carla felt an instant need to comfort her friend, grabbing her hand and squeezing gently.
Sitting on the other side of Lu, Nadia put a hand on Lu's shoulder, rising up next to her and nodding reassuringly as she started speaking. "As Lu was saying, we'll never forget. We are always bound. So here's to everything. To the people we lost.To the good memories and the bad ones, too. To Las Encinas, for bringing us all together...to long nights spent studying and - "
"Oi, speak for yourself!" Rebeca exclaimed jokingly, causing a round of laughter to break out.
"Anyway." Nadia glared playfully at Rebeca, before turning to smile softly at Lu. "To unexpected friendships. To the scary, uncertain future. To sticking together no matter what, and having faith even when things turned bleak and it felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel. To - to loving each other regardless of the consequences." Nadia said the last part staring at Guzmán and he was staring right back.
Carla found her eyes darting to Samuel, catching his eyes for less than a second before he quickly averted them.
Nadia wiped a single tear that'd escaped her eyes, before smiling widely at the whole table. "To friends. To family!"
"Damn right!"
Cheers and excited affirmations exploded all around Carla, who was only focused on one thing.
While Carla had no right to be angry with Samuel, she was a little pissed off at his new found dismissive nature. Ever since she'd decided to study abroad, Carla's been having second thoughts, but they were just thoughts. Normal, predictable doubts that came with big decisions and life-changes. It didn't mean Carla was going to stay and it definitely didn't mean Samuel was going with her.
They were too young to feel like this. Carla questioned her sanity sometimes, the fact that it seemed like she was always going to be this far gone for him. How could someone feel this much at this age? That was why she'd pretended her feelings for him were sexual compatibility for the longest time. Their chemistry was just intense and it could be easily interpreted into something more than it was.
But staring at him on the other side of the table as he talked with Omar, her eyes unable to focus on anything else, Carla was hit with realization yet again that she was in love with him.
Samuel was wearing a simple black, long-sleeved shirt with faded blue jeans. His hair was longer, but not too long, just long enough to make her fingers itch to run through it. His lips relaxed into half a smile as he listened to whatever Omar was telling him. Her eyes shamelessly admired his features. His sharp jaw which she wanted to lick with her tongue, his rosy, full lips that she wanted to kiss until they were both crying out for air. The slim, pointy slope of his nose, releasing breaths she wanted to feel on her skin.
Then Carla reached his eyes. And they weren't on her.
And she fucking hated how her heart kept yanking its own strings calling out for them to stay on her. They always had. His eyes were always on her, one way or another, they always seemed to find her and latch on. But Samuel hadn't looked at her, really looked at her since that morning after Polo's death.
After their conversation that day. Carla had finally allowed herself to believe they were going to take advantage of whatever time they had left, that it wasn't the worst idea in the world. The other - more logical and prominent part - knew it was easier to just let things be, and not stir any more unnecessary pain. They'd had enough of that, it was better to leave things, untouched, clean, and simple for once. It was naive and reckless to start something when she knew the ugly, inevitable end.
And yet as Carla watched him, she suddenly didn't care much about any of that, she knew the risks and she still wanted him one last time. But it seemed Samuel was more in agreement with his logical side these days. The one time she wanted him to give in to his feelings and run to her head on, he was distant and guarded.
Carla knew he felt her gaze. Every time she trained her eyes on him, she could literally see him squirm in his seat, his fingers raking through his soft hair as he pretended to listen to the conversations around him. And Carla could feel his own fleeting gaze when he thought she wasn't aware of it.
Carla decided it was time she made a move before letting him go forever. Just one last conversation. She just wanted to look at him.
Samuel was getting a drink from the bar when Carla walked up to him. "Hello."
He visibly stiffened but glanced her way. "Hi. How have you been?"
"Good, you?"
God, this was ridiculous.
"Uh, wanna a drink?"
"No, I actually can't drink, Nina's orders."
"For how long?"
"She promised soon I'll be able to, little by little. And soon better come quickly because I'm losing my mind a little."
That earned her half a grin. "I'm sure. But hey, alcohol isn't that great, you know? You're not missing much." he tried feebly.
"Says the guy who can drink any time he wants."
He smiled. "Fair enough."
Carla took a deep breath. "Wanna go for a walk?"
What was she doing? Why was she pushing it?
"A walk? Now? It's quite late."
"Yeah, it's too crowded in here."
It really wasn't.
Samuel looked away from her. "I - I don't think that's the best idea."
"Oh. Why?"
"You know why."
"I do." she sighed. Fuck. "Well, I'm just gonna get some fresh air before going home. Good night, Samuel."
Carla went back over to say her goodbyes quickly before making her way out of the bar. Samuel was finally being smart about his relationship with her, and Carla was still trying to get him alone. Carla felt helpless, she honestly wanted to just talk to him, know exactly why the sudden change of heart, what had changed.
So Carla'd made a risky play with him just now. But if she knew Samuel at all, it wasn't actually all that risky.
And sure enough after a few seconds of being outside, he was on her tail.
"Really, Carla?"
His voice came out annoyed and Carla grinned; before turning around to face him. "What?"
"You're seriously making me walk with you?"
"And how am I doing that?"
Samuel cocked his head, quirking an eyebrow. "You know I'm not gonna let you walk by yourself at this hour."
Carla beamed. "Samuel, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. It's not my fault you're sexist and think women need looking after."
Samuel scoffed, gaping at her like a fish out of water and Carla bit her lip trying to hold in her laughter.
"I know what you're doing," he grumbled but there was a hint of a smile on his face. "And I'm not sexist, I'm protective."
"Sure, keep telling yourself that."
Samuel shook his head and started moving his way down the street. "You're unbelievable."
Carla took two fast strides to keep up with him. "Thank you."
He smirked, eyeing her. "Wasn't a compliment."
"It sounded like one to me."
"Of course it did."
They were quiet for a moment as they strolled side by side. The street was so calm, peaceful. The only light available was the gentle yellow and red glow from the lamp posts around them. It seemed like no matter where they ended up being, things were just always calm and serene with Samuel.
"That bar was really nice," Carla told him.
Samuel smiled. "Oh, yeah? You liked it?"
"Yeah, very comfortable."
"I go there all the time. I showed it to Guzmàn, he seemed to think it was great for a hang out."
Carla should've known. The place had Samuel written all over it. And she'd just noticed it was actually close to his neighborhood. "I see why you love it,"
"Yeah, when I'm there, it kinda feels like home somehow."
"Hmm." In a corner of Carla's mind, she wondered why had he never shown her the place.
A beat of silence and then he asked nervously. "Are you hungry? There's this awesome 24 hour American diner nearby."
There was the Samuel she had been missing, the one who wanted to spend time with her. A tug of guilt followed her selfish thoughts. She had to say no. But Carla was leaving soon and it wasn't a crime to want to be with him one last time.
Fuck it.
"Great, but it's actually not that close, walking might be a bit of a drag."
"How far?"
"Near my building, which is not that far from here, maybe seven blocks away from it."
"Okay, we can call a cab then."
"It's also not that far," he chuckled, pausing to look around, considering something. "You know what, we could just bike there."
Samuel started striding back towards the bar, which they were now half way down the street from, noting that she wasn't following him, he gestured for her to come along. "My bike is by the bar."
Oh, no.
Carla trailed behind him toward his bike and and some other bike she'd never seen before. "We could just call a car." she tried again
Samuel glanced at her. "It's not worth it. Don't worry, you won't ride with me, you can borrow Omar's."
"I'm wearing a skirt."
"It'll be more difficult, I think," she said lamely, wishing she was at least wearing high heels, so she could use that as an excuse, but no such luck.
He straightened up from unlocking his bike and gazed at her dubiously. "Carla. . .do you know how to ride a bike?"
"Of course I do." and she did. A little. 
Samuel was onto her, Carla could see it through the poorly hidden laughter in his eyes. "Really?"
"Well, this should be no problem. Come on."
"I don't want to."
"Right. Because you can't."
"I told you I can."
His smile stretched even wider as he crossed his arms behind his back. "Okay, let's see it then."
They stared each other down for a long moment, Samuel wasn't backing down, challenging her with his eyes. Whatever.
"Fine, I can't ride a bike, happy?"
Samuel laughed heartily. "A little. I bet the first thing you learned was driving a car, right?"
She smiled. "No, I used to know how, self-taught, actually. I'm just a bit rusty."
He furrowed his brows. "Self-taught?"
Carla shrugged, not wanting to sound at all like she was complaining, feeling especially privileged for what she was about to say. "Yeah, I never needed it, you know. But one day, my parents felt like I should have one anyway, so they bought it for me, but never really bothered to teach me.
"But I used to watch Mirella teaching her kids on these really old bikes and I silently took pointers from afar. However, it got boring rather quickly, so I just gave my bike to one of her kids. You're right, I prefer cars anyway."
His frown deepened but then he shook his head. "Okay then, that's all right, we could hail a taxi, or. . ." he trailed off with an sneaky smile.
"Or what?" Carla asked, confused.
"I could teach you."
Carla laughed. "No, thank you."
"It's so easy. You said you know the basics, right?"
"Yes, but I - "
"That'll make it even easier. It'll be fun, I promise." he stepped towards her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her over to the bike. Carla was so focused on the touch of his hand on her skin that she'd missed when he called her name.
"This is useless. I don't need to, Samuel. There's a reason why I never had to learn." she huffed, successfully covering up her flustering thoughts.
"Riding a bike is a very important skill to learn. Get on." he said, fixing the seat, so it could be higher.
"You just never give up, do you?"
"Nope. Get on, let's go."
Releasing a breath, she climbed on to the saddle. "Now what?"
Samuel grinned, looking her up and down in a way that made her insides clench. "You pedal." he joked.
"Wow, you should do this professionally."
"It's an option, for sure." he laughed lowly.
"All right now, we need to work on your balance," he began seriously. "Stand up, but you should be touching the seat, that's why I adjusted its height - yes, exactly like that - and just walk forward with the bike."
Carla started to slowly walk, instinctively looking down at her feet.
"No, don't look down, look straight ahead." he instructed, Carla tried to keep her gaze ahead, but every few seconds she would peer down again.
"It's okay," Samuel said, moving in front of the bike, facing her. "Just look at me, it'll make it easier to have something to focus on."
It was easier. Once she'd looked up, her gaze locking with his, Carla's eyes didn't move to her feet again. She was so lost in his eyes, that she hadn't noticed they were half way down the street again and the startling fact that her feet weren't touching the ground.
"Good, good," Samuel encouraged, voice a bit husky. "Keep them off the ground, it's all about balance."
They worked on her balance for a long time, Samuel insisting it was the most important part. Until finally he decided she was ready to try pedaling.
"Let's stop for a second," he then bent down, catching her right ankle and Carla almost jumped at the sensation. Fixing the pedal up in the right position, he looked up at her, meeting her eyes and something about the moment was - strangely hot and arousing.
Samuel stood back up, puffing out a heavy breath. "Okay, walk again, and then slowly start with your right foot.
"Yes, like that, and then you can add the left."
Carla followed his instructions slowly starting with her right, followed gently by the left. And then she was actually pedaling, the bike started to glide down the street.
Samuel hurriedly jogged next to her, one hand holding the handlebar and the other was on her lower back, caging her in, in case anything went wrong.
After a while of Samuel keeping up with her, Carla felt confident enough on her own. "Okay, I think I got it now. You can let go."
"You sure?"
"Positive." he hesitantly loosened his grip, Carla was okay at first but the bike suddenly started to wobble and Carla stumbled sideways, but thankfully, Samuel was immediately there, steadying her before she fell.
She giggled. "Sorry, let's try that again."
And they did, again and again until she finally got the hang of it.
"All right, I'll concede, this is pretty fun," she said, after riding alone a few times, Carla glanced up at Samuel; to find him already looking at her with such fondness in his eyes, it made her swallow harshly.
"Nothing. Smiling looks good on you, that's all."
"Are you using a line on me, Samuel?" Carla quipped, trying to hide the way her cheeks heated at his statement.
His lips curled coyly, taking a step closer to her, holding the handlebar and bending his head down so he could stare at her as she straddled the bike seat. His eyes finding hers with evident lust, flicking to her lips and then back up.
"I don't need it."
No, he didn't. That look alone made her core prickle with attention.
Carla loved all sides to Samuel. But this one - the confident side; that had first confronted her that day at the club, that'd grabbed her by the neck and lay the best kiss of her life on her lips - she particularly and immensely enjoyed that side.
"A bit cocky, are we?"
Samuel tilted his head to the side, shrugging innocently while a sly grin graced his beckoning lips. He was so fucking handsome.
This whole biking lesson was already weirdly turning her on and this wasn't helping the situation. Carla needed to kiss him. She leaned in a little more, feeling a bit dazed from his breath dancing on her lips, Samuel didn't move away, his chest now heaving as their mouths softly, teasingly grazed each other.
Suddenly Samuel pulled back, clearing his throat loudly with a cough. "Uh, okay, yeah, so let's get something to eat, right?"
The sting of rejection was stuck in her lungs and Carla tried to gulp it away. She shouldn't have even tried, he'd made the right move.
Quickly brushing it away, glad that he still wanted to hang out. "Yeah, let's do it."
"I'll send Omar a text to tell him we're taking his bike, he's going home with Ander anyway."
"You have the key?" she asked, knowing there must be a U-lock on Omar's bicycle.
"I have a copy, he has mine as well."
"That's adorable."
"Shut up."
A minute later they were on their way. The breeze felt so good on her skin, gliding down the street next to Samuel. It was incredibly cliche, but Carla had never felt so free or so at peace as she was in that moment. She let out an abrupt, loud laugh of giddiness, Samuel turned to look at her with a huge smile on his face.
"What?" he asked, raising his voice so she could hear him in the space between them.
"I love this!" she shouted back.
Samuel laughed along with her. "Told you!"
Letting go of the handlebars, Carla spread her arms wide open, enjoying the wind blowing through her hair.
"No, no, Carla! You're not ready for that yet. Put your hands back!"
"Stop worrying!" she said, still laughing for some reason.
"Put them back, Carla. Now!"
"You've never done this?"
"Of course I have, I've been doing it since I was a child."
"This is my first time. Don't let me do it alone."
Carla could see him rolling his eyes even from her position, before finally complying with her request. Both of them holding out their arms like six-year old idiots, their laughter ringing across the quiet street.
"I told you to hang on." Samuel scolded for the tenth time since they'd sat down in the booth.
"Samuel, it's just a scratch. I'm fine."
Carla had fallen off Omar's bike, one second she was having fun and laughing, the next she'd swerved to the side and landed on her ass. There was a small scratch on her knee and a slightly bigger bruise on her elbow.
"Carla, I'm sorry, I should've known you weren't ready to ride - "
"Samuel, I swear, I'm okay. It's not even bleeding, I'm sure you've had a lot worse," she said, holding the ice bag to her elbow - that Samuel'd asked for once they'd reached the diner.
Okay, so maybe it hurt a little but he didn't need to know that.
"It was really fun." Carla hastily added when he tried to open his mouth to protest.
"Yeah, it was." he smiled but it quickly vanished, replaced with a frown. "But you're hurt."
"Oh my god, Samuel, drop it. I'm fine."
"All right, all right, I'll stop."
A second later the waitress arrived at their booth, carrying their food trays.
"There you go, sweethearts," she said warmly, putting down their burgers and sodas on the table. "Need anything else?"
Samuel looked at Carla to confirm she didn't need anything, before answering. "No, thank you."
"Enjoy your meal," she said, sauntering away.
"Bacon on burger. Why have I never tried this before?" Carla wondered at the flavor exploding in her mouth.
"To be honest, I'm surprised you've even tried burger or bacon at all." Samuel teased, taking a bite.
Carla wanted to retort but in all honesty, he was right. She wasn't much into junk food.
She shrugged, agreeing. "I've only tried it once or twice."
"Ooh, one too many."
Carla smiled. "Most of the burgers I ate were cooked at home, where we can make sure they're organic and healthy."
"Of course."
"They're actually pretty good, you should try it."
"I'll stick to my greasy, unhealthy food, thanks." he grinned.
"Don't knock it till you try it, Samuel. Follow my example," she said, proving her point by taking another bite of her burger.
Samuel's eyes suddenly clouded with emotion, his voice was soft as he pointed to her chin. "You have something . . ."
A transporting moment of a nostalgic memory hit Carla hard and fast. She could see it in Samuel's eyes that he had been transferred to it as well. The beautiful, heartwarming memory that usually brought her comfort thinking about it, was now chocking her as she stared into his eyes.
Carla looked away first, feeling a wild urge to flee. She plucked a napkin from the box in front of her and wiped all around her mouth. "Did I get it?"
"Um, yeah," he replied, his voice conveying a hint of sadness.
The silence that followed was tense and awkward and she hated it. Carla hated it so much, she was willing to bring up a topic of discussion they were both trying to steer clear of.
"One more year at Las Encinas, you must be thrilled," she said sarcastically, hoping that the topic wouldn't completely ruin their night.
Samuel snorted, dipping a fry in ketchup before eating it. "Oh, I am. I can't wait."
Carla smiled softly. "I'm sorry. But it's better than expulsion, right?"
Samuel didn't answer right away, peering around the diner thoughtfully. "I guess, yeah."
"It wasn't fair. What'd happened wasn't fair. At least they fixed it, though, and you can finish school now."
When he only nodded in response, Carla contemplated asking her next question. "Speaking of, do you know what you wanna do - after?"
"Um, kinda, yeah. I think I wanna be a lawyer."
That made so much sense.
"I can see it," Carla said, sipping her soda.
"Really?" he asked, a note of hope in his voice.
"Oh, definitely. If anyone is gonna bring justice to the people who need it, it's you, Samuel."
Shyness washed over his features as he smiled at her. "Thank you, I hope I'm able to."
Carla wasn't so lucky in that aspect, she didn't really know what she wanted to do with her life. That was why studying abroad was a good idea. Traveling could expand her horizon, gain her some experience.
"You know." Samuel's voice stopped her racing thoughts. "You'd make a great lawyer, too."
"What? I highly doubt that." she laughed dismissively.
"I'm serious. You could talk your way out of anything."
She gaped at him. "That's not true."
"Yes, it is."
"Okay - would that be much help as a lawyer?"
"Of course it would be, you could do it for other people. You can say anything and the judge and jury won't stand a chance."
For some reason, his words didn't set well with her. "So you're saying that I'll be able to defend the guilty by what - Lying or manipulating my way out?"
Samuel looked genuinely shocked. "That was not what I meant at all. And I never said guilty or lying or - "
"It was implied."
"No, it wasn't. Carla, I just meant - "
"No, it's okay," she cut him off. "you're not wrong."
Samuel didn't say anything back for the longest time, and Carla was unsure if she should be thankful for that or not.
"I'm sorry," he started cautiously. "I realize now how it sounded. But I honestly didn't mean it that way. I just meant you're very persuasive and smart and calculating. And yes, sometimes you can be a bit cunning. But that doesn't mean you won't use it for the good side."
"Okay . . . So you're saying if I were to be a lawyer, I could use my dark powers to do good."
Samuel laughed lightly. "Something like that. You would help people, Carla, I'm sure of it."
Samuel made Carla question herself in the best way possible. Carla knew she wouldn't do much good in the world. But there he was, making her believe she was capable of more, that she was better than she believed.
"I guess we'll never know, because I'll never be a lawyer."
"You could if you wanted to."
She grinned. "That's the thing, I don't want to."
"All right, that's fair." he half-smiled.
They spent the next hour focusing back on their food, discussing random things, and avoiding the giant elephant in the room.
"Do you wanna get dessert?"
Even though Carla was full, she didn't want the night to end, so she said yes.
"What would you like?"
Carla skimmed over the menu. "I could go for some ice cream."
"Me too, that sounds good."
Later as they were eating the tasty treat, it was kinda pathetic how they were both eating the ice cream they'd ordered so slowly, it was starting to melt.
It was painfully obvious that neither one of them wanted the night to be over.
Samuel was beginning to affect her ability to function. The ache she could feel in her bones for him was constant and incessant. Carla was terrified to think she might always feel like this. The relentless need to be near him, the permanent place that had nested in her heart with his name engraved on it. It was too much to think about. The always of it all.
Because Carla missed him so much and she was doomed to miss him forever.
Carla couldn't bring herself to be selfless and call it a night. To tell him 'this was fun, I'll see you when I see you, I guess'. What could she say to him? Was this goodbye? Was this the last time she would ever see him, in this American diner tonight?
It didn't feel right. But Carla couldn't ask him to stay longer either.
"Come home with me." Samuel blurted out so suddenly and so fast, Carla wasn't sure she'd heard him correctly.
Samuel sighed deeply, his fingers running through his hair. Glancing away before settling his burning, yet nervous gaze back on hers. "Come back with me, I mean, we could just continue talking and stuff at mine - if you want to."
Carla's heart hammered in her chest. "Well, I do have to make sure you arrive home safely."
His smile was bright and wide. "That would make me feel better."
The tension was suffocating in the narrow hallway in front of Samuel's house. Both of them stood there, not moving. Facing each other.
Time had stopped for them, their eyes refusing to look at anything but one another. Samuel didn't open the door and Carla knew it was because of what was going to happen once they were inside, the thought of it terrifying as much as it was exhilarating. They could both feel it, they couldn't hide from it anymore.
They were succumbing. Carla felt it in the simmering heat around them, their bodies were done fighting it, it was inevitable. Her skin was starting to itch, agitated with the need for his touch, she could uncomfortably feel how ready she was for him. And Carla could see it all over Samuel, his erratic breathing, the way he fidgeted in the spot, the way he clenched his fists in anticipation.
But Samuel's yearning eyes also looked scared, actually they were terrified.
"I want you, Carla. I want you so much," he said thickly.
The desire in his voice, his eyes, all contradicted his sudden apprehensive body language.
"Samuel, you don't have t - "
"You don't understand," he interrupted urgently. "I feel like I can't do this because of how much I want you. It's fucking painful."
Her stomach twisted anxiously. "Okay, I --"
"You're leaving, Carla."
"I know." her eyes lowered with guilt. She was making it harder for both of them. "I'm sorry, you're right. This was a bad idea, we shouldn't."
When Samuel didn't say anything in return, she instantly got the message. Carla nodded curtly, making a move to leave.
Samuel caught her arm before she could twitch another muscle, edging his body so close to hers, his smell enclosing the space around her; till she was breathing in nothing but him.
"We shouldn't because it's going to hurt like hell when we're done. I'm gonna have to let you go after. Again." his voice was low and pained.
"I know." was all she could say, her eyes glued to his.
"But I - I think it's gonna hurt way more if I let you go when I know I can have you right now. Even if it's temporary. I can't live knowing I wasted a chance to be with you."
His words made their way throughout her entire body, spreading warmth all over. "Samuel, I'm sorry --"
He shook his head vehemently. "No more talking."
Her heart thudded heavily at his abrupt throaty command. And then her next breath was stolen by his mouth crashing down on hers. Carla gasped, the familiarity of his lips, his taste, making her want to moan in relief while simultaneously crying.
Samuel parted her lips open, spinning her around till her back hit the front door, his tongue tangling with hers. His exploration was deep and slow and it made Carla's ache rise to new heights, she gripped his hair tightly, scared that this moment like all the others they had shared, was short-lived and fleeting. Or worse, it was just a dream. These thoughts made her latch onto him harder, pulling him closer, her lips leaving his and trailed open mouthed kisses down his neck, sucking and biting the way she'd wanted to for what felt like forever. She could vaguely feel his hand digging into his pockets, probably fetching his keys.
"Fuck, Carla - I can't think." He groaned in her ear. "I need to get my keys."
Carla continued leisurely, her hands traveling down his chest until she was palming his hard member through his jeans. Samuel growled lowly, fisting her hair, pulling her head back and connecting their lips passionately.
He was right, Carla couldn't think either, it was hard to concentrate on anything except devouring him. But they needed to get that key.
Carla pushed him back slightly. "I got it." slapping his hand away from his pocket.
Samuel let out a low sound of protest when she let go of his lips, but he quickly got to work on her neck, desperately lavishing her skin with his tongue. She managed to finally pull his key, which was buried inside his left pocket under his phone.
"Found it." Or at least Carla hoped she did and it was the right one.
Samuel mindlessly grabbed it from her hand, trying clumsily to slide it into the lock.
"Ugh, where the fuck...?" he whined impatiently. Her hands moving all over him, distracting him even further.
Finally the door was shoved open, both of them stumbling inside, Samuel kicking the door shut after them. He blindly walked her back until she could feel herself meeting the wall beside the kitchen. His hands couldn't seem to decide which part of her to touch, his fingers tracing and clutching whatever inch of her he found, sneaking under her blouse and tracing the soft skin enticingly. His lips kissing up and down her neck deliciously, his teeth biting, before smoothing his tongue over the mark lovingly.
Carla wasn't fairing any better, enthusiastically hiking up his shirt, needing it off him. Samuel backed off for just a second to peel it off and throw it to the side. He immediately dove back in, his palms traveling up her thighs and under her skirt, tracing the outline of her underwear before ripping the thin material off.
Carla gasped at the action. They were both desperate, feverish and so fucking eager. She could feel the overwhelming, blazing eruption of physical and emotional need. Pent up feelings and sexual desires. Denied love. All of it was spurting into million bursts of electrical charge being passed back and forth between them.
This was them, unabashed and unreserved. It was that magnetic bond they couldn't explain.
"We should slow down but I can't." he rasped against her lips. His fingers leaving her waist to unbuckle his belt, trying to unzip his jeans hastily.
They weren't slowing down. They had time to savor and indulge later.
Carla took a moment to appreciate the sight of a shirtless Samuel with his jeans unzipped and low on his hips. Her hands took charge, frantically sliding her palm under his boxers, fingers grazing him gently.
"Fucking hell." he moaned hoarsely, lips attacking her collar bones, his fingers tugging on her green, silky blouse impatiently, finally unbuttoning the damn thing and sliding it off her shoulders swiftly. Carla's palm was now stroking him gently, her fingers tightening their grip each time.
"Fuck, stop, Carla, I won't . ." Samuel broke off with a keen groan, his hand catching hers to stop its movement before slamming it against the wall beside her head, his lips instantly finding hers again.
His free hand slid back under her skirt, finding her heated sex, his finger delicately touching her sensitive clit, rubbing softly in a circular motion, before slowly parting her entrance and slipping inside, his lips letting out a moan at the sensation.
Carla gasped low in her throat, trying to stifle a loud reaction, his fingers dipping in deeper and causing electricity to shoot through her. It felt too good. Too exquisite, and Carla was impatient, she needed him. Her hand firmly grasped his hard length again, making Samuel's breath falter as she guided him toward her center.
That was when Samuel completely paused, drawing back to look at her. Carla's breath hitched from the intensity of his eyes. His Adam's apple bobbing in his throat anxiously as his dark browns shone with so many ripples of emotions; love, lust, longing, relief, fear, sadness.
"Carla, I - "
"Shh, I know," she said, pulling him closer. "It's okay."
And then he pushed inside her in one agonizingly anticipated motion, their eyes clinging to each other just as much as their bodies were.
The feel of him after so long was overwhelmingly gratifying as he rested inside her for a second, giving both of them time to adjust to the achingly familiar feeling. Samuel panted harshly, his hips starting a rhythm so gentle, almost painfully so, as though trying to cherish every single tick of the intimate act. But then he perfectly gained momentum, matching both their needs. His mouth was sponging kisses all across her face, till his lips reached hers muffling their moaning as their tongues swirled hotly with each other.
"God, Carla." he grunted loudly. "I thought I'd never - " he stopped, seemingly forgetting what he was was about to say, as he drove into her faster, pinning her to the wall.
Carla had closed her eyes in ecstasy, trying to imprint every touch, every sound he made on her brain. Samuel's pace began to stir the fire already within her as he sank in and out of her faster and deeper. Her fingers clutched his hair, unable to stop herself from pulling on it hard, causing Samuel to moan and give even harder thrusts.
"Holy - fuck, Carla." his movements were growing in urgency, as he intensely and thoroughly fucked her.
"Samuel." she whimpered into his mouth, pleasure taking over every inch of her as she met his thrusts ardently. It was coming to an end. Way too soon. Carla wasn't ready for it to be over, but it was all too much, they both couldn't stop their shuddering bodies as their hips bucked against each other harshly. Carla gasping out his name one last time, her climax striking her fiercely. With a few last vigorous thrusts, Samuel tucked his head into her neck, growling out his own release.
His body sagged against hers, the only thing keeping her from collapsing on the floor. It was a few minutes before Carla's brain picked up on her surroundings again. Samuel's head was still buried in her neck, and his body was shaking against her.
"Are you okay?" she asked quietly. Was he regretting it? She didn't want it to be awkward or sad. Carla thought they'd decided to not think or talk and just enjoy each other while they still could. Did he regret it?
"I - yeah. I'm okay." he breathed unsteadily, his breath tickling her skin. "Fucking wonderful, actually. You?"
Carla smiled to herself in relief, they were still on the same page, he didn't regret it. "Same."
"We forgot to use a condom," Carla told him softly, not overly worried, they had done it before, their first time of course, being the first case.
"Shit." he mumbled into her hair. "We should really pay more attention to that."
Carla sighed, running her fingers through his hair. "I know. I am on the pill, though. You're clean, right?" He nodded against her.
"Me too."
Samuel finally craned his neck back, and Carla's heart squeezed in her chest. His eyes were so soft, sated and pretty, Carla almost pouted at the beautiful sight of him, raising her palms to stroke his red, flushed cheeks. 
"You look so cute," she whispered.
Samuel scowled in mock offense. "I just fucked you against this wall and you think I look cute!"
Carla laughed so loudly in response, that Samuel couldn't keep his stern look on, a smile breaking over his face.
"Cute?" he gently let her down, still clinging to her waist, which was good because her knees were barely holding her up.
She laughed harder, shrugging. "Yes. So cute and sleepy." she teased.
"Oh, Carla, I'm not sleepy one bit."
The promise, almost warning tone of his voice halted her laughter as her eyes focused on his intense ones.
Not giving her time to comprehend the meaning of his words, his lips caught hers, his arm dragging her by the waist away from the wall, and holding her to his chest. Carla could feel them moving around the house, her eyes closed, trusting Samuel to lead the way to his bedroom.
It was a blur till she opened her eyes, releasing his mouth to find they were standing in front of Samuel's bed. His lips smirked sinfully at her, before grabbing her by the waist and roughly tossing her on the bed.
Slowly climbing after her, he rested on his knees, his heavy-lidded eyes staring down at her. "We're nowhere near done."
Much later, they were both completely naked on his bed. Carla was sprawled against his chest, her right ear pressed against his heart, listening to its soothing, comforting beat as his fingers massaged her scalp lazily.
Maybe it was because they unleashed the tension and she was way more relaxed, but Carla felt brave enough to say what was on her mind.
"You stopped calling."
Samuel stilled under her for only a second. "You did too."
"Because you stopped answering. It would've been selfish of me to push you further, I - I thought you'd finally let me go."
She hated how her voice broke at the last part.
"I was trying to." he admitted quietly. "But I've accepted that I can't."
"I also wanted to give you some time, you know."
Carla frowned. "Time for what?"
He sighed. "Polo."
Carla stiffened, lifting her head to look at him. "What?"
His eyes didn't meet hers. "To deal with his death and everything else. I know that at some point you - um, I know what he meant to you once and I knew you needed some time to process."
Only Samuel. Samuel who hated Polo with everything in him, understood that Carla felt differently; that she was sad, the she'd needed time to mourn Polo and he didn't judge her.
"You're so considerate, it's a little annoying."
He rolled his eyes, but couldn't hide his tinted cheeks. "It's called common decency."
"Perhaps, but some people don't deserve it. I know how much you hated him, Samuel, and rightfully so. But thank you for understanding."
"Of course. So - how are you dealing with everything?" 
Carla knew he wasn't just asking about Polo, but also everything with her family, the drugs, the withdrawal.
"I've been talking to Nina a lot. Obviously she doesn't know everything, but it's been nice to at least try and sort my shit out." Carla rested her head back on his chest.
"I'm glad you have someone to help you with everything."
"It's a very slow process because it's still so weird for me, honestly. And really fucking difficult to actually talk about stuff and work through them. Baby steps, I guess."
His fingers still combing through her hair, tugged gently, urging her to look up and meet his open and warm gaze. "I'm proud of you."
A wave of pure and crushing affection rushed through her forcefully, and she abruptly captured his lips.
He smiled into the kiss. "What's that for?"
Because I love you, Carla thought to herself but she couldn't say that. Carla had already taken enough, she'd already let herself bask in his presence. She couldn't say that to him and then bolt out of the country.
"Felt like it, do you have a problem with that?" she asked, kissing him again. Samuel hummed against her contentedly, biting her bottom lip.
"Never," he uttered with conviction, making Carla's heart lurch in her chest.
I love you.
The words were lodged in her throat, fighting against logic, begging to be let out. To finally let him know. Carla wanted to freely express this genuine, real and astounding emotion. There would never come a time when Carla wouldn't marvel at how much she felt for him. In such a short time he'd had her. Since the first time all of this had started, it had been a haze of a deep and intense connection. Carla had never wanted someone one so much, never had the surge of sexual attraction quite so powerfully.
But then want turned into need which tuned into something beyond what Carla'd thought she was ever capable of feeling. Something terrifyingly real.
How was it that there was a time when Carla couldn't care less about his existence and now it felt like she couldn't live without him.
But she had to.
"What are you thinking so hard about?" Samuel asked, his fingers tracing the furrowed lines of her eyebrows.
You. I love you.
It would be a new low for Carla if she gave in to yet another one of her uncontrollable desires and told him. She would only be serving herself, quenching her thirst to get the feelings out. What was the point? She was leaving. It would only hurt him.
Don't tell him.
"Carla?" he sounded worried.
Don't say it. Don't be selfish. Don't tell him.
Carla had denied it for so long, all she had to do was keep it in a little longer and then they would be out of each other's lives. The words were pointless. There was no need to add salt to their wounds.
"Carla, what's wrong?"
Don't say it.
"I love you, Samuel."
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How it may have gone - Humble Beginnings
A fic taking place in the marauders era. While the political climate seems to head to a conflict, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter are still just teenagers. Dealing with typical teenage problems.
But this year their little group grows. Who would have known that more prefects would be a good thing?
Six: The Christmas Party II
With only an hour left we sprinted back to our dorm. While Nica and Chloe started folding up their clothes and throwing them into the trunks, Milla and Blair went through their nightstands and I tidied up the bathroom. Over the course of the last four months we had collected all kind of trash in that room and we had spread our shower gels, shampoo bottles, potions and make-up kits all through it. I went into both of the shower cabins to organise the bottles and viles there according to their owners, making one extra pile for all the stuff I couldn’t place.
Next I looked at the five sinks and the big mirror. One hell of a mess. To make a plan for the sinks I started by cleaning up the mirror and the little shelves in front of it. Organising the make-up and brushes per owner I filled the shelves with them, cleaned the sinks themselves and then repositioned the toothbrushes and –pastes.
“Bathroom is done!”, I chirped when I entered the dorm.
“Wardrobes are all empty!”, Blair replied, her hair standing up in every direction.
“Milla and I are done and Nica and Chloe are just now moving on to the nightstands. How late is it?”
“Quarter to eleven. You better hurry up!”, I suggested as I threw myself on my bed and took out my thriller from my backpack. I had just gotten back into the action and could have bitten my nails at the scene that was described – the heroine entering an old and abandoned asylum – when Chloe sat down next to me and made me shriek.
“Don’t do that! Mer-lin. You wanna give me a heart attack?”
“Sorry. We’re done, though. Want to go downstairs?”
We all put on an extra jumper and stuffed our coats with scarves, gloves and hats. Then we headed to the foyer. And waited. And waited. And waited. At twenty past eleven I got aggrevated. “It would be very much like them to just let us wait here. They haven’t pranked us at all since we’ve become friends”, I said tapping my foot on the first step.
“I’m not saying it wouldn’t be them, but they should be smarter than to piss us off hours before two of us are being their dates”, Chloe answered.
Half an hour late the boys sprinted down the stairs and nearly ran into us, profusely apologising to all of us.
“All my fault, I ran into Lily!”, was one of the first things I could hear.
“We got carried away teasing him”, it came from Remus.
“Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry”, Pettigrew kept going on while Black smirked to himself remarking that we had seriously waited for them.
“Shush! Shut up!”, Chloe ordered them to silence.
“Did you at least get a smile out of Lily?”, she then asked Potter. “She didn’t say I was an arrogant pest. Which is nearly as good, right?”
“Sure, Potter, sure.”
Five o’ clock came rather quickly. I had not expected the day to fly by as it did. The snowball fight had been epic. The teams had been determined by our birthdates: First six months of the year against last six months of the year, which meant that Remus, James, Chloe and I had to take on the other five. It also meant that we had completely missed Black’s birthday on third of November which we all felt terrible for. He assured us that it wasn’t a big deal since we had basically known him for only six days at the time but we all felt that we should have given him something for his birthday.
After lunch we went back outside to play three rounds of quidditch and then we warmed up while being introduced to a couple of very helpful secret passages. One led from our common room up to the seventh floor on which the Gryffindor common room was located and we all were convinced that that passage would be used a lot. Another one was a short cut to the dungeons and then there was a secret room behind a statue of a three headed lion, that the boys usually used when they were pursued by Filch.
They wouldn’t tell us how long it took them to find all of these secrets but they did hint that there was an arsenal of hidden passages that they didn’t show us.
We had so much fun that none of us really wanted to get ready for Slughorn’s party although it had been everything any of us had talked about in the last week.
“Guys it’s five! We’re supposed to be at Slughorn’s by six thirty.”
“Relax. You have forever”, Potter tried to calm Nica down.
“If we would all not care about our hair, like you, maybe”, she answered with a smirk. “But we have five girls and two showers, need to dry our hair, put on our dresses and jewellery and make up our faces. Ninety minutes hardly seems enough.”
“I’m sure none of you actually need the make-up”, Black commented absendmindedly.
“That’s how you make all the girls fall for you”, Chloe slapped him against the shoulder.
“What? I mean that.”
“Well, thanks.”
We walked them to their common room and learned that the portrait of the fat lady with a Milla-pink coloured dress was actually the entrance to the famous red and gold den. We rushed down to our common room via the newly discovered secret passage.
“Shower’s free!”, Chloe yelled while rushing past me in her towel.
“Finally!” I grabbed my house-crested towel and headed in. After the snow and the quidditch I needed a shower. It was a quick one, though, since my lengthy hair always needed a lot of time to be dried. Even with the drying charm I had learned from my mum. I used it on the bathroom and mirrors first, so nobody would melt while doing their make-up and then put on my rings, necklace and earrings while an invisible hair dryer blew at my hair, making it stand up like I’ve been electrocuted.
Milla already wore her lilac mini dress that made her look several years older than she was and went into the bathroom to do her makeup; Nica was trying to get her afro into perfect shape, while still in her underwear; Blair wore that awesome midnight-blue dress and put on her new blue heels, her hair already done; Chloe had started with the make-up and needed me to help her zip up her dress.
Once she was zipped in my hair was dry and I brushed it out in the bathroom. Instead of my typical topknot I braided it into one thick strand and rolled that up at the back of my head. As soon as I was done with that I ran back to my desk and put on my lovely charcoal grey dress with the burgundy pattern. Blair who was done first did up the buttons on the back before I slipped into my burgundy pumps that I had bought especially for this party. The little bolero jacket that matched my dress I left hanging for now. Back in the bathroom I went in heavy with the eyeliner and grey eye-shadow – both things that I didn’t do on a day to day – and found a wonderful dark red lipstick.
Nica was the last one to put on her dress – in the end she had decided on a mustardyellow numbers with a white paisley pattern  that barely covered her bum – and a little stressed we stumbled down the stairs into the common room. Crick and Magnus were already waiting there for us, talking to Felix who was fidgeting with his tie.
“I’m the luckiest man alive”, Magnus uttered when he kissed Chloe and made her twirl.
“That. Dress. Is. The. Bomb”, Crick stretched every word as he kissed Blair on the cheek. She blushed and thanked him. “You don’t look bad yourself.” The boys all wore dressrobes, all black with yellow ties. I suspected that Felix had asked Crick for advice.
“Toby’s already gone and Sian said not to wait for her. Shall we go?”
“I told Siobhan to meet me on the third floor. I think she’ll tag along with Potter”, Felix bumbled along still fidgeting with his tie as we climbed the stairs.
“Are you nervous, kid?”, I asked smiling up at him as he had had the nerve to outgrow me at only thirteen.
“No…I mean…a little?”
“Don’t you worry. It’s gonna be great. I promise. These parties are amazing.”
“What do I talk to her about?”
“What do you usually say to her?”
“We mainly talk about potions. I tutor her after all.”
“She’s a quidditch keeper and you’re a quidditch fan. You’ll figure something out.” I padded him on the back as we rounded the corner to the statue of Avery the Antisocial where the boys and Siobhan waited.
I watched Felix hug her and compliment her black dress with a smile before I acknowledged my own date.
“Pettigrew! Don’t you clean up nicely!” His dress robes were a dark grey, as if we had planned it and his golden tie matched the buttons. He had obviously done his hair and levelled himself up in the process.
“I thought I was supposed to say that to you”, he grinned.
“Did you buy the dress after finding out which robes I’d wear?”
“Sure, all carefully planned.”
“For real, though, you look great.” He offered me his arm and I took it.
Potter was folding himself over complimenting Nica on her little nothing of a dress, while Black stared at Blair.
“Oh my god. You look like one of those pin-up girls.” He realised her insecure look. “In the best way possible. Hottest girl of the night! Well done, Cricket.”
“Thanks, Black.” Crick didn’t like Black, I knew it but his smile was genuine. I couldn’t help but feel like those two boys understood each other in that moment. They understood that Blair did look great in her dress and that she needed to hear it. They both earned an enormous amount of points in my book for knowing her so well and caring enough to build her up.
“I’m lost for words.” Remus mouth was half opened as Milla turned around in front of him.
“Is that good or bad?”, she asked with a rosy face.
“Good. You look…so good.”
Black who had stopped complimenting Blair notched me in the side. “This is going to be so great”, he whispered, earning a knowing look from Pettigrew.
“Is that what you two always whisper about when you have your little one-on-ones?”, he asked me as we made our way to Slughorn’s office.
“Which that do you mean?”
“That that”, he nodded at Remus who now offered Milla his arm, still obviously in awe.
“Ehm… yeah. We’ve been trying to get them to admit that they like each other.”
“Seems like Sirius is right, then. Even a blind man could see that they do. You should have a splendid night.”
“I expect to have a splendid night whatever they do”, I replied. “And I’m making you responsible for that!” He gave me a heartfelt smile and nodded. “I’ll do my very best.”
In our fairly big group we rolled up to Slughorn’s  Office and were allowed in by one of the houseelves. As every year the room looked stunning. It was even bigger than at the dinner and the pretty big four round tables had disappeared. In their place were little bar tables and sofas in one corner and an impressive dance floor in the other. From a central point in the ceiling panels of golden satin and purple velvet draped down into every last corner of the room, giving the impression that it was a giant tent outside rather than just another office in the castle. The floor was covered in tiles of black marble with golden accents. Somewhere out of sight a band was playing Christmas tunes and instead of candles the room was lit by tiny perfectly round glasses with yellow and red flames in them. It was a sight to behold.
Pettigrew had a hard time closing his mouth as it fell open whenever he spotted a new absurdity. Slughorn made a point of inviting old members of the club to his Christmas parties as well as other important people he knew. While we were slowly making our way to the buffet to finally eat some dinner, I was fairly certain that I saw two famous quidditch players and big head from the ministry. The first person who spoke to me, though, was somebody I didn’t expect at all.
“Miss de Witt, long time no see. At first I wasn’t sure if it was you.” A stocky man in his sixties, with a receding hairline and square jaw reached out to shake my hand. It took me a moment to recognise him. It had indeed been forever ago.
“Mr Armstrong?”, I eventually said shaking the man’s hand after I had imagined him without the giant glasses, more maroon hair and a beard.
“The very same, the very same. How are your parents?”
“Doing well, I hear. I have to admit it’s usually Felix who writes them. He’s here, too. Have you already run into him?”
“Not yet, but I’ll make sure to do so.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. This is Peter Pettigrew, a six year from Gryffindor, very gifted prankster. And Peter, this is Healer Lawrence Armstrong, he used to be my father’s superior at St. Mungo’s.”
“ Pleasure to meet you, Sir.”
“And you, Mr Pettigrew, and you. Is it your excellent pranking that got you invited to the party, then?”
“ To be honest, Sir, I wasn’t invited at all. De...Jette offered to take me since all my friends got to go. I’m afraid Professor Slughorn is anything but impressed with me.”
“Oversight on his part”, I assured Mr Armstrong. “Peter, as I said, is very analytical.”
“Just not a potion’s master, I suppose. Horace can be a little small minded”, Mr Armstrong smiled at Pettigrew who  in turn smiled at me.
“But do I understand that you managed to impress Horace, Miss de Witt.”
“Partially, I suppose. I am a prefect this year, that always makes it easier to get invited. But Professor Horton seems to have mentioned that I don’t have a lot of problems in Defence against the Dark Arts.”
“I hear she’s brilliant!”, Pettigrew chimed in.
“He will be pushing you for Auror, I reckon.”
“Occasionally. Do you mind my asking how you know him, Sir?”
“Not at all, not at all. I used to go to school with Horace. We always were friendly and remained in contact. When I can make it I always come to find new healers for the hospital. Retired or not. As a matter of fact your mother was at these parties, when she was younger. I got her to consider the career.”  I had heard that story only about a million times but still nodded my head and “ooh”ed.
“If I remember correctly you never wanted to take after your parents, right?”
“I’m not that good with broken bones, I’m afraid. The blood I could do but broken bones and vomit make me shriek. I don’t think I’d be a lot of help to anybody.”
“Fair enough. What about you, Mr Pettigrew, ever considered the noble profession of healing others?”
“Ehm… Truth be told, Mr Armstrong, I think I’m not good enough at Potions to get into the program.”
“So, you have thought about it?”
“I’ve entertained the thought, Sir, yes.”
“Well, with a clever and trusted girl as Miss de Witt in your corner, I’m sure you’d manage to get in. Just you write me if you should want to apply.”
“Are you serious, Sir?”
“Absolutely. Have a good night, kids.”
“And you, Mr Armstrong.”
Once the former healer had left us Pettigrew fell into my arms and thanked me over and over again for having introduced him. He apparently had always wanted to become a healer and was rather crushed when he found out what the required NEWT in Potions was. Beaming with pride and joy he filled his plate with snacks and fingerfood and dragged me over to his friends.
“Guess what de Witt just did!” In every detail he described the conversation we had just had while I wondered where Remus and Milla were off to. Blair caught my look and grinned. She whipped her chin to dance floor.
“T’is the season”, a hoarse voice whispered into my ear when I had just found Milla and Remus shaking their every limb to the rather boring music. It wasn’t over the top romantic yet, but they were clearly too busy with each other to notice that we weren’t around or that I was watching them.
“T’is”, I answered. While I chatted to Black about our dreams for our two best friends a six year girl who I thought was in Gryffindor ran into me, spilling her drink over my brand new dress. She neither stopped nor said sorry and just went on.
“Pardon me!”, I yelled after her but she ignored me. “What’s her deal?”
Potter came towards us with a raised wand and rescued my dress form being ruined. “This is what happens when you speak to Sirius for too long at an event like this. People will think that he’s into you and then the girls get all catty.”
“I talk to Sirius all the time! What’s different now.”
“You usually don’t look like that when you talk to him”, Pettigrew grinned.
“Aren’t you full of compliments today. Thanks doe the cleanup, Potter.”
We spent about an hour just watching Remus and Milla getting more and more comfortable with each other before we decided to join them on the dance floor. I spotted Felix and Siobhan a couple of times both seeming rather unimpressed with one another. Shame. They looked cute together.
While we were mainly hopping around in a big circle every now and again, when the band played a particularly classic song, Potter, Black and Chloe showed off their pure blood upbringing by forcing the rest of us to formally dance with them. The first one who got me was Black who knew exactly what he was doing despite usually neglecting everything he was taught by his parents. Especially when it came to etiquette of any form. When I asked him about it he just shrugged and said that he liked dancing.
At some point Milla and Remus joined us again, a lot less nervous or flustered than at the beginning of the night, which had all of us others grinning knowingly. Although only Black and I had really talked about what those two were blossoming into the rest was fully aware of it as well.
After my round with Black I did two more with Potter, while Pettigrew was taught by Chloe and Blair – who let go of her shyness halfway through the night and revealed that she, too, had been tortured by her parents with dancing lessons. When Pettigrew and I attempted one of the marvellously complicated dances together we even looked half decent. Mag and Chloe snuck off at some point to enjoy each other and remained missing for the entire night. Felix waved me goodbye around midnight leaving Siobhan to giggle with some fourth year Ravenclaw and looking very relieved. His date had gone a lot worse than mine.
I thoroughly enjoyed my night with Pettigrew. Just like Nica and Potter and Crick and Blair did. We were all fully aware that we were here as friends and that it was good fun that we were all together. The awkwardness of having to find something to say or jumping at accidently touching each other was absent all night – if you exclude Remus and Milla who got less and less awkward as time went on. All of us girls got hit with disapproving looks and elbows in the sides when we were talking to Black, who apologised to all of us and explained to me that this was the reason he didn’t want to take Nica.
“So, this happens regularly?”, Blair laughed with red cheeks from the spiked punch.
“Three years ago I came with Mary MacDonald, she’s a friend of Evans’. I asked her because James wanted to ask out Lily and we thought his chances would increase if her friend was glued to me. Mary actually liked the idea but she was treated like a leper for a month. She still scolds me for that…”
“Speaking of Evans…” Potter dashed away and managed to convince Lily to dance with him. It took him a good five minutes and it looked like she was leaving him to stand by himself at least three times but in the end she took his hand. He taught her the same dance Black had taught me. The easiest one. And coincidentally the one that had both partners stand the closest to each other. He wasn’t dumb, our Potter.
As soon as the song ended Potter indicated a bow, said about two sentences and came back to us where he was met with applause.
“How on earth?”, gasped Remus while high-fiving Potter.
“I took Blair’s advice. Not too over the top. Polite. Genuine. And I told her that I thought I deserved one dance after four years of let downs. Besides, I think she wanted to learn how to dance. Seemed into it.”
“Well done, mate!”, Nica screamed. Then she leaned into him and whispered something that had him smirk and blush at the same time.
“Well, of course I’ll show you that again.” They both disappeared into the mass of people on the dancefloor and – just like Mag and Chloe – weren’t seen or heard from again. Nica, it seemed, had accomplished her mission.
Us girls exchanged looks that ranged from impressed to shocked but ultimately forgot about the whole thing as we had too much fun.
Professor Slughorn had to force us out when the dark of night turned into dusty grey of dawn. Apart from us there was a drunk and sleeping vampire left, who Black had decorated with garlic stickers and two snogging couples. We thanked him for the splendid party and walked into the corridor.
“Last smoke together?”, Pettigrew suggested and we all agreed. The courtyard was still really dark as the trees and walls blocked out the slowly rising sun.
“Would it be proper mental to suggest to go up to the astronomy tower and watch the sunrise?”, Blair asked just before we were done smoking.
“No! I love it!” Nica was in. So were I and Crick.
“Little romantic for my taste, but fine” Black nonchalantly snipped away his fag. Pettigrew was game for anything.
“I think I’m gonna go to bed”, Milla said. “I’m knackered.”
“I’ll escort you to your common room then, make sure you don’t get lost.” Remus managed to ignore our grins and didn’t even blush. “Meet you lot up there?”, he asked over his shoulder when he lead Milla back to the foyer.
“Oh. My. God!”, Black chirped when the two were out of earshot.
“Such a sap”, I commented while we slowly walked towards the door and made our way up the stairs.
After a spectacular sunrise in the bitter cold we bid our Potter-less Potter-posse goodnight and went to our dorm. I just wanted to sleep. It had been a really long day. But when I saw the look on Milla’s face I knew that the night wasn’t over yet.
“He didn’t kiss me!” A tear rolled down her cheek, painting a small blackish-grey line on her face. It wouldn’t be the last one.
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k00kie-krumbl3 · 5 years
The Truth
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 It’s been weeks from the last time I talked to Jimin, every time I saw him, I would quickly walk the other way. I stopped sitting next to him and even locked myself in my own room, even though it was torture as Elaine would always barge in making some snarky comment that Jimin finally woke up and realized how “terrible” I was. 
        Ignoring his calls and texts, I looked at my phone to see that Bianca was calling instead, hesitating, I heard a knock on my window, looking over I saw Bianca.
Opening it, I looked at her in shock, “h-how did you...?” 
        “Come on now sweetheart, I know how to sneak in and I know when something’s wrong. Jimin has been mopey this past week. Allen has been complaining about the fact you haven’t come to see them, and you haven’t been very social lately.” She accused. 
        Stepping back, she let herself in, whistling lowly, she admired my room. “Which one of these two losers is Elaine?” She asked, making me chuckle at her comment. 
“That would be me,” I heard Elaine say, glaring at the brown haired girl. 
“Ah~ So we finally meet again?” Bianca smiled. 
“How’s Allen? Hopefully in jail,” Elaine snarled. 
        Seeing Bianca’s smirk twitch, she curled her hands into fists, “Nope. He’s still alive and breathing. Regretting the fact he let you in his life,” she chuckled humorlessly. 
        “Oh how sad.” She sneered, “it’s okay though, I have an amazing boyfriend. He’s funny, smart, and a total babe,” she snarked. 
“Oh really? Please do tell me, what’s his name?” She asked,
“Jungkook,” Elaine smiled. 
        Only to glare as both Bianca and I looked at each other before bursting out in laughter. “Oh my goodness. You were sooo confident in that response,” Bianca laughed, “honey, the girlfriend he was telling you about was me. I’m the girlfriend. Moi. Not you.” She grinned. 
“Ha as if. You must be worse than Allen,” she smiled,
        “Okay listen, you can come for me and attack me but leave my brother’s name out of your mouth,” she growled, getting fed up with my sister’s attacks against her ex. “Or what?” Elaine asked. 
        Before she can reply, she jumped as her phone went off. Seeing the name, she smiled as she put her phone on speaker. 
“Bianca?” Jungkook asked,
“Hi baby~ Whats wrong?” She asked, looking at Elaine with a shit-eating grin,
        “I just wanted to make sure you’re alright. I just saw the note you left me on the kitchen counter. I hope (y/n)’s okay since she’s been all MIA on us. Tell her I said hi. Oh and make sure you make it back to the house safely, I have a surprise for you~” he sang,
“Okay babe, I’ll see you in a bit,” she smiled,
“Okay also tell Elaine I said sorry but I wouldn’t change you for the world,” before hanging up. 
Elaine stared at Bianca’s phone wide eyed, “h-how did he-“
        “Know?” Bianca asked, “I don’t tend to call him babe or baby unless I feel threatened. And with you well I don’t feel threatened but I just want to make sure you understand that he’s taken. I claimed him as mine so fuck off,” Bianca snarled. 
“Whatever you psycho bitch,” Elaine retorted, shutting the door.
“So that was-“
        “I’m sorry about that,” Bianca apologized. “I don’t usually get like that. It takes awhile for people to piss me off, but with Elaine she’s always been able to get under my skin,” she told me. 
“Oh you and me both,” I laughed, only to see that Bianca wasn’t joining in on the laughter. 
“Hey It’s okay, really!” I reassured her,
“Do you like Jimin?” She asked, making me choke on my saliva. “I’m sorry what?” I asked her.
“Do you like Jimin?” She repeated,
“N-no,” I stuttered, my face growing red hot. 
“You liar~” she teased, “Okay so if you like Jimin then why are you running away?” She asked.
“I don’t know. I guess I’m scared,” I shrugged.
“Of loving him...?” I answered,
“That’s it?” She asked,
        “No... I’m scared of what my parents will say, I’m scared that they’ll look down on him, I’m scarred that he’ll lose himself to the cruelty of my family. I don’t want him to lose that light like I did mine. I want to see him happy. I want to see him laugh. I want to know and make sure that he stays his silly self, I- I-“ choking up I let the tears spill, “I want to be the reason for his happiness.”
“There it is,” Bianca smiled, “I know there’s more than you loving him. You don’t want to lose him either, right?” She asked,
“Y-Yeah.... yeah I don’t,” I sniffled,
        “Talk to him tomorrow please. And please talk to Allen, he’s been blowing up my phone telling me that if you don’t come over that I’m under house arrest because he “misses” me,” she chuckled, laughing at her comment she gave me a hug. 
        “Remember what I said? If you need anything, just call, I would drop whatever I’m doing just to make you laugh and smile like you are now. No one deserves to be treated unfairly or feel unhappy.” She replied, quickly going out the window. 
        Seeing her silhouette wave bye, I let out a smile, waving bye back. Closing the window, I decided to finally go to sleep, all my restless nights, now buried away as I finally slept without any discomfort. 
        Making my way to the front entrance, I felt a sense of dread to see Jimin, noticing his orange hair was dyed black now. Feeling nervous,  a bunch of “what if’s” started going  through my head, walking towards his group. When he saw me come closer, his smile soon dropped. 
        “Hey...” I let out, only getting a groan as a response, seeing Hoseok kick his shin, he glared at Hoseok until he looked away at me. 
        Seeing anger in his eyes, he grabbed me away from the group, “Jimin! Jimin let me- can I explain?” I asked him, as he took me upstairs to the rooftop,
        “Explain about what? You running away? You leaving me when my crush kissed me? You know what I don’t know which one was worst, you leaving me after kissing me or feeling my heartbreak knowing the girl I had a crush on obviously regrets kissing me,” he hissed. 
“I- I don’t!” I told him, 
“Really? Didn’t seem that way,” he glared,
        “No, listen Jimin. I- I was- I was scared, I- it was too early, I- I was in the moment, I kissed you, and I realized that this was way too fast-“
“So you regret it?” He asked,
        “What?! No! No, no, no. Oh I making it seem that way,” I groaned, “no I didn’t regret kissing you, I couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss but thi-“
“Then kiss me,” he challenged,
“Kiss me. Prove to me what happened that night wasn’t a mistake and that what I felt, you did too,”  Jimin pushed. 
        Staring at him, I looked down at his lips, heart squeezing in anticipation, “I- I can’t,” I told him, “I’m sorry, I thought I was ready but I guess not,” I told him, running downstairs. Leaving the black haired boy alone. 
        Entering Al’s house, he quickly shot up off the couch as he gave me a hug. 
“Bitch where have you been? I thought you died or something!” Allen let out, only to get a dark glare from Oliver,
“No, but I feel dead inside now. I screwed everything up with Jimin,” I croaked, 
        "What happened?" Oliver asked, coming over as he laid me down. Relaxing from his vanilla scent, I told them what happened, kicking Allen when he had a wide grin when I mentioned about the kiss between Jimin and I. 
“Why are you afraid?” Allen asked,
“I- I’m scared that I’ll get hurt as well,” I answered. “I mean who knows maybe he’s using me to get to E-“
        “Don’t you dare compare him to that asshole. Don’t. Jimin has been the best thing that has happened to you. I can tell his feelings and intentions are genuine. I have never seen him ask you about your sisters, he’s always talking about you. He loves to hear you listen and literally glows when he sees you smile and laugh. Jaejoong was someone who was shitty. It’s worse since he was your first boyfriend as well, but I can assure you, Jimin... Jimin is different.” Allen explained, “just give him a chance. Just one date...?” 
“I am not- I- he hates me!” I answered. 
        “Bull... let’s call him, yeah?” He asked, hoisting me up as I straddled him, cheeks turning a rosy red as he grabbed my phone, giving my ass a light squeeze as I gasped and slapped his shoulder.
        Chuckling at my reaction, I snapped out of my daze and tried to grab my phone, regretting the fact he knew my password and was soon calling Jimin, putting him on speaker. 
“What?” Jimin growled,
        “Hey Chim... was wondering how you’ll feel about going out with (y/n) tonight?” Allen grinned, about to tell Jimin ‘no’. Al put his hand around my mouth, as a result I gave him a deadly glare. 
“Oh... I thought she said she wasn’t ready?” He inquired,
        “Pssh. As if, she’s just-“ quickly letting out a yelp as his head moved to the side, not expecting the pillow I grabbed to hit him, grabbing his head he was about to continue speaking only to realize my phone he was holding was gone.  Whipping his head around, he glared at his sister as she held the phone with Jimin on the line. 
“Hello?” Jimin asked,
        “Sorry Jiminie~ Don’t mind my idiotic brother and his antics,” she said, hanging up on him and giving Allen a deadly glare. 
“What were you trying to do?” She asked,
        “Well before I was so rudely interrupted,” he glared, giving me a sneer he looked back at his sister, “I was trying to get Jimin and (y/n) to go on a date,” he hissed.
“Well that isn’t something you can do. It’s up to them both, not you, not me, no one but them.” She growled,
Scoffing, he looked over to me, “I thought you wanted to-“
        “I do Allen but there’s more to it than that, I want to go out with him, I do. Yet, all that goes through my head is what my parents are going to say, what my sister’s will try and do. You know what happened last time.” I told him,
“Wanna know what that sounds like to me?” Allen asked,
“What?” I asked,
“Excuses,” he said flatly.
Hearing Bianca stifle a giggle, I glared at them both. “I am not!” I retorted,
        “It does sweetie~” Oliver soon replied, making me gasp at the fact he went with the devil side. “Ollie! I thought you were on my side!” I accused,
        “Oh love, if it was about anything other than this I would but it sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself why you can’t date him. Not us,” he said sympathetically, blue eyes looking down at mine.
“I- what should I do then? I already screwed up,” I said. 
“Try again,” Matt soon said, walking downstairs, his curly hair a mess. 
“Yeah. Just don’t fuck in the car, unlike someone I know,” he said, glancing towards Bianca. 
        “Okay listen that was a long time ago, get over it. Secondly, I didn’t know Kookie and I would go a bit far, it was just an innocent kiss that turn heated. We’re human what did you expect?” She questioned, raising a brow.
        “Are you sure your human?” I asked her, making her look at me in shock, Allen chuckling at his sister’s face. “You too sir,” I scolded, this time his sister laughing at him, as his giggling features were now formed into one of shock. 
“Wait you mean to tell me you and Kook almost had car sex?” I asked her,
        “Yup. In my car, no less. I understand you hate me but I don’t need your guys bodily fluids all over my car, thank you,” Allen stated. Earning a glare from Bianca, “oh wow. Kinky,” I chuckled, Bianca scoffing before laughing at my statement. 
        When Matt dropped me off, I saw Eliza and Elaine were outside waiting for me. “Do you want me to stay? Just in case you need an escape route from the she-devils?” He asked. 
        Knowing he was trying to lighten up my mood, I felt a sense of dread. “No, it’s okay. I’ll just sneak out if I have too,” I told him, exiting out of the car, I waved bye before heading towards the doorsteps. 
        “Wow. So you’re friends with all of our exes, huh? Well at least you have friends.” Eliza gruffed, giving me a cold glare. 
“What did I do wrong this time?” I asked, rolling my eyes. 
Taken aback by my eye roll, Elaine stepped towards me, “don’t get cocky on us now,” Elaine sneered. 
        “Or what? You know if anything you’re all bark but no bite. You won’t do shit, now will you?” I accused, a new found anger, bubbling up inside me. 
“Y-Yes I will!” She retorted,
        “No you won’t. If anything you should be the one concerned about your reputation. I wonder what would happen if I put out about what happened between you and Jaejoong.  How everyone will view you... but I won’t. You know why? Because I’m a decent human and not a monster who likes to hurt people.” I stated, watching as she flinched. 
        “W-well... I... um-“ looking at Eliza, she gulped as her sky blue eyes now a dark sapphire, anger boiling inside of them. “Listen here, (y/n), we get it. We fucked up, but you need to get over yourself. You keep on using that excuse, both of you. You know I was quiet for this long because I didn't want to admit that I hated how you two treated each other but seeing you hang out with Matt... I- I was mad because I would still be with him if it wasn't for you, " she complained, looking at Elaine. 
        “You and your jealousy over (y/n). Even though it was partially my fault for agreeing to sleep with Jaejoong. I didn’t think I would lose Matt, but that was my downfall, when he found out he broke up with me, he was so hurt to know I would do that to him. Yeah, we were just trying to hurt (y/n) and make sure she caught her boyfriend cheating on us, but we also cheated on them.” Eliza proclaimed, anger and sorrow in her tone. Looking at me, her ocean eyes staring at mine. 
        “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you and for treating you terribly. I’m sorry for ever using your boyfriend and for making you feel little,” wiping away her tears, she glared at Elaine, expecting her to apologize. 
“If you think for-“
“Apologize,” Eliza growled. 
        Looking at me, she gave me a sour look, looking back at Eliza I saw her facial expression break. Her facade of hatred breaking,  “I- I didn’t-“ sighing, she looked guilty as she flinched, as if she was watching a show of all the things she’s done to me in the past. It was the first time I witnessed her actually show any type of emotion other than anger and jealousy. “It sucked, mom and dad wouldn’t stop cooing over you, they would treat us like shit, they didn’t even acknowledge my achievements. I wanted nothing more but to have them pay attention to me. They were so cruel, and so I decided to take it out on you. I know they don’t act all sweet and affectionate towards you, it’s because I made sure they wouldn’t. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for hurting you and making you feel worthless. As you slowly got older, I knew what I was doing was wrong but I didn’t want to admit my mistakes. I wanted to continue to act like I hate you, but I don’t. I never did. I just wanted to be loved again, and I took out that hatred towards you, which was wrong.” 
        “Is that why you blamed me whenever Allen and Hoseok started to give me attention? We’re you scared that I would steal them?” I asked her,
        “Yes. When Allen started asking me about you, I would try to steer his conversations away from you, scared that you would take him away from me. Reasons, why I did what I did with Jaejoong. When you left, I told him to get his stuff and leave. I didn’t want him to talk to you as he willingly agreed to sleep with us both. I truly am sorry for hurting you. I let my insecurities get the best of me that I didn’t really care if I was hurting you. When you left, I was worried since you left your phone and I had no clue where you went. Mom was silly for not feeding you and I know I made you feel even worse by bringing up Jaejoong and I can’t apologize enough but if there was some way I can regain your forgiveness I would.”
        “You can!” I exclaimed, only to quickly grow flustered, at both of their expressions as they looked at each other, a dark look in their eye. 
“I can’t believe you actually fell for that,” Elaine chuckled, only for Eliza to quickly hit her against the head. 
“Sorry... to early for that?” Elaine asked,
        “Way too early,” she scolded, as she looked at me she cooed and told me not to worry as they’ll help me anyway they can. 
        Opening my mouth, I quickly closed it, staring at them both. “Actually... never mind. It’s nothing important,” I smiled, walking back into the room. 
        Elaine and Eliza both looked at my leaving form as soon as they heard the door clicked, they both shared a sinister smile.
{Eliza’s POV}
    Hearing (y/n)’s door shut, Elaine and I both looked at each other, knowing who just to ask in order to get this information. Quickly calling up Jungkook, he picked up the phone.
“Y-Yes,” he asked breathily,
“Hey! We were wondering whats the whole situation between (y/n)?” I asked, 
        “Oh it’s- mm- sorry stubbed my toe,” he gasped out, both Elaine and I, looked at each other. Having a feeling that there’s no way that was from hitting his toe. 
“Is Bianca there?” Elaine asked, unamused. 
“No- oh- Ugh- Listen I can’t- fuck- can’t talk right now. I’m sorry,” he husked, hanging up the phone. 
        “Was- did they just-“ both of us bursting into laughter at the fact he was basically getting a blow job while talking to us. 
“Bianca really didn’t appreciate me trying to take her man, I see,” Elaine heaved, trying to catch her breathe. 
        “Not at all. Damn, we still don’t know what (y/n) was going to tell us though, I wish we could contact someone who-“ only to gasp as I looked at Elaine, snapping my fingers as I tried to remember Allen’s name. 
“What?” She asked,
“Do you still have Allen’s phone number?” I asked her, watching her face pale, knowing she did. 
"I-I never got the chance t-"
"Just call him," I said, making her jump at the flat tone I gave her as she called him. 
"Hello?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep, 
        "Hey so wee were wondering if you-" but we didn't get our answer as he quickly hung up, both of us staring at each other in shock. 
        "I mean this was bound to happen," Elaine chuckled humorlessly, as I face palmed at the fact we couldn't help our baby sister. 
"Time for Plan B," I let out, 
"What's plan B?" Elaine asked, 
"Going to Hoseok's," I said, Elaine's face turning white. 
        Knocking on Hoseok's door, Elaine began walking back and forth. "Maybe he's not home?" Elaine let out, looking at her incredulously, she sighed knowing there's no way he could be gone since it's late at night and his car is in his driveway. 
"Hopeful thinking?" Elaine let out. 
        About to reply, the door opened as a groggy, sleepy Hoseok opened the door, “do you guys have any idea what time it is?” He groaned.
        “Yes but that’s not important,” I told him, pushing him inside as both Elaine and I walked in. “What’s up with (y/n)?” I asked,
“Why should I tell you?” He inquired,
“Because she’s our sister and we want to help,” Elaine snapped.
“Since when?” He questioned, making us feel guilty. 
        “Since now. We know we screwed up and we want to make amends by helping her with whatever her problem is,” I told him. 
        “The only problem is that she’s running away from them,” he replied, making us look at him in confusion. “Jimin and her kissed the day that Jungkook threw Bianca a party, only for (y/n) to leave, the only message Jimin got was her saying thanks for letting her have a taste of happiness.”
“So she likes Jimin?” Elaine asked,
        “Yeah but she’s obviously scared and has been avoiding the kid. Poor thing too, he’s hurt.” He sighed, bags under his eyes. 
“Hey, Hobi this isn’t your fault,” I told him, knowing that he sees Jimin in a brotherly light. 
        Pinching his nose, he groaned, nodding his head in understanding. “I know, I know. It’s just he’s been more angry lately and it’s definitely taking a toll on his family as they want to know what’s gotten him so bitter but he won’t budge.” Hoseok explained. 
“So the problem is my sister isn’t taking to him?” I asked,
        “Yes, she also won’t be truthful.” He pointed out. Nodding my head, I knew what we had to do, bidding Hoseok goodnight we went home, discussing our game plan for tomorrow involving (y/n) and someone that might change her mind on hiding her feelings for Jimin.
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chibi-luna-chan · 7 years
Johnlock Prompts
Sherlock loves John but now that John's suppose to marry Mary he's decided cutting off contact with his blogger would be best and would hurt less than having to see John married to someone else. After all John's already left him and their life behind so it's just up to Sherlock to finish the job. Then he'll be able to lock his heart back up and go back to being alone the way he was before John walked into his life. But what are John's feelings going to be once he notices Sherlock is gone from his life again and that this time he intends to stay gone. They say you don't know what you have until it's gone, maybe John should have payed more attention to what it was he had because now Sherlock might not be willing to give it back.
John finally notices how much of an ungrateful arse he's been and tries to make it up to Sherlock and win him back. John may have grieved for Sherlock but Sherlock gave up everything to the point that he had nothing not even his identity left just to keep John safe. The only thing Sherlock had while he was gone was pain, loneliness, and the fear that if he messed up the people he loved might pay the price. John at least had his friends and family to help him when Sherlock was gone. But Sherlock was never a trusting person to begin with and John's already betrayed him by leaving him for someone else once so why would he trust that John won't do it again?
John finds out Sherlock is related to the royal family when they're invited to tea. He may also be having a slight freak out, he's not sure if it's the thought of Sherlock being related to royalty or the queen thinking they're a couple that's causing him the most trouble.
John and Sherlock met and got married before John went to Afghanistan and now he's back home and wants to surprise Sherlock. But when he shows up at the crime scene Sherlock is at he sees two officers bullying Sherlock and he is pissed. Sherlock might be difficult to deal with but they should not be treating any civilian like that, they should know how to act like professionals. And Sherlock may not care what they say to him but John sure does and he wants them to pay. He doesn't care if they get demoted, fired, or suspended and forced to attend some kind of professional sensitivity class but they won't get away with treating his husband the way they have even if he has to call Mycroft for help.
(In other words I'm annoyed at how Lestrad never seems to do anything about how unprofessional Sally and Anderson act toward Sherlock and want John to demand something be done about it)
John finally meets the rest of the Holmes family and to say he's uncomfortable would be a understatement. Between Mycroft the supposed British Government, little brother Quinton who's a MI6 quartermaster, little brother's maybe boyfriend James who may or may not be some type of super secret spy, mummy or Victoria a semi-retired wet-works agent, and Ivan the father who seems to be a retired KGB agent, Sherlock seems to be the least likely person at the table to be able to get away with killing him. And after everything John's seen Sherlock do that's not a comforting thought. How was he suppose to know that out of everyone in his family Sherlock was actually the normal one?
(Or I think Victoria from RED would make a lovely/ bad ass mummy Holmes and Q a adorable little brother. And James and Ivan need to be to be thrown in for fun.)
When Sherlock starts spending evenings with someone else John must re-evaluate his feelings for his best friend. Because green was never a good color on him but he seems to be wearing it far to often lately. But in John's opinion Sherlock could do a lot better than the git he keeps going to lunch with. ...Or maybe that's just the jealousy talking.
John is in trouble. He was suppose to bring his fiance to his family reunion to meet his parents only for him to walk in on her cheating on him a week earlier, so now he's stuck on his way to a family gathering without a fiance for his parents to coo over. Instead he'll show up alone, have to tell his family what happened, and be subjected to the pitying looks, whispers, lectures over how he should have tried harder, and his mothers lamentation over how he's going to die alone.
But after getting tipsy on the plane in preparation for the humiliation of facing his family he ends up poring the whole story out to his seatmate. The tall, posh, fellow (who he learns is named Sherlock) ends up taking some type of pity on him as he willingly helps John off the plane when they arrive. What actually surprises him is that when his parents mistake Sherlock as the fiance John was bringing with him Sherlock goes along with it! Now the two of them are stuck in a hotel full of Watsons pretending to be engaged and trying to solve a mystery. And maybe they'll find out there's more than pretend feelings between them while they're at it.
Sherlock rescues a drowning man and brings him to his cove. It's all for the sake of science of course. No Mer has ever had the chance to observe a human up close and Sherlock intends to be the first. Just think of everything he'll be able to learn from this man! Now he just has to figure out a way around that pesky language barrier.
Either John's dreaming or dead because that's the only option for why he's on a deserted island looking at the most gorgeous man he's ever seen. A man who's sporting a honest to god fish tail. Oh and the merman doesn't seem to speak or understand a word of English. Bloody brilliant.
During a murder case Lestrade and the others at NSY come across something surprising about Sherlock not only is he married, but he treats his husband in a decidedly un-Sherlock way. If it wasn't for Sherlock treating them the same the officers of the Met would have thought he'd either been body snatched or replaced by a clone. Because before they saw him with the unassuming army doctor they would have told you the words Sherlock, nice, cuddly, or affectionate, do not go together ever.
When the small creature walked into his den Smaug saw a face he had thought never to see again. There trying to match wits with him was his clever, lovely, brilliant, John. He hadn't seen John since the time when he'd solved crimes while running through a city that was now long gone, and was going by his true name of Sherlock. Of all the things he misses in his long life John was at the very top. So maybe he can figure a way to get this version of John to stay with him? A bargain perhaps? And then he can go about getting his silly little jewel to remember him. And this time he'll make sure to bind his frustrating treasure to him so they can always be together. And dear god please have finally let him have come to terms with his sexuality, because if he's still lieing to himself about it at this point there really isn't much hope for him!
When John offers Sherlock the position of best man, Sherlock turns him down telling him he has a case away from London and couldn't possibly accept. What no one seems to have told John is that the 'case' is that Sherlock is leaving London and not coming back. After all what was the use of coming back to London if the one he came back for doesn't want him anymore? He could do just as well starting over in another city, without John and the constant memories.
John's seen the beautiful man almost every day but he's never heard him speak a word of English only French. But he really want's to talk to him and maybe even ask him on a date so he spends a month trying to learn French. Only to find out the man speaks English better than John, and thinks his haistly learned French is absolutly terrible.
When Sherlock returns from Siberia he's entirely changed. He's quiet, subdued, clingy, flinches at the slightest insult, and asks permission from John to do almost everything. Will John be able to draw the Sherlock that he remembers back out or is this scared broken version all that's left of the person he cares most for.
What would have happened if Sherlock hadn't stopped and grabbed his sheet when Mycroft stepped on it? Would John have been able to keep up his 'not gay' argument after seeing Sherlock completely bare?
John and Sherlock have to go undercover for a case... at a school. God help them all. John thinks they'll be lucky if Sherlock doesn't send the other teachers home in a fit of tears or blow up his classroom.
Rosie's class is having a parent/child tea date. Unfortunately John has to work and can't go, but that's fine with Rosie because she can take Papa Sherlock instead.
The teachers are a bit suprised and confused as the tall dark haired man Rosie Watson brought and is addressing as Papa is no where close to the short blond haired man who is suppose to be her father.
Fed up with Mycroft endlessly parading potential fiancées in front of him, Sherlock realizes there’s one foolproof way to stop his brother. Sure, a make-believe engagement is pretty drastic, and his would-be spouse is hardly his type. He seems entirely boring and normal. But Sherlock soon finds there’s much more to John than meets the eye...
When he answers an ad to a interview, John assumes it’s for a job. The next thing he knows, he’s temporarily betrothed! The easy part: feigning starry-eyed passion for Sherlock whenever they’re in public. The hard part? Pretending he isn’t completely gone on the mad genius in private.
John and Sherlock have been in a relationship but John's wanted to keep their relationship a secret. When Sherlock sees John flirting with a woman he decides to teach John a lesson on how it feels to be on Sherlock's end of things.
When Harry learns John's still in denial about his feelings for Sherlock when she'd actually thought they'd already been dating she decides it's time for someone to push her brother out of that deep dark closet he's been hiding in and out into the light.
Sherlock would really like it pointed out that he is neither female nor Rosie's mother. So no he is not 'Mama' despite how many times she says so. He'd settle for her calling him Sher or even Lock, really any variation of his name will do at this point. Because when a small girl calls a grown man Mama people are bound to comment and he does so hate hearing the comments of idiots.
After a case a sleep deprived John ends up kissing Sherlock on the forehead before going to bed. Oops.
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secret-rendezvous1d · 7 years
92 Truths.
I was tagged by @1989rosesxx; thank you, my lovely! This was rather interesting to do for myself since I rarely do things like this...
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag!
1. Drink: A bottle of ice-cold water because it’s the only thing I can drink right now in the heat. 2. Phone call: My mum asking me if I wanted anything from Sainsburys. 3. Text message: My brother asking to be let into the house because he forgot his keys. 4. Song you listened to: Sign Of The Times; it’s been one of my absolute favourites right now. 5. Time you cried: Last night because things were really tough to comprehend; I was also feeling a little sad over something quite personal and I was just a rush of emotions because of everything piling up on top of me.
6. Dated someone twice: Nah. 7. Been cheated on: Haven’t been with anyone to get cheated on. 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: Nah. 9. Lost someone special: Of course. 10. Been depressed: I think I go through a few bouts of feeling this way. Maybe not depressed but rather sad and like the world is against me all the time. 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve not had a proper night out to actually get completely pissed... I want to though. Maybe soon. 
- Red. - Baby Pink. - Grey.
15. Made new friends: Of course! So many of you guys! 16. Fallen out of love: Uhhh... I don’t think so. 17. Laughed until you cried: I pretty much laugh until I cry most of the time... I actually broke into hysterical laughter whilst watching Ed Milliband try to sing heavy metal...  18. Found out someone was talking about you: I have a couple of people who do this to me; both online and outside of the internet. 19. Met someone who changed you: I think everyone I meet changes me; in a good way, of course! 20. Found out who your true friends are: I had an inkling over who my true friends were a couple of years ago, but, this year has been the year where I realise I can make-do without them and I’ve given up trying with all of them. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Pretty much all of them. I have 400 and something friends who I pretty much knew from school or from being related to them or ones I meet through other friends. 23. Do you have any pets: 3 cats! Felix, Betsy and Harry. 24. Do you want to change your name: Nah. 25. What did you do for your last birthday: I went to the zoo and then insisted we drive to the beach just so we could play mini-golf. 26. What time did you wake up: I wake up at 7am every morning. 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Uhhh... I was watching Pirates Of The Caribbean on my laptop because I am really in a mood for Johnny Depp. 28. Name something you cannot wait for: Dunkirk, my Harry show, my holiday. A lot of things, really. 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: About 10 minutes ago, before she left to go out with my dad and my brother. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: How I was as a person through school; if I wasn’t so introverted, shy and reserved, I probably wouldn’t be the way I am now - which is something I really hate about myself. 31. What are you listening to right now: Harry Styles. 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I went to school with a guy called Tom, and we spoke plenty before we split our separate ways.  33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Myself. 34. Most visited website: Definitely Tumblr or Twitter. 35. Elementary: Is this primary school? I went to primary school, yeah! 36. High School: Is this like a secondary school, yeah? Because I did go to a secondary school. It’s pretty much compulsory here to go. 37. College/university: College was the best two years of my life. I had so much fun and it put into perspective just what I would kill to do in my future life. 38. Hair colour: Dirty blonde. 39. Long or short hair: At the moment, it’s in between long and short but I’m having it cut next week to something a little shorter.. 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Maybe... ;)) 41. What do you like about yourself: I can be a really good person to come and chat to whenever things get rough. I’m funny and you’ll always see me making people laugh - it’s something I grew up around so... I would have been shocked if I never turned out to be a little humorous. 42. Piercings: None at all. 43. Blood type: Uhhh, I have no idea. 44. Nickname: “Em” or “Ems” are some that I go by on here. My auntie called me “Emily Cheeks” a lot because I have rosy cheeks (or used to have them when I was a baby). I don’t really have a lot. 45. Relationship status: It’s... complicated? 46. Zodiac sign: Aries. 47. Pronouns: I never understand what this means... I guess She/Her. 48. Favourite TV show: You’re basically asking me to list every single show I’ve ever bloody watched; The Walking Dead, The Big Bang Theory, Friends, Modern Family, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. 49. Tattoos: Nah. 50. Right or left hand: Right.
51. Surgery: Thankfully, I’ve never had one. 52. Piercing: No piercings. 54. Sport: Football. 55. Vacation: Santorini, Greece. 56. Pair of trainers: A pair of Reeboks.
57. Eating: Nothing, but, I’m thinking about what I want for dinner. 58. Drinking: Water. 59. I’m about to: Do a shit-tonne of Harry Talk writing whilst listening to some music because I’m in one of those relaxing moods. 60. Listening to: Harry Styles. 61. Waiting for: Nothing in particular. A text back from my last reply... but... that isn’t going to happen. 62. Want: The bloody reply. 63. Get married: I think so, yeah. If I find the right guy. 64. Career: I’d love to go into writing and publish a book; but, my go-to career is working in the Forensic Science department and being with the crime scene investigators.
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs. 66. Lips or eyes: Eyes. 67. Shorter or taller: A little taller... but not too tall. 68. Older or younger: I’m not that bothered. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Don’t matter. 71. Sensitive or loud: Definitely a mixture of both. 72. Hook up or relationship: A relationship. 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Uhhh... Maybe a bit of both? Someone who isn’t afraid to do anything but also someone who knows when not to do something.
74. Kissed a stranger?: Nah. 75. Drank hard liquor?: Nah. 76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: Nah. 77. Turned someone down: Yes. 78. Sex on first date: I don’t think so, no. 79. Broken someone’s heart: I think I may have? 80. Had your heart broken: Yes. 81. Been arrested: Nah. 82. Cried when someone died: Of course.  83. Fallen for a friend: Uh, I don’t think so, no.
84. Yourself: I’m working on that. 85. Miracles: To some extent, yes. 86. Love at first sight: Yes. 87. Santa Claus: Nah. 88. Kiss on the first date: If both parties are good with that. 89. Angels: I don’t really know...
90. Current best friend’s name: Megan. 91. Eye colour: Green. 92. Favourite movie: The Pirates of the Caribbean movies are my favourites right now. I love them so much.
I’m not really sure on who to tag here... I’m terrible when it comes to tagging people because I never really know who’s done it and who hasn’t done it before. Haha. So, if you see this, I guess you can do it? It’s fun! xx
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