#alright everyone make your charcuterie jokes
fashionsfromhistory · 6 months
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“Cachottière” from the Oblique Collection
Christian Dior
Autumn/Winter 1950-1951
Royal Ontario Museum (Object Number: 2007.100.1.1-3)
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ahgasescenarios · 4 years
Taeyong the Red-Haired Savior
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Prompt: When your parents drag you to the annual (awkward) Christmas party, you don’t want to go but by the end of the night, you’ll be very happy you did.
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: I was so inspired for this story, I don’t even know how when I’m running on a mere 2 hours of sleep but hey enjoy! This prompt was mostly inspired from real life lol because I’m not a fan of family Christmas parties and some of you guys probably aren’t too so there ya go! And yes my title is supposed to be a pun with Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer don’t question it, it’s funny okay. Happy holidays everyone xx
  It was one thing when your parents forced you to talk to distant relatives you didn’t honestly care about on the phone, but it was another to drag you to the annual family Christmas party every year where the events would unfold as follows:
You would start by awkwardly greeting everyone, struggling to attach names to faces. Then, your parents would be off to socialize, and you’d end up alone in your corner the entire night because none of these people knew you. And you’d silently resent your parents for requesting your presence, the end.
As the annual Christmas party came around, the resenting stage already kicked in as you were getting ready. Oh, and you HAD to dress nicely for this as well- with heels and everything. You pouted to your reflection in the mirror, far from keen on the idea of going.
 “Sweetie, we’re leaving in 20 finish up your makeup!” You heard your mom exclaim from the other room.
As if you were going to put that much effort into your appearance tonight. The car ride was filled with idle chatter about “Oh I bet Judy will love the charcuterie set we got for her!” and “How are the Wrights dealing with their situation?”. You rolled your eyes and pressed play on your music to drown out their petty conversation.
There were times where you regretted being an only child; tonight, was one of them. If there was a sibling in the picture, at least you’d have someone to talk to during the night. Because you knew it was going to be a long one, as usual.
“(Y/N), sweetie you look gorgeous tonight! It’s so good to see you.” Impartial cheek kissing was in order. And once it started, you were held up for a good five minutes going around the room and exchanging greetings. You recognized a few faces, but that was the extent of it.
You walked up to the host in charge of drinks.
“May I?”
“Of course, love, knock yourself out!” Some aunt of yours replied. “Not literally though, haha!”
You merely smiled at the joke, the alcohol urgently needing to enter your system. Being sober at Christmas parties was not something you believed in; besides you were of drinking age so what was stopping you?
You caught sight of a comfortable chair and immediately “lunged” for it, settling into your throne for the night.
“Lame party, huh?” Some guy had approached you while you were reveling in the comfort of your seat, one you had never seen before. His red hair made him stand out from the crowd and you noticed how incredibly good-looking he was. His facial structure led you to believe that he was a model, or at least could be. You had no idea who this person was, but you were drinking in the sight of them perhaps a moment too long.
“Hello?” He tried again.
You shook your head, snapping yourself back to reality.
“Sorry, sorry. Uh, yeah.” You narrowed your eyes at him, studying his face shamelessly now.  “No offense, but who are you?”
He laughed, a deep, attractive (could a laugh be attractive?) laugh.
“I’m Matt’s friend. Taeyong’s the name.”
“Well nice to meet you Taeyong, but I still have no idea who Matt is.” You shrugged.
He pointed to him and some connections were made in your brain as you identified this Matt person as part of the Wright family with the recent bankruptcy scandal your parents had mentioned in the car.
“Why did you come, though?” You asked, sipping from your half-empty (or half-full) drink. He scooted imperceptibly closer to you and if you weren’t drinking, you would have noticed.
“Matt wouldn’t stop making a fuss about how he’s always bored at these things, but I guess he’s doing just fine now.”
You looked in his direction and he was chatting it up with your parents, a smile on his face.
“That’s Matt for you!” You giggled, the irony dripping from your voice.
“Why are you here though? You don’t exactly seem to be having the time of your life.”
“Parents forced me to, you know how it goes.” You flashed a sarcastic smile his way and he nodded in understanding. He leaned over to whisper in your ear.
“I hear there’s a foosball table downstairs if you want to escape these crazy people.”
The offer didn’t seem half bad, so you accepted. Taeyong grabbed your hand as you went down the stairs and your heart fluttered just a little.
 You weren’t disappointed when you reached the downstairs area; there was indeed a foosball table awaiting your arrival. You rushed over to claim a side and Taeyong followed in suit.
“Wait, we can’t just play for fun. There has to be a prize.” Taeyong suggested.
“What are you suggesting?”
“Hmmm, how about winner gets to decide a dare for the loser?”
“Alright, it’s a deal.” You shook hands and sealed the deal. Sober, you were a solid 10 at foosball but with alcohol in your system, that 10 downgraded to a 5 at most. And obviously, you lost.
Taeyong rubbed his hands together as though to indicate that he was plotting something.
“Well, loser, let me think of something.” He dramatically started stroking his chin in thought.
“Okay. Because I’m a nice guy, I shall give you two options to choose from.”
You nodded.
“You shall either do 25 push-ups, right here right now or go upstairs and actually socialize with someone. Other than your parents.”
Your mouth was agape. “You’re too cruel.” Your choice had already been made and you got down on your hands and knees.
“No no, real push-ups missy.”
You cringed but complied. He counted them down with you and by the time you were at the 10th push-up, you could already feel the pain in your arms. You were so going to regret this tomorrow.
“24… 25. Not bad.” He offered his hand to help you up and he probably misjudged his strength because he pulled you up, so you were mere inches from his face. You could feel his breath on your skin, and it made your head dizzy. You barely knew the guy and he had this much effect on you. He searched your eyes for any trace of doubt but when he found none, he did what he had to do. His hand gently grasped your cheek and brought your face closer to his and his lips met yours. His other hand rested in the small of your back, bringing you closer to him than you already were. Man, he was a good kisser, you thought. When you broke away, both of you were out of breath. His thumb caressed your cheek ever-so-lightly and it made butterflies dance around in your stomach.
“Maybe we should get back.” You said despite yourself.
“Yeah, okay.” He agreed and you started walking towards the stairs when he grabbed onto your wrist.
“But first.” He pulled you back to him, now both hands resting on your face as his lips found yours. You were melting under his touch and you had met him that same night- who were you?
You didn’t really know but you didn’t care much either. For once you’d come out of the party with stories to tell, and boy would it be a good one.
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