#almost added a cecilos one in there but i couldn't remember what it was about sdjkfkhds
milf-harrington · 3 years
for the ask meme- what are you thinking about rn? and also do you have more fic recs 👀 i want to read taob eventually but it feels like such an undertaking lol i might wait until its done
what are you thinking about right now?
im trying to figure out how to explain the design for my oc's apartment in the story im writing. cause it's, like, an industrial loft with brick walls and those really pretty big windows and there's a second floor that's balcony-styled where his bedroom is and right underneath is the kitchen. and it's tricky trying to figure out how to fit that into the paragraph i've written without just sounding like im listing stuff. not to mention all the stuff that makes it his apartment, like the massive bookshelves and the plants and the decorations and stuff.
writing is hard.
fic recs
oh man, i always have so many but the second someone asks my brain just turns into a ghost town lmao.
i had to go through my ao3 recs for this one lmao, most are probably gonna be sterek bc they're really good and that's what i've been reading lately ajkdfj sorry
Like a Paperback Novel, the Kind the Drugstore Sells - i love the way it's written, and the way the split pov brings in a bit of accidental comedy (they view eachother v differently) and also the relationship between siblings is very realistic and it was easy to imagine me and my sister being in the same scenarios.
sterek, 22K words, 1 chapter, actor!stiles + writer!derek
Five Times Derek Walked in on Stiles in the Shower and the One Time He was Invited - despite the title, this is a very soft no porn story. it's really funny and well written, and i love that the walking-in-on-stiles-showering is always out of a place of concern and never just to be creepy. i also really loved the way that not every time was funny, there's a pretty gentle and sad one mixed in which is,, not nice but nice yknow?? also there's so much casual pining, derek literally zones out bc he's thinking about how pretty stiles is
sterek, 25K words, 1 chapter
do you know how to do take-aways? - god this one is so fucking cute, it absolutely melted me and i couldn't stop smiling and laughing the whole time i was reading. it's basically a little girl calling the sheriff's station bc she needs help with her homework and the adults in her life always told her to call 911 when she needed help and stiles just does it bc he's a sweetheart and then they become friends and it's just very sweet and fluffy
sterek, 2K words, 1 chapter, human AU w deputy!stiles
The Real You - this one was actually on the list to put on as my favourite fanfic, before i remembered taob. i love the way it's written, along with the relationships between all the characters and the endless amusement i get from peter + boyd being disappointed in how stiles treats his car. also jackson and stiles being brothers is not something i thought i'd love as much as i did. dereks a bit of an ass at first but he comes around.
sterek, 34K words, 1 chapter, mechanic au but they're still werewolves
Better Fortunes - the note on the bookmark for this fic says "this changed me as a person" so do what you want with that. i don't really know how to describe the plot without giving a lot of the juicy stuff away so just know: stiles is really cool at magic, lydia is the goddess she always is, derek said "is anyone else going to keep this half-dead man i just found on the side of the road in the rain?" and then didn't wait for an answer ft. magic overload that's really sexy and sad
sterek, 39K words, 1 chapter
please don't leave me with a love that burns - i drew art for this fic actually!! it's a really nice mix of fluff and angst, and i really gelled with sokka bc i too clean and seek the comfort of my sister when im stressed or anxious. it's really well written, and there's some very soft and tender scenes towards the end that made my heart hurt in the best way and just aaa it's v good!
zukka, 8K words, 1 chapter, modern au w firefighter!zuko
Spark Rocks - the bookmark note for this is just: "*muffled screaming* zuko and toph being adopted siblings is something that can be so personal" and i feel like that says everything that needs to be said.
toph & zuko, 7K words, 1 chapter
Boiling Point - i love summer fics so much and this is definitely one of my favourites, it's basically just zuko + toph + sokka chilling in a blow up kiddie pool ft. soup jokes, zuko running in thongs (flip flops to non-australians) and sokka pretending he's not in love with zuko
zuko & toph & sokka, 3K words, 1 chapter
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