#all is one
secretpowermittens · 4 months
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come together
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thetempleoftheone · 6 months
The Body & Lust
The body is neutral; it is neither good nor evil.
It has features that are appealing because of millions of years of evolution.
These features are meant to attract a mate and perpetuate the species.
Because of this, we experience lust.
But the body is not to blame for lust. Lust, as an organic impulse, is the product of an ancient chain of causation arising within the deep seriality of terrestrial time.
Lust is simply an energy, an aspect of human life meant to perpetuate the species. It is neither good nor evil, it merely is.
When people suffer over lust, they either cling to it because they desire pleasure, or they resist it because they see it as evil or unclean.
When lust presents itself, if we greet it with clarity and mindfulness, we can see that lust is just lust.
It has no power to control us and because it is not evil, we cannot be polluted by the experience of it.
If we descend into the energy of lust and give it dominion, we suffer from endless dissatisfaction in search of more pleasure.
And when we ignorantly run from lust out of disgust or fear we deny the reality of our being and establish harsh moral dualities without any basis.
It is when we greet the energy of lust calmly and mindfully, without judgment or attachment, that it ultimately passes through and away from us. © JM Tiffany
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1five1two · 10 months
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eyeoftheheart · 4 months
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The Power of Awareness by Neville
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danu2203 · 1 year
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brother-hermes · 1 year
Ladies and gentlemen,
Let’s do like Bob Ross and start painting
Our own happy little Trees of Life.
Today, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey into the depths of polarity, where the dance of Chesed and Gevurah unfolds, revealing profound insights about the nature of existence. Prepare to explore the enchanting tapestry of creation,
With one simple instruction in mind:
“We can’t discuss Aleph without Bet.”
It sounds like one of those simple Simon Things to say but I’m not being vague. Let us start with Aleph in relation to chesed. Here we find the sacred name El, A singular name for God, resonating with the divine light of loving kindness.
El stands as a luminous gateway, bridging the celestial realms with our human understanding.
It reminds us of the radiant illumination that burst forth on the first day of creation, as the Infinite spoke, "Let there be light!" This divine essence, Chesed, the boundless loving-kindness, ignites our hearts and leads us towards compassion.
But as we delve deeper into the cosmic play, we encounter Bet.
Bruh! Moshe started Genesis with Bereshit Bara ELoHIM for a reason.
See the name ELoHIM, which also represents Gevurah, the divine attribute of strength and restriction Is plural.
Well, in Genesis it’s used as a singular because it acts like one but that’s a whole different can of worms.
When it comes to Gevurah, It’s because on the second day of creation that ELoHIM,
with its firm presence, separated the waters above from the waters below,,
It’s a glimpse at the cosmic dance of the supernal triad—Keter, Chockmah, and Binah—as the celestial currents that intertwine with the earthly realm,
In that sense that everything is held together by the enigmatic forces of dark matter and energy.
This essentially
introduces a profound division—
touching on tzimtzum and the necessary restriction that harmonizes the dance of polarity.
Through this act, ELoHIM urges us to embrace both the expansive loving kindness of Chesed and the discernment of Gevurah.
It is through the interplay of Chesed and Gevurah that we uncover the true depths of insight, and navigate the currents of divine revelation.
In the Psalms of King David, we find echoes of the connection between Gevurah and ELoHIM. As David sings, "The Lord reigns; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne."
These verses beautifully capture the awe-inspiring presence of ELoHIM, the divine power that governs with righteousness and judgment.
In our human experience, we often grapple with the notion of fairness, questioning why life doesn't always appear just, and yet, deep within us resides a natural aversion to passing harsh judgments, for we sense the intricate interplay of polarities and the unfolding of divine wisdom that transcends our limited perceptions.
So, my friends, as we venture into the realm of polarity, let us honor the sacred dance between Chesed and Gevurah, symbolized by the letters Aleph and Bet. They represent the profound interconnectedness of the universe and the rich tapestry of our own existence.
Let’s contemplate their meaning, and from that contemplation, allow ideas and insights bloom.
Can you discuss one without two?
I’ll wait…
You with me now? Alright…
Without Bet, we cannot discuss Aleph, for Aleph represents the unity and oneness of the divine, while Bet signifies duality and the beginning of the manifested world.
This division introduces a profound polarity, illustrating the necessary restriction that harmonizes the dance of existence.
Imagine, if you will, the dance of existence. The swirling interplay of unity and duality, resonating throughout the cosmos.
This dance is not confined to the grand stage of the universe alone, but reverberates within the deepest recesses of our own being.
As you sit in quiet contemplation, allow your inner dialogue to embrace the dance of polarity.
Observe the thoughts and emotions that arise, the ebb and flow of light and shadow.
For it is in this theater of the mind that we find the fertile ground for profound realization.
By meditating upon the interplay of Aleph and Bet, we open the gateway to union, a transcendence of the apparent duality. Embrace the paradox, the tension, and the harmony within, and witness the profound integration of your own existence.
Now then, fellow travelers, as we turn our gaze to the outer world,
let us approach it with the wisdom born from inner exploration.
As you navigate the intricate web of relationships and experiences, see the dance of polarity reflected in the tapestry of everything.
Embrace the diversity of perspectives, the interplay of light and dark, and the inherent tension within the grand symphony of existence.
Like I can’t hear you unless you
This is why we should cultivate a deep sense of empathy and understanding, and recognize that unity and duality are not adversaries, but partners in the cosmic dance.
Let that awareness guide our actions, your interactions, and our connection to the world.
As we harmonize with the dance of Aleph and Bet, we become agents of unity, weaving threads of compassion, love, and acceptance into one and all.
This spiritual journey of self-discovery
Is a collective awakening.
That’s the lesson within the realms of polarity.
It’s that transformative power to unite the seen and unseen, the known and unknown, that unfold into a dance
Amidst the symphony of life.
May you walk the path of harmony, honoring the divine qualities of love and discernment within your own being, and radiate their transformative power into the world.
Embrace the dance, embrace the journey, and embody the unity that permeates all creation.
Cuz it’s all love.
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corbinsound · 3 months
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siamkram · 9 months
"The indigenous understanding has its basis of spirituality in a recognition of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all living things, a holistic and balanced view of the world. All things are bound together. All things connect. What happens to the Earth happens to the children of the earth. Humankind has not woven the web of life; we are but one thread. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves."
- Rebecca Adamson
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denkym · 9 months
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The only way is to go through it. No one truly knows whats going on. No one makes it out alive. Face your light. Face your dark. Face the visceral quality of being a human being in the age of chaos. Everything is getting tested. Everything is being examined. But Everything is starting to finally make sense.
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petropetra · 2 years
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2022, 120 x 100 cm, mixed technique
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thetempleoftheone · 6 months
Being Is A Relational Spectrum
Each of us is an aggregate of approximately 37.2 trillion cells that has taken approximately 13.82 billion years to come into existence.
We evolved from a brilliant eruption of energy into an expanding cosmic void. We are manifestations of this energy’s complexity, expressions of the infinite configured minutely in microcosmic array.
We are the energy and matter of the universe: we have been and will be trillions of things. And yet, always, we are that which we were and will be: all that is.
You are the conscious universe made flesh in a dream of self. We are the living, dreaming universe, and participate in its creation; our agency, and our perceptions, combine with chaos, and pattern, to form the golden knot which binds us, one to another, and all to totality.
Being is a relational spectrum and a closed whole: there are no individuals, only aggregates bonded by essential life processes within greater and more complex aggregates that emerge and disappear within a torus of void and energy: spiraling entwined in constant transubstantiation, all things come to be and pass away in accord with the rhythm of the One.
There are endless worlds and countless dreams within the spiraling whole, all singular in source and name, each of them flowers blooming in the dark limbs of Eternity, all of us seeds sewn in the glittering garden of the Night.
©️ JM Tiffany
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lovesinistra · 2 years
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eyeoftheheart · 2 months
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“The Spirit, the Overself, symbolized by Jesus as the kingdom of heaven, must be found here on earth in the full waking consciousness. Deep sleep is the nearest approach to heaven which the average person can reach. What, then, are the conditions which we find in deep sleep? First of all, the personal self disappears. There is no ego, no I. Second, the mind disappears; there is no mental movement, no thinking, no ideation during deep sleep. Third, the world itself disappears. You are left in a great void. These three conditions must be found. And yet something more! When you understand the mystery of consciousness you will really know what the kingdom of heaven is. There is only one consciousness—not three—not a material, plus a mental, plus a spiritual consciousness, but One alone. One Light shines through the human being, and that Light is divine.“
― Paul Brunton, The Inner Reality: Jesus, Krishna, and the Way of Awakening
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danu2203 · 5 months
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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brother-hermes · 1 year
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“Bodies are spiritual thoughts put into words”
-Manly P Hall (The Sacred Magic of the Qabalah)
What an incredibly simple way of defining our existence. I literally laughed when I heard this. Tell me we’re inside the cosmic mind of God without telling me we’re in the cosmic mind!
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