#alison faulkner
Enough is a decision not an amount.
Alison Faulkner
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motheroftheantichrist · 7 months
Okay, but the bathroom trap from Alison Gordon's perspective is insane. Imagine you and your daughter are being held at gunpoint by a kidnapper. Your husband can save you-- his wife and mother of his child-- himself, and his own daughter by giving a quick and painless death to a complete stranger. Instead he spends several hours playing twenty questions with some random twink while you desperately fight your way out of an unwinnable situation by the power of pure rage. This is why she fucking left you, Larry.
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dr-reversebeartrap · 1 month
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"Alison thought to herself, he isn’t just worried about falling, is he? Neither of them looked at her as they lumbered carefully out the bedroom and down the hall to Adam’s room. Her eyes didn’t leave them once."
Me, My Husband, and His Fellow Trapmate Survivor by @marc--chilton
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shotgunyuri · 3 months
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sawvhs · 1 year
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movie night! 🍿🥤
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Lawrence having a soft spot for Mandy bc he sees glimpses of Adam in her + Alison got more parental rights in the divorce so he doesn’t get to see Diana much anymore
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real-odark · 8 days
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outtheoiseaux · 9 days
There’s something so sinister about the complete and total lack of saw crackships, or even just ships that aren’t extremely common/obvious
Like chainshipping coffinshipping and shotgunshipping DOMINATE the fandom, but to be honest only one of those is even the best/most entertaining pairing for the included characters!
Yeah, Adam is fun to ship with Lawrence, but wouldn’t he be so much funnier to ship with Lawrence’s wife? Yeah Amanda looks good with Lynn, but wouldn’t she look so much better with Kerry? And ik damn well that if Perez was a boy EVERYONE would want to see her with Hoffman.
Give me strahm x Amanda(bpdshipping). Give me Mateo x Adam. Give me rigg x eric matthews. Give me Lawrence x Cecelia. Give me alison Gordon x Hoffman (cuckshipping). Give me Perez x Michael (mogshipping) give me Kerry x Addison! Give me cracky rare pairs!
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fredbydawn · 2 months
I am once again putting in too much effort
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dont-offend-the-bees · 6 months
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Finally compiled all my Sawtober art into one post! Gotta be my fave 10 pages in my sketchbook tbh.
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roseunspindle · 2 months
Alison sort of thought she should at least dislike Adam on principal. Mostly in that the ink was barely dry on the divorce papers when he moved in with her ex-husband. Also being 27... and the amount of shit she was getting from her "friends" for her husband leaving her for a younger man.
Only Adam seems to think she's a badass for escaping Zep with child in tow. He gets extra brownie points for being the one to kill Zep. Also called her a "total milf" when first meeting her while high on pain meds. (Lawrence was camped out in Adams room.)
She is fully aware that her and Lawrence's marriage was already pretty much over before Adam entered the picture.
Diana adores him. He adores her back.
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solitairesys · 6 months
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Interesting how immediately after hearing his tape Lawrence has like no reaction to hearing that his wife and child will die if he doesn’t kill Adam, and almost immediately he focuses his energy on hearing Jigsaw’s whispered “follow your heart.”
A large part of Lawrence’s characterization in the first part of the first movie is his stoicism in the face of… well most things really, but if it were me and I’d just been told my family were at risk and I was chained in a fucking bathroom with a stranger and no way to get to them, I’d have a considerably more substantial reaction. I don’t think I would have even heard the whisper.
Also the juxtaposition of him being told about Alison and Diana’s involvement in his game and that phrase, “follow your heart.” A phrase that is almost entirely used in romantic contexts. Like I get that it’s just Jigsaw setting up a clue but it’s so intriguing that it almost seems like Jigsaw is prompting Lawrence to choose: your wife or this twink you just met 10 minutes ago.
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sourweather · 5 days
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Alison Gordon
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dr-reversebeartrap · 3 months
Allison Gordon picking up Zepp’s phone and calling back a trapped Adam
Saw 2004 canon divergence
More of a list of ideas than an actual fic even if it sort of looks like one but I can’t be bothered to make this into proper english… In the meantime bon appetit
It’s late in the morning when Allison Gordon goes back to her own house and finds Zepp’s phone in her living room. The police must have missed it. She doesn’t really think about it before she calls back the last number he’d been in communication with.
"I’m gonna kill your husband now, mrs Gordon."
She’s hoping Lawrence will reply.
It beeps five times. She keep listening, what else is there for her to do.
Somebody picks up.
Immediately she cries out "Lawrence! Can you hear me?"
Between the sound’s cracks, she hears the wails of a raspy voice. It isn’t her husband but a whole new problem.
Fight had never left her nervous system and in an instant adrenaline is back too.
"Where is Lawrence? Where’s my husband? Answer me, you monster!"
The man on the phone tells her he doesn’t know where Lawrence is, that he’s gone. That he shot him and that he left… Something happened to his foot but she can’t quite make it out with the way her phone distorts the scared voice of the young man who’s now pleading for help between wet sobs.
"Where are you? Is Adam with you?"
"That’s me!! That’s me!!" he shouts like hearing his own name and being recognized made him feel like a little bit more of a person again. "I’m chained, Mrs Gordon…"
Her anger dissolves into fear as he begs her again not to end the call.
He can’t tell her where he is, only that he’s chained in some disgusting bathroom just like Lawrence had said. It’s pitch black and there’s a dead guy with me, well a new dead guy. He cries telling her it smells bad, in reference to the stench of decaying flesh. She presses the palm of her hand into her eyes and holds her breath to avoid him hearing her starting to cry while he gets sick.
She tries to pacify him, shushing him, sometimes almost singing to him. Like he’s just having a nightmare and not living one.
She stays on call with him for hours but the phone doesn’t have much battery left.
It’s like she’s stuck in there with him. She doesn’t want to leave him alone. He told her they had light earlier but now he doesn’t anymore.
Adam doesn’t let her call the cops at first, too afraid of being abandoned again. Once she does call them, it feels like forever until they decide to show up.
They try to interrogate him but the boy is far from coherent. They can’t countain him and manage to freak him out further, up to the point they hear him put the phone down and start banging his fists against the floor out of frustration.
Allison put a stop to it by taking the phone back. Detective Kerry shrugs in acceptance. Let the poor guy have a break. It might not be the healthiest letting another victim handle this but all things considered…
Adam begs Allison not to leave again.
At times panic overtakes him, he starts shouting and sobbing into the receiver… others he gets so quiet it might be catatonia.
He asks her if he’s gonna die and Allison promises they will find him.
He calls her a liar, a liar like Larry.
Not long afterwards, he melts into apologies for getting angry at her and tells her to tell his mom that he’s sorry.
She doesn’t know what else to say to comfort him so she tells him over and over again that they will find him. She needs to hear herself say these words to him as much as she needs him to believe them. She has no way to know for certain but she needs them to be found, Adam and Lawrence both.
They stay on like this for a long time before Adam’s phone finally dies.
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saw au where it turns out that it was just a normal escape room that got really out of hand really quickly and the workers on the other side of the glass (zep) didn’t know how to deal with it so they just let it play out and it went way too far
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