brumadeavalon · 2 years
german and spanish always sounds cute to me 🤣
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andreandrade · 1 year
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Recomendo o CELIN 😊 Só não aprende um novo idioma quem não quer. Demora? Sim! Mas, gostei quando estudei lá. 🇬🇧🇩🇪🇫🇷 #idiomas #ufpr #curitiba #ingles #frances #alemao #espanhol #japones #chines #mandarin #hebraico #russo #italiano (em Celin UFPR) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUKPsYuDjU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alvessilvacom · 2 years
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Republican Rep.-elect George Santos admitted to stealing a man’s checkbook that was in his mother’s possession to purchase clothing and shoes in 2008, according to documents obtained by CNN.
The admission came in a statement Santos gave to police in 2010, according to 150 pages worth of case documents.
Police had suspended an investigation into Santos because they were unable to find him for nearly a decade. But law enforcement officials in Brazil will reinstate fraud charges against the New York Republican, CNN reported Tuesday.
Santos used stolen checks to make purchases at a shop in Niterói, a city outside of Rio de Janeiro on June 17, 2008, according to court documents. When making the purchase, he used an ID card with the checkbook owner’s name and a picture of himself, according to police documents.
Police summoned Santos several times in 2008, 2009 and 2010 to speak to them. Santos’ mother told the police in November 2010 that the checks were stolen from a checkbook she had in her purse belonging to Delio da Camara da Costa Alemao, who died a year prior to her speaking with police, and that her son had used four checks. Santos’ mother was Costa Alemao’s nurse prior to his death.
Speaking with the police for the first time that month, Santos confessed he stole the checkbook from his mom’s purse and that he used “some sheets” to make purchases. Santos confessed to forging the man’s signature on two checks to purchase clothes and shoes costing approximately $1,313.63 on the date of the forgery, and confirmed it was his signature on the forged checks.
He also told police he was an American with dual citizenship, was White and a professor, police documents show.
Santos said his mother, who only learned of the stolen checks around a month after he took them, asked him “with despair” to return the checkbook, but he had already ripped up the remaining checks and threw them in a manhole.
“He [Santos] acknowledged having been responsible for forging the signatures on the checks, also confirming that he had destroyed the remaining checks,” authorities wrote in an inquiry report about Santos. The document containing the confession was signed by Santos on November 18, 2010.
CNN has reached out to an attorney for Santos.
Santos signed two checks at the store as if he was the account owner, court documents show. The checks were intended to pay for the purchase in two installments – set for July 25 and August 25, 2008.
The store clerk became suspicious after the signatures on the checks did not match, he told police. Two days after Santos made the purchases, a man named Thiago came into the same store with the shoes Santos had purchased and tried to return them for a different size. He said a friend gave him the shoes and was unaware of any illicit activity.
The clerk had to pay the amount of the fraudulent purchase in installments to the store, he told police, although the store ended up waving some of the payments for the clerk, the store manager told the police in 2010. Soon after the sale, they were able to find the bank account’s owner and talk to him on the phone, the manager said. He said he had closed the account in 2006 after losing the checkbook.
At one point the clerk was able to track down Santos using social media and, he said, Santos promised to pay him back but never did. The clerk turned over pictures of Santos to police that he had found on social media. Screenshots of the conversations between the clerk and Santos are included in the documents obtained by CNN.
Santos told investigators that neither his mother, nor his friend Thiago, were aware of the fraudulent purchases at the time of the crime.
In June 2011, investigators filed a request with the Civil Police to take immediate judicial measures against Santos. In September, a judge summoned him to respond to the complaint through an attorney. Neither Santos nor an attorney ever responded. Three months later, authorities tried to deliver a summons for Santos at the prior home of his mother but he was not able to be located and she no longer lived there.
Again in 2013, neither Santos, nor his mother or grandmother at their former addresses, were able to be located. In October of that year, an edict was published in Rio de Janeiro’s justice gazette summoning him to appear in court after authorities were unable to locate him. Santos was given 10 days to offer his defense but he never appeared. A judge eventually suspended the statute of limitations in order for the case to be reopened later if Santos was found, the documents show.
As recently as October 2020, a document from the judiciary said they still had never been able to locate Santos to prosecute him for the crime.
Brazilian authorities, having now verified Santos’ location, will make a formal request to the US Justice Department to notify Santos of the charges, Maristela Pereira, a spokeswoman for the Rio de Janeiro prosecutor’s office, told CNN. The prosecutor’s office told CNN the request will be filed upon reopening on Friday.
In an interview with the New York Post last week, Santos denied that he had been charged with any crime in Brazil, saying: “I am not a criminal here – not here or in Brazil or any jurisdiction in the world. Absolutely not. That didn’t happen.”
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ukpbswv · 2 days
baixa musicas gratis
baixa musicas gratis(网站:g866.cc)baixa musicas gratis-baixa musicas gratisfUdLv
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mailnews · 1 month
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Informativo publicado pela Mailnews, direcionado aos Agentes de Viagens
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fofoqueaqui · 6 months
Diego paga multa Diego Alemão faz acordo e encerra processo por porte ilegal de arma
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startingfires · 10 months
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decreto morte à língua alemã <33
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antisepticz · 2 months
about me / sobre mim
[about me] [br/eng]
˚✧ antiseptic ݁ ੭
ela/dela I she/her🥀 18y 🖤 bi sex uau 💀 gótica! goth!~
eu sou a danielle, mas podem me chamar de moon, lilith, antiseptic, como preferirem! tenho 18 anos e estudo design ux/ui e figma, pretendo cursar uma faculdade de design grafico e quero ingressar na area mais cedo possivel. criei um blog pra postar meus processos criativos e conseguir alguns freelancers~
meu maior objetivo com esse blog é divulgar meus processos criativos com websites, quero me desenvolver com críticas e sugestões e colocar meus conhecimentos em prática, adquirindo todos os estilos e extensões de mundo e conhecer essa área incrível ♥︎ almejo conseguir alguns freelancers e pequenos trabalhos relacionados a:
cardápios digitais;
cartões de visita;
interfaces gerais;
interações com o usuário.
tudo o que possa haver com design, resumindo...
mas não quero usar esse blog como uma área profissional, quero compartilhar meus designs mas interagir de forma pessoal e não usarei de forma alguma como empresarial! (apenas quero alguns trabalhos, hihi)
✩ ︵ sou uma designer iniciante e sempre fui apaixonada pela teoria e estética desse mundo, ingressei ano passado na área e tenho feito grandes progressos com meus estudos. atualmente estudo ingles e alemao, amo gatos (sou mãe de quatro doidos) sou amante de café e jogo lol e genshin impact, caso queiram interagir sobre isso <3 (arlecchino e raiden shogun supremacy) ﹕
minhas ask's estão sempre abertas, então se sintam a vontade para me fazer perguntas ou conversar comigo ♥︎
alguns links que possam ser uteis:
te enganei :D nao tem nada! (em breve)⠀ 𓈒⠀ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎⠀✧
i'm danielle, but you can call me moon, lilith, antiseptic, whatever you prefer! I'm 18y and study UX/UI design and figma, planning to attend a graphic design college and aiming to enter the field as soon as possible. I've created a blog to share my creative processes and to find some freelancers~
my biggest goal with this blog is to showcase my creative processes with websites. i want to develop myself with critiques and suggestions and put my knowledge into practice, acquiring all styles and extensions of the world and getting to know this amazing field ♥︎ I aim to get some freelancers and small jobs related to:
digital menus;
business cards;
general interfaces;
user interactions.
anything and everything related to design, in short...
i don't intend to use this blog as a professional platform; rather, I want to share my designs while interacting on a personal level. i won't use it in any way for business purposes! (just looking for some fun projects, hihi)
✩ ︵ i'm a beginner designer and have always been passionate about the theory and aesthetics of this world. i entered the field last year and have made great progress with my studies. currently, i'm studying english and german, i love cats (i'm a mother of four crazy ones), i'm a coffee lover, and I play lol and genshin impact, in case you want to interact about that <3 (arlecchino and raiden shogun supremacy) ﹕
my asks are always open, so feel free to ask me questions or chat with me ♥︎
some useful links:
i got you :D there's nothing here! (coming soon)⠀ 𓈒⠀ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎⠀✧
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saudosos · 6 months
É uma pessoa que carrega muito conhecimento e surpresas, senhorita Jessy! Sabe muito acerca da Avril Lavigne e o mundo que a rodeia! Simple Plan não é uma banda que eu gosto, mas também não odeio. Só não me cativou.
Embora nascido deste lado do atlântico, minhas raizes são todas da europa. Sendo elas portugueses, espanhóis e italianos. Pelo menos das partes que são conhecidas. Não imaginava você ser uma descendente de alemão. Que legal! Então viveu em Hamburgo com um grande amor da sua vida. Ele (ou ela) era da Alemanha?
Ai, gosto muito do Simple Plan. Infelizmente, o ex membro da banda, me decepcionou imenso. A banda estrelou o meu filme favorito “No pique de NY” com as gêmeas Olsen. O qual há uma parte, em que a Mary Kate Olsen, faz uma citação de minha música favorita “complicated” da Avril. Tudo parece estar interligado.
O meu amor do passado, apesar de ainda viver em Hamburgo, não era Alemao. Nos comunicávamos em inglês. Lá estudei alemão , e tive uma história de amor. Foi com um rapaz, visto que ficastes na dúvida quanto à isso.
Obrigada, pelo elogio ao dizer que carrego muito conhecimento e surpresa!!
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acervo-de-memes · 9 months
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cachorro spitz alemao na moto capacete de garrafa
pomeranian dog motocycle plastic bottle helmet
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sucosdelimao · 2 years
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Brazil’s Never Ending War on the Black and Poor
Brazilian police are waging a deadly war against the poor because they were created to do just that.
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Violence – and particularly state-sanctioned violence – is part of everyday life for many Brazilians. This is true especially for those who are unlucky enough to be poor, live in a favela and have “the wrong skin colour”.
Indeed, poor Black and brown people living in precarious situations are the preferred victims of the Brazilian police – a force that is seemingly committed to eradicating not poverty, but the poor.
In Brazil’s favelas, residents live with a constant fear of “police operations” – or to be more accurate, indiscriminate shootings across narrow residential streets involving automatic weapons and helicopters. They know that if a police officer happens to approach them – regardless of what they may or may not have done – they could be threatened, beaten up, jailed, killed or simply “disappeared”. They know that their house can be invaded any minute, their possessions confiscated, their lives turned upside down – all with the complete support of their country’s government and other state institutions.
On May 24, 25 people were killed during a police operation in the Vila Cruzeiro Favela in Rio de Janeiro. On July 21, 2022, yet another police raid claimed 18 more lives in Complexo do Alemao in the same state.
These massacres were only a few in a much longer chain. According to a study conducted by Federal Fluminense University researchers, 182 people have been killed in at least 40 separate police operations in Rio de Janeiro alone between May 2021 and May 2022.
Continue reading.
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fofoqueaqui · 8 months
Reabilitação Diego Alemão embarca para tratamento de desintoxicação na Califórnia
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momo-de-avis · 1 year
ideia para um filme pornografico que involve um alemao, chama-se "bolas de berlim" (podem parar de bater palmas uwu)
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O pastor alemao é uma das raças caninas mais equilibradas que exis te! Vc pode confiar seus filhos crianças com essa raça de cão pois alem de equilibrado ele irá proteger sua familia até seu último suspiro. Leal e equilibrado. Jamais ataca seus tutores. E isso infelizmente vemos acontecendo constantemente com algumas outras raças de cachorros. Se um dia eu tiver oportunidade, vou adquirir um pastor alemao, de preferencia malinois. 🤗🤗🤗 alem do mais, eles sao liiiindos 🤗🤗🤗🤗
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