#alas i'm shadowbanned
djuvlipen · 1 year
i've been thinking a lot about anorexia prevention and how much it revolves around body image. when i was in middle school and high school the most common attitude i witnessed regarding anorexia was "don't starve, you'll die" followed by "you don't need to starve to be pretty. girls who are too skinny are ugly anyway, you don't want to look like that". it came from both adults (including my relatives) and other students. and i think that's a bad approach for many reasons. first, it associates anorexia to looks and body image when a lot of girls with anorexia don't starve to be pretty. as Naomi Wolf said in The Beauty Myth, anorexia is less about conforming to beauty standards and more about feeling in control of your body, a feeling that a lot of girls experience when navigating a misogynist world -- especially girls who survived sexual assault. sure, beauty standards play a big part in the onset of anorexia and social contagion but it's only the tip of the iceberg.
second, painting anorexic girls as shallow and calling them ugly is just discouraging bonding between girls and women. when i was in middle and high school girls who were suspected of having anorexia were bullied and called ugly for it. they were ostracized and i'm pretty sure being bullied at school is not of great help when dealing with an eating disorder. on the contrary, we should encourage solidarity and friendship between women and girls. anorexia is very competitive and trains you to look at your own body and at other women's bodies in a negative, critical light. i feel most strongly that the way we think about our own bodies, as women, is reflected in the way we think about other women's bodies. i do think that hating your female body will lead to your hating the body of other women. if we want to cultivate a healthy relationship with our own body, we also have to get rid of any competition we may have with other women, and we have to cultivate female friendship and solidarity
third, the consequences of anorexia don't boil down to looking too thin and ugly. it ruins your social life and your physical health to a degree many people aren't aware of. it's particularly harmful because when i started starving i thought the worst thing that could happen to me was death, and beside that the only other bad thing would be not looking very attractive. but i didn't care about my looks and i didn't care about dying either. however i did care about my friends, i did care about my academic performance, i used to enjoy little things like going for a walk or reading a book. now all my friends have more or less dropped me because i'm not fun to be around when i keep fainting everytime we go out, i'm constantly zoning out and i have no memory and no energy and i can't perform simple tasks or focus on anything, when i take a walk the only thing i think about are the calories i'm burning and some days my bones and my joints hurt too much and i can't even walk for too long. talking about anorexia purely in terms of looks is creating a misrepresentation of what it actually is and i do think it's failing many girls and women who may have not developed anorexia if the way we talk about it had been different
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highkingborn · 1 year
*beams @ichorlet with my psychic rays* oooh i'm liking your starter call so much right now. you can see it in your notifications and everything.
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sweetandscarlet · 1 year
unrequited love | pt 1
notes: hi everyone ! it’s been a while since i’ve posted something, unfortunately it was out of my control up until recently and i’m finally not shadowbanned :)
words: 4.2k
warnings: stepmom!wanda (32), stepdaughter!reader (22 & afab), yearning, alludes to smut in certain parts of the chapter ! eventual smut, eventual cheating - this chapter is just fluff, reader being an absolute simp for wanda and plot building. next chapter which i’m working on will literally just be pure smut (with a little bit of plot, idk how many parts i want to make this tbh). minors DNI!
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guilt had become the constant in your life.
you had never felt such a strong feeling before, and as much as you tried to swallow it down and go about your day as normal, the gnawing ache of shame ate away at you until all you were left with is a hollow shell of disgrace.
in your defence, you and your little life were perfectly fine before now, it was you, your dad, a few close friends and your wonderful girlfriend who you had been dating for quite a while now. you were content and happy until a certain woman came crashing into your life unexpectedly like a bulldozer and flipped your world and everything you knew upside down.
albeit, none of this was her fault. all she did was meet a man and fall in love. how was she supposed to know the man had a shitty daughter?
well, that's how you'd best describe yourself. you felt sinful and disgusting every time your eyes stayed fixated on the older woman for a second too long. every time a smooth patch of her skin was exposed from her shirt innocently riding up and all you wanted to do was reach out and feel her soft, milky skin under your fingertips. 
or your mouth, either or was fine with you.
you hated how much of the woman consumed your thoughts throughout the day. what she was doing, if she was having a busy day at work, if she'd had plenty of sleep, drinking water, was taking care of herself.
all thoughts that you should be relating to your girlfriend, not your stepmother.
but alas, you were and all you could do was pretend like the woman wasn't the first thing on your mind when you woke up and the last thing when you went to sleep.
it was proving really hard to do when she wasn't a cliched wicked stepmother. you honestly would prefer it if she was, but instead, she was perfect, poised and so, so pretty. she treated you like you were her own and was so sweet to you, it made you feel sick. 
you were now six months into your spiral of shame. your stepmother and father were happy and your girlfriend was still blissfully unaware of the crush you harboured for the older woman. you kind of wanted to pride yourself on how well you've hidden the feelings. it was painfully difficult, to say the least. she was and is the most beautiful woman you had ever laid eyes on. so smart and funny and charming and-
"y/n, are you listening to me?"
your head shot up as a voice pulled you out of your thoughts. the voice belonged to a concerned redhead who was perched in front of the island in the kitchen, her hands skillfully cutting up vegetables for the dinner you'd be sharing.
"i- sorry wanda, i'm just tired. i didn't get much sleep last night. what were you saying?"
the older woman frowned at that. her mind thinking of all the possibilities as to why. were you stressed about university? girlfriend trouble? the strong urge to fix whatever problem you had quickly replaced whatever thought wanda currently possessed.
"aw no, how come, my love? are you using the tea i bought for you? you know, my mother always said-"
"chamomile tea helps you get eight hours of sleep, i know, i know. are you sure you're not just making that up?" you tease, an eyebrow wiggling at her as she continues to dice her bell peppers. "i mean, as a soon-to-be holder of an english lit degree, i for one have never heard of that saying"
wanda eyed you playfully, her hands still working on autopilot as the knife carefully sliced the ingredients below her. you had seen her do it plenty of times before and it still never failed to impress you.
"well, smarty pants i think you've forgotten i'm sokovian. ever heard of a little something called translation?"
you rolled your eyes at that. of course, you hadn't forgotten, it was also another aspect of wanda that consumed your every waking thought. the way her r's rolled off of her tongue, her accent growing thicker the sleepier or more frustrated she got.
everything about her voice never failed to make you ache with want.
“ya trenirovalsya, mozhesh' skazat'?” you gaily shot back, a small smile playing on your lips when you saw the redhead's eyes widen in surprise.
“my my, smart girl indeed, i can tell. you’re getting better" wanda mused as her gaze from you dropped to finish off the last of the vegetables before turning around to put them all in the simmering pan on the stove. "now, why aren’t you sleeping properly?"
your eyes slowly fell, the gnawing guilt returning as they landed on the swell of the sokovians' ass.
“uh, no reason” you mumble in response, your eyes staying trained on how well the jeans hugged every curve of hers. “i think it might be uni stress”
i’m lying. it’s you, i can’t stop thinking about you.
wanda placed the cutting board on the countertop next to the stove before turning back to face you. your eyes instantly dart up and you just pray she didn’t catch your lingering stare.
if she did, wanda didn’t show any sign of it.
“i’m sorry darling, is there anything i can help you with?”
you shot her a lopsided smile before clearing your throat and answering with a “i’ll be okay once finals are over, but thank you”
“i might not be your mumiya but i’m always here if you need me”
i do need you. in more ways than you know.
“that's mommy, right? well, you're a better one than she'll ever be”
it didn't dawn on you until a few seconds later. your mouth just moving without ever thinking about how it would sound.. or maybe you're just overanalysing this? your gaze drops to your hands as you mindlessly start playing with your fingers nervously. not everyone believes that word to be sexualised, right?
“i-“ wanda cleared her throat, turning to busy herself with the pan behind her. “i’m glad you think of me as such, malysh” 
the older woman gripped at the wooden spoon she used to stir the food with. “now, why don’t you get your father from his study and i’ll dish everything out”
you were thankful wanda had yet to turn around, as a shy blush must be evident on your cheeks right now. “sure, wanda. thank you, by the way, it smells great”
the redhead couldn’t help but beam at your approval as she continued to mindfully stir the food before turning the gas off and moving the pan to an empty burner.
when she heard your footsteps retreat, wanda let out a sigh as her hands fell to grip the counter in front of her, willing herself to calm her beating heart and the pulse that formed much lower.
"so, how's it going with kate, y/n?" your father wasn't one to ask too many questions. the man would always let you do as you please, even as a kid. of course he was protective, but he also trusted your decisions. thus, usually keeping his curiosity to himself. "i haven't seen her around here much lately"
you continued to chew your food before raising your head to meet his small smile and kind eyes. "we've just both been busy, i guess. i am seeing her tomorrow though, we're going to a party and then going back to her house after"
the sound of cutlery clattering on a plate made you jump, the noise cutting through the silence of the room like a knife and you instantly turned your head to where the sound came from.
wanda sat there, unfazed at her disturbance as she stared back at you. her eyes narrowed in on you as she pursed her lips. "a party? what kind?"
you let out a chuckle at the question, your mind not quite registering the redhead's hard gaze and peeved demeanour. "the kind that you don't really remember the next day? you've heard of them, right?"
wanda sucked the tip of her tongue between her pearly white teeth and fought the urge to correct you on your bratty attitude. in actuality, if she was being honest with herself, you didn't have one at all, you were being your usual playful self. the older woman was just taken aback and albeit slightly annoyed at the mention of your partner. 
but, she was just looking out for you, right? like a good mother should, even if she was a step.
"yes, sweetheart, parties were around in the eighteen-hundreds"
the sound of your laugh helped ease some of the tension in the sokovians shoulders and she couldn't help but let a smile shine through as it echoed throughout her mind and invaded every sense of her being.
"damn, you all partied during the ipswich witch trials? that's hardcore, wanda, even for you"
wanda chuckled in response. "oh yeah, but i was just celebrating because i wasn't caught"
you sniggered at that, replying with a, "do you reckon i could still get the bounty if i ratted you out?" before returning to your food.
the redhead let out a playful gasp, her arm stretching over the corner of the dining table to swat at your shoulder. "you wouldn't dare! plus who would make you all these meals if i'm burned at the stake?"
you hummed at that, your finger coming to rest on your chin as you tapped at it, pretending to linger in thought on the question. "you make a point and i don't think i could survive without them"
the redhead beamed proudly at that before she heard the telltale sign of her husband's impatience and feelings of being left out as he cleared his throat.
"so, about that party, y/n. when are you thinking of leaving?" he asked, before placing his fork on his now-empty plate.
wanda mentally rolled her eyes, her sour mood instantly returning at the question. that was until an idea popped into her head and the scowl that formed on her face quickly inched into a smirk. "how about you stay in with me tomorrow night instead? your father will be gone for his conference and i could sure use the company"
you struggled to swallow down your food as your mouth dried up and you immediately reached for the glass of water to ease it down.
"oh, that's a great idea!" your father intervened, the sound of wood scraping against the floor as he pushed back his chair and stood up. "a bit of mother-daughter bonding time might help alleviate your stress"
your eyes stayed trained on your plate as you tried to muster up any excuse you could think of as to why that wouldn't be such a great idea.
unfortunately, your brain short-circuited and your mind went blank.
"i- but what would i tell kate and the rest of my friends?" you asked, your head raising to meet the redhead who was already staring back at you.
you wanted to audibly groan at the way she looked at you. soft, doe eyes bore into you and you found it impossible to deny her.
"you know what, just leave it with me, i'll tell them you're sick or something and i need to take care of you"
wanda's plump lips instantly curled into a smile at your response. exactly y/n, she thought. you need to take care of your mommy.
the next morning you were awoken by the sound of a sweet voice humming the tune of a song you didn't know, the sound started small until it faded into earshot and grew louder.
you turned your body onto your back to stretch, and your eyes soon flickered open to see wanda towering over you. a mug of steaming tea in one hand and two slices of toast on a small plate in the other.
"good morning, i thought i'd bring you breakfast in bed" the older woman smiled before placing them down on your bedside table.
when your eyes properly came into focus, you gulped dryly at the sight.
wanda was wearing a silk scarlet nightgown with a matching short robe to match, the colour was a striking contrast to the milky skin that lay underneath and your eyes flashed down to see she had yet to put on a bra. the cold morning air was clearly evident in the room as your eyes trailed away from pebbled nipples that strained behind her nightwear.
"thank you," you managed to croak out, one of your hands reaching up to wipe away the sleep from your eyes, using your other to push yourself upwards to rest your back on your pillows. "i'm excited for today, do you have anything in mind for what we should do?"
it took everything in you to not reach out a hand to yank your stepmom into your bed and have your way with her. because, god, how you longed to feel the warmth of her body underneath you as you trail your fingers over the apex of her hips and down to her soft thig-
"me too, malysh. i have some errands to do first, so while we're out we could do some shopping and grab some food?"
you nodded in response, a shy smile playing on your lips as the older woman's eyes bore into you. under wanda's gaze, you felt minuscule like a goddess who was staring down at you, a lesser deity.
but the sokovian never saw you in such a light, in her mind you were a woman worth worshipping. a magnificent being that should be held up on a pedestal for all the world to adore.
"good, i'll go and get dressed while you eat and get ready"
a few hours had passed since you woke up, and both you and wanda were now walking around the mall aimlessly with no destination or rush to be anywhere. the two of you just spoke about anything and everything until the occasional gasp left your lips when something caught your eye in a store window.
"do you want it?" the redhead would ask, her eyes trained on your face to gauge your reaction.
most of the time your eyes would widen upon seeing the price before sighing in defeat and setting it back on the shelf and muttering, "no, it's okay. i'll wait until my birthday or something"
against your wishes, wanda would pick up what you held in your hands moments ago before waltzing over to the tills, her hips swaying with purpose as she quickly pays for it. wanda then walks back to you like it was no big deal with the said item now in a plastic bag as she hands it to you.
soon enough you were now walking through the mall with a few bags in your hands and wanda carrying the rest in hers.
guilt weighed heavy on your chest as you looked down at what you were holding. wanda, who was walking a couple of steps in front of you turned to see your bottom lip jutted out and your eyebrows contorted.
"what's wrong, detka?," her legs came to a stop and her face was quickly etched with worry. "do want to leave?"
your eyes instantly met hers and you could feel the guilt building up your throat, threatening to spill at any given moment. "what? no, of course not! i'm sorry... i- i just feel bad that you've gotten me all of this stuff. i can't imagine it came cheap"
the sokovian shook her head with a chuckle. "don't worry about money, sweetheart i'm fine.. plus you deserve it. i want to spoil you, so don't feel bad about it"
as much as you wanted to argue that you didn't deserve it, you bit your tongue and smiled in response. "you're right, thank you wanda. i am really grateful for everything, although i do still feel bad, is there anything i can do for you?"
full pink lips curled into a small smirk at the question. there was definitely something she wanted you to do but she knew she could never ask that of you, could never step over the line and cross a boundary that should remain uncrossed.
you watched as wanda pondered for a moment before shaking her head. "thank you, y/n. but, i don't want anything in return, just being with you today is enough"
your heart swelled ten times at that and you instantly felt your heart beat deep and fast in your throat. this woman was going to be the death of you.
"so, how about i open a bottle of wine and you pick a movie for us to watch?" the sokovians' voice echoed loudly in your mind, pulling your attention away from the bags filled with everything wanda had bought for you.
you raised your head to see wanda standing in front of you. the position of you on your knees on the carpeted floor instantly dawned on you as the older woman's figure towered over you. you gulped dryly before pushing yourself upwards on your hands to stand face to face with the redhead.
"of course, wands. any suggestions?" you asked meekly, shifting your weight on your feet slightly as you tried your best to maintain eye contact with her.
your stepmother shrugged in response before taking a step back you almost wanted to whine and close the distance between you but you swallowed down the urge and kept yourself still, frozen like a statue.
"your choice, dorogoy. i'll be right back with the wine" and with that, wanda took even more several steps back until the distance grew. she then rounded the sofa and entered through the swinging door and into the kitchen.
you breathed a sigh of relief, a breath you didn't even realise you were holding. you willed yourself to calm your beating heart and moved over to the cabinet beside the television, your eyes scanning the selection of movies and box sets of tv shows.
your lips instantly curled into a smile upon seeing a certain one.
you opened the glass door before sliding out the box set, your hands racing to pull out one of the discs and quickly place it into the DVD player. you couldn't wait to see the look on wanda's face when she sees the loading-screen play on the television.
you heard the door swing open once again, wanda's sweet voice sounding behind you as she began to speak. "so what did you decide on?"
a gasp left her lips when her eyes landed on the television and saw the loading screen of her all-time favourite tv show.
"oh my god, the dick van dyke show?!"
you stood to turn around and face the older woman and you felt pride beam brightly in your chest at the smile that was plastered on her face.
"yeah," you said sheepishly, your cheeks flushing a hint of pink. "i know it's your favourite"
wanda stepped closer to the sofa before reaching down to place the two wine glasses and the bottle on the table in front of it. "you're too sweet, detka. i don't even think your father remembers that"
the pride enlarged even more at the fact and you couldn't help the evidential blush on your cheeks brightening. "well, dads stupider than i thought if he doesn't remember something like that about you"
it was now wanda’s turn to blush, and as she felt the heat rise to her cheeks she quickly busied herself with opening the wine and pouring it into both glasses, more so in hers than yours.
“i’ve actually never seen it before, you know?” you mention, before kneeling off the ground and wiping your now sweaty palms onto the jeans that hugged your thighs.
 “wow, really? well, there’s a first for everything," wanda smiled and you swear your heart skipped the smallest beat when you saw those dimples form in her cheeks. "i haven't seen that dragon show you like so much"
you make your way over to the sofa and plop yourself down, shifting slightly to situate yourself and get comfortable. "dragon sho- oh, you mean game of thrones?"
wanda hums in response as the rim of the glass sits perfectly on her lips to take a sip of her wine.
wanda watched intently as you mimicked her actions. the way your arm flexed when you leaned forward to pick up the glass and how your lips look deliciously wet as you licked away the lasting taste of the wine you had just sipped. it was a sight to see and it made the sokovian's head reel with lust.
"it's a great show," you finally respond, tucking your feet under yourself before leaning back onto the comfy cushions behind you. "i could show it to you sometime, maybe? it's well-acted and has great storylines in it, just be prepared for a lot of sex scenes"
wanda sniggers at that, "medieval porn? i'm sold"
you laugh loudly, the sound escaping you before you could even attempt to lower the volume. you almost want to apologise for the outburst but when you turn your head to wanda, she's staring back at you with a cheshire cat grin that eases your anxiety.
the night carried on smoothly, you and wanda laugh over the bottle of wine as you switch between watching the episodes of the dick van dyke show and talking about different topics and interests. the drunker you get the more random the conversations become.
and as you look at wanda, her smile reaching from ear to ear as she watches a scene unfold on the television, it only seems to make your drunken crush-filled mind worsen.
"wanda, can i ask you something?"
you clamp your mouth shut as soon as the words leave your mouth and you instantly mentally scold your brain for speaking without so much as a thought of the possible consequences.
wanda reaches forward to set her empty glass on the wooden table before shifting slightly to turn and face you. "of course, sweetheart. you can ask me anything"
you swallow dryly, making you lift your wine glass to your lips to finish off the rest of what's in there. you chew on your bottom lips nervously, your eyes staying focused on the glass in your hand. "can you.. does it make you a bad person if you're with someone and you like someone else?"
wanda's brows knit together as the words hit her ears. she stays silent for a moment before her lips part slightly, thinking of the best way to answer such a question. "i think that's a query that could have many different answers, moya lyubov"
she pauses for a moment.
just a moment and the tranquillity makes you hear your heart beat loudly in every pulse point of your body.
"why do you ask?"
you shouldn't say it. you really shouldn't.
but, the alcohol had settled within you a while ago and it left you tipsy, needy and with a newfound confidence that screamed at you to tell her everything. to just confess even if it could leave you humiliated and deflated. "well, the thing is.."
the words faded on your tongue, quickly dying as wanda's big green eyes bore into you and what felt like, your soul.
"go on," wanda urged, her arm reaching over to place a gentle hand on top of your thigh, just below your kneecap. she gave it a soft squeeze before continuing. "you can do it"
"i'm happy with kate, she's great. but, there's this other person and i just.. i don't know what to do. i feel like such a shitty person"
wanda arched an eyebrow, her lips parting just an inch. "okay, i- how long have you been seeing this other person?"
"the thing is, i haven't, it's complicated, they don't even know how i feel"
your heartbeat was deafening as it beat loudly in your ears. you should stop, this is a bad idea.
"i can't tell them because then it'll ruin everything and i like what we have right now but, i can't eat, i.. i can't sleep, they're all i think about and more"
wanda's grip on your thigh tightened as you spoke and all your brain could do was stare at her hand, using it as a fice to focus on, anything to keep your eyes from welling up and breaking like a dam as you splurge out the truth and every pent up emotion you've felt since wanda entered your life.
"oh, honey. i'm sorry this is happening, maybe you'll feel better if you're honest with this other person? i mean, what's the worst that could happen?"
you let out a shaky breath, your eyes pricking with tears as you look up from her hand and into the sea of green that lies beneath her eyes. "you could hate me"
"i don't understand- i could never hate you, y/n. how could i?"
you didn't respond, you couldn't. the words felt trapped in your mouth, the honesty dancing on your tongue in a silent battle with your brain and all you could do was hang your head in shame as wanda's body stiffened, her hand loosening its grip on you as her face soon turned to realization. "oh"
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writingbyrenae · 8 months
Calling all romance writers!
I'm looking for fellow romance (and erotica!) writers and readers to follow. I'm Renae Blackbird (not my real name lol) and my dash feels rather lonely right now. I'll follow anyone who writes romance - dark romance, monster romance, paranormal romance, contemporary, omegaverse, whatever - and I'll follow people who like to talk about it, too
And erotica writers, if you're out there, I'd like to hear from you too. I don't know how to reach you but I hope I do.
My main blog is currently shadowbanned (alas) but if you reblog this and tell me a bit about yourself, your stories, etc, I'll definitely follow you.
Hope to hear from you soon!
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ask-richard-jackdaw · 11 months
dearest Richard Jackdaw, I'm afraid your blog might me shadowbanned? I'm not getting any notification when you post something.
Oh, my dear anon, I am afraid you are right.
I have reached out trying to solve this issue, but the stuff of this magical place called Tumblr hasn't returned my owls yet. There is yet hope, so I float and wait for when the shackles of the shadowbanning fall from my pale ghostly wrists! Alas, for now, I am but an unknown ghost, floating in the periphery of this wonderful fandom, unable to really come in contact with most of you 👻
Richard Jackdaw
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bittsandpieces · 5 months
Idk what is happening, but I'm pretty sure tumblr is being fucky, bc I just saw you reblog a post from my side and that did not appear on my notes??
Alas I believe I'm shadowbanned, and that means I have no messages tab, can't reply to posts, and I'm not showing up in other people's notes :((((((
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jckix · 9 months
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Nico Robin!! She's one of my weaknesses, hah. I'm quite behind posting this drawing to Tumblr because, well, sadly, this is my lowest-performing piece in a long time. It's difficult not to feel down about a poor reception, but that's life, you know? Being a little artist on social media is difficult for all kinds of obvious reasons. One of them is "discoverability". You either have to draw popular characters or "kiss the ring" of big artists so that they boost your post. The latter of that sounds cynical, I know, but I don't know how else to describe it. The dream is that your work speaks for itself, and the algorithm shares it naturally as designed. Alas, the algorithm is jank, and you could have a type of shadowban without even knowing that you do. The only option left for discoverability is to pander. I see pandering all the time on the socials. You'll see people drawing fan arts of popular characters or the OCs of big artists just for "business" reasons. I'm just as guilty as anyone of doing it (pandering), so I don't want to present myself as someone above it all, and I don't blame people for wanting to advance their online growth. You could say this post is just me complaining that my Nico Robin didn't do well because the right people didn't see it at the right time. But like I said in the introduction paragraph, that's life, you know? It's not realistic to have nonstop success in the arts or life in general. There will be peeks and valleys. What is important is that we keep putting one foot in front of the other because the only way to move forward is to move forward. (Sorry if that sounds trite, but it's what I think) Anyway, follow me elsewhere! https://linktr.ee/jckix
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lewis-winters · 5 months
i'm going to be so honest, i'm so interested in your thoughts re: bob boys and the packers they'd use
I want to post it so badly but, alas, I do not wanna get shadowbanned or straight up deactivated for NSFW links and/or pictures (because god knows I will be posting pictures).
Which is stupid, by the way; the idea that trans bodies, or even prosthetics that are specifically geared toward trans bodies are considered NSFW. But that's tumblr for you. I didn't think so at first, but the more I see them flag posts as simple as a selfie from a trans person with mature and NSFW ratings, the more I'm starting to think there really is a TERF problem up at t*mblr st*ff.
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wakraya · 11 months
... So you may have noticed I've not been posting much recently. With a lot of life stuff happening, I haven't found it in me to go through the Homestuck Tag to find stuff. So I think I may be due to changing what this blog is all about.
Despite being a largely 'Personal Blog', I've been sticking to Homestuck stuff for years by now, and intended to use my sideblog, @wakraya-elber, for reblogs of other Fandom Stuff and my own VTuber stuff. Alas, as you may notice from the fact the @ didn't work, my sideblog has been shadowbanned for like a year and Tumblr doesn't want to do anything about it-
So I may... Just kinda shift gears? And start using that sideblog for Stream Promo stuff and start just, using this one more, speeeecially with Twitter going to shit more every day.
So yeah just a heads-up, I'm gonna be revamping some stuff here!
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iii-days-grace · 1 year
it appears i have been shadowbanned
i've contacted support about it but there's obviously no timeframe for when that's going to be fixed, in the meantime if you need to message me I'm also active on my side blog @onlyfranks
my backup account is always @pax-6!
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odinsson2021 · 1 year
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Thank you for Listening!!
Here's the Playlist:
Stormwitch-Rondo ala Turca-Eye of the Storm-1989-(Hot Blood Records)
Casanova-Guns say Fire-One Night Stand-1992-(WEA Music)
China-Medicine Man-Go all the Way-1991-(Phonogram Ltd.)
Eclipse-Viva la Victoria-Paradigm-2019-(Frontiers Records)
Fortune-Silence of the Heart-Level Ground-2022-(Frontiers Records)
Frontline-Any other Way-Right Attitude-2000-(Signo Records)
Hardline-Takin' me Down-Double Eclipse-1992-(MCA Records)
Voodoo X-Voodoo Queen-Vol.1/The Awakening-1989-(CBS Records)
Van Halen-Poundcake-For Unlawful carnal Knowledge-1991-(WEA Music)
Van Zant-I'm a Fighter-Van Zant-1985-(Geffen Records)
Viva-Some Kind of Wonderful-Dealers of the Night-1982-(Metronome Music)
Alice Cooper-Feed my Frankenstein-Hey Stoopid-1991-(Epic Records)
Lynch Mob-Wicked Sensation-Wicked Sensation-1990-(Elektra Records)
Lee Aaron-Whatcha do to my Body-Bodyrock-1989-(Metronome Music)
Edguy-The Piper never dies-Hellfire Club-2004-(Nuclear Blast Records)
Serious Black-Ray of Light-Vengeance is mine-2022-(AFM Records)
Seven Sisters-Blood and Fire-The Cauldron and the Cross-2018-(Dissonance Records)
Burning Witches-The Dark Tower-The Dark Tower-05.05.2023-(Napalm Records)
Hammerfall-Reveries-Hammer of Dawn-2022-(Napalm Records)
Gamma Ray-Avalon-Empire of the Undead-2014-(EAR Music)
Judas Priest-Children of the Sun-Firepower-2018-(Sony Music)
Mob Rules-Secret Signs-Savage Land-1999-(Limb Music)
Shadowbane-Badlands Law-Facing the Fallout-2015-(Pure Steel Records)
Shining Black-Fear and Loathing-Postcards from the End of the World-2022-(Frontiers Records)
Blind Guardian-Mr. Sandman (Single)-1996-(Virgin Records)
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alaezasmystery235 · 2 years
Yll what's wrong with my account !?! Why can't I answer your asks !! Am I shadowbanned !?? Everytime I'm clicking post option after answering the asks it's showing turbulent connection .... I've tried 3 times refreshing it but alas !!!! Pls I've already done 5 readings , I don't wanna do it again 😭😭😭
Did something ever happened to you like this !?? Is my account going to be deleted or what !?
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wri0thesley · 2 years
You played Overwatch before right? I love Hog so much. I enjoy reading stuff about chubby readers (as I am chubby myself) but I have never seen any works of chubby CHARACTERS.
I know you're not taking requests or anything, I'm just saying if you ever write anything for Roadhog I would actually cry happy tears.
HOG HOG HOG MY BELOVED!!!! i adore him. i don’t blog about ovw but I still definitely consider he and reaper as f/os; my old yandere overwatch writing blog has a pretty big focus on 76 (pre-bastet reveal, i would only write things with a male-identifying or masc-aligned reader now) mccree and moira too (once again i do not have a medical kink—)
i have written for him in the past! my old blog @oglewatch has a questionable vamp!hog /femme reader non-con fic, alas said blog is shadowbanned so I can’t link it Sfhdghfg
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