lakritzwolf · 6 years
I wanted to write a story for you Deej because it’s your birthday but my brain didn’t work so I put the story idea into a manip. I hope it can make you smile a bit as well! Happy Birthday!
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@agron-rebel-general you know what I’m not even sorry for that stupid idea! XD
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adsagsona · 6 years
Nasir usually didn’t mix his business with landdwellers. Once in a while he dove up on the beach and dried off his tail so that two shapely legs could be formed and then he went into the nearest town. Get a drink, be merry... get the information that he needed and be sure that the creatures of the sea were still safe. And then he left again. Perhaps he stole a kiss or two here or there, but then he always returned to the ocean, his home.
The pirates roaming his home were another thing. He didn’t like them but as long as they didn’t hurt a sea creature, he let them be. They were mostly out for other landdwellers anyway. Debris in the ocean was something else, he didn’t like the ropes which could get others caught... but the ships did make nice hiding places. 
When he heard a noise far above him he looked up, seeing a ship in trouble. Again. He swam up towards the ship and found most of the men already shot, stabbed.. .or drowned. Someone must have attacked them. One who began sinking seemed to still cling to life and Nasir swam closer, wrapping an arm around the man and hauling him above water. An island, there was an island closeby.
“Hold on, landdweller.” He grunted at the extra weight he needed to carry but he managed to drag the big man onto the beach. “Breathe... come on, breathe...” Dragging himself onto the sand he turned Agron onto his side. “Breathe, damn you!”
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cetanlittlehawk · 7 years
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and one without the other one  would be needing something more...
we are the shadow and the light
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fayofavalon · 7 years
@agron-rebel-general continued from HERE.
[ SMS: Agron ] Honestly... its fine. [ SMS: Agron ] I mean I should be used to this shit [ SMS: Agron ] But honestly [ SMS: Agron ] I’m drinking through this tonight (Y)
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tostxyalive · 7 years
(continued from here)--- @agron-rebel-general
           Clarke couldn’t sit with the other ambassadors any longer. They all looked at her as if she was wrong. She knew they felt she didn’t belong, but they had so much hatred in their eyes, and it was even more apparent when they spoke to her, the few times they did. Lexa had made her people the thirteenth clan yet no one accepted it. Clarke, despite their disgust with her people, had to brush it off, she had to be the leader of the thirteenth clan, here in Polis.
           Clarke walked the halls, trying to get away from everything, wishing she could be far away from Polis. She missed the Ark, her friends, and her mother. They most likely had their own problems there and Clarke was better used here. Hearing her title, one that she inherited and did not choose, she turned towards the man. He was tall, brunette, obviously a trained fighter. His stoic look was that of the others, distrust. Clarke recognized it right away but could tell by his attire that he was important here. She didn't know him, but she felt she was about to.
           “It’s Clarke.” The blonde approached the other, making sure to not get too close, grounders didn't like when she was too close to them. The name Wanheda meant something and though they hunted and hated her, they still feared her to some degree. “Do you need something from me?”
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naevia-unchained · 7 years
(Agron Rebel General) "Naevia, I would make request," Agron began to say, approaching her and trying not to appear as . . awkward as the content of his question would be.
Naevia looked up, watching the man with curiosity. She could not remember him ever approaching her with such a peculiar manner about him. 
“Then speak it and I shall consider.” Free will was still a novelty to her in small ways. Agron made request not demand, she was not obliged to do anything at all. It felt good. 
Agron, however, still looked strange. “What is wrong? Crixus?” 
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bloodandhonor · 7 years
(Agron Rebel General) “ There’s only one bed… ”
“I have no problem sharing.” Spartacus dropped his duffel bag onto the floor by the supplied desk and leaned down to untie his shoes, completely unbothered by the lack of other sleeping arrangements. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d shared a bed with a man.
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castus-the-pirate · 7 years
(Agron Rebel General) [ ☢ ] the car broke down in an unfamiliar part of town, and our muses are lost.
“So, who gets to call Nasir and tell him you got us lost?” Castus asked, fingers drumming on the wheel as he looked around again. He was this close to suggesting the satnav again but since Agron kept insisting he knew better routes, he doubted it would help. He’d likely find some way to kill the other man with the satnav instead. All they’d had to do was play nice for for a few days for Nasir’s birthday but then the flight had been diverted two towns away from Nasir’s family home. Renting a car had seemed the easy solution but that was before Agron had nominated himself map reader. 
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lakritzwolf · 6 years
For my friend @agron-rebel-general and her Firefighter Agron.
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captions from quotegarden
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@agron-rebel-general​ continued from X
[Text: Agron] lmao I love your swearing
[Text: Agron] I hope that someone is special
[Text: Agron] I deleted them and won't use them as blackmail
[Text: Agron] It's ok, it was, but at least it wasn't too much of a disaster
[Text: Agron] it could have been worse
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archerxalec-archive · 6 years
until @agron-rebel-general and I CONQUER VANCOUVER AND THE 100!!!
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tiberius-nasir · 7 years
(Agron Rebel General) "What is it about him that draws fucking gaze?" Agron asked Nasir, clearly referring to Castus. Agron wondered what it was about the other that appealed to his lover. Physically.
With downcast eyes, Nasir replied, “Strike such thoughts from mind,” Not because he was too ashamed to talk about it, but rather because Agron was quite mistaken. The Cilician had but pretty words, the kind of words that up until that point only Agron had ever uttered to him. The attention was most flattering, yet Nasir’s smiles were nothing but responsiveness to the regard he was given. Physically, Agron was more than sufficient and there was nothing the pirate could offer him that he didn’t already have. Dark eyes chanced to look up through worried brows. “My heart has never wandered. I would never break trust with you.” 
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naevia-unchained · 7 years
(Agron Rebel General) [ ◈ ] my muse makes a drunk confession to your muse.
At some point in the night, they had ended up sitting on the kitchen floor rather than fully engaging with the house party going one around them. 
The party wasn’t in the name of anything really, well other than Gannicus wanting to drink and have people around but that was basically all Ganni ever wanted out of life. 
Naevia had arrived late because her boss from hell Lucretia had had her going in circles all evening. One of the upsides for working on one of America’s top fashion magazines though was the freebies, like the expensive flavoured vodka she and Agron  were making their way through. The cherry one now lay empty between them as she opened the next 
“This one’s lemon and lime, you try it.” She held out the bottle, her head leaning back against the refrigerator. 
Naevia’s brow furrowed just a little, taking in Agron’s face. Normally, if anyone, she’d end up like this with Petey or Nasir, sometimes even Diona though that girl was a supreme lightweight. She and Agron? Not normally, usually he was with Spartacus causing trouble or starting the beer pong or something. 
“You’re thinking. I can, like, practically hear it.” She informed him. “Good thinking or bad? Spill, come on Auntie Naevy is a grrrrrreat listener.” 
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bloodandhonor · 7 years
(Agron Rebel General) [TEXT] we hooked up last night. i think it was great for our friendship.
[text] I’m inclined to agree with you. It was a good time.[text] The parts that I can remember, any way.[text] Some details are a little foggy...
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castus-the-pirate · 7 years
(Agron Rebel General) “Get behind me NOW.”
“Thought you’d never ask,” Castus replied flippantly, getting behind the other man. “Not bad, not bad. Clearly you work out.” 
“So should I just look pretty back here or what,” He continued, not sure what had gotten the police officer riled up. “Because, you know, you’re not the only one trained in self defense.” 
Then again since it was those kick boxing classes when he’s first met Nasir, a bone of contention between them, maybe it wasn’t best to remind him of that tension when Agron seemed close to pulling out his firearm
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