#agrat bat mahlat
eirikrjs · 1 month
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Thinking Beyond Replacement
The new Lilith reveal when Vengeance was announced led to another stupid & frankly outdated thought: "why design a new look for a classic SMT demon that's still popular when the new is functionally identical to the old?"
This thought nevertheless got me curious, so i made the Qadistu quartet edits seen above. I've become pro-Doi Lilith for the following reasons:
Kaneko is super dead now that he left Atlus. It's time to move on for real. I'm especially talking to myself.
the palettes of Eisheth Zenunim, Agrat bat Mahlat, and Naamah aren't dissimilar to the Amemiya or Kaneko Liliths, so they would still look fairly cohesive even with the latter. But Lilith is still the leader of the Qadistu and her bubblegum pink hair makes her pop out among them.
However, I think it's undeniable that Doi designed the Qadistu as a unit, combining, as he says, "beauty and ugliness." All 4 have grotesque features and I particularly like Lilith's bony joint aberrations:
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There's just a level of cohesion usually only a single artist can lend to such a related/thematic assemblage; I'm also pretty positive on Naamah; even if her purpose in the Qadistu might just be to breast boobily, she's a demon I've wanted in SMT for a long time and i think her design delivers.
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I'm not as hot on Agrat bat Mahlat, she reminds me of Ranni for some reason; I just think the "dark witch" motif is a little derivative but at least she adds variety to the group. The most notable thing about her to me is that her red eyes make it look like she's been doing some heavy dabbing in the sweet leaf. Eisheth Zenunim I'm pretty neutral about.
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Last point on accepting change, as sad as that sounds to say (but it totally is what's necessary):the 4 Qadistu are the wives of Samael, and so the new Lilith is still wrapped by a snake--a red snake, the same color Samael has always been in Kaneko's designs. While it seems a given Samael will be involved in the story eventually, it would also mean he will have a new design, and probably not a snake, or at least something more involved. I also imagine Lilith's snake having a role in cutscenes--further necessitating the need for an all-new design/model.
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Also, i totally expect there to be some classic SMT comparative etymological conflation bullshit with Samael this time around, because "Samael" is one of the alternate names of Yaldabaoth. And oh yeah, Sophia is the mother of the demiurge and in vanilla she called herself a sacred prostitute:
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So expect her involvement, too. I'm honestly pretty excited for Vengeance! It's coming out at a great time for me, I think it'll be doable for me one-handed,Doi's new designs I would put on a Kaneko quality scale of somewhere between SMT2 and Devil Summoner, and vanilla SMT5 was so low impact, the only place it can go now is up!
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firecurls-27 · 7 months
Have some doodles! :D
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Also, 6 new oc’s!
Senoy, sansenoy, gelof, the 3 angels in charge of keeping Lilith in check.
Eisheth, Agrat Bat Mahlat, and Na’amah, Lilith’s best friends (whom I’ll speak more of later.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
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Nothing to say, just ✨ Agrat ✨ Bat ✨ Mahlat ✨
Manga: Majo Taisen
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lemmon-grove · 23 days
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sorenblr · 3 months
what are your guesses for lilith's cronies?
I've seen some theories about Lilith's three friends being Agrat bat Mahlat (Witch Hat), Naamah (Blondie), and Einsheth (Rangda's long lost sister).
Based on VeskScans guesses, the full on association with snakes, and the fact Samael is a red snake for once in the Lilith artwork, I’m betting this is supposed to be Archangel Samaels ladies that are the Qaditsu. Gotta cover all our bases on SNAKES. Nuwa, Qaditsu, Lucifer, maybe even new Orochi design for Vengeance AND Samael.
Yeah, this one was being floated more or less immediately after the trailer broke and I think it's still the strongest contender, although I'm not sure that it'll line up with those individual assignments. Don't have anything to add myself, except, you know, don't get your hopes up lol
And I wouldn't count on a new design for Orochi; they've been sitting on the much better SH design for 20+ years, so I don't think they're looking to let go of the fucking green snakes. Even if they were, Hydra fills that niche too precisely for one game.
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ejfurbish · 1 year
💘"Aggie" Agrat Bat Mahlat the Succubus Furby💘
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I finally got around to finishing this lil succubus valentine's day furby! I was hoping to have them done by valentine's day but some stuff was delayed!
I plan on making one more adjustment but for now here she is!
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rius-cave · 3 months
In judaism i just found something more messy turn out after lilith there another woman naamah then anothers one agrat bat mahlat then the fourth eisheth zenunim that just left him with eve. $ of his ex wife all of them hated him for eve she was the only one who liked him. The four of adam ex wife turn into sacred angel of prostitution then mate with samael
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pinkandpurple360 · 4 months
Asmodeus’s story has many contradictions, as most myths do:
Sometimes he’s the child of Adam and Lilith
Sometimes he’s Lilith’s husband and all the succubi are their children
Sometimes he’s both because Sweet Home Alabama
Sometimes he’s the child of King David (you know like, from the Bible) and another demon called Agrat bat Mahlat 
Sometimes he’s the child of yet another demon called Naamah
Sometimes he’s the child of a human mother and an angel father
Sometimes he’s a fallen angel
Sometimes he just kind of poofed into existence
My poor boy doesn’t know who his momma and papa are ☹️
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Happy Birthday !
2- Will you ever consider writing for majo taisen , if so can I request Tomoe gozen , and joan of arc with a fem hrist reader from ror who is the valkyrie witch
-You were an oddball witch, a Valkyrie which was stunning enough as is, but it was your personality, both of them, that was the real kicker. It was like you had two different personalities, one that was soft spoken, polite, and just gave the vibe of a big sister, while the other was loud and violent, willing to crush all those who stood in your way. That made sense as your name had two different meanings, The Shaking One and The Quaking one.
-You kept quiet about your one wish, which was to return to your sisters, Family was your desire, as you feared that others might use that against you, but luckily none were brave enough to approach you, thanks to your more volatile personality that scared them off.
-There were two, however, honorable warriors, ones that you honestly believe would have made great valkyries, that weren’t afraid of your rapid change in personality, Joan of Arc, and Tomoe Gozen.
-Despite the three of you being from very different parts of the world, there was a kinship, as you were all honorable people, willing to do whatever it took to win your battles to make your own wishes come true.
-As time went on, the three of you were quick to realize something about this tournament, there was something wrong with it, as if someone behind the scenes were pulling strings to have certain people win, like there was a secret agenda.
-You brought your concerns up to your two friends, as you considered them close friends, and they agreed, so you began to plot in secret.
-When it came time for Tomoe and Joan to fight against each other, Agrat Bat Mahlat wasn’t expecting them to turn on her rather than against each other and charge at her with the intent on stopping this whole tournament after exposing the secret truth, that she was never going to grant the wish of the winner, but she was going to absorb the winner, absorbing her power and desire, to make herself more powerful.
-In a risky move, one that you knew that could cost you your own life, you soul bonded with both of these warriors, turning yourself into a pair of weapons, Joan with your calm personality and Tomoe with your volatile personality, making holy weapons that could handle a demon.
-Agrat Bat Mahlat wasn’t expecting the teamwork, as the two women were from completely different regions and eras, and their fighting styles were too different that she couldn’t defend against both of them. She wanted to strip them of the powers she blessed them with, but she had to focus, and with both of them going after her, followed by many of the other witches who were furious to learn the truth, she quickly fell.
-Those who remained after the death of the organizer of this tournament all agreed to make peace with one another and with it, they were all sent back to the moment they were going to die.
-You quickly ran to your winged horse, knowing the truth now, and crossed the rainbow bridge, after all in Valhalla had witnessed that you had done, seeing that this demon had tried to do.
-Brunnhilde gave you her blessings as you descended, going across the spans of time and you pulled Joan as she was being burned, into your arms and she smiled so brightly, “Y/N!”
-You grinned before wrapping an arm around her waist, “Hold on!” as you passed through time again, and you both saw Tomoe there on her own death bed.
-When you grabbed her hand she lit up, allowing herself to be pulled up on your horse, hugging you from behind, “You came for us?” your angry personality took over, “What kind of stupid question is that- why the hell wouldn’t I?!” but instead of being intimidated and angry, the two women both hugged you, happy to be with you again.
-When you were bonded with them, sharing your soul with them, there was such a feeling of joy and belonging, one that felt so warm, one they wanted to treasure forever, and you felt the same, which is why you descended, knowing they had been sent back to the moment they were dying, to rescue them, choosing their souls to return with you to Valhalla.
-There was nothing that was going to keep the three of you apart ever again!
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eirikrjs · 28 days
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Something I should have shared along with the previous post, this excerpt from one of my idea notebooks circa Spring 2014, when I must have been interested in the demonesses that would become Vengeance's Qadistu: Not only Lilith, but Naamah, Agrat bat Mahlat, and Mahalat, for whom I can't find a great source and is a demon the game doesn't include, at least as far as we know.
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I was dissapointed not seeing lilith sister naamah agrat bat mahlat eisheth zenunim. 4 of them are angel of prostitution and queen of hell. Another thing if hazbin hotel want to have disney like show make three of them taking mother role raising while their oldest sister is gone for 7 years
That is one big missed opportunity and again I always envisioned they would be part of Lilith's inner circle.
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writing-heiress · 28 days
Obey Me x Cookie Run AU
Lucifer: Doppio Cookie (he/him)
Mammon: Gold Leaf Cookie (he/she)
Leviathan: Sea Salt Cookie (he/him/xe/it)
Satan: Catnip Cookie (he/they)
Asmo: Rose Champagne Cookie (any pronouns/doll)
Beel: Honeycomb Cookie (he/him)
Belphie: Lavender Cookie (he/they)
Lilith: Berryfruit Sorbet Cookie (she/her)
Diavolo: Rolled Cigar Cookie (he/him)
Barbatos: Matcha Tea Cookie (he/they)
Simeon: Fudge Cookie (he/she)
Luke: Frosted Sugar Cookie (he/him)
Solomon: Nebula Cookie (he/him and they/them on occasion)
Micheal: Seraph Cookie (he/him)
Raphael: Toffee Cookie (they/he)
Thirteen: Berry Brulee Cookie (she/they)
Meph: Taro Cookie
Seraphina: Rose Mousse Cookie (she/bun)
Eve: Apple Pie Cookie (she/her)
Aeris: Peony Cookie (she/her)
Agrat bat Mahlat: Berry Jam Cookie (she/her)
Eisheth Zenunim: Mocha Cookie (they/she)
Naamah: Mint Cookie (she/her)
Maddi: Red Wine Cookie (she/her)
Azazel: Black Licorice Cookie (she/they)
Tagging: @adrianasunderworld @marrondrawsalot @mangacupcake @the-weirdos-mind @childofwitches
@ice-cweam-sod4 @absolutepokemontrash @tragedytells-tales @queen-of-twisted @yumeko2sevilla @yukii0nna
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toiletpudding · 3 months
Curious Anon over here,
Let's review those strangely named figures really quickly in what differentiates them from what another before converging on what they have in common
1) Agrat bat Mahlat : Here's an interesting anecdote, Agrat and Mahlat are actual names, hence the capitalized first letter of each word. This leaves us with the word "bat" between each of them which is Hebrew in origin and can be translated as "daughter of". This gives us the name "Agrat, daughter of Mahlat". Telling us right away that actual family trees exist at the time his character was around.
Who is she related to other than this Mahlat ? Lilith. Either as her direct daughter or granddaughter.
She is a high ranked demon (a queen) and as an angel, represented the ancient rite of sacred prostitution (paid sexual work for the sake of a religion/cult). Other than being the Mistress of Sorceresses, she is the mother of Asmodeus (his father is King David).
2) Eisheth Zenunim : Translated as "Woman of Whoredom". Shortened to Eisheth in many texts.
She is a succubus demon that embodies sin and a princess for the impure and evil spirits (qlippoth).
Now for what these characters have in common : Agrat and Eisheth are part of the Kabbalah, in simpler words Jewish mysticism. Alongside Lilith and Naamah, they are the 4 Demon Queens and often mates of the archangel Samael (Eisheth doesn't always make the cut for that last bit tho).
They are all also... Found on "The Demonic paradise wiki" which is the only place where you can read the "former wife" status with Adam but without a single source to reference that information.
That's about it... Sorry for the delayed answer my health hasn't been the best
Thank you for the info! And I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, I hope you get better.
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3y3 · 2 years
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Agrat Bat Mahlat, satangirah
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gritsandbrits · 4 months
Lilith if you learn about her lore. After she run away from garden of eden she mate with samael. God sent three angel to persuade her to return lilith refuse the angels threaten they will kill her children. Lilith stated she was only created to cause death and sickness to children. Lilith have dominion over 7 days on baby boy and 21 day on babygirl. So they make a deal if lilith saw their name on the baby she leave them alone and the angel can kill 100 of her children everyday. She also have sisters naamah agrat bat mahlat eisheth zenunim
Interesting! I wonder if the show could go that route or allude to it.
You know i think they should bring lilith's sisters in as the wine aunts. Or play up the disney princess parallels by having them be like Ariel's sisters except they're actively involved in Charlie's life and be her staunch sponsors.
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Lilith is always very interesting to me. So if people want to use alphabet of ben sirah narrative then go ahead and left out the rape part sure why not. Adam character he should have been sympathetic villain or antagonist. In another story lilith other sister naamah agrat bat mahlat eisheth zenunim they also created to be adam companion but they also left until eve. This could be sympathetic backstory for him. Four his ex wife hated him only the fifth one who genuinenly liked him and willing to stay with him. Also lucifer is canonly homewrecker in hazbin hotel whether eve have intercourse with him or not but we can't denied he is still a homewrecker. Adam ex wife also left him a for an angel and demon who is much more better than him. If we follow hazbin hotel canon story lilith husband is samael lucifer and asmodeus. Then with her sister naamah her husband is samael and asmodeus. The rest are with samael agrat & eisheth. Adam is so angry for the snake who tempted eve to eat forbidden fruit he suspect lucifer samael or asmodeus or even lilith herself send that serpent or they themselve disguise as that serpent. Him being an archangel can still work, despite being archangel adam is not consider important unlike metatron who's once human. Metatron earned being archangel while adam is just given out of pity
Or maybe don't make Adam evil and and make him actually a complex character who has awkward history with being screwed over by Lilith and Lucifer
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